· · THE l\IERCRANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. ch cnlatce ]a.rgoly in the Townships of Darlington, Clarke .~nd Cartwright. It ia a common platfol 1n, open to the free drncussion of all ques· tionliln which tho general pllbhc are concerned. 'l'ERMS. Steam Job Printing Ofiie· KING . STREET, BOWMANVILLE Seventy-five cents per a.nnum1 In ad· vance. The 'Merchant' and Obser· ver,' $2.QO. One column JiaH <l.o. ltA'l'.D S OF ATIV t!.R'l'ISING, 45 per annum. 2ti u AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VII. BOWMANYILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. JUNE 16 1876. NUMBER Quarter do. · J5 " TrausLCnt ,lo(l vertiaements,5 cts per hnc first n· 11e1tion, <tu ll 2c. per hne, tl<t.Ch subsequent one XXXVIII POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, BILL HJ£AD S CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS CARDS, TICKETS, &c.. &c, '~C', EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE that lives by despo1lrng bis neighbors is likely to be despoiled at last huusel!. ThlB 1s the lesson o! Dame! Drew's bauk· ruptcy in hie more than threescore yeara llnd ten , and the inculcation of this lesson JS the chief, if not the only real service h1!! life has rendered to the com1uun1ty whuoe fererlBh lo 1e of gambling J\e has bel ped to 1nc1te, while partic1pating in, w1tbout plo fitmg by it-Illustrated Chrutian Weekly l:lunshme and the Complexion The want of proper food and the sunshrne ts the cause of three forths of the ner \'OUS ailments of '"omen. Overwork is nut t.he cause. )"York ·u.nd hard work, too, 1Htlio lot of every woman who has a rtgbt to look on her hie with cnmpla1sance, and she £2 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I Original. POETRY. ~Trains \Vlll leave Bo,vmanv1lle Station, Bo1Vma11ville time, as follows : UOING WES':t. Loc<~l* . 7.20, am. GOING EAST, . GO TO Gone are the Days. Gone are tho days like some beauteous floi.\ er, Faded and withered, tho' bright for an h~ur , Aud gon'i bke the drea.ms of cb11dhood away, 'l he sunshine that bless'd me each happy da.y. A gloom, dark as night, now lowers my eoU, 4nd grief's hcn.vJr.fl.OOds m fiurceness now Joll , Gone is the bnght s~T that oft guided my way 1 And gone are th~ 11opes of a happier day . I Exprcai;. , .8.30 a.m. 4.10 pm. , ·J·7 50 p ID. Express Mixed 9 30 a in : J\..11xed · · 2 20 p.1n I J,oca1 Express ... !J.00 p. rn. \ Express ... 9.30 p.m. '*'Ilus tra1a runs every morning of week, Mondays excepted, Lyle· &· Martyn's For a good as.sortment of GROOERI~S, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, &. ALSO 'Tis madneaa to think then of AUnshine for :ne ; Thia Ufe 18 to me a sad, desolate sea. Where, toes'd by f:'ach billow lonely I tread, W~hing ln vrun the repose of the d~, .._ ly for help. .An examination of her pulse ·bowed the beat to be frequent and !eeble, and on the slightest movement she ~ave signs of pain. Her respiration was short and very rapid, Mr. Ridley was present, and ·tandrng m a posit10n that enabled him to observe the faces of the two doctors as they proceeded with their .examinat10n. Ho~ died as he saw the ai!(nificant changes that passed over them. Wlien they left the sick cham her he Jett also, and walked the floor anx10usly while they sat m consnlta· t10n, talking together m low tonee. Now and Lheu he ca.ught hhc words,such us 'peri· toneurn,' 'lesion,' 1 perfoiation,' etc, the latal meanlllg of "Inch he more than half Dr. BOYLE, SURGERY···SILVERST. RllSJDENCE ONTARIO STREET. Where forgotten by a.14 a.t pea.cet then at last, Troubled no more by £als4i dreams of the pa.st, Dreama, oh 1how lieautcous, too sweet to en· dure; Dreams, only felt to make m1scry sure. But dreams atlll tht:!y 'i\cre, Drenms light as the air , Bo\\manville, Jan 20th, 1876. M of Surgeons, Engla.nd , Licentiate of the 11.oyal College of Phys1c1ana, Ed1nburgh. Cor. oner, etc. lleaidence, Corner of Church and St:ugog S treC'ta 1 Bowm&n'iill1:1. Dec. ord, 1875. lo.ti. Dr. Jas. Fielding, EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE SALT 4 But like d1 eams they 1-1re goue, And I'm left to <l1::spH.ir, PLASTER~ Oriqinal. The I'aied Plowers of Life. An error \\'P S ma<l9 in the pubhca.t1q,n of thi& poem, tho 5th a.ntl 6th v~rses having been sadly mutilatt'd 111 the m.anuscnpt copy ; we re· print it with pleasuL-e, corrected. .. Dr. DAVIDSON" RADUATE OF 1'HE ROYAL COL· G lege of Physicians, England. a.nd V1ctona. .All kinds of Field and Garden SEEDS, Um' e1a1ty of V1ctone. College, Under Graduate and P1 izernan of the Un1\ ers1ty of 'roronto,and lloy.il Collcq-e of Physicians and Surgeons J{ u1gston J.. l\.fcmbcr of the Colle_ge of Phys1 cu~ns and tiur.goous of 'lnt..'tno, Coroner, &o. l~es1d l.' nce ru1d office- M111kct Equare, Bow· man\ille Bo"manville, Feb. 24th, 1876. 22-lly, of the very best quality. Oh I blame me not 1£ I would catch The perfume from the fluwera of life ; 'Tis but the odor now I 1:ma.tch. From blossoms withered in the stnfe. Oh l let me gather from the leaves, All crushed nnd hueless tho' they be, The char1n111g links then· awnetnGss weave&, Amid the ch: 1na of memory. LYIJE & MAit'l'YN · J. K. GALBRAITH, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, &c., has returned to the old Office, o'ier Mr Patterao1l's Store, K1ng Street, Bowmanv1 lle. Bowmanv1lle 1 :&lay19t.h, 1876. 34-lm, Thus let me yet the essence drink, Of summer hours so swiftly fl.own, E~e fluttering on the na.rrO\V brmk, 'fhe hea.rt'a inhaling power is gone R R LOSCOMBE, BARRfSTER-AT-LAW, /SOLICITOR IN CHANOJiJRY, &c a.ct DOMINION -IMPROVED ORGAN CO'S AND REMODELLED-- '1'1s but the radiance of the past Th~t hgbtens now the brow and ~ye, Like ro.ys upon the \\'aters cai;t, When all the sun had Jolt tho aky, Oh I eeo.r not then the aching heart, 'Too soon beneath the living tomb, Full swift, alas I onr JOYB depart, Full swift we hasten t o the tomb. At tbo end of thirty-five nnnutes the ed m front of h10 office. !\Ir. Ridley obey· ed. Dr. Hillhouse gave the driver a hur- pat1evt, 9till under the. influence of ether, was earned back to her chamb<r and laid ried direction anti sprang rn after hnn. back upon her bed, quiet RB a. sleeping in· They rode m silence for the whole d1Btance fant. ! It is all over,' Baid Dr Hillhouse, ns to Mr. Ridley'a d wellrng. One glance at the fa.ce of the sick woman the eyes of Mrs. Callton unclosed a little "bile afterward and she looked up mto his WM enough to show Dr Hillhouse that she face. He \Vas no longer tlie iwpaaa1ve surwas beyond the reach of professional skill. geon, but tho tender and sympathizmg Her disease, as he bad before seen, had !riend. His voice was flooded with leehng taken on its worst form, and was r unn1ng and moisture dimmed his eyes. What a look of sweet thankfulness came ite fatal course with a n1ahguant impetuosity mto the face o! l\Irs. Carlton a5 she whlB lt was 1rr1poss1ble to arrest The wild fever pered, 'And I knew nothmg of it!' Then, ot anxtety occasioned by her huaba11<l '1:1 ab- shutting her eJes aud speaking to hersell, Thank Ood, eence durrng that dreadful mght, the cold she said, ' It is wonderful. to wh1c.h, io her dt!hnnru of tear, she had thank Uod " It wl:Lij ala1o~t impoas1ble to restrain Mr exposed hl!rself, and the great shock her Carlton, so exceas1ve waa Ins dehght when delicate organism had suata.1ned at a hme the long agony of suspenae waa over. guessed. Dr They \Vere still in consultation when a when even the shghtest disturbance might Hillhouse had to grasp hie arm llghtly and sudden cry broke from the bps of l\lrs. lead to serious consequences-all these hold him back as ho stooped down over bis wile. In the bhndneas of bis great JOY he Ridley ; and mrng hastily, they went back causes combined had so broken down her would have hfted her m bis arm·. to her charul\er. Her face was distorteu and vitality and poisoned her blood that nature 'Perfect quiet/ said the doctor 'There had no force strong enough to rally against must be nothing to give her heart a qmck· her body 11 rithlllg with pam er .pulsation. Dr. Angier will rema111 for Dr llillhouse wrote a prescnption hash- the enemies of her hfe. half an hour to see that all goes well.' ly, ·ayrng to Mr. Ridley as i\il gnvc it to A g1oan that sounded hke a wall of des (To bo Continued ) hmi : 'Opuun, and get 1t as qmckly as you perat10n broke troru Mr. Ridley's hps as be can' came lD "Ith the uoctor and looked at the The sick woman h·d scarcely a moment's death-stncken countenance of 1118 wife. Daniel Drew freedom from pam of the woet excruciating The two physimane gazed at each other The failure of D·n1el Drew is a matter of character during the ten mmutes that elapa· with oruinous facco, and stood silent and ed belnre her hueba.nd's return. TLe quan- helpless at the bedside. small moment commeroially, but it hM a tity of opiuu.i adm1nister~d was large, and When Dr. Hillhouse hurried a"~ay ten real moral sig11ificance which is well worLh ita effects soon apparent m a gradual break· minute!) afterward, he knew that he had consideration. mg down of the pams, which had been al· looked for the last tnne upon hlB patic~t. It is about forty years since !\Ir. Drew most spasmodic in their character. Mr. Ridley did not attempt to detam him. came to thie city, where he very soon found When Dr. Hillhouse went a way, leaving Hope bad expued, and be eat bowed and congen1al occupation 1n the operat1oua of Wall Street. 'Stock·jobbrng' is only a Dr. Arnsworth m charge of his patient, she crushed, wishrng that he could die was sinking into a quiet sleep. On arriving The large quautity of oprnm which hod genteel term for ~amblmg. It 1s a combm· at hie office be found l\Ir. Wilmer Voss im· been taken i.y Mrs Ridley held all her out· ed game of chance and skill. The gambler, ward senses locked, and she passed away, called, in the language of the street, an patiently awa1trng his return. 'Doctor,' aa1d this gentleman, starting up soon after Dr. Hillhouse retued, without operator, makes bets on the riee and !all of on seeing him, nnd showin~ considerable giving her husband a partlnJl: word or even stocks, or gold, or aomettmea produce 1 he then employs all hi· skill <a manoouvres and agitation, 'you must come to my v:1fe im- a sign of recognition. comb1nat1ons to r111ee or d~presa the stock, mediately.' CHAP XVIII the gold, or the produce, as his betting rn· Dr H1llhouac felt stunned for an instant lie drew hlB hand tightly agamst h!S fore · When Dr. Hillhouse amve·l at hie office terest may requ1re. Sometimes he owns a it lacked only a quarter of an hour to newspaper, secular or 1ebg1ous, sometimes head, that was heavy wilh its dull, halfatupefymg pam, which, apite of what he twelve, the time fixt:d for the operation on he only bribes the editor to write stock· up Mrs. Carlton. He !ouml Dr. Klrne and Sometimes he buys the stocks could do, sllll held on. All hts nerves" ere Dr. Aug1er, '"ho were to assISt him, both or down. 1:1.nd holds the1n ; sometimes he gets control unstrung ..awa1ting h1a ieturn. ot them beforeba10d, and makes hlB bet upon ' Uow " shel' he asked, with the manner ·I thought t\\elve o'clock the hour 1' said a certainty. But, whatever he does, he . of one who had received an unwell!ome mes~ Dr. Kline, as he came 1n hurriedly. sage. Hts hand was still preosotlagainst hie forehead. I ) would be prepared tor it by J'iature's l,rnd· ly eillc1e11cy, 1f food, sunhgbt, aud exercise were duly allowed theu effect. If women ~ave their bodies the sacljle care they do the1r go.- · >1 1 they would conie up to the standard of their work They ought to be nearly as strong as men, with a finer and wore supple strength, it is true. but the difference should not be Jn the great lh!:!p111age· mentto women that it is. \Vh'l.ttbe) \\ ,1ut is muscle, not [at, on their meager 111u bs, which ought to be slender1 graceful, nnd full of' nerve as those of an Arab couroer. Perbapa m findmg roundu~ss of figure and clearness ol comple.x1ou they find strength, and who ·hall say that these thmgs do not he together 1 Sunsh1ue and a1r r1pen and freshen the cheeks of \VOmen a~ the) do the fruit 1n orchards If L eonetta w1Jl , li ke Enghah wowen, spend tour or five h our~ a day 1n the open air, 10 such exe1c1se as she can bear, 8he will find bet sp1r1ts un<l color revive o.s brightly as sl:e can wish. High-Church 0.FFICEt::--0\·er J\.icCiung'a Stol'e same flat J . . .UrunaconLb's Dental Rooms. ty Ilo\vmanvillo, Oct. 27th, 1868. CABINET ORGANS. On one occa~1on, a lacl v Lad been con .. versing with a ritu.liait1c L\lfjrgyn1ao !or some tune JD a railway curnuge. III! evident ly d1d not appreciate the senhn1c:n t she ex.pressed, a11d turned a.way to the other compartment, suy1ng, 'You are very Lowehurch' 'No, indeed!' she cxcla11nctl, 'uot . 'So 1t is; but everything baa aet>med to must make the unmed1nte pubhc believe Dra" rng ,, little that he is doing exactly thr reverse. There I. I am High-church ' nearer, he said,' I should not hn.vc thought ·re gamblers that play fau and gamblers that cheat ; and there are va.r1oul! degrees ~t tron1 your co11vera.t11ou 1 are you really of honesty 10 stock operators, but the N cw Hi~b-cburcb l' 'Yes, really High churclo,' she rephed 1 ' but perhaps our defi111t1011 of 1.'estan1~ut law of honesty 18 ati foreign to I c.ouatd er myatock·Jobbrng ~s the pnnciples of humanity high aud low may differ. self High-church, because l bull<! on Clmst, to an Apache iodge. The shrewd operator the Rock, and there is norio h"'rJlwr than he ; makes his money out of th6 ignorance or the innocence o! his neighbor, and he adJs they nre Low church who build on the iust as much to the wealth of tho commun· sandy foundation of fo1ma and ordinances.' Reality is a.U too stern For heart as \Hld and warm 8B mine ; It cannot stoop from dreams.to learn 'fhAa world's plnlosophy of tbme, Then blau1e me not 1£ I a.dore What ~h a.dow-hke a1l~are t.cf' tbtJe ; G1asp thou the substance ever moro, Leave, leave the t){Jrfumed dreams to me. 'She broke all down a hllle while ago, and no\v hes moaning and alnvering. Oh, do:;tor, cowe right away ! You know how weak she is, 'l'hts dreadful suspense will D. E. McMillan, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLJCI10R rN CflANOERY, COll VEYAll GER, &e. NEWCASTLE. ONT. NC\\ castle, Oct Sth, 1875. m51 ti. LITERATURE. ..DANGER.-,- OR WOUNDED IN THE HOUSE OF A FRIENJ). WBUNNEY, G-enera.l l3uilder and Contracter. Jobbing promptly attended to. MOTTO. Cl ...... BY T S. AR'l'HUR, (Continued ) "Neatness with Dispatch." Office and Shop, on Ontnno Street . RownianviUe, ?tiay 18th, l87U 35 ti. Something New. 1RE UNDERSIGN EU mform· the Gentle· 1 men of the Dominion, tha.t he 1s prepared t.o clean and make n.lmost as good as new, a.ny .. I soiled 01 frw-led gauncnt. 'l'he coloru; restored, and the coat, or what else, puts on a new ap12earBnce. Satisfaction gua1anteed, or no charge, THOS. PEATE. Bov;manville, April 21st, 1876. 30 tf. CHAPTER XVII. We have seen how it was with Dr. Hill· :z !'" house on the morning of the day fixed for the operation. The very danger that Mr. This Company has recently been re-organized by the addition of three ol Carlton so~ght to avert iu bis r('Jection of the most practical men from the Factory of Clough & W:1rren Organ Co., Dr. Kime wM at h!B door. Not having at· Detroit, Mich., each taking an active pa1 t in his own particular dcp:irt- tended the party at Mr. and Mre. Birtwell's, ment and are now manufacturing an Organ equ.tl, and in tnany pomt~ he did not know that Dr. Hillhouse bad, supe;ior to' any, manufactured in the United States or Canada. Our cele- with most ot the company, iutlulged freely brated ,: Vox·Celeste," "Vox Hum:ma," "Wilcox Patent Octavo Coupler," in wine. If a susp1c1on of the trnth had " Cello," or :, Clarionet " Stops, " Flugle Horn," " Dulcet," " &line," cotue to him, he would hnve relused to let "Cremona," and Grand Organ Stop, and the operation proceed. But hke a pMsen· ger 1n aorue swiftly-1nov1ng car, wi,p has faith 1n the clear head and steady hand of the engineer,h1s confidence in Dr II1llbouse -I Q All the Late Improvements [Can be obtained only in these Organs. · Jl o\DUA'l'E of Baxter Un1vers1ty of lfue10 T\venty-F.ive _ D ifferent Style~, f'or the G }'nenclalnp, N York. 'J'oac:ber of Piano nnd Organ, cultiv:ttio11 e\v Prof. J. Ruse, S1n gu1~ 1 gave htm a fcellng of secur1ty. 'v oJce, Thorot1gh Ba8r:i, 1-:Irumony 41-ly Co1npos1t1on, &c n.~1 hngton, July 16th, 1874. R. D. FOLEY, haa taken out a hcenae aa AUCTIONEER £01 this To\vnsh1p Salca will receive the best attention. BowmanYillo, F1::1b. 24th, 1876 ly. Parlor ancl the Church, the Best l\faterial and Workmanship. Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. PRlCES $50 TO $1000. . Aqents Wanted in Every Oou.nty. Send for Prux List. Oor. Temperance and Wellington A U C T I 0 N E E R S Factory and Warerooms, Streets, Bowmanuil/e. Fo'r th,IJ Township of Darlington. H. T. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON. P 111mptn.ttention given to sales, &c, on reason. able terms, Address DOMINION ORGAN CO , BOWMANVILLE ONT. Also General , .Agents for Canada, fCYr the BflADB URY P!ANO Rice J: Barkm· Agents for the. Cownties of Dwl'hani, Victo.-ilt, an<Z North ' and South Ontario. Bowmanv11lc, Dec 21st, 1875, WJD.. Barton, ENNISKILLEN. Sales promptly attended to on reasonabl e terms. · DENTISTRY t~e J Brimacombe, L,R.O.D .. Don't Read this, unless you wish to p"nrch«se Newest thing of the season, ---o- FEES MODERATE. 11 ti. ()Ji'FlG.l!: ove?' McCLUNG'S Store ==Cheap Dry Gootls== s. NE"W' · ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Livm'Pool .l' UOJt 'l'lcktik!, London, and GlaBgow 01 MASON having opened his 1nf(;rtnat1on, apply to W A. NEADS, Agent. J3ow11'.la11v1lle 1 ,Tune 0th, 1871. tf 30 STORE lml)e1ial Fire lnsuranr.e Co. Ol!' LONDON. ~0.EAD wiH1 a full asso1 tmcnt of Eat.·blisbed 1803. OFJHOES. - 1 Old Il1oad St., a.nd 4,_ OE:NCV Pall Mall, London. Glil1' l!:BAJ, FOR CANADA :- STAPLE BARGAINS DRY is prcparnd to offer GOODS, CASH, 24 St S SI.Cl 11.-nent St , Montreal. Fnu<l. £1,905.000 Sterling, S11bP.cr1bcd and mveBted Capital .wd BeaaT·e :F'unds invested in Canada- 105,000. FOR Insurances a.gru11et lose by Fire are effeLLed on wost Iavo1able terma, and losse:-1 paid w1th out 1 eference to th(j Board in London. ,J IJODSWOltTH, lHN'l'OUI. BROS, Inspector. Gen. Agents, b'Iontrcn. that will compaie with any Staie in the County. p_, R. LOSCOMBE, Barrister, Agent for lowman\lille and V1eu11ty, .Bow.ma'lYillti, June 4th. 1860 36 m.o.43·39.4w Please Call a.nd e::a::a.n1ine Stock. :Highest Price pa.id for l3utter a.nd Eggs. ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OI'I'ICE· Bowmanville, April 12th, 1876. bp-ol5-m29. But far from this condiL10u of faith in h11uself wa~ the eminent surgeon in whom he was reposing hia confid~nce. He had, alas! tarried too long at the feast of \Vine and fat things dispensed by !\Ir. Birtwell, and m his effort to restore the relaxed ten sion of his nerves by athuulation, had sent too sudden an impulse to ,his bra.in, a.nd roused it to morb1d action H.1s coffee failed to soothe the unqu1et nerve,, bis stomach turned !rom the food on which he had de· pended for a restoration of the equipoise which the night's exceaseA had 1 destroyed. 'l'he dangerous condition of M:ro. Ridley, and his forced visit to that lady m the early morning, when he should have been free fror~ all unusual effort and excitement, but added to hie disturbance. Dr Hillhouse knew all about the pre· vioua habits ol Mr. Ridley, and was much interested ln his case, He had seen with nope and pleasure tbe sleadmess with which he Vi'UB leading his ne\\ hfe, and "as beginning to have strong ft.Uth JD hIS future. Dut when he met b1m on that morning,he knew by unerring signs that the evemng at Mr Butwell'a had bten to lnm one of debauch iuatead of restrained conviviality. 'l,he extremity of his\\ ife's con<lxt1or1 1 and h1s almost msane appeals that he wpukl btJ!d her back from death, shocked still further _the doctor's alTcndy quivering nerves, The 1mmment penl m whtch Dr. Ihllhouse found l\lrs. Ridley, determm<id him to call in another physician for wnsultation. As twelve o'clock on that day had been fix· ed for the operation on ltlrs. Carlton, 1t was absolulely nece~sary to get bis tn1n<l as free as possible fron1 all causes of anxiety or ex~ citement, and the beat thing 1n th1s extremity was to get his patient intQ the tfnds of a hroth~r in the profession who could relieve bun tea1porarily from all respons1bil· 1 ty, and wutch the case -v; ith nll neeiled care iu its swiftly approaching crislH. So he sent lJr. Aug1er, iwn1ed1ately on his return fron1 Bis visit to Mrs. Ridley, \iith a rec1uest t~ Dr. A1osworlh, u phyaic.1an ot etandtog and experience, to meet han 1n consultation at ten o'clock. Premely at ten the physi01ans arrived at the house of Mr. Ridley, and were admitted by that gentleman, whose pale, haggerd, frightened face told of hie anguish and alarru. They asked Luu no que13tions, and be preceded them in silence to the chamber of bts !!llCk w1te, lt needed no second glance at then patient to tell the tlrn doct0rs that she v; as in great extremity l:lcr p1nchc d fnce was ashen in color and dan1p with a cold sweat, an<l her eyes, no longerwild and reatlesEr, lookctl piteous and anxious, as of 011e 1n dreadful e11ffermg who pleaded mute· kill her, I'm alraid.' 'Have you no word of Arcb1e yet 1' asked Dr. Hillhou·e, us he dropped tho hand he had been holdiug agarnst hlB forehead and temples. 'None 1 So far, \Ve are without a sign.' ' What are yoll doing 1' 'Ever~ thmg that can be thought of. Afore than twenty of our friend s, iu concert with \he pohee, are at work Ill all cot1ceivable ways to get trace of b1n1, but front the moment he left Mr. Birtwell'· he dropped out of sight as completely as 11 the sea hau gone over him. Up to this time not the smu.llest clue to this dreadful mystery has been found, But cowe1 tloctor. Evers moment is precious.' Dr. Htllhouse drew out his watch. It wae now nearly halt-past ten o'clock. Hts manner \·ta.a ucrvous, verging on to excite· wont. In almost any other case he would have s111d thnt It was not poss1b1c fur L1m to go. But the exigency and the peculiarly d1atress1ng circumstances 0ttend111g upon this made it next to impossible for bun Lo refuse. ~ 'At twelve o'clock, Mr. Voss, I have a iehcate and difficult operation to perform, o.nd I Lave tuo shor~ o. time now for the preparations I neeJ I nm sure you can re· ly fully on my assistant, Dr. Angier.' 'No, no I' rephed Mr. VoBB, waving hie · I do not want hand almost impatiently. Dr. Angier. you must see Mrs. V 088 your· .. work adversely thrn mormng. Mr. R1dley's wife is extremely 111-dying, in tact-al.Id I have bad to see her two or three times Other calla have been unpera.tlve, and here I am \v1th1n a quarter ol au hour of the time fixed tor a moat delicate operut1ou, and my preparations not bait completed.' Dr. Kline regarded him tor a few 1110ments, aud then said ~ Th1:i: ia unfortunate, doctor, and I would advise a postponement until to merrow. You should have had a morn1ng free trom anyth111 g but tlnnoportant calls.' ' Ou uo. I cannot thmk of a post· ponement,' Dr. Hillhouse replied. 'All the arrangements have been made nt Mr. Oailton'e, auJ iny patient is ready. To put it off for a single day m1ght cause a rea~tlon in her feelings and produce an uufavorable condition, It will huvc to be Jone to day.' 1 You must not tb1nk of keeping your ap· pointment to the hour,' aaul Dr l{hne,glancing at hie watch. ' rl'hat "ould lie now uupoeaible. Dr. Angier had better go and say that we will be there w1tlnn half an hour. Don't hurry yourself m the shgbtcst degree Take all the tllne you need to make your· self ready. I will rmnarn nnd aas1s~ you as best I can,' A clear~sce1og .uld controlling nund was ,use needed at that mo· JU·t "bat Dr. Hillbr ment He saw the value of l>r. Kline's auggest1on, and promptly accep£ed it. Dr Angier wus despatched to the residence of \\fr. Carlton to ad vise that gentleman of the brief delay and to rnake ueede~l prepara· tions tor th<! work that was to be <luue. The very necessity Mt by Dr Htllbouse for a speedy reprcss1011 ol txmtement !rom which he was su:ffBring helped to 1ncrea.ae the disturbance, and 1t WM only alter he had used a stimulant stronger than he wish· eu to take that he found h!S nerves becom· lng_qmet auj the baud on whosesteadmess BO much depended growmg firm. At half past t\\ elve Dr. Hill!iouse, m company \Vllh Dr. Khne, arnved at Mr Carlton's, :i'he 11 bite face and scared look of the temale servant who aduntted them showed how stron~ly tear and sympathy were at work ill the house. 8hc duected them to the room wh1cb bad been set apart for their use. In the hall above Air Carlled wife 1 He could not pause to thmk of ton met thew, and returned with" trcml1lothers' needs or danger. ing hand and silent pressure the snln.tatlon Dr. Hillhouse decided qmckly, and bis ol the two physlClana, who passed mto a chamber next to the one occupied by their decmon WM on the Blde where pressure was patient and qmckly begaJ the work of mak· strongest. He could not deny Mr. Voss. mg everythmg ready. Actmg from previ He fou~d the poor distressed mother m u ous concert, they drew the table which had condition ot ntter prostratwn. For a httle b.en provided mto tbe best hght afforded by the toom, and then arranged 1netrnwh1le alter commg out of the swoon mto ments, bandages and all thrngs needetl for wluch har .first wild fears had thrown her, the work to be done. she had been able to maintain a tolerably When all these preparations were comcalm e4te.r1or. Ent the very effort to do pleted, notice waS given to f)frs. Cailton, this was a draught on her itrength and lU a who immediately enteretl from the adJOlll· ' ing roorn She waa: a beautiful woman, ID few hours, under the continued suspense of i the very ]Jrnne of hfe, and never 11..i.d ahe apwa1tlng and hearing nothing from her bo:h peared m'Jre beaut1ful than now. Her the overstrained nerves broke down 11gu1n, strong \\ill hall mastered fear, strength, and ehe sunk into a condition of half con· courage and rea1gna.t1on looked out from her clear eyes and rested on her firm hps. She ac1ous auilcr1ng thnt was painful to see. smiled, but d·d not speak Di Hillhouse ions to the innocent editors of a relig1011a For such conditions 1ue<l1c1ne can do but took her by the hand and led her to the n(jwspaper, 1n \Vh1ch a bankrupt, owing half httte. All that Dr. Hillhouse venture<! to table on wh1ch she \Vas to he during the a nnll1on of dollars, and with no means to prescribe \\as a qmet10g draught. It was operation, eay1ng as he d.1d so, 'It will be pay, yet continues to hve in a brown-stone over in a few m1nntca, and you will not after eleven o'clock when he goi back to h1' lront, \Vtth Turkey carpets on the floors, feel it as ma.ch as the scratch ot a pin.' office, where he found Mr. Ridley wa.itrng She laid herself down ~1thouta moment's and costly pictures on the walls, and to for bun with a note from Dr. Ainsworth. hea1tat1on, and aa Phe did so Dr Angier, spend more for a emgle dmner than the 'Come tor just o. e1ngle moment,' tho according to previous arrange1nent, pre· honest mechanic spen<la on a month's meals note said. 'There are mnrked changes in sented a apouge saturated w1th ether to her .But this much ts certain, that Mr Drew's nostrils, and 1n t\vo m1nutea complete her cond1tion.' atHJa3tbeeis was produced O,.n tho instant life HI 1n e'i cry acnse of the term a sad faJl1 'I Cannot! It is 11nposa1ble ! exclaimed th1' took place Dr lhllliouse made an ure. 1-Ie haa 1mpover1shed many without and cut down quickly to tbe tumor. Dr. Hillhouse, wlLh au exc1teu1ent of man .. incunon_ enrichrng himself, and added neither to the H10 hand was steady, nm! he seemed to be ner be could not repress. '])r, Ams \VOillJ in command of himself. The stin1ula1.1ts world's wealth nor to hw own. can do all that 1t;s tn 15 ~ power of medical he Lad tak.en a.a a last resort were still active The coLbler who sends the schoolboy It will not help her 011 bra.in and nerves. On reaclnng the tu· home 1eJ01ciug with a pu.tched ahoe that skill to accomphsh, !or me to go again no\v, and another life 18 mur he found it, as he had teared, much keeps out tbc wet, the blacl,aw1th whose larger than its surface presentation lnd1catin my bands. I am sorry, Mr. Ridley, hut ed. It was a hard, fibrous subKtuuce1 nnd. brawny arm forges the boraeaboe, ond whose I cannot see your wife aga111 until this alter~ deeply seated among the \ elns, arteries nnd skilful lingers fit it to its place, each does, muscles of tb1;1 neck rrhe surgeon's hand in a single day, more tor the community noon' Oh, duclor, doctor, don't say that P cried retained 1ts firmness ; there wa.a o. concen- than l\{r. Drew ho.a ilone 1n a hfetune, uuJ tration of thought aurt purpose that gave the poor, distressed husband, clasping h1a science and ekill their best results It took if they live lll humbler apartments they hands and lookrng at Dr. Hillhouse with a over twenty minutes to dtsaect the tumor hvc at leaat on the products of their own pale, 1mplormg taco. 'Just for a srngle mo· away from the delicate organs upon which industry. '1.1hero aro bees that gather honey ment, doctor. Postpone your operation· 1t had laid 1te gra·p, and nearly half as long from the flowers and hive 1t ; and there are Ten nnnutes, Or even an honrJ can be of ,no a time to stanch the flow of blood from the hP.es that h ve by deapo1hng in War the many small arteries which had been severed conae<[ uence. But life or death may depend durrng the operation To the One of these, larger hives of 1ndustnous neighbors. on your see1n,:: my \\ 11e at ouce, Come, than the reot, eluded for a tllne the efforts first alone belongs the commendation either of Dr. Hillhouse at hgti.lton, and he felt un- of mdustry or of success. The young man doctor 1 Come, for God's sake" Dr Hillhouse looked ·t bis y.'atch agam certa1u about 1t even alter be bad f:topped who takes up thio ed1tor1al ruay, perhapl:), the effusion o! blood In fact hlS hand had stood in a bew1lder<l, uncertain way tor a become unsteady and brn bram shgbtly 'throw it down before he reaches this closle'v moments, and then turned q u1ckly to- confused. rrhe active stunulant taken half ing paragraph, but be may rest assured that ward tbe door and went out, Mr. Ridley an hour before was losn1g its effi::ct and h1s the counsel 1a wise and JUat, even thoJ.gl1 nerves beqinning to g1ve way. He waa no it be i11 a xehgiotts newspaper. lollowrng. The ""Y longer master of the situation, and the last 'Get in,' he said, waving his hand in the and, as 11 proved, the most vital thmg m to enduring success, and the only way, is d1riction of his c:11rriageJ \Vh1ch still r~main· the whole operation 1Yaa done imperfectly, that o! honest, productive industry. He self.' He Was imperative, almost angry. \\1 hat was the delicate and difficult operation to him J What WM anythrng or anybody that ·tood in t h e \vo.y 0 f auccor for h 18 imperi 1- 1ty as the spider does to the prospenty of a group of !bes. There is a legitimate buying and sellrng of stocks, gold, and produce j and there a.re etock-brokers who do an honeat and honorahle business, as a;:ents !or genuine customers; but buying stocks without money, and w1th no expectat1011 of t!Ver ta.king then1, and selling stacks not ln posaession \Vlth no intention of ever dehvcring tben1, is notlnog but a game of rouge et noir Dn a lfl.rge scale ; tbe stocks are the ga1nblP.4'a couctera. Th1' 1a the busmess to which Mr. Dre" has devoted more than a thud of a century. He has certainly not lacked ahre\\doesa, enterpnae, 1nduatry 1 experience, or apphcat1on to business. If any man oould rt!ason · ably expect to be asaured success 10 such a hfo, he unght. If the reputat10n of the street does not greatly behe hin1, he baa never been hlndered in his operatipna hy o.ny Puritanical scruples. It is true that in other mrc~es be ha,s enjoyed a certa10 reputot10n for piety, and this hM been m· creased by considerable gifts and larger vrom1aea to several in:flueuhal itJahtutlona of learnrng. But h1a church hfe and bis busineaa career have bad as httle affiliatlvn for P..ach other, as the sacred eolemn1ty of the mter10r of Trinity Church and tho secular bustle Qf Wall street, upon wh10h 11 calmly looks. And now after near}~ forty years, m which he baa been always a leadmg, and olten a controlling operator, he nears eighty years of age a bankrupt, look· 1ng back upon a business hie without true Christian fruit, and enterinK on an old age without either wealth or honor. Even lua benefactions prove a delua1on and a snare ; while he prospered he paid the mterest on the endowments i but in b1a fa1lure so much of the prmcipal is wantmg, that melltut10na which supposed themselves to be royally endowed, find themselves Involved in losses from which only the vigorous efforts ot other and more substantial friends cau res~ cue them. Exactly what is meant by the declaration respectmg Mr. Drew, that he has !ailed, we do not know. There arc way@, myster THE KEELY MOTOR. The ScicnJ11ic A1nerican, one of the b~st author.itt(:a of the country, placGs the Aiotor in the bet of f·wuds. It says ." 'l'hcte ia no annplei prinmple tn Science than tl.Jat wbateve1 work 18 spt:nt 1n ruov1ug a botly 1 through a ce1 ta1u courslj Ill one ch· rect1on, 1s exactly feg :noed by 1£:1ttJ11g the body return u.loug ~Le same track, ir1ct.lou being avoided. ilnd thi~ 10 tru e IOI t'V~ ry case ot natural law Tht; K~ely tl10t4 i, according to the above, pertor111s t\\ o UI.Jt:Hl tions1 one by winch tho \\ ote1 1s vaponzt'd, the VRJ?Or act1ng on n piston, and th e Olher i11vol\:1ng the \\'ork winch r econ deu Bcs the vapor. Obviously tb e work (no n1ntter what its natu1c 111a) be) Teq_u1red to vapor· ize the water, act1ng 1n one d1rcct1011, 1s precisely equal to the \\ ork r('qu1red to condense it, actn1g in the other dnect1on, other circumstances 1Je1ng equal 'I'her efore work, <ira1ned ott to unpel other 111ach1nes, coines 1ro1n nofh1ng-, anJ the apparatus reduces itself to a self sustained c.ont1nuous mech· an1cal motive po" er. In s1n,pler ter mi;i, 1t lA the long·sougbt problc1n, excn1pl1hed in its snnplest torn1 1n atten1ptEl to hi~ u11e'13 aelf over a fence by oue's boot st1aps ftili Both criticism and i,peculat1on rt>gard 111g t.be Keely motor must br r e tt:rn11uate; lor in this enlightened age, no thoughtful Jit.: r· sou can '"aete time on that \\Jh1ch iR so o lJ~ viously a c.h1mera, un ll:'sa to con ten 1pl.Lte the cunons phasfl in tbe hum an ru1nd which seta at naught tL.e dicta of n1 ecba1ncs and mathe1nallcs and the aclrn1tte-i la\\ S of Nature. As regards those \\ho have been de· ceived by the Jugglfl 1 v;1th its atti;nd1llg iog of uuknown force~, etc 1 \ \ e can best quote from the preface of D1rck's woik on tbc 1 The theoretica l and PBrpetuwm j\1.obile practical engn1eer, unhappil) led away by this aubst1tut1on of p1ohfic Janc1e s~ lD p lace of sound Judgment, lB the last person lo be convinced hy the n1ost ol~v1oua obstacles to success in the fulfilment ot has views llnLl statements. 11.'o himself, all h1a op1111uD::;' stand for realizable obJ ects Yl~ cannot avo1d haVJng i;ome, thoup;h a very cbnslened1 sympathy with euch enthus111stic µro· JectorR, who v. ould seen1 to pride theru i;elves on the strongly expreaA<'d not1on tbut 'genius to madness ia near alhed ' It 1H unquestlonab]y 10 such easel:! a contitltutJon· al \\ eakness, 1Jl fitt1rJ~ t~s possesi:-or for that ealn1, cool, 1'fiechve charncter which alune commands confidence and secu r(' S rec;pect " THE COUNTESS OF DOFF£1UN -Speakrng of the lJnffer111 rewinds us that the NL\V York World of a recent date charges tb ,o t she \\aB butlt from a draft t:.:ikeu irom a model made by l'atllck McGieban of N e w Jersey, a famnua yacht builder It 1s stated that !tir 1\1cG1ehan made the lllOdr;_l a11d sent it to ()ana da for 1napccllou 1 e:xpect1ug 1 ·I to build the schooner, but that the Cau,~ di an'3 corned it and btnlt the Dufferu1 at lEss cost, lrom the dralt oftbe l!;!cG1ehan modcl The story is too improbable to be ac cepted ns truth by thinking 1ne11, aud a p.1per liku the New York World, so \\'ell rettd in BlH Jt~ 1ng mattt-rs, ought not to have pubJJshed it w1thout ti.rat ascerta1nu 1g its rehab1h ty McGieban built tbe yacht Cora !or th e lu te K. C. Baker of Detroit, a bandso1ue 1 qcht, which passed through hPre a year ago lust fall. Ln.st season the Cora and the Anu1e Cuthbert (the latter built by Cuthu<rt of Oobo11rg, from lus own n1odel) conte F<-1« 1 tor the championship of the lakee on L 1ko bt . Cla1r, and the Cora n:aa badly be.ih' ll, During the jJast win1~t it wns augg~f'L('d l) y Canadian· that Cuthbert build a Jadit io sail fo1· the Queen's Cup, won by thP yach t America years ago, and 1'r. made his n101J t:'.l and butlt .. tbe Countess oi Duffer1n Does 1t aeen1 probable that a m an hke OuthLt 1 t would accept McGieban'a model when the second boat Cuthbert e'ieI built, bea t McGieban's best boat at all points 1 lf the DuJlcrm should beat the New York J ad1t, against which she is to f.l ail, the honor v;11l belong to Cuthbert, nnd it JS not fair for the. Ne\\ York papers to be engaged rn pavmg the way to rob h101 ol hrn laurels.- O· wego Paper. See to it that each honi'e fr{]Jngs, thoughts nnd actions are pure an<l t1 u~ , I hen will your hfe be such, · · ' -- 1