, ._/ KEEP YOUR FEET DRY r !t_ manville, !r·uig t:h c ~on th :: W est quarter ~T· -r~ot No. 12 111 the third l bn cession of !Ja.rlington ; 45 11cres are cl ea red, Rnd f> ~i GOOD FAR.11 In tiio Ylc ifiity of Bow· AND SAVE DOCTOR'S BILLS. INDIA AND CHINA TEA COMPANY. . 1 ·cres i n bnsb. Tliere jg u. nic~ cre~k runs 1 lirough the snme. Two good Bttrns 11nl1 11 1 rog DwPl ling Iloui'te on the pr ttth isesi also a .~ood Orcliaril in t nll h ea rin g. ~'01· term;i i* pJ·ly to WlLLIAM UOGKE N 1 on the fa t m; ~~· --·-... .____ HOr~E DEPOTS. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Canada Depot, No. 23, Hospital St., Montreal tlRE AN'tl GE!ltrlXE '.l'EM!, Olf S·PLEt-mrn NA'!'UH.AI, ];'[,A YOR, IMPOR'l'ED direct from th~ Compnnies Plantations in .ABS:A!\l t nnd <Hi· the slope! of the HIMALAYAS , blended lttth t!ie tines\ i;rod uct s af CHrNA . __ JUS'J' Jt_~t.:.1.11"\'. ED AT VAI.UABLl'.: ..t"~U..t'J!iH.T.! v A large o~sortment, in every variety, of Ladies'. Gentlemen's. .l:!isscs' and J.,hildten F 0 ~ q A.LE! T P BOOTS AND SHOES of the latest styles, udapt,cd to the seaso n which he is selling at his usual LOW :!'RICES. He also manuf.wtures to orde r frl}m!he best of stock and the moot approved styles. G,OOD. l<'I'l'SGUARANTJ<~ ViD.' All orde·:<pwmptly ~:&ecuted. Trunks and L®ther of all krnds MMt·ntly on hand for sale. t& ~ J-une R. YOUN G-, Bo1v1nnnville. 27: 186'1. 48 tf LIME ! fi;,° SUP PLY 01' TH!l _,t,'-.l._ Rocl1dn..le L ime kept r.onstnnt1y ou sale, ,, nll sold C trBA.PER tl~ nn Rny other pince. Lime-house, Swgog Str ~e t, Bo,\ ma n Tille. AY!NG BOUG HT OUT TDE ]l:Sl· rtT Sold iu Pa.eke ts 5nd C.u.111bters by the Companie's Agents iu ever)" City and Toltn n ess i'1ltel y carriGd on by S. B. Bradw ,_ 3ha.w 1 1s 1 n·e1Ht red to sell every des-eription of in C~nitdn~ CELEBRATED LADIES "' . ~ W. H. BANBURYi H CENTLEMEN'S, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S Ont Two Qv>tmr.s, ~ it.. : ?Oct·.,,,. $1 J,er lb., eiil1et BLACK, GREEN 1 or MI XED. ltine Hou sehold Tea, cornhlniug SLrength ttnd .iJh.i.\ror, 'to ~nts per lb. Finest procurable ... ·. .. ·. ... , ·· ~ · .··. .:'7· · · ~. ~ ; ~ ' · 1 dollar per lb. H E undersigned offer s for sale the following Yn.luablc :Freehold Property, '\'.iz: '!1hc house and lot at present uccupied by h im in tbe Vil l age of Hampton t amd1 four: q uarter tlcre l ots in other pnns af t he !tam1' villnge. Also, 50 acres of land i11 t11e ~ol'tn:.0.. ship of Somerville: being the so?tth ..euif q.ua:.1 ter of lot 6 in th e 6th concession-.. Fol: particulars app ly (if by letter postwpa.id;) tfC:J> t1ie undersigueC!. E, S. FOWKE, Hampton P. 0. Jnoe 37, 1867. 48-tf. Remember the sbnd-Sign of the Blg Boot tlrawr by tl'l'o horses, Il:ing Street. l:lowmani·ille, May :kd, 1866 . l AG:I<JN'I'.i J;~O:n vol.il,i'l'-161id. RASS:£TT & :SU. t O,Vl'f. BOOTS AND SHOES, TRADE of the latest styles, r.tlapLed to the sea.son, \vhich he is selling BO W~IA~ VILLE, Mr. T. DARLINGTON, 15, Gm. rrml ITNDERSJGNED A!l]1; PREPARllD to contra ct for th e e -ect1on of any d~s He also rnanufiicturcs to order on the '" r'dptio n ofhnildirq:;-, in to1··11 or co u ntry, on 'lie Yery lowest terms 1 and satisfaction 11horte5t not.ice 1 nn:l from the best of stock. if_unra otecd . CHEAP FOR.CASH. 'I'.HUN Ii:S, WELLINGTON RU IL D!XGS·. .AT ESTABLISHF.ll DRUG S'l'ORF. !Jn. BIRD'S.) tli/d:lJ DA§SE'.l"i' & :BRO\.V.N. rfoWillnn'r"ille, Oct, IG, 18G7. LEATI-IER, <\:.N:D FIN'OINGS 1f nll lund s on lland tor i:nle . mine stock and prices. T .A KE NOTICE. ' j!J, NY PERSfJX' OH PRRSOXS FO UN D j"·\_ cu ttir.g stnnd in g·or· !Jing timber, or f7tlierwisc abBttactin g 1vood fr om U f-e bush Ca.11 nnd e:z ENC LAND! ,LIFE IN A PILL BOX. Extr~ordinary Effects FROM ,,,, he m-Y<ldle ~n ,l 1101 th e n cl, of Lot 13 11:ast in the 2nd ' Con. Darlington, shalt'· be firosecuted ac co rding t 1J law. P. RAYNES . ~Ro wnu1~~-tIIe 15tb Nov . 1865. _ __ _ ~\ lf, I 1 f ,000 Agents W4NTED ! f (t·~'),..... .A.. DAY RA S BEEN 71fADE BY1 ' '.i) .U Agents in Ibis busi ne8'. E1·e ry f tmily wants and will hnve it. 1 FRANCH ' AND AM ERICA I C() TO R&H 0 'HARA,s · 'I'\V &I.tOORS };AST OJ? THE REMEMBER THE STAND POST OFFICE 15. ly' }'t cere thank s to hi-. numerous friecd1 and c ustonH'lfs, and to the public generally for tile ve1·y lib e r1tl support he has rec~iT~~ since bis commencing in lrn~iu1:.1i!:s; and h6Pf1 1 by continued strict person a 111.tte 11 t.inn to bu8iness1 and offe ri ng not.b ing hut the pur-e111t a.rtf.t. clf'S 1 tlt the most reflS(Jnahfe prices, t o ensui-s a eontinuani.:e ofpu hUc pn:trnnnga. J . If. would caU Sp~ci al attention to Ycry superior stoe~ of J. H'rGGINl30THA M, 1.-;lT outD most "espe c tfull.r tender his ii'it.i: bit JOVE S T U F F S . whi-eh 4-rc sunr to~give the beJt 51e.tfaftl. C 'Ho:m. · · Th'.L.A._GG IEL'S A W'ell-selcctc1 s to ck of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Pon Yours JNLY 0 NE DOLLAR Anti-Billious Pills! I P npitnl requir ed to commeuce-wbich ·nd > I ~ reiistered letter. Add1css, NOVELTY Co., Box 10, VVelland, 21-3m. O tita rio. 1 ~ NlW ·yBAB'S Celebrated THE Y HA."\.le JtECEl\'"JliD Ctt tl t ST MAS ~llRL~~J~!f'@N-W-~- ~1AN PO::R.,TER.r, UFACTURER O:E' One Pill in a Dose! One Pill in a Dose! One Pm in a Dose! itR.ble G lobe; - PATENT !tlEDICINfiS, BRUSHES, co~rns , SIIOULDJ<:R-BRACES, , SUPPU~T ERS, &c., kL kept constantly on ban d . OILS PAINTS, COLORfl, and WHJ'l'E LEAD ]:/ IIA 1' ONE HUNDRED LE 'rTE J1S A VARNISHES \ /\' dny Sfl) from ptc(ients n.ll over th~ liab "Dr. i\L1 g- gi el, your pi ll hns rid me of al biliousnes s ' has just "eceived another lot of those India and China Teas ·! Those magnificent Teas posses11 Stoel and Gang Ploughs, STEEL 1 cooK, PARLOR 1 J I -Ioi...se & C!tt:."tlc Medicine.HI which are in such high favar in England, :France and AmeTie-a. A Ii,'.[ 0 UI.1D BOARDS. L.A.. R G E OF SUPPLY REAL BRISKNESS AND FLAVOR ! combined with Color and Strength. . AND BOX STOVE'l, AGRICUI~ TU HAL X B.-Couutry Store;kee pers &upplied on :i No nlO'te n ox :o us d osC's fo1 n1e i n :lit'e or 11.dvantageous te rms. te n µll !;r t n ke-11 11t o ne li me . One of yonl' pills cur Nl m0.. 1' ilJ"' Ren1cn1bci the old origin n13 land 1 seconil 1 ' Thank s, D H'lor My h PrrrifH;lie l1flS left door en.s1 of tln Outurio B;fjnk . m e . Sen d a n<,~ hPr bui t o keep h i the hon~e.' 1 Bo wrnan; i1Ic 1 ...1.ngu Rt l .18 t'i5 . 1 ·A fte r s nffP1 in g tort111 e f1ohi Llli one cLolic, t\\O nfjo\11· pills C\t!'(d me, cL11d I l1,i . e no retll ·11 ol th e iunlady. 11 t 1 arc recdYing dail,.,.. supplies of the cclebruted watches m.-~de by ALL KINDS OP ARTICLES euitabc!e for the purpose, and wf.J: I sell them THOS . RUSSELi, & .l1LSO, SON ----------- . .I 1 THE Afv1'EFUCAN WATC!lf! C 1'-I 1:!1 A P E R thau nny other house in Town . DARLINGTON can supply DarlingtOn with choice Crean and : Black Teas, at tlie very lowest Montreal prices. I We c:o.11 attention to our lnrge stock of C A L L AND ex.t.:llr~ I A. TRIAL SOLICITED t II I w 0u1 d · ... that he 1s thP first also ro<:<pec'-full . L y announce vi':) TJNffARE &c., &c. FURN ACES, cuoLERs; SLEIGH SHOES, ~V .1 GOJ\'S; SLEIGHS. the mark et with a fine as»ortment of the 111 ic Our Doct o1 s tie:l. t rd me lu1 Uhro111c stip1tti 1 1n 1 flS tll'"Y t .\.llt'.r) it, :i nd ttt Jac.:t ,:aid 1 was ii,cui,tb!e. YouL .'.!:1 gg;'l'!'s Pill~ cui ed I me.' 11 I ha d no ip peLite; )!nggie1 s 1 1 llls Rv me i~ LP1u·ty 011t>: "Your !J ills aie ma1T e:i lons " " f ;:,l'Jld for fill OL'1 e r box, nnd Jcerp them in the hou . .,e. 11 "D.-. Mt1giz:iel hus cureJ m y ben.dnchc ~11nt Con- 1 I E CELEilRA TED MORNING GLORY Wtls ch r on1c / 1 11 · ~ hich we ar'e offering very Che~p. Other i:11ods fn great v~rkty, as ehea11 as the t Ii ea peat. A.11 'vork entn1sted to our cnre will Oa slrictly nttended to. TOWN HAM. EIUll..DINCS. Ol> RNr &H & RON'. 20, X r>.-A.ll pnrlie1! indebted to nB are 01'e - 1 q·;e(t · )\l to settle imml}diately tosnYetroubk. - - - - - - - GOODS & PRICES, R, & H. O'HARA, I ! . ~, lMP.novttl -COAt SlGN OF THE GQLDJ£N ANVIL. FEIJRU A ltY 1 ~, 1868. · - .... fl S10lt~S, which are without doubt the most perfect Coal Burner now before the pn.bl ic. C. k S. 1 1 B.-01d C;:ist Iron t aken in Exehnnµ;e, KING SJ.'BEF;T E AST, BOW.1':Lt.NYILLE, OLYT.ARI(} 30-3m. I gnve lrn 1f one of yo n r pills to my babe for chole1ft morb11s . The dea t young th fng 1 gut well ill a day.,' u My l>tU13'ea of a rno r-n ing is now ('UreJ ." j j Your box or Ji agg:-ie-Fs Sal l'P en red ffit"! uf n oise., in mf head, l r uhb-c d so11 1e sal \ e Leh11l(l my ears, und Il a~ n o ise left. ~ 1 Send me tw o bo xe s ; I \Va12t one for a [poor fo.rnily ." 1 Ht e-n c1o~"' p..Qollnr; yo111 p1i re is twen ty"" 1 C! t,J me fa v:or th a five c t·nl s1 IJtJ L tlie 1ne1l 1L'i 1 d CJ lltl' ." I ~ T ~ IASSE,JT . & tll, have now on hand a I 1 :)end me ~ive b o.x.""' of your pills." I t9e h.Lve three boxc!l of your. S.ih:e [ :lnll,, Pills by retur n m~1if ·1 1 ' 11 Lr.I A 'I' T II E I f · -:q·- FL>R .\LL DI S !; \SES OF THE , Kidneys, Retention of Urine, &c., 1'1aggf~}':-: Pil: " n10 n p0r foc~ Cnie """ t1sfy !}- :JJ one. J.-i"' ~1'!:i.~-t ! i~ On e \\lll .' 1- ,,NOTHER '!\If ESS itfl. 'I WOND~!lflll .CURE IRON IVIONGERY . Snider Enfield RiJlP., Peabody 1-liJlP, Spt>n cn Hi!it', 'Rallanl Hille, T<'or !-.~e:.von~ f.1ass ~t11 .l n Di~{~ns .... s, I r 1 OF CONSUMPTION HI CAN ADA. LlA YOUNG & CILHJBE RLAfN, = sm~ ;--I feel it fL du ty I owe lo yo rt, ns ~ ~ l1ro.st1,1tinn, \\'euld1{·,.8, Ge nerlll .111d "·11 n t of .l\ p pct1t1·, il1'1g g:el'a Pill!" \', ill bl' fo 11 11 r! f! \1 c ffe ctur. i 1cmelly . \,ell t1-S to Urn "[>Ub! 1c, to ' info1m - yo n of the a Khosb'onees Rem ed y a.ud Pill~. I coug!Jed a , ~· ~ reat _d ~al day lLnd night. exp ec torA.ting gre~t j fJ1 g. fuant 1t1es of matter, and had a great pa1n· 1 rl) ~ ai :i bont my left Ju ng. l h.a.d coltl chills en~ry r""'" ~ day, ~\nd SP.Vere niglit swea ts every night, lrin' ~ ~'l.n d betweP.11 the rackin g co\lgb s:ind g1ea.t ff ~ ('t> :-: weating, I was almost depri ved of sleep; by ~-- tJ ~ t hcsc miseries ns well as the l09S of a.ppC' t ite , li'"'J 1-1-i l wn.s so reduc ecl that I could hardly stand ~ ~ ~ ~ 0~ ,, lone. I wn.s under the care of a phy~ici!irr fo r a lecgtb of t ime, bu t findi ng no re!icf, f fiJ g ):a t ricU d:Jferen t r e>ceip es 1 bu t all without any I Lita LJ g c-1 good eifeet. Sq11ire P eterso n of Bath, re com-· j (I; i'J ~ __'] 111 ei:Hl~d 1ne to u~e 11.if: greo.t Shoahonees Rem- I .~ t:d y; 1 µrocured three bott les at o u ce 7 with I the Pills i so Boo n a~ T comm~nced l1sing- il I 3.' began to gr.t better, n.nd when I had fini shed ..._...pf t his coru 1·1emcn t, tlH: cough, expectoration of J ~ ---....; nH1ttc r, pain about th e lu ng, r:hill s 1 swcn.tinr-1 1 .., ......... .\::c ., left me; ..,, and by continuiz:g its use I Repa~riag d'"O na asforn:erly. Ha irFfo1Vtr he en me stro ng . Rnd hNtlt.hy. It i s uo'v ove r \Yi re on band. two n1onths since I quit the Remedy, Factorynnd Resid ence-King3tree! 1 Bow1he rc ha· e been n o symp t oms of the d isease man ville. ;etu rn ~ng, and I hav e heC'111 and a1n now, Februnry 13 1867 _ 11ealthrer anll better 1ha n I have been for ' lna. ny years. I trust yon "~ill make t his ------~--k nown to the publi c, tlia.t they rnny be aware ~,{ the peculiru· i.;irtucs of tl 1is tiuly wonder· ltil Inrlian ge:mcd f. REillOVA'LI 1rost wo nderful cu1e of 011nsumption: accon1J· l ished in my person, by 1he u s~ of tlie grent ~~ ' ~ r.ri ~ U.J.. ~ H-i 't!J 8 .g "::! SELECTED STOCK[ ~I f PS <:1 and a vari1 ·ty of a - OF SI-IRLF AND E-IEAVY co1npdsev~·rv vl e nnd inak(', ., :-;t ·' \Vith a 2:ood stock of (;u n ~, P>- H [ )---, 0 trj ::x1 ' &c., a B o I b e r I a.nd l &c., &c, all of which will he sol<l either atr. WHOLESAl. E CJR R ETAIL '; We woar<l beg ta tall parti cular- 1rtteutfon fo onr stock ,ul REMQVAL f .l'E'fl;R C. V. MIL LER. }:arnc.ltown 1 Co. of Lennox & _<\.ddingLon . 'l'o n.11 to v;hou1 it mny C'omc.-This it. to BEGS TO INFORM THR lK!:-L\.BI1'AN1'S certify 1 th1\t I have- been acqnaintcd with the of BowmnnYille a.nd surrounding coun:. bo.,e' ment,ioned gentleman, P eter 0. Y. try that he Jias · \Jil lCr, Esq ., for many years1 and have kuo,vn him ah'i·ays to be of the very highest re spect·~bi lity) a nd :t ve1y _ candid ;ind creditable person; a:r.d I am con fident j !H'.t [ 1Can s~lfe!y) 0 the prc1nlses t ormerly occupied by the late You ch for the trutli i 1f'Ll.i e abovt·, or any o the r t T. Bro\'.-ni Brown 8Lre:(lt 1 1vllcn.; in conju ncw s tatcmenL Jnade by l·iin, . tlou \\~!Li R;'V, W . 1'. S. HARPER; 'LLIA]~lr Rec tor of Rn th, On t. f · .¥J.. ' ----------~----------- t the'F ~tre ~re-pnrcd to do o.11 kinds of work in ~, tnetr line d bu::rinessj such RS IS AAC WESTCOTT JOHJ\f McLEOD. Wellington B uildirn;s. Bowmanville, Oct. 17, 18GG. RE MOVED W " TAPSON STOVES; tEATliER BELTINd; · RUBBER do.. MACHINE OIL,, i'VRPENTiN'E 1 COAL <J!L, B 0 UN SALL "S Jll:uggies, '\Vagons; §Ielglls, I ' te1·s, I> rag~, Cut- LACE LEATHElt1 :RAW AND BOILED ott j. SKATES, &c., &c.,, &~.. l\!I1"lRBLE '\.V OPtI\:.S, EO'W"~'.l.ANVILLE. '.) r T HE FOLLOWIXG I STOP AND SEE! RJ·;),!A RKS ' H arrows, and Iron C ul tl:'a~0~s of t\ll kinds. Horse S hoeing particultuly :rlt'andcd to. & All work warn1.nkd . 1¢-<rrre but the yery best workmen .em.ploJ_ed . Mr. ~!on Stott ,viii do tbe pn1nt1ng for the cstn:Bhsli ment. Thanking tbe pnh\i c for past fo.\""or s, a:d\1 ho pi ng to merit a share of tl;c!r future pRtron.c\ gei lie -wonld beg to sohc1t a call'before exnmiuing else\\ her e. Bowmanville, N oY, 9 1 l86G. NY PERON' intendin g to ~recteitlie1 Monurne nto r Gra veStone to th':! merr..orr o( departed friends will fi n rl it greatly to th .-;r advantage to C[dl and compare A -~ Work, Price & QualityofMarbl6 [ BLACKSMTHS COAL KEPT co_ STANTLY ON HA J 1 G-OL1 D IN'" 1\/.1: ..... ~:noc wit?~ny o~e t""<l in ?n.na.da W~st. ~Ve speak pos1t1ve ly. 111 afli1·rn 1ng a SU Y1ng of at lea s 1'WEN'l'Y PER. CENT, I ~l.D l' I I ~ ~;, o 'T be \VV lS ~ had for the digging, and ON RE JY.IOV ...1.\..LI All of which we "ill ~ell as l'ow l'ls any house m the trade. 1"1 1~ E A.D*b> BOUNSALL & SON, Proprietors. MRS. CL BOUNSALL Is prepn.rofl to attend to Millinery a.nd St.raw Work, as usna:1. Ladies ' Felt I!nts cleaned ll.nd altcrad to the Ne,vest Styles. ?tr Two Apprentices ,.,.·a.n.ted immediately. Bowmnlivill·', Mareh 24t~ 863. 34. DJ~IH'll'°'ia, D ea··t D~1>1Ca'll!', 11;lil, JEpi(Cfiti:y, J.i1P lanchu!y 1 Nenr:t.li{i.n:. Tes timonials of most \~on~nrf11l n.nd extritortlinar y cn ies in C:n. iuHla hy the {}REAT §ign of tbc Gohl<m lllorta1·, lXDlAN HEMf~DY . 'J hey n1e ste r n, unde-niable and incoutmnaLle fai.;1·~, sufilcicnt Lo I co nvince the mo .s t skPptil'.al that lbe G1·eat ~[edicinal Co1_n po ~1 nd ycnr11ed after for ages ·t } ) E~P gQTFTJLL Y ~<\.NNOUN CES H~S ~ a now accessible 111 the Great \_, uunlf~ro1u custorne,rs, nnd the public ln §HOS!ll.O~EE§ :REJIEDI.' ! '. ge-uornl, thntr lie ha· removed to ·he , will furnish the f ICKE( But that NOT THE BEST OF IT. '..!..' H: :\Ir.111 1enunkablo cui t'~ of these alth:tirms lut,·e bel'n rntlde by the nltcrntivc powc1 oftln); m<i<lioine. It ;;hmu!ntell the vitr.l func tious into 'i1go rod"l! 11ct1011, D.STOTT E T9 A CAI... L SOLICITED.YS -- s s; .., · · -""ms r G...OLD . A T if)rou w!ll oniy work for it; and here is HO"W TO DO IT ONE OF lJIY CA'.S"i' ST.EEL Pl,OW"',- Hill's Patent, (the best in Carrada) ·or EillPIUI~ :\0.:.; Oil\ a:fl1 ' BUY EVERY MAN HIS l Vdr. th'e C01'T AGE Pit E:i eu.d the p rmtmg mnteFltll n~- i Co mpo.nru1g 11. ovrirr ruan can , llO ht;; P\\'ll fV!llll flg' J?f'ntly, ~ and t hus Overcom es Uieor1lers which WO'll:ld bu s111r pof'('tl bey .(.tnrl n.s i each . Such a 1eiWCtly has lo11g been requh-Pd by the ue<ieEi:;lt H'::! of the JWopl c. 1111(!.,. we nrc ei!fi:lfident that this \\i.11 do- .t°f.ll' them al.t:'f'tn,. : mC'd 1 c.nc (:an (f\J, J' or Diseases oft!le Tbron t , Lungs, Livt.r, Cot?ner Store in the Town Hall Build'gs Dig estive Organs, K idneys, &c, as well ilS :'.:!il~rofula, the various Skin D il:ienses, Humor.~ , nud all discaS('S arising from lmpu1ities of the 8\ood, w e boldly s t11.te that t his great remedy bas NEVER BEE.N EQUALLED.\Vherc WR.3 th1're e-v et Slleh a cure Rs 1 hat in the person of,VJLSnY 8'.l'nrn1s of Brighton, formerly occupieU by ~fcssrP.n. & If. 0 HaT~, 1 \'ihere lie intendi; to c11.1ry on ~lie Dru~ Bnstnes s, in a11' its braucl_iesjaln'd b;yde,·ot 1rl~hls .~ ttenti<in gfti·ietly to 1t 1 and ~ · · , I Ayer's Cherl'y Fec,ioral, FOU 'l'UE I!.AP1D" <.:tiH.'!'; U3' ~ - q u1cf::ly, aml c ,1earh-. UfC sa ~ rmp!ti ~11i.1ly tn 'i'hey COllf'frf~cttu1t , Cou {th~ , Bo1'1'ruanYil1e,N<J··. '2Gth, 18t3'r. that n hoy t e'.n J enrs old cn n ma11Age T'°":'e largest siz e. Jlll!H1tcl1011 s a1 e W (· l <!~ (H~p , ~ ··ou.1· b:iii11, i>nc:·i1~ieut Cou.~u1npteon, aucl (l<,,- "ibo R elief" C o ltiM, lnJl1telt J1rs:, l11onrOJcn;.:xs,. ()01.h1~u.n~,,-:iv~ Pn~ltf>d se11t rs ;a ' · - -S!S!? ~ · p- r ·' ;·~ -·y GA.NG l"LO\V, CUL'.l' §VA.'I'OR wi1h o nl n ea~h office, euahlh1g the k 1.'1.ilhk uowl ed~f' Jltlr:'.'ha,..er 11) go al pr e.n o u~ Ont:1'rio, of ConSl~lll\~tion; or tbut oi ~ET B R Drugs, Med?e:n:t.S t ~ · "\i. M1LLER, 01 Fiin es town. 011t~1110, of Cbomicalsr Pat en t liietliC.ines,. BOILER FLUES, (; Ont1umptH1n or ~hat ot A::Hn no_sl<: \\ ooD: ol Do;e \foods, Dy e Stuffi,i 1 , Oo n8f>con. Ontai· w, ot Dy :5 pe ps1a. and Liver ~ p in t s @ils Brushes Co m plaint, or t hn.t of JOHN IIosEY, of Nap a 1 ~mp~ '1/ie l <l an,6 And all kinds of Brass and I 1·on Fitt ings J.:l~ii.·6 an.cl Liit'!<. :rnee, Ontario , of I\hcun1fl.tism, ¥\ho b11d J G~r<len Seed~ n.ctnally been on crlltehc s !'or J f..!al's. in spite Perfumer! Tool· , kc. of all treA.tme nt h e reto ~o1e, a nd is n.ow well. Comb's , &r.. , - CA.I·JTA.J_, $10, 000. ~cored of such cas cc 111 igb t be tuen tione d bud he shn.Jl be fl.ble to offe r you still greater ·n. OILER PUMPS, COIL HEATF.RS,I 'vc sp'lce. . , I ducerut;nts to fnvor him with your orders. SBtely Valves, Stearn and W'ater f the best English Insurance ComJr:T' Call at tl1"' g Sto1~' finnd g0t n, Cir'l'IH\.n k' tomer" for JJ~s tfavo rs , b . . . · Drn ,1 1ug 111scu11 ~ Gallges and every description of Steam and ne? . 1 ftU\arofun 4 ue::>l1t)1JflOC certt r:a t.ea on t1~ ll b tt t' t th· r equirement '" to GRs Fit~ers' Goods io use, 'Vholesalc and panies in Cl.lliltence. 11 GREAT SHOSHONEEB 1U:!~J\1l~DY and o pes 1 Ya ? ion ft~~~rpatronage "' 1 Retail, , at greatly reduced prices. 'l ho R. & H. O'HARA, ::atisfy vour..;e l v~s . ensure a con tin uance o . Largest Stock in the city. Send fur Ca.ta· .Agents Fire Brn.nch, l'ri;c o/ Reined.~ in lar,qr. pints $1. itJ"' REMEI\!HER THE ST.\ND I -Pl lo rr ne and Price IJist. o J. B. FULLER, \". R, CLUIIE, . & For Srrle by .n n1nirgieto .mt! Deale". SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAR 47 DE\' s1 n.ll: E.:, Agent Life funncb . in lleUicinf>, Agt;n d 11·1 ' Bo,\mnn'iil le,-1 &To\'N H ..\l,L Ilu1Lnn;r; ~ . .,,£ll ).feBiH.e. J P.ig~intu1hu1 :· .:-=t,.11. \\'li o lcsJ.lc: . .. ,, , ,.., .:.. New Yo1k City. I_ ,... Bowm~noille 1 :Jay 29 1 l&G7. .!t;tlll&:i-_:-~~l_thl' Ol' ii(; 1. J 11 .·LL ~ e \\C<l;.,t '. e. · , TioWID.UllVJlle, .A pr !L .. 0, ~nC . ' I I' ~ INCl~E.t..tSIN{,: IlfS S,TOCUh 01<"' 'srEAM GAS l{(, WATER PIPES , LANCASHIRE ltOLLl~R: ittO"\VE:t &- REAPER ot INSURANCE COMP'Y, '.l'lfli .Rll~~HHNG llIACU:Il'\'E, · I ooo, Now go to work and use tliem, and when thly Waot fixing brinp: th em to me and I'll repair them; and if yo u dont raise Bi,q 1Vug,qets then don't call me Nead< any longer. I nin 't done yet, for I have got ff'A.J\'Nlfl\'G lUU,f;, S'.l'RJ\\. '\V {)lJ'.i'TER. OWN PRINTER. prm1.i1r "'· A cn~nlar, coniaming lul rl ei;cn p110 J. prices to st ·ni0111 Al !I, &c, ~ ... 111 l ret' to ull Ou r ~p e c1meu Sl1 ee ts of r_1 pc. c nts. &c 1 1e n cent~ ADAMS PRES B o M 0 R T I B ·l N C± Any- thing else in my line, M A C H I N E S yuu~: ccf !Uil:ag~s of t21c Diseu~l'· 'fh i6 is n remedy so nm ve1sully k110-.;t'll fcr ~ttrp:t~ any other for th e cure of th roaL au<l luup- complniot.JS. t!rnt 1t n1 U.» elcr~s lic1e to pub11sh the ev) ,]Pntc of it" VIdues. ltH n11111·ul!ecl cxccllcnce for cough~ "ntl cult! :;. a nd ltil truly " 011d e1 uil cm es of ptllmouur '{ di ~c a «e, h:.tve mafl e 1t knO\' n t!HO U"'h OuL tlte ciVJJ1zcd iuu 1011~ of tJ.e f'll rth Few 1ne tf~e commumties 1 or e·ye11 fo.mihe:;. amon; rJ1em who htiYC' 11ot t:ome p.:rnounl exp..:n1 ·n~<} of Jt;; 1tkcrs- 6ome lh in.I( noph y in their mi <l ,.t of its \ ietorr 01er the ilUbtfo' and dttll.l{C'J ous <l1~0.·<le1·s ot tile t in o tt aud lungs. As all k11ow the d1eudfuJ ftt t a.li1y Q( t l!er:e di~ order~, a.nd a!I tlley k110w , too, the effects G! th18 ri'rncdy, \\ e 11eed llOt do ur-0re ti.an to u<:surc thcli.1 tii<tt 1t had now aJ\ the v1rtuus that it d1d ha'Ve \\ ltcu tnnklng fhe eu res w inch tuwe wQI! so strougly upou tbs coH1ill.euce of mankind. of in "'i Pade n.ts to sell, and will do your Prep'tred by Dr. J, C. AYE:El. & Co. 1 L{)well, Mas-&.. I ° MILL CASTINGS l!ND JOB WORK, TIP TOP. Now'" Go in and win." J. 'W". NEAOS. ~ .e@" B1ing on your OLD JRO"V, REUSS an<l CO!'I J::t. 1i#ll Bown.am 1!'e, M urr:h l ! , ~ SG 7. O No r throp & Lyman , Nc't'"ca.stlf':, Onlnrio F .ALJ... RlZliS _ <iND PATTEH:~S l'UU Gener~l ,.\gen ts for Uanndn.s. S old by 1'· sale at low ptices , by i H1g!!inboth~1111 and D . Stott, Bowmanv: l.ie R . & ff. '1.i'H ,i..JUA.. \ and by Medi c ine Dealers every~he. e 11arkct j nuil~ '. nge, No v. 21. Bo " manvi ile . 17. / . Bowmanville, ~~ AD"\T ERlll (IE~ ~ ~ ~J i~you_w_i, --h-t-o sc 1;,yourgoods;