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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 7 Jul 1876, p. 2

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THE MERCHANT FRIDAY JULY 11876 RATES OF .ADVERTlSl:t<G The same geutlen en Mr R Lauder n tcrested h nsclf n the aJfa s of T N G bbs and h or w tho~t the conse t of th t gent! me does not !early appear wrote to Sr John A Macdonald sett ng for the f ct that Mr G bhs ha l contested tho r d ng n the uterest of the par y and waa therefore e t tied to a l tile outs de he I $40 000 "as the sum nan ed (Mr G bbs at the I rue of the appl cat on was a member o! the Go rnment) Mr Lauder says The draft of the letter made no such cla m as alleged aak ng lor $40 000 MrLaudcr asse ts that Mr Glen was the only person n 0 hawa cone lted about th s ett r on the contrary Mr Glen says he \\as never consu ted about the Jetter and that Mr La der s statement to the contrary s wholly untrue and that he never heard of he letter unt l sorr.e "eeks af!er t was sent that h s nformant who saw the letter " <l $40 000 ae ask d for ~f course 8 r J hn A lrlacdonal I haa no r collect on of ever rece v ng 'tho letter One th ng s certn n o. letter was wr tten e.ak DR for money THE EaSTERN QUESTION A ABOUT TOWN TOWN COUNCIL Grasshoppers m .Minnesota I I I frontler they have been uccea fu n several eng·g men s A despatch from Par s dated the 5 b Ba) s that A counc of M n sters' has d seu sed tlie Eastern news It s thought all the Europ an Po" · w l alopt a pol cy of non nter ent on to wh h Fra cc IB unalt rab y attached A Ru s an officers on lea e of absen nrc o dercd to JO n then reg menta an l the A etr an troops are concentrat ng on be border There was an exc tmg deba e n the Br t sh Ho se of Corumona on Monday The Government was rel cent aoo gn ng a the r r Mon They cannot pull sh the onfident al corrc pondence thoUt n 1nr ng the publ c serv ce 'Ibey awa t the conaent of fore gn governments Mr John Br ght protea d aga nsta \\ar pol cyfor le ma n enancc of Turkey He dee ared that the Cr mean War was UDJ stly commenced unfortunate n ts progress aud nnom n ous n ts end -----~------ eaat~rn t a so a &tateme t 11 be D a hR l e \., SIMPSON vs WILKINSON I l e J Jgment lol vered n h s ase by he Cou o Queens Ben b on Thu aay last he Cou t eon1emned very cm pha c terms tbe cour e u l'l!Ued by ti e Hon J obn S upon Ho George Brown and otb rs n the u JUS fiable nterlerence w ti the ku·t .,eneral e cc on It w 11 be re nemberecl hat Mr " k n Now put th s and that together then add the Pac fie Ra l w y Scandal and a host of other th nga onneoted fw th both pol t cal par\ es and what s the cone! son of the whole matter! The body rol t s one mass of moral put d ess The wl ole head ~ft ck and the hol e J ea t fn nt We do not des[ a r of the pat ent s re coverJ p ov decl. the proper remcd cs are sk ully an l promptly appl ed PROTECTION sa d part c lars n auch form as tbe Coun c 1 d rects and report n d p cate on all le ac ounts aud ted by them and make a spec al eport of an expend t res maue con rarJ to la v an I aha l fi e the san o n the office of the clerk of the Counc I w h n one mon h alter the r appo n m nts &c That the Counc l shall upon the report of ti e Awl tors final ) aud t and a low the a countH of the treas rer and collectors and a l ac o nts chargeable aga n t the Corpor Many of our str ets pro ea heavy cro1 ol th s Jes and un ess these p ck y custom era a e speed y atten led to bey JI br ng forth a hundred fold Q een street th ck w th them Mr T o Sm th s prepar no for the field w th h s K ng of the 'I' est Faun ng M and bas a large number nea J ready for the market They are aa d to beat a 1 the m lie use l armers sl o d see a d t s them Contender tho nport d horse o ·ned by lllr G Shaw killed h rr selt b! r n h b a bc!ltl ago nst a trtte on the even g o Thu a lay ast He got oos n ho tabl and was chas ng abo t the orcha d 'I h loss s a heavy one as Mr Shaw rocently refused $3 000 for the horae The Guelph Ba e Ball club play the Roya Oaks of lh s place tl s afternoon lD the Dr 11 Shed gro nds p a) o b g at 2 30 Bot! clubs re sa d to be n good tr m and an excellent game may be exp~ct ed The Tecumsehs of Loncjou may come next o onth The Pr n t ve Metho l sis of ti s to n DATT ' THE ELECTIONS ON WEDNESDAY xtens on of c ed t to nst tu ona that con trolled votes the le ter to the F nance M n · In 80 th Well ngton Mr Donald G (M n stenal st) was ele ted by the Jor ty o 150 In Sou~h Ontar o Hou T N G be (Op po t on s was elected by a m·Jor y of 4 In Nor h Ontnr o !\Ir '\ H G bbs Op pos t on st) vas elected by a maJOr ty of 86 1t Is wortl not ng that Mr W H G bbs carr ed the elect on In J 872 by a maJ onty ol 18 In 18 4 he was n a m nor ty of 92 and now he w ns b) a m·Jor ty of 86 be ng 79 lean thnn h s m·Jor ty n 1872 Hon r N a bba n 1872 had a IDOJOr y of 93 Wl en be entered the M n stry he be t h s opponent by a major ty of say 240 In 1874 t e was n a m nor t of lo and on Wednellilay he "aa elected hy a maJ or ty of 41 be ng 52 less than ha ma JOr ty n 1872 The electors of No th and South Ontar o afford ou s ders a J tt e am sement by the r pract cal exh b on of W h el ab ut a tu n ab ut And ump J n. Crow r D css Mu l ns must be sold regardleaa of cost McCI D!f B oa Destruction of our Forests T c A Romance of Marnages BOWMANVILLE MACHINE CO Tho meet ng of cred tors of the Bowman v Ile Mach ne Co Insolvents ""s he d n the office of the Ollie al As gnee W Thon p son E q on T e day last accord ng to an noun en cnt 'I he l . fontrea.1 crcd tors were represented by Mr Dar ng of Montreal an l tie weatern bJ Mr McM llan of Pars J B Fa ba rn Esq as appo nted cha r man and W Thompson E q Secretary A o r was made by the Insolvents of 40 ct on the do ar wh c not be ng accept e tbe exam nat on n o the n[a s of the Esta e w s comn er::ced l y ndm n stcr IJ~ the oa h to Mr IIorseJ se retary of the Company whose exa at o waa adJO rn ed at s x o lo I for the elect on of an Ass gnee Two gentlemen ere noru nated Mr Dar ng o! Mont ea and \ son E q the Offi al Ass g ee o k occ rred aa to who baa a r ght to vote se eral ob)ect ons be ng taken and the matter R r fer ed to the Judge for dee s on SUCCESSFUL SOO 11 NG NI M U] H 11: K:ER J TED i!I EOP GREE B L E'l' (:ONSUMl"l'IVES BEAD 1 E every Doctor recommends it r N o Failure 'l'en Years -o-- A LLEN'S L tl'NG BA:tSAM -o- ! s in ~ -o- UCH SUCCESS IS BARE r OUR CANALS -o-- mer h s to contend ana nst under a system ot pro e ve duties. Mr Marshall sa d Tl e farmer etart ng to h s work has a sho put on iJ, a ho se w h na ls t8xed at en liv a hamm r cu s a st k w th a h tches h s horse per cent He ret rns to h a home h eared l mbs on a 0 r Gove ument have taken a stand on tho canal q ues on a d Act ti e first · the clos ug of Cbambly C na to Amer can vcs sels. fhe greater po on ot th· lumber of be Ottaw· D st ct a cons derab e sha e of Uanad an gra n and a la :go amo nt of A r ca prod ace fro n po a on t e soutl s de of Lake Onoa o lound the ea on d through th s channel n :vesse s reH ster d n tl e Un ted States. The M st er of Cus toms though strong J pressed by Mr Tor ranee Agent at Mon eal lorseveral Un ted S n es Tug boat Compau s pos ve ) re f sed to suspend the order \\I at n xt 1 ---~·~---~ L u N G Down Sun mer Dress Goods at 20 cents at McCI ng B os 12~ cents TOWN MA'.l:TERS DOMINION DAY fhe n n h nn versury of he Con! Bowmnnv le as observed n a very qu et manner notb ng of moment oc curr ng A large number of our ct zens too advantage of the nduc ments offered> by Toronto and our n ghbor ng towns and went to see wha was to b seen About 1500 t c els we e sold for the Foresters ex sessment Uol s ot these ted count e curs on and the No " an for Port Hope By what was called the eq ol at on of and Cobo g \\as "ell a ro11 cl Bow 1874 Bo manv1lle """set down at $383 manv Be s not as " se as she m ght be 338 Dar] ngton $ 282 786 Th s Dar I u le d of oITcr ng at! ac ous to keep our I ngton waa a l ttle Jess than one e htb e t ens home and draw the ne gl bor ng a l Bowruanv!lle a fraction less that one commun ty to her or! pub! c ho days thereby b ng ng cap ta and keep ng cap By the eq oal at on of the present year tal to her coffers she go s to s eep and the Bowmauv Ile s set do ·n at $782 000 n oney tl at shou d b apent n our m ds -----·~---Dari ugton at $2 616 800 lhus Daring EDUCATION h Toronto and other ma ns at one e ghth Bowmauv le s s matter 'I b Pr uce Ed ward Island era ar (uot as d to one twenty Mventh mak ng a fe" of those very cheap Pr for tl e f at I me) l ght ng over tie uest on taxable pcrease o! $30 000 Don t put offunt l of Educnl on n the Uon mon Schools The personal property of Dar] gton · Jell at M C ung B os Some ) c11rs n,go an attempt was made on the returned as $12 23u w h le the peraonal t s too ate ~---+-~~...,.-~-- · part of the Roman Uathol o exclu le the prop rty of Bo manv !le ' re urned "" POLICE COURT PERSONAL 13 ble f om the Co un on Schoo s th s a· $227 627 G I ue s P M P es d i g m t b) a sect on of the I rotesta ta h an Dar ngton real estal a return d The R v Mr Ferguson preac at $3064 000 JUNE 24 h effort to comp l the read ng of the B ble n farewell e n on on Su day morn ng Jast 2 616 800 W: R Cl Ill e L cense Inspector v· and he R v l\Ir Mete lfe on Sunday e en the common schools WIBer cou c s pre Equal ed to J ol n Ho k r dge Se l ng l q or w thout va l d and the follow ng was I laced on the $447 200 R duct on cnse lJ sm ssed sat te book The R v Mr 'lo kn left for S mmer JUNE 28 'Ilie l1oduct on of the B u to be Bowmanv 1 e real estate a ret rn s de P nee Ed ward Island on l\Ionday ed at $834 482 T T ( oleman vs James Strong used n all ho pub! c schoola 11 th s Is land of every gratle rece v ng ·~pport Equal ed to 782 000 Drunk F ne and costs, $v oO last by steamboat "a Quebec l om the pub! c treas ry a hereby author JULY 3 $~ 482 Mr W W 11 amson returned ed and the teachers axe hereby requ red Thos Waril vs Juo Ingraham dIBor<ler Ceutenn al on Saturday last on a few weeks to open the school on each day with the ly coudu t F ne and costs $3 93 re <1 ng of U e Sacred Ser ptures by those leave of absence en whose parents and guard ans re ,fUL'.j 6 Mr Thoa McClung and fan y le t iu re t w thout omn ent or remark rhos T EJo emau vs Geo Thompson~ thereupon by the t a here but no eh dren seas de on Wednesday mo n ng the Vagrant 0 dered to lcav lo n shall be req_u red tu attend d ur ng such Thos T Coleman vs " W Trull read ng as a!o eaa tl u11leaa <lea red by their par en ts or guard an A low ng horse to run at large F ne and What will you Drmk? Th School Act also prov des for the lo costs $2 50 MeC ng Bros have t e b st G ee s a copy of n to all a d enqu re the p II ou Mr Rober culc t on ol B bl cal n o al ty and general Chnst an preeept· but denom nat onal try t once you " 11 nae no other as loni; as dogmaa are not a owed to forn part and yon can get t. parcel of he educat onal programme In the face of these facts the Roman M s T !ton sews for a l v g Catbol ca denounce the pre·ent school sys 18 2 rhe S ger Sew ng Ma I e Co tern as pagan and nfideL Surely the stur the r emp oye s number g 4 50 a dy P otestant em of the I eland w II be tho Contenn al It cost them $la,OO eq al to the occas on and nder no pre Reeve expla u this n atter I tence ha soever allow lenom nal ona sm I E ENGINE to be ta ght n the pub! schools at the We th nk the Co nc 1 are treat p h expense rat payers · th sorneth g ak n to -OD It IB due to tl e Don an Ca hol cs to tempt A comm ee composed o rt n o! the 'I own Fathers and representat ve A match game of Base B· gentlemen outs de the r bar ued r le was at Cla ke Un on on Don non appo nted to report upon the prop et1 tween the Clarke Un on sU! a d otbe Wi!lll of !' irchas ng a ne" fire ng ne Month· h· I llBil d ~"UY ~ud sad com n t ere tee have fa ed to eport thou h we to l two or tbtee months ago that the Sec retary or Cha rman of he Comm ttee ( ve fo get wh ch) had l c report J repared and lo l 0 ed n hIB jlO ket but that he waa too s ck to be n b · place at he Qorin ~ l boa d Are we fo have sad report or have the Comm tee resolved not to r Io t I WI y nre the ra e payers tren ed a er th s Are h· Comm t ee and Coun that they Pr co ONE DOLLM\ PER BOTTLE For sala by nil tho load ng drugg sts n the D nnmon.. Perry Davis & So~ & Lawre~ce, BOLE 1876 :AGENTS Montreal ly m36 22 40 27 of 1978 ~a r S Yousvrvtruly .RonT LAUDER. · ·

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