THE :MERCHANT .FRIDAY, , JUNE 2 1876, J.ohn Jankin'a Sermon. I. He pays a small tax .in money, if unThe ministm· said iaat night, says he 1 "Don't be of giving, __ If your life aiti't u.vL1ing to other folks, 'Vhy, what"K tL~ use of living ?" .And tha~ what 1 sa.ys Lo v;ife; sayH I, There'rr Brown the miser~ble sinner, He 1d sooner a begga1· would starve tha.n giYe A eent to\varrds buying- a. dinner. I tell you, out· 1ninistet·1 s prime, ho iH, fortunately the law permits him to sell intoxic'antB as a beverage on con.iition of his taking a license and meeting the PF,~scribe,d, comparieon with the tremendous t.9.x which Bowmanville, :March 13th, 1876. DEAR Srn : · We beg to inform you that we have now IS EQUIVALENT TO A PASHION HOUSE: splendid 3'1Sortment of expense of it. Ent this is a small matter in commenced business at thei above address under the firm of New Goods! .AKD I FREE INTO PASS NEW MILLINERY. he pays in other thmgii, For 2. He parts ')'ith his own self-respect. For at the prese~t day when so much· light is thrown on th0 fearfnl evils prod,_ucfd by Dut I couldn't quite determin~, Vv~hen I hea1·d hi1n a giving it right and left, the use of alcoholic drink·, it may be taken Just "\d10 WM hit by his ·Her1non. fdrgrantedthat{iomancan dngn~e in the 'Of eoti rse there couldn't be no business of selling these drink· but at tbe 'Vh en he t ulked of luni.:·winded praying, l!'or;l'ct 1· r r. ~·HJ. JolinRon they sat and scowled expense of forfoiting all due regard ~o )iim..:\t eve ry wo1·1l h e wa/5 lla.yiu~. FLEMING, AS MUST BE CONSISTING OF SOLD, Pur~ WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC. -o- F. Y. Cowle's, where can be found one of the Also a lot-of_ REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Also a la.rge stock of GROCERS AND GENERAL J\i1ERCHANTS. . I Stamps for Braiding and Em· · Sterling Silver Spoons, and Wedding Rings. En,vmanville, Oct. Sih, 1875. Gold broidery. We have received a large itSsortment of AARON BUCKLER. gelf an<.l hi! dt!eliny aS n. moral and rei:ipou~ A iul I.he n.1i11ister went on to Ai}y, "The v 1n ·i011 ;i, kind~ r,f cheriting, Au el r c-Ji g-ii ·n's u.s gooll for every Urty .A.s it i~ to 1.J1-i.11g t,0 1nflctin~ . I llou'L th i:ri k mudl. of a. m3.n tha.t gives 'l'he loud A mens a.t my preaching, · 1\nd spends his time the following weok In chl'ating and 'in ovc1To,'1,Ching . " siblc being. He pays away bis own honor. 3. He adds to this expenditure 4is own conscience and the ri· g bt use of_ his reason. He caste tlown his own s~nse of 'right' a.:Dd Groce1·ies, Crockery, GlaSSWltre, Seetls, &c., · Selected personally Largest and Most Varied Stock OF !FA s H- ro. ~s for Spring just to hand. by T. BRIDGMAN, , (formerly with J J. ,D..Strowg~~ ~ . · Having removed to more commodious premise~, tramples it under bis feet. Greed is given . Milne), from the principal markets of the country ; the ~ame th·e prcpo~ derance over duty and rectitude. fo obedience to the 1M1ests of avarice he having been purchased for cash, at from 10 to 15 per cent., flings contemptuously uway hi.:i, better NEwc.A.srr+.:m~ , Spring IN · · I guew; tl 1a.t doRe was blLter enough] :For a lu;m lil[c J"vn.e~ to 1:1wallcr, B ut I noticed he didn't OIJL'll his mouth, Not once, after tliat tt'l holler ; 1Iu1Tah, JOJ<.lJ'S l, for the n1inii:;terOf course I Faid it qu1ct " Give us s01ue inorc of thiP. open tnJk; lt"s very rcfrc shillt"! diet. 'l'he 1n1nfater hit 0'111 evwy thne ;l Au d when he svuktt o(ifashion, .A. nd a·1·iggin) out iu bows an~. thi.ngs. A s wouuiu's ruling pa.ss1 on, .:\.nd a corning to elr.1rch to see the stylest I couldn't help ii-winking .A nd a·nudgingmy wilti, andsa.ys I , H 'Ihart's yon ,!! And I guess it sut her thinking. Says I to 1nyself, 'l'h~t !'41;;11non'a pat j But ma.u is a_q11~er Cl'eation, .A. 11d 1'1ll rnu d1 afraid thn.t roost d the folkiJ \ \Tun't Lake the a.pplica.tion. No w. if he bd<l said a word about My personal mode of sillJ1ing, I'd have g-one to work to ri~ht mytielf, A.nd not f:!it hel'c a· grinning . Just then Lhe ministc1· says, saye ho, And ·o, in process will be sold at prices that defy competition in this County". of time, be s.uifers the extinguid-hment of this light .of the mind.)1" h·r.densand become· We hope by an' earnest endeavor to serve yo~ well, to meet ca116us, as if seared with a hot iron. Moral dizziness and da.rkJJess gather "IU'Oll thou~hts and feelings. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK; beg to inform the puhlic gt'lnernlly, that thej? G ! OODS and Sun1n1e1· · · DDESSKA..X:INQ USUit-1 · . MRS. A. FLETCHE'R Bowma.nville. April 7th,1874. ' are now enabled to offer them him, till seeing with p.i~torled ~ood, vieiun, he c.alls hif1 wickedness and fondly bugs tlic dcln- · l'vc con1e to thti fellers . YVho've }O$t thifl shower by using' their £1·iende A f:I sort o' moral u.mb1·ellas. Go home, " aaY8 lie, 1 ' and find youl' faults, f nstead of hunting yo1u· brothen1 ' ; G o]lQWe, i' he says," and wear the coats You'vo tried tu Jit for oth~s. " ~iy wife she nudged, and Brown he winked 1 And there \Vas lots of smiling, And lots o'looking at om pew,; It Hbt 1ny blood a- boiling. Sf\ys I to n1yseJf, Ou~ winiister Is getti11g :i, llttle bitttJr; I'll tell him ·when 1neeti..11g'i; out tlui.t I .Ain't ut all tha.t kin<l vf a critter. H And uo~· . B. &; F. ol bis fellow.- men. The better portion of ~. B.-We would particularly beg to call your' attention the comn1unity _ buv.e been enlightened. aa to (AS REGARDS _PRIOE ¢ QUALlTY) the baleful nature and Jestructive effects of to .our assortment of TEAS. The highest price paid for Proth:w a.ny other qouse in the County, . the liquor bnsiuess by years of attentiou to is replete ,vith all the latest styles of Goods, nnd_ th?se w!ll sold low NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT for Cash. Call and price the gcous-seemg is behevmg. its workings. They long and .pray for it· duce, 22·tf. Weight and lllea_ sure Guaranteed artppression. And the man who engages in Bowmanville, March 9th, 187B. Bowmanville, Ap1·il 21st, 1876. · 1, in evei11 i ristanc e. . ttle business of spreading the moral pesti· Jcnoo incurS the earnest disapproval and cdndenin~tion of those - who wish well tow~rds. ihe youth of tb~ communi'ty. He J. D. STROWGER. N ewcastle,Au11u·t, Htb, 187 4 pays npon bis business the taxofbeingjustTHE PATENTALUMINOUS and ORlY: regurUed aa lost, and a destroyer. He has NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER." TH.t; PAPER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING a hollow and uncertain toleration from those DOMINION BANK. 01)ly who 11re as v'i!e as himself. BOWMANVILLE. 5, Ile pays the tax of losing utterly the SOLE ACENT ·FOR THIS PLACE. Capital, Paid Up, $1,000,000 ' ' approval and .favor of God. The farmer who OF LONDON ONTARIO. A Lai·ye Stock .Tust Received,-Plain and OrHEAD. OFFICE, TORONTO, cUlti\·atea the ground may ask God's bltss- 1ioris \vhit;h ar~ ren.dered poRsible through "Lhe obliteration of his moral sense. 4. He casts away the eatee111 and approval p~easure of a call from you, I . with a -libei·al share of Public Patronage. ' Hopmg to have ' t h A Better Inducements TOWN. We remain, yours respectfully, Grocery · Business: ; coop in the line 'of · '".l.,HE Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons-, etc., at prices t<1 suit the h~rd times. 'rhe Clothing Department ?P. Elepha:µtHorise l 'reas a, Speoiality. 80M:E?l1HING NEW ==================:::::::;========:::;=-o'""""""'-"'=========== A substitute for Lath & Plaster ! ---· DOMINION . irlg upon his work, o.nd know that in it he r~ceives the approbation of God. Honor- able and honest . business may be done Bit unto the Lord. 'fhe liquor business is prayerleaa and godless. It ignorea God. It dishonqrs God by degrading his likeness in the men it destroys. God can have no favor for it. His frown is upon those whO fol· CHEAP FURNITURE! CHEAP FURNITURE ! I ICHEAP FURNITURE! At Manning's Old Stand. Savings and INVESTMENT SOCIETY Bll.ANCU OFFICES I 0Jtfl',f,fA 1 00BOURGt 0SHAV.'A 1 namiental, both for WaUs ar,d "loor. . and Dura.blc Substitute for Oil Cloth. WHlTBY, Uiln~1DG.RI! BowMANVILLE, Tl1e Paper Oil Cloth and Oarpet!ng is a CU1eap -- Sefocted. Cliickene. ~============= - ~A Berl<s county tanner bas mowed with the same scythe fur thirty-five yeafs, 'tis said, and he eX )lects to use it until he is no lllO\ver. Topic : Geological discussion. Principal-' Was 1t or warm c~ a hundred years ago than at present I Pupil (honestly)- ' I really don't recollect, sir.' A correspondent entered an office and accused the compositor of not havj ng punctuated his communication, when the typo earnestly replied : 'I'm 1 \ot a poin ter ; 1'111 a setter.' Crumbs for $1,000,000.00 750,000.00 low it. 300,000.00 - · 60,000,00 6, He puys the tux of losing his ·oul. His The Bowman ville Furniture Factory, ·having commen:ed busine~s again, a1iy·part of their deposits at any time, wi\110ut Reserve' o,nd Conti,ngent Fund, _ Money loaned upon real e"&tate on t!ie most favorable terms, mortgalif1e-work i's er1ongh to destroy him. Jror it and the New Company ha·;ing appointeg t.he subscriber, Retail Agent P's~i;~/!i';,~~~;~f intcrestallnwed upon deposits · for the Tow . n and Country around, he JS prepared to offer the with notice of withdrawal. · " h d · t t n ed on deposits men reap ae they SO\\·, a terrible harvest will I American Currency and Silver taken ori de- gos pure ase ' in eres a.· ow . ' :C.EY C~pita~, This Bank, in ad.dition to transacting the uHual banking business, offers to the pub\ic all . the advantages of a Saving Institution with the security of a. large paid-up ca.pita!, by the means oi B SAVINQSDEPARTMENT, Interest allowed Dn ,.all deposits of One DolIa.r a11d upwards, at the rate of FIV..ll: per cent. p~r a.nnuin. Depositors can v,.ithdraw either the whole or ---:o:,--- ,' The Ol1emicala with which the Paper is saturated, rt.inder it proof against Rat.a~ :L\-Ioths and,lfii..it1. . ' Subscribed, Paid up . Varnish Polish! Anqther thing tntwh wanted. This Polish gives a most elegant lustrc,a.11U dries instantaneously, hC:r co.fter Le gathC'red from these present sovringR of drunkenne8S with itS attendant ruin, miseries and ·woe. The dollara gained no\v can be no compensation far the ultimate loss. "V\Thut a shan1e, v.'l.if.1t a horrible 0 Vei-y ' BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at_Prices beio:w any P £!~1t. granted P·Y"-ble inGreat Britain, I>. MAPrcesF1.dieEnt'. . F. · Man~_er ·. h "t . b d elsewhere in the Provrn "'e lTnited States and all p11I't$ of Canada. 0 B k Nothing ever discovered , be. h t , a W lC l C~, e procure · · G>ii"Deposits can b· ·emitted by mail,adffi:ess- Reference by permission, GEO. McGILL, EsQ, Manager n~ano an , fore to equal this Polish. ed to the Dominion oank [registered], wl\en in Bp ' wmanvi'lle. '"IT LIA . M ALLISON, ESQ., . M. D., Bowmanv1lle. :B S ..... ' 0 thing it is that for the sake of the present ga/n any should be found to pay tbie fearful tax.-Reti9ious Herald . . all cases a Pass-Book receipt will be sent by return post. J. A. CODD, Agent, Bowmanville, JMt. 6th, 1874, 15-tf. l'f _...., '=~;;;;;;~~~~=======::::=::=::=::=====:"::=~=~~~~~~== = A BIG RURH Piano ie now ra.ging at ~ London, .J:\.Iat'.lh, 8th, 1876. FOii FOB Fortes, Buggies, Cutters, ·sleighs, and all 1cind8 of V ai·nished. Carriages Fhnerals furnished m every respect, in the Very Best Style· aul at PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COUNTRY. ~~On~ SO, HO! Gentlemen ·of ---Fa.shioti. Clock8, Picture Fi·ames or any kind of Varnished Fu1·n·it1ire. ,FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Lopping Away the Large.Limbs. of the FlNES'l.' HEARSES int~ Prov'!mse, SENT !REE to any Funeral furnishetl by the Subecribei·, within Ten miles of Bowmanvale. NOT SO FAST. TRELEVENS~ 1'hat \Vas a good Detroit Loy \vho t old his father that if he \vould b~ty hiin a !JOl1f h e \VOUld let him have the USe of it \Vhen it \Yas too~ rainy for good b oys to b e o ut. · -~{az e, n1 y frcn ts, I calls zees a pers\vhcn he d · d even less ; but twelve to twenty-five years may pi:ral staircase,' as Don1. T>e ro gasp~ be requited to grow its like,and tha.t with it is well to hnprovti the fruit o{ our 01·cl1a.r1ls Reports hn.ving been circulated~ tha.t the u:11;dersigned h_ ns ~een over~harging in the Undertakby grafting, but too ufte)l is t}rn tree tle:"itroyed thhreby . A )l (-a.lU1y tree, ten to t\venty years iug Dt!partu1ent, be begH to subnut the follo"\\--ing figures, '\'h1ch he challenges any one t.o contradict. Reµorted amount charged, Actual amount cha.rgerl. o1 ~1~ tlie n~ual character of tre{'s gr~fted, standFifty Dollars, rl'~·;clve Dollani. ink on good soil, is valuable property, and 'J'hirty do. Nme do. Fm·ty-.b'ive do. . . . . Twenty-five dG. th orf)fore the la\vs of life that govern treee Si.'.X'ty Jo. Fo~ty do. shoulJ be well mastered. L:y the g1·after. A tl'De Fifty do, T~~rty do. Seventy-five do. · Fifty do . u1ay be hurled to destruction in half a.n hour or p11 rl ed out lu::; handkcrcluef a nd mo pped his brO\V., OU the \Vay up to the clorne uf the Capitol. }'on<l n1u1nn1a about to get in to the carriage, to 5111 alI" Uoy in the hous~ door _ , N 0 ,v, F'reddie, are you not gomg to k is~ ine ?; li'.reddie,- -' I haven it tiinc to con1.e do"'·n, 1narnrna. ('fo footn1an ) · ('f b ·- J oh n, you kiss inainma for Ine. a ~ 1cau. ) .:\. sinar t ansµ..·cr - . A n1inister 111 one o f h i::i lJarochial visits n1et a co,vherd, an d asked · hin1 ,vl1at u 1clo ck it \\ras . ' ...'\.b ou t t\velve, sir,' \Vas the reply. ' \Y'" elli· (llLOlh the tninister, ' I thought jt been nlore. ' 1 lL's never any more · here, ' said the boy; 'It just begins· at une again/ 'l'here are n1any t_ ryings in life, but a re spect is _never so 'voun;led inan\:i self¥ as ,vhen he se e::; a silver Len-cent piece lying on a shO\V case ; n1ake:; up h~s Illind to steal it ; gently reaches_ out Ius hand to take it in1 and then discovers that it is .,alued on to the under s1·d e of be ·a goed yea.r ·for grafdng-. 'l'he tre~s- h~ve the glass. . now much i·eoovered from the dry ·ummers and }\. 'l'O\.Yanda, Pa., sign reads thus : cold winter:S, and tho gt:(mnd i:.- f11J-l .of 1noisture ' 'John Smith-teacher of CO\V~illions agai11- favorable for yonng grafts. '!'be earlier the rrntch care and expense. The wain cause in killiI:.g trees by gra.fting, is in Ctltting a\\"a.y too much wood llt i~ tiruc. \Vhen a tree is th1m . rol~bed too muoh of its wood, it Josee it.a power to draw the isav o.f thu wl1(1le rootE1, aind so it;~ functiorn~ of life arc .impaired', aud soon death rnay set in. J ,arge limbs can11ot be cut from '·thJ t-ree with<mt se~·ercly hurting it. J)o not, Uuw, con11nit a.n onslaught on your trees by a "'holr~flale cutting with the grafting sa'v':. Bet· tot1consume two or three years to chauge ~the frnitofyonl'trees than to lose it cntiiely, (lr loi"le its usef11lne1:1:.-1. Graft smaU limTM· I t is better to put in nwre grafts than to cut a la,rgc limb. Cutting should be seldom done where t.he lin1b iB oytir t,~·· inches thick. '!'he safest siz~ is fro1n httlfan i.IJcli to an inch 'aud fl. half. '!'he 11uu1ber of liro\:.1s to he cut cannot he givt!n on 1 ral)f!r ; the grafter himself must use his jw..\g ru ent i 1i this. Of courso the sfae of tref".fl guide~ this matter also. 'lhe. most thrifty trees are' moJit likely to be hurt by a too heavy cuttink. Dy all 1nean;; leave mori-! young-branches thaln ·what yon tale away, and. do not disfigui-1:the1tt·ee too much hy the operation. V\o.,.hnn tn:::1s took ba.ld by ~f"a.ftin°g-, the cutting was too .heavy, and the tree is damaged. ·rhis w-iU Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Coffins, of New York. w. p, Bowmanville, M.!tr ch 30th, 1876. PROWER. ----.----- - -- - - - I written these few lines And all I have to say, That you can find me still at home I am not gone a.way; So all my kind old friends may oorne And all the young onea too And get their garments n_icely m_ad~ In fn.shion11 that are new. Where old a.nll young Utihr friendm"" meet A welcome greeting by R . PEAT·E · Dowmanville, June 19th 18"73. SOLE ACENT FDR THIS PLACE. lIAltDWARE ! .As usua , a L rge Stock on .hand of LEVI. lVIOiiRIS, ·Hardware, Paints and- Oils, 8toues and. Tinware. rAll of wbi~:h. wifl be s0lci nt IOw fignrea. ~ S. F. HILL i. aud he 1s determined to continue to sell at these ruinously low prices ' cheaper than the cheapeRt. Why he can do it-: GENERAL CONTRACTOR First, he buys for cash and knows just how to buy! I AND BUILDER. Second, what he c!tn't buy cheap enough, he ma1rnfac;tures nuf:actnrer of Sash, Blinds Third, be is so,tisfied with small profits ! Ma ' )fourth, he sells for ; Doors, Mouldings, and Win· Fifth, he sells at bottom price~. dow Frames, ' . -o· With or VJithout Oasi11g. With. or without . Band Moulds. John Mc:C.eod & Wellington Iimldings, Bowmanville Co., August IOth, 1875. CALL AND SEE J.FO. YO'UJRS'l\!:LVESc1 AND t F1JLL STOCK OF BRIN.G YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. lry .Goods,- CJlotl1iu,g~, Groceries, &c~, I Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, O?·namental Pickets, in eve?'Y var·i· I cty, a1i.d Sc'l~oll SaVJing, of every " description' Examine. e stook, whfoh comprises eyerything in the trade1 of the very latci"lL and tnost elegan st;Yles and patterns, of 1£nglisll, Canadi~n, and .america.n manufacture. . -o--He still continnea to manufacture to order, from th~ best of, and none but first-class · ·w orkmen ke~t. -o- l · Orders Prom 1L)' xecuted, ai;id Good Fits Guaranteed TH.l!i MERCHANT . ha.a noW a bona He bas in stock an endless Yariety of I..adies' and Gents' Sarotogn. Trunka 1 Va.lisea, eto., all of ·which he is selling cheap for -o- Circulation of 1000. and with the exception of a few, these pass into thti hands of the people of \Vest Durham. The publicwill a.tonce R ee the utility of the pa.p~r. a.s an Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. Bowmanvillo, llia 13, 1874. DONE TO ORDER, on the anrJ is Selling Very Clieap. M. TRELEVEN. aod other dances - gran1ar taut 1n the ncetest inauncr- fresh salt herrin on · l-rutcs iiraft-likewise Godfreys cordia iaassagc:: and other garden truckN. B. A l>awl on friday nite-prayer work h; done, the .better for the health of the 'tr~e. - .racob Ganzho·~·n, Ann Hwrbor, ~n The _;u.Jhfga _n l1 ~'?1ier. · · :Suy ' once and you will buy again~ Bowmanvillc, April 28th, 1876. I o----- SHORTEST NOTICE. Shops on Liberty Street, North of the :Ea.stern House Bowmanville. 'Bowmanville, July 9th, 1874. 41-f.f I' TO THE I PUBI_J~CC. th·~ public g~neral l y, ADVERTIS~NG MEDI UM. -1 '1 I't Bas No Equal in thit1 Constituency, and this faut is being con etantly demons~rated. pa,pt)r. rncctin chuesday also salme sin gin by the quire. ' Class in the middle of geography, stand up,' oaid a schoolmaster. ' _ What is a pyramid?' he asked. 'A pile of n1en in · a circL1s, one on lop of the other.' 'Where's Egypt?' ·' Where it always was.' 'Where's Wales?' 'All over the sea., '\1ery 'vell/ said the · schoolmaster ; 'stay there till I show you a species of birch that grows all over the land.' As a boy was going down a street in Boston, a woman opened the front door of a house and called, ' John, John, Job n !' As the boy paid no attention to the calls, a pedestrian said to Jum, ' Here, boy, your mother is calling you.' 'No she isn't; replied the lad, as he Vegetarian ·Recipes. ]\fusunoou P1: DDl:-:IG .-Ono vint of n1ushroorhs. half a pound of bread crumbs, and t\\'o uun~ ea of butter. Put the butter in the bread, adding pepper and salt, and as much water as will moisten the- bread j add the u1ush- for past favors, would respP.ctfully invite their attention to our present stock of. furniture, a.s we have lately added thereto, that v·e may thereby be enabled to wnpply all parties who may please .t o · favor him with a calL Great inducements held out to those purchMiug at our establishment . PictureR, f,ooking Gla!:IReH. etc. fl'a.roed tu otde1·, 1tll4 ih every style. Sa.mples of the different Jciud of o uldin ~e can be 'leen at Qie ware·rooro. We would also beg to inform yon, that, having purchased & WALTER WIGG& SON' . N returning thanks to numerous customers and SPLENDID NEW ·HEARSE, If you ha.Ye lost anything, advertise in thia: M)o.'1.{CHANT. paper. I£ :ron have fouhcl ruiything, a.clverti1ff1 i.n the · I I I4you want to sell anything, advertise in this If yon ·w ant to buy anythi)'lg,advertif'le in the 113e M.KIWHANT . rooills cut in pieces ; line <"t bAAin with pA$1Le, })U"~ iu the .ioixtnr·i, cover. with p;tste, tie a cloth ov~ir, and bnil an hou1· au<l a half. It is equally g:ood baked. R tH~lT.liliED EGGS, 01i Rtil.IBLBD EG&s.-11reak thr~e eggs into .a s1nall atew pan, put a. table- Important _t\nnollncement I If you want to reach the public, columns of the ~ililtCHANT. the Wt! STARTLING A Very shall be ready at a ll times to attend funerals 1 on short notice a~d reaimnnble termR!I N. H.-CoHins kept on hand and made to order, at the OUR RATES ARE LOW. As $. weekly llP.WSpaper, the MEROHANT is f5C9't1.:t:1ly excelled. Sixteen columns of care~ fully seJectod reading 1na.tter appea1 · in each i18ue, comprising Litera.t<Ure, Ag·rir.ultU't(l,l, Fa1nily .Reo{t,ing, . Genera/, a.nd Local Newsall fresh and readable, Su.ltscriptionr; taken any tl.cne , durlng the year~ Pol"l'ED LENl'fLS on H.A1ucors.- ·Ste\v a teasister Sarah, . can't I have cupful of le,ntils in ""'"·a.ter ·with a mo~el of butanother piece of that "nice _ c ustard pie te1.\ and l'lotne mushrootn powder. Beat up .to R· smoot.b pMte. \"'V ben cold, add an _eq_ual 1 yo u inade ?' "\Vhy' deary, you are too ,1,1antity of fine brov.-·n Lrea.J cnunba, with eea·. full utt en1n~e IlOVt'. J. . ook' at that oocing of salt, ina<:e, and cayeune, aud the aize l11 ~ c1ous dumphng Oil yo".Ul' plate not .of a. ·w a:luut of old chee:;e: Beat all toge~her half eaten. ' 1 ·0h, \\tell, sister, I kllO\V ,vith tw'o ounces of butter. Press firmly into t he d un1pling side of iuy is vote:. [liaricot beans n"Jay be used instewJ of f uH, but the cu~tan.l-pie side feels rather · entha.] If it is to kept lung, hot butter · e mpty yet. 1 'l'hat other piece is miss- rnu~t bo poured on the t{lp, understand she can't run rne.' "" }le isn'l six years old, and he said: ' Please, spoonful of milk'fuld an ·ounce of frcali butter, add! a 8Bltspoonful of salt o.nd a ' littlo pepper. Set,tho 1;tew pan ovor n.1nodcrate fire, ~ and stir the eggs "\Vitb a spoon, being careful to keep t·ve ry particle in motion until it is 1.set. Have reiWy a crisp -piece of toast, pour the ~ggs upon it, and scr\'e i1n1nediately. ['l'his mode of tlressing '. securt)S that the whitC and the yolk 1:1ha1l be turned · the corner; 'she's only my perfectly mixed. The whit,e, which is so vei-)· father's second wife, and I want her to nut1'iiiovs, is insi}Jid a.nd unpalatable \vhen the cgp- is sirr1ply boiled, fried, or pn::..ched,] Having been delayed _ s everal weeks, in opening out his Markus Mayers, ff., . lUclUURTIY, .. Revelations! --o-Serious NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. King Street East, Oshawa· O·hawa. Aug. 26th, 1810. , Charge , bfl.l:led upon subetantialfactsJ is just being cir culated, and is to this effect-·that one of ou promineut Merchants, J. ELLiori~rr·s . Procrastination ' is the thief of time, but bnYini; Goods at- TERMS 75 CT8., IN ADVANCE. --:o:wel~ave evt'ry facility. ¥.7 e do not ,~·ork forn. o tinng, or fun, bnt our prices wiU be found low, a.s ou1· pn!SSes a,re i·un by steam power, has purchMed an immense Stock of Good!), on New Goods ~ :Elstablishment, advantageons terin!'i, <".I.nil he hi fiOing to gh·e liia Cust .. mera the benefit of his bargain. 'l'he Stook is ve1·y lar/ e, embracing has'" dete1·mined to offer, during the S01.tth Sea &al, Ermine, Grey and Black· Lamb, Gi·ebe and Minic Sets varying ln price according to quality, and --·-· S. VANSTONE'S FO:Et CJheapSto1~e ~lteap Store TYRONE, Has now a full n.ssorted Stock of JOB PRINTING ··1 j I I ror ren1ainder of tbe S-eason his entire stock, at such prices ·as will ensU,re a o{ ia the best n1eans of gett;ing the lVorth of your motuJy, in rrYRONE Caps, Collaretts, Muffs, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. All the Goodis ru·c well wad;;,, of t11e ' FIRST·CLASS GOODS. he CLEA.RING SALE. Latest in Styles! -:tt:. Sh9w Bills. Sale Bills · Hand Bills Progammes Cfrculars Bill Heads Cards · Pamphlet s a.nd everything fro1n the site ·of a Poster ia.rge en~ugh ,to cover.a barn to n. half-inch strip, printed in good style, and at cit pncti1:1. Specimens of wol'k can be seen at Ollt" office. Work handed out, \ .nd the cnEb taki·n forit ing. BAKED PoTA'.rOES \YJ.'l'H SAGE AN.t> ONroN..In tlte following maJiner a \Judding Pe~,l as 1n~y pota.tocs . all y0u require ; }Jut Bohem ian expresses himselt; about them in ·a pie dish, and a good sized onion, with j ourn aiis1n, in a college paper printed in ha.If a teaspoonful of dried Sl:l¥\'e, two ounces of an Iov,ia institution : ' lt ,LS .to be 1nost butter, and enough \\·ater to oover the bottom devoutly hoped that the time is speed- of the di1:1J:. Season with salt and pepper. ily ~oming when outraged public opinion-the faithlul mentor of a free peo- 'RAHtEY So uP--.So1\k four ta.ble-f)poonfuh; of ple-will arise in all the fury of abused ScotuL ba1·Jey r'nr an hoiu· . .P.nt it iu ~ stew pan d ignity, an d 'vith . n1a~adonic polver The stock is all NEW, purchased with · c~re, and at remarkably Low Rates. - ~~ CALL ~t\.ND SEE How Ohea11 good Goods .can be solll for CASH. All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, and the Prices 'such as has never before been offered in Bowmanvi!le. He also offers a very attractive lot of Goocls 0. :BARKER. M. UFFLER1$, SHIRTS", DRA WERE, SOCKS, COLLARS, NECKTlE,Q, BRACES, d!c. They must be Sold, and SaCl'ifice.e will be Ca.ah Customers will buy on close margins, Manaqer THE 8G'IOOL NOVELTY I THE NOISELESS AND Un.breakable Slate thoroughly purge this field of useful labor, of all its foul and exotic excrescences, and open rt pure soil for honest husbandmen.' witli about a pint of cold. water. Set it on a moderate fire; let it stew gently·; and add three good-sized onions, two small ttlrnips, a. can·ot, and head of celery. SeBson to tastti with , salt a nd pepper. \Vhcn c1uitc soft, add a _ til.t>Iespoonful of ntushroom ketchup. CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS. X . . MA YE:R'S. Eow1nanvilleJ Oct.~let, 187~ OUR BOOK ~{001'r Send for it I . . A!k for it! I/ O. BARKER... · '~ I ---· i / --