· THE MERCHANT FRIDAY MA V 26, 1876, MRS.' ANDERSON'S Fashion and The undersigned has the pleasure of inforining ~'OU that he haj re-opened in Lis old ·stand, (two doo1·s West of tlte· Post Offece) with an. entire ROOM PAPER 5 cts. · ROLL. THOROUGH-BRED Shortltorns for Sale. chased of the. undersigned, at reasonable rates. 2'1-tf, M:OBRIS' a M:allet Croquet Sets for $2.25. THOROUGH-BRED DURHAM FOUlt lJulls, yea1·1ingfl, l'ed and roan, can be pur· ROBT. CULLACOTT, Tyrone, P. 0. Millinery Depot, King Stred, opposite Mr. Blick!er's CARRIAGE SHOP west of the Ontario Bo.uk. ROSS BALLS F'ROM 10 CENTS EACH. Ji' ARM FOR SALE. "THE TEEVIN FARM." Seventh Oo,n. of Fenelon, contai1iing in one block, 1'h1 ee Himdrod Acres. T is situate three and n,l _ ho,lf miles north of Lindsay, facing t]le river. Th ere is 180 acres dfltLJ"tnJ, and the rem ainder is thickly Very Latest Styles Large Stock of Beautiful Fans, at I Hall Bui!din_ gs. OFMOTION1 Bros. are setting their STOCK in MOTION by offering their Goods at Irresistible l-'rices ! Step in, and you \Vill find al1nost every shelf to contain a Barga>in, and every co1·ner an A.ttrac· tion. · --o-- wooded with hardwood and hemlock. There is l{. Eastou's °TO\Vn a ni;>w b1·iCk house, erected.last year, :tt a cost of upwards of $3,000 ; barn 32x70; st.able bal'n 28x60, with driving shed att~ched 1 sh1::d 60x26; feeding J1uw~e 30x26 ; ;.i good orchard of younH trees ; two good Yl't.lls. 'rhe buildings are all comparativtily new, (t.nd are in good condition~ Th~re- are 100 acres fit for wheat in the spring. The fa11n fa coui:.i<l .. red one of the bPst- in the County. It will be 1mld en bloc, or in pn.rt on 1ilie1·al terms.. li'or further particularfl, apply to ~f cClung conwhng of everything tn thti ln1e, that ca.n be purchae~d m th~ Pal'is and Ne~ .Ybrk .,t·h· hsbmente, are now bu exlnlntion. Straw H·t· clcnned, and altered into btest styles. ~ Mrs. A. is not n.sking large p1ofite, but will ·ell ·t ·a small advance on coot, for CASH. A ~·isit to her l'StabJisbment 1 'vill i:atisfy any of ·OUl' readers, of that fact, "' Bo1vmnnvill1,, April7th,18i6. Bonnets, Hats, M.~tles, and General . . M11!1~ery. . I I 1 His aim shall be to keep the ·wago!l-s, Buggies, and Cutters, Best and sell at the Lowest .of every desc.riptiori, at ~hort notice, :u1d o possible price. reasonable terms. H h d t · l l,o !th e as e ermmec to ac pt e OF Fresh Ji'a.mily Groceries NEW STOCK King Street, Bowmanville. nltIE. subscriber is prepM·eJ to build and r e i p&n· (m22ly.) CASH SYSTEM, . Carriages Painted and Trinomerl 1 1 AT JAMES '1.'JlEVIN, M AT HUSE K in in in in PI AN 0 S. BATTING'S·! conaistins- in part, of · on the premises, Lindsay P 0. Fenelon, March 4th. 1876, . 27-tf First Prize and '!'WEEDS, PRINTS, \VHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILK PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, &c. J\ U to be sold at' the very lowest prices 1 for at Provincia.lBxhihition .a.t Ottawa., l87(i, - Diploma The Xin.g of the West P .ANNING l'!illILL, and Grain Screen and EVERY DAY! Do You want a WEB of COTTON at' a cheaper rate than ever you bought a Web of Cotton befqre 1 · · GO :1.'0 McOL UNG BRfJS. GO 'TO f,fcOLUNG BROS. ·so~UI · EXCITE~iENT volumo of tone. fitmness- and purity of tOne. voice-like quahty of tonu. . dm-abihty and keeping in tune. EXCEL for tlie coticc1·t room . EXClEL for teaching schoo]s a.ud seminaries. EXCEL for the drawing room. EXCEL EXCEL EXCEJJ EXCEL - - ++These are b!'Oa.d aasettiou1:1, but-capable of. ~roof. 'l'hey a.1·e uulike ooy other, in c(>ll8truction; all .their pticuli111 ititts at-e poil1t8 nf exCelhmce. 11'.heir illustrated nud desuriJJtive catnJoguc, which we send fr~ti to any addres1; ex· plains (l(mulusively, in ha.n:rlony ).,·ith acou~tics and rneclianics all that ia claimed for the ~1ath ushek. Tht=ire are ~h~usanrls of happy own~rs of Mathushekww1Ihng4f;o certify to thefr supl·rior excellence. 'Ve have ro01u here for but n. fuw brief. ex:tractfl :. Do You want to select PRINTS cheap in price and new in SEED SEPARATOR. Style, from the largest stock evAr b~ought into Bowmanvillc 1 THREE MACHINES IN ONE. I have now gl't!<~t pleasure in offeriog to· the farming community, tht> most perfect Fanning Mill a1ai Seu\.l Sepnrator ever invtmted Its advantages over other MiUs iti uso, are Mfol· lows:; · 1st. It fa a perfe:ct Clea11ct· and Cha.ifer. It. will take out \Vilcf o~.ts perfectly. It will take Out a.ll Cockle, Ghess. and other foul seeds, 'vit.h once going through, making a. yerff'ct 1:11111ipk of .:\f11L·ket 'Vhea.t,whi<!l1 wi!l U(;k :iever· nl cents per bushel to the va.luti of grain, over v.:nd above tht\t when· cleaued by the ordinary Mill. . . 2nd. It js a mo~t perfect Separator. It "'ill separate all the large kernel!! of \\'heat fro1n the small and shrunken grains. It docs not throw the am::a.ll grains in the cl1ese box, like other !t'Iills, but brings tbem through by thcmfielvea. vle11,n timd fit for market, and is >varraJite<l to make a perfect f!ample of Seed \\'heat. 3i-d. It iH very rapid in its action, and will e;\sily. make.· for market, Sixty Busl1els j and for Seed,. Twenty.five Bushels yer hour. 4th. It separateir; all kinds o Grain, as well as Beeds i and if \Yhea.t and Oata, Pea8 1\nll Oats, Clover and 'fimothy, are mixed together, end riut through this ~1ill 1 it will eome out per-fectly separated. · 5th. It is equally a.s good fOr stna.11 as large ~rains. It will E:!Cpa.rate Tim1)thy Seed from Wheat, and will bring the Ti1nothy out clean at the same tilne as you ar-u clea.ning the Wheat for l\farkct. believing it to he advantageA Blacksmith's Shop ous not only to the buyer but on Lh1.:1 pnn.uisea,were S}JtJcia.l a t tention is giv en to all also to ·the seiler. Ca.rrfage work, and General Parcels delivered to all parts Jobbing. of the town with pr-0111ptness. Highest price . paid fo"r all .All work done at this Establishrnent kinds of produce. wwrranted. Hoping to receive a share .A cnrll is resyectfulJy solicited. . of your patronage. ,J, Mo1rnrn. J~owmanville, 01t. Jut, lSfiH He is, yours t1~uly, l 1 CASH! N. B.-Old Storf', near '.rbompston & Burn'a Mill, Bowrnanvillo. DNJ170°N OJ, Of) GOODS? no A oa Do You want MILLINEh.Y, MANTLES, or FANCY· puu :!COIOHO 'cIV:!CHO esaoo-o ss:a:ia:a 'lU'UM John· McMu1try, :Bowmanville, Dec. 22nd, 1875. lHf. New 'railor shop, JOHN HEAL, N xv,r Y 011K, Oct. 28, J 867, \\Te I.be underaigned, Judg es of Pianos i1.t the Fair of the Americ[l.11. lnstitntA after a careful exa.minal. ion oft.li e Oonccrt G n:r:J s,do awn.rd i;n of. making tho BEST of this cJ.a.gg of instrunientK then n.nd there e.xhibitt:d, or known to us efoe· whore. Royal AP:ain Triumphs. B era.Uy, that GO TO .McCLUNG BROS. FREVERICK MA'l'HUSEK the HONOll llIRTH. Tnv.nrtcocrc-- Ov the 19tb inst., the wif6 of l\iir. _p. 'l'r6Uilcock, of this office, of a son. MARIURD. R!NCH,-DRAPEn.-In Bowmanville, on the 19t]1 inet., by Mr. ,J. H. Eynon, l\{r. H. Rincb, to Mia,,: R. Dra.pcr, both of Cla.rke. Boots One of th~ Do Yim want CARPETS or CURTAINS or other HOUSE FURNISHINGS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS; ---M--McClung Bros. he hns rcmovt:d bi11 bnsinh< B to the Shop Dext door east of Hfoc's lh1t.d:~ r Sb op. .. Having had several yen.rs experience i;n th e t:rade, he hopes to 1-1a.ti3fy all who n1ay favor him with a call, JlGS TO INFORM THE PUBLW, g·: u· (Signod) EWD. MULLENHAUlm A. D. W. BESEMANN. ' ' . !VI. J, GIANNlll'1'I. CHARLES FRADllL. _ MusrcAL CoNSRRV:ATony, } 802 Broadw ay. 1:i,t . Y. GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowmnnville, Sep. 4th, 1872. m49-tf. AND DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the DIED. · SHA,v - At Bloomfield Cottage,on the 19th inst, of Consumption, 1)-!aggie, do.ughter of Mr. lticba.rd Shaw of this town, a.ged 18 years. - : -. Shoes! OAUTION ! Don't purchase your Summer Cloths before inspecting most extensive stock of --~~o,-~-~ These Pianoe rnu~t take the lend of all known instrumtnts, and thtfr peculiar co~st111t:tion rcnd.:-.rs them by far th1:1 nrnst durable and the least liable to get out of tm1e . ' Bowmanville Drug Store, · To Jlll ake Business, Largest Stocks of Iloots a.nrl Shoes in the eountry, i8 to bff. foun<l at T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D 0 0 AT I N GS, McClung Bros. Tailoring Department will take the lea.cl, l\S &c, EUGJ!'\"EJ. MERRIAM. . Since the <late of t1~ce~t the M<·thushel~ has been my favorite. ,J. ,JAY WATSON. 'Vats?n's Cone.':lrva.tory of !\fusic,Ncw York, my home. , Advertise! The merchant, manufactunr, or <lealer, who Tceeps his Stor~, ~vares before the public, seldom comcomprising plains of dull times. Where is the Prunella Boots, from 71> cents utilit1i of having fo~ sale the best Ladies' upwards. M1ss~s' and Children's, fabrics in the 'l:IJO'rld, if the would-be in proportion. Men's, Boy's, purchasers lcnow not where to obtain and Youth's, of every de· them. scription. J. BORLAND'S usual. J. HIGGINBOTHAM lly Teler11·a;ph tO GardcnC'1' Scw{ng 1liachi'nc 1 Co"1.1. Ilam£UoH-. Cornwall, Oct. 2, 187fi. Royal got first prize at OlcngN.rry, Cnunty Fair, over the Webster, Osborne,nu<lN~wYork Singe1 JAMES ~fILROY. Boot & Shoe lfyou want a SUIT, McClm1g Bros. will ." SUIT" you. If you want a HAT McClung Bros. will " HAT" you. Price of Mill, $35. If you want G-LOVES McClung Bros. will" G-LOVJ:;" you If you want a TIE, McClung Bros. will" TIE" you. All Letters froJn the Countiea of Northun1· lIYMKS, General Agent. . ~fay 5th, 1876. No money would tempt me to banish it fruro" D. SOHUYL~R, Buffalo. ?!ilat.lu1~ U ek has in rn. 'i,iity tak <:n a i;lt.~]J in adv:mce of all make1·s uf Pia..nos in the world. !Jedand, Durha"Ql, Victoria, and rctcrboro, must be addre68ed to the proprietor, Any of our reader~, ans\\·ering nil vertise m-;nta whieh appear 111 our columns,orscnd· iug for books, 1nagazloes, etc., etc., noticed by us, will couler a favor hy stating where they. saw the Adverti11-eml!nt or Notice. Findings kept for the ALSO Trade~ P. a. 1'HOJ\1AS S'.'>1I'l'H, Hainptl)Jl, Oot. . 32-tf. SEEDS at McClung Bros., GROCERIES at McClung Bros., at McClung Bros. Bros. J . G SHAW. 1\1u'iical Critic, Saratoga. 'l'he }.fathmihek Orcheatra Squo,re Grand Piano is brillinnt, of wonderful power and inclodioua in tone. ' ALFllRD H. PEASE,Rochester. TEAS! TEAS! C:EEAP T~AS, SALT aml PLASTER at McClung · Calf, Kip Upper and Sole Leathe;r, TRUNKS, &:c. N:EdW . S'l'OitE, AT HAMPTON. BEGS 'l'U lN1rOH.!vI the pllb1ic gencrallytbat She h ns: open1;d up a HIGHEST PRICES PAID POR BUTTER &c., at McC!nng Bros. . J: was fully convincod thfLt the ~t:athushck wa.q the crowu of a.U. H.BELLACK. 1'1y old tuner, W})O ha.s ta.ken ccrc of my p1a-1uJ for the past ten yt!s.r s. Emys that the i:-,- o 10 IJ1·cbt::.itr:'.l.l just rec<:iveJ from you is th~ bt"~L 1uade and finest insti·ument in this city. Yonl'S, &c. W. JENNINGS is still in charge of the PERPETUAL MOTION throughout theSeason at all comp~titoni. of public patronage. ' Got first prize on the l~oyal, a.t Fair here, J. H. would call special a.ttt1t1.tion to hiB very heating Wheeler & Wilson and every othP,r ma- sirpcrior stock of · ehine. Gr<>at contest. JAMJ-:f'I BARRETT. Bruck ville, Sept. 25, 18'75. ~Royal took first prize o.t Unionvilie, comp~t· which a.re sttre to giv(l tho btJst isatis(o..ction. ing with the Wheeler & Wilson, Singer, and others Ev1i:.it·rts & HAGAP.MAN. A well selected stock of ' 'li:LSONDU:RG-, Oct 11, 1875. First prize for Roya.I, at TJnion Exhibition DRUGS, here over allco1opAtitora. ~1A'I'IHJ£W S·1·J~WARIJ'· CHEMICALS, ' 'Vooch;itor.k, Oct. 6th. 1875. PATENT }rfEDJGJNEB, Royal took first inize ti.t Exhibition here,over llelleville, Sept. 30th, 1875. llTOUI~D moat. Te8.vectfully te~id er his incere l' l' thanks to h1a nunieroua friends a11d JS · tomers, nnrl to the public generally, for th e' very libt>ral support he hn.s received ince J1ie co1nmencing in busineRS; and · hopes by c~·11 · tiDUP;d Strict vcrsona} attention to busineE.iJ, a11cl oifermg nothing but the purest n.rticlcs , at th e most reasonable prices, to enf.:nn·e a contiuu:.u1 ce T>YE S 'l,lJJT'JT!, --1 l l\1 J\'l'THEW STF.WAHT. MRS. M. J. WARD Paris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. Have taken flr ;o.t prize with H.nyal at Fair here, beating the Raymolld aud Singer. 1 . \VtLf.TA1f SNIDER. Servant Girl Wanted.. Ma.nufa.ctory :Cepartment and is prepared to guar:a.ntee A Pe1:Ctict ~At, In tlu~ . . E NQUillE of Mrs. C. G ilford, GIFFOllD'S HOTEL. Bowmauville, May 25th. 1876. 35-2w. I.a test avd. Best St.yle. FANCY GOODS STORE in MR. FOWKR':l BUILDING, opvosito H. MCCLUNG BROS. D. M. SUMERVU,LE, Oleveland,O. FiLM ST. .. W BUNNEY, Genera.I :Builder a.nd Contra.cter. Jobbing p1·omptly attended to. MOTTO. ELLIOTT'S STORE, Hampton, and intends keel" Sewed Work a Speciality. First lng a.ino~t choice lot of goods, at reasoua.b e class Stock used. prices. She will alsO carry on the .A Call is Soliei'ted. MILLJNERY AND 11ANTL E Remember the Stand, Poat Office Block oppo· \V. M. S. SO HCOL, Toronto. :tfnpanee, Oct. 15th. 1875. Royal haA tnkcn first prize at Fair here.!JV*'r kept c,onstantly on hand. Singer, Howe. W~nzer l, , Os.borne_a.~d others . OILS, PA.INT, ,JAMF.8 l1 A H:ll.F.'r. BRUSHES, _ COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Ete · . We have great pfoa.<sure in stating that as au site Ruebottom House. Bowm·nville, May 12th, 1876. 33, 1 J. BORLAND. Lusiuess, nnd hopes to l'eceive a lib eral share of support. All orders entrusted will be care- STA}IPIN G ;,~~~~:·d - . fully filled. with des .. Neatness with · Dispatch." Office and Shop, ·an Ontario Street. · M. J. WARD Rampton, April 5, 1876. (m.· 28-tl.) :Oaily Line, to Rochester. Commencing on or n.hont 'l'HURSl)AY, 20<.L'li Al,lt~L. llowmanvitle, May 18th, 187$. 35-tf. Insolvent Act of 1875. The Insolvent ba11 made an Asaignment of bis :Estate to mo, and the Cl'erlitors a.re notified to meet a.t my Office, in tho Town of Bowman· ,ilJe, on ?.-1QNDAY, tl>e nineteenth day of JUNE next, 1876. at two 0 1clock, p. m., to re· cehe Statemente of bia afi&irs. and to a~point 8n A~si~nee if they ace £t, and for the ordering of the a-ffairs of the :Estate generall:y._ W. THOMPSON, Official Auignee. Bo wmanville, Moy 20th, 1876. 35-lw the matter of THOMAS R. McNIEI,LlE, I n<·f NewtollvilJe, an Insolvent. THE STEAMER 'NORAEMAN,' (R. ORA WFORD,' M,"TER.) ¥lill mak~ ]Jer regular trips on t his rontc,lcn.ving Cobourg every 1norning a~ 7 :30, aud l'ort JTope at 9 o'clock, for R ochcRter, conll ecting then with the New York Central, N ortbern Central and J~ru' Railways, a'nd _T_,aJ{e Ont3.rio Shorti Division of the Ru1ne 1 Vlatc1'town n.,ad Ogdensburgh l{ailwn.y for aU points li;;i1;;t, \·Vtl~ L and S011th. RETURNING, wlll leave Obttrlotte !port J- of Hocheeter,} daily nt 9 P. ],IJ., except Satnr· dayl!l, when Bhe will leave at 3 l'. M, for Port 'l'he Pills Purify the Bloctl, correct all disoYdel's Rope direct~ of the Liver, Stomach, IGdne_ys .aud Bowels, Dealers in Rtock, &c.,will £nd this the cheap· an<l are invaluable in all complaints incidental f"lE!t and most expeditious route to Boston, Alto Females. bany, ~Tew York, &c. For further information npply to The Ointment is the onlj' --reliablo re1nedy for R. ORA WlWllD, Rad Legs, Old Vl ouucls, Son:is and UJcerP, of Po:i.tT H·oPE, however: lonjl' standing. For BrOnchitis, DiphOr(), }'. GILDERSL};J~VE, theria, Coughs, Colds, Go11t, Rheumatism, and (29 ·tf.J KJNGBION. all Skin Diseases it has no equal. . THE GREATEST ·· ~ I Wonder of Modern Times. WANTED. ANT GIRJ), wlio unlleretands her A bu::;inoss. Apply at this Of?cc. 34·2w 25c. to G. P. ROWELL &CO., Kew SEND York, for n Pamphlet of 100 pa.ges, containing lists of :moo estimatea showSJ~ItV newspa~rs,and ng coot of advertising. bp-o10-m25-1y. J. K. GALBRAITH, BAllRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, &o., · ])as 1·eturned to th('. old Office, over 1'-Ir. Patterson's Storo, King Street, llowma.nville. Bowman ville, 1'-Iay 19th, 1876. 34· hn. 'rhrow Physic. to the Dogs. Call at Peo11le's Book Store ~ and buy abuuda.ntly of .FRUIT, an<l keep yo111·selves Sirong, Fat and .H ealthy: 'VYLLI1£ entere 'on the summer cnmpaign, with renewed activity and vigor, and is bound to keep ahead of all competitors. He hns now, and will ha.ve, through the seaEun, . VVYLI..IE'S · A LAllGE S'l'OCK OF / Domestic & Foreign · SWEET ORANGES, BITTER ORANGES, PlNE APPLES, BANANAS, DATES, COCOANUTS; FIGS, RAISIKS, AND I deem it my duty to state that my Pills _ ru1d Ointment are neither ma.nufactured nor Sold in any part of the U nited~States. Each Pot and Box bears the BriUsh Government Stamp. with the words, "Holloway's Pills and Ointmen,London," engraved thereon. On the ln.bel is the ·addresa,533, Oxford Street, London · Vile and spurious imitati~ns of "Holloway's Pill{:! aud Ointment," are wanufa.ctured a.ndsold u·nder the name of .. Hnllowa,y & Co., 't by J , l!~. Henry, Curran &(fj)Co.,of Druggists of New York, with a.n assumed trade mark, thus ii I "T"I n Cturn.dit, t h e pl'incipaJ \VholcsaJe Dealers ·n thees Counte.rfeits are = ·· ·= = DEPOT ~ T.HE UJ 0 r:n · instrumt:nt to lead the Eliuging in a S. School nothing ca.n excel it. 'l1lie tonu is soft and \VnJ~IAM SN1UEH. full. 'l'hc bags is grand and ·when 300 voiccij nre singing togeth~r the Piano cau be distinctThese victories conclnsively rirove that the ly hcar<l. Every note rings out ns clear a~ a hell. H,;ht running Royal, is the peoplo's favorite, 'tln<l S. ,J, HUNTER, Pastor. the "\-VARING !{E:.f~EDY, Superintendent. BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE'. SAl\.IUEL FHISBY, lrl usicu1 Conductor. 'l'hc ~fanufactur~e. hl'l.ve lately added to it, the i:;reatest novelty of the age, the Royal Lan~p I~ has gi V!:!D my faruil)tthe very hh~liest i:;a.tis- IIoldcr fm· Scwiri(I Ma.chines , '!'he Lu,mµ can faction. REV. JOH.N BRJ~ DIN, Barrie, never upset, nor the Oil soil the wodc ; and it ie arranged to throw tlw Ught. u" u 1u1y Jiart of IIA.i\fJ>TON, Feb. 1st. 1876. the work, eDablinK the operatJr to 1lf1·.·1. Ru.~c, work as well by night as by day. DEAJ'l. S1.g :- The ·~fa.thu $ek J'ia.no · I pur. d1a.s1::d fro1u ym1 ha."I given entire Hatisfo.ction Sold by and proved itsulf a. snpt·rior imJtrutncnt in every .J.. s. DONEY, ~l1YH O NE. t'eRpect. I wonld recomm:incl RU to sec the N .B. - Ag t'nt frn· ]'irst- cla~s lHm;'icn.l I1rn~rn l.Iathusek, before pnrcha..,ing elsewhcte. ments-W, Uell &. Co'a. Orga.u, f.Iallett & Davis IL T. PRlLJ,IPS. and IJa.rdmnn '.Pinuos. .A.h:!o 1b·t Cclebra.t1,cl 'V[t]th~tin and IC!c;in EN!'l"Il:iKILL EN,~Tan, 2!'.lth. 1876.· \\Ta,te;hei.i. Pt·of. ·r. ll1l;;e.1 'l'he Suhscriber, thanking his very numerou:-; l>.RAR S 11t :- I ha"·e plea.su re in :iddina my te~tiin·~ny .tu the many yon hnvi;:: :tlread.V' rt'- customer!'! fm· psu:;t pn.trnna.ge, {11avj11g sold cetvt: <l 1n favor of th e '"·ell murit ~d Math usek Twelve !11/ious<111d ])q flu..1·s 1V01·th in 12 month Pin.no, pt~rchn s.ci'I J iyin yn u i·ecentJy. I :im r;Qlir;iL a t.]1eircout.i1,11ed pi1tronag~ , hy reasooub pri<·cfl, f P.ir d(':i.Jit i~ f-, a1 .d !;U:J1·ru1tccd sa.tsfn ,~·ell s::i.tii;licd w1t.b rt in C\'ery n·f.:pect, a11d con· l.inn. J. J>. " mdl' r. for heaut.y mirl t r;no, it fa un su r1)~\.o<Jfied N ovembcr 18th. 1871) by any in.sttllm cnt I h <1. n~ yet Reen. S. C. HILLIER, M. l>. lliirley. Oct. );1th, lSiti. Roynl ta.kes first prize rit this li"o.ir,for family work ahd light manufacturing. COLORS, V ARNISlIES, aml WHI'l'E LEAD at the very lowest prices. ·-- Horses and Cattle r.!ed\cinesN. B. - Contitry atore·ker.pet8 auppli E- d on the most atlvn.ntageoua terms. A choice selection of I.A MTS for bale chenp Bowmanville. Dec. 1868. 6m. CARD OF THANKS. n1y than ks to the Judges nn d DiI TENDER rectors of OJ arkc Agricultuni] Society, f< ir the v1Jry p101npt manner in which they pai".l me my F-irf<lt Prize on Carria;reit which they nay wn.a just]y inc-rited. Tl10 J~ulge1-; th ou.ci:ht, ;n~ ]i'n.ir dR-y, tha.t I was nnt eli~ihle for n. prhe hut fo11nd on lookh1g nt tlic 1Jill, t.Jrnt I wu ~. 'rrnd they gra11tt1tl me. tbe First I'rize, Mr. I,iJtt·cn'~ h\tt.er, notw1thstanilin~. · . T hin:e :i.hont ]00 li'frst·cln.,r;s BnggioH 11nd Ca rrui..gof;I. in course o;f cont>t:ruction, which wilJ hti 511.Jld cheap~ for Coi<h. or goo<l t~ape r, WM. McCL UNG, Ca.rriage !\:laker. Bown1a.t1ville, Afar. 24t.11, 1876. 26.;JmoR. ~ ~ pi::ct. [can UJ1ht:~itating ly recPtHrnend it to all dcf!iring a gOo<l piano. rnstor of Presbyterian Church. Dr·:.u~ Sat :-·· T he I\f·:dinru :'\f.'\t.hu:.iek wn i;nt frmn y~u giv b 1 mi t irt1 ~a.tie f;u;Li onil"t t'V t·ry wi.~· Prnf, R u.~rN J~NXl S Kfl,J,f. S, .J,i.n. 15th. ] 8'76. New Furniture · ' AND · D. S1'EW All'l'. Jan 24th. 1876. M1·. J . Buse, OSHAWA, (/) z ])EAR SIB.:-The No. 11. lt-Iathusek is all that you said corn1nendatory of it mu,.;ieians have tried it and pronou nc~'<l it ex1cellt:nt~ MRS. B. MITCHEL, UNDERTAKING ~IJIS'jif~gljtf --:o:-'l'he unllers.Jgned ha.a opened a store in 9IJpvsite 'l'releven a Shoe Store, where be will keep oo hand a. full a.-nd ~·aried stock of IE W!ID! ·1 l I .... _ HAMrri;w, J an. 31st. 18.76. Jlfr. ·J. R.wrC. · DEAR SIR :-~It affords ine great pleasiure n~ ru.\knowl"._dg!n~ the m1tires11lisfactio11 :md my high npprec1a.twn of l:he 1'-.I.:i.thusek pinno pur~ Fuller's Block, The above rc,vard will htJ p<J,id to any peeonn who 'lvLU fr1rnish ample proof Urn. t t.hc HootH & Shoos sol<l by the under1ilg1md, R-l' C not whatr e reprcsc11t11 thum_. l 1 · AND SABBATlI sc:a:oor.. I.LI I ; c. BARKER. ..J .J ..J = 00 z ~· = == 0 ...p · t:hase<l from you a. few (Lays since. -o·o- . S. J. S;\IITH. FULL AGRAPFE, 7-0CTAVO .FROM PRICES: FtTE-NITtJ'ItE, For Gents, / wJ1ich will be disposed of at the LO,VES'l' $ 3 0 0. 0 PIANOS from othet· makers at bottD:n; pr.ices. _ ,., _ reliable 1'.JARKET I>llICES. l'ersons int.ending to commence housekeeping, will find it la.rgely to their adv<.tntage to consult llim, e1e purchasing elsewhere. Ji'It'C'ITS LYMAN, CLARE & Co., · Nonranup & LYMAi.·, and LYMAN BRO'l'HE:Rs i% Co., NUTS, of a.ll descriptions, of l(1W ~plendid qun.lity, and at who obtain them at very low prices, £.r~m J. F. ~nry, Curran & Co., of ~ ew York, n,nd this trash is supplied to Uoprincipled Rehil Vendors. who sell t.hc same as my gt!nuine J>ills a.nd Ointment, whlch are rnannfactured only at _l:i33, Oxford Strt>et, London, and mo.y be obta1ned from the following Firm.fl, viz, :- . E\·ans, Mercer and Co.; ~lontrea.l. l\!lessrs ....'\. very.J.. Brown nnd Co., Halifax, .N. S. ~Iesars. 'l'. D. liarker an<l Sons, St. John,lY,B. Messrs. Elliot :tnd Co., 'foronto. \\'Jw import them direct from here. \Vith the arrival of the Holidays·. ctnnes o. rle111a.r1d for chea.p a.nd good. Literature, Gift :Books. and Present GOODS. I have a Stock thnt cannot foil to please- cow , . · pleto nnd varied, :> LL prices. '£HOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533 Oxford Street, W. 0. Aloo a La.tge Stock of London, Jam<a·'Y .1$t, 18i6. m33·o20 . BISOUI'l'S &; CONFECTIONERY at prices tlefying competition. Country ~ter· chants supplied on ren.sonable terms. poople of Bowmanville, and the eurro111Hling . and other Canned Good~. · country, (at prices that d~fy cempt:ltitionJ. Soirccs s1.1pplfrd .on reai:cona.ble termA~ CASH Sash, Blinds, lJoot'l:l, and :l5 different sorts of I\1oulding-s, also window and door fl'ame stuff, paid for. any qnantity of Egga anJ Butter. ready to put together. 7 x 9t 12 light sti.sh JAMES WYLLIE, 42 cts., kiln dried 2 ft, 6 -x (i ft G. 4 Poet's Corner. Bowmanville. panel doors 0. G·. Jnoulded 2 sides $1. 75. 'l'he Bowmo.nville. ~fay 19th, 1876 34.tf different sizes of sa."h a.nJ tloors kept in stock. Also on hand a good snpp.Jy of l)iumber, dre~sed flooring, ship lap and V. siding, laths, shingles, pickets, field poets an<l battens. I have also N MILL STREET lN THE VILLAGE opened a. carpenter and joiners shop in cont1ecof Hampt·1n, three doors west of Elliott's tion with the a.hove businel:ls,and hope by integ. slo1·tti a large two story Rough Cast Dwelling, rity of dealing, and low prices to secure your possession will be given a.t once. Apply to {latronage. All goods warranted, and a. ca.11 aolicitf'd. the pL·oprie"tor. BOOKS, in Great Va1iety. Boda tVatcr, Ice Cream, ancl aU t.he cooli11g ALBUMS, Ohcav and Ilrett1. AND JOINERS SHOP. E(}Verages, Bread,-Oalces, and other ncce&· WRITING DESKS. wnd WCRK BOXES J A YING JUST HECEIVElJ PER saries. rVe<lding Cakes, and 'l.'ri1n=-.l Schooney ·· 84 ucy Jack," ~y first consignmings to order. nient, from the mannfn.ctury of H. B. Rath· MICROSEOPES, A L:..rge Stock of Cove Oysters, Canned bum & .Son, Mill Point, I beg to offe1· · to the STEREOSCO~ES, New Lumber Yard P AMILY BIBLES, Splendid Lot. . POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. N.B. That deservedly por n 1n Teach er's Bible, in vazious bmL.rngs = · (/! (I) ~ .,.. 0 ·No. 8, .Adelaide St. East, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS'. NORRIS & SOPER -:o:- Furnit·ure rnade to or®r on short notice, and R'pair<ng neatly done. For Ladies, For Children· Latest Styles a1ul Good Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. · STORE. - Ono door east of Cornish 'fl J cw el 1 y Store, King Strt"et, DowmnnvilltJ , Bowmanv._ille,l\ftt.y 6th, 1R75. UNDERTAKING. ANEW KEA.BBB JOSEPH RUSE, AGEJ.YT /}.'" DARLINGTON, CLARKE, \VHITUY, H.EACK AND CARTW.RIGHT, · ~as been pl·ocured of Intcst de.sh:-n. iruruish· 1ng51 fot· ful'loraJs alw::i.ys on hn.ud· .Ail :E'unerahi in to1vn and country, atttended at a re1sonable vha.rge. · Residence, Co1·ncr of flueeu and Bri wn St3., Ht:ixt door to Mr. J. P .!lice's. · Also Agent for Dnminion Organs, Bowmanv ille, Hampton, Fah . 8th, 1876. . 20'lf. J, SMALl~. · - -- --·- - - · -- RETIRING! A Rare Chance . · Retire from 'J'he undersigned being about to The Common Sense WASHER 0 a : I Salmon, Lobster$, Sardines. KALEIDF.SCOPES. Lurgest Collection of Stereoscopic Views in 'l'oil~i. .t:. WANTED! ·rt of the Uni_on, and to.day, stands higher in the estimation ot housewives, than a ny. otLcr. They are now introduced into this vicinity, by the undersigned, who has already sold a large n1nn· bcr, 'l'be points of ex.cc1leuce COllsiat in its sirnphcitr.an<l the saving of sonp, labor nn<l tin1e. An or<linnry wa."11i.ng, for a larg e family, can be doue by children f1·01n 8 to I:.>, yuu.rs old. HIS '¥ashing Machin e has been received T>vith universal favor, in nmny of the St11tcs now man ville, l\fi\l" A. DAVY. l.6th, 1876. 2li-tf . STRAW, FELT, AND LEGHORN I-:IATR AND BONNETS, . l::;;pecial attention gi,·cn to COLOBlNG, the :Ea.r:ness :Business, . offers his. ' .The Cwthes are perfectly clea.ned, and not in the lea8t worn. by it. A 'J'.\.iad1i11 e la~n ·be seen a t the Grocery Store of John l!cl\:Iurtry,Bowruauville 01· at th~ resi· dence of UJe subscriber, Olltnrio St.,a.nd parties desiring to see it in practical use. cnn do,so, by leaving their names i.vith 1¥Ir. l\1cb-Iurtry, aud the subscriber will do a wash for thetn, frt;Js of char&e. · CLEANED and made over in the very latest S ddl Wh" T k styles. . . a es ips, run s, · at an Large and Complete Stock of Harness V alises, & c. ·~ FOR SALE OR TO RENT. O Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. _ a.t ~Iarket S"quare, in r~a.r of Firehall. Bow man\·ille, April 14 1 1876. (29-ly. MRS. MAYtmE, Immense Reduction for Cafh Give him an Ear·ly Cull, and sec ure BARGAINS. ~.B. - ·.:\..11 parties ind ebted by 1' - C1tc or Book The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer the best in the n1a1·ket, also kept on hand. lfac.. tory price, $8, will be sold for $7. Common Sense \Vai;h1::r, $7. \Vasher and \.Vringer, $12. The figure at which the \.Vringer is offered, is below the }'ai.:tory price ; and the large reduc-' · tion madt! on the \Vasher and Vt"ringer, as an inducement to the public, will only be ~Yiven for two tnonthfl from date. They cannot fail to satisfy, as ~11 who have SITUATION as lumse-keeper, in a small tried them, aµtmk highly of them. P. ~'HOMAS. family. AppJy at thi~ Office. Ilowm·nville, Maruh 16th, 1876, 25-tt'. Bowmaul'ille, Mor, 24th, 1876. · 2G-tf. T HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. .....__'i., perty, aitua.te on the corner of Huut and ~nn-stre1:1t6, can h~purch.ased at a ren..~ : niable fii:!'ure for cagh. 1 bere rs a, new frw-i 1e home, 1\-:Ierchaat Tailor. Hampton, 1\{arch 7th, 1876. 24·tf. ... JOHN COLE. ~!-;hop and yard in rear of R. \V . .fa.mos Implement Depot. 33·3mos. W. McSPADDEN. u y at ·home. $12 . Outfit a.nd terma frte, 11\.UE & CO., Augusta, bp-<'110-m25-ly. d1 .. A~~nts ~wnn~cd, ~faine. Portl~nd, MLHne.. day at home . Samplco S5 To $20 . per worth $L-!.~·e". S· 1 wsoN & Co,. Call and Exa1nine.. 'i'o Whom it May Concern. AND ACCO UNTS, IN MY NOl'ES, fa.vor, Jong past · due, must be paiJ. im- A VERY DESIRABLE piece of town pro· , b}?·olO·m25· ly . Great Inducements. u1c<liately, or emits will be incurred . ~ Ilowmanvillo, Jan. 6th. 1876 .15·tf. r. W. CONSAUL. A inises. with vre11 of water, also a stable on the pre· A.cconnt, will plcnflu B~ttle llefu~t1 the .15th <lay · The go..r~en fa _c~ltivated.' Apply to of March next. .fOJ-[l'i H . liAMilJ, Y At MR. ll . lIAl>tBLY's, Brickm~ker Bo ~vrnan ville 1 April 5, 1876. (m,·28-tf.) , Bown1anvi1Je. Ju.n, 27th, I Samuel Maf!on. '