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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 9 Jun 1876, p. 1

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, ~·:~~~ , co 'I'HE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. circula.tes largely in the To,vnsh.ips of Darlington, Clarke and Cartwright. It is a. common platform, (1pen to the free dhlcussion of all questioneiu which the general public are concerned. TERMS. Steam Job I'rinting Offl.e· KING· S'l'REE'f, BOWMANVILLE. Seventy-five cents per annum1 In advance. The 'Merchant' and Observer,' $2-00. RATES OF ADV t!.RTISING, One column 45 per annum. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VII. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. JUNE 9, 1876. NUMBER XXXVII Half do. 25 " Quarter do. · · JO " Transient Mlvertisements,5 cts per line first neertion, anJ 2c, per line, each subsequent one. POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS. 'CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &c, " POETRY. second examination. What his conclusious were '"ill appear in the following convera~ tion held with Dr. Angier. 'The tumor is not of a mnliguant character,' Dr. Hillhouse replied, in answer to 'But it is larger his assistant's inquiry. than I at firat ·Uspecte<l,and ie growing very rapidly. From a alight euffusion of Mrs. Carlton's face, whjcb I did not :obaerve at any previous vialt, it is evident that £he tu.;.or is beginning to press upon the carotids. Serious displacements of blood-veseelB, nerves, glands and muscles must soon oceur ii thie growth goos on.' '·rhcn her hfe is in danger 1' Dr. Angier, " _, It is, assuredly, a.nd nothi~g but a SllC· cessful operation can sDve her. ' What does Dr. Kline think of the C!Ule r 'He agrees with me as to the character of the tumor, but thinks it larger than an orange, deeply cast among th" great bloodveeaels, and probuhly so attached to their sheaths as to make its extirpation not only diflicult, but dangerou3. 1 ' Will he assist yott in the operation l' 'Yea.' Dr. Hillhouse became thoughtful and silent. IIis countenance \.\o'Ore a serious, almost troubled aepect 'Never before,· he saidJafter a long pause, ' have I looked forwar<l to an operation with such a feeling of concern as 1 look forward to this. Three or four months ago, when there was only a little sack there; it co<ild have lJeeu removed without risk. But I greatly fear that in its rapid growth it bas become largely attached to the Mood-vessel· and the sheaths oi nerves, and you know how difllcult this will make the OJJeration, and that the risk will be largely iucreaaed. The fact is, doctor, I nm free to say that it would he more agreeable to me if sumo otber surgeon had the responeibility of Ibis case/ ·Dr. Klin~ would, no doulJt, be very ready to take it off your hands.' ' lf the family were eatistied, I would cheerfully delegate the work to him,' said Dr. f:I1llhouse. 1 Re's a younger man, and his recent brilliont operations have brought him quite prominently before the public.' Ao he spoke, Dr. Hillhouse, who was paet sixty-five, and beginning to feel the effects of over forty yeurs of earnest profesaiona.l labor, lifted his small hand, the texture of wbich was aa tine as that of a \voman 'a, and holding it up, looked at it steadily for some moments. It trembled juet a little. · 1 Not quite so firm ns it was twenty years ago/ he remarked, with a slight dcprr,ssion in bis voice. ' l>HhQ siuhJ is cleJ1rer and the ekill EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Are you not aware that he use· wine to·J would appeal or not, a friend who had been him with life and property. So every· freely 1' almost !Ul much surprieed and dieappolnted where the drunkard ie ignored. Society Dr. Hillhouse was taken by surpriee at at tho rceult of the trial aa I w"" came to me will not truat him, ·and he ie limited in hfa For the Merchant. this intimation. in considerable excitement of munner, ~r~d power to do barrn. SPRING. 'No, lam not aware al anything of \be' said: 'Not Bo with your moderate drinkers. kiud,' he replied, almost indignantly, ' He 'I heard something this morning that They fill our highest ·places and we comBT JAMES \Y'TLLIE, is not Qteetotaller, of course, any more than will surprifle you, I think, as ronch a.a it mit to their care our beat anll dearest inter-IMPROVED ANDlREMODELLED-Traius will leave Bowmanville Station, you or I. Socially and at dinner he takes has eurprise<l me. Has it never occurred esta. Wc put the drunkard aeide because A &ong Jet rue, for the glorious spring, Bow·rna.nville time, as follows : hie glass of wine, as we do ; but to say that to you that there was something etrange we know he cannot be trusted, and give to 'l'ha.t cxnneth to gladden the ea1·th 1 he uses hquor too freely ia, I am sure, a about lrlr. B--on the the day your cMe moderate drinkers, a ead percentage of GOING 'VEST, GOING EAST. Tha.t i1npa.rts to the sky a lovelier dye, was tried 1' Whom are on the way to drunkenness, our miRtake.' Loca.l* .. .. ... 7:20, a.m. ] Express .. 1 . . . . 8;30 a,m. And gives to the flowers their birth. ! Express .......9 30a..m.: l\iixed ...... ,... 4:10 p.m. 1 Some men, as you know, doctor, cannot ~Yea,' I replied, 'it has often occurred unwu.vering confidence. They sa.ilourships .Mixod ....... 2,20 p.m. II Local ........7,50 p .10. That send!:! forth the notes from the t.iuy throats use wine without a ·steady increase oi th! tO me ; aud the more I think about .it, the they drive onr engines, they make and exExpress .... 9:00 p. m. Exprees ..... !J.30 p.1n. Of the birds, as tbey JI ut~tll' along ; ""'This trai·a nu1s every tuorning of wet!k, appctito until it finally getR the tuastery1 more dia~utisfied I .. am with bis mauage- ecute our laws, they take our lives in their Aud awakens the brooks from their sylvan ?I-ion days excepted, and I nn1 afraid Dr. IUine is one of thcru.' ment of lllJ case. Ile is urging me to ap.. hand as doctors and surg~on;i. ; ~e truat nookR, r.L'o join in tlrnir jovial song. ' I am greatly aRtonishcd to hear you aay peal ; but should I do so, I have pretty them to defend or maiutain our legal ri~hto, this,' replied Dr. Hillhbuso, 'arnl I cannot well made up my mind to have other ·we confide to them our interest.. in hundred· No'v the monliDgs ru-ti fair, and 'the puro baJ1ny but hold you mistaken/ counsel.' of different ways that we would neyer air . Ia perfumed with the fra.granoo of flowera; 'Have you ever met him nt n public dfn.. 'That I should advise by all means,' re- dream of confiding to men who were regard· Aud you feel in your heart, when the li(o-b!octd ncr, at the club or at n private entertain- turned wy friend, ed aP intemperate, Is it not fair to Conclude, will st<\rt, SURGERY---SILVERST. ment where there was pleuty of 'Vine 1' "l'he thought has come once or twice,' knowing aa we do how a glass of ·wine too That its aro thu choicf!st of hours. RESIDENCE ONTARIO STREET. ' Oh yee.' · said I, 'that there might have been fa[,e much will confuse the brain and obscure E~.)\v1uanville 1 Jan. 20th, 1876. 1 And obe.erved no uuue11al exhilaration 1' play in the case.' And grand is tho noon, in some shady town 1 the judgtnr it; that society4 in trusting its \Vhen tho sun in a. gloriou8 blaze Dr. llillhouse became reilcctive. Now 'There baa be~n,i returned my friend. great arrr of moderate driakers is stiffcrPours forth hi s Rrcs on the high churuh l!lpirea, 1 that his atttlution \vas called tp the 1natter, What!' I exclaimed. 'Fu.Jae pla.y 1 No, ing fnr i~ . . ond anything we imagine 1 A Cl An<l brightens the enri:.h with his rays. l\,fEMBlm Ol' 'l'HF. HOYAJ, COLLEGB some donhts began to intrude then1selvea. no, I will not btliie\·e so base a thing of doctor loses his patient, a lawyer his case, .Ll.l of Surgeo11s, }i11gland ; Licentiate of the Or to wander at eve, when he take11 ,his lt1a1re, '\Ve car.not always judge the con1n1on !\Ir. B--,' an engineer wrecks hia ship or truin, an ' Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Cor· And in carrr1i11e flush gotia down, oner, etc. · life by w~at\\·e see on convivial occasions,' '1 do not 1nean fn.lae play on bis part,' 0igent hnrtB his principal by a loose or bud In some ahady grove.v.·lth the utlO ihntyou!ove, R~sidence, Corner of Church and Scugog ·be made answer. ' One may take wine rep lieu my friend. 'Far be it from me to bargain, and all because the head had lo·t Streetij,. Bowman ville. '\Vhcrc you're Peen by no eyes but your own. 10-tf. freely with his !rienda aud be as abstemi· suggest a thought agaiust his intch'Tity of for a brief space ita normal clearness. Dec. ord, 1875. f This Company has recently been re-organized by the addition .of three of And the gentle moon sheds calmly down oue as an anchorite during business or pro- character. No, no ! I believe him to be Jlfen hurt tbemeelvea tqrough moderate the most pnictical men from the Factory of Clough & WalTen Organ Co., Iler soft and her v. :tching beams. tession houra.' man of honor. The false play, if there ba.s drinking in thousa.nda of ways,' continued the brig;ht little stars glint their sih·er bare Detroit, Mich., each taking an active P'tl"t in his own particular de~rt And 'Not at all probable,' replied Mr. Carl· been any, has been against him.' Mr. Uarlton. ·We have but to think for a RADUATE OF THE ROYAI, COL· On the fields, and the rock11,a.nd the streams. lege of Physicians, E11g;land. and Victoria ment, and are-now manufacturing an Organ equal, and in many pomts ton, ' and not good in my observation. The 'Against him 1' I could but respond, moment to see thie. Many a fatal docu· University of Victoria College, Under GradW\te superior,to(any manufactured in the United States or Canada. Our cele- All nature ia gay t11rouglt the lengthened da.y, appetite that leads a man into drinking with in~reasin~ surprise. Then a. auspic- mcnt has been signed, many a disastrous and Prize11Hu1 of the University of 'l'oronto,and 1'10 wonder her creatures sing, 1'c Rflyal Uolle~e of Physicians 11nd SuTg"eo1~s brated" Vox"Celeste," "Vox Hunmna," "Wilcox Patent Octavo Coupler," more when among friends than his brain ion of the truth ild.sbed into ruy n1ind. r uinous bargain con. 1 contract made many a ' I~iugstou · Member of the ~ollege of Phys1- "Cello," or ;. Clarionet" · Stops, "Flugle Horn," "Dulcet," "Afoline," For the grecn'\\·ood bowers, nnd tho gorgeous will carry steadily is not likely to eleep 'He had been drinking too much that aummatcd, which but for the glaBB of wine C1a.ns and Surgeons of l )ntaJ"10; Coroner, &c. flowers "Cremona," and Gmud Organ St.op, and 4 That was the Residence a:ud oflice~ -Mnrket Square, l3o'"'·~ when he is alone. Any over·stimulationJ morning,' said my friend. taken at the wrong moment would have Ai·e; the bot"ntiful bequests of Spring. roan ville. 1 a.a you know, doctor, leaves in the depress- meaning of his strauge and defective man- · been rejected. I\ien under the"~xciteJnent------.... .. ...,~· ...__ 22-lly. Ilo\vmanville 1 Feb. 24th, 1876. l\'.nd tha tilnc is the Spiini: for n1n,nh.ind to;. ed atate that follows a craving for renewed agement of the caae, and Of hie confusion of of drink often enter into the ullw1a0BCheriTue 1 And to sca.tter their goo<l y ' seeU, exhilaration, I am very Bure that on the idea· when he made bis closi~g argumeut of designing men only to lose bea·ily, and Which in Autumn they'll rca.p,and have plenty Can be obtained these Orgmrn. to keep, morning after one of tl1e occa~ions to which to the jury.' sometimes to encounter ruin. The gambler 'l'o serve through the 'Vinter of need. I have referreu Dr. Klin« finds himself in 'It was clear to me now, and I wondered entices his victim to drink, while he keeps no condition· for the work of a delicate sur- that I had not thought of it before. 'But,' bis own head clear. He knowe the confus· Tirnvmanville, May 30~h, J i7e. · gical operation until he bas steadied bis re- I asked, 'what has this to do with foul ing quality of wine. BAURIS'l'ER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, &c., laxed nerves \Vith more than a single glnaa.' "play 1 You don't menn to intin1ate that his 'You make out rather a strong case,' has retur:ried to the olcl Office, OV(!r Mr. PatterLITERATURE. 15on'a Store, King Street, Bowma.nvilJe. He paused for a mom ent, and then Baid, liquor was drugged 1' said Dr. Ilillbouee. Eowmnnvillc, Ma.y 19Lh, 1876. 34- hn. with etrong emphasie: 'No. The liquor waa all right, eo fo; ._., 'Too strong, uo you think I' DANGER; OR WOUNDED IN THE 'Tho hand, Dr. Hillhouse, that cuts clown that goee,' he replied. 'The story I heoxd 'Perhaps not. Looking at the thing R R LOSOOMBE, HOUSE OF A FRIEND. into her dear llesh must be steadied by was this. It came to ·me in rather a curious through your eyes, Mr. Carlton, moderate BARRISTER-AT-LAW, 130L WTTOR IN CHANCERY, &c healthy nerves, nod not by wine or brandy .. way. I waa in the reading-room at the drinking is an evil of great n1agnitude.' BY T. S. Ail'l'.HUR. · .No, sil'; I will llot hear to it. I "-·ill not League this morning looking over a city c It is, ussuredljt, aad far ~reater, as t 0.FFIC:m,- Over l\:lcClung's Store. aam& fla.t aa J. . Brimacontb's Dental Rooms. h" ave Dr. Kline. In your bands, and yours paper, when I happened to hear your name bavo said, than is generally supposed . The (Continued.) Bow:manvillo, Oct. 27th, 1868. ty alone, I trust my "'ife in this g~eat e:x- spoken by one of two gentlemen who sat a ; chfldrru of this world are very wise, and C HAPTEit X.lV. tremity.' little behind me talking in a confidential enme of them I am sorry to add, very un· Dr. H1llhouse could not so veil his face ' That is for you to decide,' returned Dr. '"ay, but in a louder key tha.n they imngin- ; scrttpulous in gaining their ends. 'fbey as to hide from Mr. Carlton the doubt and Hillhouse. ' I felt tt to be only right to ed. I could not help bearing what they know tho power of all the agencies that aro ATTOlll'/ .EY AT LAW, Aqenls Wanted in Every County. Send for Price List. concern that \Vere in his wiud. give you an . opportunity to avail of Dr. said; After tho mention of your name I around them, and do not scruple to make SOLICI70R TN CHANCERY, 1 Deal \Vith rnc plainly,' sai. d the latter,as COl'>i VEY ANGER, J!e. Kline"s acknowledged ·kill. I am sure you listened with closo attention, and foun<l uee of whatever comes to their band, DOMINION ORGAN ao., BOWMANVILLE ONT. 4ddress he stood alone with the doctor after the exthat they were talking about the law-suit, Three or four capitaliste are invited to meet can do so safely.' NEWCASTLE. ONT. Also Genen1,l .Agents for Canada, for the BRADBURY PIANO. amination was over. ' I want the exact Eut 1'Ir Cnrlton lVas very enlphatic in hie and about 1\-Ir. B--in connection thera.. at a fgl;!ntl~mu.n's house to consider some m51-tf, N cw castle, Oct. 8th, 1875. · h truth. Dou't conceal anything.' rejection of Dr. Kline· with. 'It was a sharp game,' one of them proposition he has to lay before them. They Rice & Barker, Agents for the Counties of Du1·ham, Victoria, and Nort 'I may be a little peculiar' he ~aid 'but . , j,1 · i:-ro 11 " " """~A .~.-. · " · · -- ~' '" " " w-itn"o'u '""" "Ji-,n g" "~ eu·s·p·'1·J.. ··' lif,"rtl.l!, , . llfr. Carlton's lips trembled. u.v JVU AHVW .L UCl'Cl UUJ::'.\o tl.llJ u .ul'l.J.1.tU..&H Qtller. · - · ·· ·l\o a"'"u"r J. Cl 0 ll -151 '"da"·'~'!. \'Y ,f, 1.tU'CI 8£.:.'UllCLt l:HUU D.i · .l:l.U~l\:'£. ~ 61 ~ \!!·-" j;I ----...,,.-.-:-----~=:-"=~""".d.l~U>--~_,_..~---;:---=c-=-=-----1~:~ ~ ~ ---- - '1:7- ev" .......... v .. uo h, · d service of "Ood ,.,.ine means. They see in 'I don 1t know about the sight,' returned interest with a man ·who drinks habitually 1 ======-=-=-------" ~! 21st, 1871", out in a low, Bl:iaky voioe. ' I partially held my breat , contmue h temperate drinkers: I mean, my friend, 1 i':lo a.a not to lose a word.' it only the common hospitality of the day, I think ao,' replied Dr. Hillhouse. He Dr. Hillhouse. 'I'm afraid that is no truer -one of 'Onr .1 who can take his three or fonr glasses of and fall to notice that one or two of the ' onw the face of Mr. Carlton blanch inshnt- than the band.' 'Ncntly enotigh/ wae the reply. 'You see On ' The inner Bight, I mcnn, the perception wine at dinner, or twice that number dur- our friend the lay..·yer can't refuse a drink. company never empty their glasses. 1y. _ ying at whist, but Ho'e got a strong h e·ad , and cau ta k e twice · the next day these men will moat likely 'It presents,' added the doctor, 'all the in· that comes from long-applied skill,' said Dr. ing an evening while pla so low a thing h · feel some doubt as to the prudence of eer .. Angier. 1 1'ho.t is something in which you ,vho never delmsl!s himself bv dications of what we call a librous tumor.' " o.s much ns the next man without s ow1ug us intoxicatioi1.' , subscriptions n1ade on the preJobbing prnmplly attended to. · ·Is it of a molignant type 1' uaked Mr. the advantagt~ of younger men.' it. A single glnsa makes no itnpreasion on larrre !"I 1 ., Are not you a little peculiar, or, I u1ight Dr. Hillhouse maJ.e no reply to this, but MOTTO. Carlton, with euspended breath. hitu, unle&s it be to sharpen hhn up. So a vious afternoon or ev'eujng, and WJnder say, over-nice, in this!' remarkeil Di. Hillplan wae laid to get half a dozen glassee how they could have been so infatuated as s;1t like one i11 deep and perplexed thought 'No; these tumol"l!are harmless in themhouse. al,ioard, more or less, before court opened to put money into u. Rcheme that prornised O:Rice and Shop, on Ontario Street. .. selves, but their meclianical prossu.rc on stu- for a con·s iderable time. ' No, I aru 011111 ' I must see Dr. Kline, and go over the. l3owmnnville1].Jay18th, 1876. 35-tf. rounding blood~vessele nnd tiooues renders ' prudent. J.,et me give on the morning the case ot Walker vs. Carl- I , little beyond a pern1unent inveetment. 4 If,' adlled ~Ir. Uarltou, 'we could come ou a fact in mv own experience. I a case with him more carctully,' he remarked Y th eir re1nov11l necessary.' ' ton was tu be called, But not willing to Mr. Uorltou caught bis breath with ii-sigh at lo1iglh. ' I ahall then be able to see with law.suit seVerul )'ears a.go involving many tru!:lt to this, we had a wine·aupper for his 11t any proxiinat~ estimate of the loaa A:fy c< was p,ooU, special benefit on l h e mg . ht c more ch-'nrneBB what is beat. 1'be fact that thouFJands of dolhus. of r el id. .,e fore, eo · as to which falls upon ~oc iety in conaeq uence rrHE UNDERSiiiNED i1·forms the Gentlo· but some nice points of la\\' were involved, brea k his nerves a little and make hint o[ tho moderate use ot intoxicating drinks, 1 feel so averse to operating myself comes 'Is t'tnuoval attcnJ~~d ·with danger 1' men of the Dominion, that be is pre1Jarcd to we \Vonld find that it exceeded a hundre<ldean and make a.lmost as good ru:i new1 any aln1ost likl a ,yarning ; and if no change and I l1ecdcd for 1n1ccess the beet talent the thirsty next morning. ho asked. 'Vell you see, the 1 t;oiJeJ or fa<lcd ga1ment. 'Ihc color is restore~ bar etforded. A .&ir. B-I \viii call hi1n, thing worked, nod ll--drank his bottle nay, a thous1111d-fold that of tho 1oas sus&hould. occur in my feelit1ga I shall, with 1 1 'None,' replied Dr. Ilillhouee. :ind tlie cont, or .what. else, puts on n. new appearance, Sa.t1sfactu'U guaranteed. or no 1 llave you ever tukeu a. t~1nor from the the conseut of the family, tran!lfcr the knife 1:1toocl very high in the profesaion, and I or two, and went to bed pretty m.ellow. ' tained through drunk~nr.ese. Against the t·harge, · · chose ·him for n1y counsel. He waa a man Of course he must tone up· in the rnoroing lutter, society is all tl1e while eeekiEg _ to to Dr. Kline.' neck I' '!'HOS. PEATE. of fine social qualities, and udn1irable ior heJoi·e leaving home, and come out nll ·guard itself, against the forn1er, it bas little 80 :Bo wmanville, April 21st, 1876. . 30-tf. 'Yeri.. I ~ave operated in c11scs of this CHAP. XVI. bis after-dinner speeches. You always 1net right. Ile would tone up a little more on or no protection-does not, in fact, com pre .. kind often. 1 It1r8. Carlton was~ favorite in the circle him ou public occasions. Ile wali one of his wO.y to bis office, aud then be all ready h1~1ul the 1nagnitude of its power for evil 1· Were you al ways succc513ful 1' where she moved; ancl \Vhen it became " a. new dollar. But I have wearied yon with my talk, and 1 Yea ; ln every instanc~' known that she would have to submit to a your good temperate drinkers, and not for business and bright"· J1AD1JAT}j of Baxte1· University of ?t-Iuaic afraid of a glasa of wine, or even brandy, Thia would spoil all. So five of us arran~- :forgotten for the time being the anxiety lrlr. Carlton breathed more freely. After serious o;>eration in order to save her life, F'ri!:indahip, N e\V York. . . ~l'eacber of Pia110 and Orgfln, cul11va.t1c.n a pause, he aaid, his lips growing \Vhite BS she became an object of painful interest to a.nd rarely, it ever, refused a friend who ed to meet him at as many different points , that lies so near my heart. No, doctor, I Voice, SinAing, 'l'hcrc:.ugh nn~~. B:umuny asked him to drink. ALSO on hie way down town and ask him to will not trust the hand of Dr. Kline,ekilled he epoke : · her many friends. Among the moot intiComposition, &c. The thing worked like a oharm. as it may be, to do thia \vork ; for I can· .He was not an intemperate man, of drink. 41-ly ' There will have to be an operation in mate of' these w&.s Mrs. Birt\vell, who,aa the Darlington, July 16th, l874, No one drea1ncd of setting him We got six glasses into him before he reach- not be aure that glass too much may not course. this case 1' time 11pproached for the great trinl, sa\v her over among that banned and rejected class ed his office. I saw ·as soon as he came have bePn taken to steady tbe nerves a 'It cannot, 1 fear, be avoided,' replied the almost every day. night's ex.cesa of wine may have lett unhas ta.ken out a license~ M doctor. . It was generally understood thot Dr. of men whom tew trust, and against whom into court that it was a gone case for Carlstrung.' all are on guard. Ho held his place of ton. B-. had lost hie head. Aud so it 'There is one comfort,' said Mr. Carlton, Hillhouse, who wae the f0Jilily physician, AUCTION_E~R t honor and confidence side by side with the Dr. Hillhouse sat with closely-kuit brows for tl1is ToWJI1>h1p. Sal1:H w11l receive the bes rallying, and h1 a n1ore cheerful would perform the operation. For a long most trusted men in his profession. As a proved. We hall an easy vie tory.' for some time after I\ir. Ca.rlt-on ceased a\tcntio11. · voice. ' The tumor is small, and Ruperficial eeriea of years he had held the first rank"" ' I took the case out ot B - ' a hands,' Bowmanville 1 }'eb, 24th, 1876. ly. lawyer, interests of vast magnitude were epeakiug. in character. The knife will not fiO very a surgeon. But younger men \Vere coming often in his hande, and largely depended said Mr. Carlton, 'and gained it in a higher ' There is matter for grave conaideradeep among the Veins and ~rtetiea.' . forward In the city, and other reputations court, the costs of both trials falling upon tion in what you have [said,1 he remarked on hie legal sagacity, clearness of thought. Dr. Hillhouse did not correct hie error. were being m·de that promised to be even tire other eide. Since that time; Dr. Hill· at length, ' through I apprehend your feare and eleepless vigilance, He was usually For the Township of Da~·l;i;ngton. 'How l~ng will it take 1' queried the more notable than his. house, I ha Ve had some ne\v views . on the in regard to Dr. Kline are more conjectural Among those who were steadily achiev- aucceastul in his cases. auxioue buslJand, to whom the thought of subject of moderate drinking, as it is called. than real,' : I foll my cause eafe iu bis hands-that H. T. PHILJ,,IPS, cutting down into tho tender flesh of bis ing success in the wa.lke of surgery was Dr. 'What are they 1' asked the doctor. ' I hope so,' returned Mr. Carlton, ' but HAMPTON. 1 An experience like this set me to thinkwife was so painful that it completely un- Kline, now over thirty:five yeare of age . is, as safe as human care and fol'~sight could Pro1npt attention ghren to saleH, &c, on reason!Ul a prudent man I will not take needless make it. But to my surprise and disnp~ He held a chair in one of the we<lical manned him. able ter1ns. ing. If, I said to myaeJt, a man ueea wine, risk ih the face of danger. If an opera· pointment, his management o[ the case OR schools, and his name 'vas growing more ' Not very long,' auawere<;l the doctor. beer, or spirits halJitually, ie there no danger 1 1 Ten minutes 1 and more familiar to the public and the the day of trial was faulty and blind. I had that at some time when great interests, or· tion cannot be avoided, I will trust that precious life to none but you. 1 gone over all the point· with him carefully, 1 Yea, or may be a little longer.' ENNISKILLEN. profession every year. even life itself, m~y be ·at .stake, a glass' (To be Continued.} Sa.lei! prutnptlv dttenclcd to on reaaonable terms. ' She will feel no pain 1' The friends of Jllre. Carlton were dividecl and he had seemed to hold them with a too much may obscurehio clear intellect · maeterly hand. Ho was entirely confident 'None.' 'ou the question as to who could beat perand t;Dake him the instrument of loss or ' Nor be conscious of what you are doing!' form the operation, some favoring Dr. of succcas, an;l so was I. Bnt now he seem· disaster 1 I pursued the subj eel, and !Ul l Deal!ng. ' She 'vill be as much in oblivion us a Kline and eome Dr. Hillhouse. The only ml to lose hie grasp on the best points in the did eo W"5 led to this conelusiOn- th·t The fate John Aeh worth was a euccorer sle.e ping infant,' replied the doctor. ohjec!ion urged by any oue againet the lat- caae, and to bring iorw!lrd his e.vidence in a society really aufft!rs more from what is way Lhat, in my vie,v, damaged instead of Mr. Carlton turned from Dr. Hillhouse ter was on account of his age. called rnodera te drinking than it does from of many among the poor, and be sometimes gave them adviee that W!Ul worth more than and walked tho whol .. length of the parlor Mr. and Mra. Carlton had 110 doubt or making our eide strong. Still,.l forced my· out-and·out drunktlnneSfi. 1 twice, then stood still, and said, 'vith pain· hesitation on the subject. Their confidence sell to think that he knew best what to do, ' :E'cw will ngrcc with you in that con- money. A more generous· hearted giver could rarely have been found, but he was ful imPressivencss : in !110 ·kill of Dr. Hillhouse was complete. and that the meaning of his peculiar tactics clusion,' returned Dr. IIillhouse, A man 'Doctor, I plnce her in your hands. She As for Dr. Kliue, Mr. Carlton, \vho met \vould soon become apparent. ' I noticed, a& 'Ou the contrary.,' replied lrlr. Carlton, not, therefore, easily impot!ed on. once came, who, as l.1r. Ashworth stood on is re·dy for uuylhing we may decide upon him now and then at publh.1 dinners or at the trial went on, a bearing of the opppsing ' l tbink that most people, after looking at as b4tist. 1 private social entertainments, bad not foil- counsel toward Mr. B-- that appearecl tho subject from the right atandpoint, will hie doorstep, plcade<l, with a pitiable look .unless you wish to purchase ~nd in a whining tone, ·Please, sir, \\"ill He etopped and turned partly away to ed t<:> observe that he was rather free in his unusual. lie seemed bent on unnoyiug hin1 see it as I'do.' · ·J you relieve me 1' John Ashworth detected hide bis feelings, But recovering- bin1self, uee of li!]uor, drinking so frequently ou with little side issues and captious objec~ , 'Men who take a glass of JVine at dinner hirn at once, and aFked the man to exchange these occasioni:i as to prod.uce a uoticeo.ble tions, uot so much showing a disposition and torcing a emile to his lips, he snid : to n.1eet him squarely upon the simple aud and drink wi~h a friend occasionally,' re· places with him, and, itnitatil'.lg his gesttu·es ' To your professioval 'eyes I 'sho'v uu~ exhilaration. Ile had even remarked upon clearly defiued clements of the case as to marked Dr. Hillhouse,' are not given to and tone, he stood bclora him, whining, OFFfOE QVer JJicOLUNGSJ:-Ji_ ore manly \VCnkneSS. Ilut you DlUE!t l)ear in the fact to gentlemen of his acquaintance, draw him away from them and keep them idlenesa, waste of property u.nd ubuse and 'Please, sir, will you relieve me 1 pltlaae, mind how very dear obe is to me. It makes and found that others ha<l noticed this ---o--11-\f. neglect of their families, as we find to be air, ,vill you relieve inc 'r 'l'he man colored ae tar out of sight as posoible, of Dr. Kliue as well as himself. weakness nie shiver in every nerve to think of the the case with common drunkards. They up, and would have made hie escape ; but In this he was ·successful. Mr . TI-As time wore on Dr. Hillhouee grew more knifo going down into her tender flesh. You ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. don't our prisons and alrnshouses. Their Mr. Ashworth then ·poke kindly to him, seemed in his hands n1ore like a bewildered might cut n1e to pieces, iloctor,if that 'vould and more undecided. No matter how· grave child than a strong, clear-seeing man. wives and children do not go to ·well the and told him that, if be had the spirit ot a or diHi&ult an operation might be, he had .1Aiu61'p00l London, a1!<1. Glasgow · save hcr.1 having opened his great n.rmy of beggars;paupers and criminals. midge, a young man like him, with a good always, when satisfied ol its necessity, gone '\\'hen, after all the l!vidence waa in, the 4 Your fears cxuggerat0 everything,' reOR Tickete or infc,r1uation.J.. ap_p)y ~ ' ,y, .A.· N .t1Al>8, Agent. nrgumcuts on b')t.h i:,ides "'ere sub1nitteU to I fear, my friend, that you are lookiug trade in his fingers(· cabinet-maker), would forward, looking neither to the right not to turned Dr. Hillhonae, in an assuring voice. be aehamed to go about whining at people's 11owl\anviUe, ,Tune l'th, 1871. tf- 30 the jury, I S£\\V with alu.r1n that A-Ir. B---:- throuKh the wrong end of our gloss.' 'She will go into 0. tranquil sleep 10.11d while the left. But so trouble<l and uncertain dill 'No ; my glass is alJ right, The number doors in that way. lie advieed him to look - - - - - · --had foiled signally. His summing up was with " full ns~ortmeut of dreaming pleasant dreams we will quickly he become ae to the nece.esity for fixing an weak and di,jointed, and he did not urge of drunken :aen and women in the land is up into God'· clear, blue sky, ehake himself, dissect out the tumo·, and leave the freed early day for the removal of this tumor beOF LONDON. 'vith force and clearness th,o vital points in small compared to the number who drink setLlo down, and be respectnble; gave him organs to continue their healthy action un· came more a1nl more apparent that he at the case on which all our hopes depended. moderately, and very few of them are to be a sixpence and did not expect to see him IWJt referred the whole matter to Mr. Carl- . E8'Abliobed 1803. der the old lows of unobstructed life.' Jl BAD OJl"JCE& - 1 Old 13road St., and The contrast of his closing argument "·ith found in places of trust or responsibility. Some nioutbs after, the eame mau, ' When ought it to be done 1' aeked lrlr. ton, and propose<l Dr. Kline, whoee high rs to ofter l' 111 Mall, London. that of the other side wae very great, and I As soon as a man is known to be a drunk· but very different in appearance and man· Gll'·BAL .\ Gf1'CT Fen C.U:.ADA :- 21 St Carlton, the tremor coming back into hia reputation !or surgical okill he knew, ehould nera called at Broad field to thank Mr; knew "hen the jury retired from the court· ard, society puts '\. mark on him and sets 8amaaT1ent St., Montra~ the operation. To this be entrusted with Ash~ortb, gave him a. subscription toward voice. him aside. If he ia a phvaician, health and 1 room that ·ll was loot, and so it proved. 1 tbe Chapel for the Destitute, and hoped he Sbhforiled PI:d inle~a11ital ancl Ilcsene '~fhe sooner the better, after an operation b~ received an emphatic No ! 'It was clear to me that I had mistaken life are no longer trusted in bis care ; if a would serve all such iu the same \\'B.Y as he J.l'und. £1,965.000 at ...liy. . 'All the profeseion a ward him the highha.a been decided upon,' anaWered the doc· Funds investt!d h:iC-anada- 105,000, that will compa1·e with any Store in the County. my man-that Mr. B--'s reputation "'as lawyer, no ma.u will give an important case serve<l him. · The man said he was w vexed est skill in our city, if not the whole countor. I w11l make another examination in Jmurenccs atatnrit !on by Fire are e:ff':l>ted .Qn he could have thrown ~be sixpence in higher than bis ability. He waa greatly into bis hands. A ohip·owner will not that i:nost fa\'otable Wms, and ]OFr;eR paid with hi· face ; but ha was male so ae~~med_ of The changes that take try,' sai<l Dr. Hillhouse. about !wo weeke. trust him with bis ve·sel, though a more 9ut re'feience to the :Board in London. himaelf that be reBOlved to take his ailvtce. I hove no doubt of hie skill,' replied Jlfr. chagrined at the result, and urged me to place in that time will help me to a clearer J l >ODSWORTH, RlN'IOUI, BROS. toke an appeal, eaying he was confident we skilled navigator cann~t be fo11Dd i and h~ ~ went to a neighboring tom1, got w.o~kl-- lu~r cctor. G-. Agent·t lVIontrea. Carlton ; 1 'but-' decision than it is possible to arrive at now.' rnay be best en~eer ta tile land, 7el a11d oow, he -1cl.J:!ll ~Ito lllti18'tlJ;g90i1 ·· I ii, LOSCOllU!B. :Baniater, Agent · What 1' osked the doctor, as Mr. Carl· could got a reversal of the dC<>ioion.' ONE DOOR WEST :EXPRESS OFFJOE1 Af~er a lapse of two weeks Elr, Hillhouse, ' - i.i1 lnJLf.MiUe 1114 Vicini~y. will 11o.ralltoatl:1!r~p aointJ&nj'truit .roth!!<!. !lb-~ ' While J'Qt IUllWaid.-1 u to w~ I bp-o15-m29. in company with anothez aurgeon, made a ton hesitated. Bowmanville, .April 12th, 1876. . h u1ille, Jure ftb.~ B9.4w 3fl GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! DOMINION ORGAN CO'S :f CABINET.ORGANS. Dr. BOYLE, "] { l Dr. Jas. Fielding, l .... L, Dr. DAVIDSON a · G All the Late Improvements J. K. GALBRAITH, Twenty-Fil'e Different Styles, for the Parlor and the Church, the Best Material and )Vorkmanship. Quality and Volume of' tone Unequalled. .PRlCES $50 TO $1000. D. E. Mcl\lillan, Factory and Warerooms, Oor. Temperance and Wellington Streets, Bowmanuil!e. ;41llt"t'tt.C"" a :. .,. W BUNNEY ' Ge nera.l :Builder and Contra.cter. "Neatness with Dispatch." GO TO Something New. Lyle & Martyn's G Prof. J. Ruse, For a good assortment of GROCERIES, PllOVISI01\fS, OllOOKERY, &c R. D. FOLEY, AUCTIONEERS SALT & . PLASTER. LYLE . & :MAR'I'YN a All kinds of Fiel{l and Garden SEEDS, of the very best quality. Wm.. Barton, DENTISTRY the N ·ewest thing of the season, Don't Read this; s. MASON - Brimacombe, L.R.O.D.. FiBS MODER~T.E. -==Uheap D1~y Goods==- NE-WS '"_['ORE nn l F .' hrpe1ia.l Fire Insuranr.e Co. - STAPLE DRY GOODS, l BARGAIN FOR CAB, I' Call and e:z:a.mine Stock. Highest I'rice for Butter and Eggs. ti·· rmd·'"']ollJl.tlfm ..-. _ __ _ _ _ 1 - - - - - - - - - ' ------~------------

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