· .· l · THE POETRY. · All Things Full of God· Bl PROF. J , El, BLACKIE, l\iERCH~T :. FRID~Y, l\iAY ~9, 1876; 0 The Confession~ of a Doctor. 'I began the babjt of Jeing tobacco,' said a doctor, 'when n boy, like other silly...bcfy~. M ILNE'S Q :LD 1 This I'l'icket IS EQUIV ALRNT TO A Just Arrived a.t the I used it in the vulgar form , chewing. ·1 took rank v.·ith the 'uncleun aniu1ala' that Bowmanville; March 13th, 1876. DEAR ·· All tbin~s a.r~ full ()f God." Thus spoke chew the ' c~d,' though I smoked for a year or t~ro like a volcano. I cherished the notion that tobacco was e. good repellant, in good disinfectant an1id8t sicknesa and the iwpuritiea incid ent ti:> dissecting rooms. { ' .\\Then ripe for p1·of~asional practice 1 Sm :-We beg to inform you .that we · have ·now \'Vise Tha.lcs in the da.ys Vlhen subtle Gretice to thought awoke, And soa.r ed in lofty W!lJR. And now what '\ViHdon1 have '\'0 mor.-., ! No ~a.g e div ining-rod Hath t a.ught than this a U eeper lore, All things are full of God· ']he Light that gl oweth in the sky, And shi mm er8 in the sea, ~l'hat quivers in th e paintud fly. And i:;tims t he pictured lea.; 'l'be 1nillion...bucs of h e3.ven above .commenced b usiness at the above 'address under the fi.rin of ·· New Goods! A ND FREE / PASS INTO PASJllON 110l18B . splendid assortmen: of NEW MILLINERY. FLEMING; AS MUST ~ BE CONSISTING OF SOLD, . rode hard, day and night., over hills a9d stony routes, and rolled my quid from . side to sido as. a SIVeet morsel, companionable 1 WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC. -o- F~. Y. Cowle's, where ca.n be found one of the · AlsGa lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Also B large stock of thing! I Auel earth belov: u.n~ ono, And every igbtful eve doth love The priuw,l light, the 8 1111. Go, ta.ke thy glMs, a.~ tronomer, And all the girth fiUrvey Of 8ph ere harmoniuus linked to sphere, Irl endless, bright a.rra.y. AU that far·reaching science there <Jan n1e:tsure with her rod, AH powers, all laws, are but the fair Embodh.-!d thoughts of God. And if there be who of blind laws -lncl SO\lll~S B foL'C O~ talk, acquired n0toriety as a sp itl.~r, So much so that \Va.gs, as n1y gig: CitnLe in sight, would ing ; he 1ll spit on you,· mach to ruy morti. GROCERS . AND GENERAL MERCHANTS. expectorated .freely- indeed :i We·h ave received a large assortment of ' 1 Stamps for Braiding and Em- Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Weddinic Rings: . AARON BUOKLER. broidery. cry,' Stand out the way ; the doctor's com· .-Groce1·ies, O'rocke1·y1 , Glassware. Seeds, &c., Bnwmanville, Oct. 8th, 1875. Lar-getJt and Most Varied. Stock !FASH[ONS for Spring just to hand. I became · ·ghostly, gloomy dy~ S el ected personally by T . BRIDGMAN, (formerly with · J I had practiceil twenty years be· !ore I cn1n ~ to my eenses. Tobacco,as well Milne), from the principal markets of the ,country; the same I was 8: vjc. as strong drink, is a m!J<'kr. tim of hallucina.tion, unconscious of my hon· da.ge, alld migbt have remained so ·had it 1 fication. peptfo. J. D. Strowger N:mwc.A.s'i'LE~ FOtHERGii' Having rem oved to more commodiouspremisel having been purchased for cash, at from 10 to 15 per cent,, ladie~ \Vhn fe ed vain thoughts with fancied fla.w1:1, 'Vith these I "'·ill not walk. But as a child to father clings, Or flower to aapful sod, 'f he living well within me sprini;:H .Of 11.U great things from God. Or l 'hou, who dicl'st the he'art inspire, Of Thale s; and his peers, · A ud t ouched the prophet-lips. with fire ·or holv Hebrew scera, 'J'e:ich Ti1on in great and sm·all my "YI ill rro own Thy so\rereign rod, Hold tbiR fait.b firt'n-rr.Oted still, ALL TUINGS ARE : F ULL OF Goo. began to fail, and on m v routes I · would,fOr not been for the kind agency of. few good w~ll be sold at prices that defy c.ompetition in. this c .ounty. bent on doing good: · · · 'It wns a little · in Ibis wise. ·My heai\h We hope by an earnest endeavor to serve you well to meet 1 , ' ·if. ELOOK,. _, 'Spring\. ·GODDQ and ·Su, mn1er· . · OF DBESSH.AKI NG usual. MRS. A. FLETCHER Bf>wma.nville. April 7th,l874. ~- I \ hat ' they beg to ·n1 1 or1n the public i;renerally, are now enabled to offer ~em example, call on·il sick cbild,"dod h'·fore ll with a" liberal share of Public Patronage. had half finished my. prescription, pe'rhape, · the mother ..:ould oay, ·, Doctor( hoiv pate · pleasure o( a call from you, you arc .! · How yo'u tre mble! Yoh areltil. Hoping to have thf Better ' hi.theline,of Inducements · 'f\·· IN ,l ·' .,, ._. · ' ' . I .., TOWN. ling yourself with toba.eco I' And, 'Doctor, ai·e you not chewing and &pitting yourself to <leaU:i r These and similar admonitions came thick and fast. N. duce. W e r e main; yours respectfully, . · B. &: F· B.- W c would partic.u hirly beg to call your .attention Gro: cer:y. :· Dress..-.Goods, J>rints,.· Cottons, etc., at prices to S11it the hard times. , · 'At length I met a group of ladies min· to our j3tering in a case of great. peril and anguish, an<l uJy anxit~ty b eing g rea t, I unconsciously consun1ed au incredible amount of Cavendish, as chewerS are v.·ont to do wh e n ex. cited. Dy this excess my nerves received a. assortrrie~t ~!arch . . . of TEAS· ' The highest price paid for Pro· (AS REGARJ)S PRICE J: Q.UALJTY) than ~ny ~the-r hnuse ~ the ColUlty. _ 22-tf. ·n11siness., ~ l 'I'he Clothing i1 replete w\th all the latest styles of Goods, and, these will bP- sold low fo~ Cash, r Call a.nd price the gco<fa- seeirig is believing. · ' Bowmanville, April ~1st, 1876. . '.l'HE Elephant House NEW A. substitute for Lath & Plaster ! --. THE PATENT ALUl\UNOUS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL-CLOTH and CA RPETING Bo\V"lilanville, 'Jth, 1876 . NO PRE.SENJS ....GIYEN, But· GOOD _ . Weight and llfeasure G~iaranteed Vn evM-y instance. · FARM AND HOUSEHOL[} Death in the Well. Always before going- into avn.ult, or well, or deep p it, let down a light : if it goe~ ~ut,deat~ i 1:1 at tl1e bottorn, been.use thEre is catbon10 acid there which is an n.ir that ha.<3 no suppoh for the lun~s, gives no ·life to the blood, and w~ as certtt.lnly die, n.nd as soon, M if · we had nn air at all,-as if smothere<l, or in the .water, or hung . But if a person hi.u:i fa.Ucn into.the well. and some one must go down, the quiokest pla.n to purify the air, and to get rid of the carbonic u.cid gas, is t o throw quick· lime into the welJ, if therB is a.uy water a t !ibe bottom ; if not, t h row some in ; this t hrows out hea.t, which n~refi ea the carbo11ic ~cid· and sends it to the top ; besides, tht1 disaulvi.ng lime ubsorbs it. ' L a rge riua.ntitieJ3 of cold water thrown in is a lHtb~titute ; or set fi, hn."·ings or paper on fire and let t hern fa.l l to t he bottom ; t.bc fr esh wa · ter absorb<J, th(: fla me rarefies tl1e gases. -Dt". flail ; terrible shock. I fell. I was insensible for I called it a tobacc,o fit; extravagant men might call it a ca.ee of delirium tremen s, but I have seen man;Y such ' fits since, a.lae l not a few res111ti~g in a1i\·hile, altogether so. J . D. STROWGER . 're-as a ~pe~it\lity.. ... death ! 'I waB soon, however, upon my feet again' and theE!e zealous lad it!S bt'gan to lecture m1 e in pell mell style. One said, ' \Vhy, Dod· tor, the Lord helping us, we snatched you from death. Do, do drop tobacco.' A,noth· er,' Your example, doctor, is ~onfinniogmy poor hu sband in bad habits, and ruiuing my boys.' ,Another, 'Our younfi{ otinister has become a s1noker by .}OUr advice, and ul· ready hir;., sermons savor more of smoke than tire. His cigar, bis rvck1ng chair and pd· lite· literature al\~ de:~uer to him iha.n prdcious·souls.' An other, 'Doctor, v.·e set ii sil";\'.ht by you ; do ch a og~ your ha.bits .a.nd n dt 1 cut short your days. 1 'On taking my gig I began to reason ip this way : T ohitcco is a poison, r~tnk nnd deadly, and ought to produce th e legitimate Urafting Hints. effects of a poison. It ought to injure me, and' if it does .uot, it doe s not d0 its duly. About t,bis tin11:1, as t he ol<l a.lrnaua.c:1 ha ve it 1 witl d'op it . .T " ill be a slwoe to it no UJnger. kH)k out for hints 011 graft1ng ; but with a.U the itness rny vows! This vow good advice antl pl::t.in dire c..:tions given by the My 111"aker, io v 11riouR p :.q Je re, t here are y et lnany people who forined an epoch in 1uy lif~ . ].fy appetite, CI-IEAP FURNITUREl' CHEAP FURNITU R~~ ' I fOHEAP . FURNITUllEJ ,, New:caatle.A-g.2"iJ.st ~ 14th. Hi74 · , , TH.I< DOMINION BANK.' BOWMA1'V!LLE. Capital, 'raid Up,- -HEAD' 0.F~'IOE ,, L. arge Importati· on OF ' s1,ooo:·ooo 1'0RoN'I·o. SOLE ·AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. 41 . BR.a.NCH OF.l!'IOES : Oll.IL:i.rA, OSHAWA, 00BOURG, WHITB.Y, · BowMANv:r4LE, UxBR\ DGE. ..C. A Large Stock Just liecewed,-Plai>1 and Or· namenta~ both for Walls and 'l'loors. The Paper Oil Cloth and Cn.rpet~ is a Chea.p nnd Durable Substitute for Oil Cloth. At :M:a,nni~g's Old Stand.. The Bowmanville F urniture Factory, bavina commenced busii;tesa agafo, and t he Ne w Cornpany hac ;ing appointed the subscriber, Retail Agent . for the Town and Country around, he is prepared to offer the Ve1·y BEST Styles ' of FURNITURE, at Prices below any, at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. means ot' a SAVINGS DEPA1t1'MENT, lnte.t:est ~ allowed- on . all deposits of One Dal· lar a.nd up wards, at the rate' of FrvE per cent'. L per annum. Dcpol:\itora can wit:Pdra.;w ~ither the whole or any part of their deposits o.t any 'tJri1e, Without prev1ous no t ice. Special ra.tea of interest aUnwed upon deposite with notice of vrithd rawal. ' American Currency and Sih ·er taken on de· unl bankiJ?g h'lsihe!!s, offet S to the pv.bllC IQU ~R ' the advantages of n. Savin¥ I nstitutiO n with . the e~ur;ity ,of a. large oaid1 up capiµtil 1 ~y the· ~. , This Bank, in ~<ldition totrnnsacti,nf? the lllh ' · J· · The Chemica.la with which the P ap er is Ba.tura ted, render it proof ngn.inst Rat s, Motl1e, and Mi~e. ! A SPEGIAL I.JINE. V aJ;':Q.ish Polish! , Another tlring much wanted. 'rhia P oliah gives a most elegant luatre,and <lrie" instantan~ously. posit. · ~ cl to the Dominion uank [~iater~]. when in all ca··· · P ..s-Book receipt will bo sent by return post. 1.T nited St at ~ s and <.\oil parts of Canada. L. ' $-rDepOElita can 1Y remitted by mail, address· DraftR granted payable in Great Brita.in 800 ·Page Bla.nk Book for $2.50, Town Hall Block, Bowmanville, Doheny Block, Lindsay. Nothing ever discovered befol'e to equal this Polish. FOR FOR Funeral s furni sl1ed m every respect, in the Very Best Style' aul a~ J. A. CODD, A~ent, Bowmonville, Jon.· 6th, 1874, 15.tf. declure tht.'y nevcl' h tHll any luck in pCrforrning which bad bt.:en as caprici u u~ a~ the winds, PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COUNTRYJ t l1is Otrnra.tion. 1 once kn~w an olJ. grafter re tur ned, and I cou ld adopt th e language of ·w ho d l'clared " a !icion rnu~t be hungry before Dr. l·l e wi tt, '1 have· dropped tobacco, and One of the 1"1NEST HEARSES in the Province, SEN1' FREE, i t will g rO\v 1 " whjch in pla.in lang uage simply God bas giv en n1e to enjoy e very good to an y P.u,neral fnrn· ished by the Subecribm,, within Ten miles oj mt>ans t hat a scion laid1aw ay lor a short tilue is thing. ' I would not again co1ue under tbe Bowmanville. au l'er tu ·r.row than one cut fresh fr o1n the tree, Thili the~ry is not. confined to t he oltl gri ftel: bondage ol this tyrant arnl deceiver for all R eports ha,ving been circulated. tf1a.t the undersign ed ha.s been overcharging in the Underta.k· allucl~ U to above, but ha.a receiv ed credence California. ' ing D epartment, h<." bcgosi: to au bmit th~ following- figures, whi:ch he challt1ni.:-es ~n'y oue to contra-. among many skllled horticulttu ists of the presdiet, H.eported ii.rriount charged. . Actual ;amount cha.rgerl. :Fifty Dollars ~ Twelve Dollare. ent time. Cert n.in it i1:1 t hat a scion like a cut· 'J' birty do. Nin ~ .. do .. ·., . _ HUNGER. ting ;snot iujured 'by being cnt fro1n the tree :FortY·.J:l'ive do. 'l'wenty-fiye d11. prem aturely, and laid away with proper ca.re Sixty d o. l~ortj' . ~ do. l · Wheu the syst'em begins to need nutriut1 til needed, Some prefer grafting very ea.rly; Fifty do. Thirty do. Seventy-five do. · F ifty do. I do not. :rust p)·e vious to actua.1 ~rowth is the ment, it sends a fluid frorn every portion of tim·: 1 select for performing the opera.tiou, but the bouy towa rds t he sto1uach, \Vhere it acI like n 1y B<:ions cut early andpr~s ervedind a.mp clfuiulates i tt little rtlBervoirs, tl.ie distension' soil or ulOs s, the latter preferred. ~ Be cn.reful of which causes the serumtio~1 of hnugcr ;- tbei to ha ve the bark on the scion and stock to fit aci;urately, ti 1:1 tightly, wax thorou£hly, and fuller they become, the more hun;iry .. are WO. Bowman.ville, Tufarch 30th, 1870. t11en i iR very littl e risk about the \vork. W r.s. \ifen tl SO, HO! em.e3:__~ P'tano Fertes, ,_ · Buggies, Gutters, Sleighs, and all kinds oj --f "" S.S.i..10:1l. '!!I TifE DOMINION Savings and SOCIETY OF LONDON ONTARIO. mocks, Picture F1·ames 01· NOT SO FAST. I have "\'i·ritte.n these few lines And all I have to say, That you can find rue a.till at home I am not gone away ; So all my kind old fritinda may come· And all the young onea too And ~et their garinents nicflly madt" , In fa.~hions that &l'e ne'v. ' \1 hcre old and young de&X ~riendml.. meet any kind of Furnitwre. INVESTMENT Varnuhed Varnuhed Gwrria.ges SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE ·. - - -:o:--.A s U8Ua. · Agent· for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Coffins, of New York. · w. p. PROWER. A welco1ne greeting by R. Bowma.nville, June 19th 1873. PEA1.~E a L rge Stock on hand of Keeping Butter too Long. The Am eric(tn Grocer sa.y::c Tt is a lamentable fnct t hat fe w ba'\'t· tl1e peuper facilities for kee p~ ing- butt1?1 · a t any season of t he year, and few· er still know how t o pl'Ciperly n1i:\ke and pack it for long keep:ing. .A very sn1aU per centage of th(~ but ter that reaches the principal warkets is strict.ly fin e ; and much of it that is stale ~nd unmarketable would have brought a fair pr:ic0' bad it been marketed when new. 'I1his almost inevitable and rapid dcter iorahon of butter iS a · strong argument a.g o.in st it s retention by the p roducer, i1L the hope of higher figures, when rf'u1uutiraLive oneS are at once within bis r ench. I It is better to i;ell a ny artidu when it is ready ' f vi· ma1 ·ket and the wai·k et is ready to receiY~ it a ~ paying prices. 0 This fluid not only gives notice tbot food is needed, but'it has the power of diasolving LEVI· MOR:RI~ I GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. it, a s water d.issolvea S';li-:ar, aud thus pre- pares it for yielding its nutrirneut to the aystein . If, theretore. a peraon eats without an ap petite, ~· ithout being buugrj, there . being none of this diesolving fluid in the stomach, th e fuod is n ot di s~olvJd , does not undergo any. healthy change; on tbe C:)ll· S. F. HI±:.L has a tr·ry, being kept up to the stom·ch beat of about a hundred degrees, it.soon begins to ferme11t 1 to decay, to rot; if lJleat, it literal· ly beco1nes ca1rion ; if vegetabl e, it sour.a ; Manufacturer of Sash, BlindS J:) MACFIE, FL :B. I.EYS, Doors, Mouldings, and Win ' President. Mana~er. dow Frames, Reference by permission, GEO. McGILL,, EsQ, Manager On~ar10 Bank, With or without Casing. With OT without Bowmanville. WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., BowmanYtlle. Band Moulds. London, Ma.Mb, 8th, 1876. $1,000,000.00 Capital, 750,000.00 Subscribed, 300,000.00 Paid up, · 60,000,00 Reserve and Contingent Fund, most favorable terms, mortgaMuney loaned upor: real estate , on ges purchased, interest 11llowed on deposits. Hardware, Paints . and Oils, Stoues and Tinware. All of whi~h t?c will be sold .at low· figures. J ohn McLeod & Co., Angu·t 10th, 1875 . Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville ' :F' TJ LL . STO OK OF Lo.ok to your Axles. Fiu\\' rnariy l1orses 11uffer by t he want of ti.tten tion to the a..'1:1~ vi carts and wagons. 'Ve oHen see the wheels tunni ng- a.t an angle t <.1 n I or lt of t r ue," the teamster fift een dt"g rees " OL s eem ing not to realiz1:1 how mu ch tLis in<'.reases t he burden. If tlw \vbeel '"ill only revolve, it set-n1a a.11 tb 11.t is needed !Jy the thoughtless driver. Then, want of care in gtea!'!ingth.e wheels fa another SO\H'Cl:l of unnecessarv labur for the h ors e~. I t is only fH.ir that while we require rea.:;on abl e labor Iro1n ollr an imals, v.·e shall grant tlrnm reasonable facUitit.:.s fo1· doing it..Ex. in either case, generating gas and wind, ( causing unseemly · belchings and noisorn~ eructations; or these gases, being confined, 1 distend U.1." stomach, cau.siug pressure · against the nerves, origidllting variou s pains 1 aud discotnforts 1nore or 1 ees distressing:, to I a.st someti1nes for hou1·s or half a night, pre· CJloilling, ~c., and is Selling, Very ,Cheap. Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, Ornamental Pickets, in eve1-y variety, and Scroll Sawilng, of every description· BIG is now raging a.ti venting refreR hing sleep, to be followed by a day of general dh1comfort aud unfi.tuees for ' bnsinesa. Someti1nes the stonui.cb. becomes TBELEVENS TH.l!.l MERCHANT has now a bona ii.de DONE TO ORDER, on the Circulation of 1000. and \vith the exception of a fe w, the!'! c pass into the hands of the people of 'V est ·Dul'bam. Thepublicwill at once seethe utility of the paper as an so distended with wind that it crowds up against the lungs, preventiug them from re· c~iviog their proper a1nount of air, B.nd there follows a distressing feelin~ of impendhig euffocatior:i: These san1e r.ffeuts follow when too mucb food is r.11.ten ; 1norti than there is Jluid ia the stomach to <lissolve.-Dr. Hall. :e"'y once and y~u will buy again. Bowmanvil!e, April 28th, 1876. o---- SHORTEST · NOTioE. I ADVERTISING Shops on Liberti Street. North of the Eastern House Bowmanville. l;lowmayville. July 9th, 1874. 41.t.f MEDIUM. l:t 118'os No Bqu.al in thil'I const1tuenc:it, and this fa ct is being con st antly demonstr~ted. If you have lo.st anything, advei tise in thia pap er, If yon have found anything, ~d vertise in the 1 = Is it right 1 The p11y of Gen. Sherman, including allowance fo1 sundri es, is $17,700 peraunun1, and of Gen. Sheridan $11.,600. The pri· vat~ soldiers, who nre Ordered a bout like A laves, an tl wbo are ofte n unnecessarily Curing Skins. ISi A method ~· f curing skins withcut ren1oving the hair ii:J givtn Uy a. correspondent in the Fancier's Jo urnal, ·· Take t.1oft water a.bout ten gullons , one half-bushel wheat bran, seven p ounds of sa.lt, t wo and a half pounds of sul. phuric acid. Dissolve all togethcr 1 and put the Hkim:i in the solution, and allow the1n to l'em ain ·t wd ve hours, or lon get· if n~cessar:}'. 'l'he skins may then be taken out , well WMhed and dl'ied. T hey can lte be<t>ten aoft if desired. " D o not go a mong the sick when you feel de· Jil'tl::ised or weak, or with an einpt y storuach. Important Announcement I ex- STARTLING A Very Serious Charge,, posed in or<.lel' th o:t their eorr1n1an<lerB n1ay win th e e va nescen t ban hle Called 1Uilitary glory, rectdve about $200 ptr annum . T hou1:1anJ s ot poor ln cn nnd women wh o a re iudirect1y taxed to pay th e large salarit>a of rrtili tary c:fficers get but little more tb11n privato soltlie1·;i pay for th eir labor. This is nnolher reaaon \vby we obj ect to war. It pa mpers a' few in o1licial stations, whi le it crushes and .enslaves the rank and file of the al'rn y, llll<l iucreases· tl1 ~ burdens of the t oilers at bome.--Inforraer. W. McllllJBTRf, h~s Revelations! --o-CA.LL .AND SEE FPD YO'Ul!Hi ELVES, -o- MEltCHANT ! , and he 1s dete1mii,i.ed to contfrme to sell at these ,:uinously Jo~ prices If you ·Want t_o sell anything, Jilvertise in this p:i.pet. . ' · . ch earer than the cheapesf. Why he can do it-If you want to buy anything.advertise in the Fll'st, he buys to\· cash and kn.ow~ just how to b11y ! MERCHANT. If you want to rench th e pu blic, use the Second, what he can't buy cheap enougl1, he manufactures colu1nns of the MERCHAN'l'. ,, Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! OUR RATES ARE LOW. Fourth, he sells for cash ; · ]'ifth, he sells at bottom prices. As a weekly n£wspaper, the J\I ERCH ANT is AND scarcely excelled. Sixteen column s of .;.:are· fully selected readin i;( matt er appe~r in each i15sue. comprising L i te.ratu1·e, .4..[Jricu.U u1·al 1 Fa.miily Ileading, Genei·al and Local N ewsall fresh and rea.dable. Subscriptions tn.ken any t itne d uring the I l.Jisearoe:.. are coitt ractcd n1ore readily when one fo fatigued and wh~ n in a per;;ipirat:nn, N eYer suppose th<>t ~ mo lti ng or a ny habit calctllated to weaken one will wa rd off d iseaac . _,\ good bath, cle8nliness, a br ~i~th of fresh ah-, a good w a lk, and cheerfuln ess, are fur b"'tter. The f rightened a.re the 1noat lik ely to o(mtl'act all diseases, Having been delayecl severq,l 'veeks, jn opening out his Markus Mayers, , b:\.sed upon s~L etant.ial facts, is just being cir ,culated, and is to this effect- that one of QU Examine p-l·ominent ~ft:rchants, BRING Y.OUR "FRl:ENDS WITH YOU. -u- e stock, which comprises everytbi~g in the trade, of the VE:ry latest and wost elegao 1t yles and patter11a, of English, Canadian, antl American mMJufacture. year. New Dry Goods Establish:tllent, ·South Sea &al, .t·;1"mvne, Grey and Blaclc Lamb, Grebe and idink Sdl Beaus' Mitts·J &c· &c · has purcbllr.'Jcd llJl immense Stock of Gootls, on adva.nta.g eollS terms1 and he is going to give hie Cust . . ruers the benefit of his bargain. · · 'l'he Stock is very large, e1nbracing He still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of material and none but Jh·st-claRs workuiEin kept. ' TERMS 75 CTS,, IN ADVANCE. - -:o:-we have every facility. '\V.,. e do not work for nothing, or fun , bu t;. our prices wil l be found low, as our presses arc run by steam power. Orders Promptly ~ecuted, and Good Fits Guaranteed - o- - FO:Et JOB PRINTING- l l 1 H oRsJ::s P uL.LING. - liorses which pull at their 11alter·a will find the hahit inconv(jnicnt if th~ York pla.n is followed. · Put tho mi<ldlf:! of a ' - 0. Garrett. r:i1m~ll rope undeL· the ta.il, c ro!-8 the ends on the road ., ~ I ne\·er se(~ a young maq· smoking a ci~ back of the horse and tio thein in front vf hiH breast. .Put the halter strap through the h<)ll:l gar but l atiy to myself, 'fhat young n1an is or ring in the mangel nnd tie it to this ro~ in takinK the first step to ruin.'-J. A. Jam'8. the ceu t n: of the brua& t. - C01·. Count1·u Ge11tleT'h e 0111.st(:r o!' the EJ inbarg h ltefur· determined to offe~·, during the Juvenile Sm ok 'ng. remainder of' the Season his entire ...~ingin pric··0~~~~~go:0 qu·lity.·ndco~· 'Smoking is the ttrst ,tep on the wrong . stock, at SU Ch JlI'ices as will ensure a Caps, Collaretts, Muffs,' He ha8 in st<ick a.n endle81!1 varietJ-: of L~lies' ~nd Gents' Sara.toga 'fl'Unk8, V a lises, etc., all of which be is sclhng 'cheap for cash. · -o- Remember the Stand "BIG IlOOT " drawn by '.£wo Horses, King St. Bowman,ille, ?.-!a 13.1874. M. TRELEVEN. CLE1-\RING SALE. The stock is all NEW, purchased·, with care, and at remarkably Low. Rates. All the Cood1:1 are well madt', of the La,test All Styles of ma n . 'l'o Ji ve well, li n~ ijimply. 'l\) relish fond, take ooly that which ohould be relished. ':Po have good digeation 1 avoiding that horrible disease, dyspepsia, take in proper quantities such a.swill digest with reasonable ease, and then only when uature ca.Us. sald : · We have eighty boy· here. Smucely one who ha':! not been a ' swoker or a che wer, nud n1ost of them walory lately both.' on hand, and the Prices sue~ 98 has never before been o:ffered lll Bowma.nville. ' I believe tha~ no one \\·ho sm ok es toba c- co befure the bodily power. are developed, ever ru a kes a f!t.rong, vigorous man.'--Dr. i i'urf!r;so11,, rrher .; ia ouly one stimulant that never ' Shun smoking as you ·would ·aelffail~1 a uU yet never intoxicates-Duty. destruction.'- Lancet. JJ.tltv pu~ . a. bl ue _1:>.ky o ~~ r a ~nJ\n- 11p in J.?ear yont~i do ~ot spuru tbe~e , .cautious ht~ hen t LJ m a y t e ~;n t J which tbe sky-lark against a n e.v1l habi t. :Parents ia~1st upon - Happiuess,-al ways goes einging. your boys not 1'mo¥ ng. ~-C_A _L _ L_A_N_ JD_S_E_E_~ Ilow Cliea11 goo4 Goocls can be sold for CASH. Bowmanvlfle, November 19th, 1875. and everythin g from tli e sh:e of a returning thankl!I ~ ~htiir n';lmeroue .<mstonwrs a.nd th~ public g-t>1nerally' for pru>t fa.vorA, enough to cover a barn to a half-incb strip v;ould tal!pectfully 1nv1te thell' a.ttenhon to ·our preeent !!tock of furniture, as we have lately printed in g11 od f.: tyle, and at cit p rl(!es. ' a~ded _tLereto\ that we m~y thereby be enabled 'to supply all parties who mny please to favor Specimens of work can be seen at our office. him with a. co. L Great tnducemente held out to thoe~ vurchasing at our esta.hhsbment. Pie· He also offers a ·v ery attractive lot -of Good. turel!, Loo.king Glassel!, etc. framed to order, and in every f:!tyle. San1plefl of th e different Work hn.nc1 e<l 011t1 and t he 1;1n·h tn k ~n for it in kind of o uJdin ~t\ t:an be 'icen at the wai e·roori1 . We v.·ould also beg to inform you that C. BARKI\R. .MUFFL ER S, SHIRTS, DRAWER!> having purch ..ed · ' ' Child~en'sFurs Styles l -IN TO THE; WALTER WIGG & SON, · Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Cfrculars Bill Head s Cards Pam phlets P oster · large SOCKS, COLLARS, NECK1'lE,', BRA CES, J:c. I1hey must be sold, and Sacrifices ~ill be made. , Cu.ah Cuato1ners will bn~ on close margin1J , ' Wti SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, Manaqer ahatl be ren.dy at all times to " a ttend funeral~, OD short notice and reasonable t erms N. B .-Coftinis ~opt on ha.ncl and road6 to crder, at tbe l 1 ,CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS. Eowma.nville, Oci. ht, 1875 NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. King Street East, Oeb.aw~· Oshawa, Aug, 2fllb, 1870, 'I'o :Masters of I. O. I. regular rates. l M. MA YEB'S. ANK CEn '.l'D' lC .A FS , .A J J li cr. t icn BL&c. ,&u., can be p1·ocu1 ednt t b i11 1ffice ,a. BOWllllUIYill·, July 7th, 1873,