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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 12 May 1876, p. 1

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.. · . · · · ... · ~:~ ..... .J ___, 'fHE MERCHANT AND GENERAL!ADVERTISER. circuli\te1:1 largely in the 'rownshiI?t1 of Darlington, Ciarke and C11rtwright. It iis a conimon platform, open to the fret:l <liHcussion ofallqu(!~ tionsin the g1;1ne1·al public concerned. TERMS. · · WEST DURHAM · Stea.m Job :Printing O'ffi.e KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE . · · · · Seventy-five cents per annum1 in a'.\· vance. The 'Merchant' and Obser· ver,' $2-00. RATES OF ADV .1!.!LTISI:YG. f)uu co>lumn H""lf do. 45 p<1r annum, 25 u AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. ' Q:.lo.rter du. J5 " T1·tt n'3. elll :tdvertisements)5 cts per line ti.rat nsar J~o11, .;. :lC~ 'Zc. per line, oaoh subsequtint c;ne. VOLUME VII. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. MAY 12, 1876. . NUMBER XXXIII POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL H EAD S CHEQUES , NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS . TICKETS, CARDS, &c., &c., &c., · EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE GRAND TRUNK R.1HLWAYI Trains will leove Bowmanville Station, .Bowmanville time~ aa followa : GOING WJo;S'I'. GOING EAST. Local· ....... 7:20, a.rn. ] E xpress .. , .... 8:30 Exprees ...... 0 30a.m : ?t-Iixed ..·... .4:20 p.m. l\fixcd ...·. ,.2:20 p.n1. I Luca.I ........ 7:50 p .m. Express .. , .9:00 p. m, I Jt~x.,reaa ..... 9.00 ""11his train runa every morning of week, ){ondayB excepted, Dr. BOYLE, SURGERY---SILVERS'£. RESIDENCE ONTARLO :51R1".ET. nowmanville, Jan. 20th, 1876. Dr. Jas. Fielding, EMBER OF THE HOYAL COLL£0E M ofUollege Surgeons, Englam.1 ; Licentiate of the of Phy!l1cians Edinburgh. CorRoyal 1 Residence, Dorner of Church and Scugog Streeta, Bow1nanvi1lo. Dec. ard, 1875. 10-tf. oner, etc. I. W. :McLAUGHLIN, M. B. L.R.C.P., L.R.c.s., Edinborough. 1\.rfE?liIBER ef the M edical Council of Onto.1~0. l.ll Office opposite tho market. o.nd third do<?r north of Tait's Photographic Callery. Rein· dence, Ontario Street. Night mipssnges may be left either at office or residenc1:;1. Rowxnauville, F~b 18th, 1876. 3 ·111, Dr. DAVIDSON. and Prizemanof the University of Toronto,and Reyal Colle')'e of Ph:ysicians and Surgeons Kingston · l.fember of the College of P}lyeichms and Surgeons of fJntnrio; Coroner1 &c. Residence and office- Market S'}nare, llow· ma.nville. BowrrtJ>nville, l' eb. 24th, 1876. 22-lly. RADUATE OF THE ROYAL COL· G lege of Pb_y_sicians, England, and Victoria. Uni \'ersity uf Victoria College, U ndtir 0 raduate R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLIOITOR IN CIIANO/IJllY, tf:o ·· J. . 1lrimacomb'· Rooms. Dowmonville, Oct. 27th, 1868. 0.ll'J'IO.E1 .::-0ver McClung's Store. same ty D. E. McMillan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLIOI'IOR TN CIIANCEIIY, COl:v VEYANGER, rf:e. NEWCASTLE. ONT. Newcastle, Oct . 8th, 1875. m51-tf, men of the Dom inion, that he is prepartXl aud make M ua new, any soiled or farled ga1ment, 'l'he colol' is restored, and tho coat, or what else, puts on a new appearance. Satisfaction gua1a11tt:!ed, or no diarge, Something New. ic!o1ms the GentleTHE UNDERSIGNED to clean, almost good 'rIIOS. I>EA1'E. ' Bowmanville, April 21st, 187{i, Prof. J. Ruse, RADU.A.'l'E of Bii.xter U11 ivet'8ity of Music G Frjetu)sh ip, N ew Yo1k. Teaober of Pian o aud Organ, cultivation V oi(.;(', Singini:;-, Thoroug h l3a8s, Harmony Coinpositiou, &u. Darlington, July 1GU1 , 187· 1. 11-ly R. D. FOLEY, bas taken out a licenEe for this l'o"nsbip. a~ Lyle & Martyn's For a good assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, &u. AUCTIONEER attention. Sn.lea "ill recohe the beot Bowmanvil1t1, Fob. 24th, 1876. ly. AUCTIONEERS Fv· r the 1'ownship of Darlington. H. T. PHILLIPS, able terms, . HAMPTON. Prun1pt attention given to sales, &c, on re<U:!On· SALT & Wm.. Barton, ENNISKILLEN. Sales promptly attended to on reasonable lerma. cations got up on application, on th!;l nwi'!t lea· · eonnble tenns, and of every description. Offic1:1 ... and Shop, Ontario Street, nearly opposite J.\ofr. T. Bowden's, port be has received the past two years, and hopes, Ly cuntiuue<l at1 ict personal attention to businc8s, and working at the 1nost reasonable pricea, to en~ure a. continuancl:l of public patron· age. w. n. is to build hou~es, eto ' on the most modern style of 1uel1itt1cture. Job· bing vrum11tly attended to. Plans and spccifi· BUILDER, ETC., AlJ kincls of Field and Garden SEEDS, Begll ,t o i·eturn t)rn.nks to his friends for the sup W. BUNNEY, Bowma.nvillo Dec. 24th, 1874. 13-ly, DENTISTRY the Newest thing of the season, J Brimacombe, i.R.O.D.8. OFFlCJi: ove1· McCLUNG'S Store Bowmanville. Dec. 1~74. FEES MODERATE. 11-tl. MARRIAGE LICENSES, R JOHJI. H. mYNON, Lot 7, uth <Jon. Darlington, rnear llethet!da Chu rch] is duly authorized to issue ¥ arriage Licenses. m8-tf. Darlington, Nov. 19, 1874 M ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Live,.pool London, and Glasgow STAPLE F I OJt 1'ickets, or information, apply to W . .A .. NEADS, Agent. Buwmanville, .Tune 9th, 1871. tf-30 A OA:RI>. thu for tho sale of w.y 8.\NIZED PENS for Bowmauville, Ont. have tills day appointed 0 . BARKEll Vut~ Cla.11 a.nd. exa.mine Stock. Highest :Price for :Butter a.nd Eggs. JOSEPH ~f.ASON,P.P. J . J.JACODS. llow81M1Vill·, Sept.lOth,1874.m·t 1 You cannot feel \veil, Mrs. wife, wholly. abandoned the nae of intoxiAbercrom· appetite as strong and enslaving iu one A . It retarded it very much, where we couts of every kind. Ho saw in thio hia bie,' he suit!. ' Tho air is close and hot. grade of society as in another, and tho dis- used to raise !art>· cropi!, at present we grow only hope. Ria efforts to d,;uk gaardetlly Let me take you baok to the parlorn.' turbance of normal conditions as great. very little. Singing Prr,'seQ. and temperately had been i'·u1tleas. 'l'hc 'Sbo did not reply, nor indeed seem · to And so you ·ee that the wife of an intoxiQ. Do you not think that a removal of' BY JOS El'H T E l'OI - UUJ, guad wos off the moment a single glaBB of hear him. Her eyes had become suddenly cated ar1ny officer or lawyer or banker n1ay excise duty from native grown leaf tobacco liquor passed !;is Fps, and be came under orreated by some object a Jitlle way oIT, aud be in as much danger from his drunken and and the imposition of a higher rate of d L1Ly l heal'd a little voice in church the influence or an a.roused appetite, against were fixed upon it in a fligbtened stara. insane fory, ·when flloul' with hirn and un· on imported tobacco and cigars tlilln at p r e-IMPROVEU AND REMODELLEDsoa.. : :ig higher, higher, which resolution set itself feebly and iu The gentleman turned am! saw only her protected, a a the wife !Jf a st?eet-sweepor or sent, would be accepta.ble to the farmeT", Unti! its notes, so ringing sweet, husband in l·vely convera~tion with a lady. hod-carrier.' . vaio. and at the eame time increase th e revenue \Vere far above the choir. Up to the evening of this party at Mr. He had a glBSs of wine in his band, and was ' I have never thought of it in that way.' to the country I 'Twas Il 088ie-littl e. ~ _.,ching elf ! Birtwell'·, General Abercrombie had kept just raising it to his lips. 'No, perhape not. Case· of wife-beating A. Most emphuticully I do. Whose h~art with joy w e~ ring:.'.'.g himself fr eo ~·-·om wine, nnd people who 'Jmlous !' was the thought that passed uu.d peroonal injuries, of savage aud frightQ. Do you not think that the laud along So very loud that e'tin in churd1, :a knew nothing of his histort wondered ut through his inind. The position was ~m ful assaults, of terror and sufferings endured the Lake l~ rie shores is not adapteu to miso She couldn't keep f r01u fl . 1ging. 'T' his abstcnliousnE;sB. Wheh inv.itt!.l to d1ink1 banassing. What could he eay 1 In the among the rofined ond educated, rorely ii tobacco ·t present 1 · But Bertie- 41levt'r Ji.ttle rr1n.n !he declu1cd in n wuy th.Lt lei); no roo1n for next moment intervening forn1s hid thm:e ever 00010 to public notice. Fauuly }}ride, A. I never heard tha t it was not. I un· W ns sorl'y that he'd brought her, === :z: the in\>;tation to;be repeated. Ile uever of General Abercrombie a.11d his fa.!r com- personal delicacy, and many other consider- <lerstand that all laud in our section of th e And ku ew that tnl!ilntna'd be asha.tned :z: went to private entertainmenta except tn panion. Still as a statue, with eyes thnt ations seal th e hps in silence. But there coantry is peculiarly well adapted. Of such a forwn1d daughter.' -I company with hia wife, aud then he rare· see1ned stnring into vacancy, DMra. .Abe1- are few social circles in which it is not Q. Is the land ond climate in your secl!"or btlt ()Il O h;>.n n doea Bessie know, ly took any other lady to the supper-room. crombie remained for some n1oments1 then known Lhat some of its members are sad tion of tlie couutry well adapted for the Alld confidently raises B !;ll' simple offering to the throne, The new hope born in tho sad heart of she drew her hand Yii.Uun the gentlenlau'a sufferers b'3 causu of a. husband's or a father's growth of ILdian·corn I ,. 1\Vh en qthers ' v.i og their praise~. ~frs . .Abercrombie had grown stronger as arm nod said in a. low voice, tbat was little intemperance, and there are many, many A. It ia, and wt:i grow large qua.ntiti ea of :z: the weeks and months went by. Never !or more than a hoarse "'·bisper : familieR, alas! which have always in their it, Poor Bertie scowled, and shook his head, so Jong a tune bad the General stood firm. 'Thunk you; yes, I will go back lo the homes the shadow of a sorrow ·that embit· His little hands k ept wringing, Q. Does tho importation of U niled States But, all unconscinus of his shame, It looked aB 'f he bad gained the mastery parJors.' tera everything. They hide it a& best they corn leaoen the profits!deri ved by farmers ~ ( Cl Sweet Dcasie kept on singing : v.I over ·an appetite which at one time seenied Tbey retired i.con1 the 00001 "'i.thout at .. can, antl few kno\V or dream of what they for their corn 1 :!:! tr.teting notice. " Ha.lleluja.h, 'tis done ! wholly to have enslaved him. endure.' A. Most certainly it Joea. -I > I believe on the Son i 'Can I do anything for you l' asked the With a lighter heart than usual on such Cl (To be Continu,.ed ) Q. j)oes not th e cultivation of tobacco ::z: I atn saved by the bJoo ~ of the crucified Oue, " occasions, !\frs. Abercrombie made rcnrly gentleil1an as be seated. her on a sofa in one > impoverish the soil I !"" And so the ehout ef triutnph'Tose for the grand entertainment, paying more of the bay-wi udowa, '"'here she was pnrHally A. It does. It would pay tlic culture of Now bigheE' yet, and highel', The Agricultural Interests Committee. tobacco, it woultl pay very well to keep t he than ordiaory nttention to her toilette. concealed from observation. This Company has recently been re-organized by the addition of three of U ntil it seemed to me as if Something of her old socio! and personal 'No, thank yon,' she answered with re· land up by manuring it. In the Slates the most practical men from the Factory of Clough & Warren Organ Co., Dear llessie letl the chuir. The following ls the evidence of Mr. J. pi.:de came back into life, giving her fnc·e gaining self-control. S he then insisted on land has been kept up for 100 yeara grow· Detroit,, Mich., eaeh taking an active part in his own particular departA :lll through the prayer, and sermcm, too,. and bearing the dignity and prestige worn being left alone, 1 and \vitb a decipion of H. Morgan, of Ainheralburg, County of Es- ing tobacco. It would make a rotation ment, and are now manufacturing an Org-.m equal, and in many points I heartl its echoes r' ..:::,:ng, in happier days. .A.s she entered the draw- manner that gave ber attendant no alter- aex, given before this Committee : crop without much detriment to the lantl. superior,to any manufactured in the United States or Canada. Our cele- And fe lt th e an.gala nearer came I am a p.actical !armer and have peen ening· room at Mr. and Mrs. Birtwell's, lean- native but co1npliancc. Q. Do you think the cultivation of to· brated " Vox Celeste," "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Paten£ Octavo Coupler," Because of Bcaaie'1:1 l'liui.;-iug. ing on her husbaad's arm, a ripple of ndThe gentleman immediately returned to gaged iu farming for the past fifteen ycorP1 b~?co impoverishes the IY>il to a greater ex"Cello," or "Cla\[onet" Stops, "Flugle Horn," "Dulce~," ".LEoline," - Sunday SchQol T imes. 111iration was seen ou many facee, and the the supper-room. As he joined the com- and during that time I have been elected tent th au tl1e prod action of wheat i "Cremona," and Grand.Organ Step, and question, ' Whu is she l' was heard·on man) pany t here ho met a friend to whom he three times President of our Connty Agri· A. I believe that it would require heav ier cnlturol Society. LITERATURE. lips. Mrs. Abercrombie waB a centre of said in a hr'f-confidential way : manuring to keep np land for tobacco th an Mr. Orton, Chairman,-Do yon think the for when~ attraction that evening, and no husband 'Do you know anything about Aber· \ DANGER ; OR WOUNDED _IN THE couhl hnvc been prouder of such a distinc- crombie's relations wit.h his wife J' dnties imposed on foreign produce in April, Q. Do you believe th at it is a benefi t tn Can be obtained only in these Organs. HOUSE OF A FRIEND. ti.o~ for his w jfe than the Gener2 l , He, too, '\Vhat do you mean 1' i11quircd the friend, 1870, and repealed in March, 1871, acted a country to he using tobocco extensively 1 \ he.neficially or otherwise 1 · found himselt an object o! interest antl at· with evident surpriaC': A. Doctors differ. BY T , S. ARTHUR . A. The repeal of the lu.w was injurious. Style~, tention. Mr. Birtwell waa . a man who 'I saw sorne\hingj uslnow that looks very Q. Do you bz!ieve th at Cannd1ao formers made the moat of hia bUcsts, nnd being a auapicio' Q. I s it in the interest of the Dominion import more cattle from the U nited State,, (Continued.) that we should continue to admit American genuine pa1 ' enu, did not fail throu gh any 'What l ' than they export to it i CHAPTER XL refmement of good bteediug lu advertising 'I came hero with Mrs. 11.bercrom!Jie u produce free, while Canadian produce exA. I beliOva they do. \\' c ex po1 t more Among lhe guests nt Mr. on<l Mrs" Birt- to each other the merits or achievements of ported over the border has so heavy a tax little while ago, aud was engaged in help· hiP.h bred cattle, and import n1ore common. ' weJl's, \\·as an officer boJding 11 high im.nk in those be fuvornl with introductions. If he levied ou it 1 ' ing, when J sa.w her faP.o grow dcadily pale. Q. Do you toflow ·ny oth er busincsa but the army 1 named Abercrombie. H..e had presented n man of letters t 'l Un eminent Following her eyes, I observed them fixed A. It is not in the interests of the farmer. farming, if so, ·what bnsrness 1 m11r1icd, ma.ny yearti before, a lady of fine , banker, he informed each in n word or two on the Genera], who was cha .. .ing ga.yly of' the Dominion under the cucumstance1:1. A. N o otlicr bu~ ines but fauning , accompllshments and rare culture, w:bo was of the olhe. s di·tinguished merits. An of- aod taking wine with a lady.' Q. What duties, 1f any, would you im· Q. Do you kuow,of your own knowl edge, connected with one of the oldest fam1.lies in fiee1 would be complimeuted oa his rank pose on flour and various grains and othe~ 'What ! taking wine, did you ea) 1' New York. Her grandfather ou her moth- or pu bl\c ae1 \'J ee, a scientist on bis last book foreign farm prcxlucts ; or what guidtng that any considerable quantity of hve atock, The gentleman \Va.a almost aa much surer's ride' had dist::igP;shed himself as .an of- or essay, a 1Cad1ng: politician on bis ste.terule as to such iniposition of duties wnuld cattle, etc, Jrna been imported into Oanada. prised at the altered mann er of his friend e.rd placed in i!'jnrious compEtition \lith ficer ;,, the Revolutionary we"; and on1 her mansbip. At Mr. Birtwell's, you always you advise 1 ae he bad been with that of Mrs. Aber~romCanadian rah1 ed stock 1 1 father's side she coulJ. count sl11.tesmen and found yor"ae f among men with more in A. As corn is principally used fur purAqents. Wanted in E vmJ County. Send for Price List. bie . A. \Ye have in our section of country lawyers whose namea were prommentin the them than you hod au·pecte<l, and half poses of Distillation, I would put 20 cents 'Yes; any thing strange iu that 1' r have know n Address DOMINION ORGAN CO., BOWMANVILLE ON'l. e1;1rly history of ot' ".' car~1try. ashamed of your iguorance i!l rei;:ard to their per bushel on other farm products tho same several large distillel'iea. 'Lesa strange th au Sall/ was replied. them to import large quantitiesof poor Texof a. the American puts on ours. Also General Agents for Canada, for the Bl?ADBURY PIANO. Uencral Abercrombie while a young uia n grea.t achievements. don' t wonder yon saw the color go uut cattle, fa~ten. thew on slops n1ade irom as had fallen into the serYice of the nrmy,alfl<l Q. What effect has the free admission of Gener.! Abercrombie, like many others Mrs. Abercrombie'· foce. Indian corn on the price of' course grains in free imported corn, nu1.terinlly interferini;c Rice &! Barker, Agents for th~ Counties of Durham, Victoria, and North had acquired the habit ot <l«"V·g. that evening, felt unusually well satisfied 'Why so 1 What does it mean 1' with tho iarmer in the sale of his fur1n stock , The effects of alcohol rrc vtirious.. On "ilh hi1melf. Mr. Bitlwell compiimented your iJection of country l and Soutli Ontario. ' It weans so1row and heartbreak.' Q. When did you kn ow of cattle beiug some they a re seen iu the bloated flesh aud him whenever they happened to meet, Bowmanville,Deo. 21st, 1875. · A. It generally depresses the market 1 You ~urprise and pain ine. I thought bought in the UnitcJ S tates for our di stHrstldencd eyes. Others b'ow p~le, and sometimes on bis public sery :ces nnd some .. vnlue of all coarse grains and even of bay, of the lady by his side, not of the glass ol leries 1 their slr:n tikee on a deaden and P1hen hue. timea on the 'se11sation' that elegant wo· Q. Do you advise legislation with a. view wine in bis baud.' A. I do not know that I, could fi x any '\Vitb some the whole nervous sy8tew be· man, ~frs. Abercrombie, was m"king. I-le to establishing and promoting in Canada, '!'he two men lelt the crowded suppercomes shattered ; wh · ~ o "ith others organic srew in his own estimation uuder the flat. the eulti vation of sugar beet, and the ruanu- date. A couple of years ago, I saw aeveml roon1 in order to be alon e. coming Jrom th e S tates fa.cture of sugar th er l.:' from; also cultivation car loads ot cut tle derange1ne11ta 1 gout, rheuma.tis1n und kin· tering attent1ons of his host, and felt a mn·1· 1 'You kuow something ol the of tobacco and fiax 1 And what lo·gislation for one of our '\\ iud so1 Ju~ t1 J kri ee . drcd cvi 1'3 attend the a.'3S UIL ~at iou of this li·r ptide ewell'ng in hi· heart thon he had Q. Could these d1~t11ler i ca c~x ie t were they ];le and ho\Jits I' would best conduce to tho end in view 1 poison. for some Lime kuow u Ilia bear!ng became tleprlvcd of getting AruPri cnn corn 1 'Yes.' A. Don't feel competent to give an opin(,J·1ite o.a ve!ied a~e the tnoral :and mental 1nore seH poised, hi~ innate sense ot etrength A. I think they could. All they have tu ·Ile has not b ee n iuten1perate, I hop> I' iou about augar Veel, bu.t \vould rel'om1ne0d effects of alcoholic tlisturuance. Some ure more apparent, He was a man among n1en. 1 do IB to rais0 1he p1ice of n lJ faki>y if th e1o · 'Ye1;, the enc011ra~ e ment of Iha culture of flax and nlild end week i·1eb1iates, grawing passive Tuia was the Gcueral'e state of mind were no C-.'.> 111 in th e wu11lr_y, be tter whiskey tobacco. I would rewove the preaeut excrne or stupid in their cu1is. Olho.ts become when, aft 3r nu hour or two of social inter'Oh, f a1n pain ~t.l to hetlr you say~so.' could be n1ade fro1n n1.tlt har1 cy. excited, talkative and l Jtrnsiv~ ; oth<! ra coursl.", he entered the large aupper·rooru, ·Drink it:! his hcsc ttiag sin, the vice that duty frou1 leaf tobacco; it is a great draw· Q. 1n t he eveut of prop l r e1 1cou rH geme11t good-nah :·ed nud merry ; nc..t a few cuarae, whither lie t:8Curtctl a lady. H e had not hM more thnn once con1 e uear leading to buck tu tho s uccess of it.ii culture, nnd a being afforded to lli e Canad ian fa rn,er in cuu ~e of inuch irritutiuri to Lhc tanner. arbitrary, br utal a nd uut't:e' 'og; a1 1 d some seeu hiR wil e for ha.It 1111 houi:. If sh e had Lia <lis111 issa1 frotn tll e ar m y. H e is one o1 (l What ruanufoeturos <lo you \)Link co- tho growth ol co rn, do you th ink th"t j ealou ~, savage and fie nd·bk~. been, as usual on anch occasion ti, by hia side, tho n1 on_who cannot u se win e or ~pi.ritA .in 1:1 uougb of that ar ti cle co u Id Uti produc r d t o Of th e lai,t nam ed class \\iaa General he would hnvu been on guiir<l. But the . n10J.erat1?n. In consc(1uence of sornc dts· operate most iotiru u.tely with ugnculturo 1 supply the requ11crn entf3 ul the Canad ian .A _ Linen, liusced oil, oil cake, 111illiug, Abercron1bie. \Vbcn sober, u kinde:c, gen- lady who leaned on 1 ,18 ann was not hi& eased action of the nut11t1v c organtl bronght demand l tler, or inore conaid rale u'1 l:! n toward his good ang< I. She waanguy, fusbionu.blo wo- on by drink, he has lo~t th e power ut self - LOLuecu, lt:ath er aud fl u. x. A . I believe thc1e could . Q. \Vhe10 ia the most Qf yonr Hour or wife could hardly be found ; but when in- u1an, and as fond of gocd eating and dlink- control 'vhen u1J1..l er tht! h11lu~ n ce of alco(~. ls it nul your h~!H I that i111 portatiou toxicated he Watt haJf a fiiend, and see111t:d ing aeany male epicure th<'re. The General holie stimulation. He is a clypuau;uuic. n1eaf actually eousuu1ed, and what market of lean cattle Jrom 'l'exas and oth er Stutes, to take a uevilish delight in tormenting her. was polite and attentive, and as prompt as A glass of wine or brandy to him is hke ls it u1ost to your advantage to sell it in, the aud exported back ufter being fa.tt1::n ed, iB It bad been no uncommon thil1g to poiut a any younger gallant iu the work of supply· the match to a train of powder. I <lon't borne mark et of our Dou1inion, the :British 111oro profitable to Canada lb un lo the Uniluadcd pistol at her hea.1't, anJ. threat en to ing h1e fa!"~ companion with the good things wu11t.ler, knowing what I do about Uent ral or the A1nerican mq,rket 1 ted States? A. A mill er ca.n best !l.Dswer the question. shoot her Uead if she moved or cried out _; she was so ready to appn:.priate . Abercro.nbie, that his \Vite grew d eadly A. It might lie more profita ble to \b e di·· pale townight when she S'\W him "raise a (~. Do nrnpy ot the sons and daughters of to hc,ld a razor 11t his ()Wn tbroa.t, or place ALSO till erieg, but in no way tu t Lo inten~i:. t of the 'Wtll you have 11 glass of champagne ?' ~ glass to hiA lips.' farmers in your loe·ltty,whose taste or phy- farmer. the keen edge close to hers ; to open a win .. Of course she would. Her eyebrows dow at mtdnighl onci threaten to flrng hin>- arch ed a little in surprise at the question. 'Hao he been abstaining for any length sical capacity. leads them to desiro other ' Q. Arc you posit1vo of uuy cattle being employment than farmlng,seek emvloyment brought to Canad a tur 1ccJiu g purpoac~ self to tbe ground, or to drag her across t!J.e The tleneral lilied a glass and placed it in of time 1' fioor, swearing that they should take the her hand. ' Yes ; tor n1a.ny months he has kept in the United States l Il' so, what remedy since the abrogation of Uc,ciptot:ity 1 Did ehe raise it to her lips 1 \vould you ad vfae Y leap together. A. 1\fy coni ictions ure that Lhcy Lavti No; she held it a little extended, lookiug at himself free. I um iutinrn.te with an oiticer A . A grea.t many of the suns nud sonic of been, For y ears the wretched wife hod borne all him with o.u expre&:1ion which tiaid, 1 I will who luld me all about him. When not It ts <lifiicult to suggest a this, and v.·orae if polisible,hiding her Urea<l.· wait for you.' Q. Do you tl1iuk a duly inqiose<l liy th e under the influence of dp11k 1 the Genernl the duughtere. remedy. lul secret as be·t she could, and doing all in Canadian Govcrnmeut on the U nit ed Sta.t~ s For an instant General .Abercrombie felt is one ol the kindest· Bea rt cd men Ill the her power to hold her husband, for whom u.a it he were sin king through space. Dark- world. 'ro his wife he is teo< and in· Q. Does the tree in1 portation of Atueric~ n ~heat, would increase tl1P p1ice of fl our t o she retnined 11 strong attachment,away from neas and teor were upon him. J311t there dulgent almost to a fault, if that were 'pos- fl our without reciprocity put you at a dis- th o injuring o! the Maritime Provincee l temp"1tion. Friends who orly half·sm· was no time for inaeefo1on. The lady stood sible. But lir111or puts the devil into him. udvnntage as compared with American cowA. I do not believe i.t would, it might pected the truth wondered that time was holding her ~lass and lookmg at him fixed· Drink drowns his better nature and changes petitora 1 And it so, state reaaone. fai se the price of !lour a little, bu~ th ey A. It does put me at a disadvantage. so aggreesive, taking the flash and merri- ly. An instant anol the struggle wos over. him into a half-rnSline fiend. I am told would get a 1uuch better article, a n<l inuch Q. Do you think the admiBBion of Am· better ,·a]ue for th eir tuon ey. ment out of her beautiful eyes, the color He turned to the table and filled another thot be came ncor killing lds wife more and fullne ss from h el" cheeks, the smile glass. erican horned cattle, horses, a11J. sheep into Q. So far 11s you are aware, how d o th e A sn1ile aatl a bow, and then a than once in a drunken phrensy. ' from her lips, ·'.ld the glossy blackness draught that Rent the blood leaping along 'You pain me beyond measure. Poor lady, Canadian ~arketa at ten per cent duty, Canadi9.n quotations for wheat, barl ~ y, oa te, from her hair. his veins with a hot and startled iwpuloe. I don't wonder thot the lile went out of while the United l:ltates impose a 20 per potatoeti, tiniothy nnd clo\rer se ed, nlong th e 'lrlra . Abercrornbi e issuch a wreck,' one f\.frs. Abercrombie, who had entered tbe her so suddenly, nor at the terror I saw in cent duty on similar animals sent from Can· borders con1pare with tb e U niteU States' woti ~d any on meet1ug her ofter a few years. room a little while before, and wa· some her face. Con nothing be done I Has be ada, acts injuriously on Qanadian farmers 1 q uotalions 1 ' I would hurdly hove k nowu her ; and she distance from the place where her husband 1 110 frieuds here who wiJJ draw hiw out of And WOL! ld you recon1mend a sirnilar duty A. I have given the subject a good drul doesn't look at all happy.' of study for yeara and y eara, and by couJ stood, felt nt:the n1oment a chill and weight the- supper·room and get lii1n a.way before tu that imposed by the United States! A. [ do think it injurious, and would pd.ring n1arket piices in bo rder towns on 'I "'onder !f the General C!'inks ae hard fall upon her heart. .A gentleman who he loses control of himself l' as ever 1' woulcl in all probability be re- was talking to her saw her face grow pale both eides of th e frontier, I fi nd the Ameri· 'It is too late. If he hos b.rgun to drink, recommend a similar duty. plied to this remark, followed by this res· and a look that seemed li ke terror to come it is all over. You might aa well try to Q. Can the Canadian 1\Lfmer raise profit- can markets on. nn average of 29 per cent. ponse : ably all the grain required to fatten his dearer than our~, allowing for th e d1ITerenca into her eyes. draw oil' a wolf who has tasted blood.' ' I was not aware that he wae stock, or will it poy him better to buy In- in currency (gold prices) ; this moru iIJg's 1 Are you ill, Mrs. Abercrombie l' be 'Does he becom B viOlent 1 ..ttre wo going drinker. He doesn't look h ke it.' dian corn 1 paper i:sbows a margin in favor of 01:1wt.>go 8.l:lke<l, in some alarm to have o drunken scene ?' ' No, you would not suspect so much ; A. The working farme: cii n raise his market above the l{iugstun ruarket of a.bout 'No,' she replied. 'Ouly u slight feeling 'Oh no; we need appr ehend nothing of but I am sorry to say he has very little ~O cents ),Ill the bushel of wheat. of faintness. It is gone now;' and she that kind . I never beard of hia cr,1111nitting grain cheaper. There are sou1e stock· control over his appetite.' ers whom it may pay to buy corn and oil Q. Does Canada produce more wheat tba n tried to recover horself. any publie, Jolly. The devil that enters At which a stronger ·u·prise would be calre. This woul.<l be governed by the state is consun1ed within her b orders- it so, t o unless you wish to purchase'Shall I t'ke yon from the room !'asked into him is not a rioting, boisterous fiend, expressed. wl1at extent! of the market. the gentlem·"· seeing that the color did not but quiet, malignant, suspici,_ous und cruel. ' General Abercron1bie was fifty years Q What arttclea produced on the farm A. 1 believe she docs, hut to whai extent return to her face. ~Suspicious 1 Of wbot 1' old, a large, handsome and ugr£eable 1nen, I cannot say. require a hom e 111arket for their sale 1 'Of everybody and ever)'thing. His ' Ob, no, thank yon. 1 and a favorite v.itb his brother officers, who A. All that the farmer can raise. Q. Do you know of any tim e when th e brother officers arc in league againf!t him ; ' Let me give y ou n glasa of wine.;· deeply regretted his weakneBB. As an of· Q. Whether grain raising, stock breeding iuiportat ion of U niU!d StR.les wheat obstru cBut she waved her hand with a quick bis w;fe is regarded with jealously; your a.11d feeding, or dairy farming, is most pro· t.iug or our larmers selling then· ---o--ticer his drinking habits rarely interfered with hie duty. Somehow the di,cipline of motion, Sa) ing, ' Not wine ; but a little ice frankest speech covers, in bis view, some fitable to the farmer, both ae regards money wheat in our own markets 1 bidden and sinister rueai)iug. the army had gained such a power over water.' returns and keeping the farm in good order, A. As an illustration- Last faJJ, wloile She drllllk, but the woter did nut toke ' It is awful to think of. It wakes me so as to make it a permanently profitable dri\dng to 'Yin<lsor, l DH.~ t a fnrn1er and Elon him as to hold him repressed and subordm· having opened his ate to its influence. It wns only when of· the "'·hiteneas fron1 her lips or restore the shudder.' investment 1 returning with two loads ol whcut that they ficial rcatmi!lts were off that the- devil had color to her check·- 'l'ho look of dread or 'We know little of what goes on at home A. A man would have to be governed could not sell ; nex t d ~tS L l1 e l~lindsor p uper fear kept in her eyee, and her companion atter an entertainment like thie,' said the by what his farm was lit for, aome !arms announced th e fuct, that a vessel 'vus ur. power to enter in and folly posGess him. JJT A year before th e lime of which we are saw her glance up and down the room in 11 other. ' It all looks so glad and brilliant. are 111ore adapted .. f'o'r one thing than th e loaJing 36,000 bushels of .Minn esota wheat with a full assortment of writing G"nerol Abercrombie had been or- furtive way, aa if' in anxious search for some S miles, laughter, gayety, enjoymont, meet other, and .eiom.e men are more adapted tor for a large willer tllcre, w·h1:n th e farmer dered to duty in the north·eastern depart- one. you at every turn, Each one is-at 1his or one branch of farming than the other. told iae he could not sell, with bitterness in ment. Ilia head< 1uarters v:ere in the city, In e. fc\\r roomer.ta Mrs. Abercrombie was her best. . It is a festival of delight. But Q. Whot chnngcs, 1f any, are required in bis voice and sorruw in his face. B e blames where the characters we have introduced able to rise in aome smoll degree above the you c.mnot at this day give wine and bran· legis1ntion, to make agriculture a more de· our laws. Q. How is this accomplished, when the resided. Official standing gave him access strange i _apression which had fallen ttpon dy without stint to one or two or three sirablc and profitable occupation for the is prepared to offer price ranges higher on the other ·ide of th e to some of the wealthiest and best circles in her like the shadow of aome posamg evil ; hundred men and women,of all ages, ha.bits, people 1 the city, and his accomplished wife soon be- but the rarely flavored dishes, the choice temperaments and hereditary moral and A. The legislation moat immedla\ely .,. line I A. Inferior wheat in 1n11ny cases ; nject .. came a favo; ite with oil who were lortunote fruits, confections and ices with which she physical conditions, without the production sential .,. ould be to put our rivals in the nited States in the snme position in our ed wheat is brought into the Donunion and enough to come into close relations with wos supplied scarcely passed her lips. She of many evil consequenctl.9. It matter1; tT that will compare with any Store in the County. n1ade into fiour. her. ,A mo,ng ,these was 1virs. Birhvell, the only pretended to eat Her ease of manner little what the social condition may be, the market that we are iu Lbt:ir1:1. Q. If American murkets om 20 per cent two ladieB drawing town.rd other with and fine freedom of converea.tion were gone, hurt of drink is the same . The sphere of Q. What effect hM been produced upDll and the gentledtan who had been fascinated respectability may and does guard 1aany. the growth of tobacco iu Conuda by the en· higher than in Canada, how is it that Am· the magnetism of kmdred spirits. A short time before coming to the city by her "a, intelligence lllld frank womanly Culture and pride of position ,hold others forcemen\ of tho oxisting regulations as to ericans send their grain for sale into CaL· ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFl'ICE· General Abercrombie, after haviiog in a lit bearing now felt an almost repellant cold· free from undue sensual indulgence; but bon<ling, warehousing, and tho imposition oda 1 Bowmauv)lle, April 12th, 1876. bp-o15-m29. of drunken insanity come neor killing hli ness. with the larger number tho ·enticements of of excise dutiea ! (Co11tinu·<l oa fourth pai;e.) POETRY. .. DOMINION .. CABINET ORGANS. CO'S c.) ... ... ""' · .... :::e = .., ..... ""' ... All the Late Improvements T\venty.;Five Different for the Parlor and the Clu1rch, the Best Material and 'Vorkmanship. Quality apd Volume of tone Unequalled. PRICES $50 TO $1,ooo. Factory and· Warerooms, Oor. Temperance and Wellington Streets, ,Bowmanuille. ~3-0 TO PLASTER~ · of the very best quality. LYLE & MA:R'I'YN. Don't Read this, s. MASON NEVV STORE DRY GOODS, CASH, BARGAINS .. FOR . . --

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