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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 21 Apr 1876, p. 4

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· THE ~iERC:):IAN'.I; FRIDAY, APRIL 21 1876, POETRY. What You Going to Do, Brother 1 FARM AND HOU~EHOLD Brown and Graham Bread. A coITetrpondent of tho Ghica.g o MILNE'S OLD STAND, Bowmanville, :March 13th, 187 6. DEAR DOMINION Sa,vings and Just Arrived at tho Trib·unc " I must work the work~ of Him that sent me WT~tea : u R.e a< with interest the IIouaewhile it i8 da.y ; for the ni~l:.t cometh when keep.era' Depa.rtment in your valuable- paper, I no man can work ." would like to contribute my mite . In answer Oh. what are you going to do, brother ? to lone of your oorrespondentl'>, I give a recipe Say, what are you going to do? foJ making brown bread. I use .attrition flour, You ho.vt1 thoaght of .so1ne useful labor, wl, ich~ according to my taste, is far ahead of· " llut wha.t ia the end in view ? Gr:ahaa, wakini a 8weet, v¥atab1 e, delicious You are fresh from thti home of your boyhood, b1.~wn bread. The following is the recipe : And j~.t in the bloom of youth. <Jcimpresaiitd ye'ast~ h~ a. c ake; diH1:1olv a it in Have you t asted th~ 1:1pH-rkling water two quarts of lukcr\'fa_ r m water ; mix in enough ~ That flows from the fount of truth? attrition flour to ma.kl:' a 1'atter for sponge ; !let fH your hes.rt in the Saviour's keeping ? it to rise in a warm ; When light Cl).ough Itemem.ber he dfo d for you ; add salt, a large teaspoonful of sugar, and ·-atT hen what you going to do, brother 1 trition flour enough to make a very thick ba.t· 'Say, what are going to do:? tcr, ·w orkinS it with tb Chund thoroughly, say about ten minutes ; have ready smne deep. well~ \Vill you honor His ca.use a.nd kingdom your path may he ~ .A.nd stand Jl.S a bright exarnple, That others your light may see? Are yo1~ willing 'to live for Jesus. And ready the cro~s to bea.r ? Are you willing t o meet reproaches ! 'l'he frowns of the worid to share ! Your lot may, peThaps, be humble; But God hits a. wot k fur 'y.uu; Then wlrn.t are you going to do, brother? Say, whAt are you gping to do? . Oh, what are you going to do, brother? 'l'he morning- of youth is ; The vigor and strength of 1nanhood, M·y brother, nre youi·s at ], ~'herever P A.SB ION H OUSE ap lendid aseoztment o Sm :-Vve beg to inform you that we have now commenced business at the above address under the firm of New 'Jood·s -! .aND INVESTMENT OF LONDON SOCIETY ONTARIO. NEW MILLINERY. ~ <\Jso FLEMING, MUST · AS BE Ol!' SOLD, ---:o::- -- a. lot of CO:Y~IS'IING REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Also a large stock of WATCHES, Ct.OCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC. -o- GROCERS .AND GENERAL . J\1ERCHANTS. Stamps for Braiding and Em· You are rising in worldly profolp~cts, greased Pans; hal.f fill them w~th the batter,,and let rise until full, and ba.lse half an hour. This quantity will 1nakt1'fo rir loave8, Potatoe8 du notimprove this· no·u r . The old procef!8 of moulding bre· MI \'\--ill 'no~ dO' for thid ; it rQnst be made into batter ; five to six hours is the usual time for malting this bread. l used to mnkc Graham bread·in this mru1uer: N~ver sift the G~aham i se.t a ·w hite flour s ponge, :JiUd, when light, add salt;: a large handful of brown sugar, a.n:d Gr.::.b.aJn enough to· mike M aoft fl> dongh a:; you ca.n poflsibly work well 1'r"ith the hands ; set to rise again; when light enough, shape lntQ, loaves by flouring the h11nds well (tbe dough bi'ing Ycry ~o.ft),and put in deep pans ; let them rise; when sufficiently light, bake at ten m:in1ltee: long"r- than white bread. <J.roce1·ies, .C1·ocke1·y, Glassivare, Seeds, ~c., " Selected personally by T. BRIDGMAN, (formerly with J Milne), from the principal markets of the country; the same .having been purchased for cash, at from 10 to 15 per cen1J., '· I · We have received a .large assortment of J. D. Strowger NEWCASTLE. H aving removed to more . IN commo<liouspremise~, Sterling Silver SpQons, and Pure Gold Wedding Rings. Capital, $1,000,000.t>O AARON.BUCKLER. Subscribed, . 700,000.00 I Bowma.nville, Oct. 8th, 1875. Paid up, 300,000.00 . Reserve and Conti ngent Fund, 60,000,00 Muney loa.ned upon real estate on the most favorable terms, mortga' ges purchased, il1terest· allowed 'on deposits. I broidery. FASH I ONS for Spring just to hand . D. ·MACFIE, P , I res1c1ent. F. B. LEYS, . DBBSSHA 1'ING U!'1Ua1. Mana15er. · Reference by permis£ion , GEO. McGILL, E sQ, Manager Ontario Bank, Bowmauville. W I LLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., :M. D., Bowman ville. ·London, Ma.rob,. 8th. 1876. Bowm~nvill e , A p1·il ?th,1874. MRS. A. FLETCHER will be sold at prices that defy competition in this County. We hope by an earnest endeavor to serve you well,tO meet with a liberal share of Public Patronage. Hoping to have the pleasure of a call from you, . We remain, yours resp(!ctfully, . R&R N. B.-\Ve wo\lld particularly beg to call your attention to our assortme.n t of TEAS. The highest price paid for Produce. BowmanvilleJ }larch 9th,. 1876 . 22·tf . FOTHE'RGILL'S BLOCK, beg to i~form tbe p ublic g. unerally, tha.t they are now enabled to offer them Better Inducements And prospered in \vorldly things ; A d u ty to others leas favored The Slnile of your fortune brings. Go, prove thut yo ur heart is grateful 11'or the good Ile hni! 'kme tu ,rou 'lh en , '"-" }rn,t a.rO;J )'OU going to do, brother ? Say, "\vlint are y ou goi11g t o Uo? Washing Made Easy. Some rnonths a.go, sOme one in.quired for a ~e cipe to m ake washing easy. I send one which . 1 have us~d rrrnn y y e::IDJ, ttuU cu111iiJe.1.· the bBt I h/\o\.·e tiver t ri~d ; · Fiye lbs. harll soap, melt with one qt. ly ~ , .one-fourthm:.. pearla8h; when the soap il!l dis· i!olved__, -put it into th o '.'. easel where it hi to rcIQ::tin, When It is cool cnougb to put your finger in for a. minute, .add. ha~f a pint each ·of i:ipil'its of turpeutia e and hartehor.n. Stir all well, cover tight, anJ. it iij ready fur use, DIRECTIONB F OR U SL"'i O-· .....-M a k e a la rge amJ. Groeery Business, ( AS REGARDS PRICE <fr QUALlTY) than any other hou11e in the County. in the line of ~- - 'l' H E Important Announcement ! Elephant House SoMEri1HING Oh, whn.t n1·c you going to do, brother? 'l'h e J:mn in your noc)n is high ; It shine;, iu llltl1·edian splendor, And rid es t.111·oug h a clon llless sky . Yuu Rl'f:l holding a high poB ition Of, honm\ and truth, and fame, Are you 1;Yilling to gi vc t hc glory And prait:ie to ~·our Snvionr's name ? 'l' hc rc ginn~ that r:1~t in in darkness Aro stretching t heir hands to you':L1hen wha.t ai-~ you goiug ~o c.Jo, hrotber? Sa.y, ,.,. ha.t nre yM1 going to do ?4 NO PRESENTS GIVEN, auT CODD Oh, wha.t ~tre you going to do, brother ? 'l'hu twilight approaches now ; Your locks art:i already silveTed, _,\.nd winter h~: on your brow ~ Your talen t, you r l.i lUc, your riches, To JetiuS, yonr 1\Iaster, gi\·e; Then a:;k if the \~·ol'lll around you Is bett er becauRe you live. I' I ! Y ou nci:wing the br{nk of Jordan, llut still there is woTk for you ; 'l'J1en what are yon going- to do, brother? Say, wha.t arc you goiug t o 'do? hot Buds; put d0wn your dil't.i est white clothes, then the cleanest , soaping dirty places ; lt'l t them soak half an hour;, or 11ntil you get your breo.kfast dishes put awaY ; then tell Harry tli.a.t if he will turn the wringer, you .will lnakc a puddi:g.g for dinner . A slight n1bbiug · will ren10'\·e ru1y re1n~ini ng <li rt ; tlwn rhif.l e t.}uough two w atei·~ LeHide:t tlrn blueing, nnd you will not need to bClil then1 1n~re th<t.cJ1 ou ce a n1unt1>.. Treat ·your colored clotheA the same way, and if there isn't more than a baker's doz.en to waeh for, and you step around lively, I g1:1ess you will Hnd plenty of time to make .that puddin~, and get yourself tidied up before dinner. Some object to the turpelitine, but I .don't 1elieve it will t:1Vt:1r hurt any one, if they; rinse in wattn water - a.nd nu \\'om:tn should ever rinse in cold, afttir waBhing in hot water. 4 J. D. STROWGER. 'l'eas a Speciality. N·w··tlo,All!ruot, Hlh, 1874 Weight and 1'Joleasure Gv.aranteed . Vn every .insta.nce. · A substit ute for Great Seduet1on, in Dry Goods ! 'Lath & Plaster ! Millinery,Clothing, Crockery & Glassware. THE PATENT ALUMIN01'.JS and OR. _. · · I NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAP ER OIL-CLOTH .and OARPETING ---oo- . ·, Ma.chine . a.nd Implement . Manufacturing Co. BOWMANVILLE SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. EASY PRICES F .OR HARD TIMES, are now preparing for Stock-Taking and will make a ' Manufaoturers of BROS. AT AND· BE~OW A Large, Stock Just Received,- Plain and Or· namental; both for Walls and ~'loors. · Tile Paper Oil Cloth and Carpeting is a Cheap and D urable Substitute for Oil Cloth. is satur. l\ Lotba, WOOD AND IRON MACHINER~ _C_ru:m~s .;;::=:::: fi:::: or=·:::: C = h = io =k === en=s=. When is an egg ·not oval ?-When you turn it round. When farmers cannot raise good crops they do the other thing- raise the prices. Why is a grain of sand in the eye like a schoolmaster's cane ? Because it hurts the pupil. Why is the letter 's '· like a lamb? Because it is the beginning of 'sheep.' .F.HillER 1S WIFE. MCCLUNG BROTHERS WORKING THOROUGH Low Prices a.nd · Tho Chemic~ls with which the Paper Having decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for attid, render it proof a_s.a.inst Rata, CASH their la rge and well asswted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, Choosing Hatching Eggs. LEB'JB'EL'8 ·COST! Varnish Polish! Anot h er thing much wanted . cause they go two, two, two. The proverb says : 'Laugh and grow fat.' What a saving of corn it would be if pigs could laugh. Eggs for ha;tChing should b Cchosen of the fl\.ir avernga size usually by the hena they are from ; auy unu.sually large or small being re· je'cted.. Some he~is lay hnmeu[iely la"l'ge eggA, a.nd oth16I'l:I l':!Inall ones, which can only- produce eQJaU weAkly chickens . Absolute size in eggs is, therefore, of but little importance. Round, short eggs are usua.lly the best to !!elect ; very long eggs, cspecialljr if, much -pointed at the small end, almost always breed birds with fome awkwn.i:cb1css.jn st~·le of c1.1:rringe . . Neither The sting of a bee carries conv1ct10n should rough-shelled eggs' be chosen ; they with it. It makes man a b~e-leaver usually show so1ne derangement of the organs, 4t once. and ar~ often Btedle. Stn.,oth -ahe1lt!id eg'b~ Why are three couples going to ·be alone are vroper ~or hatchin:;?;. It if! B fa1·ce to married like one ·penny trumpet? Be· suppose that the size of the bird can be deter: mined by the shape of the eg-g- selocted.-E:c. CL}~ARAGE if it is possible for Double Turbine Water W.heels, and . a n10st eleg ant lustrc,:t1Hl 1..kiet1 ThEI Stock having b een purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can This Polish gives insta.nt1ineuu1:1ly. depend on getting Swee~ing :Bargains to l!:l:ffect ·it. Castin gs of a.ll Itinds. MORE .AND BET'l.'ER GOODS FOI( TH.EIR, MONEY at this Establshment than i11 a11y other ho11se in the country. Nothing ever discovered before to equal this Polish. FOR --:o:-- REP.A.IRS don ~ on the FOR Piano Fo1·te8, a OBSERVE! Until furth er notice~ Winter Goods at McClung Bros,' w_ ill in some cases Call Ea1'ly, and se&ure .Bargains, as lite wlwle Stock must be sold Clocl,s, at once, for CASH ONLY. Picture Frames ·or any ldnd of Buggies, Outten, Sleighs, and all kinds of Varnished Garria,ges SI:IO:ll.TEST NOTICE, 'Ve no'v on hand a, large quantity of Common and Gang Plows, thn.t will he· f!old at be sold Regardless of Profit, and in others Regardless THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Varnished Think of the Children. E,·ery boy residing in .t11e country shoUld be taught how to bud, graft and propagate plante from eecCs and cutting-6, as well as receive a few lesson!! in V{'t60tahle physiolog:~t, nt euougb to enable hin1 to determine the princi· pal nrg:u1s of reproduction, in orcl tlr he may know how the different varieties of corn hecourn mix:ed wheu planted 1w ut logeth er , 1.113 well al:l man:\~ other kincls of culth,atcd plants. fi'i \fe dollar:s worth of books and a course of six lectU\'eil gi·ven in the country schoo1 house, or elsewhere, by some one who knows how to ex~ plo,in snCh things in ~imple , casily-underetood lang"uago, ·would, in nine ca.sos out of t en, make ::i. boy believe ttiat the farm waS, as it is, the be~t pla~t~ iu ilH: wnd d f o1· arnusjttg !il'Lcl instructive study,- R·twai lv-ew Y?t'kC " : 4 OF COST I LOW PRICES 6tf, i s now complete with the choicest supply of Fwrnitwre. AT THE SHOP. Bo"W'lnanville. Marchl873 . TB.JJ: ' Bless you,' said John Henry, with tears in .his eyes, 'she takes her own hair off so easy that perhaps she dosen't know how it hurts to have mine pulled out.' Call and See, ana Seeing you will EELIEVEI CONSID;ER r_I1H:E FOLLOvVING. DOMINION BA'.NK. llOWMAKVILLE . Ch/ristnuts .Goods; Ra'isens, Crttrrants, ga1·s, Peels, etc., et, c., at all P1·ices. SOLE AGENT FOR .THJS .; PLACE. It has been found that in nearly every civilized country the tree that u ears the most fruit for market is the axle-tree. ' I never larfed so much in ·all me life,' said Guy at the club the other night, ' when I sat down on, you know, ~ierinos a nice old chap's hat, yotr know, and everybody Jarfed, you know.' It was s9 funny, you kno":, \Vasn't it? Rats and Cats. An 'Irishman wi1:b a heavy bundle on The best ren iei[y w 0 hav~ tried for r at s is cats. --~ 1'1 . .l" his shoulder, rid ing on the front of a horse car, \ V::tS asked why he. did not I had i·athe1·, kee:p ·a h aJ f.dozell cats thn.u that t · t). set his uundle on the p latform. He number of rnts . Once we thought.we could not endtll'e a, ctit Ol'l thei>remiReS, but wben the rats l. repli ed : ' lJe jabb ers, the horses have '"" ew ·ywh ei·.,, 1 ,1i ,.011g11the 1Jni1<1i11gs, ;,,to th· ·, .\· 1 · (t '\VI' enough to drag me. I'll carry the bungardcn,cbi clrnn and gosling coops. and would I~olJes dle.' f3ce a person ""·ith such - an · insulting look, we , ' Susie/ said ·a te~cher to one of h er caved in , We keep three (one is eight years pupils, 'you sho11 ldn't niake facts. Old) the year thrott'gh ; at times there arc You 'll grow so homely, if you do. more. Whatwecannot~ive ,awaywe Susie gazed thoughtfully in the teacb- free ride when old enough to take care of the1u er1 s face for a m on1ent, and then asked, eelve.r. A cat ehould not he fed any m eat; 'Did you make faces when you was a 9ivc plenty of milk , some potat oes, crumbs of bread, &c. Rats Io1· thtl pa:;t ten years have 1i ttle girl?' ' . bee n few and fai.· between ;· the cats 1:1tand as 'When,' he said violently, 'when are sentinels, a.nd ta.kc th em soon nfter mnking you going to pay me that litt:e bill? th efr a.ppearanee on the !,-Go·r. N_. Y. T-riI've d mrn ed voL 1 till I'm tired and mad. ~'UM. Now I want , a positive answer- when . Two Strings to the Bow. Bowmanvi.Lle, Jan. 11th, l876. will you pay it?' 'When,' was the re' -. ply 'you must take me for a prophet 'Well If odge,' 1:ii11cl a smartly dressed , How can I tell?' 4 Capital, Paid Up, HEAD OFFI CE, OR.ILLIA, . "CODOURG, BOWMANV IL.LE, BRANCH OFFJC'E8 ; $1 ,000,000, TORONTO. OSHAWA, MURDOCH . B'Ros. Bowman ville, Dec. 24th, 1874 A 8 usua', a L rge Stock on hand of 4 Ux»RTDG.a'1 Dress G.oods lvortlr 50cts.; for-35. 'I1his ill tot1'an, ea.ot ing ua.l banking business. to the l?ren;cb . worth 80 cts,for 50. · the advautag_ es In1;.titt1tioa the E1ecurity of a large paid·up capita.I, the l3lankets lvorth $5.50, for 4.00 allowed all deposits of One Dollar and at the rate of per cent-. Shalvls lvo1·th $3.00 for 2.00. annum. , Depositors ca.u withdraw either the whole or P..a.1'l·1·oad '"'1·a1>ne""S "'"() rth $·5.·o · 0 .l ~<)r any part of their at any time, Bank, addition offers of n. Sav:i ng th" ue· public aU with by meanR of a SAVINGS DF.J;',,o\llTMMNT, Ioterest on upwards, " ll'IVE per deposits ,\.-. H11::e:r, Hardware, Paints · and Ofl>J~ Stoves and Tinware. · All oi w hir.h will be sold at low :figures . John McLeod & Co., Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. A11gu·t, 1875. 3 7'"' .L 1'1' 1 4 ap pet·s . f 01' ·$~ o;00 · · Buffalo wort11 $15.00, f'or 12.00. Shaped horse blankets for One. Dollar. J Overcoats cheaper.than T ever you 1ave · seen t ) CJll , ] 1=-a' I roa previous notice. , . Special rates of h1ter.esta1J{)wed up on depo$itl with notice of withdrawal. American Currency and Silver taken on deposit. . Drafts granted payable · in Great Britain, lTnitcd StateR and all pa.rtR of Canada. ~... Dep~1sitB can b· remitted by m~il,addresS ed to the Dominion uank [registere<l], when in all cases a. Pass Book receipt will be sent by r~turn post. J. A . O()DJ), Agtnt, Bowmanville; J&n, 6th, 1874, 15-tf. 4 without A BIG RURH SO, HO! Gentlemen of Fa.shier.. ---NOT SO FAST . I have written the$e few lines ~4.nd nrll I have to say, That you can find m:u till at home . I am nut gone awa.' f ; So all my kind old friends may com e And all the young ones too And ~et their garments nic ~ly rr1a<lt> In fashions thM-t.are new. · '\Vhen' oi d and young (ie:....r fricJHlm1. rneet A. welcome greeting by R. PEA':l'l~ Bowm;i.nvf1le, June 19th 1873. is now ra.ging a.t TBELEVENS All this and Much· More at TH.l!i ~1°CtUNG MERCHANT has no'\\' a. bo·na fide BR. OS.· Circulation- of 1000, ,a nd with the exception of a f.ew, these pasr; ioto thti ba.JHJA of the people of West Durha.m. The public will atonce see the utility of the paper as an ' The boy al the head of the class will state what were the dark ages of the world.' lJoy hesitates. 'Next; Master Biggs, can you teU me what the dark ages \Vere?' ' I guess .they w:ere the ages before spectacles were invented.' 'Go tu your seats !' A Cbicago doctor says that s11perstition often kills people who are other· wise fitted for a long life. That may be so, but what is a fellow to do when his grandmother's ghost pokes him in the ribs at midnight ai1d whispers : ' Refund that money- your hour has arrove !' . A young lady dressed in much false hair, was warbling at the piano, and when her mother ~ummoned her to assist in some household duties, her rosy lips opened poutingly and snapped out, 'Oh, do it yourself!' And then went on singing, 'Kind words can never die.'The .Wrong Man . youag n:an to a .plain cottage~, \Vho was on bis wny home from Church, 'ao you are trudging home, nfter tllking the benefit of the fine balmy breezes in the country this morning.' 'Sir,' said the man. ' I hav.a not br.(-!r:i strolling abrut this sacred tnorniug, \V~sting rny titne in idleness and negli;ct of religion ; but I hav.e been at the house of God, to wo:iship him, ·and. heal- h_is word/ ·· 1 Ah ! I see you are one of those simple· tons that., iu the1Je cuuutry places, are weak enough to believe the Bible l' Believe me, my mun, that book ia a pack of IJOnll0nse, and no ne but weak and ignorant pe·ople now think it true.' 1 Well, ~1r. Stranger, but do you know, weak and ignorunt us we ore, rwe like to two strings f,o ou.r bows!' 'Two strings to yonr bow l What do you n1tan by that 1' Important .Announcement I. ·and he is determined to continue to ·sell at t11ese rninously low priceg · cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do it-' It; Has No Equal First, he buys for cash and knows ju st how to h11y ! in· this constituency, and this fact is being con Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, be manufactures ist~tly demonstrated. Third, be js satisfied ·with small profits ! . lf you have lust anything, advertise in thie Fourth, lie sells for cash ; paper. . Fifth, he sells at botto.m prices. [ f_you h a \l'E:' fo und ru1ything, advertise in the'l' . I f you waut to aell anyt11ing, advertise in this ADVERTISING MEDIUM. LEVI MOB.EIS, GENERAL GOl/TlL10'1.'0R ..A.ND BUILDER. W. ltlcUUBTBf, New Dry . ·Goods Establishment, Having been delayed several lVeeks, in opening out his .. · · -oAND o'tTFtR ATESAA'RE 0 M!ERCHAN'l' . I f you want to reM:h the public, use the paper . If yo11 want to bu y anything.advertise in the CALL AND SEE FOB YOUB8BLV:l:St BRIN~ YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. E xamine Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds · Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, W itl> or without Casing. With or w> thout B and M<>~lds. LOW. ie _ e stock, which comprises eVE\~th\ng in .the trade, of t~e very latest and ino::it eleKan styles and pa.tte~'ns, of E ugluih, Canadrn.n, and _.\.mcncn.n ma.nufact ure. -o- As a weekly newspnpor, the ' Why, sir, I mean that to believe the Bible, and act up to it, is hko two strings to one's bow j for if it is nOt trtle, I shall he tbe better man for li\'ing nccorJing to and so it will be for my good in this Scarcely excelled, Sixteen columns ofr fully selected reading matter appear in each h;ane, cornpri8ing Literatiwe, Agricultural, Fa·· 'ff!ily .Reading, Th-f EilCHA!iT He still continues to manufacture to order, from tha.bes.t of material, and none but first-class · ":orkn1en kept. "' . - o' Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, 01·namentnl Picket~, in every va\~ ety, and Scroll Sawing, of every d~sc1·iption Orders Promptly . Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. Bowmanvllle, 1'b 13, 1874. Gene1·al and Local lire·wsHe has in etuek an endless va.r iety of Ladies~nts',,.a.1.'runks V aliscs etc all of a.11 fresh a.nd rea.c:lable. which he is selling chea.p for casfi'. ' u , " Subscriptions taken any time duriJ?S the . -o- it ; It was a very embarrassing circum- lifo-thot ia one string; and if it shmtld he stance, and it happened at a hotel · in tru-e, it ":ill be better for n1e in tb e.., next life lZipon. A .n1an and his \vife \Ve~e stop~ - that i1:1 another string! a.ud a prutty strong ping there. The man was subiect to one 1t rn. llnt, Sir, if yo~ do not · b~lieve severe attacks of colic, ru1d was taken the Bible, and on t.bat account do not live sick there in the night. H e told his as it requiret1, you have, not one striag tO wife the he must have immediate relie.l yo11r bow. And oh ! if its lrMli?ndous threats or he could not live, thought a mustard prove ·.rnuB, oh, think! what then, sir, wilt be.. draft would relicl'e him. She hastily cwne of YOO. l' roued herself, 'vent down stairs and found the waKhman, who admitted her A young man , having preached for Ii D. to the dining room, and she spread the D., one day, was au~ious to got a word of mustard from a castor on her bandker· , applause for his labor ul love . The grave chief. and hastened up stairs. Finding , doctor, however, did not introdu.ce the sgb. th e door ajar she rushed in, turned ject, and hie young brother was obliged to down tbe !Jed clothes, and slapp~d .th,e bui t the hook for him. 'I hope, sir, I did mustard draft on the unconsc10u, mans . h th len"th of my L H )V0:'eb Ife nstao tly spntng up and ! uv t weury y our peu}J1 c ~r e ~ t~ · 1 - · "· · ~ · s ·rrnou ' to-du. \· ' No i' lr n ot a a 11 i:.or in a str.:1 nge voH :e said: ' l\ly goodness, \. ' J ·· _ , ' , ' · ' wha t ;~T~ you doing ?' Sh~ had bj t h 1 , 1,~ 1 l!th t-:Jt bt r ! . Jbe young gu t i1 v11 tlie wrong 1 nan. " i _etl t:nt. t; , ;; ( ;;:1 i) , has determined to offer, ·during the TERMS 1s OTS., IN ADVANCE. ren~ainder · of th.e Seaso~ h.~s -entire ,~OB JOB :oFRINTING · stock, at such .pr1ees as w1,l l .ensure a have evt'ry facility. \Ve do for · M. TRELEVEN. DONE TO ORDER, on the SHORTEST NOTICE. CLEA-RING SALE. The, stock is all NEW, purchased with care, ·and at remarkably ·Low -Rates. "~.' tihing, t or fun, but our p r.ice8 wi ll b1;1 found -lo_M", as our presses run by steu.m power. w~ not work l l ·-s!tftms ~Bills · · ·. TO ·TI-IE-.- 1nv1t e PUBI--'~[C. pte~e nt ~ we. haYe lat£ly 4 hops on Liberty Street. North ~f · the Eastern Honse, Bowmanville. Bowman-yille. July 9tn, 18'74. 41-tf Hand Bills Progamme~ \VALTER \VIGG & SON, ~ti Olll' Ci.·culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets and everything from the sfae of a Poster l&rge enough to cov~r a barn to a ha.lf-inch strip, printed in good etyle, <\nd at cit pr1cee: . Speciwens of work can be seen at our offie1t>, \York banded out, and the c!\8h t o.k en for it 84tied _thert:!t U, th1:1.ot we m~y theJ.'eby be enabled to eupply nll p a rties who may plcaf!e to I~Nor h1m with a .calL Great inducements held out to thoat- pu.rclrnsiug at our estabhslnnent. ric tl.~rel!!, Look1n,g Gl~&eij, etc. framed to order, and in every atiyle. S ample$ of the difTen rnt kind of o uld1n r:s can be r;cen i-t the ware-room. We would also beg to inform you that having purchn!e<l a. ' ' returning tba:nks ~o ~b1:1ir ni;merotu1 .oustmneris and the public g-tit't(iral!y, I N'\\rould respectfully theu entwn to !':!tock of ftuniture, for pMt favors, · THE SCL/OOL NOVELTY ! THE NOISELESS AND Unbreakable Slat e SPLENDlD NEW HEARSE, Wti AT OUR BOOK ROON! Ask for it How Cheap good Goods can be sold for C .A _R H . Bowmanville, November 19th, 1875. eh&ll be rea.dy at a. ll times to attend funeral s, on short notiee and rea· ~'lna-ble termall N. B. - Coflin1 kept on h.rmd a.nd ~ade to order, at the · . NEW D@llfINl_ ON RETAIL FUIJ,NITURE WARE-ROOM. Oshawa., Aug. ·- - - - - --- - - ----To Masters of :r.. 0. I. &c. , &c., cn.n be prooured at this office,a.t rai;_ ula..r rateti. · · J . Bo'wmanville, J uly 7th, 181'81 · Send fo r i t l C. BARKER n 1an wa C. BARKER. · Manaqer King Street East, 0111l&'1111\i 26~h, 187Q, BL AN K CE R l'IF ICAE S, .il.l'plic·tions .... i ' t

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