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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 8 Sep 1876, p. 4

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THE :MERCHANT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 .1876, ~' . POETRY. ' Knocking Around.' Dr. Dio Lewis having learned the mini. mum quantity of food on which life can be sua:tained, ad visas all young men to marry Daily Line to ltochester. Commendng on or a.bout THURSDAY, 20Tl! APRIL. · is now raging a.t H,DRH THE MERCHANT a. hae no\V bona and with the exception of a few, these paBB into th1:1 hands of the peopl1:1 of 'Vest Durham. 'l'he public will at once seo the utility of the papi!r as an An Early Poem by Edgar Allan Poe. The following- verses, never b~fore pub1ished, . were written in the Album Of a Baltimoi·alady, J by Poe, when 19, shortly after ho ..,.eft West Point · · f ac-s1 · 1 . '. in 1829 , · Tliey given in m "l0 m Scnbner 13 MagDzine for September ALONE . THE STEAMER Cicula.tion of 1000. and settle down in life. His idea is that 'until a man is married his life is lacking in that which best developt1s his manhood.' TBELEVENS Don't Read this, the N-ewest thing of the season, unless you wish to purchase ADVERTISING MEDIUM. · He administers this rebuke to that class Fron1 childhood's hour I have not been As otLeri:I \Vere-I have not eeen .t-is others saw--I could not bring J.\.fy passion~ from a common i!pring. From the same source I havti not taken My sorrow- I could not awaken My heart to joy at the same tone Antf-alll loveti-I Joyed alone. Then-in my childbood--iu the da"'n Of a. most stormy·life-was dra.wn From everY depth of good and ill The mystery which bind.a me still. From the torrent, or the fountain ]from the rJ<l cliff of the mountain}-...rom tho sun that round w~ rolled In its autumn tint of gold. From the lii;:htning in the sky sit paS; flying LyFrom th6 thunder .and the stor1nAnd)he. cloud that took the form (When tho rest of heaven was blue) Of a dewon in my view. who are anxious to see the world before marrying : 'Seeing the world ap the young man does who has to earn hia hving as he It Has No Equal in this C<lnst1tuencyt and this fact is being con stantly demonstrated. goes along, amounts to very little. Wool he does see is nothing that helps him fight the battle of life more successfully. Jt only gets him into habits which are in direct antagonism to a dir~ct and happy and aue cesa!ul life, and when he gets throu~h 'knocking about ' he baa n.othing to ohow 4 If you have lost anything, advertise in this paper. If you ha.vf' fonnd anything, advertise in the MERCHANT. If you wa.nt to tiell anything, advertiee in this paper. · If_you waut to buy a.nythit1.g,ad,·e1tise in the MERCHANT. If you "'·ant to reach the public, use the ~ columns of the MERCHANT. I ===tJbeap Dry Goods== s. MASON ---o--having opened bis for the misspent years save the habits which he must overcome if he would make anything of himself. Do you call that gain or loas 1 So, young man, take the advice of a man who has kept bis eyes open for more years than you have li~ed, probably, and don't 'knock around.' If you think I have overdrawn the picture, look aronod (29-tf.) :Etoyal AIZ'a.i:n Triumphs. and he ·1s dete~ined to continue to sell at these l'Uinously low prices AR a weekly newspaper, the MEROH.ANr ie cheaper than the cheapest. Why he can do itscarcely excelled. Sixteen columns Qf· First, he buys for cash and Knows just how to bt1y ! fully selected readinK mn.tter a.ppea.r in iesl'Je, ·comprisll:1g Litera.turc, Second, what he can't buy cheap enough, he manufactures tigricultwal, Farrii/.y Readi ng, Third, he is satisfied with small profits ! Gene1·al and Local ]!,Tcwsall frEIBh and r1:1adable, -Fourth, he selL~ for cash ; · Subscriptions ta.ken any time dµring the Fifth, lfo sells at bottom prices. OUR RATES ARE LOW. NE"W' STORE with a full assortment of STAPLE ( DRY is prepared to ofter GOODS CASH, you, and out of the men you know select those who have 'knocked around,' and see if they do not bear witne&! to tbe ~;,.th of every assertion I have 1.0ade concerning OALL AND SEE POB Y011BfJBLVE8 6 TERMS 75 OT8., lN ADVANCE. AND ' -o- year. --:o:-- .BAlt;GAINS FOR BRING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Examine e stock, which comv1·ises everything in the tradelofthe yecy lntest.. and inoat clcgn.n styles and pa.ttexns, of English, CanndiauJ .!\Ud. Jner~can manufacture. Crumbs for Chickens. tho clas; they represent. Are they men you envy 1 I tell you, boys, ' knocking around ' makes a man good for nothing else, a.ud I take it you have a. desire to be FOR JO:B PRINTINQwe bavo every facility. "' e do uot work for nothing, or fun 1 but our prices 'vill be ·fouiid lo\v, WI our presses arc rnn by steam v.ower. that will compare with any Store in the County. -- A difficult lock to pick-One from a bald head. good for something higher in life.' Orders Promptly Executed, anij .Go~d Fit& Guaranteed A hearty man will grow round on ' Re· ha1:1 in st~ck an endleBB variety of Ladies;~td G·enh1' So.r~fu~a r'l'runks, Valises, .etc., all of square meals. Of oil those who have rea_ched the heights ·which he is selling cheap for cMli .. " M )' bark is on the sea," as the cur of speculative science, not o.11 are entitled ' Remember the Stand "BIG BOOT " said when the captain threw hi'm over- to the comwendat.ion bestowed on Sir "'\Yilliam Jones-that he wua ' learned without board. , By Ts legraph to Qdrdenc-1· Sewing tWhine, Co'v When you see a young goat asleep, pride; and not too wise to pray.' Bow1nanville, May 13.1874.£on-. Cornwall, Oct. 2, 1875. co.n you call it a case of kid-napping? ;Roy,.! got lirot pr ize at Glengarry, C]ounty Why is the opening of the Fall cam. s' EHOLD Fair,overthe Webs ter,Oaborne,andNewYork Singer JAlllEB MILROY. ---...._ paign like a fashionable woman? Be- FARM AND Hou Bellovillo, Sept. 30th, 1875 . . cause there's a great ;bustle about it. Got first prize on the ltoy~l, at here, beating Wheeler & Wilson and every other maA Frenchman got exceedingly angry Fashionable Furniture. cflip.e. l}rt-at oonte st. J AM:Kfi BARRE'l'T. with a waiter at an English hotel. " You Brock ville, Sept. ~5, l~75. rascal !" exclaimed he. " I blow your Dickens, in his description of the Yeneerilie: Royal took ~rst prize at ~niotiviqe, competfamiJy, stated that their character a88imilated ing with the Wheeler & \Vilaon, Singer. and nose for you I" othel'l:l. EVER'I'l'S IL\.PARMAN. TILSON:J}URQ-, Opt. 11, l87f'.i. It takes a p;ood deal of philosophy for- with that of thoir furniture-" they 1:1roelt too 1nuch of tJ1e work~hop 1 and their surface was a First prire for Royal, 9.t Union Exhibition a man who bumps his head against an trifle sticky," 'l"'his might apply to much of here overall competitors. MATTHEW STEWART. ' Woodstock, Oct. 6th. 187J. empty shell to excuse the shelf on the the modern furniture. It.appears thin,' n sba.1n Iloya.1 took first prize at Exhibition here,over score of hard times.-Brook-'.Jln Argus. my. " a.nd new, anc4 like the Veuecrings them- all competitor·. . J\.1ATTHEW STEWART, Paris, Oct. 3rd, 1875. "That's carrying the thing a little too. sch·es, i.s adapted to anew society of the mush· Have t~ken firet prize with R.oyal at ]'air far, you know " as the man said when room order. It is pitiable to see those. honest . _ here beating the Raymond and Singer. ' WILLIAM SNIDIDl. he got off the cars at the Centennial men, who are respected and revered in the1r bnsineas circles, tQ play the part of buf· Napanoe, Oct. 15th, 1875. al!d found his tnmk had gone on to foon by their wives and daughters: who likf! ]{oyal has taken first prize at Fair here, over Pittsburg.-New York Commercial Ad· Mrs Potiphar believe that becau~e th~y · 'hav~ Singer, :flowe, Wanzer}\ Oab"orne and other1:1. 4 He atill continues to mantifacture to order, from the beet of maWrial, and none but fint·cla.t!S \\'Orkmon kept.. Show Bills Sale Bills Hand Bills Programmes Cii'culars Bill Heads Cards Pamphlets 4 Please Call a.:nd examine ·Stock. Highest Price for :Butter and -Eggs. .ONE DOOR . WEST EXPRESS OFFICE, owmanville, April 12th, 1876. bp-o15-m29. TO TI-IE hl w¥ PUBL]~O. ancl everything frDin tho ei.i;e of n. Poster large enough to cover a barn to a hn.lf inch .stripJ JN returning tbanka ~~heir u~1merous: .cuatomera and th·, public gmierally for past I printed ~n good style. and at city prices, ddwd~td respectfully invite their attention to our present ato(,:k of f 11 niiture,' as ·we have i:t~~ c .1 1eretoi} at Wt:! m~y thereby be ~uabled. to snpply aJl pa.rtitis who may please to favor SpecimenB of work ca.u be eeenat our office. t m t k·ca ·.. , Great 1n<lucements held out to t.hoee purchasing a.t our esta bl ighment. Pie .. Work handed out, and tlie cash tnken for it k~rds, f JOO 1 1d!S C·lassei;, etc. fra1ncd to order, and m every style. Sainiplos of the different C. BARKER. 1n. o o uohm gda can Uc 'iecn at the ware-room. 'V6 ,~·onld also beg to htform you th~ .. h a.vu1g pur ~e a. · ' '"' WALTER WIGG & SON, Manaqer verttser. · ' · I There is always a feeling of regrel when we part forever with familiar objects, no matter how humble and unimportant they may be. This, however, ~:loes not include any parting with a dog 111 a strange apple-orchard. A hundred years ago when you called on a girl she kissed you good-by. Now if you suggest anything of the sort her father calls you into the library and asks you what you are worth. Are we a nation? And is tl1is progress ?-Norwich Bullethi. Judge: 'Have you anything to offer to the Court before sentence is passed on you ?' Prisoner : 'No Judge. I had $r o ; but my lawyers took that.' At a young ladies' seminary, during an examination in history, one of the most promising pupils was interrogated : ' ~ary, did Martin 1.nther die a natural death?' 'No,' was the reply, 'he was excommunicated by a bull.' Rhode Island farmers cut hay in the night. When one of Lhem gets nervous and can't sleep, he gets up and mows the state over, after which he · goes to bed and gets a good night's rest. · Fond father to visitor: My boy knows a l(lt of Scripture. Now, Larry, what did God make on the first day?' Larry hesitates. l!"ond father points upward · in the direction of the chandelier. 'I know, pa. He made gas. " How to Get Rid of a Cold" is being discussed by the country papers. Put a little nitrn-glyceriue up your nose, then hit it with a sledge hammer, and the cold will never trouble you again. ..,.. ~, bcco1ne rich, they ru-e ent.itled to tnuve iu : 'our best society." 'rhe height of their ambition appears to be a. span-new house in a faahiona. ble part of tht: town, to make 1111 the dlBplay which mouoy can afford, and see that they not outdone in the olegance of tb.eir entertainments nor the richness of their appointments. They 4a3h ~ntq tlil} element for which they are entirely unfitted, and sb~w tbtqpselyf!a tp the worst possible advantage. After procur~ng t4e u10st s_howy house yon C&:Q. find-one uf those built by the yard by tK>me enterprising spec:nlato1·1 who, lik!) tbe partie1::1 we have just de· sctibed, fancies he knows ·w hat is ~~a.ctly tho thing-then the becomes thl' all·n.b· sorbin~ guestion-; and the poor man who ha la.bored1he boat years of his )ife to obtain for him st.1lf only discomfort, and in his old age is forced to enter a field ill which he baa bad no experience, is dragged here and there from uph61sterers' to cbin;i. sJ1opi; : , iJl order to prepare for his first leef!oil. in being tashioµ.3ble. Jrirs.t comes the matter of carpets ; and how can Mndan1e or Angelina decide upon the best pn.ttern when bale "3.fter bale is being unrolled by the indefatlg,:i,ble ~lllesman, \\hose only '·a.ri· ation in their praise is tha.t the l~t surpaase1:1 any he has previously shown ; and whilu t}.wy listen to his ceaseless, tb~t · o:p.e Pit ce is "unique," o.notl1er "striki11g," eic., th11 b!:J· wildered women Jook from the Bi;uas:elll to the Tapestry, from the Persian to the Axminster, until their eyca _are fairly dazzled by their kaleidosuopic hues. All this while, Pater· familias, \Vea.ried ·with the endless rounds, and duiguated from the beginning at having to leave his plain but comfo1 table. home in Rutger's Street, has stood in patit1nt 'vaiting, and anxil ous to bring tha mattor to nn issue, sa.ys. H'J.'ake the rose pa.ttorn," the ve17 o:p.c that AngeliDa u. . Oshawa, Ang. 26th, 1870. Mcclung Bros. are setiting' ~h~ir ST.OCK 'l' HE in MOTION by offjiring tpeir Gouds at Irresistjble Prices ! Step ,i n, and you . J~.==:;E~L~L~I;=;O~'l;;";,~T:;?,'s~====== .J HarJey, Oct." 13th, · Procrastination takee first prizll at this Fair, for family will tincl al:tnost every sh~lf 'to contain work and light manufacturing · is the thief of time, but buying Goods a Bargain,, and every co1iner an A.ttrac· ,SOMETHING NEW Theae victories ~lusively prov0 that the tion. liijht running, is the people's favorite, Mld - -o --·the A substitute for BEST FAMILY SEWING J.fACHINE .. The Manufacturer11 have lately added to it, the: grea.test novtilty ·of the ag. e, the Lath & Plaster I flQlq,ev SefQi'lt9 ach'intU1 . 'l'he cani -'\MES BARRET. l~70. NOTICE -----OF )~0.TION . ' WNshBaJl beC~~dykat a 11 times to attend funerals, on short notice and rea:Mnable terms · .- ou1ns apt.on ha.nd and made to order, at tho NEW DOMINJON RETAIL FURNI:i.'URE WARE-.ROOM. King Street East, Oshawa· SPLENDID NEW HEARSE ElephantHouse WILLIAM. SN1DER. :t,+.; RoJ1al Lamp; ri'evei- ·upaet, nor·the Oil ~oil th~ '\'Ork; and it is arianged to 'throw the light on 3ny pa.rt of thO work, enabling tbe opera~or to fQ1' Watchei:i. The Subscriber, thanking his very numerowi customers for past patronage, (havii11f ao~d T~vel-ve Thousa11d Dolla1·s W(r/'lh in 12 wonth sollcite their conti.J:Jued patronage, by reasona.b :pricee, i:J.e~lin~s, aJJd guornnteed sa.~fa , tion, J, D. . I Noveinber 18th, 187fi Also t e Celebrated Waltham and E!llin ,J. s. DONEY, TIRONE. N.B. - Agent for First.class :&!usical Iustruments- W. Bell & Qo'e. Organ 1 Hallett & Davis and Hardman Pianos. . l work as well by night as·by day. Sold by . Do You wa.nt a WEB of COTTON n,t a cheaper rate than ever you bought a Web of Cotton before 1 · GO TO McGLUNG BROS. EXCITEMENT EVERY DAY! ! GO TO McGLUNG BROS. 'SO'JI[{ fJNJ17(JOJf OJ, OD fJlteapStore ()heap Store TYRONE, IIas now a full a&1orted Stock of S. VANSTONE'S thu heat means of getting the worth of your 1.noney, in THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and OR· NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. PAPER OIL·OLOTH and CARPETING .TYRONE, Ia Do You want to select PRINTS cheap in price and new in Style, from the largest stock ever b'rought into Bowmanville 1 SOLE AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. A Larg· Stock Ji«t l!cc·ived,-Plain and Ornamental, both for W alb! anrJ 'i'loors. The Pape~ Oil Oloth and Ca.rpet:ng is a. Chea.p and Durable Substitute for Oil Cloth. Tho Chemic:tls with \vhich the Pa.per is satur· and 1\-Iivo. puu m'.OIOHO 'clV:!rHO cSCIOOfl ssaua '.luu,\UO,l OQ LEVI :M:OBBIS, GKN$R4.L GONTRAGTOR ANJJ BUILJ)Jj)P,, Do You want MILLINERY, MANTLES, or FA.L"UJ GOODS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. uny ated, render it proof azainst Rato, Moth·, Doors, Mouldings, and Window Frames, CARPETS or CURTAINS or other Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds HOUSE FURNISHINGS? GO TO McCLUNG BROS. Do You want ---ooWith or without Casing. With or without Don't purchase your Summer Cloths before inspecting McClung Broo. Band Moulds. ~ l" .h' Varnish ,,.-o lS · Quality Another thing much wanted, i'hi· Poli·h givc;a a moat elegant lu·trc,and drie· FIRST·CLASS GOODS. Groceries Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, :Boots & Shoes ,Dry G?ods, Groceries, etc., etc, Hardware, whichfor Come along 1nen, wo1ncn tu1d chilclrr;iu, and you: will find a co111plete Stock of OAUTION ! --~-o-~-- mstantaneous1y. Prices which defy Com~ness, titiOJl. OANNO~'l' BE su:aPASSED s. VANSTONE. J. ELLIOlT ·1·yrone, l\farch 30th, 1874. and Chaap Crockery, &c., whichwillb·sold·t ;Nothing ever discovered before to equal this Polish, FOR l'Oll most extensive stock of the clerk's asserting that ?rirs. V - has ordered the Ax1nin1:1ttJr for her parlor, alld the P ersian for her boudoi1· ; and as this lady is tl1e ac ._ ~""' momontbeforo bad docriod a··"afrig)lt." l')le uncertnintyis brought to ·n end, however. by Pfqnirfg, Planing & Matching, sawing and Turning, T W E E D S, W 0 RS T E D C 0 AT I N GS, &c, McClung Bros. Tt1iloring Department will take the lead, as usual. Piano Fortes, Gloe/cs, Picture Frames or any kind of Varnished Furnittwe. Buggies, Gutters, SleigltB, and all lcinds of Varnished Ca1·ria,ges PLAC~. -New York Com. Adv. "What do you sell those fowls for?" inquired a person of a man attempting to dispose of some chickens of a q '""stionable appearance. " I sell them for profits," was the answer. "Thank you for the information that they are pro· phets," responded the querist, " I took them to be patriarchs." knowl·dged leader of the socMy into which our · We don't know how pin-backs are m'!de, but there must be something in them sharp and quick ' A young lady, not far off sat down incautiously, a few Le D el'by, a French ,Journal, gives the followdays since, and at once went up as ing as v. p1·inted notice which 't11e l\finie~er of high as the chair-back! The wail that Agriculture ha,a: cam~ed to be posted in all th~ issued from her beautiful mouth was cro~ways of the foresta.l domains ; sulphurous. MINISTRY OF AGRICUT!L'URE. George Elliot says that a young man's The placard is placed under the Jl!Otection of eyes first open to the world when he iS p-ood sense and public 3.ecency. , in Jove. This is not al ways so. UsualHlilDGEHOG. ly it is when he has gone away from Lh·es on tllice. small rodentri, slugs and grubs home and had his washing sent out for ( ve-1 s blanC8) animals ns-rictllture: the first time, and finds among it when Don't loil.l the lu4gehQy. it is returned an odd stocking with lwo TOAD. red stripes about the top, and long Farm a.ssistauli ; destroy1J from. twenty to enough to button around the neck.- DC\\' frir;ndi:i have afh:cted their 'entrance, the matter is conch.1dei:l, i:m.d the sale1:1man marches offintriwnpb. · In this mannt;r is s13lected most of the flll'ni· ture throughout. To pronounce a thing " new ,· DONE 'fQ ORDER, on tlio or in the "height of tQe fashion a se£1m~ suf· BHOlt'.l!EST NOTICE. fici cnt to procure its instnnt selection ; .n.nd the fa.l,c;ie styles of various countries and different ages are mi.'<.ed up prowiecuouidy, showing ig· nora.nce a1ld bad taste.-H. Budson Hollv, in Shops on Liberty Street, North of the HU11per'1 Ma9aZ'ine for July. Eastern House Bowmanville. 41-tf llowmanville. July 9th, 1874. A Sensi\lle NotiQ~· 1.'.H.I!.: . If you wa:µt ft SUIT, 1IcClungBros. will" SUIT" you. If you want ft HAT McClung Bros. will ." HAT" you Ornamental Pickets, 'l n evei·y variety, a'nd Scroll Sa'W'ing, If you want Q-LOVES McClung Bros. will "Q-LOVE" yo If you want a TIE, McO!ung Bros. will" TIE" you. of every description CHEAP FUilNITURE ! CHEAP FUR,NirrURE !I ICHEAP FURNITUI{E! At Manning's Old Stand. The Bowmanville Fumitme Factory, havin.c commenced business again and the New Company ha-·ing ap~ointed the subscriber, Retail A gen for the Town and Country around, he is prepared to offer the l SEEDS at McQlung Bros., GROCERIES at McClung Bros., at Mcclung Bros. Bros. TEAS! TEAS I CHEAE' T'EAS, SALT and PLASTER at 11cClung SOLE AGENT FOR THIS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER &c., at McC!ung Bros. PERPETUAL throughout theSeason a.t MOTION As usU:a. , a L rge Stock on hand of DOMINION BANK. BOWMAKVILLE. Capital, Paid HEAD . M°CLUNQ BROS. Up, $1,000,000 Hardware, Paints and Oils, Stooes and Tinware. All of which will be sold ri.t low :6g11ree. Vety BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Provin:e. OF~'HJE, ·rmio~'.l'O . JJRANOH OFFICES : OBJLLIA, OSHAWA, COBOURG, WHITBY, UXBIUDGJf BOWMANVJL~E, 4 ,John McLeod & Co., St yler..J Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville . Funerals furnished in every respect, in the Very Best August 10th, 1875. PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER :FIRM IN THE COUN TRY ~ One of the FlNEST HEARSES i n the Province, SENT FREE tu · any Funeral furnished by the S'ubecriber, u-ithin J.'en miles of BowmanvW.e. Norwich Bullctt/1. :::o'-,.,,,,-.- ...,...,A few weeks since, a Chicago drum· mer saw a young lady plowing a field in Macoupin, Ill. He stopped to ask, ' When do you begin cradling?' ' Not until the heads are better filled than yours,' \Vas the sententious rep1y. 'rhe young man passed musing on. A man in Iowa was bitten by a rattlesnake, but the liberal use of a neighbor's whiskey cured him. The next day he was seen walking slowly on the }{£U tht 11Iay bug. prairie, and looking earnestly for somel:HRDS. thing. He was asked what he was lookEach department l08ua several millions an· ing for. ' For the bite of a snake,' wa.'l nu'ally through insects. Birds are the only the reply. '11 his Bank, in addition totranaac.t ing the ue ual banking business offer.:i to the public aJ1 the advantages of a Saving Institution 'vith the a.ecurity of a lfLrge paid-11p Capital, by the means ,oi a SAVINGS D.EPAnT~T. Interestuillo~·ed on all deposit~ of ~Oµe )Jol· la.rand upwards, at tP6 rate of F~E per cent. per annuin. thirty i.usecta au hoUl'. D epo,aitors cap withdrAW either t)lo \vhole or Don't kill the toad, any part of thllir depo,rit.e a.t a,+iy time, without previous notice. :MOLE· Special rates of intereilta.llowed upon deposits Is continually destroying grubs (ver.s blanu), with notice of withdrawal. la.rv:;e, pn.lmer worms, and insect:1 injurious to .American Carrency and Silver taken on de· agrioulture. :N"o trace of vegetation is e\·er posit. DraftH gru.nted payable in Great Britain, found in its !!tomach. Does more good than lTnited States and all parts of Canada.. harm. WDeposita can _ bi remitted by mail, address· ed · t o the Dominion onnk [registered], when in Don't kill the mol~. aU cases a Pass-Book receipt will be sent by MAY l!UG ~J) J'.fS LAUVA on GllUB. return post. J. A. CODD, Agent, Mortal enemy of ag:ricultut·e ; lays ft·on1 sevBowmanville, a. n. 6th, 1874, 15-tf. .;inty to eighty egga . S. F. HILL has a -· i~ Depa.rtmeJJt, he begs to 1mbn1it the followhig figtll't'l:l, which he challenges any on~t0 contra.~ RepOl'ts having bctJn circnfo..ted. that tlte undel'8lg1ied haa bee11 overcharging in the U.11dert:a.:kRevorted ainount charged. 11'ifty Dol1ars-. 'l'hirty do. Forty·.l!" tlo, Fifty do. Seventy.five do. Actual amount cba.rge·l Twelve Dollars. · Nine tlo. Tn· do. dLCt. Dry Goocls, tJlotl1ing, BE w!BB ! .Groceries, &c., · I. L. Strowger, NEWC.A.S'rLE. and is Selling · V, F1JLL STOCK OF s·o Sixty do. lJ'octy 'l'hirty }r ...ifty do. do.. du, Agent for the Celebrated Raymond's Meta//io fJojfins,. of New York. Bowmanville, March 30th, 1870. w. p, PROWER. ery c1 rteap. Just Arrived a.t the The Common Sense · ..,_ who wm rurnish nmr1e proof that tho Boote & Shoes aold by the undersigned, are not whatre II represents them. The abo\·e re,vard will be to any peSon A daughter of the Emerald Isle recently visited a Westboro drug' store and asked for a gill of whiskey for her sick husband. Being c1uestioned as to the nature of his -disorder, she innocently replied : ' Sure, sir, I fear it is an attack of the cholera infantum." tmemies able to c:mtend against them victori· ously. They are great ca~erpillar Jc.illers and Having removed to more commodious premisei:, agricultural assllitantB. ., IN ChiW.rcn don~t dtstu1·b .tlu1i11 n~8~, FOTHERGILL'B BLOCK, Children will be paid 25 centimes for every bl!g to ipfol'l.11 the public generally, that the·r are :now enabl~d t~ pffer tbem ,500 May bugB pla.ued in thu hands: of the ' garde :charnpetre. . ~:euy once and you will buy again. Bowm,1nville, April 28th, 1876. --~. ·o---- PASBIONR011SB eplendid, a.S8ortmeut o£ w T As H ER! Better Inducements in the line of · S01 HO! 'Q-e:n tlem.e:n of Fashion NOT SO FAST. I written these few linel!I And a.11 I to eay, you can find me still at home I am not gone a.'vay ; So a.U my kind old friends may come A~d all the young ones too ~~ A Blacksmith was once summoned to a country court as a \vitness, in a dis~ pute between two men. The Judge, after hearing the testimony, asked him why he did not advise them to settle, o,s the cost had already amounted to three times the disputed sum. He replies : ,' I told the fools to settle ; tor I said the clerk would take their coats, the lawyers their shirts, and if they got into your honor's court you'd skin ien1.' Selected Recipes. 'VASHINOFLA.NN~LS~ANDLl....'l"EN$,-'l'owhiten be di·ied and j.roned on the Wrong side. 4.n in· r~s, made up of a thousand s.hreda, which fnsio.a of bay will keep the natural color in buff single we know not what to make of, but ~U;te ll~Jon~. 1J,n4 an iufusion 0 ~ bran will do ~h,e p~t ~oge~ber they present ns with a beanti- same for b~o>yn lin.· n! ~"4 pfil!ts,· ·~aral N&IJJ te""p_!'onful of a~1no9i· b.. been pqt. Wnali NO !>_RESENTS _GIVEN, BUT_~OOD µle linens with this, an<) the"l in ~ol<j b!u.· Weight ancf, l'rfe11sur~ Guaranteed Providence is like a curious piece of ar.. 'water. They ,\·ill n~ed no stt\fch, and sho~l4 . every instcr.ri~~· flaunel, made ydlo~ PY ag~ 1 dh~aoh;e. 1~ lb oj .. . white soap in 5'\be. soft, water, ~nd -3 07.. epirits of ammonia. Imm erse the flannel, stir well . ·a.round for a abort time, and wil.ah in pure watcr,- \\'hen black or navy blue linens are wash~d , "onps huul.d not be UBed. 'l'ake instead two (AS REGARDS PRICE <t QUAL1TY) ,pot.a.toes grflit~d into tepid soft water (after hav· than any other house in the County. i ng: them ,.,..a,e:hed anq. pr;ieled,) into which a. 1 u . · Gt'ocary I 11s1nass <' e U ' New Goods! a.ND For Gents, For Ladies, For Children. NEW MILLINERY. AJ.1:10 a lot of REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & B.IS W -;3~bing Mad1~ne has beon recoived with 1.rwvenrn.l fa.vor, in u1any of the StateA of tho lTnion. and to·day, i:!tanda higher in tho estin1ation of housewives, than any uther. They now introduced into thia vicinity, by the undersignt1d, who has alt·eady sold a. large num~ ber. 'l'he (Xlints of excellence co11sist in its aim~ phcity,nnd the saving of soap, Ja.bor and tiine. An ordinary washing, for a large fa.mily , can be done by children fro1u 8to12 years old. The Clothes aro perfoctl·y cleaned, and not in Also a large stock of the least worn by it. A :\la.china ca.n be Reen at the Grocery Store of John ?\.fc~furtry,Bowma.nville,.t, or at tlte ·resid'"°ce of the subscriber, Ontario ::;t,,and parties. desiring to see it in prii.cticnJ. use, can do so, by· leaving their nan;i.eis with _\fr. :.\Io:\furtry, and[ tho subf:;criber will do a. W'lsh for them, freti oft' charge. Stamps for Baiding and Em - 'broidery. .La.test Styles and F A S H-I O N S BE OF sqLD, - Good Stock. MUST coxst!TING . WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Pl..ATEP wf!~E, E'fc, -o. ORDERED WORK. Sterling Silver Spoons, and Pure Gold S'l'ORE.-One door aMt of Coruieh's Jewelry Storet King Strtiet, Bowman ville. Wedding Rings. J. SMALE AARON BUCKLER. Eo"·manville, Oct. 8th. 1870, iul hiatory.-Flave!. j Y</Tklr.· L 'l'ea,S Spe.Cl" 1 i't'ff'. ti <'!I <'!I (ill "' m for Spring just to hand. The O'Dell ·Royal Canadian Wringer the beat in the ruarket, &leo kevt on hand. li,ac· tory price, $8, will be sold for $/'. Co1nmon Sense 'Vael1er, $7. a.nd \Vringer, $14. 1,hev ca.nnot fail to sntiafy, as ,~n \vho have tried them, spea.khighly of them. · P. 'l'HOMAS. Bo.wuu.nvllle, Mor, '14th, 1876. 26-tf; AJ14 ~et their ga,rn:ienta qiccly mad· f'!"loio!" that ~re l\el>', · ' . ~·wca.atle,Augu.t, 14th, 1874 L. STROWGER. Wh ere old and young ¢te&.r fdenclm.!1, meet A welcome greeting by R. PEATE Bowmanville, Jnue 19th 1873. DDESSU.A.K.ING UtlUal, MRS. A. FLETCHER Bowma.nville, April 7th 11874, Sntm·nviUe, M·y 6th, 1875 . · I

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