---------~ --,___.____ ·-----·-- - THE MERCHANT, FRIDAY APRIL 14, 1876 the Newest thing of the season, unless you wish to purchase Don't Read this, Fire, Fire, Fire ! New F~rniture UNDERTAKING 1'be underBigned hn.s opcmed a stun:· iu MILNE'S OLD STAND, Bowmanville, March 13th, 18~6. DEAn Sm :- vVe beg to inform you that we have now commenced business at the above address under the firm of HOURIS' CARRIAGE SHOP west of the Ontario Bank:. King Street, Bowman ville. ==()heap D1~y Goods== s. MASON --o-lmving opened his · T. BATTING most respectfully to inform his customers, and the public generally IBegs that he has determined to sell of the Stock saved from the LATE FIRE at rljS'jijrJ~~t! --:o:-oppoaite Treleven s Shoe Store where he will keep on hand a. full' and Fuller's Elock, varied stock of :BE.IDG·EM.A.N AS FLEUING, subscriber is prepared to THE. pair · build an<l re Wagons, Buggies, and Cutters, c;f every GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. He has re-opened at MR. l3'0'RXE'S Bowman ville, April 4th, l87G. old store, near the Mill. FtJ'RNI'.t"tJ'RE, which will be dispmmd of a.t tl1e LOWES'!' M,ARKJ£1l PRlC.ES. J:'ersot1s intern.ling to comrnence hou.eekeeping. will find it lat'l:)ely to their advantage to consult bin1, eie purch».t-Jiug elsewhere. GROCERS AND GENERAL MERCHANrrs. 'Veh<Lve received a large assortment of <leacription, at short notice, and on reasonable torms. ---....... · NEVV STORE. ·c.A.LL 1\ND GET BARGAINS. Grocer-ies, Orocke1,·y, Glas-sware, Seeds, &Jc., Selected personally by Carriages Painted and Triirm ed. \vi th a foll a.~sortment of DRY is prepared to offer GOODS, F1trnilnre made to order on short notice 1 cu1d Repairing neatly done. T. BnrnGMA:r<, (formerly with J OD A Blacksmith's Shop to iB the pre1uises,wtJre apecit1.1 attention glven Milne), from the principal markets of the country; the same having been purchased for cash, at from 10 to oil BARGAINS FOR CASH, that · will compare with any Store in the County. Please Call and. examine Stock. Highest !'rice paid for :Sutter and Eggs. ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFFICEBowmanville, April 12th, 1876. bp-ol 5-m29. GO TO · UNDERTAKING. A NEW llE:A.BSE 15 per cent., work, and General Jabbing. will be sold at prices that defy competition in this County. Lyle & Martyn's For a good assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIOi~S, CROCKERY, &c. ALSO ~ae been procured of latest desi'fl) ·. }.,urnish· !nge for fun.era.ls al ways "n hand . .1.\.ll Funerals in town and country, a.ttten ded at a reason- Wc hope by an earnest endeavor to serve you well, to meet All work done at this Establishment warranted. A .call ie reepectfnlly solicited. with a liberal share of Public Patronage. pleasure of a call from you, Hoping to have the B · _ owma11 ville. 0 it. 1st, 1869 :r. MORIUS. We remain, :yours respectfully, ~o ~ttt or ior Jn:le· ' MATH EXCEI~ us E K p I AN 0 s. abl e charge. · I:icsidence, Corner of Qneen a.nd Brown Sta., next door to l\Ir , J. 1'.liice's. Bowma.nville, March 16th, 1816. N. B.duce. TIT n e wou Id partrculurly beg to call your attention~ The highest price paid for Pro22'\f. . B. &; R New '.t'ailor shop -JOHN HEAL ' liouse a.nd. Lot for Sal e. walk froro the ~Iarket Square. 'l'he five roomff, and n.U the Dccesaa.ry con· The gard1:in is well cultivated., and containoi some choice Fruit trees. .Apply on tho premises, to m~nutes S house h.'UI V6niences. I'rUATE on Wellington Street, about two in volume ot tune. EXCEL in firmness a·n d purity of tone. EXCEL in voice -liklj quahty of tone. A. DAVY. 20-tf. to our assortment of TEAS. Bowmanville, March 9th, 187G. EXCEL for the conqe1·t i-oom. EXOEL for t1:1aching schools and &~mina1-ies. EXCEL for the dJ'aw iug room. . ~~C~L in durabiht y and keeping in tune. JAS. MEDLAN D. -++a.11 their peculiai ities aro points of excelTheir illnstrated n.nd de8crii.itive. cn.h.fN'ti' to n.ny address, 1:1x· plains conclu8lvely. in harn1ony with ncoustics and mechanics an tha.t is claimod for the Mathushck. · There are thouaa.utls of happy owners of Mathuaheke willing to certify to their superiol' ex~ell1:1nce. \Ve h~vt)room here for but~ fttw brief cxtracte :~rheae arc broad assertions, but capable of l~toof. 'l'hey are unlike any other, in construcj Bowma.nville, ]..larch 30th, 1876. 7-lm HOUSE TO LET. Ttirms easy. }'or part;icula,rs, apply. on · premises, to D. WIIITE. tion lence. log~e, which w:e Sell~ ATE on Prospect Street , near the FurSI'l'U niture ]t'actory. Contains ti large ro oms. the SALT a PLASTE All kinds of Field and Garden SEEDS, of the very best quality. The undersigned has . t he pleasure of informing you that he has re-opened in 1is old stand, mov~d ~16 busUlese: to the Shop next door ea.Ht of Ric~ e :Butcher Shop. Hao1.:1ng had several years expe1ience in the li~ade, .he hopes to satisfy a.II who may fa\·or h nn with 11 call. WI1'H ]'. y. COWLFl, begs to i~1LATE form. the public generally, tha.t he hM re- GOOD FITS GUARANTEED (two doors West of the Post Office) with an entire -Bowmanville. Sep. 4th, 1872. t'n49-tf. NEW STOCK OF · A GOOD FRAME HOUSE, Duke Street . Apply to S. £< "m2nvHJe, Dec.J01li,lf.75. To Let or for Sale. situate on T Fresh Family Groceries His aim shall be to keep the Best and sell at the Lowest possible price. He has determined to adopt the W. MASON 1-tf. l;'REDEIUCK MA'l'HUSEK the HONOR (Sig-n·d) EWD. MOI,I,ENHAUER, A.D. W.lJESgMANN. M. J. GIANNETTI. CHARLES FRADEL. Pianos a.t tho Fan· ~f t~e A.1nerican Instituta, after a careful exam1natwn of the Ooncert Grands do award to 'Ye f,hf:l undersigned, Jodge.l:I of NEW Youic, Oct. 28 1 1867. EASY PRICES FOR HARD TIMES, STAR'rJ.JING HO'O'SE TO LET. .attached. JJ'or particultars,a1lpJy at this Offi cc. of inaking the B.1£8'1' of this cl:!l&I ofinatruments then and there exhibittd, or known to us ela1:1· where. LYLE & .MAB'.t'YN. Revelatio11s! A - -o- - A'rR on 'Vellington Street, fifth door SITU east of Division Street. Every convenie uce ~i°CI_jUNG BR01,HE1{8 CL~~ARAGE Very Serious Char gr TO SELL Apply to miles nf the l!uJ!t Office. o:a. 1 LET. 01 CASH SYSTEM, are now preparing for SLock-Taking and will make a ha~ed Ul)Oll su bstantial facts, is just beiJ1g ·:h· culated, and is to this tdfect-tbat one of ou protninent l\.It::rchants, M usroaL CoNSF.RVATORY, } BRICK CO'l"l'.A.GE ancl Jl acres of land, A on Scugog Street, j'owmauville, within I! ice, Possef!sion a.t 802 Broadway, N . Y. These rianos must take the lead of all known aud their peculiar construction r euclei:s them by far tb_ e most durable, and the lea.st liable to g At out of tn ne . instruments, '1\ nnOTJTB, "Esci . 26·4wk B Buwmanville, Mar. 2 lth, .l8/6, -~----------- FOR SALE OR 'rO - - REN T. hns been my favul'ite. EUGE"f)LJ. MERRIAM. Since tho date of th~ce1·t the Mathusbek J. JAY WATSON. atm·n, 11. lm·gu two st01·y l~ough Cast Dwelling, poosession \vill Le g iv!:!n at once. Apply to the pl°oprietor. MILL STREET lN THE VILLA GE ON of Hampton, three donrs wei)t uf RlliOJ tt's JOHU COLE, Watson's Cons';}r\·atory of Music.Ne\v York. No money would tempt 1u1;1 to banish it fi·u1n my home. D. SCHUYLER, Buffalo. CI-IEAP FUR.NITURE ! CHEAP FURNITURE! I ICHEAP FURNITUI\E ! At :Manning's Old Stand. The Bowmanville Furniture Factory, havina commenced business again, and the New Company lm··ing appointed the subscriber, Retail Agent for the 'l'own and Country around, he is prepared to offer the Ve1·y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. believing it to be advantageous. not only to the buyer but also to the seller. Parcels delivered to all parts of the town with promptness. Highest price paid for all kinds of produce. Hoping to receive a share of your patronage . He is, yours truly, THOROUGll if it is possible for ~a.s pnrcha.!!!ed an i1nrn1:11se Stock of Goods. on advantageous term!!., and h e is g-oing to givo his Cust~merH the benefit of his barg-ain. 'Ihe Stock is Yery large, einbracing Markus Mayers. Low Prices and Sweeiing :Barga.ins to Effect it. - -:o : - - South Sea Seal, Jfrmine, Grey an<i Black Lamb, Grebe and Minic /::';f · Caps, Colla1etts, Mutt~, Beaus. Mitts, &c. &c. AJI thu GoodH tU'lj well mado of th8 va rying in price accordin g to qnulity. and con~ Wsting of - Hampton, ~larch 1\fercbnn.t Tailor 7th. 1876. 24-tf, · ,, Mathushek ha.a in ro&.l i t~, taken a step in dvance of a.11 make1"8 of 1> 1anos in t he wor1c1. J. G. SHAW. Jirl1ni~1 al Critic, Saratoga. OBSERVE! Unt.i~ further notice, Winter Goods at McClung Bros,' will in some cases be solcl Regardless of Profit, and in others Regardless FARM FOR SALE. "THE TE EVIN FARM . melodious 1u tone. .The '.rt:Iathnshek 0l'cLeatra Square Grand p iano, is b~iUia.nt, of wonderful powe1·, and Latest in Styles 1 -:1-1:- John MoMUI try. Howman ville. Dec. 22nd, 187fi. wooded w.ith hardwood and ht>mlock. Ther e is J.ily old tuner, wl10 ha.s taken ca.re of my a new brick house, erected Ja~ t year, :-it a co:i t of p1u11u for the past ten ye!ll'l:I, says that tl1e No ~pwards nf $3,000 ; barn 32x70; st.able barn l tJ <Jrch~f:tt·a.l just rc.ceived £i-on1 you is th~ :28.x.60, with dri"ing Pht!<l att::1.<.:herl, shed 60x 26; be~1i l111:1.d8 ~d finest instru1u1:1nt in this city. feeding house 30x26; a good or chnrrl of you n~ y ouro &c. -tree11; twll good w1.- l1s. Thtl buildiugi:i are oil D. M. SOMERVILLE, Cleveland,O. ~omparat\vely new, nnd are in good conditi on. "" 1 'here are· 100 acres fit for wheat in the s·p ring. RL).f ST. W, l\~ Self.COL, Toronto. ~:I'he farm i11 considPred one of the lwst in t he "\Ve have great p]eaf!Ul'El in stating that as an ---~ ounty. lt will be i:iold 11 Moc, 01 · in pa.rt on in sti~ment to lead the singing in a S. School liberal terms. · nothu1g can e.xcel it. Tbe tone is $Oft nnd For fu1·tber particulars, A.p;11y to fu 11. . 'l'~e bass is grand and when 300 voices JAMRS TEEVlN, e a1 ng1ng together the Piano can be distinctly hen.rd. Every note rings out as clear a& a on the promises, be IL Iacres of Lindsay. facing the river. There is ISO and the remainder· is thickJy cl~are<l , Seventh Con. of .'l!'ene!.on, contaiuing in one block, 1'h1 ee .flandred Acres. T iJii situate thrfe [l.lld al half miles north AL: F llED H. PEASE,Rochester. I was fully convinced th11.t the Mathush1::k w as the crown of aJL 13·tf. Royal 4a-a.in Triumphs. OF All Styles of Children's Furs on hand and the Prices such as has never before been offered in Bowmanville. He a.Lio o:ffera a. very attractive Jot of Goods COST! MUFFLERS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS SOOKS, COLLARS, NECKTTES, BRACES, &c. rh ey must be sold, a!Jd Sncrifices will be made. Cash Customers will buy on close margin11. H.BELLACK. Call and See, and Seeing you will l3ELIEVE! .CONSIDEli, TI-IE FOLLO\VING. Funm·als furnished in every respect, in the Very Best Style, and at PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COUNTRY. ~One of the lll1Y.Jf;ST HEARSES in the Province, SENT PREE to any Funeml furnished by the Subecribm', uit!tin Ten m'iles of Bowmanville. . Reports having been circulated. tha.t the underBigned has bee11 overcbargin"' in the Undertn.k0 d~g Dt'!pa.rtment, he bei;s to subu1it the following figure s, which he cha.llenges a.ny one to contraict, lteported :unount charged. Aetna.I a.mount charge<l. }...ifty Dollars. Twelve Dollars. 'Thirty do. Nine do. :IJ'.orty-1'h·e 1 10. · r wenty.fh·e do. Sixty do. F'orty do. Fifty do. 'l'hirty do. Seventy-five do. Fifty do. CASH PAID FOR RAWS ~URS. Bowman.ville, ·Oct. let, 1875 ., Fenelon. Mnrch 4th, Lindsay P 0. 187G. 27-tf S.Al\fUEL FRISBY, M uaical Conductor. S. J.HUNTER, Pastor. WAHING KENNEDY, Superintendent. ~roorastination is the thief of time, but buying Goods at It. has giv~u mv·ra1nily the very big-hest sa.tisfaction. REV. JOHN BUEDIN, Barrie. H~\:'tll'TON, Feb. 1st. 1876 M r. J. Ruse. Dl!lAU S1n ;-The :&Iathuaek Piano I purcli a sed from you }Jaa giw:'n entire Hatiafaction an d proved itself a superior instru1nent in eyery peut. I wonJd recommend iWl to see the Mathusck, before purchasing elsewhere. H. T. PHILLIPS. Uheap Store TYR()NE, fa the beilt mcaus of getti ng the worth of your money, in S. VANS1 0NE'S '"" 1 'i Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Coffins, of New York. Bowmanville, Mai·~h 30th, 1876. .. ENNTSKJLLEN,.T an. 25th. 1876. I'i· of. J. Ru3e, o.Jr,AR Srli :~ I have pleasure in adding my Los t1m~ny to the many you have alreBdy recei ved 111 favor of the well merit6d l\fatbusek Pi ano, ;p~rchas.ed ,fr_?m you recently. I a.m we 11 satJsfil?d. with it 111 every respect, and consi<l er. fo_r beauty and tone 1 it is unsurpassed hy any .i nstrument I have _yet seen, w. p. PROWER. VVINDING UP! OCTOBER 10th, 1875. . 6rf3t all competitors. J)1·ess Goods \Vorth 50cts., for 35. DRU GS AND MEDICINES French Merinos \\'orth 80 cts,for 50. Bowmanville Drug Store, lllankets \\'Orth Sh ] ] $5.50, f'or 4.00 lia1nilto·. Cornwall. Oct. aw S 'VOJ't 1 $3.00 fOJ' 2.00, Royal got r.... t p11zc at Glcngarry, Ommty .... ail 1'0"(1 '"'l'a1>1 . \VOl' tll 'lP 111.!5, 00 for· J. HIGGINBOTHAM Fair.overtheWobater,O·borne,andNcwY01·k M~( n JCrS ~flLttOr. 3 7 f!!:. "TOULD_ rtispectfully tender his irwete Belleville, Sept. 1875. to hifl and prize on R ' J · O, t_onler~, and to gene:ally, for the heatingWheeler&Willionaud cvor.voth·rmaal ·I'Oa{1 \Vl""}l{leJ'S f'or '1P 111.!5, 00· '"'Yhberal·upporthe recu1ved ince hi· contest. JA.\i.!«f> a~1 il con· llruckville, Sept. 1875. Buffalo 1=-obes Tr()l't]1 $15 00 f' . 12 00 ~ffue;d Stl"·cthpcrsonal attention to buoines·. Royal iug the 'Vh1:1eler & -s1 } b · ' 0r · · iost re~onab1e price$, ensure continuance others. l!~VEHT'l"S& HAGARMAK. ia1Je{ orse blankets for '1ne D0Jla1· . . . Tl'L~ONBllltG, "-; · ofyu:lJ:licpatl1d · .· ·nnage.si;u~c1a.l attention his First prize for Royol, nt Union Exhibiti<m · 0 Vercoats C}JCaper· than CVer· yo h auperrnrstock of . here,overall comp·titors. JvL\'l'THEWSTEWART. u ave r>YE STUFu'~ W oodsto.,k, Oct. 6th. 1875. See11 t]1em · ' . . .L" }~oya.l t~ok pti"A1 here,OYer Whl~h at tho Bp T clegraphtoGardene.rSf;Wi.ng ftiach inc, Co'11, M. MAYER'S. c=-------- 2. 187!i. h · O Singer JA:itES mr.st Got first 30th, the Iloyn.1, at J?air here, EAHli.1!:'1'1', chine. Grc>at · · ( 'U, - numerous friends tbe public has c?mmenci?g in businea;;;; hopes by tha.nkH 11s- 25, took first p1·izo nt Union ville, com petwith Wi lson , Singer, and Oct .11, 1875. - ,\, . t t1 · and rr ering not lng b1~t the pUl't!St artic]eH, at the to a won cnll to very <( at "F..xhihition J Pru·is , Oct. 3rd, 1875. ]\;fA'l'THEW Sr EWART. FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Come n.long mon, wo1nen and children1and yo u will find a complete Stock of S. C. HILLIER, M. D. Have taken firs4; prize with Royal at . Fair here, Hats & Caps~ Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, &c. ' . )vhicb will be sold at :Prices which defy Com.petition. -. S- VANSTONE'J'yrone, Ms.rch ;$0th, 1874. It is my intention on the above date to wind up the long-winded credNapanee, Oct. 15th. 1875. 1'·1· B,:"'~'lf~i1 :~Tlrn Medium :lfathusek we got it system,aud sell only for CASH, or its equivalent. It requires no argu- Singer, noyalHowe, ha· taken first :F, prize at Pair here.over Wanzer Osborne and others. fro m you gtv·· entfr· ~atisfactionin every ros· ment tu establish that it is to t.he advantage of both buyer and seller,to.JAMir:S BARltET. pee t. I can unlic~1tatingly recommend it to t d fi Ha.-ley, Oct. 1:lth, 187~. ra e or ready p_ay, the huyer thereby getting goods at LOWER PRICES all deail'ingagoodpiano. lli>yal takes first prlzc ot thi· Fair,for family , D. STEWART. and the seller berng save<l from loss by had debts. We think then that work and light ml<11ufo.c~1niu g. Pastor of Presbyterian Chm~h. all parti_es will concur in the wisdom of this change on our part. WILLIAM SNIDER. OsnAwA, Jan 24th. 1876. Our goods will hereafter be bought for CASH only, and we shall there· 'l'hese victories conclusively prove tba.t the Ab· r:ie~"n Rs~:'.-The No 11 ., th k . .. ·reap the advantage of large t,rade discounts, which advantage we are li~ht running Roya.l, is the people's fav orite,u.nd . · .~·OU SC ISalidt · d · p . . the th a t yo~ 8;-'lJd commendatory ~fit', 1nusicians e er~1ne to gL ve to our. custon1ers. artres purchas1ngfrom us may hav e tr~ed it and pronouncei! 1t excellcn~ therefore depend upon gettmg aoods at least ten per cent. cheaper than un- BES1' FAMILY Sit WING MA CHINE 'l'he l\ftinufacturere have la.tely added to it, tlie MRS. ll. MITCHEL. d et tiie old pan. l J:l r:rea.test novelty of the age, the Rcn1al Lam.p IlAMPION1 Jan. 31st. 1876. Holdm· fvr Sewi.n(I llfacltincs. The l.:t.tnl) can Our stock will this Fall he more replete than ever , and a still hiC"her 1 111·. J. Ruse. never upset, nor the Oil soil the ·work ; and it class .of goods will be kept. We therefore guarantee the gretttest satiStitcis an·o.nged tu throw the light ou any pa.rt of Dl!)A I ~ Sut :.--It a.lfords me great pleaPure iu a cknowle_dg~ng the entire :s.atisfaction and my tion to all who may favor us with their patronage. the work ena.bling the opei·atJt· ·to · higlinp/1rec1ation of the 1riatbusek piano purwork as well by night as by day. The following UneM will bl;l found full: ch::l.Bed ron1 you u. few O.a.ys since. Sold by S. J. SMI'l'H. Ready-made Clothing.Cloths, Tweeds,Dres· Goods,Silks, Shawlll"Jlkirts,Cottons, J. S. DONEY, TrHONF., Winceys, Blankets, Buffalo Robes, &c . ~ · · N .B.- Ageut for First-dass Thf u13ica1 Instru- o·o 1 E~N1sK1LL·N, :ran. 15th. 1876. bentiu~ the Bnymo11'\V:'i'.11~1~rgS~JDER. All th·IS an d M · UC h M ore at 1\ 1r cc I_.,UNG BROS. lfl . s . A well sel ~ct d t k 1 t.: · e soc o a.re sure to give lbe bust satisfaction. DRUGS, CHEJIUCALS, PATENT JTEDIGINE;., B BR ucs··o}JM]~B·s.~. ~ owmanvi1ln, Jan. 11th, 1876. HOULDER-BRACES SUPPORTERS, Etc. , Et . C.· kept constantly on hand. OILS, P AIN'l' COLORS, v ARNISHES and WHITE LEAD at the ve1·y lowest prices. Important Announcement! Horses and Cattle MedicinesN. B .-·Country Rlore-keP-pers- supplied on the 1nost a<lvnntageous terms. A dioke s~l(llction of LA 1\{I.JS for be.le <ihl:'ap - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - FULL The Common Sense AGUAFFE, 7-00TAVO FROM PRICES: GENTLEMEN'S SUITS AND SHIRTS ma.de to order ll1 city 1:1tylt:1:11, on shortest notice. w · AsHER! HIS 'Vashiug baa been recei\>·ed T w ith univenmJ. favor. in many of tho Sti1rtes of the Unlou, aud stanJ.s higher· in the ~I::u:ldne to-d1~y 1 $300. PfANOS from other 1nakern at bott»m prices. _,,_,_ reliable Bowmnnville·, Oct. 21st, 1875. S. F. HILL. - - - - - =========== NORRIS & SOPER NO· 8, Adelaide St. East, Toronto. SOLE AGE:\'TS. -:o:- estimation of honsc,vive s, than auy other. 'J'hey 'Y"ire now intro<luced into this vicinity, by the -- _i"-Jtndersigncd, who has already !!Old a. large 'nntnber. The points of excellence consist in its simphcity,an<l lhe saving of wa.p, lal1(n· awl time. An ordinary wash ing, fo1· a large family, ca.n be done hy childt·en from 8to12 ye11.1·0 old. DOMINION Sa,vings and INVESTMENT OF LONDON mcnts- W. Bell & Co's. Organ, Hallett & Davis and Hardman }'iauos. .Also 1.11. ' Celebrated Walthnm nnd El~iu W atdwff. The Subacribt!r, thanking his very numerous customers for past pa.trona.ge, (having sold 7'1ccl ve Tho1t san d D olla1·11 lVm·lh in 12 won th solicits their continued pi~tr onrq:~e,by r easonab · p1·ices. fair dea]ings , and gunralltced P.atsfa tion. J·. D· November 18th. 1S7i~ W. McMURTlf, Having been delaye<l several weeks, in opening out his ~RETIRING-!~'l'he under1:1igned being Et.bout to .A. Rare Chance. Retire from the Harness Business, offers his CARTER'S Sarsaparilla The Great Blood Purifier. exLr:-tcl of Red or Ja1uaic..'l Sarsaparilla, combined with Iodide of Potat.sium, for th e em·e of 1dl dif!J:>a.seis ari1:1ing from impurity of the blood. Nearly ah the diseaseH th:'l.t trouble the bnmall ntC6 al'o inftneuced by the st.a t o of the blood. It i~lindispcnaa.ble that thfa fon11ta:n of life bo in a. pllrt' and healthy coutlition. A s a Pnrifier e>f the blood, f\J ReJlovator of the s~aten1,1 and l:'re~erver of the powet s of life, Curte1· s Sarsa.par1lla has no c11ual. For sa.Je at the (1r11;; stores. KEilltY. WA'J'SON & CO-. 26 Sole Proprietors, :lrlont1·eal. New Dry Goods Establishment, has (leterminecl to offer, during the remainder of the Season ltis entire stock, at such prices as will ensure a are lJerfcctly cleaned, and n·Jl in tlui least woni by it, ·A Machiufl cwn he seen at the Grocerv Store or John !vfcl\furtry,Bow1nn.nville, or at tb6 r.Jsidtmce of the sub>Jel'ibe·r , Ontario St.,a.nd parties desiring to see it in ptactdcnl use. ca.n Clo so, b.r lea.ving: their u<\to<'i't with }fr. 1t{cl\fu1·trv, <\nd the subscriber will clo a wash for the1n, free o! charge. The Olo~hes JOSEPH RUSE, AGENT IN DA RLlNGTON, CL.ARK.I!:, '\VHITDY, REACH AND CARTWRIGHT. SOCIETY A genuine 1id fl 1 Large and Complete Stock of Harness Saddles Whips, Tru~ks, Valises,&c, at nn ONTARIO. Al so Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowmanville. 20-Lf. K ampton, :u'ab. 8th, 18711. ---:o:--- CLE1-\_RINCi SALE.The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably Low Rates. H, Immense Reduction for c af h The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer the beat W the tnarket, a.hm kept on ht~nd, l!'ac'tory price. $8, witl be sold fo1· $7. Common 1']~)[DEU.my tha~ the Judgesa.nd DiSenso \Vasher, $ 7. VVn."lh er ft.l\<l \Vl'ini::er, $12. The figure at which the Wriugtir is offered is the vu~ors of Cla.rks .Ag1~cultural Society, for tJ!'Y pr<:n~pt ma~ner: I n which .they pai·l me below tbc Fnctory price; .an<l t,h e la 1·g~~ 1 ·t)c luc-' my F1rst Pn~ on Carnagc.'J, winch they say, tion m ttd.1:t 011 Lhe \\'iushcr and \Vriuger, ttlil nn waa j U:itly rnented. 'l'he J uJgeg thought, on inducement tr. t he public, will ouly be giVt!ll for .:H'a.ir dniy, tbn.t I wa.1:1 not eligible for a prizo but two months from date . foun don looking nt t he bill, that I wa s 'and ~'hev cannot fail t o sn.t.i1o1(y, R..~ all who have they gracted me the First Prizu, ~fr. Lin'ton'a tried them, speak highly of thboo. lctte1 -, not w1thsta1uling. CARD OF THANKS. I ,. P. 1'HOMAS. 2G-tf. 'Bowmanvillei 1:1'~r, 24th, 1$76. S ng list,f.l of ;.;ooo ncwspap<Jrs,a:nrl (·stim'\tes sho w~ E ND25c . tuG. P. ROVVELL&CO.,New Yodc, for a Pmnµhlet of 100 pages, containbp-o1 0-m25-ly. riagc s, in course of construction, which will be sold 0beap, for Cash, or good i,apel', Ih a':e about .100 J:'ir.;t-class Buggit:'e ~nd CarWM. MaCL UNG, Capital, $1,000,000.00 Subscribed 750,000;00 To Whom it May Concern. Paid up, ' 300,000.00 Reserve and Contingent Fund, OTES, AND ACCOUNl"S, lN MY G0,000,00 fav or, long past llue, tnust be vaid im· Muney loaned upon re:tl estate on the most favorable terms, mortga.- mediately, or eosts will be incurred. ges purchased, interest a.llowed on deposit". P. W. CONSAUL. Bowmanville, Jan. 6th. 1876. 15·tf. Give hirn an Eat·ly Call, and secu1·e BARGAINS. N.B.-AJl parties indebted by Note or Book A c e;::>tmth, will pleaae settle before the 15th day next. 1111 N ng cost of a<lvertiai11g. Bo·vmanville.t 1\1:i.r. Cal"l,'iage l\'Iaker. 24th, 1876. 26-3mos. President. Mana<· er. Reference.by permission, GEO. McGILL, Esq, Manager Onta1~0 Bank, Bowmanville. WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., Bowmanville. London, ~faroh, 8th. 1876. D. MAC~IE, F. :S. LETS, CATTLE FOR SALE, THREE (.!Q'\\":S, ~-C_A~L_L_A_N_D_S_E_E_ > 1 Cheap go'bd Goods ccin be solcl for QW 0 A.SH. Ilowmanville, November 19th, 1875. <J 1 luarc Samuel Mason. Bowman ville. :Jan, 27th, .\\TANTED! I A fam1ly. SI~,UATION as house-keeper, in a a-mall in (lalf. Solina, P. 0., Marob 7th, 1876. G. II. JOLL. Apply to 22-tf. I J Apply at thir.i Office. Bowma.nville, March 16th, 1876. 2t-tf. "