· THE l\'1ERCHANT FRIDAY l'VIAY 12, 1876, ·Boots Shoes! ·· rlJ. J. BORLAND'S YJ Boot lt Shoe Store, AND One of the Largest Stocks of Boots: and Shoes in the cuu11try 1 is to be found n.t compii.Eing MRS. ANDEllSON'S FOR SALE OR Fashion and ·ro RENT. . i; .... ..t -~ '°'I"'° M4 of ·rl a tll CJ> · K1i1g Strict, Millinery Depot, . t!fposite N MILL STREET lN THE VILLAGE O of llampton, three .doors west of Elliott's atore, a large t\vo atory Rough Cc.st Dwelling, posaession will be given at the proprictol' , one~. u.,..,_ ~ 1 ·ho K.......1 A:' C..,l""n1. ~r Ol n<lnno1~ O., l:o 1i.. ' " ' l~OG, l· ,i., Qflloo<>f ..r1,..,,._ ·· """l"I'""· .i.t Llk ooU.o Apply to THREE PREMIUMS, Mi-. Buckler's 1vierch:mt 'l'a.ilor. Ham1,ton 1 March 7th, 1876. 24·tf. JOHN COLE, · Worth $30 in Gold each! CARRIAGE . SHO? west ~f the Ontario Ila.ult. -P Very Latest Styles Bonnets, Hats, Mantles. and General Millinery. consisting of oYerythiug in the line, tha t can he I purchased in the P aris a11d NclV York tlStablishn1ents, are now oil exhibition. Straw Hat~ clcnned, and illtereil into lut~st styles. Mrs. A. is not asking h~rgti profits, but will sell at si. .iinall adva.:rice on cost, for OASI-1. .A. visit to her eetabli1>hment, will sati1>fy any of ou.r rea-ders, of that fact. ·Bowmanville, April 7th, 187G. {1n22·1y.) JN ' Ladies' Prunella Boots, from 75 cants upward·· l'l.l1sses' and Children's in proportion. · Men's, Boy's, ' and Youth's, of every de· scription. '~ Findings kept for the Trade. ALSO Calf, ]{0p Upper and Sole Lea the1·' TRUNKS, &o. W. JENNINGS ia still in chc.rge of the !W:a.nufa.otory Depa.rtment an<l is prepared to lfUM"an.tee APc1·fcct J!""'lt, ln tllc Late lit l\11.(l Best. Sty le. Sewed Work a Speciality. Firs t. class Stock used. A Call is Solicited Ilc1ncmh~r the Sta.nd, Post Office Blockt opp osite I~uebottom House. = ·· -= ·= · = '. ~Htimation at honsewivt!1:1, thanunyoth!:lr. 1'bey a.l'e now introduced into thi.s vicinity, by thti nndei·si~ncd, 'vho has already sold a. large num- · bor. 'l lle points of excellence consist in its simphcity ,and the ~ a·ving of ·i;;oap, labor and time. An ordiua,ry V.'~hing, for a lar~ti family, ca.n be done by children fro1n 8 to 12 yeflra old. has been rcceh·ed Twith nniversn.l favor. in . of the Stn.tes of the Union, to·day, stands higher in the WA The Common Sense S H E R! ~Ia.chino IIIS "\VRshin g IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS 3 Gran·d. Premium Gifts Of the Finest and Largest Engravlng8 ever offered, given to each and every Subscriber to this Paper. A grant! opportunity. Read I Arro.ngei.ut11t~ bavu 1;,e~ntuii.<1.., with the Natlom1l Art Oo .. of Olnclnnatl, 0., wblel1 !&CUNI te tho p&trons of this pAper TJOl:RE uf the eholC011t nn<l lo.riP.~ t PJl~.MlLll EXG-UAV!NG-8 11ver offuri!d in thli; M\lntry. They ooull'iilt or King Street, Bowmanvinc. rrHE. subscl'.iliet is 11rep;11·ec1 to bniltl a1·d re ' I pal!' many ~tnd Wagons, Buggies, an<l Cutters, r,f ~very dcscrit·tion, ut akort notice, al.\·] o l'easonaLle terl.llB. ie~~Fng~e~~~;~!~~~ p;1~~u~~11e~~~1 ~f!l:~~1~c~,."T~:9o:~:r.i?fcl:~t ~~f:~~o:r!i:~~~it~~:lu Uio asgr~aw mc 11 ~uring B~el 1. Euguvh:.ig LQVE. arTI~~\~ct~~l ~i~:e£i~e~!:y'7::t1~r~al1:?! ti~~~d~~t:;:~u':!~1=~~r!~ ~~~=~ ~~~:~~: ever nwl 111 OOa.uty of drn!lgn a.nd (lelic11.o,r of :i!Dl!h ill l~:MJ~, uu~uri1s~ sa d, - NEW S'I'OEE, AT I-IAl\1 PTON. BEGS The Olothes are perfectly cleaned, and not in the least worn by it. A Machine ca.n be seen at the Grocery Store of John ]\{(i!irfurtry,BowJua.uville, or at the resi· dence of the snb.'!C'riber, Ontario St.,n.nd' parties Uesiring to see it in practical use, can do so, by leaving their names \vith :J.1r. l\1cl\furtry, and the subscriber will do a wash for· the1n, free of charg6. 2 · 'l,R1TTH. fln~o~0 ~~~ 1:~~~c~~~· e~~;:~s;~11.r~ U:1~11i;~rn~~:?n~:fo~~ ~:!~. ::~~~rf;~J:;'l 0°~~~ to obtain th:i.t !plcndid work uf n.i;t, ootilled, THE '.rHREE ·GRACES '~~~1'!..!~i.~~~:~'::i~ 1 pr~11ente4 cqu:il to their Promlum JMitlon -whloh null. be seut them ouu;ldo or tlielr own Issue. 0 1 1 1 ~ J:11ii'n~aj~~~J.'°~t11ge nnd 1111lll1ng tt1be. n 1~~\1~~~e~i!~i\\l, iio~~. ~~'3cJl rr~t~y~ three or t ~!O:ndr=~~u':1~1;!~,.~t11~~r=t~ti~~d :;ri~;:!:~a~~<11:1 1T~~~r;~~~~l!f~ ~~~~~~,.. T~e~d tho Yat on.. 1A1·t Co, heroby 1~~ ;:~t..~htJ"er~;~~~":ril ~~~;;r:;i~ 0 0 ;;:; Carriages Painted and '.I'rin; i: c C: . rnii!1~1~? ~;r~lu~~ t~~ }~ri~~ i~ru~ !'ur:i~~~ ~~ : t~~e /!;1~~ 1~~hc~~~~e~~1!~ !1f:p~rc!'~~ clc~ .!~~ ~~i~0~:1~~~~ 0 They 11.r& scnt BY MAIL, &eo11roly p11.ok6d, r1.114 wa.n:anted to ree.ch Lbelr (l e ~dno.~atiounl A BiacJrnmith's Shop OD MRS. M. J. WARD ~'0 IN ~· OHM the public geuerally that she lu1$ operitd UlJ a a:? !fuL011t one or nil or \.boo~ Ocrtlllcatea, ruid &end them to tbe Art {Jo. They are worth 15 each · . the preu:iii::;ea,·were ~pecia.l a tteutio1i is to all l,J l\T ll J. IlORLA.ND. Uowmanvillc, i\fa.y 12th. 1876. 33. "' z II.I ~ · = == · -P ..... tll in )!R. l"'O'V'KE 1S BUILD IN(}, opposiW H . ELLlO'r'J."S STORE, Ha.mpton, i~nd iutend~ ke!:lping a most ch0ioe lot of goutfa, at reasonable pricea. She ·will a~o ca.1Ty on ~be FANCY GOODS STORE The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer the best in the 1na.rket, also k ept on hand. l!'acOon1mon t C1 ry prico, $8, will be sold for $7. St>nec ~"""aslrnr, $·7. \l{u,1:1her and V\'fr.inger, $12. The figure flt "'·}aich the 'V1i1Jge'l" is offf';red, is below the Factory rrice ~ anrl the large reduc.' ti on road~ vn the 'Vasher and v.,rringer, as an i nflU<'.c1na~ to the · public, will ·only be given for two mouth~ fL·o1n d<:tte. rl'hcy cannot fail t o sn,,tifify, as all who have h ied them, speo.k hiizhly of thtim. . Premium Certificate. c::Y' TJ.io N11tlounl Art Co. berehy ug roo. Lo rU'Jocm thla' C~rUHc~W liy &eD-:ling ene cop; or the J<:ngra vlng, M iu ~1:8r !mihee, entltl.id Premium Certificate. OJ' Tile NM!ona\ Art Co . hereby agrees to redeem thit Oertllloat6 by Hrnllng on e aopy ar I.ho F.ngravlog, Bize l8x90 innbo;c, entitled Premium Certificate. o:J Th.e N111tlonal ArL Co. hereby ngree· La re<le.m lb.Iii Cert.l."'Ql!.«I by :;ending <me wpy or tho Engraving, ·o.bo l81110 inehee, MUtlOO when 115 cm1kl ll0()01'1lpanic11 U to P"-Y po1UJC ana malli111111.1;e, Good 11otll Augoat I, 1876, aRcr ·wbleh 10 cents !Uldltlollll will be cha.rgcd. (Sl~Mo\I) Ca.n1a.ge work, tmd Genernl · THE THREE GRACES, Om11l until Angn~t I, 1816, D.fler 11'"bieh Hi eenw riddlt\onnl will ~ (lhMf<tlll. ~ pOl!tnge and mltililng WW. 'l'lllen 25 ocut<i nc~"mpanles It to par 11ILLINEHY AKD MANTLE ..p 0 sTAJ\iPING ~J~~~l~~cd ·~ · THE business, and hopes to 1·eceive a Ji~ral aha.re of support. All orders entrusted '\·ill , be carefully filled. "'ith desM. J. WARD Ilaropto11 1 April 91 187G. · (rn.-28-tf.) . , (Signil'l) NAT 'J, ART CO., 2-30 Walnul Sf., Olllci!lnati, o. TIU.DE lUJl,t, which IO cent.I a(!.d.ltlenaJ. will oo cilts1.~&d) NAT'L ART co., ~:',Q v.·han :t5 oents !k!!Ollmp1rnlc<1 It to pay ponugo 11ud wa\1111~ tut>e. GOOll unt.ll, AugUl!I 1, 1876, nner LOVE! TRUTH! All w01·k done at tlt'is Establi& hm,:nt Wa.lnut SL., Cinoinnn.t!, O. TAAl>ll ll.l.lll". 230 Walnut SL, Clnclnnc.tl, O. 't&.ltot ll.lRI". NA't'L ART CO., u:ar1·anted. A ca.11 is res1Jectfully solicited. .T. MORJtJ fl. Bowmi'Lnv·ille. O ~t. l~t. 186~ P. THOMAS. 26-tf. Bo'l\.'inanvillo, lYiar, ~4th, 1876 . NOTE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. ~~g1~!'rr~~~~~ ~!jiu~n:1n~~~r~!~~ ri!Q.ulra 10.,,, n.i1dlt1on11.l, M a new edition will U1en heoomn 1JP{l!!88ary. A tor eaell Rn1rnr.v· /~tu':?:'~~J~1;1 ~~~~~: ~~t~~!' ~t:~1~w~!~e~:r~~,~~ ;~~ n~~~~~:/ ~b~~i~~~ 11.1ir~etc~~fno~t!zb~~~~~~ c~rUf'.cate Procrastina,tion i~ : ~Gl!n~ll~C':\~~~~lr~~~C ~~~~~I'. ~~t,~~~t/~~{!:;;~1\~::(;~ (;;;~~gc:;,~~.~~re:;:~~: 1j:\!hR~~:gl!lll\~~ ~~l0 ~~f·f.1W ~~1:i14 1:1~~1'J·~ ·~~~~ ?~ *~f.~ci·~~~l(; h!1!: t~~~~;!;t~~lt~ cuuln~ New 'railor sho11, TO IKFORi\{ '1 Hl1~ J.> UBLJC. r:-· ~t· BJ£0·S erally, that he hns rem(r\'c!l t!h1 ~d, FOR ~lr Jlor ~lth. the thief of time, but buying Goods nt tJfi~11t1111 to tb11 them out nt e n c~. ;wd $CTJ d\n~ t11eru !n for re1emplioD. A.ddr·· ,.IJ Cer· NnU011~I Ari Co., 230 Wlllt1ut St., C!11r-!no11 U, Ohle, nnd Y01' .... m rwclvo b1 return mail tho lu~1~ :ood b :i nd~ omB~t Pr..:miun1 V.n1ir~vlngs you el'at ~~w. JOHN HEAL. 1 Thorough-bred Durham Gattie SALE. Apply to Two 1s~111e THOROUGH-BRED DUlnIA M COVVS, for sale. A1E5o two heifer C11.lvcs broe<l), aged 2 and 6 inonths. = ·' P<~o11le's ..a Book Store AND Cheap Store TYRONE, ii5 the best means of gettina- the ·worth of Y?Ur money, 1n S. V ANSTONE'S MA ' TH USE K PI AN 0 --om-EXCEI, iu volume of iune · EXCETi in .firmness and purity of tone, EXCEL in voice-like qnahty of toue. s. THOS. VEAL, 32-2 Dwelling House for HAMPTON. ---~----'·--------- Liberty Street, Bo .....·ma11villt1. SAJ3l3ATH SCHOOL Sale . it1 I 'l' ~ts.ins six roomR, andibas aitached a nic e ga.rden, of 1~ acres, in which a.l'e StiYer al cho1ee :H'ruit Trees. '!'here is on the premise '· a snrnJl binn and ~taLle, good pump, ru1d other e,onvcnienoea. 'l'lICplace is !\bout 20 rvds ea ·t of the School Hou"e. li'or further particular npply to JOi:lEPH LANG~fAID, or to D EPOT 0. BARKER. ru.·rival the II\llidays, comes a Q.etna.nd fol' }JXCEL in dura.bility a.ntl keeping in tHne. EXCEL for the concert room. EX~EL for t1:in.ching .ecbools aud seminaries. EXCEL for the di-awing romn. ~ . to tho Shoii next door east of Rice's l3u L1,: I; ; :.: The. undersigned has the Shop. , · · Having had Ruvnra.l yea.ts experience i n tl:o pleasure of lnformmg you that tl°ado, he hope· to eatisfy all who way farnihim with a call. he has re-opened in Lis old GOOD FITS GUARANTEED stand,. (two doors . West of the ~owu:uu1villc, St·p. 4th, 1872. Post· Office) with an entire J1i~ l;11i-;i i 1 1·n> --++-These . are broatl assertiQns, but capable of proof. They a.re unlike !t.ny other, in construction ; all theit· peculiarities are points of excel· lence. 'J.lbeir illnstrated nnd descriptive c::i.ta1ogue, which \Vtl seud free to any afldl'ess, ex~ plains oonclnsive)y, in harn1ony with ~oustic s and 1nuchanics all thn.t is claimed for the Itla"thushek. There are thousands of happy owners of Mathusheks willi11g to certify to tbcir superior excellence. ¥Ye have rootu here for but a few brief extract!! :- NEW STOCK OF FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Come along men, wo1nen nnd children, a.nd you ,~·ill find n. cow vlete Stock of Fresh Family trrooeries His aim shall be to keep the Bi;ist and sell at the Lowest possible price. He has determined to. adopt the '· Hats & Caps, W. H. LANGMAID, . on Lot 28, 5th Con. Da.rlini;ton. May lith, 1876. 3~-Zw. THOROUGH-BRED . Short Horns for Sale. yearl~ugat ro~n, OUR THOlWUGH·BRED DURHAM F BullS, red and can be pur chased of the undersigned, at reasonn.h]e rates 24-tf. Dry Goods, With the of Groceries, ·Hardware, ohea.p a.nd good Litera.tu1·e, trift Books, a.nd Present Crockery, &c., tTOO:OS. which will bu sold at })l~asu- S1'ARTLING · NE\\' YoRK, Oct. 28, 1SG7. . 'Vo 1.bo undersigned, Judges of I'iai1os at the ]'air of the .Ainerica.n Institutfl, after a. careful .examination of the Concert GrandR,doaward to Revelatio11si --o-A FREDERICK MATHUSEK the HONOR ROBT. CUI,J,AOOTT, rryronc, l'. 0. of 1naking the BEST of this class of instruments then and there e.xhibittd, or known to us elsewhere. (Signed) EWD, MULLllKHAUllR, CASH SYSTEM, Very Serious Charu·, I hn.ve. a Stock that cannot fa.il to ul~te and varied. com .HOUSE AND I.OT FOR SALE. of town pro perty, of HlUlt au d .Aw1-streets, can be purch.a.scd o.t a reasonabl e figure for ct1.Sh. There is a new fra:mc house ,.vith. woll of ;Nater, also a stal;>lc, on tbe pre ' mises. '!'he garden iB c;ultivatcd. . -;Apply to :Jil:i:ioes which defy Competition . 'l'yrolH', I\I:.i.rch 3otb, 1874. A.D. W.:BRSEMANN. 11. CHARLE~ J» GIAN=-<ET'l'l. FUADllL. . A "\TERY I>ESil~AllLE p iece situate on the corne~· ,TOHN H. llAMBLY, At 2'in. R. HA?illlLY'S) Hricktnaker. S. F. HILL has n. FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. N.B. That deservedly populH Teach er's Bible, in various bi ndrngs BOOKS, in Great Fa1·iety. ALBU1YIS, Cheap and Rre·, WRITING DESKS, and WORK BOXl!JS s. VANSTONE... lvIUSIOAL CONSP.RYATORY, } - - -· -- -- ~-------,.--- 802 Broadway, N. Y. 'l'he;;;e riaoos mnst take the l1;1acl of all known instruments, anU thefr pocnliwr c.:orrstru£·tion rendt""rs thein by fae the inost duro.b1c and the ' le:tst liable to get out of t une. J. EUGE"IE J. MEURIAM. Since the dn.te of thls cuncert the 1\.-Iathu.shek bas qeen 1 ny favorite. · Watson's Cons::rva.tory of Music,New York. J. JAY WATSON. nowmanville, April 5, 1876. {m.-28.tf.) Ii'ARM FOR SALE. "TI-IE TEEV IN FARM.' MICROSCOPES, STER~OSCOP ES, , .- · Bcvent.h Con. of Fen.don, containing in one block1 l'h~e!J llund1·ed .Acre.~. F1J 'L L ST.OOK OF KALEIDESCOPES. Lurgest Collect-ion of Stereosc op'ic (JheapStore TYRONE, I-Ina now o, full a.s!;lortod Stock of No money 'voul<l teinpt me. to banish it froIIJ tny home. · believing it to be advantageous· not only to the buyer but ·Markus lVIayers, has ptu'Cha~Cd an immenHe Stock of (l-Qotl:<,. c.n also to the seller. adva.nta.g<;ona terni.ti, a.n<l he is going to givo.: ]1i";;1 Custvmcrs t he bencli Lof hio bargain. Parcels 'delivered to all parts The Stock is very lai·g<e, e1nbra.cing of the town with promptness. South Sea Swl, .Er'fY1;inc, G1:ey and Highest price paid for all Black Lamb, G1·ebe and J11-ink t· i> v~irying in ptice according to quality, aJ.1tl t:l'l·· kinds ot' produce. l'lioting of Hoping to receive a share Caps, - Collaretts, r~ufro, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. of your pakonage. . AH the Goods are '\·ell made. of tLu He is, yours truly, based uvon s ubatantfaJ facts, is j11st hejng 1 jr oulatedi ·and is to this efftict-that u11 e of 1.n prominent Itie:rchants, · D. SOHUYLEH, Bullah .Howm~uville. I of J.,1ndsa.y, 'l~ is kituate t11ree ..and alhlltlf miles north f:ic;iug the river.. Th.ere i_s 180 Mires ch~ated 1 and the remainder is tlnckly wooded with hardwood and he1nlock. 'J'here i a new brick house, w:~ctedb.st ymw, at a cost of upwards of $3,000 ; barn 32x70; at.able barn 28x60, with <lri ving shed atto.ched, sl11;ifl 6~:x26 ,' feeding houfW 30x26; a ,c::ood orehnl'd of young trees ; tw<1 good \Vdls, '.l'l!e buildings n.:~ al I comparatively new, and .n.re in good COlllhtlon ~!'her"' :ire 100 acres flt for 'vhea.t in the spring 'l'he f~rn1 is considPred .one of the best in th e Cou11ty. It will be sold tn bloc, or in part on liberal terms. · For further patticulru:s, a;pply to " Dry Goods, (Jlothing, ·Groceries, ~c., and .i's Selling Very Cheap. ~~~-,o~~~- Views in 'l'own. IV[athusbek ha.a i;u renJ.ity taken a step in advance of n.ll makers of l:>ianos in tl1e world . J, G. SHAW ,. ~iu1ic. a.l Critic, Saratoga. John McMu1try. Dec. 22nd, 1875. 13-tf . Latest Styles t --:o:-- Roya.l Ag:ain T:riumphs. Ladies' Companions, Pocket · Books, Purses, etc., etc. 'l'be ~fathushek Orcl1estra Square · Grand Piano is brillii't.nt, of 'vonderful pow\:r and melodious in tone. ' All Styles of Children's Fnrs on h r.~ rl, and the Prices such as has never bei< rn been offered in Bownmnville. IIe all:!o offers a very nttractive lot of Goodri Call ant.I Exa1niue. JAMES '.l'EEV1N, on the premises, Lin1.ltiay r 0. ]'euelon, Mat·cli 4th, Ll'J6. 27-U Buy once and you will buy·aga,in~ Bowmanville, April 28th, 1816. Groceries Dry ctood.s, :Soots & Shoes ALFRED H. PEASE,Rocheslet'. I was fully convinced thnt the Matht111hek 'vas the crown of all. · H. BELLAOK. lH.u.110 for .the past ten years, lll Vn.:h~tral jn>it received in M Uh'FLERS, SIJIRJ'S, .UllA W TJ.'S SOCKS, COLLARS, .N.E'GKTTEP, BRA OJ£S, d!c. .l'hey must be sold, and Sacrifices will be ir1'.111c . Cash Customers will hny on close mai·g i1 ·:-i . l\1y old tuner 1 who has taken cal·e of n1y says that the Nu, frorr1 you is the be:<it. 1uade ::i.nd finest instrument in this city. Yours 1 &c. CASH PAID FOR RAWS FU F,;:. D. M. SOMEUVILLE, Olevel"'1d,0. M. l\iXA Yli:Il.'S. llowu1m1villc, Oct. l st, 187U undersig.J.lecl wiH not, be for ~ontractod iu hi11. no,mc, other than by ]lis wife, fron1 this tl:1te. r11111j~ . any dehta NOTICE. r..ot re~.ponsible F1're·,. JAS; COWAN, NO, 17, 4th Con. CUuke. Ma.,r 5th. 1876. 32-3w. Fire! First Prize and Diploma at l'rovincinl Exhibition at Ottawa, 1875. The Xing of the West PANNING MILL, and Grain Screen and T. Br\_TTlN G Begs most respectfully to inform his customers, a;nd ihe public generally th at he hu.s deterrnii1ed to sell of the Stock saved from the LATE FIRE at SEED, SEPARATOR. THREE MACHINES IN ONE. I hn.ve now greA.t pleasure iu offering to ~ho farming community, tbf" wost P?rfcct l!'a.ruung ?Yiill and Seed Soparator ever invented Its advantages over other :i\fills iu ur:R:J, al'e a.afollo,vs :1st. It is a. P.erfect Cleaner and Chaffc_ r . · ~t w.ill take out Wild Oats perfectly. It will take out all Cockle.Chess, and other foul seedFJ, v.:ith once going through, innking a pel·fect snmple of l\farket \Vb eat, \vhich will a~d several ci.:nts pet' bu1:il1el to the valu~ of grrun, ovt:r and abO\'e that when cleaned by tho ot-dinary Mill. .:lnd. It iA a 1nost perfect Separator. It \vill sepa.r:~te alJ the hHgc .kernels of Wheat fro1n the s1n.:'1,ll aud shrunken grains . It rloes not throw t1ie Htuill gl'ains in tbfl chess box. like other :;\fills, but brings tbetn through b.Y thcn1aelvcs. clean 2.nd tit for market 1 sud is warranterl to make a perfl.lct P.amplo of Seed .,Vhcat. 3rd. It ia very rapid iu its action, and "·ill eaHily n1ake for 1na.rket, Six.t y Bushels ; and for Sucxl, 'I'wC'nty-five Bushels per hour. 4tll. It separates a.ll kinds of Grain, as well as seel.le · and if. VVhea.t and Oats, Peas a:ntl 011.tf.I, Cl~vci· and 'J 1imothy, n.re mixed togethur, :1n<l put through this Mill, it will eorno out perfectly separll.i,ed. [i\.h. I~ i~ equally a~ good for gm::i.11 n.s l:~rge grain ~. Jt wU l se1)arn.te 'l1in1otby Seed from Wh ~u-t, and will bring the Timothy out clean at thl:l sa1ne t ime as y0u are c]ea.ning the "\\'heat for ]'r.[atket. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. H e has re-opened at M:R. l3'tJ':RXE'S old store, near the Mill. CALL 1\ND GET BARGAINS; Bowmanville, April 4th, 187G. CHEAP FURNITURE! CHEAP FURNITURE! I !CHEAP FURNITURE At Manning's Old Stand.. Tlie Bowmanville Furniture Factory having commenced business a"ain . a nd the New Company lm·dng app;iinted the subsc1iber, Retail A~ent for the Town and Country around, he is prepared to offer the liLM s·1'. W. I\II. S. Scneor,, Toron to. . We hn.ve grca.t pleasu re in Sta.ting that ~s nn instrum1.:nt to loa<l the ~ inging iu n S. Schoril nothing can excel it. The tono is soft ~nd full, '!'he bn.ss is grand aud "'lien 300 voices By Te1t.grapk to <Jardencr Sewing Ma.chine, Oo"I/. which for .are sing-ing together t11e Piano cau be distinct/f(~mi.iton. Cornwall, Oct, 2, 187.1:). · ly heard. Every tlQt(l 1·ings oµt a-e cleai· tL~ a. bell. R1)ynl got Gnit prize at Glengarr;i,- 1 County Comwencing on or a.bout 'L'.UURSDAY, S. ,J, llUNTl~Jl, Pnstor. Fair, over the· Viiebeter, Osborne,and Ne"'· York · 20rH APRIL. JAMES Mu.BOY. w AR rl\TG l(J~NN.1~.DYI Su1)e1·intendeut. ·Singer B(1 llevillc 1 Sept. 30th, 1875. FI-~.ISBY, .Musical Con<l11ctor. S.1.\.J\iUEI, THE STEAMER Got fir :'J t prize on the Boyal, at :Fair here, It has giveu myfan1ilythe vet'V highest a:;i.ti1:1- beating V.lheelcr & \"\1 ilson and every other mr..- · faation. REV..JOHN DllEDIN, Bnrl'ie. J~u1ER llAitR.t.:'I'l'. ch ine. G1·t>at contest. Brock ville, Sept. 25, lt;75. Ro:i,r11l took first prize at Unionville, compet- · ! lAMl"'l'ON 1 Ji'eb. 1.-;t, 1876. .1.111·. J. Ruse, jug "':ith the V\.'hce1er & \Vilson, Singer, a..nd DEAR SIR :-'.J~he :l\fat }111s!:lk Piano I pnr· othcrr:.c. : EVER'I'rS & HAGARMAN. chased from you ha.s given entire H~~isfaction TlLSONnunc;. 1 Oct 11 1 1875. and proved itself a superior instru1nent in every l!""irst prize for Royal, at Unio_n Exh.ibitfon t-eRpect. I wor1l1l l"i;:<:ommend nll to see the here ovet' allcomptttitors. 1\:'IATTHEW S·rE1vART. (R. CRAWFORD, MAS'IER,) l\'.Cathusek, before purchasing elsewh1:!1·e. ' · Woodstock, Oct. 6th. 1876. Will wake her regular trips on this route,lenv· l:oya.J. .took first i111.ze at Exhibition here,over H. 'l'. PlUL I.Il'S. tr.g Cobourg every mo1·ning at 7 :30 and Port all competitors. 1-IATTHEW STEWAH'l'. Hope at 9 o'clock, for Rochester, 'conuit;cting Paris, Oct. 3rd 1 1871}. . EN:NlSKILT;EN,tTan. 25th. 1876. P·rof. J. Ruse, then with the New York Uentrnl Northern Have taken first prize with R(lyal at :Fair Central and J~ne Railways nnd Lalre Ontario DE,\H81Lt:- I h n..Ve plea.sure in ndding my he1·~, beatiDg the Raymond a1ld Singer. Shore Division of the RoU:o, Watert.own nud · te~ti1n<!ny to the rr1a.ny yni1 l1a.ve already re· . ' '7 u,1.TAl1 SNIDEn. Ogdensburgh Railway for all points El).Ht, \Ye$t ce1ved in favor of the 1vell· merit61l 11a.thusek ' Napancc, Oct. 15th, 1875. and f)outh. Pia.no, purchased fron1 yon rctently. I a1n Royal ha~ ta.ken first prize at },air herc,ovi'l' RETURNING, ,\·ill Jea.vo Cba.rlottti (port . ~ell sa.tisfip,J with it in every rt'lspeot, u.utl con- Singer, Ho,ve, Wanzer~', Osborne a.udothers. of Rocl1esWr,) d:...ily at 9 P. M. except Sahu· Sider, for beauty and tone, it is unsurpassed JAM-.i~s B.untET. day15 1 w·hen ahe will leave nt 3 l·. M . for Port by any instrument I lrave yet seen. H01·ley, Oc~ 13th, 1875 . Hope direct. S. 0. HILLIEH, M. D. lkiyal takes· first prize at this ll'a.ir, for family Den.ler1:1 in stock, &c., will :flud tl1is the chenpThe a.bovu reward 'vill be paiJ to o.ny peson 'vork o.nd light manufacturil'g. 1'!!\t and most expeditiou1:1 ronto to Boston, Al· ENNISKILLEN, Jan. lrlth. 187G . ' W1LLfAM SN1DEit. who will furnish nn1ple proof that the B11ots & bany, ~ew Yor·k, &c. l'n>f, .RlU!C. Shoes sold by the undersigned, are not wbatre Fo:r: further infonnation s.pply to DEAR SIR :-The Mccliu1n ::Vlatbusek \\'e got '.l.'hesc victoritis conoltu1ively -prove that the r~pnisents them. from you giv(Ja entire satisfncLionin every res· . R. CllAWFORJJ, pect . I can unli esitatingly rocommend it to lii:;ht rurming IWyal, is the people's favorite, and PortT J:iOP.E, the a.ll desiri11g a good piano, Or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, Great Inducements. ~ ·~ etc., .etc, DRUGS.AND MEDICINES nt t i.l e l)aily Line to Rochester. Quality. and Chtiap Bowma~ville Drug Store, ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED · J. ELLIOl T 'NOR~EMAN,' OULD inost l'l:':;pt·ctf nUy tender hls inl'<'J.t' thanks to his uu111 crons fr.icuds and :i.·~ ton1er~, and to the public geuera.J.Jy, f·i1· ll,o very LlbPral suppo.l't b1J h11s rcceivi::d ince },is c?mnw_E.ci?g in bu~ines.::i i v.11d h opes hy c <.; J1· tn111f;d"!tnct personal att1"n tion t o hnsinc!'a, '.i ::·l offering nothnlg- but tht1 pnYei-it 1u·ticles, a t t l:e most r ea.<Jona.lile prices," to eniJure a continn:' net:. of f)ublic pntrolH\"'e. · , · . ~: would cafi special o.ttontjon to his 1·1·y y superior stock of W J. HIGGINBOTHAM IEW!RD! · DYE DRUGS, S'l'UFI~ '~i sati~f:tct i r>n, which are sure to g-ivc t ];c b1..:st A \Yell selected stock of CHE11.fJC.AL8, PA'l.'J/N'l' JYLEDJCJNJ;; JJRU811BS, COJ,fBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, surroRTERS, kept constantly 0 11 han·J. Etc., r:i0 (29.H.) Kr~GSTON · D. S1'EWAR1': Pastor of Presbyterian Church. OSHAWA, Jan 24th, 1876. ilb·. J. .ll·usc, · 1 I>EAR S.1u:- 'l he No. ll. :&-Ia.thusek is all thn.t YO!I i::.a.id cornmcndato1'Y of it, musicians have tr1ed 1t and pronounced it e.xcellf'l)t~ MRS. lJ. MITCHEL. BESJ' FAlvlILY SEWING MACHINE. ~ New Furniture ·For AND UNDERTAKING iJjS'llfi~~ - - :o:-OJ)po~ite Sld Ge11ts, For Ladies, For Children. The Manufacturers lut\' lately added to it, tbe greatest novelty of tho a.ge, the Royal Lamp Holder for Sewing Machines . '!'he J.. r~mp can never upset, nor the Oil soil the \Vork ; antl it is a1Tanged to thro'v the light on nny part of the work, enabling the operat!:lr to OILS, I'AI::<T, COLORS, V ARNTSHJi;S , and WHITE LJ!;AD at the very l<Hvest prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. Il.-C.Onntry i$tore-keepe1·s. snppl ii.id 011 thtl 1nost atl va.11t:i..1001ui terms. · A choice Relcction of LAMPS for ·bale <'l H:\ p Eowmanville. Dec. 1SG8. 6u.i. work as well by night as by day. · Sold by Jan. 3lat.1876. llf?'.. J. Ruse. . · D.L:\.lt Srn ::--It affords rno grea.t p]enfluro 11! ncknowle,clg~n~ the au tire satisfaction and my high a.pp1·ec1at1ou of the ·Matbusck piano purchased from you a few <lays since. . S. J: SMI'l'H. HAMP'110N, · 1.'he und ersigned ha.s opened a store in Treleven s Shoe Store, where he will keep on hand a. full and · Va.ried stuck of --o-o- Price of Mill, J\11 1 ... ctters fxo1n $35. Fuller's :Block:, t,Jic Counties of North1nn- berla..u<l, l)nrha.m, Vict<:iria, .and Pctcrboro, 1nnst be rul dressed tv the proprietor, veiy B~ST. Styles. of FURNITURE, 'l'liOMAS SMITIT, lla1npton, Out· r. c. lf,'M.ES, General Agent · . ~fay ,;th, 1876. 02-tf. at Prices below any at which 1t can be procured elsewhere in the PrcVfnoe. FtJ'liN.I'rtTiiE, . 'vhich will be disposed of at the J ,(f\VES'f lr!.A. l~KE'l.1 I'RICES. l'ersons intendinh' to commence houB~kee ping. will find it largely to their a<lv:tntitg:e to consult .him, .eie pnrchiising els(;l w liu1·e. Ucpair·~ng Latest Styles and Good Stock. FUJ,L PRICES: AGRAFl'E, 7·0CTAVO $ 3 0 0. PIANOS from other makers at bottDm prices. ,T. DONEY, rry n.ONE.. N.B. - Agent for Ii'irst;..cla.'!a llfusical Instn1rnent s- W. Bell & Co's. Organ, lin.llett & Davis and Hardman l'ianos. .Also ih J Celebrated "rattham and El9;in WatcheA. rl'h~ Subscriber, tho.nkiDg his ve'ry numero,11;1 customers: for past patronage, (ha.ving sold !1.'wel?Jc :J.'housand DoUar s Worth in 12 wont.h solicits their continued p~tr onage,by rensona.b prices, fair Clea1i11gs, and guaraIJteed satsfn FROM tion. J, D· .. K ove1nber 18th. 1871' s. RETIRING! A Bare The undet~igned being o.bout to relittble ONTARIO BANK. DIVIDEND NO. 38. upon the Cttpital Stock of this: institution, ha.s this day been dcchwed for the cu ri ent half yea.r,aJ.ld that the sa.me will be payable, at tlrn Bank and its 13ranches, on and after rl'IIU11.SDAY, t11c li'I"RS'l' da.y of JUNE next. 'fhe 'fra.llsfer Bookie! will be closed fl'om the 17th to the 31st }1{1.y, both days inclusive . Notice h1 alBo a-iveu, that - ""'-NORRIS & SOPER --:o:-- No. 8, Adelaide St. East, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. Na dividend of FOUlt }>ER CEK1 :Retire from the Ra.rneu; :Busine~s, offers hia OTICE IS HEUEBY GIVEN, 'fHA'.l' 1 1 A Ia.mily. Apply at thie Office. Bowurn.nville, 1\i1a.rch lUth, 1876 STRAW, :FELT, · S CTU1\TION as house-keeper, in a Atnn.ll _ 2a·tf. F unernls f'umished in every respect, in the Very Best Style} p RICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM iii« IN THE cou~-;RY. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO at l1'urniture 11tadc to Orller o,n .'ihort notice, and ORDERED WORK. neatly done. A:N°D LEtTIIOll.N styles. oo~onrNG. to uny P.Mw1·ul ju1·1nshed by the 8'ubecribe'r, with·i n Ten miles 0 1' , Bowmanville. R,eportshavi11g Uet1n circuJated, that the undt1rsigncd h11..s been ovei·i.:11a,rgin"" in tlH:i Unclertak in g Dcpart1nent, he bega to submit the followiui; figures, which 1Je challengea"any one tu <.:ontra: die t. Report;-.d a.mount charged. .Actlllll a1nount char cti :F.,1f,ty Dollars. ~ 'l'welve Dollars. g ' ~h1rty ;~o. Ninl;l do. · ltprty-J1 t\·e do, 'l1wenty.fivt1 dtl, ~,1.xty do. J:t'otty do. :F if~ Y . . , do. Thfrty do. Seventy-five ~o. 11,ifty <lo. ~One of the F!NE_S1' HEARSES 'in the P1·ov1:nce, SENT FREE UNDERTAKING. A NEW REA.BISE Store, King S'l'OIO~.- One door east of Cornish's J Str~et, Bowmanville. c\velry JOSEPH RUSE, A'GENT IN DARLINGTON , CLARKE, 'V H ITDY, REACH AND CARTWRJGH'l', .L arge and Complete Stock of Harn cm Saddles Whips, Trunks, Valises, ~ c. Bowmanville,'May 6th, '1875. J. SMALE. THE ANNUAL MEETING Immense Reduction forCa~h of the Stockholders, for the Election of Direct· ors f©r the ensuing y1;1ar, "·ill be held at the Banking Hot18e, in this City, on HATS AND BONNETS, CL:h!ANED ~ud inade over in the very latest 8pecia.l attentlon given to THRJ.;E OR FOUR APl'RENTIC}~S wanted intmcdia.tely. MRS: MAYflEE, a.t Ma.rket Square, in rear of Fireball. Bowmanville, April 14, 1876. {i9-ly. KND 25,,, to G. P. ROWEJ.L &CO.,New S York, fot:-ll Pa.1nphlet of contain· lng lists of :WOO newspaptirs,and ea ti mates sho\\o·· l001)~es, Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's. Metallic Coffins, of New York. Bowmanville. March 30th, 1876. in_g cost of n,.lvertil:iiug. bp-olO·m25.ly, W. p. PROWER. Has been procured of la teat d ci::iS{u. }'urniRh· inga for funerals alway!'! ,)n hand. All Funerals in to,vn and countryt atttendcd at :\ reasonablo charge. lleeidence, Cor11ei; of Queen and Bru\V"1t Sts., next door to l\lr. J. P .llice's. th.e very prompt manner in which they p~ii'l ine n1y Fil'st l)1·fae on CatTia.ges. 'vhich they say, was justly merited. The Judges thou"' ht, on l!\~fr tlay, that I was not eligibfo for a p1~l.e, but found on looking at the hill, that I waa, and they gra.nted nw the First Prize, :VIr'. Linton's let~01·, nutwithstanrling. . I have a.bout 100 l!'irst-claBs Iluggi.es and Ca1·~ rrn.ges, in course of construction, which will bt'I sold cheap, for Gaali, or g0od [.-a.per, I rectors of Cla.l'kc .AgriCnltul-iil Society, for CARD OF THANKS. · TENDRR my thankg to the Judges and Di- Also Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowmanville, llampton, Fab, 8th, 1876. ·20-11· Tuesday, the 13th day of June next. Thi!!: Chair t0 be ta.ken :~t 12 o'clock noon, preclilel}·. By order {}f the Board. Give !vim an Early Ctill, and sec·u1 c D. J!,ISHJ~R., B.il RG~lINS. A.-.AJ} parties NotB ol' l 'i ( k Account, will plea.ae sett.l o befoJle the lVth 11;·y of l\farc1 ue xt. General 1'-.!a.1uigtlr. To Whom it May Concern. AND ACCOUNTS, IN MY N OTES, .favor, long pai:;t <lue 1nust be paid im1 ON'.l'.iRIO B .\..~K, ~r. r· nto, A pril,st 1E70. 31-4w. i11<lebt~d.by mediately, or costs -.....ill be incurred. P. W . CONSAUL. Bowmanyille, J ""· 6th, 1876. 15-tf. per day at home. 8amplea $5 To $20 . worth $1 free : STlNSON & Co,, Po1·tlaind_. ~fa.inc. bp-ol0-u-i25·ly 1 HORSES WANTED. Samuel Mason . Bo\vmanviHe, Jan. 27th. n du.y at home . Ag.ent.FJ wnn1"41, Outfi~ antl terma frc.:e. 'l'B.U.li & CU., Augu$ta, Maine. bp-ol0·1n25· ly. . A. DAVY. WM, MuCLU:N°G, Bo~rnanvi lle, J\far. 24th 1 1876. Bowmamille, March 16th, 1876. 25-tf. Oa.rringe MMer. 26-3mos. T want~d, WO on THREE useful, ·serviceable ho1·ses for J.!'arm "\Vork. Apply to , JOHN PIPE. · D.,,.lington, April 21st, 1870. :J<l-tf. $12