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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 11 Aug 1876, p. 1

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. . circulatm largely in the Townships of Darhng ton, Clarke a.nd Cartwright. It lB t common p1a.tform, open to the free d1scuss1on of all quea tionau1 which the general publio are concerned. TX:RMS. ___.,::fn.cHAN T lrNDIJE NERAL ADVERTISER. .¢'-.- - · WEST DURHAM Job Printing Offl.e KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. PA2lf PHLETS, BILL HEADS NOTES, LABELS, &c., &c, &c, · Seventy·ftve cents per annum1 in ad· vance. The ':Merchant' and Obser ver,' $2°00° RATES OF ADV l!.RTISING. 45 per annum. One column " 25 Hall do. " 15 Quartet d1, Trnnsicut advcrtisements,5 cts per hne first nseit1on, and 2c. per lme, each subsequent one AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME YU. !! """ "!"'"""'!"' ' ""!'!"!"'"!"'"!"'"!"'"!"'"!"'""""""""" "!"'"!"'""""!"'"!"'""""!"'!"!"'!'!!' POS1'ERS, CHEQUES, CARDS, CIRCULARS, HANDBILLS, TICKETS, BOWMANVILLE, O NTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11 1876 - GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY! """ """"""""""""""" "' "!""'"!""" "!""' "!""'"!""'"!"' "!""' """ """ "!""' "!"'!"!"' "!""' """ !"!"' "!""' " " """"" " "" "!"'"!"'!"!"'!"!"'""""""""" " """ """"""""" """ "' "' "!"' "!" "' "' "!""!" "' "!" "' "' "!""!" "' "!" "' """""" !"!"'!"!"'"!"' "!""'"!""!" !""' "" " !"!"'!"!"'"""""""" o f the Scardus Mountains, became the Milan, no\v caua1n to the deceased Prince. or city of the ruler . Under the the reigning P11nce of Serv1a., and the fourth POETRY. " """ " """ "!""' !"!"'!"!"'!"!"'"!""'""""!""'""" """" " "'."'"!"""""""" NUMBER XLV 'c\ ' given at £900,000, and ol the iadustry 1s cattle and swine £1,100,000 The mam staple of Servian exports at EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE WONDERLAND. in extent until It ewbraced the lands: of the SlaYo Setbs Nen1nnJa Prince!'! the Servian kindonl. grew of hu1 dynasty, was Lorn of a l\ioldav1an n1otLer, Locttl* Ex p r e ss 1YI1xed Trains \VIll lenve BowmanTille Station, as follows : V'vmamille time, GOING .E.AS'l'. -'101.NG 'WEST GO TO Thfournfnlly listeo1ng to the wa\'e's strange talk1 And m:l.l'king with sad and moistened eye ·rhe summer clays su1k down behind the seo., S1nk down behind the level brine, and fall Into the haze of forgotten things.- raised the monarchy into an empire, 11nd be ruler of the l1nf'1 who "as crowned tu 1333, Stephen Doshan, the greatest the son ot Ohrenov1tch who had married Ill 1854, at Jassy, Prince When the value of the exports consists of su;1ne Oue half of quues , wb1le the niost important labor outdoor exercise wh1ch a healthy women ro the drawmg ol plao·, with all its attendant tul adaptation and foresight-takes place 1n own study. The only ca1ne Czar Dushan, with a sway extending gana,N orth Alban1a,...£tolla,and 1acedoa1a. not only over the Serh lands, but over Bul the tra1c event occurred, h'lilan was hurried Prince 10 July, 1868. Dunng his m1nor1ty sent bun to P·ris to be educated. M1chnel bad aJopted Mllan as htB heir, and such pasture as the fields and foreslB afford . Slavoma to be fatteoed for the u1 countless herds, feeding on the aco1ns or on Great numbera are taken to Hungary and 'I'he pigs roam through the oak forests in chfficulties, and necessity for the mast care. obJection her ExproRs *l'his tnua runl!I every mornmg of hionlla.ya e xct'!pte d, 7 20, a. m. I 9 30 a Jn 2 20 p IU . g 00 p. m. I Express ?vl1xod · r.ocal E pr ss x , e .8 30 a 1n. 4 1(I p m. .. 7 .50 p . m. · . , , 9.00 p m. wc.ek, Lyle Martyn's For a good ast\Jortment of · A mighty 1011g1ui; stealeth o'e1 t.he soul, As of a. man who panteth to behold His 1dol 1n anut11t".t lai1d-1f yet Her heart bl! treas11vcd for from h1s studies to erv1a, and proclaimed hnn-if her eyes I-Ia'c yot the old l o\e in the1n. Even eo, 'Vith i1ass10Jl str on't as love, and deep na death, YeLLrneth the spirit after 'Vonderlancl t .Ah t aud the throne of the Eastern empire, and tile head of 80,000 men 1I1S purpose was, D11shan a1i.ned to poasesa b1niself of Thrace for lua end warched to Gonstantn oplc at of Rageucy. the Governn1ent was intruated to a Council Havmg altamed age, be as· slaughtered at Belgrade, Grain forms about d1!ln 1.1orn 1s 111rgely cultivated; and, among one third uf the Servian exports, and In market, while those fattened Serv1a are Auotrian -tLat that '\\ htch common comphunt of all occupations IL \ve cna foresee to the profession is rn the words of Webster, 'there is always room lll the upper story.' "'ho make ugly and pretentious Of architects houses, 1s o\·eratocked; a.nd the answer iei, however, unlultillcd, for on the way he was aeni:..:d \\1th fever, and died at the age of on Aug 22, 1872 cended the conahtutlonal throno of Servia By the Constitution the Exec·1t1ve 1s which is grown on the banks ot the Danube. The British Consul-General at other products, we may instance the grape, Dr. BOYLE, SURGERY···SILVER ST. RESfDENCE ON1ARIO STREEI. Bo\\ 1no.nvillc, .Jan, 20th, 1876. GROCERIES, PROVISI01S. CROCKERY, &o ALSO 1\lrEMBER OF 'l'HE ROYAL OOLLEGE JJJ.. of Stugeo11a, England , I,1cent1a.te of the lloyal College of Phys1c1ans, Edinburgh . Cor oner etc. Rcti1dence, Coi ner of Church and Scugog Streets, Bowmanvdle. Dr. Jas. Fielding, , Dec, ,Jed, 1875, 10·11. SALT & PLASTER+ All kinds of Fielcl and Garden SEEDS, of the very best quality. ha1 p), happy land I '1 he bni::y Boul Oz 1r Dllshan bad really a geau1s for fitty Calls up in 1J1ct111es of the half s h 1 t C}C couquest and a political sagacity 1n advance rrhy ahorcs of pli.-ndor, as a fan blind ul Had he attained to the Eastern of his age w·ho thmks thi.-roses 1nnst Le beautiful, throne, :u1d ruled Serv1a. from Constautt· Olde:in to,1cs But canno t see t.hl;!a beauty nople, his successors 1n1ght have been able Borne on the Lui;io1n of the breeze fron1 f;:i.r, Angels that co1ne to the }'Ottng hlal t in drt.Jau1ai to oppose a consolidated and united en1p1re '!'hen like l111ds of paseugo fly a'"·ay, of Slavs and Greeks to the advaucmg wave rrhe rJJgged Ste(>rsllJtl)) at the '\Vl eel Return. SPJftens 111to a uloudy shape , the atnla 1\fove to a IllUHiu of th11 o\n. lrnve l a1 k, Speed well, anrl. bear 1 legialat1ve authonty ia excrClsed rndependent bodies- the The Jorrner rn vested 1n a Council of five M1n1sters. lfouse of Repreaentat1\es, anU the Senate. Skouptchrna, or by two The for labor anU their lack of constructive sklll. compla1ua of ihe 1nd1spos1t1on of the natives To a rough cJaas of art1sans-arch1tecta,ma Belgrade who can u1ute comfort \\llh1u and beauty already more than enough , but the few churches, and pubil c bmldmgs, we have will always find, 1 n the long run, employ· ment and reputation,-Godey's Lady'· Book. and a cultivated love of art to their work, v.·1thout, who bring a clear common sense cy whom 33 are uomrnated by the .l:'rmce and every 2000 electors. The electors are the above mpo«d of 134 deputies, of sons, and carpenters, troa1 the provinces of are rndebted for the construcl10n of their The Servians belong to the Oithodox, or Belgrade, "ho is the Albama and l\1acedoma-the inhabitants 101 chosen by the people, one deputy for twenty one How Girls can Learn to be Hol1Se keepers. houses and cottnges. of Ottoman conqueet. Slavic races Eastern ought have beeu no Turkey under barbarian rule, Iu that caso there 10 us into \Vonderlaud 1 down-trodden Leave far behind thee t11e Spend tlieir dark da.)a lll shrouds , 'l'oil nien . ctutL, vext 1\here weri.v111.-(' the ,r on the death of Dushan the Serviun power declined, and with the murder of hlS feeble was pious, energetic, and valiant, but he unfortunate in battle sou the Imo of the NemanJa ended statesmen or set natlons by the ears Question in our day and for Europe, no centunes no rr1ales of the country, ) of age, paying direct taxes, not being either domestic servants or gipsies. Senate consISts of seventeen members, norrn Ea..atern, Uhu1ch ; they arc governed by 1 netropohtan and three autfrd.gau bishops the Archb1Shop of (11rs, A, D. 'l'. Whitney, in SI. Niclwlas ) and your to pe1plex unsolved The But nuted by tile Prince, one for each of the try ia dtvided. seve11teen departments iuto which the coun· Formerly all the vacancies macy ot the Patrrnrnh ot Constnntmople , The mcome of each but 18 iudependent Archb!Shop, £2,000. 700 and 800, Bishop lS The Servian Church acknowledges the pri· own place . Begtn with your own thmgs That is tic with great intentions, and otter to re.. heve her of hulf her housekeepmg, will tell you if you rush to her, enthusias what your mother And frautl ,i,nd wrong arc Crowned kings, and Hath ebail'S for hire , nnd aU croat10n .;ruu.ns, Crying JD grell.t b1ttorncss to God , Dr. DAYIDSON ADlJATE- OF THE ROYAL COL t rfl tt ]egl'! of Physicians, England, ,and ·l1ctona. Unn·cI'8J.ty of Y1ctQrrn. Collefie1Und6;1"Graduate aritt Pdzem.a11 of the . Un1\crs1ty-of..-'roronOO,am.d Ho)al Collei;e of Phyaicrn. ns and Surgeons ].{ember. of the College ol Phya11{1ngf:itob c 1an s ana u eon s uf Onban.o; Oororrer, &c Rcatden.ce and oilice-1\.farket Square, :Bow- -manv1Lle Lazar \'VUS were filled up by the rest of the mem bera, nppomtmg the eenators £1,000 per annum ; that of the but now the Prince exerClses tho power of ). rg And love can never speak th e thin.{ it feds Or say the thing it loves is succorlcss. For 1f one say, 11 I love thue," what poor "orcls .... B.ov.manHlle, Feb._2.4tb, 6 2ll;r:. LYLE & M.A.:R'I'YN.. 'fhcy, wh1l t thcv are i:;pok(n, tho llclOH:ld Travolleth as clomned lamb the 1oa...l of lhH th 1 And sonow blanches the fa.uh"'u au,l p 1 s 'l'he t1ntcd cheek, ISot so ui i; people , ancl his fall on the field ot Kossova, in their pathetic na.tLonil so ns With the opemng of the with the lost h berty of Servia, 13 bewailed ory !lrc not the less cher1sbctl by the Servian His name and mem· ways in aesaion. regular!.} every three years, or, if the rrmce choot1es, oftener. No tnx:cs can be lPgaJJy: Tbe Skoaplch1na n1eets The Seuate is al clergy, parochial and monastic, is between Tho number of the it poured back upon your eally zeal. form draw that httle bucket of cold water to have your upper bnreau drawer; reheve Re Don't ' to be married, in accordance w1th the in varioble rule m the Eastern Ohurch. The parochial clergy require Few garments out of use a month or two ago. midst of wb1ch you can daily move , learn to keep it, Instuute a clear and cbeertul order, 10 yout closet-pes of their accumulation of the imposed without the sanction of this Lower "\Vonde-da.nd 1 T110re la1.;e1 n atu re s s11ort t R R LOSOOMBE, -. BARRIS1'ER-AJ'.LAW, And _ 'Neath k1ndher suns that nurtu1e f.i,1nr And richer harvests billow i n th1:1,ruc, hem selver; 11 11vers' .. t eai:e that the peasant George the insurgents. the era of reatora1011, for 1t was in century began IIouae, nor can any mod1hcahou IJe made in t c Constltuhon or change 111 organic preaching ts rare, except on the great feast used m the serVtces, nnd although a dead days of the Church The o!J Slavomc is or none ol the churches have pulpits, aoil by tho Tutks Kara (Black) George, headed The ch1ef ot the JanI1sar- Pet1ovitch, called 1804 hL\\ a \Vlthout it.a recorded consent. may be termed the \\ h1uh £ tiful,-which 1s the nght,-dlSposing Use yourselt to the bean and tb1s ord1nnry Skouptch1na1 there 1s what Grand Besides language, it is so alh1:1d to the spoken d1a1ect prayers. With the exception of eome things as you handle thorn, ea that lt will be n part of your toilet to dress your room of i>OLICI'£0R IN CFr4NOEliY, :> &c llt1)w As summer rain, and i1evr Hnow t h ey t1tre The pasiuon that JS desol.tL011'1:1 r cy passionate ku!!GS ft\ll on gocll1ko 1es, under the name of Dah1a, Ill wany ot the provrnces of tbe Tnrkish Empire, usorp· aentah\·cs of the Su1tan-and oppressed the ful aa rn Belgrade. ed authority, opposed lhe Pasbaa-tbc repre only on occao1ona, such as the election of a pr111ce. the power of deposing a. is tour tunes larger, and is convoked With tins latter body rests Oonst1t11t1on of Se1v1a con despotic prince, Skouptchmn, that the people understand the hymns and 15,000 gipsies, a few thousau<l of Homan and its arrangements while you dress your.. hghtly and art1stically hung,or as delicately folded and placed, as the akll't. you loop carefully to wear, or the rlbbon a.nd lace self ; leaving draperies you take off as Catholics, Jewa:1 and b-IoLamrucdana. rc!=!pec· Church. 0.Fl'IOE -Over McClung's Stor(b .same fiat as J . Bi11nacon1b's Dental RuomB. Bo\Ymanvtllo, Oct, 27th1 186S:, rrhc bitter te n:E:McMillan, ,,J,'TOIINEY AT EAW, - < ·' :'- DOMINION OliG.A.N CO'S I Cold looks, estrangod ·oiws, all the ·ocs That pol80n earth's delight , for love endures, Nor fades1 nor changes m the " \Vonderland Jndlees rt.nunc1at1ons, when the heart Loseth- all 1t hvcd for, VO\\ s forgot, ars begotten o( raicwclt;; hvely,the whole people belong to the Greek The bu1den of inle 1n Servta in these 1s peasantry, and nowhere were thej so power committed by the DaLlS whwh rnci\ed the \\as born at Topolo, m and thus the It was the atrocities Kara GeorJ{e, who p hsb1ng a legal revolution ta1na within itself a provu:non for accom l" Servw.ns to rebellion f$f)LIOJ10R TN ORANGERY, COIYVEYANOER, &e. · - -IMPROVED AND REMODELLED- NEWCASTLE_ Newcastle, Oct -8th, 1876. - ON'P. :::> m51-tf. CABINET ORGANS. .c:i ... Spea.keth fiom its gteat heart of discontent, And in the mlElty distH.nce dies a',fay. rrhe Wonderland:'t1 past and goner 0 Suul. .., ..... I "' Alo.s 'the ruggel Ste01sman at the \\'heel 'J'he hoarse sea Comes back agn111 to vfaion coming the Dahis, dtrected hts efforts agamat the aulhonty of the Sultan. gle of eight yC', "'ith varying fortune, the Turks were dnven from Serv1a. In 1813, The After a ftrng· 1767, after over ordu1ary senator receives annually The appomtmenlB ltte. i:lervrn has uo aud of the Vice President £500, "bile an to the l:lenate are for debt. Ito tolal The £420. the PreA1dent of the Senato " £700 a l ear, rrbo pay of ttmes of revolt and portending change is only m bia twrnty·second yenr. laid on young t!houlderB Prince h-1Ilan throat. you put w1Lh a soft neatnt.>BS about your be that he bas secured tha"'t.__1nfl.uence N1colas of fontenegro posseeses. There It cannot about ou, filnese lD every hLtle thrng that you have Che1ish )OU.r of taste and Let it grow impossible to yon and authonty over h1a people wh1ch Pn!!.ce are elements of pol1t1cu.l unreet in It lS will dt§tP:L the orderly aud pleasant group to put <lol\n ao mt..i.;b as a--p1n.... box where i t ["R upon your dressing table , or to stick your p)ns 1u your ushion, even at all a:orl.B and uncon1tort11ble Inchnationa. "1:1 ·..Ji - .. :; "';c,.!; J"OH :a: F.YNON, Lot_7, 6th Oon. Darlington, fncar Bethesda Chu1eh] is dnly a1lfJ1Q1M] to issue J\farr1 Licenses. Darlington, Nov. t9, is74 , _w§:Y MR MARRIAGE LICENSES, .... :z: '"'= LC Vlhilst yet emboduid thou dtd5t suouner the1e, God saw thee, led thee fo1th fiu1n thy w-ccn haunts, And bade thee k n ow another world, Jess fair, Lees calm. i\.1nb1t1on, knowledge and t1einre l ea however, they retook the country, and Kara great peasant leader returned again in 1817, but his hfe, by a toul cnme, \\·as sa.cuficed at the shrine of political necessity. George and otLer chiefs fled to Austna revenue is given a.t .£71 li240, and the ex penditure at nearly the aa1ne amount. public n1aiu sonrce of the revenue 1s produced by a cap1tallou tax This tax is levied t1.ccord and much military preparallou niade. attitude of SerVJa. Important issues tl ve nothmg. of wb1t.h the rnountain pr1nc1pahty knows a gttators. Serv1a. of tipsy a field for foreign and na The war party 1s ; >.... .... .... a= !: ..., :z: :z: ...... Drove from t1w1:1 tby first worship "" Behcv.e and wn.1t-and 1t may be that He rn," "L1vc a.nd J" the Vo1vodes who remained in Servu1 v;·as "·as spent a1uong tbc mountains us u swine afterwards pursued, llS He had JOlned Kara his Lrothers Among ing to a nnnutc classification of the rank, WBUNY, " traoter. ' - ::::> = = "C' Will guide thee back aga1u to" Wonderland Milosch Obrenov< '!'he Jou th of Milosch Oeor,ie, and had 1 mposccl A certain amount ts, ia the first instance, ou occupation, and income of each 1nd1v1dua.l. the d11Ttirent is -Fraset's Magaizine. hetd. panshes, t neral e c lluilder ana.a-on!. · .... :z: ... JoQ!ii'lJ{l 12rorfl,ptly <ittnded (o-;; lVIOTTO. t; a= ... a:; >- =e ::::> a= - :;i = ...., ...... = = .., among the bends of femihes v.hen 1t again communes or distributed The com pendence, and ma1nta1n it." umph, the Serv1anA store for the country, whetPcr trial or tri they have wop their 1nde Whatever may bo rn depend on has been tbe .strong, other th mg that does that;_ the not knowing, mony antl Lhe :ntangiblc grace of religion, Once except by fidgety expemnent, what is har Th1s \\1111 not make you "fuasy "-1t 1s tbe wtll know bow to -and haying it at your fiuger's enda. qsJ tg.!._d vu, and tum ti mto tact,-whicb ta literally get your knowledge beyond study, belongings, wherever )OU may be , grace involve from co!llmonest th1nga, and ' puttrng thlDgs to nghta ' will not be separ lS m order Wlll breathe about you, and and LITERATURE. SERVIA. able, calling of a sw1ne dealer. said, at the church armed, au<l Sunday, 1815, Milosch of Takovo done, the lucrah\·e, und in Serv1a respect· appeared, as On Palm or1gm, and existed all through the t1ms of 1.hv1ded into seventeen departments, sn:ty sub departments, und 1059 communes. its suliJCCL1nn to Turkey. tnnnal orga.n1zaLion of Serv111 is of a.nc1cnt !! "Neatness with Dispatch.". Ontnno Street. ;: Bo'\\n18;11.ville, May 18th, 1876" ___ 3G }!.:,_ Offie1T0J1d Shop, on r This Company has recently been re-organized by the addi i on of tbre e oJ the most practical men from the Fact ory of Clough & Wanen Oigan Co, D etroit, Mich., each taking an acL1ve part in his own paTticu lar depart ' UNDJ<JllSIGNED h,fornu; thtl Gsntle· ment, and are now manufactming an 01g»n equal, and in many point/' men. of .the ,Don 11110JJ, thllt he ui -prred to Om cele c fi.iiJ, , m1d 1nake .iilu-Jost J.! good Vas Jlew;.._ay.l su p e r ior,to any manufactured m tho Um ted Stats or Canada. lt'd ;;<1 faded guunent. 'llie colQl' ta re:stord t biated "Vox Cel este," "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Patent Octavo Couplei," nncI th e C_pat, 01 'b:it u1se1 puts on a new ap; Stops, "Flugle Horn," "Dulcet," ".iEoline," Sahsfachfn t;tu:irfiJ,, oi g.Q· "Cello," or "Clarionet" pen.ranee. ... s;. .. charge. "Cremona," :·nd Grand 01 gan Stop, and S-o:rptliing JTE T , · 't !"' :z: cupied the htth smaller than Scotland, a.nd sparsely oc by 1,3.52,000 mba\ntanlB. 'The pr1nc1pahty of Serv1a is about one Like aembled Serv1ans, and sa1J, 'Here I hand, he stepped into the midst of tlie as. and now war with the 'rurks is begun.' \\1th the natiouul ffag Bnlltantly 10 Vie The country is A Profession for Women. It lS hu: am ; larg" oi of two or three adJoimng smaller a wayor aud a. priest , villages. lu each pr1nc1pul viiIage tLere 1 the mayor Lolda a co1nmune consu:;ts of a single village, 1f _!\.. Scotland, 1t is a lnnrl 0£ mounlntnfl these, gaLl1eml mto a knotLy group rn the centre of the co1.intry, forms the Rudr1k I\.:Coanta1na. Another, running northwards, tue branches of the Balkan cham offalwota ot the Drnanc Alps, and elsewhere One ot aoutb west the mountaJna cons1st 011 till 1829, wo must refer to the ' Utstory ot tht:i Serv1an Revolution,' b) Leopold H.anke tru.nslated by 1\-Irs Kerr an<l lU For the details of the strnggle, which laekd pelt court ot hunted Jimsdiction. of clared THQS PEAJ'E. _OQ-tf, Bow.ix1.lnv11l<.\Apnl 21st, 1876. ,.. ...;i.;... ..... :. l!Pf. " J;: (l V 01c, Singing, Co1npos1tion, &c .... '1 TeacfiCiOf inno and -Or.inn, Thcrough Dnilingto1" July 16\b, l874, RADUA'fE of Baxter Unnermty of'Mus1e Friilih JJY York. - ..1 R.uS,'i 41·ly All the Late Improvements Can . be obtained only in these Organs. through wb1ch the great r1vcr flows. erally speaking, Serv1a ls it forms the ' Iron Gates ' of the Danube1 travtirsed from Geu rueeta a ra11ge of the Carpathians, and '"1th ed the Serv1a11a the right of sell gover1nnent1 Turks, and a nominal soverignity. lC.SCr\: 1ng seven fortresses, tannly. Porte, with the r16ht of succession 111 }Jls The Porte at the time accord garrl8ontl by 1830 acknowledged as such by the Pru cc h) the National 1Vl1lo 8Cb n Asermbl,v, as de mune, and is rented by a leasl!e, as well the pasturage nnd oak \Voods v1llagt-i has an 1uu it belougs to the com If Lhe ae professional r:.uccesa closed to them, an<l. are .fler, if for no other need,-all tbe care.a tba\ forced to resort to poorly patd mannel labor belong to your own smull territory of home. Tb1a lunitat1on Get together th1ngs tor use 1n these cares. as clerks or aeamstre&.es. of the field lvas foimcrly a very real one, and women who were tr tog to fit them· Have your sponges for bits o cleaning, your furniture light little broom .o to wo1k for their hv1ng find the avenues to great number of women who are compelled a very common complamt that.the will go all tLe t11ne, and wilh a contmual pleaaure. Take upon yourself gradually,-for the it ate tusk-·ork and trouble, any more than the working of the solar system It sake at gettrng them rn hacd m like man· httle '\>ash cloth·, Mll your achoo] ate iua1nta1ned by each commune. at the confluence of the Save with J'ubhc sel vos, tor 1nsta.nce1 to practise for doctors, late, however, their houora.bl_e a.Pd pcra1stant found many obstacles m their path. Of Bdgrade, the capital of Servia,1a situated There id an ascent.of ma11y steps the from the lower town, which ltes. along the fuitress and ar1stocra'.bc parts of the city are D<inube. pr<>Jud1ce has v.idcned till a woman n1ay count U.Pon pul5lic sympathy and support rn almost nuy honest work to "hlch she will au:l the bieach ·ilected m the old wall ot efforts have iuet with well 1aer1td success ; yom bottl fea ther duster, and your brash and 'Our ' _., n<i y,our whisk and pan; weet oil the polish, or restore thro gloes, wht:re dark wood gco··s dim or gclB spotted. g.t1ne, and p1ec of fianDel, to pfeacrve Fmd lll\!l of tui:· banks of the Save, to the hill on whwh the out, by tollowmg your aurelv gro.,mg sense of thoroughness aod ntceness, the besl and readiest wa)'s of keeping all Jresh about you, I shall not lay down rules or Invent)our own proctasea; they "'Ill come a cult1vahon Baas, Harmony ll. '.D. has taken out a. license as FOLEY, AU OTIONEE R for this 1.'0W11sh1p , Sales "111 recene the beet atteution. Howma.nv1lle, Feb. 24th, 1876. ly. Different Style, for the Parlor and the Chu1·ch, the Best Material and Workmanship. Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. These form valleys which nowhere ex:pand counliy mto plams, lS south to north by <>xtenme mountam ridges. earn the gru.t1tude o1 lus countrymen, he fell under the popular reeentment. Although Milosch had done so much to H10 So houaea all standing separate 10 the midst of their ]arge gardens elevated spur that The fortress hes on an placed 1n a rambling, scattered 1nnnner, the 1 the phrase which best expresses the gen· eral feeling, nncl if set her st1ength. 'A fu.1r field aud no favor,1 l\iomen. can qualify zegovn1a, but with its green and well wood bare and aterile region of .llfontenegro not unhko Bosma and the Her In ilB phymcal fcntnrcs the alter the lut:1h1on ol a Turk1ah pasha.. moJ.t.· of goverurnent \\us tnouldcd too much dcapot1c.:, indeed, d1i his nets become, that iu favour of his son !vli.lan, 'vho was, ho\v- ed hills, it is in striking contrast to t h o he was foICed to abdic·te the throne rn 1839 ridge behind the fort and etletchiag do\vn to the banks of both n vers. Save aud Danube, the town overlappu1g the JUta out between the they will find few artificial bamere ratSed agamst them duties which bring we"llth and reputation, themselves for the ard11ous and exhausting to you yourself wholly nushcss at what you can that it is easier a'nd more natural for you to count the time it take any more than that learn and do in your own apartment, so system for you. When you have .nude A U C T I 0 N E E RS Tlo1' the Township of Darlington. HAMPTON. Pro1npt attention gi,ven to sales, n.ble terms, PRICES $50 TO $1000. Factory and Warerooms, Car. Tempe1anoe and Wellington Streets, Bowmanuil/e. Send for Price L'8t. fotLer's downtall; and, dymg soon after he wa· m turn succeeded by Jus wards, , pahty of the Black Mountain may be rn brother M:rnhael, the younger son of Milosch one sense be held as its truest represento Modern Servia, however, on ac- Neither did Michael please the chicfo of tive. for he also, lll 1842, was compelled count ahke of name, resources, ant.I geogra· Serv1a, country q rrhe Serv1ans DOW ph1ool position, claims cont1nu1ty of nation- to tut the centnry. al hie with the rrhe motto of the princes of the 8ervia of the fourteenth vitch, the son of the fi1st liberator, \\'be waa tl ono.l Assernbly. For a ti1ue the rule of turned their eyes to Alexander !fora George 1:.'.[outenegro was the unconquered remna.nt of the old Servian empire, thot httle prmci- As ever, too Ill to govern at the time of his retain the 1 urk1sh bozuar character for the sale of tobacco, excbang'.! of moneys, and the TLe monoto1y 1a broken here and tht:re in with the half European rumed bread aud cooke<l meats for the multitude. made up of shops that for the nrnst part still B " chiefly termrne by patient study to fit thcmselvee far enunence. This many girls clearly underntund, and de witliout a careful No great ieault, however, c1u be achieved professional educmhnn, do it than to let it alone,--so that you don't which you have to give to your awn hath· style; but, what the chief streets by a shop in medicine, in painting, and in sculptute1 all of them pursuits \vlnch rt quire 1011g train· Why do not more women make a They have succeedeil 1n ing nnd ha.1rdress1ng,-then you have learn its cleanly ordering is concerned, ed enough to keep a whole house, FO far as . T. PHILLIPS, &tl, on reaaou Aqents wamted vn EVCr1J Oounty. Address DOMINION ORGAN 00., BOWMANVILLE" ONT. Also General Agents for Canada, for the BRADBURY PIANO. my right, 11 si.;ribed present house of Obrcnovitch is" Time and elected Prmcc by the Skouptchrna, or Na ovitz booths and deus, Belgrade does 'not look so European a.a the Turkish cafes, and the host of low shb Pera. or Ale:x.audr1a. fashion mosques and minarets, the beshppered mob, W:m.. Sa.1e$ -promptly attended to on reasonable terms. ENNISKILLEN. Barton, Their arms repreeent a white cross on a. red field, and on the cross are Ill· them hes a drawn sword. two dates-1389,18lti ; Rwe &; Barker, Agents for the Counties of Dwtham, Vict01'ia, an(/, North Bowmanville, Dec. 21st, 1875. and South Ontario. DENTISTRY cornnieinorates the fatal fight of l{ossova, when the Servians, overthrown by the Ot· The first date between guidance great progress waa iuude in internal seventeen years parly Iechr.:g ag:aui ran high, George was compelled to abdicate. And lmprovements After a reign of about Alexander gave satlafact1on, and under hHl The ff'z1 too, II:! very com1non, and generally '£he top of It is more or less covered with the outside. worn Uy the wo1ncn In a strange nothing necessary to the stndy ofa rchitec· tnre which her sex would render difficult of the art are \Yith1n easy reach access. Almost all the great moriuments o1 Even the The adv·ntages of this occupation for a Iu the first place, there is girl are evident. profess10n of architect nre 1 mg. Uerman Wives. cation of the women The culinary art f;;;;;;s a part 0 housekeepers. girl, 00 takes pride 1n seeing his tradesman, ltke the mechar To eft""ec this daughters g object, 1n Germany. ib. "\ w"'heu----, another cr1s1s occurred, and the son of Kara Don't Read this, f Brimaoombe, l.R.C. D.. m1Junta1ns of the 1nter1or to the church of Takovo to raise anew the standard of revolt. renov1lch went from his dwelling among the toman arms, became sul·JCCt people , the second marks the year when Milosch Ob- now the aged P nuce Milosch wao recalled pbance w1t!J. the popular den1and, '(1\re us back our old 111losch ed h ltle 01ore thau one year, dy1ug Ill 1860 P from his retirement at Bucharest, 1n com Old Milosch t1J1gn· the Newest thing of the season, unless you wish to plll'chase of the subJect Serbs on the Danube dunng na ___ four long centuries of Ttuk1ah rule was may be taken to indicate that the attitude The drawn sword between the dates at the ae el;- tlien He Jett the throne to bis son Mt ·" also for the coon d-ttiii6 Praclaimed Prince oi Serv1a. o one of servile subm1ooioo, but of-a nourished antsgon1si.n. FEES MODERATE. Bowmani;1llc, Dec, 174 . 11 ti. over McGLUNG'S Store OFFJGJ.i: . . ==()heap Dry Goocls== ---o--- the revolt of 1815 lB that resulted m the permanent acknowlcgeu:ient of Ser'\1a by t1ibutary po\\·er, under native rulers. Ser· \Yhat g1vee unportance to much in Europe, and become a European. Durrng hie exile Michael had travelled He posseseeil enlightened VJC\\S thorough the Porte as a self go\·ern1ng though still to the Subs, brnught back as a ruler, and, Uentl1ug lus whole enertes pendent hfe, in to give lus country a new antl really lnde. he organ1ed the nnhttn so _y1a, restoretl ALLAH LINE STEAMSHIPS. ·L10H. 'l\ckt1ts or inf(jrtnation, apply to W. A. NEADS, Agent. .l' ti 30 Ilu\\ID&nville, Jwie 9 th, 1871. Livc'tpool Lon don, and Glasgow s. having opened his MASON ST ORE tire indepenclen0e, and of an ex.tension of 'ian kingdom. territory co extenBlvo with the old Ser- w1tb it the hope, at some future time, of en- that Serna i,ould summon to her standard n1en. time of need n force of 100,000 trained Roads also 'vere formed, bridges - -------- NE-W- that the l:lervians weru conquered by the to the Eaatern Empire. Bulgarians, afterwards became flUbJect Regammg their hrntory of Serv1a. Considerable obscurity rests on the early YYe gather, however, of the Prince wae greatly increased, m 1862, and commerce encouraged. bmlt, schools established, ·nd agriculture The popularity East and Ch1r.e. are no longer 1mposs1bl g_;- ti.bout fourteen years oJ 'tl'i"=, goes through the ifrOp'e, ceremony of canfirmatiao, and then is placed The lower classes use silver rnstead of gold Lbe rem 1ns of Greek __l!:.9d-Ro.aan build1ng R , by her parents with a country gentlemant coins. A short Jacket over the dress, tr1w he \\'lthu mm journey. Of course, or in a. large family where she remains one med with all round, and with sleeves W!'OU gh architect must spend years or two years, fillmg what may also be term very tight at the top, but very oplo , aruong these monull!ents of Ins art but te rd lhe post ot servant, or dornR the work of completes the cost1\}Ihe "t'h1"fbmldmgs only obstacle to this education of eye aau one. This is looke<l upon as nn a.pprentir.e· oi the to.wn-nre the Prince's palace, au unhand Wlll be found in the want of vney; ship to domeetic economy. She diftem rc Cnl1ous viIla in tho clnef street,stand1ng and it is wonderful how .td'ie merest pittance from a servant, however, 10 this-she re back m its grouuds, the Academy, and the can be eked out by thrift and rei:;olute en ce1ves no wages; on the contrary, her pnr.. theatre. The most attmctivc promenade lS deuvor. We know of arlislB who have lived en ts often pay for the care taken ot her, as on the terrace by the fortress, whence Lhere for years rn Italy, supportmg themeelves well as her clothtng. This is the firet step rn is a magnihcent VIC\V over the ocean of by a ltttle teacbrng her education as housekeeper. She next wa\1ng corn·fields of Hungary au<l Scla Again, th E!Ubject itJ naturally interest- paeses, 111 the same oond1hon, into the kit.. voma, bounded by the maJ estic llood of tho mg toomen, A Boston archltect, who bas chen of a nch private family, or mto that of Danube and the broad s"eep ot the blue published scocral books on lbe bmldmg of a hotel ol good repute, Here she has Save curving Into tb.e I.1rger but rnuddier houses, says that ho u1varlably found, when control al the expenditures of the servants On the other e1do hes the Aus stream he submitted his plans to a married couple, employed n1 It, nnd aas1sta pert!onally in trian town of Semhn that, if the womali understood them at alt, the cookrng, but lS alwaysaildreoocd as Miss, Thu greu.t \\ant of Serv:vi is native enter. or took any m them, ahe was bts and is treated by the lam!ly with deference --------. prise, labor, and capital . Not only is the best assistant. Bemg thoroughly conv<rs· and conS!deratwn. .Many daughters of rich soil feitile, but the country is full ol valuable unt with the household needs, her sugges· fanubea receive rnmilar training, with this tblck plait, 1s coiled around wh1lc the cathedrals and pal ducat!::I, \Vhilst the hair, twisted into one leaving school, \\'hich sh does by hie obtatntng the Iemoval of the rrurk1h fortresses gamsous from Belgi,\de and all the other of Servis The cdu1 at1ou -of resources t1n1ber, and rich 10 ed h} Eughsh companies, to whom canoes· Since Se1v1a. a1011a huve been rnade by the Governrnent. \SF> Mines have beeu recently open coal and other mineral would have t1ons v.·crc always prartical. 8 the eame etatfa anti thzough the aan1e doors a hundrerl hmea a day, \\hila a. man is away at his bus111ess; and many httle comforts and conveniences, wh1cb he would hardly real advantage. flere a woman She gaca :Ip a pr1ocely d1Berence, however, tbat they receive it / lnrpe1ial .Fire lnsuranr.e Co 01!' LONDON. with a full asso1tment of l{BAD OFFIOES,-1 Old Broad St.1 and Pall M&ll. f,oudon. <\.oE:NCY Fon CANADA - 24 et GENEUAL S acrn.Luent St. , MontreaJ.. -'--'-+-ted nnd invested C apital a.nd Res ene Suhacn Fund. £1,965,000 Sterling. F=d· mveoted mQanada.- l05,ooo. Juaurances ag&met t°"" by F<re ·re eJJectod on Established 1803- : STAPLE BARGAINS ONE =----.,....;:;. :..;;o';;:;!;:t.,:;!'..:-"' "' ; .;; FOR )l·tred to · DRY ,... -=" ::_ _:-;;::. -'-'·i'otle 1 ; e <led together several detached and vnsea1 · governments 1uto a united po"·er, nu d he ca.rue U-rand Zupan ot the Se1bs. Serv1a became a kingdom, mdependeut .\'{mpire In 1217 nnJi,tbe first of his lrno,m the twelfth century liberty about the year 1085, Stephen Nem- opean refinement among his Court and peopie, gardens Prince Michael lrd ! mtroduc Enr- Ono of his tastes was for parks and tween tbc cbief to\vns , but there 1s attll \\'nys yet exist 1n the country, nor is the much to be done in this respect. ernment, good ruads have been made be freed from Turkish Gov Uoneequently the women 1n Germany perfect motlela of econon1y, present tHne \i,,ho v;as tra1ncd in th1s .iy_ .:ttf' There is a re1gu1ng queen in Germany at tlJ.e mansion or a royal reSJdenOO. ua res1 denee \\as c 1io1ce autI e 1 egant. Tht:i garden nttached to hia town No ratl· ' CASH, 1ll · verted a picturesque chstr1ct lJing along the n H e co- think of, become "cry necessary for her. No ' plan ' should be adopted till it has moat favorable ter1nR, a.nd losses paid with· out re1ox-ence to tho Eoa.rd iu London. RINTOUL BROS. J DODSWORTH, Gen. AgentsJ 1ontr1:1l Inspeutor. that Will CO)l:lpare Wlth any Sto1 e th e County. 'H" with Stephen, son of the Grand Zupan, ·s' the fust crowned krng t wo cen turtes alike ot Hungary a:id the Eastern cham el hills to the west of Belgrade tnto deer-park, named the ToshlC\ere. !\.11chael vtas Wheµ Jl.. lt. LOSOOMBE, Ba.rrlijter, for Bowmanville and Vicln1ty. .l3owrvanville. Juu,e 4th. lB601 m.o.43 ·39.4w36 . ./).gent ..-- "'lea.Se C S,11 pa.l ·d a,nd DOOR · ..--l'lCe ..ililgh eSt 'e eza,:m.1ne St 00k, olilUtter a,nd ,gggS. .i.Or 'B · ol WEST · EXPR'.ESS OFFIOE· 1utermamed with daughters of BHrnhuw, :Vrance, Venfoe, m the house of " ,.ervia :t{A111anJa. The 1 d was rn' For up"ards of The Prnicer:i town of · by 1'rrnccs walking rn tjt.e Topshiilere, iµ June, 186.8, v1ae death ot so · frince "d experienced a ruI er a assassinated into the 1nter1or ot the country. become, for s1ty nutes frotn 1ta mouth ugbt 1'h vessels are to be found at Belgrade. The No Brit- 1orava yet ll&v1g:able, as lt unght by habor been submitt·d to the tuture mistress of the house A feminine architect would u1ake no nnstakes in this matter. To whlltev1:r the hearts of First 1n war, first in pea, aud fire:t in the The \Vas a greut lJss to 'II 'l l"th BowmanVJ e, Apn <> , 1876 o-m29 bp-o l" · Prfarend, Old Servia, lyrng on the elope fortifieil succcss10n was a youth of fvurteen years of age-Milan, grandson of Jephrem, a broth- S.erv1.t et 1n The n a Jess degree, vnth 1'u.rkcy and Roumarna l3rit1ah through AuaLua 2nanufaotures reach chief trade of Servxa 1s WlLh Austria., and,to Serv1a only order of couslrnelion her building belonged, she woulu take care to have 1t comfortable; i.sts ?.ho say, 'First a. Oathohc an.d after ... und after all, houaea are built to ln e in ward an American,' and hquor men who more than to look at. SI\}' 'Ji'irst beet aud then hberty,' Ameucan After the neceooary yealS of etuJJ broad, an architect can live at home. She never civilization has a hard row to hoe -Ht;rald 'First beer and then politics,' is the S·nt1n\ent as t was uttered ancl applauded. Between oman Amencan Beer Brewers . Nat10nal Congl't$s of i .ft er of old Milosch, and consequently second goods. been an increased consumption of cotton Tho annual value of the imports is 01 lute } tars there has bas to go out at night, like a doctor; the numefouo detalie of her l\Ork give her the and Piesbyler. Love is of God. ---

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