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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 5 May 1876, p. 4

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I THE ltfERCH~T F:l.UDAY, MAY 5 1876, POETRY. The Dreamer. AH day the ,vhite·ha.fred woman sits Deeide the open door. and knits; No living thing her eye sees, As busy with old mcmorieti, She drea.rus her dJ'eam of what has been, t\..ntl knits her old-time fancies in. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Handling Bees. fha.Ye no doubt tha.t many a.piari.a.nEt as well as myself, have often looked over the index 1i9 the Bee Journal to find som~ special direction as to what to do o.nd ·w hat not to do in an cmer· gency, and sometimes it is a. difficult task, MILNE'S OLD ~RIDG·EM.A.N AS s-~AND, DOMINION Sa,vings and Just Arrived at the Bowmanville, March 13th, 18~6. DEAR Sm : · -We beg -to inform you that we have 110"". commenced business at the above address ·under the firm of F .A.ISBION 'H OUSE splendid asBortment o Hints given here and there under v1uioua heads but not without' much searching-and She thinks of those who long ago then, not altogether sati.Bft\(:tOry, 'lhe gr.e at 'Vent out across the threshold low. value of a look like thlt Bee Journal is a Vijry How many times her Jit:itening ear fllll and ·complete indell.'.. I have choflen the Has thought fa1niliar footsteps new-, above title a.a the best I can think of, and ye~ And she has startei.1 up to find it Qoett oot convey the whole idea upon which I wish to call the attention of beginners in this de A dead lcn.( rustling in the wind. J)ut never a.s of those who lie hghtful occupation. BeneA.tb the wide and tcnJcr sky, Coo nesa &f!d deliberation in manipulating '\Vith f~lded hands on quiet breast, bees, is one that miiy Wf:'ll be studied and prac.All wrapped about with peace and re!lt, ticed. ·In my own ~xperience, (I have kipt She thinks of them. For her they tread bee8 for many yeara,) and in my observi\.tion of The green earth with her. None <lend. others, the thought of opening a full hive of bees h'!s ~en with such feeling~ <if trepidation 1 rhough ha.v1:1 fallen like the leaves as t o stl\rt the perspiratiOn in stream9, and Above the graves wh<!re Summer weavoa causti very u_n~atisfactory work: It iB not so Her rrrass-fringed cover1Ct, to keep "' now with me, at lea.cit, for I have learned to Safe hid from us the ones a.c;leep, keep cool, n.nd p erfect my work with delibcra· She :aces them all. Not grass nor mold · tion. For the sake of others, espE>ciaHy begi.n· ··an h1'de th" ones-", lo\·ed of old. c: " !).)· ners, I would like in thia ariiclt!- to give a few She talks with them. VVhen brown·wjnged hints. bees · In the first place, nOtwithatanding tho opin· 1vlake merry in the locust trees, ion so often expressed to theoontrnry,it is well She thinks he comes and sits with her to use some protection; n. veil of blnck millinet, \Vhose voice WM love's interpreter. dra.v.·n over a broOO-brimmed hat, a.nd woollen O drean1er ! young ~~gain to-day, .i;:loves-with the thumb and fore·finger cut o~ 'Vhut matter if your hair is gray? -will afford ·a coo.ti.den.Ce _ and self-poM&isiop Bometintes she thinks tlia.t round .her knee which go very far towa.r<lH giving the desired Iler children play in happy g"lce, cooln~ss and deliberation. Aud when they tired and sleepy grow l often handle my bees witbottt any protec· tiou whatever; but I can never be absolutely She !!in~s some iiong of long ago, A.n<l. on be 1· lovin g mother hrea'st certain that. some dyspeptic bee wHl not fly in She l'ocks her little ones to rest. my face ·and close up my evc1 or add huge propol'tions to u1y nose. And this fu.r: a man who 0 dre<i.mer, knittiug all tho day cv"ery day or t\\O bas to speak in public, is, to Your dreams in with ycur stitches gray, say the le::i;it, not deejrable. So, to, . with the Yours ii· a hn:ppv. happy heart,1. utrooat cal-e, a hlock ~ill tip over, or au in\·o, A haunted world from ours apart. untal'Y jar occur, whjch will a.rouse a dozen to The yea 1 ·~ thn.t tui·ned your tresses gray ma.k e an attack. To keep cool, therefor~, first Have g:iven yon your youth to-do.y. · ' protect yourself; Again, when opet·ath1g in warm weather, it is not necessary to be in a. hurry. The air may be full of bees, but they :lviU all find tb.:iir place. Broods will not perish or be injnred in the space of time req_uired fo1· most operations.. A whole hive may · be aprf'ad out What is tbe difference between '1 on the different fra1nes in the ehade, and every crockery dealer and a cabinet-maker? comb deliberately studied 'vithout being a.t ah - One sells tea sets, and the other set- injured. It is 'aU lmportaut to know and decide at the outset, befort:i the hi \'e is touched, tees. what you intend to d.o, and make your.preparaAn old Scotchwoman, whose favorite tions acwrding-ly; have every\hing require.d on son \Vas in the habit of s'vearing occaS- th~ spot, a.r ranged within eal'ly racb. Thus, a. sionally,. was censured by her- minister black queen may be caught 01· her wings clipfor not correcting hi1n. 'It's vara \vrong, ped i crooked cou100 straigLtened, or drone rnin ist.e r/ she admitted, 'but ye maun pon1b cut out and 1·cplaccd by worker comb,ctc. 1 uloo that it sets off conversation michtl- all in one operation. ']'be \Vant of deliberation causes the death· of ly.' many bees, und the rest needlessly irrit~ted. It A little child, gazing upon an old iS an art to handle bees well,only to be acquired picturP of his mother, taken in a low by practice. And there is great satisfaction M· dress, re111arked, '1i.1:an1ma, darling, you tcr performing a. difficult work (as for iostance. was mos' ready for bed when yat picter to transfer the co1nbs of a box hive into frames \vas taken.' a11d feel that you hav~ not needlessly crushed ~ iingle bee. It can be done, but the hive, the Charily,--'A lady felt such charity for fram es and combs must be handled as gently as a poor family that she took off her false you wou\d a full tumbhrr without . spilling a. hair and sold it for their benefit. Then dtop.- -D. C.-MiUett, in Am, Bee .Tou-rnal. · -Ad1xincc . New ·Goods.! ' a ND INVESTMENT · SOCIETY OF LONDON ONTARIO. NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of FLEMING, ~ MUST BE CON:!IBTING OF SQLD, ---:o::--- REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Also a large atocfr ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, Ere. Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedding Ririgs. AARON BUOKLER. ' I GROCERS AND GENERAL JHEROH'ANTS. We have received a large a,ssQrtment . of· -o- Stamps for Braiding and Capital, $1,000,000.00 Subscribed, 750,000.00' Paid up, 300,000.00 . Reserve and Contingent Fund, 60,000,00 Mvney loaned upon real estate on the most favorable terms, mortgages purch ...ed, interest allowed on deposits. Em· F broidery. Groceries, Orock.~ry, T. GlastJware, Seeds, &c., BRIDGMAN, (formerly with llowmanville, Oct. 8th, 1875. ASH 110 NS for Spring just to hand. u~ua.l. 'Selected personally by J J. D. Strowger NEWC.A.S'l'LE. . ., 1 · Pr'e sident. _ having be.e n purchased for cash, at from 10 to 15 cent., Having removed to morecommodiouopremiee'.,' Reference by permission, GEO. McGU,L, ESQ, Manager Ontario Bank, rN Bowmanville. WILI,IAM: ALLISON, EsQ., .M. D., Bowman ville. FOTHERGILL'S BLOOK, London, Ma.rob, 8th, 1876. · · will be sold at prices that. defy competition in this County. We hope by Milne), from the principal markets of the coun~ry; the same D. M.A.CFIE, F. :a·. LEYS, Manager. DDESSMAKING MRS. A, FLETCHER BowmR.u ville. April 7th,187·1. · an earnest endeavor to serve you well, to meet Hoping to have th11 beg t6 inform the public ganera.lly, that ther are now enabled to .offer them , with a liberal share of Public Patronage. pleasure of a cail from you, Better Induceiit~11ts in the li~e . B. &: F. N. B.-W e would particularly beg to call your attention to our assortment of TEAS. <Cluce. Bowmanvilla, Ma.i:oh 9th, 1876 . 22-tf . We remain, yours respectfully, Grocery Busi,ess, (AS REGARDS PRIOE J: QUALlTY) than any other house in th· County. of The highest prici:; paid for Pro- _ Important Anli.011noement ! . Elephant House SoMEri1HING NEW THE NO PRESENTS i:IVEN1 BUT CODD Weight and Measure Guaranteed in every Crumbs for Chic kens. Grea,t ltedl.\Otion, in Dry Goods ! THE PA.TENT ALUMINOUS and OR· :'!~!!,~~eo1a,l1ty.\ Millinery~Clothing, ~rockery & Glassware. NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. i~ta:ue· , PAPER OIL-OLOTH and OARPE1'ING . A suhstitute for Lath & Plaster! SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. · Neweastle,Au2uiit, 14ih. 1874 · BOWMANVILLE Machine and -oo-- XmplemeJ>,t · EASY PRICES FOR HARD TIMES, · Manufacturing Co . :M:a,nufa,oturers of , MURDO UH BROS. AT AND BELOW. COST·! A Largo Stock Just Received,-Plain and Ornaniental, both for Walls wncl 'i'/oors. The Paper Oil Cloth and Oarpet!ng is a Cheap and Durable Substitute for Oil Cloth. The Chemicals with which the Paper is saturated, render it proof against ltats, 11-loths, and !t' MCCLUNG BROTHERS now preparing for Stock~Taking and will make a WOOD AND IRON WORKING Having decided to make a change in their business, are now selling for CASH tlieir large arnl well assorted Stock of Dry Goods, MiHinery MACHINER~ Clothing, Crockery and Glassware, Varnish Polish ! Another thing much wanted. This Polish gives a most elegant lustro,and dric~ inatantaneoua:ly. THOROUGH ·c1~~ARAGE ' if it is possible for LBFFEL'S Doubl~ I.ow :Prices and Swee~ing Ilargain·s to E:ffect it: --:o:- - Turbine Water Wh.eels, and Tho Stoek having been purchased in the BEST MARKETS, buyers can Nothing ever discovered bedepend on getting fore to equal this Poli1;h, she went home and knocked about the chairs until the husband purchased her a s,vitch costing t\vice as much. Ca.~tin gs of all Xinds done on the MORE .AND BETTER aorws FOR THEIR MONEY FOR FOR SWARMING. For some d~ys before swarms issue, the bees iuay be seon clustel'ing at the entrance of their hive-though we ha.v~ seen some s wa.rms that would come forth with but little or n9 indica· tions of.ifl. swarm, When honey is abundant, and may look for them to comti foi·th a.t ahnost any time from the hours of ten to three in the :tfternoon, first swarms, second and third from seven in the morning until four n the afte1·noon.. Have your hives ready, and in a cool place. 1'P: Rnre they are both clean a.nd sweet. 'l'hcy ·will need no washing of herbs, or salt water, or whiskey to induce thetn to stay. 'l'hC'y need to be protected from the h~t sun. · Shoultl the sun tJtril~e the hive, it is '·ery to con1pel the bees to leave-they cannt>t stay where it is too warm to \Vork their wax;. , .REPAIRS SEO:Et.TEST Common and at this Establshment than in any other house in the country. Piano Fo1·tes, Clocks, or any kirtid of Buggies, Gutters, Sl.eighs, and all kinds of Varnished Carriages The :Monitor.-' What is conscience?' asked a school-master. 'An inward monitor,' replied a bright little fellow. 'And what is a monitor?' 'Ol\e of the iron-clads.' Free Smoke.-' Will this pipe smoke free?' asked a gentleman who was purchasing a pipe. ' Of course it will, if you can get your tobacco for nothing,' was the rep! y. 'You have a considerable floating population in this village, haven't you?' asked a stranger of one of the citizens of a village on the Mississippi. 'Well, ves- rather,' 'vas the reply; 1 OBSERVE! Until further notice, Winter Goods at McClnng Bros,' will in some cases be sold Regardless of Profit, and in other:s Regardless OF COST NOTICE, Gang J?lqwa, ' Call Early, and secure Bargains, as tlie wliole Stock m.ust be sold at once, for CA.SH. ONLY. Picture Varnished Fwrniture. We have now on hand a large quantity of that will be sold at I LOW PRICES AT THE SHOP. Bowmanville. Afarch1873 . 'l'RJ~ THE GROC·ERY DEPARTMENT is now complete with the choicest supply of SOLE AGENT FOR THIS P.LACE. Call and See, and Seeing you will :BELIEVE! CONSIDER 1'HE FOLLOvVING. 6tf. about DOMINION BANK. · lJOWMAKVILLE. Capital, Paid. Up, HEAD OFFJC:R, 0RILLIA1 Cliristrnas Goods, Raisens, Currants, bU· gars, Peels, etc., etc., at all Prices. Bowmanville, Dec. 24th, 1874 :E.A.RDWABE . ! As tu5ua', a L rge Stock on hand vf half the year the water is up to the second-story window.' A minister asked a tipsy fellow, leanlng up against a. fence, 'vherr. he expected to go when he died. 'Ifl can't get along any better than I · do now," he replied, 'I shan't go anywhere.' A stone-cutter received the following epitaph from a German, to be cut upon the tombstone of his wife : ' Mine vife Susan is dead, if she had life till nex friday she'd been dead shust two veeks. As a tree falls so must it stan,· all things is impossible mit God.' A little bo.y was recently presented w.ith a toy trumpet, to which he became greatly attached. One night when ~e was about to' be p11t in his ' little bed,' and was ready to say his prayers, he handed the trumpet to hi; grandmother, Useful Cements. W ATERPROOP CEMENT FOR r,AST IRON PIPES, $1,000,000 TORONTO. \VurTnY, UXBRIDG.I~ MURDOCH BRO_ S. Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. All of whi<:.h will be sold at low figures . ETC.-'fake equal weights, in dry po..vder,_ of burnt lilne 1 Rornan cementt pipe clay a.ud loatn, and knl:'ad lhe whole with about one·sixth of its weight of lin seed Oil. An increa.1:1ed propor'· tiun of Roman c'ement'iillproves thl;l quality. PrrJtS, ETO.- ' 'Take six parts red lead, two parts white lt:ad1 and foul' parts -pipe clay, fine and dry, anct mix into ti. stiff with boiled linrieed oil, This ce1nent resists moioture and heat, but not the direct application of fire. CJ!:MF.NT FOH GAB A1"1'J 81'.EAM Dress Goods worth 50cts., for 35. Oonounu, French l\Ierinos worth 80 .cts,for 50. Thia Uank, addition totranan.cting the ua· ual banking busineas1.. off.era to l?ublic .au B lanllets \VOl'th $5.50, for 4.00 · the advn.ntagos InMt1tot1on with the security of ln.rge c&pita.l, by the n1enns of a SAVlNGB Shawls· \Vo1·th $3.00 fo1· 2.00. . Interest a.llo\1.'ed on all deposits of One Dol· lar upwards, at the rate of Frv:s per cent. !{aii-l·oacl w1·appers worth $5.00 for per and annum. I30WMANVILLE, BRANCH 01".F ICES: OSHAWA, John Mc:t.eod & Co.,· Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville·. August 10th, 1875. in tl~e of a ~av1ng a. Dl!lPARTMEt.:T. 3.75. Ct.MENT FOR TH1'hTOINtS OF IRON STOVJl:S. - q ua.ntities m.ixed, sifted road a1:1h+,is, and fine!y powdered clay with a little salt. When r<;quired for uae, add wntt:r enough to make 1 a. thick paste. Equ: ~l A SunE .CURE. -:...!fhe following u sure cure - - - - -- - saying, ' Here, gra1n'n1a, you blo\v \vb1le I pray.' a atrong tobelia ponWce to the throat. Change e Y<>.rV for dipth~l"in 11 've take froiu an cxchange1 &n<l give for what it is worth :-"At any time1eV1¥1 after the pipes have comtncnced to form, apply . hour, ru1d in a short time th,e .Pipes will l· fOsen. This rerr1t'cly has never been known f;,o Rail-road \vra1lpers for $5.00. Buffalo Robes-\Vorth $15.00, for 12.00. Shaped horse blankets for One Dollar. Overcoats cheaper than ever you have . seen them ? A young man whq went West a few whether he is marriedorscalpecl. 1uonths ago, sent only one letter home. fail, it ho· aucceeded in some ca6's where 'a It came on Friday. It said, 'se1ui tne council Of three physicians had given up the a 1tiig,' and his fond parents don't know °'"'as hopeless." . A charitaulc Cincinnati man keeps a All .th1"s and Muoh More at SO, HO! of Fashion MOOI ,UNG ·BROS. Gentlemen---...,. Depmdtore can withdraw either the whole or any part of their deposits n.t any ti:m.e 1 without previous notice. Spt:cial ra.tea of interest a.Unwed upon depo11ita with notice of withdrawal. American Currency a.nd Silver taken on d~ posit. Dra..ftR granted payable in Great Britain, United States and all parts of Canada. 6tJ'"Deposits can br remitted by mail,address· ed to the Dominion uank (regist"red] 9 when in all castis a Pasa-Book receipt will be Bent by return post. J. A. CODD, A.gtnt, Bowm:i.nville, Jan. 6th, 1874. 15-tf. .i\. BIG .l~URH TH.l!i MERCHANT has noW a. bona tide is now ra.ging a.t TRELEVENS Circula.tion of 1000. a.nd \vith· the exception of a few, the$e pa,s~ into the hands of the people of "'ltV est Durhatn, The public will a.tonce sec the utili.ty 'of the pap-or as an ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Bowmanville, Jan. 11th, 1876. NOT SO FAST. TOBACCO. Th~ La bit of tobacco chewing bas been bite,' can be a.ccon1modated \Vithout condemned by one of ~he I:Iippodrome re- pair of dogs chained at his front door, so that poor people who stop to 'get a taking the trouble to go into the house. ·· The boy we.nt back and reported again progress of good taHte, refiu e ruen~, and elethat there was no book there. The ga.nt n1anne1s. It e;till prevails wjdely in father got impatient and sent another 1na.ny parts of the \Vest and South,ee:pecia\child !or the book, and in the mean- ly in tho·e Jull places where the enjoytime the mother brought the book from a 1nents of life are fe\v, .and n1en feel a con· differen t room, 'vith the re1nark, 'Here's i::tant de.:,ire for eon1e ~ort ofstimului.. There your book; it \Vas on the rr1an tel-piece.' ar e n1 cn out th ere who do not scruple to The gentleman composed himself to che\\.· and : :; vit in presence of their ta.milies, read, and about ten n1inutes after\vards or in the Society of the fairt.>r· sex. 'l"here discovered young Hopeful standing by are so rue of then1 who chew before breakfast, his chair and regarding him intently, and never take the cJUid out of their n1ouths As he raised his eyes the boy broke out. C xctp, t when devouring their v.ictuala. Thc:r:e '1"ather, there's a fib about somewhere j are sou1e of them Who even chew &t church, and I didn't tell it.' tind you will fin J. many churches which said it \Vasn't there. ·Yes, it is, rny crn and central portions of this country son,' said the father; ' ifs on the table.' within the present ger1eration, through the A fond father sent his young Ho[,eful of four into an adjoining room to get a book. The boy came back· and vivali ~ ts. It is an unclean and unwboLe. habit, iujuriolls t~ the month, the sto1uach, the lu ngs, the blood, and the nervous sy ~tem. It baa decrea~ed in the· .. Important .Annq11noement I - I h&ve written these few linea And all I have to say, That you oe.n find me still at home I am not gone awa.y j So ll-ll my kind old friends may come And all the yonng ::>net too And get their garments ni<:.,ly mad"' In fa.."lhions that new; · Where old and young dekr friendm1. meet A welcom~ greeting by R. PEATE Bowmanvllle, June 19th 1878. Iii Has No Eqaal in this constituency, and this fu.ct ia beiug con stantly demonstrated. If you have lof!~ anything, advertise in this paper, If yon hri.v~ found anything, advertise in the and he LEVI MOit:EtIS, W. llcMURTIY, .Having been delayed several weeks, in opening out his determined to continue to sell nt these J'uinously low prices MERCHAl\-..J.'. If you 'va.nt to sell anything, n.dvertise in this chea.p er than the cheapest. Why he can do it-paper. If you want to buy anyt.h ing,tt.<.l\·ertise in the First, he buys for and knowsjust how to bPy ! I\fJ~ltCHAN 'l'. Second, what he can't buy cheap ~nongh, he manufactures If you want to reaeh the public, use the columns of the MERCHANT. Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Fourth, he sells fw- cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. ts -o- · .As 1\. weekly newspaper, the I\/[.RUCTIANT is ecarcely exCelled. Sixteen columns of cn.refully selected rea~ling mat ter a-ppear in Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds each issue, comprisir1g Litcratwrc, A.gricitltu1·al, Family R<xiding, stc:iok, which comprises eYetything in the trade, of the very latest. and most elegn.n Doors, Mouldings, and Win- Exn.mine estyles General and Local Ncwsa.nd patterns, of Eng:IiSh, Can!ldian, and Alnerican n1anufactui-e. all fresh and readable. -oFrames, Subscriptions taken a.ny time during tho to manufacture to order, from the bost of material, and none but firet; With or without O"'i"!J. ·with or without He l!ltill continues · workmen kept. yea.r. GENERAL OONTRA.OTOR AND BUILDER. OUR RATES ARE LOW. C.A..LL AND SEE FOB YOUDSELVES, AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. dow Band MouW.. · Exaggeratfng Rebuked.-A quaint have what Thackery used to call an expecScotch ininister \vas giyen some\v h at to toration in every 'pe.w, for the use ot all the exag~erating in the pulpit. His clerk males who sit in it. There are clergymen reminded him of its ill effects upon the who chew in t!Je pulpit, judges who chew New :Cry Goods E~ta,blishment, Orders Promptly xecuted, and Good Fits Guaranteed 0 TERMS 75 CT~;, IN_ADVANCE. congregation . He replied that he was un the bench, doctors who chew while' gonot aware of it, and wished the clerk, iug their round !l, nnd editors who chew the next time be did it, to give a cough by way of hint. Soon after be was des- while compo,ing their articles. So cribing Sainpson's tying Lhe foxes tails H" e sa id: ' 'fhe foxes in those days were much larger than ours, and they had tails ~o fut long.' _ 'Ahern !' carne from the clerk'S desk. "l'hat is/ continued tl~e preacher, · ' according to their in easurcment _; but by ours they 'vere I 5 fut long.' 1 'Ahen1 l louder tha_n bef~re_. 'But as you n1ay tlunk t111s is extrav aga nt, we'll just say t~~ey \Vere .10 tnt.' 'Ahen1 ! ahetn '. ' sun more vigorous. has determined to offer, di1ring the re1nainder of the Season his entire stock, at such prices ~s \Vill ensure a laning, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, Ile has in l!ltock an endltis~ variety of Ladies' and Gents' Sar11toga Trunks, Valises, etc. 1 a~ of which he is r;elling che8.p for cash . o- FOB, JOJ3 fRINTJ:N(i we have e!l?ry facility. V1 l e do not work for nothing, or f1111, but our prices 'vill he found low, as onrprt:sscs art! run by stca1n power.; Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Ornamental Pidcets, in eve··y vari- , Bowmanville, Ma. 13, 1874. ety, and Sci·oll Sawing, ~======================== of every description· M. TRELEVEN. together. · · . The pnrson leaned over the pulpit, · h' fi t ti clerk sai'd. dulge m thrn habit" leas than it was a gen· · an d sh a I~ 1ng is nger a 1e · . , · · 'You tnay cou gh there a ll the nicht eratlon ag?. 1:ohacco chewn1g 1~ an_ excel- is the api.ietitP. for chewing, in son1e cases, tho.t 1nen have been known to indulge io .it while on their way to the gallows, and prisouers regard the deprivation of tobacc<> ns tile toost unbe11raLle of pun:iahmeuts. We have heard of feruare cbeu·ers, but we mudt i?.uppose they are rare in any part of the couutry, tbou~h snuff dipping among certain clasaes of wow en is not unknown in some i portions of the South. There are members f Congrt!os who che.w as tbCv sit iu the ~ouee or Senate 'though we feel '-rs ure that . . .l.L I the proportton o1" . m.em ber· w h ~ th ere m- CLEARING SALE. DONE TO ORDER, on the TO THE PUBJ_jIC. WALTER "\VIGG & SON, I N returning thanks to their nume1·ous austomers and the public generally, for paat fn.vol'f! 1 would rea.pectfully invite tht>ir s.ttention to our present stock of furniture, as we have lately added thereto, that we rb-ay thereby be enabled to l'lnpply all pat·ties who mn.y ple< to favor him with a ~all. Great inducement.a held ont to ~hos:~ purcha-siug at our esta.blir;lnnent_. Pi_c· turca, Look1J1g GlMSei,i. etc, to order, and in every style, Samples of the d1fferent kind of o uldin gg can be ~een at the 'vare·room. We "'ould also beg to inform you, that, having a 41-tJ The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, . and at remarkably Low Rates. ~......:;;.;CA~ · L~L~A.;;;.;..N..,...D_S_E_E_ . ~ rrow OJ·ea·/n ·.n be sold I' P-or j- good Goods ca II SHORTEST NOTICE. hops on Liberty Street. North of the Eastern House, Bowmanville. ' BowmanYille. ,July 9th. 1874. Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Cfrculars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets, and everything from the si.te of a I'oster large enough to cov~r a barn to a h:i.U-iuch stl·ip, printed in gooU style1 and a.t cit !H'JCCH. Specimens of work ca.n Le seen a.t our offic<i, y..rork handed ·out, and th e ~a::oh ta.Inn for ii THf 80'-/00L NOVELTY I THE NOISELESS AND Unbreakable Slate AT OUR BOOK ROOM Ask for it Send for it I C- BARKER. SPLEND1D NE"\Y° HEARSE, wti eh&ll be ready a.t a.11 time1 to attend funerals, on !hort notioe and reMona.ble terms:I c.- BARKER. Manaqer · N.!I kept <!n ba.nd ru1d to order 1 at the · . 0 A. S H . Bowmanville, November 19th, 1875. NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. Oshawa. Aug. 26th, 1870. To Masters of ~ 0. :t. .· · 10 11 f!, n1on; rll nae take off a fut more. len t practice to give up, or refrain from.Would ye hae the foxes wid nae tail at a'?' N. Y. S. King Street East, Oshawa· LANJ{ CEli1'IFICAES, A.ppli cati( ns &c. 1 &c., can be procured at this flffic e,il<t regula.r ra.te!:lBowmanvill ',July 7th. 1873; B ··

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