- , ~" ' ' · .~~- 'rHE MERCHANT AND GENERAL!ADVERTISE~. oiPcllla.tes largely in the Townships of Da.rlingion Clarke and Cartwnght. It is a. common pla.iform open to the free discussion of all que.11· tionsin \~htcb the gone1·a.l p uplic are concerned. ·rERMS. WEST DURHAM Stea.in Job l'rinti:ng Ofiioe KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Seventy-five cents per a.nnum1 in advance. The 'Merchant' and Obser· ver,' $2-00. Ut..'.l'ES OF ADV .tt.RTISING. 45 per a1!~uro. Half do. · 25 ,, Qu/b rter d<J. · J5 · Trn.n1nent aclvertise1nents,5 cts per line first n· sortio11, and 2c. per line, each ilubseQuent ene · Qnll column I AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VII. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 5 1876. I POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CWCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &c., NUMBER XX XII EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! Traiua · w ill leave Bo\vmanville Station, .Bowmanvllle time, as follows: HOINO WEST. OOiNG EAST. Mixed.... 2:20 p.w. 1 Local ...... 7:50 P ,m. Express .... 9:00 p. m. \Express ..·.. 9.00 p.m. "'This traia runs every morning of week, ]lt!onda.ya t!Xcepted, Local* .... 7:20, am. Express .... 9 30a.m I Express .. , 1 1vli.x.ed ..... .. 8:30 a.m. 4:20 p.m. Dr. BOYLE, SURGERY---SILVER ST. RESIDENCE O>ITARIO STREET. '.Bowmo.nv1lle1 Jan. 20th, 1876. Dr. J as. Fielding, '\ifEMBER OF '!'HE ROYAL COLLEGE l.l'.l ~f Surgeons, Engl~d ; Li~ent1ate of th.e Royo.l College of Phys101ans 1 Edinburgh. Coroner, etc. Residence, Corner of Church and Scugog Streets, Bowmanv1lle. 10-tf. Dec. ~rd, 1876. l W. McLAUGHLIN, M. B. L.R.O.P., L.R.c.s., Edin borough. ~·'fEl\fBER of the ?viedical Council of <?nts.rio. ll Office opposite the ma.rket. and third do~r north of ·ra.it's Photographic Gallery. Ilea1· · dence Ont,~r10 Street. :Night messa.gesmay be eft e;t}1e1 at office or residence. 3-m. l t.', 0 , .. 1uanville, Ftlb 18th, 1876. Dr. DAVIDSON. ottHE ROYAL .co:i;,GRADUA'l'E and V1ctone. oi V1ctor1a College, Under Graduate Universit~ 1ege of Physici.a~s, Engla.11d, and P1izemanof the Uni,·ersity of 'l'oronto,and Royal Collei;t1 of Physic1n~ and Surgeo~s Kingston 1'-fembcr of the po11ege of Physi· cia.na and Surgeons of Ont;$Lr10 ;_ Coroner, &c. Residence and office-1\-Iarket Squate, ~ow manv1lle. J30\\'manville, Feb. 24th, 1876. 22-lly. Medical Card. J. Bingham,M.D.L.R.C.P.S.K. Residence, niskillen. Jan. 27th, 1876. EMBER OF COLLEGE PHYSICIM ANS Ontario. and in Dr. old En· AND SUllGEO~S, O~' Hilhtir's Off!ce Stand, 18 3m. R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, !!OLIOITOR IN CHANO/ilRY, &c 0.FFICE~-Over 1\-IcOlung's Store. same flat as J . . :Srimacomb's Dental Roomg, ly Bovnnanv1lle, Oct. 27th, 1~68. D. E. McMillan, Al'TORNRY AT LAW, SOLJC110R lN ORANGERY, GOA VRYANCER, J!e NEWCASTLE. ONT. Newcastle, Oct. 8th. 1875. m51-tf. ' G Friendship, New Teache1 of PJano and Organ, cultivation York. RADUA'l'E of ~axttu University of Music Prof. J. Ruse, Voicl"', Singing, Thorough Buss, Harmony Composition, &c. 41-ly Dnrlington, July 16th, 1874. R. D. FOLEY, Lyle & Martyn's For a good assortment of A U C T I 0 N E E .R S GROCERIES, PROVISI01\fS, CROCKERY, &c. For the To'wnship of Darlington. H. T. PHILLIPS, . HAMPTON. Pro1npt attention ~riven to sales, &c, on reasonable tcr1us. Wm.. Barton, ENNlSKILLEN. Sale 3 promµtly attended to on reasonable terms. SALT I W. BUNNEY, BUILDER, ETC., BegR to return thanke to bis friendB for the sup port be hna rece1vcd the vast two years 1 and hopes by continued strict persona.l nttent1on to buain~ss, and woildn~ at the n1ost r_eaaot1able prices to eu,.u1e a. eontmuance of public patron· age 'W. B. 1s prepa1ed to buil1 houses, etc., on the ti;1.ost inodern style of architecture. J (_!b· All kincls of Field and G-arden SEEDS, of th. e very best quality. eo.tioris got up on applicatwn, on the 1nm1t reasonable tel':ms, and of e\iery descript1on .. Offict1 and Shop, Ontario Street, nearly opposite Mr. T, 13owden's. . bing; -promptly attended to_. Pla.xm and specrfi· BoWJnanvillo Dec. 24th, 1874. l::J-ly. DENTISTRY the Newest thing of the season, J Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.8. FEES MODERATE. Bo,vm1JJ1ville, Dec. 1::174. 11-tf. OJJ'PlCE over McCLUlVG'S Store MARRIAGE :r.icENSES, M R. JOTIJ\ IL !CYNON, Lot 7, 6th Uon. J)::ulin ..·ton lnea.r Bethesda. Church] is duly anthoriz1:1d 'to is~ue Marriage Licenses, Darlin~ton., Nov. 19, 1871 utS-tf. ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool · London, ancl Glasgow STAPLE F I OR Tickets or inft.rma.tion, apply to ' W. A. KEADS, Agent, tf-30 Bowma,n\iillc, .Jm1e \°.lth, ]871. A CAlU). have thia day appointed 0. BAil.KER the E cla1Hve agent for the eule of m;y VuL· CANIZ~D PE~S for BowmanVJUC, Ont. Please Ca.11 a.nd. examine Stock. JOSEPH UASO:N",P.P. J. J,JACOBS. lJownu.nville, Sept.lOth,1814.m-t by its subtle pow·er. They can no ~ore set that. AU of thBm don't bear wme alike. 'Come, Ellis ; I am faint \Vith the hea.t bells, voices ran .up into the higher keys, themselves a.gain.st it, if they would, than It's mortifying to ~lrs Whitford, of course, uf this room. Take me out, please,' and the loud, mus1Cnl laugh of gtrls rnrngled against the rush of a swiftly·flowing riv~r. but she'll! a atately \von1an, you kno"'·, and Whitford looked into her face, and saw gaily \Vith the desper tones ol their rude Don't Hnrry too fast to be Rich. sensitive about proprietiea.' To the young it ia irresistible. that it had grown suddenly pale. If his coin panions, Young maidens with. glasses BY J. H. BltOWN. Mr. Elliott did not wait for the lady's perceptions had not been obscured by driok, of sparkling cbam pagne or rich biol". n nnd As Ellis Whitford, with Blanche leaning on his arm, gained the supper-room, he met answer, but turned to address another per· be would have taken her out instantly. Bat arubttr sherry in their hand~ were ca11Jng Your road through this life may be thorny, tl1e eyes of his mother, who was on the op· sou who cam~ forward at tb.t} moment to his micd was not clear. young 1nen and boys to drink with tbeu1, Your bed ne>t of roses 11or down ;'Just a mon1ent, until I get you a and showing a feecdom and abandon of posite side of the table, and read in them a 1peuk to him Remember what Shakespeare hae writtcti 'Sens1t1ve about proprieties,' said the glass of wine,' he said, turning hastily fro1u mg.nner that marked the degree of th.ei.r ex~ sign of warning. .Did it awak~n a sense of Of those on whose head- lies a. crown j -IMPROVED AND REMODELLEDLovering v;as filling three glasses as hilaration, danger and put him on bis guard 1 No ; it lady to herself, with some feeling, as sh~ her. It Ui hard tO' toil late and toil early~Vine does not act in one \Yn.y 'l.10 delve er to wearily stitch : rather stirred a feeling of anger. Could she stood looking down the room to where Ellie be reached the table. ~ Seiling one ot them, on the brain of a young man and in anoth er Do your best to improV"e your cond1tionnot trust !um amoog gentlemen and ladies Whitford, rn a group of young men and wo- he went back quickly to Blanche; but sh way on the brain of a youug \\'Oman. Girls But-don't hnrry too fast to bo rich J -not truat him with Blanche Birtwell by men, was giving vent to his exuberant spirits waved her baud saying ; 1 No, 110, Ellis ; it of eightet::n or twenty will become LUI w1ld We find in the good book this sontencehi· side 1 It hurt his pride and wounded more noisily than befitted the vlace and oc· isn"t wH1e that I need, o.nly cooler air.' and free and f'orgetlul of propriety as young "Cl Cll As long o.s the world 'twill endtuo caaiou. 'Mr. Elliott calls things hy dainty 'Don't be foolish,' repht!d ,.Vhitford, men of the same age if you bring them bjs self esteem. 'T' "He who to be Moh"- it says-"ha.steneth He \VUB in the sphere of liberty and social namee.' with vunble impatience, ' Take fe?r etps ot together at a feaat end give them wine freez Becometh he suddenly poo1," < 'I call that disgraceful,' rema1ked wine, and you will leel better.' enjoyment, and among those v:ho did not 3: ly. J uSt tlll'n to the passago and tead it, :z Lovering, with a glass in each hand, now believe that wine was 11 mocker, but some· an elt.l.erly lady, in a severe tone, M if re We do not exaggerate tbe scene in Mr. When for lucre your fingers 1hall itch ;tbing to make glad the beatt and give joy to plyrng to the other's thought. JOine<l them He ~aw the changa in Birtwe1l's snpper-roo1n, but ra.tber subdue And of the camel and eye of thtl neudle,-I 1 the cou11tenar1ce; and \vheii it began to flow Young men '\\'ill become a little guy ou Blanche's face, and. having already observed the picture, As Whitlord diew lllgh tl.e And don't buny too fast to be rich ! ~ he was among th e first to taste its delusive these occas16ns,' said the person to whom the exhtlarated condition ot Whitford, un .. f!!Upper-room the 11.ounds of boiater.Qlts n11rth Q There ale those in a. palace 1-eFJiding, Handing the latter struck on his ears and stirred hin1 Like th~ sweets. Blanche, for whom be poored a ehe had spoken, with some irony in her derstood its meaning. Yea, many, I venture to sa.y, tone. 'So }.-fr. Elliott Mys.' one of the g1asses, he said: glo.sa of cbampague, took it from his hand, '\Vho'd reJolce and be glad to change places rattle of a drum, The heaviness went out c :z ·Mr. Eiliott ! There was a tone ot bitter· ' Here's to your good health, Miss Birt- of hjs limbs, bis pulse beat more quick ly, but with only half a smile on her lips, which With you 1 tuy dear fellow, to·day; :'!E ~ Ah ! little we know of the troubles, was vcill'd b}' son1etlJing so like pain or fear ness and rejection in the speaker's voice. well, aud to yours, Ellis,1 drinking us he he felt n new life in his "eins. As he pass.. -c The cares and anxieties wh1ch tbat Ellis felt as if the li~btsabout Lim bad 'Mr. Elliott bad better giv~ our young men spoke. Whitford draiued his ~las., but ed, in llis 11Dme was ca1led in a gay voice 1'Attend like a sha.dow these pcopleQ lost a portion of-their brilliaocy. He stoo<l a aater example than he does. A little gay! Blanche did not sn 1nuch as "'wet her lips. that be did not at first recognize, und at Cl:) So don't hurry too fast to bench . :z bolding his O\l'.n glass after just tastmg its A little drunk would be nearer the truth.' Her lace had grown paler. the sa1ne moment a hnndaome young girl, -I Ho¥.' exalted and noblG th~ wages 1 lt you do not take me out, I must go coutentti, ·waiting for Blanche to raise the 'Ob dcur ! such 11 vulgar worJ ! We don't with flushed face and sparkling eyes, came Q ·~ 'l'hat n.lways rew.a.rd honest toil, :z sparkhng liquor to her lips, but she seemed use it in good society, you know. It belongs alone,' she ~aid, in a voice that made itself hastily toward huu, and dra\viug hrr 11and Be they earned 'neath tbe fierce sun of noon· like one 1u1der the intluence of spell, not to taverna and drink1ng·snloonl:l-to coarse, lelt. !" ThP.re was io it a quiver of pa.in and in hie arm, said, in a loud and fam~liar da.yl common people. You n1"1i1st say 'a little a pulse of indignation. moving or reeponding. tone: This Company bns recently been re-organized by the addition of three of Or by those who cons l.llle midnight oil ;excited,' 'a little gay,' but not drunk. Lovering lost nothing of this. As his colCHAP. X., There lies between wealth and eontentment · You ehall be my knight, Sil' Ellis.' the most practical men '.ram the J!_'actory o[ Cl~ugh & W ar~en Organ Co., lege lnend made his way from the room And she almoet dragged him down the F.lanche still held the untasted wine in Tbat"s dreadful!' Detroit, Mich., each takrng an active part m hrn own parhcnlar depart- Oft times an impn.8$a,b\e ditch ; fall in it, brother, be careful I 'Drnnk l' said the other, · w ith ewphasis, with Blanche on his arm, he atood for a room to where half a dozen girls and young h her hand, when her father, who happened ment, and are now manufacturing an Organ equal, and in many points Don't Don'thul'rytoo fa.st to·be rich! but speaking lo\v, nnd for f he ea r of t e moment in an attitude of deep thought, men were having a wordy contest. about superior,to any manufactured in the .United. States or Canada. ' Our cele~ to be ncar,filled a glass, ii.nd said as he Low· l a.di with whon1 she wae talking. 'We un- then nodded t· wo or three times and sa1d to something. He wa:;°in tbe midst of the bra.ted "Vax Celeste," "Vox Humana,"" Wilcox Pittent Oct1wo Coupler, ed to her: ' derstam\ a great deal better the quality of' himself: group before he really understood who the 'Your good heo:lth, my daughter; and " Cello." or " Clarionet " Stops, "Flugle Horn," " Dulcet," "lEoline," LITERATURE. thing when we call it by its right name. 1f 'That's how the land lies. Wine in and young lady· was that had laid such violen t 7 · "Cremona," and Grand Organ Step, and yours, :hfr. '\ hitford,' bowing to her coin· a young man drinks 'vine or brandy until wit out, and Blani.:he troubled about it alhands upon him. He then recognized h< r DANGER; OR WOUNDED IN 'fHE panion also. he becomes intoxicated, as Wbilford has ready. Engu.ged, they say. All right. But as the daughter of a \\'ell.known merchant. The momentary spell waa broken, d k · HOUSE OF A FRIEND done to-night, and we say he is run rn- glass i.sho1p, and love's fetters are made ol I-Ie had rnet her a fev.· tnnes in compaIJ y, · Blanche snuled back upon her father, au<l stead ot exhilarated or a lit,tlu gay, we do s1lk. \\'ill the edge be duller if the glass is and her bearrng toward him had always be· BY T. S. ARTHUR. Can be obtained only in these Organs. raised the glaSB to her lips. The hgbts in something toward making his conduct odi- filled with wine! I trow not.' lore been marked by a lady-hke dignny the rooin seemed t.o flash up with a Ligber ou~. "1e do not excuse, but contle1nn. 'Ve Aud a Hleam at satisfaction lit up the and reserve. N .>'\\· she was altogether anCHAPTER VIII. brilliancy. Never had the taste of wine make it d1'gracefu l instead of palliatmg the youug man's face. Style~, other being) loud, free and familiar aln1ost {Continu ed.) seemed more delicioue. What a warn1 thrill offe:rce. With no effort strong and self-controlling to rudeness. Meanwlule, Ellis Whitford Jiad already ran along his nerves ! What a fine exhilar· The lady paused when her companion for one oo young, Blanche Birtwell laid her 'You.1nust have some wine, Sir, l\:11igbt, half.forgotten his painful in terview with ation auickenU jn his brain 1 The shadow said : , hand upon her troubled heart as soon 3s abe to glve you mettle for the coJJ1l1ct,' ahe bis mother in the pleasure of n1eel111g which ,i nioment !letore had cas~ a veil over 'Look! BlancLe ll1rt\vcl1 h1 trying to wae out of the supper·room, a11d tried to .Blanche Birtwell, to whom he had recent· the face 01 Blanche he:: saw n J louger. It J quiet huu. Did you know they \Vere en- . still 1te agitation. 'rhe color came back t-0 said, running to the taLle a.nd filling a glass, ly beco1nc eng<:1ged. She was a pure and bad vttnished, or his vi~iou \Vas not " now gaged 7' her cheeks, and some of the lost brightness which she banded to him with the air of a j What!' to her eyes, but she waa not long in dis· Hebe. lovely ;youlJg won1an, inheriting her moth· clear eoou...;h to discern its subtle texture 1 Whitford did not hesitate, but raieetl the er'e personal beauty and fin e tastet, She T a.ke good care of Dla.nchc,' sa.id h.ir. 'Engaged.' coveung that the glass of wine tnken ' with glass to his bps and empLied it ut a srngle h.d been carefully educated and kept by her Birtwell, in" l· ,iht voice. 'Aud you, pet, 'Then I vit} h er from my heart. A his college friend bad proved too much for drauKht. mother ua much within the sp here of ho1ne eee tbat Mr Vill.ntJord enjoys himself.' young man who hasn't self-control enough the already confusell brain of her lover, 'Now for kt.iight or dragon, toy lady f1d r. as possible, and out ot the somety o± the Blanche did not reply. Her fatlt~r turn- to ket.p himself sober at an eveniog party who Legan talking fuolisbly, and actlOR in a I a1n yours to do 01 die,' he ex~ Loyden1ah girls who,1uoving in the so called ed away. Eyes not Yelled as \Vhitford'a now can't be called a very promising subj ect for ·way that mortified and pained her exceedclaimed , drawiug up hia handaome best circles hi~ve the free auJ easy manners \Yere, would have seen that the filmy cloud a 11usba11d.' ingly. She now sought to get him into the Aqents Wanted i11 Every Co!<nty. Send for Price List. of the deni~ens of a public garden rather \vbich had conie over her face a httle w~ilc 'She hae placell her arm in his arid is library and out of common obaerva~1on. forrri ~itb a mock d1guitv, at whith a loud Address DOMINION ORGAN CO., BOWMANVILLE ON'l:. than the modest demeanor ' ot unaulhed before \\tLS lebs transparent, and senslbly loolong npiuto his face i:.o sweetly. 'Vhat Her father had just received fro.n France cheer broke out fronl the gt uup 01 girls and She w,10 a sw1::et eJ;:cepLiou to dloirucd its brightness. a lovely creature she HJ ! There! he'N and Euglaud some rare books filled with art youug men that was tar rr1ore befitt1 nK a Also - General .Agents for Canada, jm· the BRADBURY PIANO. maidenhood the loud, "'~manish, convent.1onal girl we Scarcely had l\ir. Birtwell l1::tCthe~ when quieter already j and see, she is drawiug illustrations, and she invited b1m to their tav ern.saloon than a gc;.ntleruau's <l1n1ngroorn. · t · pl ces Mr Elhotl, who had onlv a httle while bed mee t everyw h ere--on tr'le s1 ri:e , 10 a ~ him out of the group of :youug nien, an examination. But he was feehug too social Rice &i Barker, Agents for the Counties of Durham, Victoria, and Nm'th of LouU~r and noisil:!r this little g1oup be· pubhc amusement und in the drawing. fore Leard of their eogagemer..tJ said to talking to him in such a bright, antnuited for that. and South Ontwrio. ' t h ft r ith t'-e Blanche in an undertone, and with one of came, °"rhllfrird, under a 1resL l':lupply of Bowmanville, Deo. 21st, 1875. room-a 1ru.~ran uruau owe w u . . wav.' ' ,fhy, no, pet.' fie made answer with bloom of ·ge~tle g1rlhood on every unfold· Ins sweet paternal suulea : . . t Poor chd<l ' it ma.k.es 1ny eyes wet; ancl fond familiarity he would scarcely have wine, leading in the boisterous muth One after another, atll'<lcted by the ga.yeLy ,tnd ing leaf. 'I _must take a gl~ss off hwrnhe with you! this 1s her first hnmiltating and pa.1nful nseJ had they been alone instead of in a laughter, jouJed the group, unt1l 1t nurr1ber' h dear, in comnictnoration t e app y event. dutl· toward her futuie husbaiul. God pity crowded dr~1ng room, toucL1ng her cheek It W!o\::i no slender ti~ th ....t bounu l ese b-!r. Elliott had uot meant to include "' ed filtP<'n or tWl:!llt} ha!t u1tox1cated youug lovt!JS together. rrhey had. UJOVt:<l lo ward and strengthPn her is 1ny heartfelt praye1. playfully with his fingers as he c:poke, 'Not · youug "rh1ttord in the invitation. The latI ,. h n1en and wo1ue11. \.\ho l ot$ t themsi::lves in a 1 ench other, dra\Vll by an inner l\ttraction ter hnd spoken to a lady acquaintance who She will have need, 1ear, We'll reserve that pleasure for , o more t"an U· now. kind of wild saturnalia. that \\·aa 1rresistible to each j aud v.·hen heart man ht::lp and 0ornfort. .lnother time. This is good enough Jor me j' stood near him, ttnd \Vas fl:ay1ng a few words f do· It \VltS pust twelve o'clock ·w hen Mrs. 'You take the worst, or grante 1 and he S\vung hia arms a1ou11d and gave a. toucJied henrt, their pulses took a comn1on to her, th~is drneul{aging Blanche. But ob· Whitford eLtered the d un ug·room, wh (re beat, The lite ol each had become bound The lady drew a rlcep sigh: little whoop, hkc an excited rowdy. ae rvrn~ that Mr. Elliott was talking to d k h" the noise anU laughter we1e alwost dealen· up in lbe other, and their betrothal ·was no '~fear the ~·oret, an now so11.1.et ing A de(·p crimEon dyed fur a nlonient the Blanche, h« turned from the lady and join'fh f ing. Her face wns pale, bt:r lips closely mere ont\\- ar<l contract. The manly intel· of what the \VOrst a1eau.:5. ere are ew face of Blanche. In a woment afterward it ed her oga10. And so Mr. Elhott had to ' h Id d compre.saed nnd her Joreht-ad contrachd Jcct and the pure heart had recognized each families of any note 111 our ~1ty, s e ac e , was yalei as 1~11hca. \Vh1tford Einw the with pain. She stood looking auxJOUt;}y aay : h ) other, tender love had lifted itsell to noble after n slight pause, 'in ·wh1c sorrow 1 as death-like change, and it partially r0used through the roo1n until ehe sa\v her sou '\Ve are going to haven glass of wine in d h h I d f t thought, aud thought hall grown stronger not entere t roug t 'le oor o 1n em per- him to a se nse of his condition. leaning against the wall, ""1th a ,young ln.dy honor of the auspicioul3 event, 1 A'· 1 · · l th l h t and puier as it felt the warmth and hfo of ance. u . is not toe uame o e evi L a 'Of course I'll go to the library ii your standing 111 Jront uf b1u1 1 holding a g la1:1a 1u 1'hree glasses were tilleu by the clergyh h I d L 1 d a new and almost divine inspiration. Ellis comest roug t us oor eg1on nn we beurt's set on it,' he aa1d, 1.rawing her arm ·' · · man, and then he stood face to face w1th the 1 b I h her ha.nd, which ~lit>\\ as tryJng to induce Whitford had r1sen to a higher level by t 1ro\v 1t ~wH 1e open, unu invite ot i )' oung in bis and taking her out of the roon1 \\-it virtue of this behuthal. young n1rtn aurl maiden, and each of thera, and old to enter. '\Ve draw tben1 by Van ous a kind of tlourH~h. Ji.fany eyes turned on him to take, One glance at tlu· face ot Ellis told her too plnrnly his su<l condit10n. l"e t'iake the WR\' of this · They were s1tt1u~ 1n a bay-window, out as he said in a lo\v, proteSs1onal voicc,n1eant allurements, them. In EionH~ oq·as surprise, in sonie mer· '\ · " To go to htm alJd endeavor to get him of the crowd of guests, when a movement h1 for their ears alone,' Peace and bleoi:uug,iny door broad und smooth and flowery, full of riment, and in some sorrow a..ud pain. childien !' drank to the sentiiuent. Whitaway 1-fra. Whitford fear~d might nrouso the company was obmved by Whitford. 'Now Jor the books/ he cried, as be placed his latent pride and n1ake hint stubborn to ford drained Ins glass, bur; Blanche only ple.asantness and entice1nent. \Ve hold out K11uv. iu.g v.rl1at it meaut, he rose and offer· our ha11ds, ·we suule with eucuurage.rneht, Blanche in a. large chair at the library· her wishes. tasted the wine in hers. ed his arm to Blanche. As be did so, he Mr. Elliott stood for a few moments, con- we step inside of the door to show them the table. '\Vbere are they 1' 'You see that young man alanding became aware of a change 1n his companion} Self·control has a masterful energy when a~ainst the wall she eatd to one of the scious that something was oU.t of accord.. wn.y.' fdt rather than seen ; and yet, if h· bad In her ardor the lady hall lorgot hereelf, the demand for ita exercise is imperative. waiters. Then he remembered hia conversation 'vith ALSO looked closely into her face, a cQ.ange in Its and stopped suddenly as she obeerved that The paleneE=a went out of Blallcbe's face, Dr. Htlthouse a little while before, and felt 'Mr. WhiLford <lo }OU meun !' usked the expression would have been vieibJe. The an rnstant regret. He had noted the wan· two or three of the cornpa11y who stood near and a tendtr light canie into her eyes as she waiter. smile wos stHl on her ht!autitul lips, and had been li·tenmg. rooked at Whitford and smiled on · him ner of Whittord as he drank, and the man· her 'Yea,' she rephed. 'Go to him quietly, l\Ieantlme, Blanche Birhvell had n1a.uaged the light and tenderness still in her eyes, but ner ol Blanche as she put the wine to her to get Whitford away from the table, and with loviug glances. and 6l-Y that his mother is going and waJJts fiow both eomethmg bad departed. It was ' 'Sit down,' she said, in a firm 1 lo\\'J gen- him, Speak low, 11 you please.' hps. In the one case waa an enjoyable \V&e trying to induce lnm to leave the supas if an almost invisible film of vapor had eagerness, and in the other conatt's.int . per room. She hnng on Lis arm an~ ta! k ed tle voice, Mrs. Whitford ·too<l with a tbrobbmg drifted across the sun oi their hves. Something in the expression of the girl's to him in a hght, gay' manner, as though The young man felt the force of her will heart as the waiter passl'd down the room. In silence they moved on Lo the supperface haunted and troubled hun a long time wholly unconscious of his couJition. 'l'hey and sat do\vn by her side, clo::ie to the table, The tempter was before her 80n, offering room-moved with the hght anu heavy· after\\ ar<l. the glass of wine, which he yet rt:!uscd. reached the dorJr leading into the ball, when on which a nun1ber of books were lying. hearted,for,as Dr. Htllhouee had int1a1ated, 1 Our young friend. is getting rather ga.y,' Whitford ;topperl, ·nd drawmg back, eaid: 'I want to show you Dore'· illustrations She sal\-· him start and look disconct:rted as there \Vere so1ne there to whom that supc Oh, there's .Fred Lovering, iny olrl cal.. of Don Quixote;' and Blanche opened o. the waiter spcke to him, then waive the eaid Dr. Hillhouse to Mr. Elliott, halt an per·room was regarded with anxiety and hour afterward He referred to Ellis Whit- lege friend. I didn't koow he waa in the large folio.volume. glass of wine asi·le. But he did not stir Jear-wives~ and n1others, and sisters who Whitford had grown more passive. He lroru his place. ford, who was talking and laughing in a city.' Then he called out, u1 a voice so knew, alas ! tco well, that deadly serpents way that to some seemed a little too loud loud as to cnll many to turn and look at was having a confused impression that all The waiter came back to Mrs. Wh1llord: lie hidden nmong the fl.o\\' era of every ban· 1 and boisterous, 'I'm afraid for hitn,1 he him, , J.!~red ! .I?r~d ! VVhy, ho\v are yon, ok1.. \1188 n0t just right \Vi th him, a11d that 1t .fie says don't wait for him, ma'am.' q ueting·room. was better to be in the library looking over added. The poor mother felt an icy coldness run boy 1 Thia is an uneX.pected pleaaure.' How bngbt and joyous a scen'e 1t was l The )Oung rnan thus spoken to made his books and pictures ·with Blanche than in along h~r nerves. Foi aorr.e moments she 'Ah, yes l I rPmember \.vhat you Wtlre You did not see the trouble that lay hid1 \vay through the cro~·d of guests, wh o were tlie crowded patlots, where there \.\'as so stood irresolute, and then went back to"the say1n~ l\bont bis two grandfathers, returned den in so niany hearts ; the hght and "closely packed together rn that p.rt of the much to excite his gayer feelings. So he parlor, . She remained there for a. short glitter, the flaeh ·nd brilliancy, were loo the clergy man. 'And you really think he room, some ~oing, and eome trying to get gave himself up to thti will of bis betrothed, time, masking her countenance as best she may inherit something fro111 them 1' strong. out and grasping tho Jmnd of Whitford, and tried to fe el an interest in the pictures could, and then returned to the din1ng· ,. 'Don't you 1' asked the doctor. Reader, did you ever think of the po,. er sbe seemed to adn1ire so much. 1 Well, yeB, of course. room, where noise and rucrr1mi:.ut et1ll prel3ut I mean an in~ shook it with great cordiality. of spheres 1 l'he iofiuence that goes out ' Miss Birtwell,' said the latte r, introduc· They bad been so engaged for over vailed. She did not at fi1·3t see ber son, from an 1nd1vidual or mass of indiv1duale 1 ord1nate desire ±or drink 1 a. craving that ing lllanche. , But you know each other, I twenty minutes, Whitford was begrnnrng though her eyes went a111ckly Jrom face to makes indulgence perilous f we n1ean-that eubtle, invisible po"" er that to grow dull and hea"Y as the exlnlaration face and from form to .form. She was see.' 'Yea; 'that isjusi what I do believe.' nets ±rom one upon a.nother,and whi1.:h when 1 Oh ye.5, we are old 11iends. Glad to see of wi~e dLCd out, and lt!ss responsive to the a.bout retiring, under th~ impression that he ' If that be so, the case is n serious one. aggregated is almost irresistible 7 Yon have efforta made by Blanche to keep bim rn- was not there, 'l\o'ben the watter to whom you looking so \Voll, r,f111.s Bu twell.' felt it in a company mov~ed by a dngle im- In taking wiue w1th h1m a sbort time ego, Blanche bowed with cold pohteness,draw· terested, ""hen Lovering came into the she had spoken before ·aul to her : pul:~e which ca1r1ed you for a time with the I no\.1ced a certain tnj oyable eagerness as he ing a little back as she did ao, aud tighten- libr(Lry, aud seeing then1, said, with a spur 'Are you looking for Mr. Whitford 1' rest, though all ,)'our calmer convictions were held the glass to his hps, not oiten ohser-ved of banter in his voice. ing her hold on Wlutfo1d's arm. There was aometb1ng in his voice that unless you wish to purclmse in opposition to the movement. lt has .kept in our young men.' 1 Co1ne, come, tliis will ne,erdo l You 1re Lovering fixed his eyes on the young lady m11dc hor be.rt stand still. you sil..:nt by it.s oppressivcpo\".rer when you 'You drank v:ith hiin 1' queried the doc· ,,·ith an :l.dmiring glance, gazing into her 'Yee,' she replied. a fine fellow, Whitford, and I don't wonder shoulrl have spok~n out iu a ringing pro- tor. 1 You will hnd him at the lower ez;U c1f face so intently that her colo1· heightened. that ~fos Dirtwell tolerates you, but mon· 'Yea. He and Blanche Birtwell have re· test1 and it has borne you away on its swift She turned partly U\vuy,an expression of an- opoly is not tbe word to-night. I claim the the room, .Just 10 the corner,' said the mu11. or turbulent current when you should have ccntly beco1ne engaged, and I took some 'Mrs. Wb1ttord made her way to tho low noyance on her countenance, clra wing nioro pr1v1lege ofa guest and ::1. word or two with er end of tne rooin. Ellis was sitting hi a stood still aud been true to right. Agarn, with them in c.oruplunent.' ---o--firmly on the ar1n of her companion as she out fair hostess.' chair, stup1d and maudlin, and two ot three The doctor, instead of replving, became in the company of good a.ad true rnen, inovdid so, au<l taking a step towaltl the door . were around lus ch~ir, And he held out his arm to Blanche, who thoughtlel::!B girls, · ed by the inspiration of some noble cause, silent and thoughtiul, and Mr. Elliott mov· But Whitford was no longer pns::ive t? her bad men from the table. She co~ld do no laugb1ng at his drunken t:fforts to lie~ itty. how nll vour weakness and hesitation has ed away an1011g the crowd of guests. The shocked mother d1<l :nut S} }e11k to }111n, will. leas than take it. He drew her from the but ehrunk away and "'cnt glid ing 1rotu the 'I am really ·orry for Mrs. Whitford,' died out! and yon have lelt the influence of having opened his All)' one rea<lin({ the face of Loveriug roo1n. As they passed out of the door room. At the door she su i<l to the" ,nt1::1, said a lady with whom be soon bccnn1e en~ that subtle sphere to which we refer. \VOUld have seen a change in its expreRsion, Bjanche ca·t a look b·ck at Whitford. who had lollowed her orit, dr,iwu by a look Everywhere and o.t all times- are \\'e ex· gaged in con versatlo:n. the evidouce of some quickly formed pur- rrJiose \VhO Sa\\' lt Were struck by its deep she gave him : 'Why so 1' asked tho clergyman, betraypoood to lhe action of these mental and mor· 'I will be ready to go 1b five minntt-.s:, pose, and he \VOUid have seett also some- concern. iug surprise. '\Vbat'e the n1at.ter? No fa1niwith a full assortment of and I want l\1r. \~Thit1ord to go · w ith n1e. 1al sph~reA, which act upon nnd impress us iu thing inore than aiuiple ad1niration ot the ' Confound his impudence !' t-jaculated Get him down to the· door as quietly a. you thouso.udi; of different way~, uow carrying ly trouble, I hope!' beautiful gn'l lcanu1g on the arm of his Elhs Whitlord as he saw Blanche vatiish can.' 'Very ac1ious trouble I should call it us along in some sudden public excitement irieoll. His manner toward Whitford beThe waiter went back rnto the supperthrough the library door. Rising lrom th~ in which passion drowns the voice of rc.·ason, were it my own,' returned the lady. room, and v.·ith a tact tlat can1c fron1 e,;came 1nore hearty table he stood with an irresolute air, then ' I am pamed to hear Jou speak ·ao. What a11rl now causiiig us to drift iu tho wake ot is prepared to offer 'hly dear old friend,' he said, catching up went slowly from the apartment and IDtll· perience in ca.ses similar to th1~ n:i.anagcd to get the young man a.way without arousing sorr1e stronger nature than our O\\.'Il 'vhose bus occurred 1' ' Haven't yon noticed her son to night 1 the h'nd he had dropped and givrng 1t a gled with the company, moving about in an hie opposition. active thought iholds ours i.11 a weak,assentFive minutes afterward, as b-Irs· \Vlnt .. There! That was his laugh. He'a been tighter gri p than before, 'thia is a pleasure. aimless klnd of \\'ay, until he dutted again ing bondage. How it brrngs back our college days ! We rnto the supper-room, the tables of which lord sat in her carnage at the door of Now drrnking too much, I saw hi· mother look· You understand what we mean. that will with any Store in the County. must ha.ve a glass of wiue in memory of the. tb e v.·aiters were constantly replenishing, ~lr. B1rtwell 's palace home, her &on \\·as take the pet vad1ng sphere of nu occasion iug at him a little while ago with eyes so pushed in, half re.ei8ting, by two watter<-, eo good old times. Come !1 and toward which a stream of guesLa still drunk !hut his "retched mother hud to suplike the one we are describing, and do you lull of sorrow and suffering that it made my Ancl he moYed toward the table. I With f.lo\Yed. 'rho company here was noisier port him with her arm alt the way home. not see that to go against is possible only to heart ache.' 1 an imPulse she could not reatrain, Blanche now \ban "hen he left it a abort time be- Is it any v.·ondtir that in her acb1ng Leart ' Ob, I hope it's nothing, replied .l\ir. persons of decided convictionB and strong the mother cried out, 'Oh, that he had died ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFFICE· individuality 1 The common mllJls of men Elhott. 'Young men will become a little drew back toward the door, pulling ·trongly fore. ltevelry had taken the place of staid a baby on my breast 1' propriety. Glasses clmked like a chime ol (To be Continued.) bp-ol 5-m29. and women are absorbed into or controlled gay on these occasions j we must expect on Whitford'· arm : Bowmanville,, April 12th, 1876. POETRY. D.OMINION ORGAN CO'S can ... ..... CABINET .ORGANS. ... ... ... ~ "' ..,, . ... = ... ..... .... = ..... = ... = ..... - ..,, E:i ... All the Late Improvements T\venty-Fjve Different for the Parlor and the Church, .the Best Material . and W orkmariship. Quality and Volun1e ot' tone Unequalled. PRlOES $50 TO $1,0,00. Factory and Warerooms, Cor. Temperance and Wellington Streets, Bowmanuilfe. I ° GO TO r . PLASTER~ I.YLE & MAR'l'YN. Don't Read this, ~(Jheap Dry Goocls== s. MASON NE"VV STORE DRY GOODS, CASII, BARGAINS comp~re FOR .. Highest Price pa.id for 'l3utter a.nd Eggs. f ,...._ _ __