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Merchant And General Advertiser (Bowmanville, ON1869), 15 Sep 1876, p. 4

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~ .· ~ 1 · .... ,· - ...... ~ ............... ~ · · ...... .. , .. · l-. · .. 3 .. - - - - -- .-:C:---·- - -- · ~ _} THE 1'IERCHANT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 1876, POETRY. F"lling Leaves. · r:l'he ,voods r· e tuonng bro\vn 11gn.1n. · · - ~- . . ' troubled ..Y "' ' '-1 , wi· ,h,·n 1 t ro11v ,· ~_ . .,___.......,,. andputto~nespcn ,.. ~1 t~ · Their s\unnier charms 11.r~ dJ mo~n the f-im;I .· ' ti1nong t hose who labor in And Jeavtiij that were the first h· ootn ' e old. '!'hes~ '6ur registration reports Upoll the g round are h,.,. ., ; tlo not discdn1inate; nnd \vhcther the farmer'a Anll like the hopnl.!_we c1tv:.ne2!. I J1re "fe'!Zibr ' 11Vf earns w e s attereJ, wife ia long-lived, or the fo.mily req_uire untuiua · d medical o.ttendunr.e must be largely derived '\Vhen ng fancies ~ll e d t h e lllJll , . 1 e falling- leaves are scattei·od. through indirect evide_ nce. We derive sonie facts fro1n tl1e valua.ble re· "J'ho l(!af that d.ccktid tl1e talle!=!t tree , ports of tho j\f a.ssach~setts Bonrd of f!ealth, Throughout the sumlnei· ·weather, and especiaHy from tbo able article of Dr. Now "W.ith Uw very lowest 1no~s F. A. Ada1ns, ofPittsfiold, who ha.a m[l.du, ap. J,'E:H side by i!id~ tcg<.:ther; patently, nn extended and most Ptudy Au rl rm the prondc!3t huro u.n heart~, . of tho hN~lth of the fM·mcr, \\ lltlll l'J1:1'1:1 eareer i<; ended, We first rernark thatthu farrr1ing 11011ulati6n ·.rogether wi.lh the meeke~t ones is tho nwst strictly A 1nerican of all the classes \V'ith common dm~t aro blcnJed. that compoi;e 'o ur population. In 1870 the census showed that of the fru:mcrs in !tfnssachu'J'he growi11g- wealth of green thnt camo · setts 92~ per cent. \Vere A1ncrican born; and Jn apring-time'e ~ 1ddy rr1D1. ··ig. th~t they included one-eighth of all persone And spread its i;heea the woodland o'er having occupations, and one sixteenth Qf t11e 1."hc forc3t tree adjoinin;.r, whole population over the age of ten years. Is fa.:ling slo\v]y, fa.cli·1g now 1.'hiE class of ow· people comfo1 ~able n.nd Liko a weary mi.dni;,ht embor, pro!'lporou~ ; occnpy wr· in buildings, arc 'vtlll .1.1 ·1d soon l'-lui ll lose it..B 11 <itre fed.not over\vorked, and a':'e the~r O\\'ll masters. In the a.<ihc::1 cf November. Theirfa.milies nre ui:mally 'vell cduca.ted, and 'l'h~ forest sun~ha·'~ voice if1 hoa.rsO, their hmnes contain many of the luxuries and Tho wl~ip·pcor-w:ll fa werp·y con1forts, . No rnore is h'?ard th a J:i..nghter In vi~w of the "inte(·gc"nce of the .fa.r.rn ia~ , or the mountain thn1sh E-0 chee:.._· .: class and· famil-ica, w~ trnst that .. a quite A change comes over nU tl-e land, J\teral quota.Hon oft.he opinions of fo1~y-six: And youth to :i~~ is tu.. Jingphysicians, scattered throughout the State, Tho sunimt;r skioi~ that er5t were clear rnay be of ~ome ser\ :ce as a, text a.nd as a pre· 'Vith blood·TeJ c~ouds are b1nning. ventive. '!'ho question given out wM : "VVhat causes tend to injuro the}) of fn.11ners ;;l·J<l The n1idnigl1t delVAcome softly down, thOOr fan1ilies ?" Then 'duight rains chi1.!ng, And by their frigid breath t.hll frAiil0 verwork is mentioned in .. , . . ·.·...·. 21) ca,se» Exposure , ........................... 18 " J'he beautiful are ki' 1 ing-, Improper diet ... , ·... ............... 22 " 'rhtlS f:tde tl!e ra:re3t dreams of earth,~ Sruiitary def~ctR, pertaining to barn'l'he we'd fondly cherish, " yards1 hog-pens, privies, drains, or r 1.· P ·1d fain would lre~p to love tl1rough lifo, thy cellars ....... . , .. , , , . , ......... 10 ...<\.re ever .first to peri.l:lh ! ~.. ant of V£'ntll11.tion ...·. ....... .....-. 7 '· Overwork an1oug women. _ ·.· . ·..·.. 6 " -. A person may livo l ong, however, be a sufferer fro1n e-ithcr occti.sional or ous ills, \~thicll may be bard to bea.r, being necessarily fatal ; and the far ~ he in ...,ood hea.lth and yet uch and yet continu- :Oa.ily.....Ii1ne to Rochester. (Jc1nn1encing on or 11.bout THURSDAY, THE MERCHA~T h~B w~out itnaelf 20'l'H A!' HIL. now a bima fide is now ragiug at THE STEAMER TIELEVENS ' I n.n<l \Vi th the exception of a few, these 11<ts~ into the hands of the peopl1;J of .,,..est Durham. The public will at on co eec the 1\tility of the paper as n.n Cicula.tion of 1000. Don't Read this, the N ewest thiµg of the season~ . unless you wish to purchase ADVERTISING MEDIUM. 'NORREMAN,' (R. CRAWFORD, MASTER,) I$ Baa No Bqu.el stnntly demo11M tr:i.tcd. in this constltuenoy, and this f::\9t is being con · If you have lust :-1.UyLhing, ad,·el'tise in t.hif'. paper. · If you have fouud anything, advertise in ·tl1e 1fl:~H. CHA..i.'{'J'. If you \\'l\nt to sell noyt.ning, advertiao in this .r. , .Y.i ll her regular trips on thi8 ro utu,lc:l.ving- Cobourg every 1notning at 7:30, and I>ort l"[ope at 9 o'clock, fnr ltochostcr, connecLiug then with the Ne\v YoTk Cc11tru.l, J:\ T orthern U eutr~l anti. l~rw RailwayM, nnd Lakl;J Ontario Shore Division of the Rome, \\Ia.tert.own and Ogdenflbnrgh R.a.llwo..y for all points East, ¥lest and South. RETURNING·. will let~ve Cha.rlottlj (po11t of Rochester,) daily ~t fl P. ~1.~ except Sntnr· days, when ahe will leave at 3 l'. rvI. for Port Hope direct. TJealers in stock, ,&,_c., \vill flnd tl1is the cheo;pcst and most oxped1t1ons route· to Boston, Albany, New York, &c. · For further infornH\.LiOn a.fply to ---o--J lf you 'vant to ,buy a:i;iything,itdvertise iu the Tu{EltCHAN'J'. . I If you \Vant to 1· the public, use tl1c · colu1nns of the ?i,fEl~Cll.t\.N'l'. · pn.per. s. NEVV MASON having opeucll. his R. Cl A WllORD, . PORT HOPE, Or C. F. GILDERSLEEVE (29-tf.) ICrNGSTON. ' ·:Royal .A~ain Triumphs. and he 1e determined to continue I,~ sell at these ruinously low prices As a. w eekly Dewsprtper, the :&iEROHANT is cheaper tb:tn the cheapest. Why he can do it-sca.rccly excelled. Sixteen colu111ns of careE)rst, )lo buys for aud knows just how to bP.y ! fully select.ea rcadil1 g matter ap1)ear in ,_ ( iHsue, coinprising Literatu1·c, Second, wliat pari't buy cheap enough, he manufactures Ag1··icultu1·al, F'amily lluiding, Third, he ·1 is sa,tisfied with small profits! Genei·al a)id I..t0cal Newsall fr.esb and reOOablc. Fourth,' he sells for ; . Subscriptiona tu.ken RDiY time during the . }!'if th, he sells at bottom prices. , year. .'~I . -Qf OUR RATES ARE LOW. STORl=G with ·~foll a.ssortment of he ' STAPLEBARGAINS DRY FOR GOODS CA.SH,· is to offer I . CJ.ALL AND SEE .FOB YOUBSXLVES, TERMS 75 CTS,,JN ADVANCE. AND BR.ING YOUR FRIENDS WITH YOU. Exa.tnine · e stock; which comprises everyth ing in tlre tntQ.o]?~ the very la.test antl most elec·a.n styles and pattern_ s1 of ]~nglhih, Canadian, n.nd Atn~erican inaoufacture. " FOR JO:S :PRINTINGwe have every \'Vo do not facilit)~. Vi'Ot:k --:o: - - that will corn pare with any Store in .the County. fof notltiug, or fun, bnt our prices \vill be found Low, oo onr _ p resses are run by steam power. He still conti.nues to n;ia.nufacture to order, from the best of ml\terial, aud none but workmen kept. . Crumbs 'for Chickens. An exchange says that any fan1ily Singer JAMES MttUOY. man who says he is too poor to take Bollevillc, Sept. 30th, 1875. a newspaper, should be indicted by the Got first prize on the Jtoyal, at ]:;'air here, beating Whijeler & "'~il~on and e.vt:lry other ma. grand jury for obtain;ng a family under respondents Chine. Grl;'at contest. JAMF.. c; BAUllETT. I-theumatism js m12nLioned by ........·... 28 false pretences. . B rockville, Sept. 25, 1875. Pnetunonia ...· ·. ..... .......· , ... ........ 12 RQyal took fir6t prize at ~nionvil~e, coropet· Travelling Agent (to melancholy look- PulmQnary affectioDs·................·.·....10 ino v1ith the Wheeler & '\V1lson, Singer, and ing old gentleman) "Don't you want to :E'ever8 . ....... ... . , ........ , . , ...... , ..... 2:3 others EvERTTS HAGA.lUllAN. Dyspepsift..,. , . , · · . . . . . . . . · ...............10 ' TlLSONBUitG, Oct. 11, 1875. get a domestic magazine?" Old gentle- Phthsis ............ : ............·...··.....· 0 . li'irst prize for Royn.1 at Union Exhibition man-" No-no ! My wife is all the do- Bronclutis. ~ ... , . , . ·" · , ..·... , , ·. , ..·.·... . 4 here over all competitors. MAT'l 'IIEW S·1 EWART. Oatr-rhal ll-il~ctions ...... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . · 4 ' Woodstock, Oct. 6th. 1675. .r"\ mestic magazine I need. She blowsDiatrhrea. and dysentery ....... ...... ... ..... 10 l~oyal took first. prize at Exhibition here,over - · _ \ the whole house up every day!" all co1npet.itors. MATTH:E'\' STEWAUT. 1 1 of \VOrk ..··..·······..·· 3 lgnoyo.nce of hygienic ... , ....... Aux1ety .......... ···· . ············· ~ ·· In·door life of women ...... : ......... 3 """' aot of recreation ....... , ........... 5 . ' 1 Neglect Qf bathing ...... . ..... ..... .. 2 :: Da1np cellars . . ...... ... .......... ... 2 Of the prevalent diseases by forty·nine cor- Irregu la.r~ty i :: By Telcg1· aph to Gardener & ·wing achine, Co'v Itami l£on.. Cornwall, Oct. 2, 1875. Royal got first pr ize at G lengarry_ t C(iunty l·'i:~ir, over the W tibs ter, Osborne, and Ne'v York Show Bills Sale Bills . Orders Promptly Executed, and Qil>d!~ -Fits ·Gttaranteed Hand Bills Ht1 ha.a in titock an endless variety of Lad!es' and Gents' Safdi~S~ rrr~1Dlai, Valises, etc., a.11 of Programmes ·w hich he is selling cheap fof cash, Cfrculars ~·i · \I Remember the Sta.nd " BIG BCOT " dra;wu £Y Two Horse~, King St· Bill Heads Cards .MJ.. 'l'RELEVEN. Bowmnnvllle, lliny 13, 1874. Pamphlets 1 ' I l · ' Call and. examine Stock. l-Iighest :!?rice for :Butter and Eggs. ONE DOOR WEST EXPRESS OFFICEBownmnville, April 12th, 1876. bp-ol5-m20. TO TI-IE PUBI_JIO.. W AI,TER 'VIGG I <-~ SON, i. I n.nd everything from the size of a Poster large N returning thanks ~o ~heir n~1merous .customers and th~ public gw1eraUy 1 for f:\VOra, enough to cover tt. barn to a half-inch strip, \VOt1ld respectfully invite their B.ttention to our present stock of fur11i_ ture, as we have lately printed in good style, a1n.1 at city prices. at;lded ~hereto, that we m~y thereby be enabled to suprly :\ll parties who ioay to favor Spocilncna of Wol'k can be seen at our office. him \v1th n. !IBU. Great inducements held out to those purchasing at uur eota. bliahment. I'ic· SaJnples of the different Work handed ont, and the cRsh t~ken for it t1~1·es , Loo]nng Glo.ssos, etc. frn.1nod to order,_an<l ll1 every style . kind of o ul<liu r;~ can be f.lcon at the ware·roo1n. \"Ve would beg to infornL yol1 that C, BARKER. hi:i.ving purchased a ' · Manaqer SPLENDID NEW rrEARSE, . 'vt:i shall be ready <1it a 11 times to n.ttend funernls, on short noticu and reationabh1 ter1ns N. 13. - Coriins k:pt on han<l and made to order, nt the l... ];>aria, Oct. 3rd, 1876 .. SHE HELD.- A cyn ical old first table are, or should be, under the control Rave taken first pdi.e with Royal at :Fair bachelor, who firmly believes that all of the jndividual., 've can ret\li.ze tbeimpottance here, heatiDg the Raymond and Sing-er. WlJ,I,L\.M SNIDER. women have something to say on all of a better understanding uf byf,:enic laws. In Na.pauoo, Oct. lfith, 1875. subjects, recently asked a female fricnc, the second table we ha\·e rheumatism mention· Royal }la.f:l taken fin>t 11ri7.e at Fair lii;ire.ovrr "Well-, madam, what do you hold on this ed f ·at among the prllv ci 11.:11L disflases; and this Singer, Howe. \ :u·, Osborne aud others. 'l' HE t fouble, although uot M yetlentirely under our .JAMER TIARRE'.l\ question of female suffrage?" To him Harley, Oct. 13th, 1875. - - the lady responded calmly, "Sir, I hold cotitr'Jl, either in its..-causfill or effects, yet mo.y Royal takes first priz~ at this l!'air, for family bti J11 ··gely d!minished throu~h proper work and light lll!lnufacturing. my tongue.' Pnetunonia, in tnrn, is 11sually l)redispOf:l(·d by ' 'VILLIAM SN1DER. An Irishman on board a vessel when cc;nditions which may often bt<obviated. And These victories conclusively prove that U1e she was on the point of foundering, a~ to fe\'erl', we f ·1d ourselves altnost rencly to li,;ht running Roys.l, is the people'1:1 fu.vorite,iind -os:ty broadly th at t he mere existence of fever is, being desired to come on deck, as she the was going down, replied tha! he had no tho rcsu lt of o.ccidentnl or gross carele.,;sness . BES2' FAMILY SHWING MACHINE. wish to go on deck to "see himself indeed, a.s n. general propo~ition, i~ little The Manufa.ctnrcrs lately added to it, the · kr.owledgo _ and consi<lerablu ac~iou uu this gt'ea.test nov~lty of t he age, the l'"toyal ~a1"flifJ . dro\vne.d." 'l'he Liunp ~ knowledge woul<l a.uffice to reduce tbia ser.ond Holde1' f.01· Sewing· ac?iine:~· upset, nor the Oil soil t he woi;k ; and it Do You want a of at a cheaper rate tl1an A Young and beautiful widow was 1ist at the least 4..0 per cent. of ita present num- never i~ n.rransed to throw the light on ·any µu,rt of about to., marry a ,;ch old widower. bers· 'rliia it? to say, nmqng people who rnust , tlie wol'k, e"Oabling th e operato1· to ever you bought a eb of Cotton before ? · work as well by night as by day. H.c£ friends wished to know what she have one of these nine complaints, none should GO 1'0 iYiaGJ,UNG BROS. THE PATENT ALUMINOUS and ORSold by - ,;anted to marry him for. She replied, suffer' from f~YL"l' or dyspepsia., a.nd but few .r. s. DONEY, TrBoNE. NAMENTAL BUILDING PAPER. fro1n diu.rrb.rer~ or dy~cntcry. u :For pure love, I Jove the groun d"N.B.-Agent for First.cJai:is :&:fm;~cal J11 stri:i~ Do You want to select cheap in price and new in PAI'BR OIL-CLOTH and CARPETING 'IbEtSq, dis~ases iuo not the nauic~ for states 1n 011ts-"\V. Bell & Co's. Orga.n, llallett & Dav1..S meaning the estate, probably-" on Styl~, from the largest stock CVfll' ·brought into Bowmanville? t~d Ifnrdman Pia.nos. . iuto which Q1n ~'yatem fall~, a.nd u1rna.lly rc5ulL which he walks." Also t e Celebt·ated Vl altham and EhPn GO 1'0 McGLUNG BROS. fro1n ·exposure of kinds. JJ:e vers, of SOLE ACENT FOR THIS PLACE. v..ratche111. A Public official was at dinner in Wor- which the slo\~ aud typhoid fevers.Jenre the type, Tho Subscriber, thanking his very numerous ·so'/IEI fJNJl 700Jfl OJ, OfJ cester when the hostess sa id to him, Orif,:nate u::nu\llY., if not invariably, f;ro1n a low customers for past patron age, (having Rold A Large Stock Just Received,-Pliiin and Or"It isn't possible tha. I neglected to or dt'Jpreasctl state uf the ·11ystem, alld living in 1."wcltt:e TJ,oueand JJ0Ua'n1 lV01·th jn 12 rroonth namental, both f(j)' Walls and ~'loors. solicits t.b1:j1· contin ucd p:.t r<Jnage,by renaonab give you a spoon." He at once arose the presence of atmosphere conto.ining germs, of prices, fair dea.) ingP., ancl i:;uarantccd sa.~fa puu 'IU1lA\. UOJ.. OCT and offered his pockets for investigation. which sewor emanations aro usually considered t ion. J. D. The Paper Oil Uloth and Carpet~ng is a Chen.p --~----------the typo. Now, we feel safe in· asserting- that Nove1nber 18th. 1870 · and Durable Snhstitute for Oil Cloth, " PLEASE, sir," said a boy \vith hvo Do' You want MILLINERY, MANTLES, or FANCY f the fa,rmer keep~ his ~celfa.r~ i:;weet. clea.n, and bottles to a grocer, "mother 'van ts a a.\ .. ecl;· nncl bis drniua;{e good about his house, . , The Che1nicaJ.a with \vhich the Pnper is satur~ GOODS? a.tecl, render it proof against .Rat.a, lt'Ioths, cents worih of your best yeast." '·'Well, even including the soil drainage, he will b~ sur· GO TO McCLUNG BROS. o.nd Mi.;e, which bottle will you have it in ?" vriHed at the i1lCrl)ased health o.f llis fatnily and "Please she wants it in both; and · thedecrea~e of his doctor's bills. 'l'yphofd or GENERAL GO:NTRAG1'0R .Do You ·. want or or other won't you put corks in 'em, and send low fevers\\ :n be a.b no!::t unknown j " and, in ad. AND B UI.J,DER. '.em home, as I'm agoing t'other way; dition, he has guarded n3a.inst th~t , fell Kew co TO McCLUNG BROS. and mother says she ain't got no cent, Euglnnd scour;;e, consumption. It iH probable Manufacturer of Sash, Blinds that more than fifty per cent. of diseases which but you rnusl charge it." Anothef ·thing much W!\Eted, meet the farmer and his fnmily aro preve11tible, Doors, Mouldings, and WinH I~:Iiia," said a clergyn1an to one of ind easily fl0 through this 'one action-viz., dow Frames, i'hiJl Polish give~ a most elega.nt histrc,a~<l,<lriet> his parishioners, whom he saw with her dry, sweet, clean, ventilated c" eHars, perfect ' ' inatautaueoludy: · Casing." With QT without Don't pu{·chase your Summer Cloths before inspecting McC!ung Bros. hair in curling papers, " if nature had cesspool ~yatem, l.ltitl removal of surplu>i and With or iuithout Band Moulds. mqst extensive stock of' · i Nothing ever discovered bedesigned your hair to curl, it would stn.gnant water from about the house. TWEEDS, W 0 RS T·E D C 0 AT ING S, &c, 'l'he stomach is, however, largely the key to have curletl it for you." "It did, sir, foi-e to equal this Polish, J\1cClung Bros. Tailoring Depm-tment will bike the lead, as usual. when I was a child," was the reply; hen lth, forit" is 1hrough tb is orgnn that all the. "hut 1 <uppose it thmks that now I am nutriment of the system must pa;s, ond all Planing, Planing & Matching, -----,-0'---~ FOR !!'OR the force taken with the 1ooa must be transsawing and Turning, old enough to do it myself." Ifyou want a McChingBros. will" you. ferr~d. We :r.nuat. therefore, cot1s.ider tho. tle· P.iano FO?'tes, B'if'fj.(Jies, A lively pupil at a seminary asked mn.nds of a. healthy stomach. Thi111 org:~n be· you wjtnt a 1'IcClung Bros. will you the preceptress for permission to drive comes habituated to a systew It seoretes the Clocks, Cutters, out with a gentleman. "You know the fluid \\·h.icb in pa·.~ disorgan izes the food ru1d di· Ornamental Pickets, ·iln every vari- If you want McClung Bros. will yo regulations of the institution" was the gestsit. Now, so Jon g ns this organ is in order ety, and SC1·oll Sawilng, PiotW1·e Fm1mes Sleighs, If you want a l\fcClung Bros. will ii you. answer. "Is he your father ?'!"No." man anpea.ra to get the better of hid surroundof~ every description "Is he your brother?" " No." 1' Are ings Solon~ as th~ facility to dig~st is pres· or any kind of and all kilnds oj you engaged to him?" "No, but I ex- ent, ii l health u~ed scarcely be fearctl. How DONE TO ORDER, important, then, to gua.rd this iroporta.nt oi·gan pect to be before I get back." V a?'n·islwd on tho Varnished at l\foClm:~g Bros., da1nage. \Vh::i,t the farmer requires ia That answer carried the day. SHORTEST NOTICE. rog11lar"mcals,and~J11l.t slowness of eatillg \vbich at McClung Bros. and at McClung Fwrniture. Carriages Sir Boyle Roche was deeply impress- allows the food to be 1nasticated before being Bros. SOLE ACENT FOR THISJ PLACE. ed with the sang.iinnary dispositions of swa.llowod. He must gm· ·J ugaioat su1{, be· HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER &c., at McO!ung Bros. the French revolutionists, and invoca- oaus1:: hH v.·orks at th:r:i:s hard, and harrl. work on Shops on Liberty Street .. .North of the Eastern House, Bowmanville. ! ting some measures to prevent their in- an ove1·.loaded sto m~ch is sho,vn by experhmce Bowwauville. July tllh, 1874. . 41-t.f vaqiug Ireland, he said to the Speaker, to be injurious. Yet he inunt eut [~buod:~ntly. throughout theSeason ut . " Sir, if measures are not taken to keep . In thia respect, as in the work of hij {1:1irm, be THY, Rh<.1 1ld use common eensc. Then as to the these blood-thirsty· 1.1ffian out of Ire- cl1at·actcr of the food. I.c.t him. a ..·oitl the habit A~ tuma , . a L .rge Stock on ha.nd Of DOMINION BANK. land, they will break into this very of toai-chinking or 'vater·d.:nkin.g in excess n.t BOWMAKVILLE. House, and c.ut off our heads before meals. If he must drink largely, let him take Hardware, Pairits and Oils, our faces.', · $1,000,000 it at other tiines, Eat plain or rich food, but Capital, Paid Up, Stoves and Tinware. A famous banker was busily wntmg in moderation. J:\. awallo\Y of nieaf; and n \Vhole HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. All.of whir:h will be sold a.t low figures . a letter at a desk in his oflice, when a pie is scn.tcely 1a he?.thful or M nourishing n.s · IlU.ll\Cll OF}'ICES : OSHAWA, well-dressed stranger entered. " Take n. swallow of r:ie and a large ch tu·~ of meat. OnILLIA, COBOURG, 'VHITBY 1 a chair sir' please," says the banker ; " I . It is n ot so much what '\'C .!at \Vhich iS iujuri· UxBitIDGi1ll . Wellington BUiidings, Bowillauville BO'WllfANVIJ,r.E, will finish my letter in a moment." "rlo ous M tho manner and proportion ; and n little Auf{niit 10th. 187tl. c" o mmon sense·here also will go a gre:tt w~ty, It 1.' his Bank, in addition to transacting tl;e Usyou know who I am, sir ?" cries the is only nscei:sary for the fawily to think to inual baukini:,: business,_, offers to the public all stranger, drawing himself up. " I am crease. the co1nforts of Ff~ . It iis but necessary the advantages of a. ;:;aving Institution ,vith Lord- -Minister Plenipotentiary to to apply thought to prodnce inost ~111- the s9curity of a lnrg_e oaid-up capital, by the . - - , " etc. '~Oh I are you indeed?" \Vas provetrients in the fam'. 'y u·:1d v :thoµt. The means ol a. SAY1NGS DEPA1 ~T:'l-f.:E1".l'. .. Intel'()i;;t allowed :in all deposits of One Dolthe panker's reply. "Then, pray, take thinking farmer should be the rule; imd when lar and upwards, at the rate of FIVE per cent. WHAT When we consider that all thiJ C:\llses in the McClung Bros. are ;~ttip~:: STOCK in MOTION by o:ft'ering tlrr ir Goucls at Ir,resistible P1·ices ! St~r in, ai..ld .Y'?u . will fincl_ aln1ost every s~~lf to contain a Bargain, and every corner an Attrac-tion. Sol\1ErrHING NE NOTICE OF . MTION NEW DOMINION RETAIL FURNITURE WARE-JWOM. Oshawa, Aug. 26th, 1870. King Street East, Oshawa· J-. ElephantHouse ELLI-01..~r_l_1'S / . . ·. . Procras.t1nat1on isthothiefu!time,butbuyi11gGoo,1'·· _ __ EXOI1,E~fENT WEB vv E.VERY J)AY t . I COTTON w A substitute tor Cheap Store fJheap Stere TYRONE, IIas no\v a. (nll Msorted Stock of s~ yANSTONE'S -· Lath & Plaster! . lJ T )-.- R ()NE, tlw beJ>t uwaus of gett1 ni:;- Lho ·worth of your tnoney, in PRINTS l . :'::i:Oio;o '~V:i:HO 'saoo-o ss:a:'a:a FIR$T·CLASS GOODS. Groceries Dry Goods, Hats & Caps, ::eoots & Shoes. Dry G?ods, Groceries, Come n.loug men, wo1ncn a.nd drildr1 .m 1 an<il you '\'ill find t\ cOJnplutu St1ick of 1 LEVI MOI-i:RIS, t :hi:7or HPUSE Fl!RNISHIN~ S? CARPETS 0 CURTAINS Varnish .. Polish! . . . Quality and ness, . Crockery~ &c.~ 1 Cheap Prices ;~~~;b~;;; C~mpe- e c, t Hardware, tition. . 1 CAUfrION! CANNOT BE SURPASSED J . ELL I01 T S. VANSTONE. Tyrone, March ;JOth, 1874. CHEAP FURNITURE! CHEAP F·URNI1 URE !I JCI-IE~P FURNirfUllE! 1 .... . Q ===:::========'=;========================:: If SUIT, HAT G-LOVES TIE, SUIT" "HAT" "GLOVE" TIE" SEEDS at McClung Bros., GROCERIES TEAS! · TEAS I CHEAF T'EAS, SAtT PLASTER At lv:Ie.nnins's Old Stand.. The Bownmnville Furniture Fact0ry, hrwin(! commenced business again mid the New Company ha·ving 11J:lpointed ~he subscriber, R,ct<\il A gen for the Town and Country around, he rn prepared to offer the -1 PERPETUAL l\'l 0 TI 0 N M°CLUNG BROS~ BEST Styles of FURNITURE, at Prices below any HARDWARE ! Vei-y at which it can be procured elsewhere in the Province. . John McLeod & Co., Funerals furnished in eve1-y respect, in the Very Bes~ ft yler. I PRICES LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER :FIRM IN THE COUNTRY ~One , of the FJNES1' IIEAliSES in. the l'ro-vince, SENT FREE to any Fune?'al fu1·nished uy the Snbm-i/Je1·, within Ten. wiles of Bowmanville. · · having b.cen circu;n.t£<d .. that the u11.clorsi_gned hM ?cen overchai:ging in the n~g ]Jeparhuent, he begs to snb1n1t the following fi t;;: lll'f'&1 which ho c}1:1..llenges 01JJy one to contl·o1..l1ct. lteportell a.mount charged. A etna.I atnount cl1arge<l. J;'ifty Dollars~ .. .. .... Twelve Dollars. 1 l'hirty do. Nine do. ]'01-ty.Jfive do. '"1-1wenty-five do. Sixty tlo. }i'orty do. " (!'ifty ~lo. ·1'birty do, Seventy-five do, Fifty do, .., once tho rule. \Ve need fear but th:""l.t he will Per anntuu. Dlipositni·s (!fl,ll withdraw either tho "'hole pr take his proper place in the cotnmnnity, bonHow IT HAPPENED-When the boat odng- and be!11g .h onored, healthful and content- any part of their deposits a.t any ti111e., \vithout prevlous notice. i stopped at the foot of Market Slip the ed .-.EJ. L. S., in Scientijic F~-rmc1<, S_peoial ral.t!f.l of interestalJowed upon deposits other morning, a boy with a broken arm with notice of wiLhdra.wa:l. American Currency and Silver ta.ken on de· was borne from the ca.bin to a carriage. posit. By the time l1c was comfortably pillowELOQUENCE. Drafta grauted payri.ble in Grea.t Britain, ed in the vehicle, one ot a crowd of exlTnitcd States anLl ;ill parts of Caiuvla.. I ltY DANIEL 'iVEUS'r.ER, ~Deposits can bt remit.tad by ma.11,addre~s· cited people who were straining every ed to the Dominion onnk [registered], when 'in nerve to catch a glimpse of him, frantiTrue eloquence, intlcctl, does not consibt all caac.~s a Pass-Book receipt \vill be sent by cally yelled; in speech. It cannot be brou~ht from far. return post, J. A. CODD, Agent, '·What's the matter with him, eh?" Labor and ]earning m11.y toil for it, but they FJown1anville, !\ n. 6th. 1874. 15-~tf~·--"Broke an arm," replied a bystander. will toil in vain; \\lords nnd phrases may " Gracious 1 " said the first man, " diel be marshaled in every way, but they canhe fall from a house top ?" " No," said the bystander, dryly, not compass jt. It ,nuet tbe n~an, "he met with his sad accident by jump- in the subject., and in the occasion. Affect· t'tvo chairs./) S. F. HILL has I. I~.~ports Untlf'rrtak~ a ------ -- - --- -~- FlJ,LL STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Bow1mmville, April 28th, 1876. I. L. Strowger, :NEWCASTLE. ~c., and is Selling Very C!teav. ---'0--- ing over a s'1ed." " What," screamed the other in amazement, "did he jump over a shed right from the ground ?" "No," replied the wag, he j umped right !com a inule's hoof." As the carriage rolled away the crowd clisperoed. ed paesiou, intense expressi<HJ1.t.he poµlp of declamation, all may aspire . after jt.,-they . lla.ving removed to more commodious premise~, IN cannot real:b it, It qcgnes, if .it.con1e nt a ll, FOTHERGILL'S BLOCK, like the outbre~king of a (ountaiu from the earth, or the burating forth of volcanic fires beg t'o inf~r'lll the public gcnero.Uy, that they are now enabled to offer them \ with spontaneous, origin11l, native force. 'l'he graCs taught in the schools, the costly 1 in the line of j· oruaruents auil the studied contrivanc~s of speech shock: a~c\ disgust me~ ~bcn · th. c,ir s IEW!BD! The above reward will bu pu,id to any peson who will furnish n.mplo proof that the Boots & Agent for the Celebrated 'Raymond's Metallic Coffins, of New York. Bowmanville, Jrfarch, 30th, 187G. W. p. PROW£~. .... _ Just Arrived at the The Common Sens;-- Buy once and you will buy again. -·so, HO I Gentlemen of :&'a.rshioIL - .. -~ FA.SHIONHO'USE s11lendid assortment of w As H E R! Shoea sold by the undersigned, are not wba.tre f represents. them. , NEW MILLINERY. A1so a lot of Better Inducements FARM AND HOUSEHOLD Health of !'armers. .Jicn.lth js miua.lly considcrocl M an n.ccurn· pn.iri.mcnt to an out-door life i and justly so,, as all ' who have ~xpenenccd the good e.fft!cL of ;:i. life iu the ope!! know, to their plt:asure. The stn.tiatics of the Maaaa.chu~ett~ reqistration r~ports show also that the farwer's c~an9~s for life are ·lar_!£er tl11tn are the (.lther o<.;Cupatious. Thus the a.vN·&.gtt age at death of 31,832 fa.nners who are recorded Crom 1&13to1874is 65.20 years; \Vbilc the a.vel'ag~ for all clas~es and occup~ts but 50.9 years, and c)f 3,425 cl<··r ka the average age :it death was but 35.93 ·yeare. ou·n lives, and the fllt~ of th~i~ wives1 ~heir children, and their country hang .on the de· cision of the hour. Then words have lost their power, rhetoric ill \;ain , and nll elabor· ntl! oratory contewpt.ibJe. Even g1;:niua it· sel f then feeh1 reUuke.<l aud auUdued, a~ in the i-iresence of higher <1ualities. 'fhen patriotism ia P.loquent, The clear concep· tion outruouiug the deduction of logic, the high purpose, the tirru reso~ve, tbc dauntlesa spirit speaking un· tbe tongue, beaming froru t he eye, infotming evtJry fe~tu!·o, and urging the whole man onward, right ppward to bis ohject; thh1, this i~ e1oqueuce, or rather it ia eoruethicg gt·eater and .bi~her thaQ...Ull eloquence, it ja actit.u ; nobh~, ~'\.b'" lime, godlike action. · Grocery than t1iny other holU!t"l in Business, (AS REGARDS PRICE' & QUALlTY) t~e- Oounty. NOT SO FAST. I have written these few line-a And all I have to say, That you can find me still a.t home I not gon6.. away; So all. my kin\} old friends ma.y come And a.Uthe young ones too And get their g<um.ents nic*'lY madEl In fashions that are ne\Yi 'Yh ere old e.nd young d e~t frielldme. New ·Goods ! MUST CONSISTING BE OF SOLD, I For Gents, For Z.adies, Jr or Children. ! REAL HAIR, FANCY GOODS, & A lso a large atock of Stamps for Ba.iding and Em- broidery. NO PRESENTS CIY~N, BUT GOOD Weight and llfeasm·e Gv,aranteed in. every in.stance. .. "l'eas a, Speoielity. l. L. STROWGElt . J meet .I\. w.elcon1e greetillg by ll.. PFill.TE WATCHES, CLOCKS, CUTLERY, PLATED WARE, ETC, lll'.EtllAL AT'I'ENTION GIVEN TO' ' , ORDERED WORK. ·- s·1 -S o - d p -St erImg IWVerd · dpooi;;i~ au ur~ Go!q STORE.- One door eOBt ofCorn',sh'·Jewelry e . lD~ Latest Styles a1uiFASHIONS Goocl Stock. for Spring just to hand. ~ rrHIS \Vasbing 1'.[nc1iine ho.s bcon recci\·ed lvith 11niversa.l favor, in many of the Stll.tcs of the Union, 11nrl to-daoy, Htaods highc1· in the eatin1a.tion ot house\vives, ot.ber. They are now iutroduc()d into this vicinitv, br t.hCJ uuders~gncll, who has already sold '" 10.rgc 'nurnber. The points of excellence con f5h1t in jts simphcity, :i.nd the saving of soap, labor nnd tinw~·~ An orditiary washillg-, for a h:wi;e fa1nily, can be: done by chihli·on f1·om 8 to l:t years old. The Clothes ai-e pcrfectl11 cleaned, and not ii; tho least icorn by it. A 1\1.achino cau be seen at the GrncE:ry Store of John i\fuMurt1')',+.ttrTl'tuauville, or at! res\dence of the su, Ontario St. ,and -parties dtisiriug,to st:o it in pra<'tica.l nse. ca.n do l'J0, by leaving their JHl.H 1\"' s wit.b .!Ur. l\It:'\lurtry , anrl the ~bscribcr will do a. \V! for the1u, free of charge. The O'Dell Royal Canadian Wringer the best in I he rn:uket, ah10 k~pt on ha.nd. }'ac~ tory price, 58, wHL be Rold fol' $7. Common Sense \Vasher, $7. \.Vash<'r nnd ,~lrinp:et·, $14. 1'hey oa11not to sutiKfy, as all who have tried them, speak highly of them. l '"'°1ngz. Store~ Kin~ Street, Buwruanvillt1. I AARON BUCKLER. E owroo.n vil le, Oct. Sth, 1S7fi, no,vmanvillol June 19th 1873. J · Bowmanville, M ny Gt.11, J -876 . J . SMAliE l usual. _ :M:ttS. A. FLETCHER · Bowman ville, Ayril 7th,1874. P. J3owmnu vill~ . 'l'HO~fAS, l!t1E1.r 1 '24th, 1816. 2G-t.f. " · ·,. · 1' -~- -,,,..

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