Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1868, p. 3

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~=~·~~~~-~M==~-"::'.'""::::""""."'""~-~Z ~ Z~-.....-.· ........~~~......~~~"""'!"":!"lllllllll!~lll"'lll"'~lllllllll!l!lll""lll"'lll"'lllllllll!li!lllillllili~ ..~ - -~ -illliil . ~~lliiillli~~~lliiilllilliiilllilliiilllilliiilllilllllllll!lllllllll!~"!'!"lliiillli~~~~~~~~~......~"!":""~~!"'!lllllllll!~""""'~~............~~~ --~ -~ --~-~-"'~~-""~"=-""--~-~lllllllll!lllllllll!lllllllll!~lllllllll!~lll"'l!lll""lllllllll! c lB: O I C E DRY- a- o o n s r BEFORE STOCK TAKING ! ' I P O:Rr:l:1EE,.,t OF . : I. ~ffiillM~illIB~ M ~~ffi~ ~iPil©fil '· . . , FRESH CROCERlES ! . MA ~ UFACTURER 111 OF THE DAV! IS Boots~ - T -I P. T O P . Shoes ! BOO~S, . Stool and Gang· F'loughs" STEEL MOULD B·O ARDS. '· I BROS · . CROCKERY, l'ATENT MEDICINES, SCHOOL J? A~NTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, &c., · -W--.. FLANNELS, ;BLANKETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COOK, PAI<LOR AND BOX STOVES, TINWARE &o., &c. AGRICULTUHAL FURNACES, COOLERS, SLEIGH · SHOES, IHAVE as Cheap as any otlier House in the Connty. ·you SEEN IT? '"'"""'~'I"""""'"' A. FE. W ' EXCELSIOR" FAMILY the bPst Little Machine rnade--1' · _.V arranted-,- WAGQNS, SLEIGHS, that he is tfw first in the market -..vitl1 ·a fine assortment of the I -- 0 - : - 0 -- w ,o uld a l SO respectfully allll0Ul1C 1 ,,,f}~J~y··1.2 _DOJ ~LARS.\vi11 _·The . Autl>orizerl by the Council of Instruction for Ontario. · . .. ·cr's and others supplied at Toronto Prices. CELEBR A . . ,p.'fED MORNJN G G LORY ,.. "NB -ia~VlNG NIA.DE GllUE&T A. ........;,... ,.._ "'""h"' '"' · ~X DE D t' DEI'>_ _'~ ~nM-T:"NT I .l:L _,_ TE'""' .L'< " ·na t . ' : A.L· .L .L .n...:... ·· TBRYCA N n own Y. FA11 1'HE l~ew S~ries continue for FOUR .WEEKS of reading Books, Teach-, . ~. to:lM!>ftO\tlO COAt· 81.0'USS ;. .· . wh1chare witl10ut . doubt the most perfect Coal Burner llOW before the public. ~. G-REArr H~ST, 1 ]3EST IlAMr:ro~.rc1;.20,1sGa. 1:-I. & J, ELLIOTT. RIBBONS, A FINE LOT OF DRESS GOODS, IK~~~~A!~~:!.T N. B.-Old Cast Iron, ta.ken in Exchange. EAST, AND AT THE SAME Tarn THE BOW1rlA.NYILLE~ ONT.1:0~!~~ l ·N" n ! [Insolvent !ct of 1864. ,. j A HU:l'~;;·~;~~;°'H.OBE Tn !h~j'~~~:\;u?:~~~\,~:;i~n~ 1~~rt:~'.'"li"' SE LL H!S STOlCK Df DRY GOODS/ 1 FO u Apply to · v McCLITXG & rmos. ~3 0 .. at. 'l'\~";." 0 " cof () 111 ""}'" / Ha~~e - Bowmnn,·il1-r , Fc.:b ._ J9 , 18G8. · T --~~T(_..)i~;~~~· - ~-Ouh~~~1:d:~.,w;,T,~ Ihh day of FcLurnry 1 . . next., _I_ 1-..18( tli~ nnder£?ig~ed \Yi!l r.pply to· tlir n , '!"> . ! ..Jnclge of the. court · ror a disclrnrg .. · 1nndcr the nb oYe Act. ' 0· U J__ _ North11n1bcrlq11d & Dur- - JIJitl'd _ ,ounti ~ s 0 j~ cN; 1~" rn·~;'~ 1 1~f . · nn _ ~ "- Insoh·ent. · ~ ~, , 1· R E' D U C T I 'O N ! 1 · · q HE A p l·C ST Iflljfiftlill 1~ 0_hlt!P..(f.1.a. 0~~ITT/ 0filfij 1 I\!B!.U!JaJ l!l lil!.lJ LlJ \.!J~lil~~ \jJ LL\illl!l ever sold in" either by ,Don't fa.ii· to cnl1 1 and you ' vill find what i s . ns~ful nn d or nnmPn.~ al , nt - · : Auction or Prh:ate ·sale. 1 · l___, J ~ A SPLENDID STOCK OF TWEEDS, ':, I f,II · DJ(JESTI\'J': IlHEADi_.DcccmLer, _ · - . . - - - - - - - -· - -- -1' C!B HL!>.R 20 . lOw . ; D'tlt'd nt _ Newcnstle, this 11th dRy of J . . B~ Yfff _l T _ :_ · .7'.1f!Jo l V _iJf. ..Jj_ On lforn)ay', the 'f1rnttieth dtty of April ' I I " . rxt, .t l1t" _ 1~ 1:_ d(lr.ioignPrl wi _ JJ. ·opply to-thrJudga·I t~ ·r Ptnrning tl:unks for 1ho V1 !r_1·. :il!f-'rn.1 rfat- of tl1P said Court for fl disChnrf!e un der the ronage he h:J8 rJ'el'i\'l' !ll lw g s - to ii1fonu '<ftld Act .._, , . ._ .._·Jhcpub1ic ?ener:1-lly tl1al he bns .. · . , "\\'JL L!AM f.fflTL}: 'i", 11u'l'LEY, l~ \T J) By their A ttornoy oct 1i1l'm, 'i'O THE SHOP ___-- }{_(!BF.HT 4\ HM OIJH. Merchant Tailor &c. E . ],I () E JosE,1 :r;:·~:;::~~:;;;;if:iJ~;}g;; 1 J.-1~rns 1.FE.t.:Yr' ' eowmnnvillc"F'h.12ib,l-SG$ . t \' ,_.LJ l . c·-,-;': ·' ~ I Provi,,c r of()u!nr~ln the GrnrntyConrt ' l[nit ed C,!llntks of I of t.l :e ruit·.: cl Cnun- iNso1vfiNr ·1~cr-o~~i864-. i Al!J~;, AND B , ; ELOW' COST 1 FR~M I .A LL!~. per R. 1'. WJLKI'NSOI', hi-.s Attorney nd Litem. ' "-., '\ J ,_..7iir'Y'T'T _ _ "l'.I"" ·. ' Viii"" '- ..&;..lil/-li'l..'.'!-.l'j · · ' ~ S E L. L - . .,. _ · . CHRISTMAS PRE·SEN·TS T ·BIS E·A-TE in great variety, .~ILLINERY, . sHA\ vLs, ac., ""· "'· ' @Jil _ '! ~~ ' ~. ) I . ·T- o m ·. alre'1·oom 1'·or Spr1'ng Im '. _par· ta · ti" o ·ns · : }.. -~ \ . - - -. _ . ·; ' ·" · . . . I · r " . - "fRS.., )'l_l ' DOl.. F -, l ~ 1 '-. _\, JllU~?DO{!ff o~!RO'li'l'IiilEfll!i>, p S'iOTOCRAPHS ·.·. ··_-.v _ .. , , Fir n ~" l'. c ~-·Ass . 2~-2m. . QY ~, 1\T 1:).1..u ' 1 : r D. ; .~ -. ~ ·_~ -,S -·. .~ &3 .~· 5. _ ·WUfil~1~}1l . ~~®(ilj{( - he~o~~~~ D~p!a . ~-· ~_e;_ ~-A:.A1 ... T .!Ji !.!Jill . \!l 0 O .F . IN THE DOMINION, a·_-. _ · . . o) .. · o . -. · ,· ..l::\_ -_ , the baiance of his From l'wo .Cen:ts to _ Twenty \i. · , · RAl!ii'lNS and' Ct::RR:ll\'TS APIIA.Zii'\"GI, Y CHEAP. i .xx . Jx $_ c 1'~ r1·1c...-1-1 '.;x. :, (-1 ~J U 3? n ·\,f n"D'l\T r,1,,. I_..,t ..,ON' . · -1 1 whc~ehe _11·ii11.,,~;'g~1:::;"~/.:?'""ll'"· ill·n 'lT.'1'TTC ·E ""f')'"'-·AIT)R.f"E·S· 'Klf"t!C . rst. _ ~. 1 ~s. · s . Go. v nu' i ::< . ~, l. ,<, .lJ L _ ' .-.. ~ . -~ -· ,_ _ - - . ,_ _. · Fl ... · . TR _.,.lEET~ J . BQ'WM,A.NVli 'l 5,[ ,, .. · : " '·ca _tATiY ·. . ·· . nsnu _c _ l_n _ l_~.a . t. c .s _. _ ·. s. I ·· -.. . .. , .. ·. . .' Al ~ ilT1I --.Ji;.- I G' i '.fglfc8~)~ . " !· ~ 9 . ":)---.;,1 d Un.pow er,_· , 1· ..0J ~;f£Qn::i. ._,~.,, ·"!;$'l7. )~_·. ...~,\.s.d}'~~£~ ~§"';~ , fcrJ,(i'Y'Q, _ · l ~~r,; ."'~·~~··· ~1 '~ ~-~ -2,.g "' ...~, '..~9 ~- CA LI.: .;;!\:ND ·c_-i):. ~T B A RG·A INS ... . r 25.lm. >0Ul1c .~ , I,ffy.:~:_:._ t_a~~l~d~~l_tcicas forq nali ty. and"price 0]' SUGARcCURED SMOK ED HAMS· CHOICE DO T ' ...,. . . . . . : _ __, , _ ·- -. ·_ ·. · ·'>. · T . () u. .._,.J:;:::._ - . ,,\~nU:: to. n::.ak~ e v t'1'ytliing - O ]:1. D E . ·. I i ' ' "Ti-ESHl:SCTl l.REH>iwrrnrxG·..T O (:ffll f.nn . ehl_ ; -$":'._ r icf'n 1"'t's "'1 .t t. rrr·rnre rl to liAHD J=i i . ,R!E,,J E.'IIDlE<l:~ >he ·, 'in hiuuilknown styk an d workrnan,hip. ne~o,;: t t o !..lrr.oo!.' n Unol3. ~TA~_JD,I R, & H. O' L R :!1J .t\:rtists, J -~~I\1£~~-~CI_~-~~cs, ~ow~nnxiH~~ -j ~~.· f~ w-._ 1~ r i ct>s, :u·e fo""" :" Pietc"."' "' TV!O Dol1.a1'S " '.Dozen. J :\.. ,, . - -.... ~--- :- ,.,.'l J.;,~~rmi5!YW- .~_fDY @M-~.. :. . . ,;~\,,,_~J- . .,,.---c~,~---·-. . · 30. Cii ; RclliiCllnbe1· lhc old Stnnd--Victorua Eui .hUn·rs Bo1\:manville, ·Feb. 19. lSGS-' ··· --· 1 : ~ - URD. lVf"'t.c·H· e ·. R·. .o", s :.... . II.I ~-· I .· January 15, !SGS. ' [ ""'·· =-.. · ..... .-- _ _ INSPECTION INVITED. 110....-manvilk, F .. i.. 10, 1··1s. s C-tr. Home Insurance Co. 0 Q TATHlB\'T 01·' THE HOMF. lNSUllnn·cc C om11ilny of --Nt!w -Hnveu, · J1u11 H~l'J I i · Q. R.. E ·.A.. T . j =====""""'=====""'-""· ~...,.~==-,.;,.,,,="i"-"" -·~ - · ="""" "" Ho,yma nville, Dco. l lth, 1267 ". I· rCLEARI 0F C SALE! S 1.!1PL E t~ I l:tj 1868. _ , .l-, - 01r ' Capital St-Ock ~ ~ .· · ., ······· , $ J 1000iOOO 00 : Surplµ_ .fil~_ · , ·· ., ····· . · · · · ·· · · - 6Hii070 3_! ; FARTui 'PROPERTY ! Inthl'TownshipofManvers, ·· In tlie CtHHlly nf 0 tHHLll\L cCLUNG l BRO'fHERSi Beg _to returi1 l F./J.)~"(,' 1"' ..11.l~tlJ I " . 1 . WE ._ . J.o nn sc nn 'io r tg,,ges........... .37,374 ~s N.PURR\; A~CE < _ IF 'fllll DECHEEAXD · 1!.ni~"' 1 S~<lcs Bond".;, "/.. .... . ~'.'"'!" ~O l'~iu0.1 Ordfr for St1-le, of t. ~te C0111·t of ;'~ H· ~ouri '- tn ~e~ Bond~ . ·· · ··· · · · 1 ~~:1..;0 - 00 C'ti . tl' .· r P()R'l'F.fl .. : lcnness:('e 2tth.C Bonds.,,,.,.. . ]0,900 00 ~ ao~l:"l'Y1 1? ._ e _ ca~c 0 ~ · -, ' ·· ~ s.; Tfis.::. · .; n,:;in Sttt!e Uo nrl. :> .. ~, .. · · 12,000 00 1'11ASF:R, will h~fH1l d In' lr:n r.1t: At CTTflt.",! i,r- - · , ·, '-' f Jl d~ 7 ~ 1 13 'If 1h 1 t. f \\~ I T LT \..~f IIF X P.Y I gn.i.i on ::; · · · · · · · · · · 1 , 4 Li 8 60 ) -' ""~1 .1 ~np -1~rOJfL iun ° _' ~ ~ ·~ _ ,. _ _ " "\;"ation:d ._-,tn Bank 8tocks . , ····· ,, 2 Gi\l8{1 60 '\ 1'.LL _ EH., hsq. 1 0110 of the Loctd ~·fasters of , B -. R ~._ ·?'r3 ~5 34 'd C · · .\ L·A"AflA A~K f.- ,1'0C!i . -,_,. . . . . .· · ,.., ~ Si\l our ,. , ny Lol}ii s on Co l!utt·ral an cl on Call 23 18i4 50 F~. 1\l-..._t\.. RTI~, Cas h on iiand _ :lnd in B11nks .·· ~ Gl-j,f/14 fi.~:3 CaSh iu ku.nd_ s of' Ag,' n t ~_ ·.·· ~... · .·- 2~0;10 8' :3G AT TH~ Interest accnred, ··. , , ·.. _ .~ .. . . 37,48;j in; L~ I"'~Gmn?T J~ills re ~!:C i'\"n\Jl(', . . ·· :-... . ...... 41,370 75 .. J.:. l'\i fVAl .i:'i V 1!·1 Prominms nnroid nt !Jome r.nd lhanch Office s.-. ·.- ~ ; .; . ... J{}0,041 8fi lN THE . B.eri1_J~st ;; f(' Q"·n-ed l1y the Co. ·..:S:!OG,flOO GO Jlurl.·rl V,due. tha~ks to the pubic I.e ..r · their attendance and liberttl patronage at the ,~ uction Sale durin 0 rs the l)aSt Week j and WUu[d announce fha t tJ,.. For 30 ' Dry Goo~ils AT ·THE VICTORIA BUILDINGS. · .. .. ' 't,..,,.01rs"fr.1 VILLAGE, OF NEWCASTLE, 1'101\'DAY, the 9th day of . :uarcii, A. D. ISG:";, I At ihe. hour ~f 2 o·c\oc]i:, in the nftcrnoon, in -I ., ·I-, fD 1 0 11 ~ .' _ 10 trn ~,onvty . nm,. en Re11t~ Sn! rngcs on ttccrnPd.- .. . . ·..· '"- ~ ·.· ...Fire and lnla1'._ d > Los~e3u11detrrmined ... ·2.202 0-0 · . th·) will conNnno to,~ vc onpmcd<ntcd . ;. . I Other Proper-ty owned -by tht:. Co. · _ _ _...:;: .$8 ~ iB')O 51,4'51- 4-i 25,if71 8 _ 8 Ir .r j I II J I ,,......r_ ·: proc e ~s . _ $1,617,010 34 Tho ~c·a. t onc-thjrd r~rt of L0 t. _ :N o. 7, in Of. Prcminln~ :_ ~-~~h-Nl ind . L_~ssc ( pa~d tlie 5th cooe.cs .~ io.n _ o f_t lie snid Township -of Q _\l l'lng ~o.c;h year ~ 1nceo. the organrnR.! !on of I . ~fl\RVers, cOntain fn~ Elixty~six 11cres r.n<l two- Llie Corny:a_ny~;- . ·,· . : -· I FARM PROPER.TY, VIZ ' . . .One Par cel, the following .· ·. I : Los3es 111 ~" l A. BI ,;.L~:I . 1.." ~ E ~ · . o_ f nclJ11stment. 44- BAI · to buy his goods, .. . t.G-AINS'h· . as IN. ., · ICHRISTlVIAS IS ... - . and lives by sell~ . :sTAJE}!i<:NT. . ClOTH~NC t ' . . . _ more - . l~;;e1niun1 ·$37;8o7 $"-:·ec~1:.·ed: "Lo.~seS -JJaid. ;,.r.~~;\[~it'hTn·t·~, ~1:;i~·~~~~~:fh f~~! :~~~I:~~;:·: : :: : ::: 1~~:~~~ - ~~- _ i~:g~~~ .,_1~.Y-' _ '_ r _ , >;.~le,_ !n_otl. e3.,r~· p_ect. e tJ1 ~.c~nd1twnsl 1~~;~:~~f~n acre of land, be th~ - bame , . 18GO ...... , · . ; 40 $10,788 20 DRESS . .. cooo·s . . ·I. ' ing- them. He is not, [like some "blow-hards,"] always talking about selling- them "below what · they cost to manufacture," and so much "chea,per . tha!'1 any other house;" but lie has · EA' TEA, . ··. TEA! ~ ' 1 ~rc the ~tnp d1ug <'. ond1t1ons of the Coart . ,1'heVendortoheveare.servedbid. _ . '1 :erty is _ situated within _ t wo miles o,f the Vil~ "1oge of Bn ll ydnff, on the ~fain Road lendin1< west from the Village. 'f liere is a small ~F'r'.'IllC ·H ouse a..nd Log Ifr:rn on the prerrdses. 1 :,-The premis~-1!1 are rented to a y~Rrly ,ant nt. a rent $5@ per annum . .The pcop-11861.' ' . . . . ' .. of 1883 .. . , : .. _.. _ · . ,\\5<l,n7.3 55 1864 .... . · . . . . '4 70:473 78 1865 ..... . .. .. -776,815 GS Te~- f JR6fi ..... . . .. -. 1 1477 1281 28 R l,~[/0,025 YOU NC 01 ERV ~51,292 90, CR CK .. ' 1 1122,908 8(J l,137,n35 4i Cll·l' r N A·· 160,434 30 27Si488. 04 Q MILLINERY , . __, 'A T"'rcmonclo11· 8 B1·g Stock' SUGAR "" ' , ' . . . . D' I. R · AI · s1~: _.. s. ,_ 'CUR . RA · . l\. .lT'TS' . 1 [., J_ .t AND ~ LAR0-EilLOT or . · 11. and it must be so .l_ d _ ,vithin th.e _ n ext two > lllOntns, Re &al ' Feb. 13 , 1868 · ' '· . 4gent, Bowmanv1lle . 28 ' ' in;, antl from the under~ ' pignedM··tcr oftltis· CourtntCobonrg, 1 · : h b~ i)ffi r·c '.. .. Furtlier unrticnlars mDy b . e oUained frotlt R. T. VVILKL\TSOX: Vendor's Solicitor, at ;D-~ t~,-1 ', t"~is . r~h day - of\}i' eb r1~ ar,v:, ls-cs. · "' "~ .. .. ' '\',', H. WELLER. EUPORI 'JU OF FASHION '· l lll . _ l ltl ~ ~,f~RrI:N' & JOI-INSTON,· AND CROCERIE· S-. . Th \ . . ,_,----~~...-1. I .e l noth Wiil . :0 ay of therefore COillffi\3llC6 seHing Oll FRESH GROCE.RIES J'UST A:F~RIVEI) December . for AT ;:,:::::-, ) <. . .t' T. )l' \LKi l"l:i0.11, , - ; --·' " , ' '. -4:'- r L O R S, HAV E, cmrnE:ioED . nwnnss oil \):' door-north of t11e1r O\vn aCco.unt, 1n the , " at tbe following reduced ratel!- ":· such· as 30~t.d · . ·' · . ~"'"- ,~:\'"endor's J :;olj<:itor, shop one _;.... THE GREA'l' CA.USJE .___::"' OF l'· " Y. COVVLE'S STORE. '-'.? T;~!J!'.P!!!RAKCE STnEET, dir:,c tly opppaite ·; ·· the entrance to .J:-I ·U M A .l'IT "11.:C I S E R c X" · '} '. :;.- "'-'.·- ·, ~ fnAl \Veakne::s, or _cper-matorrQcen , induced by Self-Ahnse; Involuntary Emissions, Im~_ p oteney·, :!ie'rvoUs DehiHty, a.nd Tmpediments tto - Marriage· genera.Hy; Cons11mption 1 Epil~psy, and .fits; !ifental nn_ d Phvsicnl Inca pad,.--ty, &:c,-by ROBEft:Tc·ULVER\V_gLL, .M ·.n., flU th or of the· " Green Book,1' &c. The -world-rcnowne'd. author, in this adpiirRble lecture. clearly prates from h is cj·vn ex.:' ~- pel;'ience t.hat_the nwful co nscq_ u cnce3 of self T C> 'UV' lSf ::E-Jt .A. X... X... : l,U~1't ,PITPB~.18 e. 1~~D, J N! /' 1 SllAt LED ~-~!· ";her; th; y"i;re prepared to execute promptly cn s. fL .if'c ure on 111e 11 d- , · b L· 1 I b f d 1 J~ v e ope, de ... ix c_ ;nt . t t - t " nd· ad'cl ~s a orersw1t 1 vnc 1 t1ey1nay e avore. " a ure , roD:- men 11,.,_ . r ,, 1 a cure .or em -, Clotbing made to ordcl,' 1 in the LATEST THE ..LARGEST AND : ,BEST STOCK 6d. Grey Cotton 7;d. \:VhiteCotton 7id. ll'ladderf>rints INT.OWN\ 7}d. · \\ inceys, JOHN 4d. 6cl. , 6<l~ , -~ c . U·RTRY'S. I ·" FLOUR GOHN .MEAL. OAT MEAL, AND GRAHAM . FLOUR , STYLES d CALL . .- , . . . .. . 'an_ ~OOD FITS G.U,-lR.-lNTEED. ,i· ' . . ·. . , . TbelI· long connection with the Tailoring hu.siness ln B o ~vmanvil1e; th:y trust is a suffic1ctlt guq.t'antee of the quahty of w o rk done by them. ·:. ,- lrT Youtl?s' nnd ch.ildrcn's Pnttcrne, of the . \·ery late~st styl ~ s, "for _sale. Remember ':b _n~e. IJ? tl·Y ._ Ue: ef!ec ..· t n.aJ:i; _ _:._i_"~. i110 . ved \Yitl~out pla_ c.e~;;;-~i_,1·~r.tly-· ..o..r . _~p~.>te - ,t.hp .. · ~ce t o, · .. · .. .... · . v 1r:ntr·n med1cu1e 1 and w1tl.io11t fl ?.ngerons surg1cnl To~ n "Hall. . . ~'.u ' · · ~ ~ operntio_ l).S 4 bougie~ , j ns iyµmcnt~, ring!3, or BowIDn.nville, -~In,y I, 1-86,:7. ,40-ly. · . ~ . _ _ _ . · , .. ~ -- ~~c.: cordials "uoin.ting-·oat -an1-Cde ofclJr_ c ntonce -- -~ - --~ -· · " -. _ - - · -"',...:p , . ')~ert~in fllld pffcrit1uil , hy .wl)ch -every sufferer , ~ no matter wh·nt lds <rn1Hiit1nn m.ay be, nHty ::'.eure himself cheapl y : priivatcl y , and radica lly. Thia lecture \Vilt prove a boon to thon snn ds · s~d thousands. S ent under seal, t o any fl.d ~ dres8 ,- in a plain sealed enve\opei on the re ~ ~cip~ of six cer'.tsi or two po.::; tage. sta'11pS, !<' ALL f\IZES AN D PATTERNS JioJi 'by addre ssing the publishc1·s. 'fAJsO, Dr. Cul~ sale -at-low- prices, by ·. ; . 1 1 ~verw e ll~s , ' ~farriage ~ GniC' e,1 price 25 cents. R. &. H. 0'HA.QA. <.T_A-Odrcss·the PiJblishl:'r. 1.Ituket Buildings, BoWm'anville. CHAS. J . 0 .- KUN.E & Co., thel - ·G . _. E .111' 1 4..1.': ...5 . - I Od. Dress Goods ' EA':R., L-Y J ls. 2d. Colored Cohourgs ls. Gd. Scarlet Flannel 1, 3s. All-\voul French J\'lerino and 5s. A.II-wool 'fweed I 2s. 6d. Cloth Jackets rne\V, sty lP] ' ' '" t 3s. fioop Skirts B ·ARGAINS 11 " ·· · · 7s. 6s. (;Joakingis . 6d. 7~d. IOd. CROCKERY · A N D ClASSWARE 1s. 3d. 2s. 3d.I A GOOD ASSOR'J.'l'-JlE.:X'I· lOs.1 . ·. . Is. 6d. ! tlS. '20· i ~ I 4 s·lsALT~FLA.STE::R., . ·· · · · . · ... ""'1 1 ! I :E' CALL YOU Wi\NT ~ &c., &c., .&c;, &c., &c., &c., &c.; &c., &c. -a ....-.·~-~~ . . 0 AV[oGIJ,U1NG & BROS., ' ~ · "'"- "> I HJES _ ', . 8 rc· l C+OOD Tl;AS, GOOD C+ROCE_ ., i · OE' ~~f ~~ign of the ~·Golden Sheep." .__,,.,;_c: . Look out for Gi·eat JJa1·gains ! I F. F ; McAR~rHUR. Bowman ville, Deccmbe)· I S, 1867. AT .JOHN .MeMUHTRY'S, 'ISIG:N THE C}OLDEN- :LION. llfil>'"Parcels delivered to all parts of tho Town. "9'1 _ Howm·n " I: ·, D· cember, l f 6 7· ' 127 Dowery, New York, P o t!t Offi 1 .:e hox ·i586, ' Rowup1n v-ill e 1 No'<'.. 21. .Bowmanville, , Jan . 'cl'i'.tfa, J 8f)B ..,, . ' ~< · , -· _,. ,, .. ; . ~ , - _ _,,. " ~ .,J.· .. ~; 4-.< ..· ,_ · ..-· .

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