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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 Apr 1876, p. 1

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· · ~ - TII"R MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERALIADVERTISER. circulates largely in the 'l'ownships of Darling· ton, Cla.rke and Cai t wright. It is a. com.mon platform, open to the free cliacussion of all questions in which t h e gt:iu e1a.l public are concerned. TERMS. Stea.m Job Printing Office KING Sl'R EET, B owMANVIJ,LE. Seventy-five cents per annum in ad· vance. The 'Merchant' and 1Obser· ver, ' $2.00. RA'L'hS OF ADV ~. RTISING. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER · VOLUME VII. IJno column 45 per annum. POSTERS, P AivJPHLETS , CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, No'l'g t;, HANDBILLS , LABEL S, CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c , &c., Ha.lf do. - · 25 4 < Qua.rter d(.; . .. .. J5 " Tra.nru1,mt wlvertisements,5 cts per line first U- sertion, n.nd 2c. per line, each subf!equent one . · · ~oWMAN V ILLE, ONTARIO , FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1876. ' What's the matter, doctor l' asked hia But Mr. Ridley had none. ' Shall 1\ be Dr. Ainsworth ! He bas large experience in this class ot diseases.' 'I leave 1t entirely with you, Dr. H illhouse, Get the best advice and help the city affords, and for God's sake save 1ny wife.' The doctor went away, and Mr. Rtdley, shaking with nervous tremors, dropped weak and helpless-into a chauj and bend· ing forward until his heac l rested on his knees, sat crouching dowll'j an image of tlUf· feriug and despair. NUMBER XXXI EXECUTED. IN FIRST C LASS STYLE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I Trains will leave Bow·roa.nville Station, Bowma~ville time, as follows : GOING W..lllB'l', GOING EAST. Loca.l* .. ... 7·20, .tJ.:m. I Express . . 1 .8:30 a.m. Express . ... ti 30 o. m : ?lilixed .· .. 4~20 p.m. ~11xed . · .· . .2·20 p.n1. l Local . .. ... 7:50 P .m. Express .. . . 9;00 p. m. \Express ..· · . 9.00 p.m. ~Ionda.ys *This t:raia runa every m«ning of week, excepted. Dr. BOYLE, SURG ERY---SILVER ST. RE>TDENCE ONTARIO STREET. Bowmanvill~, Jan. 20th, 1876. Surgeons, England ; of the :Royal Dollege of Edinburgh CoIoner, etc. Reaidence, <Jorner of Church and Scugog Streets, Bowmanvillt1. ..... Dr. Jas. Fielding, .... EMBER OF 'fHE ROYAL COLLEGE M of L icentiate == Physicians, = Dec. 3rd, 1875. 10-tf. I. W. McLAUGHLIN, M. B. L.R.O.P., L.R.o.s., Edinborough. '1\.1ECllBER of t be l\1edical Council of Ontario. .ll Office opposite the matkE:tt, and third door north of 'f.aat's Pbotogra~bic Gu.llery. Ile1:1idence, Ontar1(l Street. :Night messages may be left either a.t £iffice or residence . Howmnnv11le, Feb 18th, 1876. 3-m. Dr. DAVIDSON. RADUATE Ol' 1'HE ROYAL cor.lege of Physicians, England. and \.Tk-toria G U vertsity of V1ctm1a. College,l T nder Gro,duatc n1 and Prizemnu of the University of Toronto,and Roya.l Colle~c of Pbysiurnnf:I and Surgeon<! Kingston ; I\'Iember of tho College of Phys1ciaris and Surgeons of 'Jntar10 i Coroner, &c . RcBidence n.n<l uillce- J\-farkct Square, :How- manvllle. BowmanviUe, Feb. 2'1tb, 1876 . Medical Card. - - - -- 22-lly. J. Bingham,M.D.L.R.C.P.S.K. l\ ,{ EMBER OF COT.LEGE OF PRYSlCI- j_U ANS ~D SURGEOKS, Ontario. Office and Residence, in Dr. ll1lher'B ul<l Stand, l4.:nniskillen. 18 3m. Jnn. 27th, 1876. 1t R LOSOOMBE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, 130LICITOR IN CHANCERY, tf:c OFFICE,- Ov er Th-1c01ung's Store, flat as J. . .Brimn.oomb's Dental Rooms. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. Temperance and Wellington Streets, Bowmanuil/e. Bowmo.nv1lle, Oct. 27th, 1868. ty D. E. McMillan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLICJ1 OR TN OH.ANOERY, CO!v VEY ANOEJl, &e. NEWCASTLE. ONT. N ewcastle, Oct . 8th, 1870., G RA.DUATE of Baxter Unive1~itY of l\fusic Friendship, New York. T eacher of 1' 1ano and Organ, cultivation Voice, Singin~, '!borough l3as!l, Ha1mony Prof. J. Ruse, Co1nposition, &c. Darlington, July 16th, 1874. 41-ly · FOLEY, B. hasD. tttken out a license as AUCTIONEER for this 'rownship. Sales will receive the best attention. ly. Bowmanvillc, Feb. 24th, 1876. AU CT I 0 N E.E RS F'or the Township of Da;rlington: H. T. PHILLIPS, able terms. HA111P'l'ON. Pron1ptn.ttention given to sales, &c, on reaaon· Wm.. Barton, ENNISKILLEN. Salef!; µromptly attended to on reasonable terms. W. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., porl be hM received tho past two years, and hopes. by continued stllct personal attention to business, and working at the lhor;t; reB1K>nable pricei;,to ell8ure a. continuance:: of lJUblic pationagc. "\V. B is to build houses, etc., <>ll tlie most modern style of architecture. Jobbing promptly attended to." PlaJ1s alld specificatJona got up on application, on the rnost nm· eonable terms, and of every description. Office and Shop, Ontario Str et·t, nearly opposite l\ir, Be"s to return thanks to hi B friends for the sup T. Bowden's. J:.owmn.nvflle Dec. 24th, 1874. 13-ly. DENTISTRY FROM _::: J Brimaoombe, L.R.C.D.S. 11-tl. FEES MODERATE. Tt 0 b'e ,S0ld Wl "thOUt ReSe!Ve, at 1eSS OFP'lOE over :McOLUNG'S Store' than Wholesale Prices. MARRIAGE LICENSES, M duly authm med to uaue Mnrnage L1conseR. Darlington, Nov. 19, 1874 R. JOHJ\ H. EYNO:'<, L ot 7, 6th Oon Darlin~ton, fnear B~thesda C'hnrch] is n:i8-tf. ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool London, and Glasgow apply to W. A. NEA.DS, Fon. T1eketa , or information, Bov.manville, .Tune Uth, 1871. Agent. tf-30 J. CHAPLIN, fJ EALll:R TN Fruit amd 01 na:mental Trees, Seeds, Bulba, lt lCMcrs, &:c. , &c . i:. Mr. C. gua.rllnteea to furnish nothing but '.First-claal:l t rece, and true to name. . _\.ddresg, ].>, O. Eo:x: 55. Bowma.nvilli;i;tl -J..-.. ~;~a, 1875, bp·l~·ml7·.,., from his pedestal of digmfied sell-respect, said ; and if you wonld be sa l~, eet l.Htrs and ·nd aloud the common herd ot vul- bolts to the door of appetite, and suffer not manner. gar young men to whom, in her eyes, he your enemy to cross the threshold of life.' Idyl of Spring. had always been superior. 'A feeling hero that I don't juet like,' he Mrs. Whitford spoke llith regainrng O'ertheea.r-th the Springti1ne, a1niliug, But greater than her humiliation were calmness, but in tones of solemn admoni .. replied, touching bis temple with his finScattering lea,·es and flowers along, the fears of Mrs. Whitford, A thoughtful tion. ger . Sweeps her ha.rp of vibrant bra.nthe1:1, and obser\'ant woman, she had reason for ' Not going to have a headache 11 A long silenyc followed, broken at length And the earth breakn forth in song ; magnifying the dangers that lay in the path by the young man, ·who said, in a chokincr 'I trust not. It would be a very 1,ad 0 13lue the wild flower clothes the hillside, thing for me to. day.' ol her son. The curse of more than one depressed vorne, that betrayed a c1mver of Green the il-y's traihog vin e member of both her own and husband's impatience : He slowly lifted his cup of coffee and sip'· Drapes the rocka in g1aceful feetoons, - IMPROVED AND REMODELLEDfamily had been intemperance. While still Sunshine gilds the sombre pine . ped a part of 1t. ' I'm aorry for all thia. That your feara a young man her father had lost his self- are groundless t know, but you are none ' Lotc suppers and late hour· may do for In the 1cy steps of 'Vinter, control, ancl her memory of him wae a. ehad .. the less tormented by them. What am I younger people,' said Mrs. H11lbouae. ' I Ferns and flowers are gay ::ind green i feel wretched this morning, and am not ow of pain and sorrow. He died at an to do 1 To spare you pain, I "ou ld sacriO'er the strearri, freed from its bondage, GRAP . IX. Budiling willows ~'ave and 1ea.u ; early age, the victim of no insatiable and fice ahnost anything, but this hun1iliation is surprised that your nerves are out of order, 'Elli3, my son,' Now the blackbird aud the swallow, -a constu'uing des1re for drink. Her husband's more than I au1 stro11g enough to enco un .. nor th·t you shoulu be threatened "ith Cl There was a little break and tremor in Glad-voic~d darlings of the Spring, fothor had been called a 'free liver '-that ter. If, as you say, there has been intern .. headache.' I the voice. The young mau addres,ed was Fill the air with pleasa11 t twitter, :z: The doctor did not rep! y. He sipped bis is, a man who gave free indulgence to his perance in our family, it is not a secret 'l'heir sweet mother welcoxning . cC passing the door of his mother's room, an,d appetites, eating and drinking to excess, lockeU up in your bosom. Society kno ws coffee agam, but "ithout apparent roliah, pa.used on hearing his name. :z: and instead of enti11g, sat in an unusually and being at all times m ~ro or less under all about the;, nncostry of It1' ,m em bers, who cC 'What Is it jL he asked, stepping imide :111: Our Daily Bread: and what the fathers and grandfath ers were, the 1nflueuce uf wine or spirits. quiet manner and. with a very sober aspect -I and looking curiously into lns mother's of countenance . It was the hereditary taiJit that Mrs . and we have .not e~c a ped , i11vest ignt1ou. ~ face, where he saw a more than usually .seri· A Leggcir boy lrlood at a rieh rncut11:1 duol"I don't want a mouthful of breakfast,' Whitford dreaded. Here lay the ground of· Don't touch wine, you say. "' v ery we ll. I 1'Iam hom:1eless:1 and friendless, and fa1nt 1 and ous expresl:lion her deepest lluxiety. She hacl heard and go to Mrs. Birtwell'· to mght. Young and said Mrs. Hillhouse, pushiug away her plate. poor," 'Sit down, Ellis ; I want to say .a word -i:: thought enough on this subject. to know old, men and women, all are partake ra, but 'Nor I/ replied the doctor; 'btlt I can't Said the beggar boy, ns a tear-drop rolled ??Ji» :z: to you before going to Mrs. Bn\woll's.' that parents transmit to their children an I stand aloof- - I, of all the guests, refu se the Dom1 his thin cheek, blanched 'vith want nnd begin to day on an empty stomach.' The lady Lad just completed her toilette, cold. mclrnation to do the things they have done hospitality I have pretended to accept. Can And he tried to force himself to take food, and was elegantly dressed for an evening " Oh, give me a crust from your LoarJ to d~y, but made httle progress in the effort. from hnb1t-strong or weak, according to I do tliis without attracting atten tion or party. She was a handsome, stately-lookTo help the beggar boy on hia way !" Cl) 1 It'a drea<ltul about Archie Voss' said the power of the habit mdulged. II 1J;e occasioning remark 1 No ; and w lta.t will 0 :z: ing ·woman, with dark hair, through which Not a. crust nor a crumb/' the rich man said, Mrs. Hillhouse. ' habit be an evil one, then the children are be said l Simply this-that I k no1v my -I u Be off a;rid work fcir your daily ')read " ran many veins of silver, large, thoughtful in more than common dauger, and need the clanger and am afraid ; that there iB in 1ny ' Oh, he'll come up all right,' returned her ~ eyes, and a mouth of peculiar sweetness. :z: 'l'he rich man went to the parish church, wisest care ':\Ud protection. She knew, also, blood the hereditary taiut of Urun kenncss, husband, with · aome impatience in bis !'" r rhe young mnn took a chair, and his Hie face graw grave ail he reache<l the porch ; i:.i from reading and observation, that an evil and that I dare not touch a glass of wine. f, t voice, And the thronging poor, the untaught mass, motlier seated herself m front of hm1. habit ol mind or body which did not sho w Mother, I f\w not strong enough to brave ' I hope so. Butif he were n1y sonJ I'J This Company has recently been re-organized by ihe addition of three of Drew back to let the rich man pass, , 'l~llis.' itself in tb e second generation would often society on such an issue, and a false' one at rather !;l!j~ hiu1 iu his grave than aa I saw the m?st P!actical men ~rom the ]:actory Cl~ugh & Warren Organ Co., The sen·ice began - the choral hymn The tremor still remained in her voice. To feur and fly does not belong to be reproduced m the third; and aseert a thal Detroit, Mwh., each takmg an :1ct1ve part m his own particular depart- Arose and sweJlt:<l tkrough the long aif1le's dim; him last night.' 'Well, what is it 1' J;}ten the rich man knelt, and the words he 11aid If th ere power that it required the utmost strength my nature. A cowa1d I despise. 'It's very easy to talk in that way; but ment, and are now manufactunng an Organ equal, and in many points Were, 'The young man assumed a careless aii, 11 G!VK u s this dn.y our daily bre11id." ot will and the greatest watchfulne'8 to iB d11nger in my "'·av and it 1s right fur me if Archie were your son, you'd not he very su1,erior,to any .m:mufactured in the United States o~ Canada. Our celebut was not at ease. to go forward in that wav, I will walk subdue. long in choosing between death and a glass brated " Vox Celeste," "Vox Humana," " ·wi!Cox Patent Oct:wo Coupler" 'There ia a good. oltl atlage, my son, the And so, when her son, replying to her steadily on, and fight 1f I J~uet. I arri not or t"o df wine more than he lad strength LITERATURE. "Cello." or "Clarionet" Stops, "Flugle Horn," "Dulcet" "JEoline"' remembrance of \\'h1ch has saved many a 11ch to carry.' earnest warning, said, 1 I arn in no danger. a craven, but fl nlnn. I f the taint of\\ L ' " Cremona," an d'"' "rand Organ Step, and ' one in the hour of danger : Foreuiarned, 1 'If he were my son, replied the doctor's forearmed.' Set your heart at rest.,' she knc'v better- you speak is in my blood, I will extrn gu1sh DANGER; OR WOUNDED IN THE kn e w that a dendly serpent was in the path 1\, If I am m dangeF, I will not save myw1 fe, ' I would do all iu my power to keep HOUSE OF A FRIEND. 'Oh, then you think we are going into he was treaomg. And she anawered him self by flight, but by conqui;iit. The taint him away from entertainments where liquor danger to mght 1' he answered, Ill a light abalJ not go do wn to another l·enerntion · with increasing earnestness: BY T. S. ARTHUR . is served in Buell profusion. The dongeris . " Can be obtained only in these Organs. tone. 1t shall be removed in tbi.:;.' too great.' ' T he d·nger may be for greater thau ' I am sorry to suy that 'ive are going CHAPTER VHI. He spoke with a tine enthusia' m kind ling 'He would have to take his chance mth where some will Ji nd themselves iu great yau imagine, Elhs. It is greater thun you over his handsome :face, and his rn other's Style~, (Conlli ntied ) th e rest,' replied the doctor. 'All that we ~eril,' replied the mother, her manner grow .. imagine.' While they were still talkrng the bell could possibly do would be to teach him Her voice changed a· 11he uttered the heart beat with a pride that !or the mo· ing inure s~rious; 'and it u1 because of tlus raug violently, allli in a few moments Mr. moderation and self.denial i last santence into 11 tone that was ~lmost ra~ut wm; stronger than tear, 'If ti . l Ill -' . . that I wish to oay a word or two now.' 1 Ridley came dashing into the office. His Aak of me anythin g exce pt to g1ve ri p solemn. · 1ere lS l e woueratioli and self Je- · , y · l h ery we 1l1 mother · say on' fa.ce wore a look of the Ueepe1:1t d11:tt1eas . . nia a1nong t e full -gro,vn men and women ' · · · 'You arc talkmg wildly,' returned the Uly sell-respect und my manhn es~, ' h e add .. 1 Oh, doctor,' he ex;(·laimed, 'can't you do who ar0 n1~t on these occasions what can h I l e moved u~casily in his chair, and young ruan, 'and pay but a poor compli- ed ' Say th at you wish me to 1·emain at s owed s1gus of lmpat1ence. something for my wife 1 She'll die 1f you be expected from lads and you~g men 1' ment to your son's charactf.r and strength o( home, nnd I '\\ill not go to tbe party. ' The doctor ·hrugged his shoulders but 'You must. t~ke it kmdly, Ellie, . and re- will. In danger of becoming a sot !-for don't. Ob, do ~o to he1· uga1n !' 'No, I do uot ask th at. I wlBh you to 1 made no r eply, me1nber that 1t is your mother who is speak· 'Has any change taken pince since 'vc that fa wh1J.t you ineau. It y\)u \\ere not go. But-' ' \Ve cannot shut our eyes to the fact,' con· ing, your best and truest fneud in all the left 1' asked Dr. Hillhouse, with a profes'If I go, I must do as the rest, o.nd you my mother, I should be angry beyond sdltinned his witc, 'that this free d1spensing world. sional calmness it reqnired som~ eJlort to mnst have faith in n ltJ , ],ore warned. fore· control.' of wine to old e.nd young is an evil of great 'Good Heavens, mother' " l\hnt are you assume.' ' Ellie,' said Mrs. Wh1lford, laying h1·r armed . I will heed you1· admon1t1on, 1 a vast. driving at 1 One would think we wero going ' She is in great d1streae, moaning and magnitude, and that it is doinO' hand upon the arn1 of her son,and spealt1ng 0 So the inter vie w ended, untl mother and amount ot harm.' into a hu\\-ling wjlder11 em :i 1 arnong su.vages sobbing and cryrng out as if Ill dreadful with slow io1µ1 ~ s s1veness 1 'I am older than son went to the grand entertainment f qents Wanted in Evet"IJ CtYUnty. Send fOT Price List" The doctor still kept silent. He was not and wi1d beasts, instead of into a company pnin, and she doscn't lcnow anything ) ou you are hy nearly thirty years, have i;een at Ml. B1rtwell's. Ellw did mean to 1n a mood for discussing this or any other u[ the most cultured and refined people in a Address DOMINION ORGAN CO., BOWMANVILLE ONi. say to her.' more of hfe than you have, and know some heed hiij mother's admon1t1on. \\' hat she , social question His mind was going in fJh1ist1an city.' I have your had srud about the dange r m wh ich be stoocl lhing· " lhat you do not know. Also General .Agent8 for Canada, for the BRADBURY PIANO. T he two physicians looked at each other another d1rechon, and t 18 though~s "'·ere 'There is danger everywhere, my son,' welfare at heart more deeply than any othwith sober faces. h..i.d made a deeper 1mpress1on on hi m than troubhr.g- him. Dr. Hillhouse v,ras a sur- the mother 1ephet1~ \I.1th increai:uug sobriety · You'd better see her agaio,' said Dr . er berng except God, I know you better in Mro. Whitford tl1ought. Rice & Barker, .Agents for the. Counties of Durham, Victoria, and North But he did nut geou of g1eat experience, and Ji:nown of manner, 'and the h1ghest mv1hzation of Hillhouse, speaking to bis assIStant, some things you know y ourself. Love proposo to heed by abstinence, but by and South Ontario. 13owma.n... ille,Dec, 21st, 1875. 'No, no, no, Di. H11lhouise! You must throughout the country for his successful the day has its penls as well ao the lo,, est makes me clear-seeing. And this is why I moderation . He would be on guard and see her yourself. It 1s a case of h le and operations in son1 e of the most difficult and conditiona of society. The enemy hides in aw iu euch earnest with you to-night. Elhs, a1 wo.y t:t r eady .fo1 t he hidden fue, l [ .:i nch u. death!' cried out the distracted husband. dangerous cases with which the profession ambush everywhere-in the gay draw1ng- I want a promise from you. I aak it in the 1oe really existed anJ wl'i.ere but in Jns ' The responsibility i1:1 you1t;, and I QlUSt hns to deal, On this pa.rticular day, at as "'ell as in the 1neanest hove].' name of all that is dearest to you- in my mother's lane) . She paused , and mother and son looked name-in the name of Blanche-in the and will hold you to that responsibility. I twelve o'clock, he bad to perform an oper' Ah, Mrs. Wfi1tford ! Gl"I to sec you placed my wife in your charge, not in that of ation ot the most delictlte nature, involving into each other's faces in silence for several name ot God l' tJ11s eve11ing ;' and the Hev. Mr. Brantley the de·th or life of a P·lient. moments. Then the former said: this or a..ny other n11w.' All the color had gone out of l\f;s , Wbit- Elliott gave th e Judy a gvaceful and cordial He might well feel troubled, tor he knew, 'I mu;t speak plainly, Ellie. You are Mr . Ridley was beside himoelf wilh fear. ford's face, and she stood trembling before bow. ' Had th e pleasure of meetmg yo ur t ao guarded as you should he on these her son. At first Dr. Hillhouse felt like resentrni;c from signs too well understood, that when no_ son a few mome nta ago-a splend1d young twelve o'clock came, aud his patient lay occas1ons. You take wine too Jreely.' this asaault, but he controlled h11nsell. 'You higL.teu n1e, mother,' exclaimed the man, if you wi ll pardon ine for saying so. h elpl ess and ·1nconRcione before him, his 'Oh, mother !' His vo1ee .)-Vas half sur1 You forget yourself, Mr. Ridley,' he anyouug man. 'What do you mean ·hy all How much a J car h as itnproved h nn !' swered in a repreasd voice. 'We do not hand "ould not be eteady uor his brain prised, half aogry. A red flush mounted th1a ! Has any one been filling your mmd Mrs, W h1tfo tu buweu her grntelul nc· help things by passion or 1nternperance of clear. H ealtLy food would not reotore the to cheeks and forehead, ltisrng, he walked with lies about me f knowledgemen t. language. I saw your w1te leas than half natural vigor which stimulation bad \\eak- the room in nn agitated n1anncr, and then ' No ; none would dare speak to n1e of you 1 Just been ad m1tted to the ba.r, I learn ' The color had g-one in anything but vraise. But I want you to an hour ago, and after giving the utmost ened, tor he had no appetite for food. His curne tnH.l sat down, said Mr. Ell10Lt. ' stomach turned away !row it with loathing, out of his !uoe : care to the examination of her case, made promise to-night, Elhs, I must have that, ' Y cs, sir, lie ha.a taken his start in life. ' 'How could you say eo, mother 1 You do anu then my heart Wiil be at ease. It will By this time the throb in his temple bad the best preacripLiuu Ul my power. There '.And will make hia mark, or I a rn n11s.. has not been time for the medicine~ to act become a stroke of pain. \VL1le sttll sitting me wrong. Jt is a 1nistake.' be a little thing for you, but for rne,rest and taken. You hve reason to feel proud of at the breaktast·table Dr. Angier returned The lady shook her head : yet. I know how troubled you must !eeb peace and confidence in the place of terrible him, n1n 'am.' 'No, my son, it is true. A mother's eyes anxieties.' and can pa.ulon your nut very courteous from his visit to Airs. Ridley. Dr. Hill· "rha.t she has,' spoke out Dr. Hillhouse, You took W!lH:! too bearing ; but there nre some things that Louse saw by the expression of his face that rarely deceive her. ' Promise ' What 1 Some wild fancies who ca1ne up at the momen t, 1 Vi-' ~ h en so he did not bring a good report. freely both at Mrs. Judson's and Mrs. cannot lle done. .There are good reasons have taken hold of you' mally of our young nl en a1e content to be Ingersoll 'a, anLl acted so httle hke my gen~ · How is she be aeked. 1 why ii will not be right tor me to return to No w1ltl fa.ncies, but a fear grounded in idle Urones- tu let then f.tU1ers achi eve emi'In a very bad way,' repliecl Dr. Angter. tlemanly, dignified son,' that my cheeks your:house now-reasons nffecting the safety 1 things of which I would not speak. J;lhs, nence or move the \Vr rld by the fo1ce of 'New symptoms I' burned and my heart ached with mort1licait may be the life, of another. while my not I want you to give up the use of wine.' thought and "'ill- it 1:i gra.t1 fying to see one ' Yes.' lion. 1 saw in other eyes that look ed ·t going back with you can make no differThe young man did not answer im- of their number tak1ug place 1n the ' What J' . you both pity and condemnation. Ah, my ence to Mrs. Ridley. Dr. Angier 10 fully mediately. All the nervous restlessness he ranks and setting his face toward conquest. ' Intense pain, rigors, huITied respiration son ! there \vo.s more of bitteruess in that had exhibited died on\ in a moment, and he competent to report on her condition, and \\Then the sons ot t\\ o thuds of our 11ch for a mother's heart than you will ever comALSO can decide on any change of treatment that and pulse up to a hundred and twenty. It stood very still, the ruddy marks ol excite- men are forgottP.n, or rern e111ber~d only as prehend.' may be required as certainly as 11 I eaw her looks like a case of puerperul peritonitis.' ment go111g out of his face. His eyes were idlera or nobodies, or woree, your sou will Her voi~e broke into a sub. · myself. Should be find any change for the Dr. Hillhouse ·tarted from the table ; ' My dear, dear mother,' returnee! the turned froru his mother and cast upon the stand a.n1ong the men who leave their mark "'·orse, I will cons:der it iny duty to see her the trouble on his face grew deeperupJn the generations.' young man, exhibiting much dIBtress, 'you floor. without delay.' ' You had better see her with as little de' If he escapes the dangelS that lie too 'And so it has come to tlns,'he aaid,huskand others exaggerated what you 1;1aw. I ' Don't neglect her, for God 1s sake doctor!' Jay flR poasi ble, 1 said Dr. Angier. ' }Iy thickly in the ·wuy of all yqung men ,' rc might been a trifle gay, nnd who is not 1ly, und in a tone of humiliation. answered llfr. Ridley in a vleauiug voice. 'Did you make any new preacription 1' after a glass or two of cban1pagne 1 I was mother thinks me in danger of becoming · turnec\. Mrs. Vl hitforJ, speakn1g almost in .. I:lis manner hOA1 grown E!ubdued. 'Forgive 'No.' no gayer than the re3t. '\V Leu young peo- drunkard-thinks me so weak that I cannot volnntariJy ot whnt l\as in ber hea1 t, and in my seeming discourtcsJ. I an1 \\'ell-nigh Dr. Hillhouse shut his lips tightly and a voice that bctiµycd more concern t han she ple get together, and oue spurs another on, be trusted to take even a glass ol wme! distracted. If I lose her, I lose my ,hold knit his brow·. He stood irresolute for 'J:llis !' Mrs. Whitford again laid her had meant to express. ' they are apt to grow a httle vlild. But tu on everything. Oh, doctor, ) ou cannot several nloments. The doctor gave a little shrng, but re· call hil'{h spirits, even noisy high spirits, hand upon tLe arm of her· son. 'Ellis,' her .know hJw much is at stake. Goel help me 'A-lost unfortunate !'he ejaculated. 'l1hen, . intox1catlou, is unjust. You n1ust not be voice bad fallen to a cleep whisper, 'it I plied : if ti he dies ! ' going into his office, he rang the bell and 1 His earnest ·purpose 1n hie will be his '!'here are ancestors too hard on me, n1other, nor let you r ca re must speak, I must. ' My dear sir, nothing in onr po" er sLull ordered his carnage to be brought round for your son lead you into ueedl<'sa appre- who leave fatal legacies to the ge11er.it1uns protection, J\-1rs. t\rhitford . ¥,Tork, nm bi .. be neglected. Dr. Angler will go back with immediately. hensions. I am 1n no dange1 here. Set that co tue aJter thern, and you are one ac· t1on, dc\·ot1on to a sci ence or pru lc~s1un you ; and if on liIB return I am satished that Dr. Angier had made no exaggerated re· cursed by such a lcgney. There is n taint have in then1 an wg1s of safe ty. The weu,k your heart at rest on that score.' there is a chango tor the worst, I \vill see port of ~{r s. RidleJ"s condition . Dr. Hill .. in your blood, a tu.tent tire that a spark may and the id1 e urc 1nost in d ang~ r.' BuL tl1is waH hnpossible. M1 8, Wb1tfnrd your wife without a moment's a~Jay . And in house found that serious complications was 'It 1s wrong, I hai.c l:! OlllelimPs tli ()ught,' kindle Into a consuming flame.' there was llan ger, and that of the knew the meuntime if sou wish to call in another rapidly taking place, and that all the aymsaid Mrs. Wh1ttord, apeakrng both t o tnc She panted as she spoke with hurried nt· Two Jears before, her phys1ciau, I shall be glad to have you do so pton1s 1nd1catcd infian1mation of the periton· gra vest character. pbysir.ian and the cl ~1 g y waD, 'tor socrnty teran cc. Fix the tin1e tor consultation at any hour eum. 'l ' he patwnt \\"as 1n great, pain, son had come hon1e frmn 1 ~ol1 e ge , ,vbcre h_?to set so mA.ny te mptati ons before I!S young '1Iy father l' cxclnirlled the soung man, before half-past ten o'clock, and I will meet though with leas cerebral clistnrbance than had graduated with oil the honors her heart men- the seed, as some one bas Jorc1Uly with an indignant flash in hi~ eyes. him . After that J shall be eng"ged pro- "hen he had seen her last. There was dan- could desire, a pure, high ton ed young mani 'Nu, no, rio ! I don 1t mean that. But said, ot the nat1011'e futu re harvest,' feBaionally for two or three houri:!, ger, and he ku ewit. The disease had taken poflsess1n12, talents of no common order. 'Society doesn't ca re much Jor unythi ng there is a curse that descends to the third and lJr. Angier returned , with Mr. Ridley, on a form that usually baffies the skill ot His father wished hi u1 to study law, a nd as but its own grat1ficat10u,' replied Dr. Hi llfourth generation,' 1eplied I\lrs. \Vhitford, and l>r. Hillhouee went to his chamber to our most e1n1nent physicians, and Dr. Hill· hi~ own jucllnationA led in that duectlon, ' and ) ou ha ve the legacy of that curee. 1.iuua(', ' and say s as IJlainly as actions co.n make re·dy for breakfast. Hrn hands were house saw little chance of anything but a he went mto the qffice of one of the best do it, ' After me the delu ge.' ' so unsteady as he made his to1lette for the fatal termma\1on. He could d.o nothing but practitioners in the city, and studied for his But it '"ll be harmle" uuless with your 1 Rather hard on soc1~t..y, ' re r:na1 kcd J. \ lr. own h and you dracr it do wn and this ia "bv day that, in the face of "hat he had said to to palliate. as J·.u: as poss1Lle the patient's in- profeseion with th e same thorough ness that El11ott. I ask you absta7n from 'wine. Othe;s his assistant only a ht tie while before, ho tense sufforing, nnd endeavor toJcheck farth- had d1otrn5uished him while iu college. He ' Now take, for instan ce>, its Ur inking cnan1a.y be ~afe , but for Jou there is peril.' hau juat been ad mitted to the bar. poured h1wself a glass of "inc a·1(l drank 1t er comphcnt1ons. But he ouw little to give toms, Jt s toleruL1o n and p a rt1c1 pah on in the :J 'A scarecrow, a 1ncre fancy, a figu1ent ol For the first year after lus return hou1e, oft', remarking aloud as be did so, 11.s if encourngr.ment. freest public and prn·atc d1ope n ~atl on ot in~ Mr. ltidley, with pale, a ~ioua face, 'Uld Mis. Whitford saw nothing m her son to aotue fanatic's brain ;' and Etha \VhitJord re- toxicat1ug liquors to all classes, 'venk: or apologizing for the net to some one iuvis1Uly Ilia cultivated ta.stee Jected the ii.l ea in a voice full of contempt. eyes in which were pictured the unuttt>rable aw;'.\keu une.asinl\sa. present : l s th e1e not clangl~r But the pallor aud solemnity of his moth- strong, young or old. ctual th1u g:5 held him anguisli of hls soul, watched D r. ll1llbonse and love of u1tel1 B 'I can't let this go on any longer.' in thisgreat dan ge r l I thi nk I un d er er's face warned hin1 that such a. treatn1ent, The breakfast-bell ran", and the doctor as he sat by his wif's bedsitle with an eager above th e e11ervat111g 1uiluences of the so· atd.nd ym~, Mrs. \.Vh1tfo1<l.' of her fears could nut allu.) them. l\.iore'Yes, doctor, you uudt .ratand 1ne ;' an d sat down to get the bette; ne;\·e-s11sta1ner ~f interest and suEpene:e that \Vas painful to cu:tl life into which he was becoming 1nore her voice t0 a lower ton e, ~h~. has decided to go out of the Dry Goods business, and will eoromence a good meal. But even us be reached his see. Ik followecl lnm when he left the aud inore drawn. Her first teehng of un- ovef, the hint ot ancestral disgrace had dropping 'Vh1tiotd added : 'There ar e v.· tv( s un <l shocked hrn hun1ly pdUe. easiness came ~hen, at a large party given room, dllcl lus hand closed on brn arm with on the hand for the fragra nt coffee that his wife 'A oad and painlul truth,' l\lrs. Whitford motht:rs and sisters not u iew he re to·niJht by one of her mo~t intimate fnends, eho had poured for him, he Jell a single dull a spasm as the door shut hehinJ him. whose Lea rti:!I, though th t:y ruay Wl'U.l s1u1len rctnrn ed, 'and one that it will be folly Jor on their J ,~ces, are 111 at ease, uud 1."0IDe of heard brn voice ring out i:;utldenly in th1;1 I How is she, doctor r he asked, in a throb in one of hie temples, and knew too You do not .stand. in th~ them vnll go hom e horu t hese iestiv1t1f'S eupper-rootn. Iioolong clo\\n the talile, ebe you to ignore. well its meamng. He did not hit the coffee hoarse, panting whisper. a in e freedom in wh1ch many others stand, sadder th u. u when they ca. me., ' S he is very sick, Mr. H1dlcy ,' replied saw him witb a glass of cha mpagne ia h1s R to" bis mouth, but sat with o. grave face aud ~ Rlght about that,' sEnd th e doctor to But you can no Dr. H1llhouse. It would be wrong to de- h aud 1 which he waa fl ounsh1ng about in 1.'ha.t is your n1isfortune. himself as he turn t: d aw ay1 a h tcnd of l\il1a, The Sp11ng Importations only having been completed a few weeks, the an unusually qmct wanner. He had m·de tuo1e <lieregard the fact than can one born rather au excited way. The1e 'vas a gay you. 1 Whitford"· having come up at the mo1mnt S tcic 1s very large and well assorted. As it must be sol<l within a a serious mistake, and he kncv.· it. That ce1ve 'rhe pale, haggard focn ol Mr. R idley group of young girls around him, who with a h e red it~ry taint of consulnpt1on in and inte rru ~ted the conversation- ' 11ght glass of wine had stimulated the relaxed given time, laughed me111ly at the sport he made. Mrs. Ins blood, dl8regard the loss of health and ah out that ; and you, I greatly ieai:, ) Ii ill be nerve;; of his stomach too suddenly, Rnrl sent grew v.·h1ter. Wh1\ford's pleasure was gone for that even- hope to escape the fatal consequences. There one of the number.' ' Oh doctor,' he gnsped, 'can nothing be a .shock to the exhausted brarn. A 'light 'Our tr1cnd i en't JUSt herself to-1ngbt, 1 ing. A ehadow came dow n on the bright is fo r every one ot us ' a sin that doth remarked 11r. E lliott as he and Dr. HlllTERMS OF SALE :-Under $50, Cash; ove1' $50, Four montlis feeling of nausea w<le perceived, and then done 1' ' I thmk we had better call in another future of h er sen-a future to which L~1 eMily heset,' a hereditary inclination that house 1naved acrosR the rooru. ' A l 1tt!1· Credit on approvad notes. came another throb stronger thau the first, 1 phys1c1an, rcplieJ the doc.tor. ' In the heart bad turned with such proud an tieipa. must be guarcled .nd denied,or it will grow dyspeptic nraybP, aud so 111chned to look and "1th a faint suggest10n of pain. This The Ta.iloring In Order· Ii Work, will be continued as usual, duriDg the Sale She b a"' h-t tle She was oppressed by a sense of and strengthen u11til it becon1ea a giant to on the da~k side of things, was followed by a sense of physicial depres- multitude of counsellors the;e i« wisdom, lions. F. F. McARTHUR t::O~'.I'I:N UliD QN FOlJR'IB F ..\GE. enslave us. Where your danger lies,l have humiliation . Her son had steppell down Have you any <hoice 1' . sion and discomfort. POETRY. wife wbu i'aw so1uething unusual iu his l ~ DOMINION Ol'tG.A.N CO'S -CABINET ORGANS. .... ..... ..., = ..., = = =e .... = .... !: .... ..,, = = = = ~ ..... = ..,, = .... = ot All the Late Improvements . 1 ,I T'venty-Five Different for- the .P arlor and the Church, the Best Material and "\Vorkmanship. Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. PRlOES $50 TO $1,ooo. 1 GO TO Lyle & Martyn's For a good assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISI01\fS, CROCKERY, &c. · r S· ALT ' . 4 ' All kinds of Field and Garden SEEDS, of the very best quality. · LYLE & MARTYN. · RETIRING THE $20 000 WORTH OF GOODS 8QNTEST ! to F. F. McARTHUR lllay, 1875, of 20th A G-ra.nd Clea.ring Sa.le of his :Entire Stock. A. Trom.endous Bed.uotion will be Bowmanville May, 1875. · .f · '

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