..........._~~~-------------~-------·- - - - · -- __ _ ._::_ ~ THE MERCHANT FRIDAY MA i, 1876, ==========~==="'==========.====-======:====t====::::;=;============;========;==--::======---·--TOWN HALLt THOROUGH-BRED FOR SALE OR TO RENT. MATH us EK. PI AN o :Oa.ily Line to Rochester. l\IORRil!P 'ruesda.y Eve'g., Ma.y 9th MENDELSSOHN Short Horns for Sa.le. 24-tf. ROET. COLLACOT'l', Q U I N TE TT E C L U B 1 in one cf their Grand Concerts. FOUR THOROUGH·BR;ED DURHAM store, a large tw~ otory Uough Cast D1Veliing, EXCEJ, in volume of tune. l3ulh1, yearlings, red and roan, can be z;ur· possession will be given at once. Apply to EXCET.1 in firmness and puriiy of tone. chased of the undors;gn<d, at i~asonablo rates. tho proprietor. EXCEL in voice-like qu·llty of tone. ']'yrone, P.O. o~fi~;~~o~Tl~~!:' ~~;~i;,~.~N:rfllt,t;~ IIampton, OHlT COLE JMerclia.at 1 ,ai\~r. i\farch 7th. 1876. 24-tf. S. -=- s F HILL · . · Commenoing 2~~.~r ffi1'.~LTHURBDAY, THE STEAMER CA .RR IAGE s HOP WM. CHi~S. ,,.iolin, 'rHOS. R.YAK. Clarinette a.nd "Viola,. SCHME1'ZE. Violin. N. AliTil!~N. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. EXCEL· in durubihtya.ncl keeping in tune. EXCEL for the concert room. EXOEL for tttaching schools ca.1~ seminaries. · EXCEL for the drawing room. has a west of the Ontario Bank. King Street, Bowmanville. RUDOLPH Hr:NRJG, ViolonceUo. aa1i:isted by JIIR. ALEXo HEINDL, Double l'"" and ·ollo, and the cHstingulshe<l voca.list, MISS E. ·A, HUMPHREY. .Concert to begin at Eight o'clock. Bowmanville 1 April 28th, 1876. 3I.2w. ED. HEI='TDL. ]'Intl! and Viola. The Common Sense First Prize altd Diploma at Provincial Ex:hihition at Ottawa, 1875. The King of the VTest PANNING .- pro· perty. situate nn tl1e corner of Hunt and Ann-streets, can be purchased at u. reas 1nabie · RIS V.la.shing 1-Iachioe has been received figure for cash. 'l'here is a new fl'ame hollile, 1-vith universal favor, in many of the States with well of water. also a stable, on the -pre· of th e 1Tnion, t:i.1'1d to-day, st an<ls higher in the mises. The garden is cultivated . ~JJply to estimaj;ion of housewives, tha n any other. They · .TORN H. HAMBLY, are now iuttoduced into this vicinity, by the At MR. lt. HAJllBLY'.::1, Brick1naker. unde)·eigned, who bas already sold a ·large num· Bowman ville, April G, 1876. · (m.·28-tf ber. 'l'he points of exc1:1lleuce <:onsi ~t in its simphcity,alld t he 6aviug of soap, ln.bor and time. An ordina.ry washing, for a la~e family, can 00 dor;e by children from 8 to 12 years old. A VERY DESIRABLE piece of town WASHER!· T :.L FARM FOR .SALE. al half - lenee, 'l'l1 e1r 1 lnstrate<l aud u~scr1pt1ve cfitad fi-t:e · tu a1 1y a.ddeesSl, exlogue,which we se11 plains conclusively. in ha1·n1ony with acoustiics a.nd n1echanics all tLat is ch~meJ. for the Mathushek. There are thousands of happy owners of l\fathusheks '\'illing to certify to their 8U~r.ior e-t cf"Jlence. We have room here for but & few· brief ex tract~ :N E'Y YORK, Oct. 28, 1867. Wet.he undersigned, .Tudgr.s of PiallO!'i nt the ptoof. 'l'bt~y are unlike a1ly othet·, in con&truction; all tl1~h·. 1)~ euliadties are poil~ts ?f exoel· - -++'l'he~e are broad assertionB, but capable of FlJLL STOCK OF 'NOR,SEMAN,' THE. subscriber ia prepal'ed to (R. CRAWFORD, MASTER,) PJWL' · D~y Goods, fJlothing, Groceries, &e., and is Selling Very Cheap. build s.11d re "THE TE EVIN F AR1\'.L" Sei1enth Oon. of Fenelon, containing in vne block, Thie· Hundred Acres. miles north of Lindsa:r.. facing the river. Tb ere is 180 acres cll'lared, and the remainder is thickly wooded with hardwood and hemlock. 'l'herc is a 11ew brick house, C::rectedlast year, n.t a cost of upwards of $3,000 ; barn 32x70 ; at.able barn 28x60, with driving shed atta.ched, shed 60x26; feeding house 30x26 ; · 3. g.ood orchard of youn2' treet> ; tw(J good \Vt.Us. '!'be billldings are all co1nparatively new, and are in good condition. 'J1hfi!rt> are 100 acres fit for wheat in the spring. 1 l'he farrr1 if! con~ idPre<l one of the beat in the County. It will be sold en l,loc, or in. part on libe['al terms. For further particulars, apply to MILL, The Clothe.< arB perfectly cleaned, and not in Fair of the American Institutl, nfter a. careful exa,mination of the Ooncert Oranda,do award to the least u orn by it. 1 SEED SEPARATOR. I THREE MACHINES IN ONE. advantages over other 1fills in u~. are as follows:li:it. It is a perfect Cleaner and Chaffer. It ;...llill take out 'Vild Oto.ts pc1icctly. It will take out ,a.11 Cockle, Chess. ·and other foul see<l13, \Vith once g-oing through, rr1akiu~ a perfect sample of :!\ifark ct Wheat, ·which will a,dd s&veral cents per bushel to the va.luo of grain, over and above that \Vhen cleaned by tho ordinary 2nd. It· is a must pe1·fect Separator. · It will eepa.rate all the large kt:rne~s of W heat from the small and shrunken gra1ns. It <lofls not throw tho stn~ll gra.ina in the chess OOx, like other ~fills, but brings them through by themselves. clean and fit for market, ~nd is warrantod t.o make , a perfect Fample of Seed Wheat. 3rd. It is v~1·y rapitl in its action, and will eitsily make for 1narket, Sixty Bu8bels; and for·Secd, Twenty-five Bushels per hour. 4th. It separa.te8'a111'iada of Grain, as well as seeds ; and if Whea.t a.nd O;l-ts, reas and Oats, Clover and Titnothy, are Inixed together, gull. put through this Mill, it will come out perfectly separated. · 5th. It is equally as good for small as large grains. It wi11 sevn.ra.tc Timothy Seed from W·heo.t, and will bring the 'fi1nothy out clean ~t the s:.1.me tilne as you a.re cleaning the Wheat for biiarket. I ha.ve now gre:i.t plea.<iuTe in offerin g to the fa,r1ning co1nmunity, t11~ most perfect .l!.,anning Mill and Seed Separator ever i n ver1ted. Its and Grain Screen and T is . situate three and A l\:lachinl'I can be seen at the Grocery St.ore of John :\fc1¥Iurtry,Bowm:inville, or a.t the residence of the subsc:riber, Ontario St.,and parties desiring to see it in practical use, cnn do so, by leaving their name s \Yit.b ~fr. -r.-Iclrlurtry, and t.be subscriber will <lo a wash for thcin, frat: of charge. · of making the 8EST of this cll.IM ofjnstruments then and there exhibitt:d 1 or 'known to us elsewhere. FREJJEHIQK :tlATHUSEK the HONOR (Signed) EWD. 1110LLE)IHAUER, A.D. W.BESEJl(ANN. M. J. GIANNETTI. CHARLES FRADEL. Buy once .a.nd you will buy a.ga.in. Bowmanville, April 28th, 1876. ----o---- V.lill make her regular trips on this route.leavWagons, Buggies, and Cutten, ing Oobourg every n1orning at 7 :30, an<l l'ort Hope at 9 0 1clock, for Rochester, connec.1.ing then with the New York Central, Northern of every descritition, at short notice, ai1 d o t Central and J~rw Railways, and bake Onta.rio i-ca.aonable terms. Shora Division of the Rome, Wa.~ertown arn..l Ogdensburgh Railway for all points East, "\Veit and South, RETURNING; will leave Charl<ltto (port Carriages Painted and Trim med. of Rochester,} daily at 9 P. M., except Sa.tt1rdays, when she \vill Jeave at 3 1-'. b-1. for Port Hope direct. '· Dealers Jn stocJr, &c.,,vill fi1lll tbi1:1 the cheapest and 111ost exoeditious route to BoBton, A.1A Blacksmith's Shop bany. New York, &c. For further information apply to on the pl'emises, were ape ci.~l attention is gi.ven R. CH.AWFORJ], to all The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer the best in the market, also ·k ept ou hand. I1'llciory price, $8, will be sold for $ 7. Common Sense Washer, $7. \Vasher and \Vrioger, $12. The figure n-t ·w hich the 'Vrini;er is offored, is bt:low the Fa.ctory price ; a.nfl the large ~J.uc - 1 tion mnchi cin the' "\Vashe1~ and \Vriuger, a11 an llu.tucement tn tlit! public, will only be given for t'\\ro mon~hfl from date. '!'hey cannot fail to satisfy, as all who have tried them, speak hi~hly of then1. brlus10Ju, CONSERVATORY,} · 802 Broadway, N. Y. These Pia.nos mu st take the lead of a.11 known instrumt:nts, and their peculiar construction rende.rs them by.far the most durable, and the leU.St lia.ble·to get out of tune. EUGE~EJ. 'l'his · .'l'icket JS EQlJIVAL"BlilT TO A (2\J.tf.) Or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, KrNGS TON. PORT .tlOf'll:, Ca.rriage · work, u,nd General .J abbing. New Furniture AND A ll wo?·k done at this Establishment warranted. A call is respectfully solicited. MERRIAM. \FREE ·PASS I:HTO JAMES TEEVIN, on the premisee, Lindsay P 0. Fen elon, ]\fnrch ·1th, 1876. 27 -tf 25<. to G. P. ROWELL &CO.;Ne'v SE"D York, for a Pamphlet of 100 ing- li.sta of :woo newspapcrs,R.nd estima.t<>R showpa~es, contain~ Since the date of trhis conoert the J\fathushek ha.'3 been iny favorite, '\Vn.tson's Conssrvatory of l\:fusic.Ntt\V 1--------~-- Mill. ' P. 'rHOMAS. 26.tf. J. JAY WATSON. York~ Bowma.nville. 1vfar, 24th, 1876. ing cost o_ f ad;vcxtising. bp-o10-m25·1y. Proorasti11a.tion is the thief of time, but buying Goods at No money would tempt me to banish it from my ho1ue. D. SCIIUYLER, Buffalo. F. Y. Qowle's, where can be found one of the If j UNDERTAKING ~ j ii ~ ~ ~ t Bowmanville, 01t~ 1st, 18fl9 The urldersign;;dh~'op·n·d a .tor· in New Ta.:i.lor shop, . . J . MORIUS. .o Ma.tl1ushC k - ha.s in roality taken a ste1) in advance~ of To Whom it Iv.lay Concern. OTES, AND ACCOUNTS, lN MY N favoi·, pa.st due n1ust ria.itl mediately, or col!ts \\'ill be incn1Ted. . long 1 be im~ S. V ANSTONE'S all makers of Pianos in the \Vorld. J. G , SHAW, ~rn ~ ico.l Critic, Saratoga. O]Jpllsit.e 'l~releven a Shoe Store, "'·here hc will keep. on hand a. full and vaned stock of Fuller's lUook, The 1fatboahek Orchestra. Squa.re Gra.Jld Piano is btilliri.nt, of v.·oode1ful power, a.nd Largest and Most Varied Stock OF . P. W : OONSA.UIJ. Bow1nanville, Jan. Gth. 1876. .15·t·f. WANTED!. SITUA'l'ION as house·keeper, in a. Sina.11. A family. Apply at this Office. Bowinanville, l\1arch !()th, 1876 _ U·tf. Cheap Store TYRONE, iJ the best means of getting· the wotth of youi: 1noney, in 1nelodi1HHI in tone. . ALl!"'ltED II. PEASE,Rochester. \Vas the crown of all. .F'C"RNI'I"C"ItE, \vhiCh will be diAposed of at the LCf\-VES'l' MA.l\.l(E'l' PltICES. f'ersonsintend· i.ng to cornrnence hous~keeping. will find it largely to theiL· advantage to consult him, ere purcha.sing elsewhere. erally, that he has reino vcd h i~ business to the Shop next door eaRt of Rice's ]Jutche.1· Shop. Ha.viug ha<l 1:1evera.l years cxpm·ieut:e in the trade , he hopeR to satisfy a.11 who may favor ltim with a cnll. BEGS TO INFORM 'l'fIE PUBLIC,. 'ge~- J 0 H N HEAL I "'as fully convinced th~it the ~fathushek Il. BELLACK. · · Price of Mill, $35. All J.cttcrs hem the Counties of Northu1nberland, Durham, \ 1"ictoria, and l'cterboro, n1uat be addressed to the proprietor, MRS. ANDERSON'S Fashion and '.rv.ly old tuuti.f," \vho bas taken ca.re of my pia11u for the past ten years , says that the No, 10 llrchefltral just received from You is the bi.:e~ lul\de a-nd fine$t instrument ·in this .city. Yours, &c. . Spring and S111nmer GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowmu.nville. Sep. 4t~,· 1872. m49-tf. Fwrnitnre 1nade to order on short notice, ttnd FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Come i\long men, wO tnen and children, and you will tlud It. complete Stock of D. M. SOMERVILLE, Clevolan'd,O. GOODS &pairiTI{! nealiAJ done. UNDERTAKING. A NEW HEA.BSE THO)iAS SMITII, Hampton, Ont. P, C, HYMES, General Agent, · May 5th, 1876. 32.tf. Millinery Depot, Kzizg Street, opposite M1·. Buc1'/cr's Latest Styles Dry G~ods, ' Groceries' Bonnets, Hats, Mantles. and General . Millinery. Hardware J consisting of everything in the line, that ca.n be put"chaset.1 in the Parfa and N c..v York est.abc k ery' & c., lishments, are now on exhibition. roe Stra.w Hats cleaned, and altered into latest very Hats & Caps,. ' RLM ST. W. Iv!. S. ScHCOL, Toronto. .'l-l e have great plemiure in stating that as an instrumi;int to lead the singing in a S. School nothing cun excel it. The tone is soft and full. The biuis is grll.nd aud when 300 voices are singing together th.e Piano can be distinct· ly lieard', Every note rings Out a.a clear ns a IN . TOWN. bill. S: J, HUN'l'l!'JR, Paator. SAMUEL FRISBY, Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, etc., at prices to suit the hard times. S. T ARTLING WAll.ING KENNEDY, Superintendent. ~i usical IN Conductor. Revelations! -o-Has been procured of latest t.le1:1ii.;-n. :Furnish· ings for funerals always ..,n ha.nd. All Funerals iu town and country, atttended at fl. reason· able cb at ge. Residence, Corner of Queen and Btl)Wn Sts., next door to Mt·. J, P .Ri0e11:1. Bowma.n; 1;illc:, Murch lGth, 1876. faction , It has givt:n my family the very highest satis- REV. JOHN BREDIN, Barrie. HAMP'l'ON, .._1fr. J , R, use, Feb. 1st ·. 1876 . 'l'he .Clothing Depa.rtment is replete with all the latest styles of Goods, and. th~se w.ill ?fl sold low for Cash. Call anu price the gcodR-seerng IS beltevmg. Bqwmanville, April 21st, 1876. A Very Serious Charge, based up~n subs tant ial facts, is just beill g cir oulated, and is to thi s effect- tha t one of ou prominent lritirchants. styles. ].{rs. A . is Ilot asking lar-ge profits, bnt will 1:1ell at a sn:1aU a.dim.nee on cost, for 0.A.SH. A visit to her establishment; will !'lalisfy any of ou1· readers, of tha.t fact. . Bowmanville, APril 7th, 1876. (m22 ly,) i.vhich will be aold at N~W MRS. S'rORE, WARD Prices which defy,Com.pe· tition. s. V J..l'l'ST01\J'E. Ty~'One, D xAn 8111. : -'l~he ~fathusek Pia.nO I purcha.sed from you lats given entire Ra.tisfaction and proved itself a suptirior instrument in every tes'p ect. I wonld r ccomm2nd all to see th(%, 1-Iathusek, 1.it:fore purchaaiug f;lhiewhere. IL T. 1'J:HLLIPS. ENNISKILLEN,tT an. 25t1i.. 1876. P1·of. J. Ruse, , . D,un Snt :- I ha.ve pleasure in ;l.(lding my A. DAVY. Markus Mayers, . 2fi-tf. The uadersigned has the has purchaM::d, an im1oe11ae S.tock of G oods, on· advautageous te1·ms, and h o is going to gi vtt hie Custcon1ers the benefit of his bargain. '.l1he Stock i;;i very JaJ:ge, en1bracing March ~th, 1874. AT I-IAMPTON. !YI. J. J. EI~LIOr_l1T'S testimony to the n1any. you have already reM ceived in favnr of the v.·ell rneritd Math usek Piano , pur.cb::~al:td froin you recently. I am \Yell sat1sti.ed with 'it in every respect, and con· sider. for beauty and tone, it is unsurpa:o;sed by any instrument I have ye.t seen. . · . . S.. Large I1nportation OF pleasure of informing you that he has re-opened in },is oid stand, South Sea.Swl, lfrmine, Grey and ./]lack Larnb, Grebe and Mi nic b.~ t'" varying in price according to qua.lity, and con- C. HILLIER, M. D. ,Tan, 10th. 1876. Cheap Store :i .J E~I S Ku,r,EN. 1 P rof. R use. , I'.i'EAR Snt :- 'l'be Th.fedium ):lathusek 've got from you giv.es .entire satiofactionin (':Very respect. I cau unhesitatingly reconunend it to all desfring n. good piano. Pastor of Presbyterian Churcl1. ~ ROOM PAPER, AT (two doors West of tlie t' Caps, P ost Otfi ce ) w1-th . an en ire NEW STOCK oF Fresh Fa.m.ily ctrooeries · · H . IS aim sbt;ng of Collaretts, · Muffa, ;Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. All the Goods a.re well made. of t be Latest in Styles ! - =·:- TYRO E, Has now a. full assorted Stook of D. S'l'EWAR'.l'. 0 0 -.J.lir. J . R·iurn, ])EAR S1n:-'l'he No. 11. Ma.thusek is all that you said commenda.tory of it, musicians ba.ve tried it and pronounced it excellent. 08HA'\\'A, Jan 24th. 1876. R. A EASTON'S, SPECIAL . l Jl b e to ]rnep t h e and All Styles of Children's Furs on har,d, S. ia the Prices wch as has never before Best and sell at the Lowest . been offered in Eowmanville. possible price. He a.lac offers a very a t tractive lot of Goods MRS. ll. Ml'l'CREL. I"'INE. He has determined to adopt MUFFLERS, the SHIRTS, DRAWE RS SOCKS, COLLA RS, NECKTlE8, RR/! CBS, .f :c. HAMP110N, Ja.n. 31.st. 1.876. m DIVIDEND NO. 38. N a cli,·iclend of FOlJR PER CENT, upon the ca,pital Stock of thill inRtitutiou, has thii; day been dcclart:d for the current half yeM·,and that the same will be payable, at the B&uk and its Branches, on and after rl'IIURSDAY, the 'l'he Transfer Books· will be alo11ecl from tbe 17th to the 31st ]\fay, both days inclusive. Noti<:e is also given, tha.t OTICT<: IS HERT<:BY GIVEN, THA'r llfr. J. Ruse. DEAR Sn1 :-- It affords me great pleap,u:re in acknowledging the entire satisfaction i~nd my high appreciation of the 11athusek piano pW'chased from you a. few clays since, 800 Page Blank Book for $2.50, Town Hall Block, Bowmanville, Doheny Block, Lindsay. CASH SYSTEM, believing it to be advantageous not only to the buyer but also to the seller. · . Parcels delivered to all parts of the town with promptness. Highest price paid fur all kinds of produce. Hoping to . receive a share of your patronage. He is, yours truly, rhey mu st be $Old, and Sacl'iliccs will Ue lllad c . Cash Custon1e1-s will buy on close marg)n 8 · CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS. S. J. SMI'l'H. M. MA YEI!z'S. --·- ---- - - DRUGS AND MEDICINES rit the Bo\vtnanville, Oct. 1st, 1870 -o·o·- FIRST day of JUNE next. etc., etc, Quality and CANNOT whi ch for PRICES: FULL AGRAFFE, 7·00TAVO FROM THE ANNUAL MEETING of tbt1- Stockholders, fi:r th~ Election of Directora flllr the enisuing year, will be held at the BaukinK Honse, . in this Oity, on Ch~ap $ 3 00. P [AN OS from other i:nakers at bothm prices. reliable Tuesday, the 13th day of June next. · .rhe Chair tr:i be ts.ken n.t 12 o'clock noon, prooisely. By order of the Bos.rd. ness, BE SURPASSED J. ELLI01T _ ..,_ Fire, Fire! T. BATTING Begs moRt respectfully to inform his cusk>mers, and the puLlic gcnenilly that he has determined to sell of the Stock saved from the LATE FrnE at Bowmanville Drug Store, D. FISHER, No. 8, Adelaide St. East, Toronto, .son·: AGENTS. -:o:- NORRIS & SOPER G-enera.l b-Ian~gcr. Os'l'Alno B.\.NK, Toronto st April, 1876. 31-4vl'", JOSEPH- RUSE, AGEN1' IN DARLINGTON, CLARKE, 'VHITBY, REACH AND CAR':\'\VRIGHT. John McMwtrg. lJowwanville, Dec. 22nd, 1875. 13-tf. Something New. Boya.l ,AQ;"a.in Triumphs. lTOUJ.1D most respt'ctfully tend ~1· his incere 'f thanks to bis nun1erou s fJ:i tinds u.ud J.~· tom era, and to thll public ·gl·nera.Ily, for t.he very liberal support he hn1:1 i·eceivecl incc bir ' commencing h1 Lul'li11 ef.t;;;; and 11opt! s by con· tlnnod strict pcl'l:lona.1 a.ttent.ion to busine ss ~ a11d offering nothing but th e purt·st articles, at th6 most reasonable prices, to en sure a contin ua.nee ofjublic patronage. . JI. would call apeci:.J ~.tt ention t o h is \'Cry superior stock of J. HIGGINBOTHAM l- et meu of the Dominion, that he is prepared to clea.n, and make almost as good :ut nl;:',\' 1 anr. soiled or far1ed gar_ m ent. '1'he color is restorec , and the coat, or what else, -puts on a new appeatn.nGe, Satisfaction guaranttied, or no charge. rrHE UNDERSI~NED informs tho Gcntlo. TI-I E Peovle's Book Store ... AND Also Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowmanvllle. He has re-opened at Hampton. Feb. 8th. 1876. · 20·tf. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. MR. :BtTRXE'S old store, near the :Mill. CALL 1\ND GET B.A.RGAINS. TJYE S T UF::B"i-' which are sure to gi\'e th e bust satisfaction, A \vell selected stock of ' THOS. PEATE. Bowmanville, April 21st, 1876. . so.tf. SAB:BATH SCHOOL HORSES WANTED. \VO OR- 'l'li:H.EE useful, Twanted, for Work. F<'Lrn1 acrviceal)le horses Apply to JOHN PIPE. 30-tf. DEPOT C. BARKER. ' the nrriv11l of the Ilolidnys, comes a. den1an<l for $25 'l1he above r ewar·d '\'ill bu paid to any peson who will furni sh ample proof that t.he Boots & Shoes sold by the uuder signed, a.re not whatre r~preaents them, Bowmanv:ille, April 4th, 1876. DRUGS, OJlEJJ.!IOALS, PATEN'l' MED I OJNES, BRUSHES, COMBS, .SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPOR'I'ERS, Etc., Eto kept c:.onstantly on hand. Darlington, A1Jril 2li>t, 1876. STBA.W, FELT, AN:O L::S:G-IIORN etylcs. Spouial attellti.on given BEW ARD! CHEAP . FURNITURE! CHEAP FURNITURE lI I 0HEAP FURNITUR,E! At Manning's Old Stand. The Bowmanville Furniture Factory, hotvinl! conimen?ed busine~s again, . and the New Cornpany htHing appointed t!1e subscn ber, Ueta1! Agent for the Town and Country around, he is prepared to offer the Vety BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at ;prices beloY' any at which it can be procured elsewhere m the Provmce ·. OILS, PAIN'!.', COLORS, VARNISHER, ~l! Telegraph to flardencr SC'l.oing 111~/tine, Co"lf, .llan~ilt-On. and WHITE LE AD at the vary lowef!t Jn·icea . I-IATS AND BONNET~, · \"Vith CLEAKED and ma.de over in the very la.test tO oor.01UNG, OR FOUR THREE wa.nttid immediately. APPRENTICES MRS. MAYBEE, . chea.p a.nd good Litera.ture, Gift Books, a.nd. Present G-OODS. I ha.ve a. Stock tba.t cannot fail to phmse-cou1 plete nud varied. ~. B. -- Country store-keepers su11plied un Fa.ir,.ovcrthe '\Vebater, Osbornc,ancl Ne,\' York Sing-er J .iMEf:I . 7"1ILROY. the rnost advanta.geous term s. · . Bellevi!le, Sept. 30th, 1875. i\.. {!hoice se1itction of L AMI>S for bale c.hcap Got first p1-iie on the Doyl11, at l!.,a.ir here, Ilowmanville. Den. 1868. ~m. hCating Wheeler & Wilson a.ud every otlier ma- Corll\\'1111, Oct. 2, 1875. Rayal got first prize at Gleogarryc County Horses and Cattle Medicines. at 2tfarket Square, in rear of l i"il'ehall. l~owma.ndlle, Apl"il _ l4, 1876. (29-ly. CARD OF ·THANKS. '!'ENDER tlutnk3,to tbe J ndges A.lid DiI rectors of (J1a.rke Agricultliral Society, for the very pron1pt manner in which they pa.i l 1ne my 1 · ltouse a.nd Lot for Sa.le. rrrUL\'l'E Oll V./ullington Street, 11bont t\VO n1inuttis \\'a.lk from the 1\1arket Squ~re. 'fhe boUBe bas five roon1s, and all the ncoussary conveniences. 'l'h e garden IB wdl cultiYated, and cont.a.ins some choice :F'ruit trees. Apply on the premi~cs, to my Fil'st Prize on CruTiages, \Yhich they _sny, rrhe Judges thou~ht. on was justly inerlted. }-,air day, that I wa."> not eligible fo1· a pnze,bnt found on looking at the bill. that I was, aod they granted tn~ tbu ]'irst Prize, l\fr. Lintou's lotteL\ notwithstanding. I have about 1001.tinlt-class Buggies and Carriages, in courso of construction. whic11 will be sold cheap, for Cash, or gco<l i.a.per. FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. N.B. That deservedly popular Teach cr's Bible, in various bi 11d1ngs BOOKS. in !keat 'Variety. ALBUMS, Clw"1' and Rreti· WRITING DESK S, and WCRK BOXES For Gents, For. La.d~es, For .Children. Latest St11lcs and Good Stock. 25, 1875. Roval took first prize at Unionville, compct· ing '":ith tho Wheeler & W ilson, Singer, a.nd EvERT'l'S & HAO-AJ\l\IAN. otherB. TlLSONBURG-, Oct 11, 1875. First prize for Roya.I, at Union Exhibition here, over all competitors. MATTHEW STEWAUT. V{ oodstock, Oct. 6th, 1875. Royal took first pri:-:e a.t Exhibition here,over aU competitorfl. · }L\.1'THE"' STEWART. Paris, Oct. ;Jrd, 187G. Have taken iirflt prizu with lloyal at Fair · here, beo.ting t.ha Rnyn1ontl and Singer. ,.~lILLL'il!l S::-lIDER. chine. Grt>at contest. Brockville, Sept. J.A .\l1'J8 BAURl!:lT. · RETIRING ! A Rare Cha.nee. - , - -The undeniigncd being ~bout t.o Napaue.fl, Oct. 15th, 1875. ]\.oyal has taken first _prize at Fair here, over Singer, llowo, Wanzer F, Osborne and others . .}AMES BARRET, WM. MuCLUNG, S Im11e1ial H EAD - - ---- Carriage Maker. Bowmanville, Ma:r. 24th, 1876. 26-3mos . MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOl' ES. Roy.a.] t1~kes first priz~ at this lfair,for family work and light mMJufactttri11g, · '\VILLIAM SNJDER. H·rley, Oct. 13th.1875. Retire from the Ha.rness :Business, 'offers his Funerals furnished in every respect, in the Very Best Style, and at PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COU.t\TRY. li~ht 'l'hese vietorie-e conclusively prove tha.t the ru11ning Roy9l, is the -people's favorite,a.nd the Large and Complete Stock of Harness Saddles Whips, Trunks, Valises, &c. 11t a.n Lurgest Oollectfon Qf Sicreoscopiu Fire lnsuranr.e Co 'Views ·i n Town. OF LONDQN. Established 1803. O:F~"ICES.-1 W One of the Fl NEST HEARSES 'in t~w ProVjm-~e, SENT 1j'REE, to . any Ftmeral · furnished by the Siibecribm~ 'within Ten ?ml.es of Bowmanville. · Reporte having been' circt1lated: that the u~dersigned hn.s f?een overcharging in the Undertaking Department. he begs to submit the follo,ving figures, which he challeuges any one to contra· diet. Reported amount charged. Actual amount charge·l. Fifty Dollars~ Twelve Dollars. Thirty· do. Nine do. l"'orty-.lfiye do. Twenty-five do. BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The ~fanufacturerA hl-l. ve hi,tely a..lded to it, tbe greatest nov~lty of the age, tho Ro.11al Lanip Holder for Sewing fffachines. The La1np en.n n1r"cr upset, nor the Oil soil the '\'ork ; and it is arranged to thro\V the light on any pat't of the work, enaLling the operat:ir to Immense Heduction for C as h JAS. MEDLAJ\D. Old llrond St., aJ1J· Bowmauville. M~uch 30th, 1876. ?7-lm Pn.11 Ma.11, London. "\1EN.EllAJ.. o\.(lE:NC.::Y _]'(IR CA.NAD.A :- ·24 St Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. SPECIAL ATTENTION GlVEN TO ORDERED WORK. STORE. - One door ea.e.t of Cornish's Jewelry Stora, King Street, Uo\vmanville. . HOUSE: TO LET. S a s r ihuent St., J4ontre(l.}. work as well by night as by day. Sold by J. s . DONEY, TYRONE. Give him ciri Ea?·ly Oo,ll, and scct~·e , BARGAINS. S niture ]!'actm·y, Contains 9 large rooms. Terms eaiy. For partjculars, apply. on the prer(lfaes, to D. WHITE. ·- IT"L"'.' ATE on P . ro13pect Street, ne&r t,he Fur· Fund. ·£1,965.000 Sterling. Subscribed and invested Capital n.nd B.eser\·e . A J DODSWORTH, lUNTOUT; BROS. Inspector. Gen. Agenta, ~Iontl'ea GOOD FRAME HOUSE, situate on P,, . R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent Duke Street. Apply to for Bowmanville and Vicinity. S. W. MASON; Bowman.ville, June 4th. 1860 36 m.o.43-39.4w l·tl. ]j(,l\ manvilleJ Dec.lOth,176 . 'l'o Let or for Sa.le. Funds i:.1veflted in Canada-----: 105,000. Insurances against loss by Fire a.re effe1.;f,ed on mo at favorable tcrma, and losses paid with ()ut reference to the Board in J.ondou. Call and Exan1ine. Sixty ~'ifty Seventy-five do. do. do. Forty Thirty Fifty do. do. do. N.B. - Agent for First-class Musica.1 Instru· ments- W . Bell & Co's. Organ, IIallett &- Davis a.nd Rardmau Pianos. N:B. --All parties inJ.cbted by N ot e or B uok Also th.~ Celebrated 'Valtham and Elgin Account, will please atittle beforti t h e 15th day \Vatches. · of ~larch next. J. SMALE. Great ~ Inducemen~s. Bowmanville,I\.'.[ay 6th, J875. Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Coffins, of New York. · cuetomers foi past patronage, (having aold N. v nbe. 18th 18711 o ei r · The Subscriber, thrmking hii very numerou1:1 Samuel Mnson· c~ ~ &: PQrtland, ~Iaine . $5 TD $ 20 worth . per day at home. $1 free. 8'rINSON & ~p-ol0-m25 ·1y. · Sample· Co,. W. p. PROWER. Bowmanville. March 30th, 1876. Twelve Thousand Dolla1·s 1Vorth in 12 month solicita their continued pu.tr ona.gc,by reasonab . t1on P.rices, .J fair D dealings, and guaranteed l'!a.tsfa . 'Bowman ville, .Jan .. 27th, !12 J u. di1.y Outfi~ and ugus~a, Ivlwne. a.t home . term.fr,,., TRUJc & CO., bp- ol0-m2t ·ly. A, t .....,J ~, on fol w. Il tJO:: · · . ::-._