\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I THE J\IEHCHANT FRIDAY, JUNE 23 1876, · DWELLINGCO~ll!'OR1~ABLE F . the ORESTERS DEllIONSTHATIONN IN 'J'llE Crystal Palace Grounds, Toronto. +--+ . IN THE . VILL.<GE OF IJA1V!P1'0N. Finest varieties of appl e n.nd pear trees, in the ga1·clen; good wtlll, with putnp; and other con· veniencea. Application .to be made to the owner, I' to the 1st of I will take orrlers house, 'vith CT for fu-at c11uu1 apple trees, to be delivered A about three-quarters llwdling of an acre of land at Bowmanvillo, next spring, at $17 per hundred. All othel' Nursery atook at correspond· ing low rates: Special rn.tcs for ]n.rge orders. .All+ stock g ua1·nntecd iroe to nu.me. Address FOR SALE. HOUSE Cheap Fruit Trees. Octobe~ THE----~ People's B oole Store AND .JOHN CHAPLIN, Box 55, BowmaJJ.ville P. 0. 4m. SA:B:BATH SCHOOL Thia will undoubtedly be the greatest :Excursion of the sea.son, and under the ::1,.uepice9 of EVENTS EXTRAORDINARY! ·;,rns. ~HLRED · Ol' SNELL. to H. ELLIO'l"l1, .TR., HAMPTON. (bp-10S8-.025-tf,) First Prize and Diploma ... at Provinciu.l E:x:hihition at Ottawa, "I 875. Ex.tending from Cobourg, a1!-d interm.~diate Stations te '.roronto, by Grand Trunk Rauway. Being ~nr national Holiday this lBxcursion ._ will afford t he community a s-ple.ndid cha.nee at a f~re ytiLhin the reach of a.U, to witness the attractions of tho City- bel:li1-lea tho monster procession of ]J'orestPr8 from all parts of the P10vincc, o.nayecl in the Gorgeous 1Jniform a.ntl Regalia pertaining to the ~rder, together with the Military, Fireinen, Nat1oun.l and ~t1ne,·o · lent SooiPtiea of the City, accomprune<l by mnny of the best COURT 01 FORESTERS,BOWMANVILLE. - For Sa.le, Under Cost! The X:ing of the West PANNING HILL, ·and Grain Screen and American Prints, ·Cheapest, :Best, lia,ndsomest, EVER KNOW-N. O oltl ; first .class general or carl'iagc, gnod travellers. Two new buggic·s, -first;.classpurpose NE SPAN MATCHED MARES, 7 yoarn will be f!olcl ·1Jery chewp. All the above a.rti1..:le8 'f"'ill be soltl cheap, as t,he owner has no use for Lhe1n, Ap]!ly personu.lly or by letter to : · Agent for the best Organs (VV. Bell & Ocjs. and Dominion Organ Co's. ) and the beat Sew· ing }fachinc1 the first·priz~ Royal. il8-.4w, SEED SEPARATOR. THREE MACHINES IN ONE. I have now,. great plen.sure h\ ofTe_ ring to the farming community, thP most perfect Fanning :&-Jill ru1d Seed Separator ever inventetl Its advantages over other Mills in use, a.ro aa follows:li:!t. It is a perfect Cleaner aud Chaffer. It will to.ke out Wild Oe.ts perfectly. It will tak~ out all C'ockle,Chess, and other foul seeds, with once going through, makinr;, a perfect sample of Market Whea.t, which will add several cents per bushel to the vah1t1 of grain, over and aboYo that when cleaned by tho ordinary 2nd. It~a a. most perfect Separator. It will separate all tho lar~ kernels of Wheat from the small and ahrunl<en graint.1. It does not throw tho sm::i.ll grp.ins in the cJ:iess box, like other ].fills, but brings them through 'by them. selves, clean and fit for market, and is warrant· od to mnko a pcrfect"Pnmplc of Seed 'Vheat, 3rd, It is very rapid in its action, aJL<l will easily mn.k e for mnrkct, Sixty Bushels i and for Seed, 'l'wenty-fivo Bushels per hour. 4th. It separutcs. all .kinds of Gr&in, as w1:1ll as seeds ; and i~ \Vhea.t and Oats, Peas and Oats, Clover and Timothy, are uii.x.ed together, nnd put through this Mill, it will come out per· fectly separa.tcd. · tith. It iR e~uo.l ly as good for ema.11 as large grains. It will separate Timothy .Seed from Whf.'!:l.t, and will bring t}rn 'l'iu1otby out clean n.t the same time a.s you are cleaning the Wheat for ?l-1nrket. ·· TIJ. - DEPOT B A R K E R. comes a I ,fOHN s. DONEY. TYRONE BANDS OF MUSIC in Onta.rio. After the P~~ru.de there will be a Eand Competition and Dancing on a mammoth pbi.tform erect~d for the occasion in the C1y.stnl Pa.lace, Athletic Sport.a, Archery ·Comp~ht1on, and other a.musen1ents on the grounds acl1acent. The celebration to conclude with tl1c ~randest dU.play of FOR SALE OR stor1~, ·ro RENT. Apply to STREET lN THE VILLAGE ONof aMIJ.L Hampt<]n, three doors west of }i;Jliott's Ja.rgs two story Hough Cast Dwelling, poascs!linn will be given at once, the proprietor. FIREWORKS x ever witnessed in rroronto. AT- F. Y. 00-WLE'S. JOHN COLE. Hampton, March 7th, 1876.. 2.J.tf. l!i{erchaat 'l'ailor. Mill. ---:o:-- - THOROUGH-BRED -o- F ARE. From Bowmanville, N ewcR.stle, Newton ville. to ·rorouto, and return, $1.00. 1'ickeh good to return on any train for four daya. Special train will leave Newtonvillc. 6.38; Newcastle, 6.58; Bowmanville, 7 ,10; arriving in 'l'oronto n.t-9 o'olock, 1n time to witness the gorgeous . . parade of CLOTH FROM GRANGER woo1· F .7~ YARDS FOR $2.00. · ShortHorns for Sa.le. OUR THOlWUGH-BRED DUHHAM ROB'l'. COLLACOTT, .Tyrone, P.O. Dulls, yearlings, red rui<l. roan, cn.n be pur. chased of the m1dersigned, at reasonable rates. 2Hf. COLES' DOUBLE CIRCUS and mammoth Mena~erie. RE'rURNING · Special Train will leave Toronto on evening oI excursion at 10 p. Jn,. thereby giving excursionists a. splendid chanc6 of witnesssiug the Grand Display of !fireworks. -:o:- = .. . ~ ··= = YJ 00 I c. a ...... (!) · ti! ...p 0 1 1 \Vith the arrival of .the Holidays, de10.and for .~ ~ chea.p a.nd good Literature, Gift l3ooks, a.nd Present Q-OODS. I have a Stock that cannot fnil to plcaac- com p]ete and vaiied. - z FAMILV BIBLES. Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. N .B. That deservedly popular Teach er's Bible, in various bindmgs Tickers can be Procured in Newtonville, at Dickey & Jones; Newcastle, at 'l'empletons, Roso anrl Strowgers j Bowman"Yille, at Yellowees & Quick, 1\:(. 'l'n:ileven, F. Y. Cow]e, and members of tho Court. And at th· different Stations and on the ca.l's on the morning of excursion. Price of Mill, · $35. J. G. DAVIDSON, M. D. Chairmau of Com. J. J. 2w. Bargains for Cash S. &F. Mason's, You can v.et evel-ytliing usually kept in a .All Letters from t]ie Counties o( NorthutnbcdanU, Durham, Victoria, and Peterboro, n1ust he adclrel:!Bcd to the proprietor, "' z .... II.I ~ = == ...p 0 · BOOKS. in Great Varwty. ALBUMS, Cheap and Rrett· WRITING DESK~, and WORK BOXES MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPES. Largest Col.lection of Ste'I' eoscopic V wws Vn. Town. 'l'HOMAS SMl'l'H, P. C, HYMES, Goncrnl Agent, May 5th, 187G. ' Hampt<)n, Ont. ~ D~;NSEM. Sacrcto.ry. AT School Examina.tion. First-class Harness Estab!ishment. 32-tf. BRIDGMAN'S & FLEMING'S BOWB!NVILLE. -:o:--- ·Harness, · 1Vhips, 'l'funks, Valis,..s, Bags, Col- MATHUSE K PIANO lars, iashe8, Brushes, Netts, Sheets, Ru.gs, Cu,.ry Combs. Bit·, S11aps, Interfering Boots -=and Roller&, Zinc Collar Pads, Harness Oils, s. ... = ~ Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. Call and Examine. · Great In:ducements. etc., etc. If you do:r..'t Bee what .you want,please Mk for it. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. in volun1e of tune, in firmness and purity of tone. in voice-like quahty of tQne. in durnbihty and keeping in tune. for the concert room. EXCEL for teaching school& and si.nnina:ries. EXCEL for the drawing room, EXCEIJ EXCEL EX-OEL EXCEL EXCEL Loolr at tl1is, then buy them. TEAS. No. 1 Black No. 1 Groen, A good tea, 5 lb. lot of 50 c. cts. 8.5. 80. - . +t- 40. ·. : $2.25. CARI) Of THANKS. · SUGA.RS. Good cooking " . . ... 13 lb. for $1. . 12. " . Good White, White Scotch Refined, Broke.u Loaf, 11. 10. 9. Crock- rr.E:-fDER my thanks to the Judges and Direc;turs of Clarke .Agricultural Society, for the very prompt tnan11er in which they pair! me my }!---.fr-st Prize on C.::irriag1:1s 1 which they !lay, was justly merited. The Jndge.s thou$ht. un F<\ir day, that I was not eligible for a prize, but found on lookiug at t]}e bill, t hat I wa,s, and they granted me the F irst Prizl:l, Mr. Linton's Leiter-, 11otw1thl:!tnn<ling, I hn.vc n.bout 100 J.t'irst·clnss Buggies and Cnl'riages, -in course of ,oonstruction. which will be S· :.> ld cbeap 1 for Ca.sh, or good [Atl)Ol', I 'l'hese aro broad assertiotie, but capable of proof. '!'hey are unlike any other, in construe· tion; all their peouliru:ities are points of ex"ccl· Jenee. Their illustrated and Cteao1iptivo catalogue, which we aend free to ::i.uy address, ex! plains conclusively, in hnrn:iony with acoustics and mechanics all that is claimed for the ~f.ath· ushek. Tbei·e al'e thow;auds of haptJy ·owners of biiathusboka willing to cel'tify to their tmp~riot excellence. \Ve ha.Ye room here for but a few bl'ief extract!! :NEw YonK, Oct. 28,.1867. Vle the undersignetl, J " udges of Piauos at thC li'air of the American Institute, after a. cru:eful l;lx:'\minat ion of the rJonoert Grands,do award to FHEDERICK MA'l'HUSEK tbo HONOR of making the B'EST of this class of instrumenta then and there exhibittd, or known tons else· where. ...... 0 ({.I (]) ~ Wonder of Modern. Times. (Signed) . WM. MoCL UNG, . Carriage l\Iaker, Bowruauvi1le, 1\-f"ar. 24th, J.S7G· 26·3mos 'l.'hc Sto~k - of General Groceries is large, and warranted fre8h. ery, G!asswa,re, etc., etc., very low. f EWD. MOLLllNlIAUER, A. D. W. BllSEMANN. M. J. GIANNET'l'I. CHARLES FRADEL. . . MUSIOAL CONSEllVATORY, } - PROVISIONS AND FEED FOR SALE, Farmers produce taken in exchange for goods. Boots Boot (~ 802 Broadway, N. Y . 'These Pianos inust take the lead of all known instruments, and thei1· -pccnliai· constru<.!tion renllera then1 by fur the moat dura.h1e, and the lea.st liable to get out of tune. 'l'he Pills Pnrify the Biocd, corret."l all disorders of tbe ~.. iver, 8toll1;ach, Kidneys ar1(l Bowels, and fl.re invalun,ble lll ill co1npla.ints incidental to Females. Tho Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Ra.d Loge, Old V.tou11tli:i., Sores o.nd lTJccr~ of how;ver long standing. For Bronchith>, Di thel'rn., Cougbs, Colds , Gout, Rheurna.tisn1, ~nd all Skin Dhioaacs it has no equal. Ph· AND · BUGE"<llJ. MERRIAM. Remember, Cash gets ·a Benefit at BRIDGMAN & FLEMING'S. -:- Shoes! St~re, · · Since the do.te of this concert the Mathusb.ek has been my fa.vorit~. J, JAY WATSON. Watwn's Conssrvn.tory of l\.fusic,Now York. .J I · No n1oncy my honle. vrould teJnpt me to banish it from 1~or DOMINION WIRE l'/IATTRA~S. The Mattrass wns nw:i..rlled the lst prem iu1n at the l'rovincial F!iir, Ottawa, 1875. ls dur· able; elastic, nqiseless. Manufactured by Ueo. Gale, Smiths :Mills, Q,uehec. },or sale by Anthony Davy, ]~\uniture Dealer, Bowmanvillc. Bargains in · One of thl:' LargeBt Stocks of Boots and Shoes in the country, is to be f\)Utld at . D. SCHUYLER, Buffalo. l\fathushek }ms i.n reaJity taken a step r in advance of all makers of PialiOf.I in the world. J. BORLAND'S Shoe l':Otnprising .J. G. SHAW. l\f1nical Critic, Skratoga. The 1fathu21wk Orchestra Square Grand Piauo ia brillinnt, of 'vonderful power, and me1odious in tone. . AJ.. FltED H. PEASE,RouLester. I was fully con viucetl thll.t the ?riathuBhtik was the crown of all. NEW GOODS! BATTING'S! AT . coneiating in pai-t, of I deem it my duty to state tJn~t my Pilh1 and Oin,mcnt are neither manufactured nor Rold in any part of the Unit;:>d States. Eacl) Pot and Box bears the lh ..it ·i~h ao11 ernStamp, wit~ the words, " Holloway':i Pills and 01n.tmoo1 1 I.1ondon," engraved threon. On tlw label is the addr·i::a~,.533, Oxford Street, Tion<lon . Vile and spurious imitations of "llolloway\1 Pil_ ls n.nd Oi11t1nent," are rnn.nufuct.ured and sold under tbena.me of ··Holloway & Co .· " by .T. Ii'. Henry,Ourrn.n & f:n,,of Drnggista of N e'v York, . ,vith an assumed trade mark,th.us -1 n Canada, the principal Wholesale D eal · era in these C~tult{'rfeits a.!'0 m~nt Ladies' Prunella Boots, from 75 cents ·upwards. Misses' and Children"s, in proportion. Men's, Boy's, and Youth's, of every description. ..---.~ -~ject FARM FOR SALE, to Mortgages. VALUABLE H . BELLACK. 11y o1d tuner, who has taken care of my pu.i.ho fot· the pa.at ten yea.r.:o., says that tho No, 10 Urchtlstral just received frorn you is the be!.l'.r t.uu.dc and fine!lt instxument in this city. Yonts, &o. DRY GOODS, Findings_kept for the Tra.de. Calj; Kip Upper an-:l Sole Leather, " ALSO TWEEDS, PRINTS, WHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILK PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, &c. All to be aold at the yory lowest prices, for Non'l'HRUP & LY~LiK, nnd LYMAN Bno·1·1n~us & Co., LYJ[AN, CLA"RB & Co., SOLD, ON '!'HE PREMISES, WILL.BE by auction, on next, at 2 p. m., oue of the best wheat produo. ing farms 1n the county of Durham, being Loti:1 29, 30, a.nd 31, in the Broken Front Concession of the town~hip of Clarke, containing a.bout 180 acres1 and owned by HENRY LA,v, TheBe lands are Qcautitully ettua.ted on the· 1hore of Lake Ontario, withio a mile of the Grand 'l'rllllk Railwu.y StiLtion and h'lllf a mile of Newca11tle 1-Iarbor. On the la.nds are a. sub~ 8tft.ntial frame dwelling, good bat1lS and out· buildings, wells, &:c., &c., and an excellent young orchard o{ choice fruit troes. 'l'itJe is unexceptionable: Poeaeesio11 !five~ Nvv~mber 1st, 1816. Privilege of ploughing 11n1nodiately aftttr next harvest. Laud will be sold by the n.cre n.nd measured by a P. L. Surveyor. 1 1ERMS-Ten p~r cent. cash. :Balance of .,purchase money, over anclabove a.mount due on ·"' mortgage, to be paid November 1st, 1876, wht-n rleed will be given and pur::ha.ser let into pooeeBEiion on giying satiafactor:v bonds to secnre vendor aga.inst pa.yment or 1nortgages thereon. For further particulars apply to TRUNKS, &:c. D. M. SOMERVILLE, Cleveland,O. WEDNESDAY, THE 5TH DAY OF JULY, W. JENNINGS is still in charge of the Ma.nufa.ctory Depa.rtment and is prepared to guarantee go to ' ' APorCcctFtt, lll the Latest au.d Dost Style. }~LM ST. W. !t'f. S. ScaooL, Toronto. We bavegt'ea.t plea.sure in stating tho.t ae an instrn~un·t to lead the singing in n. S. School nothing can excel it. The tone is soft and full. rrhc bass is grnnd and when 300 voices are singing together the Piano cn.n be distinct· ly hen.rd. Every note rings out EIS clear as a N. B.-Old CASH! S~orP 1"near 'l'h?mpson & 13urn's Mill, .tlow1na.fiville. Sewed Work·a Speciality. First class Stock used. A Call is Solicited. Re1nmnbcrthc.Stand, Post Office Block, opposite Itutlbottorn House. boll. S. J , IIUNTER, Pasfor. WAlHNG KENNEDY, Superintendent. SAMUEL FRISBY. 111usic"1 Conductor. who obtain them at very low pdi.:~s . frlcl1n ,J, ]f, H~nry, C~rrnn & . Co., of ~ew ·York, and. Uua trash is supphocl to Unprincipled Iteti1il Yendo~, who sell ~he.same as my genujne Pil ls apd 01ntmont, wh1ch are manufactured only at.533, Oxfor·~ Strt>et, ;London, a.ud n1ay be ob· t::nned from the follo\v1ng JNrms, viz. :fi:va-na, Mercer and Co., :\llontrea]. Messrs. Avery, Bl'own uud Co., Halifax, N.S. i\fessrs. 'l'. J3. Harker and Sons, St. Jobn,N.D. 1\-fcsara. Elliot and Co., Torout.o. · Who import the1n direct frem here. 'l'HOMAS J:JOT.T,OW AY. :Oa.ily Line to Rochester. Commencing on Or- about THURSDAY, 2!11·H APRIL. It has gi veu my farnily the very highest sa.ti's· faction. H.EV. JOHN BHEDIN, Barrie. 1J-fr. J. R·1tsc, DEAR J. BOHLAND. Bow urnu ville, J\.f ay 12th, 1870. 33. HAMPTON, Feb, lst. "1876. tJUr· THE STEAMER Sut :-The Mathusek Piauo I - JAS. McCLUNG, of lvicC1.ut:a Buos., or, R n. LUSCOMBE, VKNnon·~ McltlUITIY'S~ 'I'hrow Physic to · the Dogs. Call at chaaed frou1 you hn.s given entire Ra.tisfaction and proveU it~lf.a i;u_perior instru1ncnt in every rcRpcct. I wonld recom1nend &JI to see the l\'Ia.thusek, before purchasing elsewhere. H. 'l'. PHILLIPS. · 38-3w,) P. So1,1011on," Bowmn.nville, Ont. Agent,s VVYLijIE'S · ancl bny abundantly of . ]'11.UI'l', and keep ! at waJited. $12 Outiit a.nd terms free. 'l'ltUH & CO., Augusta, Ma.hie. · bp-ol()·n125·1y. d.n.3· homo. ROOM. PAPER 5 cts. ROLL, DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the Bowmanville Drug Store, 'I 8 t1r1~1ly, Mallet .croquet S. ets for $a.as. Beautiful Fans, at Hall Buildings. Town Hall Buildings Bowmanville yourselves Strong, }"'at and .H ealthy; \VYLJ,JE ~ nters ·on the f!nmmer ~ .mpn4g·n, with renewed a-ctivity nnJ. vigor, and is bound to kee11 a11eaU of all compcptors. l[e has now, ~lJnd will have, thro1~gh the season, A LARGll S'jlOCK OJ!' e, W a.~ert.own a.nd aider, fo_r beauty <1ind tone, it ir; unsui·pa.KBed Shore Divisi·o n of the Ron1 Ogdensbui-gh Railway for all points Ea.at, 'Vest by any.J.nstn1n1ent I l1ave y<!t seen. · and South. S. C. HILLIER, M. D. of Rochest11r,) daily at 9 P. }I., except Saturdays, "'hen she will leave a.t 3 l!, !\.1, for Po1't P1·of. Jluxc. Hope direct. DEAH. SHt : - ~l'he ~fedium ~Iathusck we got Dealers in stock, &c.,will :find this thecheapfrom you gives entire satisfnction in every res})ect. I ran uuhesitatiugly recommen<l. it to P.st and most expeditious route to Hoston, Albany 1 New York, &c. · all desiring a good piano. For further information apply to D. S'l'EW AR'!'. R, ORA WFORJ;>, Pastor of l"resbyterian Church. PonT HOPE, Or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE, OSHAWA, Jau 24th. 1876. (29.tf.) KINGSTON. JJfr.. J. R·nae, Dun. SIR :-The No. 11. IVIatbuaek ia all th::i.t yon saJd Cou1mendatory of it, musicians ha.ve tried it aud pronouncCd it excellent. MHS. 1l. MITCHEL. El'.'NISKlLLEN, ENNISKILLEN,tTan. 25tH. 1876. (R ORA WFORD, MAs'rER,) P1·oj. .1,. Ruse, 1)·1r. ,ut SIR :-I h::i.vo 1'1easure in :id<ling my \Vill make her regular trips on this route,]eav· ing Cobourg eYery morning at 7:30, and Port testimony to the manv you have all'ently received in favnr of the ,\,ell merited l\-1at'huaek Hope at 9 o'clock, for Rochester, connecting Pin no, purcliased fro1n you recently. I am then with the New York Central, Northern well satiAfied with it in c~·ery respect, and con- Centra.1 'a.n<l En" Ra.ilways, and Lake Ontario ~t 'NOR8EMAN, The undersigned has the pleasure of informing you that he has r.e-opened in his old stand, (two doors West of ·the Post Olflce) with an entire· 533 0-4ord Street, W. C. London1 Jan·uar-y lst, 1876. tll33·o20 New Furniture AND · NEW STOCK , OF His aim shall be to keep the Best and sell at the Lowest possible price. He has determined to adopt the UNDERTAKING Fresh Fa.mily Groceries ~'S)rJlie~~~ --:o : - The untleraigned has opened a store in opp\>sito 'l'releven s Shoe Store, whcro he will keep on hand a full and 'i' :tried s tocl~ FuUer's :Block, of RE'l'URNING. will leave Cliarlotto (port Jan. 15th. 1876. Domestic & Foceign FRUITS. · SWEET ORANGES, BITTER O:RANCES, P1NE APPLES, BANANAS, DATES, COCOANUTS, l"IGS RAISINS, AND CASH SYSTEM, . ROSS BALLS FROM 10 CENTS EACH. OULD 1n~:respect£ully tender his incere thanks to his numerons friends and m~ tomers, and to the public genernlly, for the very libPral support he ha.s recciv~d iuce his commencing in busincs~; and hopes by con· -.,_ ~" ..!i!laed.lst~rsonal attention to business, and .. "r offering'Zloth1iig- ~ut the pur(lst articles, at the moat res.sonablA prices, to mum,.c a continuance of public patronage. J. H. would call special att1:iution to bis very W J. HIGGINBOTHAM Large Stock of Ii. Euston's Doheny Block, Lindsay. NUTS, FIAMl"l'O,r,·, Jan. 31st. 1876. ·i\[r. J. Ruse. of all clescriptious, of splendid q1H\lity, a.Jill u.t low ·pricie. · At::io a Jiarge Stock of DK.tut Su~ :·-It nfl'ords tne great pleasure in acknowledging the entire satisfaction and my high a1)preciation of the Mathusek piano pur· chased fro1n you a. f ew t~ays since. · l5riY.IE STUFF~ New 'l'ailor ehop, J O H N--H- E A L ' that be has rcmotcd his busineE!s to the Shop next door enst of Rice's 13utchti-"C ANDERSON'S Fashion and BISCUITS&; CONFECTIONERY at prices defying competition. Country )fer~ chants supplied on reasonable tet·ms. S. J. SMITH. --o·o- believing it to be advantage- ·which will be disposed of at the LOWEST MARKET I>RIOES. .t'ersons intend· ing to C?mmeoce hou15ek.eeping. will. ous not ·only to the buyer but .find it lnrgely to the·u~'l<lvan. tu.ge to consult him, ere also to the seller. purchasing elsewhere. rnade to order on. short not1:ce1 and Parcels delivered to all parts Furnit~tre Repairing neatly done. of the town with !>romptness. The Common Sense UNDERTAKING. Highest price paid for all A. NEW HEARfSE WASHER I· kinds of produce. HIS 'Vashing ]r-lachine ha.a been recebrecL T with univeraa.l favor, in many of the States Hoping to receive a share of the Union, and to-day, stands higher in the estimation of housewives, thanan:y other. '1 hey arc now introduced into this vicinity, by the of your patronage. ~ndersi"'ned, who has already sold a large numHe is, yours truly, ber. 'lie points of excellence consist in its sim· 1 F"CJ"ItNIT'O'ItE, DRUGS, Cll.b'J.lf re.A Ll-3, PATEN1' MNDlOJNES, · BR USJfES, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Eic. kept constantly on hand. which a.re sure to s.ive tlio beat satisfaction. A well selected stock of PRICES: FUJ,J, AGRAE'FE, 7.00TAVO FlWM Soda WatBr, Jee Ornani, and all tbe coaling phcity. and the saving of soap, labor and tio:1e. Au ordinary washing, for a. large family, can be done by children from 8 to 12 years old. John McMwtry, Bowmanville, Dec. 22nd, 1875. 13-tf. 1-Ias been procured uf latest t.lesii;u. l'urltish· inga for finicrals ahvayH vu hand. All l)\uieru.l· in town and country, attteoded at a. reasons able chsrge. BEGS TO INl'OIC\1 '!'HE ;i:>UBLIC, gon· Shop. · Ha"·ing bail severa\ yea.rs experience in the trade, he hopes to satisfy all who ·may favor him with a c"11. . . :M:illi~ery Kt71g Shwt, Depot, ·A Large Stock of Cove Oy,sters, Canned Sh-rdines, Salmon, Lobster~. BeveragcB, B1·cad 1 Cakes, and other neces~ saries. rVedding GalcrJs, and TrVrn,· nli119s to ordm·. $ 3 0 0. PIANOS from other The Clothes are perfectly cleaned, and iiot in t:he least worn by it. reliable makern· at bottDm prices. opposite Mr. Buckler's GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowmanvillo, Sop. 4th, 1872. m49-tf. Very . _ Latest Styles Bonnets, Hats, Mantles, and General Millinery, IN 'and other C:.i.nnerl Goods. Soirees supplied on rcaeOJ1ablo tel'lllf:l ~ CASH ptUd fo1: any qunnt'ity of Eggs o.nd Butter. JA~Il:S \VYJil.lJJ~, No. 8, Adelaide St. East, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. -:o:- -"""NORRIS & SOPER A }iilachine can be seen at the Grocery Store of John !\-1cMurtry,Bowmanvi1le, or at the residence of the aubscriber,- Ontario St, ,and parties desiring to see it in practical use, can do so, by lea·v ing their names with l\Ir. McMurt1·y, and the subscdbcr will do a wash for theJn, free of HATS- AND BONNETS, OJ.. EANEP and made over in the very latest charge. . styles. STRAW, FELT, AND LEG-HORN Special attention given to OOLORING. W 1'he celebrated Wire Mattrass for sale. See it before you pwrchase any otli.e1'. llesidence, Corner of Queen and Brown Sts., next door to llfr. J, P.Ricc's. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WIHTE LEAD at the very lowest prices, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Poet's Corner, llown1l)n-villc. The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer Ilowmanville. l\fay 19th, 1876 S~·tf Horses and Oattle Medicines. N. B.-Counti'y store·keepexs supplied on the moat a<lvantageo11a ter1us. A choice selection of f,AMPS for bale cheap Bowmanville. Dec. 1868. 6m. Shaw Rats cleaned, an<l altered into latest Ann-streets, can be purchased at a reM0nable fignre for cash. 'l'b.el'e is a new frame house, sty1ea. 1\-:Irs. A. is not asking large profitA, but 'vill with well of water, also a stable, on the pre· 1ni~ea. 'fhe garden is cu}tivnted. .._\_pply to aell at u, small advance un co8t, for CASH. A visit to her establishment, will satisfy any of ;roHN H. HAMBLY, . our readers, of that fact. At Mn. R. HAMBLY's, Brickmaker. Bowmanville, Apl"il 7th, 1876. (m22·1y.) Bowm>nvillo, April 5, 1876. (m.-2S-tf .). A consisting' of everything ln the line, that can be VERY DESIRABLE piece of town pro- purchased in the .Paris and J\~ew York est.ab· lishments, arc no\\'· on exhibition. perty, situate on the corner of Hi.1ot and TE SC 1/00L NOVELTY! THE NOISELESS AND . the best in the market, fl.lao kept f'.lU hand. lt'ac· tory price, $8, \\"ill be sold for $'7. Common Sense 'Vasher, $7. Washer and Wrini;er, $14. AGEN1' IN They cannot fail to satisfy, as all wno have DARLINGTON, CLARKE, \VHlTUY, REAc;:H tried them, B~Dik highly of th~m. JOSEPH RUSE, AND CAR'l'WRIGHT. A. DAVY, Bowmanville. Mar \6th, 1876. 9.5·tf. MRS. MAYBEE, a.t 1rlarket Square, in rear of Ffreba.U. B(lwmanville, ,_April 14, 1876. {29-ly. MARRIAGE LICENSES, ll'J. Darli~tou, rnear B1!lhe1:1da. Church] ia duly authorized to h.:sue Mitrriago Licenses. Darlington, Nov. 1.!), 1874 n18-tf. ..V . P. 'l'HOMAS. 26·tf. l\,fR. JOHl'I H. KYNQ)I, Lot 7, 6th Oon. Unbreakable Slate AT OUR BOOK ROQM Ask for it! Send for it! C.BARKER. Bowmn.nville, Mar, 24th, 1876. Also Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowmanv-ille. Hampton, Fob. 8th, 1876. 20-IL To Ma.sters of L 0. L END 250. to G. P. ROWELL &CO., New LANK GERTIFJCAES, Arplication . york, for a Pamphlet of 100 p~es, contain· &c., &c ., can be procured atthlB office,a 1ng lj.sts of !lOOO newapapers,and eat1mates show.. regular rates. ng cost of adverti>ing. bp-<>10-m25°ly. Bowmanvill , July 7th, 1873; S B "'5 TO $20 per day at home. ·Samples worth $1 free. S·1·1NSO?.· & Oo, rortland, Maine. bp·o·10m25-ly. ' · I '>