. WEST DURHAM TUE MERCHANT AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. u1 rc111n.t c!:1 la.rgely In the rro,vnsh1ps of Da.rhng tou, Clarke and Co.rtwr1ght It is a common platform, open to the £1ee d1scuas1on of n.llques t Ol:i :'l UL wluch tho general public are concerned T:ER~18 · Steam Job Printing Office Knm SIRE Er ' BOWMANVILLE v~ ic e ILvc nty five cents per annu!Dt ffi,ad· The 'Merchant' and Ollser vei,' $2 00 RA.TE S OF ADV.r,RTISING . AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOLUME VII. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO FRIDAY SEPTEMBJ!,F 15 lS76 NUlvfBER '.the Green Fields of the Moon. V\1 ben the moon is at the full, the u11aa~ 'l r t'\u;;.1,r.in1 nd vorh «cm ents 5 cts per l ine first n J :H:J. l n l'i r <l 2c p et hn e r,; ~ ch flub seqi.1cnt one 0 Hc column 1(11.lf :le (lt arter d< 45 per n.nnum 2fS " 15 " L POSTERS , PAMPHLETS, CIRCULAltS, BILL H .I<:ADS NOTES, CHEQUES, HAND,BILLS, LABELS CARDS, TICKETS, &c &c , &, , EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE Roni.an Catholic Frauds at Geneva This little town on the shores of the Le man, had th o di stincLion of pogscss1ng tbe bra1n of St reteI, wlucb lay 11/:iUtl.lly upon the high altur [t wus cxanuned and pro· nonnc1:d to be a pi ece of pumice ato ne Agnin the n1ouks looked grave, v;.h1le sun les mantled every foce oround thetn l he spiritua l treaeu1 v of the little town 'vas iur tber enrtched with the arm of l:) t Anth ouJ '11 he hv1ng arn1 had done va n oue deed s, Uut the dead arm seem ed to po s~e a~ even grcutt.r po\\ er, bnt, alas fot the1 el1catHl1or thoile \\ho had ktsacd and wor.:; htppcd 1t1 and ( s pec1ally those who liud profited so larJ cly by the homage paid to it, it was fouru.t, wh en taken fron1 1ts shnne, to b6 not a humau arin at all, li> ut part of a stag Again there were cnrhng hps and ruock1ng ej C S Nor. d1d th1a c\haust the list of 1hscO\ er1ca Curious little crcuture~, "i~h ln. id po1nte: of th re glov. u1g oa thbn be_ d1ea, \\ oulcl la seen moving about, at 'dewy eve/ ID the cnurc h~ yards or in th e cathedral tu sle!l \Vh1lt could they be T These, sa1U the priests, ure so iir s fro1n purgatory r rhey have been pernutted to re' Hut' the pale ghmpse of the mo ou 1 to excite in lht;ir behal f the compa s1on of tho hv1ng lla~teu with your ahua, tbat )Our n1Jtbers, fathers: husbands, may not bave to return to the toiwenta from wl11ch they ba:ve J uat made their cscap13 'I be ap pearance of these mysteIJOUl!I creatnres waa the unfa1!10g >ignal of another gold en shO\\Cr which was ab011t to descend 011 the pncsts But, said tbe GenP-,ans 1 before be· etowrng more ma8ses, let ua look ~ httle moro closely at theee v1s1tors We never an w anything that. tnore nearly re sem Ult cl crabs with cuntllcs attached to the1n t ba n these souls from p urgatory Ali, yes ' the purgatory nh1ch th ej ha ve come, we 1::1brewd .. ly aus pt ct, 16 not tbe blazinJ iu1.uace belO\V th.e earth, but tlie c.:ool lukc L.,1;1de the city, \\e shall re store the1n to the1r forrn c1 abod e, said they, casting t hem i nto the ""llh 1 'I here came no n1 orc l':l 0Ul8 w1tn fiarnb ea u4 tu solimt tbe chunty of th1 Gtnev ana I/rora lhi; 'lfi '$ tory of Protc1>lt.tnti~rn, 1 ' Dy Wylie, for L!pril GRA ND TRUNK RAlLWAYl- · 'r rains \v1.l l leo.ve Bowmanv1lle Station, owmf1.nv1llc tnuc~ as fol1ows GOI:'il'G '\Vl<St 0-0JNG :RAST - 7 20, am I Exv1ua1;1 , 9 30 am l\ftxed 2 20 p m I Loe ·l 1£ pl uss 9 00 p m Express * l lns tr uu runs every morning: 1Ionda) $ c ~ cepted .. ~xpt'l'.l'if.J 1\{1xu l f.,1 oc:i.l~f l 8 30 a.m 4 10 pm 7 50 p m 9..00 p m of :week, ·· Tl1 Dr. McLAUGHLIN, M. B, L R C P. L R C S, EDINBURGH the ?Yied1cal Council of Ont1'rtO JJ'J. llcmdcncc King Street, two c'oors ea.at of 1\-{cClnng's Carriag e Shop Office Cot'nor of 'l'cn11)crnncc and 011nrcb Streets, opposite Sha;w's Hotel [16 lyl 1\JfJ'~{BElt of Dr. BOYLE, SURGERY---SILVERS'l'. RESIDENCE ON14RIO STREET :Bo'" manv1l1e, ti.n 20th, 1876 Dr. Jas. Fielding, l\fEMllER OF urn ROYAL COLLEGE lloy~l College ofl:'bys1cians, Edinburgh ll' of SuJgcous"'- J ngland, Licentiate of the Cor oner, titC :ReSJdence Cornc1 of Ch\U'ch and Sougog Stre~ts, Bov.manv1llc Dec o<d, 1875 10 tf. = ·· ~ ·= = = ·· a. L7 UJ a ..... +> ti! CJ> · (/J Buflalo B1 ll and a fe\v of our Shoshone scouts \\'ere in advance, and being mistaken ISOLATION by the appronchrng column for an outpost of " large body of Sioux, it deployeil 'hue BY I:Ll NOlt OR.Al' <f ek1rnnshera 1nask1ng a batter) of tbrt c \Ve walk fl.lone through nll lifos \a.nous v.ays, inch orduar..ce, and prepared for an attack Through hght and darkne:ia, eo1.row, Joy, and The only cbarl{ 1ng don~, hov. e' er, was by change, us-upon Lhe replen!Bhed and well stocked Still we are strange comm1a~ary of the Corumand1ng Gt neral Without '\Ve hold nir dtiar Olles with a. firm atr<11g grasp, of the Deparlment of D.ikola 'Vc hear the1r vo106s, look mto the1r eyes, shelter, and living, as \\eh \d bcf.n, upc.n And y ot , betwixt us in that chngtn~ clasp bncon hard tallk, o.nd c0ffte, we \itewcd ~ dH5tance hes \\ith secret CU\) the cauvaa tents. con1fort We cannot kDOW their hearts, howe'er we may able bedfl, nnd lll\It1ug tables of our North Mingle thought, a11p1rat1on 1 hope, n.nd pro.yer , ern comrades ~.,.e had onh a pack train, We cannot reach thern and 111 vain eilsay they two hundred wn~ons and four steam To ent er there boats at the mouth ol the Rosel1ud There JQ, indeed, onl y oue base fron1 v;L1ch lo Still, 1n en.ch heart of heart s a hidden deep r,iea. never fathomed b) its dcanst, host ' iiKht n-'"'d supply an nrn1y ada111st tbe S oux '\V1th closest care our pureBt thoughts 'v c, keep, -the Yellowstone r iver .From it an a.a And tenderest voncc up rrny of tho ¥alleys o[ its nun1erw ons southern tributar1E:J, on whose bn11 ks But, blessed thought 'we ahnll uot alwaya so In da1kn1JE;s and in sadne>is v; aJk al< ne , they congregate, can readily and s"1ftly be Tbe1· comes a glorious day \vben we !!!hall exeentcd The Un on Pacific Rn1lrond ia know too di stant, and "agon tran~poctat1on o'er As we are known I aach au extent of country too expe1rn1ve to -A ugu.st AU.antic be frequently omploved for thlB putpoee Gen Terry bas about seventeen hundred POETRY. due north, v. e met Gen Tel[) 's comrnan<l A MaiTiage m the Surf. Last wmter an elderly Bultunore gentle· mau vroud of bis wealth, discovered that hlB daughter had dared to lo>e a young man far below her 1n the estunat1on of isocteti A week later the Ballimore manSlOil was closed for the sco.son 1 and the na1nes of father nnd du.ughter soon after ap peared on the regtster of one of th· hotels at Narragansett Pier 'lherc was with them a. compan1on, outwardly treuteU aaan equal, but Ill real tty a paid spy over the youug !ady a actions and corre9pondence But be fore a fortnight had elapsed the l oung lover at Ilalt1morc recen ed, one morn1ng, u big envelope couta1n1ng P.. dainty little note \\ h1ch filled him with JOY unspeakable He had a friend \Vho 'vas a. clergyman, and be fore the aun bad set that rnght the two bad a long, earneat conference, which resulted next morning in the departure of the t" ain for N arraJansett Pier From The Yellowstone THE GENi:! ..... ...p THE .UO VEMENTS OF COMMANDS OF QROOK AND TERRY I.LI ::I ti! MAROIIING THROUGH A TEN·llfILE CAN ON-SITTING Dur.Lis MEDICINE BocK-JuN ilTION OF THEJ Dr DAVIDSON, lcge Qf Ph;} s1c1ilJls, England and V1ctona U nn enuty of-V-1c t or:ia. College, Under G1adu1tte and Ptizeman Ol the 1J.m:}'.ers1tj of loronto,and ltoya.l C0lleJ?e of Pl1ys1crnns-..and Sur!:eons J(1ngston Il.fember of the Oollejfe f Phys1 ClHLllS and Snrgeons of 1 Jnta,r10, COfoner, &c i::-1 HADUAIE OF '.IRE. ROYAL COL U ..I - z T" o CoMMtiNDS- CtsTER s L~ST TRAIL- Tm' 0AMPMQJI FO!t Tll"E SEA.SO~ ENDED BrvoU\C ON YEI LO\VSTONE RIV Eh Aug -. Jtci::ndcnce tUl;\nv11le n.na office- rr1 ~rke t Square, :Bow "4. llo\vmnnv1lle, lt) b 24th 1876 22 lly R R LOSCOMBE, BARRISTER AT LAW, :>OLlOITOR IN CfIANOJiJRY, <fo RS = ·- OFFICE,- 0\er McClung's Store, sa.me flat J B:u,na.co:rub s DentaJ n.oom~ Bowman\'llle, Oct 27th, 1868 ly 18 -Yesterday the comb1ned columns of Gena Terry un<l Crook ar rncd u.t this point, the mouth ot the Po~der rn er It will be remembered that tbe latter ldt bis pern1nuent ca1np on Goof.le Creek on the 5th 1nat Proceeding down th1a etrea1n un t1l its confluence w1th th e To1 gn e wna reached, the course of Lhe latter waa foltow · ed, anU its dreaded canon, teu miles ln length, tx:a,ersed in safety until the 7th inst, when the column crossed the d1v1d1ng ridge into the valley of the Roaebnd, reach ing the latter at a point about seven nnles belo\V the site of our engagement of June t:ffec L1ve fighL1ug men of the ScconU und SevenLh Ca\alry, and the Fitth, Sixth, Seventh, a.nd T\\enty second infantry, be· side seventy Crow scouts and the three ptecee of artilterj before mentioned Upon conaultatton with Gen Crook, 1 t wns deter mined that Col Miles of the Fifth Infantry, should r etul'n witb tbe troops from lua regt went, Jntrencb Jpposite Mio mouths of tlJe -Tongue aud Powder rivers ieavnig one or in ore companies at each point, and with tho steamer JJa1 /Yest, patrol the uver- all this with n \Icw of preven t ing the Sioux lrom croQi:nng and ietreatiug into the Britrnh J:!OS sessions 1 be artillery waa ordered to ac conipan) Col 1: h lca, and this plan was put n1to nun1edrn.te execution, the wagon tra.in be1 ng directed to mo' e d owl.l the Yello~ stone S1Sted ei e reat!1l~ d1stmgmshes on hei face certa111 dark gr11y '3pots more or less sharply separated from the bnghter portions Tbruugl the telescope these spots appear as broad le"el spaces, resembling terrestrial seas Ind eed the earher observers mi stook theu1 for sens, nnd bJ that nan1e (Latin, mme) they are known to tbts day They a.re not sens, ho~ ever, bnt ancient sen beds1 now probabl~ neorl), 1f not quite, deshtute of wo.ter vast arid bas1ne hke the Sahara, or the great 1nter1or Utah basin of our own continent Examined more closely, these dned up sea bedt>- to which N eison apphee the 1r regular tut convenient plural ma1e<1"~are seen to have a rolling surfttce hke some of our 'vestcrn pra1r1ee, or to be trav1 ro~d bj numerous long ndges, 1eQembhug the wavelike sand bills whtoh give so marked ancl peculiar an o.op P. arauce to the deserts ot VVestern Austrahni tlie leveler porhoos be ing dotted \\1th lo" mounds 1utersperaed \nth small crater pits In many places for n1ahona of an apparently alluv ial character abound, wh1le tbe anc1ent coast lines ahQW d1shnct tr11.cca of v. nter action Tv. o of these lunar plu1ns- 11:fa1e Rumorurn, and fr/are Ohrzsturn-R.l'e walled ID co1npletely b1 lofty mouutatns, pre<ient1og sLnpendous pre c111 c"'s to the vurnshed aca The larger mare!:! are more hke oceaa beds They run together as terrestrial oceans do, and some· t1mea mc1ge 111to tbe brighter continental regtona, -r;1thout a d1st111ct hno of demarka.. Lion In otller placcl3 theJ show a rugged coast 1ine, r1a1ng IJ1to chft\1 and peakB, and pierced at Limes by vulle} sand ra' 1n cs Olle of the rno~t consp1cuoua of these lunar ocean bed'1 , also one ot the deepest, is k n own as the .lvlare Sm eni tr iti;; Its area 1s nearly 125 000 E.quaie nulc.s \V1tb1n its d ark gray b o1der, from tbuty to e;ghty mil es wide, is nn rxtcnt!nc inuer p1u111 whi ch at tuu es preseute a fine clea1 hght gr en Lint \\ 1tb. a ccutral sLrefll" ot pure "h1tc:, tLe green orea ly1vg I O\\ c r nppnrenL !1 tiH:lll ti ! C grav ex t CllOl Th e gree n t II t 18 ) d 1 ffi cu ] t t o ca t., eui e;xcep t nu det f avorabJ e coucl 1t ions1 an d is ru uc h we ak ene db y tb e eff1,; Ct o1 nu1nerou.a ismu ll wI11 1c 1oun d t:ipot s .1 no ... ~rt) r1t1 Jes Auother of the inoone gree n platns '\as d e cov~I ll , 1 u 1" JY 'J.t f lUJI er in t h e Jr_iaHJ -1: .:wrnor um a 1reacl .} in en 11one d TL is 1s oue ot th e s mallest as well as moc;t drnt1nctly bordered of the darl, gray pla us Its area IS '>0,000 Th e grcai.e1 , por t iou o f II o squ are m1 1ea D. E. McMillan, .ATTORNEY AT LAW, SOLIOI10R lN (JIJANOERY, COIYVEYANCER, <fe N ~wcastlo Oct 8th 1875 NEvVCASTLE. ONT. m51 tf AT 'lH:E OLD STAND. DAVIDMORRI~ON ]\ fR L has plea.su1e in 1nfoim1ng the puhl1c that he. has secured the 1:1e1 v1ces of a. FIRST CLASS BATtBlm anll f!AIR DRESSER and lll pre });;,reU to g~aitee s it18fact1ou anU r~spect fully J:H ltc1ts puLltc patronage Hair cutting and comb1ng nloderate s,v1tches rnade at the e ~ ·· ~ 17 0 n the morntng of the lllh 111st tho combined colu1nu s resumed Lhe trul wluch r Jed across the di11<le to rongue r iver, Oll lhe baokeol wh1choudmabe rnt1fulgro\e\\1 encarnpeu that mght The bodies ol !oUJ dead \'.ihite me11 (1n1ner:1, Judg1ug 1ron1 then The o!cl ~entlemon \Vas forbidden by hlS phy'1crna to bathe m the surl, and the spy hated the sea us the devil is said to hate holy water The young lady en1oyed her bath exceedmgly,and, as the most 10fatuated lover 1s apt to be temporarily duienchanted by the appearance ol his ideal m a Latbmg dress, the father and the spy concludel that no possible be.rm coul.J. come to the "dear child" 1n the water: and so the spy only sat upon the bauk anu \rntched '[he lo>er and the minister reached Providence in due time and speedily won a ) oung lawyer over to their cnuse The lover then w nt to the Pier, and, keeping out o[ Lhe way of the spy, s·Jdden!J appeared before tbe happy girl lU tho wnter A few minutes sufficed for him to propose th<Lt they be married the next da) rn the "ater, am! the Ja<ly promptly consented Back flew the en raptured love1 to Providence, legnl formalities were quiet ly Ul'tn11&ed, the lawyer 1nv1ted a confitlen· t1al fuend as a. \\. Jtnees1 and the next day, when the w.iter was lull of people, a party of five in1ght have been seen a. lttLle a.part from the other bathers The ruamage eere mony had to be suspended every few aee onds on a ccount of the breaker.., Then the Rev D1 0 l t: ..... 0 ()) ti! s! · 1 t£1 t uot1ce ntl moist 1eason~ble rtttes A coruplete assortinellt of c1ga.i-a 1 tobfl.ccos,fand 111pes al" aya 011 hand - [4611) MARRIAGE LICENSES l\lf:R JOILC\ Jl llYNON Lot V, 6th Oon l~.l Darbugton 1 f nen.t Bethesda Church] is duly authorized to issue Marriage License!:'! Di:nhngton, No~ l~.1874 · m8 t f clotlies), ecalped, and exh1b1t1 n ~ ghastly bullet boles on thm per, ons, were louncl bebrnd a rough ly nud apparently <1utckly the one "n1ch opposed arid cbevked our It further progress so sudden1) 1 ul though, as prepared nfle pit near our bivouac ramed hard all mght On the 31st the the1e were very few signs of lipts, it was trail let\ t!Jo Tongue, and precectlcd to probably occnp1ed ten1pornily by a war partv from the main v11lage on the Little Pu1npk1n creek, \Vhither we follo,ved it Big Horn, afterward to trng1cally charged On tlae 14th 've crossed to Powder 11ver, paes1ng the source of Mizpah creeK, \Vb1..:h, by Custer lndee1l, \\C hnve since fre quently encountered th· path made hy th" though r~Ju1c1ug in an exceed1ngl) pretty gallant officer in hia search for the Sioux, Hebrew· name, conbuus J1ttlc wa ter, and Ind1.:ed all of aud wherevel' niet, Custer's lu.st tratl has that very muddy und filtll; for u~ a meluncholy and aad Interest those stre lmb are of the eame characte1, a.11d S1ttrng Bull, it rrot already dead, lost a the dirt5 current of the Rosebud is prirhcu To the l~t grown ac most excellent opportnn1ty for nn attack larly d1 sagrccublc cue tomed to a pra1:r1e ot QiaPs, cacLUR, au'..l. when 've were permitted to march und1s turbe<l down tbe narro\v and confined val- sago brush, there 1s 1nuoh that 'S inv1t1ng ley o{ th e Doge Agrn (Tongue) rhe Hose a.nd pleasant in the proaP( ct ot running wa Lu.d was reachtd in a region con1paratt\ClJ ter and \Vooded valley s, but with tins ex R'\fe from nm buscadea and surprises, bnt the aep+ion there is notb1ng prcposse si.;1ng about whole country appeared to be on tire on the this whole extent of countrj Since 1eav morning of Aug 8 and the comrnnnd found ing the Chug, in Wyo1n1ng, I hrne seen it impossible to proceed furLher, the smo~e onlj one ieg1on with any pretensions to On every s1dc \Vere plainly, v1stble the ln<l1cahons of a latge village, undoubted lj foam leapPd to ciairn the first loss fron1 the lips of the brttle, but the rest of the little com pan) relinquished the1r pnv1lege on ac t.lOUnt o( the atLt::nt1on such a proceeding 1n13ht attract The War upon the Sioux HELEM, M l', Sept 2n<l - "Lhe Jnde pendent publishes corr 1:i ~pondence from lloze Ulf\Il up to .A.. ug Bl, which 13ays that the lrt -' d1ana wbo bt1 d been an ~ O) 1ug Gen Crook a nd <lriv1ug 111 L113 i 1cket s 10~ ec)Jne tim o 011 the Rvsebud, d cepatriug o1 tnl-!1r t ftor t to bring him to b ttL le, broke can1 p and sta1ted 1u the dn l! ct1on of Powder riv er Gen Ct ook follow!!d ou tlit:1r trail, nnd \vl:.en nbout th1rty five wiles up the Ro.:;ebu<l 1net Gen. rer1y 'lh1:; \\US OU the lltlt of A llti UBt. I he forceR "'ere in1111eU.1ateJ) consohd 1ted, aud move<l in pursui t on tho 12th Col . ~i1lea, with six coni paiucs " 1th a1tllle1J 1 \\US de spatch ed to the J:1ver, lli ere to t ike boatci o.ntl pat1ol the stLt;:Dlll to pre\ ent a cros.siog Up to the latest datet1 t he I ndians have n ot show11 an) 1nt.ention ot do1ug so. l he tra1l Jcuds do" n and purnilel "Hh the Y d lowotouc, aUo ut tn ent y u11J ea 1rom 1t It l" so large tb at tbosc uc<1uu1n ted with such th1u gf'I crit1nutt(: tl1 e torct: u.t h orn 8 000 +-o 10 OOU India ns l li e s1g1 s made' are some about e1 ght dil.) S o ti , sOIJH~ five son1e three, a.u d eowe only a J ay or t\\ o ah ead t f U1ook, showuJg tl1 a c tl1ey ruo v ~ u1 d c1a d m e nt~, Lut all purl':lt ung t he s.a 1ue cou n1e 'I err) and Crook let\.. the ~J lln c t nt tllle ry ttnd gaU1ng g uni, t :tk1ng or1l y suc.:.h a r nrn HS they llould carry a ud hHe t ll d d.) s 1a t1one, Jntcutliug tu u1al e a.bout thu ty fiv u 1n1 lcs per daJ By an cxuu11u it1 011 of th e 1uap it \\ ill he aen tbat by the trail the l q1.haus took front v.lte1e fcrL) tuid Ctook louued a JUn ct1011 on the I-tosel>ud, it lH about thuty-f:i\:e uu les to T(Jn guc i1ver, ~nd abou t hult the d11>Lunc c from longue r1\er to Po\.\1lt:r nver the B id Laud13 bi:giu f bc bl: urer of theah ~nenC \\S Jrow J3ozem11u t o }'or L ]!..llis sny s lH h:.:is i10 doubt a ba ttle Las occuned b<:!lure 11ow (Aug 21) He lhtul,, tL e Ind u11s rn te111l lo dru.\v the soldiers into the Bad Land13, v. here th ey cannot use h eaV) guu s, uHl there, in \ l_JO~itlon selectetl by t hcinetlvea, to give the 8oldll'r:l battle lhe I udepend ent s cotreepondent adJ~ ~ 101u what I cun 1~1.un of the Bu.J. Lund~, th e) consist of d et: p, . dn1o st peipen d1c ular ravines, v. ILh here and tbe..te a u urrow trail l~ad1ng down 1uto ou e ot the gotgel, and followu1g up or do\\ n !9;0llJ !j dlst nice, ' here a narrow Lra1l leads ou t uf1t - <l coun try unw availabl e 1or 1Lrt11lery or even l or the cm · plOjIUt:nt oi cavahy Lo .td\autage rlh13 bt.10~ so,\'¥ e can l"t nd1ly see Lhat the I 11d1anF.1 have a tern Lle ud\ u.itage over a lorce like tbot under l erry and Crook By lorced marches the rnen ind horses will be Jaded, while the Ind1d11a will Ue coinparut1vt:ly re· fresbed 01 court:it:: it ls ha1d to conJt ctt:Ie wha t way be the intentions of Si.t t1... g Bull, but I th1uk it 1.s snfc to e;ay th nt he iu t c:){Js to tight, else b1.f.I toll o\\ erti \\ ou ld h ave Et!P'" a.rated into r:111nll part1ca and eluded th o soldiers Frvn1 all I c,Ln l Q urn, instead ot Crook hold1ug tho ln d iaus H 1 .,beck, t bey bavo actually betiieg(:'d hun for six weeJ s, dr1v1ng 1u his p1cketA e'er.) day u:nd otherw1ae bar \ Sl:nng h11u, to prf:vent a JUllct1on with 1c~ry, and \\h en '1 err") 1s 11! ely soon to form a union \\Jth Uiook they e nl cntly fold their tent s nnd awl.\ to grou nd on which tliej can n1ore successfully con1pete against the co1nb1neU fone8 1 where n.i t1JJery c.:~nnot he nsi.::rl, nor e'en Uathng guns, ai:rd where cavah) ca unot operate P.bfLlnst th em 10 s .. ccesstullj 'I ak1ng r ll tbest things 1nto cone1dc1 1t1on, l look w1tb a11x1ct; for the 11ext a nd teat a great di saster r lbe I ndepen dent, ll:~ an edttorrn.l lrLi cle, Sfl J S f: 1 Aged Bridal Pair r n E OLDEST OF BRIDES AND l'HE YOt:NGli:ST 011 OUOO:!t!SMEN AND BIUDESMAIDr3 W BUNNEY, G-enl"l'a.l uilde:i:i a.nd Contra.cter. J obu, ng p1 omptly attended to from the burning grass and t1mher fi 1 ling the valley and l111nt1ng d1sL1nct v1s1on to something lras than flit} paces The n1nrch was resumed about 6 p m and continued until neatly m1dn1gbt Numerous Sioux burial platforrns were en countered a nil despolled by the Shoshones, "ho rutblesely felled the rude scaflold· to the ground and scattereJ the contents of the suspended buff~lo robes ovt:1r the prairie Scalps wbtch putrefaot10n had already sop nr::itea from sightless and gr1nn10J' skulls were greed1 ly senied and trau~rerred to the belte of these vandal wu.rnora, who w11l sport llpon their peroona and cxhib1t them to the asaembled v.d lage as trophies of their braver) and skill lU battle upon the body of u de ail buck, "ho bad ev td eotly bt!en buried in great state aod wag probably kt !led m the Rosebud battle, srnee he hnd two bullet holes in hts chest, Wtre found a handsome mckel plnted, ivory hanuled re volver nnd one buudred rounds oi fixed arn1nuniliun for b1a JOUrney to the 'happy hunt1ng ground ' At day 1tght IJcxt morning we were aw ak ened by the ra1nJ w}uch baa stuce nearly deluged us, all<l be10g without shelter of an1 descnpL1on, officers and n1en h'lve alike been almm1t conata.utly wet We aeew, indeed, to hnve encountered a regular 'rainy seasou hke that of the hop1cs !'he fresh trail of a Inov1ng village and large partv of Ind10ns waa now atruck, lead ing down the strearn In following it, we passed S1tt1ug Bull's celebra ted 'med1c1ne rock, 1 in the crevices of nh1ch nere found proplliatory otfermgs of tobacco depoBlted no~ a week belorc I he mystery of \hlS huge boulder is probahly exphcable as fol lo\\s It is an isolated mass of nrg1lla.ceous sand stone, whose t11des hrn e been worn smooth by o.t1nospher1c a.geuc1ea, nnd at some remote period deeply imprel-!sed by the point ot n sharp instrument 1n rude etchings These appear mo.st distinctly during a11d immed1ately auccecd1ng a r111n storrn, and ate attributed Uy the Stoux to the rnterpos1t1on. of a suptnnatttral po\ver In another gener 1t1on they "ill have dt'3 appeared As I ceased iny cx!lmtnahon at this aboriginal att1et1c \\Outler, I saw Ute John approaching and e1Hleo.vored to en gage in couvcrsat1on with this shrewd Iu dian, v. hose stuy among the whites ha.a en· abled b1ru to acquire no 1ncon8lderable know lede of their tongue 1 John, does the Great :Opmt dra1V tbeee beaut) or ut1ht\ -that nbout Goo se creek and the head of ·ron& ue rt ver, or, 5cnerall), the Big I-l orn l\.!011.1lta1ns Alrnost every where the effects of <l.e, ast 1t1ag ftrcs arc ap prirent The Sioux have litero.1ly ournt up the country 1 Yestordaj, Aug 17th, "e rc1tchctl thrn point, finding lhe steamer Fa1 We st await l\:IOTTO. n1g usi the other boats hav1ug gone do~' n the river, 1n wbu; : h d irection tbe S i oux tra il leads lt is supposed th 1t they have n ot crossetl the Yello\\ atoue, but are upon the Little .&Iie!iouri nver, tO\\~rds which we "Neatness with Dispatch" Office and Shop on Ontauo Street llownrnm ille Mny 18th 187G ll5 tf DOMINION OE.GAN CO'S Something New. lIE tJ NDJi RSJ GNF.D n1fornu1 the Gentlti T men of Dominion, that he is prepared to .oh u.n , n.lmost as good as any Jt;fJ.Ci ~ud ~k e ne'~, - IMPROVED A ND REMODELLED- CABINET ORGANS. ci .... 1:z:: .... "" shall probably start to n1orro'v O~hers a,..,u1n affirm that tbej h1ne di~ta n dcd and returned to tbe a~enc1ea if tlns be true, it 15 most likely that \\C shall pur.:;ue them to tho<>e point~, and either severely puntl:!h them there, or iusist upon the1r uucondi t1onal surrender of arms, a1nruun1t1on, anJ \¥1th the n1oney obtained from Ouater'H 1nen (who had JllSt been paid, and, perhaps, bad eight or ten thousa.ud dollar1:1) they will be able to rcplen1 sh Lheir exhaust c<l stores and nuiterial of waT, unlei;=i the ra<>cally Indian agents and traJers are pre· vented :from having 1ntercvurse wit h them The campaign for tins season Muld ap pear, however, to be in extremi.v, and our next move way be considered a laHt reort To successfully prosecll.tc it iuto the winter season, ,\ 111 r1::quire a reorgann~auon l\len smlecl or faded garment 'J he color is restored, .nnd the coat 01 what cliie puts on n. now ap p eruance Sat),.,fact1on gua.rnntc1.:d or no eho,rge THOS PEA1E. l~ov; mauville, April 21st, 1876 30 tf = pou1cs ~ lt A.DUA rE of J\-Ius1c ..... G Fntintlsh1p, Yoik = ... 'reacher of P1a:no and Org.1n, cu1t1vatlon of ])n...-..;:tc1 LT11ners1ty :!\re, Prof. J. Ruse, S1ug1ng ~ Vo1c.:e 'lhcrou"'h Bnr.il:j, Hmroony 41 ly 1- .Coropos1tion, etc J)arllngton, July 10th, 1874 ..... ::e :z: = R. b:'l.SD. FOLEY, tak out a license as 0 "" t; n AUCTIONEER for tb1s Tov.us]np attention Salea v.:111 receive the boot ly Bowm arn1lle Feb 24th, 187(i :z: .... = !'" a :z: Tbrn Compa-;,y has rec@tly been 1e 01ganized by the add1tion of three of the most practical men from the Factory of Clough & "\Van en Organ Co, Detroit, .!.heh, each takmg an active part m his own parbculai depart ,lilo1· the 1'ownsh~1? of Darlvngton ment, and are now manufactmmg an Organ equal, an~ rn many pomtf superior to any manufactured m the U mted Stat<>.s or Canada Our celeII ~ PHILLIPS, brated ,/ Vox Celeste" "Vox Humana," "Wilcox Patent Octavo Coupler,' H!\11PTON ' "' 1me," Stops, " Flug1e H orn," "]) u1oe t" , " ,..,o P.rolrt\lt att£!1i-Jon g1vcu to sal1.:s etc, on reason~ "('ello," 01 "Clar10net" n.bll:l terJU8 " Cremona," and Grand Organ Stop, and A U C Tl0 N EE R. aild .iiimala .re alike exll.ustecl, and our summer clothing, even were it not 'voru out, v.ould be unfitted for tho inclen1ency of the "~ather iu this lntttude Already we find it impossible to sleep with the single cover afforded by our thm aeddle bl rn·ets B" sides, if tbe Sioux ha\;e di spersed an ll gone into the ngenr.rns, unless f.!truck. there and chaattSed ind1sc11m1nately w1tb the iuno cent, 1f there are auy, 'v.e can only a\l.ait their a.gB em bhng, with ho,,t1le intent, in tl:ris or some other region The early spring, \\hen their ponies are poor and \\ eak, and food for the1nael ves a.ud prov~n der of nny deacr1pL1on for tlieir Leasts d1fhculL to ob ta1n, presents the most fuvorable tln1e for the reaurnpt1on ot hostlhtles, if tbeJ sbnlJ ha\e cougregnted hy that time We cannot tight \\hen there is no enemy The bu1ld1ng of the new posts for wh1Ch u.ppropr1at1on w ls 0111de by Con~rees, 'vil1 probnbly be postponed until next spnng hy recomu1endat1on of Gen 'lerry, alth ongIJ Shcndeu 1a daily expected by steamer, for the purpose of sclepting their eite, and per hnpa to assu;ne conlUH\nd of the iori;t:!S 1u the field The depth of the water rn the u"~r ia insufficient at tb1a season for the transportation of the necessary supph~s aud material But 1nd1an a.lhes have an1.1ounc ed tbe1r intention to return at once, as our proposed route will take them too far from th1.:1r reservat,_ons Tbe four hnndrcd Crowa v.. ho 'vere at th e mouth of the Rose· bud a fow uays ago, h ad a d1flieulty with Capt S auger, in corn mand, ind have gone bac~ to their agency WnJ.. Barton, ENNISIULLEli'. :11rlcs pro1 nptl} ;;,,ttended to O'l reasonable terms All the Late Improvements Can be obtained only m these Organa - IENTISTRY Twc:n.ty-F.i.ve Different Style!'!, for the · Parlor and the Church, the Best Material and 'Vorkmansbip. Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. PRICES $50 TO $1000. Aqenls Wanted in Every County ' J Bnmacombe, L. R.C D· OFFlGE FEES MODERATE. oiM' Factory and Warerooms, Cor. Tempe1ance and Wellington Streets, Bowmanuil/e. · Send for Pnce List beautiful pictures for the Sioux) ' Ma) be so, ~ea , may be so, no ' llo l ou thrnk Stltrng Bull 1>111 give us fight, or oroa· the Yellowstone I ' M1;1.y be so, ~ ee , may be so, no Walk inter 101 I ::i du;lniclly' tinged a dusky green, Eoinetirnes, ery nia"ked, ailorduig a svrong On Thursday even1ug an unu sually ID contrao~ with the pure gray of the bo1ders te1estn:ig marriage ceremony tooK. pla . . e at and high cncJ o~ rng ridges On the west the the resHlence of bir DanHJ L Sawj er 1n grI>e n are i. ex. ends nearly to the edge of the HaverlnU, A1asB, the Re\: A .A . \V1l11an1s, 1n.a 1 e, but elsewhere, as lll the Jla1e Sc1en.i offimaling rrhe br1Uegroom waa Eben II t£ ttis 1t H! sep arated from the border by a Little, E q, 82 Jears old, a native of Hemp· ni;irrcnv daiker fnngc, except on the no1th stead, N I-I, a succes.:;ful Boston merchant west, "'here the gray and green areasnie:rgo The bude 'vas !\-11ss J erusha Paltner, 84 1nscns1bly 111to each other J eurs old, a 'vea_lth) mn1<len lady foi1nerly Still a11other nrea of grean 1s ob.served 1n re siding on Beacon .street, Hoston, but late the ll1ar~ Ohr'ib"l.Um, 011e of tbe inost conspie oi Somerville ri he groomsrr1an was i\inster uou .s ot the moou s dttrk plu.1ntl It 1sco1n~ pletd)l t'nchl~ e d, aud is, perbaps, the deep Anson Ayer, 14 Je;.us old, and the brides est 61 the luna r ?nares i~s inea is 78 000 !lloid l'\clhc :M Saw,jer, a rui<s ot 13 rhc Qquare 1oilcs It;, g1:neral t1ut JS a darkgtay \\edd1ng party conslSted of about th1rty 1111xed wtth an unu11s t lkenble tinge ot g[een, persons, relaL1ves and furnda, includ1og 1er !ugh 11ltlm1nauotJ 'Ih1s espectaJly uu c 1.'enl n1t bue lS see n to best at.lvantage for ages fron1the1Dfant of 13 1nonth<i, with its ~bveral days Ucfurc and a.tte~ the moou is sudgesL tve yrattle, to th ose of threescore full yeare Tbe pa1tie8 to the union are hale These and other color changes on the and hearty, Y. hh no abaten1ent of natural face of the moon-a.:s, for ittslance the dark Jervor Have that '1.h1ch attends ad\an-.;11Jg cn1ng of the great uug plain of Plato with increasing bght, and ltke changes 1n certain years .l\fr L1tLle has been nu.rued once lou g w1uthng lunul' valleys- led Beer and oeforo, and several years ago pas~ecl the Madler to suiigeet that tbej woul l lnd1cnte period of his golden weddu1g To the bride \cgeta tion, were '\'egetal1on possible on the tlie n:l11llo11s were new r1 J1e early Lotirs of sndace oi the moon Dut bav1ug UC{ep-.ed Bessel s vonclus1on that lhe1e could lie nc1tbw the hone) moon urc to day being spent 1u au er aJr nor "ate1 on the lunar surface, and excursion down the iiver in the Queen of con ~ cqu e ntly no hfc, tho!:e iuuch re~pcct e d the Mennnac, the party b1:1ng Joined by s1:lenographera could 11ot enterta1n the by- the OJd Fellows and Daugutcrs ol Rebek· potbetHs of lunar vcgett\tiff·1,howe\ et 1:3lrong ab, to whom they \'.i1ll present a practical the evidence might seem Bnt Bessel s op11non, UEI our reudtrs alw illusLratton of how the odd arc made even ready know, is inconsistent not only with Tl1e ro1nance of tf1c affair 1s, thnt lVIr Lit the eont11t1ons on 'vh1ch be based lus calcu tlc, 'longing for a kindred sp1r1t, 1 aa<l lA.hMa, but also \\ith the results of more re- vca101ng for a heart that could commune cent s t udies oi the state of tbe inoou s aur fac e So ior Jrou 1 beiup; an airless, 'vater w1Lh his own, tnade proposals to M1;:s · pul JesB , unal terable desert ia chuogeless mass of mer several monthe ago, 'vh1ch were then dead matter, like so 1nuch volcanic scorui., uot lookeJ upon with !aver Wtthm the the rooon is now knov; n to have an at mos~ ph~re of considerable , 01umc and denl:!tty, past ten da1s 1 however, an ans\\ er was re to present abundant evidence. of physical ce1ved, rever!-l1ng tlle former dec1~1on and acliv1tv aud change, and to ha.ve Ill all pro· asscutJng lo the proposed union 'rhe 1naulbab1hty water enonr<h .to make htc e11~1ly en Lecanie his vfftanced, u.nd the necessary possible on its surface preparations for the nuptial ceremonie;:, The moo!l is dying, but very f11r from dend Being 30 much smaller than the 'vere hastened, so that the event took place 'I he 'euerable pair are to earth, it bai:i ru11 its course more ra p1dl), last 1.~ven1ng but is sl1ll n good way off lrom tliat goal ol rnake tUeir abode m this city -Boston Globe ultimate cleadnc.ss to \.vh1ch so mnnyastron oulcr~ huve tbeorctlcall) ass igned. it r1h(te In a Druggists Shop is not tho slighti.:st adequate e\1Jence, Ne1 son ""fl.) El, of the popular' lC\\, und 'Hs tluth \Ve h ear less about tbe adulteration and would be ad null ed by no astrouon1cr "ho had ch \roted sufficient attention to seleno abort measure of drugs tban about those of h 11 ] graphy to enable hnn to t oroug 1 y rea ize food, and, as a rule, we 'is1t tho drugg1st the probable present cond1 t.1on ot the 1noou Such !mug tho case, the hvpotuem tliat w1Lh ruore ot a1mple 1a1th than the prov1· the rnoon e ereeu pla111s di:ri11e the1r color siou werchant But it 1a \\ell tu be on ones frorn vegt tat1on ce[lse ::; to be nnpvoe1ble or guard. Snroe atartltug r evelations have re absu1 d 'lbe evidence l'3 not ot a character cen t4y been n1 ade in one of the largest to JU stily a pos1t.1ve a::;scrt1on tnat thti myth Ha l rnan in tnc rnoo1 niay have o.buuclant towns of Eoglatid, sho\\lng that ,n inak1ng pa8turuge tor hie cattle , but lns case ceases up prescnptlons dt uge:;1sts sowetlmea fail to be a.beolutel) hopel ess when a thorough not only 111 supplying the 1ngred1ents pure, go1u g sclenog1apher can say, as N eieon doea, bt1t in uieasunn~ them" th the uectissarJ tbn.t the moon maJ ponseas an atmosph ere that must be regard ed as fu ll\ enpa\Jle ol care aJHl a ccuracy s1u!tn1n1ng \anons forn1 a of \egetat1on of Several p1escr1pt1ons were \liritten out b~ even an a d v lnceJ. t) po, thut it does not 1.p quo.htied pe1sons, nnd lt was so arranged pco. r !tow 1t can jtls tly bP ques tioned tbnt thnt each ot these should include a full the lunar suifa..,e I ll iavorable pos1t1ons may yet rctaiu a su1llc1ency of moisture to sup dose of some ex pensive retneclv, capa.Ule oi port vegetation of Ill f\ DY ku1ds, and that 1n ready and nccnra te est1mut1on tn n mixture a very co11 ~Hle1able portion ot the entire The3 \\ere presented to certaiu local drug surluce of Lhe 01oon 1 the tempera.tnre would gists Thfl result was d1sappo111hng A J'lOt vary sufficlently to n1nterrn.lly affect the er1es of three sntnn1es, in '\htch 120 grains cx1stence of vrge tabl e hlc · Who can tell but that tbe alorctuent1oned of iodtde ot potnssnun "~re prescnbed, 'vere I 1nan 111 the moon m in 11ot follo{\ the plan fnund on ur.nl) SU! to conta in 122, l2.0, and of the African tribe wb1cb Llv111gsto11e tells 76 g1 a1ns ieepectn clj Of other three sam of, und keep h1n1a~ll and h1a cattle Jn ex pies l\ h1i;l i:o lionld huvc c...intu1ued 40 g1a1na tt:!u E nve lunar c iverna wbere the tetnpera Lure rn unilonu and\\ A.t er abt udant dr~ v ol ifll!Jbate ol quunne, ono co:otinned only 1ug thelll :forlh npou th ese great [.;reeu fic.lda gra1us, or lef:lo than one tlurd of the re for a furt1ngl1tlJ f~er\ \Vhcu the SUtl lS np quned amount Of twelve samples of glj for 1Ls loug do.Ji:. and the grass in good con ccr1ue, only fivo ""re pure llnd of tbe stan a nion 1 Jules '\- t'rDO ought IJOt to neglect Tllree sa.111ples of c1tr1c acnd \\ere so 1uv1t1ng a held of exploration - ScieriUJtc dard to\in<l to contain a t1ace of lead A~nc1'tC Ct?t -- ...... -- -----::.. l I I 9t NcGLU:RG'S Store 1~74 Bow1nan \ 1 lle D ec 11 tf Address DOMINION ORGAN CO , BOWMANVILLE ONT a heap/ which v.aa h1a rather uupohte 1n v1tallon to 1 move on Could any crvil1zed diplomahst be mot~ non comu11tLal 1 On the morn1ng of the 10th inst, wht:n about twenty live miles from toe Yellow· ~toiie, and JUBt where the Hose!Jud turns ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. 1 Also General ,Ag,nts for Canada, jM the BJ1ADBURY PIANO Live 1 pool LoP.don, a'fld Glasgoiv Rice &; Barker Agents fO'I' the Counties of Durham, Victoria, and North 1?\)TI 'li(:kc s < r Jn fr l In tb~ n...t. llppl:-,; to amd South Ontarw. .L1 "\V A }l .1,~ADS, .Agent J_: .,,, ttilL, 1Jh June 9th From these facts \\8 n1ay l ~arn how necee fluru1 h tj nud va.t1ence are the surest f!at) it ..rn, iu the purchage of such nu iw proofs o{ the 1nt r ea8e of lo\e portant article aa med1c1ne, to deal only Where there 1s little foitb, th ere ts httle It IS tl1 e n1:1.turc tbe hun1an diaposit1on Yi ill.i those of \\hose care and character we shength and hltle JOJ - Luke xxiv 2o have by enqinry <atisjied ourselves The to hate 11 0 1 wbon1 you have lnJured b· lli.t may be t11e dearest, but in n1attera of The Ch r1st1an mav t on.st, only never I D To be m norent lS to be not gmlty, but to be v 1rtnous, is t o overcome aqr f cyil 1n health the \asl t!Jmg we should take mto himself, but e>er m the Lord - J er i~ ? co ntstderalion is exp ense -Oassel s Magazine 24 tentiona It rn e-.;1d cr1th t be 1ntcntio11 of the e:av 1gca to lure th e truovs in to th e l3ad La ud"', or, e'ad1ng th e111, t o escape north into B u tu= h America The succt:ss ol l ithei plan w11l br1ug th '-' cruup l.l f" ll to a disastiouo and 1uw excui::able tc r unn a t1ou Th e lon g 1ua cll on at Tc1ry nnd Crook, to put the mo ~ t f n.orable con i:; trucl!on on their condnct JS unp<lrdonable N eit bet has nrnnliestcd nny O'\ler\\helnung des re to encounter Sitt111g Bull It at all sohc1tous uf an engnge rn E'nt, it cc ulJ hu.ve b"cn brought about and the lnd11Lns d1acor11hted t\\ o v. e12ks ago ..'£h e fai.:t is, th e entue c1\n1pa1gn has been fl. dJ "· astrous failtue, and the aunounceu en t that T erry null Crook are bravely t ollo'\\1ng on the tra.11 lour <lu.) s Lichn1d the savages v,;ill not rehcve thcru Jro111the1 gnonnn y of gross 1ncon1pcteucy in the n1a11ugcment of a can1va1gn that rn1gbt '\iery faSJ}) ha\e bten nJade a succe'1s Th ey have been ignoran t ot th e p1oper way to i1µbt I nd1ans, or havB been druid to do it Either horn of !he d1lennna is not c1ed1table to their bu\very as ofl1cers or then skill as con1 mandera I L I or J81Jt, tf-3) Bo\\rma!lvilleJ Dec 21st1 187fi. ' \) I · r .. i ' ·