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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 26 May 1876, p. 4

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, ' I 'tHE l\IERCHANT FRIDAY, lHAY 26 1876, eyes as numeroua ns the stars of heaven, e. disposition as smooth as oil, be able to disSPRING. pense with all t...Jer feelings, and be imperturballle to blows flom every jackass's BY RUTH DANA, heels in hia journ111istic d iooese, ~ Who .can edit a country journal and be happy.Give joy to the earth ! for the garlands of Whitehall ( N. Y.) Ti"f['es. Sprfr1 g POETRY. MILNE'S OLD STAND, Bowmanville, l\farch . 13th, 18;6. DEAR Sm :- \.Ve . beg to inform you that we have now co:n;imenced business at the above address under the firm of This Ticket IS EQUIVALS..."'f'l' TO A Just Arrived l\t the 1 P.ASBION H OUS E splendid assortment of Are crowning with beauty the bill and the ph~in ; 'l'he lark and the robin most merrily sing, While fiumer~ are hopefully eowing their New Goods! MUST - \FREE INTO PASS . NEW MILLINERY. FARMAND HOUSEHOLD the silk is much soiledj it must b+> ripped entirely to pieces, n.nd well shaken to clear it ~rom dust. Then boil a blaGk kid glove in a pint of water. or if a Fght·colored silk is to be cleaned; take ,a light-colored kid glove. When it ia all $rh·el· lerl up, the water will contain enough glue to .sive a little stiffni;iss to the silk. Place over the ironing-table a. she ~t of newspaper, and ln.y 0ver it a breadth of the silk ; theu dip n. piece of woolen cloth, or be.tter still, of black crape, into the liQ.11id, nnd thoroughly cleanse the hcst side of the silk, carcfui to :lemovo every spot, aud rub it from edge to edq'-0. wet it all over. Then fold the silk in half,and pla.c· it in a. clenn towel, D.·n\1 cleanse another piecE!' ln. tile mann·~r, l~ying one . piece on the other in the towel. Let the 1;ilk lie folded un til ad is finished, and ha\'6 a la.rge.iron, and to ,be ,aur,e that ,it is npt too hot, t r y ·i~ · fir~~ upon paper, or a b~t of old d~mpened silk. 'l'wo llone 'n" eeded. T ake th e'piece of silk that wa.s :first washt:d, a.nd lay it . on a. sheet folded thickly, and CO\.'E"iCd with: a. newspaper, a~d iron t he wrop.g side,quick)y, f:r:om edge to odge, until pe~fectly d1·y . F old the silk over lightly and place it ou one elld of the ta.hie until all are fiuishel . This pro('.ess will clean a.I.Id stif· fen old silk,· ,and make it -look-·frt:sh and clr>an . Cr.l!lANil'G S11,KS AND WOOLEN S. -!£ B:RIDG·EMAN AS FLEMING, ~IEROlIANTS. BE CONSI STIKG 01" SOLD, 1.'hero's jov for the lo no mountaineer whom the snow WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED .WARE, ETC. o- F. Y. Cowle's, where can be found one of the Alson lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Also a larga stock of H ath bound with its drifts to his cold, mountain cot;\Vith sun$hine and verdure restored; be ,yjl kno\V IIow God, in His kincl.nesa, softened bis lot. GROCERS AND GENERAL We have· received a· large a~sorfanent o'. Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pnre Gold Wedding Rings. AARON BUCKLER. Bo,vman ville, Oct. 8th, 18· 75. Stamps for Braiding and Em- broidery. · '!'here's joy in the hou1e by the wild, foaming ·sea, Groce, ries, Crockery, Glctsswa1·e, Seeds, .fc., Selected personally ·by T. BRIDGMAN, " (formerly with J Milne), from the principal markets of the country ; the same having at from 10 to 15 per cent., . been purchased for cash, , . .' will be sold at prices that defy COJUpetition in this Cqunty. We l~ope by an earnest endeavor to ~erve you well,to meet with a liberal· share of Public Patronage. Hoping to' ·liave thr. pleasure of a call from you, ·We remain, yours respectfully, . B. &: F Largest and Most Varied Stock OF ~FASHfONS for Spring just to h and. 'Vhere tempest's rich f.t>eaRures have tossed on the strand ; For the calm tin the fa.ce of the waters will be As sweet as the hush of the blast on tbu land: The inva.lid pines for the warm, fragrant air :Sf J. D. Strowger N:mwc.A.srrL:m. Having removed to mGre commodiouspremfac~i IN Sp1 ing anti S11m111e1· 1 DBE~SH.A.KING usual. Thnt floats o'er the ]and of the orange and 4 FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg to inform the public genel"a.Uy, that are now cnn.blerl to offer thcin th ~ y palm, And b&.i1$ with thanksgiving ,the15e se phyrs thq.t bear From sunnier climes their life-~ving balm. , . Ho'v happy the children of. want who nave crept, AU winter, so hungry a.nd cold to .their beda, That only the pitying a.nge]s have kept 'l'he shadow of d1::1ath fl'om their innocent heada·. 1 GOODS MRS. A. FLETCHER Bnw1nn.n ville. .A.1)ril 7th. l 874, Better Inducements in the line of ' IN TOWN. G1 oce1 y 1 1 (AS REGAR DS PRICE ,f; Dress Goods,- Prints, Cottons, etc., ttt prices to suit the hard times. T .HE The Spring, like a. fairy, is weaving for tpem 1 '1100THAOHE · .:.- For the benefit of those who New garments to wear in th e place of the old; may a little t Oll80lation, we publli!h the 'Vit.h magic she robeth the woodland n.nd glen foU.owing fro1u nn exchange : In beautiful vestures of azure ~d goJd. If any one of our renders ~uffers from tooth No n1onarch may fetter the sun -beams- thn,t ache or neuralgic affections, arising from' teeth bend in any stato of clcca:y 1 thtiy may experi·nce re· So lovingly down from thQ.. dome of the sky, lief,inetB.ntaneous a.nJ permanent, by ea.tura.t ing But their br.ightneas and bea.uty fresh courage a ~nnall piece of dean cotton or wool with a. · doth lend strong solution of ammonia., and apply ing it 'ro the toiler who wfoheth that Heaven we~c immedi~tely to the nffe<ltcQ. tooth. The pleasnigh. ~ ing contrast inatanta.neously prDduoos, in some cases, a fit of la.u~hter, although a moment be· fore extreme sufI"ring and anguish preYailed. Two Familiar Pictures. I have µsed the t emedy for ov.c r one year, and ha ve obtained sllfficient proof to v.·arrant. publi THE CITY EDITOR-THE COUNTRY EDITOR. cation. nee d N. B.- W e would particularly beg to call your attention to our assortment of TEAS· The hig·hest price paid for Produce. Bowma.nville, Mnroh 9th, 1876. Business, QUALl TY) 'l'he Clothing Depa,rtment Is replete with all the lntest styl es of Goods, unu. th;.se w!ll ?"sold low for Cash.' Call n,ncl price t,he gcodR-seemg Bowmanville, Apl'il 21st, 187G. JS Elephant House SoMErl1HING- · thn,n any other hous0 in the County. 22·tf. NO P R ESENTS CIVEN, BUT GOOD We-ight and Measure auamnteed in every in stance. behevrng. 'l'ea,s a, Specia,lity. J. D. STROWGER. Ne,vcastle,Aui ust, 11th. !874 rrIIE· DOlVIINlON Sa,vings a,nd INVESTMENT OF LONDON A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! THE PATENT ALUMINOUS a nd ORNA1;4ENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER, OIL-OL01'll and OARPRTING CHEAP FURNITUI~E! TH. I< DOMINION BANK. E OW M AKVIJ, LE . SOCIETY · Tho editor of a city and of a countly journal are two different and di~tinct species of individuals. In the city the editor's identity is merged into the journal. Eve·y department has ita corpa of editors. The men whO \\·rite the leading eJitorinls ore trained to that pnrticular of work. The city or local editor works up the local field, and hashes up painful auioidca and druuken rows or 1nol)s, so that the greedy public swallow the news with a rapa.Cioua appetite, aud cry 'more! n1ore !' 'fhe st:lecteJ nliscelhn1y aa~ compilation of news items are ptesided OV!;'! by n1en who ure adapted and trained to that parti· Thtin every city cular a~partn1eut also. journal Lias its cor,ps of reporters, who really auxiliaries to the city or local editor How TO Winl'.E:N 'rEETH.·-The use of fin~ly· pul ver.ized pha.rcoal , to be obtained at $e drug. gist's,µaed ab_ d{1t three times a v.·.eek ·will whiten the teeth, A. wash made by diBBolving two ounces ~f powdered bOrax in a pint of boiling water, and before it is quite cool l\:lding a. tablespoonful of myrl'h and half a. tablespoonful of spirita of ca.rupbor, can . be used a.t. other time81 " Oh I I'm only· going: to stop a minute, l don't need to cover my horse," is a frequent ex· · clama.tion, when a friend goes to n1ake a call at a house, store, or shop. But a minute often ex· tends to a quarter or ha.'l'f a.J\ honr, and in the meantime the horse Suffers. ' CHEAP FURNITURE ! I · !CHEAP FURNITURE! At Ma,nning's Old Sta,nd.. The Bowmn,nville Furniture Factory, havina commenced business again, and the New Company ha-ving > tppointed the subscriber, R obil Agent for the Town and Country around, he is prepared to offer the ' Capital, Paid Up, HEAD O F FIC~J. 0 RILLt A, B ltA NCH OFGE8 : $1,000,000 TORONTO. O SRA\VA, WHITBY, ONTARIO. SOLE ACEtH FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Stock Just l leceived,'__l'lain and Ornamenta4 both for W alls and '"loors , Conouua , Bow MANVILLE, tJXB RIDGB~ ---:o:--- The:Paper Oil Cloth and Cnrpet :ng i~ a Chea.p and Durable Substi,tute for Oil Cloth. . Th e C heu1ical~ ,.,r]th which the P aper is satur-.. ated, r ender lt i>roof - ~·\ l kl.ta, Mot.ha,. · an<l M i..: e. are 1.,hese reporter!:! are i:ent· tu attend and re- When you are \Varmly tucked up in bed.and congratulnto yourself upon your excelltnt mat· tress, think what kind of bedding your horses, on.ttle a.nd dog have. If you have attended to the m 'litter it \\oill make yonr own bed still more . Vei-y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Provin:e. port the proceedings of all public meetings, conventi ons, aud !ire even despatched to re· 'l'ake enough (rather small) onions to 1nake a dish ; let them be ii.ll of like aize i peel them an<l throw them into a stew-pan of boilinA water w;th some salt. Boil fot· 6ve minutes; drain them, put them into a. saucepan with a good thick piece of butter, a reg ions. J_,j P.t ua now pen n. picture of the country sprinkling of nntn1eg, p1:1pper and salt ; toss editor, to be seen in every. country village them about over a clear fire until they begin to brown ; add a tableapoonful of mushroom of any pr0Lensions '\\'batevE'r. ketchup, and a dessert.spoonfnl of sage, ancl 'l'he couutry editor is obliged to pr"Opare marjoram and parsley. Do them 'gentlY for a hi:i o\.\-·n cditorialfl on D.11 the leadinl{ ques quarter of an hour, and serYe upon toast moistions of tbe day. To do this he must '~cad tened in lemon juice. up' constantly, and unless his editorial rakes into sorne one, or tears up some in terest he· is not able to bide under the A Sermon From a Pair of Boots. co, er of his jou1nal 1 but wuat take a of oaths for being stale. If he rakes into parties or measure he of course rt::ceives the There lived, forty years ogo, in Berlin, a abowt:r a11 the He ie expected to shounaker who had a. habit of ape·king blow· the ho;.11 of evtry nspirant for political harshly of all hio neighbors who did not The favor in bis party 1 and at the sam e tune if feel exactly as he did about religion. he aeka such e.t:1pirant to help him 'raise old pastor of the parish in which the shoethe wiud ' with which to 'toot bis born,' maker lived, heard of this and felt lh·t he he is told that souie inclividun.1 . who has must give hilJl a lesaon. swuug bis bat, three or Jour tiines over his He did itin this way : He sent for the head, muat be taken care of, and he shoemaker one morning, and \Vhen be came in, said to him, ·land aside. 'b-Iaster, toke my measure for a pair of The country t<litor must take an interest in all local matters. He must advocate all boots.' public improvements and thereby win the 'Y'{ith 'pleasure, your reverence,' an · hate and lagtit:1g enmity of tax pR.y{'rs, who swen~d the shoe ruiiker; 'please take off BuTTEREl1 O:NIONS,4 4 4 port ser1nons of e1ni11ent divines at evening ~hurch n1eetings or Sabbath services. rrhen ah,o tbl:! aJ.vel'tieing department is presided ov~r by 111en i,vho give tht!ir attention, exclu::sively, to work1ng up patronage and prepuring advertieementE\ f·or the po.per. 'l'he finances of the city journal nro in charge of another separate head, and per· plcx not the editorli, who, when they ere \Vritiag for the public interests, are not at the same tiu1e distressed by other consider· ations. The publishing of the paper is also In fact each deindependently m·naged. partment uf a city journal is entirely separ· ate front the others, and none of the men etnployed are ever liable to get a. .flaming !cutler that is calculated to <xcite the public mind to ' concert pitch;' mixed up with ·a delinquent subscriber's failure to pay hia $1.50 in udvance. 'l'he men in charge or a city paper are unkno\YU personally, and are, tht!re[ore, n~t obliged to ahon1dt1r curses long nnd !oud and impregnated with sulphur enough to start a second t:dition of the iuft:wa.I Vegetarian Recipes. O>tELEr.-One piut of brr.dCiumba, a. large handful of chopped parsley, with BREAD · CROMB 'l'lri&B an k , in addition totransacting the usual ba nk in)o{ busine&s, olfers t o the public all th e a dvantugt B of a Sav ing Institutio n 'vith t he secu1·ity o( a large paid-up capital, by the mcnns of a SAYINGS DRl',\llTME~ T. In terest allowed on all deposits of One Dollar and upwards, a t t he rn.te of FlVl!l per cent, per annn11 t , D epositors can with1lraw f:i tber the ' vhole or any -part of t h 1:1ir deposit s at any thn.e, withoUt previous n1.1tit.Je; · Special l'!tt_ ca of intcrefit nllowc d upon deposits \Vith notice of wi thdrawal. An1erican C urrency and ~ili:er taken on <le· pmlit. Drafts gra.nted in.1.y:'l.ble in Groat Britain, lTnited Stat es an(l all po.rts of Ca.nn,(la.. WDeposit1:1 ca:n br ~01n i tto d by,n.<ldrcssed to the D_ ominion ·.>ft11 k [regiio;fered], when in all cases a Pass -Book r eceipt ·will be sent by return post, J . A. COD D, . Agent, Bovnnanville. Jan. 6th. 1874, 15-tf. $1,000,000.00 Capital, 750,000.00 Subscribed, 300,000.00 Paid up, - · 60,000,00 Reserve and Continzent Fund, Mvney loaned t4:>on real estate on t~1e favomble terms, mortgages purchaEed, interest ullowed on deposits. Varnish Polish! Anoth f:! r tl1ing much wanted, D MACFIE · · Reference by permission, GEO. McGILL, ESQ, Mam1ger On~ario Bank, Bowroanville. WILLI AM ALLISON , EsQ., M. D., Bowmanv1U~. London, Ma.r0h, 8th, 1876. Presiden£. F. :B. LEYS, Manager. This Polish giv~s n. most elega11t lustre,nnd driea instantaneously . Nothing ever discovered beJ o1 e to equal this Polish. FOii Funerals furni sheu iu evel'y respect, in the Very Style' ar u a t a large slice of onion minced fine, and a tea_ PRICES LOWF.R THAN BY ANY OTH ER FIRM IN THE COUr\TRY. spoonful of dried marjoram. Beat up two eg~s, W Ont of the FlNEST HEARSES -'in the Province, SENT FREE add a teaspoonful of milk, some nut1 neg, pep· per, and ealt, and a pi ece of butter the size of to any Fwneral fur nished by the Su becri ber, within Ten miles of an egg, !\.fix a.lto~ether 1 and bake in a slow BowmanviUe. oven till of a light brown color . . Turn out of dic.h and send to table im1ne<li& tbly , Repc:frts having been circulat ed. il1at the underaigu ed h~ bee:1 overch arging in t he Undcrt:.\k · Yo RKS,llIRE PUDDING, - l!'la.vor your batter ing Deparhnent, he begs to submit the following figures, 'vhich h e challenges any one to cou tradict. lt eportod amount ch arged. Actunl am oun t charge·l, with pot marjoram. lemon thyme, n.nd sweet lTifty Dollars. rrwel ve D ollars. bulm powdered, a little chopped a.nd 'J:birty do. l'H11e do. an onion minct:d fine. Bake in a moderate FOrty -.b'ive do. Twent.y-five dA. Sixty do: Fo1 ty do. ovell ; serve hot wit h gravy. Fifty do. . 'rhir ty do. Seventy-five <lo. Fifty do. l\fACA.ttONT PunDING·. -'l'wo ounced of inac· al'oni ; 'boil till teudJr 1 drai~ the watt-r from it, and add half a. pint of ne\v milk, and half au ounce of parsley chopped fine. A ttiaapoonful of lemon thyme powdered, some lemon p eel, pepper, and ealt, and dash of nutmeg. Putin a well buttered dish, and bake twent:f minutes. Bowmanville, March 30th, 1876. If wantetl richer, beat up a.n egg in the milk- SO, I-IO ! Gentlemen of Fashion -· - -NOT SO FAST. · I have v.~tit.te11 these few lines And all I have to say, T hn.t you can find me still a t home I a m not gone away ; So all my kind old friendR may coine An<l all the youug ones too And gttt their garments nicely made I n fashions th at a re ne w. Vl herc old n.nd you ng dertr frien<lms. 1 neet A "'elc01ne greet b1 g by R. P E A'l'E Bowman ville, June 19th 1873. A BIG- RURH '.l'Oll Piano Fortes, (Jlocks, Pictiwe Frmnes or any kind Vai'nished of~ Buggies, Cutters, Skigh,.,q, and al,l kinds oj Va1'nished is now raging at TBELEVENS Furniture. Oarria,ges ~OLE ·AGENT FOR THIS : PLACE. Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Coffins, of New York. ltARDW ABE I .As nsna , a L r ge St ock on hand of w. p. PROWER. LEVI KORBIS, GHNERAL CONTRACTOR A ND BUILDER. anc l he . S. F. HILL has a Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, W ith or 'Without Casing. With or without JJand .llfo1'lds. · determined to continu e to sell at these ruinously low prices cheaper than the cheapest. Why h e can do it-~1 rs t, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! Second, wlmt he .can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Third, he is satisfied with .small profits ! Fourth, he sells for cash; Fifth, he sells·at bottom prices. ts . -o- Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and. Tinware. ' A ll oi whi ch will he sl:>ld ~t low figures · John.McLeod. & ~o., Well1:ngto~ Emlding. s , Bowma nville A °:gn1-1t 10th, 1875. · J. , ' CALI.t AND S:EE POD YOUDSELV:BS, AND , I"--, TJ LL - STOCK OF Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, Ornamental Pickets, in every va1·iety, an d Sm·oll Sawing, 1 BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. "Examine e stock, which cotn},lriaes, eve.ryt hing in .the trade, of t~e very latest and most elegan stylea a nd pa.tterns 1 of :English, 1 ·and Amer1can manufacture. Dry Goods, ()Jothi11g" , Groceries, &c., . ' I H e still continues to manufacture to order, fr om the best of inateria.l, and nono but firat-class workmen kept. -o0 ' Orders Prom I ry xecuted, -;.nd Good Fits Guaranteed H e has in stock an endleBB variety of La.dies' and Gents' Saratoga Trunks Valises etc all of 1 · which he is selling cheap for caiBh. . ' ., -o- TH.I!; MERCHANT has n ow o. bona fulc of every descr.iption · the Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King St. Bowm an\·ille, 1'-1a. 13, 1874. , Circulation of 1000. an.d with the exception of a few, these pass into th tt hands of t hu p eople of \ Vest· D urhan1. 'l'he public will at once seu the utillt y of t ho p ap t1r as an and is Selling Very Clteap. . 0 DONE TO ORDER, OU M. TRELEVEN. Buy once a,nd you will buy a,ga,in. B owmanville, April 28th, 1876. SHORTEST NOTICE. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. Shops on Liberty Street, North of the Eastern House, Bowmanville. llowma.n ville.. July 9th, 1874. TO TI-IE I PUBI_j~[O. . I t Has No E qua l tlus conRt1tueney, and this fact ia bBi.lllY' con 0 stantly demonstrated, tn 41-tf vVALTER WIGG & SON, N r eturning thanks ~u ~heir n~1:m erons .cnsto1nera and thtJ public g+inerally, for favors, '"fluid r1:11:1pectfully invite their n.ttcnt1on to our present stock of·furu iture &ij we ha\·e lately a~ded ~hereto, that we 1n~y thereby be enabled to supply all parties ·who m~y \-ileaf!e to favor him with n _call& Great l nd uce me11~ beld 011t to ~hose purchR.siJi,g at our estab 1shruent. Pict1~ rt! 8 1 Look111.g G.Jassel). etc. framed to order , at1<l 1n e"try style. Samples of tho different k i n~ of o uld1n ~·s 1..· a 11 be f.l een a.t the We ' vould o.lso beg to inform you, that. ha.v1ng purohased a ·· · are opposed tu public iwprovewents. If he does not advocate improvement, then the masses call him the paid tool of rich tax payl:!t!, He must attend all meetings an<l conventiona, and if be fail to · report the san1e in full, he is said to be belii:::id all live journals. I1e must write up local spicy iuatter, and if lio notices an iwportant im· p1uvement 1uo<lc by ~fr. A., he fu.llA under the lash of }fr. Il., because be did not happeu to be awa1·~ that ~lr. B. haii made im· p rov t: iu e n t&also, which were twice a s great, on his property. If the country editor obtldns advertisiay, he must go for it personally, Every tin1e h e turns around he must turn Over a six· v cnce, o; the i;ixpcnce will turn hin1 over. Hti ia pe1sonal ly held accountable for all typog.raphic~l errors in his journal, aud mufl t oversee the 'n1ake up 1 and printing ·your boot.' ' The clergyman did so, and the shoernaker measured bis foot from toe to heel, and over the instep, noted nll down in his pocket book, and then prepared to leave tht! room. But ns ·he ·wns putting up the measure the pastor said to him: 'A.faster, my son a lso requires a phir of Important ·Announcement! SPLENDID NEW HEAHSE, If )'OU hav e lost anything, ir 1 this; paper. It _yon havE> f(lnnd any ~hin g ndverti!le in thr, M E 1WiiAN1'. ' . If ·you '\'ant to sell anything, a<lverth1 e in this paper. If yon 'vA.nt to buy anythin..,. a..lverthio in t he 0 ' MRRCHA N1'. . Ii you 'Vant to reach the public use columns of the lvIEJtCJIA.NT. ' STAR1_,J_.ilNG A wtt s11 n.ll be ready at :t ll t im6s to at.te11d fun erals, on short notice nncf:te;wiona.blti terms::! N. B. - Uoffins kept on hand and madti to ordtir, Ejt th e . OUR RATES ARE L OW, Aa a weekly newspn.ricr, tho JvI£R tTJ IAN'C is: scarcely excelled. Sixteon columns of ca.r e~ full y sel:cted re1L<liJ1 g- m atter n.ppcar in issue. comp1 ising L f.terat wrc Agricultui·al, Farnily Reading ' Gcnet·al and Local News~ ' all fresh and reada.ble, Subscriptions t 1i..k en any time <lul'i na the 0 boots.' I ·w ill make them with pleasure, your revera.nce. Can. I take the ' youa~ man's m easure J1 'IL is n ot necf'ssary,' said the pasto.r; 'the lad is fonrtt:ien, but you can 111.akc my boots and bis from t he same last . ' ' .Y~ur reverence, that will n e ver <lo,, ' said the shoewaker, with a Stnile of surf prise. ' I tell you, sir, to make my son'd on the 1 W. McltlUBTBf, New Dry · Goods Esta,blishmen t,. has determined to ofl'er, cluring the remainder of the Season his enth·e stock, at such prices as 'vill ensure a Revelatio11s! --o-Very Ser iOUS NEW D011fINlON RE1':1UL FURNITURE WARE-lWOM. Oshawa. Ang. 20th, 1.-nu. King Street East, Oshawa Charg~ , Having been delayed several "\Veeks, in opening out his Markus Mayers, h a.~ purch a.sed hw·:ed l.l Pl)ll su bstn,n tial facts, jg just being cir cul.a.ted 1 and ia to this eff ect-th at one of ou · pro1ninent l\I erchants, J. ELLiorrT'S Procra,stina,ti on is the thief of time,_but buying Goods at ~~- a.n immense Stock of G ciod a, OTI advant ageous tt:l"ln ~, 1.Ll1 c.l he is going t o give llie Cm1 t .. mcrs the benefi Lof h is bargain. · T he Stock is very large, embr acing Smith Seli & al, F1·m'i1ie, Grey cmd Black L amb, Grebe an d ftiink li-916 varyi:ug in p1·ice according to quality, :tnd eil-.lting of con~ CheapSto1~e Cheap Store Show Bills TYRONE, H as now a fullassortttd Stoi.:k of S. ·vANSTONE'S FOB TYRONE, willfind a complete Stockof TERMS 75 CTS., IN ADVANCE. - -:o: - - we ~a v e ev<'ry fac ili ty. Vte do n ot work for noth ing, or fun, but Olll' pr icrn:;- will bu fou nd low, as our presses are rn u by stc::i.u1 power.; JOB :PRI NTING- of bis pa per, and if he bas a job offi~ at- same Inst.' 'No, your rtverence, 1 cannot do it. ' 'It must be...:..on the same last.' 'But, your reverence, it ia n ot possible, if \.be boots are to tit,' said the shoemaker, thinking to bims~lf that the o1U pa~tor'· ' wits were leaving him . · '.A.h, tbeni ma:Jter shoemaker,' said the cl ergyman , 'every of boots mur;t be made on their own l~st, if th'ey are to lit., tached to his establisbttae11t, he 1nust lock Ufter s tock, drum up work, and . personally attend to the details of the jobbing. Ile muat sei ect all mfaccllany, compile all news iten1e 1 write obituaries, and take a band at providing non~ense for auch of his readers Besides all this he is at the 8 5 Jik e it. fttlancial b ead of an institution that \vo1 1 Id perpJ t x even a banker· anU Lis score of' as 4 OLEAl1,lNG SALE. The stock is all NEW, purchased with care, and at remarkably Low Rates. ~--CA_L _ L _ A _ N _ D_S_'E _ E_> Hoiv Cheap good Goods can be so id for CASH. Bowmanvill~, Caps, Collaretts, Muffs,' Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. Latest AJJ the Goods are well made, of t he Styles l f!.roceries 'Wf is the best 1nean1' of gct~ini? the worth of your 1noncy, in FIRST-CLASS, GOODS. Cmne a.long meu, wo1aen and c:hildreu, and you -:~ :- · His subscription list muat be and yet you think that God is. to form all \\·orked. up, and kept up too, and he must Christiana exactly according to your o.w n see to it, that all ~ubscxibers 1 pay up' in last, of the s»me weasure and growth in c ·nlrse of t in1e. He must collect pay for religion as yourself. 'That wiJl not do h is advertise roentl'I, and j ob work, and.. un· either/ · ·Jess he bas a large stock of patience and The shoemaker ,;,.,abashed. Then he forbc' aru.uc.t>, he will occasionally get mad, said, when t<1fd to· 'go to the devil with hiR little · 'I thank your reverence for this sermon, p i ca\' lllle hill.' I-le must h ave the soul of and I l\'ill try to remember it, and to judge sistants. All Styles of Children's Furs on hand. and the Prices such as bas never betore been offered in Bowmanville. II e a.lsc offe rs a very attractive lot of Goode in Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, :Soots & Shoes Dry G~ods, Sale Bills Hand Bills Progammes Cfrculars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets and everything fro1n t he aizo of a. r.08lte1· rarg& en?ugb _to covut' i~ to a. ball-inch strip pl'1nted in goo d ~ tyle , and at cit J1l'l CCH , t Sped1nens · of ·work can be seo11 at our office . \Vork handed out, nnd tl1 e cu!ol1 t a l~1n forit;, I MUFFLERS, SHIRTS, DRAWER!:. SOCKS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, BRACES, rf:c. r hey l llU8t be flOltl , ru1 rl Sacrifices will be made . c ~~ h etc., etc, which for Cu.stotners will bu y on close margins. vf a stt:am engine, tht. my neighbors !esa harshly in tbe ·future. 1cheek ul the evil on·, the patience of Job, Selected: . 1·· h ' ., dit: :i GASH P AID FOR R AWS FURS· Bowmanville_. Oct. 1st, 1875 ·v j g1Jt November 19.tti, 187 . 5 M. MA T:E:B'S. THE NO I S ELE SS AND Quality . and · Cheap Prices which defy Com.peUnbreakable Slate · ness, tition. · Ar O U R BOOK llOO ~i · <fANNOT BE SURPASSED s. VANSTONE. Ask for i t l Send for it 1 Tyrone, March 30th, 1874. which will bt< soltl at Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, . &c., ~::::-:~~~~~-~- Manaqer THE 8CL/OOL NO VELTY / 0. BARKER. J. ELLIOTT I (l. BARKER.. ' ·-- .. --~-~--- --J

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