· ( " · ; : .IQ¥ , · .. 422MZ I r (Continueu from first page,) A. I think my answer to last question would be an answer to this one. Snpet·ior American 'vheat cannot come in competition with Canada wheat in our own markets, because superior American wbeal is more valuable at home than lb our markets. , THE }1EHCHANT FRIDAY, J\IIAY 12 1876, ::e=========:===:::===== The Hen and the Honey-Bee. POETRY. MILNE'S OLD STAND, Bo'wmanviJle, :\\{arch 13th, 1876. DE.AR 'Sm :-We beg to inform you that · we have now comm(')nC!ld business at the above address under the firm of -·- 'rhis 'I'icket Just Arrived 11.t the .F.ROll THE GERMAN OF GP.LLT.Tr, -'Dr J. a. SAXE. Q. Was the cargo of wheat you spoke of A for.y Hen-the story goes]..s0q11a.cious, :pert. and self-conceiteU, Espied a Bee upon a rose, · And thus the busy insect greet.cd : New · Goods! aNn FREE rirro PASS PA..SHION R011SB splendid assortm.:mt 1 f. NEW MILLINERY. Also a. lot of of Lhe inferior quality you report in your " Say, \vhat's the use of such as you, (Excuse the freedom of a neighbQr !} la'3t answer 1 'V ho gad about and neTer <.".a A. I did not eee the wheat, the papers A~fJingle a~ of useful labor ? & AS FLEMING~ MUST BE CONSI1:31'1NG 011' SOLD, I i ·imply announced a cargo of Jliinnesota ' I've marked you \\'ell for many a. day, - 1 . wheat. In -gariien.bloomsand ·moadow·cl'oY"cr; Q. JJo not the American millers purchase Now here, now there, in .\Y&nton play; our wheat very frequently i From morn-to night an idle .rovex. A. Tbey do. " \Vliilc.I discreetly bid~ o.t. home ; Q. Were the two waggun loads .of when\ A faithfui ·wife---the best of mothem ; you speak of not damp, or not fit for milling · About ihe fields you idly roam, purpoaes ! "?"it.hout the ~ea~t regard £Or _.others. A. The farmer told me, r have goo<! wheat, but no one to b.qy it. I did not ex- 'r"\Vhn; · ·lay eg:f{t:i, :or hatch them out, ·.) '. ou tie0k th~ .flowers most s'weet and fraganl.ine it. mrit; Have you nOt noticed an advertiBeAnd, Sipping- honey, stroll aboUt, ment in the E.:;se.x: papere, saying, they Atbeatagood-fo~nothingv·.grant. !" ·would sell a portion of .thia cargo to our " N'a.y," ·sa.id the Ilee 1 ' 1 you dome ;,,rong; farme1·s ns seed wh~at,and they recommenduseful too ; perhaps you !)oubt it, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE,' Krc. Sterling Silver Spooii.s, and Pure Gold Weddini: R.ings. AARON BUOKLEil. Bownrn.nville, Oct. St}), 1875. F. Y. Cowle's, where ctm be found one of the REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Also a large stock of GROCERS AND GENERAL MERCHANTS. We have received a large Msortment of -o- Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidery. .G·roceries, C1·ockery, Glassif)a1·e, Seecls, &~., Selected personally by T. BRIDGMAN, (formerly with J h Milne), from the principal markets of the country; t e same having ·been ptrrclJ.ased for cash, at from 10 to 15. per cen~., C will be sold iit prices that defy competition in this ounty. 11 We hope by an earnest endeavor to serve you we ,to meet p bl' p T{ · 1 b with a liberal share of u IC atronage. .., opmg to iave t e p[eaSUl."0 . - Largest and Most Varied Stock !FAS H · t~O NS J. D. -strowger S . . NEWCASTLE. IN for Spring just to hand. · (l pr1ng and Snn1mer GOODS TOWN. DBBSSMA..K.ING usual. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowmanvllle. April 7th.1874. ~----------· -·--~ Having removed to more commodiou!premia~l, ed it highly 1 A. I do not think I have, they have an announcement of seed wheat for Sil le, witL.otlL a:qy allusion to the cargo previously re· ferred to. I'm FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg tfil inform the public genara.Uy, that they ar4;' now enabled to offer them Bec;:p..lse....'....~ough tQiling all i:lay. long~· r scorn to make 'fo" ~bout tt 1 · ' Q. What is the inducement which causes ·uniteri :·.:Hates Uel:llers to purchase Cunadian u Come now with ~Hh n1.e, and see·n1y hive, And note ho;v folks may work in quist; superior fall wheat ·1 'l'o useful aii'ts much 1nore alh·e A. Expect to make money. Q. Is there any Jal! wheat imported iRto . Than you witb ,allyonr cackling riot I Canada from United i:ltates J A. A great deal. I think that a great quantity of it is bong ht for re·shipment. Q. Are bops grown largely in your secAn Irishman once ordered a painter' to draw his 'picture and to represent tion of country 1 him .s tanding behind a tree.. A. They are. Q. Are the tarift' relatione between CanaA granger writes to a rnral paper to da and the U oi\ed States favorablo to the ask 'how long cows· ·l10uld be milked?' Why, the same as short .cows, of course. profitable growth of bops in Canad~ 1 A. I have b·ard tlmt our hop· labor unA shrewd old Yankee said he didn't der the same disadvantage as the other pro- believe there was any downright cure d ncta of out' farins do in the American Mar- for laziness in a man. 'But,' he added, ' I've known a second wife to hfury _it ket some.' Q. Are hops considered a profitable crop for farmers to ~row 1 Servant-"Please, sir, we ain't got A. They ·re 'by those who understand no bread,. and the baker says h~ won't tmst you any lon'g er !' irate .Hibernian them. Q. Does Ike importation of bogs alive, -'The mane baste ! No bread? Dedad, noel vork, iuterfere with the price of swine then, I. must have toast !' aui ptrk in Canada 'I An Irish agricultural journal ; adverA. C.rtaiuly. tises a new washing machine t'nder the Q , Does the importation of hogs and heading 'Every inan' his own washer, pork interfere with the prices of beef aud woman,' and in its culinary department says that 'potatoes should , always ·be mntton 1 boiled in cold water.' A, Certainly. An elderly Wicklow maiden, who had Q. If a hea>ier duty were imposed upon suffered some disappointment, thus deAmerican pork, could Oa11adian farmers fines the human race : Man-a conglomra,se m~re perk profitably? erate mass of hair, tobacco smoke, confusion, conceit and boo(s. WornanA, They could. Q. Is the ptice of pork not higher iu the tbe waiter, perforce, 'on the aforesaid animal. United States than in Canada I "While·y"oµ, with every egg that cheers Your 'doilytaok,mu·t ·stopand hammer ·' The .,1H1\vs'iil. oth.erJ)e0ple8' eal's, . Till tlt·Y aro de·fened with the cLimor I Better Inducements in the line of Of a CaJl from you, ~ 11 '\Ve remain, yours respectfu y, Groce1~y D1·ess Goods, Cottons, etc., '.l' HE ,at prices lo suit the hard times, N, B.- vVe would particularly beg to call your attention to our assortment of TEAS· duce. BowmanvilleJ ~farcb B. ch Jt~ Chickens .. The higheiot price paid for Pro2z.tf. 9th, 1876, (AS REGARDS PRICE .:t QUALITY) ii replete with all the ht.t est st.rles of CoodR, and. th~se w!ll ~P. sold low for Cash. Call and pnee the, goods-seerng 1s bel1evrng. than any other house in the County, Bowmanville, April 21st, 1876. ·1usiness, in every instance. 'l'he Clothing· Department Elephant House NEW A -substitute for .Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and ORl'(AMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL-OLOTH and CARPETING MO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD Weight and Mea8ure 0.Mranteed 'l'eas a,·Speciality. ;f. D. STROWGER. Nowc.. n·. Auo11st, H~h. 1874 BOWMANVILLE · , EASY PRICES FOR HA 'R D TIMES, a:re now preparing for. Stoek-'l'aking and will make a = Ma.chine a.nd Implemexit Manufacturing Co · Large Importation OF SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Sto& Just Received,-Plain and Or· namcntal, both for Walls and 'l'loars, The P~-per Oil Qloth n.n<l Carpet"i.ng fa a. Cheap and Dura.ble Substitute for Oil Cloth. The Chemicals wilh which the P:tper is ,m,tur~ted, render it proof a.g~jnst lta.ta, Moths, Manufacturers of 'PAPER, R. A M°CLUNG BROTI-IERS WORKING \VOOD AND IRON MACHINERY EASTON'S, SPE(iJIAL JjINE. Town Hull Block, Bo"'.manville, and ~five. TlIOilOUGll CLI~ARAGE :Barg~us LEFPBL'S Varnish Polish! Anothflr thing much wanted. . if it is possible for Low Prices and · Sweei:ing to Effect it. Double Turbine Water Wheels,. and This PoliB11 gives a most elt11iant luatre1a11<l dri"s insta.ntaneousJ.y.. 800 Page Blap.k Book for $2.50, Doheny Block, Lindsay. A. It is : \vith a duty now· of a cent a potuid;which iR 1:i.Uout fqual to theexc.hange of currency : the market price all winter in Detroit was from a cent to a cent and a half a pound higher than ibe Torontn rna:rket. Q, How is it that Canadians import hogs or pork when there is a duty on them, and A Minnesota lady, in taking het morning gape lately, put her jaw out of joint, and it was two days before the doctor could get it in plac~ again. Her husband 'says he hasn't had such a vacation since his married life begafl. --:o:-·- Castin gs of all Itinds ·Nothing ever discovered before to equal this Polish. · II On R'E PAIRS FOll OBSERVE! ======== · done on the P'iano Fo-l'les, Gloclcs, Pictiwe i'i'ames w any TcVnd of Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, the price i· higher in the United States 1 · .A. Because we do not produce enough for the demand. Q. I· the United St11tes pork bought and consumed in Canada at a higher pr~ce than the Canadian farmer can get for his pork 1 A. That would be tho inference. Q. Is the small production of pork in Canada attributable to the fact that farmere can use their feed more profitably than in growing pork at the present prices l A. At the general price of pork in Cana· da it won Id not pay the farm~r to raise bogR. At present the prices are very good. Q. From your kno1> ledge of the fi.nanclal position of frirmers in your part of the couu· try, do you believe tbat !bey are generally in a prosperous condition ? A. [ a1n sorry to record the fact, tbat there is a good deal of pecuniary d1st.ress among our furn1crs at present; at ·no time during the lust fifteen years ha\'e I seen any· tbiug like \lie nurnber of Sheriff and llailiff's sales advertised as l have within the past few months. Q. fa there am on~ formei's a ~encral feel· ing ia favor Of ri.:ciprocal ta!'iff~, · until reci- procal free trade is got with the United :States 1 A. I believe thuo is. Q. Dues U. s; corn conie into market earlier than Canadian corn, and eO glut our n1arket, to the lxcJu t ion of Cuuudian coru 1 A.. 1.'here is 'i'P~Y little old Uanadiah corn rernaininR at the tia1e tLe ne\V crop cou1cs in--the:rc is lLlways a large surpltis i·eu1airiing over in the. U. S. i'narket and finds a large market in Cauado.. Q. ·\Vbut is t be regular nrnrket p1ice ln Canada, no\V i'or oats and corn l A. The h'.gheat p1ice .of oats in our part Much has been said about the go- Until further notice, Winter Goods at M:cClnng Bros,' will in some cases ahead-itiveness of the Western people, '\Ve have now on hand a Jarge quantity of but there is many a man in the region be sold Regardless of Profit, and in others Regardless Common· and Gang Plows, of Chicago· who has been known to stop th1it will be sold at short in the midst of an important job OF COSTI just to watch an Illinois girl trying to climb a hay stilck. AT THE SHOP. A train was carrying a clergyman and Ilowman\'ille, hfarch1873. 6\f. five or six youths who kept scofting at reli5<011 and telling disagreeable stories. TH.JJ: The good man endured it all, simply. DOMINION BANK. BOWMAl\VILLE. remarking as he got out: 'We shall meet agam, my children.' 'Why shall Cupit.ii, Paid Up, $1,000,000 we meet again ?' said the lead er of the band. ' Because I am a prison chap .. HEAD OFFHJB, 'l'ORONTO. Jain,' was the reply. ·BRAb'OH OFFIOES : O'RTT1 T.1A, 0SHAW~\, · A young lady, when invited to parOoBuuuo. 'VH1TBY 1 :UOWM,-L"lV ILI.1~, UXBRJDG.!lt take of the pudding, replied, 'No, many ~1[erinos thanks, my dear madame. J;y no manThia Bauk, iu addition to transacting the Ui:I· ner of means. I have already indulged ual banking businesa.t.. offtff8 to the puhlio nll · tho advantages of a baving Institution with the clamorous calls of a craving appethv i:iecurity of a. large pnid-np capital, by 1the tite, until the manifest sense ol an inmeans ot .a SAVINGi:J D.i::rART.M:ENT. ternal· fttlness admonishes my stay; Interest allowed on all deposits uf One Doi· 1 1. lar and upwal'ds 1 at the rate of F1vz p1;1r cent. my deficiency is entirely,and satisfactorver aunu1n. ily satisfied.' Depositors can withdraw either the \Vholt) or 3._.75~ o.ny part of their deposits at any time, \Vithout Practical jokes don't go well out in previous notice . Arizona. The man who came one over 81)ecial rates of interestalJn\\·ed upon deposits with notice of v:ithdra.,.. .·al. an editor out there the other day, never American Currency and Silver taken on decame t\vo. po~it. . The other day a Detroiter who has ' ll1·i\ftt:i granted payable in Great Brita.in, lTnited States and all µn.rts of Canada.. a good record of army service took ~a])cposits can bi ttuitttl<l by rnail,a<ldrer;adown his revolver to shoot a cat which t.iJ to the Do1ninion 1)R,nlc [regfatered], when in all cal.Jes a Pass-Book reoeipt will be sent by had been hanging about the ho~!Se. return post. After looking at him while he fired six J. A. CODD, .Auent, shots, tbe cat walked away. While he Bown1anville, Ja.n. 6th, 1874, 15-tf. was loading up for more destruction, the shooter's small boy inquired, 'Father, did you ever kill ,,ny one while you were in the army?' ' I suppo&e so, my son.' After a long pause the boy con---tinued. 'Then you must have got near Bowmanvillo, Jan. 11th, 1876. NOT $0 FA.ST. enough to hit 'em with an axe, didn't I have written these f1nv lin~ you?' It was then discovered to be And all I have to sny, about school time. SltOB.TEST NOTICl!:, TIIE bOMINlON. · , Savings and SOCIETY OF LONDON ONTARIO. and all kin.dB of ,Varnished Garria,ges Call and See, and Seeing you will .:BELIEVE! CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING. Dre~s LOW PRICES INVESTMENT Varnislwcl Furnitun'e. SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. ---:o:- :E.A.RDW.A.EE ! As usua'. a L ti;{o Stock on h0J1d of .. Goods "'·01·th 50cts~, for 35. French .'\vo1·th 80 cts,for 50. Jllan]{ets worth $5.50, for 4.00 Shawls 'vorth $3.00 for 2.00.- · Iiail-roacl wrappers \vorth $5.00 "'Or. Rail-road 'vrappers for $5.00. Buffalo Robes \vorth $15.00, f'or 12.00. Shapecl ltorse blankets for One Dollar. Overcoats cheaper than ever you have seen them! Capital, 750,000.00 Subscribed, 300,000.00 Paid up, . - . ," G0,000,00 Reserve and Oontrngent I! und, ~foney !mined upo!l real estate on t~ie fllo,,t favomble terms, mortgages purehtcsed, interest allowed on deposits. $1',000,000.00 Hardware, . Paints and Ot4 8toues and Tinware. All of whioh will be ·old·\ iow figure·, 'John McLeod & Co., WeUington Buildings, Bowmanville. Augu1:1t 10th, 1875. :0 MAC FIE ' Reference by 1)ermissiou, GEO. :McGILL, EsQ, .Manager On~ano Bank, Bo~manville. WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., Bownmnv1lle. London, ~Iar~h, 8th. 1876. Prosidenl · . . F. :B. LEYS, . l\fann~er. A BIG l~URH i1:1 now ra"': ng a.t All this and Much More at M°CJjUNG BROS. · ·TBELEVEN S TH.l!i MERCHANT has nuw a bona ihle 80, HO! Circulation of 1000. and with tho exception of a few, these pass into the hand.fl of the people of 'Vest Dnrhatu. Thti public will atonce tme tho utility of the paper as a.:n Gentlemen of Fashion. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. J:t Has No Equal in this constituency'- and this fact ia: b1:1ing con stantly demonstrated. If )'OU have lost anything, advertise in paper. If :rou havf> fnunJ. anything, advertise in ~1EltCHAN'l' . If you 'vant to sell auytnlng, advertise in pa.pm·. prices If you want to buy anything.advcrtiao in ool11mns of the o( the country, for some n1onthsJ is 25r:ts. ; One Mr. Shaw, time-keeper of .the corn is sold from 30 to 40. Consolidated Virginia Mine, in Virginia (l. ls this not an exceptional year in City, Nevada, found a watch where it your county ·with the farrut'r, a.ud is noL the had evidently been dropped by some lo\v price of corn the principal cause of ~be one working about the mine. He advertised it, and many persons called, depression 'l but failed to describe the watch cbrrect· A. U11fortunately, 'vhenevcr we have ly enough to claim it At last a little larKtl (;l'Ul'~ w~ have lowet prices; this equal- Frenchman came, ly ofli!Cts the States, nnd a greater iuflux of 'Yon find one ;atch, Mistair Shaw?' surplm. produ~e, to the rnjury of our mar· 'Yes, Sir,' said Shaw. Have you ketA, lost a watch?' , 'Yes, Sare, 111e have lose 1uy one Q.. Is it not your opinion that pork pro. ducers in your part of Ct1.nada wak~ the vatch.' ' Can you describe it?' inost nioney ·1 ' Oh yes, Sare, me can descripe him .A. l don't know~of any s~ch class. ver' perfec'ly. He have bees face wide Q. .Has tbe im1io..ition of duties on but- open, and ·one leetle brass shain.' ter and cheese 't cndeti to Lbe grl;)ater and ' What kind of key was on the chain?' inore prefita:ble prodt:ction of th1~se articles 'Yd, no key be on zee shain. He have no key at all. I vind him by· zce in Canada ·1 A. lliost certainly, nud it has promoted tail. The watch was a stem-winder, and their 1nanufacture. the Frenchman l·ad given a perfect desQ. Does pork producing result profitciiption of it even down to 'zee tail.' aliiy to the p1oducer iu yout locality 1 A I think it does. Haw ro }{ENOVA'l'E OR.APE '\t- EJLs, &c. Q,. Is there any clf'sire in your section of Brush the crape thoro11gl1ly ·with a soft brusl1, I Important Announcement l That you tmn find n1e still at home I am 'no~ gone away ; So all 1ny kind olJ frie!n<ls rnuy come AnJ nll the young ones too And ,:tet theh· ga.1·tnout.fi uicttly ma.deIn fashions that are new; · . "'"'hero o1d and young dehr friendms. meet A welcome greeting by R. PEATE B1>wmanville, June 19th 1873. - , thid the this the LEVI MORRIS, and he is i:letermined to continue to sell at these ruinously low cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itFirst, he buys for caBh and knows just how to bi1y ! Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, )le manufactures Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! F onrth, he sells for cash ; Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. ---o- MEl\CHAN'l'. If you want to re11clt the public, m:1e the MERCHANT. OUR RATES ARE LOW. Aa a weekly newspaper, the l\fEROHANT ii! scarenly excelled, Sixteen columns of ca.rofu11y selected · t'endini:c nUttter appear in each issue, cornptii;ing Literature, tlgricultn1·al, Fam-ilu Reading, Gcn.eral and Loca.l 1-tewaall freflh and roadable. Subscriptions ta.ken any time during th· year. W. · Having been clelaxecl several,veeks, in . · OU t l IIS . ope1nng ltc· MUBTBf~ · GENERAL OONTRAC'l'OR AND BUILDER. 0.A.LL A.ND SEE POD YOUDSELVESt AND of Sash, Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, With or wirlwi<t Casing. With or without Band Moulds. Manufact~rer BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exalnine -u- e stock, which comprises ever)'thing in the trade, oi lhe very la.teflt. 11.ud moat elegan _ @tylcs and patterns, oI English, Cana.d~a.11, and .American nianufl~cture. He atill continues to manufacture to ordor, from the boat of materia!, and none but firHt-claas workmen kept. · TERMS 75 GTS., IN ADVANCE. --:o:-- -o,-- I New Dry Goods .Establishment, .Orders FH nJ 1JY xecuted, and Good Fits Guaranteed of LM.iet1' ahd G·ents! Sarn,togo. Trunks Valises etc, all of Planing, Planing & Matching, ~~ ¥1 stock n.n endJesF.S variety which he is sollinS ehenp fol' cash. ' ' ' FOB 'JOB Pl'tINTINQwe hn.vo ev+>ry f:icility. 'Ve do not work for nothing, or fun, hnt onr piicr.fl 'vill be foutl~ lovr, as our presses: are run by atea.tn power, ·i the country for the orgnnh:ing of the society and pin·it tightly O\l'er a:n ironing sheet. '}'hen known as tLe 'Gran5ere,' and if so, what h; CO\'llr it eutii·o1y \Vith a piece of '\'et colored the reason of such desire, ·and what ben'efits cloth, cotton, or l.\'Oo~!en, :i. l lay a 'lry Cloth do they hope to ti.tta.in from such org1_1.niza. over (..bat, m:.ul p1·e~s it tightly f\'·ith n. fiat iron. Leave it for anlhour o,r more to '00co1ne thor tion 1 1\.. I have heurd th~ clt!l:lite e:xpresset.1., oughly dry,after ren1o'i'ing the dampened cloth,s. witL the view of placing t.he farmer in a siu1· If rninc'!rops turn era.po wh.itt:>, put a bit of liar position with the mn1Jufo.~turer, trader, bl11ck silk under the place. and mo.i'sten the u11· docto1·,dent ir:;t,coal oil monopolist aIJd 9Lhers; p<ir aide with a littli:i black ink. ··Crape- veils who have hoaHh1 or councils to look after which have been exposed tora,in or damp can thl."iI iuterests. l am not n. Uranger. be sa\'·ed frouJ l':!poiling by stretching thetn Q. Is it not your belief th·t high duties tightly Ovt.!r the vt1Leid1;t u( Uu:1 bed with pins un· on rrnd oil baa b1:en · t.he tneans o.f f;!nabling til dry.. lf black cr~pe or lace ii) faded or the dealers in oil to becotue monopolizerd turned brov..·n, it can bP sponged over or dippeJ. has determined to offer, during the. re1naincler of the Season 11is enth·e Ornamental Pickets, in ·ever·y var·i· ·ty, and Scroll Sawing, stocli, at such 11rices as will ensure a of every description~ sawing and Turning, -o- Remember the Stand "BIG·BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St . Bowtl!'anville, Ma 13.1874, . M. TRELEVEN. . C LEARING 1' SALE. DONE T,O ORDER, on the TO THE I 41-tf PUBI_j~[C. Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Cfrculars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets and everything from the size of .ii Poster i arge enough to oo,·er a. barn to a. h11.ilf-inch strip,, printed in good t!tyle, nnd at dt prlces. Spechnens of work can be see.n at our o:Bice . Work handed out, and the cafh takul for it The stock is all NEW, purchased -with care, and at remarkably Low Rates. ~ - CALL AND SEE H oi.v Cheap good Goods can be sold j 0 ·A_ S l-I. Bowmanville, November r 9th, r 87 5. SHORTEST NOTICE. 'VALTER "VIGG & SON, N returning tha.nkf! to their numerous euston1en; and the public i;rr:nera.Hy, for pMt fa\·ora, would respectfully invite their a.ttention to our present 1.;tock of furniture, a.a '\\.'e ha.ve hi~ly added tht-.reto, that we may t.h"reU,y be enabled to supply fl,11 pa.rtiei! who may please to fa,vor liim v.1ith n. calL Grt1a.t iuduceroenta held out to those purchMing at our eBtabhshment. Pictures, Looking Glasses, etc. framed to order, and in every style. Samples of the different kind' of o uJdin ~s ca.n be 1'een at the v.'are·room. \Ve '\'Ould a.lse beg to inform you, tba.~, ha:ving purch!.Sed a -. Shops on Liberty Street, North of the Eastern House, Bowmanvi!le. Bowma.n,·iHe. July 9th, 1874. C. BARKER. hold it firmly over a wid1::-mouthcd jug of boilwares hove the sa1ne tffect 1 A. 1 believe sut:h au outrageous duty as ing ,1ater. letting the Jliece which is steamed tl111t which protects coal oil might pas.Si l:Jly hung over th<i ju~ lintil it is a.ll done. The crape will then become fi~..:n, and ev.ery mark get up a ring among Ealnta. All the au·weJ:s tLat I bave given atfect and crease. be remoYcd. White or colored crape c;.u be cleansed with a little hot water, a.nd tbe D>)minion as a wh'Jle. in the traJe 1 into strong coffee, a~d pinned on a nowspaper A. It is, on il bed. If a. Sti-ip of crape uceda reno\'ating, Q. Would not 'imilar duties on other Manaqer · THE 8GL/OOL NOVELTY I THE NOISELESS AND SPLENDID NK\V HEARSE, lYe shall bti re1V.iy at a 11 times to attond funerafo, on short notice a11d reat100A<ble tennal f O'r Unbreakable Slate AT OUR BOOK R001vI Ask for it Send for It l O. BARKER. N. B.-Coffin~ kept on h~nd and ma~e to order, o.t the · NEW D01'rlINJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. O·hawa, A·i. 2Stk, 1870, To Masters of L 0. L regular rotes. (Signed), I, H. MORQA.N, pinned oirer a. new~pa.per, on a bedl to ~ry. _ King Street East, Osli.awa1 CER'l'IFICAES, BLANK &e., &c., oa.n. be proourod at thus offi~.-. A~plication Bowma11ville, July 7U., 181i,. c ,