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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 14 Jul 1876, p. 3

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' TITE-1. JVIERCHANT FlUDAY, J ULY 14 1876, ================;:=================================~============~=;==:-========~~======;================================;===== ~========= 'l'RE CRADLE. l'tUSSELL-On Sundt\y morning last, the wife of . .. 1 Cheap Fruit Trees. JOHN ClIAl'UN,, 4-ni. MRS. AND:E:It.SON'S Fashion and Mr. RUBBell, of the Dominion Organ Co., of a. son . U l' t o t h e lstof October, I will take or tlers for first cl::t!is apple trcJofi, to be d~li veretl TIIE AL'.l'AR. BnTAN-1\.iOORE-Married, at St. Jnroe1:1Cath· :i.,t B uwm nllville, ucx.t spr ing, at $17 i1cr l1 un· edra.l, ·roronto, by the V6t'Y lte ". Dean Gras· etto, Mr. J. Rryau, to Mary Anne, the eldest dau""hter of the Josh. Moo1·e, Escf., all of C'a.rtwri:;ht. ek ed. A ll other N uri:sery stock n.t corresp ond· low i· a t es~ Sp ecial ratei> Ior ht,:rgti vnlers . AU stock gunrantectl tnte to AJd1~s1:1 l~oi:. Millinery Depot, King Street, opposite Mr. Buckler's '.l'HE TOMB. 'l'ILLEY- Died, on the Hlth inst., at Tyrolle, Fred Cat1os 'l'illeyt.-..youngest aon of E. Tilley, l~sq., of the isowmanville High Schoo], a.ged 5 yenr's 8 months. EVENTS EXTRAORDINARY! 1 55, Bowman ville}>_ 0 . AT ' T· S. & F. Mason's, -You cn.n !:'tit uve1·ythiug usually kept in a - - - - -- ------F i rst at ---- P1·ize and Diploma P1·0 viu<,'1:·~l Bxl.Uhiti0lt a.t OLt:nva·, 1875. Advm·tue ! 1'he merchant, rnaniifactm·er, or deawr, who lceep8 his wai·es before the J'.iiblw; seldom complafos of dull ti?fies. ·where is the 'ltt·ili ty of having for sale· the best fab1'ics in the w01·ld, if the would-be pu1'chase1's le-now not whe1·e to obtain them, Any of our rend era, answering advertise ments which appear in our columns,or eenJing for books, magazines, etc., etc., noticed by ua, will aonfer a favor by stating where To Make :Business, American Prnits, Cheapest, :eest, liand.somest, EVER KOVVN, Harness Establish. - , FANNING llILif,.,L, ment. and Grain Screen and Whips, Tnmks, folisci;, llags, Ool· /;,,rs , l...ets/U!S, JJr11shes, Nclts, S!wots, H·uys, 0-urry Co1nbs, Bit.~, Snap.'f, [nt.erfr:ring J!oob; (tnd lloUcrs, Zinc Goll.cir 1,atls, l:larncss Oils, Ifar1Wi!S , l[ The King of the West TH"EE M"CHINES IH ONE · n I ·· ~ Very Latest Styles SEED SEPARATOR. l ha ve now i;reat plea~ure in olfc1·ing to the frlrl'u1i11i; t' u11 11nuniLy, tlh~ tUv<!t perfei.:t .D'an11iug Mill aud See1 l Scprn-atur ever invcnteL l. IL1:1 adv~i.nt ug:es over othiJr 1' iu use, aa fo llows:1st. I t is a perfect Cleaner nn<l ChaITer. I t \v-iU take out \Vild On.ts perfectly . It v.·111 ta k11 out a.11 C' o cld~. Cb"'ss, anU ot h01· fou l seeds, with once going through, mo.king a. J:1e1·fect sr.i 1 nple of l\.i arket )\rheat, \Vhich will 00 several cents per bushel to the v:vlutJ of b'Tain, ovor ::i.n tl above that when clcM:ierl.· Ly t he orcUna1·y Mi U. · 2nd. I t is n most perfect Separator. I t 'vill Rcp;~r; all the large kernels of \Vhca.t fNnn t h e i:;m1\ll a nd shrnnktm gl' I t dw;1s not tbi·ow tho sw:\ll grains in tho chcs;i box, like ot her M:iJJi:i) but !Jl·iogs tlwm through by t lw1usclvea, cle1.\n o.nd tit for 1nnrket, and is \varrauted to n1ak e a perfect s0rmple of Seed \Vh eat. 3rd, I t is Vl'l'Y rapid in its action, and 1"ili easily ma.kc for market, Sixty l\usliels; aud fur Seed, 'fweuty-li \'e l3ushcls pe1· ho1u·. 4th . It. sopaJ:atci-; all kinds of Grnin, ns well v.,s seells ; a-nd if \Yhea.t and Oat131 P ens n.nd U;_;,te, Ch1ve r aud Timothy, ru.·o 1 nixed together, antl p ut th1·0116h th.ii:; Mill, it will eo1c.c o ut per· fec t ly se pa.rn.tetl, 5th. I~ i::; equally as gootl for small M l&rge i:(r11 in!!-. lt · w ill flcpar:ito T imothy Secrl from \V h f:'tit, and will bri.J1g the 'Jl.in1ut.hy out clean yu ~ t don't. Hl'O wllut you wu11tJ pl~;,\~IJ ti'<>k tJtc., etc. ft>l' i t. A LIBrnAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. AT ·F·. Y. 00-WLE'S. ---:o:- - - hey su.w the Advertisement or Notice. CLOTH FROM GRANGER 'VOOL ' THE FOR SALE. YOUNG HORSE, Four years old. Good A fol' general purpose. 'Vill be sold on terma,as the no further 8Ubscriber has 7~YARDS FOR $2.0 0 . J>eoriJle' ... s Book Store AND use fo1· it. J. GALE. Church Street, ~ast. 13.owmanville, July 12t.h, 1876. FOR l. half of SALE I niHAT DESIRABLE 11ARM, tho B outh Situate one rnile uortb of the village of N e\vLot No. 28, 3rd Con. of Clarke. castle. un the main road· to Orono, and at pres· ent occupied by W. DobBon. 'l'he qualitv and situation of the rroperty, makes it worthy of ~ the attention o parties wishing to purdlnse laud. For further particulars apply to J. H. )~o.irbair;u., Esq,, .P. l\I,, or totbesubacriber, . -DEPOT ash Bargains for C C. B Jl R K .l!i R . .AT SAB:SA'l"H SCHOOL = ·· ~ ·= = · MJ ·rt +> a . Ill Cl> Bonnets, Hats, Mantles. and General Millinery, consisting of eY erythin g in the Jine that can be purcha87d in tho P a1ia and New' York tiata.b· h.shruents, uo w on exhibition. Stn~\V Hats cleaned, a.nd altered into lo.test / stylt.!S. i\'.Irs. A . is not aski ng la1·ge profits, but will f s~l! at u. small n.d vance on cost, for CASH. A v1s1t to h er establit!lunent, will satisfy any of our readers, of thn.t fact. B owman ville, Ap1'il 7t h, 1876 . (m22·1y.) IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the Bowmanville Drug Store, .J z at I.he same time ris for 1\r! arkct. y0u UJ.'U cleaning t h e Wheat Price of Mill, 1 $35. "' z LLI ! = +> 0 · OULD mV8~ respe ctfully t euder his inc-ere thanks to hiB numerous frie11ds and m;omer~ , and to tho public g e n~rally, for the very hbc.· ~al S?PPOtt. he has received inoe 11i11 c?mmenc1_ng in btl s1nea:.s ; and hopes by ooutinu~ d B tl"lct personal attention to business, and offering nothing b1~ t the P.Urest artioles, at the most ro!1-SOl1able p:ricus, to en1 m,.e a continua.ncs of JJUblic patronage. J . ~· would Cfl,U special attt:intion t o his very superior stock of W J. HIGGINBOTHAM DYE which are s ure to giv e the beet sati~faction . A \\'ell select ed stock of S'I,UF:F'P All LetLuni f1ou1 the Counties of NorL hun1 IJj;jrlu.11d, "IJnl'ha.1 11, Victu1·ia, _nu<.l l'ct erhoro, tuu1:1t. he a1ld1·essed to thv lll'Op1·1etor, lJ . 0. l[\·.M1·:i:;, 0 1'110M.AS SMI'l'Il, llampton, Ont. 1.;l_\Cl'lW Ag<mt . ROBT, T. FAIRBANKS, Peterboro. BRIDGMAN'S & FLEMING'S chea:p and good. Literature, \.ViLli t.ho arrival of the lfolidays, coines n denrawJ for Moy 5th, 187G . 32-tf. .ui ""5 TO $20 worth )$1 free . STINSON & Co, Portland, 1\-lnine . bp.o·l0m25-ly. ~·r day at home. Samples BOW.MANVILLE. -,- : o : - - - Gift Books, a.nd :Present GOODS. I n. SLock lhn.t ~auuot (ail to pll'a1:1e- cou1 plL1 tu nud \'fn·fo<l. J\11 AT ll US E _K _,,,,_ PIANO s. .J .J .i! = ·-- ~ SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc kept oon sta:utly on hand. DRUGS, CHEJ.l flOALS, · PA1'EN'J.' MEDIOINES, _,,, BR USIIES, OOMBS, OILS, PAINT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at the v ory lowest prices, Horses and Oattle Med!cinesN · . B . -Country atore·keepers supplied o th e most 1 ;ulvantag-eo11s t erma. A cboicu s~l octi ou of J ,A MP S for t.ale ohea:P: Eowmonv1lle. D e c. 1868. 6m. ltO'C'SE AN:O FOR SALE. J.\.JJ11-sh'Ct1t~, EXCJ 1~L RXCEIJ in volume ot tone. ltXCJ~]~ ju finn ness and p111·i ty of t une. iu voice-lik0 quaht.y Of t one. VERY DESIRABLE piece of town proA 11 e1ty, 1:1 on t11e corner of llnnt and can be purehaHed at a reaaouaLle Look· at this, then buy ·the1n. TEAS. No. 1 Black cts. 85 . 1lri111·e for cash. There is a new frame houae, ·w ith well of water, also a stable, on the pre. n1ises. '!'he ga.r<len ic i.:ultivated . Apply to FAMILY BIBLES, Splendid Lot. POOKET BIBLES,Large .Assortment. N .B. That deservedly popular '.l.'each er's Elbie, in vaiious bindrn gs JJOOl{S. in (}reut r·a.riely. A LR U Jl1H, Cheap rJ.nd llrclt1. WRITING lJJC!i lUi, an1l WORK IJUXES EXCJJ;I-1 ill durn.bihty <llld keeping in t unt.i . ] 1~XCF.L for the concert roon1. l~XCEL fo l' teaeh iug schooif.l n.nd ae1ninarius. EXU~ L fo r the drawing t'Oom. -t+- New Furniture AND . .JOHN H. HAMilL Y, . At Mn. R. IlAJ'1tBLY's 1 l3rickmaker. Dowmanville, April 5, 1870. (111,·28-tf .) :For Sa.le, Under Cost old ; tirst-class general purrJose or carriage ; good travellers. 'l'wo new buggiea, first-class'vill be sold t'C'l'"U chea.p. All the above articles will be aold cheap, as the owner ha.a no 11se for the1u. A ppl:y personally or by letter to .No. 1 Green, A good tea, 5 lb. lot of so·c. 80. 40" . $2.25. ONE SPAN MATCHED MARES, 7 years " JORJ\.- S . DONEY, 'rYlt<)N}l SUGARS. Good cooking Good White, White Scotch Refined, Broken Loaf, MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOJ"ES, KALEIDESCOl'ES 13 Ju. J'or $1. 12. " l l. 10. Ltt·1·gest Collect-ion of Stm·euscopic V·ie1us 'i..11, 'L'o'llYJi_ ' ushek. '!'here are ~11?usunds of happy ow1u:irs of M at h t1shi.lks w1lLl ng tu certify to their .aupcdot excelle1 we. \.Ve room hore for but :i. fc\v b1ief cxtract.e :N lf\\' YonK, Oct. 28, JSli7. \Vc t.he undcrsig11cd, ,f t1 dg-es of riauos a t thu Fair of the .A1 ueri cnn In s titntr~ afte1· a ca.t"t'ful examination 1Jf tho Ovncert Gr~cb do n,wAxd tv li'l~l~l)]£ J U.Ul\: 1\f.ATl-l lft{J!J.K tl~e IION'Ol{ of 1naki11g t be Lfllil:)fl' of this clil.S8 of w~tnnn<lnts t h en a.n<l thoro e:x hibit1;;9 1 or known ti:i us ul1Je· where. rl'Lc~e 111·e broad 1l..8Bcrtio1m, but capable of [~.coo£. 'l'hcJ'.' are.unlike any other , iu cuustruc. hon; all thc11· p1..>euliiuitill.:J nrc poin ts of exc1.Jlc..:e. '!'heir i lln strn.tctl anU dcscript i\·e oat alcr1 log~1e, wl1id 1 ~e sou°: fr1:0 to nny addreSB, ex · IJlaJnB Ct>llclm·ilVely, lll \Vith a.-::oui;ticB and mecbanit:B nll tlutt ia dairnl;ld for tlic ]..1o.tb· UNDERTAKING jjjjfjfirJSJ~~ - - : o:- The un<le1·si:;n et1 has opened a. store in opp0Ent.e lrele ven a Shoe Store, wh,ere he will kt::ep on bau U a full and v a.ried stock of F~~ler's :Blook, .Agf"nt for the best Organs ('V. J~ell & CQ'~ o.ndDon:1inion Organ Co's,,) aud tho best Sow· 38-4w, ing Aiachinc, the fust-prb:o Royal. FtJ':RNI'I"CJ':RE, which will be dis posed of a t the LOWES'l' 9. Crn~k- MARRIAGE LICENSES, R. JOIIJ'\ H. EYNON, Lot 7, Gth (Jon. M J) arlinr;rton, fncar Bethesda Church] ia duly authorized to issue J\farriage License.~. I.The Stock ef General Gr oceries is largo, and wmrn.ntcd fresh . ery, Glassware, etc., etc., very low. Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses, etc., etc. 1\-1.A.Jt.KE'l' PRICE S. 1-.enmnaintend· Ing. t o c?m1ueu cc homsekeeping ,·will find it largoly to their adva.ntage t o ~ua ult hitn 1 eie p urcha.s1ng elsewhere . (Signod) M . ,J. llWD. MOLLENIIAU.IW, A. lJ. W. lrnRmHA.NN. D arlington, Nov, 19, 1874. mS-tf. A ltOBSE. aud wquld likti to trade n \va.ggon1 or a.n) · thing in hi.a tin~. in exchange for & su1ta.blc anin iaL PROVISIONS AND ~EED ]~Oit SALE, Call autl Exau1inc. Farmers produce taken in exchange for goods. · · UHAHLES · GIANN}]'i"l'I, l 'HAIJE.L. P.11-rnilure made to ot·dcr on short notice and 1 Repairing neatly done. r11lfE S UBSCRIBER is in waut of a hors e Remember, Cash gets a Benefit at BRIDGMAN & FLEMING'S. 8021Jl'oaclway, N. Y. 'l'hcsc Pin.nos 1uust. the Jead of aJl knuwn iwit1·u1u1:::11ts, o.iu d t hei1· peculiar cuui;tnH:tion rcndets them by fri.r the moat dun~Lle 1 and t he leu-&t liable to get ont of tune. l'.\-It'SICAL CONSEUVA'.J.'OllY, } UNDERTAKING. .A NXW H .EABSE Great_ Inducements. EUGE"<ll J. llIEI:UIA~I. Since the date of ~hls uoncm:t th.e MathusL.ek has been my favorite. .T. ,TAY WATSON °"'"'·\tt:!On's ConwJr vatury of !\r1.usic,~i::w Yo~k. n1y borne, l\~otuoney w ould tempt n1e to li:arish it fro1 n .I JOH)[ JOHNS, Hampton, July Gth, 1876. (m·lf.) ·~-~~-~~--~-~· ~-- New ~ailor B JOHN J1:us sh~p, ·House a.nd. :t.ot for Sa.le. I'l'lTATE in South 'Vard cif the town of Tiow. manvillti. The hou se is a fram e, nenrly new, an<l bars all the conveniences of a. iiret-claea dwel ling. Half an ooreof wullcultivatud lu,nd a ttached . }'or further particnla;r&, address, S THOS BARRE1'1', June :30th, 1876 . Newca.stle, P. 0 . gen · cn tlly, that he ba::i ron-ovcd hi!i buei1H1i=s tu t 11 t1 Shop 11ext dooi· ermt of ltiou's l3u t chcl" Shoµ. 1 Iln.ving hntl several yc:tll! exvorience ID the tr:lAle, he l1opos t o f:latisfy all who rnay favo1· h im with a i.;a ll. rro INJ1'0lli\f 'l'JU~ rLTBJ~Tul HEAL, D. SCHUYLJi:J.t, Duffolo. adv ~\nce 1\.fa.t)1 n&IH·k lias in nm.lity bikeu a fstup i1.1 of all n:u1.kun:1 of .Piru10.s h1 the '\'o:dd. M n1ica.l Oritie, Sarntoga. J. G. SHAW. NEW GOODS !'" BArTING'S! A'l' consitJting in part, of !fas been p rocureil of la.test <lesi~u. ltuhii~h· !ngs for funerals always Lill h and. .All l!" ll1 town a11d countl'y , a.tttended at a chii.rgc. 40-4w. -- GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowrn:\nvillo. Sep. 4th, 1872. w49-tf. Strawberries 11 C/.2 - -- - - - .'l'he . l\:1at.h ~slack Orchcet.ra Bquare Grauel lS Lnlli:u1t, of '\Yondm:l'nl power an d melodious in tone. ' ALl'HED II. PEAS~:, Rochester. Strawberries! ~ co ""'$ 1-:l ~ ~ DRY WASHER! GOODS , T The Common Sense wa.~ I was fnlly couv1uced tbC1it tho :r...tathu.1'3ht:k tho crown of all. IL BELLACK. -.. vit11 uuivcrial favo1·, it! p1any of tlw Stnll.:1:1 ilIS \ 'V:i.i:;bing Machiue J1as bcou ruce i vc~l Strawberries I -- co r/,,2 1-:l ........ vf tl;ro- lJnion, nnd t o-day, et.:tlltl.$ high er in the cst.i1 nation of hmmc\vivea, t han a ny othor. 'l'hey ue n ow iu tro d uc~U intu this vicin ity, by the undersigned, who has already sold a. l arge number. The points of excollencij consi8L in its b1.1nl' h cit y , and the saving of soav~ labor aud time. An ordinary washing, for a l arge family, can be , d or.e by child1·cn fron:i S to 12 years old. Yours, &c. My old t un er, 'vb o ho.a taken care of iny p i u110 for the pust ton, says tht\t t he· No, 10 tJ1·1.:hcstral j ust 1.\!ceivetl fro1u you j~ the bei:i i.. u1u<le and :fiucst i nf>trun1ent in this city. ' TWEEDS, PRINTS, WHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILK PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, &c. All to bo sold at the veJ"y loweat prict:ia, for @"_1'he celebrated Wire Mattra ss for sale. S ee it b efoi·e you purchase ciny othm-, llt::Xt door to Mr. J. Residen cv, Corner of Quecu and Brown Sta. , r. l{icc's. Bowmanville, Mar A. DAVY, 16th, 1876. ?, D. M. SOMElWILLH, Clevelan<l,O. go to llcMUBTRl'S. The Clothes are perfectly t;leaned, and not in the lcust worn by it. A Macbin -J can be seen n.t the Grocery Store of J oli1l Mcl\fnrtry,13ownu~u ville, or at the resid1:1nce oI tho ~-nbseribor, 011tario St.,an<l. pt~rtie1:1 <lm1iring to sec it iu p ractien.l use, can c!u ao, by lea ving- theil' naml:'s with rill·. ~fc:\Iurtry, and the subscriber will <lo <1i wash for t h e1n, free of ch o.rgo. JiiLM S'l' . ,v. M. s' SCHCOL, 'l'oronto. W e have great pleasure in stating that as rui ins tn1mcn t tu lead tl.tti singing in a S. School nothing can excel it. 'l'ho t one is soff nnd full, '1'h e is gr::ind and \Vhuu ~00 voices tu·e singingEV'ery togt'ther t11e 1-' can be dh~tinct· ly heard. note rings out iH:I clear aa a boll. S. J, HUNTER, PMtor.- N. B .-Old Storf', near 'l'hompson & Bu~'s Mill, Bowm anvillc, CASH! ·'.==::==~============================~ SAM UlcL FlUSllY, fv.,ction . \VARING ICENNEDY, Supedntendcl'1t. M usic"l eonducto1-. ROOM PAPER 5 cts. ROLL. WILLIE Is thilil seasOl_!,, hBndling Ilowma.nville Nursery i:stra.wberrie'3, a.nd will It ho.a givou rny ft~1ni l y the very hir1best satiaRlf~. J01:lN Bl1:1£l)IN', Barrio. The · O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer t he best in the ruarkct, n.lsn kept on hand. l!'act ory pl'ice, $8 1 will be sold fol' $7. Vomru.on Sl·nse \ Ymsher, $7. \Vaslwr:: u1d \-Vriugel',$14. Th ey cannot fail to imtb1fy, a~ :.c1rll wbo h ave t ried th c1n, speak highly of t ht.m, JJI1·. J. Ruse, l> :J::.i.' Snt :-The Mo.t11usck ])iano I pur· chased fi·o1n you lrn.s gi reu enth-c fiat.ifil.'.Wtiou and proved itself a super iol' i111Jtnuu0nt in every respect. I \Vo 1 ild rccou11n::i11 d all to BC() th e Math usck, before p urchasing elsewhere. HAMP'l'ON, lfeb. lat. 1876. DELIVER THEM DAILY, Fre~h, P. Bowman ville, 1\:I.1t', 2,lth, 1876. 'l'IIOMAS. 26-tf. 8 1l'IIE GREATEST Mallet Croquet Sets for $2.25. Wonder of Modern Times. ROSS BALLS · FROM 10 CENTS EACH. '!"lie Pills P udiy the lnocd correct all diaordors of the J~h·er, 8tom ach 1 Kidneys and Bowels and in vnlua.blc in all co1nplaiuts incitl.entai to F emales, · The Ojnttnen t is the only i·i:diable remedy fol' J~a<l ' L (,lgR, Old '\Vouuds, Sor es and Ulcere, of how~ver lonjl at nn ding. }'or J3ronchitis, Diph· ther1a, Cough s, Colds, Gout, l~·hCUillllrtism and all' Skin D iaoases it b aa no eci u :i.l. ' 1!. 'l' . l'IIILJ, U'S. at Lowest Rates. Market ORDERS SOLICITED. - - o-On ha.nd, a f:! plendid stock of Boots ANll . l">rof. J, lluse, l>.t:.. \ L; SJI ~ :- I 1111,..-0 vlc:isure in :lrlhling n1y Lc~t1m~1 1 y to t he n1any you ha v.t:_\irl.n.1_ady i:_ecc1 \'CLl n t fa,·n1· of the wull IDtl'Hul J\ 11 :oek f'ia.11 0, p 1.u·d1ai.cil frun1 yon l'CL"l.'Utly. I a1u \':'t"ll s:it is1if't! with it in ever y ru::;pect, n.ud conl:lldei·. fot' OeauLy and toHC, it i8 1Jl.1Slll'fl <ISt>l.:tl 1£NNlSlULL.EN,.Tnn. 2i5tlt, 1876. FRESH ORANGES, LEMONS, and o ther seasonab1tJ F.rnits . -:- Shoes! Shoo~ Large Stock of Beautiful Fans, at ll. I~aston's To,vn Hall Buildings. Doheny Block , J,inclsay. The u ndersigned has the pleasur e of informing you that he has r e-open e d in his old A~:O stan <l, ( two doors West o.f tile 1-IATS AND BONNETS, Post O!Jice) with an entire CLJi:ANED and wa;::;;f;,,~r in the very lateet by an.{i.11strn1nl'nt T hav(J yet seen. S. C. lIILLl.1£1\, 11. D. One of t.h1 : J~nrgcst Stocks of Boots ruul in the co11ut1·y, is to bi~ fo11n<l at JAMES WYLL rn, Poet's Corner, BowinanvilllO'. B uwmanviJle, June :30th , 1876 3(.tf ALLTHE LATEST STYLES IN HATS,OAP~, J. BORLAND'S Boot & Shoe Store, 1;om. p1 i;.;ing ENNTSKlLI,EN, Ja.n. 15tb. J87(i. JJnif. Riwc. DKtl.U Srn. :- The l\Ietlium :.:VI:i.thuack wo got fro1n yo~ gi\'CS ontiro sa.ti.:;fnctiun iu < -1ve1·y l'\lS· }Jel!t. l can unl1cR iLati11gly re()u1n1ncnd it to all d esiring a go<X.l tJiano. I Town Hall Buildings Bowma.nville STEAW, F .EI.T, D. STE'\:\'.A.ll'l'_ Pastor of 1-'n;-sbytm·i<-i. H CJiurch. Af1~ .·I. Riise. 0~LL\WA 1 LEGB:O:Et,N at ho1ne·. Agenta $12 Olltfit and terms free. n. tll"Y Attgnsta., l\ia.ine. wanted. CO., bp-olO·m2,5-ly. 1-'ltUJ~ & & GENTS FURISHINGS FAllMFOR S.A..LE Subject to Mortgages. ' BE. SOLD, ON 1'HE l'REMISES, WILl, by a.uct101.i, on VALUABLE a1'e to be had at M. MAYER'S. Ladies' Pnmella Boots, from 75 cents upward·· Misses' a,ncl Ohildrcn's, in proportion. Men's, Boy's, and Youth's, of every de. scription. Findings kept Jan 2JLh. 187G. D _i: ,\ 1t S iu :~ 'l'he No. 11. }!athrlfi(;k fa all Lhat yrnl said cotn1ncndatvry ·lf it, mutiicians lw.v1~ ti-icd it <t.nLl prv11ou uce11 it l'xccllcnt.. NEW STOCK OF Special attention given to COLORING. MH::>. ll. i\II'l'OllJi:L. Il.iM r·1·011·, J aii. Shit, 1870. · lift·. J, ]~H SI!, :Fresh Family Groceries His aim shall be to keep the Best a nd s e ll at the Lowest 'bl . poss1 e pn ce. at l\fa.rke t S(1uare, in rear of Fireh alJ , Dowma.nvillo, April 14, 1876. (29-1y. MRS. MAYBEE, for the Trade. ALSO WEDNESDAY, THE 5IH DAY OF JULY, ·nex t, at 2 p. nl., one of t he b!:! st wheat pro<luc.. ing fartna in the county of Durham, bdng Lots: 2 9, 30, and 3 1, iu tho Broken Fro11t Concession -of thu t0wnship of Cl1t1·ke, contn.i.uing about 180 Jlcres, and owned by l-IENRY L a ,v, These are ~antitully situated on tho s hore of L ako Ontario. within a 1nile uf the 1\{r. l\f. opened the Kel1son, with a sp]endid stock of good1J, colnpri1Jillg ever,ytbjng in the Lat and Cnp lin o, which will Lu diaposeJ. of at low rates. _Gal/, K ·i11 UppM· anll f:.'o!e Lealher, 1'1! UNKS, c&c. lt i.tronh me great lJlenstU'u nutl 1uy h1gh apprec1aL1 0n of the l\I:1thnsck l.-'ia.110 pu1·chu~')cd fn nn yun a few tl;~y s siuce. i 1~ :1ulo1owle_i-li: ~ !lg t~c i·Hlin: ~:-i.Lil)factiou D.ll:.\H S1n: IDaily :t.ine to :S.ochester. Commencing on or about. THURSDAY, 20'l'H APRIL, · --- I d e.em it my duty. t o state that n1y }">illB and 9mtment llrl'e neither 1nanufactured nor sold 111 a.ny lJa:rt o! th() U)1it ed States. l!~ach Pot and B ox bear s th e Br.ftish Govern· 1ii~nt Stam"P· with the words , " Holloway's Pilla and 01~tmen,Lonrlon, " engraved thereon, On the lahel is tbc address,.5q3, Ox ford Street, J.oudon. ·vne and spurious ituitations of "Holloway 's rills n.ui Oiut meut, " arc m an ufactured u.nd sold under the nan1c of "l:l9llown.y & Co.," by J . F. Henry, Curran& ofDruggists of Now Yurk, -~ ,vi th an umcd trado marJc,t!1t1ti i;i . _ ·;:\ . - In C a11ada., th e . pnnc1pal E ~ Wholesal e Dt'al· ers m thticJe Counterfeits are · LY MAN", OtA U'FJ & C o ., N ORTH:H UJ' & J, YMAN, and LYM A N BRO'l'H.1:::-Hs & Co., · . H 8 co .. S. J. SYfl'i'li. W. JENN.INGS fo still in ch;i.1-ge vf tho -o·o- tlt~e has dete rmined to adopt ~THESTQEAME~ .. --~ Ca.11 tiarly, anJ. make your selection. i' PilIOES: FlJLL AGHAFFlc, 7-0C'l'AYO l'IWM '!!'ATS 101' h0 t Weat}ier. Gr·J>d Trunk Railway S~ation and half a wile -.lo of N ewcaatle Harbor . On the land.ii are a snh- · et an1.1a1 fratne a\Velliug. g ood barns aud out- . uAT !!!', "or cool "'eatlier. buildings. w oll1:1, &c. , &c..:., and an oXeellcnt D hil 1 young orchard o( choice frui t troes. 'l'it1e ia une:-:(:cµ.tionah!e: PossBssion ~ve!1 N11ve1nher :a:aATS for wet weather. 1st, 1876. !:'rm loge . uf ploughmg mmwliately 1 ,-, lv!anufactory Department aud fa prep:u· tu g·uarantee A Pc1·ft1c.t li'J~, lu t be Ln1e,,,.t a 1111 IJe"f. S1.yJv. :I:' [A.NOS $ s 0 0. front o.Lhcr CASH SYSTEM, n.fter n ext harvest. I~atHl will be sold by the·e n..nd 111easur1;1<l. by a P. J,, Surveyor 'l1EH.~IS - '£en per cent. ca.cih. Bal;_nce of purchase money, over and above amount due on mortga.i::e. to be paid Novemberl st , 1876, whrn d eed will be giveu and pur:Jhaser let into possession on ~iying sati8fa.c_tory bonds to Sl'lcuru vendor against payment of inort,ga.ges thereon. For further pa1·ticub.r s apply to Sewed Work a Speciality, First class Stoc/.: used. . A Call is Soli.aited. l~CUH.J11 1 bt·r umkern at b ottDJll prices. _,_,_ ltATS for - - f o r - .A. ltAT FO:R. YOU. M. MA iER.'S. iog lists of :JOOO newspa.perB nnd cst1m~tea show· 1 ng cost of advertieinfo'· bp-olO·m25-ly. DOMINION WIRE MATTRAllS. The Mat~.raf.lfj was a.wa rded th e 1st prcruiu1n Is dui·abie, elastic, lioiseleus. !Yft~nufuc hn·ea hy Gel) t hti Htcilill , l'rn!t OITicu ]}!01.:k op11r:. situ Hlwbottom _Hu u;.;e. ' J. J:Ol:L ,~N D. 13ow1na.11vHJ\!', M~y 12th, 1S7C. 3a. No. 8, Adelaide St. East, Toronto, SOLE J\ G1-:N'l'S. -:n:- NORRIS & SOPER believin g it to be advantageous no t only to the buyer but relial>le ·tlso to tl10 A sel l ei· ( · · · . 1 l ]' <l t , 11 t P Ul - - 'NORHEMAN,' j \Vill u1ake h er regular trips on this route,leav· ing Cobourg every morning at 7 :30, aw..l l'ort Hope nt !) o'dock, for Rochest er, conn ecting then with tht= N cw Y (!Tk Oen tr al, N ortbet'n Sh ore Div i!~ion oE the Route, 'Va.tertown, a nd and South, (R CRA WFOJVl, ll1As-rE1t,) Ce of the tOW!l Wlth promp t nes s. l'entrnl aud Enu Railw.ays, and J,ake Onta.-iu S C e I Vere , 0 a par S who obtniu tho1n at very Jow p1·iccs, f l'tnn J, F . H7u l'y, C1:1rr an .&. Co. ) of 1\oe\v York, rmd this traah 18 tmpphcd t u Unprin cipled R et11il Y endo!-'8· w ho acll t;he aan1e as 111y genllin o T -'ills au~. ~hn tnient, \vln1:h _ftrl'O ul<i nnfrwtul'ed only at_.,.1,,, Oxford Stree t , 1.vnd on. and inay be OU· t'.,l.lned f l'mn th e following 11 'inus, viz. :1£van1J, l\fercer in H l Co., 1\f ont real. Messrs ..A.very, llrowu a nd Co. lfal i r~,,,.. N S l\~cssra. ~3. Barker nlld S ons: S t. Joh~, N.B: i\fea'sn1. Elhot u..u<l Co·· 'l'orou to. Who ilnport tbcrn d irect from here . -· " ., ':i 'I:. - JAS. McCLUNG, R. LOSCOMBE, or, R. of 1\foCLuKG Rnos .. J3ol\-"'IllU-nvill0, Ont. at the- 1'1·o vinci ~~1 :U'air, Ottu.wa , 1Fi7,">. --Shortliorns for Sale. - - - ---- THOROUGH-BRED JOSEPH RUSE, . AUEN1' IN DARLI NGTON, CLAlZK.l~, 'VHJTl:Y, REACH ANJJ CART\VRIGHT. I Hig'liest r}ric e paid fu r all Ogdensburgh Railway for all points East, West 533 rd Street, W . O. 1'Ff0MAS HOLLOWAY, "' l S I],lfl( m:3:;·o20 f . l RETURNING. will leave Charlotte hort 0 p l OC UCe. of Roch<Ater,) daily at 9 P. M., e·cept Sntur"mg t 0 r e ce ·V6 a s l·i ai·e dayi :! , "'hen ahe will leave 1.1.t 3 l~. M. for P ort FOR SALE OR H Op Hope direct. L·oudon, J anuar-y .lst, 1876. ·ro RENT~ V.ENT>Olt'S SOLI 01TOR, 25c. to G. P. HOWELL & CO., New SEND York, for a Pamphlet of 100 p~es contain· Gale, Smiths Mills, (jueboe. DowmaDVlllo.. " Poi· sale_ by Anthony D a vy, 11'lll'niture Deal· I~ullR, y er'.lrlinga, l'Pd fl.Jld ro!Ul. can b~ purcha.sed of th~ untl~l'signcd, nt l'P<JJ,;l:uable l'l~tes . F . OUR 'l'IIOROUGH-JllUW DL!tl!AM 21-tf, 1-:0B'.l'. COLLA00'1'1' · 'J',yronc, P.'O. Of you l' p atl'onage. . He IS, you r:, truly, Also Agent for Dominion J , Organs, Bowmanvill · ohn /1 ·1 cMwtry. Hampton,,Fub, 8th, 187(). l:nu.,n-.;l!e, Doc. 2cu<l, 1875. l3-tf. est and most ex~editious route to Boston, Al· ba.ny. N ew York. &c. F or furthel' infonnatlon avµly to Dealers in 11tock , &c.,will find this the cheBp- ! (29 ·11.) Or<J. F. GILDERSL1il'~vE,OPE, Krnaw ro1<. R. ORA WFORiif uf 1-Iampton, t hreo tloors weAt of F.llil)tt's store , ~large: t w('I 8~ry R ough Ca.!:!t D welling , po ssuAsio~ will be grven at once. .A.pply to the propr1etoi.:~ ON MILL STREET l N 'i'JHj VILLAGE JOHN COLE, _ Hampton, March 7th, 1876, }ferch ant 'rai lor. 21-tl, " _,/ -------

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