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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 25 Aug 1876, p. 3

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------~-==========;====~~~~~~~~=;====::==~~~====~=:=:===~s=;===;:=~~====i.C - -= - ~ ~-~ -~ --= -~ - = -=== -- = --===-=======T~~~======~~ Cheap Fruit Trees. MRS. ANDERSON' Fashion and . --o-P to the 1 at of October, I will take orders THE MEHCHANT FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1876 PUBLIC NOTICE! E. PETRICK _is happy to inform tho iuhabitants of Bowman· ville iu:d ·v icinity, that he haB opened his T. BATTING, begs most respectfull:y to i~form. his customers, and the public gen?rally, that he intend8 closmg his busmess at the old store near the M.111, on THURSDAY, 24th' in.~t, and will reopen at his for first class apple trees, to be delivered at Bow1nanville, uext spring, at $17 per hundred. All other Nursery stock at corrtIBpond· ing low rates; Speci.a.l rates for large ot·ders, All stock guarnnteed trne to name. Addreas Box55, IlowmanvilleP. O. U JOHN CHAPUN, 4m. Hair Dressing and. Shaving Parlor, one door west of l\1urdoch Btos. Hlore, where he hopes Ly strict attention to businese, to have a of public patronage. OLD STAND---IN REED'S BLOCK, on or' ~ ~ . 8 CHOOL BOOKS, STATIONARY, PENS, INKS LATES, WRITING PAPER, SCHOOL BAGS, PENCIL atche/s, Machine Needles, satin Room Paper, Toy fa.noy good.s, Jewelry lv.tillinery Depot, Kh1g Street, opposite llfr. Bttck!t1 's Special Attention paid to dressing Childrens' hair. -o- · The Eing of the 'West about which time he hopes to have a good portion of his Fall Stock to First-class Harness Estab!ishment. ~ANNING MILL, hand, which will b.e found SEPTEMBER lsT. Fo1~ S. &F. Mason's, You can g-et everything naually kept inn. . AT ' BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY. First at Provincial Exhibition at Ottawa, 1875, Very ....Latest Styles Bonnets, Hatst_M~ntles, and General millinery, consisting of t.werythiug in the line, tliat Cl\.,TI bl:l pui·cbased in the Paris 11nd !\ ,. ew York estalJ· lishrueuti-;, l\re now 011 exhibition. Str:i.w Hu.ts cleaned, and nlte1·ed into Jatei'.t styles. Mrs. A. is not askiug la: r ge profits, but wilt sell at a smnll advance on cost,. for CASH. A. \·isit to her e6t..tblishment, will satisfy any o OU!' i·eaders, of thn,t fact, m22-l y. Bow1µru, 1ville, April 7th... 1876. Prize and Piploma PICTURE FRAMING, MUSIC,AT R. Easton's To'\vn Hall Buildings. Doheny Block, Lindsay. Town Hall Buildings Bowman ville TO THE LADIES I New, Attractive, ·and Cheap Cash: Ilarness, JVhips, Tninlcs, Valises, Bags 1 Col· lars, Lashes, Brushes, ]{ells., Sheets, Rugs, Ot.trrij Combs; Bits, Snaps, Interfering Boots 'and Rollers, Zinc Oqllar Padti; Barness Oi~s, and Grain Screen and SEED SEPARATOR. THREE MACHINES IN ONE. I have now g1~eat pleasure -L11 offering_to the farming qommunity, thf' most perft::ct Fanning 1\-Iill t.\lla Se~d ~eparator ever. invented. Its advantages over other Th-fills in use, are as fol· lows:~ . 1st. It ie a. perfect Cleaner and Chi:i.ffer. lt ete., etc. If you don't~see what 1~011 wn.nt 1please · for it. I mn prcpa1·cd to make up com bin.or; into switches at short 11otice. and would sa.y that no fear need be entertained in cmning to my parlor, as everything is orderly and respectable, DRUGS AND MEDICINES ·at the ,A UBE. HAL DISGOUNT FOR CASH. Bowmanville Drug Stoe, ---o-Razors Conoa.ved. & Honed. -o-- Tobaccos, Pipes and CIGARS. I luivo also a nice stock of Pivesi, cigar cases, cigar holders, and cigal·a, wlnch will bt1 solil chen.p as thr;i cho[!.pest. ~§-.. H.crocniber the place: Sign of the large Red, \Vhito and Blue pole, THE GREAT taka out a.11 C'ockle,Chess. and other foul aeed1:1, with once going_ through, making a perfect sample of Market Wheat, which will add sever· al cents per bushel to the of grain, over and above tha.t when cleaned by the ordinary will take out Wild Oats perfectly. ' It will OENTEN NIA .L I . · J7-tf, King Street. APPLES! ~. APPLES! LYLI~ & ~IARTYN'S 2nd. It is a most perfect :Separator. It will separato all the large kernels of Wheat fro1n the small and shrunken grains. It does not th1,ow tlic flm'tll grains in the chess box .. liko other 1\-lilJs, but brings them through by them· selve!'!, clen,n an<l tit for market, and is warranted to mnke a perfect eample of Seed Vi'heat. 3l"d. It is V1!1·y ravi<l in its ,action, and will ol\aily mnke for m1uket, Sixty Bushels; and for Seed, 'l'w{·lity-five per h<?ur. 1 !th. It scpn.ratcs_ all kinds of Grain, as well ns seeds; <Ual if Wl.ieat and Oats, Pen~ and Oats, Clover and Timot~y, arii mixed togother, vnd put throu;;h this :MilJ, it '\.vill come out per· fectly se1Jrtr:1ted. 5th. It. is equally as good for small a.s large. ((n.tins. Jt will i,;eparato r l'imotby Seed f.t-01-0 VVht·ut, and will bring the 'l'imothy out clean t~t the sau1e time as you ~re cfoaning the Wheat for ~farket. Mill. '! J. HIGGINBOTHAM l' thanks to his numerous friends and -:\S· and to the public generally, for the very hbPrnl support he has received ince Lil'! ' c~~nnmencing in business; and hopes by cont1nuod strict personal attention to business nud offering nothing but the purest articles, ai t11e most reasonable prices, to enri11re a continuance of public patrona.g-e. " · · J'. ~· 'vould c~li SlJecial n.ttention to his very ·superior stock of 10 lTOULD most respectfully tenc1e1· his incme omer~, BlJRDEN will bo in the rriarket thi!; season for any quantity of good shipping applee; ; aJso '.l'nb :Uutter. Office at ~f essrs~ r .L1HOMPSON 13UJtNl:i. Bowman ville, Aug. lObb, 1876. 15·:3rn. ~ Price of Mill, $35. UJ II.I = · ~· =t Ill Cl> · ·rt ..p a ·DYE I which a.rti sur(! to give the bust satisfaction. STUFFp, 1 A well selected stock of SHOULDER-BRACE~, kept constnutly on hand. DRUGS, CBEJJfJCALS, PA'l'ENT MED JOINES BR SHES, ' ' · 00111BS,' a SUPPORTERS, Etc., Elc OILS, P AIN'l', COLORS, VARNISHES, and WHITE LEAD at the very lowest pl'ices. FOR SALE. - LOW PRICED 'l'EAS All L etters ftom the Counties of Northutn· t er Jand, l)urham, Victoria, mid Peterboro, nlust he addressed to the -proprietor, THOMAS SMITH, Hampton, Ont. P. C. lfYMES, Genera.I Agent. fur g~ne ral purpose. Will bo sold on reasonable tenns,as tl;e sul>s(.;riber has no further ue:e fol' it. A - YOUNG HORSE, l!-.our old. Good ARE GIVING GOOD SATISFACTION, TRY May 5th,1876. 32-tf. z ' Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B. - Count1·y store-keep1.;rs supplied o J, GALE, Church Street, East. 13owmanville, July 12th, 1876. ------ -~- ---------- 1\:1 AT H us E K THEM ,EXCEL EXC 1~;L EXCJ£L EXCJ(L EXCEJ! p I AN 0 S. the tnost advantageous terins. ~\. choice s~lection of LA?vIPS for i,ale cheiip Bowmnnv1lle. Deo. 18GS. 6m. --=n vohnne ot tone. iu firmnL·i!1' and purity of tone ~u voice-like quahty of tone. ' 111 dura.bibty and keeping in tune for the concert room. ' EXr.J~L for kaching · scLools and seminaries. ~XCEL for the drawing room. · -++'l'heso a. 1·e broad nseertiona, but capable of ~n~of. 'l'hc)'." are unlike any other, in construc. t1011; al,1,th~ir.peculiarities are points of excellence. l_hen 1Uu..~tra-ted and desc1·i1Jtive c~ta loiz?e, wl11ch ":0 scn4 fi·te to n.ny address, ex· plau1s concl~1s1vely, 111 ha.rn:ony with ai:::oustics and meeha.iucs n.Jl that ii:! clairuod for tho Matl1· ushek. 'l'here are 'thousands of happy owners Of ~lathushoks williug to certify to their auperior cx_cellonce. Wo hav~ l'OOm here for bllt ~ (ew bnef 1 N Ew YOUK, Oct. 28, 1867, ., ~o t.he unders~gnod, Judges of Pia.11osa.t the ] air uf the American lnstitutEl after a OA.rt>ful examination of the Gun cert G r~nds,do award to DANIZEH P.EN8 this day appointed C. BARKER I "lmve· thtJ agent for the snle of my for Bowmanville, Ont. JJ,'clut;ive A CARD. New Furniture AND ..p 0 YUL· ---:o:--- JOSEPIT JlfASONP. P. J. J.JAOOBS. Bowmanville, Sept. 10th, 1874m· por worth $1 free. STINSON &. Co Portland. :.\tia.ine. bp-o-10m25·lY. $ 5 To $ 20 day nt home. Samples _:_SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO CASH CUSTOMERS,_:_ .J ..J z UNDERTAKING lmpe1ial Fire lnsuranr.e Co OF LONDON. E·t>blU.hed 1803. HEA.D 0 .ll'l"IOES. - 1 4..GE:NOY ---- ~----------- *"~11Lt~e~~ --:o : ~- The undersigned has opened a ctore in Pall Mall, London. G:sNEitAL Old Broad St., an<l DOMINION WIRE MATTRAl:!S. '.P'he was nwai:ded the 1st premituu at the Provinci~l .F air, Ottawa, 1875. Is durable, elastic, noklelesa . l\fa.uufacturcd by Geo. Gale, Smiths :rt1ills, Quebec. · Fm· ea.le by Anth<>ny DavY 1 1'~uruituro 1JealBowmanvillc. S acraruent St.J Montreal FOR Ou.ADA :- 24 St .,... = : opposite lrc1even s Shoe Store where he will keep on hand a full' and v al'it"d stock of . :ir1._1.~ler's :Block, i'"CJ"ItNI'rTJ'ItE, which will be dispoiied of a.t tl1 £1 LOWES'l' M.AltK:MT PitICES. Persons intendm~ to c~:nnmence hon seke1.iv.iog. will find 1t large1y to tlH:ir advantage to consn1t him, ere purchasing- else,vhere , J DODSWOR'l'H, RINTOUJ. BROS. Inspector. Gen. Ag0nt5, :Montreal ll. I\, ;LOSCOMBEj Barrister, Agent for Ilowmanvi le and Vicinity. 1 .B.owmanville, Jure 4th, 1860 m.o-43-39-4w36 e nb;cribed and invested Capital and Reservt' Flu11l. £1,965.000 Sterlin,g. Ftmds investod inCannda--- 105,000. Insurances against 1088 by Fire are effoc.teJ. on most favo1·able terms, and loflfleR with. out reference to the Board in London. THE of 1naking the BEST of this class ofinatrum_ents then and there exhibitt-d, or knowu to us tJlaewbere. FREDERICK MA'l'HUSEK the HONOR (Signed) EWD. MOLLENHAUElt, A.D. W.BESEMANN, 1\1, J. GIANNETTI. · CHAltLES FltADEL. :::> lL Peo11le' s Book Store .L New 'l'a,ilor shop, BEGS··'l'o INFORM THE PUBLIC, genJOHN HEAL, Shop. AND ! Furnit1ire '1nade to order on short notice and llepairi119 ~ea.Uy done. ' SA:B·: BATH SCHOOL END 25c. to G. P. ROWELL & 00.,New S York, for:\ Po.mpblet of 100 pages, containmoo newspapers and__estimateaahowi ng lists of :1 11g coot of n.c.l.vertising., bp-ol0-m25-1y, DEPOT '· FRESH FRUIT ! - o~·- ' c. GOOD FITS GUARANTEED Dowma.nville, Sep. 4th, 1872. m4V-tf. lv!usroaL OoNSEHYA'ronv, } 802 Broadway, N. Y. These Pianos J11ust take the lead of aJl known erally, that he baa removed hie business to the Shop next door ca~t of !lice's llUtchG·c inst1'11m1.::1uta, nn<l their peculiar constru<:tion renders thom by far the most durable 1 and the llaving had several years experience in the least Hable to get out of tune. trade, he hopes to satisfy all who ma.y fa.var him with n ea.ll. Since the < of this concert the }..{athushek haa been my favoritEi. - .A NEW HEA.BSX UNDERTAKING. EUGJ!: 'IE J _MEltRIA)'4. - . Vi,'atson'5 Cons~rvato:ry of 1\1usic,New York. No money '\\;Ould tempt me to banish it from my liome. · J. JAY WATSON. BARKl!iR. deuandlor . - I D. SCHUYLER, Buffalo. Critic, Saratoga. \Vith the arrival of ~he .Holidays, comes n l\£0.thusbek has in renlity ta.k('n n. step in advance of all mak~rs of Pianos in the world. Mu~ical All Seasonable Varieties,. A'.f J, Cl. Sfl.AW, J ;Efns bcon p1·ocured of 1atest desi~n. Fu1·ni1- h !ngs for funerals always on hand. All ·J:!~unern]s in town nnd country, atttended at a rensu11a.ble chargo. ·' WILLIE'S. ----o--RU>E PEACHES, 1 ohea.p a.nd good Literature, Gift :Books, a.nd l'resent ttOODS. I have a. Stock that cannot fail to please-cow plctu and varied, 'l'he l\.fathushck Orcheatra Square G1·and Piano iB hrilli4ut, of '\Vonderful power and nielodiou.s in tone. ' f 01· sale. W ALFUED II. PEASE';'ltochester. Residence, 0flflWI' or Queen and Brown St~. I next door to l\1r. J. P.l\iice'a. any othe1'. '.!.'he eelebrated Wi1·e Mattrnss See it before yoil 1m1·chase ALLTHE LATEST STYLES IN HATS,OAPS, & ' GENTS l'URISHINGS are to be had a.t I was fully convinced that the l\ta.thuehok was the orown of all H. BELLAOK. pim10 for the past ten, sn.ys that tbo :rtiy old ttu1t1r, who haS taken care of u1y No H.IPE PEARS, RIPE GRAPES, RIPE MELONS. ---oAJ~o, FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. · POCKET BIBLES,La1·ge Assortment, N .B. That deservedly pQpular Teach ers Bible, in various llindmgs · BOOKS, in (heat Vwrwty, , , . ALBUM!:!, Cheap arid Pretty WRITING DESKS, arid WORK BOXES 10 Uruhestral just received from you is th; be!:!L I.l).uda aud finest instru1nent ill this city. Youri>, 4o- A. DAVY, '.Bowman villo, llfar \6th, l§Ili. ?-ii-ti_ FOR SALE OR RENT:- ~ . ON MIT.L S'l'REET lN THE VILLAGJ:: ·ro M. MAYER'S. ~fr. M. ·opened the · season, 'vi th a splendid stock o[ _ goods, comprising everythjug jn the hat <4ld Car line, which will be disvos.;id of a; Jow rates . D. M. SOMEHVILLE, Olevelaud,O. RLM ST. \¥. J'.\.f .. s. SCHOOL, ~roronto. MICROSCOPES, . STEREOSCOPES, KALEIDESC OP ES . We have groat plea.sure in stating that aa an 1nstr~1n1i:int to lead the singing in a S. School notlung ca.n excel it. The tone is soft and full. The baas is g-rand and vrhen 300 voices are singing together tho Pil;\DO can be distinct-· )y heard, Every note rings out as clear as a 'rIIE- DOMINION Sa,vings a,nd INVESTMENT OF LONDON of I·Iampton, tJirce doors we!>t of Elliott'14 st01·<1, fl;: ~arg~. two story H.ough Cast Dwelling, poasess1on will be gi'l-"Ell at once. Apply to the ptoprietor, JOH:t~ COLE, l\ferchn.nt Tailor. Hampton, March 7th. 1876. --- bell. S. J, HU.N~rl~R Pastor. W AmNG .Kl'N~EDY, Sul'erintendeut. SAMUEL l!'RISBY, Musical Conductor. giY/:lll SOCIETY ONTARIO. the largest and best am:!o:rted stock of Biscuits & Ca.ndies in Bown1anvil1e. Lurgest Collection of Ste~·eosc.opic Views in 'town. Call ear1y, and make your selecti~n. , It. has fact1011. my family the ve:ry 4_ i ghest sa.tis· REV, JOHN BREDIN, Barrie. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. .Pottt's Corner, Bowmanville. 'Bowma.nvillo, Aug. 17th, 1876. ",urns WYLLIE, Ladies' Companions~ Pocket Books, Purses,,etc., etc. · ::a:.ATS for hot weather. HATS for cool weather. HATS for wet weather. .zlf1·. J. lluse, 1 DEAU SIU ::-The Mathusok Piano I purchased from you has given entire Aatisfa.ction e,nd proved itHelf a auperior inatrument ju every respeet. I wonld recommend all to a:ee tho ~fathusek, before purchnsing cls('where. HAMP'ION, Feb. 1st. 1876". -·- . ---:o::--Capital, $1,000 ,000. 00 7;50,000.00 Subscribed, 300,000.00 Paid up, TI-IE GREATEST Reserve and Contingent Fund, 60;000,00 Jifvney loaned upon real estate on the most favorable terms, mortga- :Wonder of Modern Times. ges purchased, interest allowed on deposits. · H. 'l'. PHILLIPS. I I Call and Examine. HATS for --for. --· P1·oj. J. A HAT FOR YOU. Great Inducements. CARRIAGE west of the Ontario~ M. M~ 'llER'S · . D.EAR Sin ;- I havo pleasure in adding my to the 1nany you have already rt! · eelved u1 f[tvor of the well merited Mathusek Piano, purolu1sed from you rc('cntly. I 1nu wdl satisfi(!d with it in c\·ory i·eapect, and uon!:!ider. for beauty and tone, it is unsnrpaRsed by any instrument I ba\·e ~et . seen. Lc~t1m~ny Ru.~e 1 ENNISKILLEN,,Tan. 25tk. 1876. D. MACFIE; President. F. :B. LEYS, · · Manager, The Pills Putify the 13101:11, correct all disorders of the Livor, Stomach, lCidncys anrl Bowels, and are invalul).Lle in aJl complaints incidentr.J. to :E'emales. Tho Ointment is the only reliable remedy for 13nd Legs, Olt.1 Wountl8, So1·es a.nd Ulcer", of howt'vc1· long stnu<ling. For Bronchiti~, D iph· thcria.., Coughi;, ColJs, Gout, Rheumatism, anc.l all Skin Disen.scs it hn.s no equnJ, SHOP Dank. -. lootsAND 1 KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. ·KNITTIN·G. ri: pair subscribt-r is H~ prepar~d to build and re- . Socks and Stockings knit to order, Home· spun, W 00l, or Cotton, or any kind of yarn. Come FE'l'CH ON YOUR YARN! All sizes of J\II1~ch1ne, Family -TOExcursions. !. R0 Q H·E STER Ny . . ' · · " -:- Shoes! , ' One ~f the·.!Jargest Stocks · HILLIER, M, D, Bowmanville. WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ.,M. D., Bowmanville. London, Mar<lh, 8th, 1876. ENNISKILLEN, Jan. 15th. 1876. P1·of _ Ruse. :DEAR Sm :-'l'he Medium Mathnaek we got · The undersigned has the STRAW, from you gives eutire satisfuction in every respect. I can unhesitatingly recommend it to pleasure of informing you that FELT, · all <lesfring n. good D. STEWAR'l'. he has re-opened in 1is · old ,AND LEGHORN Pastor of Presby:terian Church, HATS AND BONNETS, stand, (two do01·s West of the 0BHAWA, ,fon 24th. 1876, CLEANED and made over in the very Mr. J . Ru,sc, Post Office) with an entire style~. DEAH S1n:- 'f'ho No. 11. 1\-Iathusek is all S. 0. that you F.mid commendatory of it, tnusiciaJLB tried it and -prono11nc.ed it Cxcellcnt. i\IR8. B. Ml'£0HEf,, Reference by permission, GEO: McGILL, EsQ; Manager Ontario Bank, stockinq, .,,it Wagons, Buggies Cutters, Cabs, 'Basses, and Hearses, ot every de1;1cription, a.t short notice, and on reaonablc ter1ns. ous not only to the buyer but also to the seller. NORRIS & SOPER W. JENNINGS No. 8, Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Parcels delivered to all parts ROBT, COLLACOTT, charged. ~'yrono, P.O. D. ROSE, TH08. Yl!)LLOWLEES, ia still in charge of the SOLE AGENTS. Cim-iago Work, & General J ~_])bing of the town with promptness. . .Agent, Nowcastlo. Agent, Bowmanville. "!'.Jl'a,nu~a.otory .,..epa.rtment -:o:~ .B.-In connection with the ahov..'!I Return -"., ,l,i Jal · ll~O'tJ'SE AND LOT rl'ickets Highest price paid ·for all per G. 'l'. Railway to Port .tlope will and'is prepared to guarantee be issued at Ono Faro. T. Y. APe.i·CectFtt, iu tl1eLa.tcst and Best SLyle, FOR SALE. kinds of produce. AGF;NT IN v~mY DESIRABLE piece of town pl' O ', Oentennial Ex~~rsion Tickets! Sewed Work a Speciality. First DARLINGTO:"l, CLARKE, \VHJT'BY, REACH Hoping to rece'.ve a share .An work done at thi.s Establishment A perty, situate on the comer of Huut a.nd I -:o:class Stock used. .A.nn-1~treets 1 can be purchased f\t ·o. reasonable A)<D CARTWRIGHT, W arrantecl. figui'1; for cash. There is a. new frau1e bonse, Ccnte_ nnial Excun1ion Tiok<~te at greatly re- .A Call is Solioited. of your patronage. with well of water, aJso a staQle, on the pre- duced rates-from $15.~0 to $18.40, according · mises. 'l,he garden if:; culti\·atcd. Apply to to ehoice of route- -also f'or sale by undcrsignefl. Beme1nber the Sta.nd, Por:i t Office Block, orJpo~ Also Agent for Dominion He is, 'y ours truly, A call if!: respectfully aolkited. .fOHN H. HAMBLY, D. ROSE TB.OS. YELLOWLEES, site ltuebottom Ilouse. Organs, Bo. wmil>n\>ille.. _ . J,AS. MORRIS· At Mn . .R. H~\~DY'ar Brioktna,kCf"_. Age.nt, Newcastle, Ageht, Bown1a.nville·. J_ BORLAND . John M .oMwtry, ~wmnn yille~ Oct. h~t~ 1869. Bow manville, Ap1·iH, 1876. (m, -28-$1)11 1 Bowm.anville, July 27, '76. m44-7w Bowmanville, May 12th, l.fl7iJ , 3;;. II~lllPtQll, Fob , 8th, 18 7 6. 20-tf, llowmanville, Dec. 22nd, 1875, 13-tL days, (including date of issue) wih be issued by Steamer' '" Norsen1an," until the 15tlt of Sep· iember next, ·t th· undermentioned unpreccCarriages Painted and Trimmed. ~ented rates, from Port Hope, (berths ~ a.lid m~Ms extta:). :· THOROUGH-BRED _ F or 2 members of family to Charlotte and Blacksmith's Shop l3hortHor:ns for Sa.le. ' return .... '. .................··...... _.$3 00 Each adclitionaJ. member..... . . . . . ...... 1 00 OUR THOROUGH-BRED DURHAM Children under 15 years, each ... ; ..... _.. 50 on the prl'mises, where special attention i8 given E.1llla 1 yearling-st red and roan, can bo pur· 1 '11icket3 mUBt be procured from the undermento all . chnsed of the undersigned, ·at reasonable rates. tioned a.gents of the steamer, or full will be Addr1~ss : Chas. Kennedy, Bo1vmanville P. 0 Bowmanville, Augua t 4, 187G. .-m44-ly. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS·- Lad'ies' P rune I la Boots, from. · 75 cents upwards. Misses' and Children's, KNITTING MA.ORINES FOR SALE. Ag a ·pedal indncement,to families to in proportion. Men's, Boy's, CHARLES KEN!\EDY. wann thesummer beautifulmonths, City of Rochester, during the and Youth's, of every detickets good for two 40 rods west of the '.J.'own Liue. -·o·-- see the l! ran~ and half-way between Bowman ville. and Newcastle, at the old Hotel eta.nd, a~d tor· 2ocis . . s.,k, knit 1.,. ~5:i... Pope K~1tting· NO~SElv.t -'\I "9 - P.EB ~TElA.!fER AN· " J of Iloots nnd Shoe! in the countt·v, ia to Lt~ Iouncl-at BQRLAND'S comprising NEW STOCK Special attention given to llm~. '- -- Boot & Shoe·' Stor·e ' . f1· . ,T. .Ruse. · D.t:AR Snt :-It S\ffonla nie grea.t pleasure i~ acknowle.~ng the entire sat'isfa.ctiou and my l:iigh apprecw.tlon .of the l\'Ia.thusek piano PW'· chased from you a few days since, r , HA>rPTON, Jan. 31st. 1876. S. J. SMITH. .. -o·oAGRAFFE, 7-00TAVO FROM Findings k . ept for the Trade. FULL · ·ALSO scription. - - - ' PRICES: Silver street, t·.vo doors north of Ohurch. OF 'Ilowma.nville, April 14, 1876: , - 29-ly, Fresh Family Groceries His aim shall be to keep the :Oa.ily Line to Boob.ester. Commen~ing on or about THURSDAY, 20re APRIL. Best and sell at the Lowest THE STEAMER possible price. · He has determined to adopt the MAYBEE, · COLORING. I : J I A $ 3 0 0. CASH SYSTEM, F PIANOS from other Oafj; Kip Uppe·r ani S6le Leatlwt, makers ~it bottDm prices. _,,_,,_ TRUNKS, &c: reliable b,~li~ving it tO be advantage- I deem it n1y drity to state that my Pi and Ointment :n·e neither manufactured t~ eold in any part of the Unitetl States. Each Pot and Box bears the R1·1'.ti3h Gove ment Starn.p , wi tL tJie ·words, 1 ' Hollow<' Pills an<l Ointmen,London, " cngi·aved ther~ On the 1al">el is the adtlrcs~,533, Oxford Str London. Vile antl spurious in1itations of 11 Hollov. Pills an.:i Ointment," are manufactured <"U(l' unde'r the nan1e of ·' :flolloway & Uo. ," by J Renry,Ourra.n & Co'lof Dru of New York, with an as'\ trade inar'k,thua -In Can ~~ t h e princjpa.l 'VlwiesaJ.e Dtial'""\........ era: in tht>sc Cow1tt"rfoits nre "' LYMAN, Cr..nu1 & Co., NORTHRUP & LYMAN, and LYMAN BnoTHEBS & Co,, JOSEPH RUSE, who obtain them at very low priccs, fr~m ..-r. F~ Henry, Curran & Co., of ~ew York, $.nzl this trru:.h is supplied to Unprincipled .'P 1 tail .Vendors, who sell the same ai; 1ny gen · and Ointment, which are manufact at 533 1 Oxford Street, r.ondon, and rrt tained from the following Firms, vizi .Evans, Mercer and Co~. · :tVIontreal. l\1easr.s : A very, U,row:11 and Co., I{aJ l\.:lessl'a . T. B. Barket: and Son~, St . ~:fessrS. Elliot and Co., 'l'oronto. Who imvort them direct from b TIIOJ.fAS .,533 Oxford Street, W . 0. IIOLJI m33-o20 London, J wnua?'y 1st, J - -· -----

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