· THE MERCHANT FlUDAY, AUGUST 18 1876; POETRY. What Makes a Man ? A truthful soul, a lvving mind ; Full of affection for hi.s kind, A spiritJlr1n, erect and fr6e~ '!'hat 11evcr basely bends c, That will not bend a feat:oer e v..·eight Learn to be Useful. 'Boys, when you come into the houao for your meals, and find the dinner or sup per not quite ready, and your mother or sister hurrying around heated and tired, in· stead of standing about in the way, leaning against the sink or tilting back in your chair against the buttery door, I would take hold and l1elp the women folks. At first, it may be you won't l:!ee any 'va.y you can help them, unlesa you were brought up to work occaeionally in the house. Try an experiment to-morrow. Come in a few minutes before dinner time, and watch the steps your mother takes in putting the finiehing touch to the meal. See her Jin the heavy kettle of potatoes from the stove, and holding it with a great effort at nearly arm's length, carrying it to the sink, and then lift it up again to urain off the water. Certainly, you could do that for her. You can take the pot of meat or beans from the oven, and thus save much of her atrength ; you can set the chairs up and rnn down cellar for the butter or bread ; yon can glance over the table and see if a knife or spoon baa been misplaced in dishing up the dinner, and if so, quietly replace it. Wouldn't this be a better way than after the family are ·ll comfortably settled at the table, to loudly announce, ' A1orm, my knife and is now raging a.t RURH THE MERCHANT a. ha.a no\v bona fide TBELEVENS By Telegraph to GtArdener Sewing achinc, Go'v nnd with the exception of a. few, thes6 )Jl:t..!!8 into th!ol hands of the people of \.Vest Durham. '!'he public will at once see the utility of the -µa.p~r as an Cicula.tion of 1000. 'lilfE DOMINION Savings and SOCIETY IJF LONDON ONTARIO. ADVERTISING MEDIUM. INVESTMENT ' ' Neath slavery'~ cbaiu, for small or great; 'That truly speaka from God within, 'l'hat never makes a league with sin ; That snaps the fette. rs despots make, And lovus the truth for its own sake. r.rhat worships Godt a.nd him alone, Ancl b<iws no 1nore than at bis throne ; And trcmble.5 at uo tyrant's nod; A soul that fears no one but God. Alld thus can smile at curse or banhis is Lhe soul that ru.nkca a man. '\"J:lA'l' MAKES A "'OMA~? It Has No Equal in this constttuoncy, and this fact is being con atantly demonstrated. Not eostly dress nor queenly air, Not jeweled hand, eornplexion fair ; Not graceful forJJ1 nor lofty t.read; Not lJai.nt, nor curls, nor fl{!lendi<l hea<l ; Not peady teeth, nor sparkling eyes; Not voice th1it nightingale outvies; Not breath a.ci S\\rcet as eglantine ; Not gaudy gems nor fabrics fine ; Not all the stores of fashion's mart ; Nor yet the blandish1nents of art ; Not one, nor all of tlicr;e combined, Can mnke one woman true, re.fined. ~ Tia not the casket that we pril.e, Buttha.t which in the casket lies. ~'he8e out,\·a.rd charms, tht~t please the .sight, ATC ll(l.Ught, unless the heart be right. _ Cornwall, Oct. 2, 1815. Royal got first prize at Glengar~f County Fair, over the Webster, Osborne, and N e\v Yot'k Singer JAMES ~IlLROY. Ilelleville, Sept. 30th, 18i5. Got first pri~e on the Iloyu.l, at Fair 11ert!, beating Wheeler & WilBon and ovory oth~r maJAMJ<:s BARilE'rl'. chine Great cont.est. · :Brockville, Sept. 25 1 1875. Royal took £r~t prize at U:nionvil~c, compet." ing with the Wheeler & "\V1lson, Singer, and otl1ers. EvERT'l'S HAG.ARMAN. TILSUNBURG 1 Oct 11, l8i5. Firat prize f1Jr R~ynl, at Union Exhibition here overalli::ompet1tors. ThfATTHEW BTEWAltT. ' Woodstock, Oct. 6th. 1875. .Royal took firi~t. prize at Exhibition here,over n.11 competitors. I\f.~\.TTHEW S'l'EWART. Paris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. Have taken £rst priz.~ with !loyal a.t Fair here beating the Raymond and Singer. ' WILLL\)f SNIDER. .l:la.rn.ilion.. MERCHAN'l'. If you want to sell anything, advortise in this Capital, $1,000,000.00 p·per. ' b 'b d If you want to buy anything,ad"·ertise in the Su sc1·1 e , 750,000.00 MERCHANT. I Paid up 300,000.00 If you w&llt to re8.o(;h the public, uae the ' ' . . . cqlumna of the MERCHANT. l;teserve and Contrngent Fund; 60,000,00 OUR RATES ARE LOW. Muney Joa:ncd upon real estaLe on most favorable terms, mortga- . ges purchased, mterest alJowed on dcpoR1ts. and he is determined to continue to sell at these rninou8ly low prices As a "'eekly newspaper, the ~{EBCHA~T i.a cheaper tha.n the cheapest. Why he can do it-Hcarcely excelled. Sixteen columns of care· First, he buys for cash and knows just how to b11y ! fully selected reading matter appear in . President: . Manager, each issue, con1prising Literatu1·e, Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Reference .by perm1ss10n, GEO. McGILL, EsQ, Il{anagcr Ontario Bank, dgricultu)·al, Family Reading, Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! General and Local N e:waBowmanv1Ue. WILLIAM ALLISON, ESQ., M. D., Bowmanville. Fourth, he sells for cash ; nll fresh and readable. London Mar'lh, Sth, 1876. Subscriptions ta.ken any time during the Fifth, he sells at bottom prices. If you have lost anything, advertise in this paper. If_you have found anything, advertiee in the ---:o::--- t?e D. MACFIE, 1 F. B. LEYS, 0.A.LL AND SBB FOB YOUBSELV:ES, TERMS 75 CT8., IN ADVANCE. AND -o- year. --:o:-- BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Examine fork's gone-guess you mean for me to eat _ . ....,_ with my fingers to·d~y ;' and.then mother has to spring up, no matter how alilf and tired she may feel, and run to tlie cupboard and bring her great boy his knife. When A bad side to be on-Suicide. you notice the vinegar cruet, the pepper, or salt box, or any dish has been forgotten, Ex-press men-Retired printers. get up quietly and get the same before A Wiseacre-Your wisdom tooth. your mother has a cbnnca to. S'ee if she The only cats worth any money- can't sit in peace at meal time, and not be Ducats. continually g·tting up for article.. Things Persons of extended views-Panor- will be forgotten ia the best regulated famil· Crumba for Chickens. e stock, wh.ich comvl·ii:ies CYf'rything in the trade1 of the Yery latOl:ll. and most elegan we have evf'ry facility, "re do not work for Napanee, Oct. 15th, 1875. styles and patterns, of linglish, Canadian, and Amel'ica.n ma-qufacture, nothing, or fun, but our prices will be found }{oyal bas tnken first prize at Fair here.over -o-low, aa our presses are run by steam power.· Singer Howt:1, 'Vanr..er F, 08borne and others. He still continues to manufacture to order, from the best of material, and none but Hrst·class , J.Alo[ES BAilllET. workmml kept. -oHarley1 Oct. 13th, 1875. Royal takes first prize nt this Fair, fur family "'Ork and light ro~ufacturing. 'VILLIAM SN1DER. He has in stock un endless variety of Lal.1ies' and Gtint8' Saratoga. Trµnke, Valises, etc., aU of which he is selling cheap for cash. . These victoriea ;;;;lusively prove tl~at the -oli..,bt running Royal, ia the people'sfavonte,n..nd 0 Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " drawn by Tw:o Horses, King St. the FOB JOB E'RINTINCJ TO. THE PUBI_jIO. WALTER WIGG & SON, a~ded .theri;itoi.that Wti m~y thereby be enabled to supply all 1Ja.rtiea \\-·ho may please to favor him with a _ca.U~ Great inducements held out to tlu18e purcha.eing at our esta blishme11 t. Pie· t1~rea, Look1n~ Glassel-I, etc. framed to order, and in every style. Samples of the different kind of o u]d1n gs can be ~een at the warti·room. We would also beg to inform. you that having purchased a ' ' BEST FAMILY SEWING MAOHINE. The I\{o.nufacturers ha.ve lately added to it, the greatest novfllty of the age, the Reya.l Lamp Holder for s,r1Di/11g ac ~inc~. The Lamp ca;n never upset, nor the Oil aotl the work ; a.nd it is arranged to throw the light on a.ny part of the work, enabling the opera.tor to Show Bills Bills Orders Promptly Executed, and Good Fits Guaranteed Sale Hand Bills Progammes Cii'culars Bill Heads M. TRELEVEN. Cards Bowmanville, l\ia 13.1874. Pamphlets returning thanks to their numexous cuetomers and the public g·meralJy fot' past favors I Nv.ron1d respectfully invite their a.ttention to our present stock of furniture,' as we ha\·e latelY SPLENDID NEW HEARSE, w~ shall be ready at a.11 timea to attend funerals, on short notice and reasonable terms N. B .-Coffins kept on ]1and and made to order, a.t the , NEW DOMINJON RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-ROOM. King Street East, Oshawa· Oshawa. Aug. 26th, 1870. ama painters. A difticult lock to pick-One from a bald head. A Wedding Trip-Stumbling over a bride's train. What is the difference between a good penman and a sailor? One crosses the T's and the other the C's. ' Mamma can a door speak?' ' Certainly not, my dear.' 'Then, why did yon tell Ann to answer the door?' Professor of Rhetoric.-' What important change came over :Burns in the latter part of his life?' Senior-' He died.' ' Madam,' said a gentleman to his wife 'let me tell you fact· are very stub· born things.' 'What a fact you must be,' quoth the lady. An experienced boy says he regards hunger allll the school-master's rattan as about the same thing, as they both make him holler. ~You are a nuisance! I'll conunit ymi !'said an oilened judge to a noisy person in court. 1 1'ou have no right to couunit a nuisance,' said the offend· er. Tom Moore compares love to a potato, ' because it shoots from the eye.' ' Or ratl11~ r,' cxclain1ed Byron, 'because i(becomes all the less_by paring.' ' Is the moon made of green cheese, yow1gster ?' 'No, sir, certainly not.' 'How do you prove that ?' ' Oh, easy -the moon was made before the cows.' A Memphis prboner, who hated to see t\vo laV1·yers disgrace the court-room by1'i'ghting, walked out, and was unfor· tunate enough to get lost. He has not been heard of since. 'Is there n1uch \Yater in the cistern, :Biddy?' h1quired a gentlen1an of his servant·girl, as she came up from the kitchen. 'It is full on the botton1, sir; ln1t there is none at all on the top,' was the reply. 'IVIa,' exclai1ned a Chicago youngster, "'.lS he gazed longingly into a bakery Y1·indO\\r, ' \vhat nice pie~ous men bakers are, ainit they ?i The mother in1medi~tely invested in enough pastry to shut the child's inouth. A dissipated old negro in Montgom· ies. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Fattening Calves. A latly correl:!pondent, writing to the Ger1na11town Teleq1·aph,rr.ives her methucl of raising veal c!llves \Vithout feeding the cream with the milk ; " :rtiy principal object is to show c~tm ers and others that they can raise or e\'Cn veal their calves, without giving them the new milk fresh from the cow; The best food to fatten a calf, without whole milk, is oil-meal, molasses and skim milk for the first two weeks, after which a. little oat or b.a.rley-meul may be usod. A calf can be made to weigh 120 to 140 pounds at four weeks old, never ha,'inf{ had any new milk after the cow'a milk was good. 'l"'he oil mea.l should. be i::calded and a1lowed to form a thick mucilage before eating, tnixed with the skiu1med milk. 'l1he molasses may be added direCLly to the milk, a11d the whole · may be given blood·wa.r m. 'fheproper quautityfor a young calf is a tal1le·.spoonful of oi1·1nea.l 1 the same of molasses, divided iuto tbree parts for one d"y's feed .added to the niilk. After the first wet:k, it ma.y bo gradually increased, and at the commencement of the third week, a. tea· spoonful of oil·meu.l and n1ola.sses n1ay be given to each feed ; a qunrt of boiling w~ler being turned on to the meal o\·er night, and a.liio in the morning to form a Jnucilago, Md a spoonful of oat or barley·menl should be added, but this should be cooked. At present prices, tho whole feed will not cost tnoro than one dollar for five weeks, and an early calf of the vreight went ion· cd, 'vill bring ten to twelve dollars. I raised one late in the season, two yea.rs a.Jo, by the above 1ncthod 1 that coi:;t less than one dollar fol' feed, nside from the 1::1kimm~d milk1 an<l it brought L'early ten dollars. Should they havo ac oursi give them a tea 1nade by boiUng corn· cobs in water, and add to the milk." work as well by night as by day. Sold by · r. s. noNEY1 'fYRO:NE. N.B.-Agent for First·claes Musical Instr~· ments-W. Bell & Co'e. Organ, IIaJ.lctt & DavlB and Hardman Pianos. Also fllo Celebnted W aliham and Elgin and everythinl{ from the size of a Poster large enough to cover a barn to a half-inch E;trjp, printed in good style, and at cit prices. Specimens of work can be seen at our office, \Vork banded out, and tlie cai:;h fa1.ken for it 0. BARKER· Manaqer Watches. panol d~rs O. G. tnonlded 2 sides $1.75. The differeut sizes of sash and doors kept in stock. Also on ha.nd a good s11p_vly of Lumber, ~resse.d flooring, ship la1J a.nd V, 1:iding, lntbs, shu1::rles, pickets fiel<l posts and bn.t,tens. I have a]so opened a carpenter and joinera sl1op in CC?nncc· tion with the '\bove businc8S,and hope by 111teg· rity of dca.lin~. and low pri~es to secure your Qa.tronage. All goods wnJ·1·nnted, a:p.d ?- .call solicited. · W. McSP ADD}~N. ~~ho'\) and yard in rear of R. \.V. Janrns Implement Depot. 33-3mos. 1 McClung Bros. are setting their STOCK in MOTION by ofl'ering thpir Goods at ·nm I rresistible Prices! Step in, and you New Lumber Yard will :find al1nost eve1·y shelf to contain AND JOINERS SHOP. a Bargain, and every corner an A ttrac::r YING JUST RECEIVED PER I.J. ASchooner·· s~ur.y ,Jack," my first coni:iign. trion SOMETHING mcnt from the mn.nnfactory of R. B. Rttth· ' NE burn & Son, l\fill lloint, I beg to offer the o people of Bowmanvi11e, and the country, (at prices that defy corr1pct1t1on), A substitute for Snsh Blindr;, Doors, and Uiffcrunt sorts of Mouldings also window and door fra.me stuff, EXCITE~IENT ! ready to Put together. 1 x 9, 12 light sash Lath & Plast.er I 42 eta kiln dried. 2 ft. 6 x G ft 6. 4 Do You want a 'WEB of COTTON at a cheaper rate than 1 1 '!'he Subscriber, thanking his very ~umorous customers for past patrop.age, <h~vmg sold Twcl'l,'e Thousand Dolla1·s lVu-rlh in 12 wonth solicits theirco11tinued pt1,,tronage,by rcaBonab prices, fair <lealings, a~d gunronteed so.Wa ti on. J. D· N oveffib el,' 18th. 1875 :r~OTIOE OF MOTION J. ELLI O'l1T'S ·Procrastination is the thief of time, ·but buying GooU.s at S. VANSTONE'S ElephantHouse · CJheapStore CJheapStore TYRONE, Ilaa w TY Ro NE, iJ tho bei;t mea111$ of get~in$' tho worth of your money, m now a full assorted St.ock of t 1n1rro11,n~ing to ~5 EVERY DAY! 1 GO 'l'O McOLUNG BllOS. GO 1'0 McGLUNG BllOS. ever you bougl1 t a Web of Cotton before Do You want to select Style, from the largest stock ever 'SO~fl PRINTS cheap in price and new in b~ought into Bowrnanville? THE PA.TENT ALUMINOUS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL-OLOTH and OARPETING Groceries Dry Goods, Boots & Shoes · t t !hi:·1or e c, FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Come along men, wornen and children, and you.1 will find a compltite Stud< of SOLE AGENT .fQR THIS PLACE. A Large Stock Just R.eceiV<Jd,-Plain and Ornamental, botli for Walls and "'loors. fJNfl700N OJ, OfJ ·- -- LEVI MOBRIS, GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. J. v.NfJl!C'Il!C GOODS? puu :!IOIO:EO 'c?Vl!C:EO +uu111. no A oa ·- - - -- - -- - - or cscroo:o ssm:ia:a FANCY The Paper Oil lJlotl1 and Carpeting io. Che·p and Durable Substitute for Oil Cloth. Quality and Cht:tap sold ·t Prices which defy Compeness, tition. winch w111 b· Hats & Capsi Dry G~ods, Groceries, Hardware, ~ro.ckery, &c., S- VANSTONE. r:ryrone, March 30th, 1874. Do You want MILLINERY, MANTLES, 'l'he Ohemicn.ls with which the l"'aper is eatur· atod, render it proof against Rats, Moths, CANN OT BE SURPASSED J. ELLIOU GO TO McCLUNG BROS. The Compost Heap. No amount of ell-'.perbnent.s, talk, and large results will dra'a\· farmers in a b1Jdy away f1·01n keeping live stock, a.nd the mannr1.1 pilo. and tnrn thcni who1ly to 1 · cl1emica.l farming." The compost heap will atill bo an adjunct of tho prosperous fa.rmer's barn·yard i nor would we have it otber\\·ise. There is a great deal ofun~ neces~aty v.·ork expc1nded upon this plant food factory, however, in repeated shov'!llings to prevent ovor·heating. Thorough 11Ux.ing and proper pulv1iri~ation are of course essential; · beyond this, work apent 111 shovelling U:. thrown a\vay. Heating is the o~dation by the oJ.ygen. of the air of vtt.Iiuus snbstanaes in the 1nmpoat1 and isnecessa.ry, to a t.-rta.in eRtc'1t, for the Jeco1npusitiott of thP .:u:l.rsc materia.lil, Ove~·· bl)a.ting is usually checked by frequent stirring. But this 11nly hecks it for a tluie1 aud after· ,yards, by tho increased acceaa of atmospheric Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds Do Y0u want CARPETS or CURTAINS or othe Doors, Mouldings, and Win- HOUSE FURNISHINGS? GO TO McCLUNG :BROS. dow Frames, . With or without Oasi11a. Willi. or without Band Moulds. CAurrION ! Don't pnrchnse your Summer Cloths before inspecting Mc( h 1·g l"l c. most extensive stock of ---oo--- Tb.is CHEAP FUR.NITURE ! Varnish Polish! CHEAP· FURNITURE ! I !CHEAP FURNITURE! Nothing ever discovered be·nd Mi<c, Another thing much wanted, Poli~h gives n. moet elegant lustrc,and <lriea instantaneously. Planing, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, T W E E D S, W 0 RS TE D Ornamental Pickets, in every vari- lf' you want a ety, and Scroll Sawing, of every tleacription fo1 e to equal this Polish, · llOR FOR C 0 AT I N GS, &c, At :M'a.nning's Old Stand. The Bowmanville Furniturn Factory, having commenced business again, and the Ne1V Company ha·>ing appointed the subscriber, Retail Agent for the Town and Country around, he is prepm·ed to offer the McClung .Bros. Tailoring Department will take the lead, a.s nsunl. \ -· ery, Ala., \Vhile 'Yatch1ng the monkeys DONE ·ro ORDER, ~--..... in a menagerie in that city, spoke thus: on the ""----'Dem children got too much sense to oxygen, t.bo heating (oxidation) ia accelerated, SHORTEST NOTICE. con1e outer dat cage ; vrhite folks cut A better wn.y it:! to pack the s11rface down solid· dar tails off, and set 'em to votin' and ly, by simply treading upon the heap with the ma kin' constitewtions.' feet (after pulverj::;atiou) or, still better, to : \\iill you acc~pt a cher anti 71 said an spread a little earth ovel' tho pile, taking care Shops on Liberty Street, North of the Eastern House Bowruanville. infatuated swain !ti the object of his to compact it somewhat, Eithermetbocl t~nd3 Jlowma~ville, July 9th, 1871. 41-tf · to oxc:lude air, nnd thus prevents too rapid oxiaffection. ' A share or you?' replted elation. By adopting this praL--tice aa far a.a ad~ TH~_; the young lady, looki1Jg dOVi'll\vard amid visa.ble, ~ la.rg-c proportion of the e~peniie in DOMINION B..ANK. her blushes, ' No, I n1ust have you all mo.king compost 111ay be avoidad.-Sc·i.;ntifio IlOWMAKVIJ,LE. or none.' Farmer. She was a young iady from New Capital, Paid Up, $1 ,000,000 Hard Corns. York _, and he asked her ir 'he would HEAD OFFIUR, TORONTO. partake of an ice-cream, and she gentHard corna ho,veYer painful, can be safely, BRANCH 0.l(~'IOES ! ly ans\vercd, 'If it's good, square, con- ea;:ily, and promptly softened, ,vithout any dis· 0RILJ,IA OSHAWA, COBOURO, VlHITBY, feclioner's crea111, I'm there, but if it's a comfort, by soaking the ,vhole foot in quite BowxANVILLE, UXDilIDGE church-fair or stra.v1rberry-festival slush, warm ,vater for half an hour night and morncount n1e out.' ing, rubbing in the '\·ater \Vith the fingcl', into 'This Bank, in ad<lition to transacting the n.s· t\. itain caught an Irish boy in the the corn, during thiS bath. ID a day or two, ual banking business, offers to the public all the advantages of a Saving Institution Y:ith .... cai I Ji . i k d sometimes, after the first aou.king-, the kernel n11ddle "'.ate 1 ~ying some .P?r an eggs of the corn can be picked out with tbe finger- the se9urity of a large paicl·11p capital, by the means of a SAVING$PEPARTMENT. h_e had ~tolcn fl~nl the ships s:or~s, to ' nail; ifthisiare1noved there is no <li.Scomforl I11tel'est allowed ~n alJ depoioits of One Dol· whon1 tlic captain ca1Jed out.- You forweeksandmontbs if ever after. IfcOrns la.rand upwa1,ds, at the rate of FIVE per cent. per annum. 11 lub~er, you, .I'll have none of that! are pared" \vith a~y sha.rp,instn1m1mt1 they Depositora ci~n witb<lraw either the whole or 'l~a1th, captain, I\.·e none for ye,' re- take deu11er and wider root, like a. \vecd cut ofl any -part of thefr depo8itri at any time, without plied the lad. on a level with the ground, growing harder and previous nDticc. 8pocial rates of interosta.U1)wed upon deposit11 J\ N or\vich 1nan calls himself on his more painiul. :tfledical works reco1·d cuBes :notice of withdrawa.J. card a : tetnperance bool 1naker.' ,.fhe whore persoi~a havo bled ~o death from siicinc:- \YHh American Currency and Silver taken on de· necd oi temperance boots is apparent, off the top 'vith a. ~har~) 1nstrumen_t; no one posit. Dru.ftB granted vaya.ble in Great 13ritain, for thou('Yh they're not generally drunk ought to run r;ud1 a risk "'hen Slmple \\-·arm Statet:1 and :dl pa.1ts of Canada. it's a no~orious fact that they're ofte~ water is _ahvay8 1:mflicient.. 1.'hc ha~dest corn {Tnited CtrDeposits can b< remitted by mail,itddress· 1 can be effectually aoftened in forty-eight hours ed to the Don1inion oank [registered]. when in very tig it. by making a hol~ in two thii;knoS!!es of buck- all cases a Faas-Book l'eceipt will be .sent by r\ recent 'I'ransatlantic advertise1nent skin, or wash l~ather, loose enough to receive return post. J , A. CODD, Agent, coutaius the follo\ving startling infonna- the corn, bind it on the toe, fill it with any or. Bown.uwville, an. 6th, 187,.1 15-tf. t jon :--'If the gentleman who keeps ainary oint1nent covei· it with a piece of oiled the shoe store \vi th a red head \Vill re- silk, and let it remain. Co -ns are m;:ide by lutn the u1.nbrel1a of a young lady with 1vea.ring too tight 1'hoes, or thos.e w loose th:it - - -- - _ ---- - - - - - -'\V1lalebone ribs and an ivory handle to there is a shuffling back Bnd forth at every step, I · ca.using friction on the skin, In three case~ 1 the slate-roofed grocer's store, he w;ll , h' out of four, new shoes are tOO tight , this C:'.Lll hear of sorr1etlung to 1s advantage, · as . be easily prevented, if two pairs of tllc ordinary t . · 1 the same is the gift of a deceased mothetocking-s a.re '\VOl'll, and th~n h.:n·iug the shoe ~'T~wc 'e'I er l10\V no rnore 'vith the name engraved fitted, or meatiure taken without letting tho . ·~ . . . 111)011 it.' shot-man know anything a.bout it, because the r · .l\. gentlcnJan of color, lately arrived cre::iit of a" 11eat-fit" oorui.11g ft om his store is: Having removed to more c01nmodiouspren1isc~, io Nevada, \Vho had been scanning with of 1nore importance to him than tho comfort of IN .., evident curiosity a Digger squaw and bis customer. FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, a brighf - - - -- - - beg to inform the public g·nerally, that theJ' lXlllOOSe, the latter bein~ " Selected Rec1'pes ' are now enabled to ufftir them little half-breed with unmistakable indications of negro blood, exclaimed, A Ilmv· Iloox.-- When you find · "cipe ' iclair to goodness, if dar ain't one of that you t.hiuk is good, try it, and if ea.tisfac· in the line of l!cn1 ! Heard of 'em all my life, but tory, copy it, a.n<l. seutl to some paper for pub· ne.vcr seed one till dis minute, and it's lic:ation. Then cut out, and p!M'te neatly iu a only a little one---one of de1n Improved blank book. This gi,·cs you a nice book with U Red f\leu? Never knew \Vhat they tested recipes in a 1norc co1npact form thau if rneant before.} written in a book. It ahio 1na.kcs theu1 known to others, and nnwh ben~fit is derived fro1n ex· A man came to the late Duke of changing information. Wellington with a ]Jatented article. 'WlMt have you to offer?' 'A bullet- CURE FOH" liA-VFEVElt."-Dr. J. S; Hol· (AS REGARDS PRIOE & QUALITY) den1 in a recent letter " to the I1ctncet, recom· than any other hou.ae iu the County. proof jacket, your grace. 'Put it on.' mends the local appliCation of quinine in the ~ J'he inventor obeyed. 1'he duke rang cure of" ha.y fever," ~nd offers the following NO PRESENTS GIVEN, BUT CODD a bell. An aide-de·camp presented formula :-·Quinine, 12 grains; Dilute Hydro· Weight and 11feasure Guaranteed Jijrnself. ',.fe11 the captain of the guard choltc Acid, :~O minims; \\7 a.t er to make, 6 in every instance. to order one of his n1en to load with ouncei:;; Bi-carb Soda, q.s. to neutralize the / l>all cartridge !' The inventor disap- solution. Two onnces of this solution is to be peared and 'vas never seen again near aC.ded to one ounce ()f 1iot water, and iojected the Horse Guards. No n1oney \Vas into tliti nostrils at the dawn of the coin plaint I. L. STROWGER. ;.vasted on the invention.. ..about thret times e.. day, fol' a Je,v days, ;N ewcastle.JAn&UEit_, 14th, 1~74 1 1 1 1 SUIT, McClung Bros. will "SUIT" you. If you want a HAT McClung Bros. will " HAT" you lfyou want G-LOVES l\fcClung Bros. will" GLOVE" you If you want a TIE, lYicClung. Bros. will" TIE" you. --~~o'---- Piano FO'rtes, Gloolc<J, Picture Frames or any kind of Varnished Biiggies, Gutters, Sleighs, and all kmdlJ oj Varnished Vel'y BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Provin:e. SEEDS at McCtung Bros., GROCERIES at Mcclung Bros., at lWcClung Bros. Bros. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER &c., at McClung Bros. Furniture. Carria,gCB TEAS ! TEAS ! CHEAP T'ElAS, SALT and PLASTER at JVfcClung SOLE AGENT FOR THIS; PLACE. · Fun01·als furnished in every rnspect, in the Ve1y B est E1 y.10 ar_ PRICES LOWER THAN :BY ANY OTHER FIRM JN THE COUNTRY PERPETUAL tbrollghollt theSeuson >tt 1\IOTION :EABDWABE ! As uaua · st L rge Stock on hand of M°CLUNG BROS. @"One of the FlNEST HEARSES in the l'romnce, SEN'l' FllEE to any Funeral .fiirnishcd by the &ibffwibm·, within Ten miles of Bowmanvilte. · · ardware, Paints and Oils, Repotta having been circulat··u. ti.at iho undersigned J,,u; bm> ovrnharging in tho Underta.k· · ing l)epa.rtment, he bf.g-a to suLt11it the foJlowing figures, whicll he challenges any one to contrastOUeS and T.rnware. diet. Reported a.mount charged. Actual ·mount ch·u·g.,.l. All of whfr:h will be aold at low figures. John McLeod & Co., AugUllt lotb, 1875. Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville Fifty Dollars. 'Thirty do. Forty-l1'i.ve do. Sixty do. Fifty do. Seventy-five do. Twelve Dollars. Nine do. 'l'wenty-five do. }"ol'ty do. Thirty <lo. Fifty do~ Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Metallic fJojfins, of New York. Bowmanvillo, March 30th, 187G. W. P. PROWER. S. F. HILL J?1J LL STOCK MOBBIS' OF 1 , Just Arrived nt the CARRIAGE SHOP \vest uf the Ontari Rank, Dry Gootls, ()Jothing I L strowger G1~oceries, &c., A S'",. ......... and is Selling Very Clieav. F ASBION ROl18B splendid assortmtint of King Street, Bowmanville. BEWAllD !-. 1·e NEW MILLINERY. Aleo a hit of Embsc1-iber is prepared to build :.ind THE. pa.1r REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & Wagons, Buggies, and Cutte1·s, ::if :Buy On Ce a,nd YOU Will buy again_., Stamps for B~iding and EmBowmanville, Ap,.il 28th, 1876. ----o·---- The abo\·e ro,varii 'vill h~ l~ i.:<l ta nny pt-ROll: who will furnish ample proof tha t the Enote & Shoes sold by tho under-e.igned, are ;J.Qt :vbatl'e. represents them. .. Alim a large stock of cvt1ry des(.ri-ption, at short notice, and o. reasonable terms. bro1dery. · Carriages Painted and G rocary Better Inducements r rimmed 80, HO! CJentlemen of i'ashior. ---NOT SO FAST. I have w1·itten these f~w line!S And all I have to say, That you can find me atill at home I n.ro not gone away; So all my kind old friends may come And all the young ones too And get their garments nicely made In fashions that are nel7. 'Vh ere old and young dehr friendms, meet A welco1ne greeting by R. PEA.TE Eowmanville, June 19th 1873. FASHIONS for Spring just to hand. B11s1·ne.ss, A Blacksmith's Shop ou the premises, were epeciaJ attention is given to all New Goods I BE OF SOLD, MUST CONSISTING -oa SD DDE&SKAK.ING usual, ' April 7th, 1874. Bow·rnan ville, MRS. A. FLETCHER For Ge11ts, For Ladies, For Children. Latest Styles and Good Stock. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVI N TO ORDERED WORK. STORE.- One door ea.st of Corni11h'sJ cwelry Store, Xing Street, Bow1uanville. Cun·iage work, and Gen em! Jobbing. 1 THE 8ClfOOL NOVELTY I-= WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, 'l"HE NOISELESS AND A ll wo1·k done at this Establishment PLATED WARE, ETC. Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold Wedding Rin~AARON BUCKLER. Jlowmanville, Oct. Stb, 1875. 'l'eas a, Speciality". Unbreakable Slate AT OUR BOOK ROOM Aek for itJ warranted. A call is respeotfnlly solicited. Send for It I C.BARKER. ., ,'fill MORRIS. Bowmanville. 01t, 1st, 18@ r,, ., , L ,rn ·. M·r cth, JS71>. J. SMAL.E