.- THE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. c;rculn.tes l.irgely in the To,vnships of Darlington Olarke: and Cartwright. It is a common pla.ifor1n, open to the free discussion of a.IL questions1n which the genera.I public are concerned. TERMS. WEST DURHAM Stea.m Job Printing Offie KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Seventy-five cents per annum1 in ad· vance. The 'Merchant' and Obser· ver,' $2·00. RATES OF ADV l!.R'rISI?; G. One column 45 per annum. Ha.If do. · 25 '( Quarter do. · J5' '1 'l'ra.ru:llent advertisements,5 cts per line first D· scrt1on, and 2c. per line, each subsequent one. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VII. B!)WMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 2G, 187G. NUMBER XXXV , POSTERS, P A111PHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS , CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &c., EXECUTED -IN FIRST CLASS STYLE in the snow. For some moments he stood 'Nu, no I 'Vait ! wait!' she cried.~1n a. frightened tone. Then followed the sournl have the patrons been ae!rauded but the relooking at the prostrate form ol Ins wifo, deep whisper, while her lace gre" aahtn of a reprettsed struggle, of an etfot t to get putation of our cheese in the marketti IS mnon wlnch the anow sifted rapidly down, pale. For some moments they stood wiLh free without ma.king a noise or outcry, Domestic Diplomacy. terially hurt. 1'he damage thus accruinr making the dark garntent.a white in so short repressed Urea thing, expecting to hear which continued for a coasHl<;>table tur:e,ac· to tl11s growing and important portion of She wru; w:s.tcb111g at the window, a ·pace of time that sht seemed to fade from the loud report of plBtol. But the deep compatued by a low muttering and panting, Otin11chan industry, cannot be over eetimat~ As I hurried down the street, his vie""·· It was this,pe1hapa 1 that wrought 11ilence remained unbroken for nearly a as of a mnn in some desperate e1fort. ed, and nuy effurt to prevent such damage In thlfl Hlm-ple brown merino -IMPROVED AND REMODELLEDa sudden change in his feelings, for he minute; then a dull move1ueut of feet wa.S Mr. and Mrs. Craig stood with pale faceo, is certamly laudable. Let each patron elrive '!'hat I fancy looks so uea.t, spraDg toward her, and taking her up in bi!f heard in the room, ar!d the opening anU irresolute and powerless to help, whatever to eend only such milk as ia pn1e and good And her smile l thought portentousarma, called her name anxiously. She Jid shutting ot a dra"'·er. might be the extremity of their neighbor. to the factory ; and each maker endeavor to It wa.s so e:xcceding- sweet. no\ r.ply by word or sign. He carried b~r 'No, Ge11eral, you will nut Jo that,' they To attempt a forctble entry iuJ~o the room put forth an article of first·clai:.s quahty Then she met me a.t the threshold 1 back to the pavement and turned her face heard 1\ilrs. Abercrombie Pay, in e. low, was a doubtful expedient, and might be at· such as unn be made in our own county antl 'Vith a verY loTing kiss, "a to \he lamp; it was white a11dat1lt, the eyee eteady tone, in which fear struggled with tended v;ith instant fatal consequences. The prov1oce, and Ontario cheese will soo11 grtin 'l'ha.t recalled the early stages :a clo·ed, the mouth ... hut rigidly. tenderncSB, mutte.r1ng aud panting ce11sed a.t length,and such a reputation in foreign markets ae will Of our matrimonial blissI'T' :z: And I felt. a.t once a tremorBut ~lre. Abercrombie was uot unconsci· ' Why will I not do it 1' was sternly de· ao did all e1gns of struggling and res1atance. iusure a Bale and leading pnces. c It 18 the iC W a.i:; there anything aruiijs ! ous. Every sense was awake. ' 1nautlecl.. They were etandit1g near the The madman had wrought his Wlll, what- duty, although in some instances it may bo z: 'Edith ! E.dith !' her ha.band cried. H10 door, so that their vo""" could be beard ever that might be. Breathlessly they listen- a painful one, of every person to see that No ! the children were a.11 quiet, < :z :;: tones, nux1ous at first, now betruyed als.rnL. d1St1nctly in the next roo10. And the lrnaJ. th "ll~ vt-ry bri~ht, ed, bnt uot u sound broke the deep silence. this wiee and JUSt Act is properly earned -I And my pet-:-our ro:;uiflh OharlieA Cf!.rrrnge went by at the moment. He 'Because you love tne too well,' was the !t-1u1utes pusscd, but tho stillueas n,igned. · out. Not only is our reputation at stake ...... ~ Cl Was quite vesta.l 1n his "hite ; ...... called to the driver, but was unheard or un- sweet: qu1et answer. The voice of ~{rs. 'He may have kilted her,' -...vhtsp~red Mrs. but the success or fa1lur~ of one of our r1nn:a Yet I braced myself f0r sUinetlung, headed. Up anJ down the stret-t, the air Abercrombie did not betray a s111gle tremor. ()ro.1g, 'vith white hps. Her huBban<l pres· cip11l.ind us tries depends on its due obserBo tha.t something what it 1wg4t. "I: Iof which was ao tilled with snow that he All was busherl a~ain. Tlien came scd bis ear closely to the dour. vance. Another important matter jg the :z: :a My ch.air was nea.r the firt., could r,ee only a short distance, be looked i.n ano.ther movement in the room, and the ' Do you hear anytlnng 1' ~h1ppu1g of the produce to foreign 1narketil, ::E And my shppN·(-1 hv its aido vu.Ln for the form of o. polict:Jmau or citizen , sound of a closing drawer. 'Yee.' A direct trade has of late been opened, aud!.ly pipe was very h.a.ndy. Hu was alone in tbe street a.t w1daight, Mr. and Mre. Craig 'Vele begiulling to 'What 1' Iour cheese ia fast be'con1ing recogn1zed by And my papers open wide ; Cl U) blocks away from his residence, a fierce breathe more free ly, when the noise as ot ...... rrhcy spoke in a low whisper. _<\.nd she wore ..the i1rctty brcost pin Euglish dealera. As it io important that ::!: storm ruging in the air, the cold int.euse, some one spriog1 np; flUddenly upon unothcr 'Put your ear uga1nat the door ' That I ga.ve her when a bride. our produce should be jndge<l on its own -I >Cl and his wife apparently insensible in his was heard, follo\\;ed l1y a struggle and a bilrB. Craig did so, and after a 1uon1ent or tnerits dist111ct from tl1at produced by our 'I he dinner was pct fectio11 ; ::z arms. If anything could free his brain chok1n~ cry It cuntinued so long that Mr.. two could hear a faint 1uovt:me;nt, as ot American neighbors: ·we would iru_pr~ sf:I ou It was lav1ah Without waste i > l'" from its illusions, cause enough was here. Craig rri.n out iuto the hall and knocked at something being pulled across th~ carpl::lt. the minds ol those charge<! wi\b the duly uf l'hc soup was v~1micelli 1 .And exactly to my taE!tc ; He ehouted aloud for help, but there came the door of General Abercroinbie's room The souud waa interm1tteut, now being selhng, the in1portance of t.leahng only with This Company has recently been re-organized by the addition of three of While the dessflrt "a.J:I a triumph no answer on the w1lJ caree-r1ng w1nda As he did so the noise of struggling ce.usecl, very d1st1nct, and now ceasing altogethe · those meu who have chrect intv.rcourse w11h the most practical men from the ~actory of Cl~ugh & War~en Organ Co., Of artistic skill and paste. Another carria~e weut by, moviug In ghost· and all grew still. The door was not open~ Toe direction of tho tnovoruent wus toward Detroit, Mich., each taking an active pa.it m his own particular dep:irtthe morkots of the Old Country. It bas ly tnlence, but bis call to th~ dr1ver was un- ed to h1q l\ummons, &.nd after w11iting for a that part of the room occupied by the bee!. heretoloro been the too frequent practice ot And when the meal wal,i over, rnent and are now manufacturing an Organ equal, and in many pomts And the inr.er man at rei:.t, heeded, as before. little while, he went back to hie own roon1. The listeners' struined sense of h~aring waa dealers t1 place every thing shipped from supe;iorto any manufactured in the United States or Canada. Our celeShe drew her cha.h be!:!ide 1oe, Feoh ng the chill of the mten·ely cold Qir 'This is dreadful,' be said. 'What can so acute that it was a.Ule to interpret the \hie continent on the Old Country market· brated ,; Vox Celeste" "Vo;. .Humana," "Wilcox Patent Octavo Coupler," With the ha.by ou her breaE1t, guing deeper and deeper, and conscious of it rnean 1 Tbe General n1uAt be insane meamng of e.rth varyin5 sound. A body as 1 Americau.' It is important to our pro .. "Cello." or ".Clario~et" Stops, "Flugle Horn," "Dulcet," "lEolinc," I felt, Arni r;o I told ber 1 the helplessness of the1r B1tuation unl~ss from drink Sometlung will have to be had been slowly dragged across .Lhe Jloor,an<l v1nce and the Dominion at large thnt our "Cremona," and Grand Organ Stop, and I was one amoog the blest. slie used the strength that yet remomed, doae, He may be strangling his poor wife now, hushed and almoet noiselessly as the exports, nnd especially in this bronch,should Oh ! the slnilo of tender radi.anco ltira. Abercrombie showed ayn1ptoms of re- at this very moment. I cannot bear it. 1 I wprk went on, they kne\v that the body be known entirely as 'Qanadrn.n.' Sb re\\ d 'fhat illumn·d all her face, turning life and powei: of action. Perceiv- must break open the door.' I was being lilted from. the floor and placed Yankees have too long derived the bene!it .As I clasped l1"r to 1ny l'OJ>om, mg this, the General drew an arm around Mr. Craig started toward the hall, bnt his upon the bed. In th"e loYer's fond em b1 ace , For a little while all was of some of our superior exports and it is Can be obtained only in these Organs. It was then ahe softly whispered, her for support and made a motion to go wifo seized hold of him and helJ him b>ck quiet, but the movements soon began again, high t1me that the produce of our indust11ca ' "Won't you let me ha.ve that lace !" on a~ain, to which she responded by mov'No, no, no !' she crt~d, iu a lo'v voice anJ were crufined to lhe bed, Sorncthrng shonld be known and judged on their own ing forward; but w1th slow and not very Let tl:::.eru nlone. It niay be her only cbnnce was being done~ "' ith the dead or uncon- merit.s: John Greanleaf Whittier's Centennial ~teady steps. Soon, however, abe walked of safety. Hark!' scious bu<ly. ~ 'Vhat, 1t was 11nposs1bie to ASSEN'Il!:D 'I'O MAH.CH 41 IJ, 1868. more firmly, and bf'gan pressing on with a The s1JenCe in General Ahercrombie's mnke out or even gn~ss. I\'lra, .A.borcro1nhrn Hymn. haete that ill u~corded with the apparent room was again broken. A man's tirn1 tread ruigh.t be 11felesa1 in a swoon, or only feign· \Vhereus, it is exp('dient and necess:iry to condition out of which sbc had come only u was on the floor, ami it could be heard paos- tng unconsc1uusness. Encourage and Protect Butter and Cheese Our fathers' God ! from out whooe ha.ud 1 It won ' t Uo to let this go on any longer, 1 t~w tnoments before. ing clear across the \~pa1tineot 1 then re~urn~lanufacture.rs in this Province . There . . 'fhe Cent1u-ies fall like grainff of sand, 'l'hc 111sa1H~ u.te often eing1J.larly quick in J in 8, and th~n gmng lron1 siJ~ to l:lide. At said I\-fr. Cr111g, ns he came hac k trom the fore, Her Majesty, by and w1U1 the adv1<"e We meet to-day, united, free, percept1on, and General Abercn1 rnb1e was; length the sound oi 1nov1ng furniture \'i'as door al which he had been listeniog. 'I and consent uf the Leg1slat1ve Assembly ol And loyal to out land and Thee, To thank 'rhee fo1 the erJ. done, for the ti1nc being, !ld much insane as any heard. It wae us 1f a person was lifting ii must ca 11 son10 of the boarders and have a Ontario, erincts as follo\.\s : And trust Thee for the opening one patient of an asy lum. It da.shcd into hui beavy wardrobe or tinreau, er:.d getting it consultation.' 1. Whosoever shall kno11 ingly and fwi· Herc where of old, by 'rhy deai,;n, n11nJ. that J11 s w1te bad been deceiving }um, with some d1fficnlty from one part of the fie t\'B!=i turn1ng to go out1 wher1 fl sound dul~nlly sell, supply, brrng or seud to bo The fathers spake that word of Thine, had bee n pretcnchng a faint, when she was room to the other. as of o. fu.liing cbair can1e iro1n Gt nera1 manufoctured to any cheese or butter Whose ceho is tho ~lad refrain as strong of J11ub and clear of intellect ns "Vhat can he be cloing7' qne~ttoned 1\frs. Abercrotub1e's room. and caused hi1n to atop u1a.nnfactory iu this Province, any Jnilk di~ Of rendcd bolt and falling cho.in, wlion tLey lelt Mr, Bntwell'·· At this Craig, \\lib great alarm, Agents Wanted in Every County. Send for Price List. To grace our festal time, from all and tJrn bac1' Tlns ~"" follow ed by the luted with '\.\'ater, or tu any "ay adnlteratl·d, Th1;1 zones of oa1 th onr guests -we call. thought the halt expe1lea do\ll that had 'He is going to \mmcade the dour, must qo<ek \read of he~vy feet gomg up and or milk froa1 which any crean1 h~1s been ta .. Address DOMINION ORGAN CO., BOWMANVILLE ON'l:. Be with u· while the New \.'{orld greets been controlling lum leaped back into bts likely,' rt>phed her hu sband. down the ~homhei: Huor, and continuing ken,or mtlk com1nonly kaown us 'akiro1n l d The Old \Vorld thronging all its streets, heart, tilling lit. again with evil passions. 'Barricfide the door I What for 1 Good withoat intern11ssion for ns much as five milk ;' or whoever shall keep back any part Also Genernl Agents .fo1· Canada, for the BRADBURY PIA~O. Unvt1iling all the tnumphs won But the wind was driving the fir:e, eand- heavens, Mr. Craig! £-le n1ay have killed minutes. It stopped as suddeuly as it bad of the milk known as' atr1ppings ;'or whoa.rt or toil beneath the sun ; hkf', sharp-cutting snow into his Jaco with his wife, She n-1ay be lying in thero dead hegun, and all was silent agam. Rice ~ Barker Agents for the. Coumties of Durham, Vict01-ia, and North By Th~y ever shall know:ingly and lraudulently sell, And unto.common good ordain ' ' and South Ontari-0. such force and v.1lume as to half suffecatc at tb 1s very iuoment. Oh, it is fearful l Cu.n knew that the General was standing oloae by send, bring or supply milk to any cheese or Thie rival.ship of hand and b131n, BoVIID.anville,Dec. 21f1t, 1875. and bewilder him. · Turning ut this mo· nothiog be done Thou who hast here in concord f11rled, the bed. butter mannfactory that is tainted, or part'l,he ;.ar ftags of a ga.thcred world, ment a corner of the street that brought him 'Notliing, that I know ol,except to break 'My God!' in a tone lull of anguish and ly aour from want of proper care in keep1ug Benea.th our Western skies fulfil into the clear s\veep of the storm, the wind into the room.' fear dropped from his lip" 'EJith i Edith' pails, strainers, or nny vessel in \\hich said 'l,he Orient's mission of good will, etruck bin1 \\'lth a fori;e that see med gtven 'I-Iadn't you better touse Homo of the oh, Edith !' he called in low wu1l of d1atreii!S rntlk 1a kepl, clean and s\ve~t, after beiug And, freighted with l()v~·s Gold~n ll'lecce, by a human band,and threw him etaggering boarders, or call a waiter anJ send for the 1 Speak to ine Edith! Why dou't yon notified ot eiuch taint or carelessness, either Sencl ba.t·k the Argonauts of peace, 1 against lna wife, both falli ng police 1' For ai t and labor met iu tt uce. spenk to me 1' verbully or in writing i or any butt~r or Struggling to his feet, General Ab~r The voice of J\.lra. Abercrombie was heal!d },or beauty ma.de the bride of use They listenEd,bnt heard no a11.1iwcr. Gen· cheese nuu1utacturer wno shall knowiugly , cr1)mbie cursed hiij wife as he jerked her at this moment, It was calm au<l. clenr. \Ve thank 'l'hee, while, withal. we cra'c eral Abercromhtc called the name of his and iiaudulbntly use, or direct any u1 his or Tba austere virtues strong to sa.'\'e, fron1 the ground 'v1th a su.d den force that 'Let me help you, General,' she said. wife over ond over ag:a1n, und in t1:rm~ of her e1uployees to use tor l11s 1 hl!r, or their The honor proof t.o pla.oe o'r gold, TlJe noise of moving {urni~un· bec!lwe endearment, but for all Mr at1d )!rs. Orn1g came near dlSlocatn.g her arm. She gave no in<livi<lual benefit, auy crea1n f1oni the 1n1lk The manhood neTer bought nor sold ! word of r1 n1onstrance nor cry of pain or instantly atill. It l:leerueU as it the u1aJ.man could tell she gnve back no i:iign. brought to any chet!oe or liu ltl' r nianuiac .. O ! make Thou us, through centuries long, feut, Unt d1d u.ll 1n her po\\~er to keep up hud turned in su rprise fro1n Lrn work and '0 my Grd ! what have I done I' they tory v.ithout the consmit ol all the owncrlJ In peace secure, in justice at1ong J with her husband as he drove .on a.gain stood conironting bis w1te, but whether in heard him say, the words followed by a Around ou1· i;;ilt.s of freedom drn.w thereof, sbu.ll, for t<ach ao<l every oflence, with rnatl percipit.:otlon. \vrath or not 1t was 11npoQ:,1ble to c0nJ t cture. deep ~roau. The 15,ifegnurd of Thy righteous law; forfeit and pay a eun1 not less than one dolflow they ~ot home I\irs. Abercto1nbic Tl. . ey might hear her f.dl to tll.e fioor,str1ck· And, caat in some diviner mould, 'It is n1y time nov. ;' nnd ?I.tr Craig rnn lar, uor rrwre than Ji!Ly dollurs, iu the 1 lid· Let the new cycle shame the nld ! hardly ku ew, but home 1hey Wete at last, en down by her husb1ncl,or cry out in mor- out into the hall as he said tlns,nu<l kuockcretion at the p1cs1c.h11g J ust1ces Lefore The su1,ponse crl at the General's door, aJld in their 0\\11 roum, the door closl·d and tal aizouy nt any 1110 111unt. Hut no RllS\\cr who1n the case shull be hcn1d. lc;:ickecl, nnd the key with<lI.\'AI.I by her hua was dreddfnl. LITE RATU RE. curnc. Ile knocked again, and louder than 2. Any two or nio1e Justices o1 th~ Peat:e, band, out ot whose nlannt'r all the wild pas'Do it! l .on ieady .' flt fir st. Atter wa1 t\ug for a !?hort time he having JUtu~d1ct10n \\ ith1n t he locahtv It waa ~Ira Aber~ro1uLi1:1 spe.ik 1ng again, hca1d the key turu in the lock. 1 Le door DANGER; OR WOUNDED IN THE sion had gone. His moven1ent1:1 were q u et, and his voice, when be spoke, low ; but lns and in a caliu, ev~u voice. They beard 'Vas opened a.· few 1nche~ ancl he snw through where t he off..;11cc b,\8 been co1nm1Lt~d, ru:~y HOUSE OF A FRIEND. 1 hear ind dcter1nu1e ~uch cou1phunt upon wife knew, by the gleam of bis restle~s eyeE'"t once more, and v; ith curdling Ulocx1, the the apeiiure lbe haggard un:l nlmoot ghast- the oath of one or 1no1e cred 1tu.blc w1tnesseB , that thought and purpose v.rere active. sharp dick vf a prntol-lock as the borumcr ly face of General Abe1crornb1c. DY T. S A.Rl'H UH. H1a eyts and sh!l.ll have power, 1n caec the penalty 'l'beir roon1 was in the third story of a was drawn bnck. They ht:ld their breaths were wild a.id distended. awarded by them be not forth\\ith paid, large boarding· house in a faehiona.ble part 1n horror o.ud suspense, not moving, lest I (Continued ) 'What do you want 1' he demanded im. upon COJ?.Vlcl1on, to levy the aaa1e by J. 1s~ of the city. The house was double, a wide even the slightest sound they made should ALSO CHAPTER XIII. patiently. tress and aalt> of the g1Jo'1s £1.n<l chattels of hall running through th e centre There precipitate the impending tragedy. 1 la }frs. Abercrombie stck 1 Can we do the offender by warrant uud..:r thuir hauJs As General and Mrs. Abercrombie reach· were fo'lr or five lnrge rooms on th,is floor, 'I have been a good and true \VJfe to yon anythinK for you, Ge~ero 11' said ~fr. Craig, and seals, or the bUuds and seals of u.ny I\\ o ed the vestibule, und the door shut behind all occupied. Iu the one arljoming theirs always, and [ shall remaiu so even unto uttering tho sentences that came first lo blS two of t11ein ; aurl the pe1 1u1ty 1 when recovthem, the latter, seemg that her hueb·nd there was a lady and ~"ntleman who bad death.' tongne, ered, sb nll be paid ove1 by such J nstlcelil, was going out into the storm, which was bet::n at Mr. and Mrs Birtwell's party, and The deep pathos o1J1t!r qu1~t voice brought 'NO!' 1u a'ngry rejection of th~ offertd ooe-halr to tl 1 e person c0t11}Jhi1n1ng aud une~ now u.t ita height, drew back, asklnp- at the who drove up in a cairiage just as the Gen tears to the e,yes oJ Afr. and J'i{rfl, Ctuig. iinn1e tiwe if their carriage had been called. eral and A1ra. Abercrombie, '\\bite with 1 If you arc tired of 01e, I ain ready to go service. The tloor ahut with a Jar, an<l the hu.lt to tl1e treasurer o! tLc n1uu1c1 pahty key turned in Lhe Jock, .Mr. Uraig stood d1str1ct, or place wLe1e the otl'~uct:i ehaJl The ollly answer made by Generdl Aber- snow, came to the door. "rhey t!ntered to- Look into my eyes. You see I bat I am not for n moment irreaolute,and then we11t back havti beeu co1nmitt@ll i uud, in deta.ult of crom,bic was a fiercely-uttered imprecation. getber, the l11dy express1ng surprise at then afraid.' to his wile. Nothing iuore was beard in payn1ent or sulhc1ent d1:;tress, the offtin1ler Seizing at the same time the JI.Im ahe had appearancP, at which the General growled It "°as still a.a death again. The deal\ the adjoining room. 'fhough they listened may, by Wl.Lrt'ant signed anJ. sealed as aforedropped lrom h!S( he drew her ont 01 the some rncoherent seatenceo and strode away tender eyes that loQ]red so at.eadily into those veat1bule and down the snow-covered atep fropi them and up the stairs, Mrd. Aber· of General Abcrcro1nb1e held him hke a for a long time, no voice nor sound of any sa.id, be 1111pnsoncd in ti.le common gaol for kind came to their ears. The General had, a period not less than ono day, nor in ore with a sudden violence that threw her to comb1e following close alter him. spell, an~ 1nadc his finger s so nerveless that to all appearance, tl.rowu himself upvn the than tweuty <luys, at the discretion of such \he ground, ·Ap he dragged her up be curs. , There's something wrong, I'm afaaid,' they could rlot rn·pond to the passion of the bed aud fallen asleep. J usticea, or any two of then1, unless such ed her aga.in in a cruel undertone, and then, sa1(l the geutlemau, whose name Craig, as n1urderous fiend that po8sesoc<l bun. That It was lute the next morning \Vhen Mr penalty, costs, and the cha1gcs of comuut .. grasping her arn1, mo~ed oit in the very ho and bis wife ga.1ned their own room, was why the scared. listeners chd uot hear and ~Irs, Ura1g awoke. Their fil.'f.lt thought ment, be Auoner paid, teeth 1 of the bhudmg tempest, gomg f-0. , They went rn u 0 ,irriage, [know, What the deadly report of the pistol he was bold· was oI their neighbor&., General and Mra. swiftly that she could not keep pace with can it mean 1' ing withiu a tew inches of his w1f... 1s head 3. Any party aggrieved by such fiand u · Abercrombie. The profoundest silence him, Before they had "one a dozen steps she d · 1 · It 't 0 1 Let rue put it 'I hope the General has not been rin t· away. 1s 11 a nice reigned 1n their apartment-a ellence death· 1ent conduct as a.loreRa1d, may, at his or their elect1ou, sue the off~n<ler in any civ1l fell again. · ing too much,' ren1arked the w1fe. thing to bnve in a lady's chtuuUer. You hke and ominous. Struggling \o her feet, helped up by tho' 'I'm afraid he hM. Re used to be very know I can't bpar the sight of a pistol, aud court ol cornpetent JUrtsdict1ou, a1H.l recot~ 'It he has murdered her!' said l\fra. Cr11ig, .strong grasp of the madman 'vhosc ha.ud inteinperate, I've heard, but reformed a you lov~ 1he too well to give me thll"'i:illrn.ll~ er lrom llim the amount of do.rno.gcs ett~ · sbiverrng a\ the thought as sho spoke, ~as upou her arm, Mrs. Abercrombie tneU yeai or two ago. A mau with any weak~ cat pain or u11 eas1ncss. Thut's u. dear, good tallled, and levy the same, '-\Ith the co~ts , ' I hope not ; but I shouldn't hke to be to rally her bewildered thoughts. She ness in this duectlon would he lU <l auget a.t husband.' according to the ordinary practice of lhu the first one who goes into that roon1 1' re. knew that her hfe was in danger, but she an entertainment sucli as Mr. and Airs. They could almost sec !\1rs. Abcrcro1nbie court in wluch such sui t shall be brougl1t. phed her husband . rrheu, after a mo1uenta k11ew also that much, it not everytlnng, de- Birtwidl gall'c to-inght.' take the dcndly weapon Jiom the lieneral'.s 4. ProVided al ways 1 that no Justice or rellection, he said : pended on ber own conduct, The very ex.· , I eaw the General taktog wine with a hand. They hoard her dress tra1hng across J uatices hnv1ug any pecu1no.ry 1uterest 111 'If arlything has gone wrong in thcre,we tremity of her pc1it calmed her thoughts, lady,' ~aid Mrs Craig. the room, aud heard her open and shut, and a11y sucll butter or cheese manufactory, as must be on onr guard and make no adruioand ~ave them clearness autl . ~ec11:11on. , lt he touk one glass, ho would hardly then lock a drawer. For so 1ne time a.fteralo1c aaid, shall bear or detern11ue any such sions. It won't do for us to let 1t be known Pluuging forward as soon as his wue could act thnt llS a limit. lt were Jnuch {>asier to ward. they could hear the low sound of con1pla.1nt. that we heard the dreadful things going on reC<?ver herselt agrun, GenerR.l Abercr~mb1e abstain altogether; and we know that if a voices, thea all became silent again. 5. In case of .sumrna!'y proceedings ui.<l t:r unless you wish to purcha.se strode away y;ith a epeed that made it al- rfl"t.i.u over whom dnnk bas once gained thC 'Give me that pistol!' startlt:d them not there that we did, and yet gave no aJarm tlns Act, nay person cornphunant or I'm uot Rat1sfied with n1yself, and can hard· moet imposs1Lle for her to move on w1thont Inastery ventures upon the smallest iodulg· long ait+n~ard, 1u a. sudrlcn wild ouLLreuk ly expect others to excuse where I condcuin.' defendant, shall have the right of a ppc.11 alling, especially ns the e.now was lyuig cnce oJ bis uppeute, be is al wost sure to of frenzieU passion. a.'! prov1U.e<l 1u' Ollaptel' one hundred and (To be Continued.) deep an<l unbroken 011 the pavement, and give way uud fall again. It's a strange '\Vbat do you-want ,.,·1th 1t 1' tbej heard fourteen ot til e Consohd.ited Statutes uf her long dress, ·which she had not ta.ken thing and sad as strange.' Mrs. Abercrombie a$k, There was no sign An Act to Protect Butter and Cheese U ppcr Cam1da. time t!) loop up before st.arting, draggeU 'H~rk t' of alarm iu her tones. ---o--Manufacturers. abont her leet and impeded her steps. Th·y Mr. Craig turned toward the door, whic.h, 'Give me that pistol, I say!' The Gen· Edwu"d About wiites m ono ~l his had not gone half a block before she fell when opened, mo.de n comn1unicatioo l:c· erars voice was angry an<l imperioue. 'How We have been requeeted by several pai- works:-' Yoa can tell by the first sight uf ai;;ain. A wild beast could hardly have tween their apartinent and· that of GcuerEd dared you take it out of 1ny han<l 1' b es intert!sted in our cheese factolies to pub· an Alsatian \'Illage &t rcct if the 1nbab1tauts gro\vled more savagely than di<l. this insane ,nud Mre. Abercrombie. It was shut, and 'Oh, I thought yon wished 1t put av.ay having open~d hi" bsh the Act govermng of these msh\utions. be Cathohcs or Protestants. It the \\ OIHL"ll man aa be caught bcr up from \he bed o! fastened on both sides, so that it could no\ because the oigbt of "pi_,tol rn uupleasant to It " allegtd that 111 \bo past many fur· be elat\ernly and the cottages untidy, hav1 enow into which she had fallen and shook be opened by the occupants o! either room. me.' n1elnng 1nilk to factories have been guilty ing heaps ut reiuse bcl01e the. doore, and her with a. 'f\crce pnss1on. ' A larg~, stron15 A Jo,v but <1u1ckly-st1flttJ. cry hlld shuck And they heard the dress ttailtng across of unproptieties which 1f pressed would re- brokc11 window panes mended with po.p· r with a full assortment of man, with an uiM.ux ofdemon1acstrength in on the ears of Mr. and Mrs Oraili(. They the rovm ,iguin. sult senously to the guilty ones. 4,s son1e --1f tbe children, unwash ed and in rags, are every muscle, his wife was little more than looked at each other \Vtth questioning 'Stop!' cried the Gcncrnl, in a command· of these may uot know to what extent they seen playing all the livelong day awong the a child in bis hnnds. Ile could have crush- glances for se veral nioments, listening HI· ing: tone. have been rnuk1ng tbewselves liable it lhl1:1 p1g13 and fowls, you have 11 Catholic village. ed the hfe oat of her ·t a smgle grip. tently, but the c1y was not repeated. ·Just as ypu please, General. You can been sug;.;csted that a publication o! the Act It on th~ couttary, ) ou notice ttd1 nc;:d 1 1 Not a word or sound came from Mrs. ' I don't hke that, s1ud Mr. Crmg. Ile haive the pistol if J au want 1t, ans" ered is prepared to offer wight be beneficial. It has also been said everywhere 11round you, a.url perceive not a The snow thA.t covered tbe spoke \\Ith concern !\irs. Abercrombie, without the srnaUest Aheruroinbie. that some makers have been in the practrne child at large, exc·~pt at the hours '"hen, earth was s1Jarcely whiter than her rigid ' What can it tnt:an 1' asked h:s wife. treinor in lier voice. '~hall I get it for ot appropriating cream Jrow the vats for pri- achool being over, all the little people, clean Her eyes, as the light of a fhckenng 'Heaven knows!' he rephed you 7' . tace. A s h arp 'No ! 1 HA flung the 'vord out angrily, vate ur:ies and corun11tt1ng other acts v; b1ch and 1ntell1gent.-looking, troop home\va.rd Th ey aat s1 Ie-n t an d I. is t cn1ag. gas-lamp shone iuto thew, hardly r e: i ected that will compare with any Store in the County. w1lh their s·tcbels-yon have a Protestant back its gleam, so lead en was tb:1r despair. cht:k, which the tar ot J\.Ir Craig detected giving it en1pha.aia by an in1precation. Tbeu tbe law places a severe penalty npon. COlllinUlllt,)," Sollie uf these cases of dishonesty have been fie shook her fiercely, the tightening ·· the sound made by the cocking of a pis· followed a growl, as if from an ill·natured grasp on her arms bruising tho tender fte·h, tol, struck upon the still air. He sprang to beast, and they could hear hrn. heav Y \read more than auapected but were allowed to pass unheeded through a delicacy of becomOld truths are allvayo new to us it they cursed her, and then, in a Llind fury, cast his teet a ud took a step oi· two toward the across the floor. ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFFICE· her frero him ahnoi:!L into the iniddle ot the doo1 le1diug into the ball, but lua wife 'Oh, General !1 ca.me s1hldenly lro1n tLe ing informer9 on tho part of those cog· come to us with the smell of heaven upon lips ol Mrs. Abercrombie, m a ~urpriscd, m·ant of the facta, and thereby no\ only them. street, \\here obe lay mo\10nl~£s, ball buried J caught his arm _iind clung to it tightly. Bowmanville, April 12th, 1876. bp-ol5~m29. POETRY. GR:AND TRUNK RAILWAY I DOMINION O!tGAN CO'S a ' Traina will leave Dowmn.nville Station, 8owmanv1lle time, as follows : GOING WEST GOING BAST. Local*, .... 7:20, a.r.a. Expreli!S . . l }Jxpress .. , .... 8:;3Q a.m. 9 30a. m 1 l\:hxed ... 4·20 p.m. 2:20 p.m. \ Loca.l ..... 7:f>O P .m. Expreaa .... 9.00 p. 111. Express ..... 9.00 p.m. *1'h1s tra.ia rurn1 every morning of week, CABINET ORGANS. Mixed .... ~Ionda.ys = .... excepted, = = ... .... · Dr. BOYL~, SURGERY---SILVER ST. RESIDENCE ONTARIO S !REET. = ... Bo"man,ille1 Jan. 20th, 1876. .... = M ~f Surgeons Er1glnnd; I.iccnt1ate of the Roya.I College of Phys1c1u.na, Edinburgh. Cor-0ner, etc. = = Dr.· Jas. Fielding, EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE lO·tf. ~ ReBldence, Corner of Ch ur.c:ih and Scngog Street1:1, l3owmWlville. Deo. ard, 1875. = .... ... I. W. McLAUGHLIN, M. B. L.R.C.P., L.R.c.s.· Edmborough. 1\1r EifBER of the Medical Council of Ontario. .l.fJ. Office oupmute the market. aud thhd d~r north of 'Ia1tf's l?hotogr~_~:phic Gnllory. Re.R1dence, Ontnuo Street. Night messages may be eft either at office or residence. Bowmanville, ]'eb 18th, 1876. 3-in, Dr. DAVIDSON RADUATE OF THE ROYAL .coi;,. G lege Pbvsicians, Eng1nnd. and Victoria University \r1ctolia Graduate of of qolleg.e,Und~r All the Late Improvements and Prizeman of the Un1vers1ty of 'Ioronto,and R<:iyal Col1er;e f'Of rhystcians an<l Surgeons Kingston ; ~{ember oi t he pollcgc of Ph:i,·s1ciaus and Surgeons of Ontario; Coroner, &c. Residence and office- Market Square, llow· Bowmanville, Feb. 24Lh, 1876. 22-lly. man ville. R R LOSCOMBE, Twenty-F!ye. Different Style~, for the Parlor and tlle Cllurch, tlle Best Material and Workmanship. Quality ancl 'Volumeoftone Unequalled. PRICES $50 TO $1,ooo. 1 BARRISTER-AT-LAW, I SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, <I:· OFB'IOB -Over ~{cClung'a Store same :flat as J. . Brimacomb's Denta.l n.ou1ua. Bowmanville, Oct. 27th, 1868. ly , Factory and Warerooms, Cor. Temperance and Wellington Streets,. Bowmanuil/e. D. E. McMillan, ATTORNEY A'1' LAW, SOLIGI'10R TN ORANGERY, OOl'IVEYANGER, J:e. NEWCASTLE. ONT. Newcastle, Oct. 8th, 1875. m51-tf. r 1 Something New. soiled or foiled garment. Ihe color is reBtored, 11nd the coat 1 01 what else, puts on a new appean1nce. Satisfact1on gu<1.rnnt~ed, or no charge. TlIOS. PEATE. 30-tf. Bowma.nville, April 21st, 187Cl. HE iriforins the GentleT men of tho Dominion, th?tt he ]Jrepared to clean, nnd make alniost good new, any UNDJ~RSIGNEl) 18 ~ a~ . ~ I Prof. J. Ruse, GO TO Lyle &. Martyn's For a good assortment of _ GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, &c. --,I AUCTIONEERS For the Township of Dwrlington. H. T. PHILLIPS, HAl\IP'l'ON. able terms. Prompt attentiull given to sales, &c, on reason- SALT PLASTER~ DENTISTRY All kinds of Field and Garden SEEDS, of the very best quality. LY:C..E &.·U.A.:R'I'Y~. J Brimacombe, L.R.C.D.S. FEES MODERATE. BoWJna.nville, Dec. 1374'. OFFICE over J,fcCLUNG'S Store li.tf MARRIAGE LICENSES, R JOH:!> H. EYNON. Lot 7, ,6th 0°":· M Datlinq:ton, fnear B~thesda yhu1ch] duly autho11zed to Marna.ge Liccni:;e2. i!iKlte IB the Newest thing of the season, Don't Read this, ) Darlington, Nov. l\), 1874 m8-t 1· l ) I ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Liveqiool London, and Glasgow Fon.'£ickets' 'ULANK or inft.,1matio~ apply to '\V. A. N.i!iADS, Agent. Bowmanv11le 1 ,Tune 9th, 1871. tf-30 To Malilters of L O. L ~ ==Cheap Dry Goods==s. MASON NEVV STORE l CER'fl Ncl>J I', Arpl1oat10n &c., &c., can be ptotuud ilt thia o-ftice,e. reb'"ltlar rates. Bowma.nville, July 7th. 1873 D Im-peiial Fire Insuranr.e Oo OF LONDON. Est&bliBhed 1803. ROAD 0>FJOE$.-1 Old Broad St., and Pall Mall. London. Bl GEN Ell AI, <\_ GE?-lCY FOR lJANADA :- 24 S acraluent St., ]i.fontreaJ. Fund. £1,965.000 Ste1lmR. Funds invested rnCanada.- 105,000. Jnauia.nces n.gawst loss by Fll'e a.re efi~c.ed un most favorable termB, and losses pa1d with .. out reterence to the Doard in London. J DODSWOI\TH RINTOUL BROS. I 11 spector. ' {}en. Af;ents, !vfoutrea R· R. LOSCOMBE, Batrrnter, 4~ent for Bowmanville and V1c!mty. &wmanville, Juno 4tb.1860 36 m.o.43·39.4w STAPLE DRY GOODS, CASH, Subecr1 ~d and-i.nve;te'dcapJta.-1 and Ree(lrve BARGAINS FOR Please Call and examine Stock:. Highest Price . pa.id for :Butter and Eggs. I ') t ,. ----------