--- Farm to Rent, by Tnder. SEI·T. 16th, from parties who may wish to re-nt, for a ter1n of years, 100 aores of land, being pa.rt of Lot No. 29, in the lat and 2nd Concessions of Darlington~ 'J'he highest, nor any tender, not necessa.rily accepted; Also 50 acres in the 3rd Con. THE ·MERCHANT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1876 . I T ENDER.S will be received by the undersign- TO THE FARMERS! LYLE & MARTYN, have just received in prime order Oheap Fruit Trees. at Bowmanville, next spring, at $17 per hun· drecL All other Nursery stock a.t corresponding low rates; Special rates for large orders. All stock guaranteed true to name. Address JOHN CHAPLIN, Box 55, :Bowmanville P. 0. 4m. MRS. ed, addre11sed Bowmanville, up to SATURDAY, to the 1st of October, I will take orders Upfor first class apple trees, to be delivered Fashion and ANDERS ON' THE Millinery Depot, King Street, opposite W. COURTICE, L, M. COURTICE. Executors of the Estate of the late C. August Slat, 1876. 48-21. People's Book Store AND Mr, Buckler's Oourtice, sen. FOR SALE. NEW A to open buggf, a. new top buggy, a.nd a new cutter. Wil be sold cheap . Apply S. & F. Mason's, You can get everything usually kept in a AT Very Latest Styles Bonnets, Hats, Mantles. and General Millinery. consisting of everythiug in the line, that ca.u be purchn.sed in the Pa:ris and New York establish1neuts, are now on exhibition. Straw Hats ('.leaned, and altered into ]a.test styles. .l\:lrs. A. is not a sking large profits, but will sell at a. sma.11 a1J va uce on co8t, {(!{_ OABH. A visit to her establishment; Vdll satisfy any q our readers, of that fact. Bowman ville, April 7th, 1876. m22-ly. IN First Prize and Diploma at Provincia.lExhibition at Ottawa, 1875. SAE:BATH SCHOOL 500 BAGS LIVERPOOL .SAij1 which will be sold at a low figure FOR CASH. 1 First-class Harness Estab!ishThe Xing of the West , ment. F .ANNING KILL, Harness, Whips, 'l'r'llinks, Vali.i;e.i;, Bags, Col· lars, Lashell, Brushes, J:iletts, Sheets, !lugs, Curry Combs, Bit·, Snaps, Interfering Boots and Rolwrs, Zinc Collar Pads, Harness Oils, DEPOT C. BARK.JSR. With the arrival of the Holidays, comes ~ derua.nd for DOMINION ORG!.N 1"AC'l"ORY. :aowmanville, Aug. 23 . (m-47-tfJ. and Grain Screen and ing lists of aooo newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising. bp-o10-m25-ly. toG. P. ROWELL & CO.,New SEND25c. York, for a Pamphlet of 100 pages, contain· SEED SEPARATOR. THREE MACHINES IN ONE. I b_ave now gren.t pleasure in offering to the farm1ng community, tllf' moat perfect Fanning ltriill and Seed Separator ever invented. Its advantages over other ~fills in use, are as follows:1st. It is a perfect Cleaner and Chaffer. It will t11ke out 'Vild Oe.ts perfectly. It will t.akP- out all C'ockle,Chess, and other foul seeds, with once going through, ma.king a perfect a.ample of Market VVbea.t, which will add several cents per bushel to the valud of grain, over and above that when cleaned by the ordinary Mill. 2nd. It is a most perfect Separator. It will separate all the large kernels of Wheat from the small and shrunken grains. It does not throw tbn amlll grains in the chess box, like other Mills, but brings them through by themselves, clca.n and fit for market, ~nd is warranted to make a pel'fect fan1ple of Seed Wheat . 3.rd. It is very ra.pid in its action, and will easily make for market, Sixty llusbels; nnd for Seed, '.l'wl"nty-five Bushels per hour. 4th. It sepnrntcs nllkinds of Grain, as well as seeds ; alld .lf '¥lbeat alld Oats, Peas nnd Oats, Clover and Timothy. are mixed together, end put through this Mill, it will come out perfe ctly. separated. 5~h. I ~ i." e<.1.ually as good for small na large ({rains. lt 'v1ll separate 'l'imotby Seed from Wheat, :tnd will bring the 'l'imothy out clean at Lhe tiu.1ne time as you are cleaning the Wheat for },iiarket, I etc., etc. If you don't see what yeu "'·ant, please ask for it. DRUGS AND MEDICINES at the f KNITTING. ETCH ON YOUR YARN! All sizes of F Socks and Stockings knit to order, Home· spun \Vool, or Cotton, or any kin fl of yal'n. Stockinr1.~ h.-nU jm· 20cts. Soclw knit fO'r 15ct.s. Come and see the .lf ranz and Pope Knitting U1e 1 half-way between Bowman ville 1 :.\fao11 :.. ,. . , and Newcast.le, at the old Hote.l ~taud, 40 rods west of the 'rewn Linc. -:O:·- A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Bowmanville Drug Sto e, WANTE .· .,.,. any quantity of ohea.p a.nd good L;tera.ture, Gift l3ooks, a.nd Present G-OODS. I have a Stock tho.t co.nnot fail to please-com plete a.nd varied. J. HIGGINBOTHAM lTOULD rr1ost respectfully tender hia i ~ee tt' 1t' thanks to his numerous friends and a 8 omer~, and to the public generally, for ~u ' vci·y hbPral support he has received ince hi"" c?mmenci.ng in business ; and hopes by c(m· t1nued 6tnct personal attention to business u.nd offering nothing but the purest articles, a. f the most reasonable p1·ic1:1s to CDP:""C a continuanee. of public pah·onage. ' J, H. would ca.ll special atttmtion t.o hi11 very KNJTTING MACHINES FOR. BALE. CHARLES KENNEDY. Adtlress: Chai;, Kennedy, Bowmanville P. 0 Bow1nanville, August 4, 1876. 1n44-1y. THOROUGH-BRED Shortltor:n.s for Sa.le. THOROUGH-BHED DURHAM Bulls, year1ings, red an'd roan, can be purrehased of the undersigned, at reasonable rates. . ROBT. OULLACOTT, 24-tf. 'J'yrone, P.O. BARLEY, for which the highest Market price will be paid. FAMILY BIBLES. Splendid Lot. POCKET BIBLES.Large Assortment. N .B. That deservedly popular Teach ers Bible, in various blndmgs BOOKS, in Great Variety. ALBUMS, Cheap and Pr.tty WRITING DESKS, and WORK BOXES supe1·ior stock of T>YE STUFF,~ F which are sure to give the b1.:.st satisfaction,. A well sulectcd atock of OUR LYLE & MARTYN. FRESH FRUIT! -OF- f' MICROSCOPES, STER,EOSCOPES, KALEIDESCOPES Price of Mill, $35. All Sea.sona.ble Varieties, A'f CI-IEAP Q()ODS FOR All LettcJ'S f1om the Counties of Northum. L er Jn.nd 1 Uurh~\m, Victoria, and Petcrboro, must be n.ddressed to the proprietor, THOMAS SMITH, Hampton, Ont. P, 0, HYMES, General Agent. Mny 5th, 187G. 32-tf. Lurgest Colkction of Ste,·eoscopic Views in Town. SHOULDER-BRACES SUPPORTERS, Etc., Eic, kept constantly 011 11and. DRUGS, .....__ CHHMIGALS ' PATENT llfEDIGINES . BRUSHES, COMBS, . -,-Ladies' Companions, Pocket Books, Purses, etc., etc. OILS, PAINT, COLORS, V AR1 NISRES, and WHITE LEA:i) at tJ1e very lowest prices. WILLIE'S~ ---oRIPE PEACHES, RIPE PEARS, RIPE GRAPES, RIPE MELONS. ---0--- MATH USE K J>IANO s. Horses and Cattle Medicines. N. B. -Countr·y 8tore-keepers supplied o the most a.dvanta.geous terms. A choice selection of LAniPS for bale cheap Bowmanville. Dec. 1868. 6m. Call and Examine. EXCEJ. n volu1nc oi tone. Jt~XCEL in flrmnt'ss and purity of tone, J!JXCEL in voice-like quabty of tone, E~CEL in d1nabihty and keeping in tune. EXCEL for the concert room. EX(1}1jL for teaching schools a.nd aeminai.-ies. EXCEL or the drawing room. --+t- Great Inducements. New Furniture AND CASH DOMINION WIRE MATTRAtiS. AT Th~ Mat!:tn.as wns nwa.rdcd the 1st premium at the Provincial Fair, Ottawa. 1875. Is durable, elastic, noiselecs . b-Ianufacturcd by Geo, Gale, Smiths ].{ills, Quebec . For sale by Anthony Davy, Furuiture DealBowmaoville. · Afao, the largest and best a.ssorted stock of Biscuits in Bowman.ville. a: Candies WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. vAMES WYLLIE, Poet's Corner, Bowmanville. EowmaIJ:ville, Aug. 17th, 18760 COWLE'S. PUBLIC NOTICE! --o-T. BATTING, New Tailor shop, JEGS 0 H N H E A L, TO INFOllM THE PUBLIC, gen· B erall_y, that he )1as temoved Lj~ business to the Shop next door east of Rice's Hutclu:i'<' 'l'hesc arc broad assertions, but co.pable of rl'he:Jo: are unlike any other, iu constructlOn; all their peculiarities.are points of excellence. 'J.'lit-ir illustrated and descriptive er.ta.. log~e,which ~o si.;ud. free to any address, explmns conclusively, n1 harn:ony with acoustics and mech_ nuics all that is claimed for the .h1athushek. 'l'he1·e are ~hou~a.nds of hn.ppy owners of Mathu.sheks willing to certify to tb.eir superiol' excellence. We 1Jave room here for but a few ' brief extract!:! : NEW Youx, Oct. 28, 1807. '0'o t.he unders~gned Judges of Piw.1os at- the Fair of the American fnBtitutA, n.fter a careful examination of the Concert Grands do award to FREDERICK MATHUSEK the HONOR of 1naking the BES'l1 of this class of instruments then a.nd there exhibittd, or known to us else~ where. (Signed) EWD. MOLLENHAUER, A.D. W.BESEMANN. M. J. GIANNET'l'I, CHARLES .!!'RADEL. t~to.of. UNDERTAKING ii'SJdliz~SJ, --:o:-'l'he unrlersigutid has O}lene4 a store in oppvsite 'l'releven s Shoe Storo where he will keep on hand a fnll' and va.ri1.>d r;tock of Fuller's l3lock, CHOOL BOOKS, 'STATIONARY, PENS, INKS LATES, WRITING PAPER, SCHOOL BAGS, PENCIL F"C'RNI'l'lJ'ItE, whi~h ~ill be disposed of at t he LO"\.VES'l' S atche/s, Machine Needles, satin Room Paper, Toy plendid fa.ncy goods, Spend.id Jewelry BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY. 1\.1ARKE'l1 .P RICES. l?ersona intending to commence housekt!eping,,vill find it larg6Jy to their advantage to consult bfro, ele pul'cha.filug t1lsewhe1-e, l RO 0 HESTER, N.Y. Family -TOExcursions ! l'ER STEAMER. begs most. respectfully to inform his customers, and the public gencmlly, SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS. that he intends closing his business at the old store near the ~iill, on THURSDAY, 24th inst., and will reopen at his s a special inducement to families,, to visit ~'MOitSEM.A.N." Musrog CONSERVATORY, } ,h . 802Bruadwny, N. Y. 1 . ese Pia.nos 1nust ?ko the ~ead of floll kno;wn inatrumt:nts, and theu· pecmhar uor.struction Sho render!:! thetn by far the moat dnrable, aud the lfa~·ing had several years experience in theL. - least liable to get out ,o~ tu11e. trade, he hopes to satisfy all who way favor EUGE"<"E J · MERRIAM, him with a call, ; Since the date of thia concert the 1\iathusbek GOOD FITS GUARANTEED has been my favorite. J. JAY WATSON. Ilowmanville, Sep. 4th, 1872. m19-tf. \Va.tson's Cons'::lrvatory of Music.New York. PIOTUREFRAMING, MUSIO,AT , Furniture rnade lo order on short notice and Repairing neatly done. ' R. Easton's Town Hall -Bui-ldings. Doheny Block, Lindsay. Town Hall Buildings Bowmanvillo .A. NEW HE.ABMB- ~- UNDERTAKING. . . No money would tempt me to banish it from my ho1ne. D. SCHUYLER, Buffa.lo. A the beautiful City of Rochester, auring the STAND---IN REED'S BLOCK, warm summer months, tickets, good for two OLD days, (including du.te of issue) will issued by be .1\-lathushek has in l'Astlity taken a step in adv<tuce of all makers of l>ianos in the world. J. G. SHAW. ?t-Iu-sical Critic, Sara.toga, The 1'-Iathushek Orchestra Square Grand Piano is briUia.ut, of 'vondcrful power, and melodious in tone. DOMINION Savings and INVESTMENT SOCIETY OF LONDON ONTARIO. ;Has been procured of Jntcst de1:1i"n. li'umish !ngs for funerals always 0n hnnd. All ~' unerals ln to\\n a..nd country, atttended at R reasonable charge. Steanwr '· N orsemnn, 11 until the 15th of Sep· tember next, a.t the undermentioned unprecedented rn.tes, from Port Hope, (berths and meals extra.) :For 2 members of family to Charlotte and rctul'n ... , .... , ... , .. , , ·.. , , , .... , , .. , $3 00 :EJJ.Ch additioru~l inember. . . . . . . . . . _....· 1 00 1 Children under 15 years, each . ... . . . . . . . · 50 Tickets must be procured from the undermentioned agents of the steamer, or fuU fare will be .chargetl. D. ROSE, THOS. YELLOW.LEES, -~Agent, Newcastle. Agent, Bu,vmanville. N .B.-In connection with the above, Return 'fickets per G. T. Railway to Port Hope will Le ieaued at One :Fare. 'l'. Y. - : o:-:o:- on or before SEPTEMBER lsT. itbout which time he hopes to have a good portion of his Fall Stock hand, which will be found to ALFRED H. PEASE,Rocheater. W J.'h.e celebrated Wire Mattra~B for sale. See ·it before yoi< punhq,se any othei'. llesidence, Corner of Queen and 13rown Sts., n<:x.t door to Mr. J. P. Rice's. _ Eowrnau-,,ille, Mtl( ALLTHE LATEST STYLES IN I was fuJly convinced that the 11.{athushek was the crown of ail. H.BELLACK. !vly old tuner, who has taken care of my piu.t10 for the pnst ten years, sayB that the No, 10 U1·<.:hestral just received from you is the ber::.i., 1uu.do nud finest instrument in this "-ity. Yours, &c. New, Attractive, and Cheap Fot· OasIt. ~ ---:<>:--Capital, $1,000,000.00 :Subscribed, 750,000.00 Paid up, 300,000.00 Reserve and Contingent Fund, 60,000,00 Mvney loaned upon real estate on the most favorable terms, mortga.ges purchased, interest allowed on deposits. D. MACFIE :F.13. LEYS, President: . Manager, Reference _by permIBs10n, GEO. McGILL, EsQ, Manager Ontario Bank, Bowmanville. WILLIAM ALLISON, EsQ., M. D., Bowmanville. London, Mar~h, 8th, 1876. 1Gth, 1876. A. DAVY, ?.5-tf. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. stor~. a. large two atmy Rough Cast D.,..,1,;Uing -posscssioi; will be gi"·en at once. Apply to the propnetor. JOHN COLE, ~!erchal'it Tailor. _ Hampton 1 ].farch 7th, J 876. HATS,CAPS, & GENTS FURISHINGS are to be had at STllEE'l' lN THE VILLAGE ONofMILL Hampton, t11rco doors \.Vest of Elliott'~ D.1i;J:. SOMERVILLE, Clovelnnd,O. J·~LM ST. W. I\L S. SOHOOL, Toronto. We have great plea.sure in eta.ting tha.t aa a.n iustrumtint to lead the singing in a S. School nothing can excel it: The tone ia soft and full. The bass is grand and when 300 voices are singing together the Piano can be distinctly heard. Every note rings out as. clear as a bell. S . J, HUN'f'ER, Pastor. \V AH.I.KG KENNEDY, Superintendent. SAMUEL FRISBY, Musical Conduotor. 'f '. Oentennial Excursion Tickets ! Centennia.l Excursion 'l'ickf>ts at gl'ea.tly re· duced rat~s-from $15.10 to $18 .40, according to choice of route--also for sale by undersigned D, ROSE, THOS. YELLOWLEES, Agent, Newcastle, Agent, Bowma.nville. Bowman\·ille, JuJy '.rl, '7(i. m44-7w HODBIS' M. MAYER'S. Mr. M. opened the kCason, with a splendid stoc:k of goods, comprisinA" everything in the hat and Cap line, which will be disposed of at 1ow rates. Call early, and mti.ke your adectiOn. The undersigned has the pleasure of informing you that he has re-opened in his old stand, (two dom·s West of the Post Office) with an entire CARRIAGE SHOP faction. It haa given my family the very ~ighest aatis· REV. JOHN BREDIN, Barrie. · OF KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. s happy to ioform tbe iuhabitnnts of Eow1;lla.n· Fresh :Fa.mily G-rooeries ... ville m::.d vicinity, that he has opened h1a His aim shall be to keep the Hair Dressing and Shaving Best and sell at the Lowest subscriber is prepa.rt:d to build and reParlor, T H~ possible price. pal.I' . He has determined to adopt one door w<:st of l\1urdoch rros. utore, where he hopes by ~trkt attention to business, to have Wagons, Buggies Cutters, Oabs, the a shn.re of public· patronage. it to be. advantage-oous not only to the buyer but TO TIIE LADIES I also to the seller. '[ a.m prepared to make up combings into switches .Parcels delivered to all parts :at abort notice. and would sa.y that no fear ·n eed be entert.a.ined in c01ning to my parlor, llB of. the town with promptness. everything is orderly and respe¢table. --o-Highest price paid for all 1-iazors Conoa.ved & Honed. kinds of produce. --o-Hoping to rece've a share of your patronage. He is, yours truly, W. E. PETRICK NEW STOCK wost of tho Ontario Bank. HA TS for hot weather. HATS for cool weather. IIA 'l'S for wet weather. HA TS for --for- A HA '1' Ji'OR YOU. Special Attention paid to dressing Chi/drens' hair. CASH SYSTEM, believh~g 'Busses, and Hearses, M. .M~ YER.'S. HAMPTON, Feb. 1st. 1876. ].,It'. J. R1.rne, DEAR SIR :-The :i\Iathusck Piano I pur. chased from you has given entire P.atisfaotion and proved itself a. superior instrument in every respect. I would recommend all to see the li'Ia.thusek, before porch.a.sing elsewhere. H. 'l'. PHILLIPS. ENNISK.lLLEN,.Ta.n. 26tB. 1876. Prof. J, Ru8e, DEAR Sni. :~I have pleMure in adding my testimony to the many you have already received in favor of the well merited Mathusek Piano, purchased from you recently. I am well satisfied with it in every respect, and consider. for beanty and tone, it is unsurpassed by any instrument I have _yet seen. . S. C. HILLIER, M. D. ENNISKILLEN, Bargains fnr Cash AT TllE GllEATEST Wonder of Modern Times. of every description, at abort notice\ and ou resonable terms. Oar1iages Painted and Trimmed. Boots AND - :- P1·oj. Ruse. Jan. 15th. 1876. DzAn Sm :-The Medium Mathusek we got from you gives entire satisfaction in every r~,.s pect. I can unhesitatingly recommend it to all desiring a good piano. BRIDGMAN'S & FLEMING'S A Blacksmith's Shop on the premises, where specia.l attention is given to all Shoes! D. STEWART. PaBtor of Presbyterian Church. OsH.,wA, .Tan 24th. 1876. M1·. J. Il·~c, DEAR SIR:-'l'he No. ll. Matbusek is all that you said commendatory of it, musicians have tried it and pronounced it excellent. MRS. Tl. MITCHEL. lfa:!IPTON, BOWIU!NVILLE. ___,,;..__: 0 : - 'l'he Pills Purify thC Blocd, cortect all di.sorden 1 of the l:iver, Stom_:i.ch, Kidneys nnd Bowels, and.,, ara invaluable ln tt.11 complaints incidental to li ema.les, The Ointinent is the only reliable remudy fo1· Rad Legs, bid '\Vounds. Sores and Ulcera of how~ver lon~ standing-. For B1·onchitis, DiPh· theria., Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatis1n and all Skin Diseases it hM uo equal. ' . . TobaCCOS, Pipes and CIGARS. arriage Work, & General Jobbing One of the Largest Stocks of Ilootl! and Shoes in the countrv, is to ba found at J. BORLAND'S Boot & Shoe Store, compdsing Jan. 3lst. J876. I hu.ve also a nice stock of Pires, cigar cases, · cigar holders, and cigars, 'yh1ch will be sold . cbcn.p as the cheapest. -~~Remember the place : Sign of the large Red, Whit<J and Bluo polo. King Street. 47-tf, John McMwtry. J.lowmanville, Dec. 22nd, 1875. 13·tf. .A U work done at this Establishment LacJies' ·Prunella Boots, from 75 cents upwards. Misses' and Children's, Wari·anted. in proportion. Men's, .Boy's, A ca.11 is respectfully solidted. DE.AR SIR :--It affords me great pleasure in acknowledging the entire satisfaction and PJ.Y high appreciation of the Mathusek piano purchased from you a few Oa.ya since. J JJft·. J. Ruse. Look at this, then buy them. TEAS. No. 1 Black .No. 1 Green, A good tea, 5 lb lot of 50 c. cts. S.'J. 80. 40. · $2.25, S. J. SMITH. :EOtJ'SE AND LOT FOR SALE. JAS. MORR.IS. and Youth's, of every de· scription. APPLES I ('( APPLES I :Bowmanville, Oct, lst, 1869. VERY DE~IRABLE piece of town pro· perty, situate on the corner of Hunt a.nd Ann-etreets 1 can be purchased a.t a reasonable fi~re for cash. '!'here is a new frame house, Im-pe1ial Fire lnsuranr.e Co with well of water, also a stable, on the pre.OF LONDON. mises. ~rhe garden is cultivated. ~__pply to ,JOHN H. HAMBLY, Eotablished 1803. At Mn. R. HAMBLY'S, Brick.maker, Hun OFFIOEs.-1 Old ]3road St., and Bowman ville, April 5, 1876. (m.~28-tf) ~ Pall Mall, London. A Findings kept for the Trade" · ALSO · FULL AGRA$~ ~- PRICES: Calf, Kip PIANOS , from . other reliable Uppe·r and Sole Leather, makers at bott~m prices. TRUNKS, &c. -~- 0 ~Avo FRo.M SUGARS. Good cooking " Good White, White Scotch Refined, Broken Loaf, 13 lb. for $1. " 12. 11. 10. LnrAN, CLARE & Co., NonTHRUP & LYMAN, and LYMAN BnOTHEltS & Co., who obtain them at ve;y low pricea, frl!lm J, F. H~nry, C~rran & . Co., of !'>. ew York, and this trash JS SU])phed to Unprincipled Retail Vendo~. who sell ~he same as my genuine Pilla and Ointment, .which are manufactured only at.5a3, Oxford Street, ;London, and may be ob· tamed fr~m the following Firms viz -· ·Eva.na, Mercer and Co., Montreal · ' ]..fesars. Avery, Brown and Co Halifax NS 1\-Iesars. T, ~· Barker and Son~; St. Joh~,N:B: Mess1~, E~liot and Co., Toronto. ¥;ho 1mport tbern direct from here. .BURDEN will he in tl1 1\farket this C. sea<Jon for any quantity of good shi.rping · .apples; also Tub :Butter. ., Office at 1\-fessrs. 'l'HOll.P30Y BURNS. :Bowma.nville, Aug. 10th, 1876. 45-3m. GENEB.A.1. A CARD. have this day appointe<l C. BARKER the Eclusive a.gent for the sale of my VOL· .CANIZED ·P ENS for Bowmmville, Ont. JOSEPH MASONP, P. J. J.JACUHS. J3owmanvillo, Sept, 10th, 1874m·· 1 Subscribed a.nd invested Capital and Reserve Fund, £1,965,000 Sterlini:. Funds i.nvaeted in Canada- 105,000. ~ Insurances against 1ol!IB by Fire are effebted on moat favorable terms, and losses paid withHATS AND BONNETS, reference to the Boa.rd in London· . CLEANED a.nd made over in the very latest out J DODSWORTH, RINTOUL BROS. si-yles, lnep~tor. Gen. Agents, Montrea R. R. LOSCOMBE! Barrister, Agen\ Special attention gi ven to COLORING. for Bo wmanvi le and Vicinity, MRS. MAYBEE, Bowmanville, Jut:'e 4th, 1860 Silver street, t·.\fo doors north of Church. m.o,43-39,4w36 Bowmanville, Atoril 14, 1876, 29-ly. S'l'BAW, l"EL'l', A?ilD LEQ-HOBN S aora~uent St,, Montreal ~ GENCY w. JENNINGS is still in chnrge of the , NORRIS & SOPER NO· 8, Adelaide St. East, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS. -:o:- 9. FOB C.il'ADA :- ·24 St Ma.nufa.ctory Department and ie prepared to guarantee A.Pe.rCectFit, in tlleLatestund Best Style. Sewed Work a Speciality. First class 8tock used. · · .A. Call is Solicited. :Reroe·mber the Stand, Post Office Bloek, opposite Ruebottom House·. J. BORLAND. Bowman ville, May 12th, 1876. 33. JOSEPH RUSE, The Stock of General Groceries is large, and warranted fresh. Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc., very low. ·' ' AGENT IN DARLI:KGTON, CLARKE, WHITBY, REACJ:I AND CARTWRIGHT, PI-lOVISIONS AND FEED FOR SALE, Farmers .produce taken in exchange for goods. Also Agent for Dominion Organs, Bowmanville. Hampton, F·b. 8th, 1876. Remember, Cash gets a Benefit at BRIDGMAN & FLEMING'S. 20-. tf THOMAS HOLLOWAY 533 0-.t;fO'rd Str"'~ W. C. · Lo11don, January 1st, 1876 m33-o20 ' J \. lj