· - ... THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, JUNE li 1876, · WEDNISDAY, THE 5TH DAY OF JULY, -R 5.cts. ROLL. PAPE M o Ro FARMFOR SALE, to "l\r 11 t c - f or $fl\ fl\5 ' ... ,...a, e roquet set s VALUABLE Subject. Mortgages. - ==========================~=::~~===~~~~~====~============~~~~~- ljU I LT. TIE_SOLD, ON 'l'HE rlrnMISES, l'l' b_y a.uct1ou, on nex t, at 2p. m., one of the best whea.t p:roflucing fai:n1 f!. ill the county of Durham, being Lots 29, ao, and 31, in the Ilroken Front Concession of tho tvwn~hip of Clarke, containing about 180 ncr efi, a nd owned by IIENlt.Y LAW. 'l'hcse lttndl:! are beautihUly situated on the shor e 9f L :-ili:e Ontario, within a. mile of the Gra.nd rrrunk Railwt1.y Station and half a mile of N ewcastle H arbor . . On the lands ar e a. substantial fra me dwelling, good bnrns and out buildings, ·woll s, &c. 1 &c., a.nil an excellent YOll n g un.:11 ard o{ choice fruit trees. 'l'itle is tuiexcept ionable. Possessivu giv11n Nvvem"ber 1st, 1876. Privilege of ploughing imnlediately a ftei· next harvest. Land will be sold by the a cr e and measured by al">. L . Surveyor. 'l'l!:Rb:l S- T eu pct' c1.nit. cash. Balance of ptuclla~e m oney, over n.nd a bove amount d ue on 1 1101·tgu.g ~ , to U1:1 '[J<l id N ovutu bet' J st, 1876, w ·llml ~fo11d will b u gi ve n a.nd p tn ~]Ju.scr let int:o p oi:; se1:1i;j1·n on giving sa.th1facto r~y bu11 di.i tu Sl·c ure ' 'e JHlor <~.g-<1.i uH t }J<l~tneut of 1nortgagcs thereon 1"0 1· furth ~ r particulars ::ipply to 8 Sarsapal.,1· 1-"1' · DR. CHAN ~ !f.ilVS FOR THE BLOOD a l · - _, at Q .Q · ~ first oloss a1'f>le tre..s, to be delivel'eil Bowmanvill~ 1 next apring, at $17 per bun· dred. All other Nursery stock at corresp9ndfor up Cheap Fruit Trees. to the lat of Octobor, I will take orders Tho u nd e rsig n e d has the plea's ure of infor ming you-tha t h . . he a s re, open ed Ill h is oJcl d ·rr stan , ( two doors fr- est of the PostNO/jiE "ce w ) w isthTaO n e CnKtire ing low rates; Special rates for large orders. " CURES '"YPHILIS, A lll GULY CONCJ:>OrRATJ;O E X1'00ACT w RED JAMAICA All stock guamntocd trne to name. Address JOHN CHAPLIN, Box 55, Bowmanvi!le P. 0. 4m. ROSS BALLS FROM 10 CENTS EACH. Large Stock of R. Easton's "Doheny Block, Lindsay. Beaut iful Fans, at Hall Buildings. Tciwn Hall Bnildings Bowman ville - . ..J·~~~~~~~~~~+-~} . t lie1r~ ·. STOCK are sett111g . . '1 Best and sell at the Lowest SKIN-DISEASES, r1ltl~rJi~J~r:,;£t~!~;!; a,nd Grain MOTION by offering their Goods at Ipos sible p r ice. ' TUMORS, ~'.,.~~1~~·ti; ·~~~,7~~~r;i~ SEED SEPARATOR. Irresistible Prices I Step in, and you H e h a s determined to aclopt ENLARGEM~NT ~~~~~~~~~w}~?,~d~~;~j THREE MACHINES IN ONE. 'viii find ·almost every shelf to contain Ithe OF THE ;".'~~~~RATToN.E;.. 1n:.;i~v;.~~':'n~:~;.p~;;:-;:,ri,;~;:r:~1·!~"~; a Bargain, and every corner an Attrac- CASH SYSTEM, LIV£R AND o't"~·~"~c~~t;;1 1~~.; Mill and See.:1 Separator ever invented. Its f 'on· b e lie vii:w it to be advantab< re1 ~t·ou~', " SPLEEN, Dr. advantages over other I\olills in nae, rue as fol · ,.i · ALL S pno o, fo,1,; ,1, tLo gh-ing more te~Lilll11ny in thi,.s .scRoFuLA, SALT-RHEUM. :.:::.~;t;~~.;~: Fi!~~ovi~~!i~hihi:!:~ ott~~~~~a :;;;1?~;\~.r·y,',~~1 1 ~1.~ c";;;' l ll'ANNING l'l'lhe -:..,g of the '"""St ... .nr..1..... YV .., :U::ILL, · Screen _ and Ill McCl ' o· B ' nr~ ' l'"> NOTI OE 0 F MOTI0 N ! Fresh H" r OS lS I aun s h ' a 111)e t o 1 rnep t lC . Fam~iy Groceries ·' l 1 fcr~i ul.t from which 1 JAS . McCLUNG, of MoCLu~ o Bnos .· or, R R . 'LUSCOMBE, (;18-3w.) V uK oon's SoLIOL'l'OK, llowmanlille, Ont NEW GOODS! BATTING'S! AT consisting bi pa.rt, uf · ·- A'I' S. & F. Mason's, You can r ut e-..·urythiug UBiu.tlly k ept in a TWEED3; P RINTS, WHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, PARASQLS, SILK PARASOLS, SILK U MBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, &c. All to be sold ri.~ the very low 1~~L pt-iuc~. for First-class Harness Establishment. N. B.- Old Rtor1·, n e ~w 'J'h ompsou & Burn's Mil l, .Bow1uru1 ville. CASH! - ' l ia. rn ess, ~Vhips, Tnlnks, Va l~'.se.~,. llags, Col. lars, Lashes, Brushes, Ne tt.~. Sheets, Riigs· Curry d o-mbs, Bits, Snavs, Inltrferi:ng l loul8 - and Rollers, Zine Collar Pads, Harn ess Oils, ~======== =::::;::;==========~ best po:; i;ible combinn.tions to con stitute nn effectual r emedy, t'or the cure of JJlood lm1mritw1.Sofara 9 my exporionce has gono with this re medy , I con DISEASES testify to its grea t ·\'aluc in the trcntmeut of' o.11 OF THE Strumous and, Cnchcetio KIDNEYS, a.tfecLions, as GliLndu lar Enlo.rgement~, o.nd a wid& range· of ikin a.tfections j BLADDER 1a.11 a r eliable pr·p11r:1,tion for jfCnera.l use as o. blood AND p urifier, I kn "w of none URINAR'r equn.l toit,eomhining a.sit does, RU the imputed vir· . tues of Sar1rn,1,a rill!l, a'nd. ORGANS, several other valuable r e medies , with tbe ·LEUCORRH<EA extr:i.ord nary a.ltera.tive ' propcrtle! of the 11 Doubld lodide11," and of none that e~n be more CATARRH, hi ghly recommended &II safe, certain and reliable, ANO ALL a.n<l 1 hnvo every eonftde nee, that such a. r emed1 DISEASES for general u80, taking the plaeo of tho many worth· RESULTING less nost.r ums of the do..y, will be a. grea.t boon to sufi'cring huma.nity, a.nd FROM A its use will be a ttended with tha rnost aa.ti!lfa.clory DEPRAVED results . It 6hould be in-..· aluableto persons beyond the reach of medical a d- ; vice, a.nd will, no doubt, 11\!PURE bacomc popular with l\.le- : RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS, Ch i· pro·nning'sSGrso1>ar )arod. ns on(l ofill· tl1 e I I I a It Cleaner and Chauer. will take out Wild -OP .ts J)urfoctly . It wJJl take out all Cockle,ChesB, and other foul seeds, with once going throug}1, u1akiog a verfect sami)lt1 of Market Wh eat,which willaddseverp.l cents per bushel to the valu~ of grn.in, over and above that when cleaned by the ordinary Mill. "' . 2nd. It is a most perfect Separator, It will soparate al1 the large kernels of '\Vheat from tho smn.ll e.nd shrunken "rains. It does not o throw thn sm;i,11 grain s in the chess box, like other Mills, but brings them through by themselve8, clean.and fit for market, and is warra..nt00 to make a perfect i;a.mple of S eed Wheat. 3rd. It is "ery rapid in its action, and will h ea.si!y tna.ke for market, Sixty Bus els ; and for Sood Twcnty-fi\'e Bushels "J)erhour. . 4th , It sepitra.tes all kiuJa of Grain, as well :i.e seeds ..: and if Wheat and Oats, Peas and 1 Oats, Clover and Ti1Dothf.· are mixed together, . and pnt through thia 1'-Iil , it will come out perfeatly separated. 5th. I t is e(J..ua.lly as good for small as large ~rains. {twill separate Timothy Seed from \Vh~at, and will bring tho Timothy out clean l h \"h at thA ea.me time aa you are c eruung t e 1~ eat for !\Iarket. · lows:lB t. It is a. perfect --~-......._ p OUS not Only t o t h e b u yer bu" '£. t o all p a r ts Do You waJ:lt a of at a cheaper rate than . ever you bought a Web of Cotton before ? of the t o wn w ith prompt n ess. EXCITEMENT EVERY DAY! WEB COTTON GO TO lrfcCLUNG BROS. ·somI {)flfl.7DON OJ, 0{) al~a:~et1~:1:1~~:;·~d --------~--·----a_o _ z·_ o_ f.i _ c_ CL _ U_ N_G _ BRO~ H igh est p rice p a id for a ll Do You want to select PRINTS cheap in price and new in kinds of proch1c e. Style, from the largest stock evAr b~ought into Bowmanvillo? Hoping t o r e c e ive a share or your p a tronage. H e is, y ours truly, puu ::!t0l0H0 --~---~~--~~~ c: sa:oo-o ss:a::ia:a '~V:ll:HO lUUA\. ilO~\ oa John McMw try. Bow1nauville, Dec . 22nd, 1875. IHf. Do You want MILLINERY, MANTLES, or - FANCY GOODS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. Do You want Roya.1 A~a.in T:ri umphs. Price of Mill, $35. etc., etc. II y ou don't see what you waut,p1oase ask for it CONDITION OF THE ~LOOD. country. , llespoetfull.v your11, dical m·n throughout tho W E. BESSEY, M.D. .All Letters f1oru the Counties of Northun.1· bw.·lo.nd, DurharO., Victorin., a11d P eterboro, must he addressed to the proprietor, CARPETS or CURTAINS HOUSE FURNISHINGS? . ---oo- or other -GO TO McCLUNG BROS. ·) THOMA8 SMITH, P . C , H YMES, General Agent. ~fay Ifa.mpton, Ont. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 1~or ' " Bargains i11 · Beaver Rall Squa.re, NOTg.- Dr. Channing's Sa.r15n.parilla. i8 put ttp in large bottles1 with the na.me blown in the glass, and retn.1ls at $1.00 per bottlo, or f3iX Dottles for Fiv& Dollare. Sold by Drugg1ds: gcnera11y, and mo11t Co~ntry Stores. ~o sure! a nd ask for Dt. Ch a.nn1ng'a Sa1sa.)'&r11la., a.nt tak e no other. If not readily obtn1ned in your looality, address tho General Agents. 5th 1 1876. 32-tf. Don't purchase your Summer Cloths before inspecting McClung Bros. most ext ensive stock of CAUTION ! 0 l\!I T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D ATH us EK C 0 AT.I N GS, . &c, u~uaJ. P IANOS. McClung Bros. Tailoring Department wili take the lead, as lfyou want I Parry Ila.vis & Son& Lawrence_. 377 St. Paul Street, Montreal. J Ull 1:1 1st, 1876. ly-m36·o22 EXCEL in volmne of tone. EXCEL in finnuess and purity of tone , EXCEL iu voice-like quahty of t one. EXCEL in durabihty and keeping in tune·. EXCEL for the concert i·oom. EXf:EL for t1.Jaching E!choola a.nd seminaric1:1, EXCEL for the drawiDg- room. -H- If you SU IT, McClung Bros. will "SU IT" you. want a HAT McClung Bros. will " HAT " you. a 13,1/ Z'clegi-ap h to Gardcric1· Sewin[J IJfachi:ne, Co'z;. Oorl).wuJ.l. Oct. 2, 1875. Royal got first tll'ize at Gl1:1ngatT'}', C011 nt.v Fair, ov er the "ilebst er, Osboruo,and Ne w Y 01·k Singer J .A:r.tES M ILROY. . Belleville, Sept. 30th, 1875. . Got fi.1·at p ri:iie on the l~oyal, a~ }.,air here, beating '\1hee1cr & "\Yilsou and ever_.\' other 1na· chine. G1·~ v.t cout eti:t. .LUIB,..., BaBJHf :J'l'. · Brock vilJe, Sept. :&5, 1875. R.uyal t ook first p rize at U n ion ville, corupet_~ ing with the 'Vhe~ kr & W ilson, Singer, ihlld others. EV:KKf'l'S & liA GA RM.A...i."\f. TJLSONB,URG, Oct 11, 1875. }.,irst prizo for Roya1, at Uuiun E xhibit iC"ln hore, over all compbtitors. J\11A'l'1'H I!:\~ S:n~ w ART. Woo<li-:to t!k , Oct. (ith. 1875. . R uyal took :firBt i1ri:.:c <.t t }~xhibi tion h ere,o vi.:r all cmnpct itor.s. J\fA'l "fB1r.w S rE w~ r.:r . Pa 1·is, Oct. :3r<l, " 1 875. Have taken firdt. prize with Royal at J!'rut here, beating t he Ro.ymond· ::i,ud Singer. Vf-11,LI AN 8NI D 1'~n. lia.-m.iUon. pO l' day a t home . Ra.m1~lcs $5 $ worth $1 froo. s,'INSON & Co, ' P01 ·~l 11 nd, Iv.fdoe. hµ·o-10m25-ly. TO 20 FOR SALE OR ·ro ·~·HE RE~T Elli~tt' . DRY , ~ N MILL STHEET lN VILLAGE . O u! H a.mpton, three doors west of large t wo atoi·y l tou gh Cast lJw clbng stor~, lt poss~sRic1~l will be given a t once. GOO DS, Peovle's Book Store ... 'l' I-:I E AN D If you want GLOVES McClung Bros. will "'GLOVE n you. -If you want a Tl E, Mc Clung Bros. will " Tl. E " you. - --~ _._ ' Apply to · _ the propr1eto1 ·. 1\-.'[erchal'l.t rra ilor. H~topton, Mar ch 7th. 1876. 24-t£. · -JOHN . C OLE · SAB:SATII SCHOOL ShortIIorns for Sa.le. 1;10UR 'l'IIOROUCH-BliED DURHAM chased of the 24-tf. THOROUGH-BRED go to ~BclUUBTRJ'S. DEPOT ·c. BARKER. With tho arrival of the IlolidayR , comes a do1uand for 'l'hese are broad aaetirtions, but capable oI proof. They nre unlil.te n..n.y othe1·, in qonstruction; all their peculjal'itfos are points of excollence. Their illnstra.ted nnrl descriptive en.talogue, which we send free ·to any adclroos, explains conclusively, in harn::ony with a.coustica · and mechanica aJl that is claimed for the l\1ath· ushek . 'l'hcro nre thousands of happy owners of :h-Iat11miheks willing to certify to t heir sup1:1rior ex cellence. "¥le have room here for but a. few brie( extracts :NEW YORK, Oct. 28, 1867 . 'Ve the undersigned , Judges of Pia uos nt the ll'air of the AJnerican Inatitute, after a ea.roful examination of the fJoncei1: Gritnds,do award t o SEEDS at McClung Bros., GROCERIES at McClun,g Bros., TEAS l TEAS l CHEAI' TEAS, at JY[cCh~ng Bros. SALT and PLASTER at Mcclung Bros. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER &c.. at McClung Bros. . PEBPETU AL throughout theSeflSon at MOTION ' MCCLUNG BROS. J.1 BulJs, yearlings, red and roan , can be pnr- - u ndersib ~rnd, ROTIT . COLLACO'l'1', at r eMOno.ble rates r.l'yrun c, P . O. of making the Jrl~ST of this class of instrument.a then and there exhibittid 1 or known to us else" Where. EWD. MOLLENHAUER, (S1gned) FHEDERICK MA1'HUSEK the HONOH N ap an(';e, Oct. l ~ th, 1875. Royal has t aken first prize at Fa11· hen; ,uvi:or Singer, Rowe, Wl\nzer F, O.t:!bor ue a.ud oth er s , .} All.ms Ba B1u:'l '. MRS. ANDERSON'S Fashion and ii' Y: ~tfr!i~~~~r:N. CHARLES FRADEL. Ro~ruJ. takes first p ri>ie at this T a.Jr, f or family wu1·k and lig-ht ro11111ufaeturing . ' 'r1LLI AM SN1DEU . Harley, Oct. 13th, 1875. Millinery Depot, J(iiig Street, opposite Mr.' Buclila':r ·- cheap erad good L;terature, Gift l3ooks, a.nd. :Present GOODS. I have n. St ock that cannot fail to pl ease- com vle te a.nd va1ied. in strumt:nt.s, o.nd their pecnliar constru<:tion renders thein by far tbe most d1.1rable, and the least liable to get out of tune. 802 Broadway, N , Y . These l:>ianos lllll!lt take the lead of all known MUSICAL CONSERVATORY, } These vict1.1 l"it->H ~lusively vrove t ln1ot the light ruw1ini; l \ oyal, is t1i e people'~ fa."\"'ori tc,und t he BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINR. The ~{n.n ufactur.e rs have lat ely added to it. t lid greatest novelty of the ago. t.he Royal Latnp Jiold&1· fm· Sewing M ach.i;neR T he L t~mp ca.u never upaet , uor the Oil soil t h e work ; and it is £LJTa.nged to throw t he l ight on any part of the work, en abli ng th e oper atJr t o EUGE'\EJ . MElUUAM. J. JAY WATSON. Very Latest Styles Bonnets, Hats, Mantles. and Genera1 Millinery. <;1>Dsisting of everything in the line, that can b e }lU1 ·e:lrn.scd in t he Paris and Ne~v .~ u rk csLnP li!iolunonts, are now 011 exh1h1t1on. StJ:·aw Hats cleaned, ru.!d altered into latcst 11tyl es . . Mrt1. A . is not aaking large profits, but vnl l Fe ll at a smil.11 ad vn.nce on cost , for CASI=L ·A vi .. it to her estab]jljl11nent, will sntisfy auy r,f otll' r eaders , of that fact. J3o\Yroauvill~, A pril 7th1 1870. (m22 -17.) JN Since the Ua.te of this concert the J\Iathusbek h as been my favorite . Boots Shoes! c · 'Vu.ttsou'a Couserva.tui-y of Music.New York. ·, AND F AMII,Y BIBLES. Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. N .B . 'fhat deservedly popular Teach er's Bible, in various bindings ROOKS. in Great Variety. Af,B UMS, Cheap ant! Rretti No money would my bon1e. tempi we. to banish it from D. ~fa.thushek SCHUYLER, Buffalo. · has in reality taken a. step in ad\'ance of all rnakers of Pianos in the world, J. G. SHAW. ].!tl'"!ical Oritic, Saratoga. ,The IVIathusht:!k Orchestra Squa.ni: Graud PiaJlo ii~ ht·illiant, 'bf wo11deL"ful power, nn<l melodi,>us iu tone . AL FRED H. PEASE,H,ochcstcr. · , I was fully conv inced t.ha.t the Mathusbek was tlrn crown of all. -:- WRITING DESKS, and W ORK BUXES New· Lumber Yard AND JOINERS SHOP. Schooner ·1 Saucy Jo.ck," ni.y first conR ign . ine nt , front t ho manufactory of H. B. Hath bu rn & 8 011 , l\:lill Point, I h cg to offer to th e pe01ile of Bo\v1nanvi1lc, n.nd the s1u'l'o 1 1.n~lin g cou11 tr·y, {itt prices that dt-fy ccmp(:lbhon JS[lsb , hlin da, Vool's, and :::5 diffe r~ut sorts of Mouldin gs, afao window and door frame stuff r early tu p11t tog-ether. 7 x tl, 12 light sii.sh 42 <.~ts., kiln dried 2 .ft. 6 x 6 ft 6. 4 pan e] duors 0. G . moulded 2 sides $1.75. 'flte different sizes of sash a.nd doors kept in Rtock Also on hand A. good s11pply of Lumber, c!resse d fl ooring, ship lap and V . siding-, laths, shingles ' }Jic k ~ t s fie ld posts arnl ba ttens. I ha,ve ~w ~ " opoued 'a oa.rpento:t: and joiners sliop ln c~nneo ,_ tion wiLh the a.hove busii1 ("1>s,ru1<l hope by lnteg i·i ty of de aling, nnd low p ri cts to aecuro your .,:ia.t rouage . A ll goods wa rranted, and a ca.ll solic ite d. W. McSP AlJDEN. C~"" 8Lop anrl yartl in i·car of R. 'V. Jaine Implement D epot . . 33·3mos . One of t11 c Largest Stocks oi Bouts a.nd Sho es in the country, is t o be found n.t . · F I A.VIJ'\G J US'l' l~E CEIVEI> PER J. BORLAND'S Boot & Slloe Stoi·e, ~ comprising MI CR OSCOPES, . STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPES. ·· '11 I'll CJ> · - 'l' I I F. GREATEST Lr.m·gest Collection of Sle»eoscop·ic Views irn 'l'uwn. H.BELLACK. Ladles' Prunella Boots, from 75 cents \ Vond e r upwards- Misses' and Children's, in proportion. Men's, '·Boy's, and Youth's, of every description. Finding·s kept for the Trade. of M odern T imes. L adies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. D'ly old twrnr, who has t.aken c,oire of 1ny p1a1iu for the past t en yea.rs, a8.ys that the No, 10 U1·cllestraJ. just recei ved from you is the 001:11, mude and finest instrument in t b ir; city . Yourd, &c . D. M. SOMEHVILLE,.Clevoland,O. F.LM ST. Calf, K'ip Uppe1· and Sole Leathe1', :l'RUNKS, &:a. .u.80 W. JENNINGS is still in charge of t he i~ · Manufactory Department and A P.~:i·:Ceet F1t 1 in 'l'he P ills_ Pnrif~ the lllocd., correct all disord ers of the I .11ver, St oma.ch, J{1dneys a.nd l~ owcl s, and are invaluabl e iif n.11 comph.,ints iucident a.1 tu ]fe w.al es. Tho ' Ojutmcut is tho onl y l'eliabl e rem edy for Bad L egi'!, Old "t Vou11 df!.." Sorel:l ru1 d Uleel'>I, of however lonµ sta.ndiug. }'or B roJ1Chitis, Diph· tLm· i:-i., Cour;hs, Cold s, Gout, R heuuw.tia1 n , !l.Il.d all Skin D is(:lal:les it lmM210 equ al. Call and Examine. nothing can exool it. The tone is soft and full. 'l'he bass is grand and '\'hen 300 voices are 1:1inging tog~ther tbe Pja.no caD be tlistinctly hea.rd. Every note rings out as dear as a 'v e ha.ve great vleaeure in stating that :as an instrument to lead the singing in a. S. School bell. S . J, HUN'fER, Pastor. "\VAltING KENN E DY, Superintendent. SA¥UEI.. FRISEY, Musical Contluetor . ,v. 1\-I. s. SCHOOL, '1 oronto . 1 Great Inducements. b a.ily Line to :a.ochester. Comnwncing on or about THURSD4-Y, 20TH Al'RJJ. . It has given 1ny fa1nily the ve1y ~s:hest satisfaction . REY. JOHN 1 l3REDIN, Bart:ie. New 'l'ailor shop B prepared to a;uarantee t1u~ Lod.m~t o.nll Best Style. ..1.lfr. J . .Ruse, DKAll HAMPTON, Feb. 1st. J876. tir ally, t hat he 11aA r emoved his busine to th o Shop next door ea&t of Rice's Hutch"r Sl10v. }Ta.vi.:ng h:.1.1.l scvern.1 years experience h1 U t,r s.de, he h opes to B atit>fy a ll \vho mn.y fa.vor hirn wi th a Q~n . Sewed Work a Speciality. First class Stock used. JOHN HEAL, A Call is S o licited. EGS 'l'O INFOUM 'l'Hl~ PUBLIC, gen ' ·· I deOro it my dut y to state th at my Pills a.ncl Ointment are neitlier manufactured uor sold in any p m·t of the United Stat es. E ach J>ut autl Box bears t h o Br il'i$h Gove,·n· mcnt Sl(~'m,p , with t he w ord s ~ " liolluway's P ills a.nd Omtrnen,Lnndon ," eng-rttvcd thereon, Ou tho bbcl i::i t he ru:ldress,5~3, Uxfunl Street , THE STE,A.MER Sin :- Tho ].{athus.ek Piano I purchased from you hM given entire f' a.tisfaction and proved itself a. superior iJu3tr11ment in.every respect. I would recommend all to soe the ?rla.thusek, before purchasing elsewhere. - H. 'l'. PHILLIPS. .. Remember t he Stand, T ost Office B lock, oppo-:site Rutibot toin liousc. J_ l30RLAN9 . Bow1nan ville, May 12Lh, 1876. 3:1. ' GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bo wmanv ill c, Sep . ,1t h, 1872. ~n49-tf. DRUGS AND MEDICINES at tlw 'l'hrow Phy~io to the :Cogs. - \7\l"YLLJ.I E'S r Bowmanville Drug Store, J. HIGGINBOTHAM OULD must r e6pi..·ct.fuUy tender hi s ince re t han kg tu his nttm erous fri ends and a S· t amer-A, an d t0 the public gene;aJ.ly , _for t1 very libi>ral 1 mppo1· t- hi..: has received i11 c e L.i· cmnmu11 cing in buaines3; a!ld hopes . lJy con· tinued stri ct -personal attent 1orl to U~1 s111ess , :1.-1 id offcriJ1g' uotlih 1 g bu t the purest a1'twles? a.t th n10st. rcasounble p1 ·ices, to euf.lu 1·e a con t u1uan C6 of3Jn1Jlic pa.tro u ~e. . . ·. TI. 'vonld call speoif\1 attt:ntwn to hu; ve ry 1$Uperior s to ck uf W ,. · p IJY:ID STUFF , \l"Jilch aru sure to give the sati sfaction. be~t Pilla and Ob itment.( ~re mnJ1ufac tur~:1 n.nclso ~d (Il.. CI\.li. VVFORD, }1AETER,) under t he na1ne of l-~ollow1;1.y & Co., Ly J ._ F , _ V'f"ill n:H tke her rcguln.r trips on this route,lea\'· Hcnry,C~uran & 0?.. of Druggists ing Cobuurg every iuorning :i.t 7:30, and I 'ort of. Now York, Vlth an assumed H ope nt 9 o'dock, for Rochester, connecting tradc_lna.1:k,t~1 us ·--In Canada, t h en wit h t h o N e-w York Central, No1·thern t he . pri nci. pal bulcsal~ D eal· Central anrl F:rw Railways, and L ake Ontario -Call at era I ll these Conntl·rfcits are Sh<ir~ Division of the Ron1e, 'Va~ertO\VU and Ogdent1bu:rgh Railway for all points EnRt, "V\' est aud Sou th, 1 " I~rn4N, C r,ARft; &. Co., RE'l'URNI NG. will lea.-..·e Charlotte (port and buy a9und,antly. 9! Fil.UIT, an d keep :-foH'.l."JllHJJ' & L YM AN a nd ltochest<.:r, ) daily o.t 9 P. M ., exce1)t Saturof yourselves St.rong , :E a t and Ifealthy; . J.. YM AN BllO'J.'.H.l::RS & 'cu . , days, when she will l eave at 3 l' . l!t'I. for Port 'VYLLLE cntel'S on tho summer c.n,mpatgn, . . with renewed activity 111 .id ,vigor, a!1d is bo·u nd who obt 1111~ tlwn:i at v~ry low p1·1ces, fr~_m J". F . ROpe <lirect. D caler t:1 in stock, &c,, will £nd this the chea.p to k eep aht'ad of aJl compet1 torf4, H e ha.s no"'· H~111y, C1;rra.n & . Co. , of ~ e~v . Yotlc,.., au~l and will have, t hi'ough t h o et:w.soo, . t lu8 tras~1 is ~up p lie1l to Un prn1C11Jl CL~ l\.e ~i:nl ~s t :md in ost e:x pedition s routo to Boston, A lbany, Ne w Y ork, &c. ' GE S"'OCK -OE Veudo~-s . wh o scll ~he si~me n.s my genu1nc l .)1Ua A· LAI F or furth er info1·1nation a_pply to · -. .\> · .L · · · anll Omtm.cut, whwh ::t.re 11rn.J1ufa.ct tued only - R. ORAWFORD · t .u:l3, Oxford Street,_ ~-ondon, and maybe obPo uT IioPE, tm ucd frUJn th e fo llo.,~1ng }'ir1ns, viz. : Or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, 'el '!'t "l"T' E va.mi, J\fcrecr a.n.d Co. , Mont1·ea.l: (Wt.C.) KINGS'ro N. J9 -"' '-' _ l\Iessrs . Avery. Brown mid Oo., l{alifax, ~. S. S\i \rEE'r ORANGES, l\'1ssrs. '1'. H. Barker and Sow; ,,~·. , ,Tnhu,N. B . ) 1essrs. Elliot and Co .· 'l '01·ont<J. Common Sense BI'l'TER OR/~.N GES, 'Yho import t h c1n direct from h ere."· T.1~~~n~nds1n1rionf.lini.i tations of '"Holloway's 'NQR8EMAN,, ENNIS~N,~Tan. 25th?.J.876. P1·of. J , Rut c, . Dl!:AU. SrB :- I ha, ye l>lcMUrc in adding my testimony to the n1any you hav-e already l'I!· ceived in fa.vor of the well merited 1'-fathusek P iano 1 purclrn.'"11:ld fro1n you recently. I am well satisfi ed with it in ovcry respect, a.nd con· sider. fur beauty and tone, it is uustU'pasaed by ' ny instrument I have _ _ yet ~een. · S. C. HILLIER, M. D. ENNISKILLEN, Jan . 15th. P1'0f . R use. . = ... !a ·- = = "' z z I.LI UJ ·rt ...p a 00. ~ · .T . S . DONE Y, 'l'Y RO~""E. ·N . l3. - A gen.t fo:r Fir s{;.,~ J ai-s } fusi cnl Instru. lllents-'V. Bell & Cu'a. Orgq,n , Hallett & Davi8 a.11d H '1. rchnan P ianos. Also 1he Celebrated WnJ.tham and El g-in \Vatch'"R. · $ The Subscriber, t]1::i.uJdng liis very nn me1·ou11 cn 1:1 tou10rs · for past patron age, (Laving f.lold T wel ve Tlw·u:unal 1J0Uu1·>1 l V1wf71 in 12 fTlollth solicits th eir con t iEtw<l pl1tr vnage, by r t>i1sc· 11<.1l, prices, f air d eal i1·1:.~. ,j J d c;tw 1an tl l'.d !:!atp,fn tion. J . ]) . ~ November 18th. 187f, work as well by night as by day. Sold J,_y · 0 ~ - New Furniture AND UNDERTAKING ~liJ ~ji~~et! ,- - : o : - The uuden:igned bas OJ)CJlcd a Rtore in opposite Tn~l e ve11 s 81101.1 Ston"', where be will k eep on lrn.n,d fl. full a nd \' :.ni('U. ~tuck uf Fuller's Block, · - ~ = == 0 ...p · F'tJ"RNI'r't1EtE, which 'vill be <"l i:-ipor;ed of at t he LO\VES'r )fAB.I{ET PI\ICES. .f'CH!ous iu teulling to t::O mrn etH.:e lw u1:1ekeepi..11g, will find it ln.rgcly to t1 1 ~:i r advant age to consult 11 im, elc - purch3-Sing elsewh ere. Furni ti~re made to 01 ·der on shott notice, and Repairing neatly done. UNDERTAKI NG. A. N EW HE.ABSE 1876. Dun Sru :- The I\!cdium ~fn.thusek i.ve got frmn you givos ontiru f:!atisfaction in e 'i' CJ'Y rcs1 :>ect. I can unhesitatingly recomm end it t o all desiring a good piano. Pastor of Presbyterian CblU'clt. ftI'I'. I D. STEWART. ..I .J · . ' J; OSHA WA, J:in 24th, 1876. ]IA.lSC. :::> LL H a.s been p roctu-cd of la.test d cfliqn , }..,un 1ish · ings for fun er als always on h and ·. All F nnernls io. to"·n and co11nt ry ,· at:ttendc rl at it rtia.<,;vn· a bl e ch arge. lleside11oe 1 Corner of Q 11 rn;r11 a n~l Dro\vn Sh. 1 n ext <lour to i\1r. J. l.l .l\ice 's. Bowmnnville, 3-Iar 'c & Foreign Domestl IT$ PINE APPLES, BAN AN AS, DATES, COCOANUTS, DEA;& S I R :-The N o. 11. ?viathusek is all t ba.t you said con1mendatory of it, musicians have tried it and pronounced it excellent. MRS. H. Ml:L'CH:F:L. ' The I THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 53:l O:cforJ S~·oet, W . C. London, JanU<iry 1st, 1876. - W -A SHER! T HOlMPTON, Jan. 3ht. 1876. llfr, J _ R use. DEAR SlR :- It afford.ti IDQ great pleatiure in a.cknowle d~ing the entire i;jlJ.tisfaction and my higb nppreciation of the l\'lathusek piant.> 1)urchased fr om yon a. few days since. A. DAVY. tGth , 1876. - S. J . SMI'l'H. A well selected stock of ru33-o20- DRUGS, FI~~ISINS, - 1- CARD OF THANKS. CH E M I GA LS, AND N UTS, ' -PATENT MEDICINEs ' of all defl c1·1pt10n t1, of sp~e11d1d qualit y, nnd ~~t 'l'RNDEJ1. my 1Ju1uks to the J" ndges a11rl Di BRUSHES, i·uo;;turs OJ:wk e .::\ grki.dtural Soc.ii:'ty, for low pnces. t he very prou1pt rn::urn er iu whi ol 1 they p n.i-:1 me CO.JfJJS, my F irst J>J'i?.e on o[~lTiages, wl.aich th~. say, A lso a Ti:trgo0 Stock of SHOULDER-BltACES , wna jw:i.t ly mes:it!!l!, 'J'h~ J ntlges though t . un SUPPORTERS, Etc., Eln llfSOUl1'S &: OONJ!'EC'l'JONEB Y l!"'1;.,i1· < lay, that I wns not eligible fo r a pr:i1..c1 but '· · ·. .I (lf HIS Wnshin g .l\.:lachine has been receive(! with uni vernal favor. in many of t110 Stl.\tes of tlie U nion, :u1d t o-day, stan(lE! hi gher in tb e estima.tion of h ousewives, than an y other. 'l'hey ..ed into t his vi cin..it y, by the nre n ow intro1l ncundersigned, who has nJ.reo.dy sold a large numb;.ir. 'f]w points of ~xc d le nce cunsist h1 Hs sin1pl wity,rtn \I. th e ~ ::wi ng of so:ip, Jabor and-time. A u ordiDary wa.shing, for a large family, ca.n be <lo1.1c by children from 8 to 12 yea.rs old. -o-o- PRICES: FULL AGRAFFJ~, STRAW', F E LT , CLEANE D ~\ud 7-0CTAVO FROl\1 $ 3 0 0. PfANOS from other reliable ma,kern at bottDm · . .,_prices. ,_ Al~ D LEGIIOitl"i HAT S AND BONNE'.rS, m ade o ver in t h e very latost 1;1 t yle&. k ep t r.on~tan t]y ou lJ<tnd. ehanta su p plinl Ml rea.aona~le tet ms. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, Soda Water, Joe ~ Grecvni, and alt . the cooling Be·verages, B rearl,_ Cakes, am.d oi~wr 1wce1i·and W H ITE LEAD 1 at prices (lefying compl: l t it ion. Country l\for- fu tuirl ou lookiJJ g- :it tJ)e l iill. that I wa!'.l, mid th ey gr1 tnteJ me the ]i' irs t P l'i :r.e, :VIr. J,inton's at t he veJ)' lowest prict1rL saries. 1'Veddi~1g Horses and Cattle l\!edlcines. N . B. -Conutry at or<::-k e flper~ supplied on t he rn ost :'i.d\'all tag eous terms. . .A. .-:"b oif;e select ion of Io.\I\1PS for i,ale cheap no:.vn1a n ville. D1·c. 1868. 6m. iJakco1 , a.enc l 1'ri· m· 11nings to order. A Luge Stock of Cove Oysters, Canned Salmon, Lobster~. Sardines, $12 h ome. A gentff wan ted. .,,' Outfit and t erms free. TRUE & CO., ,.,<\.ugllilt tt·, ~fain e. bp-ol0-m25-ly. .a. (lay at alld other - Ca.nn ~d Goods. Soireebl s upplit d on reat1011a.ble terID f! ~ C AS H paid for an y qu anti~y of Eggs and Butter . · B- JJAN!{ CERTI:FIC.A;FB, .ArpJic::1tion J A WIES "\VY'LLTE, · &c, , &c., can Li: pl<.l(..Urtd,atthis oftice,a rej.(11lar r ates.. · P oet 's Corner, B owmanv ill e. l3o,;m..,vil\e, May 19th, 1876 34-tf_ Bowmanvill , Jul y 7th,' 1873 ·- letter, uotw1tbst.11.nding. of Joh n M e1'.-1 urtry,Bowu rn.nvillt;.z or at th6 retti· I h n.vo al1out 100 .l!'in;t-class l3 nggies ang Car- "<lenoe of the subscriber, 011tnl'io tst.,o.nd parties ri uges, il t cpumc of .construction, which will .bti d esirin g to see it in practicn.l use, can do so, by w:ild cheap, for Ga~h; or good IALJl(H' , leaving their names with :hir. l\1c1r"Iurtrv, and t he subscriber will do a wash for thein , free of W M . 11cCLU:"I G-, cha1 ·ge. · Uat riage l\f a.ker . B0wmn. n'·i!Jf', 111nr. 21th, 1576· 26-:-Jm cs The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer 0 Th e Clothes c m perfectlu cleaned, and not i11_ th e least worn by it. A J\'10.chiu e can be seen at the Grocery Store _ _ 81 1ecial attention gi\' e11 to cor,OR.ING. ti.ti ~!m·k et Squn.re, in rea1 · of l!'i reli:~U . "':j I NO· 8, Adelaide St. _ E ast, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. :o : - NORRIS & SOPER MRS. MAYBRE, Bo\\· n.1an\'ilJ c: '.April 1·1, J 87tl . (2'J-ly. 1 JOSEPH A GENl' IN RUSE, HO'C'SE AND LOT FOR SALE . .-. To Masters - of LO. L 1· the best in the mn.rket, also kept on hand. l!\ ·c. tor y pd ce, $8, wj]J be aol<l {or $7. Uonnu i ~u Sense "\V11sher, $i. \\-'~ash er and Wl"ingcr, $14. ~rh e y can not fail .to satie.fy, as all ' vho have tried them , speak bip;hly of tht m. D AR LI NGTON, CLARK E, WHIT BY, REACH AND CARTWRIGHT. DESIRABLE i 1itice of town proA VERY perty, situate on t he corner o[ Huu t and P. THOMAS. Bow:manville, ~Iar 1 24th, 1876. 26-tf. -Also Agent foJ' Dominion Organs, BoWmanville. Hampton, Fob. 8th, 18Z6. 20-t.J. Ann.streets, can bo p urchasetl. at u. reus,. , nable figllre foJ..:~ co.B h. 'l 'bere i;J a new fr a.uJ(l bnusu, with well of w~tt c r, :.W.sCJ a. fitablc, on the pre1oii:1es.. 'l'he gar<len i.;; cu1tivatl)<l . .A i'Pl.Y to ,TORN H . HAMBLY, HAMBL Y's, Bownii.uville,,April 5, 1876. At l\:IR. R. B rill,in1tt.lfe;·, (m.-28 tf. J · · 1 .I l