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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 28 Apr 1876, p. 4

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· 18~6, · .. / ..... POETRY. CONSOLATION. We may not climb the heavenly steeps To bring the Lord Christ down i In we .search tbe lowest deeps, .fi'(lr ·Him no depths can crown, But warm, sweet, tender, even yet A present help is He ; And faith lu:IBstillits Glivet, And love its Galilee. Tho healing of the sea.mle8S dress OONTIJ'l"UXD FROM FIRSl' l"AGJC. I cause, I ahould think, to be anxious for her own son or husban.;l. 1 never aaw l.-Ir. \:Vhitford th~ worae for wine ; and as for Ellis, his earnest 'Purpose in life, as you sd MILNE'S 01. D· STAND, ' DEAR DOMINION Saivings a,nd Just Arrived a.t the Bowmanville, March 13th, 1876. r r;. ·- well said just no"(, will hold him above the reach of temptation.' 'On the contrary, she hM cause for great anxiety,' returned Dr. Hillhouse. ' You . surprise me. What reason have you for saying this 11 'A professional one- a reason grounded -in pathology. . · . . P .A.SHION HOUSE splendid assortment o SIR :-We beg to inform you that we have now commenced business at the above address under , the firm of . I New :Goods! AND INV'E STMENT OF LONDON SOCIETY ONTARIO. NEW MILLINERY. Aleo a lot of Is by our beds of pain i 'Ve touch Him in life's throng and press, And we are whole ag::Un. 'rhrough him--0ur first fond prayers are saidi Our lips of childhood frame ; Tho Inst low whispers of our dead 1 burdened with His name. 0 Lord and blaster of us all l \Vhate'er our name and aign, We own 'l'hy sway, we hear Thy call, We test our live!! hy tbino. - lVJdttier. Ah 1' and Mr. Elliott looked gravely ourious. :BliIDG;EJMAN &· FLEMiN(i,. AS We have received a large assortment of MUST BE CONSISTING OF SOLD, ... ---:o:--- REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & ' Also a la~e stock of . 'The young man inherits, I f~ar, a de~ GROCERS AND GENERAL MERCHANTS. quainted .with bis father to accept that view ' His father ie well enough,' replied Dr. HiJlhouse, ' but as much could not be saiO. 1 praved appetite.' ·Oh no. I happen to be too well ac· of the case.' . WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC. -o-- Stamps for Braiding and Em- of either of his grandfathers while liying. Both drank freely, nnd one of tbem died n confirmed drunkard,' · If tbe depraved appetite has not·shown G1·oceries, ·Crockery, Glassware, Seeds, lfc., Selected personally by T. BRIDGMAN, · itself in tbe children, it will hardly trouble the grand-chil.iren,' ·aid Mr. Elliott. Your fear is groundless, doctor. If Ellis were n1y son, l should feel uo particular auxieh,, about hila.' ,. · It be were your son,' replied Dr. nm. j (formerly with J Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedding Rings. Citpital, $1,000,000.00 AARON BUOKLER: Subscribed, 750,000.00 I Bowma.nville, Oct. Sth, 1875. Paid <ip, 300,000.00 . Reserve and Contingent Fund, 60,000,00 Muney loaned upon real estate on the most favorable terms, mortgages purchased, interest a.llowed on deposits. IF broidery. ASH IONS for Spring just to hand. usua.l. J. D. Strowger N:SWCAS'I'LE. ' ~ Milne), from the principal markets .of the country; the same having been purchased for cash, at fro)Il 10 to 15 per cent., will be sold at prices thfi:t defy competition in this County. ·D. :MAC:E'IE, .. . PresiUeht. :E'. :B. :C.EYS, · DDESSHAK.ING MRS. A. FLETCHER " B owma.uville, April 7th,1874. - Manager. C1'U mbs beard. .#0 .,. .L' ,.. Chi'ckens-'-- Ha;i,·ing removed to more oommodioll8 premi!et., lN Reference by perm1ss10n, GEO. McGILL, EsQ, Manager Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. WILLIAM: ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., Bowmanville. London, ?tlar~h, 8th, 1876. Silver Wedding-Marrying a grey house,· I am not so sure aboutyour feeling no concern.' · Our personal interesc in a a thiug is apt to give it a ne\.V importance. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg t0> inform th~, public gei;i.eraUy, that thor now enabled to o.ffer them SL1gar Wedding- lvlarrying a candid But you are mistnken ns to the breaking of hereditary in:fluences in the second genera man. ation. Often hereditary peculiarities will Wooden wedding-Marrying a per- show themselves in the third and lourth generation. It is no uncommoh· thing to fect stick. Tin wedding-The one that pans lier granddaughter, though her own child's hair wliS as black as a raven·s 'ving. .A. Fruits for balloonists-Clirrents in crooked toe, a wart, a malforn1ation, nn · epileptic tendeucy,a s"·arthy or fair eo111plexthe air. ion, nu1.y di8appear in all the children of a Fox's martyrs-ducks, chickens, tur- family,and show itself agoin in the grand, or great.,graudchildren. ~iental and moral keys and geese. conditions rea:ppear in like manner. In We hope by an earnest endeavor to serve you well, to meet with a li~eral · share of Public Patronage. Hoping to have thti We remain, yours respectfully, B. '11 R Better ·'Inducements. in the lirie of see the grandmother's red hair re-appear in pleasure of a call from you, out well. The proverb says, 'It is never too medical literature we have many curious late to mend'-nor too early. illustrations of this law of hereditary trans· · alies., · They are among tlie curiosities of your literature,' said Mr. Elliott, epeaking as though not inclined to give weight to the doctor's views~' the exceptional aBd ab· normal"things that come under professional notice.' ' The. la\v of hereditary transmission,' replied Dr, Hillhouse,· is as certain in its operation·~ . the law..of gravity.. You may disturb, or impede., or tempori:lr1ly susp~nd mission and itt strange freaks and a.nom· N. B.-We would particularly beg to call your attention to oul' assortment>of TEAS. The highest price paid for Pro-. duce. ' Bowmanville, Marcb 9th, 1876. 22-tf. 1.Grocery n ·us·ness Important .I, ,· ,· ', . · . J ,._, . : · Ap.nounoement.! in Dry .Goods! Elephant House SoMETH.ING NEW 'l'HE (AS REGARDS PRICE '& QUALITY) than any ·othel" li.o . use in the County. When can a lamp be said to be m a bad temper? When it is put out. Iron is a good tonic for debilitated · young ladies, hut ironing is better. 'The best and oldest adverlising medium.' An old maid's sewing circle. . . ' What did you give for tliat horse, neighbor?' 'My note.' ·Well, that was . cheap.' · · · · ==='========================= i I · NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT CODD Weight and Measure Guarantee'JJ,! ::'~~!!r2~~01a,l1ty. 1 Mi.lli~ery,Clothing,, Crockery & Glassware. N ewe..lle,AuiUet, 14th, 1874 J m every insro:i&e. · ~~ea,t - ~eduction, A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! THE PA.TENT ALUMINO'US and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING BOWMANVILLE --oo- Ma.ohiJJ,e a.nd ·' The way for a desolate old bachelor pediment the normnl action goos on, and to secure better quarters is to take a · the result is Bure. Like produces 'like' better half.' that is tbe law. Always the cause is seen said when be had a desire to marry. rebi.rth and a n·w life. It is under the ac· He made the same exclamation after tion of this law that the child is cursed by the parent with the evil and sensual things marriage, but spelt it differently. he has made a part of him&elf through long A Scotchman being asked to · say indulgence. what he thought ' real music,' answ~red, There came at this moment a raid- upon 'Real music ! hoot, mou, gin ye wad 1fr. Elliott by three or four young ladies, hear real music, listen to the bagpipes !' mem hers of hia congregation, who surround.· ed him and Dr. Hillhouse, and cut ehort A warning.- ' Don't come to see me the conversation. any more just yet, John. Father has ('l'o be continued.)_ been having his boots half soled, with lwo rows of nails around the toes.' FARM AND HOUSEHOLD A Wisconsin woman recently tried salting the feed of her hens to make Chicken Cholera. them lay. The experiment was so suc· (~~rom the Prairie Farmer.) cessful that seven fat hens soon lay Se~ing some information wa.oted in youl' dead. valuable -paper, in regard to Chicken Cholera, A Murray Hill dame was slightly I will give you my idea. In the first place, astonished, on presentil!g her six-year ca:rC, feeding and housing has much to do with old grand-child with a doll, to receive the genera.I health of fowls. 'fhere ia not one the following reply: 'It's a nice doll, farmer for four miles around me that has not n1ore or less with tha~ terrible chicken, gam-ma; but why wasn't it twins?' The suffered cholera. Some of them have lost every fowl on good lady thinks children are much too thb frum, and o.fter examining eome of their smart in these days. premises, I first came to the conclusion that A physician passing by a stone ma· poultry suffered greatly from \Vant of c~rc ; at son's shop, bawled ou.t, 'Good morning, aotne. I fonnd too great numbers hou~ed in one Mr. D. ; hard at work, I see. You fin- house, the house not having been cleaned for ish your grave-stones asiar as' Jn men1- years . At other places they had no poultry ory ·of' and then wait, I suppose, to see house at all, and the fowls roost on trees 1 1 , law, but the moment you remove· the Im· .· Manufacturm,g Co ~mpla~ent SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Ewok Just &"ived,-Plain and Gr· namental, both for Walls and '<'loOTs. The Paper Oil Cloth and Carpet?ng is a. Cheap and DUl'·ble ,Subotitute for Oil Cloth. 'l'he Chemicals with which the· Paper is satur. ~Ioths, . in the effect 1 nnd its character, quality, ar;d A-lass ! a-lass ! as the old bachelor good or evil tendencies are RUre to have a. EASY · PRICES - ..I. Ma,nufactu:re;s of BURDO CD BIOS. . AT AND BELOW~ CO~T! l FOR HARD TIMES, WOOD AND IRON MCCLUNG BROTI-IERS: are now preparing for Stock-Taking ~nd will make a WORKING MACHINER'll Having decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for ated, render it proof against Ra.ts, and l\fi~e. CASH their large and well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, Millinery Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, Va,rnish· Polish ! Another thing much wanterl, LEPJB'BL'S THOROUGH CL~~AR.AGE ' if it is possible fqr Double Turbine Water WheelQ, and The Stock having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can . · depend on getting This Polish gives a most clega}\t;.lustrc,a.nd driel!I instantaneously. :C.ow I'l'ices a.nd Sw.eei:ing Ba.rgains to E:ffect it. Castin gs of a.ll --:o:-done on the ~in~s MORE .AND BETTER GOODS FOR THEIR MONEY I . at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. Nothi11g ever discovered before to equal this Polish, FOR FOR REPAIRS SHORTEST '\\7 e Piano Fe1·tes, Buggies, OutterB, Sleighs, and all kinds of Varnished Carriages OBSERVE! Until further notice, Winter Goods at McC!ung Bros,' will in some cases Call Early, and secure Bargains, as the whole Stock must be sold Oloclcs, at once, for CASI/ ONLY. now .on hand a. large quantity· pf. NOTICE, PiotWl'c Frarnes or any lcilnd of Common and Gang P.lows, .T H E tho.t will be sold at be sold Regardless of Profit, and in others Regarqless GROCERY DEPARTMENT Varnished Furniture. OF COST! LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville, l\'.Carchl873. TRJJ; is . n ow complete with the choicest supply of who \Van ts a monun1ent next?' "Vhy, yes,' replied the old man, ·un less some· hody's sick, and you are doctoring him; then I keep right on.' ' More Hibernico.'- Lady Visitor 'Well, Mrs. Donovan, I shan't forget to send the soup tickets, and I'll look out some warm clothes for the little ones ; let me see, how many children have you?' Mrs. D.-' Arrah, bedad, and wouldn't I be havin' six of'em, if two of 'em 'vasn't t\vins entoirely J' Said a would-be-smart man to a lady at a soiree : ' Why is a lady the oppo· of a mirror?' Of course she gave it up, and smarty replied: 'Because a .mirror reflects without speaking, while a lady speaks without reftecting.' 'And why are you unlike a mirror?' was the ready retort ;· which he gave up. 'Because a mirror is smooth and polished, while you are rough and unpolished.' · A Rustic who made a visit to Boston· seeing a hotel sign, entered and mquir ed the price of lodging. ' One dollar,' said the obliging clerk, handing him a pen and pointing to the register. 'What am I to do "lith this pen ?' ' Why, put your name on the book,' said the clerk, ' and I will assign you a room at once.' 'Not as you know on,' said the young man, 'you don't catch me. My father signed his name onct onto a book, sich as those 'ere patent-right fellows carry round- not nigh so big as that-and he had to pay $r,ooo; No, sir, 'ee.' A schol;ir in a country school was asked, ' How do you parse ' Mary milks the cow ?" The last word was dispos· ed of as follows : 'Cow, a noun, feminine gender, the third person, and stands for Mary.' · Stands for Mary! How do you make that out?' ' Because,' added the illlelligent pupil, ' if the cow didn't stand for Mary, how could she milk her?' A little Dan bury boy said at the breakfast table the other morning, · ra, I want some milk.' ' Is that the way to ask for anything?' inquired the aggrieved parent. T he child hung his head. ' How have you been told to ask?' was the next inquiry. 'Pa,' said the young man in a subdued voice, ' It makes my throat sore to say please.' H' got the milk and saved his throat. Another Humbug. or under sheds, the best \\·S.Y they could, and at irnoet plrtees the poultry ·was almost ne~ected. l kept poultry for the last fifteen years I nev er lost a fowl with cholera. or nny. other disease wl1atever, Now I will t ell you hov; I manage my poultry yard°. My farm con· tains ten acres a.11 enclosed for keeping poultry. My pCiu1t.ry louses are numerous. I never allow rnor(" than 25 or 30 to rooat in one houst1. I have one-third of house (01· rooatin~. two· thhds for feeding, when lbeweath:ris cold and stormy. I hav e tuy houses all fa.mng the east, with·l;rgewindowine·ch. inwmt·~If·:d potatoes cooked with some when.t m1ddhnJ.{s ln 'the morning; com m the ··vening. I nevetl Call and See, and Seeing you will .:BEI.IZVE! CONSIDER THE FOLLOvVING. 1 ' 6tf. ! J>OMINION BANK. BOWMANVILJ,E . Capital, Paid Up, HEAD Ol'F'IUE, ORllLIA, COBOURG, BO\VMA:'.'IVIL LE, BRANCH OP.l'IC.ES : Clu·istmas Goods, Raisens, Currants, t;ugars, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices~ Bowroanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 ·SOLE ACENT FOR THIS . PLACE. $1,000,0QO 'l.'ORONTO. OSHAWA, WIUTilY, MURr;:>OCH. ' BRO,S~ · · . As nsua.1, a L rge Stock on hand of Hardware, Paints and Oils, 8toues and Tinware. All of which will be eold at low figures ;; "- 'Dre SS l'I:oods lVOrtl1 50 cts. for 35. ~ . _ ":'.f'. · . ' · , Thia Bank, in addition the banking business offers to the public all French ~fer1nos '~vorth 80·cts,for 50. . ua.l the vantag~s Institution jB } k t th -w5. '1ll .,, 4' l1 sectirity a.large co.pitn.l, the 4 ,\J 50, .t01' 0 I all e S WOT ot a. IJ:!.terest rJn n.11 deposits, of One Doloverfeed . I t hink over·!eeding is""' bad as not . S.ha...,.rls 'VOrth $ .00 ~OJ" lar upwa.rd8 at the rate of per cent. 3 2 .00, feeding nough. Alwaya give warm ·water in .I' per annum, · Depositor$ can withdraw either the ·whole or ::'~~~v::!~:~~;~ndpl·ntyoffr··h coldw·torin Rail-road wrappers worth $5.00 for aµy part of their deposits a.t any ti:.rne, ·without UXBRIDa.111 John Mc:C.eod. & Co.. ·· totrans1~cting us- Ml the of a Sa.vini:t of naH;l.up with by Wellingtbn Bn!ldings, Bowmanville. August 10th, 1875. means SAvfNGsD1,a· ARTME~T. 1 aUowed ~t t' ~ud FIVE Now for my receipt for chr lera, I tJt!en it tried on my neighbors fowls ruiU. have seen 1 3 75 · goodresultsfromit. Oettheinnerbarkofthe white oak ; .boil it, give your fowls some of it I 1 intbod1fokingwater,also a· little tincture o! iron (tincturti of iron can be purchased at any drug store). In addition, feed your fowls on boiled m eat, oat.a and corn. Never " feed 'hard gr.il1;a1"okeepyourhonaccleon. Putinlots of dry s:i.wdust. If thee· rules aro obsc;ved, you can defy cholera, roup, or any disease whatever. ClL\.S. FLODING. Rail " road wra1)pers . .l' ...or $5· 00· I. Buffalo Robes 'vorth $15.00, f'or 12.00; I S baped horse blankets for One Dollar. Overco.ats cheaper tl!an ever you have h em . T seen f) · previous notice. · .s~cia! rates o~ interestalJ[)wed upon deposits w1tli notice of withdrawal. American Currency and Silver taken on de· payable in Great :Britain, a.11 parts of Canada. , GW'Depooits can br remitted by nuiil,addressed to the Dominion oaok [registered], when in &11 ca.<res a. Pass-Book receipt will be sent by return post; . l J. A. CODD, Agml, Bowma.nville, Ja.n. 6th, 1874, 15-tf. Draf~ grnn.ted (Tnited-Sto.t~s and posit. · · BIG RURH THg MERCHANT Circula.iion of 1000, and with the exception of n. few, these pasei into the hands of the people of \Vest Durham. ~l.1he public'1till a.tonce see the utility of the pap~r as an has now a bona: fi,de is now raging at TBELEVENS . Hatching Eggs. '!'he bst season t:> hatch chicks ia in the epring. YVith a. little attention to proper precautionR, S\lCCf;'85 is easily attained. 'l'he hen should be set Nhere no other fowls ea..n disturb her, in a separate house or yard, and sup· plied with frBsh "'ater and grain. .Before placing the eggs under her· she shonl<l be dnstod with carbolic powder, and four days before the eggs hatch, the dusting 1nay bo repeated, It is im· possible for lice to remain on her ~nder · such treatment. Placing tobacco- in the nest and dusting her with sulphur 'will suffice in ruanY cases; but t.hcre is a. large heo.d which survives such treatment, and sulphur blinds chicks: Let the h~n re1n< upon her ner;t, shutting her in after the first chick is hatc.:hed nntil the last one is twenty-four houm old. tA.11 this ·and: Much More at Gentlemen---of \. NI<JCLUN,G BROS. Bowmanville1 Jan. 11th, 1876. SO, HO! · :E'a.shion NOT SO FAST. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. · ' . ll Important Anno11noement I I haTe written these few linet1 And aU I have to say, That yon can :find me still at home I am not gone awa.y; So all my ~ind old friends may oome And all the young ones too And get their garments nicely mAdeo In fashions that are new; Where old and young dc&.r friendms. meet A welcome greeting by-R. PEATE Bowtnanvllle, June 19th 1873. It Has No Equal in this constituency~ a.nd this fa.ct is being con stantly demonstrateel. If you h.·n·c lust anythil~ g, adve.rtiso in thlai pape1·. ! LEVI MORRIS, !' and he is determined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices :MERCHANT. If you want to sell anything, advertise iu this paper. . cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itIf you \\rant to bny o.nything,advertiso in the First, he buys for cash and knows just how to· bi1y ! MERCHANT. ' · Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures If you wa.nt to reaoh the public, Ui-0 the columns of the ~{ERCI:IANT. Third, he is satisfied with small profit.s ! Fourth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells .at bottom prices. OUR RATES ARE LOW. -oAND r- I~ If you h:i,ve found anything 1 advertise in the FERTILIZERS. The grasses, which in decay annually enrich t.he prairil;'l 1 and the leaven which rcndw: fa)rest land so fe1'tile, ""'C(lntain not only the three elements, nitrogeu, potash, and phos· phoric scid, which the chcmiP.ts consider so essential for plA.ut food, but a multitude of other elementsi and especially carbon,' which the ch emists tell us iS not essential in the soil, being profusely supplied to plants fro1c the carbonic aeid of the air. Every practical farmer knows thi s 9l\Tbon rendere the BQil f1·i11ble and porous, and 1nuch inote capable of ab~orbing and ret&in· ing the n1oisture and of the air. By the ai<l. of muck, which is mainly composed of ca1·bon, we have seen he[l,,vy clay lands rendered light, easily worked, and procluctivti, a.rd sandy soils retentive of tnoisture, a111monia, and other fe1·tilizin~ gases. ll<trn·yard manure ahnunds with carbon, and produces the sa1ne effect on clayey an<l sandy lands. -~incrican Paper. 'GOLD CAKE.-'1'<1,,kethe yolk.:iof~ixcggs,beat them to a,· froth, and D.ii.s: them with a cup of L11tter1 prcviouEily etirrd to a crenm ; add two cnps nf sifted flour, and ha.If a t..Jaspoonful of so~a, <liasolved into a cup ~f n1ilk ; when well mixed, a~d a teaspoonful of cream of tartar. , Fhn·or with the extract of a.nd lemon,and 1bake in 8<(uare tins. . W. McMUBT,Bf~ - GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND. BUILDER. . T ' ·· r··... - ·. , , .... Having been delayed several _ weeks, in opening out his Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, With 01' without Casing. With Band Mould&. 01' As a weekly newspaper, th e l\-I~no1r.A.NT ii; ScMooly excelled. Sixteen columns of care· ' fully aelecte<l reading matter appear in each igsue, comprising Lileraturc1 · J.u1'i0ultu1-al, l 1'a111iUy Reruling, General and L()(.al NewsExa.ID.ine e stock, which compril'.!es evE'.rything in the trade, of the very latest and most elegan ~tylea and pa.tterns, of Englit1h, Canadian, and American 1uanufacturo. :i.11 fresh and readable. -o,Subscriptions taken a.ny timl\ ilurir1g the He still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of wa.terial, and none but year. , without workmeh kept. 1 · C:ALL A.ND SEE FOR YOUDSELVBS, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. - o- New Dry _Goods EstabliSAment, has determined to o:tl'er,, during the re111ainder of the Season his entire stock, at such prices,: as will ensure a Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Uuaranteed. Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, 01'namental Pickets, Vii every vari- ' ety, and Scroll Sawing, oI every destiription · Ho has in etock an· endless vtiriety of Ladies' and Gents' Saratoga Trunks, Valise!!, etc., all which he is selling cheap for cash. v- TERMS 75 GT8.; IN ADVANCE. --:o:-- of :iro:a JOB PRINTING we have el'i>ry facility. ¥,Te do not W<1rk f orv' nothing, or fun, but onr·priccs will be faun low, M our in·esscs _l' Un by steam pov·cr. 1tM:: Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. r. He \Valked up Cass avenue \vi th his pants cro\vded into his boot-tops and his \Vhite ov~rcoat flopping against his heels at every step. \Vhcre Clifford street stops is a trl -a ngular square. '\.'here the square stops is an old shed, and on Lhis ~hed is a big poster reading: ' I·'rank Mayo's Davy Crockett.' H c sa\v the poster and \vaded across the street, rfad the \\'Ords, and said: 'If it don't cost too much I'll see that animal.' J\e \'1-·alked around the shed l\VO or three times to find a door and failing . d l · ' t to d o so, h e app l ie 11s eye o~ a crevice and took a long look. 1 he shed . . . . t \Vhen he discovered this S11::-i-L1,v1cH.ER,-Bo1l a fe"'- puund8 of haf1 and "as hempty. db k ti s·ide of chop it very fine while it is still w~um-Ia.t and f b d.r act e'ld' s eppe h ac , k'lave · 1e d· · k d l lean tog et1 ier-rn y mnsta.r in proportion 'to h h t e Ul 1ng a eavy lC ~ an CXC ain1- suit your tatlte through the mass; add as much ed : lVI. TRELEVEN. CLEARING SALE. The stock is all .NEW, purchased witl.t care, . and at remarkably Low Rates. ~-CA...,..L_L~A_N_r_D_S_E_E_~ lloiv Cheap good Goods can be sold for DARH ~ Bowmanv.ille, Noverob~r DONE TO ORDER, on the TO THE PUBI_jIC. WALTER WIGG & SON, returniDf! thanks to their numerous customers and the pulllic for past favors, I N·would respectfully invite thir a.ttention to our present etock of furniture, n.s we.haYe lfl.tely g'ijner~lly, SHORTEST NOTICE. Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Cii'culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets and everything fro1n the Ri:t.o of a :rostor large 1 added thereto, that we may thl:!reby be enabled to s11pply all parties \\·ho may plea.Re to fa.vor enough to cover o. btlrn to a haJ.f-inch 1i:trip hops on Liberty Street. North of the him with a call. Great inducements held out to those purcha.sing a.t our Pic- printed in good style, and at cit pnces. Eastern House Bowmanville. Specimeni;i of >vork cmn be seen Gt our office. tur~, Looking Glaesefli etc. framed to order, a.nd in every style. Sa1opler:i of the different Bowmanville. July 9th.1874. 41-tl kind of o n1din f!S can be 111een at the ware-room. We \vould also beg · to infor1n you, that, ' THE SCL/OOL NOVELTY! 'l'HE NOISELESS AND having purchued a \Vork ha.ndd out, and the cni:.h tnkt·n for it SPLENDID NE'iV HEARSE, C.' BARKER. Manaqer Unbreakable Slate we ehsll be reacly at all time· to attend funerals,.on short notice a.nd relldonu.ble terms· N. B.-Coffin1 kept on hand and made to order, at the "fh~re's .more. durn foohng around and lymg in tlus to\vn than a horse could draw l' . sweet butter aa woulU go to sprea<liog your sa1)d wichs, and when it is tbvroughly Jnixed 1 split light biscuits in halv!.!s and sp1·ead the hron between. Thei:,1;1 \Yill be £ound excellent. AT OUR BOOK ROOM Ask for it Send for it I C. BARKER. NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. King Street Eaot, Oshawa.I o.baw., Aug. 21J\h, 1870. regula.r rates. To Masters of L 0. L CER'£IFICAES, Aj>plication· BLANK &c., &c., csn he prooured at thJs office,a.t Bowmanvill~, 19th, 1875. July 'lth, 1873;

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