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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 11 Aug 1876, p. 4

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--- · POETRY. WAITING. The t-lue sky smiles sweetly above me, No cloud dinis its beauty to·dny ; No Llomish i11 or azure, So peacofully stretching away i An<l my heart keepe time to this beauty, 'Vbicb is filling my soul to-day. " And life E!eeins so joyout1 and ha.ppy, And the future one Jong dream of bliss; }'or the dear blef!sed ,Jesus, 'l\o-ho sorrowetl, And suffered, bled, died for all this, Hae ransomed my soul from destruction, Aud ~lled it with pardon and peace. ' 1 THE 1vIERCIIANT FRIDAY, AUGUST 11 1876, A Town Without the Liquor Traffic. 'l'he town ot Vineland, N. J ., was incor- Beyal Ag:ai:c. Triumphs. -~ .... A BIGi:is now raging at RtJRH T-:H~&o- porated in 1861. By special act of tho lcgis· lat.ure, the inbe.bitants of the town \Vere privileged to vote annually upon the ques· t.ion of license, 'yes ' or ' no.' 'l'he design of the founder, Charles K. Landis, was to shut out the liquor tratiic, although be was not a temperance man. As a wiae business TBELEViENS By Tcleg1·ap!J, io Uat·den0·.:fi.,t;wing Machine, Co'~! and with the expeption of a few, 1 th~se pass into ilte hands of the people of "\\'eat Durham. 'l'he-publicwill atonce see the utility of the paper as an Cic,ula.tion of 1000. has MERCHANT P.,ow a bona tide Sa,Vi;c.s'S a,nd INVESTMENT OF LONDON "-- ADVERTISING MEDIUM. SOCIETY I$ llas No Equal in thiI; Constituency t and this fact is being con Stan ti y ·demons tratea. · If you have lust, ad\·crtiae in this paper. If_you have found anything, advertise in the If you 'va.nt to sell anything, advertil'J6 in this paper. If you want to buy anything.advertise in the ,ONTARIO. transaction, this method was adopted to se· cure the largest prosperity. From that day, annually, in March, the citizens have voted upon the question, when the vote for traffic ranged from five to seventeen, until last March, when the vote for the traffic was on· ly 67 of the more than 1000 votes cast. ---:o:- MEROHAN'l'. Cornwall, Oct. 2, 1875. Royal got first t)rize a.t Glengarry-' County Fair. over the Wobstert Osborne, and New York Singer JAMES ~fILROY. Who eaya it is hard to serve J eaus, That His crosa is heavy to beor; Like Peter o( old, I can fellow Through floods and tl1rough flames, be He near; For ,vith His love -is plPasure, I-Iis-smile makes the darkest night fair. BainiUcn, · Royal took first prize at ~nionvil~e, competi11g with the '\Vbattler & W1lson, Slnger. and others. EvERTTS HAGAR.MAN · 'l'ILSONDUilG, Oct 11, 1875. First prize for Royal, at Union Exhibition town expcnda more for schools than the here over all competitors. MA'f"fHEW S·I'EWART. 1 whole county did 14 years ago. The ex\V oodstock, Oct. 6th. 1875. -o'l1he young p;irl's eye glcained with pleasure, took first.1)rfae at Exhibition herc,over pensee for the poor are about $350. At the nllRoyal And a flush stole over her cheek; competitort. ~lATTHEW S rEWART. · She would fain do great things for Jesue, average rate of the support of i)aupera in Paris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. , AND Ha.\·e taken first prize with ll;oyal at Fair · T thought, as I heard her thus speak : Massaehusetta, the town would pay annualhere be~ting the Rnymond and Singer. " . Sad n1istake l Looking far off for dia.monds, ly $4600 for the same purpose. In the I WILLIAM SNIDER. Examine e stock, which cOJnlirises e\·t'rytWug in the trade, of tlte very la.test. s.nd-most elegn.n , Unheeding the pearls at her feet." styles and patterns, of English, Canadian, and .A merican manufacture, N apaoce, Oct. 15th, 1875. autumn of 1873, a reliable gentleman from - o - "' \I' ~ ~ * ~ * * ]loyal has taken first grize at Fair here.over .Massachusetts visited Vinela.nd, and went Days passed : on o. snowy oouch rested Singer, Howe, Wanzer], Osborne and others. lit! still cuutiuues to 111a.nufaeture to order, from the best of material, and ~one but first-class workmen kept. JAMES B.ARH.ET. J'rom there to New Britien, Conn .· a place A girlish form, wasted and thin ; -ot;·' Harley, Oct:, 13t.h.1875 .. of about ·the eame population, under. the But the flush on her cheek ts faded, Royal takes first prize at tlna] air, for family Orders Promptly Executed, and G .ood Fits Guaranteed '.l'he bcantifnl eye grown dim ; CUISe of the license trade. He collected the work and light mimufactu:ring. ll'or she knew from that couch of s\1ffering WILLIAM SNIDER. following official statistics of the two places : He has in au endless of J_.arlios' and Gents' sabtof;l Valises, all of She waP never to rise up again ; \\'liich ho ia selling chca.p for caSh; Cost of pauperism last year in Vineland, 1'hese 11ictorice ~lu;iveJy ]_)rove ·that the That though years might be gra.n.ted to her, ~224 ; in New Britain, $8500. Cost of libht running Royal, is the 'People's favorite,&nd Remember the Stand "BIG Two King St· the 'l'hey'cl Ue yea.ra of sorrow and ; police last year in Vineland, $75; in New BES1' FAMILY SEWING MAOHINE. Tha.t an:1itl life's cares and its plen-surea Britain, $7500. New Britain has $000,000 'l'he ]l.fa.nufa.cturers ha\'IJ lately added to it, the She ·was never to mingle a.gain ;1 Bowmauville, Ma 13, 1874. 1,\;'.\\111 ,!, I invested in churche·, and expend· $30,000 greatest ncvttlty of the ago, the Royal Lamp And the bitter wail of her heart was, Jlolder for Sewimg lJfachfaies. The La1np ca_n ==============-- =---~=========~~~=======~== to support them. The town expends also u 13l':'at Jesus ! I'm living in vain." n9ver upsflt, nor the Oil soil the wo1·k ; and it $20,000 for public schools . Four years be- is arranged to throw the light on any po.rt of But Jes1a knew '\\·ell how she suffered, the \vork, enabling the operator to fore these statistics were taken, a temper~ And gave her strength, cow.Iort, and peace; work as well by night as by day, ance society on the basis of morcll sun8ion His arm was around her, beneath her, " I "·ould go and work in the vineyard, But here I see little to do ; Dis't.ant fields are white Ior the harvest, .t-\nd the laborers, I know, but f1;:w. 0 that I might go hence to the heathen, And hold up my Saviour to view, 11 The place has now 12,000 inhabitants, out no liquor traffic. What ie the result 1 The town has no alms-house, jail or house of correction, police or fire department. All the police work required is performed by the deputy sheriff, who is· a grocer in the place. The whole valuation of the town in the start was $128,500,now it is $5,000,000. The taxes are but $3.50 on $1000. The Belleville, Sept. SOth, 1875. Got first vr.iz.e on the Royal, at Fair here, heatin(t' \Vheelcr & \"\'ilson o.nd ever,r other ron.. chine. a GrPa.t contest. JAMF.R BAnRET'l. Brockville, Sept. 25, 1875. $1,000,000.00 750,000.00 MJlRCHANT. If you ·want to reach the public, use the ~ a1 up, 300,000.00 column· olthe MERCHANT. Reserve and Con tin gent Fund, 60,000;00 OUR RATES ARE LOW. Muney loaned upon real estate on the rnoRt favorable terms, mortgugoo purchased, interest allowed on deposits. and lie 1s determined to continue to sell at these rnlnously low prices Ae a weekly newspaper, the ~I...:RCIIANT is cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do it:0. scarcely excelled. Sjxteen columns of careFirst, he buys for cash and J<pows just how to b11y ! fully selected reading matter appear in . President, . Manage!', each issue, Comprising Liti1"<tture, · ~ Second, what he can't buy ch~ap enough, he manufactures R,eforence by permission, GEO. McGILL, ESQ, Manager Ontario Btrnk, ..tgriculturdl, Family Eroding, .. Third, he is satisfied with smnµ profits ! General and Local NewsBo":'manvi!le. WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., Bowrn:111ville. a.U freSh and 're'ada.ble. London, ~farcll, Sth. 1876. Fourth, he sells for cash ; Subscriptiona ta"ken any time dul'ing the· Fifth, sells at bot.tom prices. year. Subscribed p "d ' C ·t l ap1 a ' XACFIE, F. :a. LEYS, he -.:==-=-======±::::=::::::====================:=:;::=== 1 C.ALL .A.ND SBE FOB YO'UBSELVBSs TERMS 75 ors,, IN ADVANCE: --:o:-BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. FOB 3'0l3 ·PRINTING Show Bills . · Sale Bills Rand Bills Progammes Ci1·culars Bill Heads "Cards Pamphlets and everything-from the size of a Ponter large enough to cover a barn to a balf·incb strip, printed in good style, and at cit pnces. Specimens of 'vorlc can be seen at our office. Work handed out, and the cash taken forit TO THE PUBI_jIC. WAJ;_,TER WIGG & SON, I ' and thP. public gt>.nerally, for JJaHt favors, N returning tl:ianka ?> ~beir ntpnerous .custonrnrs would respectfully invite theu u.ttent1on to our present 1:1t.uck of f1unitui·c 1 as we have lately w;fded _thereto, tha.t we n1~y thereby be enabled to supply all l)n.rtit:8 who 1nay please to favor bun .with a !Jftll. Great induccinents held Ollt,to ~hrn:ie purchnaing at our esta. blialnne.nt. Pictl~res, Looktnp G1aase1;1. etc. framed to order, and lll every styl~. Samples of the diJl'et·tmt kin~ of o uld1n gs can be "!een at the 'vare·room . Vle would altio beg to infon11 yon, that, having purchased a we have ev~ry facHity. We do not· Work fbr' nothing, or fun, bu't oul' prices will be found low. as our presses are run by steam power. stoc~ vri.rie~y '.f:r~nks, et~, BOO~~awn ~Y ~orses; M.~ r?,~~~~¥EN. SP~ENDID Wtl NEW nEARSE, shall be ready at a J1 times to attend fl1nerala, on short notice roa~onabl1:1 terws N. B.;-Ooffina kept on band and inadc to order, at the NEW DOMINION RET.AI.L FURNITURE "WARE-ROOllf. King Street East, Oshawa O·hawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. -... In hours of deenest distreaa ; ~4.nd wns organized, and held meetings on Sab- she knew itwas the hand of n father, A lov~ng hand sendiug Ler this. · No\V r:he, "When I first loYed Jeaua 1 I thought tha.t for Hia dear, I could cheerfully brave every danger, Could follo\v Hiu1 e'en to the stake ; But 1 never thought I could serve Him By learning to v.·a.tch. and to wait. " Soinet.imea rhave grown impatient, \Vhen my cross seemed grievous to bear, 'l'hat I must lie here with ha.nda folded, 'fhroughall tho h,ng, weary year, And while others could work for the Ma.ster, I could only offer my prayer. ·.. But no'v I learned the sweet leason--'l'ha.t I serve my Saviour alune, When I walk in the way He has uhuat:n, Saying, "Not my 'vHl.but 'l'hine be done;" So calmly I trust all to J 'BUB, .t-\.nd 'vait till He calls me home." bath evenings from that time in \Le town ball. And yet, with all these improving and elevating agencies, the grog-shops in New Britain, uudet license, have increased. McCiung Bros. are setting thei'r STOCK have been now lock·upe, and jails, house of in MOTION by offe1·ing _ t b:eir · GO;ods at ·r HE correction, police, court, fire department,. etc. The chief cities ol the county-Bridge· Prices ! f'te~l '.i . n 1 and. Y<?u ton and Millville-seeing the fow cases New Lumber Yard Ir_resistible bro.Pgbt 'before the grand jury from Vine· AND JOINERS SHOP. will find. almost everYr shelf to contain land, and that nearly all from tbe rest of JUST HECEIVEIJ PER the county \\·ere caused by rum, ref us. HAVING NE Schooner" Saucy Jack," my first coMign- a Bargain, an{l every co1:ner an Attrac· SOMETHING ment from tbe manufactory of II. 13. Rath- tio1i. cd liceuae. · -- , _ burn & Son, J\1i1l Point, I beg to offer to the 1 1 In 1870 there were 80 grog-shops, in 1874 there w .ete 100. How different it would have been "ith Vineland under the licensed liquor traffic. Under thut there would ,J, S. DONEY, TYllomo. N.B.- Agent for First-clai:ia Musical Instr~· ments-W. Bell & Co's. Organ, Hallett & Dav1a and Hardman PianoB. Also 1h.'3. Celebrated Waltham and Elc;in · Watches. 'l'he Subscriber, tli:::1inking 11ia very numerous custotners for past patronage, lhaving sold Twtlvc Thousand Dolla1·s JV<n·th in 12 month solicits their continued ptt.ll'onage,by reasonab prices, fnir d('u,linga, D.t!d guaranteed satp,fa tion. J. D· November 18th. 1875 Sold by 0. BARKER. Manaqer J. Procrastina,tion is the thief of time, but buying Gootls ti.t NOTICE OF :MOTION! !!! 1 FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Thero are many 'vho toil in His vineyard, The White Ants. And thus serve the ~faster to·da.y ; And othera through and suffering I remen1ber a laugliable incident tbat ha.pff e moulds i'u HiF o'vn good way j But sometimes, I think, it calls for less grace pened at_asmall town on thu read to Be1nbe. where I once put·up fo?' the night. Some of To wol'k, than to wait and to pray. my cn.niers bad gone to slt!ep in a hut, a.n<l to· -New l'o·rk .EvumgcN~t. wards tnorning I waisawn.kened by screams and shouts, and saw a number of thL·se blacks com· ing pell-mell out of it, dancing, jwnping, and running about lik,e mad. All the town was A Western settler-The contents of a alarmed, and the natlves came running out Qf their huts to ascertain whnt was the matter. six-shooter. I had hardly got on my feet . 'vhen the cries Winged Merchants-Bees, because ~wsre mixed with peals of laughter, they ha.ving they cell their honey. quickly found out the cause of the terrific up- Crumbs for Chickens. people of nowmanville, anU the surro·1;ll~ng COU)\try, (n.t prices that de~Y. ccwpet1tionJ. Sash Blinds, Doors, o.nd :t5 different r;orts of Mouidings also window and door frame stuff, . ready to Put together. 7 x 9, 12 light sash 42 els., kiln dried 2 ft. 6 x 0 ft 6. 4 panel doors 0. G. moulded 2 sides $1. 7.5. 'l,lie different sizes of sash and doors kept lll stock. Also on hand a oood s1lppl.v of Lumber, dresaed .flooring, ship la.P and V, silting, laths, shingles, pickets ijeld posts and battens. I have also opened 'a and joiners shopln CC!nnec· tion with tbe lbove busiw!os,and hope by integ· l'ity of dealin~. and ]ow prices lo secure your {)atronage. All goods wannnted, and a call soliuitt"d, _ W. MoSPAI!DEN. en-.., ~hop and ya.r d in renr of It. W. James Implement Depot, 33·3mos. --o-- ElephantHouse TYRONE, 'V \9frocer1es l"J.. · 1'1heap Store 1'1heap Stora U U u TY RONE, i·the HMnowafullassortedStookof S. VANSTONE'S oostmeanao!,~~~~~fnthe wort.h of your FIRST·OLASS GOODS. Come along 1oen, wu1nen and cbildrcn 1 and you will find a cdn1pleto Stock of EXCITEMENT EVERY J)AY ! Do You want a ever you bought a A substitute for & Plaster I Dry Goods, WEB of COTTON at a . Web of Cotton before ? GO TO McGLUNG BROS. cheaper rate than THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and ORNAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL·OLOTH and CARPETING :Boots & Shoes Quality and Cheap ness, CANNOT BE SURPASSED Do You want to select cheap in price and new in · Style, from the largest stock ev11r b'rought into Bowmanville ? PRINTS SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Large Stock Just ReceiJVed,-Plain and Ort<amental, both for Walls a:r.d 'floors, 'l'he Paper Oil Cloth and Carpet!ng ie a Cheap - t c, et c., e for Which Hats & Caps, Dry G~ods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, &c., whlcl1 will b· sold "t · GO '1.'0 McOLUNG BROS. "ffOUEl DNfl'JDOPl OJ; OD LEVI MORRIS , · · '·' pu~:!COIOHO ' c!VZHO esaoo-o ssm:'l!a '.)UUAI. llOJ.._ oa andDurableSubstituteforOi!Cloth. Pr·ices which defy Compe .. tition. s. VANSTONE- ,,.--~ - -- t I once unconRciously put my foot upott a column, but luckily only three or four fastened on my ankle and leg, and I Bhall never forget the !illdden and eharp hot bite of the wretchoi;· There is another kind "ery abundant on ~ bushes and tret'B 1 of n semi·transparcnt 'vn.tcry color, with long legs ; their bite is also very O?'namental Pickets, in eve?'y va?'i· sharp. They build nests by attaching the ety, and Sc?'oll Sawing, leaves together wlLlt fine white wob; theso · ~ nests are from the isizo of an apple to tha,t. of a of e\'ery description ""'=f -~hat. \ Their food must be principally tlie fruit and DONE TO ORDER, A blighted being, whose nose should on the seeds of the plants they al'e usul\lly found oo. serve as a beacon of warning to the SHORTEST NOTIOE. youth of our land, mys the ladies' dress- So1ne seeds, particularly those of the iudia· i·ubber creeper, I had the greatest difficulty in es this year are laboriug under a violent obtaining ripe 1 from these ants eating them up attack of delirium trimmings. "'hilst green. A citizen of Dakota, took a Turkish A minute red ant, like that which infests our Shops on Liberty Street, North of the Eastern House, Bowmanville. bath in Omaha a few days ago, and kitchens and houses, i~ extrei;nely abunda.nt, .Bo,vmanville, July 9th, 187,1. 4l~tr died within an hour. The verdict of and is very difficult to keep out" of ·su~a.r and '.l'lil~ the jury was : 'He hadn't ought to have other provisions i the best wn.y is to place the got so much of the mud off of him at lege of the table in aaucera of "vinega:r and 'va· DOMINION BANK. ter, or have safes sus[)4;lnded by a rope, which : .BOWMAN VILLE. one time.' must be tarred, or they wiJl find their wa} 'ls it not time that you paid me that down, If anything on which they arc swarm· Capital, Paid Up, $1,000,000 five dollars ?' said a farmer to his neigh- ing is placed in the sun, they will imrnediately bor. "Taint due,' was the reply. 'But,' vanish~ A small piece of camphor, tied up in TORONTO. HEAD OFFICE, lHtANOH OF.b'IOES ! said the farmer, 'you promised to pay a. bit of rag, and placed in a sugar-basin or aafe, OSHAWA, when you got back from New York.' will effectually keep thew out, withou~ fla\·01·~ On.IL'LIA, WlU'J'HY, Oo~ounG, ' Well I hain't been,' was the reply. BOWMANVILLE, UXB.RIDO.Ef ing the sugar, &c 1 in the least. The best and e.heapesl; preventive agaillilt the · '£hie Bank, in addition to transacting the us. ' I'd like you to help me a little,' sa'ld a tramp, poking his bead into a country wl1ite not ii! ordini\.ry petrokurp; they will not ual banking business offers to the public all advantages of a Saving Inatitution with store. 'Why don't you help yourself,' come near a place "'here tht: lea1.1t tra<.,.'\l of its the the security of a. larg_e paid-up capital, by the said the prQJ2rietor angrily. ' Thank smellexists.-·J. J. _ilfontti101 ' LAngdaRii'err ot a SAVlNUS D.EPARTMEN'I\ Interest allowed on all deposits of One Doi· you, I will,' said the tramp, as he pick- Conqo." Jar a.nd upwatds, at the rate of FrvE per cent. ed up a bottle of whiskey and two Buying Provisions. per annum. < loaves of bread, and d~eared. Depositors can withdraw either the 'vho1e or \Vitb regard to butcher meat, I would say o.ny part of their deposits at any time, without 'You are .h"'-!!·,!lest boy I ever saw!' try to vary the food y<1u buy ; l>ny cnough,and, pre:vious notice. _,., ___._,,.-..------. ~ ..--CJ'.Ossly--eXclilme~itl4:~~~d old of good quality, but not too muchJand so soon Special rates of iuterestallo,ved upon deposits notice-of withdrawal. ,,,.~ uncle to his nep~1e"'.·__ ~· uncle,' as it reat:hee your home, have a.U put away se· with American Currency and Bilver tuken on dereplied the youth, 'you can ~ect curely frnm the of cats, rats, or flies. posit. me to understand tlungs as quicho J:4t...!iot let the different kin<le of meat lie ~ne Dra.fts granted pa.J·o.ble in Choat Britain, Ilitnothi;g-·it· is a1moot BB bad as cooking in United States and a.11 parts of Canada. you do, because you don't have the u~ ifW'Peposits can bi ren1itted by,addi·csstrouble of getting 'em through your hair.' the same pan, at the time. Be careful ed t.o the Dominion oank [regir;tered], when in to remo\·e fish a.a soon ~Jj possible ; and ae your all 'cases 3 .P~sa·Book retiei1Jt wUl b~ Se11t by ' May I leave a fe.v tracts?' asked a vegetables will be stue to come home with the return post. 1rav~ing quack doctor of a lady who tnea.t, put them -also uarefully aside, and, if J. A. CODD, Agent, Bowma~ville, Jan. 6th, 1874, 11!-tf. responded to his knock. 'Leave some posaible, sepa.rately. Be guided. by the size of tracks? Certainly you may,' said she, your family in the 4uantity you purchase. J)o 1.1· fooking at him most benignly over her not be talked in.tQ1J.. doaen f.Jf porn, < 1t b\1sl1el spec's ; leave them with the heel toward of green pea.A, or a pec.ik of !?r(.!n!Jh beans, fo;r the J1ouse, if you please.' two people, because you get them a oeut cheap· er: Vegeti.\blee and .fruits aro very pe1·iahablc, . · According to the Union, a Schenecta- o.nd it i'l far bettt r to buy jm:;t enough, at a fair I · ' dy boy pranced up to his mother yester- pri..;, tban too n:ilch nt a "fool's bnrqniu," "r\.'f'"-'l'l""t'"f'J"rl AS""L~ day, and said: 'Ma, hain't I been good Poultry itJ USl\nUy considered expe?sivel .~ut a. - .l.'4 ..:. ~ vv._ Vrli* ... ..... since I began going to Sunday-school?' great deal depends upou tho faJntly; ]or a j ,. . , ·Ye~ my lamb,' answered the maternal, large one pel'h~apa it is, but not for a. iiJP.all.i;r. Ha~1ng ref'!ov~d .t o more commodious prcnnsel, ' fondly. 'And you trust me now, don't Experience alone will decide this. }...,owls are IN The early risers nowadays are the thennometer and the house-fly. A boy's newspaper in Indianapolis is ten cents a year, and 'anybody sending three names and thirty cents will receive a set of jackstones.' Boarder-' Has the red-haired girl gone away?' Landlady: 'Yes, sir.' l.loardcr : ' I thought so. · I found a black hair in the butter to-day.' A sensible writer advises those who would enjoy good eating to keep goodnatured, for, says he, 'an angry 1nao c:annot tell whether he is eating boiled cabbage or stewed umbrellas.' A loving British wife's postcrip to a letter addressed to her .husband in New York: " Dear William, I have perused . th.,-JX'1i~e ~ports and morgue returns every day, hoping to see your name.' ro~r· It v:as nothing elRe than a column of these ants that had pasRed through the hut, and had inatantly fMtened on the bodies of the sleeping blacks with \\"hich it.was filled. 'fhey fasten their great jaws into the skin so tightly, that their bodies can be pulled off their heads \\itl1out relaxing their hold. '!1he mandibles must discbarge a poisonous fluid into tho 'vound, a.s their bite feels flxactly hke a sharp puncture from a r~d-hot needle. and they alwa.ya <lra.w GENERAL GON'J.'RAGTOR AND BUILDER. Do You want MILLINERY, MANTLES, or FANCY GOODS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. ;'t~<l, 0~:~d~":1itw~~i1i~;..;~~ 1itr:, i~~~~~!; andMioe. J. ELLIOlT Manufacturer.ofSash;Blin:ds Do You want Doors, Mouldings, and Wmdow Frames, With or without Ca.i"fJ. With or without Band Moulds. CARPETS or CURTAINS HOUSE FURNISHINGS? -oo--- or othe GO TO McCLUNG BROS. blood. CA'UTION ! . ~~~o~~~- 11'his Polish gives a most lwrt;re,and drieb instantaneously_ ,, CHEAP ., FUR.NirruRE ! Va,rnish Poli~~! CHEAP FURNITURE! I elega.~t ICHEAP FURNITURE! AnothEr t11ing much wanted. " ' Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D 0 0 AT I N GS, H you want a Don't purchaoe yom Summer Cloths before inspccLing McClung Bro most extensive stock of McClung Bros. Tailoring Department will take the lead, aa usual. Nothing ever discovered befo1e to equal this Polish, FOR llOR At Ma,nning's Old Sta,nd. &c, Piano F'ortes, Gwclcs, Pictu?'e Frames or any kind of Varnished Fwrnitu?'e. Buggie,s, Gutte?'B, Sleighs, and all kinds of Varnished Ga1·ria,ges SU IT, Mc Clung Bros, will " SU IT" you. If you want a HAT M.' c0lung Bros. will " HAT" you Ify~u want GLOVES McClung Bros. will "GLOVl!:" you If you want a TIE, 1VIcChmg Rros. will" TIE" you. The Bowrnanvilie Fnmitme Factory, bavin,g comrnenccd Lu8in ess ugain, and the New Company ha-;ing appointed the subscriber, Retail-Agent for the Town and Country arnund, he is prepared to offer the Vel'y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. · SEEDS at McClung Bros., GROCERIES at ¥cClung Bros., at' McClung Bros. 'Bros. HIGHEST PRICES P:AID :FOR BUTTER &c., at McOlung Bros. TEAS ! TEAS! CHEAP Tli:AS, SALT and PLASTER at Mcclung SOLE AGENT FOR THIS. PL~CE. Funerals f'umished in every respect, in the Very Best Styl e aul PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER FIRM IN THE COUNTRY · P ERPErl'UAL throughout t.heSeason at · l\.'[ 0 T ·I 0 N , f. 11 :lIABDWA:RE ! to W One of the Fl NEST HEARSES in the P1·ovinae, SEN'L' PREE any Funeml fiirnished by the Subec?'ibm·, iuitMn 'l.'en mites of I . M°Cl-UNQ BROS. ' AB usua. , a L rge Stock on hand of Bowmanville. · . ardware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tinware. All of which wiU be sold At low figures. 3'ohn XoLeod & Co., Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville August 10th, 1875. RepOO:ts hu.ving beeu circulated, tlJat the nndei:aigncd bas been overt:ha:rging in the Untlf:lrta.k· ing Department, he begs to submit the following figures, \VJ1ich be cbaJlenges any one to contra~ diet. RepQ:tted amount charged. Actual rt.mount charger}. Fifty Dollars;. 'l'wel ~·e Dolhu11, Thirt.y do. Nino do. 1'"orty.J!'i\'e do. Twenty-five do. Sixty do. }"orty do, 'FiCty do. 1-'hirty dn, Seventy-five do. Fifty do. Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic Coffins, of New Yark. Bowrnanville. March 30th, 1876. W. P. PROWER. S.· F. HILL Just Arrived M:OBBIS' · CARRIAGE at the SHOP \Vest Qf the Ontari Bank. FTJ LL STO O 'K . QF I L Strowger 1 I'OTHERGI:LL'S BLOOK, Dry · ·G oocls, (Jlotl1ing, Groce1~ies, -~--·o~--- PASH'.ION BOUSE splendjd assortment of King Street, Bowmanville. REWARD'! o ~i ~c., NEW MILLINERY. Also a lot of TI!E. aubscribei- is prcpart:d to btiild and re prur and is Selling Very _ Clteap, REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Wago'tiB, Buggies, and Cutten, r,I evtiry dt!scription, at short notice, a.nd terms. yott, ma ? ' I'es, darling,' she replied ,, again. ' The ' spoke up the little in1 nocen t, ' what makes you keep the . cookies locked up in- the pilntrx.:_ the \ smne as ever I' A strange look entered the mother's eye as she endeavored to ~olve her little son's deepness with the hee.lend of her slipper. Are you sq,_tisfied with the jury, gentlemen l l ,;,;:;cl Judge Noonan tbis mormng atier . the jury had been impanell d. 'We are,' said the lawyers in-eh..orus. A tall, gatmt figure solemnly arose in . the .,Jury box and said impressively, 'But J'm not. 1 ·' What's your objection, :Vfr. Snooks?' . 1quired his Honor, blandly. 'This young man-on my right, your A JUROR.-' th· oheape't are:expcnsiv.e,tla~re is sb little meat upon them; beg to infor1n the public gonera.11.v, thilt they a.nd ducks are ~1ot safe thiri.gsi for " young rr1ar· now enaQled to offer tliem kelers "to buy. Game isdea.r,ao muph ""that of nil poultry, thon turkeys; geese '!'}Uy Ol'l. Ce rlil l \Yill pass pver it,for I wil!lh to deal chiefly with economicals. Hares, however, are not dear ttt 35 or 40 ~ents the pair.-Jtlront "T/!eHon~e,"'in NfW Don?tini(ln.Mm(tltlu. for Jitlv. ' His ODJE.CTlON TO 0 red";,..,,~f°Dl1JNG~ii!'t: :::"q!:~t:U~1\~r; Selected Recipes. · , · G ..rocery I ·· in the line of Better Inducements ' Bowmanvilw, April 28th, 1876. and YOU Will buy..a,~a,in, ~tamps e · Aleo a large stock of The above reward will be paid t o u.ny pesoll w11o will fumiflh at.nv1e proof tha.t Lhe l !.oots & Shoes sold by the undersigned, are not whatre tepref>Onts thtiIU, for bro1dery. B~iding and Em· Carriages Painted and Trimmed SO, HO! G:entlemen--of li"a.shioll I FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. A OU then let it cool ;' separa of five_ egga ; beat the wbite!J to as l - _ anild ~'"--!1 stir the yolks and sugar ~og~ther; then stir a lk1:1 and whites (AS R l.G !RDS PR Jj, t , DSIDess, hit~~~n-~-.-~f.:~~T. ICE - Blacksmith's Shop , "' -"1.'""'"'°"!..£f4__ , Aud all I have to ··Y, That yotl New Goods I MUST CONSISTING Ol' DBBSSHA..KING MR s. A. :FLETCHER Bowman ville. April 7th.1874. usual. the -premisets1v.·ere special attention is given to all For 'Gents, For La,dies, For Children. Lc1test Styles a1id Good Stock. 1 nd me still at home into the cool boilod fariM; flavor and bake. NO PR fN-lS EN ," BUT CODD CH01,ocAT.E CARAMELS. - One cupful of Ba- Weight and Measwre GWz1'~ in every instan,C e. keI'S chocolate out Q.p fine, two cupfula ol brown .sugar, so\~~:;~f:;:l~~:fc~d· may come BE ,1.,.:ND Cfl.rriage work, and General Jobbing. SOLD, THE SC'IOOL NOVELTY I nOT', has been eating onions.' until it will harden when '1roppP.d in cold \Vatex~ then three·quar~ers of a_ci1pfulof butter; boil one cupful ~f \Va.rm wa.ter, and Objeetion overruled; go on with the pour into. oballow ppttcred pans, and wl·en ab I. L .. S~ROWGER. case.' moot cuW, £ut ilito swall·"'l.UJIN~· Ne!l'cii.tle,Auau·t, 14tQ, 1874 'l'ea,s a, S-rteciality. 'Ji! And a.II the young one· too -- 4nQ. get tbeir garments n~uoly m:tdl' In fMhlons D~WJ Where old and young de11.r frie:udme. meet , A welcome greeting hy R. PEATE Bowmanville, June 19th 1873. WATCHES, . TLERY, 'l"HE NOISELESS .AND A U wot·lc dotie at this Establishment PLATED WARE, ETC. -o. libfea.kabJ.e..S e S.PEOIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold ~a ~ ?"l:·:an:t~e~d~.,.. ., , ,, ORDERED WORK. Wedding Rings. AT OUR BOOK ~ocmrr-t---:-::::;;w ROOM STORE.-One door east o!CoruiHh'sJewclry ~ ---1-!: S:.,; to ~ re. King Street, Bowman ville. AARON BUOKLER. Ask for It ! Send for it I J "ORRIS · - "' · &\vmanville1 Oct. Sth, 1875. C. BAB.KER, Bowmanville, 0Jt, lat, 1869 Bo1'manville, May 6th, JSr5. J. SllfALE · ' ' ·

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