·· THE MERCHANT FRIDAY, A UdUST 4, 1876 WANTED. .A GOOD general llervant. Apply to . MRS. D. FISHER. :Bowman ville, August 10th, 1876. lw. · Bargai~s for Uasb I Youcan~eteverytbingusuallykeptiJla J 1 Cheap Fruit Trees. r to the lstof October., 1 will tnke or.lers U for f.hst clnss apple trees, to be at Bowmanville, next spring, at $17 per bun· delivcr~d di·ed, AH other Nursery stock :t.t correspond· ing low rates~ Special rates for large ordera . All stock guaranteed trne to name. Address JOHN CHAPLIN, 4m. BOAT FOR SALE. nice row-boa.t for eale.· Apply £0 AB'l'HUR CODD. .A VERY lw. Dominion Bank. BRIDGMAN'S & FLEMING'S s. & F. Mason's & ·1fJLLE. 11 BOWHdl -:o:--- Box 55, Bowmnnville P. 0. CHOOL BOOKS t a t i o n e r y, P e ns cllool J3ooks, Inks Iates,writing papers chool Bass Pencils at.chels, Machine Need I es MRS. ANDERSON'S Fashion and Millinery Depot, Ktiig Street, opposite .Mr. Buckler's First Prize and Diploma . Very at Provincial Exbihition at Ottawa., 1875. APPLES! APPLES! S BUBDEN will be In the Market this · senson for any quantilty of good shipping Offic~ apple~; also Tub Euttel'. at Messrs; THOMPSON & BURNS. Bowmanville, Aug. 10th, 1876. .A5-3m. Loolr at this, then buy them. TEAS. No. 1 Black .No. 1 Green, A good tea, 5 lb lot of 50 c. cts. 85. 80 . 40. $2.25. First-class Harness Establish- lFANNING M.J:LL, ment. and Grain Screen and SEPARATOR· Harness, Whips , 1'run7"', Valises, Bags, Col· SEED lars Lashes, Brushes, 1'letts, Sheets, Rugs, Gurry Combs, Bits, Snaps, Interfering Bo?ts THREE MACHINES IN ONE. and Roll.crs, Zinc Ool lar Pads, Harness O·ls, The King of the West I 0 ! AT PI 0 TUR E FRAMING · ' MUS · BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY. . p1en dl atin Roon1 Papers plencli<l fancy goods el 'l' ·d J e'W r y' 0y 'Bonnets, Rats, s l M~~1tles. and General conaistingoferny~~'.~~~=~~~line tbatoanbe purchased ln Latest Styles l R. }~aston's To,vn Hall Bu1lc11ngs. ,~~~~;~d~~~.~:;~~~:~::'c~~t, Town Hall Buildings Bowmanville · lisbments, are DOW Oil exhibition. Straw Hats cle.med, >tnd altered into lateat stylea. ~fra.A.isuotaskinglargo pro!lts,butwill j s~l~ at a smnll."Ldv:i-nce ou cost,, for CASI-I. A will satisfy any 0 th~ Paris aud Ne,v'Yo1 k eatll.b· UNION SCHOOL. opened on :r..Iondav 21st inst. Intending pupils are requested to be on hand. as promptly as possible. A .ft;w Loa.rders will be ta.ken ~ref~rence Ly the Matb.ema~ca.l Master: given to thooe aiming at )la.tnculil.tio!l 1n the l!n~veraitiea or in the La.w and ~1ed1cal So- etc., etc.· If you don't 11cc whn.t you want,plea.sc ask for it. T liE Bowma.n~'ille U.nion Scl1ool will be re- A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. . ~fill a.nd Seed Separator ever in,·ented. I bav· now great pleosure in offerin" to the farming community, the most perfect ~annin~ Its advantages over other b-lills in use, arc as fol- Doheny Block, Lindsay. Bowrnanvillc. April 7th, 1876. at the (m22.1y.) DRUGS AND MEDICINES 10 is. perfect Cleaner and Chaffer. It will take out 'Vild Oats perfectly . It w11l takP, uut a1l Cockle, Chess, and other foul seeds, with once going through, ma.king a pP.rfect sample of l\:farket Wheat,which willadd~ever a.l cents per buabel to the valu~ of grain, over and above that when clenned by the ordinary llfilL . 2nd. It is a :most perfect Separator. It will separate 1111 the large kernela of Wheat from the small and shrunken grah;is. It doos not throw the smJ.11 grains in the chess box. like other l\: l illa, but brings them through by them· selvea, clean and fit for market, Rtnd is warranted to make a perfect ~ample of Seed "'~heat. 3rd. It is very rapid in its nctiun, awl will easily make for nnirket, Sixty Bushels j and for Seed, Twenty.five Bushels per hou1·. 4th . It separa.teR a.11 kinds of Grain, as well as seeds ; an<l if \Vheat and Oate, rea·s and Oats, Clover and Timothy. are mixed together, Bnd put through this Mill, it ·w ill come out per· fectly separated. 5th. It is equally as gpoLl for small aij large grains. Jt will separa.te "fimot11y Set::d from \Vlient, and ,...-ill bring the Timothy out clean at the same time a.s you arc cleaning the \Vheat for Market. i':t.-It Bowmanville Drug Store, cietief!.~ ~ . 'V. OLIVER, B. A. Dowmanville, Aug. 7th, '11(6. Principal. 2w. $ 5To $ 20 per day ·t home . Samples bi»o-10m25·1Y · worth ,1 free. STINSON & Co Good C5Joking Good White, White Scotch Refined, Broken Loaf, · 13 lb. for $1. 12. Portland, Maine. " " 11. 10. FOR BALE. YOUNG HORSE, Four years old. Good .A for gtmeral purpose. 'Vill be sold on reasonable tcrtua as the aubscriber ha.a no further 1 9. Crock- \u:efor it, The Stock of General Groceries i~ huge, and witrrantecl fresh. ery, Glassware, etc., etc., very low. ·· ~ J. GALE. Church Street, East. D6wmanville, July 12th, 1876. PllOVISIONS AND FEED FOR SALE, Farmers produce tuken in exchcrnge for goods. KNITTING. F Socks a.nd Stockillgfl knit to order, Home· epun \Vol)}, or Cott()ll or any kind of yarn. 1 1 ETCH ON YOUR' YARN I All ,;..,, of Remember, Cash gets a -Benefit at BRIDGMAN & FLEMING'S. . = Price of Mill, $35. All Letters ft om the Counties of Northum· berland, Durham, V"ictoria, and Peterboro, must he addresseJ to the proprietor, Stockinq:,.i knit for 20ct.1 ·· Socks knit fu'I' 15cts. Come and see tlm .J:I ra.nr: and PopP. Knitting Macl1ina, half-way between Bowman ville and N owca.stle, at the old Hotel !!lta.nd, 40 rods west of the ·fown Linc, -:O:· - THOMAS SMI'rH, Hamptnu, Ont. P . C. 1IY1u:s. General Agent. llfay Gib, 187G. 32-tf. KNITTING MAOHINES FOR SALE. CHABLES KENNEDY. AtlJress : Chae Kennedy, Bowmanville P. O. Bowrnanville 1 August 4, 1876. m44.·ly. EVENTS EXTRAORDINARY! --r::--=====~ 1\11 AT H USE K PI ANOS. -~n- Family Excursions ! -TO- RO 0 HESTER, N.Y. PER ~TEAtin:n "NORSEMAN." SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. fa.milieal t~ visit the bea.utiful City of Rochester, aunng the ·w1uro s\lmmer monthe, tickets good for two days, (including date of issu.e) wih be issued by Stenurnr ·· Norseman/' until the 15th of ,Septe1nbor next, at the undermentioned unprece· dented ratea, from Po1-t Hope, {berths and meals extra) :.For 2 members of family to Charlotte and return ........ _.···...·. , ...··........ $3 00 . Each additional member.. . . . . . . . . ...... 1 00 Childnm under 15 yea.rs, each............ 60 1'fokets must be procured from thi.> under!llen· tioned agents of the steamer, or full fare will be .chat:gcd. American Prints, Cheapest, :Best, Handsomest, EVER KNOWN, . EXCEL in firmn~es: and purity of tonQ, EXCEL in voioe-like quahty of tone. EXC}.':L in dura.bibty and keeping in tune, EXCEL for the concert roon1. ' EXf:Ji!L for teaching sc}wols arid setoinades, EXCEL for the drawing room. .. . EXCEL n voluu1e of tulle. -++'l' heae are broad assertions, but capable of proof. 'l'hey a.re unlike any other, in colli!truction ; all their peculiar\tics are :ppi;pts-of e;:cel· lence. Their illns~rati:id Jllld descr~ptive en.ta· logue, which we eend frt:e to ~uy &<ldress, explains conolusively, i11 harnwny with acoustit.:1:1 and mechanics all that ia claimed for t;bp 1'-lathushek . There are thonsauds of happy owners of ~Iathu shcks willing to certify to their superior excellence. 'Ye haNe roolll here for but~ few brief cx:tract11 : - = ... · ·= = UJ ·rl ...p a r/l Cl> · OULD inost respectfully tender his inoere tht\nka to his nuinerous friends and J.Somer~, and to the public genl;!rally, for the very libE>ro.l support he has received ince hits c~mmeoci;ig in bnsines3; and hopes by con· tlnued strict personal attontion to b11~iness and offering nothing but Lhe purest nrticlca a.i. the most re_o.sonable prices, to en1:01 ..e a continUnnce of public patronage. J. 1:1· would cn.ll speciµl attention to his very anµerior stock of W J. HIGGINBOTHAM I I J TJYE S'l'UFJ3.,P which are sure to give t ho bust satisfaction. A well selected stock of DRUGS, OHEMIOALS, PA1'ENT 1°1'/EDJGINES. BRUSHES, GOJ,.fBS . SHOULDER-BRACES ' SUPPOR'l.'El{s, Etc, Eic. kept conetantly on hand. OILS, PAINT, "' z II.I ..I COLORS, VARNISHES ' and WHITE LEAD at the very low est prices. Horses and Cattle Medicines. .A s a special inducement to AT F. Y. COWLE'S. n 00 · ~· ---:o:--- The Mattrnas wns awarded the hit premium at the Proviuci!\l F3ir, Ottawa, 1875. Is durablo, elastic, noiaclecs. l\fanufactured by Geo. Ga.le, Smiths Mills, ~uebec. For sale by Anthony Davy, Furuitu.re VealBowmanville. · DOMINION WIRE MATTRA.l!S. NEw YonK, Oct. 28, 1867. We t.h~ undt.1raigned, Judges c;f Piauoa at the Fa.ir of the American Iustittltl.'l, after a ·careful examination of the Concert Grands,do award to FREUERIOK MA1'HUSllK the HONOR of making the BEST of this claas of instruments then and there e:xhibittd, or known to 1.1s elsewhe1·e. a .,. = ~ = == · · ...p ..... g 0 ...p N. B .-Country st01·c-ke1,pers fl\ll)Plied o tl1e most advantageous tcrma. A choice selectio11 <.·f LA.MPS for ha.le chea.p Bowmanville. Dec. 1868. t>m. New Furniture AND - -, -UNDERTAKING "'*'"ii~Sl ~if --:o : - 'l'he unrlersigned has opened a store in oppvsite Treleven s Shoe Store where he will keep 0'?1 h~p,cl t~ fu}l' and, v tHif'd ~tock of :Fuller's :Block, FURNI'rtr:EE, ·w~1ch 'vtll be di~1~osed of at the LOVVES'l1 CLOTH FROJVI GRANGER 'VOOL New'l'~r shop, . 1 YARDS FOR S 7· 2 ($igµeq) Th-J'OSE, THOS. YELLOWLEES, Oentennial Excursion Tickets! -:o:· Centennial ExcursiC1n 1'ick'1ts at greatly red u cerl rates-from$15.40 to $18.40, acc?rding to choice ~f route- -also for ea.le by unders1glll;ld Ag nt, Newcastle. Agent, Btow1nanville. N .B.-In connection with the above, Retu~ 'J.'ickets yer G. 'l'. Bnilway ~Port Hope will be iBBUe( nt One l!...,are. T. Y. - . :o:- JOHN HEAL, llW'j'). MOI,:f.,ENHAUER, A. D. W. BESEMANN . M. J. GIANNET'rI, CHARLES Ji'B.ADEL. 1\'IusrcA~ M_ARJ{ET l 1 RIUES. 1'ersons inteud· ing. to c?mmenoe housekeep ing. will find it lurgely to their lt.dva1ltage to consult him eie purchasing- elsewhe~c. 4'u1'1til1tre 'made to order on short not·ice and BEGS 1'0 INFORM THE PUBLHJ, gen· era.Jly, that he bas removed. his business to the Shop next door eaRt of Rice's llutch(;'<' Shop. . Having had several yea.re experience in -the 'tl.'acle; he hopes to satisfy all who may favor ' ao'OI>F~Ts GUARANTEED BowJna.nVille, Sep. '4th, 1872. m49-tf. CONSERY ~'iOl~r, } 802 Broadway, N. Y. These Pianoa n1ust take the lead of all known insti·umtints, and theil" pe0111iar constrnl'tion rendE'!rs thern by far the iuost dul'able, and th~ least liable to get out of tune. · EUGE"<EJ, \\[ERBIAM. bas been ID{' faVRf\I~. Since the date of this concert the l\ia.t!!ush~k . . . .' . Repairi71fJ neatly done. ' A. NEW HXA.RSE UNDERTAKING. D. ROSE, THOS. YELLOWLEES, J, JAYWA1'SON .. Watson's Oonser\'atory of MuS:ic,New York. No monl;ly would tempt me to banish it fron-1 my home. Agent, Ne,vca.stlu, Agent, Bowroa.n·\'ille, :Bowmanville, July 27, '76. m44-7w A CA:El.D. bavo this day ·ppointed C. BARKER I'the Rclu1ive agent for the sale of my I&ED for Bowmanville. Ont. CAtl D. SCHUYLER, Buffalo. Diatl1ushek baa in reality ta.lcen a. s~ep in ad.vnuct;: of aU w.~ers of P1a~os in the wOrld. .J. G-. SHAW. litu1ical Critic, Saratoga. VuL· l?.fl?Ji ... THE JOSEPH .ilfASON P. P. J. J.J AC01!S. Bwm·novillo, Sept. 10th, 1874rn· ShortHorns for Sa.le. THOROUGH-BRED Peovle' s Book Store ... SA:B. :BATH SCHOOL AL:i:.T:aE LATEST STYLES ' .I IN The Mathushek Orchestra Square Grand Pia.p.o i,s brilliant, of wonderful power and nielo<liou!J \u to11~ .. ' ALFRED H. PEASE,Rochester. I was fully conviuceJ tba.t the Mathushek was the cr~owu of all. .. · Pt ·~ r/l Cl> 0 ~as been procured oI latest design. :Furnish ~ngs for funerals always vn bnnd . ..1.\.ll Funerals \ l in town · ond country, atttendcd at a rensonable charge. W 1'he celebrated Wire 11fattrass jiw sale. See it beforn ymt pv.rchase cmy othe1·. HATS,OAPS, & GENTS FURISHINGS are to be had n.t H. BELLACK . . Residence, Corner of Queen and Brown St1J, next door to Mr, J. P.llice'e. ' F chased of'the undersig_ned, at reaeonable rate1 . OUB 24-tf. ROBT. CULLAUOTT, Tyrone, P. O. 'l'IIOROUGH·DBED DUBHAM Bulls yoarHngs, red and roan, can be pur. . A. DAV:Y. . . Bowmanville, 1\Iar 1.Vth, 1876. ~ii-tf. - -- Strawberries! DEPOT c. T M. MAYER'S. l!r. l\f. ppened tho seafjon, with a spl endid stock of goods, cotnprising everything. in the ha.t and Cap line, which will be disposed of at low rate.'!. · Call Pl\flY 1 ~n<l m~ke your selection. ' !\.ly old tuntif, who has tn.ken ca1-e of my piaiw for thu past te11 years, says that the No 10 (Jrc.hestral just receh·cd f1·01n you is th~ bc!!iti iuudo and fine.st insitument in this city. Yourc1 1 &c. ' FOR SALE OR ·ro RENT. Apply t~ D. M. SOM}:HVILLE, Olcveland,O. RLM ST. W. M. S. We ha.vegreat plensuro in SOHCOL, '".l.1oronto. sta~iug th~t ·Man etorE1, ~Jar~~ two story Hough Cast Dwelling the p1·oprrntor. posSCili!lO~ will be ghr~n at onc:e. Sl'REE'l.'lN 'l'I:!E VILLAGE ONof MILL Hampton, three doors \Vest of Elliott's B A R K. ,I!; R . arriv~l instrumtint to lead thl;l .singing in a. S. School nothing can excel it. The tone fa 1:10It and full. '!'he bass is gti\nd and when. 300 voices are singing together the Piano can be distinctly heard. Every note rings out as clear as a Stra.wberries With the of the Ilolidays. comes a dem~nd for · Stra.w"berries -- ohea.p a.nd gopd L;tera.ture, Gift :Books, a.nd I'res~nt · a-oo:os. · I have a Stock that can~ot fail to ~leaac-poin plete and varied, · WILLIE Is this seasou, handling Bowmanville Nursery _ Strawberries, and will ' Splendid Lot: F.A.MILY BIBLES. POOKET BUJLES,Large Assortment. l'T .J3. That deservedly poJ111lar Te;1-ch ei~ Bible, in various l1indmgs BOOKS, in Gnat Variety. · ALBUMS, Cheap and Pretty 1J7RITING DESKS, and WORK BOXES BATS foi: hot weather. ltATS for cool weather. HA TS for wet weather, HATS fo1· - - f o r .A HAT !'OE TO'C'. M. M~ Y EB.'S, bell. " S. J, HVNl'ER P ...tor, WARING KENNEDY, Superintendent. SAMUE:f., FRISBY, Music·! Conduclol'. REV. JOHN BREDIN, Barrio. NEW GOODS! BATTING'S! A'l' consisting in part. of JOHN COLE. Merch:;n1t '..l'aiJor. Ha.mpton, March 7th. 1876. faction. 1lf1·. It has givtin my family tho vecy '4ighest satis- J. ll.usc, DEAR SIR :-The ~fa.thuaek Piano I purchq.sed from you hil!R given entµ.e Aatisfaction and proved itse~f a superior instrument in every respect. I wonld r~ commend all to see the !\.iathusek, before r>urcha.aing e]sewhcrc. HAMPTON, Feb. 1st. 1876. H. 'l'. PHILLIPS. Prof. J, .Um~~, ENNIB~ILLE?f 1 Jan. 'TWEEDS, PRINTS, WHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILK PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, &c. All to be sold at the v_ e ry loweet prices, for 25th. 1816. - DELIVER THEM DAILY, Fresh, at Lowest Market Rates. OHDERS SOLICITED. --o-On hand, a splendid stock of MICROSCOPE,S, STEREOSCOPES, KAl-EIDESCOP ES Boots Shoes'! AND -:- testimony to the many you have already received in favor of the well merited ~fatbusek Piano, purchased from you recently. 1 am well satisfir:d with it in every respect, and consider, for beauty and tone, it is unsurpassed by any instrument I have yet seev. DEAlt Snl. ;- I have pleasute in adding my CASH! N. B.-Ol<l Storf", near Thompson & Burn1s .lHill, Bowroanville. TTIJ~ GREATEST Wonder of Modern Times. '/ B. C. HILLIER, M. D. Pruf. Ruse. ESNISKIL~EN, Jan. 15th. 1876. DEAR Srn :- 'l'he Medium ~athusek we got fron\ you gives entire satisfaction in every respect. I can unhesitatingly recommend it to all desiring a good piano. FRESH ORANGES, LEMONS, a.ud ther seasonable Fruits. oAl\IES WYLLIE, Poet's Curnor, :Bowman ,·ille. 13owmanYil June 30th, 1876 34.tf LwrgeBt Collection of Ster"eoscopic Views in Towii. . Pastor M 'r . .J. Ruse, One of the Largest Stocke of Boo.ts and Shoes in the go"Qnt:rv. {a to be .fouud at of Presbyterin.n Church. D STEWART. J. BORLAND'S Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses, etc., etc. Osu.<wA, .Tan 2{th.1876. Boot & Shoe Store, comprising DEAR SrR:-'l'he No. 11. Ma.thusek is all . that you said c01nmendatory of it, m usicians have tried it a.n.d pronounced it excellent. · The u 11dersigned has tlie \ STSA'W' . . ,, . h t !'.ELT p1easure of m1orm1~g y~u t a LEG:EtOSN he has re-opened m his old HATS AND BONNETS, stand, (two doors West of the CLEANED and made over in the ve1·y latest Post Office) with an entire styles. J - AND 'l'he Pills Pnl'ify the Blotd, correct a.U disorders of the ~iver, 8tomach, Kidneys and Bowels, a.nd are 1nvnl110.ble in all co1nplaints incit1antal to Females. Tho Ointment is the only relJabl~ remedy fo:rRad Legs, Old Vl uu1Hls, Sores and TDc:en" of however long ijtanding. J'o1· B1·onchiti~ Di:Phthe.i:iu., Coughr:i, Colds, Gout, B.bcumatis'iu and all Ski.n Diseases it has no equaJ. ' MRS. B. MITCHEL. NEW STOCK O~ 'ila Special attention given to COLORING. The Common Sense Call and Examine. J };[~\MPIJ'ON 1 Jan , 3lf3t, 1876. Ladies' Prunella Boots, from 7~ cents JJ-Ir. J. lluse. upwards. Misses' and Oh!ldren's, l>E.A.R S1R :--It affo1·ds me great pleasure in proportion. Men's, Boy's, in acknowledging tho entire satisfaction and my and Youth's, of every de· high appreciation of the M ii:tbusck piano purchased from you a. few days aince. scription. Silver street, t·.fo doors north of ()hurch. Bowmanville1 Avril 14, 1876, (29-ly. MHS. MAYBEE, WA S_H I;; R ~ with 11ni·iersal favor, 1n many of the Stat'-;a of t~c Union, ~u(l' to.-4a~, ~ti\nda higher ~n ~lle e~tlnlra.tio1~ 0;f housew1y~a, th';l'n ~n:y ~ther. The~ 3.r~ now "1ntrodupe(t ~nto fins v19!\1ty, by the tinaet'Sl!iucd, who ha~ already sold a large nqm~r. 'l'he pi:tintS of cxce~leD.ce co~1~ia~ ~n i~ ~~· P\11.:ity~3.nfl tlie s8:"in'g p f ~oa?, l?-Por. a11~1 thne. Aq ordnrn.ry wa.alnng, for a large family, 911.n ht' ' <]on 0 by childron frqm 8 to iz_yeare old, . Findings ~ept fqr the Trade. S~le S. J. SMITH. I rrfllfl Wa~bing 111..C!\!n· ha! been receiy~ Great Oo,lf, Kip Uppe·r anrl, .41~80 'flit· Olotlf'S ar~ perfcclly cleaned, and not ~" t~ le<.1St wom b1J i/. A l\iachine can be scc:n at the Qrocery Stqre of John i).ic!t-I1'1t·try,, Ilowinanville.t or at the fe,isi· deuce 9f the aubacqb,er, Ontario bt. ,and p~rt1es deoirin·6 to see it in prac\ic·I nse, can do so, b:r thelr 11~me11 with Mr. l\tc?t-~llrtry, alld lh· ·µ,~sorjber wµI dp ~ w·sli jur the1~, ire~ of leaVing e~~""°" f!'he O'Dell _ RqyaJ.- C11n~dlan Wringer the. bes~. in the DJ~rket, also kept on har;d. l:!'ac· Si::nse \\"asl1er1 $7. --- tory price, $8, will be sold for $7. . Commr:iu Wnaher and \Vnnger, $14. They cannot fa.ii- to aatisfy, M a.U who h& tried them speakhighlyofthbm. ' , .P. THOMAS. Bowmanv1lle, Mar, 24tb, 1876 . 26-tf, I_ the CASH SYSTEM, ,. . , W. \:IEN.N!NGS PIAN OS fr0111 other n;liiible believing it to be advantage- · N iij still in charge of the rnakern at bottDW prloes. ous not only to the buver bui ORHEMAN, J (R. ORA WFOIUl, MASTEll,) Xa.nufa.oto:cy De:pa.rtment also to the seller I Will make h« rOS"\l.lO< irip· on thisroute,lea;:, a:ptl is prep<1.red lo S' ll_ar~ntee ' ing Cobu\1rg ~v~y motnUJg at 7:.30 d. !'ort NORRIS & SOPER A Perfect Fit, i·t. the n.ud Dest Parcels de ·:v_.,~ed to < all .{" nn"'S Hope ~I I\ o'<;look, for Roe '"'°'· connecting NO· 8, Adelaide St. Eas , oront-0. ~4 \'. · tf-en ~v}th th~,..N . _ '.'7il Central, Northe~n Sewed Work q Speciality. First SOLE AGENTS. ..QLth-e"town W'th prom1)t11ess. Uenb"],~ .·o Railways, ""d Lake Onta,,.o . : ' " ' lil ..v1Vls1on of the Ron1c 1 Wn.tertoWD and class Stock used. 0 C! 'El II lilgllesC price ai all Oguensburgh Rail;;:;:'l ~~~':i.'. point· }]ast, West 1 ""'OVJ~ A .,..,~ LOT A · HO~s~ .A. Call is Solioit9d. U ~Ol!il'H .a liiliiili, '.a. D rlV ~-, kinds· produce RETURNING, will loav· Chat1ott· {port Q SAL· -- · " Remember:~~~ S!,o.nd., PJlfil':-~ce Block, opro4 .. ""'NP JN · of 11.oQhester,) daily at 9 P. 111., except Satur· ' ma:l!l SUBSCRIBER ls in waut of · horse H · · days, when she will leave at 3 Y . M. for Port r:u11~ rtuebottom ffoueo. A VERY .D""In~ADLJl · f .l ·nd would like to trade a waggou, or an\· DARLINGTON, CLARKE, WHll'HY, REACH. opmg to rece:ve a share HopediF<~t, . . _,,,~ ·· ' pieco town pro. thing in bis line in exch ....---. I J. BORLA.ND. perty, i1tuate on the co1·ner of Hunt a.nd ma.I, 1- . . . ~1~1i;a.1Jlea.n1· AND CART\VRIGHT. DealeJ"s lll stock, ,&;c.,w1ll £nd this Uie cheap~ Dowman ville, May 12th, 1879. 33. Ann·streetR, can be purchased a.t a. reasonable of yow· pa,tronage. est and most exped1tJOUJl route to Boston, Al· . , bany, New York, &o. figure for cash. There~w frarn .....J.-· ~ JOHN JOHNS. with gell Q.{ wa.te:r, bl -·Y ....uuse, Hampton, July 6th, 1876. (ln·tf.) for Domimon He 1s, yours truly, For further information apply to Also Agent "";~ ..' ·. ·~·"'o a, sta e, on the pre· It. CRAWFORD . SEND 250. toG. P. ROWELL & co .. ~ew ._,ea.. The garden ie cu .lt1vn.ted. A . pply to John McMwtry. Pon· Ho·E, Organs, ~owm~n"tille· . York, for a Pimphtet of t;Oo pages, con~ai'n' OrC. F .GILDERSLEEVE At Mn. ·{?.1}i!_J.i.;;~w,.:r.,1;~;.i.,.,., $12 o.!fif ~n~ te~~f;ee, Afi*'R\jEw&'!5orl '.f!RUN]fS, ~9- PRI(JE$' Leather", FULL AGRAFF:ic, 7.0QTAVO His aim shall be to keep the Da.ily Line to Iioohester. l, L t Comuioncing on or abont THURSDAY, Best and se11 a t t,J,\e OWEl:S 20TH APRIL. 'poss~ble ptiQe.. THE STE'AMER H11 bas determined to adopt ' .~ Fresh !'a.mily Q-rooeries I . . $ k ; La.t~st Styl~. -1¥' s 0 0. FROM a1ih:t _, .'-'J. I LYMAN, ,_____ RV 0 i... ~-~--~-·~-~~-- LYi\rAN :BRO' ~ns & <;;,... 1 wl)o ubtai,n them at very low priee'-.1, irl!Jm J . II711ry, C~rtan & Co., of :New York, , this trash JS supplied to lTnprincipled R ' Vendors. who s.,11 t.hc same as un· genuine . and Ointment, which arc ma.nUfn.c· t ured at_M8, Oxford Street, J.o.nclon, and may 1 ta1ned from the following Ffrms viz · Evans, l\ierct-1· and Co., :l\fontreal.. · · l\ie~rs. ~very, Brown ru.!d Co., Halifa:f l\fessra. J. TI. Barke1· ::o.J1d SouF;,. St Jo} Messrs. E!1iot and Co., 'l\:·l'0.11to. · \Vho '!riport thew, ~~i.1·cct from her( CL.ARE&:. Ct>., Nonr11nu1· & LiM , a.i1d. 'l'HOMAS HOLLq 533. (},ef<rd Street, W. 0. ; Q/$3·o20 Do~vill.·, A\"\15, ~87?; (";':'2°8.'t('I) Augu,sta ·M"\"·· · · · b;,.ol0·m2p~; . ing liata of 3()09. ncwspnpcrs,aild -eStirilates show-. ing coaf of ~dverj;iaing. bp-o,1Q-"i\25·lr· · ·~ · · # , , . ... ' 20.t,t, Howmanville, Dec, 22nd, 1875. 13-tf. (29·tf.) KINGS~O~, London, Jcvnuary 1st, 18(