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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 18 Aug 1876, p. 3

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THE :JVIERCHANT FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1876 Dr. McLAUGHLIN, M. B., L. R. C. P .. L R. C. S., EDINBURGH. M EMBER of the Medici.I Council o[ 011tario. Residence : King Street, two (_~oors of McOlung's Carriage Shop, Qffi(le : Corner THE GREAT Cheap Fruit Trees. I to the 1st of October, I will take ol'dere Upfor class apple trees, to be delivered fir ~t of 'l'emE~rllillce and Church Streets, opposite Shaw's Hotol. [46-ly] AT Tlt:E: OLD STAND. l\,fR. DAVID MOR.RISON lll bas pleasure ju informingthe public thnt he baa secured the services of a J:l-.IRS'l'-CLASS BARBER and HAIR.DRESSER, and is pro· pared to ~autee satif\fa(,tion, wtl rf!spec:fully soliClts public patronage:; Hair-cutting I and con1bing. modero.te . Switches n1ade a~ the :.'!hortest notice and most rea&1onable ratea. A complete a.ssortment of cigars, tob'1.CC019 1 fan<l pipes always on hand, CENTENNIAL! LYL~~ at llowma.nvillc. next spring, at $17 per hun· drcd. .All oth er Nl!ri:;ery ~tuek ~t con·espondiag low rntes; Speo.lal rn.tes for large ol'Clel's. AH 8tock gnn.1·nnteed trite to name. Address .TOHN CUAl'LIN, Box 55, Bowman ville P. 0. 4m. AT CHOO L BOOI{S t a t i o n e r y, P e ns chool J3ooks, Inks lates,-,vriting vapers chool Bass Pt·ucils atchels, Machine Need I es MRS. ANDEiiSON'S Fashion and Millinery Depot, opposite jJfr. Bud!er's S. &F. Mason's, You can rot utiuu.lly kept in a First Prize and Diploma n.t Proviucit~l Exhihition at Ottawa, 1875. First-class Harness Establish- JF A..NNING? MILL, I ment. and Grain Screen and The King of the '\Vest BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY, ~:. .:I p l en d11.1. atin 1-:.oon1 Papers · l f'ancy gooc} s p l en d . lf J 1 ewe ry, ffl .i. . Very I oy s (46-tl] & MARTYN'S I·t:i;;;,·w I ·"-.. FRESH FRUIT ! -OP- Harness, 1¥hips, 'l.'runlcs. Tl alises, Bags, Col· lars, Lashes, Brushes, Netts, Sheets, R ugs, Cun11 Combs, Bits, Snaps, InterfM'ing Boots and Rollers, Zinc Collar Pad;, Harness Oils, etc., etc. 1 SEED SEPARATOR · PI 0 TUR · E FRAM I NG , MUS IC ' AT --- IN .ONE. THREE MACHINES h.. )-;, !,ast Oll 'S 1~ O\Vll II a ll B Ul ·J · gs. Iour vi!:lit to her 1..·sta.blishment, .d ID i·oauers, or that racL T own R a11 u '[d' J1Ul rngs consiating or "'··rything in th· une, that can b· pnrcha.sed 111 the Pn.da :Lnd Ne,v York esta blish m0 n1s,aienowonexhibition. H:it< cloaned, and altered into latOBt Mrs. A. iH not:iakinglargo profite, but,vill eel! at a srnnll ,vl.,n<o on cost, for CASH. A will satisfy any o Bow1111:1.onville, April 7th.187G. Bonnets, Hats, M~~tles. and General Millinery. Latest Styles I have now grent pleasure in offering to the LOW PRICED If you do:u't see wh[~t you want, please ask for it. forming community, the most porfect Fanning A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ~ ' All Sea.sona.ble Varieties, AT ARE GIVING GOOD SATISFACTION, THE~I ---:o:--- 1\fill and Seed Separa.tor evel' in vented. Its ndvanta;;1..·s over otht:t' )fills in U5C, nre ns follows:1st. It is a pei{cct Cleaner and Chaffer. It will take out \Viki 0<'.ta perfectly. It will tak a out all C'ocklc,Chess, and othe1· foul seeds , '"'ith oncl! going tluough, ma.king a perfect sllntple of M1irket Wheat, which will add sever· al cents per bushel to the va.h 1 ~ of grain over antl abovu that when cleaned by the ordinary D oh eny Bl oc k , Lindsay. Bo>V·manvill I DRUGS AND MEDICINES at th" m?2 - .ly· _ Bowmanville Drug Store, · WILLIE'SQ ---o--·RIPE PEACHE.S, RIPE PEARS, RIPE GRAPES, RIPE MELONS. -SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO CASH CUSTOMERS.- 2nd. It is a most p~rfect Sepnra.tor. It will separate al I the b .rge kerueliJ of Wheat fr01n the small au<l shrunken grains . It does not t ln·ow t11c s1n ill grains iu tho chess box. like othor J\.fills, but brir:igs them through by thcm ael vcs, cfoan a.nd fit for market, nnd i1:1 '\varrant· etl to make a perfect rample of St!ed 'Vheat. Ord. lt is very rapid in its aetin11, nw.l wiJl make for market, Sixty Bushels ; ai1d for Sl;!ed, Twenty-five Bushels per honr. 4th. It separntcs all ldn<ls of Grai11, ns well a~ seeds ; and if Wbeat 1Lnd Oa.ts, Pens tiucl Oats, Clo!lC:l' n.ud Timothy, mixed together, and put through this Mill, it will come out perfectly separated. 5th. It is eq ually as good for small n.<t large grains. It will separate rl'imotby Seed from \VJw11.t, aud will bring the 'l 'imothy out clean at the snme titnc o.s y(·11 are cleanii:1g tLe Wheat for Market. Mi ll. of3)u.blic OULD 1nvst respectfully tender his hie.ere thankMlo his nun1erous friends and ctS· om er~, a.nll tn the puhUc generally, for t.he very libf'ra.l i-11 pport he hns roceived ince 11i11 C?tnmenci;ng- in buflh1es.:i; 11.!"'d hopes by contirnrnd strict personal attention t.o busine!!e and offel'in g nothing ln~t the purest ru-ticles, the most 1·ea')onnble pnoes, to e11~1, " n. cont.inuancs W J. HIGGINBOTHAM at ·would cafl spr-:cioJ ntttintion to his very a11pcr1or atoc\: of ·. J:I. pat.r( 11rn;,.,.l~. r)YI.D Srl.'"UFF? which are sure to give the best satisfaction. A well sclc('.ted stock of ---o--Also, the largest and bCst assorted stock of BUY YOUR, GOODS, AT ~ 0R 1 C1\SH, Price of Mill, L 01· $35. All J..ietterA f1ora t}ie Connties of Northum· hind, Durham, 'Tictoria, a.n<l Peterboro, must be addressed to the proprietor, DRUGS, GHEAfIGALS, PATENT 11fEDIGINES. BRUSHES, COMBS, SHOULDER-BRACES, SUPPORTERS, Etc., Etc. kept constantly on hand. Bisouits & Candies in Bow1nan ville, THOMAS SMI'rrr, Hamptl)n, Ont. P. C, HJ'HliS, General Agent. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. oAMES WYLLIE, l'oet'e Corner, Bowmanville. Row1na.uville, Aug. 17th, 1876; Y. COWLE'S.' May 5th, 1876. OILS, l'ATNT, COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at the vory lowest prices. J\1ATH USE K PIANO Portland, $ 5 To $ 20 !w>e0r~hday 1 ~ $1 l ~lnine. at homo. Sample· free. STINSON & Co bp-o-10m26·ly. Conclusive evidence is in favor of such action, as the following figure~ will show: CREDlT. CASH. Cottons 10. 12!i. Prints 8. 9/i. 115. Tweed 100. 400. 500. Blankets s. Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B.-Country store-kettpers supplied o the most ntlva.ntageous terms. A choice selectim1 of LA"I\-IPS for bale cheap Bowrnanville. Deo. 1868. 6m. -~n- EXCl~L in voice-like qua.J.1ty of tone. EXCEL iu durability mid keeping in tune. EXCEL for the conce1·t room. EXfiEL fo1· t~aohing schools and seminaries. !£XCEL for the dra.wiDg room. EXCEL n volume of tone. EXC.J.£b in firmnt.·fi$ .and purity of tone, New Furniture AND - ++- Every oth1 r class of Goocs in same .i?roportion. APPLES I R APPLES I k"':. season for any quantity of good shipping apples ; also Tnb J3utter. Offic~ at l\fessrs. 'l'HOM1'80::i BURNS. Ilowm a11";ue, A11g. 10th, 1876. 45-::lm. .BURDEN will be in th Market this My Stock is Large and Varied, · and has been selected with great care. I hesitate not to say that satisfaction, both as to rmttorial and price, will be given. uahek. These ~re broad nsscrtions, but capable of proof, 'l'hey are any other, in construe· tion; all tht:i r peculini'itics are points of excellf<luce. 'TLeir illustrated and ClcseJ·iptive catal()g~1e,wJ1 ich w_e send. frt.e to any address, ex · plmus oon<.:lmnvcly. in harn:ony with acoustics a.:ncl 1nec:han icl:I all t hat is claimed for the }.1ath- - 0 ...µ UNDERTAKING UNION SCHOOL. r1 · 1nE DOMlNION WIRE MA'fTRA~S. pupila are request~d to be on hand as promptly as possible. A few boarders will be taken by tho M~the1natit.:al Master. Preference cieti1:t.1, opened on lt'Ionday 21st inst. Bown1auville Union School will be re- Intending J,'1.vtm to those aiming at Matriculation in the Universities or in the Law and Medical So· · THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is made a special one, being under the supervision of Mr. PEARDON, who is known to be a cutter of ability. Orders will receive prompt attention. - - :0:-- Tho l\ilattras8 was sHvnrded the 1st premiu1n n.t the P1·ovi:tciit.l Fair, Ottawa, 1875. Ia dur· · a ble, elMtic, noiseler:>:i . },.fa.nufactured by Ueo. Gale, Srniths lriilh~ , Quebec. For sale by Anthony Davy, Fu1·niture ])co.lBowmanville. The1·c a re t_hou!landa of happy owners of :&In.thuaheka willing to cel"tify to their snpe1·ior excellence. '\\~ Lnvt! room here for but a fe'\\-' brief extraob· : Nxw Yon.K, Oct. 28,1867. '~le t.1.11:1 underi!igncd, J u dges vf l)ia11os at the lfnir of the Aroerican Institute after a careful examiu~~tion of the Concert Gr~nds,do award to flj~jjl~~~# - -:o:-The undersigned has opened a l:ltore in Fuller's Block, orip1)ait(,J Tre]even s Shoe St.ore where he will keep on ha1Hl a fuli' and ~· ari~·d stuck of FREDEUICK MA'l'HUSEK the HONOR W. OLIVER, B. A. Bowmnnville, Ang. 7th, '76. .a. New Tailor shop, ern.lly, that b e bas n:movcd li is busine1:1s to the Shop next doo.r east of llicc'-s Butchc:t Sbop. Ha,ving had several years experience in the trade, he hopes to 8a.tisfy all who may fa.,.·or him with a call. of making the 13EST of this class of iustruments then o.nd th eJ'e exb ibitt<l, or lmo wn to us else· where. · FtTitNI'rtr:RE, which will be dispose'l of i~t the LOWES'!, ~i.ARJ{Err I'RICES. J-'erto oosintend1ng to comw euce bousekeepiu..,. wiil find it la.rgt1ly to th eir aav~;l· tago to c?111:mlt him, e1e elsewhere. (Sig11cd) Principal. 2w. (\~ugusta.~Maine, · day at home. Agents wanted $12 Outfit and terms free. TRUE & CO bp·o10·lll25-ly WREMEMBER, cash will buy from 10 to 15 per cent. cheaper than credit. 13 JOHN EGS TO INl!'OltM THE 1'UBLIG, gen. HEAL, RWD. MOLLE NHAUllR, A.D. W.BJ<;SEMANN. M, J. GIANJ\'E'l"l'I. CHARLES FRADEJ,, M U81C,\L 00NSERVATOitY,} KNITTING. .li., 'Vo.->l, or Cotton, or any kind of yarn. · Stuch.ingif knit for 20cts. Sock.8 knit f01· l5cts. B · F. Y. COV'VLE;. 802 Broadway, N. Y. These PifuJos must take the lead of all kno\Vll instrutni::nts, and their r>ecuJiar con:;truc:tioo renders th,ern by far the tnost durable anc1 the liD..blc to g(~t out of tune. , ' .b'i1,1·nilure rnade to order on sho1·t notice a:nd )?,epai'l"ing neatly done. ' UNDERTAKING. A NEW BE!ARSE ON YOUR YARN! All ·iz.. of F.E1'0Il Socks and Stockings knit to order, Home· GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Bowmanv illo, Sop, 4th, 1872. EUGE"rnJ. MJ<;l\RIAM. Since the date Of thiri concert the 1\-Iathnsbl:lk. ha3 been my favorite.. \Vatson's Cons'3rvatory of J\fusic,New York. m49-tf. J. JAY WATSON. Come nnd see the and Pope Knitting Machine, half-wa.y between Bov;ma.nville and N, at the old Hotel stand, 40 rode we.l!lt of the Town Line. -:o:-- No money woulU tempt me to banish it from my home. D. SCIIUYJ..1£R, B11ff1:1olo. IVfn.thnahck lia.s i..i1 reality tn.k elJ, a stt:p fa1 advance of n11 makers of Piunos in the W(lr1d. :r:Iaa hccn procured of latest desi~n. Ftnnir:h nig:-i for fnnei·:~ls always vn ban<l. All .Fnuer alti in town fl.nd country, ntttende<l at a reason· able cllr.rg-e, KNITTING MACHINES FOB. BA.LE. CHARLES KENNEDY. .Address : Chas. Kennedy, Bov.·manville P. 0. .Bowmanville, August 4, 1876. ro44-ly, J. G. SHAW. l\fulical Critic, Sara.toga. The J\fathuL-ihek Orchestra Square GrA.nd Piano fa brilliii.nt, of wonderful power1 and melodious in tone. . AI,Ji'l\.JTill II. P:EA.SE,Rochester. I was fully convinced that the 1\-Iathm1hek was the crown of all. Family Excursions ! . ~TO~ ALLTHE LA'l'ESTSTYLES THE J'o,. ~Ir The celebratecl Wfre Mcittmss yoii ----~- ROCHESTER, N.Y. PER STEAMER Peovle' s Book Store .& IN HATS,CAP~, sale. See it before any othei'. purchase . - & GENTS FURISHINGS FL BELLACK . p1:.i..wJ for tho p~t ten ye_a.ra, sRys tlu~t the No, UJ Un.:her;tral JURt received fro1n you is the Iiesidcuce, Corner of Qneen and Brown St!!, , lll:xtdoor to J\rfr. J, P.Iticc's. Eowmnnyille, l\fa.r AND J\1y old t uner, wl10 has tnk(ln ccire of 1ny t6th, 1876. A. DAVY. ?,, "NORSEMAN." SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. 8 a special inducement to families.: to 'lieit the beautiful City of Rochester, dtiring the ·warm summer months, tickets, good for two days, (includh1g date of iasue) will be iS8Ued by ·Steamer ·· NorsemBD., 11 until the 15th of Sep· "tcmbcr next, at the undermentioned unprccc·dented rates, from Port Hope, (berths and :meals ext1a) :.For 2 mcm bers of f..,milv to Charlotte and return . ...... , ..........· , ····.. ,,,; ·. $3 00 additionn.l member......... , ....... 1 00 Cb ikktiln 1.1nder 15 yeare:, each.,,.,.,,,.. . . 50 'l'ickets inust be procured from theundermentiuned agents of the steamtir 1 or full will be c:harged, SA:B:BATli SCHOOL to bo h ud at A DEPOT C. B A R K l!i R. With the arrival of the Ilolida.ys, comes n demand for MAYER'S. llih·. l\L opened the i;euson, with a. splendid stock of .goods, comp1i~ini:r everything in tho hat and Uap lin~. which will be disposed of at low rates . C;:i,11 early, ancl make your 1:1elcction. lJ~~L and finest instrument in this city, Yo11r;i, & .c. D. M. SOMERVJLI.E, Clevelanct,O. FOR SALE OR ·ro RENT. R 1. S'l'. \V. ~\f. S. SCHOOL , 'l'orouto. \V~ havegre[l.,t plensm·e i11 stating that as an instrument to lt>ad the singing in a S. School nothing can e:xctl it. rrhe tone is soft and full. 'l1be bf-toss is grand· and when 300 voioes arc singing _ together the Piano c3n be distinct· ly heard. Every noto rings out as clear as a I A.'l, _ _I_ a ln-<·go two story Ro\1gh Dwelling poss es!li01.1 will be given at once. Apply t~ th(j propnekir, stoJ'I~, snmET ]]\'THE VILLAGE O.l'iof MILL Ho.mpton, three doors west of Elliott's bell. S . J, HUN1'Rll, P.,tor. S.A.:rt-IUEI~ FRISBY, l\'Iusical Conductor. \VARING KEN.f\TJ£DY1 Superintendent . D. ROSE, TROS. YELLOWLEES, (}entennial Excursion Tickets I -:o:. Centennial Exoursion Tickfots at greatly reUuce<l rat(!s-from $15.40 to $18.40, according to choice of route- - also for sale by undersigned. Agent, :t-..,..ewcastle, Agent, Bowma.nville. N .B .-In connection with the above Return Tickets per G. T. Railway to Port Hope will be issued at Ooe :Fare. 'l\ Y. -:o:- chea.p a.nd good Literature, Gift Books, a.nd l"resent ClOODS. I have a Stock that cannot fail to please- com plete and varied. HA. TS for hot weather. :p:..,\TS for cool weather. HATS for wet weather. HA TS for · - - f o r .A HAT FOR YO'C'. M. M.A YER.'S. · faction. .J.lf1·. It has givt:m my fa1nily the very b_ighest satis- NEW GOODS! BATTING'S! cons:ieting in part, of JOHN COLE. I\..'[erchnnt 'l'ailor. IIan1ptoa 1 l\lnrc:h 7th. 187G. REV. JOHN B11EDIN, Barrie. lIAMPTo~, J . .Ruse, Feb. 1st. 1876. · DEAR SIR :-The :i\fathusek l'iano I purchased fronl yon has givt·n entire >1atisfn.otion and proved itself a snp0rior instrument in every res;pect. I wonld recommend all to see the l\fa.thust!k, before purchasing elsewhere, IT. T. PHILLIPS. P1·oj. .T. R·, ENNISKILLEN,~Ta.n, 25th. 1876. TWEEDS, PRINTS, WHITE COTTONS, DRESS GOODS, PARASOLS, SILK PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, &c. All to be sold at the very lowest prices, l1. ROSE, THOS. YELLOWLEES, Agent, Newcastle. Agf'nt, Dowma.nville. Bowmauville 1 July 27, '70. m44-7w FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES,Large Assortment. N .B. That deservedly popular Teach ers Bible, in vaiious bindrngs BOOKS, in G<eat Variety. A CARD. CAN IZBD PENS ALBUM/3, Cheap and Pretty WRITING DESKS, and WORK IJOXES Boots AND -:- Piano, purcbaged from you recently. I am \vell antistir.d \Vith it in every l'C'S p~ ct and cona i c.l~r. for beauty and tene, it is un~urpn>ist!d by any instrntnent I ha.v~1 yet seen, DEAU Sin :-1 have pleasure in ad.din"' my te~tim~ny to the !Jla.ny you have a.lruad:V' received 111 favor of t.Iie well meri ttd b<Iathusek for CASH! N. Il. - · Old 8torf', near 'l'hompsvu & Buru'i,i }.fill, .Howmanv·ille. 'l'IJE GREATEST Wonder of rrfodern Times. S. C. F!ILI.IEH, M. D. EKNll:H\:Tf,LJ.:I\'", Ji.1>11. 15th. 187G. · P1·of. Ruse. DEAn SIR :-The 1\iiedinrn ~fathusek w·c got from you gives cnti ro satisfaction i11 every retJall desiring a good piano. have this day appointed C. BARKER I ! the Eclusive agent for the so.le of my VUL· for BowmanviHe, Ont. JOSEPH MASONP. P. J. J .JACOBS. _,..._____ n _ o_ wm _· _ n _ v_ il_ le _ ._ s _ e_ p~~'_1 _ o_th_._1_s_H ,, m _-_ .MICROSCOPES, STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPES Shoes! "===~====-===========::=-:=::=-========== pect. I can unhesitatingly rocommcnd it to Pastor of Presbyterian Churc11. D. STEWART. """~ THOROUGH-BRED / Lu?·gest Collection of Stereoscopic - Views in Town. One of the La.rgest Stocks of Boots and Shoes in tbe countr17, is to be found o.t lJfq·. Shortliorns fo,. rSale. 24-tf. ltOB'l'. COLLAOOTT, Tyrone, P.O. OUR 'l'HOROUGH.;;RED DURHAM F BuJls, yearlings, rl'ict and roan, can be purchased of the underP.:_ 6ned, at reasonable t"Btea. La.dies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses, etc., etc. J. BORLAND'S Boot & Shoe Sto1·e, comp1·ising J. Ruse. DEAH S1n:-'l'he No. 11. ~faLhnsek is all that yo~<l commendatory of it, muaicia11s havo tried 1t a.1ul pronounc otl it excellent.. OSHAWA, .Tan 24th. 1876. 1\f!TCHBL. The undersigne·' has 1he STR ,., VY ' U . 1}leas'lre of informing yon that F J;;LT,, . .._, A C£\"t 'P'\ I,.'1'.'11'.! 'El'O'l'l N he has re-opened in his old L:JA r:rs &.1.l,'lolol ""'\:f.i;;;i. - "'· BONNL"TS , __ . ' AND . . J:.,. · s t anc1J ( tivo doors JV. . est ({f thf3 CLEANED and over in tlie Y~ry lateBt Post O!Jice) with ah entire · styles. l T A'lll"l" 'l'he Pi1ls Ptn ify the Blocd, corr.;ct nll disorders of t.Lc I~iver S t11mach, Kidneys and Bowels.. a.:ncl are iuv:t! u ble in uJl complaints incidental to Females. · Tho 1Jintmc1 tis the only rcJiablo rtllnedy for Hnd L egs, O:d \Vuu 11d1:1, Sores and lnccrs, of bow('ver 1011.c 6t:1udiug. ]for "Bronchitis, Diphtbcrin., Cou.r,;l 1 f'l, Colds, Gout, Uhei.1ma-tiam, and a.U Skin Di1:11.::ns~ti it bas no cciua.l, MR8. ]IJ1'. J. J/.U1$C, . n. lLUJPTON, Jon. 31st. 1870. . . 11.EAR Sut :.~- It affords lne great plearure l~ nck11 owlc.rlg ~n:.:- the ent ire s·itisfaction :.i.nd my L1gh upprec1at10n of the M atbuR ck piano purchased from you a. few dn.ys sine ... nK . NEW STo \I OF Special attent10n g-in.111 to COJ.ORIKG. ~ ~T-hi Common Sense WASHER! '1TIIlIS Waabing 1.-Iachine has been received :L with nnivcriul.l favor, in man_y o.f the ~tates Qf the Union. and to-day, stands higher m the -esi,i1na.tion of housewiyea, th~u &!1f <!ther. '!'hey IIOW introduced into this v1cm1ty 1 by the 1mdersigned who has afready sold a large numl.1er. '1 he p;Jints of excellence coneist in its sim· phcity,and the sa"·ing of soap, labor and time. .Au ordinary wa.ahing, for a large family, can be done by children from 8 to 12 old, Call and Exa1ninc. Ladies' Prunella Boots, from 75 cents upwards. JVhsses' and Children's, in proportion. !:>!en's, Boy's, and Youth's. of every description. ~I.HS. )·L\:'lBEB, S ih·el' f.l !reet, t'.r'O dow:1:1 noi th of Cltlo·ch. Howmnn\·illc, ~i\'il 14, 1H7ti. 29-ly. Fresh Family Groceries His aim shall be to k eep S. J. S.\I I'l'H. -o·o- Bes t n.ncl se11 at, th c Low es t ---the j :Paily Line to Rochester. (\1mu1c1u:ing on or 3bnut rl'H URSDAY, 20·m Al' .P.lL. Findings kept for the Trade. PRICES: FULL AORAFFE, 7-00TAVO FROM Great Inducements. ALSO Clilf, K ·i p Upper ciwl So!e Lecithe1-, 'l'RUNKS, &a. possible price. / He has determined to adopt. · the THE STEAMER I deen1 it my rluty to stn.te that my Pills a1Hl Oinlrne11t :itn 1rni tlu~r nHtnufn.cturcd nor . sohl i n any part of the United St1~Les. Each I'ot a.n(l Bnx the B1·itisk G01:e,·n. · mrmt St<rn1p, with tl1e words, '·Holloway's l'ills 11.nd Ui1l tmon )I.011don , 1' engrn.vcd thereon, Ou the lahd is: the adthcss,633, Oxfoxd Street, ] oondon. I' ill s ru1J Oi.utroent," manufactured and oold under the nf "Holloway & Co. ,i' by J, :E'· Ile11ry,Curr.'.l. n Co.,of Druggists of N" ew Yodc, with annH::umed trade inark, l hus t h e prL11cipal erH iu t.h1;i;e l!l 'Vile and spurious in1itation8 of "Hollowa:Y's $ 3 0 0. The Clothes are pCTfectly cleaned, and not in · the least worn by it. A Ma~hino can be seen at the Grocery Store of John McMurtry,BowmanvilleJ. or at the residence of the subscriber, Ontario ~t. ,a.nd pa.rtiea <leairing to see it in practical use, can do so, by leaving their 11amt;>s with ~fr. 1Yic~furtry, and the subscriber will do a w<tsb for them, frelil of charge. EO'C'SE AND LOT FOR SALE. DESIRABLE piece of town pro. A VERY perty, l:'litua.te on the corner of Hunt and Ann-streets, can·be purchased at a reas inn.ble figure for cash. 'rhere is a new frame house, with well of water, also a stable, on the promiaes.. The garden if! cultivated. Apply to ;roHN H. HAMELY, At MR. R~ H..\MDLY's, Brickmaker. The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer the best iii the n1arket, also kept ou ba.nd. ~~&C· tory price. $8, ""ill be sold for $7. Common Sense \Vasher, $7. ';llnsher and \.Vringer, $14. 'l'hev cannot fail to satisfy, as all who have tried them, speak highly ofthtim, P. THOMAS. llowmanville, Ma.r, 24th, 1876. 26·tf. BoWDlllnville, April 5, 1876. (m.·28 tf) W. J E N N I N GS PfAKOS from other reliuble believing it to Le aclvantagt:.- ' NOR~.' E--,1\/r /l·N,, rnakci-s at bottDm prices. ..L ._--, J..V_L..:-.1.. 'l\il'a,nuf~. s CttiHOiir1cyba.I)cgo0u"".ft:o"'tm · ent ->'!OUS not only to the buyer bLtl, (!\. CRAWFORD, MA&TER,) ..,.,., ar11l1a '" prcpan~d to gun.rantcc """"' NORRIS & SOPER 1 t t] 11 . I ii.gWill 1 m1ke l>·r H>b'"llinJ:\iipounthisroute,lcava so 0 le se ei. Oobourg- every mor ning :tL 7::30, awl l'ort Al:);crt"tJct li'i t, in the La lest ancl Best. s .r,v!e. No. 8, Adelaide St. Easb, Toronto, P"1·cels cle11·,,ered to < all P"1·t" s I-love ~.t . n o'clnek, for Hoe?cstor, conuectiug ' " " llu-u wtth the New Y<d< c;,,,,,,,,,J, Nrn- tli ern Sewed Work a Speciality. First SOLE AGENTS. f tl t 'th . t Central and i;:,.,,, "lfailway·, an'l L"ko Ontario -:o:lo le OWll Wl IJ10111p ness. Shor~])ii,i8ion .of the ]{01oe, Wa.tert·own a.11U class Stock used. JOSEPH RUSE, Highest price paid fur all Ogdensburgh n,,;1~~·J ~~:,:;;I, points East, West A Call is Solicit· e d. k' d of .0 cl HETURNING. will learn Charlotte (po.-t F'OR SALE. Reme1nb~1· t~e S t and, Post Office Block, oppoAGJJ.:...\ 1' I]),T I lfl s pl uce. of R oche8ttr,) daily a.t ti P. 1t-I., exce1 it Sah1r' Hopmg . t 0 rece a sliare day~. when she will leave :i.t 3 l' Th.f for rort s1te Ruebottom House. HORSE, Four years old. Good DARLINGlO,.,, CLARKE, WHITBY, REACH Hope di ··ect. . . A YOUNG for general purpose. \Vi.11 be i:;ol<l on J. BORLA.ND. AND CARTWRIGHT. Dealerain stock, &c.,will find this thechcaprow=mn~bleterms,astbesubscriberhasnofw'thcr Bo\\rnan~ ille, :\fay 12th, 1870. 33. -of :your l)atronage. est and ruost e:q:ieditious route to Hoston, Al· mefor it. Also Agent fior Dnrn1'n;on H . 1 bauy, New Yo1-k. &c. I ,SE:-fD o- t opG 1'· ROWPLL & C 0., New I ·· '-"· " e lS' yours tr;;., y F"' further infor:J<atior. appiv o J ~" J. GALE. ~y- i"" " ~ ' -:-- r-n:..A"'l,;-:.-r 1or·i "' .. or~ . a1'1 y1h!etof tOOpa~ e". coutain~' Orga""ff 'li.')(.l'W fil J /: ·n M f -"· .l."-·'· C hurch Stroot, EasL I iug l'·t· of :1000ne'"P~pers.and<0tfmotcsshow· 1' '·"'· .o . ma.:n.\' 0 , I 0 Jn mo 11.J! ,T/J. ?O"T 1-loPE. CASH SYSTEM, &9 H ~ ~ I ~ - I 11 Unnn.tla., "\Vholesalc Deal~ Countcifeit.a are I l.YTlrAN, Cr.,"l.n:ti: & Co., NoBTHJlUP & LYMAN, nnd J..iY.MAN Ilno'l'HEns & Co., who olJt~ijn the.n1 at very low prices. fr~1n J. ]i\ l(enry, Curra.n & Co., of 1\'ew York, and H1ia tr::i.i;;h is supplied to Unprincipled Retail V t:·ndors. who sell t.he same as my geuuine Pi11s and Olutinent, whicb at·e manufactured only at U3;J, Oxford Street, London. and may be ob .. tained fn ·m the following Firms. viz. :Evans, Mercer Md Co., J!,fontreal. )f easrs. A very, Drown and Co., Halifa.x, N. S. ?Yiessrs. rr. B. Barker and Sons, St. John,N.B, :&.1"essrs. Elliot and Co., 'l'oro11to. Y/bo import them direct from herE", 11 I I 1 · ..i . t. ._.r.u. ' Bowman ville, July 12tli1 1876. ing cost of advertisi1 1g.J bp -olO m25-ly. Ha.mpton,_'Foi.J, Stil., 1876 · 20·tf. / l!owmanville, Dec. 22nd, 1871;. '"' 13-tf. (29·\f.) O; 0 . ..E. C!IJ..1D~RSI,!~}V~ ': :JNCSTON. · THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 533 0<£jord Street, W. C. l.011.don, J ani~ary Ist, 1876. m33-o20 --- - J·

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