---:----.-., ;· THE MERCHANT FRIDAY JUNJ:I: 2, 1876, ' Servant Q-irl Wanted. C. Gifford, · ENQUIRE of Mrs. GIFFORD'S HOTEL. Bowma.nville, May 25th, 1876. 35-2w. a. day at home. Agents wantll<l. t:ij) Outfit and terms free. TRUE & CO., Augnsta, liaine. bp-olO·m25-ly. ROOM PAPER 5 ots: ROLL. S Mallet Croquet Sets for $2.25. ROSS BALLS FROM .10 CENTS EACH. York, for a Pamphlet of 100 pa~es, Containing lists of 3000 newspn.pers,aud ~st1mates show~ ng cost of advertising. bp-ol0-m25-ly. SEND 25c. to G. P. ROWELL &CO.,New · MARRIAGE LICENSES, Da.rlin~ton '11!12 DR. CHANNING'S duly authorized tQ issue Marriage Licenses. Darlington, Nov. 19, 1874 mS-tf. EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Oon. MR. JOHr- H. 1 f near Bethesda Church] is Prize and DiplOma The undersigned has the pleasure of informing you that he has re-opened in Lis old stand, (two ·dom·s West of tlie Post Olfice) with an entire CARRIAGE SHOP west uf the Ontario :Bank. NEW STOCK King Street, Bowmanville. · · Sarsaparilla FOR THE BLQOD l!URES SYPHILIS, SCROFULA, SALT-RHEUM, ALL IKIN .. DISEASE:'.$, -A BIGHI.Y CONOF:NTilATJ:D EXTRACT OF First a.t Provinch~l Bxbjhition a;t Ottawa., 1875. Large Stock of Beautiful Fans, at RED JAMAICA .SARSAPARILLA AND TRI! · TUNOflS, tures calledllloodPurifiers ENLARGEMENT offerecl by Druggists and othera? OF THE -- DOUBf.,E IOl>H>ES Spnoe, forbids l'he gi\'ing more tonU.111on;.· in this vlncc~ in fa,,·ororthl:l great . moi.lioiuo !10 not 011.:: cwrtilic.Hl.to, howonir, fn·m an eminent and \V eil J,nuwn Physicl11n like l>r. Be!':sey of Afontrcal, ~Ulfi.fticnt to Q;tu.bli:1h its superiority McClung Bros. are setting their STOCK R. }~aston's Hall Buildings. .SEE[) SE PARAT?R· in MOTION by offering their . Goocls at He has determined 'to adopt ==== =====--=-=--=-=·= ==== = THREE ·MACHINES IN ONE. Irt·esistible Prices ! Step in, · and you l the ' QAS H SYSTEM , I I fanning community, perfoc\ lVill find almost every she.lf to contain b . . t. ~~:~~·g··ov·rotherMi)l·inu.... ·r···fol· a Bctrgain, ·aud every corner an .Att1·ac· elrevmg it to be advantage·and Grain Screen and FANNING~ The Xing of the West MJILL, ;, OF MOTION ! Fresh 1 · NOTICE i_ · J OF Family tirooeries His aim shall be to keep the T pair liE. subscdber is prcp:i:ed to build and re Best and sell at the Lowest 'possible price. Wagons, Buggies, anll Cutte1·s, r,f every desc.ription, at short notice, and on · reasonable terms. Carriages Painted and Trimmed O\'er the numerous mix- NEW GOODS BATTING'S! ~AT " I ha.ve now grent pleasure in offering to the th· most Fairning :P..fill and Seed. Separator ever invented. Its 1.t. Itisoperfect Cleaner and Chaffer. It will take out Wild O·ts perfectly. It will take out all Cockle, Chess. and othor foul seeds, v.lu· of grain, over and a.hove that when clenncd by the ordinary Mill . . lnd. It in n. most perfect S~parator. 'It will se'Parate a.11 the large kernels of 'Vheat from the small and shrunken grains. It does not thxow the sm;Wl grains in the chess box. like other l\.fills, but brings them through by themselves: qlea.n and fit for market, a.nd L'i warrantM ed to roske a perfect sample rjf SeeJ Wlu:iat. 3rd. It is very rapid in its action, and will easiJy make for rna:rket, Sixty Buslwle; and for Seed, Twenty.five Bushols per bt;nir. 4th. It separates all kinds of Grain, as well as seeds; and iI Wllea.t and Oats, Pea.s and Oats, Clover and Timothy, are mixed together, nnd put through this l\lill) it 'will come out per~ fectly separated. qrains. It will sepa.ra.te Timothy Seed from Wheat, and..,will bring the 'l'ilnothy out dea.n at thesame tii.ne as you a.re ckaning thc Wheat for Market. t" /1,0'J't, J. l al cent· per bushel to the ::!pl~':,'fe~l~~;;;,t \Jvb~.fi:~.i:i~;~ru:ciJ::~:~~ LIVER AND SPLEEN, RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS, II IS EASES OF THE Jl.IDNEYS, BLADDER AND URJNAR"r ORGANS, I range <>f skin affections j /as a re!ia.blo priepnr:l.t.ion 1for gener.1.l use as a bloo(l 1mrifio·, I kn ~w of nono oqn:ll t<;1 it, eom bin.in~ ae it does, :i.ll ~be imputed virtuos of Sar~ttpar11la., and i E11la.rgcments, remodr, for thEf cure .uf Btood Jm.r.iudties. Su fo.r ns wy experience bas gone with this remedy, 1 can teiltlfy to its great value in the treatment of a.11 \ Strumous and. Ca.cbectic atfeetioll!; 1 as Glamiulnr aud n wide from 'WhiC'h Dr. Channing's Snrsn.pn ril111 is prepared n..q one of the ho.st po:.i~ihla coinbinntion11 to constitute an effectual formul.~ T. C. ST!tATTO~, Eso. .Momrool, Feb. ht., 18i5, I onunot but remircl the 11;onsisting in pnrt, of Ex CITEMENT ' · ·EVERY DAY . · 0 OUS not Only to the buver but . J also to. the seller. Parcels delivered to all parts of the town with promptness. Highest price paid for all kinds of produce. oD the prei~isea,"vore special attention is gn·ton J\. Blacksmith's · Shop to a.11 Ca.rriage work, anci General Jebbing. All work done at this Establishment wa·rranted. A call is respectfully solicited, ,J, MORRIS. Bowman ville. 0 :t. Ist. 1869 TWEEDS, PRINTS, WHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILK PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, . FANCY GOODS, &c. All to be sold -n.t" the vory lowest prices, for Do You want a WEB of at a cheaper rate than ever you bought a Web of Cotto1i before ? COTT·ON . GO TO McCLUNG BRO$. Hoping to receive . a share Do You want to select PRINTS cheap in price and new in Style, from . the largest stock evp,r b~ought into Bowman ville? of your patronage. GO TO'McCLUNG BROS. 'S01IEl fJNJ17[J0]1{ O.L OD He is, yours truly, CASH! N. B. ~ 5th. n is equally ·· good for ·m·ll .. i.rg· .tNV-"'l':!"II':!' 'ii.I.a. ~ LEUCORRHCEA extrl'll')r.d nary nltera,tive CATARRH, AND ALL DISEASES RESULTING . FROM A DEPRAVED AND IMPURE CONDITION OF THE li!LOOD. sovern.l other valuable l irem edies. with tbe Old Stort>t...near 'l'hompaon & Burn's !\fill, .J:Sowmanville. 'fU1lAI. - - - - - - - - - -- - - -· - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - puu d SO:OO-D SS:il:'a:CC noA oa FANCY John McMuJtry. liow1na.nville, :Pee. 22nd, 1875,· 13-tf. New 'railor shop, JOHN HEAL, Shop. to the Shop ·ntlxt door east of Rice's ]3utchcl' ::a.'.OIOHO 'clV::l:HO Do. You want MILLINERY, MANTLES, or GOODS? Do You want TO INFORM THE PUIJLIC, gen. :Roya.l .4.Q;"a.in Triumphs. BEGS era.Hy, that he has removed his busincsa Haviug bad seversµ year8 experience in the ~~a.de, .he hopes to satisfy all who may favor b1m with a call. 1 pro11c rlii~!l of the "Dmdile J-0did~;1, " ttnd of none thn.t ea.n bo more Price of Mill, $aS. GO TO McCLUNG BROS. highly recommended as safe, oortn.in nn<l reliable, ani.I. 1 have every confidence, that e:uch a remedy for generul use, t.n.king the pl1tco of tho m1u1y worthleRs D()struma of the day, will be a groat boon to suffering h11mn.nity, a-ml its uEo \Vill be attended with the 1 ·iost satiBfactory Boots· ·sANl1' -:- MRS. ANDEiiSON'S Fashion and .All Letters f1om the Counties of N orthurr1berland, Durham, Victorin, and Peterboro, tnust be addressed to the proprietor, IIrunpton, Ont. P, C, HYMES, General Agent. · Jifay 5th, 1876. 32-tf. THOMAS SMITH, CARPETS or CURTAINS or other HOUSE FURNISHINGS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. -oo--- GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowman"·ille. Sop. 4th, 1872. m40·tf. "ice, and wilt, no doubt, become J)Opulnr with l\Iodic~t.1 men throughout the country. He~pec.tful!_., the roach uf medi<:lLl a.d- resultf!. It should be invnlu n.blc to1Jor~ons beyond ~ IIoes · , ' Millinery Depot, Kziig .Stred, opposite Mr. Buckler's DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the I One of t11e Largest Stock&i of Boots nnd Shoes in the country, is to bi~ found at Very Latest Styles consisting of e\·erYthing in the line, that can purchased in the P<U"is and New Yotk establishments, are now on exhibition. Stra.w l{ata cleaned, and altered into latest styleR. !v!rs. .A. is not &aking large profits, but will -sell nt a srn11.ll adv;!'J.nce ou co!!t, for CASH. A -~·isit to her establishment, will satisfy any of out· readers, uf t.hat fact. Rowmanville, Ap:ril 7th, 1876. (m22·1y.) M ATHusE K PIANOS. -if,n- Don't purchase your Summer Cloths before inspecting McClung Bros. .most extensive stock of CAUTION !· ----0 . Bowmanville Drug Store, T W E E D S, W 0 R ST E D C 0 A T I N G S , McClung Bros. Tailoring Depm·tment will take the lead, a.~ :rotirl:l, gencr1~lly, and most Coimtry Stores. Be sure, nnd nsk for ])r. Cba.n11i1;g'~ Cnrsa.1)0.rilln., and take no other. If not ron.dily obtained in your looa.lUy, addrees tho General Agenta. NoTE.-Dr. Channing's iSn.r~nimrilla is p"ut up in large bottles, with tho n:~me blown 1n tho al1tss, and ret:til.A 11.t $1.00 11or botUo, or Six Bottles for Five Dollar~. Sold by Drnggi.&ts i\' E. lrEsSEY, ::VI.D. 8 Deaver H:tll S11ua.re, J. BORLAND'S Boot & comprising Shoe Store, Ladies' Prunella Boots, from 75 cents upwards. Misses' and Childreits, in proportion. Jl4en's, Boy's, every deand Youth's, of _ scription. Findings kept for the Trade. IN Bonnets, Hats, -Mantles, and General EXCEL · Millinery, EXCEL usual. &. c, be EXCEL EXCEL EXO}~L EXOEL EXCEL in v~Iuroe of tone. in ,finnni:ss a·nd. purity of Wne, in voice;like quality of tone. in dunlbihty and keeping in tune. for the concett roorri. for t~aching schools a.nd seminaries. for the drawing room. --++'1.1hese a.re broad assertiou:11, but capable of p.roof. They are unlike any other, in construction; all their peculiniitiea are points of excellence. 'l'heir.illnstra.ted and descriptive cata· logue, whicih VlC send free to any aJdress, explains conclusively. in hn.rn1ony with acoustk-r,i and mecha.nica all that is claimed for the Mathushek. There Al"e thouaanda of happy owner.;; of :ri.Iathusheks williug to oertify to thefr superior excellence. "\Ve hav~ room here fo1· hut a few brief extrnc..-t~ :- SU IT, 1\fcClung Bros. will " SU IT" you . . · If you want a HAT McClung Bros. will "HAT" you. If you .want GLOVES l\!IcClung Bros. will "Q-I.OVE" you. If you want a TIE, McClung Bros. will "TIE" you. 1f you want a Perry Davis &; Son&; Lawrence 377 St. Paul Street, Montree.l. June 1st, 1876. SEEDS at McClun:g Bros., GROCERIES at McClung Bros., at McClung Bros. Bros. . HIGHEST PRICES PAlD FOR BUTTER &c.., at McC!ung Bros. :Oaily Line to Eocheste~. . ly-m36-o22 Comtnencing on or about 't1HURSDAY, New Lumber Yard AND JOINERS SHOP. 1u~nt, from the roan\1fact1 > ry of' H. n. Rath· " burn & Snn, Mill Point, I bog to offer to the people of Bown1anvil1e, a.ntl the ~urronnding country, (at prices that dtfy oompetitionJ, Sash, Blinds, Doora, and ~5 Jifft:rcnt sorts of Moulding13 1 also wi:Rdow and door frame stuff, ready to put tog-ether. 7 x ~. 12 Jisht f!:a.<;h 42 ·cts., kiln dried 2 ft. 6 x 6 ft 6. 4 pa.nel <loors 0. G-. inoulded 2 sides $1. 75. '!'he ditferent sizes of Hash a.nd dvnrs kept in stock. .Also 011 hand a good s11pply uf Lu~ber, dre,,sed flooring, ship lap ttnd V. siding, laths, shingles, pickets, field posts a11d battens. I have aho opened a oa.rpenter'and joine1·s shop in connec· tion with tba above busine!!s,and hope by integrjty of dealing. and low prices tO eecure your \lft.Lronage. All goods warranted, and a call aoJicited. Co,lf; ]{ip Uppe?' aiid Sole Leather, TRUNKS, &o. . ALSO 20TH A.l'HIL. TEAS l TEAS! CHEAP T'E:AS, SALT anu PLASTER at McClung THE STEAMER H Schooner" Saucy Jack," my first consignAYING JUS'l' l(ECEIVED PER w. JENNINGS is still in charge of the i~ I'tianufactory Department and prepru-ed to guarantee APcrCcct Fit, ln t.ltc L~ltcst a1ul Best Style. We t.h~ undersigned, J udgcs of Pianos at the Fn.ir of the American InstitutH, after i~ tatrt'ful examination of the l'Jouceit Grands,do a.ward to NEW YORK, Out, 28, 1867. PERPETUAL · l\10TION throu<r!JOut theScason at 0 . . · FREDERICK MATHUSJ<;K the HONOR (Signed) EWD.· MOLLENHAUER, McCLUNG . Sewed Work a Speciality. First class Stock used. A <Jail is Solim:ted. 'NORHEMAN;' (R. OR.A. WFORD, MASTER,) of making tht1 BEST of t11is cl<t88 of instnurrnnts then and there exh.ibittd, of known to us else· where. eaos. OULTJ most. l'Cli!pectfully tender his incerl! thanks to Jus nume1 ·011~ friends and m~ Bl/ Telcg1·aph to <Jcirdcne.1· Sewing Machine, Co',11. tome1~, a.lld to tl1 e public gc1wra.lly, for tlie Runiilton. v~ry hbt'~al 8~1ppor~ he has i·eceiv eu · incEi l1ill! Cornwall, Oct. 21 1875. C?mnrnuc1~1g in h1u~ines3; and hopes by con· Royal got firnt prize at Glengarry, Oounty tinu~d strict persona.l attention to business, and ll~ait-. OVl;lrthe \~{eh~ter, 08borne,and New York offering nothing- bt~t tho put·est articles, at the Singer · JAMES 11-IILROY. mo~t re.aso11able pric~s, to enim re a continuat11.:e Eell.ovlUe, Sept. 3oth, 1875. ofJJubhc; patronage. GoL fin;t prize on the Royal, at Fnir here, . ~· would call special attention to his very beating \\1 hc clcr & \Vi laon and every othm- ma~ superior stock of clli11e. Grt'at cont+u:it. J,\.\.u:s BAURE'l·1·. Brock ville, Sept. 25, 1875. Royal took fir st prizo ~tt UnionviHe, cotnpet· . which are snre to give thu bust satisfaction. iug "'-ith the \Vheeler & Wilson, Singer, aud others. E VERTTS & H.AGARMAN. ...i.\. well solected stock of ~~ ~..g· liii T:u,s0Nnu11G, Oct 11, 1875. ]j'irst prize for Roya.l, at Union Exhibition DRUGS, hel'i;,,ove1· all co1npntitora. 1"1AT'I'H J>:W STILWAll'l'. CHEMICALS, \Voodt1to0k, Oct. 6th. 1875. PA'l'EN'J' JYIEDICIN Ji JI, :Goyal. took first i1rize at Exhibition herc,over all cmnpetitore. 1fA'1"1'H.EW S·rEWART. BRUSHES, ·. Pa.ris, Oct. ard, 1875. G01lfBS, IIl\ve taken flrl'lt. prb:e \vit.h H.oy~l at Fair he1·e, beating the Raymond arnd Sing"r· _ SHOULDER-BRACES, Wn.r.r.ur SNIDER. W J. · HIGGINBOTHAM , . TJYE S'l'UFFEl- at Fair here.ovf'r Singer, Ho'\\"6· "\VKD7..Cr F, Osborne n.ndothCI'B. Ruyal bas taken JAMES BARRET, Napanoe, Oct. 15lh. 1871i. . firi~t _pdze SUPPOR'l'ERS, Etc., Elc. kept constantly on hnnd. H.rley, Oct. 13th, 1875. Royal takes firat prizl.! at this Fair,for family Work !\nd light ma.nufacturi:ng. · 'VILLIAM SN1DER. " GW" Shop and yard in reair of R. W. James 11nplement Depot. 33-3mos. W. McSPADDEN. 'rhrow Physic to · the Dogs. Call at Will make her regular trips on this route,lea.v· A.D. W.JmSEMANN. ing Oob()urg 'evl'.lry morning at 7 :30, and 1-'ort M. J. GIANNETTI. IIope a.t !) o'cJoc:k, for. Rochester, connecting OHARLJ<;S FRADEL. then with the New York Central, Kertbern Hemcmbcr the Stand, Post Office Block, oppo- Central and J~rio Railways, and Lake Outario 1'-IusroAt OoNf:!ERYA'ronY, } · site Ituebottom i~louse. Shor~ Division of the Ron1e, '\Vatertown and 802 Broadway, N. Y. These Pianos must take the lead.of all known Ogdensburgh Railway for n.11 points Eaat 1 West J. BOl~LAND. and South, instruments, and their peculiar con~trn<:tion Bowma.nville, Ma.y J:2t'h_, 1876. 3;J. will leave Charlotte (port renders them by far the roost durable, a.nd the · - - - - of RETURNING, Rocheet(;r,) daily at!) P. M., except Sa.tur- least liable to gflt out of tune. . days, wlJen ahe will len.ve at 3 1-', I!t1. for Port EUGE"!EJ. MERRIAM. Hope diroot. Dealers in stock, &c., will find this the cheapSince the date of this concert the l\lfathush·k est itnd most exi;>editious route to Uoaton, Al- has bEien my favotit(·, bany, N tlW York, &c. · J. JAY WATSON. For ful'ther information apply to Vf:~ti:;vn'e Cona~rvatory of ~fusic.New York. OILS; PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES ' and WHITE LEAD 11ot t11e very lowest prices. TJ1e:;iC '1ictoti('a: conclusively prove t11at the liG"ht rtu1ning Royal, is the people'.s favorite, and Horses and Cattle Medicines. the moat advantageous terms. A nboice selection of LA~.IPS for ~ale cheap Bowmanville. Deo. 1868. 6m. N. n:-Oountry storc-keApers supplied on the BEST FAMILY SEWING MAOHINE ~l'h e N:i;.W S'rOltE, AT. I-I A_M PT 0 N: WARD TIEGS TO IN~ ·ORM the public gene·a.lly tbal she has opeubCl up~ . VVYLI.,IE'S nnd bny abundantly of FR.UIT; and keep yourselV·es Strong, }"at and Healthy. WYLLIJ:j enters on the S\unmer campaign. with renewed activity and vigor, and is bound to keep ahead of all competitorf!, He !1as now, and will have, through the. seaeon, (29 tf.) Ii. CRAWJWRD, . ' l)OU't' HOP!', Or C. F. GILDEliSLEEVE, K1~TGS'l'ON. No money wonld ti:mpt me to banh1h it from my h01ne. D. SCHUYLER, Buffalo. . J. G. SH.AW. MRS. M. J. TH:E adv~uce Peorole's Book Store A 1\fathushek has in l'esility takl"n. a step in of atl makers 6£ Pfanos in the. world. ld1nica.I Critic, S.'.1.r:ttoga. in MR. FANCY GOODS STORE A' LARGE STOCK O.F ~'OWKE'S BUILDING, opposite H. )£1,L·,orrT'S STORE, Hampton, and intenda keep· AND ing a _ moP.t choice lot. of goods, at reasonable prices. She will also e&rry on the Domestic & Foreign :F:EttJ'ITS. SWEET ORANGES, · BITTER ORANGES, PINE APPLES, BANANAS, Th" Mathushek Orchestr.'.I. Sciuare Graud Piano is brilliant, of wonderful power, and melodious in tone. · SA.ll:BATH SCHOOL . .ALFllED H. PEASE,ROchestor. H. IlELI.ACK. MILLINERY AND 1\fANTLE business, and hopes to receive a liberal share of $ttpport. All orders entrusted will be carefully filled. srr AIvlPIN G ~~~~;:t·d with ,1., M. J, WAIVD Hanrpton, Apl'il 6, 1876. (m.-28-tf.) DEPOT ·. ,. (J. NUTS, I was fully conviucetl that the Matbushck wa.s tho crow1~ of aJI, My old tpner, who ]rn.s tn:ken c,q.~fl of m); puu10 for the Past ten )'t:ai·e, says that the No. 10 O.n,;h~tra.l just received frmn you is the b1:ib~ lll~e and finest insti·tunent ih this city. Yours, &c. · a ..... -.a.> · m (J) TENDER my thanks to the Judges and Di· rectors of Clarke Ag~icult~ral Society, for the vo~y pr01_npt m~ne~ u1 which they paid me work as well by night as by day. tny y1rBt J>nz~ on C~l' l 'l(l.ges, which they sny, Sold by was JUstly mented. 'l'hc Judges thou~ht un .J. S. DONEY, TYRONE. Fair day, that I wa.s not eligible for a prize but N. B.-Agent for Firet.-clai:ie Muflir:al Jnf'b·u- found on looking nt the bill, that I wAs 'aJJd ments-W. Bell & Co's. Organ, Hallett & Davia they gr:-tnted me the. ]first Prize 1 Mr, Lin'ton's and H11rdman Pianos. ~ letter, notw1thatanrl1ng. Also 1he Celebrated "\Valtham and ElcPn . I ba v,e about 100 First·cla..~fl Buggies and Car1·1ageA, in courstt of conBtr·nction, whlch will be \VatcheR. 'J'h~ Sub!'lcriber, thanking bis very numerous e:>ld cheap, for Oasl1, or good JAt.per. customers for pa.st . patron1~ge, {lw,ving sold W'L McCJ,UNG, J.'1.vel?:e 1'housa't1 d Dollcr1·s l¥orth in 12 tnonth Carriage li:[aker. solicits tht.ir conti1;11erl plttronuge, Uy reason ab 26-::Cmca Bowman,·ille, Mar. ~4 1h, 1876. prices, fi:i,i r de:dil'! [:'f' :n:d guaranteed satefa 0 l\!(fl.nufacturers have lately added to it, the greatest>"'novelty of the ai;e, the Ro;_11al Lnrnp. Holdm· for Se:winp Mi!chines, 'fhc Lamp cn.n never upset, nor the Oil soil the work ; an<l it is arran ged to throw the l~ht on any pa.rt of the work, ena, hlin~ the operat:>r to OARD OF THANKS. I tion. J. 1). 1 Nove1nber 18th. 187fi. - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- DATES, . . COCOANUTS, 'FIGS RAISINS, .AND BARKER. D. M. SOMERVILLE, Clevel.nd,O., l~LM New .Furniture AND of all descriptions, of splendid quality, and low prices. · at With the arrival of the Holidays, comes a demaudfor Also a. JJa.rge Stock of BISCUITS&: CONFECTIONERY at prices defyirig competition. Country 11<'Cer· chants su11p]ied on ieasonn.ble term~. 'l'oronto · \Ve have great pleasure in.stating that 38 an instrument to lead the singing in a S. School nothinz can excel it. 'l'he tone is :loft and fulL ·i.,be ba.ss is grn.nd and when 300 voices are singing togl:!tber the Piano can be distinct· ly heard. Every note rings out as clear as n. SCHOOL, a:r. w. ~f. s. UNDERTAKING REWARD! The above reward will be pai<l to any peson who will furni.!h ample ph>Of th;'Lt tho 'Boots & Shoes sold by tbe underai~ncd, :i..xe not whatre represents thcru. Soda Water, Ice Cream., anrl all ·the cooling Beverages, B'read~ Cak~s. and other ·i~eces saries. Weddi11g Cakr:s,.and 1'rim. rnii11gs to .orde_ r. ohea.p and good Literature, G-ift :Books, and Present GOODS. I .have a. Sto.ck that cannot fail to :Please-cow p]ete an~l varied. · bell. . S. J, HUNTER, Paator .. \V AltING KEKNEDY, Superintendent. SAMUEL FRISBY, i\foaicaJ Conductor. REV. JOHN BREDIN, Barrie, HA>ITTON, Feb. 1st. 1876. ' faction. Jt ha~ gjvi::n my family the very hi.'{hest satis- (/) · lli'8'1iii~~ alt ..--: 0 : - - The undersigned haq openecl 'n. store in :Fuller's :Block, A Li.rge Stock of Cove Oysters, Canned -Salmon, Lobster~. Sardines, and othtit· Ca.nned Goutls. THE GREATEST 1'tfrr. J. Ruse, .. Soirccs supplied on rea!lonable Lel'ln~~ CASH paid. for any quantity of Egga nnd Butter. Wonder of Modern Times. . Poet's Corner. Bowmanville. Ilowmanvillo, -May )\)th, 1876 34-tf J"AMES WYLLIE, FAMILY BIBLES, Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES.Large Assortment. N.B. That deservedly popular Teach er's Bible, in various bind1ng.s Dlit( Sin :- The Ma.thustik Piano I purchased from you l1as given entire f;a.tisfaction and proved itself n. superior iuatruu1e11t in every re~pect, I wonld recommend all to see ·the Ma.thuaek, before purchasing elsewhere. I.LI .::I· .... .p opp0f:lite '.L'releven B Shoe Store, where he will keep on hand a full n.nd v a1·i~d 1:1tock of Ill !'·URl~I'I'"C':RE, which will be dis.f.osed of at the LOWES'l1 MAH.KBT Ph.IC. E S. Persons intend· ing to commence housekeeping, will find it largely to their advanttt,go to consult him, eie purch~ing elsewhere . For Ge:i.1ts, For Ladies, For Children. Latest Styles ancl Good Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. STORE.- One door au,at ofCornish'sJewelry Store, ~ing The Common Sense WASHER! 'l'he Pjlls Purify the Blocd, correct all disorders of the J~iver, 8to1nach J:(idneys n.ud Bbwela, and are invaluable in ah coroplaints incidental to Fen1a.le9. 'Ihc Ointment is tho only reliabl1:1 renu~lly for nwl LegR) OM "\Vounds, Sores and Ulcers, of howC'vcr long standing, li'o1· Br011 cliitis, Diphtheri:i., Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equaL HIS Vlnshiug l\Ja.c11i1Jo ha!'· been received with un\\rersa.t fnvor, in many of the States of the Union. and tO·ll~Ly, sta.uds higher in the esti1nation ot housewives, .thnn any other. 'l'hey are now introduced into this vicinit.y, by the und ersigned, who has already sold a. large nutnber. 'J'he pointi:; of excellence consist in ]ts silnpbcity.and the saving of soa:p, lalmr and time. An ordina.ry washing, for a large family, can be <loi.e by children fro1n 8to12 years old. Prof. J. Ru:Je, .. BOOKS, in Great Vari.ety. l)EAR SIR :-I have pleasure in iidUing my ALBUMS, CJhe111p and R1·ett' testimony to the toany you hnve alrendy re· WIUT1WG DESKS, and WORK BOXES ceived in favor of the weil meritd l\fa.thnsek H. T. PHILLIPS. ENNISK!LLEN,,Tan. 25th. 1876. z - 0 ..p (J) Fiirniture rn. . adc to order on short nol'ice, and llcpairvng neatly done. T MICROSCOI'ES, , S'I'EREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPES. Piano, purchased from you recently. I am well 1:11.ttisfi.ed with it in e'·ery respect, and con· sider. for beauty and tone, it .is· unsutpassed by any inst1·ument I h" ave yet seen. .· S. C. HILLIER, M 1 D. Ci ..... A UNDERTAKING. Lwrgest Collection of Stereoscopic Views in Town. ENNISKILLEN, P1·of. R ,usc. .Ja.n. l,)th. 1876 .' ])EAR STR :-'1110 Medium Mathusek we got from you gives eri.tire sa.tit:1factiunin every res.p ect. l cau uuhesitatjngly recommend it to all desiring a good piano. Pastor of 1-'resbytcrian Church. Strtlet, Tiowmauvillo. D. STEWART. The Clothes c're JJerfectl11 cleaned, arul not in the least worn lnJ it. A J\.1adlin~ can be seen a.t the Grocery; Store of John l\'lcA'lnrtry, Bowrniinville, or at the'= resi· dence of the subscriber, 011t&rio .St.,and 1nuties desiring: to see it in rirnctical use, can do so, by 1 I deem it my duty to state tlrn.t my Pill9 leaving their uames wit;h 1rir. l\fcl\ [nrtry, nnd and Ointnwnt are ll!.:lither inanufactured nor the subscriber will do a wash for them, free of charge. 1mld jii :'\.11y part of the United States, ]!~ach Pot and Box bears the Briti-sh GovernThe O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer ment Stamp. with the words,.·· Hollowtl<y'a the beat i11 the n1arket 1 also kept on hand. l'acPills and On1trnen,London,,. engraved thereon. tory price, $8, will be sold for $7. Comn1on On the label ii:1 tho ad<lr~s,53;), Oxforrl Strctit, Sense \Vm!her, $7. \Vaah(~r and \Vdnger, $12. IJ011don. 'fhofigure at which the \'Vri11gtir is offered, is "\Tile anU spurious imitations of "Holloway~s below the. l.,actory price ; miri the large l'f!tlnc· tion tnadc un the · Wafl hel' a11d "\Vringer, M an Pill~ H.ud Oititment," are manufactured an<l sol1l under the natol::! of "Hollrnva.y &.Co. ," by J". F. iuctuce1nent to tho public, will only be gi\'en fur IIenry,Curra.n & 9 0 o . , o f Druggists two uiouths from elate. of New York, with an assumed 'rhcy cannot fail to sati~fy, as all who ha.ve trade tnii.rk,thu~ ~ · iii -In Cannda, tritid them, speak highly of thi.;m. P. THO.MAS. t h e principal E ~ ~Vholeso.lc Dealerr.i in th<.Jse Oounterfoilt> are Bowman~ille, ~far, 2,1th, 1S76. ~6-tf. Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. Bowmanville,1\fay 6th. 1.875. . J. SMALE. M'l'. J. Ruse, OSHAWA, ,Jan 24th. 1876. Hae bt!en procnred of latef!t desig-n . 1}"urnish· ings for funm·pJs !l.lways unhand. All Funen't1s in town and country, n.tttcnded at & reasonable charge. llesidence, Corner.of Queen auJ Br1nvn Sts., nextdoot to l\fr. J. P.l\.ice's. Call and Exa1nine. ., Dt"":AR Srn:-'l'he No. 11. ~fa.thusck is all that you so.id OOJ)1me.11d1\tory of it, 1nusiciane have tr·ied it aud prollouncetl it excellent. MI'8. B. MITCHEL. RETIRING! A :Rare Chance. 'l'he undersign~<l being about to HAMl\TO", Jan. 31st. 1876. M1·. J. Ru1;e. DEAH. Srn :-- It affords m· great pleasure in acknowledging the entire satisfaction and my high appreciation of the ~:Cathusek piano pur· chased from you a few ciaya since. Great Inducements. :FABM :FO:R SALE. "TI-IE TEE VIN F AR:l\f." is l'lituate three and ttl' hnlf north IT of Li11tlsay, !a.ciug rive!'. There is 180 cleared, and the is thicltiy mile~ tlJ~ A. DAVY. Dowmn.nvillc, Mar t6th, 1876. · ~5-tf. S. J., SMITH. H -o·o- Seventh Con. of Fenelon, containing in one FULL AGRAFFE, 7-00TAVO FROM block, 11iiee Hundred Acres. 1~cre,e remaind~r ~nd hemlock'. PRICES: Ill who obtain the1n at very low pric~s, frl!lltl J, F. Henry, CntTan & Co., of 1'1cw York, and this trash is supplied to UnprinGipled Retail Vend~1r-s, who sell the same a.s my genuine Pills and Ointnrnnt; which are manufa.ct1u·od ouly at ti~\ Oxford Stl"eet, I,ondon, and may be obta.ined fro1n the following }~irms, viz. :.Evans, 1\-'Iercer and Co., :).!ontreaJ. :Th'Ie1:1~H'5. Avery, Brown and Co., Halifax, N.S. ?riessrs. '11 · B. Bc.trkel' and SonEl, St. John,N.P. ]..fessn1. :Elliot and Co., 'l'orouto. \V"ho in1port them direct frou1 here, r.YM.AN, UL.ARE & Co., ~OR'fHHUP & LYMAN, ~~nd LY1rA~ BRO'l'HERS & Co., FOR SALE OR STRJ~lt'r ·ro RENT. App]y to IN THE VILLAGE ONof MIJ.J, Hampton, three doors "\\>·est of Elliott'8 stoni: a. large two story Rough Cast lhvelling, t>osscst5ion will be given at once. the pl'oprietor. Mercha.at Tailor. Hampton, March 7th. 1876. 24-tf. JOHN COLE, - THOROUGH-BRED wooded w~th hardwood '!'here is a new brick house, crcctedlast year, :tt a. cost of upwards of $3,000 ; barn 32x70; st.able barn 28x60, with drivi.ng shed attached, sbtd 60x26 j feeding house 30x26 ; a good orchal'd of younl{ tree1:1 ; t\vu good wt::.llF!. 'l'he buildings are all com1)n.ra.:tively new~ and are in good condition. There ate 100 w.:rea: fit fot wheat in the spring. 'l'he farm iR considPred one of the best in the County. It will be sold en l.loc1 or in part on liberal terms . For further particulars, apply to PIANOS from other makers at bottDm prices._ -~_...._ $ 3 0 0. reliable t: ...... 0 ()) Retire from the Harness STRAW, :Business, FELT, AND LEQ-HOitN offers his HATS AND BONNETS, Large and Complete Stock of Harne·s CLEA~l~D and 1nade over in the very latest styles. . · COLORJ:NQ. . · Saddles Whips, Trunks, Valises, &c, at an NORRIS & SOPER No. 8, Adelaide St. East. Toronto. SOLE AGENTS. -:o : - Qpecial attention given to MRS. MAYBEE, a.t iia.rket Square, in rear of FirehaH. BowmMivillc, April 14, 1S76. (29-ly. Immense Reduction for Cash. JOSEPH RUSE, AGENT IN 'i'o Whom it May Concern. AND .ACCOUNTS, IN MY NO'rES, favor, long pi;i.st due, must be paid imtne<liately, or coats \Yill be in<:urre<l. HO'C'SE AND LOT FOR SALE. Shortltorns for Sa.le .. OUlt THOROUGH.BRED DUltHAM F Bulls, yearlings, reCl....and roan, can be pur. chased of the at reasonable rates. under~i~cd: JAMES '.l'EEVIN, on the premises, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533 Ocford, Street, W. 0. London, January 1st, 1876. w33·o20 ItOll'l'. OULLACOTJ', 24·tf. Tyrone, J?. 0. Also Agent for Dominion per day at home. Sample· $5·TQ $20 worth Organs, Bowman'9ille. $1 free. ST1NBON &. Co, Portlaml, Maine. bp-o10-m2ii·ly. Hampton, Fab. 8th; 1876. ' 2().tf. Fenelon. March 4th, 1876. Lind.say r o. · 27-tf n ·A RLINGTON, CLARKE, W!f!TBY; REACH ANn CARTWRIGHT. A perty, situate on the corner of Hunt and Give him an Early Gall, and secii1 e ' BARGAINS. VEliY DESIRABLE piece of town pro· vVANTED! A family. SI'~UAr1,ION a~ N.B. - A.11 p8·rties indebted bY, N~t;Q;"J~Ok '"'-ith "'ell of water, also a. sta.ble, on the pre~ Account, will please.. settle before the 15th day mises. rrhe garden is cultivated. Apply to of March next. Ann·str1:1sts, can be Rurchased at a reas:nu1rbfo figtu·e for cash. 'I here is a new frame house P. W. CONSAUL. Bowmanville, Jan. 6th. 1876.15-tf. · Bowmanville, March 16th, 1876, lio;.i.se-keeper, in a. small ApJ)!Y at tlus Office. 25-ti. ,fOHN H. HAMBLY At l\{R. n.. HAMBLY's, Brickm~ker. · Bo1nnanville, April o, 1876. (m.-28-tf.) Samuel Mason. Bowmanville, Jan, 27th.I · · l > '