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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 16 Jun 1876, p. 4

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... ·· ~- THE MERCHANT FRIDAY JUNE 16, 1876, POETRY. The Brook and the Lesson. RY MARYE. C, WYETH, s~eet with balm of clover, Glides the brooklet over Ferny upland meadows shut within the thorny hedgti j 'Neath the alders slipping, \Vhere the wild rose dripping, }...,lings its dewy t)erfume o'er the lily-sprinkled HONOR. There is nothing honorable that is not innocent. He that acts in a virtuous and beneficial manner to\varU society, according to bis. abilities, circumstances, and station A BIG TH.l!i MERCHANT ·,1 ' CirO\lla.tion ~ f lOOO. has no\V a. bona '-de in life, is an honorable person ; but false and with the exception of a few, these pass into the handA of the people of W oat Durham. The-publicwill atonce eee the utiQty of the p~per as an DO~IINlON Sa,vings a,nd INVESTMENT OF LONDON notions of honor prove the depravity of human nature by calling that honor which is in reality nothing but pride. The sense of houor is of so fine aud so <lelicate a nature that it is only to be ~et with i~ noble minds, or in such as have been cultivated by goo<l examples, or a refined education, ; but as thiB-cxcellent principle is n1uch misunderstood and abused, ·we shall consider it, STARTLING A ADVERTISING MEDIUM. SOCIETY sedge; In the sunlight glancing, O't>r the pebbles danoing, :f\:lnrm'l'ing tender luvl.)-llOtca to the flowers above its edge, Revelations! --o-Very SeriOUS It; Bas No Equal in ihis constituency, and this fa.ct is being con stantly demonstra.ted. If you have lost anything, advertise in this paper. . If you have found a.nythiug, advertise in the ONTARIO. ---:o:·--- Charge, · Now, mid shadow~ waving, notions of 11. Tr11e honof, though it is not J_.o ! its waters laving .always connected with religion, yet is simi- lio.s purchased an immeDse Stock of Goods, on ~loFBY bank and dingle in the ancient wood; terms, and he is going to give his lar to it, and produces the same ·lfecta Mvanta.u-eods Softly, gently ftowjng, Cu'atvmers tho benefit of his bargain. Cuoling·draughts bestowing · Thus the religious man fears ·to do an ill "The Stock iB very large, ernbi-a<:ing On the gr:-i.teful :toots of giant tre~ that long action, and the nuiu of honor scorl..Ls to do Soidh Sea Seal, E;·milne, Grey and have stood. it ; the u1an of religion considers vice us Black Lanib, Grebe and Minic fj3t., Bird and bee aJ ightini.;, forbidden by God, aod the man of honor In ita chtier delighting, thinks it unbecoming and beneath him. varying in price a.e~1·~ing to quality, a.~<l .conHail the woodland brooklet, messenge1· of PUI"'~ srnt1ng of . Seeondly, if we consider it with regard to es~ firat, with respect · to tbuse who have, rigl:it based upon substantial facts, fa just being cir culated and is to this e-ffcct-tho.t one of ou prominent M1:ircba.nts, i ' Markus Mayers, good. I · Ah, thou gentle rover, such persons establish anything to be a S\veot with breath of clover, point of honor which 'is \l0'1trary to the lows Froin dewy uPlands where the mountain of G0<\ and ,their country. · For instance, springs ariae1 they arc more for ~revenge than forgh·en~s; Every' chalice fillit;1g, they scruple' ·not to _ tell lies, yet would kill \\Tith the baln1 distilling, }"ronl eru·~h'8 (ni.grant blosaoms, and from btia- any one in o due! who aceusea them ot so "en's clown-dripping skies, · .doitig ; in ah'ort, the man of honor, in the Patient in thy .duty, i<leas of the fashionable world, is, in the Pe1;1rlesa in thy beauty, sigl:t of God and virtuous persons,a haughty, Plcn.sant is thc 'lt!sson that in thy fair volume revengeful character, totolly void of. real lies. those whQ mistaken notions of honor, ihe Caps, Collaretts, Muffs, Beaus, Mitts, &c. &c. All tht'l Goods are v:oll madtf; of the lllERCHAN'.l'. If you want to ·ell anything, advertise in this C . I paper. apita , · $1,000,000.00 If yon want to buy 1LDythiug.advertise in the 1 Subscribed 750,000.00 MEHCHANT. . . ' If you· wont to rMch tho public, use the Paid up, _ 300,000.00 columns of the l\Dll'ICHANT. Reserve and Coi;itingent Fund, · 60,000,00 OUR RATES ARE LOW. Muney loaned upon real estate on the most fiwornble terms, mortgaand he \s determined to continue to sell at these rninously · low prices ges purchased, interest allowed bii deposits. As a. \YePklv newi:ipaper, the )fERCHANT ie cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do it-scarcely --led. Sixteen columneofc..-.. Fi.rst, he buys for cash and knows just how to b11y ! fully se1ected reading matter appear in President. Manager. each isaue, comprising Literature~ 1 Second, what h e can't buy ch eap enough , I10 manu f· ac tures Mricultwral, .li'amily Reading, Refei'ence by· permission, GEO. MvGILL; EsQ, Manager Ontario Bm1k, Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Gcne.-al ahnd Ldocal dN.,.. Bownianville. WILLIAM ·ALiISON, EsQ., M. D., Bowmanville. " J1 · all fres an rea able. h h 11 l..iondon, Mar·;h, 8th, 1876." · FF· ?ilhrot h' e. Sile st.obr teas ; ·. · Subscriptions taken any time during tho ift , e se s a o tom prices. _ ~ year. . 1 D. MACE'IE, :E'. :B. LEYS, La,test m we have every facility. \Ve do not work for All Styles of Children's Furs on hand, nothing, or fun, but our prices will be fou~d and the Prices such as has never before . -· o. ' lo\v, .as our presses are run by sti;,a10 t>Qwer.' ; been offered in Bowmanville. He still continues to manufacture to ordcr,ifiom the best of material, and uone but first -class He also 'offers a very ,attractive lot of Goocb · -:ti:- Styles t ' CALL AND Examine siEil: FOR Y-ovn~~if..v:Es, F-8iE'No~f,w'1Tl-i -:v'ou. kept. , TERMS 15 OT~~,1N_,_ADVA~oE. BRING YOUR e stock, which comprises \n the " t.i;a<Je1 of the very lateet. 'ind moat elegan styles and patterns, of JiJngi'ieh, ·Cana.dian, n.nd .AJnerica.n manu:facture. . ~orkmen :ro:a. JOB TO THE PUBL~fC. l'It.IN'l'ING · ·WALTER; WIGG <-~ 801';, relig\on. Crumbs for · Chick~ "jUp in arms."-A baby. Men of color- Painters. Old bcl11' can be made as good as new, onelll~ Old belles can't. '.J)!>irdly, jt is greatly to be la- 1.1 UFFLERS, SHIR1'S, DRAWEJIS SOCKS, DOLLARS, NEOKTlE8, mented tha~ there are some who have no BRACES, J:c. honor at·all. Ttiese arc rather openly im· rhey must be sold, a.J)d Sacrifices will be made. moral or -hypocritical perso_u~ nut whatCash Customers will buy on close margins. CASH PAID FOR RAWS FURS. .. fobould be carefully avoid~d by all serious and virtuOus persons, In a. :e1y. pa.rticular Ilo\vmanvilie, Oct.ilst1 1875 all who have the care and educa· '\Tl1en do two and two Dot make four? 'Vhen manner · ' ! } . · ""· ' . '· . they 1>tand for twenty-two, tion of youth should keep tho"_" under th~ir Can you spell consent in three letters? tuition from being corrupted by the company ond example of such 1Ia.ngerous perY-e-s. GENERAL OOlVTRAOTOR sons who.have no regaxd to their honor. Horse thieves are serenaded in Texas .' . by string bands. " 'Tis better to have loved and lost FARM AND HOUSEHOLD than never to have had a mot.her-in-law" Good words for the young-Dinner's Garden -Notes. . dow Frames, ready. ' With or uithout Cadng. With or ·vithout (Fro1n Moore'e Rural New Yorker.) Band JJfoMlds, short of~moneyWhere to go when _ PO'IATOES-BEETLES.-Judging from the Go to work. wrter'a neighborhood, ·fe\\'er po~~toes ,..-ill be The 'bus that crossed the ocean- planted than usual th)a spring, in anticipation Qf beetle depredations. Lru:st sumu1er in a four Planing, Planing &. Matching, Columbus. · 6eld,p1a.nted with potatoes except a patch sawing tmd Turning, The tax which presses most heavily of mu8kmelons, not one green leaf or vine wa.s on the schoolboys-Syn-tax. to be seen Uy the time the melons began to ri· Why is a man in a balloon like t~e pen. 1'-he beetles oollccttd in surprising num- Orna/lnental Pickets, in evM'Y vdri· Atlantic cable ? Because a great swell is bers [surprising to us] over the entu·~ field, a.nd ety, and Scrolt Sawin,g, were fePdingupon the small potatoes left upon rolling above him. thft surface. '!'he melons wt:re also attacked, of every deacrivtion The fastest city in the world-Elec- and 'VC! cQunted a dQzen beetles upon one of tri-city. t.h.:tn no larger that the palm of the luuid. A DONE TO ORDER, Never 'vaste your time : ·waste some- field thus given over to these disgnBting things, on thu prcPentf. a saddening-a desolate sight. SHORTEST NO'l;'ICE. body else's. In our own grounds, having no potatoes, our Several Irishmen were disputing one tomatoes were chosen by i{hese li"igh"b:ihade day about tl1e in ·incibilit}' of their. re~ Blights-and even in Petunia beds hundreds pective persons, when one of them re- were fou11d. Those, therefore, who plant Shops on Liberty Street. North of the Eastern House Bowmanvi!le. marked ' Faith I'm a brick!' 'And fewer potatoes on nccount of the })eetle, may Bowwanville. July ut'Ii, 1874. 41-t.f indade I'm a bncklayer,' said the other, extend their philosophy to the tomato as wt:ll giving tb~ first speaker a blow that - and, indeed, it ·will be fonnd that any at· tempt to starve them out will proye futilti. brought him to the ground. GEN. GR.ANT CucuMnEn.-Te1npted by t~e ' Who's there ?' said Jenkins, one coJd winter night, disturbed in his re- fine·speciniena,twenty inches long n.nd upwards, pose by some one knocking at th<; di8played in the show coses of seedsmen, we NOT SO FAST. tried the Gen. Graht cucumber si1mtner before street door. }nst, a.nd %\gain last summer, planting half a. I have \vritten these fe,v lines ' A friend,' was the answer. dozen hills with extra. care. Blossoms were the And all Iha.veto say, ' What do you want ?' · only product of the first seasun, and two or 'l~ha.t you oo.J:l fu1d 1ne still at home ' I want to stop here all night.' three cucumbers. of an indiscribablc shape, I am not gone u.way; 'Queer taste-stay there by all neit-her "twenty inches long nor upward," the So all my kind old friends rnay come means,' was the benevolent reply. crop of the second. However well these cxkl And all tho yoiing on~s too And g-et their g~1ir1nt:iit s nicnly made An honest Irishman, fresh from Hi- novdticfl may succeed iu frames, they are not In fa.llhioua t.batl~re new. bernia, caught a bumble bee in .his to be rcl~ommended for outdoor cultivation, 'Vhere ol<l aud young dew- fi·ieudms. hand supposing it to be a hummmg ' 'l'O?.IATOES.-'Ve haYe tried several Of the meet bird. ' 'O'°h,' he exclaimed, ' how bot nc:\rest 8Illl tnost higllly pr.nised tomatoes ex· A \velcome greel~ing by It. PEA'l E his little fut is !' tant, '\Vit.hout cha~ing our conviction t11at the ll Bowmanville. June 10th 1873. fl. minister who came into -church 'l'rophy is yet the best. The ArliDgton is firm, solid, and of good .ehape ripening with the THJ~ during a sudden shower requested 'l'ro})hy Or a little earlier. Tlrn Conquerors or DOMINION BANK. another to preacl1 for him as he was Victors- both cxcelllint ernly sorts-ripen the HO)VMAKVILLE. very wet. ' No,' said the other, ' preach one with tlie at.her, A very ft:w ripe tomator.:1:1 · yourself; you will be dry enough in the were gatbered·upon the Victors first, butt11ere Capita.I, Up, $] ,000,000 pulpit.' · Wm1 110 difference in the av~rage ripening. ~l'Ol{ONTO. HEA..D OFFICJ~, A man who dreamed that his aunt Hat.b&way's Excelsior is a btautifnl variety J BHANCH O.b'l'IOEB : . medium size, round and solid. It is prized in was dead and found that his dream 0RILLIA, OSHAWA, · COBOURG, 'VHITilY 1 came tru~, tried the same thing with his EUJ'Ope and estccmld here by m1iny who bas · UXBUIDG.E · BowMA?l\'ILL.E, mother-in-law, but it didn't work worth given it a fair trioL . ever wealth aud dignities they may arrive at, yet th'ey .are- a ·disgr;ce to society, and M. MA YE:Et'S. Show Bills Sale Bills Orders Promptly Executed:-0-and' Good Fit~·:-G~#~nteed Hand Bills He has in stock an tindleas v<iriety of Latlies' and Gents' Saratoga Trunk8, Valises, etc .· all of Progammes w11ich he .iH eclling chea'-' for ~ Cfrculars Remember the Stand BIG' BOOT .. '..urawn bi T_ wo Horses, Xlng st. Bill Heads ·M~" TRELEV,EN. Cards Bowm!lnville, Ma 13~ 1874. Pamphlets · --· l' ' I ' l' · · N retu~-Tiing thanks to their numerous ;C11sto1nera and the public generally, for past favorM. would respecUully invite their attention to our present stock of furniture, as 'o1-'<3 haYc lntely added, thereto. that we may .thereby be e11abled to supply all parties who may please to f:~vor hin;i ·with a call. Great inducements held out to thnat' 11urchaliing at our csta.bhshrr1011t. Pio~ tUres, Looking Gln.Meti, etc. framed toOrder7 and in e1·cry atyle . Sampll;'!~ of.. tho 1liffercnt kind of o uldin &'8 can be 11een at the·room. We ·would o.lso beg to info1·~u you, that» ha.Ting purchased a · I SPLENDID NEW nEAHSE, Wt1 shnll be ready ;:i.t n 11 times to attend funerals, on short notice n.11d readunable t<ln.n1P U· N. B.-Coffi.ns kept on hand and made to orrler, at the · . NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITUllE WARE-lWOfof. LEVI ~.!t;;~~;;~:,s CIIEAP FtJI-tNI· T IJRE. ! MORRIS, __;;,,·_ _ ___;,.... : <·~ ' _. _ ,.,)__. .-'......,..__ 0HEAP FURNITURE ! I ~ .~ At -'* .i.Yil.w . and everything from the size of a Postor large enough to covllr a barn to a half-inch 8trip, printed iu good style, tion<l at cit 11nces. Specimen& of work can be econ at our office. Work'.handed out, and the cneh tt1ken for it ' Oshawa., Aug. 26th, 1810. King Street East, Oshawa· , C.,;BARKER. J . ELLIO'_tiT'S Procra.stina,tion is the thief of time 1 but buying Coodil u.t Manaqer "l\rf'!n-n1·ll J_ . g ,.,·'.s ·-" .;:t;#*,,~ ~·~,-~-,~-S .~t ' ~·n ·:. d. i\JJ.\.I. _ _ W · ' ' ' ' ' ICHFiAP"l'. FJir'RNf~iREl " 1 (JheapStore (Jheap Sto1 e 1 S. V ANSTONE'S TYRONE, TYRONE, THE Hu now a full aaaorted Stock of The Bowmanville Furniture Factoq, havinq commenced business again, and the New Company hii-,.jng appointed the subscriber, Retail Agent for tl:r,e. Town and Country around, he jg prepa,red to offer the Yel"y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Provin:e. . I ' ~ I Eleph.antHouse Groceries SOMETHING NEW is the best means of getting the worth of your n1oney, in FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Come along 1nen1 women aud i.;i1ildrcn, n.i1tl you will find a. complete Stock of 1 · h ed m · every 'respec t , in th e Y e1y B es t Sty 1e - ar u Funcral,s forms at PRICES LOWF.R THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COUN'r'RY. ' ' I ! @'" On1> of the FlNEST HEARSES in the Province, SENT FREE 1{0! Oentlemen of Fashion ---- .so, to any Funeral furnished by the Siibwriver, within Ten miles of Bowmc11nville. Reports having bet"!n citculatcd. thllt the undersib'"Ile<l hn.8 been overcharging in the Undertaking Department, ht' begs to sulnnit thu followiug lib"llrcs, which be cha.lleJJg-es auy one'to eoritra.dict. Reported alnouut charged, Actun.l amount ch~ugwl. )Fifty Dollars~ Twelve Dollars. !J',h irty do. Nine do. lt'o:rty-,ll'ive do, 'l'wenty-five do. S~ty do. Furty~ do. )!""'ifty do. 'Th.irty flo. Seventy-.flve do. l'ifty do. Hats & Caps~ :Boots & Shees Dry G~ods, A · substitute for · · Groceries, Lath & Plaster ! t t Hardware, e .c., e c, Crockery, &c., THE'PATENT ALUl\UNQUS and ORwhich for h" "!lb Id t NAMENTAL :BUILDING PAPER.'u ality - and Cheap a p APER OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING Q Prices which defy Com:peness, . tition. SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. Dry Goo.ds, h w IC Wl """ A Large Stock Just Received,-Plain ancl (ff. namcntal, both for Walls and 'i'/oars. CANNOT BE SURPASSED J. ELLI01T $. VA.NS'l'ONE. Tyrone, !tiarch 30th, 1874. '.l'he Paper Oil Cloth and Carpetinif" i· · Cheap and Dura.blc Substitute for o· Cloth. Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Ooffins, of New York. W. P. PROWER. Bowrnanvillo, ~farch 30th, 1870. '£he Chemicals with which the Paper is saturated, render it proof~a..s.ainst Ra.ts, ~Ioths, and Mi··· 'I'his 'I'icket IS EQUlYALENT TO A , Va,rnish Polish! Another thing much wanted. FREE IN'l'O PASS 1 1 ~s. F .i HILL has a This Polish gi\'es a moat elegant luetre,a.nd driet1 . instantaneously. Nothing ever dfs6overed before to equal this Polish, JIOR FOR C owle's, where c:tn .be found one of the STOCK - I OF Piano Fortes,, Outt01·s, Slei.ghs, and all.kinds oj Varnished Carriages · -targes-t and1 Most Varied Stock OF a cent. Ile was too solemn a preacher; ' he d>dn't suit in Nevada. The chairman of the farewell committee expressed it weli · said he': ' Now you can get pard; 1ve din't agin religion out here, and it riles us to see a feller spilm' it. Git.· Just at the close of the war of 1812 a United States m'ln-of-war entered Boston harbor. The commodore was known as a bully of the water. Entering a barber's shop in Boston, and finding no one. but the boy present, he ~e manded m an insolent, overbearmg ' . your mas t er " 'N~ t \vay, '\Vhe~c 1s 1 down yet, sir.' ".Veil, I want to ~ shaved.' ' Yes, sir, I can shave yqu. 'You?' 'Yes, sir.' 'Well, you rqay try it ; but look h~re, my yotmgster,' laying his loaded pistol on the table, 'at the first drop of blood you dra'~ 1 on rny face I'll shoot you !' ' All nght, The boy ,shav,ed sir ' was the reply. hi~ and did it well. After the operation was -over, the bully, as he took, up his pistol turned to him and asked, '\Veren't'you afraid?' 'No, sir,' answered the boy. 'Didn't yon believe I would sh~ot you ?' ' Yes, sir.' ' Then why weren't you afraid?' The boy very coolly replied, ' Because I bad the advantage.' 'Advantage ! How? vyhat do you mean ?' demanded tl1e irate bully. - 'Why,' said the boy, with the utmost 11c11cha!a11re, 'if I had drawn blood I should have taken the razor and c:1t your throat from ear to ear!' 1 The Irreproacbable Way to Broil Steak a . ·· First see th&t the fire is .r an d not t " oo f ts, · to carry much of it; ·oJleri wide all t off the smoke that is made during the proc~ of broilin<t,· theneeethat the gridiron is. smooth and 0 alk quite clean i rub it "'ell with whiti~g or ch ; lay on your Btea.k. Do not pound it, nor after it is on the fire stick a fork into it, as the juice ·n cape Neither salt nor pepper it ; do Wl es ·· . . l tu that on the dis)l. Pince the gndtron c o~e. · the fire for the first few . minutes to carboruze the Surface, then turn it over quickly to car· ' bonize the other side, No\v it should be ex- Thia Bank, in nrldition totra.nsa.cting the usual bankini;:- busineRs~ offel's to the public all the advantages of a i..;aving Institution 'vith tbc secur ity of a. large .Pa.iil~up capita.I, by the means of a. SAVINCIS Dfil'Al{TMENT, Interegt allowed on all dei;>osits of Ono Dolla.rand UI)Wards, at the r.ate of FIVE !Jcrrceut. per annum. Depositors cau withdraw either the whole or nny part of their deposits at any timf\ wlthout previous notice. Special rates of intorcstaUnwed upon deposits with notice of withdrawal. American Cur1·ency and Silver taken bn de· posit. _ , · ~raftA g ranted payable in Great Br1ta1n, United States and all parts of Ca.nada. [ GB-Deposits can b' mmitted by,addres>:1ed to the Dominion <>ank [registe1·cd], \vhen in all cas(~S a Pass-Book receipt will Le sent by return post. Dry Go~ds, ---0 Clothing, - Cwck.s, Picture Frarrws or any lcirul uf Varnished Furniture. . I II· Groceries, &c., and is Setting Vei·y Clieav. Spring -a11d ·S1101me1· , GOODS _,I N SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. . l ')) ' *'.J. I TOWN. :Buy. once and ,you will buy aga,in. :EAR:CWABE ! Bowmm1ville, Aprj} 28th, 18'.6. As usua : . L rge Stock on hand of Dress GOO(lS, Prints, Cottons, etc., at prices to suit the hard times. posed toa slower fire, to do which, place two bricks on their,edge!:I, and rest t.h e gridiron on .them. 'Ille.steak should be turned revea.t'e(~y and carefully, and \\·hen it feels :ather firm to the touch it is rare, an<l, if ao liked, i"t should be ta~en ofi, laid on a hot aisP,, on which - 1~ ounces of butter bas been melted, less than 011e haJf teaspoonful of salt,a. pinth of whit.9 pepper and one tt:tIBpoonful of dloppe.d parsley, \\'ell Having removed to more co1nmodiouspremis~, . IN mixed ; la.y the steak on one side n.nd then · on the oth~r. Serve immediately, FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg t!:I inform the public generally, tha.t the)' are now enabled to offer them J. A. CODD, Agent, B6\Vmanville, Jan. 6th, 1874. 15-tf. MILNE'S OLD STAND, . Bowmanville, :l\farch 13th, DEAR ardware; Paints and Oils, Stoues and Tinware. All of whioh will be sold at low figures. I. ·L. _ Strowger, NEWCAS'l'LE. is; 6. : J ob::n. Mo:t.eod ·& Co.. 'I'he Clothing :Cepa.rtment Srn :-We beg to inform you that we have now eou;'menced business at the above a,ddress under the firm of Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville is replete with all the- latest styles of ·Goods, and these will bA sold low for Cash. Call and price the gcods-seeing is believing. . August 10th, 1875. Bowrnanville, April 21st, 1876.. ,· 1 :BRIDGEMAN ~ FLEMING, I ' ' ·' Original Recipes. -· · AS CARRIAGE SHQP (From 1.-Ioore's Rural Ne\vYorker,) LEMON PIE.-J3oil in 2~ qµarts of water, the jnice,pulp and grated peel of two lemons. ~dd, whpn it boils, thl·ee heaping tablespoonftt.1.s of fl.our, mixed smooth with cold ·water. Before it cools, l'l<ld two teacups of snga.r, three wotl · btiaten eggs, a. piece of butter half the. size uI an egg, and a little, Bake with under and upper crusts. Grocery Groceries, 01·ockery, Glassware,Seeds,<f:c., ·Business, WA have received a large Better in Induceme~ts GROCERS AND -GENERAL }!EROHANTS. the line of · v.ssort;n~nt. of Just Arrived at the I BE ABB ' .-. · FASHION :eous11i splendid assortment of w west ()f th0 Ontario B1.u1k. King Street, Bowmanville. ' rrHE. vau: BUbsCl·iht:r is prepSl.t.l'l;!d t o build and 1'0 · Selected personally by T. BmnGMAN, (formerly with J Wagons, Buggies, and Cntte1w, '.rhe a.bove reward will ,Pa paid to any peson of every descrivtion, at 8hort notice: ·and on who will furnish ample proof tha.~ the Root.a & reasonable torms. MY RECIPE ~on POT-PIE, - One coffee-cup of Among the rc;ilway travelers eating 8 weet milk ; one tablespoouful of butter ; one dimier at a hotel near the Central De- heaping teaspoonful of, adde'l tu pot the other day, w'.'s a .chap from flour eno ugh to make a yery st1if batter. H;;.ve l'ayette, Ohio, who hoisted m meat, po· ju8t water enough in the pot to covJr the me~ti but not tbe dough ; drop in the mixture by the tat<ies and bread as 1f he had been 1 a spoonful ; cover tight ; boil fifteen minutca,an<l · week without eating. A sec~nd ~up _of you wil~J:~ v~ a. light, delicious c111st.-M.Hs. Only an Ohio Man, (AS REGARDS PRIOE d! QUALlTY) Milne), from the principal markets of th . e country; the same tban any other bo1.1sc in the County_ . NEW MILLINERY. NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT GOOD having been purchased Weight and ./Jfeasure G<uaranteed will be sold at prices that defy competition in this County. in every instance. , ' for cash, at from 10 to 15 Also a lot of Shoes aold ,by the undersigned, are not whatre per cent., REAL HAIR. FANCY GOODS, & rcpreaenttt thom. Also a large stock of 1 · Caniagea Painted and 'Trirnmed 'l'eas a Speciality. I. J,. We hope by an eari1est endeavor to serve you well,to meet with a liberal share of Public Patronage. pleasured" a call from you, We remain, yours respectfully, Ifoping to have th0. Stamps for Baiding and Em· 'broidery. coffee was brought him, 1\nd m his hurry he picked it up and took a large s\vallo\v. It \Vas cons1dcr~b]y bottt:r than pepper, and in his excitement the n·uckeye opened bis n1outh an~ sl~ot the liquid .across the tabl~ against ! ~ young n1an's shirt Uosom. _ 1 ' Gosh-whoop-hot-beg pardonand blazes !' he exclain1ed, reaching after water. i You are a hog sir '.' replied the young man, 'a regular hog!' 'I an1, eh ?1 'Y cs. sir.1 'And I've got bristles?' STROWGER. For Ge:u.ts, For ·i;a,dies, For Children. Lo.test ·Styles and Good Stock. ' A Blacksmith's Shop on the '[>remises, were S)lecia1 t1.ttention ia g1 ven to all llUSTJO. ':""-.-- Newca.stle,.1-\.llflUtit, 11th, 1874 v 1n,vJ.T CnEAM.-ln re.ply to C. G., in l~ural of May 13, I will givo my !"eccipt fOO" Vehet Crelllm: Half a box of Cox's gelatine iu n.thrrd of a tea.cup of tepid wat<?r nnd two glasses of sherry wine. 'Vhcn thoroughly tlif!:S(l1vcd, fin.vor and sweeten one qua.rt of rich milk ; add to jelly ; stir well, q.ud strain into 1nolt1~. 'l'o be eaten told ,vi th cream. It is best to be wade I the day before it is used. --)IRS. tusrro. Prepare six large· tart apples for sauce ; \Vhil~ bot put in a piece of butter the size of a.n egg. \Vhcn cohl. ad<l a cup of fine crackers or breaU crumbs, the yolks of three eggs \vell beaten, a little salt, au~ar an(l nutmeg to taste. Bake in a large plate, w1tl1 und~rcrust a11d rim of i·ioh pasto. When done, APFLE 1YlJ!ltuNGUE.- FASH l<fN S B. &: F. for Spring just to hand. Ca.rriage work, :mcl Gcnernl N. B.-vVe would particularly beg to call your attention '. Jebbing. DBESSH.A.K.ING usllal. . New Goods! MUST to our assortment of duce. Dowmanville~ ~IarCh TEAS. The. highest price paid . ,' fol' Pro- '· MRS· A. FLETCHER .Bowman ville. April 7th,1874. Price 2s. 6J.. Second Edition. .A ll work done at this Estauli«hnient ·varranted. A call is resptictfully solicited. .T. 9th, 1876. 22-tf. I ' BE CON81STI~G SOLD, OF THE SCL/OOL NOVELTY! . Unbreakable Slate AT OUR BOOK ROOM Ask for it! Send for it! C.BARKER. A CABD. ' Yes, you have.' ' ~\nd I grunt ?' ' Y cs, sir,.' WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, TI-IE NOISELESS .AND PLATED WARE, ETC. -o- Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold ' Stranger 'said the Buckeye, as he take tho white of 0t,>gs, beaten to froth ; .half Wedding Rings. reached ac;oss atter another s1apjack cup vf powdered sugar and som~ fla.Yoringr; AARON BUCKLER. 1 ' strangeI, ! 111 not a hog- .I'1n only an pour over the top and brown slightly·-"· 1 EQWIDMville~ Otf. 8th. 187./i. Ohio 1Uan1 bound for La.nsmg. E. J. . . j "h-Ir Thot·n~ was one of the first member. S.P.EOlAL ATTENTION GIVEN "TO HA ""'as B ORDERED WORK. the Eclusi.?:c agent for the sale of my Vut· man of verso.tile talents and_ que~,chlttB~ ~~l STORE.-On0 iloor ea!'lt of t::Jornish's J eWelry l\{R .TOH~ H. EYNON, Lot 7, 6th Con. CAl'l P.ENS for Bowmnn,·ille, Ont. Thr. life before us is well wntten. -Prtmttivl Store, King Stre~t, Bowma.nv1lle. , ll Darlington, [near Bethesda Church] is 11/etlw<Nsl. JOSJWH .!IASONP. P. <htlJ a.uthm·i:.:ed. to fasue J\{:....rd.age Licenses. J . SMALE. J. J.JACOl3S. Loudon: E. Stock, BlLle Christian Book. !too Darlington, Nov. 19, 1874 "'8-tf. Bowmanvillc,May 6th, 1875. Dowmanvillo, Sept.!Oth,187 4m-t, · and ;lliblo Christian Miwsi..... .- AMUEL 'l'HORNE, . STaottNE, Bodmin. Printer, by S. J Bowman ville. 0 1t. lflt, 1869 llIOR RIR I bave this day appointed C. BARKER of th~. Bible Christian community. MARRIAGE LICENSES, · - · · ,· J ----~~--

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