THE MEUCHANT FRIDAY, I' JULY 7 1876, POETRY. ,Is it nothing to You? An Army of Ants. A writer in Afission Life eays :-In an open Carib bee house I \Vas eitting one afternoon reading, being quite alone, for we Eoyal -Triumphs; ..1~ '-... T HIG-,Js now raging atr -MERCHANT bns now a bona fide and \Vith the exception of a. few, tlu::se pass i.J.1to the ba.nrls of tho people of 'Vest Durham. 'J'hc public will n.tonce eco· the utility of the paper n.s n.n [The following ver~es a~e selected from an excellent poem,contributed by Margaret had found inhabitai1ts there, and I had E. Pat·ker, of Dundee, Scotland, to the sent wy Arawak crew in various directione "Woman's 1 emperance Union,,,] to search for them. A sharp bite caused ·Ia it nothing t.o you, 0 Chrietian~ · me to look at the assailant. It was a' yak1 Oicula.tion · of 1000 · DO~ilNlON · 'IRELEVENS l l . Savings a:nd INVESTMENT OF LONDON ~ · I · ADVERTISING MEDIUM. SOCIET-Y As ye sit ari:'lun,U tho bo&rd, \Vbere tlle feast is spread bofcire you, Aud the rich-hued wine is poured, 'Vhat a mii;:-hty spir.i,t of evil JJwells in that bright wine's flow, That pleasure floats on the · surface, But danger is hiding below? ruan' which had given my ankle a nip,fust ,__ Yes j still does the tempter \Vhisrer his oft-told lie Into the enrs of his victims, " Ye shall not certainly die ! You ruu,y drink ; for look at the rigb.teouf!, Do they not drink of it too ?" And tl1e listeners fall ns tl1ey listenAnd is this nothing to yQU ? · wilf A score pf bis my legs, and I had to hasten out of (which wa.s by that time alive with them) and brush them off, This was effected with little damage, and I had then a fine opportunity By PclC(l1'(tp/t. to <Jarde-ncr Se-Wing M d'chine, Co'11 ofobserving ·the tactics of this predatory I1 am.ilWn, comrades were running up to see what it was made of. It Baa No Equal . in this constLtuency, and this fact is being con eta.ntly demonatrated. ONTAIUO. If you have lost anything, advertise in paper. · If you havC' found anything, advertise in the MERCHA~T. ---:o:C . ap1tal, Subscribed I · · h.orde. One immense colu1:nn came Lh~ough the forest, marching along the ground, and winding its way rounu the roots of the trees. The captains, whoso heads nnd (or· ceps are twice as big as those of the rank and file, were marching at intervals alongside the coluti;i.n, and directing their operaJ ~ouae Ye have the gift ofknowled~e, Ye are standing fast in your strcngtl1 ; But that which is now your servant, !in.y bo your tyrant at length. li'or Art has lost its cunning. And lew:ning ceased to shine, And the light of Religion been darkened, Befon~ that Spirit of wine. Will you tea.,ch your children's voicee 'l'o utter the Saviour's prayer, " Lend us nQt into temptation," And then, lcn.d, and leave them the1·e ? The pnth fa sll1)pcry a.nd treacherous, Which they see you safely pursue ; But theyinny follo\v~ and perish,A nd is this nothing to you ? lions. Just as the column approached the it d~vided into three ; one came round on the right flank, another on the left, while the main attack (which had, driven me out) was from the center. N-0 inaect \Vithout win~s . could escape them. EveI) thoae able to fly, ·.as the great Sontli American cockroach,aeemed paralyzed with fear, and, trying to hide thernselves, were caught unde~ the. troolie thatch. Down they fell, covere\I with ants ; and hundreds mo1e on the ground tbfc\v tllemselves u'.poJl them,.until they were eompletely hidden by a living rnasa. 'Reaistu.nee ceased, ond the Com:wall, Oct. 2, 1875. MEitCJIAN 'l'. Roya.I got first prize at Glengarr)·, County If you want to reach tho public, lnse tho Fair. over the Webster, Osborne, and New York columns of the MERCHANT. Singer. JAJtl.Fi:I MILEOY. Belleville, Sept. 30tl1, 1875. Got fin;t prize on the Itoya.1, ~t 'F nir here, beating Wheeler & \Vilson aniJ.cvery other rn. a- and he 1s determined to continue to sell at these ru·inously low prices . As a weekly newspaper, the 11-!IDnCHANT is uhine. Gr~a.t conteBt. JArirJ.:P. BARllE'IT. chelJ,per thll-n the cheapest. Why he ·c an do it- . scarcely tixcelled. Sixteen columns of ca?e· Brockville, Sept. 25, 1875. , 'First, he buys for cash an9, knows just how to buy! fully selected reading n:iatter a.ppaar in Royal took first prize at Unionville, compet· each issue, comprising Literatu1·c, with the \Vheeler & "Tilson, Sieger. and Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures ..i.grfoultiwµ.l, Family, others. EVEBTTS & HAGARMAN. Third, he ·is satisfied with small profits ! Gc.neral ·and Locul NewsTJLSONBUHG, O<Jt. Jl, 1875. all fresh and readabh~. Fonrth, he ~ells for cash ; First prize for Royal, nt Union . Exhibitiop. here, over all competitors. !t:IAT'I'HEW ST.EWART. Subscriptions taken any time during the ]fifth, he sells at bottom prices. Woodstock, Oct. 6th. 1875. ycn.r. . ---0· Roya.1 took firai prize at F.xhibition here, over . allcompetiton. MATTlfEW StE\VAHtr. , · Paris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. AND HaVe taken firs~ prize with l:Wyal a.t }"air r· liere 1 beatit1g the Ro.ymond and Singer. 'VILL1'.~Y S::ID:ER. . e stock, which comvrises evPrything in the trade, of the very latest. a.nd most elegau ~xa.rnine, Oc.t:··l5th, 1875. we have every facility. We tlo not work for styles an<l patterns, of English, Canadia.n, and Alllt:ll"iGf'on manufacture. Royal has tttken first prize at }" boxe,over nothb1g, or fun, but our i1rices \vill be found oSing6r, Hov;·e, Wanzer]', Osborne and others. "He still continues to manufacture to ordar, low, as our presses :r11n by steam powor.; from the best of material, and none but first-class ' JAMES BARUE'l', workmen kept. Show Bills Harley, Oct. 13th, 1875. · - <>Itoy:al takes first i1ri..:1:1 at this Fair, for fa1nily Sale Bills Or~ers · Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed work a.ud light m~ufactur!!t_g. If you \va.nt tO sell anything, advertise in thie P·per. If you ·want to buy a.nything.adYertise in the · 'Pa.,1d up, OUR RATES ARE LOW. .. _ , l\foney loaned upon i·eal estate on the most favorable terms, mortgages pm·chased, interest allowed on deposits. Re~erve and Con tin gent Fund, .. $1,000,000.00 750,000.00 300,000.00 60,000,00 D. MAC:JrIE, London, Mo.Mb, 8th, 1876. Ji'. President: · · Manager. Reference by perm1ss1on, GEO. McGILL Esq l\fomJPElr Ontario Bank, Bowmnnville. WILLIA,M ALLISON, ESQ., M.' D., Bo~manville. :e. LEYS, C .ALL A.ND SEE FOB YOU'DSELVES! TERMS 75 ors., IN ADVANCE. --:o:-B R LNG Y 0 U R FR I EN D S W I TH Y 0 U. FOE JOB PiiINTING v. TO ~ THE PUBLIC. · . But if, with a i;:tenerous effort, work of ctitting up and dragging off com", A rope to their aid you send, menced. ln ·two hours the ants bad clearel Thnt help will be unavailing, out tl.te,whole building. It was then about If you hold not the other end.~ Would you draw tht1 perishing drunkt\rd ·.t. jour o'clock, y _ if by some recogvized- sig-. Back to the shore of hope, nal, they gathered into three columns; fall. Yqurselvcs must give him cotu·age, ing- by the same rouses into one main body, Alld yourselves must ltold the ropo, Ye are called with a holy calling. The lights of tho world to be, To lift up the laml!l of the ~:pel, That others the path may aee ; But if you bcn.r it onwnrds, Lending the feeble aatrayl Till they sink in hirlden pitfalls, Whn.t will your !\faster say ? 'VILJ,IAM SN1DER. -lie haa in st.ock an endloas variety of Ladh1a' and Gents' Sa.r atoga Trunks, Valises, etc., nU of which he is selling dieap for ·caah. These victoriea conclusively prove that the . -olii;ht running Roy·l, is the veople's fa.vorite,and The 11-innufa.cturera have lately added to it, the grea.te1t Iiovtilty df' the age, tlie Royal Lmrnp Holder for Sewing Jifachines. 'fhe L&mp can never upset, nor the Oil soil the \Vork; and it which continued its long winding march. is arranged to throw the light on any part of the work, ena.bliug the operator to through the w~Ods. When they rest for the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Two Horses, King st. . TRELEV~N · ' J?I · M ,Bowmanvili§, Ma. ·13.1874. Hand Bills· Progammes Cfrculars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets a?ded .thereto, that we m~y thereby be enabled to supply a.JI parties who may please to fo.vor him """lth a ~alL Great 1nducernents hekl ontto those })Urchn.~ i.11g at our cstablislnnent. Pie· tt~res, Looking Gln.sse~. etc. to order, and in t::very style. Samples of the different kin~ of Q ultlin g1:1 c.:an be i;een at the ware·roo1u. "\-Ve would also beg to,!inform you, lthat, having purchaeet.l a. · JN .returni,ng thanks ~o ~heil\ n1:1moroua .customers and the public ~enel'ally, for past (avora, ould respectfully invite theu 11.ttentlon to our pre1:1ent stock of furniture, a.a wo have lately vVALTER vVIGG (i SON, SPLENDID NEW HEARSE; .we sho.11 be ready at a 11 times to attend funerals, on abort noti. ce and roa~onable terms· N. B. - Colfms kept on hand and made to order, at the · NEW DOllfINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM~ 1870. ..Osliaw·; Aug. 26th, ' King strellt East,' Oshawa· and everything from the size of a. P.oster large enough to cover n b0irn to Dt hall-inch strip, ·1 the night they -cling together in an im· mense clll~ter. I have seen them in the corner Of a room where [ bnd to eleep, work as well by night as by day. Sold by ,. ~. S. printed in good style, and at cit prlces. Specimens of work can be seen at our office, Work handed Out, and the cnsh taken for it DONEY, T'YnoNE. reaching from the floor nearly to the ceiling, and from one to two feet thick. In. the midst of these living masses are their eggs or pupru, which they most earefull'y Arise, in your Master's honor, And clenn,i:1e your hands from the stain, guard from the cold and damp, and which And let not the shad0w and darkness are hatched there. On that name Qf light remain. Away with eDch false plea.sure, Wbich 1n~kes yon1· lamps burn dim ! He gave I-Iis life for your ransom ; "Vill you give up nothing for Hilu? ments~w. Bell &Co's. Organ, Hallett&Davis : N.B.- Agent for First-olase ' Musica.l Instru- C. BARKER. H'.~:~1~:~~~t!e~'.tham and El~ Manaqer J ELLI Qr:l_,T'~ I ' · _ ' K: ·: 'l'he Subscriber, ·thanking hia very numerous customers for past patronage, {having sol<l Twelve Tlwusa.nd Dolla1·s 1Ym·thin 12rnonth solicits th·ircontinued po.trona,ge,by reasonab FARMANDHousEHOLo: Chemistry of the Fattening Process. ri~:~i:~.:~:.·~;;"·n~guarant··.ds·t·fa ~cClnng Bros. are _ s etting their STOCK NOTICE OF MOTION ! _ . I · · j_ I S. VANSTONE. '.s 1 ~~~~.7o~~o~b~::::~~~ .. fJheapSt~re fnYRONE, 1 ·- ·-' Has now ·.fnll !1.'lSOl'ted St.ock of Che3J) Store T. y RONE·, '·the best mc; ns o~~~~~~~nthc worth of your . · I I a ' See, here ! You go and stand in the percent. corner.' The co·ttu a !armer of fattening an ox is At a party-He, 'Shall we sit down?' much greater at the close uf the process than at the commsnc·ment, that is, increase in bulk or Sbe, 'I would like to,. but my dressdry weight at that period is much more costly. maker says I must not.' If it co·ts throe cents a pouud for h1lk for the Irate wife (whose husband has return- first month after the poor anim·l is put in the ed home late)- ' Now, I'll give you a fattening.tall, it will cost five cent.I the last piece of my mind.' Husband-' Don't, month. If then a farmer consults his money interosts, hewillnoteariytheincTeaaein fat my dear, you can't spare it!' beyond a certaintioint, provided he c·n turn Irascible Gent (to waiter)-' They his partially fatted animals to fair advantage. say there's nothing like leather, don't Farmer· have perhaps lmnrd this foot from they ?1 ' Yes, sir.' ' Then it's a -lie, for experience and observation, and heuee comparthiS steak is !' ativo1y loan beef abounw. in om· 1natk·ts. Many ·a man who has not a cent in Whilst thls is of advantage tothefarn1er, it ie very di::iadvantag-eou~ to coll5Uroers o! tl1e beef, his pocket owns a corn which he would for the fl.esh uf a fat auimal in every ea·e i· not allow you to step on for the world. much richer jn fixed, nourishing: 1naterial than New Lumber Yard in MOTION by offering their Goods at Irresistible Prices ! Step in, and yon 'l' HE HAVING JUST HECEIVEI> PJm w1' ll fi11d almost ever·y shelf to C{lnta1·n Schooner "Saucy Jack," my finit conaigr' ment, from the roannfoctory of H. B. RathB ' · d · A_ tt ~:ti~:~ ~~i:'.;; ~~~~~~!::~;~hit'!:l:-:i~~t.t~ ~~~l~ ~tiJ~i~?n~iJk 1a~~f tt'o ~~::o:J~; t '~ argain, a.n ev:ery corner an rUC· SOMETHING · --- NE · ion -o-When the fotteping process begins, water com- 42·d~t:.~ P'kh~oge~~i~~ l £: 9(; ~2 6litft 6'...~ EX' c · 1·TE~iENT EVERY DA "-yr I A substitute for rnences to dianppear, fat or suet takes its panel <looro o. moulded sides The . . . . pro~. C :t1.1m'bs for Chickens. cesais largely of adipose matter. Itis · cnri· Also on band. good snµply of Lumber, dressed Do You want a w · E" of COTTON at a chea _ per rate than Lath.& Plaster '· U pickets. field posts and battens. I have also ever you bough _ t a :w eb of Cotton before 1 . ' Giles, can_ yo~1 conjugate' behaves?" nitro~enoua BROS lion with the busine,o,and hope by in\eg. . GO TO McOL UNG . ITHE p A.TENT ALUMINOUS and-OR· 'Bchaves-behooves-behives-be--' only about seven per cent., and the bone teriol or inorganic substance only one and half 'rityof dealin&. low prices to secure yo11r. · NAMENTAL BUILDI.NG PAPER. Up, Cl-1istj1~ns, up and bo doing ! . l{ise from your base repose ; If you take not the part of your Sa,:our1 A lean cow or OX is in a very different oondition, chemically conside"'d· from fat animals Yon take the part of your foes. of theeam· kind. Jn the first place the poor 11'ling- the bondnge of evil custom, And the fetters of Sf'lf aside, Nor destroy with your strength and knowfat auimu.l is in a dry condition ; a. poor animal' l1:1dge. is like some of our bog u1eadows. very wet. The souls for whom Jesus died ! and place; and in bulk during the . \ AND JOINERS SHOP. Elephant House w · f"i. country, (at ptices that defy OOttipetitionJ, Sash, Blinds, !Joors, and ~5 differ~nt sorts of ],fon1dings, nlao wjndow and door frame stuff, ' · G. 2 $1.75. different sizes of sasb and doors kept in stqck. l ·. ·' \,jf"rocer1es ~~,.,. ·M..oods, rlJ·" \,jJ" Fl RST·CLASS GOODS. Come a.long nien, wmnen and children, and you oua circumstance tliat during fattening, the flooring, ship lap and V. sldh1g, laths, shingles, protei<ls, or rliiJ ~oots ~ ~hoe·s compounds, incraase opened a ca.r penter and joiners shop in connecma· 'bove . 1 ca.I<. DS o You want to select PRINTS, cheap i_n price and ne~·lin w. MCSPADDEN. tyle, from the largest stock ever brought mto Bo,vmanv1l e 1 w f'hop and v·rrl in rear o! R. 's'13-.3mJ~~es . GO TO J.l1c0LUNG_BROS. -lmp1eroent Depot. ,~. 'SO<Ifl {)Nfl 'JOO}'{ O.L OfJ i'~1\~if.'d:e. and All goods wananted, and· . W. ., PAPER OIL-CLOTH und CA·'R:PETING - which for - -· .. Qua11··~y l!!I tc w hiJ et c' . Hats & Caps, Dry Goods . ' Groceries j will fiu<l a complete Stock of r "e 'f's' LEVI MO.ll\l:Et.M · ; S/"fOOJI'\ SSP.'l'l\'l'a w \,!, SOLE AC ENT FOR rHIS PLACE. GOODS ? Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds Doors, Mouldings, and Win. 'dow Frames . Do . You want With or without Casing. With or with~Ut Bwnd Moulds. ' G ONTRA OTORl ENERAL a . AND BUILDER. .L.N:V-D:a:"l:a: pm: ::a:OIOHO 'i?V:a:HO . , . t.1 fU1J,\i no A oa FANCY ""'Iii. A Largo Sto'k Just Reoeiv!d,-Plain and or: CANN namen!a4 both for Walls ar.d >i'/oors. OT BE SURPASSED The Paper on Cloth and Carpct!ng is a Cheap 'an4 Cheap :Prices wh1"ch deoll.~ Com,,e· . ,: . ·,y neSS 1 . tition. _ $. VANSTONE. J;' whichwillbesoldat HardWare, Crockery, &C., J; E LLI01 T 'l'yrone, llforch 30th, 1874. Do You want MILLINERY MANTLES , or GO TO McCLUNG BROS. or other CARPETS or CURTAINS HOUSE FURNISHINGS ? · ··· GO TO McCLUNG BROS. --"' John Thomas-' Now, then, be ho~; \Ve can't 'ave that noise 'ere.' Ind1g11ant Musican-' Noise J Yah, 'cos yer guv'ner's gone to the Dub by, you gives yerself hairs, 'an wants to set hup for a cricket of inusic.' While one hymn book is good enough for lovers it takes two to supply them with music after they are married. Brown and Smith, running opposite ways around a comer, struck each other. ' Oh, dear ! how yon made my head ring !' said Smith. 'That's a sign its hollow,' said brown. 'But didn't yours ring ?' No.' ' That's a sign its cracked,' replied his friend. ' What object do y~u now see?' asked the spiritualist. The young lady, quite a novice, it will he seen, blushed and hesitated for a few moments and then replied, ' It appears like a donkey, sir; is it your shadow?' ' It is strange,' muttered a young man, as he staggered home from a supper party, ' how evil commumcations corrupt good manners. I have been surrounded by tumblers all the evening, and now I am a tumbler myself.' A plucky Maine woman had twenty.four teeth extracted the other day without usi1ig anresthetics of any kind. But her voice ever since has been a ' false· set-oh' one. · A New York paper describing a boat race, allt1des to 'the flashing of ten tl\011sand eyes and the plaudits of twice as many fair-bands.' What a lot ofoneeyed women lhere must have been at that race ! Antiquity of Umbrellas. Umb1ellas and para.sols, be it remember~ chaso the poorest parts .,1 · rat anima1 than tho beat of.lea.non·. 'rho boat piece 01 a i.t ox (the loin) contains from twcnt:/·onc to twcn· ty.eight per cent. ni.ore fixed material than the corresponding pioce in u. leo.n one, and curi· ously enoug:l\ the woret piece in tho lea.n ani· mal (thti nflck) ia the l'ichest in nourishiug ma· tcrial. rrlie fie~h of the neck ilnprove~ very little in fattening, hence, economy coneidcred, it ia the portion to pun;, M its ,·aluc is in a w~asure a fi.x:ed one. Horse flesh is as nutritious, con!3idercd a.a a food, as th;..t of the ox or cow. The relation of nitrogeno-qs to fixed material is rather higber in a horl.!C than in an ox, an<l. tho an1ount Qf water ia 1eas. There is no good reMon why 11orse flesh shouJd not be uaed as fo".>d. It is prejudice alone which prevent$ its en1,ployment; It is a re:;:ular article of sale in the meat mnrkets of Paria at the present time. - Journal of 07u:11iistry. , that of the lean, and it 18 never ·good econon1y to purchase len.n beef~ It is better to pur- pf anmg, Planing Matching, sawing and Turning, · & CA.UT ION ! ------00----~-,o-~~- CHEAP FURNITURE! vl'l 'l'ln1"sh Polish! CHEAP FURNITURE! I ICI-IEAP FURNITURE! The Chemicals '\'iU1 which the Paper is satur·· a.ted, render it proof Rats, ~Ioths, a.nd 1\' andDurablcSubstituteforOilCloth. .,.,... . . Another thing much wanted. Thi.a Polish gives n roost elegant luetre,and drie~ instnnta.neously _ 01·narnental Pickets, in evM'Y variety, and Sc?'olt Sawing, ol avery descciption Don't pnrchase ·your Summer Cloths before inspecting McC'lung Bros. Nothing ever discovered bemost extensive stock of T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D C 0 AT I N GS, &c, . fore to equal this Polish. McC!ung · Bros. Tailoring Department will take the lead, as usual. FO!l FOR :Manning's Old Stand. The Bowmanville Fnmiture Factol'y, having commenced business again, and the New. Compa.ny ha-,oing appointed the subscriber, Retail Agent. for the 'l'own and Country around, he is prepared to ofler the Ve1·y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Provin:e. DONE TO ORDER 1 on the SHORTEST NOTICE. lf you want a SUIT, 1\foClungBros. will" SUIT" you. Piano Jlo1·tes, If you want a HAT McClung Bros. will " HAT" you If you ·want GLOVES 1\foClung Bros. will" GLOVE" you; Picture Frames If you want a Tl E, McClung Bros. will "TIE" you. Bi1.ggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and all kincls oj Va1·nished Varnished Shops on Liberty Street. North of the· at JVIcClung· Bros., Eastern House BoW'.tnanville. Bowmonville, July Fth, 1874. 41-tf Fwrniture. at Mcclung Bros. anu at McClung SOLE AGENT Bros. · HIGHEST PRICES PAID J'OR BUTTER &c., at McC!ung Bros. SEEDS at McClung Bros., GROCERIES TEAS! TEAS! OHEAP T'E:AS, SALT· PLASTER or any lvilnd of Garria,g_es _ F unerals furnished in every respect, in the Very Best Style ar. d FOR THIS PLACE. PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COUNTRY. ' . THJ<J · ' Poultry and Eggs for Profit. T he American Agriculturist thus cliacouraea : '· Oi.e man out oft ten thousand inight proba.bly go into the busine~s of raising oggs and poultry for market, profitably e but the cluwce.:i are that every one of the others would fail. It is !l J:iusinesP tha.t requires as much tact, patienct:i, practical kno,,·ledge, and ·habits of close and careful obscrvatioDt as bee·keeping. A suitable place is also needed, and a locality where fresh eggs and spring chickens bring a good price. '!'he knov:letlge of what ia required can come only through experience, and cannot b9 com~ m unica.ted except with a. great deal of 'l'hat there is proTit in the business is certain, but only when the right man :::-oes into it ·in a right place. n DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKVILLE. / PERPETUAL tbroughont theSeason at MOTION Capital, Paid Up, HEAD OFFICE, 0RILLIA 1 COBOURG, BOW'l!ANVILLE, l:Hl.ANCS OF1'1CE8 : $1,000,000 TORONTO. OSHAWA, WHITBY, UXBilIDO.E~ . · . MOCLUNG BROS. I· One of the FINEST HEARSES hi 'the P1·wvnee, SENT FREE to any Fune1·al fwrnished by the Subecribe?', within Ten miles of E:.A.ltDWAliE ? Bowrnanville. · @"" As usun. , a T.i rge Stock on· hand of aniware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. AH Qf which \'.'ill be sold at low figures. -- ed, "are as olU as the sun and rrun. Though of 1uodern introduction in thiscountry,they ·were well kDD\'1'11 in the olden time. In the East thf' unlbrella. hus een in use from time immemorial, thougb chiE:fly by the grl!at ; and proud is the Oriental dtapot "'·ho call style himself 1 Brother of the sun aud moon, and lord of the umbrella 1 Asayrian monarchs stood beneath its shade \\·bile receiving homage from the vanquish· IN ed foes ; and Lycian princes sat under etlch How to put an Egg in. a Small Bottle. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, beg tei inform the public generally, that they shelter while directing the seige of a hos~ile 'l'o accomplish this eeomingly impossible act, are now enabled to offer them city, as the reiiefs recently brought from requires the foHoi.ving preparation : You must tht! ruius of Nineveh and the coast of Ly~ia, take an egg and soak it in vinegar, a.nd in pro· a.ud now in the British bfuseun1, satisfae· c:ess of time its shell will become quite soft, so il1 the lino of torily attest. The proudest trophy of· ~he that it may be exten~ecl lengthway8 without Gallic wars in Africa was the umbrella of '1 1hey inaert it into the neck of a Alx!-el-Kader, till he himself shared its Bina.11 bottle, acd by pouring cold wa.t~r U!JOll it fate, though Le was soon avenged by hie itlwill resume its for1uer figure aild hardncse. Tbis is a complete curiooity, and baffle~ victor beir1g compelled to abaudon his in a those who are not in the @ecret t.o find out ho\\.· fa+ more ignoble manner. it fo aecompHalied. It the vinegar used is not sufficiently st1·ocg to produce the re')uired soft· (AS REGARDS PRICE JI: QUALJTY) It is esiimated that there are in the world ness of shell, add one teaspoonful of strong thnu any other house in. the County, acetic.:. This ·will render the eggs perfectly about 1,559 eto.tions and 2,132 missionariee. flexible and easy of insertion into the bottle, NO PRESENTS CIVEN, BUT GOOD England leads, "Rrith over 11 000 workers, which must then be filled with cold 'vater. Weight and Measiwe Giiamnteed Germany and Switzerland with 500, Amer~ in every instance. iea with 460 Holland ~· ith ~3, France 22, CHICKEN CHOLER.:t.-'\Ve ba,ve occa"ionally and the Sca~dinavian North with 45-:-'Eng· recommended to let the hens have access to no land spends the rnoeit money in the cause, other water tba.n that in which lime has been America eomes next, then Germauy, Hol· slacked. Place a trough of sufficient size in the I. L. STROWGER : Newcastle,AUllust, 14th, 1874 YA!-'d, and renew it twice weekb'· land, and France, This Bn.nk, in addition totrnnsncting the usual banking business, offers to the public all the ad vantages of a .Saving In1:1titution with the security of a ]arge paid-up capital, by the means ot c. SAVINGS DEP,\RrMENT. Interest allowed on all deposits of One Dol~ lai· and upwards, at the rate of }..,IV.I:: per cent. per annum. Depositors can withdraw either the '"'·hole or a.ny part of their deposits at any ti:rne 1 without previou.a notica. Special rate1:1 of interest allowed upon deposits with notice of w·ithdrawa.l. American Currency and Silver taken on de~ posit. Chicken Lice. DraftR granted payable in Great Britain, lTnitcd'! and all part.a of Canada. If your chicks get infested with vcrmin,anoint fW';Depoaits can b1 temitted by mail,addre"8· the poll of the head, under the ·wings and un· e.d to the Dominion oank [registered], when in undor the throat, witli aulphur ~nd la.rd; bet· all cases a Pass-Book receipt will be sont by return post, . 1 ter still witht.kerosene, if you use it 'vith jud((~ J. A. CODD, Agent, Bowmanville, Jan. 6th,, 1874, 15-tf. ment and discretion. If your chicka droop and you are at a losi':! for a. cause, look for vermin; it is a. bad sign to see chioks stand around cheap, cbeap1 cbeaping I with drooping wings; look for lice or gap'ea . ProYide your setting herui with plenty of a.shes to dust in, o.nd the. chicks with the 'vhon ihatched and you will not _ be botheretl much with vermin.-Jou1'1'!al and Record. Raving removed to more commodious pretniset, John McLeod &: Co., Augi.uit 10th, 1875. Wellington Buildings, Bowmanvi lle . Repo1·tshaving been circulated~ tl.:i.t the u~dor si.gned ha.~ been overcba.rging in the Undertn.k· i~g Dcpartiuent 1 he- begs to snhnnt the follo\vmg figures, which he c.:hallengea any 011 ~ to contradict. Itop orted amount charged. Actual an1ount charge<l ]'ifty Dollars o 'rwelve Dollars. · 'l'hirty .~o. ~~ine do. l'.orty-.l! lVO do. Twenty-five do, Sixty do. l!..,orty do ll'ifty do. 'l~hirty do: Seventy-five do. Filty do. Agent for the. Celebrated Raymond's -Meta/lio Coffins, of New York. Bowmnnville, l\farch 30th, 1876. w. p, PROWER. MOBBIB' S. F. HILL has a STOCK OF ' · Just Arrived. o..t the $93 REWARD! The above rew1.trd 1vill bu to any pcson who will furnish an1ple proof that the lloota & Shoes t!old by the undersigned, are not whatre CARRIAGE King SHOP - Dry Go.o~~s, I. L. Strowger, NEWC.A.S'rLE. Groceries, &Jc., and is Selling Vei·y Cheap. . tJiothing, 1 FASHION e:ous:m splendid nssort mcnt of west of tbo Ontai-i Bank. Street, Bowmanville. NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of rrI£E. 8Ubscribc1· is pre1Jarod pair to build :i.ud re REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & represents them. Wagons, Buggies, and Cutters; of every dcscriptioni at 1:1hort notice, and ou reasonable tt1rms. :Suy .once and you will buy again·. Bowmanville, April 28'th, 1876. Also n. ln.rgo · stock of Stamps for BaiPfng and Em- Better Inducements SO, I-IO! of li'a.shion NOT SO FAST. Grocery . Gentlemen ·Bn. siness, For Ge11ts, FASHIONS For Ladies, ror . broidery. 1 Carriages Painted and Trimmed Spring just to hand. A Blacksmith's Shop 'l'eas a Speciality. I have written these fow linea And all I have to sa.y, That you can find me still at home I am not gonn a\va.y; So nil my kind old friends may come And all the young ones too And get their garments nicflly madl!' In fn.shions that are nevtJ Where old and young de6..I" friendmP. . meet New Goods! .AND D:RESSMAKING u.suaJ. For Children. La.test Styles and Good Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERED WORK. on the p1·e1niscs,were spcciid attention is given to n.ll lllRS· A. FLETCHER Bow1nanville. April 7th,1874. Co.nfage work, and General Jebbing. MUST CONSIS'rlNG BE 0}' SOLD, WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETc.. -o- THORNE, . AMUELBod.min. S THORNE, Price 2s. tid. Second Edition. Pdnter, by S. J A welcome greeting by R. PEATE Bowmanville, June 19th 1873. Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold STORE. - One door east of Cornish 's-J ew·elry Wedding Rings. MetkodUt. Store, King Street, Bo\\·iua-nville. · AARON BUCKLER. London: E. Stock, Bible Christian Book Room J. SMALE. Bowm·nville, Oct, Sth.11875, r · and Bible Ohristia.u :&rJinisten~ · Bowmanville1May 6th1 1875 · of th.;- Ilible Christinn community. BP. wa:s a ma.n of versatile talents and quenchlttsR zeal. The life before us is \\'ell wr:itte;1,"-P1·imiti-ve "N!r. 'rhot·ne \\'llii':! on~ of the first member. .All work Clone at this Establishment warranted. A call is respeotfully·solicited. Bo\vmanville, 0 it. 1st. 1869. .r. llf 0 B RIS. ·