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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1868, p. 4

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AND CHINA TEA COMPANY. J 11 rlington, 1m 1 VALUABLE rKur~~i~ FOP A large ,1sso1tment, in every va11 ety, of Ladies', Gentlemen"" \11sscs ' and Uulilcen ~A.LE! 1.ri 1tC r f's Ar e 1 len1<·rl 1 nnd 5 r n1ie~ss 1on ofll tlie "<'ry gniHnnh·<'U lorr<! st trrms 1 ar.d aatisfAction ·_c rcs '" lrns b l'lior;, " · lll C" 1 re·k runs l11rough ih l' i'!flme 1 wo gr>nrl llntnR ancl n Log l>wl·ll 1n p-; J1 011:s'° on t he pr"Ul liH' a , nlRo R io oJ Orchnr d 1n full bl."llrlnl? For te rm!! t1.p plJ to Vr'lLL[ A\1 flUVKl~N , 0 11 t he fit rm 1 or tu Jnnl' 27, 1867. J" .. SS E'i"'" & » J· -.. : --.. nno \V N · 12- ly. Bowm·n\'1lle,Oct. IG , 18G '1, No. 23, Hospital BO OTS AND SEO ES of the l 1tost styles, adop tPrl to l it e 8caso n which he is sellinf; at his usual LOW PRICES Il e al so 1n a nnf wtutc I) <J1dcr . fro1nthe he.s t of stoc l~, nnd the n.ost a pp10\~(1 ',.,t,lcs. J· . llo1de 1 ~ prrlmptly cxeuutcd . T r u nk s ,111 d Lca~tlic1 ol ,di lrn1 h c in"wt lj on J1,ud fo 1 Slle. 1 '"- n YOG\"G, e1)~' m·un·i!l<" 4Rtf (jQ()I) Pir.S (J lr \l ~ .\L\TH~g}) UE undersigned o ffe 1s ro 1 sa le the follow ~ i n g vnlnnble F1 eehold 1-' rnpr i t;, v1z: T he house 11ud lot 1t ~ 1n esen t occup ied hy hiin 111 th e Y1 1lugu of TT uu pton 1 and fo-ur 'l lliH lc r f1C1~· 1 ots lH o t Le1 piu lts uf the ~a. me Vllla g c A tso, 50 nc1es of hind 1n the L o wn· s lnp of Some 1v ille, being the south-c ast (] UA..1te1 oi lot G 111 the litl1 conces si on. }i'o r p u ne u !a1s apt1ly (it hJ lt: tter post~ 1nud,) tc tho un1lei s 1gn cG. Ii.:, :::-; FO\YKF., llampto11 J u ne T LIJ:tlE ! A SCPPLY OF J_,IJYIE ! ! '!'fl f: P. 0 . ,15- lf, 1Bv7 &So1d in P11 cl.t'ts llnd Cu,aii atere by the C om11anie' s }.. gents in every f: 1ty i\ nd Town 111 Co.n1\ dl\ , Ma rke t B u1ldwg~ 1 Ilo"'manville. 1:crncmber the st1nd-Stgn of tha B ig Boot draw n by two horses, I<:iu g Street. t C JiLF.BRATETl ...fl._ RochrlRIP Lunr krp l cn11" tnntl) on sA.J(' , f\Dd solrl CllEAPEH ti nn nny o thr.r p ln1 e J,,1me - hous~~ 1 8eu g og RtrC'l"t 1 Holl"m BnT1lle n&. ~)>i~n"r AGEl'i"I' FOR BJ1v n 11H1llc, '.·Ja y 3 1 l, 18GG. vol l l,l 7-165d, & DHO\.VN. ' '· ' ' 1'i .. 1 · j 'j ' , ' ~ n11 l,r'H ~:-i 25 l01hcn n Dn 11 1n gton,n on he 1n Hld len n dnot lhf:n d,nt Lotl::J ,En!1 !1\rgc q t1Ht11 1ty of t"A \V :\~ P l ·~ E ;:.;H I ~GLES ,) 1 in ]f1 1n the 2ntl Con. Dn.tl1ngton 1 !'lht\ll be I\ li 1t l. il1~ 11 !!I sell che1q1 hn· Cfls h . prosec uted u ccotd ng t >la". 1 ' A n. CA \IPilELL. 1 11A V S ES . Bowrnnn;l11e l f.~ b Nov. 18C.5. 19-tf. b~i J t~ ~>~, stnnd 111 g or l.)i ng- t1 111b~1 , or ~ llE a11b:1c11~lC L l111s on h nnn nt hi s Mills, othrr?.·1se nbst1Rctlng wood fr on1 th e hnsli ~ F ~· , 1, Q ~ (ll'li. i T E· 'T.A NY --PERSON OR J'JmSONS Kb~ NO'.I'ICE. F OUN D no vVMAl\ VILLE, Mr. T. DARLINGTON, .,et.._ l li. tJm. -- 1.1 t, cut tirg ·r· r:s'T'A.B t 1s 1n · o nr·uc:;~roni. (f,A'I}; DR DfRD·S) Hom:: : Insurance Co. OF 11c1 ar.r, Po·.··er & Ifand Pumps, SLl\.:rrn ·.; I. f l I' ,\;'\]) T"<HlCI . l'UM l'8, JUDICIOUS ADVERtmSING IS ONE OF T~ ,..T OUL D most re spec I l 1 tlly t cn ci cr his si n· · 'l thanks to h is n u merous fde nda c~· 1 c J. HIGGINBOTHAM, FI.RE. 1~ er :tv.r J? S , N E W HA VEN. I..-, FU:U; ti»<I G Hl!Dl;N ENGINES, OTA TF.MBNT 'OF mi; HO~rn !~SUR n.n ce Company of Nl'" Haven, J1111uary r-.nd all k1 nJ s cf' Jst , 1868. PLt':.-rnr:r: s A:-ID OAS Ff.'l'JE l3 1 GOOD!, G>1pital S toc k · . , .. , . , ·. . ..· $! ,000,000 00 ' rhole s11l c and Ret.11 11 by Su1plue .. ", , " " , ... ", " " 619,070 31 J Oii N B FUf,J, llR, 47 PY.'!: BTRl-:ET 1 SUREST AIDS TO succasa tN - - - -------- - --1 C, 0 W f l; R 0 New York C 1y. ASSE'.l'S. sustnass 1ID R.,, Y- ° a n d c n s tom~r~ , and to tht: pnbllc gen era.Hy fo r th e 'erJ libe ral su p port he hns re cf':h=ed s ince hi s con1mcucing 111 ll11 ::s 111 ess; a. n d l1ope1 by cont i nued stri ct person ~1 ::ttl en lio n to businc8s1 offc11 ng n otliJ11g hi1 t th e pu1 eMt arti· cks, n t the nH:>iH 1 CflS0111ble pric es, to ensure ll COUtlfll\ l\ n( l' Of' p11bJ1~ l1nt1 Onl'\ge. ' J8[ O Jr: C E I J. FI. \Vonld cnll sr.c cinl attention to liia JDY'"E S T " D " F F S , v cry superior s toc k of }Jarltet l~due . G-OC)DS ! 11"111c.:h n1c SH1c to g;vP LH W G~ , tli~ best :i -\li sf11c t1on ~ V.VYI_j I---' IE AI_,ONI£ 1 Real Es t Pleo"ncd by the Co .. $205,5 00 00 Lonn,: on Mortgnges... . ..· · · 37 )37 · 98 United Stn1es H o nrl ~ , 5 20 . .. ·.· 3J5,S75 00 M1 ssou1i $tatc Bond:J... . . ..... , , J!l,950 00 T en nessee S t tttc RondK .·· ,, ... l tS ,900 00 \\'isconstn S tille Bonds.... · · · · 1'2 1000 00 \i irgin1tt 8 tnt e Ilona~ · , · · · · · . . 1 i 1 4GB 60 '\fitti on .tl B11nk Stocks , · ·. ...· 310,18 9 l'iO IJANAD,\ BA:-iK FR ESH CROC E RIES ,1 .. OP ! BOUN SA LL ' S (" I'll).... YT ,- . l\fA J:B LC -..~q V\ 1 ~~ .A well-selecte d sto<.:\ u1 G Iii' m C ,\ f,i'l, !'A 1'1'~' l II F. D!CI~ CR , BH GSl! J s, GO~ ! g..;: 1 s no Il l. D g ll - Ull A CBS , f3l1P PO : T Ffl~, &c , &e, S-rocs: . . . . . . . . . 3 l,37J 75 Lonn s on Cl)llllteral :u1d on Call 23,814 50 THE POET SENDS i!IH§ C'.&.R D i, os ;~ '. Ifyou "<Trant the IJUblic to call and ln\'V Premrnrus 11 " 1' 0 id at Home ""d ~i)ect vour goods, give th em an invitation to do so. By Il 1nncli Offices . ... . .·· . · · I00,04.l 80 J ..., Rent· occrucd .. .... .. . 2,ao2 oo advertising }OU will reach all classPs int he most econS" llag<s on !'ire nnd Inland omlc manner, a nd with little trouble to }'O llrself. Lo~ ses u1'M.i(·tf'rm 1n rd ··.· Gl,4 !'il 44 Othe1' r ·opNty 01<1uu!J.>J tile Co 25,0il 88 Send ont your invitations weekly, and the recipients will call on you when they require anything in your line. J, i A B Jl J , I 'I' I E ~ . Los se£ } n p10.ce~s of adjustment $85,8:.0 44 Cnsli on hrrnd and in Biinks... GG/)14 5:.i C 1sh in hands of .Agents . . ..·.. '230, 10 8 3H 3 4 In tcroslncc ru\e cd""""' " ·.... ' " 41 370 B1llaree c 1v11b . . · , · . ·. · 1 u 1ll' on, hri·d . OILS I I' Ar-;·t R, ('0 1.0 W:i , \rAn:.\f is 11 gs i ri d \\ lll'l'l: LJ:.H' ti: pt ~onst B oots CIWCKeRY, PATJ~ N oes! PtJTTY, &c,, ~ B -Cou 11 f1 y Sto1cteepc r s snppltcd ou td\tilllcq;eou s t1.: t tnS l' PAINTS, Of Premin u1 a 1ccenrd nnd paW Come alo'n g lo tho r t h e Port l1vee at 1 fluting ench ~enr s11lcr. t he o Lgllntzftlio n of I f even vou \.'i nnt to buy tho Co1n p n.ny . Ci kcs, B1:c u1t 1 or ll1eld 1 n11.:e Crnckc rs n~d p, e11ii1tn1s recei1 ed. C heese, Or genuine P1tah y nud Pi e j For h e jg t11e ch .1p th,~t ke('ps lots of good t.hiug,i;l~n ~scs With an Invitation. ABVEH'I'ISE IN 'I'fIE " S'I'A'I'ESl\fAN l" All kinds of Job Printing executed in the np<1tcst manner and at lowest rates. Orde1 s by Nail promptly altc1uled to. Support your Home·, and kee;p post.e.<l in hoxoe news, Subscribe for thf' ';Statesman," $1.50 a year. t he bcsl L iUlc l\1. 1d1111P rn 1de pni<l. I 8GO " " " . . . ~37,887 4!l !BG! , ,.,, · · ,, 18G2. · . . ·· . 1863 · . . . · . . . 1861 " . " " " 80,290 DO lfi8 . 289 49 2B6 1 9'l3 5~ 4 70,4 73 78 $ I 0, '188 20 46, 19 0 63 111l.ic public w1H l( II) to fl. mnn, His good~ i\1 c tb e. cho · c ~s t thrit n11 t a r e nffords, .And he so lla tnel!l ai: chNtJl ns ho can 92, I 3 0 so 160,43 4 30 278 , 188 04 4~ 1,292 90 1i1 221008 811 1, 137,035 ,14 1365 . ·· ·· · .. 77 G,S13 GS 18G6 ....... .. 1, 477 28 1 28 All hop1cnl fruits i n nbtPH1nnce l'c kccpsThe Ortl ngl', tl1 c Le111on n nJ: P1 11nc , .K nd some of tli fs~ d.\J s l' C expects n cnr-1ond Of luxu ri e-s down f t om the in oon , His "Ba.lltmo1c 0.}'Stl"rf:l 11 nlJ con no1 s1eura sa: , Arc the best Uie c iunt1y c.~n bonstTbey will fatten yon up, [will w nge r a. dime, lf yo11 '1 e lan ky ~nrl lean as a post. He has lots of l\tl good tln11gs the p u blic to 1867 I 8'0,02o 01 IL YOUNG, Agent, Bowmo.ti\'illc . SlGN 0]~1 HE' 1 GQL D-' 1'N ANVIL. 1.1.J I I ON -,--L~ I r ~~.;,/ _l! < JOHN B. FULLER, Autl·orized bl' tlte Co11w J o f ltt<i1·1 ct101i fo1· 0·1t11i0 ' e r's aud ot h ci~ s11p1 lil'd ell To io" IO P 1ices , flA'.'I TP The nevv rox, - - --Se1~ies of rAa<li11g 1-I . & l Ii"") - .· l )K°-"l"~ / ._ ,, '-- l' A ':' JlC'~ Jl> )/ \ ~~~~~ _Ji___,, ..:J __ ,. ~ ~- -"'-- .. ~~ " I' Books, Te;ic ii- CONSULTING ENGINEER, 4'1 DEY ST., 1'/EW "t'ORli, 1'l1111ufu.('tllT'rnml J)[ nle r 1.1 Fl'lt 20, 1868 ,J. J i::L T_.. ICY]~'T . plense, Bu t be hat;:s for to b l us te r f or to t1ent 1 l:Je sure gn e the" Poet ~ nil ba w l ; If you ever w.Lnt nice tl11ngs 1 )Our fl1c:ad8 n A POllf..\DLC A ND SfA1 IO N ARY co.11. Q_ A GENE RAL ASSORTMENT OF '!:!TA' u ·r~ ,. 0 . ·p . ,,. #' ~ k. ll.J.P.,.l,. STEAM ENGJNES &BOILERS ]',om 2 lo 250 Iln1'sc l'o1e er, , SP BCL\L .t\11 Ji N1 ! ON IS GJ\."f7I.ih bJ5 C1 ·\' U a r nnd rprlght 8 1.w ~Ii fa, tll e be sl aurl moB~ pO\\etl 1 i l Ga.11g ~lill s CYtn built And P\tuy d t::sc1 1pl1o n of -:.:r . ~ . ,,,; 4\! ;,. , Bisc u its, Ct~n foc11\·nn1y fln d Cakc il, '\\,.bo h ·o Ile .a nd Heta.d 1 Clieaper l ~to th is o ur motto Ill OVCl 'Small Profits & Quick Returns,' Onsh pR.1d for ll n t ter, Eggs, a nd Poul t.1). lt}""No tc tbc place- Mill Mac hrne1y & Ms.chm e.ry Supplies r o1tTAULJ:: .t ST\TlONHl.\ GJUST MltLS . have now on hand a JME S WYLLIE, Oorne r K111g k S1l·:erS t1ee1s , 32. Bow mnnv1llc. 'fhc b cs L S lunglc, L a th n n d StnYc Uf!\· c1n nes in use MAc1r1~ 18TS' T ooh of <'Vety descriptton, and nil kindQ of L hc 1 \VOll-ang I 'l'lio bes t l'URB!Ng W .HE!\ )Jil l Geu,11ug, &:c .i &c. I Superior Oal< Tnnnt·d an~ l~nbb cr '1 l.1 d11 ne1y hflnd and bu ilt to 01tlc . uHrnL ttppro\ed \\'0od¥ t n 11 5c consta.ntl~~ 011 l\'IJEllL S, SELECTED s J\; : ~ 1.T l ' ,\ C '1' t?OR~TER..1., . ~ J H C i~ F "- . ' l J,ealher ;tJl d ·Pn t~ At 1 ;t~1ti. ng Uosc, at ltcduce:,-: JP' irices .. Shafting, Pulh<·s n na IT A.n~.ra, OF SI=--I ELF ANI) 1-IE L '\._ VY STET.;L ],fOULD COOK, P, i HLOH Hangc1 s llnd SeH..,.0;i; hn;g Bo-x1; i:: , nnd C\ Cr) description of Jfacltinery & Railway Supplies, in store at the loTI Nit rates, Dra\\ in g of Mill!, ~hiclnncrJ nnd Pl11ns 11.nd Spco 1Hc ~t1 o n!:! t:!llL <l c und iufo rruahttn I given , at shot te.!it notice I A l1~ri;e stock ofC11 cu lnr fl!id Mill s.l"S of B"'s t n hnnd , much Uclon co:§t prices. ©F-:r Jo.CE8. 2P5 lt" nltou Strtct1 New York, l\IAD E '.il'-0 O ltDER 10~ H igh Hol boro, L ondon, };ngl and 1 HI -0fmat e rrn.r rlficc t from 'VEST, IlR ~>\ DLEY ~H Pnul SL1cot, Mo n t tt':d , C1uladn. nnd C.\RY'S ~ l n.unfnct.unog Co, llo nv..ille,8l'flt 5, 18117, I AGR1CG LTUl~AL 1'UH N,\i ' I ,:~~. HOOP SKIRTS- 'I I lCOL J ~H:-i, &c,, &c., &c~ I Would also 111 , that he is the Ii 1st the CELEHHA'L D :\lOH\lNC; GLOBY N B -The w11e i> 1n qttnlit) n.nd 8h.11 t. mcrly ten1~ f lM ~!lOV£0 try th l\t he hlls per llS the Gell'hLi\ted Br ~d l ey Du:)lC'.:t Ho op n:t- Rep l lrlJlg Hnd a.ltt'ring d o r10 l\S H1ur fl.owe1 \'it 1e fo1 Fact ory : K~ng St.ect East, fo ~~ I IS AAC WESTCOTT )EGS TO ·) !~FORM THD DllAll!TANTS Wc wo u1d l>eg to caU pa,riicular , ,l. Sto = nj '"' i I of Bo n m:\Jn ille i~nd su1round1ng r.onn· I Do'rlm,\nv1lle April, 2nrl, 1863 23 l y REMOVED W 'ILIA.Id TAPSON, te1·s, u1·ags, KEFP YOU RFEET LEY AND SAVE DOCTOR'S BILLS . o the p l e rn 1s cs fo r m£ r1 J oc cnpH'(l by the late r B r..> W01 nro "n Stieetl v.h ert: Ill COllJllDCtlon 1'1 lb STOVES; MACHINE OIL, TURPENTINE. COAL 6IL, SKATES, ~[lL~ N . I~. - Old C' .'1 st 11'011 L 1l;:cu u1 :Exc1w nge. jKih'G STR EET L'. ! S T, 11() W3L LYf~l lLE, OXTA RIO FEDlllI ·.\UY 19, 1868 30- 3m "hiclt are \\itho11t d rJ11ht tl1 e lllO<'T pe rfect Coa l Burne~ now Ll J llJt; t'r. l' [Lill ' I l t:. LEATBE.R BELTING, R'U'BBER tnej tH' ~ i r,cpll rcil to d o alJ kinds of '"ork in t utlt llnc 0 bus 1n e8~ 1 suc h a:i do. Buggies , 1l' n gonH, Sleighs, C' nt· Hor se Shoerng pa.rtH ul .urly nttendt' d to. n::f" .All '\\Olk \ \ a naute<l. NnntJ liu.t ,.the1 "tery best n o1k mcu cn1pl0Jed. Mr. t1ouston Stot t w ill do Lh e pa111t 111 g for the estiib li sh menL '!'b ank in g tl·e public fo r pitst fuvor! 1 nn d AV!NG BOUG fll' OU'f'TllN RT;&I- bo p1 ng to me11L a s luuc of thei1 fu~u1c pnttOUil,ge, l1e "Ollld beg to solici t n. call Lcfotc - uc"'s lnta ly cnlno d on hy S B. ~rn.d s hn. ,,, 11; p1 e11a ed to sell C\Cty de 8c 11pt1'ln of e,x:n.m;i.n iog e l scv. hc1c. ihl1P'r.JP-a.n v1ll e 1 Nov , 9, lSGG. LACE LEATHER, .!RAw AND BOI.WD JI1,no" s 1 nn<l Iron Cullnli'<'ri! of all ktnds. &.c., &c., &o. W ..Hs BANBURY H LADIES'. CE NTlEriflEN 'S , , fVllS SEG A rrn C~ilLDRE N'S - - - - ----f{, E 111 0 V ..c\.. L ! ----~-- BLACKSMTHS COAL K ~PT To he 'had for tltc dicrnrnoa nd ::":lb <=>' CO ST ANTLY wtll farrnsh tlie l ·ICK S. BOOTS A.ND SHOES, of tbe hi.lest s1~ le si :u.lapt-ed t o the senson, wb1cll h e io sellt11g !HS \, n n m f!: r o·ie c ue tQ1ners, n.nd tbe pub li c 111 He a.lso m1.1.nnf!!. cLur e~ to 01de1 on the gener:il t hat he hn f' rc 1noved to \ he 1hortf'st no t H.:e 1 nnd. ft oru the b e st of st ock C HEAP FOR CASH. 'rJ.:,uN n:s, I) D . S '.l'OT':C EtiPlllJ1'F1fLLY -~NNOUNC!lSIJ.1 0 All of which we "iJ.l sell as low us any hou se in the trade. But t hat 1s :r\TOT T:F.-IE BEST OF ':J..'H:E H E :n:§ A C_.AT, L SOLIOI"J."'ED .. J~ AT ifyo11 WJ!l only worl, for it; and here is HOW TO DO IT! BUY ONE OJT ]}Jr:Y Col'Der Store in the Town Hall fluild'gs fo1 m crly occupied by ~!ess.ra. R. &11 . ~Q-\ 1 ' where h i! intenrls to cairy on th e Drug llusiCnll nnd ex ness in all 1t.s br:-u1chLi..s 1 aull OsJ1n o ting his l\ttenti o n strictly to i t, a nd .L E.A .T:f-IER, '\.ND J.:'INDINGS Jf nll lund s OH 1 .uid l o1 Sft <. ru1uo stu ck aud pnc1.:s Bo!\\ mAnvlll e,:K oi;. £-OH1 J J'6 0-:I. STAND TWO DOOUS EAST OF THE l!:J"" INCHEASlNG Iii§ STO(:U, 01' p<)S'.I' T" , o 01 ngsi Medicl11cs, C he m icals, Patent STEAM GAS & WATER PIPES BOILER FLUES, A nd all kinds of Brnss and I ron F1tl1 11g:s1 LANCASHIRE CAS'l' 'S 'fEElf, PR,OW!ii, Bill's Patent, (!he b es ~ in Canada), or Eilll"UtE :\0. 3 on 13, GANG l" l ,O}V, CJJ.3./ l'l'i7 A.')'OR, Jl_U)J, 1, ll~ H , 1'110\.VEU & RE1l'iiPl~il: FT1'ICE 15 ly Medic iues, Dye \Voods, Dye Stuffs, Pa.1 ntri 1 Oil s, Bru!Jhe S-1 INSURANCE .COMP'Y, Fire and Life. ..!1.........11 Q ,, ·~-~.r "ll"l'l ~ ,_,. ...&... w.: I S Lamp e, F1e h l and Gn.1de n SeP.d~ 1 l'erfome1y, Comhs, ar Tools, &c 1 O ~b 1d 11e shall be able to offer yon still greater ·u N 'IHE 30~h JF d · , :\ T, .A d '! ct·nH nt s t o L1vor hi m with j 0 111 01dcu1 , 11 " t,1llP of ba rl lll iJo hy \Vrn (.foud nt A. ll r lw nk1ng li:l cvqtoroe1sfo 1 'JlRStfavo1a h ._ : h i hLvui 1 f \\ m L l ei d ~ foi Lhc s um of $5 0, h opt's, by ~Ltteulll1n 1,, 1hell rcqu11 en1c u t: to · , 1 L yetH af l('I dtt 11egll ut'1t ·g ~AR CH dutcd 3J th ~ 1 n1cli, ~1 1d .All 11(> l!On~ 11e hue o) tru ult:l , :L nd tli t:l tinder l81i8, H!Hl pa, nhle une ctiSlHe <'L co11L1nu ,t11 ce of theirpRtronag c. 1 G1\ngos 1 aiid Retlul B Sahlty OJI,f~R PUl!l'S, Vl\IYcs, eve1 CO IL S 1e1un ll~ATJ;RS, ()APl'l'AL $10, ooo, ooo. longci. ,FA~~ l'il~J; llnJ,J,,, To nll to wbo:ru 1 t may corne - 'Ehis 1s to ~'J.' R. 11. W ClJT'l'l\R. Now go to wo1k ::ind u-ro then1, and v;hcn tl1 ~y want fi~"\in('r' b11uK tl1 er11 to u1e and 11ry 1 llHt t I ha ve beeH o cq 1rn. rntei1 wi th the m eu I 1oned geullcman, PP.fe1 C. V I'll 1epair them, and if }OU do nt iu1se Big N i<ggcfa then d;u't c;ll me Ncndo any above Mille r , E sq 7 Jot 111.1ny j- ears ,u1H1 have known I uin't done yet, for I have gut 10 'j'~i)tEN~~ NG !Vla(Jlllf\'£~ A.lid \Vater MO :l={.TIS lNG· lv.IACHIN ES Ons F1 tt ers 1 Gondfl in ,J .,e, V\.'h olP~rn l c a L t<'d ,tct: d y de:'!<:Ilpt1ou of StCln m nnd Ouc of the Lt: st Engl1&h Iusurnucc r.tJm· .unl pat 1cs in exJ"l t t: n ce . sell, and w1Jl t:o your him always to Lo of the " el' ) h1g l'es t rc!>pectu.b1 h ty, a n rl .-1. \lry ca ndid aud ct cd1tah lc penrn n , an1l 1 Am confident. th 1t T <a.n sr1foly vun.·h fo1 th e li uth oftboabo\e,ot ~lnJ other Lr & Ll E~J Efl!ll B H THE STAND! ...(:1f L1.uge~t Stoc k in the ci:3. p11ces bend fur Cata~ The R . & IL O'l!AlL~, ~~11~l Ob\~ t;ei1i.1 ibtJ ' ~\ .Hd e1l b~ 1e t u1 i11J g tt to j SIGN OF THE GOLDEN MORTAlt TOWN H ALL l3u n u1Nu11 · logue an<l P f tce List .,. J . B , E"ULLER, ·l ~ DEY 8TRER T 1 Agents f ue Branch . CASTIJ'.~G3 P:. MD .TOB WDR~i:, TIP TOP. Any thing else in my l ine, .l'\ow "Go in and win." .J. "\:V, NEA!DS , :iiiY" Bring on your QT,]) IRON, BR~JSS and UOPJ'ER, ~ llowma~v1llc, Murch 11 , 1867, cnt n1a1-1( ilb\. .. \V b\ hi m F S HARP I\R, !~ecL0 1 uf Ilnt h, Out. - --~ - -.. - ~---- Wm ELFORD Dar bugtoir 1 .\ pr1 l fl) 1868. ..a 'I", R. CLLlllE, A ge nt Bowrnanv1lle, May 2g 1 18 t;7 , 'VV, ~. CX.:t:WI I E , OF'l"HE 1 · - I~if~ Brauch. Bol\ mnnville 1 April 2{1 1 1861"' !lew Y~tk Ci ty, Plf;,1,~~ ·::lTA TEi 3 \t\ ~ & o~r~Mr1EN'fAL PRIN TER fl O.,..'IJ ,\~ "JL LJ. I_1. ADV}rl)'[ll CJ 1~ .\J _. { 1 lJy Dr. J, C. A¥;f!R & Co, Lowell, llla:!'!o No1 th 1op ~tr: Ly mAn ~{w,, cnstl<', Untini r Geucrn1 ~g en ts tot tJn n ida s, 8ol d hy r H1gf.(rnbotharn. nnd [) .Htoi 1, Bowman .., l1eo K.nd by Med1c1ne Dealc1s e·eIJ "\'i be e I'repa~0<! _ ~ if'youwish t< ~)~ f r;-1s )OOYb)OOJ~,

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