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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 30 Jun 1876, p. 3

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THE MEiiCHANT FRIDAY, JUNE 30 1876, -· ===============================;=================::::====:===:====:==:====:===;=;:==========z=====;:===========================-===============--Strawberries! Lwn4-··ll·1loA4_ of Ci...1.-. ID l~t7"'· Wf.. b7 lbl. K·llell.i"-'0>., .1-lbll (l!IGo ... t» :: r.u.-.n- ol'0....- Q w..w.p., The Finest W'OBK OF ABT ever issued in this Country, "God's p· romise·." }t being dCU·ered. Free of Purclta&e ()harae &.o everi patron ot this paper. liconltltll or · For Sa.le~ 'C'nder Cost! Cheap Fruit Trees. SPAN MATCHED MARES, 7 .Years ONE to the l stof October, I will take orders old ; first-class general purpose or car1·iagc , Upfor first class apple trees, to be delivered Two new buggies, first-claii!s ~ood trav~llers, MRS. .A.NDlitRSONJS Fashion and will be sol<l ·very cheap. All the nbo,·e articles will be sold cbea11, as the owner bas no use fvr the1n. Apply pci·sonally or by Jetter to · .t\.gent for the best Orga.nR (\V. J3e.ll & Oc1s. Dominion Or~an Co's.,) and the beBt Sewing Thia.chine, the flrst-priztl Jtoyn.1, ~8-4w, JOHN$. DONl£Y, 'l'nt0NE nt Bowmo.nvillc, next spring, nt $17 per hun· drecl. AH other Nursery stock at correspond· ing low rntes: Special rates ·for large ordere. All etock gu:i.rantccd true to Address :Millinery Depot, opposite Mr. Buckler's Stra.wberries ! Cl~VEN AWAY To every Subscriber to this Paper. by oon11oiliittura to be thfl be~L Wftter Color Chrl'll1lltlo P1lnUug ever produoed In Aml)1'1ot1. Thi ll un eurpl'LHed work ot Rrl, through th~ 11-plendld UberailL1 of the Nt.tlonal Ari Co,, or Cinolnn111I, Obl.o, ean be fioc11.rtld by ever1 subeor:lber o! t.hia paper, 1a · JOHN CHAPLIN, Box 55, Bowmanville P. 0. 4rn. Provincii~l Exhihition l\iARRIAGE LICENSES. l\,iJJ. First Prize and · at Diploma at Ottawa., 1875. ReprOOuood In 17 Clh.romatle Clolo"- uuder tbc nrth rs versonal Sllflel"Vlal.on, nnd nokilowledged l duly ll. ])arlin~ton, fn ua..r Bl:lthe3<la Church] is autl.J.orJze<l to iRRU~ Licen:ies. Darlin,'Cton, No,., l.H, 1874 mS-d. JOH~ H. EYNON, J,ot 7, 6th Oon. The Xing of the West PANNING BILL, and Grain Screen and Stra.wberries I Grand Premium Gift, ., Four Complete Chromatic Paintings, Gf:!:1tD 8 Kmb«l,PIDg the fullest! riobll" 0C111oeptlon or OOO'A glr>rlou1 proml~e : " ff'."hfle tlln i:.aM4 rema{1~~14, 1eedff1111 and hano and lltat, and 1wm~ ri1i.d tllitt!er, and day and night 111111! nol cc1ue. ,\mi;.rl· . cr.'1 mo1t ra painter, Mr. f;, D. hUt8 s~rc~ ~~~lb.::~~~~~ ~~·~~t·~ r~~~ftl:!e:g~~ b-cco !IOld 111 Cinol11nfld and Nn'll' York, · !Or U11 exo;lu11ive u~o 1ta a f'ren\lum, b1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. VEli.Y l)ESJHAHLB piece of town pro· petty. nn the .. corner of I-Inn~ a.ud Ann-stre~ts, can lw purcha~ed at a reas ·n1able figure for c-.ish. 'l'bere is n. new frnu:1e house, with well of W!\t er,. 1\ll:!o a stable, on the pro1nisea. '.l'he garden ie <mltivated. .Apply to SEED SEPARATOR. rnrEE MACtllNES IN ONE. I have 11ow great pleasure in offering_ to' the . ·· ~ Very Latest Styles 1N · ill CL> ·r-1 .. WILLIE. DELIVER THEM DAILY, A Is this seaso11, handling Rowtnanville Nursery Strawberries, a.ud will ,IOHN H . HAMEL Y, . ..1.\.t 1'l1t. R . .I-Lnrsr.Y'M, Bricknw.ker. Bowrnanville, April 5, 187G. (m.-28 ·Lf .) Fre~h, at Lowest Market Rates. CARD OF THANKS. thnnk e to .t he Jndgcsand Di· I 'l.1ENDE1lmy rectm'8 of Clark e Agricultural for pr111npt in which they pai ..] me So<.:i~ty, frinuin r· com1nunity, th(> most perfect lJ-.a.nning !\fill a.~<l See.:! Separator ever invented. Its ath·antag.-s over other hfilla in use. are as follows:l;it. It is a pe)·fect Cleaner and Chaffer. It will ta.kc out 'Vild 0!'.ts perfectly. It will tak~out all l'ockh\Cl1f:$8, 1:1.nd other foul S()eds, wiLb ·onc(J g-oitl.g' through, making a verfect is ample of .I\{a.1·kct \Vhea.t, which will .add severa l Cents per bushel to the valud of grain, over and above that when cleaned by the ordinary ORDERS SOLICITED. -o-On J1a.nd, a·ap]endid stock of the ver·y m:i.nner. ()ut oat thl& Ueri.Ulc!&f.e and forwa"d to the NATIONAL ART 00. for l'f.ldempUoo, It le flO. hereby agrH Lu return to t.lll' senller, p~t.ago preprild, imrely 1'1'1tlflped nnd i1aell.ed, · p-etreot copy or pai11t111g~, ontlt1Cll ' · pREM IuM cERTI Fl cATE. ?511c~~~i~! ;!l't~gst::rn1;~:: ~~~~;~~~dt.opg·cct~l°:g~~~ ' ··GOD'S PROM:ISE.~' FRESH ORANGES, LEMONS, · and other ieasonahle J!~ruits. Grafton'· Co11r celebnt.Wd ~~~!1~~~,~~;r~out1 ~r~e~rtrn~'A~l~0fl~{:~ Wri.~ 1:so ~:i~~i sir~~~~ ~1~cr:~.t,~~'h1f.dc tT1u·· ·uu;.1 t'bl· CerU!loaW I~ S-O&d until Septe~~er I, U~i6, · nfter which 10 ~euts 11.ddhlon11l wlll be c!J~r1:1ed. No iny Fin:t Prize on Carriages, which they ~y, was j11:;tly 1neritcd. 'fbe Jnrlges thousht. un F<\il' day, th1tt I wna Dflt.eligibfo fur -n. prn~,but found nn lookin f( at the hilt .that I was, o.1rd they granted Inti the First Prize, Mr. Linh1n'1:1 letter, notwithstanding. I a.bout 100 ~'irf$t·ch188 Bnggi<·8 and <Jar· riagcs, in course of corn:>truc::tion. which will be s'Jld chea.p, fo1· C;1sh, or good pn.per, JAMES WYLLIF., Poet's Corner. Do_wmanvillc. Bowmanvilie, June 30th, 187G 34-tf DWELLINGCOMl!,OR'l1ABL}~ FOR ' SALE. IN THE gard~n; HO'C'SE out aL once ·nd Aending it 111 tor redewptioo. Ac!dro~e all CcrtiOoa.~ea to ih n Nntlnnnl Ar' Co., 280 w..lirnL St.rOllt, Cln.cit111.ul, Ohio, aod you ll'lll rooelvo by return mall the brgM ~ ha.! ·dlWmi:Nt l'l'l.l11.1iuin Palut.lug you eyer aaw. as a ne11' ed ition will tbel\ beeomQ noooSl!ary. /I. CettlflMtie ror ~11oh Palntlu~ mu-t In all oa'l(!~ be 8')flt, othtt· 'lf"i~.i porftous who ·r· act 1ublilorlben 111\gbt re<1.p t11e benetll~ lnt e ud~ Rololy for the pa.trons ot ~hill p1wer. ~'R~tf/{o!~k~~~o~~inB'B ~i~nf1~1 ~R1~04Kb81~11 TH:~ ~A1;." r~1! Y~~;!,~;,.,80o~L !~it1J:t~ NOTE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. ii1a~:i;~:~811~~L~~~~~et:? ::.~:,~ ~~~~~l~i~!~. ""(I WM. McCLUNG, ]~Qwn1 ~ Carriage :}.faker:. ll\·illo, :Mar. 24th, 1876· 2fi.jmos house. with A ·about three-qua.rttti-sJwclling of an acre ,>f ]and VILLAGE OF HAMPTON. .. 2nd. ·It is a most perfect Separator. It will sepnrate nl1 the large kernels of Wheat from the sm:tll and sl1runken grains. It does not tlH'OW th e sm1. ll graine in the chess box. like other l\iillli, hut brings then). through by thcmgelves. clean a.ncl tit for iuarket, and is warrant· eel to make a perfect eample of Seed \Vheat. 3rd. lt id very rripicl in its action, and will easily n1:~kc for mnrkct, Sixty Bushels; and for Seed, 'l'wt·uty-five Bushels per hour. 4th. It sepn.rn.ti.·s all kinds of Gtain. as well as seeds ; nnd if Wheat and Oats, Peas and Oats, C lov~r and 'l'imothl" are tnixed together, and tJn t through this Mil , it will come out perfectly 8·'.parn.ted. · 5t. l\. I t is cqm1.Uv as good for small as large gru.i m>. l t will separate Timothy Seed fro1n '\Vh ~a.t, and will bring the ri'imothy out clean ·at t.Jie same titne as you are cleaning the \Vhen.t for M:i.rket, Mill =... · ·= = YJ ...p a r.D. · Bonnets, Hats, Mantles, and General · Millinery, 0 I I I .·~ ~ consisting of ev~rything in the line 1 tl)at can be purch<l.ised in the Paris and NeN° Y ork m:tab· lishmeuta, lltl'C now on exhibition. Straw Hats cleaned, and altered iuto lates t styles. . Mra. A. is not ~l.l;king large profit.a, Out wjll sell a.t a small advo.nco on cost, for C.ASH. A visit to her estr~blfalnnent, will satisfy of our readers, of thnt fa.ct. B~wmt~nville, April 7th, 1S7G, (m22 ly.) DRUGS AND MEDICINES n.t the Bowmanville . . Drug Store.' ..I 0 ...µ om er~ , and to the pub.lie gcnel':Llly, for t11e very libPral support Im Jrn.s receiYed incc Ids C?m rncnci:1g in bu~inesa; a!1d hopes by con· .tinned strict pet'sonal attentJon to businesi:i and offering nothing but the purei:it ai·ticle~. ~~t the 1nost reasonable prices, to enr-u-'"e a conti11ua.nce · of31nblic patrnna"e. · ·. H. would ca.U special atteution to his very ~U'J)f.ll'ior etpck of mvst. respectfully tc~d el"' his ince re WOULD tha.nks to Jus nutnerous fnen<ls and J_ HIGGINBOTHAM J ~· T>YE which are s1ire to giv e the bust satfr1faction. A well selectetl stock of STUFF~ Price of Mill, $35. l!""'inest varieties of ap;>le and pear trees, in the good wellt with pump j and other con· veniellcca. Application .to bo made to the owner, l'lms. MILRED SNELL· . or to H. ELLIOTT, JR., (bp-m~8·o25·tf.) .All lietturH f101n tl1e Counties of Northutn· bedand, Durham, \rictorin, and Peterborc, IUll.!lt he a1ldrcf3i'R'd t11 the proprietor,. : THOMAS SMITH, . Ha1nptnn, Ont. P. C . lIYMins, General Agent. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATEN1' lWEDIOINES BRUSHES, ,. COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Eic kept constantly on hand, H.rnPTOl'. ·. l'lfoy 5th, 1876. 32-tf. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. O of Hampton; three doors west Jnlil)tt's s torH, a large two etory Rough Caet Dwelling, N MILL STREE'l' IN THE VILLAGE of~ EVENTS EXTRAORDINARY! _., OILS, PAlNT,_ COLORS, ·VARNISH.ES, and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest titi.Ct!S. TIIE GREA'l'ES'l' possession will be given at once, the p1"Dprietor, Apply to . Wonder of Modern Times. .. MATH us E K p I AN 0 -wo- S. Horses and Cattle Medicines. :> IL JOHN COLE. :J\'Ierchaatt ri'ailor. Hampton, March 7th. 1876. 24.IJ, American · Prints, Chea,pest, :Best, Handsomest, EVER KNOWN, EXCEii in vohune of tone. EXCEL in firmnl;'88 and purity of tOno, EXCEL i{t vtiicc-like quality of tone. E...XCEL in durabihtya:ndkeepint;in tune. I~XCJ~ L for the concert room. EXOE.T... for teaching 15.chools and se min~uics. EXCEL for the drawing room, N. B.-Country store-keepers supplied o the most advantageous tenns. A 1~hoice select ion of LAMPS (or tale cheap Bowmnnvillt.>, Dec. 1868. 6m. New Furniture AND '!'he Pills Pnrify tho Blocd, correct all disorder8 of the Li "·el', ~toniachl l( idueys an<l Bowels. a.nd are invalu able inn. l <.:ompla.ints incidental to Females. · Tho Ointment is the 011ly r eliable rein~fly for Had I.egs, Old \Vo ·mds, Sores a.nd· Ulccrl'I, of howeve1 · lo1l_!.! ata,n<.Ung. . For Bronchitis, Diphtlwda, Cough:;i, Colds, Gout 1 Rheumatism, Md all Skin DiEJ(lascs it hns no cciua.l. --++~rhese al'e broad assertions, but capable Of proof. '11hey unlike any other, in construction ; all their pe culiarities are pojuta of excellence. Their illns trated and descriptive ca.talog1_le1 which "'.c send. free to any address, explains conch1;.1vely, in ha.rn1ony with acoustics nnd mechanics all that is claimed for the Mathushek. 'l'here are thousands of happy owners of D.ia.thusheks wilJiug to certify to their superior excellence. We ho.vo roo1n here for but & few brief extracts :- UNDERTAKING ALLTHE LATEST STYLES IN AT F. Y. COWLE'S. . . ' I dee1n it my duty to state that m'y Pills a-nd OinttncRt are neither manufactured nor aoltl in pnrt of the U nitcd States. ii'djiJ~~~t! --:o : - 'l'he nndcrsignl:!cl ha.a OtJened ft. a tin·e in - -.-:o:--- · HATS,CAPI.', & GENTS :FURlSlIINGS are to be had. at CLOTH FROM GRANGER 'VOOL 7t YARDS FOR $2.00. ment Slurnp, wit]1 the words, ·· Holloway's Pills and Ointmen,Lot1tlon 1 " engrn.vcd thereon. On. the label is the ad(hcse,583, Oxford Street, liondon. Vile and spurious imitations of "Holloway's Pills and Ointment," are manufa.ctured and sold under the name of ·· IfoUoway & Co .· " by J. F. l!enry,Cnrran & Co. ,of Dn1ggists of New York, \Vith an assumed trade 1nar-k,thus -In Canada t h e principal \Vholcsa.Je ])eal: ers in tlwso Counterfeits are LYMAN, CLARE & Co., NOR'l'HHUP & LYMA~, and l~ ach Pot'fiflnd Box bears the B1·it-i.,'lh Govern- FREDERICK MATHUSEK the HONOR N E\V YORK, Oct. 28, 1867, 'Vet.he undul"'rilgued, Judges of Pianos at the Ji'air <?f tl~,o American Institute, after a careful exn.m1nat1on of the <Joncert Grinida do award to oppvsitc:l rl'rel~Vt'n s Slwe Storo wliero h12 will ketip on ha,nd a full' aud v mjf'~ i:itock of Fuller's Dlock, MAYER'S. ~:[1·. ~I. opened the Rea.son, 'vith n. splendid stock of gooils, comprising everything in tbc hat nnd Cap line, whfoh \vill bo disposed of at ]ow ratrs. of making the BEST of this class of instruments t1ien and there exhibitt:d, or kno,...-n to us elee· where. Ftr:RNI'l'"Q"ltE, which will be disposed of a t the L(tV\iES'l' ~IARKUT PH.IC~S. l'ersons inteud· ing_ to ~? 1nmen ce hou st:ki;:epiug, ·rill find it largely to their advantage to consult bim, eru purch<tJi;ing elsewhere. F~o·niture made to order on short notUe and (Signed) EWD. MOLLENHAUER A.D. W.TIESEMANN. ' M. J. GIANNE'l'TI. CHAE.LES F!tADEL. · MDSICAI, · 802 Broadway, N. Y. CONSERVATORY,} Repairing neatly done. ' Oa.11 en.rly, and your· seJection. 'l.'htise Pin.nos mnet take the lead of all known inatt111nents, H.ntl thelr peculiar construction rendE'rs the1n by far the rnost dur.n.bJo, and the least liable to get out of 't une, EUGE'\'EJ. MERRIAM. Since the date of this concert the l\fathushek has been my favorite. . W1.~tson's Gons~rvatory of l\fusic,New York. A NBW B:E.ADSZ UNOERTAKING. lIATS for hot weather. HATS for cool weather. llA. TSfor wet weather. HATS for - - f o r- A HAT Ji'O:R YOU. Bargains for Cash AT . LY1irAN BnoTBERS & Co 11 --· BRIDGMAN'S & FLEMING'S . . who them. at;. very Jow prices, -£r~1n J. li', Hcn1·y, Curran & Co.. , of 1'1ew Yo1k, and this trash is eupplii.,'(l to Unprincipled ,£5,etail Vend<irs. who sell the Im.nm 11.8 1oy genuine Pills and Ointment; ¥>hich are numufn.ctnrcd 011ly at 03..1, Oxford Street, Lon1.lon, and tnay bl! obtained from the followin g Firms, viz. :-· Evana, l\iercer and Co., Montreal. h.fe8llrs. Avery, B rOwn a.udCo., Halifax, N.S. l\.fesf'lri-1 .. ~r. B. Barker and Son~, St. John,N.D, i\f~ssrs. Elliot and Co., 'l'oro11to. · · "\Vho impoi·t thctn direct from here. · · J. JAY,WATSON. I t No money would tempt me to banish it fa·orn my home. .. ' D. SCHUYLER, Duffolo. l\fathU.shek 111.1.H in reality taken n step in ndvo.nce of all nmkera of Pianos in tLie world. . J ; G. SIT.AW . I\-I1nical Critic; Saratogn. 4 NEW GOODS I BATTING'S! consisting in part, of FARMFOR SALE, Subject to Mortgages. on VALUABLE by ·-~~---~· M. MAYER'S . BOW. ll!NVILLE. : o:--- THOMAS IIOLLOWAY, 533 Oxford .9tr'6t, W. G. , , . ~ondon, Santtary 1st, 18i6. m3:!-o20 'rhe J:intlluf:iLek Orchestra 8f1Uare Gr11..ud Piano il!I bl'illirmt, of ,\o·onderfu.l power and incloclious in tono. ' ALFREJJ 1£. l'E...\SE,Rochcster. was the crowu of ~I. I waa fully oonviuced ·that the Mathuahek H. BEIJ,ACK. M.y old tuner, who luui ta.k en en.r e Qf my p1u11u for l;he p~t ten ye,a.t'S, flnya that the No, 10 Urcher$tral JUSt received from you is tLc bebt. Iuade aud finest instrum ent in this city. Yours &c. TWEEDS, PRlNTS, WHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, l'ARASOLS, SIL.K PARASOLS, ST LK UMB~ELLAS, FANCY GOODS, &c. All to be sold at tlrn very lowes t prices, for H~ts been procured ·n f l:\l:e8t desi!::'ll. Ji'urnfah· ings for funerals al·wnys '-'n hand, All }'uneral· in town and conn ~ry, atttontlecl at n. ren.sons able charge. I\.@' 'f'he celebrated Win J,fattrass for sale. See ·it bejon yo'u pi1rchase any othe·r. l~tie iJenou, Coruor of Queen n.nd Ilrown St$., next door to i}fr. J. P's. Bowmauville, 1t:fnr l.(>~li. 1876. A. DAVY, ?,;~-tf. ' Im !30LD, ON 'l'HE rRllMISES, WILLauction, WEDNESDAY, THI:. 5IH DAY OF JULY, next, at :J. p. n:i.., one of the _ bel!t wheat, pro< farms in the county of Durham, bi:nng Lots 2!J :30 mid ::ll in the Drokon Front Con<;ea1:1ion of'the' t ·.:nvn6'hii> of Clarl<e, containing aboU.t !80 t~crl;'S, and owned by HENR¥ LAW. These ln.nda are beautUnlly sttun.tcd on the shor~ of Lake, within a wile uf the Grand Trunk Railwtty Station a.nd ha.If a milo of Nt:JwcaaUe Harbor. On the la.11d1:1 are a eubstantial fra'.m o, good barns aud outbuildinge, wells, &c., &c., and an excellent young orchard o{ cho1ce fr_uit t:ees. 'Jlitle fa nnexceptivnitble, Possession given N0verober 1st, 1876, Privilege of ploui:;:hing immediately after next harvest. Land will be sold by th ~ acre and measured by a P. L. Surveyor. T.EH.IvlS-'l'en per cent. cash. Balance of purchase money, over and a..bove amount due on, to be paid November 1st, 18~6, when rlcod w-il.l he given and pur;::haser let into possession on giving imtiafactor,y bonds to ~ecure · ve nthJ r against payment of th~reon. For furth er paxticnln.ra apply to Look at this, then buy then1. TEAS. No. I Black No. I Green, A good tett, 5 lb. lot of 50 c. cts. 85. 80. 'I' I-i :t.; · 40. . $2.25. S. &F. Mason'·s, You can J?ei everything uSua.Uy kept in·a. AT . 'Ye hf.ltvegreat pleasure in stating that ~s· an instrument to lead the singing in a S. School nothing can excel it . The ione is aqft and full. ~l.'b e bass is grand an<l ,.,.·hen 300 voices are singing together the Pinno can be distinct· ly heard. Every note rings out as cleru- as a D. M. SOMERVILLE, Clevcland,O. J:LM ST. ,v_ J\.I. s. SCHOOL, Toronto: N. B.-.... Old Stor11, nea1; Thompson & Uurn'~ 1-Iill, 1Jowroanvillo. CASH! Peovle's Book Store ... A:XS-D SA:SDATH SCitOOL · ' SUGARS. Good cooking Good White, First-class Harness Establishment. 13 lb. for $1. 12: (' bell. S. J, HUNrl'J~R. Pastor. · W AlUNG KBNNBDY, Superintendent. SAMUEL FRISBY, Musical Conductor, ROOM PAPER 5 cts. ROLL. DEPOT ·C. BARKER. With thti a.rrivol . nf the Holidays, cotni:a a dcinr.nd for " 11. 10. . White Scotch Refiried, Broken Loaf, . Harness, tVhips, Trunks, Va lises, Bag.~, Ool· · It haa giv1;in my fo.mily the vei:y hig-h est satisl.ars, l.ashcs, B1~u~hes; b..,.ctts, Sheets, - lluys, faction. REV. JOHN BREDIN, Barrie. Curr·y Cornbs, Eits, Snaps, Interfering Boots H4Ml"l'ON, Feb. 1st. 1876. and Roll.ers, Zinc Collar Pads, Barness Oils, Mr. J . Rl~Be, · 9. fre.~h. etc., etc. If you don't eco what you want,p1ea!ie R.gk for Jt., . JAS. MoCLUNG, 1?.~ or, R of J\.IcCLuNG BROS., i The Stock of General Groceries is large, mid warranted ery, Glassware, etc:, etc., very low: Farriiers·produce taken in exchange for goods. Crock- A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Dl':~\B Sin :-The Mathusek Piano I pur· cha.sed from you has given entire $1atisfaction a.ncl ~roved itself a superior iuatnunent in every respect. I Wonld recommend all to see the l\fathusek, bt!fore pnrcha.<Ung e1at'where. 8 ll.. he has st3:nd, Maillet Crog,uet Sets for $2.a5. EACH. ROSS BALLS FROM 10 CENTS R. 1'. PHILLIPS. Nof. J, Ruse, ENNIBKILL'.EN,Jn.n. 25th.. 1876. LUSCOMBE, VENDon's Sot101Ton, Bowma.t1ville, Ont. PROVISIONS AND FEED FOR SALE, Remember, Cash gets a Benefit at BRIDGMAN & FLEMING'S. D}:,\.R 811.1. :- I have pleasure in n.dcling my te~tim~ny tn the many you h a~'~ ah-eady recen:ed 111 fa.,.·or of the Well merited l\:(athueek, pnrcLasf.l<l fron1 yoU recently. I am \~·ell sn.t1atif!d ·with it ht e;,ery respect, and con· sider. for beaiuty and tone, '1 lt is unslu·pa.Ssed by any instrument I lJa'-'tl yet seen. Large Stock of Beautiful Fans, at }~ast~>n's oheap a.nd good I..itera.turo, Gift l3ooks, a.:c.d. :Present ctOO:OS. I have a Stock t hat cnnnot fo.U to ph;:1aae-com plcte a.nd varied. Hall Buildings. S. C. HILLIEH, llI. D. i~or Ba1~gai11s · in Boots Doheny Block, Lindsay. ' Prof. RttllC. ENNISKILL.E N, Ja.n , 15th, 1876. AND D.EAU S11l :-The No. 11. Mnthusek is all One of tho Lnrgcst Stooks of Bootf'I alitl Sb.!:l'ea .tbat you said co1nmenilatory of it, musicians have tried it and, pronounced it excellent. in the country, is to be f()und at . - :- Shoes! DEAn S1n ;-The 1\.fedium :.\{athusek We got from you gives entire satisfaction in P.very respect. I can unhesitatingly recommend it to all desiring agoodpi:tno. === ====== -~==~~ ~ =""' The undersigned has the\ STRA ~ pleasure of informing you that re -opened in his old Town Hull. Building~ " Bowma.nville FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. l!' ELT POCKET BIBLES.Large Assortmeni. N .B . That deservedly popular Teach e.r's Bible, in various bindings D. STEWART. Pastor of Presbyterian Church. JJ/1·. J. A~D LEG-HORN .Ruse. OSHAWA, Jan 24th. 1876. (two doors West of the I-IATS AND . BONNE',I'S, Post O!Jltce) with (. an entire CT.EA NED and made over in the V·J'Y l·test styles. BOOKS: in Gnat Variety. A lBUJ',fS, Cheap and Rrett~ WRITING D]J,'SKS, and WGHK BOXES . . NEW STOCK OF Special attention ghren to t-lit COL·OlUNG. DRY . · GOODS, J. BORLAND'S Boot & Shoe Store, llIR'5. B. MI'l'CHEL. Jan. 31st. 1876. HAlIPTON 1 Fresh !'a.mily 0-rocei·ies His Bes t 1 11 L the J\:Iarket S11u~ire, in rear of"rirehall. MUS. MAYBEE, MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPES . Bowmanvrn., April H, 1srn. · 1 (29.1y. Ladies' Prunella Boots, from 75 cents upwards. Misses' and Children's, . In proportion. Men's, Boy's, and Youth's, of every description. Jft·. J. R-use. aim shall be to keep D~AU Siu:.- -It- affords n1e great plca..qure t th ln l1Cknowledg1ng the entirA ii:-iitisfaction and my anc se a' e high appreciation of the l\fn.thusek piano purpossible price. chased from you a fc·.v (ln.yH since, L. t ..., h t ine o .i;i,OC es er. ow est I Commencing on or about 'rHURSDAY .,,.a,11 Y 't\ · Lurgest CollecliQn of Ste··eoscopic Views in Town . S. J. SMITH. -o·o- .h d - l · He as· etermmec the to adopt I 2ora Al'lUL . ' THE STEAMER Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses. etc., etc. · PRICES: FULI, AGRAFFE, 7·0CTAVO FROM 'Findings kept for the Trade. ALSO $ go to DOMlNIO:ij W~ PfANOS from other Clilj; ]{ip Up[!M' cmcl Sole LeathM', makers at bott ll'm prices. 'L'B UN KS, &c. s00· CASH S_YSTEM, believing it to be advantage. ous not only to the buyer but _,,,,_ ;o:- reliable W. JENN IN GS is still in charge of the Manufa.otory Department an<l is prepal'ed to guara..utee A Pe11-Cect 1'...,tt, l n the Late6t tuul Bc"t St;ylt: .. No. 8, Adelaide St. East, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. · NORRIS & SOPER · l t ti . 11 a SQ Q . 18 $8 er. l to a11 parts . P arce1s (l eIiverec · . . I I'NORAEMAN' , .. ".'\.1Jl Hl:\kc hc.Jr regttlar trips 011 thi.::troute,le:ioV· mg Cubuurg evc i·y noomin" at 7 :301 and l'ort Call and Exa1nine. (R CH.A WFORD, M ASl'ER,) I Of the town with promptness. MATTRAl!S. 'fha ::\·tn.ttrass was awarded tbe 1st premiu1u at tbe l:'rovin<:ial ),air, Ottawa, 1875. Is dur"'le, 1;1laRtic, noiselesri. J\.fannfnctured by Geo. G~ ...: Rmith;; 1v.Iills, Quebec. Fc\ ....,flle by Anthony Davy, Furniture Deal· IJ ri l}o.,., ,anville, DcBUl'flf'S. ' ' Sewed Work a Speciality. First class Stock used. A Call is Solieited. Il:ememberthe Stantl, 'Po~t OfBce 1Hock 1 oppo· ~ site ]{uebottom" House. JOSEPH RUSE, Ikinds AGEN1' IN I · <.Jentrnl ~nd. Hne Railwaya, and Lake Out· o ·io Shnre D1vrn1011 oI the H.01ne, W a.tertown and Ogdonsbm·gb lhilway for all points East, w ·· t and South. llope a.t !J o\.:louk, for ~chester connecti og~ eu with the N cw York Ucntrai. Northert1 Great Inducements. Highest IJI'ice paid for of IJI'Oduce all New·'I'ailor shop, to the Shop n.ext door- c«~rt of Tiice'H lh1tch-.:r DARl.lNGTON, CLARKE, \\.'HlTBY, REACH AND CARTWRIGHT. · · Hopmg Ile . t · o receive · a share Qf Ht1C h tistt:r,) ~liu~y at 9 P. M . except Sa.tnrda.YH, when ohe w1ll leave at 3 }. . 1\f, fo r Port l)oa.l m·s in stcick. &c., ~· i ll find this tho cheap. M «nd most ex~ec)jtions route to Boston, AJ. bany, ~ew Yo1·k, &c. · l"or forthe1· information ·pply to llETURNlNG.. will le~ve Charlotte (port Hove clfrect. TO !:<!FORM ~·H~: PL"llLIC, gen· BEGS crally, that he has retnoYeLl hi~ business Shop. Having had Se\o·ernl years expedcr1ce in tho JOHN HEAL~ of your patronage. is yours ' J. llORL&~ Also Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowman\lille, Hampton,~Feb. trul v J ' Bowman ville, Afay 12th, 1876. · 3:5. · 8th, 1876 . 2o.ti. llowmanv1lle, Dec, 22nd, 18,5, John R1cMUJtry, " 13-tf. 'j R. CRAWFORD, PoRT HorE, 0 r C. F'· G ILDERSLEEVE, (29-tf.) · Kl~GS1'6N. hnn with a call. t~ade, ,he hop~s to · satisfy all who may frivor GOOD FITS GUARANTEED llowmanville. Sep. 4th, 1872. 1u4!.l-tf. / 1 ' " ',

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