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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 21 Jul 1876, p. 4

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· -·-- --.-- THE MERCHANT FRID£\_Y, JULY 2L 1876, POETRY A:F'?EB. After the shower, the tranquil sun ; Sflvor stal'fnvhen the day iA done. After the snow, the emerald. !co.voe ; After the ho.ryes!, golden shruwes. Aftor the clouds, tho violet sky ; Quiet woods when the 'Winds go by_. After the tempest, \b,e lull Of waves; - Education Amo11&st the French in ,Quebec. But the questioQ. of education is one that atfecte all alike, the Protestant as well as the Roman Catholic, the British ns mnch as the French Canadian. It is a question touching cleisely the mate>ial prosperity, not only of the Province, but of the whole Dominion. To their common school l!lystem the Americans point with pride, and not without reason, p,a the chief of their Beyal Aa:ain Triumphs. ABIG ·RUAH " THE and with the exception of a. few, these pass into the ha.nda ,of tho people of West Durham. The public will at once see the utility of the paper as an ·is now raging at TRELEVENS. · Cicula.tiOn of 1boo. bas now a bona fi<J,e DOMINION-= Savings and INVESTMENT SOCIETY · ~· ·oF LONDON. ON~I1ARIO. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. After lhe battle, peaceful graves. After the knell, tho wedding boll> ; Joyful greetinp from aad farewells' After the bud, tho radiant rooe ; After OW' weeping, sw~t rep0&e. It Bas No Equal in thi8 constituency, and this fa.ct is being con , atimtly demonstrated. After the burden, the bli88ful meed : After the furrow, the waking seed, , After tho llii;bt, 'the downy nest ; Over the lha.dowy - Selected, river--~rcst. h Fair, over the Webater, Oaborne,and .L~ e\V York Catholic ecclesiastics, and extirpate the evils Singei, JAMES Mu.noY. h· b h b f d Belleville, Sept, 30th, 1875. BOSES. t these ruinously low prices w IC aye ecn oun to arise therefrom, Got first pt'h~e on the Royal, at Fair here, and he is determined to continue to sell a . chea,per than the cheapest. Why he can do .it-the moat' distinguished legislators of France, bea;tjng '\Vhceler & \Vilsun and every other ma· hY ANNIE L. JACK· First, ho buys for cash a,nd knqws just how to bu.y ! Prussia. and Austria have for years been de- chine. Great cou£etst. J A!IM BA mtNl"l'. Brockville, Sept. 25, 1875. Second, what he ca,n't buy chea.p enough, he manufactures voting their strongest energies. In tbeface Royal took first prize at Unionville, co1npetYou promised to come with tberoa!JS, Thi.J:d, he is satisfied with smnll pl:9fits ! · of these facts, the Legialatnre of Quebec, ing mth the Wheeler & Wilson, Singer, ·nd 'l'l1e roaee so sweet,1 otbro:s. EvERTTS & li.AGAR)f.AN. Fourth, he sells for cash ; But the leaves have ~en dropping_ and fading without a struggle, at the biddin~ of the 'flr,·ONBURG, Oct. lt, 1875. away, ~if th, he sells at, bottom prices. priesthood, have handed over the care of First prize for Royal, .at Union Exhibition bere~over alloompetitors. MAT1'HEW STEWART, They cover tho ~"found with their aorrow to-day -oeducation to the bishops. Tbe evils which Woodstock, Oct. 6th, 1875. Like tears that are shed a.t our feet. must attend such a system of teaching, the U:oya.l took :first prize at ExhiLition here,over .o d I · · alloompetitor&. MATTH:E\V STEWART, , AND You Ii.Dger, sweet love, in ydur coming,pas t h w..1 ma e p a1n enough, had thA mem~ Paris,-Oct. 3rd, 1875. The roses are dead, here chosen to open the>ir cnrs t:> the Have taken first prize with Royal a.t Fair ! thought to have watched for their blooming ' f' · J · ' here, beating the RP.ymond and Singer. Examine e atock, which comprises ev(>rything in the, of the very Ia.tQRL .n.nd most elcgan wo.nnngs o expenenee. n the Province of WILLIAM. SNIDER. with you l:ltyles and patttirnl!I, of English, C!lnaclian, nnd-Amcricru:i manufacture. Quebec the higher branches of eiucation Navanee, Oct.15\h, 1875. Who love t.hent so woll, tho.da.rlinge so true, -o'. He still continues to manufacture to order, b-om;the beet of material} a.nd none but first-class may be said, among the French-Canadians _Jtoyal has t1i~en first_J1rize at l!"'air here.over 1'he pink, ~j the white, and the red. . ' Singer Howe, \V Ii,, Osborne a.nd others. \Vorkmen kept , · to have always been m the banda of the ' JAMES BARR_., So, dearest, our roses have faded, prosperity, To their system of education the Scotch attribute the enviable position their countrymen assume all the worid over, and the prosperity which invariably marks the race wherever i'"- sons are· to be Dy 1'elegt-aph to Gardene~· Se.wing Machine, Co"I/ Bainil"1n. foun<l. To obviate the di·ndvantages atCornwall, Oct. 2, 1875. tcndin<> the education received for Roman Royo.l got first prize at Glongarry, County W) ---:o:---.. , pnpor. If you lost anything, advertise in: tbie MERCHAN'l'. · If you have fonDd anything, advertise W the If you want to sell anythiug, advertise in this Car)ital paper, , b .'bed If you wan~ ,to buy anything.advertise in the ~ Su SGn , MERCHAN I. Paid up If you wa.nt to rewh tbe public, use tho ' $1,000,000.00 c9lumn· of the MERCHANT. OUR RATES ARE LOW. '" , · , · · ' . <> · -· 300,000.00 Reserve and Contmgent Fund, - ~'< · ;· · · 60 000 00 · ' , Muney loaned upon real est:tte on ·~ ost favomble tenns, m ortgages plll·chased, interest allQwed on deposits. 750JOOO.OO C.A.LL A:,ND SB:U: POD YOUBSELV:U:S, BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU . . As a. \Veckly newspaper, tho ~EUOHANT ia Rc:.i.rcCly excelled. Sixteen oolumns of care. fully selected reading matter &{'pear in President: . · Mttnagel' · e~ch issue, comprising Literature, Reference by per=ssion, GEO. McGILL, ESQ, Manager Ontario Bank, Agrivultur;.a.l, Family Beadingl · Bowmanville. · WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., Bowmanville. General and Local NewsLondon, IYiar~h, 8th, 1876. · all fresh and reuda.ble. Subscriptions ta.ken any time d1uing the yea.r. :O~ l\!AC~IE, F. :B. LE~S; - TERMS 75 OT8.,JN ADVANOE. - -.:o:-........ .TO:B PRINTING- TO TI-IE PUBI--'IC. WALTER WIGG & SON, Y outh"s pleasure and pain, A11d t.h~ autumn floworM lingering stay Ai:i gav iu their IJuauty they blossom to·da.y, But the r-Oses-oh l never again. -·Selected, priesthood, the Montreal College, the Je· 1 suits' Coll<'gi! the Quebec Seniinary the ' FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Honey Production. St. Ilyacmtbo College, and tho St. Aune's College, having turned out all the priests o.nd most of the professional men of the day. What advantage did they receive with!n the tbose institutions I A smattering of Latin BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. The Manufacturen have lately add~ to it, the of the ecbolastic school, some lit~lc Greek, a greatest .novelty of the age, tho Jloya! Lamp little 1nathematics, we evPry fa.cility. '\Ve do not work for nothing, or fun, but our prices will be foun4} ' . low, as our presaes are run by aten.m. power.: JN returning thanks ~o t.heir ll';lmerous _customers and thti public g-P.ncrally, for po.H t [ibvor~, would respectfully u1v1te thell' 11.ttent1on to our preRent stock of fu1·niture, as we have h.~ tely i:ro.rley, <?ct. ~3th, 1875 .. Show Bills a~ded ,thereto, that we m~y thereby be enabled to 1:$upply all partieH who may t o f avor Orders Promptly Executed, and , .Good Fits Guaranteed Royal ta.!res first prize at .this Frur, for family him 'v1th a .call~ Great inducements belrl out to ~boat· 1lllr'c1H\sjng at our esta.hlishnu.m.t. l:'icSale Bills work and light mAnufactUl'1ng. tt~rea, Look1:n_g Glaaaes, etc. framed toortler, a.nd in every style. Saniples of tho different He haa in stouk an endless variety of Ladi8s' n.nd Gents' Sarato~a Trunks, ValiBeB, etc., all of W1LLL\ll SNJDEU. kin~ of o uld1n gs can be i:iecn at the ware·room. We wo11ld also beg to tinfurn:1 you t. that 1 Hand Bills · which he ia selling cheap· for ca8h. having purchased a · ' . --o1These victoriee conClusively R'J'{)ve ihElt the Progammes " Remember the Stand " BIG BOOT dra~ by, , T wo Horses, King St. Iig-ht running R-0yal, is the veople s fa.vorite,'iWd 1 . . -·!· , BowJnanville, '.l!tf:l 13~ 1874. .M: ·'l'RELEVEN. ledge of modern history, very di"storted and is never upset. nor the Oil soil the work i and it arranged to throw the light on a.ny pn.rt of the work, enabling the operator to work as well by night as by day. s0ld b Y J. S. DONEY, 1.'YRONE. N.13. - Agent for First-class ?viusical Instn1; menta-\V, Bell &Co's. Organ, Hallett&Davis and Hardman Pianos. ' Also tile Celebrated Wo.ltbam and Elgin \Vatchea. The Subscriber, thanking his very n1.lweroua · sold. cuat omers for past pa.t ronage, (havmg, . Twe7ve Thousand Dollars WO'rth in 12 month solicits their continued,by reasonab prices, fair dealh:i,i:is, i1nd guarnntetJtl 'sattJ'a. tion. J. D. November 18th. 187& a most superficial know- Holde-r for Sewing MackinM. The LMDP cau Cfrculars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets SPLENDID NEW nEARSE, . Wti sh~l be ready at a.11 times to attend funerals, on short notice and r ea~onH.blu t erum N. B.-Coffins kept on band and .made to order, at the · . incorrect, and a strong hatred of everything 1\ D. Miner, in the Countr11Gcntlcman,givea English and Protestant, with an extensive the following insight into the glowiDg acco1.lnts of bee~btwtiDg so often met with in the pape1s: knowledge of miracles and of the lives, not Many persons are interested iD knowingwhat the writingi., of the Fathers. Of the grea.t the profits in bee-keeping are generally,astbey questions now occupying the attention of ofttin see 1n the pai;er/S accounts of enormoua the civilizf'd 'vorld, of po1itical economy: of ·· f h .. -> d quantttieao oneybeing pruuuce -sometimes the teachings of history as la.i1l down by aa much as 200 to 300 pounds of box·lioney per writers of a philosophical mind, of the new etock or ,t:"aniiJy ·, and, as I have been a bee- d1scoveries · _ recently made in all branches of keeper ahout forty years, in different States, having · studied the eubji:ct thm'Onghly, and be- science, of the constitution of their own ing the author. of the first full work on the do- tountry and that of other!!, they kno'Y ab· T . . mcstic economy and management of the honey soI u t eIY no th ing. o acquire even the bee in this country, I think I ma.y claim to small stock of practicu.lknowlcdgc which is understand the subject to some ex.tent, I indispensible to enter a. merchant's office, or wake these remp.rks becnuse N~w Jeraeyi.8 not !ill the place of a Lank clerk, they are fore· f alltous for its great apiaries, nor hae this State ever IJroduced any vt:ry HkiJful apiarians,owing ed to spencl eoroe time in an English school, to the faet that the bee n!UlturR-e-e here IB no as there to acquire some trail.Jing, which may ·-good as it is in some other places. In the first be of UE:ie in the every day uffail·s of life1 anj place, bee-keeping in its mo.ilt successful })Oint rub off some of the prejudices, and forget of vie\V is a science-that is, it requires as tnuch inany of. t.hc tleluE1ions which had been 80 tskill,, and watchfulness, in order to be assldiously ground in'to them within the succ.-ew!ful with a.n apiary of three O" ' bun· walls of the priestly colleoe, That the cc· ~ four dred hives.las it doca to run a ~tcambon.t or a t"I &nd everything from the size of a Poster large enough to cover a barn to a. half-inoh strip, printed iu-gooil style, and at cit prices. Specimens of work can be seen at our office, Work handed out, and the cruih ta.ken fOrit . NEW DOMIN.JON RETAIL FUR.NITURE WARE-lWOM . Oshawa, Aug, 26th, 1870. Kbig Street East, Oshawa· 0 · C. BARKER. Manaqer J. ELLI 01.,T'S Procrastination is the .thief nf time, but bnying Goods at NOTICE OF MOTION! ' . . ' McClung .B1·os. are ~et~ing', their STOCK N L b y d in MO. TION by o . tfer~ng . th~ir , Goods at ew um er ar T ·t ·b1· p · · · ,, , st · , ,, d AND JOINERS SHOP. .1..'l.resis i e rices ·: ' ··. ep· }R, an Y'?Il will find almost every ~elf to contain HAVING JUST HECEIVED PER Schooner~' So.ucy Jack," my consign· ment, from the manufactury of IL B . . R.nth· a Barg<tin, an cl every ·corner an A ttrac4 · · l'heapStore (Jhea1tStore ElephantHOU..Se ··· 'I' . s. VANS TONE'S TYRONE, HE TYRONE, Haanowa1uu ...ortedstockol first la the best means of get~ine: tho \Vorth of your money, in cotton factory: and, aswostruly observed by a. bee·keepcr, n.t a. late convention of a.piarians, · c rain van age y (eve oping 0 SOlne " those V·ho rnake 1uoney on bees earn it." extent the faculties of the mind, it woUJ<l . ' ". ' We ..ldom sec in the beo papm, or elsewhere, bs idle to deny; all teaching,howeversuper· of ! at a cheaper· rate than ·ur b f t b f' n a foir, candid statement of the difficulties one ficial and misdirected, must do that, but pickets, field posts and battens. I ha'Ve o.!so ever you OUg l t a He 0 Ot On e Ore ! has to enoounter in this buPineBS,ivhen bees are that the pupils issue from the portal~ ol opened· carJl"nter and joiners sbopin connec· · , · GO TO McOL UNG BROS. kept in large or smo.!l quantitie, the bright tion with the .. hove busine,,,a.nd hope by integ· THE P £\TENT.AL and ,O R· side beiilg scncrally hold up to vi~;.t while the thooble c.olfleges '~ith the '.""d" amouhnt of val· ~!h~~~;f·:~inx r ~J~~v;j° /~~u Do You w . ant to select cheap in price and new in NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER.. da.rk side iB concealed. 'l'his is to b:i expeCted, ua e in ·orma ion acquire aa t e JOUngs I · · 1rom t he "olim't· . Style, from the lanrest stock evr,r brou.,"'ht l·nto Bowman,'1'lle i. PAPER OIL·OLOTH and CARPETil'fG as few men take the trouble to give an account men o f th e1r own age com1ng ,V, ~icSPAJJDEN. . __, c~e;rnsti: ay~tem ~f telachling. is ntot of a burn & Son, Mill Point, I beg to offer to the people of Bow1na.nville, and the t11J.rro11nding coun.trh\ (o.t pi-ices that defy competition}, S aahj in · ds, D oors, an d "" ~;; d"ff i ert'ln t scrts of Mou dings, alao window and door frame stuff, ftx 96 .. panel doors 0. G . moulded 2 sides $1.75. The different eizes of sash and doors kept in stook. Also on band a good S>tpply of Lumber, .Jr.. sed Do You want a flcoring, ship lap nnd v. siding, laths, shingles, b l tion. ~;·d~t~ Pki1;;'ge!~<l J ~26liftht 6~ ~ 'EX01rrEMENr11 EVERY .n:AY '· WES COTTO.i.'4 c - -o - 1 18 PRINTS FIRST·CLASS GOODS. · Groceries SOMETHING NEW . D f'1.. ds, ry . \fl'OO A substitute for D Hats & caps, · "'oots & Shoes Gry Go_ods, Lath & .Pia · ste·r · !. ~ rocer1es · · ·· · · · t t ·Hardware, U,MINO"!l~ ec ec Crockery, &c., Come along men, wo1nen and chiltlron, antl you will find a com:pk\to Stock of . ' of thoir misfortune· to publishers, while those who are successfol hasten to Jay their ·cl1ieve· ments before the public, often embelliiilied with a few extra touches of tho ""'tors, peuo that facts do uot \VaITant. Sometimee a marL . h . . hi 1st c or1g1na.tor o1 a v~, an aa advertising Manu~acture ~~~~~~~~~· fa · as..,. l.BI' · ~v~.9~.._,~.,~?~U~ _ =fVi~'a~n~~;;;;~·~~~I;~~~· ~~~'~0~1~·~~~~~k~~an~d~Dui~~·ab~l~o~S;ub.~ti:tu~t~e;fo~r~O~il~C~lo~t;b,~~~~~~~~~~~J~~~~~fff~f;~ ~~..:.-~~---~qu~an~ti;ti~es~o~I~b~on~e~y~th~ey~o~·G~ta:in~in~"~th~e~~~~!:~~~;;ii~"~~~t~~'~~e~~~~~~~;; TTR.NTrnTJR] ! I -~ Fr Vjl!Jrn1"sh ""ol1"eh ! CHEAP ill c EAP FUR.NIT I' LJ l:Cl~ N 0 them enquiring about the because they will l!Ot, Let him be anath· li r 0 Inds merits of tbeirbivo and whore it can be ob· e!)la .who believes 'tha.tthe llomnn Pontiff Doors, Mould,illg)l, and Wintained. Then t!JC great quantities of honey ought to come to terms with progrees, libow stored up hy the pa1\icular families of bees d .. 1. · , S l .1 emlism, un<l mo ern c1v1 izal10n. ( y la· With or IVithou inay be true in some cases : but they fa1 to b P O) b-! d . d d B sinf].. ldsWith or without i11fonu their readera that the stocks tln1t st'Jl"ed ns, rop. 8 · o ern a vancement au an< au · sons write to~..'!Jilting what atlormoua t1.uo·nuuttuhey ·· a -re . ·,,:, ',,'e'sti·o "n ",;·b'·;'"t;nnfn L.ivc that I llSe ,,_ ~~..,, higher Protestant ·choola and colleges of the $>" 1'hop :md yal'(l in rear of R. w. Jam.. 33· 3mos, Dominion, one lor a moment will pre- Implement Depot, tend. And why 'I Not becarue the priests <lo not number among themsclYes men of marked ability capable of tenchinl! them, if ' no GO 1'0 M cOL UNG BROS. SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Stoc" Just &ceived,-Plain and Ornamental, boOi fo'! Walls and Jl'loors. L:ElVI MO:Et:EtIS GENERAL 00.N T RA O'l'OR "S01I[[ {)Jllfl70°Jfl OJ, 0{) · Quality and . .Cha ap " "':rices which defy Qom:pe'"hich will bt: sold nt ., which for ' J.V ~11'1) l!'l"Il!'I' D tqhey chose; not because the JeaJits are un· "" .a. l!ar .a. 'Ii - - -- - - - - -- -- - -· - - - - - pull l!'l'OIHO ' ~vl!'l'"l"l'O l!a.B 6·SaOO·E)" ssm:ia:a "U'llll"t tition. s VANS'l'O~I!'~ · · no ... :r .·oa ~ "' Y t MILLIToJERY MANTLES FANCY The Paper Oil 0loth and~a.rpetlng is · Che·p . .1..yrono, 00tb 1874 March <JV ' · L .':.'t &I· ~·,...., . ~ .. GO TO McCLUNG BR GO TO McCLUNG BROS. ill .Iii Iii I_ the middle iu;cs, the Church oonoi<lers its greatest safety to lie ill as speedy a return .· able their owner to say truly. My bee· stored ··may be to th< ignorance an<l superst1t1on up-pounds cf box·honcy. ', llee·~eepera, ns a. of those retnote times. 'l~hcre ie, moreover, body, a:re quite as honozable'"' any other class another and ·stronger reason ,\.hy the edu· of men, i>ncl in moat cases what they say is cntiou imparted in the lWman Catholic p!'obably true; but they fa.ii generally to give French-Canadian Colleges ol Quebec, is not up this honey were in uon·ewa.rming hives, · l large and cn.pable. uf con~inmg two or t tree families united, in oixlor to produce a lal'ge ·mount ofbox·hm1ey, as an advertisement of their hivco. It ia very easy to foed bees with strained honey for the san10 object, and to en· improvement is considered dangerous to the d · il f th Ch h d pO\Ver an ll.J uence o e _urc , on , still holding·ho pretensions put forward in Planing, Planing & Mr:ziohlng, sawfng and Turnmg, O"tna?nental ]:1iclcets, in every 'Variety, and Sci·oll Sawing, _,.. · CA'UTIO . ---oo--- Another thing much wantod. iuatantaneously _ f. . · Thia l'olish gives a moirli elegant lustre,nnd clrie" Don' t pmchase your Summer Cloths before inspeding most extensive stock of McClnng Bros T W E E .D · s, W 0 R S T E D C 0 A T I N G S 1 & Nothing ever discovered beC, fore to equal this Polish, FOR Mann ng's Old Staind... T)le Bowmanville Fu1·nitme Factoxy, h:tvina con1rnonccd 1111. '11 ese ag11iu, and the New Company ha·;ing appointed tJ1e subscriber, B e · 1\ ge11t . for the Town and Country around, he 1s prcpa.r ed to oiler l>h Vel'y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Province . McClung .Bros. Tailoring Depm·tment will take the le:id, as usu:tl. . lf you want a Mc Clung Bros. will " you. SU IT, o---- SU IT" FOR discotu·b~·i:f_ act _,_·~---- Don't Omit the Tu,r nlps. Tul'ni~s are a pro£to.ble crop, if grown on rich la11 d. Five hundred }ushcls to the acre are often gro\vn at a. ~st of abont $15,inclutling gathering and putting t1i4l1Jl in .a. cellar, roothouse, or burying tliem .. roaldn" the cost only throe cents a bushel. Some varieties may btt sown in July, the flat varitity in particular, which is frequently sown among corn, imwedi· '"- ate1y nftt:lr th~ last hoe~ng. Care ahoulJ be ta. ken not to tiow the Heed too thick, as thinning Qut is not generally practiced whon grown in this way; nor iR any weeding done, '!'his ia ~ti cidedly the cheapest way tbnt a. crop of turnips can be l,,-'fOW!l. Cover the seed by a brush drag drawn between the rowa of corn. Some farmers object to growing turnips to feed [to CO\\'S, on · account of giving the milk an unpleasant :Ha· vor· but this is obviated by feeding the turnipR, either "'hc111ni.lking in the morning,or innnedi· ately n.fter milking, and no bad--flavor is impart- of eTery description such as to fit the pupils properly for the dis· DONE TO ORDER, charge of their duties as citizens and men of · on the the world, and that i.B, that theae colleges SHORTEST NOTICE. V!'ere founded and their system eatab· If y OU want a HAT Mc Clung Bros. McClung Bros. If you want GL.OV . ES lishea, with. view to the training of Varnished youth. for the Church, not for the world. Shops on Liberty Street. North of the at McClung Bros., So harmful has this same mod· of inEastern House, Bowmanville. at McClun.,a Bros. · and at MeClung Fwrniture. struction been found in Europe, that Bowmanville, July 91h, 1874. 41-11 Belgium, Prussia, and Austria, have Bros. SOLE AGENT all adopted the system of Joseph II.: HIGHEST PRICES PAID :FOR BUTTER &c., at McOlung Bros. sEEDS If you want<~. TJE, 1\foClung a t McClung Bros., GROCERIES TEAS! TEAS!· ClJ:EAP T'EAS, SALT PLASTER · M CCL u , will '·GLOVE" you. Clocks, · Putm·e Frames Bros. will " Tl E " you. or any kind of will " HAT" you. Piano llortes, Buggi()8,' Gutters, S'leighs, and all kinds of V ai·n:ished OaJ1·1·iages Funerals- furnished in every respect, in ... . .. . t4e Very Dest Style n.1 ,1 FOR THIS PLACE: PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER 'FIRM IN THE COUNTRY f."'l to the evening-10 milk. ·The elerieal training to follow the general 'l'HJ> ~ courRe of study b the national high schools, DOMINION BANK. S throuirhout the ea.son at BOWMA ~·v1LLE the university to precede the Episcopal "' . ~ Seminary.' And until tho same plan is ad- Capital, Paid Up, $1,000,000 . '. · opted in Canada, and the direction of edu· 'l'ORONTO. HEAD OFFICE, cation in the Province of Quebec taken out BBANCH OJ'FIClEB : of the hands of the priesta, we must expect 0RILLIA, OSHA.WA, '\VJHTBY, COBOURG, all our French-Canatlian youths trained in UXBRIDO,EOWM.ANVILLE, ' the colleges to enter the world as destitute o! ruefal and practical knowledge, as so This Bank, in addition to transacting the usbanking businessJ... offers to the public all many young ecclesiastics suddeply turned ual the advantages of a ~a·ving Inatitnti.on with loose upon society without thei1 cassocks, tho security of a large·UP. capital, by the ot a. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. and our common school system to recede to meii.ns Interest allowed on all deposits of One Dolutter uselessness and fotility-the day in lar and upwards, at the rate of FIVJ!l;pcr cent. fact . not being very far distant when the per annum. Depositors ca.n withdraw either the whole .or French·Canil!:lian population of the country any -po.rt of their deposits at any ti:m.6, without previous notice. district ·will in all probability find them· Special rates of in tereat allowed upon deposits selves in the same 11enighted state they were with notice of withdrawal. American Currency and Silver taken on de· in under the govM'nment of · Sir J a.mes posit. · Craig, when a large population of the reDro.fts granted payable in Grettt Britain, . presentativea subscribed t.he necessary oaths lTnited Statea and all parts of Canada.. ca.n lY re'mitted by roail,a.ddrcss· with their cross, This may seem exagger- edCW-Deposits to the Dominion un.nk !registered]. when in ated, but ..straws abo'v how the · w ind blows, all cases a. Pa.ea-Book receipt will be sent by return poat, and the present local member for BellechJ, A. CODD, Agent, Bowma-nville, Jan. 6th 1 1874, 15-tf. asee, a supporter of tho De Boucher_ville Ministfy, ii is well known, could nmthe~ read nof wfit~ w4~P Ila pre£ented himself P EBPETUAL M0 TI 0 N N Q BR OS . W Ofie of the Fl NEST HEAllSES .in the Provimce, SEN'l' FREE to ,p;n,y Fu'4~l furnished by "the Subecriber, withVn. Ten miles of BOwmcwWille. &ports having' been circulated~ that thci un_d~rl:'li.gned lu\S ~ecn overcharging in the Undel'tak· ing Department, be Legs to subuut the followmg figures, v.-h1ch ho challongoa n.ny onu to contra-diet. .. Reported a.1nount charged. Actnal amow1t cl1arg1:1~1. Jifty Dollars. rl'welve Dollars. Nini:! do, ""'I'hirty Uo, :u·orty·1"ive do. 'rwenty-five do. Sixty do. Forty do. Fifty do. Tl1irty do. Seventy.five do. l!~ifty <lo. · As usu& 1 a L rge Stock on hand ut ardware, Paints and Oils, Btoues and Tinware. . / All of which will be sold at low figures. .Tohn McLeod & Co., Wellington Butidingg, Bowmanville AugustIOth, 1875. ot thia a. corre~pondent of the P1·actical I Fa~·· Making Hay in Norway. 1-- Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metd!lio Coffins, of New York. · p, PROWER. Bowmanville. MaI"ch 30th, 187G. w. r1uw thus writes : " The way they mnke hrty in Norway will bEi new to your farmer readera. The "Hl.~S js hung on poles to dry, and I have 0 ncver seell such bl'ight-colored hay in my life. It is almost as bi1ght a gr~cn ns when growing, In sowe tleklH yon see strings of fences, o., few roda loug which begin and end nowhere. 'lheee tnes of f~nce are about as wide apart as o. Ne'v England farmer makes his wjnro\\'. On these fences the grass is hung, until th@ win.d and sun <: :Ul cure it. The sun does not burn it, That is \vay, antl perhaps the most common. 'J he vther '\Vay is to plant posts iu the field, twolvo feet or so\l't, and in these }Josts in· Sl!rt pegs about one foot :Wunder. On these for- election. Iq lMO, J:,or;l §y4euham, a pegs poles laid, and on them the grass is most compctem Judge, wrot· ·from !4011· bung jnst at! we ru;ed to <lry papers a.t the mills treal :-' The ouly things I cannot manage duwn JLASt, forty ago. The rt>sult is, ha.y here, which I should like to <le·l with, are tbu.t any far01cr \Vould be proud of." S. F.· HILL !ms it F1JLL STOCK OF Just Arrived at the Dry Goods, (Jlotltin~, Groceries, &c., I. L. Strowger, NEWCA.S'l'L:EJ. · now enabled to offer ~l:l.~m ·$90 IEW!ID! 11he above rcv.·ard 'vill bu paid to any pcson who will furnish ample proof that tbtl Boot.a & SboC8 sold by the underfligncd, not wha.tre . represents them. CARRIAGE SHOP \\'est of the Outn.ri.. )3.\nk. King Street, Bown1:tnville. P.ASBION HOUSE Rplendid aaaortu1ent of subscriber is lJrcpared T l{Jl~. pnu· to builJ auJ re (ind is Very Cheap. edncation and emigration, 'l'he first I can do nothing in; tiret, for v..·aot of 1Doncy, fiaxacetl,givcn once or twic1:: a day as an A.Chnixture to the horses' foocl, will ma.ko him shed W8· old b< In fa.i.:t, fla.."i'aee(i is th!;) only thing which will fatten s· ~ '· - - - -- some old hor_ FLAXSEED.-.A handful of and next, that 1 cannot get the priests to J'OTUERGILL'S BLOCK · . agree in any feasible scheme, They pretend beg to inform the pµblic ~~nera.lly. tbl\t they to lie in fnvor of something, but r<re in real· H a.ving reu1oved to more commodious prcmi.a~, IN :Buy once and lou will buy a,ga,in. Bowmanvillc, April 28th, 1816. ---o--- NEW MILLINERY. Also· lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & . . W agon1J, Biiggies, a,nd r1.maonable terms. cullcrn, ';:" ~ n<l oI evory description, a.t ahori 1lotiw , o1 Also a l<Uge stock of 1uent, what ever may be eaid about doctrine, with thirteen Stntee and 815,615 f.lquare u1ilcs CJf t~rr1t.ory, which '"a.a· occupie~ by the Church rnay &alcly r::1.is0 its o.ncient abvut .3 000 000 uf civilized humu.u be1ngs. boastful cry of se1nper rxideni.-From Quebec He baE:t 'noV: a Jamily of 43,000,000, .·w ho oc~ since Oonfedcral.i,on, in. Ne·w Vortti'f1.tiort for cupy thirty-!:even States and nine rl'~rritor (AS REGARDS PRIOE if: QUALlTY) i~s which ~n1Ur~ce over 3,C00,000 of squ11re .June. tha.n any other house in the County. I-le bas 651000 wiles of _railroadR, 111 i'iee. more than euflic1eot to reach twice ~nd .a ity opposed to teaching the peophi at nil, Brother Jonathan's Estate. being weak enough to think that ao long as they are ignor11t1t they arc their con· 'l'he Congregationalist aJvioos people to commtt the following to wemory : 'Broth., trol.' What the clergy lhcn were the)' still are, In its hostility to prog1·oss and e~lj~htJ onatbau curumenccd busineas in 1776, Better iq. InducementB the oI lint: SO, HO! Gentlemen of :E'a.shion NOT SO FAST. I havt1 writteu these few linef!I Aud all I have to say, That you can find me still at home I am not gone awaY, ; So all my kind old friends niay come And all the young ones too · A'nd g-1.:Jt their gan.nents nicely madei In fashions that new, 'Vhere old and young d()£,r frienlltre:. meet A welcome greeting by R. PE.ATE Stamps for Baiding and Em· For Gents, For Ladies, For Children. · Carriages Painted and Trimmed broidery. Grocery Business, FASHIONS A on the Blacksmith's Shop pn.~1niscs, were New Goods l a ND for Spring just to band. · spt:.d aJ ti.iit uliuu to ·ll i:~ gh en MUST BE OONSif:>'l'lNG OF l SOUD, DBBSSM:AKING usual. work, 1 .m d Jobbing. Genem l MRS. A. :FLETCHER BowmMlville. April 7tb,1S74. half round the gloLe, gave this 11<lvice to NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT GOOD We'ight and 1lfeasure Guaranteed annunl agric.ultural prod~ction is $2,500,~ d ,J oc·o,()(l(J, and nis gold mmes are capable of a young lady friend ;he other ay :. anc, · in eve1'1} instance. The value 01 lhts w A clergyn1an's widow 0 WA'l'CHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC. -o- La.test Styles and Good Stock. 8.P.EOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO 9RDERED WORK. .All wo1·k done at thiB Estcib/Jislunr nt wa1·ranted. A call ia respectfully solicited. producing SB0,000,000 a y~r. He ~as if ever you ma.rry a minister, man:y one niore than t 00() cotton factories, n80 d111ly ,vho in o.n en1ergency has enough of the newspupetf.l, '4 1300 weeklies, and G25 month· grace of God in .his heart to go from the ly pubhcot iun,,, He ba·d toalso moat~~o':,,h't:, pulpit to the kilcl1en, and pare the potato.ea I. L. STROWGER. thn1ga too numerous an o n . _ . , Newcastle,Au~u~t, 14th, 1874 mention,' . .for dinner without growling. 'l'eas a Speciality. IloWDlllllville, June 19\h 1873. Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Weddin& Rines· AARON BUCKLER. Eowmon\'ille, Oct. Sth,'.1875. To Ma.ste:rs of :C. O. L STORE.- One door of Cornish's J eweley LANK CEBTIFICAES, AVJ>lication Sto~ King Street, Bowmanville. &c., &c., cnt.i be procured at th12 office,a. J, SMALE. gular ra.tcs. · Bowmanville,May 6th, 1875. "Bowmanvill , July 7th, 1s1a; B J. MOR RIS. Bo\vmanville. O.:t. 1st. 18G9 · ==-----

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