~~~·~JI?~>~ +4!'!"· ~1!±!!-- _ _ __ ___uu_o flOil A. 1, SALl:~ I -~ G·~f'D 'F' ..\RJt i11 \b(' vicil1lt.r of Bo"'~ to contract for the e:Elctffln of'. nny do-imttn71lie, being l'··~· uth- west. ql11\rter c-rip'tioil-0t' buildii1g7 iu town. or country, on ~ot Ne. l~ in. \l:teo tlli.rd cun~e3~ 1on of the very lowest termR and F.ati.efr1.ction 1 )"rlingtun;: 4& 1tcrl'a n:c clef!! cd 1 und 5 gnl'tran1eed. a.crei i11 butob. The1t is " DIC ~ cretk ru n~ HASSETT & DR()Wl\'. tiu·ough !lie snmc . 'l'"V":o good l~arns ..i..nli 11 Log Dwelling Hou~~ ori 1hto prtom 1St.s ; ii.Jr.10 a 12-ly. ~oud llrclmrd in tul) be1t:Un~. .llor t erms 'i HOUSE BUILDERS t RI·: UNDf:llSHlNIJD .Mn; PREPARED .... - -~· --· INDIA AND CHI.NA TEA COMPANY. HOME ·DEPOT. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. Canada Depot; N~. 23, Hospital , St., Montreal JUS'J.' RECEIVEU AT VALUABLE .r iwr .ta~·r:1 T Fi. VE }] isses' ,w d (.; hildre n FOP '1. JIE iq A.LE! A large assortment, in every variety, of Ladies', Gen tlemen's, undersigne d uff~r1:1 for sale the follo w .. ~ iug \'aluable Freehold Pr 0pcrty, vii r "r1'1y to WILLIA)l liUOKl!N,on the f·ir111 ; or to YOU:O:G, Ilow1D·n~ill·. Jnne ~7. 1,6~. 48\t n. £ URE AND GENiJINE-·TEAS 1 o~·-srLENDJD NATUl!AL FLAYOR, BIPORTED direct from th~ Comp11oie1 P 1nntntione in ASSAM, 1and ~n t·hc slotll'I ef the 111~,A YAS, blended ,,;itb tbe lineol Rroduct· ofOl!INA. Fine Household !fca corub fning Strength and Fln':'.or, !0 ce-nts per lb. Finestpr0tirRb lc ;-.'· · -... ~ ....·.....·.--.··. . · ~ . . . : -1 dollar per lb. BOOTS AND SHOES of the latest s tyles, adap tc d ·to tlie seaso n which he is selling at his usual LOW PRICES. O·L~ Two Qu·LIJ'} ES, ·iz. t 7aet·. o: $l_per lb., eilb<-r· ll,LACK, GREEN, or MIXED. LIME! A T I _ .T""i ......i ' [r.' ..L.J ! ·· CELEBR.\TED GOOD FITS GUA.ltANTEED. All Ol'ders promptly executed. ot' all kind o cu.,,l,uJLly on hand fo,r sale. He nlso rn'., nufaotures lo order, fromt!te best of stock, and the most ·pproved styles. Trunks and Leather fhe house and lot Ht preHent occupied b7 n.nd fdur qnnrter acre lots in other p11rts of t he same ~· lllng e . .Aleo, 50 acres of la nd in the town s hip o f Somerville, being the sou ih-faSl· qunrtel" of lot 6 i n t'he Gth concession:' For pa rti cuhH s npt·1y (if by letter post-pai d,) to the u n dersig nc i:! . hltn i n the Village of HamptQn, SUPPLY OF-:rli!ol O JI AL!, BIZES .~ND PATTERNS FOR 1ale at lou· priceR 1 by ..L~ Ror:hd:thi T.itne kept con1t1tntly on !11\le, R. & H. tPHA BA · Market Buildings, Bowmn.nville. t:J"'Solil in Pnckets Rad CR.in!iatcrs by lhe Cumpault!'i:i Agen~s in every City and Town in Cn.naldl\. Remember the s~iri 1-Sign of the Big Boo t drawo by two horses, King Street. June 21, 18G 7. E. S. FOWKE, Humpton P. 0. 48-lf. Anrl i;iold CHR.APER thH.n 11ny ol.ht:tr f!la.cc. J.. ime-ho1uc SeugOg Strtet, BowmanTille. AGEN'X' FOR Bo1vmao ville , [1foy 3rd , 18GG . vol.11, l 7-165d. - DA~!!iE'l'T IlowmanTillo, NoT. 21. t 'i. &; BK(),'7N. ! 'T.AKENOTICE. NY PERSON OR PERSONS FOUND BO\tVMAl\VILLE. Mr. T. DARLINGTON, lti, Gm. SHI IifttLES FJR SALE. I r[1IJJ~ suh.>:icr.ibcr 1111!5 on hitnd nt bis Mi1l!5, 011 Lot ~o. 25. 10th cr>n . Dal'linf!ton, 1l u 1tity of'SA\~'N PINE SH£S"GLES, \a.1·geqn 1 tvbich he will sell chc np for C't3h. 1 '\ euttir.g st·nding or lying timber, or othe.rwi11e 11bstrncting wood from the hfi111b on he middle.. n111l north end, of Lot 13,East :m.1f,in tho 2nd Con DArltngton,ehl\ll be prosecuted nccordi.ag ti) la.w. F. RAYNES, BowmnnTJlle 15th Nov. 18G5. WEI,L!NGTON BUlJ,DINGB. .A.T Tm; OLD E&'l'JHlLlSllEDDHUG"l'OR F. (!.AT11 DR. BlnD 1:-!.J A B. CA;iPf:ELJ.. D1t.rl:rig-ton, Dec. 4. 18G7. 19.'tr. ..z:s - · - ·-=-'-··- ----"'..--- .~ .. --·~ ~--------·~---- ----- ,.;'il.' ~~ ·1 ·t1 P~J'i'iP~, llotv,rv.· Pow"r , & ·-:\I nd P umps, Home Insurance·Co. or J. HIGGINBOTHAM, l l cere thank.a to his numero n ! friend· ft.ad c ustomers. and to the publi e ~euera.lly for the vei+t libctlff snppcrt he baa reeflive· since his cornmenclng in rrnsiness i ·nd hope1 by cont inu ed s trict per11on R1Kll~en 'io n to bu1iaes s , nnd offer in g nothing bllnthepnre11t arti· c1rs 1 at the most rertson11hle price!!: , t o emsu rt ~ - j a co11 tin ua 11ce of public pntronngr. I J H . would cfl l l so ccinl nttcnti o n to bi· i vr..:1·.1 5" pet i n1 s lock of" I> -YE S T U F F S , which rue s u11J to g ~ Ye the best satis fo.cti Q.\l 1 \ well-s elect ecl stock of J UD1.C· I DU S ADVERTISING lITOULD most respectfully tend er his sin- r 11 J~ {.::\rG 11\lES, ()TATEMENT OF THB nom: TNSUR~~ f\ncc Cotnpn.ny of New Htlven, J1tnu1iry 1'1.nd atl kilulil of let, 1868. I'LU::irnf.R8° AND (L\R Ft'rTn:ns' 00008, ~~ a. ~ ·, ; (_. ~ ~ : ~~~.;~.\. 0 Wholesale and Retail, by Capilnl Stock .. . ............ $1,000,000 00 Surplus .... , ............... , tl9,070 3' JO TIN ll . FULL Tl R, 4 '1 DEY l!lTnF.ET: Ne'v York G'y. succass IS ONE QF THE SUREST AIDS TO '. - - · - -- - - - - -- - - - ---- -- - tN UUStNESS · T 0 J: C E ,_ ASSETS. JJfa,.kct Vullle. Ren.I Es ts te owned l1y the Co . ·. $205,500 00 Lon.n s on Mortgngf'iJ .·.·. . ··..· 37,374 , 98 G-OC:)DS l CROW 'FOR -w"YLLIE ALONE! United States Bonds, f.i 20 ..·... 325,875 00 .Mi sso1ai Stntc Bonds...... .. .. 19,950 00 1'en nea::.ce StA.tc Bonds . .. . .. .. 16 7900 00 \:Visconsin Strtte Uo nda.. . . . . ·· F.R ESH CROCERIES \" Virginia 8tnte Bouds.......... '\lationn.l Bank Stocks .. ...··.. 300,189 50 ] ANA.DA B.unc Srocx: ........... 34,373 75 J,ol\ns ou Collntcr11l nnd on Call Cash on hand nud in BRoks.... 23,Bl4 60 12,000 00 17,4.58 60 DRUGS, GlllWICA L S, PA l'rn NT i r rrn rGJ :> E~, BlWS ll ES, ()(J;.J H:', Sil OU LD Ii R-B.rt,\ CBS , 8l"PPLlB.'l'lCRS, &c., &c . kep t constnntiy on PA TNTS, VARNISHBS lrn 1111. OILS and 66,914 63 2s~,108 3G C··h In hnndo of Agei!'ts ....... Interest accrued..... . ... . ..... COLOR S, WHIT1'1 f.EAD 37,463 26 Bills receivoble ........ , .... . . , 41,310 75 Premiums unraid at Hume and :Brnneh Offices ....... . ... I00,041 BO Re ah accrued. . ..······· , ·. , · SalVAQ'f'S on Fire and Inla·d Losses undet6rmined..... Other property ol\·ned by the Co. 2 ,302 00 61,4?51 4' 25,971 88 If you want the public to call and in~pect your T::CP·TC>P THE POET SENDS IIIS CA.RD $1,61 l,010 34 f,IA BILI TIES. L()S5l'l!I in process of n.djnstmcnt. $85,850 4-t goods, gi".e them an invitati~n to do so. By advertising you will reach all classes mt he most economic manner, and with little trouble to yourself. Send out your invitations weekly, and the recipients will call on you when they re. quire anything in your line. at Ille c1·y lowest t>l'ic cs ! IIorise & Catth.-::tCediciues Boots; Shoes I CROCirnRY, PATENT MEDIOINES, RCHOOL BOOKS, BOUNSALL'S l\ifAJ~BL}~ \~I OBKS, N ll.-Country St.orekeepers supplied on l\dvantngeous terms . BO'\V1 '11ANVILL-.;. NY PF. RON intending to ~n~ct either 'Mo111ni1entor Grave Stone totho:i men. or~ of rlep1:1rte1l frienrls: will find it greatly to t h ~i1 1idnuitnge t o cidl untl co1npnl"e' ?l:7" Rt me mber the oldoriginnl s tnn d,s~c u n· doo r ens 1 ofth ·1 Ont.a.rio fln.nk. Bowrnnnville:A11~11~t PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, &c., A as Cheap us any other House in the County. 1.1Rt'i5. STATE~rnNT Of Premiums reeci\'·ed a11d Losses paid e:nme ~long to the Corner the Poet lives at, dnring eucb year sinefl the nrgnnizntion of If ever yon Wllnt to buy the Con1pnny ; Ga.kcs, Biscuit, or Brcnd 1 nh:c Crackers 1'1.D<l I'rerni1ons received. Lo..espaid, Cheese, 1860 .· : ....... $37,887 40 $10, 788 20 Or genuine Pastry n.nd Pie i 1861 .......... 80,230 00 46,190 63 For be is tlie cb np that keeps lots of good 1862 . .. .. .. .. 168,289 49 92,130 89 lhingi:11863.... .. . .. 2~6.~73 5fi 160,434 30 : The ~public will tell, ton. man, 4rn,413 278,188 04 Hi1J<gaods n.re. tl1e choicest tha.t natnre aftords, 18s 1.......... 1865.......... 776,816 68 4Gl,292 90 .A.nd be aells then:i as chcAp ri.s he can. 1866 ... ....... 1,477)281 28 1,122,908 811 1,131,935 44 .A'.11 tropical f ruits in nbnndRnce he keeps- 1867 , . , . , , , , , 1,860,025 Ol The Orti.nge, the JJ emon and Prune, · R . YOUNG, And somft of t heee daye he <'X::pects a cRr-load Agent, Bo,.,·mnnville . or luxuries down from the tnuon; Feb. ,G, 1868. llia "Bttltimore Oysters," all connoisieurri say, Are the best the c·mntry can boafi'tJOHN B. FULLEB, Th~y wi1l fi1.tten yon np, I will wnger a dime, ' If.yon're lanky fond lean n.s a. post. With an Invitation. ADVEHTISE IN TI-IE "STATESl\:IAN !" All 'ki.nds of Job Printing execu1ed in the ueatest manDer and at lowest r~t es. Orders by Jlfail promptl!J attended to. Support your Home Paper, and keep posted rn home news Subscribe for thP-" St~tesman," $1.60 <~year. -· ~-----:. ·:::;::.='73· Work, Price & Quality of Marbk with 1u1y offer~d in O.tJ1,1da \Ye:-;t. \YC' spcnl, positive ly· i 11 a!T\l'min g fl, Srt Y1 ng of n.t l l·/H' TWKNl'Y P~:I: 0 ~"1 A FEVV ' EX·JE.LS10R FAI'i::ILY the bes t Little l\foc: hi nr~ mnde-Warranled- l BO lll\S,\ 1,r. le; "0:1', P t opril'tur~. 1a MRS. C_ BOUf\lSALL f>i 111·r:p.i.r!'f11n ;il,le1Hl to ~lil l11w ry and Ste11\f \\'u r l,, as usu:il. Lfl..tli e.::' Felt !Tats 1·lcu lh:il -- ONLY J_2 DbI-'I_JA_ RS. The nevv" Series of reading Books, Ai.1tl·orized by the Council of Instructiu11 for Ontario. er"s and others supplied at Toronto Prices. H.U!PTON, Feb. 20, 1868. an c'l a ltt 1'!><1 to l he N1_·\\ eol Sq·lrs . lr.T" '1'\vo Ap prcn ti c<'s war.tPrl 1nn ncdintely . nuw·Ju\UVill P, ~JR.r ch 24tJ eic;:_: '3.f. ·-----·-- - ----------- -----4'f BET ST., 1n:w TORK, ~l.1utufa.ctarer POllTAll[,1'~ SlGN. OFTHE .GOLD1£N ANVIL. Teach· CONSULTING ENGINEER, and Dtal~r ET ....i;., ;r. ELLIOTT. in AND 6TATrON/t.RY have now on hand a POR 'l",\Dl.11! .l S'fA'flO NA.llY GHJST MIJ,LS, ti. ' I I STOP AND Th e b es t. Sh i ngle, Lath and Stav6 Ma .. ,._ ·WYLLIE:, Corn'r I{ing & SilT~rStreel8, chines in use. MACR· '.'lt1~· ' Tools of every description, Bnd all kinds of the nt$St approved \Voodworking Machinery · in use constf\ntly on hand .and built to onler. 1 VTJV.I_ FOl~TER., , Tile best TUR!lINE WATER WHEELS, Mill. G.el\ring, &c., ~~C' . SELECTED STOCK Steel :l\f,\ NU F 'AC T UH I~ It > snopedor Oak Tanned Lealller · and Rubber Delling and a11d ·Gang AND BOX STOVES, .OU U n' n P1 h Ji.· ~ ~ Eiii1a,.. OF Fo t' Di sCnsc-s oft 11e '1'ln (1u l: Li111g::i , L.tYc:, Di g 1'stn e U1 gr.11fl , K id 11E· )f>. -~c, ,h \\el1 1 ... :::"\, :H; nt I :--:crofila 1 ih e \rtr10_11s Sk 111 D11:>,a::H'~, l_T1~11H1 r . 1 ,.. ,lJl1l.11ld1·l'l1 '"f'Sl\Jl ;$ lll g ~). U ~Jm it'mC'dyl11li! NEYJ1; !lJO:~:~ EQU~\LLl~DI 1 tin~ li1 uocl , \\{' hold\" c;' ntc tl11t t l11~ g-1l!:1 h c ir1 J1.ipu11l11: s 1 UCH!c, at Reduced 1·rices. Shafting;;. F'ullies. a.nd H:ang_crs, Pate·, · Elangers- and . Self:-oHing- Bn.a.e:;i 1 an.d eTery .diesoriptioo ofl 1 OF SHELF AND I-IEAVY STEEL MOULD COOK, PARLOR AGRICULTUH.AL FURNACES, BOARD~. Machinery <.r: Railway Supplies, ia sboro aL tll.o lowest rates-, Drawing oft Mi!Je,. )fachil1iery; and! 17-1111.ns and Speei-fioa.tiona- ma.de and) htfilllmatfr.m given, at. 1hortk!s-t notihe. A ln.rgo s.tooi. of"©ircnll\r n.nd 1 lUH Saws of Uest 1!11.kc on tilllld, much below cosL price::i. O.rr1cr.s: 205 Fulton Street, New York, ~05. . Higb Holborn ,, J...onrlon 1 Englr.nd 1 44-1 · ,lft_~DIE TO ORDER Pl\ui Streot).MOn~r.ea1l, Canadu. . ~~f~a.terinl d'irect from WEST, BRADLEY 'St ~Dowmnn,,i_ tle-, Sont. S:, 1'86'1, 1 ~. and' CARY'S MaO.ufactu1-h1g Co., TIN\·, ~A J{E &c., &c. ~V.'\GON~, E:A::&D\JVA::RE &c., &c., &c. HOOP SKIRTS ' COOLERS, SLEIGH SHOES, 0 l · f D · d I! ba\tl 1 l oi counc 'inhic 11n·111 Jni:h ly onsec~n , n flrio, o J8P"PS~~ on .1Yc r l'IT'r 8 nunu,J>a .1\tn) ]. l 85.'i. Complan1t 1 Qr thnt of JOHN HusF, Y, of Nnp- ! Dn. ,J . c . AvJ:.n ~ 11 · 1 Jun!! !Jl·eu '"l ·(·:i11·rlh· 1tnee, 011tario 1 of Hbe11nH1t ism , who halO cn1~lofthc\\ur~1/umdacheut1)l.iod\i:.:~n.J1111c-lJ\a actually been un crul,phes t'o: .)e.ors, in spitu ~~f.,i~,~~~ ~f"? ~~; f;:!.1\~·clt~i~ :;~·~!i;~i~c~: 1 i-c l1um t.1 of11ll treatment her etofore , nnd 1:; now well. Yourt.\\lthgu:ulrel!Pi:ct. ED \V J'REBJ.Y. S1,0ree of such cnses 1nigbt he nlentjoncd liud Cle1l:f'/.f .'·:tenmtr l'l<o·um. C L .,111t l lI~o Al£u I c .1111. <-t .1i:~1H!1 ' < Hi ?rh(it co1np!J1i11h; J h11·c c11rul \, .t h \om l'1ilt-' lw11 e1·1lin!l · , ' i 10 :-n)n.llt11at11'e~11it'e(ltn·1ih(c 1Jm1;1d11rm 1 111. On t :1n o ) of onsumpt1011 ! or I 1 rn. t ot I t:T~:H j cine. J p!:1 cc !(ll':lt <lt·j1c1.dc1 1C\: 0 11 ti·at (· llcc)nu.I C. V. M1LLJi:H 1 o; l·:rnestown , O n lnri o, uf t:1,o.thnrtic i11 m} d:iiil ·:oure.. t \lilh ~11ni1 ~ c.- :1 u <l J.:(:.-. .JO'fllmption o r t lrnt nf AM BU O .!'~ \\ onu or lle,inj!. i1 ~ J do. lh nt )Ol!r l '1ll!;tdlo1tl ii~ the l.K:H "o D J.'l'(lmJJ1 YVhe1e '.VR 3 tlH· rc r > c r s uch .t cu1e 11s th1it in tho person of "-' LS ' ·N ::5TOHMS ut Br tgh l oti Edwrrrrlnn -1 r1,1h~lt1mnrf' · ·c . I 1 1 1 1 SLEIGHS, 1yr~ sp ·cc. ~(}'"Call nt th-3 Drug Store rtnrl get a Cir.. r>nlnr of n11qnestic.n11hl e certific11le:i! 011 lta· Would also respectfully announce that he is tllP iirst in the market with a fine as!Sortment of the CEL'f<~ BRAT FD MORNING GLORY OH.11~AT 81JOSHO~EES UE~!~;ny Hnd Stl.ti.sfy Y01JfSfllV C8. ]>ric e of llmru:J.y in lL 1r9e ]'t.nts Sl. rr:T" For Srdc by nil Dru g-gis t s nnd Denlt~ r s iu :'lff'~SriJ.J elll>ct1111po 11 flu· J,iver 1cn 11m1k1·il h1d1>cd . Tbcy h'i\C ill 1111 Jll"l1Ct11·e p1ovt!d UlOIC d)ect1111J lor th(! OUIC OI lnlioit~ tOJ/l]Jln·nts t hflrl ·II" Oil!! I ClllC<l\ ' flllfot1111 DIMortler·-1.iT~r (:or1111hninl·· f<'romlJr. Theotlm·e 11t.U, q/" ;.Vn1· Ytn'k City :Not only urc )Ot11 l'ilJ:;utlnurnhl) m.Hptcd t .. tlll'1r (llllJ1o~e n11 au 11pc1ic11L Lut J tiud l!J('Jr beud1c1nl c:iu mcH1i<ln N. B --The wh·e en1ne in q1ui1ily nnd' temprr as the Oelebraled, Bradley DtipleJ< llbop Skirt. n.....,.... Repairing nud", nlterinS! dot10 Bil ror- I)RGS TO INFORM THE INHABITANTS of Ilo,vrna.nville and surrounding C'O~nmcrty: Hair tlower wirt for sale. 1: 1oy that be b., Ji"'Actory: King Street East, , ., BoW'Qia.nV'ille. Apr.il " 2nd, !BG$. 23-Jy.. N ·Ew y 0RK · 'A I .) . lengtlt i1 Plil'J!':! ll\ c \ 1 Inch rn 11 o rt l ) t lu.· co11lide11cc ._.t tl.J.c prolc.::s1u11 nud the Jll'OJll-.! 'Y:1 .. fm1gt01. , D (;.7t h l d.i J 0f:ifi, f Sin: l h:1\ ~ 11 r-1~1 )Olll' 1'1118 ll · 1111 g'Cl1 t 111 l nnd D.1-1~~1H 1 ~t.KN'I' Oft' 'I'lJE l r>T 1· Rlf11i, I -n.ctn.·I} u ·;o i11· r·l 11t t \1 c lunc"11t R~!~::.t:::L Me dici ne. Age n bs fo r Boi\'ln1,nv 1lk 1 H1gginbotlu'.ln ,'.~tot. I .. \V ho l e::;n.](· l COAL We would beg to call particular tttt.ention to our stock ol whid1 are wiJhout donht 1he nto.~t pr, rfcct Coet l Burner now hl' fore tlrn publi c. ,.\g-ents 1-Xur tbro p & Lym an Newcns lll'. IS AAC WESTCOTT JHt. <·~<' . hOt'iIHllll !)l"HCI JCt' ('\Cl l'l! cc '011 1rn1d 1· l he lll. u11d ca11 11ot l,l':-1tn1c 1u :-:1.v l l1('V :-t1 1· 11!e LC$1 c111l1a 111 c \H! t m p loy Thu1 1~·~11 l:d11w :1d1(»1 011 !lie l11 c1· , r1mc k .uirl t! H i d1:c1 . ! m 1 ~ci 1H :,f il 1hey .lie rm id 1· rn11 .1 l!lc 1 c111 t·1I~ to1 11e1·,1 ;.(l1 ' e1 It> ot 1hnt 0 1 ~11 11 ea,.~1~ 1(~ o\i~t 11 1111J n1 .1t it KEFP·YOU· R FEET·DB.Y AND· SAVE '. DIJCTOR'SJ BltLS. . REMOVED W'.rLLIAM TAPSON, o the premises tormcrly occupied by the late T. lli·uwn, Brown Sirce t , wbcrti in coDjun c~ Uoo wilb STOVES, LEATHER BELTING, RUBBER do, MACHINE OIL, TURPENTINE, COAL OIL, SKATES, &c., &c., &c. N. B.- Olcl Crist Iron takci L 1 i i E xe li an ge, -]'KING S'L'REL' T E~1 ST, B O TV.M11N l"ILLE, O.".' TA RIO ' FEBHU,\RY J l 1:11 e ~eJ,~c,111 10111 d n c to <.· 1,1 l11t111111; 111 , <I ,1 1 01 1u.<111 , 1c 1d tv t!n~ 111. lJ.,te 111t11 l11 u 1i ..,,.1\101\ZUIL\ J. L . .\i D, Pi'lu . '.tt<111 1d' i/t(' . liar1. 1 ~ J111<"1Jotal. Dr~r.nh· ~ ·y, 'lJJi :~u:.i·fgo~a , .il'~ r! lax, '\Vo r nll!I. rn, lS>lS . 30- Sni. J.'1mii /Jr. J. (.J Orecn. efC!tHX!fJn. Yo111· J'ill ~ lrn1 l' lwd a 1011;; uml 111 nn p r 11 dice , :uicl I J1olcl thcm 111 cotcem ,1111 one of 111'-= l.Jl·· ! npc11ellt8 J ha.ve e ver .1ountl . '1 l1dr .lltt1 1 :1 n 1 ( clll·C:\ up o n the hvc1· uwkes them :111 C.ll'.t:elltmt 1cmerly , '\\l.J eu gh en JU i- mull do~os 1or b'hmu 1'.11senfor11 mid di(u-. t lue rt . Tlie1r 1mgar-conting nrnkcti the m 1·e1y 11c- ~~ri~'Z~.nud conv e1ue11t Jor tlle use o.t v. omcu ai.d theJ Rrtl vrepRred 1o do all k.ind11 Of Work hi 1 tbelrline 0 bu!.ineea, such a.fl ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CAN ADA. Dp11ep11la, laupurit y of the R l o o 11. Fro1n RetJ . J . V. Jl1m1::, s, f'·· ..tor i:f ..d.11.vew Church, Dn. AY.En: I havr. u~en ,·our J'iJis with fxtra· Qrdlsiary Kuc ...-cn iu my h11111lv 11nd nmong tll' H~e J um called to VJ::iit in distref.;11. T-0 regnlttfe tl.J.e org u1H1 of dige11hoi1 a11d purity tlie blood, thf;!r nre t he very Boiif&.~ .. H I 'un1n;lew, Wa5ons, 8lel5h11, (Jut· ters, Dra5s, H&rrows, snd Irop Cultiva.tors of all kind1, Ilora.e Shooing particularly attonded to, LACE LEATHER, RAW AND BOILED OIL, 'ment. 'l'baoktng th e public for ' pailt favor1, and AVING BOUGHT OUT THE D'F,Sr,. hopiv" to merit ti. sbi"re of their future pft.t .. Fon.1.ge, be would beg to solicits ca.II bofore uess lately cal'ri.od on by, S . It/ BrJt.dexamining elsewhere, Q.ba.·w, 1s p1epived tro sell cv.ory: tleit1rit1llon of Bo-\vmo.n ~illc, N.ov-, 9 1 18ti6. LA DH! It". W~: R.~',JANBURY tttit.E:M EN'S, ,· M'SSF-S AND CHILDRtrlt'S 0- All work warr·nt·d. None but the vory best wor~men employed. Mr. Ilouoton ,s;p11 will do the p·intinll' for 1he cllabliob :al.I: .A. :0 C> c To be had for th e digging, and REMOVAL ~ign BLACKSMTHS COAL KEPT co:·sTANTLY ON HAND All of which we \\ill sell as low as any house in the trade. J ~ EADfg _r- · - -~ / o· ~ I ' - 1m~ r~ BOOTS AND SHOES, 0(1 ot' the Goldjjn JfJoa·tiw. will .fornid-1 th e I'lCKS. the lat.est styles, e.rh11)ted' to ibc season,.. whioh ~e i!! sel~ling . 1horh·1t notice, and from t'b.c best 0£ stoQk. I EliPJl,C.1'11TJJ,LY 4NNOUN<ilKS110 HIS ~HEAP FOR CASH. \., n.i.J.w~ro 1 11 eu11tomers, and the public iu, He ah!o ma1nufa.ctu rel!I to order OR- tbc geii.eJ!a,1 tlla..t he h.a.1 rem,r.r~ed to \b,e l 1 l) D.STOTT ' But that is NOT T.EIE BEST OF IT. IS mended me 1 o U!!C the g 1 o .~t Sboa li o11c('>::1 Remedy; I lH"Ocnrcd thr~e bottl es at on ce , wi1h tb1~ Pills; so bO C)n iis 1 commenced usi ng- it I bc11t u:tumly J lrnve C\ er k1101\n, nnd 1 c:tn 001.ii· Su~s,-I feel it R duty l owe to you, flS dcntly recommend tben110 my i1n:ulla well as to the pub\ic 1 to inforru yon of the You1s1 J. Y. J:ll ~ l~S. most wonderfnl cure of consumption, aecom\VARSA\V 1 'Vyoming-C!o., N. Y ,tlci. 24, 1800 DRA IL :::llH: J um using your (.'nthortic l'iJJ s lu my plished ia my person, by the use of the gri!a.t Shoshonecs Uemedy and Pills . I coughed a practice, nnd lln<l them mi C'xcml:ent 1mr~11th c 10 (':lcamm the tiYl:lb.!lU n11d pwrlj'y the jb111aam s of the ~rent deal day and night,expe ctoruting gren.t bloOl/.. JOUN G .M.l<;,\CHA!il, l\l. 0. tun.ntitic s of mnttcr 1 n.nd bad a great pain Clon!'lliJu1tio11,' Co1llli·enC!il"' l!Jupprc1 uiioa, about my left lung. I had cold ,c hille e\/ery IChcun11 :uit1Ht, Go111, "·c1trulgiu, D 1·011Ry, .n·a.-ul yN iM, FillM, e(c. tlay, ;_l.Dd SCVCt'C nighL SWl:lllts C\'Cry night, From / Fr. J P. Va119lm. 1 lfmllr1:al 1 Canada. and hetween th e ru ck ing co ugh and grP.a t. Too much cn unot lie !>llJd of 'our J'ills Jor tba sweati ng, I w·a.s o.hnost deprh·e<l of sleep; bJ cme ol' t"oslwe1u·.i;s. fj ntlll'I« ol o\1r frnter111 1l hn'e tbc::ic n1i sl·r ies ns · w ell a s the lofls nf npp~tite 1 fo ~111 d ( hem 11::; eJJ1cncwus a '" I lw \ c , t hP\ : :; lmu d jm n ine il1 J J l ocJ111m m ~ II, 101 Hw l;e1 f·ti! ofl11t· nmU1tudcA I was sn r r duc erl th at I could hfl.rd l,,1- st11nd ·wh o ~u11L' 1 11 0111 tl tat co111 µl:1 1.1t, whwh, nlt ho u r· b alone. I was n ndor th1:1 cn re (Jf n ph,r~icia n IJ11 d e11·wg!l il 111sel 1, 1c; lllt' 11 1ug(:' u1f o 1 ot otl1 crn t l ~1 t for fl l eng th of tim e, bu t finding 110 re!ief1 I u1c 1101 ~e J lll he1e cos ·1i i:uc,~.~ to 011g-1 1 ,1t t: 111 l hc h \ e1, bul ~ ou1· l 'IIJs .:1l0ct ili.lt oigllu :rnd l; lll IJ 1ue tried d·ffc ren t receipca. but 1111 w1tho11t any dbu.H,C g ood cffPc.L Sqni re Peh 1 rso11of13ath, rt: ('O m"- 1 From Jd1·s. E . St.i1i 1h~~~~~tl!"·an and ~1fldw:·e1 I fl ml on e 01· t wo lnrµ;c tlo,u; of yo ur l' Jll f!, la kC'n r.t ttie 11 101 u1 time, me t'X:Cclh 1 1l l110 1 11ot11"6 ot tile ncttural s1m·elion 1\ Lel 1 ~\hol ly u1 i11u iw lly ~ 11p~ 1 M EASRS. YOUNG & CHA~!BERLMN,- : A CAL r_, SOLICITED. 18 G - O L D A..T if you will ouly work for it; and here is HOW TO DO IT! BU:Y ' O N E OF M:Y TH.UN KS, >t. alt itlnds. on baud I-Or sa!e. mine stock Rnd prieeR. . {lnll rtnd ex Conev Stllil'e Wo t]l!eTc;wnHaH lluild'gac ! Bowman'f111E",Nov. Z6tb, 1861. . . n~ss in all its braucbes ;&nd b;r d·evoting hi1 at.tention 1tdctly to jt, and LEAT'.H'.EN:, for.rner11y oceupicid1 b~ ~~ess'l!&.R. &: H. &!Iili1U1.a). 4.ND FINDINGIOI where ho intends to carry Oft th.o Drug Bnsi .. REMEMBER ,THE POST l301rniapvitle, Nov STAND 1 n:t" iNCREA.SING UIS l!l'J'O(JK OF Drug., MedLri.~nes, Chemicals, ratcnt M:edia:in.~1,. Dye Wooda, Dye Stulfo, Paints, Oils, Bru1he1, · -/ ·-TWO :DObR!l TlAST OJi' THE OFFICE o, 1861. I STEAM GAS & WATER PIPES 'BOllLER I'LlJEM. LANCASI-II:RE 15. ly INSURANCE COllP'Y, ooo, La.mps, 1'~ield and G1uden Seed5, Perfumery, ComUB, ISr.., And oil kinds of Bras· and Iron Fittings Toolo, &c. PUMPS, COIL HEA1'ERS, O }f 'l'HE 30-th 0F MARCH LAST, .A no;.e of h!\nd mB.de hy . \Vtu. GnodmAn he sb&IJ be ·ble to otror y.on ·lill greater 'n. BOILER ln ' ftt.vor of \Vm. Elfordl, t.D,c SUI)) of $M, d.i:!..ti:<L 30th March, 1' 868~ 11nrl T·fl_Yfl.ble one yeRr Bflf>r 11 . . ~. All peo1son~ 11r(' hereby fc,,:,,. m bid negotiating ··id note; nn<il th< iudu '!fill bo suitably rew<rded by roturnlng it to ! SIGN, OF THE GOJ:iDEN MORTAR logue and Price Lisi. t.10 owner. J. B, FULLER, Wm. Ef.FQl:D. 13'° Tow· II·~~ Bwm,>INGS · ..a 47 ""' STRUT, e Safety Vslves,. Steam Rnd "" ater h.._ I Gaugcs, ·iuJd evtry desciiµtion of Sleom ttnd hqpes, by !1.tt~nti,ori tc the1~ requiremcn111, to (;fl~ Fitters' Goods io use, \Vl1olesale aud C'nsurc a. e~>nt1 nun.nce oftbeir patronage. Retl\il, nt greatly reduced prices. The . ~ S 0 Jr:;- ~EMEMBIU: THE ST.AND I ..a Largest Slock in the city, end for at ... thu.,:r.rotnt s to~h Yorh1m w1thyo11rorden1. Th~k J ng !. It; cvc;tomers.ror p~~t favorR, ::r.rt'att""', April ll, m;a, ' l.le11:a~~TJll~, .tpril ~f 1 Ii~ ..: New York City. To all to '"ham it may come.-This ia to certify, thsl I hnve been aeqnniated with the Fire and Life. Now go to work and use them, and when tbiy want fixing bring them to me and above mention ed gentleman, Pe ter O. V. I'll repair them; and if you donL raise Big Nuggets then don't call me Ncado any Miller, Esq., for many yrnrs, and havo known eou t:tin no mercury or nuucral subst11.11ce him e.Iwn.ys to be of the very highest res pect- l'Lie~ft CAPITAL $10~ 000. longer. I uin't done yet, fur I have got whate ver. ability, and I\ very candid and crcdita.hle 'I' persuu; and· I am con fident Umt I can sr.fcly Price, 25 cents per :Box, or~ :Bo:tce !or $1. One of the be~t English Insurane.e Oomtu 8e 11, a nd wilJ do your vouch for the lrnth ofLbe abo,-c, or any other Prepared by Dr J. C. AYER & Co., Lowell, M""s, rani~s in cxilitence. statement rnn° e by him. Northrop & Lyman, Nevrc11stle Untarir1 1 1 1 H. & H. O'HARA, · Hwv . W . · General Ago»ts fol' l' nn,idas . So ld by l" j HigginboUinrn and D Stott, Pownin tJ 'l':J1~ Agents F i re Brnnch. 1 Any thing else iri my line. Now "Go in and win." ~. ::E=t. C :iC.a 'Ji. n.II: JI: E, f1nd by Med i<.:i ne De1de1 s PvPry'\. he. e \lT, R . CL!A!IE, .:r. 1"I;~AOS. I@" Bring on your OLD Ill.ON, BR ASS and COI'PEN. ~ Agent Life Branch.. Pt t 1N & oR NAMEriTAL P>irnTE R A Bowmat1ville, Marnh 11 , 18ii7. 11 1 Bowm·nvillo . ll·y 29, 186 7. 8 1A1r·: s·.1 !\1" ' or·tr1·1· ~-1 ~ , ~ _)J [ ~]_l}_ ~syyuouu;·~~J~ d: :1 Hl'~.M.11n ·1.-.. CA.ST S'J.'EEL l"l,O'V~, Hill's. Patent, (the best in Cnnada), or EMPIRE~(). 3 OR 13, GANG PLOW CUL'l'IVA.i·on ROf,LER.' MO,VER & REAPER THRESHING 1'1ACUINE, FANNING JU ILf,, STRA\!V C 1J,., .1l TER. Leg-an tu get better, n ud wtien I hn.d fi ni s lied p1ei>f:lctli ~1 1 1(1 .111-v V(lJ)' etlcctuul tu ctcrm:Je 1t .e this complement~ th e cough, expectoratiot\ of 1;t.0111ad1 :~ L ·ll 11:1.p1 I wo,.111x They nrc i;O mu ch tlh'f bet>t ph ve;ic \\C rnwe that I 1ccon11nc11d 110 u1hc1 tt> matter, ptdn abou.t t he lung, chil ls, sweati ng, my 1mtfe11I$. &c. 1 left me; and by contiou i11g its use I From the Rev. Dr. Jlanikes, rif the .Afethodist Epis. became s tl'ong a.nd healthy. It iA no\v over C/L1H'tft I"ULASKJ Uous 11:1 Sa1 flL111nh 1 Ga . J:m. 61 185G. two months since l quit the Jtemed.v, a. nd liol\Ol~J:U> S1R . J llhould be u ng111teJul Jo r 1h~ tbcro have been no symptoms of the dislcn.se r chcl ) our skill hus bronght 1ne if I d1d not 1cpo1t returniag 1 and I hnve beeu 1 and 1101 now 1 my case to )OU. A cold sl!ttlert in my lhnbt1 11 uil healthier arrd better than I have been for b1ou~ht 011 excrncu1Uug ncuraluiv 1u,,nis 1 which jn olwo11ic rltemn(l.tiJJm. Nntv,:11ll~1un d iug I mnuy yeare. I truet yo11 will rnnke this ended b:-.d the heHt of phyt.!1elons, the dl11e1t~e grew wor~ e known to the public, that they may be uware and wor1:1e. uutil by the 11drice ot your ex<:~llcut of ~he peculiar Yirtnes of thls truly woniler .. ngont in llnltirnore, Dr. l\lackeuzi~, I tried yuur P11la. 'J'Jwir c.0.1.;cts were slow, but sure. Hy perful Iudian R6medy. .., 11everlng h~ the use of tbem, I u.ru llOW t!n1il eJy well. PETER C. V. MILLER. Earnc;itov.'u 1 Co. of Lennox&: Arlrlington. SENATE CIIAMDl-:lt. , nato11 Rongc, J,n., 5 Dec., 1855. 7 pflicted me tor )Cars. VINC~'.N'J' cLlDl~1. L. ' lrl"' .i\fost of t he Pilla in rnnrket contain llei·<: ury, ,....Inch although n valuable n·mt.>dy iu 8kiltul bond@, is dangt:rou f.I in It public pill, trom the drendful con ~ 11cquc11ces tlrnt frcqucutly follow its inc11111t1011s U!$C. 1,11111, of Rheumatic JJn A l EH: J ln11 c l;cuu c11tircly cured, by ) our Clout-a pidnfui tli~~111;t·1l1 :r.t h~s M 0 R I S )_ N G ]\,;_[ A C H I N E S MJLL CASTINGS A ND JOB \VOF~Kj TIP TOP, ri~~10; ~1~[, t'1~· 011 t. °'"· I DV ];J) ;1·~~~-;;-;. 11 --~~~ '