&&Lt Qt L · THE M·ERCHANT FRIDAY APRIL 21, 1876, I I This Ticket· I S "EQtJI VALRN'l'. TO A FOR SALE OR TO RENT. of Hampton, three doors west of' Elliott'~ storfl, a. largt:i two story Uough Cru:it D~velling, possession will be given at once. Apply to the proprietor. MA EXCEJJ EXCEL EXCEL EXCEL EXCBL EXf1EL EXCEJ..1 TH USE K O N .MIJ,L STREE'l' lN TlIE VILLAGE _ .,,,_ PI ANOS. F REE 1 _ 1 PASS I N'l'O JOHN COLE, l\.{erch1u1.t ':L1ailor. Ham~ton, M¥ch 7th, 1876, 24-tf, in volume of t on.e. in firmnt'ss and purity df tone. in voice-likt1 quality of tone. in durability and kee1)ing in t111rn. for t}l.e concert room. for t~aohing schools and semi na.ries. -for tho drawing room. +t- the Newest thing of the season~ unless you wish to purchase · Don't ·Read this, ==Cheap Dry Goods== - --o- -- New~ l\tOBBIS' Furniture CARRIAGE SHOP AND UNDERTAKING west 'lf the Ontario Balik. King Street, Bowmanville. The Common Sense F. Y. Cowle's, · where cfLn be found one of the Largest and Most Varied Stock OF · .HIS \V':u!hing 1'>1achine has been received with universal fa vor, in many of the States of the Union, and to-day, stands higher in the estimation ot h ousc,vives, than a.ny other. '!'hey are now introduced into this vicinity, by the undersigned, who ha.s a.lrfjady sold a large numher. The points of excellence consist in its simphcity,and the saving of aoav,-labor and time. An or<linary washing, for a large fn.mily, can be done by children from 8 to 12 years old. WA S HER I T Spri11 g · and SnmDler A MachinH can be seen at the Grocery Store of John I\.fclt>Inrtry,Bowm<\uville,. or at the resi· dence of the subscriber, Ontnrio St.,and partiefl desiring to see it in practicaJ use, can do so, by leaving their llames: with !\-Ir. :h'fcl\.furky, anrl the subscriber will do a wash for thein, free of The Olothes are "perfectly clea.ned, and not in ti" leas t worn bY '·t · TheE1e are broad assertions, but capable of pioof. Tht'y' a.re unlike a.11y other. in cvnst ruo· tion ; all their pt:icnliadties are points of excellence. '!'heir illust rated 1'Ud descriptiYe ca.ta· logue,which we send free' to ·a ny addl'eSf!, ex· plain.s conclusi\·ely, in hal'mony with acoustics and mechanics all that is cla.illled for the Math. ushek · There are ~housands of . happy owner,3: of Mathusheks willin g to certify -to thei'r superior excellence · We havu r oom here for but n. few brief extract~:. NEW YonK 1 Oct . 28, 1867. We the unde1·signed , Judges of Pil'lno8 at the Fair of the American Institubi after a careful examination of the Concert Gr~nds do award to l'REDERIOK MA'l'HUS~;K tho HONOR of _ makini;: the BES'l' of this olass of instruments then and there exhibitt:d, 01· _known to ua else· where. · (Signed) E'VD. MOLT..1ENIIA UER, A . D . Vil. J3.ESEMANN , I\>I. J. GIAN NE'l'TI. 11t11~111~e~! --:o:-rfhe undersigned ha.a opened a store in subacribe:r is 1Jrt1p a.red t o build and re THE. pair s. DT opposite 1'releven s Shoe Store, where he will keep on band a. full and varied stock of Fuller's :Block, Wagons, Buggies, and Cutters, oI every des(,ription , at short notice, and ou re~onable · MASON hn.ving opened his terms. Ft1BNI'rt1:RE, 'vhich will be disposed of at t he LO,V"EST MARKET Pl\.ICES. Persons intend· ing to comm ence housekeeping, 'vill find it largely to their a.dvan· tnge to consult him, ere purchasing elsewhere . F~urniture Carriages Painted and Trimmed. NEVV STORE, with a full assOl'tment of . A Blacksmith's Shop _ Can'iage work, and General Jabbing. STAPLE BARGAINS DRY is prepared to offer Q-OODS, CASH, rnade lo order on short 'notice, a,nd on the premises,"'ere special attention is g1ven to Aili · Repairmg neatly done. charge. · . CHARLES FRADEL. M USICAL CO:NliERVATORY, } GOODS UNDERTAKING. .A. NlEW HE~SB The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer the best in the ina.rkct, also kept 011 hand. :Fae· tol'y price, $ 8, will be so!d for $7. Common Sense Vilashcr, $7". \Vasher and "\Vringer, $12. Th e fig ure at which the Wri1 1 ger ia offered , is b.elow the Factory; Frice; a.nd th e large t-Bduc-' trnn mad~ vu the 'Vasher and Wringer, aa an inducell}en't to the pi.lblic, will only be given for two months from date. They co,nnot fail to satisfy, as all who havt' tried them, speak highly of them. I N - TOWN. 802 Broadwa y, N. Y. These Pianos muat ta.ke the lead of all known instr111n cnts, and their peculiar co:r.stru<:tion ren<lers them by fa.r the most durable and the lea1:1t liable to get out of tune. '· FOR .A ll work done at this Establishrnent warr·anted. A call is respectfully ao"licited. Bow1na.nville. 0 ~t. _ lst, 18ti9 EUGE'\1'1'J. MERRIAM. Since the date of this concert the l\{a.thushek has been my favorite. Watson's Cons9rvatory of J\:lusic.Ntiw York, No money would tempt me to banish it frorri my home, · that will compare with any Store in the County. Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, etc., at prices to suit the hard times. J. JAYW,<l_TSON . P . THOMAS. Bowman ville, -~far, 24th, 1876. l'lea.se Call and examine Stock. Highest l'rice pa.id. for :Butter and Eggs. ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFFICE- .T. MORHJS. 26-tf. The Clothing Department TORONTO. · / Who>t, fall per hush·..... .. ...... 1 06 t~ 1 11 ·. Procrastination is the thief of time, but buying Goods at Boivnianv ille, April 12th, 1876. bp-o15-m29. D. SCHUYLER, Buffalo, l\fathu.sh ek has in r eality taken a. step in advance of all makers of Piano~ in tl1 a world, . J. G . ):lH,\W . Mu , ical Critic, Saratoga. The Mathushek Orcheet.ra Square Grand Piano is brillin.nt 1 of \Vonderful power 1 and · melodious in tone. fo ·repl ele with all tho hctest sty Jes of Goods, rtnd these will bA sold low for Cash . . Call and price tjie gcods- seeing is believing. B ownn1nville, April 21st, 1876. Commencing on or about THlTRSDAY, S. VANSTONE'S TYRONE,_ iJ the best menns of gettin ~ the worth money, 111 !>a.ily Line to :Rochester. CheapSto~e 2ilTH AJ'IUL. ALFRED H . PEASE,Rochester. I wi:w ·fully convinced thli:t the J\fa.thushek was th6 crow11 of all. Fire, Fire, Fire! T. BATTING Begs most respectfully to inform his customers, and the public generally that he has determined to sell of the Stock saved from the LATE FIBK at HM been procured of latest desig-n . Furnish· ings for funernls always <JO ha 111l. AH Funerals in town and country, atttended nt n reo.son· able cha rge. llesidenoe, Corner of Queen and Brown Ste, , next door to Mr. J. P .Rice's. New Tailor shop, moved his buRjnesa to the Sli.dp next door ea~t of Ric ~ 's H11tch e1;- Shop. Having had several years ex perience iu the brade, he hopes to s&tisfy all who may favor him with n call. , · A. DAVY, B owmanville, Mnrch lOth, 1876. 25-tf. WITH F . Y . CUWLF., begs t o jn· LA'l'E form the public gen erally t bat he haa re¥ JOHN HEAL, Vl11eat, ~pring do ............. 1 02 to 0 00 Barley, do .... . ... . ..... 0 60 to 0 81 O&ts, do ....·... , ... , , 0 37 to O 38 Pea·, do ................ 0 73to 0 74 }lye, do ......... . . . .. 0 00 to 0 00 Dressed hol: S, per 100 lbs .·..····· 8 00 to 8 25 Beef, .. . ....... ...... ................ ... 6 00 to .7 00 'Butte:r" lb rolls .......... , .... ........ 0 33 to 0 35 Dutter:t11bt1ah·y ..... ............. ... .. 0 25to0 30 Egg 8 ° f.rer.b. per doz .. , ... , ... .. .. . . 0 15 to 0 16 ' to I) 50 Potatoes, pt1r buiili .......... ·:·· · · 0 . 4r" <> Il. l3ELLA CK. My old tuner, who has taken ea.re of m'y for the past ten years, saYs that th e No, lO llrchestral just received from you is the bebL lliade and finest instrument in this oity. Your~. &c. D . M . S'OMERVILLE, Cleveland,O. · pii..110 THE STEAMER The undersigned has the pleasure of informing: you that GOOD FITS GUARANTEED he has re-opened in Lis old Bowmonville, Sep. 4th, 1872. m49-tf. stand, (two doors West of the Post Otflce) with an entire O f your NEW STOCK OF · FIRST·OLASS GOODS. (R ORA WFORD, l>IAS'l'Eit,) 'Vill make h er 2·egula.r trips on this route,leav. ing Oobourg evel'Y morning -at 7 :30, and Port Hope at !) o'clock, for ltocbester. connecting then with the New York Central, NortherTI Cent ral :w1d l~rw Rail~·ays, and Lake Ontario Shore Division of the Rorr1e, Wa ~eriown and Ogd ensburi;h Railway for all points East, West and South. UETURNING, will leav: Charltitte (pl11't of ll ochester,) dnily at 9 P . lvI., except Satnrdnys, ·when abe will leav6 at 3 l-'. M . for Port H ope direot. fi ealcr s in i;o;tock, .~c. , will find this the ~hcnp est and most exped1~1ous route to lloeton, Albuny, ·N e\\' York, &c. Fot further information apbly to · NORAEMAN,' Corrie along men, women and children, and you will find a complete Stock of H·y, ........................... :. ...... 2000to2l 50 Stra.w, ............................. . . 10 00to12 oO To li'.i' ake :Business, Advertise! The rnerchcmt, manufacturer, or dealer, who keeps his 1vares bifore the public, seldorn complai ns of dull tim.es. Where is the ut·i lity of having for sale the best fabrics in the world, ~f the ioouvZ-~e '[!lc1·chasers lmioio not iohere to obtain thmn. Auy Of oui· readers; ans \.rering ad vcrtise n1ents which appear in our colurnn s,or sen<l· ing for books, n1agazin ea, etc., etc., noticed Uy us, will confer a tav or hy stating where th ey :saw th e Advertisetn ent or Notice. Hats & Caps, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, &c., wl1ieh will bti sold at Toronto. . "\Ve have great pJuasure in stating that as an 1nsti:1mE:: nt to ,lend the singing in a S. School nothmi::- oan excel it. The tone is soft and full. The bass iis' grand mid When 300 voices are singing toget,her the Piari,o can bo distinct· ly henrd. .Ev ~ry note r:inga out as clea'r aH a bell, S . J, HUNTER, P""tor, W.1.\.RINC! KE.f{NEDY, Superintendent. R1.M sT. W. M. S . SCHOOL, SAM UEL FRISBY, Musical Conductot-. faction. . It_ has given :im y famil y tho very highest satisHAMl"l'ON, His aim shall be to keep the He has re-ope11ed at MR.13't1RXE'S old store, near the Mill. Best ·and sell at the Lowest possible price. CALL .A.ND GET BARG~t\.INS. He has determined to adopt Bowmanville, April 4th, 1876. the A GRE..\TLY REDUCED PRICES. Fresh Ii'a.mily · Groceries STARTLING Very . Serious Charge, Revelatio11s! - - oMarkus REV. JOHN BREDIN, Barrie. · Feb . 1st. 1876 . M1·. J . llu se, R. ORA W]'OliD, Po1tT Ii.OPE, Prices which defy Competition. 'l'yrontt, March 30th, 1874.. DEAR Silt :- The M a thusek Piano I purchased fron1 you hafJ given entire Aatisfaction and lJroved its elf a superior instrument in t:ivery respect. I wo1 1ld recommsnd · s.J1 to see th e 1V!athuaek 1 before p urchasing elsewhere. H. 'l'. PHILLIPS. EKNJSKILL.EN,Jan. 25th.. 1876. Prof. J. Ruse, 111 D.E.Ait SIR :-I have })lea.sure in n<lding iny te~timi::ny to t he many you have a.lrt:iady r;e ce1ved in fav0r of the well merited Mathusiek P iano, purcbas11<l from you J't'-!(·1.mLly: I am ~ell aatiefied with i t iu evet'Y respect, u.nd consider, fo.r beauty and t one, it iR uuaurpaSHed by any instrument I have ye t seen. (29tf.) Ur C. F. GILDERSLE EVE, Krna sTdN. s. VANSTONE. MRS. .ANDERSON'S Fashion and · J. ·_ EljLI O'_tiT'S MONEY TO LOAN 1 lJH:!llt Millinery Depot, K t11 g Street, · opposite S. C ..IIILJ, !JlR, M. D. E S'l'.Arl'}J, to b e by O:S-stalroent, or othm·v.·ise . 'l'crn1ti of paywill extended frmn one to twenty Topnid in.· be R.l~AL Mr. B11clt1en:s yt'ars, to suit the convenience of the l bor rowor. Appl;r· to Very Latest Styles IN CheapStoreTYRONE, Ras now a full assorted Stock of WM. M. HORSEY, 20th, 1876. (3m.) ENNISKILLBN, Jan. 15th. 1876. Pi·of. Ritse. ~ DE.1.H. Sin :- rl'he l\:Cedium :\:l::i.thusek we got from you gives enth:e sa.tisfactionin every 1-ef!. pect . I can un]1esitatingly rcccmmeud it to nil desiring a. gopd piano. · and the New Company ha-,ring rtppoillted the subscriber. Retail Agent for the Town and Country arom;1.d, he is .pr_ eprtrec1 to offer the believing it to be ~dvantage.Mayers, ous not only to the buyer but has purcha!ed an imm enae Stock of ,Pood s, on advantageous t ernni, and he is going to give his also to the seller. Custv111ers the ben efit cf h ia bal'gaiii. w·-EA_P_F_u_R_Nr-Tu-n-\F-~1 The Stock is very lnrge, embl·acing Parcels delivered to all parts South Sea Soal,_Ermine, Grey and of the town with promptness. Blaclc Lamb, Ur·eve linif, 111ink i:>-~fo · Highest price paid for all vnryi ng in pric e acco t·ding to quality, and con· ~ sfoting of kinds .of produce. Caps; Collar etts, l'vluffa, Hoping to i::eceive a share Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. All the Goods a.re well made . of tbO of your patronage. The Bowma.nville Fumiture Factory, hav.in~ commence<) busiuess again, H e is, yours truly, CIIEAP FU RNirruRE! ! I CHEAP CASH SYSTEM, based upon su bstantial fact s :is just bein g cit· culat ed, .and is to thia etfect'...... t hat one of ou pro1nirlent ~I~rcbante, FURNITURE!· At :Manning's Old Stand. John McMw try. Bowmanvillo, Dec. 22nd, 1875. i a-tf. Latest Styles ! - - - :(cl ; -· - · M .AS U.h' AOTUJ HKG A t the oflice of the Co. 'B owMAJ\"VILTJE MAcHitrE Bonnets, Hats, Mantles. and General· Millinery. consisting of everything in the line, tha t can be purcha..c;ed in the I>aris and NelV York estab· liahmenta, are now on exhibition. Straw Hats cleaned, and altert'ld into latest styles . M ra. A. is not aaking lurge pro.fi ts, but 'vill sell at a small ac:l vauce on eogt, for CASFI. A visH to her eatabliBbment, wiU ~ o.tisfy any of our re aders, of that facL · . Pastor of Pl'esbyterian Church. D. STE WA R'l' . J~ (!wman ville , -3:<~nua.ry M1·. J. R 11.:1 e, OSHAWA, Jan 24th. 1876. . Ve1·y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the ·Province. Roya.l Airain Triun1phs. All Styles _of Children's Furs on hand, and ·the Prices such as has never bef0re been offered in ·Bowmanville. H e a.l~o offers :.i "cry attractive lot of G oodrt Somethi.ng New. .l men of tL e D on.inion, that hl:l is pre.pared to I cJ 01111, and make al u!Ost ::l·" gOod a~ new, any soiled or farl 1' tl garme1it. 'l'be color is restored, j lll'.l tl th e cont, or what eh e, -put.a on a new ap]J('ar anctl. S atlsf!U'ti<.n gua.ro;nteed, or no charge. rnJt1..~ UNDJ~IlSIGNl~D i11forn1>; ,l - - the Gentle- TIIOS. PEATE. BEGS 'l'O I N ~ -01iM the public generally thab she hnB open~<l .Ro wm a.nvillc, April 21st, 1876. ·30.tf. HOBSES W ANTE;D. T V\70 ou r11IIREE u Mefu], serviceahlo hor~es '\\'~nted, for F arn1 Work. Apply to JOHN PIPE. l>n:rli11gton, .A_ p ril 21st, 1876 . · 30·tf. iu Mit. " F 0,,7KR 'S BUILDI N G·, op1iositH H . ELLIO'l'T1S S· r onE, Hatnpton, and intends keep· ing a. n1oist choice lot of goods, at 1·ea.aonable · prices. She will a1so ca.rry on the FANCY GOODS STORE Groceries Dry Goods, NEW S'l'OitE . Boots &-Shoes A T HATh1:PTON.' MRS. M. J. WARD ~tc., ·etc .. Bowmanville, April 7th.1S76. (m221y.) np ll. DE,tn S1n·:- '1'ho N o . l l. l\fathusck is all that yo~t s_ 11id com mend a~ory of it, mu sicians have ft·u:tl it and pro11011 nced it excellent. MUS . H. MITCH EL. in H AMPTON, .J an. 31st.1876. M1'. J. Ruse. . D EAR SJn :- -It affords me g-r·ea.t pleru,·11re 1 ~ acknowle.<lg~ng t)).e ontire aatisfaetion and my high apprec1at1on of the 1\i:fath1tf.IC , k pi<lllO purchMed fro1n you n. few d(Lyi! sincH. Funerals furni shed in every r espect, in the Very Best Style, and at PRI CES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIR1f IN THE COUNTRY. ~~ One of the FINEST IIEARSES ·in the Province, SENT FREE to any Fiineral furnish ed by the Subewibe1', with· in '1.'en rn:iles of Bownuinville. . . R~ports having Qeen circu1ated .. tha. t th~ un.d erR 1 _gn ed has ~~en overcbnrging iu the Undertak· 1~g Dep~u·l wen t, h(· begs to aubn.nt t h u follo,Ylng f1g u1·es 1 'vh1ch he chnll eug-mi any oue to contr_ad1ct. lte ported a.mount cbargt:id, · .Act ual nn1ount chargerl. Fifty Dolla rs. '.l' wt:l ve, ]J oll<ira. Thirty <l9. N ini;! rlo. Forty~ll'ivc do. 'J'wcnty.Jive do. Sixty do. . l!'ol'ty do. Fifty . do. Thirty do. Seventy.five do. Fifty do, ~hey mw,it be !K>ld, filt d sa'"cri6ces will l·e nrn.tle Uash Oust mntlrs will buy on close in ~t·tins . · M UF'FI. ER S, SHIRTS, · DR A W E RS SOCK S, 001.LA ns, NECKJ'TE.0 , BBA GIC S, &c. CA(3H PAID F OR RAWS FURS_. B owumnvillc, Oct. 1st, 1875 at t he S. J . SMI'l'H. -o·o- M. MAYER'S. Quality and ness, . which for ' Ch1:1ap PRICES: FULL AGRAFFE, 7-00TAVO FROM DRUGS AND MEDICINES Bowmanville Drug Store, By T d(v rap h to Gttrdener Scwi'Jtg .~fac~iine, Co'·11. Ii mni.ltcn . CorinVall, Oct. 2. 1875. .PrANOS ·from o~her makers at bottnm prices. - ~- $ 3 0 0. ~eliable MILLINERY A~D business, n.nd hopes t o receive a liberal ahare of suppot·t. All orders entrusted wilt be oarelnlly fl llecl. . > :MANTLE CANNOT BE SURPASSED NORRIS & SOPER lfo. 8, ·Adelaide St. Iloyal got f.Tst r>rize at Glenga.rry, Cou nt y ll'a ir. over the "'itVebt;ter, Osborne, and New York Singer J·~urEf::I I\fI LROY. J. HIG·GINBOTHAM . tomer~ , aud to tl1e in1 blic generally, for the J. ELLIOl T STA}IPING ;~~~h'.cd A of the Smro~ate East, Toronto. SOLE AGENTS. - . : o : -· llolleville, Sept. 30th. 18i5. Got first prize ou the Royal, at li'air here, heating \Yheeler & '\7ilson and ever/ other ina~ chine. GrPat oont1:at. .Lun:l"t B .\UB ET'l'. Brockville, Sept. 25, 1875... Royal took fir .;t prize at Unionville, compet· ing with the \\'heeleT & \VHson, Singer, a nd oU1eI1:1. EVERTTS & IIAGAR111AN. T!t so ~rnu1m-, Oct 11, 1875. First prize for Royal, · at U nion Exhibition here, over all competitors. 1':1A l'THEW STEWART. Wood s~ock, Oct. 6th. 1875. Royal t ook first prize ntExhibition bere,over all co1apetito. " il· 1'1AT'FUEW S· r.KWART . Paris1 Oct. 3nl, 1875. Have taken first prize with Royal nt Fair here, beating the Raymond and 8inger. W ILLIA1[ SNIDER. N apancc, Oct. 15th. 1875. Royal bal'! tak en firiSt prize ~t Fait }iere.over Singer, Howe, Wanzer F, Osborne and others. 1 W thanks to his nu1ne1·ous fd en d1:1 :ind otn" ,]) me.s t reSiJ ectfully t ender bi s- inct:!l'6 as· lrn.s fh·e room s, an d ~·ll t he necessary COl'1· venicnces. '!'he garden ]$'"·ell cultivated, and conta.ins i:iome choice l t ruit trees. .Apply on the ;premises, to Rouse· a.nd I.ot for Sale. mi V.l ellington Street, about two Sl'l'U ATEwa.lk frorr1 th ti Mru·ket Square. 'l'be min u t~s homH~ "ith des' . M. J. WARD Hampton, April Ii, 1876. (m.-28-tf.) Agent for the C'elebrated Raymond's . Metallic Coffins, of New York. Bowmanville, llfarch 30th, 187(). JOSEPH RUSE, . AGENT IN THE W. p, PROWER. GU AR DIAN'S NOTICE. · PPLICATION ,,;11 be made to the Judge Court of the U ni.ted Counties of N orthumberla.nd and Durham, &t the expiration of t'venty days from the first insertion in the Bowmanville MERO HAN'J.' , newspa. per, to appoint' J\fR . CEPHAS BARKER, of t_ h e t own of Bow:manville, in the county of Dul'ham. Guardian of EDITFI BONE and Hl~NRY . BONE, ·of the township of Ca.rtwright, jufarit children Of ·the late Ephrai1n Bone and Ann Bone, in their lifetime of the 1-i llag e of Osbawn, in the county of Outtuio, de' · . ceased. Peovle's Book Store _._ AllD l;)ARLINGTON, CLARKE, \VHITBY, REACH AND CART\\~flIGHT, very bberal eupport he h.'l.H 1 ·cceived iuco hiSI C?mtne nci~1 g in bw~ iue f'l~ ; n.nd hopes by uon· t1nu ed .strict persona.I utt cntior. to bu siness and offering nothing but the pun:.-i t a1'ticl eR. the most reaisonable prices, to eiu1 ure a con tin u ~nwe of }Jublic patronage. · J.)~I. would call s-PecbJ a.t t ention t o his very snperior stock of ' n.t J AS. MEDJ,AN)}. Bowmauyille, lr~arch 30th, 1876. ~7·ln1 Al1:10 Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowmanville, Hampton, Fob . 8th, 1876. 20-tf. DYE STUF:B'S 'vhich are sure to gi iw bust sa.tisfncti on. \.' O ! VVINDING UP OCTOBER 10th, 1875. A well selected stock o( HOUSE TO LET. A.Tl: on Prospect St~e et, near th_ e F urS I~U niture 11 a.cL0ry . Conta.111s 9 large roourn. Torm :; easy. For p:u·ticula.rs, apply, on the premises, to D. WHl'TE. - SA:B:BATH SCHOOL ROBERT ARMOU H, J~owman,·ille, DEP·O T c. 1 To Let or for Sa.le. J(RAMJ~ ROUSE: A GOOD Duke Street . Apply to 1~ r \11T D 11vi1le, April 6, 1876. Solicitor ]01· Applicant. {m ·· 28-4in.) $25 REW!BD! The above reward will be pa.id to a.ny pcson who will furni!!h N.Illp)e proof that the Boots & Shoes sold by the .undersigned, a.re not -whatrc represents thetn , situate on CARD OF THANKS. TENDER m~ thanks to the .Tndges and Di r ectol's of Clarke Agricultural Society, for the very prompt manner in which they paid me my Firilt P ri ze on Carriages, Which they say, w&ij justly Jnerited. 'l:h0 Judges thouf?'bt. on J?ail' day, thitt I wa.s not eli~ible for a pnze, but found on looking at the bill, that I was, and BARKER. S. W. MASON. Dec. 1Otl1 ,J F7lS. l ·tf. I HOUSE TO LET. A.TL on W cUington Stroot, fifth dOor SITU east of Division St reet. Eve t'Y. convcnieuco attached. }!,or pnrticultnrs,apply at this Office. With the arrival of the IIolidays, co1nes a demand for sold cheap, for Gash, or good J:taper. they granted me the ]'irst Prize, Mr. Lint on's lotter, notwithstanding. I have about 100 F irat-cl""" Buggies and Carriages, in course of construction, whioh will be WM. McCLUNG, Carriage Maker. Bowmauvil1 e, ?ttar . 24th; 1876· 26-3mos. h ea,p a.ll d g'00d .a.i1 'I' 't C era,t Ure, I'!." wl;i;- ,t,t .liilOO ,., k S a.n · d "-OODS , ..-resent 'I') . It is .my intention on the above date to wind up the long-winded credit system,and sell only for CASH, or its eqllivalent. It requires no arguJ AMY-A BARllET. ment to establish that it is to the advantage of both buy~r and sell,er,toHarley, Oct. 13th, 1875 . trade for ready pay, the buyer thereby getting goods at LOWER PRIORS Royal tukes first pri~ at this }'air, for fainily 'and the seller being saved from loss by bad debts. We think then that work and Jight ro:tnufacturing. kept con stn.utly on hand. · "\VJLlJAl! SNtDElR. all parties will concur in the wisdom of this change on our part. OILS, PAINT, . . These victories conclusively prove that the Our goods will hereafter be ·bought for CASH only, and we shall there· li6ht running Royal, is the "People's favorite,~nd COLORS, VARNISHES, by reap the advantage of large trade discounts, which advantage we are the u.nd WHITJ!; LEAD determined to give to our customers. Parties purchasingfrom us · tnay BEST Ji'AMILY SEWING MACHINE. at the ver~y lowest prices . The M anufacturers have ln.tely added to it , the therefore depend upon getting goods at least ten per cent. cheaper than ungreatest novelty of the age, the Ro.va l Larnp Horses and Cattle Medicines. dei· the old phm. · _ H older for Sewing .tlfachines . The La.mp cau Our stock "rill this Fall be more replete than ever , and a still higher never upset, nor the Oil soil tho " ·ork; and it N. B. - Couutry store-keep ers sup11lietl on 1Ta11 g ed to throw the light on any part of the n1ost a<lvnntn.geous terms. class of goods will he ke-pt: We therefore guarantee the grerttest satisfac- is ~ ' the W01·k, enabling the operat:>r. to · A choice sellilct ion of LAI\.:I:PS for bale cheap tion to all who may favor us with their patronage. Bo-..vm<t nville. D ec. J 808. Gm. · work as well by night as by day. DRUGS, CHEMICALS . PA TEN:f Jl.fEDIGINES, , BRUSIIES, C0111BS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Eto. \ir · B:OtiSE AND I.OT FOR SALE. ·v F.RY D ES IRABLE piece of town .prop erty, situate on the corner of Hunt and Anu-::;t1_.e~ts, can be purcha!!ed at a reas'lna.ble figur e for c:,i,sh, Tl1cre is 11 new frame hou::; e, ,vith well of water, also u. stable, on the pre· 1niscH . 'fhe gn.nlen fr:! cult.iva.t.ed. Apply to ~ ! ·have a Stock tli.at cannot fail to please_:_ cow plote and varied. GENTLElY.fEN'S SUITS ANDffiIIRTS ma<le to order in city sty le~, on shortest notice. S. DONEY, TYRONE. Ready-made Clothing.Cloths, Tweeds,Dres$ Goods.Silks, Shawls,Skirts,Cottons, N.B. - A gent for;J, First -cl,ass 1\>Iusici:\l Instru· Winceys, BlE!.nkets, Buifalo Robe~, &c. 'nents-W. Bell &. Co s. Organ, Hallett & Davis 1 'l'he following lines will ·bu found full: Sold by A ST:RAW', F ELT, . AND I.EGHOEN atyles. Special attention., gi Yen to COLORING. · __,,.;:.., ~ A.t }.1 n . 1-t . HAMRT.Y' s, BriclnnakeJ:'. 130,Vrnn uv.i lle, April 5, 1876 ; (ui.-28-tf.) , _ .· TOHN li. HAM:l3L Y, FAMILY BIBLES, Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES.Large Assortment. N.B. That deservedly po]JularTeach :HATS AND BONNETS, · er's Bible, in various bin!irngs CLEANED and ma.de over i.J:i. the very latest For Ge11ts, For Ladies, For Children. Lo.test Styles and Good Stock. · SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. STORE. - One door east of Ooraish's Jewelry Store, King Streot, Bowman ville. Bowman ville, Oct, 21st, 1875. S. F. HILL. and Hardman P ianos. .Also 1h ~ Celebrated Waltham and Eli;:-in Watches. The Subscriber, thanking his very n umerout:i custo!Tlers for past patronage, (having- Rold T1oeli·c 2'hou scuid .Dolla1·s JVm·th in 12 month soUcits their continued patr on'a ge,by reasonab prices, fa.ir deali1lg s, and guaranteed i;atsfa tion. J . n. RETIRING! A Bare Chance. The undereigned. being ttbout to November 18th. 1S7r. THOROUGH-BRED BOOKS, in Great Va.i-iety. A L RUMS, Cheap and Rrctt1. WRITING DESK S, a?Ul W OBK BOXES Short Horns for Sa.le. oui: '£JIOROUGH-l3RED lJURHA.M F B nlfa, yearling!!, retl. and roan , can be pur· chased of tiie un<lcrsigne<l , a.t rea.sonttbl e rates . 2'1-tf. T wanted ,immediatel y_ IITI EE OR ' FOUR APPRE NTICES MRS . MAYBEE, at :a.'.farket Squa.:ro, in renr of Fireball Bowmnnville, April 14; 1876. (29-ly. MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPES. Lu1·ge.~t Collect·ion of ·Large l1nportation OF ~etire lm\'.)etial Fire Insuranr.e Oo OF LONDON. Established 1803. Pall. Mall, London. G ENERAJ. from the Harness :Business, offers hil3 IlEAD OFFIO Es . - 1 .\ Gl:?.'CY Old 13road St, , i:iull Jl'OU. 0.ANADA ·:- .24 Large and Cou°ipJete Stock of Harn.css Saddles Whips, Trunks, Valises, &c. St at an li0.8'1'. COl1LAOOT'l1, Tyrone, P . 0. Ii' AltM FOR SAL:El. "TI-IE TEEVIN PARTh:I." Se'eenth .Cori. of 1J'fY'l1elon, conta.ining in one block, Thi.ee H unrlred Acres. 'l' le: situate tlljee and al half miles north of L indsay, f acing the river. Th ere is 180 aeres cle~red, and the r emainder is thickly wooded with h ardwood and he1 nlock. There is a uew brick house, erected la.st ye:i.r, a.ta. cos t of upwards of $3,000 ; barn _ 3 2x70; st.able barn 28x60, wit h driving shed atto.ched, shed 60x 26; f eed ing house 30x 2G; a good or ch ard of youn~ treei; ; t wv i;o od wdls. 'l'h e build ings ar6~all eompara.tively new, a.nd are in good oondition. 'l'hart> a.re 100 <icres fit for wheat·in the sprin g. The fa.rm is consi d"'-red one of the best in the County. It will be sold en bloc, or in pa.rt on liberal terms . Fol' further partit::ulare, apply to CATTLE FOR SALE. .l:Jl tBE CO,YS, T · G. II. JULL. Solina, P . 0., March 7th , in calf. Apvly to 1876. 22-tf , Stereoscopic Views ·i n·'l'own. OM R. A S aorament St., Mon-trea.1. AT Fund. £1,965.000 Sterling. SubAcribe<l anrl invested Cnpital n.ncl Rea~rn:! Immense Reduction for Cash I Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. $ 5 To $ 20 worth r ortland. 1\1:aine ' per day "t home . $1 free. Sam1,le· 8'.l' I NSON & Co,. b1)·010-rn23-ly . EA~TON'S, SPECIAL , J,JINE. . Town Hall Block, Bowmanville, F unds iu vl!8tcd h1Canada- 105,000, Insuranael3 agamst loss by Fi re are offe(;ted on most favorable terms, MHl losses pa.id with out roference to the Board in T1(>1itlon. J D ODSWOHTH, RINTOUJ, BROS . Hen. Agcntfl\ Montrea &. R. LOSCOMBE, A OARD. · TOSE PH MASON,P.P. J . J ,JACUE S. Call ancl Examine. Barrister,' Agent for Bowmanville and Vicinity. 36 Inspector. Give him an Ea1·{y Call, and secu.re BARGAINS. # Bowmanville. June 4th, 1860 I ha.v; Lhia dll.y appointed C. :BARKE.fl the ".J..:cliasii:e ag_eut for the s<W.e of wy VuLOANYiED l .>..ll:NS for Howma n ville, Ont. m.o.43·39.4w N.B. - .AJl p nrtiea indebted by N ote or Book Account, will pl ease settle before t he 15th day of l\.farch next . r f..J Great. Inducements. Samuel Mason. vVANTED! 1 . Bomn·nville,May 6th. 1875 . J. SMALE. c v. n a t "i'illt . S<- r· t.l ti1h,lt71 n--t Augu.ata, Maine. at home. $19: Out-6 t and terms free. n. 1l:1.y w:lnted. 'J1.<.U E &. CO., b_f>-olO·m25·ly, A~ts JAMES TEEVTN, on the prerDir:tes, Feuclou, March 4th, 1876. Liudija~~ p 0. ~7-tf 800 Page Blank Book for $2.50, Doheny Block, Lindsay. To Whom it May· Concern . fa.vor 1 long 'Past d ue , must be paid immediately, or costs "'ill be incurred. Bowmnnville. J an. 27th, 2ilo. to G . P. ROWELL &CO., New SEND York, for n Pamphlet of 100 pages, contain· ng lists of ::lOOO newspapcrs> and stimates show· Dfl cost of advertising. bp-ol0-m25-1y. N01'ES, AND ACCOU:"i l'S, IN Ml; 1 P . W . CO:N'SAUI.. . Ilowmanville, Jan. 6th. 18r6. 15-tf. J A SI~ UArl IO N a s h o~s e-k,e e per, in a s1n nJI · family. A pvlyatth" OJhce. Bowmanville, !Vfarch 16th, 1876. 25·1!.