'fQE l\ljl;RCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. circulates largt1l;r in the 'rownsh1ps of Darling· tlln, Clarke anrt Cartwught, It U1 a common platfonu, open to the ftee discussion ofa.llques· tiuns111 wluch the genera.I public a;re concerned. TERMS. WES'l' DURHAM Steam Job Printing Offl.e KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. Seventy-ft ve cents per annum1 in ad· vance. The 'Merchant' and Obser· ver,' $2-00. RATES OF ADV J';IlTISING. 45 por annum. 25 " (}nartc1 (](, · · 15 " T1 anr;1ent arlve1 tisoments,5 cts per line first n· sci t1on, antl 2o. per hne, each subsequent one. One col ntnn l{ 1lf do. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VII. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. AUGUST 18 1876. bushes to look out (not more than three who h·ve learned to imbibe freely seldom care to go alone foradnnk. A young tnan will saunter for hours iu the l.'vening alone EC AN DAL. without f~eltng the :need oi 1udulgence1 but When cann1bn.l aavngea after a fight duectly he meets an acquaintance one or 11-Inke a feast of the bodies of those they ha'\ie top boots and white hat, ond felt sure I re· the other proposes a drink. Neither per· beaten, cogn1zed him as C11pt. Tom Custer. Vl1th haps cares for it, but ea.ch supposes bis The grisly repn1:1t y1elds a ke~uer delight yards from the bank), thought I recognized aon1e gray horeea mounted by men 1111nil1~ tary blouses, .l.nd sotf1e in white bate. I saw one man \\Ith a buckskin Jacket, trousers, l"'rom the knowledge that e\ e... y unfortuna,te \\·igbt Would have deemed it the tleepest chsgrucc to be eaten. '!'hough the custom HI fast dying out in FiJi, Aa the influence of 'Vestern example ln· creases In civilized countries you often may seo A circl(> of fritmds, in the highest of glee, All busily picking aotne neighbor tu 1 n eces. And the best of it ia that the neighbor iB not, As in islands ba.1liar1c, a pe1son deceased, His flesh baa beeu baked in no cauldron or pot, They don't even trouble to ecn·e thein up hot, For tlie victim still h \es ID. tht! midst of th ti fealiL NUMBJ~R XL VI POSTERS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, .BILL HEADS CHEQUES, NOTES, HANDBILLS, LABELS. CARDS, TICKETS, ;,,\r;C.~ &c., 1~C, EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE on Lil )e had done 001' bidden.' Lorcl .e\lex· ander retired ruuL\h ~erplcxed, but met a p:nest, and, reassured, caineiback and pre· GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I Bargains for Cash AT POETRY. Trains wiH lc!Lve Bowmanville Station, o:.vmanville time, as follows : GOING WEST, GOING EAST. Locali< .. 7:20, a.m.] Express .. , ,8:30 a.m. Ex:pross 9 ~O am : Mixed · 4.10 p.m. Mixed .. 2 20 p.m '\ Local ..... 7:50 p .m. Exp1~8S ..· UOO p. m. Express .... 9.00p.m. *This train runs every morning of W6~k, ?.Iondaya excepted, BRIDGMAN'S & FLEMING'S · BO W.ltl!NVILLE. -:o.--- th1s conviction I stepped out on the bank and called, "Tom, don't leave us here." The distance was only a le"' yards, and my e1ll was answered by an infernal yell, and Jnend would hke one. The responsibility of the treating system does not end with the first glass. Fnends do not hke to be m debt to each other for drinkg, however for a cred1to1. <="'-·:=o======================= &Uttlfrut @;artl~. Dr. BOYLE, an. 20th, 1876. Look at tbis, then buy them. TE.AS. No. 1 Black No. I Green, A good tea, 5 lb lot of 50 c. SURGERY---SILVER ST. RESIDENCE ONTARIO S'IREEl". cts. 85. 80 40. Bow1na11v1lle, Some good nnttued friend, p'r'aps, may make h1m a'\ are ~.fEMBER lll of Surgeo11s, England, Licentiate of the Royal College of Phys1cianR, Edinburgh. Cor· oner, etc, ltesulence, Corner of Church and Scugog Streets, Bowman\Ille, Dec. Ord, 1875. 10-tf. Dr. Jas. Fielding, OF '!'HE ROYAL COLLEGE . $225. SUGARS. Good cooking Good White, White Scotch Refined, B1oken Loaf, " Dr. DAVIDSON University of VictodRi College, U11<ler Graduate and Pt'"lzeman of the Univers1ty of Toronto,and Il oyal CoJle~e of I'bys1c1ans nnd Surgeons l<n1gstou I\-l~mber ol the College of Phylri· cums nnd Surgcoua of IJ1itario; Corone1, &c. Res1deu<.:e and office- Market Squru. e, 13ow· 1nau ville, Bow1nanv1Uo, Feb. 24th, 1876. 22-lly. 13 lb. for $1. 12. 11. 10. Of the nature of these hungry inonster·e cm· plo:y1uent j and though in reply he may atoutly dcclaro '!'hat such v1vesect1on won't hurt him a. ha.11 1 Yet he \\ r1lhe1:1 at the thought <)f their fiend ish cnJoyment· Still one comfort romaine> In the isles o! 'F1J1 No possible vengea.1ice i8 left for the v1cti111 , He is cook'd and defuni..:L. But in Eu1ore ]11"! ':; free To seek t1ati.sfact1on , and sometimes we sec 'l'hat he wounds in exchange for the wouuda which ha\ e pr1cktt1 hun, OF '!'HE ROYAL COL· GRADUATE lege of Physicians, England, and Victoria. 9. The Stock of Geneial Groce1ies is large, and warrnnted fresh. Crockery, Glassware, etc, etc., ve1y low. Pl10VISIONS .AND FEED FOR SALE, l<'aunern produce taken in exchange for goods. '.fhen beware, Mrs. Smith; btiware,lo' ely 1\II1ss Brown; Remember, Cash gets a Benefit at R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER-AT-LAW, 1:30LIOITOR IN CHANCERY, tf:c OF··rori;~ - Over McClung's Store, eame flat aa J . . Brtmsi.comb's Dental Iloomi:i, Young Jones, whisper noth1Dg that 1sn't q1utc true; Bo a. 11ttle more careful of othEr's renown, For 'l'ho1npson 111 yon<ler recusa has t,a.t. d1) wn '¥1th Miss Green, and J.S quH tly cutting up lfOlt J BRIDGMAN & FLEMING'S. - Attltu1·Locke1, iii. Betu1·a,1;ta. .. Girt by Fire and Death . DE RtJDlO IS ·runr11,u s 11 $'1 0RY 0£ H18 NAR· RO'.-\ ESCAPE, Bo'\\tnnn"ille, Oct, 27th, 18Cl8, ly DOMINION -IMPROVED ORGAN AND REMODELLED-- D. E. McMillan, ATTORNEY A1' LAW, i:JOLICI1 OR lN ORANGERY, COlv VEYANGllR, .fe. Sunnoi;;NUMD ny SAYAUES AND BY FLAMES NE,VCASTLE. ONT. Newcastle, Oct. 8th, 1875. CABINET ORGANS. -THIRTY SIX HOURS OF MORTAL PERJL -THE NARRATIY~ OE' A SURVIVOR OW IHE OUSTER b-l.\SSACRE. m51-tf. willrng they may be to have the landlord I:Ience, \\'hen one of a party treats all the rest ha\·e to follow smt. An unwritten code requires it. .._ A man goee dc'il a Scotclunan shall ever set loot in his into the tavern to buy a drmk for hipisell kmgdom. and a lnend, but happenmg t.o find four She Means to be Loved for Herself branches at every volley), anfl crawled off other acquatntances there befora hun he Alone to get out of range In doing so'\\ e 1noved takes six glasses before he leaves, If a Theie 1s a young lady m Corktown who the top branches of the undergrowth, and craving tor liquor took htm there in the hM been engaged five times srnoe N cw the Indiana on the top of the bluff fired first place, it" not the craving that induces Years, but who is nuw free once more. 8he where the~ f:!BW the cotnmotion, and thus bim to take the ejxth or the Lwelftb. glass. 1s on he1resa in a small way, her father hav· covered us wilb their rifles. We now de· That over-indulgence is nothing more nor ing a snug sum, and. owning considerable c1de<l to crof:!s a clearing of ubout tw euty less tha.n 11 tribute to the treating system. property in the Eighth Ward. Her ·mtors yards, and gain another 'vood, but before Very fe\v men wnuld go into a saloon, and in, have always been prosperous young rr.ien,as doing this I took the precaution to look out. according to the Dutch plan, lay down ·inThe prospect was terribly discouragmg, for gle five cent pieces until he had drank and A Lightnmg Bolt Writing God's Name she will not have any other wooers save on a Blasphemer· those who can show s1gns of capab1hty and on our 1mmdiate right, not more than fifty paid for a dozen glaSBcs, though 1t is nounworldly wealth. But she hllB an ambit10n yards distant, I saw four or tLve Indians co111i:rion thing for one person to treat five Ji'rom the Lynchburg Nows. to be loved for herself a.lone, and puts all galloping toward us. Near by me 'vt·rc t\10 others t\v1ce in an evening and drink witb Some of our contemporaries seetn d1apOs· her rntended husbands to the test in thl8 cootonwood- stumps, neaily touching each each of them twice. This shows that the other, and behind this slender barricade "e American treating system can be chnrged ed to question the truth of our ataten1ent wJBe : ::lhe takes an opportumty of coufidknelt, he with hl8 carbine, and J 'vi th my with at least two thirds of the co01sumpt1on that a negro man, who was killed by light· ing to then1, 'rtth injunctions of perfect n1ng a few days ago, in Campbell county, secrecy, that her father had lost 11 great deal revolver, ready to do tor a tew of the sav· of hquor in the country. "ges befo10 they could kill us. We deterThe treatit1g system 1· not only the cause had the letters " GOD" on his body. Dr. ol money, and has been oUhged to mortgage The nnned not to fire until they co.Ille BO near o1 1nak1ng ninny drink \vho do not care for Thomas E. 111oorman, "hose Poat Office his dwelling house anJ fnrrnture. that we could not miss them, and there "e liquor, and (Jf making others drink more address 1s Mt. Zion, Campbell county, has latter, hov.'ever, she represents, 1s nol-n1ort· waited. '!'hey had not seen us, and when f than 1s good for them, but 1t impo·es a furmshed the Richmond Glmstrnn Advocate gaged for more than oue·Lalf its wvrth ; ~o the toremos~ man w·as JUat a.breast ot me, heavy tax ltpc.1n the Jolly good fellow \Vho an account cI the c1rcumstanees,from which she asks, as a. favor, that her intended ad vance a sum of money on a second chattel and a.bout ten Jards distant, I fired ts wtlhng to pay for his own dr1nke and is we extract the following : " On the evening of the 6th inst., Perry mortgage. Tho effect of this ru, e, so lar, At my fire t~e savages turned right-about, forced to buy them for others. It lB easy and were 1nuk1ng off, bnt Private O'Ne11l to believe that treating leads Joung men to Jon ea ~ud George Brown, colored men, no- has been tbat each young man has promised fired hle carbine at the second savage, who spend rnore money than 1hey can spare, and toriously the moat pro:lane, wicked persons to advance the money, and aftcrwa1d has at that moment 'vaa rcnnng his pony to turn so pushes them to the contraction of dis· in the w bole community, with three olher brokeL lua prouns~, an<l acted in Ruch a b1m back. The pr1vate's eye was trim,and honest habits. It gPres enconraf,ement to colored persons, took refuge, durrng the manner that the engagernent is broken also, ain accompanied by a great deal ol light. -Detroit Et ening , 7 _'{ev's. his ca1 btne trusty, to1 the Indian dropped loafers and 'sponges,' \vho spend their time his re1n, tbrev.· up ht~ paws aucl d1uppeU haugtug about aaloonA in the hope of being ning and thunder, in a tobacco barn on the Artific1al Flowers. dead Th gentleman I greeted rode a short treated. It affords a ch nee for a ama1l- land of Mr. Geor~e Crensey. u From the several positions one "ould Tho manufacture of nrtJticial fiowers <l1stance and then did likewise. 'rhe rest souled dealer to help b1mt 'elf to his own of the party rode on, turned the corner of liquor at the expense of a c us to mer who have thought that two of the others were boasts a high antiquity Egyptian flowers the wood and disappeared. Dnrmg all tlns prefers to throw away the pric ~of a drink 111 more> and lhe third as much, dar:iger as n1adc of linen of <l1fferent colors have been fame the tire from the bluff· continued. rother than reseut a petty swrndl e. From Jones and Brown \\'ere, TheJ, as the1r ens· found in the tombs of Thebes. Plmy calls Fron1 our po~1tton we could see the Indiana every point of 7Je\v the treating eystem Ia tom waa, \\-·ere engaged in cursinq and them Wmtcr or Egyptian lloweis, but probon the bluffs, their horses picketed under tn lhc advantage of the liquor eelle ..· nnd an swearing. Suddenly the lightnrng des- ably many ol the latter were made of pre· cover ol the hill, and a line of sharpshoot· ! njury to the customer. Why have .~ot the cended upon them, and while the other c1ous 1netals, and therefo1e pert11iued rather 4 a discharge of three hundred or four bun· drcd sbota. I then anw that the savages were clad in clothes and mounted on horses which they had captured from our men. Myself and the soldier jumped into the bu·hes (the lmllets mowing down tbe Bangs-Judge, this is tough on me. IJudge (rn a furious rage)- Won't do it yet. Why, you lmpudent scound~el, l've a notion tci-Mr. Clerk, tine him $100 mo1e, and, Mr. Jones, you go anil take that hat oft' hy force, Th·n the tipstaff approached Bangs, and hit the hat with his stick. It didn't move Then lie struck it ogain, and caved in the crown, but it remnint!d on Baogs's head. Then he picked up a volume of 'Brown on Evidence,' and ma.shed the crown in flat. '!'hen Bangs sprang at bun, and shakrng his fist under the nose of Jones, he ahneked: 'You mutton·hea.ded scullion! I've half a notion to kill ron I II that jackass on the bench had auy sense hs could see that the bat is glned last. I can't take it off it I wanted to.' Then the Judge removed the fiuea and excused him, and llaags y.·ent home, He slept in that hat for a week, and even when it came off, the top of bJB head looked aa black as 11 mortifiedtion had set sented himself. 'Well Samly,' said the King, liae you seen the ]\.1ng o' H eaven aud ~vha.t says he to oor bidden?' 'An' 1t pleaee your M"Jesty I hae no seen the King himself, but I bae seen nne o' his accredited m1n1sters.' 'Well, an' what says he.' 'lie says yer Majesty may e'en hae Ins krngdorn for the ask o' It, ' Was be sae ceev1l 1' says the IC1ng, \\armed to ruagnau11u1l). 'Just gang yer way back, Sandy, and tell the !{ing 0 1 He9.ven tha.t for h11:1 coev1hty the MARRIAGE LICENSES, lhulin~ton, fnear Bethesda Church] is duly <'lt"" f~onzed to iijsue 1\1arnago Licenses. DJU'n.mton, Nov. 19, 1874 m8·tf. MR JOTII\ H EYNON, Lot 7, 0th Qon. Gen!::1'al :Builder and Contraoter. Jobbing promptly attended to. MOTTO. ' W BUNNEY, --- "Neatness with Dispatch." Office and S l1 op, on Ontario Street. 110\\IUllD\:llle, l\fay 18t11, 187G _ _3~.:.- !"' a :z: ..,, = "rt: people tho good sense to abolrnh it i could bear the lmttlc going on aliove us on 'l'reulrng is not confined to tavern· nd When we were half way over the creek I the hills, the contiuued rattle of the mus- saloons. There are groceries where cust.oru~ noticed tt guidon on the side we had 1eJt,nnd ketry, the cheerii1g of our cotnmo.nd ana era are kept u1 good humor by regular in¥1· returned to take 1t. It e11tangled itselt in the shouting of the savages, taLions to repair to the cellar Ior 'a inp.' the branches and slipped out of my hand. Oor ropes revived when we be~rd the How many learn to indujge in that way I diamonnted to pick it up Aa I wos about fa.m1har cheer of our comradee, but despon· can never be est1mated, s1nce grocery tipto mount, my horse was struck with a. bul· deocy followed fast, for our Y.'oods was ou pling must be carried on 'on the sly.' The let, and, becoming frightened, rau into tho fira. The sharp cracklrng of the burning brrngrng out of wme, beer and wh1Ske;y at Indians, lea\·1ng me d1smounted in the com- timber approached nearer and nearer with private houses, to be Urunlt. by guests ' nd pany of about !300 SLoux, not more than awful rapidity, and \Ve had to shLft our po- others, is another b1a1Jch of treating pbofifty yards d1Btant.. They poured a volley sit1on, we crawled n.lmost to the edge of the ductive of infinite harm, since it br1n i at me, but I managed to escape to the thick· wood, and discovered fire on both sider:i. under the influence of intoxicating liquor et near by, where I lounu Mr. Grouard, tbe We moved around unlll we found a thick a clasa of persons who are by their habits interpreter, a half-breeU In<l1an,1.1nd .Private cluster of what they ca11 bulUer1y trees, UU· of life safe from the coar(';er churme ol an~ O'Neill of Company G, Seventh Ca\·alry. der which \Ye crept. loons and grocerie~ One 'vho proposes a. '!'he first two had their horses, but O'Neill The grass on tho edge of this place was treat presents a temptation that may be the like Ill) sell, was dismounted. I told th~ very green, 1.1 nd as it had been ra1nu1g a ht· turning poui.t, tbe first downward etep, t!l (From the New York llcrald ) ere., a1l lyn1g flat on Lbl'ir stomo.cbs. to the goldsmith's than to the nuihne r 's art. In the E v:it tlus tr1vle seems to bnve Fiprung up o.t a rnuch later date, the first record on the suhJCCt ouly pcrta1n1ng to the tlurd century of our era; when tbe Em· dumb and berdt of his mind for several peror She Hoang-Tee is.sued a decree com· lhree were coroparat1vely uninJured, Jones was killed and Brown was stricken down senseless and hfele;a for a time. He rev1ved after a f1::w minutes, and soon seemed to have regained all of his etrength,but \VaB hours. '!'he hghtnmg had set fire to his clothing, aud be waa burned on Lis cheat and lctt 5ide and 1um before the hre wa.a extmgm·hed. In his manmc efforts to free himself fro1n those who '"·ere restra1ning him, the skin was rubbed frcm the burned fles\1 and presented the following characters, GOD Very close representation, to say manding the feruales of the palace to Ile up their hair in tufts, 9.nd to stick in art1fic1u.l flowers of five colors The nature of thr;.se orna1nents is often described in the tenth century. Under the Checo tlyna;ty the ladies ot the palace were enjoined to make peach 1lowers by means ot the transparent leafy uiinero.l enlled mica, attU to \\.'1.m.i them Something New. UNDERSIGNED informs the Gentle· T of tJ1u Dorr.1n1on,J.hat he is prepared to ..:lea11, Luid mak1 ahnoat AA good aa ne:>w, any f'o1led or fiUlcd gaunent. 'lhe co1011s 1eatored, and the cont, or v. hat else, puts on n new ap. p+<a.tnu1.:~ -Jjat1sfactlon guarantt!ed. or no charge:. '!'HOS. PEA'l'E, B1n~man\illu, Aprtl 21~t, 1876. 30-tf. -----~~--------- HJl~ 1oe11 This Company has recently been re-organized by the addition of three ol the most practical men from the Factory of Clough & Warren 01gan Co., Detroit, Mich., each taking an active part in his own pal'ticnlar department, and are now manufactming an Organ equal, and in many pointe superior,to any manufactured in the United St..ates or Cionada. Our celebrated" Vox Celeste,"" Vox Humana,"" Wilcox Patent Odavo Coupler," "Cello." or "C]arionet" Stops, er Flugle Horn," "Du]cet," "~oli11e," "Cremona," and Grand Org:m Stop, and O\Vners of the horses that the prescnee of the animals \\'OUld betray us, sug1o;esting at the same time that they he stampeded. They declmcd to act on the suggestion, and I left them, and crawled through the thick underwood 10\0 the deep, dry bolt.om of the creek, "'here I could not be easily drncovt"r· ed. I had not been JU this hiding place more than ten ininutee v. hen I heard several pistol shots fired 1111uy immed111te vic1n· ity, and shortly there11 tteT, tho voices of several "r:quaws. 11 I raised my head with great caut10n to see what they were at, and touud them at lhe revolting work of scalp- All the Late Improvements Can be obtained only in these 01gans. G1~1?~~~:,~.~¥~~k~niversity 01 M~c Tlventy-F.ive Different Style~, for the '.Pc:\-&!hor of P1nno and Organ, cultivation Voice, Smgrng, '!borough Ba .., Harmony 1 Compomho11, &c. Prof. J. Ruse, p af l Or an d th e ChllrC h ' th e B CSt ~,~011,.ru1v16th,1s14. 4J.ly R. D. FOLEY; has taki!n out a.license as · AUCTIONEER for thfa '!'ownsh111. Salca: "I\ ill recene the best att.enhon. Bow1na.u.ville, l!"'eb, 24th, 1876. ly. Material and Workmanship. Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. PRICES $50 TO $1000. Agents Wanted in Evill'1J County. Send for Price List. Address DOMINION ORGAN CO., BOWMANVILLE ONT. ing a soldier who was perhaps not yet dead. ·rwo of thetn were cutting away, v.lule two others performed u. soxt of war dance around the body and its muhlators, I beard a cra.ckhng noise near n1c. The Indians had or. Tempe1ance and Wellington A U C T I 0 N E E RS _Factory and Warerooms, Streets, Bowmanuil/e. For the T_ownship of Darlington. .....,_ The wood being very dry, the hre uHLde rapid headway, and I wns forced from my hidmg place. I crawled out of the creek bottom as I haa approached, and as I was about to ascend the bank, I wae rejoined by the party I bad lelt a short whtle before. They, like myself, were atr,.id of the fire, but fortunately for us the wind subSJded and a little rain fell, sulliciellt to arrest the fit\mea and revive our ign 1ted a fire. later the eame double signals were repeated, Co]. Bangs IS very bald, and, in order to conclnaton that 1f men were obliged to tiub· altar~. and many mounted Iudi.1na galloped away, induce his hair to gro'v again, be 1a using o. '!'he fire consumed all the tool of those who care not !or his welfish maJe of .ilk threads. About this time, fa.re. 'Vhen men agree to neither treat nor been branded with the name of his Creator al·o, ladies used to "ear little black paper in the s.ym!lolic language, it n1::i.y be uf hie be treatedi the vocation oi two out of every patches on their faces,just as Ill Europe six forefathers three thousand years ago, and iu three liquor sellers an<l manufacturers w1ll centuries ltit(:r, In the eight~cnth cen· be gone, the wealth o:t the country will be the prmted langu·ge of the nat10n to which tury the n11se1onar1es found the art1hc1al. he belongs. n augmented by millions of dollars o.onually, flower trade very flouru~h111~ at Plkin,where there to watch the progress of the hre. At and thousands of men will he snved ior the a special kind of silk stufl was m11nutactn r ed Getting Ready to be Married.' about 4 o'clock p. m. this picket bred four accornpl1sbment of product!Ve labor \\ho for lhe purpose. About the same time pistol shots in the air st regular intervals, now go to s"'~ell the ranks of paupers and We do not at this time presume to med- Y ...en ice and .Bologna lll[ldt! silver gilt flowers, which I mterpreted 11s a signal. Soon alter- ex10t a· a burden upon their friends and the dle with the faahions, but we deauc to speak and at Naples they contnved to give the ward \\'e bearll a. eavage cry1ng out, making put.he -Landon Adue1tiser. a word to those unfortunate damsels who athfic1al artlcle the perfume of the natural the s£Lme sound four tunes, and after these are labonouslv · gett1ng ready to be married.' produL\Uon J the Genoese colored their tJignals we saw 200 or ruore savages lco.ve Take off that Hat. We lately tried to put ourselves m the tio~ers with the brnsh, and at Lyons the the bluffs and lord the river, evidently place of an acquaintance who was passing religious communiues n1anufactnrt:d them, abandomng the ground. About one hour ( Ji'rom the Pittsburqh Leadei ) through Una ordeal, und we ca1nc to the b.it 011ly tor the purpose of decoratrng their the under\vood around us, and was ahnost expended by this time. \Ve could see aav· ages going backward and forward, and one standing on picket not mo1e than e:eventy or eighty yardt-i from ua, evidently put the 1eaat of them, of the capital letters tlsed whenever they dtned at the Imperial table, in printing the uame of Deity1 wbile around Bia ],{3j~ety pron1rn1ng hrn favour to the Peuch flow ers and between them the skin was unremoved, lady who had the finest. and apparently not burned. The above continued in vogue until the Princess Sheoo· Yang felt the bloesoms of a plum tree fall tic before, and there was no wind, \\hen the what \\ould otherwise be an honorable characters occupied the angles of an equtl· on he1 cheek on a. w1ndy day. Thes.;' 1 ot fire appronchod our hiding place it ran very car~er. One who aecevts a treat abd1c:1tes ateral triangle, which, as) ou are doubtless course, supplant<:d the peach , soon after alowly, and I was enabled to smother it with his position ot iudependeace and becomes aware, was In ancient days the symbol of Deity. This man then appeua to have however, fl owers "ere t:.iuperseded by htlle my gauntlet gloves. . 'l'. PHILLIPS, HAMPTON. hopes that we wight be able to remain there till night. Prou1pt attention given to sales, &c, on reasonable terms. AlBo General Agents for Canada, for the BRADBURY PIANO. Rice & · Barker, Agents fm· tlw Counties of Durham, Victoria, and North and South Onta1·io. Bowman ville, Deo. 21st, 1875. Jt was now 3 o'clock p. m.-s1x more hours to wait-and we could hear and often see Indians near us. Frnally the time Cdme when, un<lt'r the protection of night, we were ' able to come out of our hiding place and Wm. Barton, ENNISKILLEN. HaleR pt'omptly a.ttondod to on rensone.blo terms; DENTISTRY. Don't Read this, the N-ewest thing of the season, J Brimacombe, l,R.O. 0 .. ~ --rJli:!lCE ove1· McCLUNG'S Stort: Bov..manvillc, Dec. 187·1. take the directwn of the ford, two miles to the south, through an open plain. Mr. Gtouard 11nd the scout 1nountcd their horses and the soldier and myself took hold each one of a horse's taiJ,and follo\ved th~ horses. In our transit through the open plain we passed mR.ny Indians returning to their v1l· unless you wish to purchase FEES MODER.~E. 11-tl. ==Uheap Dry Goods== --o-- !age, and could hear but not see them,as the 01ght was very datk. We reached the wood near what we took t.o be the ford we had passed in the moruing, but were mistaken and had to hunt for the crossmg. Once we fortle<l the stream, but it was at a bend, and Soon the rernarnder ol thosc on the bluff· very exc ellentarticlc called hair vigor upon his seal!\'. A week or two ago he was sumalso retired. During the lh1rty.e1x hours that \Ye \Vere moned M a Juryman upon a case in the in suspense we hnd neither water nor food. 1 Circuit Court, and upon tho da.y of the At 10 o'clock p m. we dropped ourselves trial, jnot before the hour at which court into the river-the \Yater reaching our met, be rieme1nbere<l. thathehadnot1~pp1ied waists-crossed 11; twice, carefully crlnvled the l·1gor to his head that m::>rnrng. He up the bluf!s and finally reached the broken had only a few minutes to spare, but he high country, took our d1rect10n and slowly flew upstairs ond into the dark closet where and cautiously proceeded southward. After he kr:pt the bottle, and, pouring some fluid marching two unles I ascenlled u very high on a. sponge, he rubhed his bead energeti· hill and saw a fire, probably two miles from cally_ By some mistake the Colonel got us. Of course w·e made two conjectures on hold. of thew ong bottle, and the substance this fire-it might be an Indian fire and it with. which he nundated his ecalp was not might be from our command. 'rhe only 'v1;sor' but the black varnish with which way to ascertain \Vas to approach it cautious~ Mrs. &nge decotated her shOP.S. However, ly and trust to chance. Accor<l1ngly, ·we Bangs didn't pereci\TC his mistake, but dart.. took the direct.on ol the fire, ·nd after lllO· ed down stairs, put on his hat, an<l walked ceed1ng a mile or more aga1n stopped ou a off to the court room It \Vas a very cold high hill, and listened. Wo conld hear morning, and by tho time tho Colonel v 01cc1:1, but not d1st1nctly enough to tell reached hie destination the varn1sh was as whether they were of savnges or of our cow- stiff as a stone, his b,i.t glued fJ.st to the mand. We proceede<l a little further and skrn, ond his efforts to take it off gave him beaxd tho bray ot a innle, antl soon after the trjghtfuJ pain. Just then he tieanl lua distant voice of a sentry challengeing with name calle<l by tJ1e Cmr. He ~as 111ld the familiar words, "Halt ! who goes with apprehension of corning troublti ; but there 1' rrhe challenge \.\:3.S DOt addi·eascJ. be took his seat Ill the Jnry box and deter· to us-, us we \Vere too far to be seen by mined to explain the situation to the. court ruit to such shopping, and matching, and ad \'Ising, and 'trying on,' they \\'Ould break their promise oftener than they do-the re.a· cals. Anecdote of John Jacob Astor.I j Do you ever trust, ·hfr, Astor 1 ir.quir ed Mr. K. ' I do not trust strangers, au·,' '\Yas the Now, girls, this is confidential-is it nol takrng too much thought for the morrow, reply, 'unless tbey iunush me 'v1th sat.is· of body and soul m order to astound your acquaintances by the vanety of your bndal apparel 1 \>\' e confess-no, it is not a. sin, we boast- that we have an eye-two eyes -for that moat charming vision, Leuuldul woman richly and becomingly dressed; to temininc lovhness we grudge nothing with· to work and worry yourselves into leanneee factory city r(:ft:rCllCfl,' 'Then,' saul Mr K, i the ek1ns I have sele~ted muE1t suffice this hme,' and paying Jor t11e same he departed. In the afternoon of the same day, JUSt before the lot ol'furs. s ailm~ of the New Bedford packet, the )'Oung trader returned for his Throwing the whole pack un on the picket, and 1t was too dark, but tins at the earliest possible moment. Presently wo had to ford it !lp;ain. When we recrossed gave the courage to cont1nue our course. tl:.e Clerk screamed · 'I-lats off in cou1t !' the river we ran full into a band of eight V\.1'e were about 200 yards from the fire, and The Colonel grew cr1nJson in the face, savages. The two mounted men ran for I resolved to coll out the picket and tell 'Hats ell!' yelled the Clerk agarn, and the ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. ,Liverpool London, wnd Gki,sgow or inf(,rmatiQD, ¥> FOH. Tickota, _ W. A. NEADS, ~PP~Y s. NEVV with a MASON having opened his their hves ; the soldier and myself jumped him who J: was. I told my compani01on The savages evi· to be ready to fullow after me, an<l, alter I dently thought from the precipitate retreat had well surveyed tke ground, cried. out of the two ruoucted men that all o! us had " Picket, don't fire : it is Lieut. De Rudio decamped, and began to talk among them· and private O'Ncnll." We received an an· into the bushes near ua. eel ves. In a few miuutes they continued swer in·a louU cheer from all the members their course, and soon went out of hearing. of the packet and from Lieut, Varnum. Colonel was about to reply, when the Judge in tbe bounds of taste and u. purse which is hJB back, be left the store, bnt he had not open at one end for cbarity ; and we think proceeded a dozen yards wbeu !\1i. A. c"ll" a httle modest extravagance, even it 1t ha.a e<l h1s nAnH', b1dd1ng bun come back. ' Sir,' &fl.Id ~:fr. A, 'you can have credit to be planned for, may be pardoned on the day which should be the fairest iu a maid- for any a1uount of g;ods you rrqu1re, proen's calendar. J3ut tu ma.ke up garn1ents vided they are to be tound 1n my ~tore.' 'But, 1 stammerd Mr. K, 'but1 my dear for yeara and years, to prepare a trousseau ten times as elaborate as ever was needed sir, I can give you no city reterences- J 11m in fhr~at1on days-gtrlFI, what are you th1nk- a stranger here.' '1 ask no recommen<latton,' rei: ponded mg of 1 Don't you know thot an unru!Jled face Wlll pleaeo the bridegroom more than th~ ricb mc1cluint, 1 than thaL already fur .. The man who is uot forty ruffied skirts 1 Wonldn 't you respect nished by yournelf yourselves more \Vere you to' get ready 1 by above his bu. 8i1iet>s ueld never bcs1t(lte to aplearning new \Vays to be really useluJ, than ply to J olm Jacob 1\ st or for credit.' Thus cornmcnceJ a trade between two if you make yourselves incompetent for any· thing hut to cxh1b1t ne\v dress~s ?-- Chris· merchants wh1c1i was co11l111ued to the mu· tual satistaction and advantage oJ both for a tian [Inion. loug term o1 ) enrs. Mr. K. is now one of the most emnient capita.hats lD N C\V Bed .. Agent, B~1vmanv1lle 1 .June 9tl1 1 1871. tf-30 Impe1 ial OF Fire Insuranr.e .Co LONDON. Established 1803. HEAD OFJ!'ICES.-1 <\.GE:NUY STORE full nss01 tment of Old Broa.d St., and OAN.ADA ;- 24 Pall !\-1WJ.. London. GENERAJ· STAPLE BARGAINS DRY is prepared to oiler GOODS CASH, S a.cra.nent St., Fon ~iontreal. St Fnnd, £1,965,000 Sterling. Subscribed and invested Capital and Reserve FOR Funds invested 1nCanad~ 105,000. Insurances &gMn!lt loss by Fire are effec..&od on most favorable terms, and losses paid with· -0ut :reft:rcnce to tbt1 Board in London. that will compare with any Stol'e in)he County. J DODSWORTH, Iuapector. Gen. Agents, Montreal RIN'l'OUJ, BROS. ' 11· R. LOSCOMBE, Banister, Agent for BowmanvUle and Vicinity, .Bowma.nville, Jut>e 4th. 1860' m.o.43·39,4w36 !'lease Call and exa.mine ·Stook. Highest Price pa.id for :Sutter and Eggs. ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFFICE· Bowmanville, April 12th, 1876. bp-o15-m29. We then saw that the fords were all well guarded by the savages, and that it would be very dangerous to attempt to cross a11y TREATING. part ol the n ver. Hoping for the probable return of our command in the morning, or The evidence of experts 2nforn1a us that that the Indians would leave, we sought a the greater part of the dr1nk1ug that is douc hidmg place in the thick underwood ond does not owe ita or1g1n to the craving of the br1crs near the r1 ver, and then a waned our drinkers for stimulants, The masses are fate on the morro\V. not born \Vith an innate desire for baneful In the dim dawn of the day we heard an intoxicauts. They drink, because they are immense tramping aa of a large cavalry com· 1n v1ted to drink, not because they are t111rsty. mand, and the spla.shmg of water, ua of Th·· is true especially of young men, whose hoops crossing the river. I irr.agiIJed it \'Va.a education and morul principles make them our command, ab I could d1stmctly hear the averse to the degradrng practice, but who eound of the horse's shoes striking the stoneR, lack the backbone to say ' no' when rnore and cautiously stepprng to the edge of the hardened tipplers entice lhem. Even thoso Judge-Well, sir, you must take 1t off valour prevailed, and the King of Cornwall was defeated. The Scottish monarch, elated Bangs-But I say I kept it on because by success, srnt tor his Prime b1in1eter, ILord Alexander. ' Well, Sandy,' sidtl hf\ Judge-\Ve don't waut any argurnent 'rn there ne't!r a king \Ve canna' conguer tb: upon the subject, air. Remove that ha.t this noo.' ' An it. please your Mt1Jeaty, I ken moment, sir. but o'ae kin~ that your majeetv cnnna' van· Bangs-Judge, if you would only give me quish.' 'An wbaur is he, Sandy 1' Lord a chanl!e t o Alexander reverently Jookrng up, said : Judge-Th1s is intolerable! Do you ' The Krng o' Heaven.'· ' The king of whaur, mean to insult the court, sir 1 T&ke your Sandy 1' "!'be Kmg o' Heaven.' The hat off, sir, or I will fine you :for contempt . Scottish king did n >t understand, but was Bangs- Well, it's very hard I can't say a nnwillmg to exhibit any ignorance. 'Just word by way ot e x gang yer ways, Sandy, and tell the Kmg Judge (wnrm1y)-This is too much 1 o' Heaven to gie up His dominions, or I'll cu.me 1n, and as )us eye rested on Bangs he Give your Ghl$ an Allowance. said ' Pcreons in the cou1t 1oom must reLong ages ago, in times so remote that move their 'hats.' history does not fl>. the epoch, a dreadlnl 'Vhere it 1 s neccf.lsaiy to study economy Bangs-May it please vour Honor, I k~pt war was waged between the King of Corn· in every way, and fat.hers compla1n ot the my hat on because-wall and the King of Scotland. Scottish fre<1uent <len1un<ls made upon their purses A Scottish King. ford. now. by their daughters, 1t is best for both parties that allov,.auce s11uuhl Ue agreed on,and regularly paid every quc\rter. A girl is thus taught the value ot rr.oney, and bhe learns . ,-- to be carelul how to spend 11 ; she 1s thus ltd to e:i::ere1se her Judgment and taste, and to restrict herself 10 0110 respect Iu order to indulge hersel11n another. \r1thont £Ln allov.ance, )Oung persona cannot kno\\o· the pleasure ot denying tbetnsclves 'vhat might seem ver) reaaona.ble a11d proper, fur lbe sake of best.owrng the sum thus saved JU You've got more audacity than a mule. Mr. Clerk, fine that man $50 charity. 'l'h1::re 1s no generosity 1n mak1ng presents to our tr1ends, no benevolence 111 giving to the poor, if we are merely the dis· tributors of another person's bounty, nnd have not one g1al1ilcat1on the less ourselves. A feeling of responsibleness grows out of the come myst!l' and Jing him oo o' them, and disbursement of a certain sum which we ie~ J mind, Sandy, ye do not come back tlll ·ua gard as our own -H01<Sdceepei".