· .. TPIE MERCHANT FRIDAY, JUNE 9 1876, Examination For ]$ntranae TO HIGH SCHOOL HE next examination of c:iindida.tea for ad· mission to the H igh School. will be held in the School buildings, on .Tune ~7th and 28th, cou1mencing at 9 a . w. Intending candidates t;huuJd notify the Head ?11aster, without delay, of their inte11 tion to tireser..t themselves for ex- · amhlation . ]~owmanville, l\:tay 31E!t. 1875. 2w. 1 ROOM PAPEE. 5· cts. ROLL. Jla,llet Croquet Sets for $2.26. York, for a. Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing lists of 0000 newspapere,a.nd estimates showng coat of ad.Yertiaing. bp·o10-m25-ly. , SEND25c. to"G. P. HOWELL&CO.. ,New MARRIAGE LICENSES, ~ . T ' · duly authorized t.o i&suo ~farriage LicenF.es, Darlington, Nov. 19, 1874 m8-tf. o.t Provineia.1 Exhihition at Otto.wa, 1875. llJ. DMlington, rnear Bethesda Church] is l\1fR, JOHJ\ H. EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Con . The undersigned has the pleasure of informing you that he has . r~·opeued in his old stand, (two doors West of tlte Post Offece) . with an entire CARRIAGE SHOP west of the Ontario Ex,nk. DR. IHIAN1~ m~ )8 ROSS BALLS FROM 10 CENTS EACH. First Prize and Diploma NEW STOCK OF " King Street, ' Bowrnanville, l '11HE. subacrihel· is p1·epared to build a nd re J. paLr Sarsaparilla Large Stock of" Beautiful Fans, at FOR THE BLOOD eURES SYPHILl6, SCROFULA, SALT-RHEUM, -- The Xing.of the West PANNING KILL, . and Grain Screen and NOTICE OF MOTION! Fresh Family Groceries '- A Il rn n t Y ('ONCr::;in A'I'KD E X'l'li ACI' 01·' ELD ,TA:tt!AICA fl .A f~ S A Pi\f:ILLJ A}:!l 1 lff D~~:1: :2b t . E 101 ~;;.n· ~~~ mvrf.'. tl! · ~; .~1·.·rc i n d1i ~ ALL I1J ~ ;u~c. i:1 f;:.n.r ·; r' I': :~ ;'l't'n t lll(hi, ~·i11u !~ n1 ·I c ··1· <'Pr· &KIN-DISEASES, Li!li; .1 ~ 11 . hv·vci-1· r fn1n :·1ri S p,1 cc . f,, r· ,: i1 ~ :::o r!:,.;!l'! Ie1u ~ !\\· n t fi n -I - - TUMORS -- ' ENLARGEMENT :cf J, f··n tru :i!, ;1u1!ir- i,,ut to jc ·!.:i.!1 ii:- h it:i !l11per:r.rity i 'cY c t tl10 uurncrtJus mix tu .rc ~.c 1:lle- d Hl~ io· I ~uriliors ull erf'·I by J)ru ;;g 1~ts nnJ. 1 Ph;>o"'· · i!i ~ n l ::c Lr. nc.;sey w. ·! J '11Jo'l\1·n McClung Bros. are setting their STOCK R. Easton's Town Hall Buildings. SEED SEPARATOR. in MOTION by offering their Goods at ~.~~~~ws~~tcp~,1~:~in 1.~.6~gNt~·th· Irresistible P.rices I Step in, ' and you 1 CASH SYSTEM, fanuing community, th· most perfoct Fannin~ Will find almost every Shelf to COntain . i:::~..:.-g·s over ot)1er Mills in U.,,, arc ado!. a Ba,rgain, and eve-ry corner an A ttrac· believing it to be advantageNEW AT ous not only to the buyer but · will take out Wild Oats perfectly. li wdl tion take out all Cuckle.CheSll. anJ other foul seeds, ' · ·Mill and Seed Separator ever illvented. Its His aim shall be to keep the Best' and sell at the Lowest Wagons, Buggies, and· Cu tter~. of every desCription, at short notice, and o :l possible price. reasonable terms. He has determined to adopt the Carriages Painted and Trin n c d A Blacksmith'$ Shop OD GOODS! 1st. It iB a perfect Cleaner and Chaffer. It · v.:ith once going through, ma.king a perfect 21ample of 11-Iarket \Vheat, 0\-"hich will a.dd several cont~ per bushel to the valuu of grain?, over n.nd above that when cleaned by the oraine.ry consisting in part, of Mill ' OF THE LIVER ANO SPLEEN, uthrn 1 T. C. S'l'P: ;\ 'rTO'\. P" .~11. RHEUMATIC t)OSt 110:111ihlo COlfl~)i11: 1 t lon!I . to conlltitut-e au effcctunl AFFECTIONS, remedy, fnr tho cure o( II IS EASES OF THE . KIDNEYS, BLADDER AND URINAR't ORGANS, e .q loricn ce has gone I my with th is re mody, I oan I testify to if,'l ~rc:i. t 1·a. Juc ! ~tri~:;;Juu~re;;~~icC~c?1tcfi1~ Blood lmr.·nr·it1~11. f<.,rrnu!.~ fr,;.m wliich Dr. Ch:tuninr.:'sSarsn1·nri !ln. is 1rc1>n rcd. u.s 01: e of t.he Ieaun (lt but 1 1Jm1 /1"ttd, Fc O. h t .. 187.". rc 1; ~1rrl the So far a.s TWEEDS, . PRINTS, WHITE COTTONS, · DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILK l' ARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, . FANCY GOODS, &c. All to bo sold at the very lowest prices, for E nhl rg-cmonti:., n.nd a \\'1UO 1 ; nft'ect i·in.-i, as l11andn!nr Jnirifo· , I kn ~w of none eQ ual t.o it, e01nhining as it does, all t,hc i:nputed virtitel! of Sarll:i,pa.rjllri, and seYernl other v~~luable remedie1, with the LEUCORRHCEA, cxtr11ord 11ll1'Y :ittera.tive propcrtle3 of the 11 J)o11J1lt1 Iodide~, " and of none tb~t eRn bo more CATARRH, hi:;hh· re" commended as s1tfe, ccrtn.in. and rolia.ble, AND ALL n.nd 1 hnve every C('lnfldenoe, thnt such a. remedy DISEAsES for genArn.1 uso, taking lh8 place of the many worthRESULTING le1:1s nostrums of the da.y, will bo n. great boon to FROM A suff~ring humanity, and its u!'O "·in bo o,ttcnded DEPRAVED with tho most l!a.thfa.ctory reisults. It should be in- . ran~ of skin affections j ' R!l :t relio.blc prttpr>~r:>, t'ton for ~cnerA.l use ns n. blood CASH! N. B. - Old Stor1·, near 'Thotnpaou & Burn's · l\Iill, Bowmnnville, · 2nd. It is a mOst perfect Sepa-rator. It will sep::i.rate all the large kernels of Wheat fi·om the small and ahrunken g-ra.ina. It doM not throw th1i ~Ullill grains in the chess box. like . other l\fills, but brings them through by them. selves, clean and fit for market, .n.nd is warrant. ed to mn.kc a perfect sample of Seed "Wbeat. 3rd. It is very rapid in ite action, and will easily 1.uake for market, Sixty Buehels; and (01· Seed, ·rwenty.fi"ve Bushels per hour. 4th. It separates all kinds of Grain, as Wfill as seeds; and if 'Vhea.t and Oats, Pea.s and Oo.ta, Clover and !l'imothy, are mixed together, vnd put through this Mill, it will come out perfectly eepan~ted. also to the seller. Pa!cels delivered to-all parts Ca.rriage work, and General Job bing. of the town with promptness. Do You want a 'W:E:B of COTTON at a cheaper rate tiian Highest price paid f9r all ever you bought a Web of Cotton .before 1 · All work done at this E stabZ.ishment . GO TO McCLUNG BROS. .~ kinds of produce. ivarranted. Hoping to receive a share Do Yon want to select PRINTS cheap in price and new in A call is especthdly aolicitt:!d · Style, from the largest stock ever b'rought into Bowman ville 1 of your patronage, J. MORRIS: P ll GO 'J.'O McCLUNG BROS, Bowman ville. 0 1t. lRt, 1SG9 He is, " yours truly, --o-- tha premises, wer~ special a.ttention is grven to all EXCITEMENT EVERY DAY! , ~ ·so'IIEl o,v:11700N o;r; oo J. 'iii saoo.P lil ' ss~ll'l'a oth. n is equanv .. good ror am·n "'i.rge ,. ""VJil.~'l~ puu ~OI0,...0 '_..V~""'O ~rAina. It will sepat·ate ·rjmothy Seed from ......, lil.:il. .... .... a 'iii .a.a ·uuA1. t llO ~l Wiheat, and will hring the Timothy out clean -----------------·----------~ ·- .a. Q John MaMUJ try. B owma.nville, Dec. 22nd, 1875. 13·tf . New 'l'a,ilor shop, JOHN HEAL, -- oa i~rt!;f::k;~tiwc·'Y"" "'· 01e·nutgtheWh··t Do You want MILLINERY, MANTLES,. or FANCY ,GO TO McCLUNG BROS. Rowal .Ao:ain Triumph " TO lID'OHM THE PUBLJ C, gen· BEGS s. to eraJly, th.a.t be bas re m(lve d tho Shop next door cast _of !l ice's Hut0Lt-r Shop. ll i~ bui:<iu cs~ Boots ==========:=======-=-=========================-:== MRS. AND:E:RSON'S Fashion and Price of Mill, _ '·· $35. GOODS? Do. You want All Lette1-s flom the Counties of Northun1berla.nd, Durham, Victoria., . a.ud Petcrboro, tuust he addressed to the proprietor, Hampton, Ont. P. C.1IYM£S, Gtineral Agept . THOMAS SMITH, -:- S oes · A:NDh. ' :M:ill;nery Depot, Mr. Buckler's · CARPETS or CURTAINS or other HOUSE FURNISHINGS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. ---oo- Having had· eevt1ral yea.rs e:x perience in the trade. be hopes to satisfy all who may fa.vor him with a call. GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Ilowmanville, Sep. 4th, 1872. m49-t f . DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the May 5th, 1876. 32.tf. 8 Kti1g Street, ojjusite - - - -- -- -- - "- - - - CAUTION! Don't purchase your Suminer Cloths before inspecting McOlung most extensive stock of · Bros. Bowmanville Drug Store, the r<:ach of medien.l rLdvice, and will, no doubt, become popular with .Me:. diO'Q.1 men throughout the country. Itcspoetfullv yours, W E. BE~SEY, M.D.· Beo.ver Ho.ll Squa.re, NoTE.-Dr. Channing'B Sarrmpn.rilln. is put Ufl In large bottles 1 with the name blown 1n the p;lass, &lld retitlls at $1.00 por bottle, or Six Bottles for Fivo Dolf:trs. Sold by Druggibts generally, and moat Country Storea. Be sure, a.11d n.sk for Dr. Channimt's Batsa.pa.rilla, and ta.keno other. If not ron.dil:v obto.ined in your locality, addre11a tho General Agonts. AND IMPURE CONDITION OF THE il,000, va.ln n.bletopor~on s beyond One of the Largest Stocks of Boots a.nd Shoes iu the country, is to ho !ound at .Very Latest Styles IN, MAT H US E K PIANOS. T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D C 0 AT I N GS, · --~-o,---- J. BORLAND'S Boot.& Shoe Sto1·e, comprising Bollllets, Hats, Mantles, and General EXCEI1 in volunw ot· ton e, Millinery, conshiting of t.werything in the line, that can bo pnrclHi.8ecl in the Pa.ris and Ne IV York estab. 1ishme nts, are no'v on ~xbihition. Sj;1·a'v Ila.ts c1eai1ed, and altered into la.test styles. Mrs. A. is not asking large pro6ts,·but will f:!elLat ~ small advt1.nc.e on oost, for CASH. .A visit to her e8tablishment, will Satisfy n.ny .of our readera, of that fact . no,<"'.rnanvillll, April 7th, 1876. (m22 -ly.) . _ .,,_ McClung Bros, Tailoring Department will take the lead, as usual. &c, By Tclcuraph-to flnrdcner Sewing Machi.ne, Co'-rJ, Ba11ii1'0M. J, HIGGINBOTHAM very bb('ral support ie hai:J received iJit:e hi s Cor1n-i.·a.ll, Oct. 2, 1875. . Royal got first pdze at Glcnga.rry, County C?Hunenoi~1g in buai11ct:1;:; ; aud hopes hy i;nn: li'air, over the Webster, Osborne, and New York ttnued atr1ct personal attentiou to busiuess- i'i'ifcl " offering nothing b1!t the ptueat :l.or-ticleil, r., f Ll1 u Singer JAMES l\iltno"t. most l'e~onable pn ces, to eni:n·,.c a contiJi ul'.l t.cc. Relleville, Sept. 30th, 1875. of public patronage. ' Got first prize on the 1:.oyal, at l!'air here, J. H. ·would call sv1!cial atttmtion to l1 i1:1 very beating Wheeler & 'Vilsou a.nd ever~· other masuperior stock of · chine. Great contest. JAMKH 'BARRE'IT. Brockville, Sept. 25, 1875. Royal took fll'st prize at Unionville, compet~ ing With the VlhEtlcr & \Vilson ,' Singel', ~nd which a-re sure to give the b1:st r.u\th! factioJ1 . others. EV.ER'l"L'S & HAGAilMAN. A well selected stock of TxtSONBUitc, Oct 11., 1870. First prize for RoyaJ, at Union E xhibition DRUGS, here,over allcomputitors. MA'I"fHEW STEWART. CHEMICALS, "\\r oo<lstock, Oct. 6th. 18·75. l~oyal took first Jlrize lLt Exhibition herc,o,·er PATENT Ji1EDIC11YR:i, all competitors. . 1'-1ATTHETu' STEWAU'l'. BRUSHES, Pa.ris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. Ha.~·e. taken fir!'!'t prize with Royal at Fair GOJ11~BS, here 1 beating the Baymond and Singer. SHOULDER-BRACES, Ladies' Pru11ella Boots, from 75 cents u:pwards. Misses' and. Cllllnren's, - . EXCEL -in fit·mneHs and purity of tone.EXCEL itl voice-like quality of toll<J. EXCEL irt dnrabihty and keeping in tl:l.ne . ~ EXCEL for. the concert room. · EXCJ~L for ti::aching schools and acnninal"i(;S. EXCEL for thti drawiug room. · in proportion. Men"s, Boy's, and Youth's, of every description. -++These a.re broad nssertions, but capable uf proof. '1,hey are uuJi.ko any ·o ther, i.n construe· tion j nil th'3ir j)eculiarities a.re points of excel· Their illustra ted and <1et1criptive cata. log-ue, which we send frue to any addreSR, ex· pluins concin siveJy. in ha:rtnony with acoustics il.l1d mechanics all that is da.imed for thl:l ]..1atJ1~ lence. lf you want a SUiT, McClung'Bres. will "SUIT" you, If you want a HAT McClung Bros, will " HAT " you. If you want G::C.OV:E:S McClung ~ros. will" GLOV:E:" you. If you want a Tl E, Mc Clung Bros. will " Tl E " you. If thanks to hill unn1erous f rit:lnds imd .rn . ton1cr~, and to tl1e fJublic generally, for t he ' ;tTOULD mc;st r~spectfully tender his il1c<'.l'e SEEDS at McClung Bros., GR. OC;ERIES at l\foCiung Bros., at J\>fcClung Bros. Bros. DYE S 'l'UF':fi'P Perry Davfa &Son& Lawrence Findings kept for the Trade. liaily Li:rie to ll.ochester. Commencing on or a.bout Y, 377 June 1st~ 1876. St. Paul Street, Mo11treal. ly-m36.o22 ALSO 20w AJ'RIL. 'l'HURSD~.\. ~~~~~~~~~~~ New Lumber Yard AND JOINERS SHOP. H Schooner " Sauc:y Jack," n1y fir st consign. AVING JUST HECEIVED PER n1cnt, from the manufn.ct"Airy of H ·. B. :Hath· bUI'll &. Son, l\fill Point, I beg to offer to the people of. Bow1nanville, and the ~urro11nding couutry, {:.it prices that defy cc-mpetjtio11J. S::u:1h, :Blinds, lJuors, :\nd :.:5 d i1Ter1!llt sorts of ?\-fouldiugs, al110 windov.' n.ud door frn.me stuff, rn. a dy to put t,ogother. 7 x D, 12 light sash 42 cts., kiln dried 2 ft. 6 x G ft G. 4 panol doors · o. f}. moulded 2 si<ltls $1. 75. The diffe1·eut sizes of sash and doors kept in 11teck. Also ou hand a goorl..a11p.ply of Lumber, rhcaacd flooring, ~hip lap and Y; siding, laths, shingles, pickets., field posts and battens. I have also opened n. cnrpenter· and join era shop in conuec· tion with the above busin~ti'3,Rnd hope by integrity Of dea.Iiug. and lov-: prices to eecure your -patronage. ..A.11 goodfil warranted, and a call a.nd ia prepared to guara.ntee A P~1·Cect ·i.·1t, In the Latest and Best StJ·Ic. ~ lvia.nufa.otory Department 'NORHEMAN,' W. JENN ING. is atiH in charge of the Calf, Kip Upper and Sole Leath/Ji\ TRUNJ{S, &:c. . THE STEAMER hnppy owners of b-Iathusheks willing to certify to their superior excellence. 'Ve have rouw here fo.r but a few bl"ief extractti :- ushck. _ T here a.re thousands of T:E:AS ! T:E:AS ! ClI:E:Al' T'E:AS, SALT and PLASTER at McCiung HIGHEST PRIOES PAID FOR BUTTER &c., at McC!ung Bros. P'EBPETU AL throughout theSeason at MOTION N11 .w YonK, Oct. 28, 1867 . We t:h1;1 undersigned Judges of PiallOl:I nt the Fair of the An:ierioa.n lnstitute, after a c:~reful examination of tho Concert Grands do a'va.rd to Sewed Work a Speciality. First class Stock used. A Call is Solioited.. l{ emember the Stand, Post Office lllock, opposite Ruebottom House. _ (R. ORA WFOlW, MASTER,) J. BOHL.Al)ID. BowmA.nville, l!tfay 12th, 1876. 33. 09ljCited. _ , · W. McSP ADDEN. #~1~ Shop Md yard in rear of R . W. James linp1ement Depot . 3::1-3mos. 'I'hrow Physic to the Dogs. Call at 'Vill tuake her regular trips on this route,leaving f1..obourg every morning . at 7 :30, o.ud Port Hopo a.'t fJ o'o)l)uk, for Rochester, connecting then with the Ne·w York Central, Northern Central and Erie Railways, aud Lake Ontario Shor~ Division of the Ro1ue 1 W a.tertown and Ogdens.,burgh Ha.ilway for All points Enst 1 \Vest _..,_ and S. o uth. __ RE'J,'URNING, will lea\·e Charlotte (port of Rochester,) daily at ti P . M ., ~xcept Satur· days, whe.n she will leave 11t 31:' . I\:{. for Port 1-Iopo direct, · Dealers in stock, &c., wHl find this the cheapeet and most expeditious route to Boatou, Al~ bany, New York, &o. }"!or further infon:an.tion apply t.o It. ORA 'VFOit.D,Pon.T HoPB, of mnking the BES'l' of this class ofinstnnnent8 then and there e.xhibitt:d 1 'o r known to u s else· where, . FREDERICK MA'l'HUSBK tho HONOR M CLUNG BROS. . \.VJLLlJU[ SNJD.ER. SUPPOHTERS, Na.pance, Oct. 15th, 1875, ltoya.l 'ha.R ta.ken first prize at Fair bere,ovP,r kept constantly on hand. Singer, Howe. We-Dzer }\ Oe.born~ and others. OILS, PAINT, J A MJ~B BARRE'!', Roya.I takes 6.n~t pri;-:"' at thie Fnir, for family work and . light mAonufacturing. . . .. ,; 'VILLIAM SN1DER. Etc. , Etr, Harley, Oct. 13th, 1875. (Sign·d) EWD. MOLLENHAUlrn, A.D. W.llllSEMANN. M. J, GIANNE'l"l,I. OIIAHLES FHADEL. COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at the very J.o·wcHt prices. ._ _ 802 Broad~·fty, . ~ . Y~ 'Iliea1fP1anos.mllet taKe t h.:i letid ofill known iustrun1ents, and their peculiar construction renders them by far the ·most durable, and tht' leMt lia.blc to grit ont of tune. MU~IICAL CONSERVATOU.Y,1 ° EUGE'<1'JJ. MERRIAM. Since the d1~te of this concert the l\fathusbek has been my favorite. 'V:~t$on's Co11s ~rv~tory J. JAY WATSON. of A1usic. Ne1-\· York:. NEW ·S'I'OBE, AT HAMPTON. 13llGS TU INJ'·ORM the public genemlly thashe hns open~d VVYLLIE'S, o.nd bny abundantly of }'RUI'r, and keep yourselves St.rong, Fat a-nd Healthy; 'VYLLIE enters on the summr:r ca1npai1,:n. with renewed activity and Yisor, and is bound to keep a.head of all competitors. He has no'v, and will have. through the se3aon 1 (29 ·tf.) Or C. F .. GILDERSL)lEVJl, KINQ8,0N. No moucy 'vould tempt me to buniah it frurn my home. 'l' HE D. SCHUYLEH, Buffalo. ad\·a.uue of all 1nn.kera of Pianos in the ·wo1·ld. ~fu1ical MRS. M. J. ·WARD up a. - Peovle' s Book Store .... AND J'.!.[athnsh~k has in reality taken a Btcp in J. G. SHAW . Critic, Sara.toga. A LAHGE STOCK OF · ]~ J.LlOTT'S iu MR l'OWKE'S BUILDING, oppoaitn H. prices. F'ANCY GOODS STORE Domestic & ·Foreign SAl3l3ATlt.SCHOOL F:RUITS ' , I ' S'l.'OlL.E, Hampton, and intends keep~ ini;· a. most choice lot of goods, at reasonable SWEET ORANGES, Sho·will also carry on the BIT1'ER ORANGES, :j\1ILLINERY AND MANTLE PlNE APPLES, I . Lu::iiness, and hopes to receive a liberal fdl1are of BANANAS, support. All ordera entrnsted will be ca.re· DATES, fully filled. COCOANUTS, ~~~~~.led with ties FIGS, ·M. J, WAHD RAISINS, Hampton, April D, 1876. (m.-28-tf.) DEPOT c. With tht:! arrival of the Jiolidays, comes a de1nand for The l\iathnshek Ot·cllestra Square Gra.nd Piano is hl'illiiLllt, of wonderful powur, and nwlodiomi iu tone. ALFRED H. PE.i\.SE,Rochestcr. I was fnlly cOn,·iucu<l that the :lt-Ia.thusltck was the cro·wn of all. ·· rl1 I I · Ill lI . llELLACK. 1\1 y old tw1er, who hoo tiiken care of my p1:.i.1ui fot· tlie past ten ytilu·s, says that th e No, STA:l'vlPIN G JO Un:hestral just r~ceived from you is the btb~ iu:...de and finest iu strument in this city. Youris, &c. D. M. SOMEHVILLll,Oleveland,0, F.i.ri1_wr. W, M, S . SoHOOL, Toronto, 'Vti have great pleasur~ in stating that n.s Bn instrun1tiut to lead th'e e.ingiug in a S. School nothi.n_g can excel it _ 'l'he toue ls soft and full 1.'he ba.ss is grand a.nd when aoo voices a.re singing togethE::r the PiauO ca.u be distinctly heard. Every note rings out as clear as n boll. S. J, ITUNTER, Pastor. '\VARING K ENNEDY, Snrmrintcndcnt. AND NUTS, pf all deRcriptione, of splendid qnn.lity, and at . low prieea. Also a. J,it.rge Stock of BISCUITS J; CONFECTlOlVERY at prices defying Competition. Country Merchants snpplie.d on reasonn.blti terme.. ohea.p a.nd good Litera.ture, Gift . l3ooks, and Present GOO:OS. Soda Water, le· Cream, and all the cooling SAMUEL l'HISBY, l\Iusical Conductor. Btveragcs, Bread, Oakes, and ol.her neces· saries. Wedding Cakes, and 1.'rim· rni'll!)IJ to order. I have a Stock that cannot fnil to plcaf!e- cotri · It has given iny family tho very bigI1e8t satis· plete and varied. faction. REV. JOHN Bilii:DIN, Barrie. A Large Stock of Cove Oysters, Oanned Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines, 'l'll.E GREATEST Wonder of Modern Times. FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot, aud other Canned Gooda. POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. -N .B . . That deservedly popular Teach Soircei; supplid on reat"tonablc -terms: CASH er's B1ble;m va1lous blndmgs pa.id for any quantity of EggH a.nd Butter, JAMES WYLLIE, BOOKS, in (}redt Variety. Poet's Co.rtter, llownianyille. Bowman ville, l\f~y 19th~ 187G 34 tf ALBUM::;, Cheap and Rrctt< WRITING DESKS, and WVRK BOXES DE.All SIR :-'J~he Mathueek Piano I pur· cha-sed fl'on1 you h-.s.given 1' ebtire i::.atii::.fa.Ction Mr. J. Ruse, H AMPrON;Feb. lat. 1876. n.nd proved itself a. suptirior instrument in every respect. I wonld recommend all to see the l\'Iathusek, before purchasing elsewhere. = ... -= ·= · = I ~ a ..... ..,p (() ~ ~ New ·, Furniture UNDERTAKING 0 w. · These victeorit'i5 ·conclusively -prove that the N. B .- Country store-k e1 ·pers suPplied.. light running Royal. is tbe people's fn.vorite 1 1md the moBt a<lvantagcoua tern1s. tho · A choice eelection---0fJ _,A..'l \i ]].s;..for-.--...ale oht:". BEST-F-AMI±.Y SEW.ING MAOHIN.lt. Bowmanville. Deo. 1868. H n1 . 'l'he Manufac.turers have lately added to it, the greatest novelty . of ~he age, the Royal Lam.p Iloldcr for Sc-wi-l~g Ma.r,hinCll. 'Ihe La.inp can never upset, nor the Oil soil the work ; atld it ia arrauged to throw the light 011 any part of TENDER my thauJ, s t.e th e JuilgcHand Di. th". work, ena.bliug the ope l'at ol' to rectors of 01n.r.ke Ag1)cult111·al Society, fur work as well by night as by day. _ the very pto~npt 1nanuer in which th ()y p:ti':l me my yn~t Priz~ on Ca riinges, '\·}1ic11 t.liey s.:iy, Sold by wa" JU R tly mented. T h e Judges tlwught on J. S. DONl~Y, 'l'rnONE. N.B. - Agent for First-0Iasa l\fn~i~al Instru. },nir day, that. I was not eHgible for a. prize,\n 1 t found on looking i:t,t the bill. t-bat I was, nn ~l 1u!'!nt~-w. Bell...& Cu's. Organ, Hallett& Davis they grant1;1d we the ]i'irat Prize, l\fr. Lintou' 8 aitd Hti,rdman }lfo,nos, letter, notw1thstr111<ling. Also <h1 Celebrated Waltham and El'(in . I ba':e about 100 li'irst-cl asHBnggies a.n<l (: a 1: . '\\r a.tchcfl. rJ~es, ln courst"I of cont:1.ruction, which will l e The Subscriber, thanking his very :numeronl'l SO}d Cb~ap, for 0~U'!lJ, (I i' J;C)O d yaper, eustmuen; for past patrono.ge, (huNing sold WU. McCLUNG, 'l'wel-ve Th ousand Dolla1·s W ort.h in 12 1nonth CM·riai;e 1.-lo.ker. aoli.cits tiH.,, irco11til1ued })t... tron11ge,bY rt1:tsonab Ilo'v minn-iJJt>, Ivra.r . . 2,ltli, J87G. 26-3ru o11 p,riCf's, fair dt"n)i11g1i, ' nr.d guon:u:1tC'c<l satAfa tion. J. D· November 18th. 187tt . Horses and Cattle Medicines, OARD OF THANKS. I I .1 'l1he a-bove r eward ,.,,iJl be pa.id to a.ny peson who 'vill furnish ample proof that th e R oote & Shoes eold by the under&iµ- n(Jd, al'lj not whatr e represents t,}) e ro. . ' ---- - z · ii~IJi~~~t! --:o : - The undersii;ned has opened a. store in · · Fuller's l3look, H . ;r. PHU.LIPS. · Prof . J, R ·11.se, Le~tim~ny to EN:t>ISKILLl!lN1 Jan. 25th. 1876. The Common Sense ))_EAR SlR :-I ha.ve J>leasure in t1.clding my WASHER! 'l'be P ills Purify the Blocd, correct all dh~orders of t he T,iver, Stnmach, Kidneys and Bowels, ruHl 1i.rc invaluable in all complaint."! incidental to Females. 'l"lH! Ointiucnt is the only reliable re1nedy for )kid J.eg1:1, Oltl \Voundl'l, Sor'-'s and Ulcel'l'I, of }!O¥-l·ver lon)ol standiuS". For Bronchitia, Diph1.bl'ri:1, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rhenma.tism, and all ~': kin Di1:1eases it has uo equal. H.IS has been ;recei\·ed T,.,.1th un1vcrS&l favor, 1n nlan'y of the States "~1tshi.ng Maeh~1e MICROSCOPES, . STEREOSCOPES, KALE.IDESCOPES. of the Union, and to-do.y, stands higher in the estinrn.tion ot house,vives, than any other. 'l'hey are now introduced into this vicinity, by the undersigned, who hM already sold a. large num· ber. The points of cxct-llcncc consist in its sim· phcity,aud t. he savini: of soap, labor and time. An ordina-ry washing, for a. lar~e family, ca.n be dor.e by children from S to 12 years-old. Large:Jt Collectfon of Ste1'eoscopic .Views in 'l'own. the many you have &JrcFM'.ly received 111 favor of the well merited J\fo.thusek Pia.no, purchased fl'oJn you recently. I am well satisfied witb it in every respect, aud con· .sider. fo.r bea.i.\ty and tone, it ia unr,;nrpa-ssed by any 1nst.r1nnent I have y~t seen. "' z I.LI S. C. HILLIER, M. D, P ·rilf. Ru.~t. DEAK Sin :- 'fhe 1fedium Matltmsek we got from you gives entire satisfaction in every respect. l can uDhesitntingly recommend it to all rleaidng a good piano. E~"N18x.tLLEN, Jan. 15th. 1876. The Clothes are perfcctl11 cleaned, and not in th~ least · worn by it. ·A Th'ltichiu~ cnn be seen :Lt the Gru1.:eTy Store· of John 1\-fcl\-furtry,BowmA.nvillc, or at the resi· deDce of the subsl·riber, Ontario St.,o.nd parties desirlng to see it in practicrtl use, ua.n d0 ~o, by leaYing their 11ames ·with J\.ir. l\icl\-ii.n1;rv, and the Subscriber will do a wash fpr ' the1n, free of charge: Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses, etc., etc. a = ·· ~ = ·= ..,p 0 · opp1)site ~l'releven s Shoe· Store, whcro he will keep on hand a full a.nd .,, a-rie<l stock of F't1:EtNI'I"t1BE, For Ge11ts, w·hich will be digiosed of at the LOWES1~ l\-fARI{l~rr PRICES. .Per$ous intend· ing to oommence b1iuaekeeping. will find it largely to their advantage to consult him, e.1.e purchasing d~tiwhere. For Ladies, Furniture ma.de to order on short notice, a:rid Repair"'l{f neatly dor<e. For Children. UNDERTAKING. A.NEW Lo,test Styles Good "Stock. HEAD SE SPECIAL ATTENTIOU GIVEN T O ORDERED WORK. STORE.- One door cast of Oornieh's J eTu·el ey Sto1·e 1 King Street, Bowman ville, . Bowmanville,May 6th, 1875. J. SMALE. D, STEWART. Pastor of Preabytel'iau Church. 0SUA\\TA, Jnn 2~tb. 1876. M1· . ·T. Ruse. D t~AJl S1n:- The No. ll. Mathu~k is tt-11that you said comn1eJJdatory nf it, rnusici:urn havo tried it and pronounced it excellent. Cull and Examine. I llecm it my duty to state that my Pills n.nd Oii1tn1cut a.1-e n eithel' manufactured nor oold in a.uy pa.rt of the United Sta-tea. ]~ aclLPot and Box bcnrs the Bi·itisk Gvi:crn· ~ ncn t Stamp, '~-ith the words, " HolloVl'llY'~ l'ills ~ind U1ntmen,London," engraved thereun. On the label is the addr~ sa,533, Oxfor<l Street, Jiondon. V~ile and sp1u-ioll$ hnitations of " HoJ~oway's Pills and Oiuttnent," are n1anufacture<l and sold nnc1er the na1ne of "Holloway & Co.," by J. F, }fenry, Cnrran &ti)Co.,ofDrnggists of )i ew York, with o.n nssumOO trude Jnark ,thuR- I I - In Can:Jda.· the princip:;.l J! ii ~7 bolesale Deal· .these Counterftdts arc era in . MUS. Tl . .MlTCHEL, · rd ~ The - the beat 1n tlre market, also kept on hand. 1.l'ac"· , tory price, $8, v.rill be aold for $7. Common Se,~,. Washer, $7.. \V~er ~nd \.".ringer, $12. I he figure at Whlf h tile Wnogcr is offered, is below the Factory price ; ll.11<1 the large rednc, tion m<tdti (Ill the 'Vasher n.nd Wringer 811 a.n pERSTJANT to 11:n order of tho Court of inaucement to the public,' \\:iU only be gi~en for ~ancery, mado in thl'j mattor of the e~tate t'vo months from dat~.. vI .JO.H N MORRISH, deccasi;id, ft.l Hl ln a. Thev mnuot fail t11 _aatisfy, as. all 'vho have Qauae of . . ·. tried them,spcakhi~hlyolthcm. , RE . .· P ·. 'IHOl\I~S. "the. cred~tora of- John 1\-l"otrisb, late . of CartBown1an'11l1e, Mar, 24th, 187fJ,, 26-tf. wright, in the county of Durha.m, wlio died in ----~---------- - on about the month of lfe1n·uary, 1876 are, on o·:oen Royal canadian Wringer 1 -------------MORRISH orbeforethe Great Inducen1cnts. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, HAMPTON, Jan, 31at. 1876, M1' ..T. Ru11e, DEAH Srn :- It affords n1e o-reat plenrmre in ack1101vledging the entire aa.tis1action and my high a1)preciation of the l\fathusek piano purchased from you a few di~ys since. Cl) 0 Hae been vrocurcd of la.test desi!'.;"n . ;l:"'urniiili · ings for funerals nh.,·ays on hand . ..,\11- l!'unerals in town and country, atttcnded o.t n. reasonable cba.rgc. · · Resitlencc, Corn1~1· of Queen and Brown Sts., next door to Mr. J, P.Rice"s. Bowrna-nville, }.:f~ir RETIRING! A Ita,re Chanco. 1-'he \lndersig11cd being e.bout to . S. J, SMITH. -a. l/J 16th, 1876. A. DAVY. ?.t).tf. PRICES: FULL AGRAFFE, 7-0CTAVO FROM MORRISH, $ 3 0 0. PIANOS from otlier pri ccs. makers at bothm _ ,_,_ . reliable CLARE & Co., NoR'I'HBUP & LYMAN, aud LYMAN, FOR SALE OR TO RENT, ,f.1:1 ..... f-1 0 Cl) ST:a.AW, Retire from the Ra.rnerrn FELT, l3u:siness1 AND L:E:tllIORN offcta his I-IATS AND BONNETS, 8pecia.l attention g~ ven CLE.A.NED ttnd _ mi~de oYcr in the very la.test Large and ConipJete Stock of Ha.1r1 rss stylee. Saddles Whips, Trunks, Va!ise6, & c. to COLORING, l i YMAN l:lnoTH.KUS &. Co,, \\rho (·btain them at Vl:ll'J low priccij, _fr~m J . F. Henry, Cnrrnn & Co., of ~ew YoC'k, and thiA traah ii; s npplied to Unprincipled Retail Vendors. who i;ell the sanw aH 1ny genuine Pills and Qintowut, whir;h itru manufactnred ouly at 5;:;;:, Oxforrl Str<.'ct, 1.ondon, and ruay be Ob· t ained from ~he following Fi1·ms, v iz. :Bv~t.n:'I, 1Ierccr nnd Co., :i\Ioutrea.I . 1ie81:lrS, 1\.vcrv, Drown ~~nd Co., Halifax, N.S. l\Iessrs.- T. B.~ Bat'k{ll' and Sous, St. John,1' T ,B. Jii-IeBsrs. Elliot and Co., 'l'orotJto. \Vho iJnport them direct fro1n her6. , 5? ~IIOMASHOLLOWAY. t1lreet 1 'liV. 0. F January 1st, 1876. of J-[arnpWn, th~e doors west of Elliott's to senJ by post (prepaid) to ltobert Armour. of storfl , 11 large two story Rough Cast Dwelling, the town of Bowma.nvillo, the Solicitor of the possessio11. will be given a.toncc. .Apply to p1a.intitf, the atl1niniStrator of the deceased, their Christia.n and Surnam~s, ltd.dresses and thep1~oprietor, description, the £uµ particuht-t·s of t11eir claims, JOHN COLE, statement oi their a.cconntR, and the na.tut'e a Merchaat l'ailor. of the s~curitiea (if any) held by them ; or in Hampton, March jth. 1876. 24-tf. <l efa.ult thereof, they will 00 peremptorily. ex· eluded frotn the benefit of the an-id or~ler. Every -creditor holding a~11y security is to produce the same before me at my ()harubera, at the town of Whitby in the eonnty of Ontario, 0n the 12th day of June, 1876, at eleven o'dock in the OUR THOROUGII-BRRD DURHA:li forta)1oon, boing the tiine appointed for adjudiBull.8, yearlings, red nnd roan, can be pui:· cation on the ela iu1a. · chased of the undFlrsigned, at reasonahJe rates. Dated thi· 29th Jay of May, 1876 () N MILL STH}1J£'1' lN THE VILLAGJ1 Tenth Day of June, 1876, ·NORRIS & SOPER No· 8, Adelaide' St, East, Toronto, .. $12 a. a.t home. Agents wa.nt&d. Outfit &nd terms free. TRUE & CO., tha.y at ~f;\rk~t Square, in real' of }'irehnll, Bow nl;.tllv Hie, .Ap1il 14, Jf.76. (29·ly. . MlfS. MAYBllE, a t ·an Immense Reduction for Ca~l:i . Give him an Ea;1·ly Call, and semire BARGAINS. SOLE AGENTS. -:o:- JOSEPH Shortliorns for Sa.le. ROB'l'. COLLACO'l"l', 24. tf. THOROUGHcBRED AGE.Zl."1' IN RUSE, Augusta, 1iaine, bp-ol0.m26-ly. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. DARLING'l,'ON, CLARKE, \VHlTHY, REACH A:N'D CART\VRTGHT. -- Tyro118, P. 0. aw, GFJO. H. DAR1'NELL, Also Agent for Dnminion "'20 Organs, Bowmanville. $5 To '!' Hampton, Fob. 8th, 1876. 20·tf. 'l'o Xa.sters of I. O. L CERTU'IC.AFS, Arplication BLANK &c., &c,, c· a n be procurPd at tlil.s office,s: rogular rates. perty, "situate on the corner of Hunt tJ,nil Ann-sti:eets, can be v.uruhased at a. 1·~asonq.ble figure for cash. 'I here is a- new frame ·house · N.B. - A11 -p~rtics indebted by N ot t.· or -Bo<'k with well .of water, ahw ·a stable, on the p1'e~ Account, will pleaee f!ljUJc Wforo th1~ 15th dfl y . miSes. 'l,he gnrden is cultivated. Apply to of March next. A VERY DllSIRAllLE piece of town pru· ,rOHN H. HAMllLY, At l\fn. R~ HAJ\fBt.r,;'s, Brickmake:r. Bowm·nville, April 5, 1876. (m.·28·tf.) 1'-1a.ster. worth Po1·tland, )fa.ine. pe1· dav at home. $1 free . STINSON & Co,, bp·ol0-m25·ly. Sam plea llowp:wnill', July 7th, 18731 j Samuel Ma.son. bowmanville, Jan. 27th, l-----------~ ...