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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 4 Aug 1876, p. 1

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, ~- THE MERCHANT WEST DURHAM AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. circulates largely i11 the 'l1ownf!bips of Darltng· ton, <Jla.rke and Cartwright. It. is n. connnon lJlatform open to tho free drncuss1on ofallquea Stea.m Job :Printing Ofiie KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. / ~~~i~;if,~;:;~ AND RATES 01~ ADV t.RTISINO. GENERAL ADVERTISER. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRID.AV. AUGUST 4 1876. NUMBER XLIV POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CHWULARS, BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, lIA.NDBILLS, LABELS, CARDS, TICKETS, &c., &c., &c, VOLUME VII. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I X ECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Tr111ns will leave owmanv1lle tilne, as follows : GOING WES:l' GOING EAST, Locm1* .7·20, a.m. I ExprABa . . , . . 8:30 :i m. E.xp1css. 9 ao a.m '\ l\{1xed ..· .. 4:10 l' in. hl1xed , . 2 20 pro J .. ocal .... 7 .50 p .m. Express . 9 00 p. m. Exp~sf:I .... 9.00 p.m. 4Th1s tra.1a runs every morning of ·week, 1-iondays excepted, Dr. BOYLE, SUBGERY---SILVER ST. RESIDENCE ON'IARlO S'IREET. ~ BO\\tnanville, Jai.. 20tb, 1876. Dr. Jas. Fielding, l\ifEMHER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE Dec. .:>rel, 1875. .ltl. of Surgeons, England ; Licentiate of the Royal College of Phys1Clana, Ed1nburgl1. Cor- ouor, etc. Residence, Corner of Church and Sougog Streets, Bowmanville. 10-tf. Dr. DAVIDSON RADUATE OJ<' THE ROYAL OOLG lege of PhysictMia, England, a.nd Victoria U111ve ts1ty of V1cto1ia College, Under Graduate All kinds of Field and Garden SEEDS, and Pnzcmun of the Unn exs1ty of 'l'oront<>,and Surgeons of Physi. ru1d Surgeons of Ontario; Coroner, &c. Re &dence and office- Ma1ket Equaro, How· In8nv1lle . l~o)a.l Ooller,:e of Pliysicrnns and Krn g ~ton Me1nber of the Collc_gc Bow111anvil1e, Ji'eb. 24th, 1876. 22 lly. -~ }l R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN CHANOERY, tf:c 0FFIUE,- 0ver }IcClung's Store, same flat as J, . J3r1mn.comb's Deuta.l Room'-!, .Bo,vmauville, Oct. 27th, 1868. ly ~-},~~::==================== g;tgnt ®n~tti;. --... D. E. McMillan, ,·TTl)HNEY AT LAW, SQLIOI10R [N OJLANOERY, GOl'vVEY.ANGER, &e. NEWCASTLE. ONT. N<n~castle, Oct. 8th, 18i5. m51-lf. - MARRIAGE LICENSES, l\ifR JORI\ H l<YNON, Lot 7, 6th (;on. lll Dnrlmgton, rncar Bethesda. Ch1.1rch] is <lul:r authorized to iasue J\{ru11age Licenses, _!Jarhu.).;tt-ln, Nov. 19, 1874 m8·tf. - W BU~NEY, General :Builder and Contraoter. Jouui11g p1·01nptly attended to. MOTTO. "Neatness with Dispatch." Office and Shop 1 on Outano Stref!t. l)o'\\ inan ville, l\fay 18th, 1871}, 35-tf. _ Something New. UND].llSIGNED il1forms the Gentlti· ']111E 1nun vl tbl;! Dominion, he is prepared to dean, a11d t:n ake ahnost as good M ne,v, any s oiled 01 f.tded gaunent. 'lhe (',Olor1s icstored, the t;OUt, 01 w bat t!, ]'Juts on a new ap· pe,unuco. Sntiafachi.:n .. gu!ll'anteed, or no chargo. ~nH.l 'J:HOS PEATE. 113owroa11v1llc, Apnl 2-Js~ 1870. 3?;tf. of Piano an<l Organ, cultivation V 01ce. Su1g1ng, Tl1orougb J3aas, Harmony . _'C.1 01npoa.ition, &c. ~arlington, July 16th, 1874. 41-ly :"') of G ]friendship, N ew·_York. Teacher l<.ADUArl1E Prof. J. Ruse, Baxter University of Music Ji,, D. FOLEY, hL"-. ta.ken out a licen"Se as A u C' TIONEER for tins Tov.iu;hip. )Sales "'Ill i'fceive the best .itteution. , ......., _~ 76 1Y· Bowman' illo, Feb. :24th, le,~ AUCTIO~RS Factory and Wareroorqs, ()or. Tempe1ance and Wellington Foi· tho ToiQnship of Dai·Wn,gton. . T. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON. Prompt attention given to aaJ.eB, &c, ou reason· able tel'ma. Wm.. Barton, BNNISKILLEN, Sales vroniptly att~u<led W on reasonable t1;1rw~ DENTISTRY ' J Brimaca.mbe, l,R. O.D. · FEES MOJ)ERATE. Ilowmanville. Dec. 1B74. OFFlGE over McO'LU.NG'S Store 11-tf. ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. Livei"[!ool London, and Glasgow 1 1 1101.t 'l'ickcts, or iuf(,1'lll.ri.tion.;. apply to W. A. N~ADS, Ag011t. Bowmanville, .Tune !>th, 1871. - Im~e1ial .Fire Insuray.r.e _ Oll' LONDON. Establi>bed 1803. Co H EAD OimoEB.- 1 Old Broad St., nnd P all J\.lt>ll, London. GE I'IERA L <\.C:ENCY ton CANADA :- ·24 St Bacra.:nent St. 1 ~fontrea.L Snbscribed and ir1ve1:1ted Capital and Reser'e .Fnr.d. £1,965.000 Sterling. Funds 1nv~ated in Canada.- 105,000, I llf:lurances agrunst loss by Fire are effeL-ted oD most favorable terms, nnd ]oases w1th· out' refe1t1nce to the Board in London, . T DODSWOltTH, HINTOUL BROS. Inspector. Gen, AgentaJ 1\.fontrea. fl . R. LOSCOll'!BE, Barrister, Agent for Bowma.nville and Vicinity. & wDUUl'YilleJ Juve 4th. 18601 · m.o.43-39.4w36 You don't ruean to lay that, too, al my night' d excesses met n1e at ~very turn. The He reached his baud tu"ard Mr. Birt· tries. E:ich year increased efforts are unusual calls, the imminent danger iu which well, The banker did not hesitate, but took 1nade to fon:tilnll co1npetLtlou, and at the doo1 " es.cla rmed Mr. Birtwell ·Not directly ; 1t woe one of the eecoud- I found Mrs. Ridley, and the alwoat iu· the minister'fl ex.tended ha nd, a.ud grasped s!lme time to avo11l the uncertainties of Men Wanted. ary effects. I bad a long conversation with sa11e demanda made' upon me by her des- it with a vigor tbat expre.sed the etreugth winter shipments "'l'he world waut-8 rnen-lar:;,e-huarti.!d, manly Dr. H illhouse to day. Hie health baa fai]. pairing husband, all conspired to break of his new lormed purpose. These rc1unrks are not offered as a plea men; Light broke throHgh the tears that blind- for lower rates, but simply as 1nd1cative ed rapidly for ao1ne months past, and he iA down my unsteady nervea and unfit me for Men who shall Join 1t8 chorus, and prolong now much broken down. You know that the work I had to do. When the lime came ed the eyes of Mrs. Il1rtwell. Ulaepmg of facts and probabilities which an analysis 'l'he pso.lm of labor an'l the psalm of love. rhe times "'p.nt schola·rs- scho]ars who sha.lJ he performed the operation which coat 11re. there was only one decperate expedient left, both of her hands over those of her husband of the situation ot affaira m,\kes apparent. ah ape Carlton her life 1 Wei·, the doctor baa never and that was t he use of a strong stin1ulant, and ~Ir Elhott, she cried out with 1.rre· Furl ber reflection shows also that the 'l'hc doubtfQ.l dt!stini~s of duL1uus years; got over the shock ot that catastrophe. It under the eltect of which I was able to ex· press1ble emotion · month of June hfls, -so to speak, put in 1 ~ And land the ark, that bears our country's good, bas preyed upon hie 1n1nd ever since, and ia tract the tumor from Mrs. Carlton's neck. ' I give myself to God also in this solemn stock w.ost of the European countries ?i'hich ! SafccnsomepoacefulAraratatlast. 1 'Alas !or the too temporary support of consecration !' one of the causes of hta impaired lealth.' 1 occo.s1onally compete ,.,,1th England in buyThe nge 'vanta heroai- bexClea who shall dare 'I should call that a v.reakneas my stimulant ' lt failed me <it the last rho· ' returned 1 1 The blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ ing foreign S p11111 and France, Hol' '1'o stru({gle ln the sohd ranks of truth ; Mr. Birtwell. 'Ha did his beet. No one ment. My sight was not clear nor my hand rest upon it,and make us \rue and fo1thtul,' land antl Gormany, are promi·ed._ by the \ , '.l'o olutub tho \llonster error by the throat , 11 is safe from ncmdnnts or malign 1nfiuencea steady as I tied the small arteries which bad dropped reverenllally from the minister's present state of their ban est field·, a yield ro beat opiwon to a loftier seat ; 1: 1 ,To blot the era. of opp1eaa10n out, I never heard that Mr. Carlton blanled .be~n cut· during the operation. One of, lips. sutfic1ent for thetr want.~, and if SwitzerAnd lead a. uni versn.1 ft codo1u in ligated imperfectly, commenced blecdmg hLm,' Some\vbere this panorama. of life must land and southern J:..,r:lnce may import as And heave,n wa.nt., ioulJ freflh aull uap ~cwua 1 <Ah, these malign influences !' said the ·soon after I left the houae. A hurried sum- close. Scene after scene might st1ll be usual an ordinary bulk, as the most conven1 hkeft'""'"· eJergyruan. 'They meet us everywhere mons reached me almost immediately on g1ven ; but 1f those already presented have ient ,vay of rei.;eiving supplies, such imporand hurt us at every turn, and yet not one my returQ home, and before 1 had steadied failed to stir the hearts and quicken the tant bulk need not be p111cbased elcept · Beneath the i;:-lory of its (Jeutu1J. sun, I" I I n \\:ants frtir:.h Souls~not lean fl.t.d shr1Yelled of them could reach and effect our lives 1f my e>.hausted nerves .with a gla&s df wine. conec10nces of many who have looked upon when the markets offer opportunities of ALSO ,ones; some human hnd dtd not setthemf>eeand Hurrying back, I found the wound bleed mg tbem, rousing some to a aenae of danger,and low prices. It wn.utsireslt souls, llly brotl~er -g1ve 1t thine, send thern forth amon~ 1nen to hu1t and freely. Prompt treatment was required. others to a ae:uee of duty, it were vain to u Qt cqurse theao '\ iews mav be much I( thou ~indeed wilt be what scho1ara should .i to destroy. And now let me tell you of the Ether <vae again administered.. But you display another canva· ; and so we leave modified !Jy the weather of July and Au· Ii thou wilt be a heio, and 'vilt i:;tnve interview I bad with Dr. Hillhouse to-day, know the rest, Mr. Elhott. · It 1s all too our work aA 1t stands, but in the faith that gust, but even a rainy harvest time eihould To help thy fellow and exalt tbyaelf, He bas gtven his r.onsent, but -with this in· drcailful, and I cannot go over it agam it will do good. Hereafter we may lake it not have the same effect as disorganized Thy feet, at, shall stand on Ja-sper floors junction : we cannot speak of 1t to others.' Mrs. Carlton fell another victim to ,excess up again, and bring into view 011ce n1ore buain1;:ss last season ; and. for tlua rc11son, 'l'hy heart, at last, shall aeetu a thousand 1 l · w ill fai thfully respel!t his wishes,' of wine. This is the true ator.r.. I was not some of' the uctora, in \vhom it ie i1nposs1- that stocks \Vere then exceedingly short, and heart~Each ainglo heart with 1nyriad r!l.11t:lres fiUed- said Mr, BIItwell. blamed by the bus band. The real cause of ble no\ to feel a strong interest. Life goes now are un~sually good. Last July the Whtle thou shalt a1t w1tb IJnnc es a.nd with 1 Thia morning,' resumed 1'.1r. Elliott, ' I the great calamity that fell upon him he on, though the record ot events be r.o\ g1v· qnanl!ty of gram on passage could be quick· ionga, , ' received a note from the doctor, askin~ me does not know to this day, and I tr11st will en-life, with its joys and sorrows, its tern· ly absorbed by our empty grunaries; this Rwh iu the JC¥; el of a ransou1cd 1:1oul." to call and see biw. He woa much deprcs· never know. But I have not since be·n pests of paesion and its sweet calme,its sue- year the nearly 1,500,000 quarters of wheat sed, and said be had long wanted to have a able to look steadily into bis dreary eyes. cesses and it.a failures, its all of good and coming can only find room slowly. talk with me about something that weighed A guilty sense of wrong oppresses me when- evil, goes on, though we drop the pencil "It 16 believed that only very tempting ' LITERATURE. heavily on bis mind. Let me give you his ever I come near him. As I eaid beforP, and leave our canvas blank. , chances could stimulate the etnployment 1 lt is no pleasing task to pamt as we have nf the capital of speculators, now reduced I DANGER; OR WOUNDE!> IN THE own worde, as n~rly as I am able to re- ·tb1s thing is breakmg me down. It baa 1nen1ber them. After some remarke abori't robbed me, I kno\v, of many years o[ pro· been painting, nor as we must still, by long a.nd serious lnsses ; but thi6 idea · HOUSE OF A TRlENDpersonal influence and our social responsi- fe,.ional sefttlnees to which I bad looked should the work now dropped ever be re· of want of money may be 1hsmissed, for it b1hty, he ·m<l · ,forward, a left a bitter thought in my sumed. But as we take e. last look at some is only a change of n1arket opinion that ia 1 _ DY 'I IS AUTI-J UR " ' 1"There is one thing, Mr. Elliott! in mind, and a ahadow on my feelings that can of the scenes over which we no\v draw the · wanted to wake up capital trom its a.pathe~ which you and 1 and a great many others I never pass away. curtain we see strong points of light and P. t ic sleep 1\.foney h:; plentiful, and outsid· CHAPTEU XXV. couhl name, have not only been derelict of 'Mr. Elhott,' he ctl'litinued, ' you have a prorr.ise of good shining clear through the ers will always furntab ·ny ·mount of funds (CO!:iCL\rJ J)~Jl.) duty, hnt serious wrong doers. There ia au position of sacred trust. Your influence ia shadows of the evil. the gram trade rnuy req 1ure, should the Mr. Birtwell sat down, passive no"'· his evil in aoc1cty thnt more than all others is large. Set yourself, I proy you, agamst the situation warrant, 1\t any tln1e, the 1nvest~ hand grasping the arrr1s of his chair lik e one rating out its hfe, and you and I have en- evil which ha~ wrought these great disasters. ment. Tilt~ cuse iu1ght be different If the The World's Grain Crop couraged that cv1l even by our own example, Set yourself against the dangerous self 1nbracing himself for a shock. discount was over 6 per cent, and other 'You remember General A 1Jercru11Jbie'l calling 1t mnocent, and so leadrng the weak dulgence cnlled 'moderate drinking/ It is MU. H, K.AINS JAOKSO:S'& ANNUAL LEFl'ER branches of trade Uounsbing and competi1 Yes.' astray a.nd the unwary into temptation.' dorng far more !OJ ury to society than open tive, 'vhich, unfortunately, they are knov.·n ' I understood what be meant, and <he tlrunkennese,more a btrndred-nay .a thous· (Jiron; tlw Evemnq LU.t, J<ily 2 ) ' Do you know wbnt has become of him 1' not to be" 1 J 'No. I heard something about his having shock of b1s includ1ng accusation, h1a Thou and-fold. If l had beeu a drunk.rd, no The following from Mr Jackson wtll no ,f art the man,' sent a throb of pa111 to my such catastrophe o.s tlus I have mentioned ' <loubt be read with much interest The warm Hand of Sympathy. : been dtami~ed from the af.tuy.' ~rht· -IMPROVED AND RE MODELLED1 beart. That l bad already seen my falso could have happened in my practice,for Mr. accur~cy of this gentleman's views is genI Did you hear the ca.use 1' Till \\ e 'Lave reflc'..:ted on 1t, we are position aud changed front did not Je,,sen Carl\on would uot then have truetetl his erally adimt\ed and bis predictions bave all 'It was drunkennes>1 1 I beheve. 'Yee that was the cause. He was a fine the shock, for I was only the moresenaitive w1te in my hands, lily drunkenness wBouu;~ but invariably been borne out by the result scarcel) aware how n1uch the sum of human happrness 111 the world is mdebted to ofiicer and a man of high character, but tell to pain. have stood as a warning aga1nst me. of the harvests . thlB one feeling-sympathy Wegotcbeer, "Happily for Jou, ilfr. Elhott,' he went was a respectable moderate drinker, and into habits of iutCmperdnce. Seeing h1n10 This year's solstice iu the tropic of CanS and vigour, \\'C scarcely know· how self dr1ft1ng to certain ruin, be made a. vigor on, 1 uo such bitter irtut haa been plucked could take my wine without seeuling in any cer bus been marked by a fine penod ol fulnP, B or wheu, from mero association with our to be affected by 1t, But see how 1t beoua efl'urt< to reforrn his life. Experience by your bands as by mine, and I pray God high temp~rature, often hot sunahme with tellow meu, and h om the looka reflected told hrm that bis only safety lay in complete it may never be. }!1 or a long tln1e I have trayed me at last.' brisk breezes and n moderatQ 1ainfall ; and, Mr. Birtwell bad been sitting durrng this on us of gladue ,:;; ~ and enjoyment, We abstinence, and this rule he adop~ed. For car1ied a 11c11vy load herc'-he drew h1s speakrng of the great agricultural belt of ·.aany monlhs he re1nained firm. But he band agarnet- hi· breast-' heavier tbau I relat10;,_ with hIB head bowed upon his Eaate1n England, the wheat blooming hae Ciltch 1nsptrat1on nncl power to go on, from humo.n presence and from cheerful looks. fell at your house. The odor of wine per- have atren~th to bear. Its weight is break· breast. When Mr. Elliott ceased speaking, been begun and passed tbrongh favoul'Jlbly. The work:nan \\arks with added energy vndcd all the air aud aturetl wtilnn him the 1ng r;ne do\)n. It is no hght thing, eir, to he ru.1sed himself up ln a slow, \\'e<llry sort The backward: wheat field w1lhin a few of way, hke one oppressed by fatigue or from hvmg others by. The full family Jong~sl.eeping appetite, the freedo1u he Ba\V 'teel at tanes that you are a murderer.' yardo of my study 1s already ' gomg off circle bas a streugth aud life peculiar to its aroL\lld hini, the invitat1ons he met f ro1n dis' He shivered, nnd there passed across weak from 1\lness. 1 bloom, and this stage ia con1mon in ruo:.-;t The substantial good and the effect· own. tinguished inen and beautifitl women, the his lace a look ol horror. But it wao gone 'Dreadful, dre~dlul !' ho ·jaculated. 'I dlStricte on this present 31u of July. ual relief wh1ch men extend to oneanothet is pres!:lure of a hundred influences upon his IJl a moment, though an expression of suffer .. nover dreamed of anything hko this. Poor " Such a fortnight as the !oat bas been of trifi1ag. It is not by those, but by something quickened desires bore him ii.own at last, i rig remained. Carlton!' more importance to the country, in respect far le's costly, th·t the work 1s done. God and he fell. ' 'My dear doctor; I interposed, 'you ' You see,' remarked Mr. Elliott, ' how to 1te wheat aupp!J, than those other events 1 I Leard the whole sad story to day,' con have permitted yourself to fall mto a mor· eaedy a thing hke thlB may happen. A man of Eastern Europe wbrnh have gathered has insured it by rnuch more simple machIle has given to the weakest and tinucd Mr. Elliott. 1 I;Ie did not even at bid stale. Thia ia not \vell. You are over· cannot go to one of these evening entertain- their cloud-; into a storm. In the one case rnery. the poorest power to contr1bute largely to ten1pt to struggle up again, but abandoned "'orked, and need change aud relaxat1un.' ments and mdulge with anytbmg hke the the storm will have bestow£d on the people the common stock of gladness The child's himself to his fate. SoOn after, be was re'Yes,' he replied, a httle mournfully,' I ireedoru to which he ts inv1ted and be in a in Western Europe sotne m1llione of q·1arsm1lc and laugh uro mighty po\vers 10 this moved Jron1 the cbmmand oi his depart1nent am ovcrn orked and morbia and all that, I cond1tion to do his best work on the day ters, rrobably 2,000,000 to 7,000,000 q1:.1. world. \Y"heu bereave1n~nt has lett you and sent off to the \\'estern frouher, and know, and I must have change and relaxa· following Son1e of your 1ron·nerved men more grain than would have matured bad desolate, \\hat substantial benefit is there finally court martialcd and d1sm1ssed from tion or l shall die, Ab, if I could get rid 1nay cl~1m 1111 ext:mption here, but we know the ·weather been boisterous and ~old ; \Vl11ch makes conUolences acceptable? It the arrnv. of this heavy weight l' He laid his band that all over-s!imulahon must leave the whilst in tile other case, poli'.1cs are likely cannot replace the loved ones you have I To his wife, who was ueeply attached to uPou hiS breast again, and drew a deep In- body in some degiee unstrung when the ex.- to divert any considerable quantity at corn lost. It can bestow upon J 011 nothing per· lum, Oeneial Abercrombie was, when sober, spiration. 'But that lS impossible. I must ctlement dies out, and they suffer loss with from its centre of gravity-the coast of the manent. Bnt a wurm band hag touched one of the li~dest and mos; dewted of husthe rest-a loss the aggregate of which Umteu Kingdom. toll Jou all about 1t, but place upon you at ) ours, and its thull tolU you that there was bands, b·1t a crazy ~nd cruet"fienu ~hen "But 1f nature boa favoured production the same titne an injunction of silence, ex- makea itself felt Ill the end, We have to a hv1ug reeponse there to your emotion. druek. It ts that on tt.e, mght be went cept 10 the case of one man, Air. Spencer think for a moment only to satisfy 011mel\'ea during the past fortnight, political unxwtJes One look, one humnn sigh, has done more hohie fr6m your house last winter, strange ' that the wine brandy drinking into have favour~d value, in the future, if not Btrtwell. He IB honorable and he should for you than the costhe st present could noises ahd sutlden cncs ot fear were heard which men and women are enticed at din- lII the 1mmed1ate, pre!'\ent. i'.1.oney may be know, and 1 can trust him. 1 convey. 111 th(fir ro6m, anU that ~ira. Abercrombie, 'You remember, of courset the entertain· ne.r·parties- and fashionable entertammeuts, made yet in the corn trade by watching whcn ~een next morning, looke'l as tf slle 1 Can be obtained only in these Organs. 1 nu;int h~ gave last winter, and some of the 1e a fruitful source ot evil. The ~ffect apou events. But it will not be the famt hearted Running in Debt. had jUst cofue fron1 ti bed br sickness. She body and mrnd after the indulgence is over, that may gain fortune's favours. Readiness unhappy effects that came of it, but ~ou do aceompanicd him to the West, but I learned is seen in headaches, clouded, nervous and boldntsa and 'rise Cec1sion ,vlll be the I dwell on tbis pcnnt, for I \\'ould deter to dav that since his dismissal from the not know all. L was there and enJoyed tbe 1rrituhon1 la.as1tude, 1nnb1hty to think, and req·tis1te to con"tmand ~uccess, a.a the n1u~ others fro1n cntenng tlJat place ot torn1ent. evening, and you were Lhere,~fr Elhott,and army. his treatmetl! of he,.. ha\J ·been· ~o 'ontsometimes in a general deznorali:i:ation of ment for buy1ng 113 not yet indicated. Pro· Half the yonng tueu 1n th1s country, with rageons and crut·l that she bo.s had to leave lam afraid led some mto temptation through both the pbyB1cal and mental economy. bably the first .tfect of t~e p_ rescnt fine many oltl enough to know better, would go him 10 fear of her hie, and is now with~ hf'r our fret'dom. ForRive me for saying so1but Where there is any chro:iiic or or&auic ail- weather, and of. the few ~omphcat1ona into busn1ess-tbat is, into <lebt-to·mo1row, lhe truth is beet, friends, a poor brOk'en hearted woman. As meat, the morbid cond1tion is incrensed,and abroad, should be to depress prices and in~ if ~b,~y could. ivloBt poor ~ncn are so 1gnor~ for the Gt!ncra1 ,'no oile Seema to know '\'b~t , 'Wine waa: tree as \Yater-good "'ine, sometunes severe attacks of illness follow. crease supplies. 'Money for co:r:n,' is tho ant as to envy the mlrchant or n1anufacturbas b"ccome of lnm.' · " ' tempting to the Laste. I meant to be verj ' Are our merchants, bankers, lawyere, first cry usually heard when \\'ar is threat· er, wh<1 se hhi 1s an u1cessaot struggle with ' And the r~spoilsibihty of all this you guarded, to take only o glaya or two, for on doctors, a.ud meD holding responsible trusts end or commenced, and this is likely to be pecu1n,tr) d1fficult1cs, who 1s driven to con· would lay at my d'oor 1' ·aid !tlr. Bu twell, the next day I h·d a dellcate and dangero1w as fit for duty after a 13ocu~l debauch-is the especially the case from the c0untries1now stant 'r:;b1nn1ng-,' and who, frorn n1onth to lll a husky voice, through which quivered a. operation to perform, and needed steady 1 ' ' word too strong 1-3.s before 1 If we reflect chiefly interested. month, bnrcly evad es the iuaolveucy v.hich tone of anger. ·But I reJect your view of nerves, But the wrne was good, and my for a moment-you see, Mr. B1rLwell, 1n "As to the general tntuatlon of the gra1n sooner or later ov~rtakes 1noat n1en in busi.. the case en)irely. Gelieral Abercrombie one or two glasses only made way for three what current my thoughts have been run · markets of the world, they are undoubtedly nesa; so that it bas been computed that but ' !'ell hecause" he had no·Istrength of purpose cir four. The temptations of the hour were ning-it must be clear to us th·t after every strong on the aide of Luyere-skonger than one man m twenty of them aoh1evc a peen· Aqe11ts Wa,,ttd in Ev<Ty County. Sena for Price .Li.t. nu control of blB a~pet1te. He happen· too much for my habitual self-restraint. I great entertainment such as you and other they were a month ago, ltlary success. For my own part I would ed to trip at- my house-that 1s all. He took a glass ot wme with you, Mr. Elhott, 11 Looking around us to the heap of sup· Address DOMINION ORGAN CO., BOWMANVILLE ONT. good citizens are in the habit ot giving,many rather be a convict in the S~ate Prison, a. wol'ld have (alien sooner or later somewhere.' after 1 bad already taken more than was business and professional mistakes must plies whence our wants satisfied, the slave in n rice swamp, then to through · Jiar,pened to trip! Yes, .tbat 1s it, lllr. , prudent under the circumstances( another Also General Agents for Canada, for the BRADBURY PI.A,l.'d B1rt)v~t't ; you, u~e the right word. He with Mr. Birtwell, another with General tollow, some of them of a seri~ue character. eye is naturally directed toward ·the moss life under the harrow ot debt. Let no young ' ! ' Rice&, Barker, Agonts for the Counties of ~urham, Victoria, and North trippo<Lat your house. I)ut who laid the Abercrom41e-alaR for him! he tell that Alltbis crowds llpon and- oppres.;:es-DHl, It- that top.s the others-as to the highest niau nuajudge b1msolf unfortunate, or truly seems as though scales ba.d dropped sudden· hill iu the l·nilscape-and we turn to poor, so long as he has tlie lull use of bis and South Onta-rw. · stone - of stumbling in his path 1 Suppose mgbt so low that be has never risen agam ly from my eyes, and thmgs I ha~ never Cal1forma. What 1s _ tbi;_poeition there rn limbs and faculties, aud ie substantinlly free Bowmanville,Dec. 21st, 1875. there had been no wme·served to your -and another with some one else. It wae seen bcfore, stood out 10 clearest 'ision.' the first week Jn July 1 It was ~aid at the from debt. Hunger, colJ, r&gs, hard work' guest, would he have stunt bled on that almost 1mpoasible to put a reslrarnt upon end of June,~ 'Not a single cloud has r 1 Acn contempt, suap1c1on, ui rjuat reproach, are CHA.I', XXVII. fatal night 1 If there bad been no w1ue yourself. Invitation and solic1tahon met to mar or obscure the crop horizon ; every- diengrccnblc,. lJut debt is 1nftn1tt:<ly worse served, wo"ld Archie V.oss hav6 lost bis way you at every turn. The sphere of self inThey were still rn conve~atiou when l\lrs thrng betokens the largest and beet bar· ~han them all, And 1f it had plea;ed God in the Storln Di= ner1shed iri the icy \Vat~;s 1 dulgence WaS 1:!0 strong that lt carried 81· Birtwell returned. Her eyes were ·wet and N ri, my friend, ~o , ii there had been no mos\ every one a httle too far, and many her face pale and sorrowful. She sat down vest of grain ever garnered on the Pac1flc to spare either or all of my sons to be the slope.' rrh1s fulncss ot promise is now be· support of my dechu1ng yeaI'B, the lesson Wille servetl at yo11 board that mght, three mto excess and debauch. I was told after- beSltle her husband, and without speakrng lleved to 00 realn:ed, and so we tnust say wl11cb I should roost earnestly seek to im~ human lives which 1 ~las !r been ludden ward that at a late hour 1he scene in the lai<l. her head against hin1 and sobbt:d v10 the b~a:Qce of the year h1 struck ; Cali· press upon them ii:', 'L.Cl er run 10 debt.' trom us by tleath;s echpse "(ouhl be shed'· supper-room was simply disgrucetul. Boys lenlly. Mr. Birtwell feared to "'k the quesf'orniu bas thrown its ploughshare into the Avoid pecun1ary obhgntions as you would t110g hg4t 11ud warmth i,pqn many i)carte and' men, and sadder still, young women, tion whose ans\\·er be guessed too well. scale on one side and the sword of Turkey PeRttlence or famine, If Jou have but fifty now aOrrowlul and deaol:i.te. 'l'h1ee were more than half drunk, i..nd behaved ' How is it "ith our friend 1' Mr. Elliott may be u1 the other, 9nd yet fail ta turn cents aoC. cau ~get no more for oiweek, buy a hvce, and a f~urtb Just go1ng out, There Id most Lu1sccmly. I can believe tb1a, for I 111quired, as I\.frs: Birtwell gre1V calmer. the beam. Already the harbour of San peck ot corn, parch 1t and live on it, rather unless yoq wish to pm chase respons1b1hty, and ne1ther you nor I ca.n es· have seen such tbiuga too otten. She looked up, answering sorrowfully : Francisco is enli\'ened by over a hundred than owe a .dollar 1 Of course I kno'v that cape it, M~. Birtw'ell, 1f, through difference, ·As 1 went out from Mr. Birtwell'· that 'It is all over,' then bid her face again, large vessels chartered to bring wheat, which some men must do business that involves a or design , we perwi~ ourseh es to becomt! night, 1and the cold, snow· lo.den air struck borue down by excessive emotion. is freely at 48s per quarter, wlnlst risk, nnU must gn?e notes or l>ther obli .. the nlstrumeuta of eqch d1re calau11t1es.1 iuto my face on crossing the pavement to ·The Lord bless and comfort his stricken buyers' views do not exceed 45s to 41:5s. ' gat1onf', arn1 I do not constder h1n1 1n debt -Mr. .Birtwell bad partly risen trrm bis my carnage, coolmg my blood and clearing ones; Elllld the minieter as he arose and stood Will thi. level be the permanent one of the who can lay his hands directly on the means ' chair rn making the weuk d~!ence to which my brain, I thought of Mrs. Carlton and for a few momenta with his band re·ling vn season, and so estabhsh the ptice& of Eng· of paying, at some hltle sacrifice, all he this \Vq· a reply, but no1~ sank buck .with the hfe that had been placed m my bands, the bowe<l head of Mrs. Bntwell. ' The hsh wheat 1 °The answet to this depends owes, I speak of real debt-that which in· an "xpre..ion lhut was ball bew1ldermeut and feelmg of concern drppped into ruy Lord make ua wi6er,more self-denying, and upon the l1ru1ts ofhostil1t1es1neasternEur· valves risk or sacrifice on one side, obli~ and half tetror on hts countenance. heqrt. A mght's imtulgence iu wrne·drink· more loyal to \July. Out of sorrow let joy ope. In one case the level may be too low, ligation and dependence ou the other-and 1 1 In Heaven's name, Alr. EU1ott, \vhat ing was a poor preparation for the work be- come, out of trouble, peace, out of' suffering having opened his and probably too high, should peace be res· I say lrom all snch, let every youth humbly does ull this mean 1' he cnc<l. 'Tpree hvee, fore me, m which a clear head and steady and aftt1ction n. higher, purer and nobler tored this summer. pray God to preeerve hilu cver1norc.-llor'" and a fourth gomg out, and the responsibil- nerves were uboolutely essential. How lite for us all. We are m his merciful "lluesia, durrng the cereal year (lra\\u1g ace Greeley, 1ty door '!' . would I Le in the mornrng 1 Thet1ueslion hanUo, and he v.111 make us instruments of to its close, has scarcely competed v;1Lh - - - - -- - -with a f'ull 1tsso1 tment of 'It lB much easier to let loose an evil thrust itself iuto my thoughts and troubled blcssmg 1! we but walk m the ways he A!.11er1ca in supply, but the prospects in A ra1ubling or st~1cotyped praJ er for power tha11 to stay it~ progress, aaid ~lr. me. ~fy a.ppiehcusions were not ground1ese. would lead us. Alas that "e have turned this first week of July are that the crops eve') body and every th mg JS really no prayElliptt. 'The near and more apparent Mornrng found me with unsteady nerves. from him so olten to walk in our own paths of Southern Europe \\Ill yield that surplus er. We do not often go to auy human be· tdfects W\) uia.y ace, rarely tL.ti remote and But this not all. From the mou1ent I and follow the device1:1 of our o\vnheaits ! \vh1ch balances the exports of tbe United 1ng 1or a doien th1nga at a time, a.nd if \Ve aeconda·y. But" e now See that the action of left my bed until w1th1n half an hour of the Hts "ays are wa)s oJ pleasantness and hts State51 a.nd. fixes, instead of followiu~, did. \Ve should only give the 1mpression that is prepared to oJ!er nll forces~ good 01 evil, is lik~ that of ~ ex: time v.ohen the operation \vaa tu begin,I wns pa.tbs are peac0, but ours wind too often va.lue. To me the improved p1ospects of we "'11nte.J. nothing in part1cular 1and would pa·ud1ng '\'&\'e·circlee, aud rcachc~ far be under much excitement and dee-pJy UTJxious among thorns and br1ars. or go duwn into the harvest yield in western and southern be very likely to get- nothing It is not yond our i;ight.. It has done so in this case.. about two of my pati6 nts, Mrs. o~s aud the gloomy valley and shadow of Jeath.' Europe appear tbe moat important influ- only fruitless to go to li·od in tb1s way, but Yoe, ll!r Birtwell, three hve·, and a fourth Mrs. Itidley, both dangerouslyill,Mra Voss, A solemn s.ilence followed, and in tbat ence created by the 30 days of June, 1876, such an a\iuse of the sacred pnv1lege ol peti· that will compar~ with any Stoie in the County. 1 ke an expiring candle. JlO\V fhcker1ng 1 as rou know, in consequence of her alarm deep hush vows were made that are yet un- and tlps influence 1s made even greater by lion must b~ d1spleas1ng to Him. ', L w ,ould spare )OU all this ii I darrd about her son, and Mrs Ridley- but you liroken. the inarch of political events, since the A clear conscience is the best law, and if I · could be tonsc1ence·clear,' co11h11ued have heard all about her case and its ,fatal 'If any have stumbled through us and latter are c·lculated to hurry forward Mr. Ell1ott. llut I wo?ld be ta1tblc ss to my termmation, aud understaud in what way fallen by the way,' said Mr, Elliott, 1let us autumn suppHe·, ~nd thus take the edge temperance the beet physrn. ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFFIOEduty 1f l )<ept B!lent. ¥011 know the sad it waa connected with the party at Mr. and horo consecrate ourse\v~s to the work of olf demand, in ad vane~ of the latey sup· Many adorn the tombs of tLose whom, bp-ol5-m29. - case,of ~rs. Carlton 1' _-Mre.- l3irtwell'a. The consei:iuence of that saving them, if possible.' Bowmanville, :A.pril 12th, 1876. plies from more distant exporting coun- living, theJ persecuted with envy, POETRY. ' 1 LY e & Mart Yn S For a good assortment of GO TO GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, &· o Totast': ~raptures,andcxpand, SALT I R PLAST · of the ' very best quality +! - 1.-'lLJµ & :MA:R'l'.YN. · 1 DOMINION ,ORGAN CO'S · CABINET ORGANS. ""Y All the· Late Improvements " Twenty-Flve Different Styles, for the Parlor a~d the Church, the Best Material ariCl Workmanship. Quality' and Voluine of tone "Unequallecl. PR·I OES $50 TO $1000·. Streets, Bowmanuilfe. · · and the Newest thing of the season; Don't Read this,· ==(Jheap Dry Gootls== ---os. MASON NE-WSTORE a my' STAPLE DRY GOODS CASH, BARGAINS FOR 'r Jillease Call a.nd e:xa.mine ·Stock. Highes' l'l'ioe paid for ':Sutter andl·Eggs. ,-, 1 · 1

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