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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1869, p. 4

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...:.,!'. -~""' , , 1.~ CHElVII CALS.1 , CONC~RNING VELOCIPEDES. Do n:t fo r get to n1r. ko an corly c all . -cm= O }!AN, WOMAN , O R OH[f.. Il, \\'I LL deu y d ie fa. c t, t ll aL \Y YL LI E he a.t s a H the m erchan ts i n BownH1.n vi1Je 1 in cn.te ri llg to the wa nt s o f the pu bl ic , i n the sli ape of luxuries . 'V Y L L lE will st ill kee p, a s he ret ofore, a b ou n tif ul su pp l y o f N. 1 Bound on with yo ur v el o ci ~ eJ e s, Ye BlooJ s of B,nvm a nv ille; You cn n spi n th em on tb e incli ne..1 R ut y ou c an no t c li mb tb e h ill. You' ll fin d i t all th rough l ife t he s a me , '£h at u p- bi ll wol'l.._ is ha rd i nut d ow n -bill yo u can go as s1k:k A s if'twere r nb lJed w ith la i d. The u Poet' s Co r ner 11 i s t h e sn o t '11 0 make y o nr s tart ing pl G.c ~; Bny good t h i ngs out of 0 \\.~yllie "e," And yo u 1 r e s nr s t o wiB t ht:i race. I-Ie,s got th e m a nia 1 VYYLLTF. basi And bounds a ro u nd tbe shop Upon his -.;di d ve l o ~ ipede , Witb s ki p 1 an d ju m p , and bop. Talk n o t tv m ~ of Pe g nsu:: , Or a ny" Poet's 0 i1a g l\Iaze rpa'S was a s mar L ish hNtst, Ru t w a s n,t w·o r t h a rag. L ead out your ] roa ll orse, G ra n d 'l'ru n k , " l!'ra n k ,·1 fe t ch y o ur s wifte st steed1'11 b eat t he w h ole ca b oc dle O n n1y wil d \' fl oci pPde. T h e " GlolH~" scemo; h 1zy r<Jl1 i r1g round, And c an ' t i nc rel'LSC it s Sl'C (' d SornC' da-v J' ll le a;rc it i n t1ii.: li:r cb On mJ wiJ :; vc'. ocip 0d i:: ::id j ud ge fo r y o ur se' ..- cs . 'l'he good s a r~ ' I.Jew a nd Fashionable, and will ba sold Cheap for O b .~e r ve Cash! I ~ hysi cians' r1rescriptions ca.refully Con1pounded, and all orders correctly answered, ~! . !G- All o rde rs prl)n1 p t)y atteti de d to . Good F its and Wo;:knat.n ::hi p gua ra n leed tb e a d d r ess- Oo r ue~· cif Ki ii ~ and Si lver S i rec Cs . BOWJ!ANVH, LM, APR IL ~' 1868. = ·.Fon.:a:ims. ~ ]i'tw m e1·s a ntl Pln;sicia n s [1·01n the C01. int1·11 1 ,fJi l l fi nd oul"' stock of niedicines "complete mul of the lumt fJ'l..Uflity . o w m anvill ~ , Test imon ial s of mo;; t ·w on c:!erful and ex ~ 1.ntordi na ry cu res in Ca.narl a hy t h e GR EA T INDTAN ltEME DY. Th ey a re stern , u n<l e n ia bl e a nd iuuon lesr~b le f nc t::, su ffic ien t t o. con d ncc t he m os l sk t> uH i.;a l that the G ren.t Medici nal Oo n1po un d Je a rirnd afte r fo r ages is now accessi ble in tb e Great l ' i!IE F OLLOWING Illl !!ARKS ON I -~-- ==,, ,-· - --= === Jan, 6, 1$6 9. Itil lli.l ® §lll!@~!B:lE§ h ave uuw on h a nd a ll!ElV!UED W ! PREPltRE FOR THE I IOI.IDAYS ·SELE C'T ED J ust 1'. Dar lin gtonis, OF S I-1:E LE ANT J I-rE AVY ·, Fo r D ise a ses ofl ~ ie T hroat, L n:ogs, I Di ges t ive O::gan s , K l"'. 11eyf' 1 &c .i as w ell a , 3crof.ila , t he Yrtr ion s Skin D isi;u,;es , : H umors nn d all di scasE"s a rising fro m h n pu rities o f t he _ Bloo d, we bo ldl y state t ha t t h is great T"em edy b~s NT~VJiiR BEE N EQU.A. LLED . Wh ere wa s L hP l'e ev e r ~ 11c h a cur e ns tJfat in the pe rso n of \\'n, f'io ?i H-ronI\18 of Br ightoo, . On tario , of Con su mp t ion ; or t ha t of P ET'f!l! C. V . :M !LLEn 1 of E rn es to w n , O n ta rio , of .. . . J nsu m plio n or lhnt. of A MBH OS E 'V o on, o C onst'co n , On1,nr in 1 or D y spepsia. and ~ lve Oom p lai n tJ o r t ha t of J on N I1osE Y1 of Na p n ::i ee , O n tf! r io, of Rbc umatis m, w ho had a. ct nnlly been o n c r utches fo r yea rs , in s pit e ofnll tre:i lment here tofo r e , a nd is no w we11 . Sf)oJ r6 s of s uch cnse s ntigh t be mentioneri ha d " "e sps ce. 10= Call a t th<:J Dr l1 g Store nnd ge t a C ircu lar of nnqucnic n a b1e ccr ti-5. cates o n the Gll BAT S f!OSIIO KEE S I!EMEDY .~ '1 s a ti sfy yourselve s. of good 7 1eas ! FRUITS IN T U lEiJa !HUSON . Oran ges, Lemon s , Pine Ap p le~ , S t ra "·berries, &c ., i n th eir season ; IC'e Crtalll a nd s1larkli11g ic e cold Soda \\,~ a te r fr o m t he fountain in ho t w eath e r; R r~ n <l, JJise ~ its, Cnkes nud Confectio na ry of tl1e be s t quality, wholesale and r e tai l; a 1i;o, choice stock of Groceries, S oirc es fur ni shed in fir::>t-das g style on ihort no t ice . \V eddi11g cakes 11ui.rle to order. H igh es t p rice in ca sb paid for Eggs, Butter, &c. GOO D COFFES Or nything GOOD GURRATNS RAISINS! srICES ! lll a large a 11<l iw portant s:oek o~ n?w Malaga Il~ i ~in s, . boxe ~ J-:es t \ L ondon- L ayers, Ho x t' R and.. I ~ alf-bnx"s new v a l en1rn Ha 1s11;s, Kegs of Seedl ess -lh i ~ iH s, Drums of n ew Sult:ma Rais i ns, Barre ls of ne w Currnnts, Boxes of n ew Citron, Orange and L emo H Peel, Bags of new Filberts, Sacks of n0w Wal nuts, Mats and Boxes " of n ew ..Figs. Kegs of new Prunes , Orangcti a nd Lemons, ! ,. a lso, CH O ICE L O T OF NE W CRO P T EA S. (JI.J= Quality 1r. the test of Cheapness. Price of &med!! in large p ints · ~n. n3"' F o r Sit le l 1y nll D ru ggist s a nd DeR le rs in Me di ci ne . ilf E'SS l' S . .Age: n ts f or Ro" manv ille ,- J. I Iigg inbothair ;!- . S tott. W h olesale A Q;e n ts,-No rt b ro p & Lyman Ne\.v copies C'B "\ ~· m. I n A ET®f!i. _.....----. IA U C 'I'T f)N EER,.r r./ "HURRAH OR NER." the Grocery Line ! TH AT A T AG-A I ::J::'J" &c., &c., &c. THE TOWNS Ill P OF Dl\..-l'(j, FOR ington. ord er, , punc tlla'Ify at A ll tended to. Ch'"ges modernJ_;:.../ ,- w. · To Cabinet 1t!:;;:fm·s anrl Upholst erers ANDREWS TIEl\I Ei\'I BER begs to a n n o un ce that he ls prep nred to g i·· e instructio ns in t he ~le m e nts of Vocal & Instrumental ~'.[ JOH . is the place to get yonr wa nts su ppl ied. ~ We would beg to call particular atten1ion to ou r stock of )I- 'I} yr;;. . }r·«~· Sc rew,; , Co tli11 T J irnm fnX""'· L rhol"'t··r~ r 1 ;.: l\·C'etll e oi 111 1 ~ l1egub10'.s, ;l.. dtl :,; r ~ r r~ 1 · ·.~ 'l'(lo l.;i. Lx tc n;;ion J. i p .4.1·,i:::c r FI.1 nge ~ . L (>ck~. R SEATil\' G, CllHI.E D H.A JJi. TO "~. SOFA H AI Sp ring,,, '1' wi11c, ( ' hn ir- w eb. E:c re w111 But1011 ~ . T a ck,,;. f<'!im l 'H p~ r, Clue . l'in no S two ll11;;.. i\l elo leou Il unh.111 10, &c ·. ror Sale , L OW1' \ l ')'JCe :; . R 11 A~ 31 {ItLl~r l~ R , G<-' .l l; f'll HBLCl \Vrt r(! fl·Te r (·h nn:9 U 8 IC, STOVE S, llfL&CRINE OIL, TURPENTINE, lU, Yo1Jg:; S 1re~ 1i Toro i!lt" embracing t horough und H~ rn1ony, the ele men ts of c ompcs i tiun. He is also prepa red to l 11 11e nnd re pa ir Pianos. Res ide n c e- Churc h Street, E ast. Bow man vil le , J u ne 3, l 868 . 45- tf. The Ontario Har row. T It is the Best E a rr ow in Ui::e, Call at shop an d sc ~ro r y ou1scl v!/b. ~nrticulA. rs I ~ He keeps nothing bu t THE BEST, a nd sells a s CAEAP AS T H E CHEAPES T . have reo rga ni ze d i . lieir b n s in e ~ s, an d wi ll be found mises of J . NEADS, Ill th e p re · 1< Uil1lER do. COAL OI L, SKATES, &r., &c. , &c. Sa:rsa parilla FOR FURIFYHiG THE BLOOD, And for t he speedy c u rcof t h~ foll owing co mpl!li nt8: 8 c r ofl~ I a AYER'S HE Sl: BSCRIB ERH .~ SSJlC U n ED TU E right lo m anu f acture the a bove Harrow for the Town shi p of Darlin gton ; nnd i ':l now prepared to fi ll o rders . _____ A ND LACE LEATHER, ......_ : \T{1 (J JT irJC I~ nu11-or· .D _l\\..., L 1 Pinuy ~-El'lj :l?u§h.a!cM i Elotc he~, B-h:du ~ , outl a il § dn D i~ ·Lm. ~ m. t.i n d r;cwofclontJ ll.. ff«!c ~io n \11$ , 11n ct a!' T tnr.oNi, t::Hc<,l'fl' M®rc:111, JE ;ouinion · .Bou., 0 1 RA "\V A"l'·ID EOIED OIL , GOOD _ 4 SSO llTJVI E~T GLASSY\' ARE OF CHOCKERY 1 ?or sec bills. TITOS . THQ}IAS. N. D.- H orse ~hoe i n g a t tended 1o i n a thor o ugh m an ner. Part ic u lnr a ttcc !.io n to the lreatm cn t of d is eased horsc-s. 10'" S ec bills . T. T . Dowmnn ville 1 Mnrch 3(1, 18 G 9. ~h· en EARTH I vv ARE ! NEABLY OP l' OSI TE IlEl\ DEHSOi·i'S J] OTEL LT and PLA81 ER.- 4.00 B a11."s ~ .Coarse L iternool Sa lt! l'i)\'~TT H ~ I r. A1· C 'L1.1JJ 1 I CTT i'DS T A N T! Y [~) T' · _ J 1·-, I' L Ii ..\l LJI 1 0 .ARL AND, I n d .. Cth Ju ne, 1359. J.C. AY EP. & Co. "Gc>ntf':: l fet?l it m v dutv to :J C· l: no·.vlc dge wlmt your P.:::,r1o1a1rn,rilla hn8 done fo r me-. eritcd r, Sc roful om.i i nfection , J hnve H av in 14 in l1 is u fi'1:red fro:o. it in vn i ious ;x; nys for yeKr~ . Somr,thn~ it l.; 11rst ou t i n "Cll:lers on m·r h n11cls :lnd t\rrua · Fomctlmel:l it t'U rn c-d irl'.vn rd and dit>tresscd me ot tJ1.! :! t onrnch . Tv..-o Y<~ri.n: a go lt broke out o n my head tui d covered my !'.Culp uml ettn1 y,i t :i on e s on) , '"hic h W~!l pninfu l n nd loat hso me be_yo11d llt:ll::!ript io n. I trk ll mnny m~dicines und seven1l p h y ~ i c iau s , but wi t hout m11 ci1 re lifd. f>om nny tlriug. Jn f\wt) tlw dil'? rder g rev1 wonrn. _ 1'.t length l wns .rejoiocd t& r ca<l in tl!c Go~i pcl i"!e3!-'!7;'.-g-e rfh at yoa h?.cl prepRre<L r.n nlte1 ·e.ti ·:c (b n.rsap:i n .. m), for I k1 1e w fro m y ottr · ept:tAtion that. .'.l.Uyt hi:':; JOU mac!e must !Je .r.;ood . j( -- GROCERIES I i{EEP YOUR FEET IH~Y AND SAVE DO CTOR'S BILLS AS CAN BE FO UN D IN TOVl!\TN C 1 \...._ LL S OL I C I T E D . bn tUe ~ . Ne w n:'ld tv·1lchy ~":'.1 11 ~mun Ueg ll n to fo r m un der the st '.lb, l';hic ~1 a i~ cl' n w iu!c fell off. Mr i ~ no 1 v cic ~r. 1n1tl l kn o·"- b· m ..· foe)ing·;i tlrn t f.hc dillPR ~e h. n 7or t> fro m my r_;y:otbrn . · °!~J u clln well ht!lieve th::: t l !ti·I 1;· k::t J f:'"\) i:: :~r in g- wh e u I tell yoa 1 thDt I ho ld j uu t o bt: on·~ ofrhf' apo~tl cs of t he 'ag'D r.JJ d 11·em1\.h' .-. : nu ;.; :·:,lL fc.!J>, i-, ,,_ .nYm 1 ,r;, " .A .... .r I ._ . ...,. H. l A l,L EY. l se:1t ro G i nr-i n i;::i ~i :.,_1: d get i ~, nnd used H till :!t cu red me. I to ul. i t,::.,; ydn nrh·i:!e, in B m:lll <lo:'()s of a tcMpoo nful V .' C !' a r:~o11t! L ar!·l us1:1l r~! mos t three st in OYS EltS ' H A YING BOcGH T OUT THE Br:sr. ness late ly cn r rfo d o n by S . I.I. B rad- , shaw, is vrepa re d t o sell every descripti on of: T-IIE AND BEST ALW A YS ON HAND! Ii'HESII EST Ilh; ~~.1l' :D!.'" n , !":41·2 I2: y01=;, Bt>epii;y. D r . Ho l.;co r t l'I L l'rehie writ e1' from Sa.Jem, N . Y., 12111 Sept .. 18.C:i'J, tlrn i l:e lm8 cured an in veti:-:-r: l e c c.Ye oi Drops;,1. w li ich t b;cntc1 1cd to tc rml n nle fat ~ lly, b y t he p er ., ~ v e rin.?," w::<.> cf our Sn r~ap 1H':i i r :· fl!H"! n!sot1.d:ll1KP··c:: >i 1l frUig:itrn.t.Erysip ekt~ by h"· ~· do~cs of1hc t<umc : :;nj:,; l.i.c cure!! t lle comm o!l E n 1.,;i FJ r. A::~ Z 2AC·::l.1l )'.~'1 W i._~~c , Jmo;,c e1· 1Ery !!i U!'-ola;;, · ~ ct t " ::' n :1d §:~ 1: £:t fa·;;n :i..-: , St·.::.hl U c:n ~, , i io1 ,1s by it (':OUStuntl y . - F inna n Haddie::i, Canned P e aches, Graham Flo ur, Cracked W 11eat, i n fa c t, everything in the line of $t"Qi1.Ch0:-~l;)) G:cri5~ :.'::- c ::- i; --;7~~h:: ~ i\"{"f: ~: .. .' \. ~ -~ ., · J l>. 'f O Zebul o n .S 'o<1n 1of P r ospect. Te.xroi:, writ · s: " Tlt , bott!c11 of yon:- Sari: ~r~ n l i;" c 1: ,·N\ me fr om r. (;o::. - n hid .'· ';1.'t]jj ;i~ UH 11.e !il'Ck , " ·hJ ch f J1ad 8< :. 1 fc :"( cl fipm 01·cr t '.YO y c ~r ~ ." ' FAMILY G R O CER.I E S AND PRO V I SIONS ]'.~1'~.;~~~)~~~ ~::1;;;.~;)tW~~~~~"~~l~.e'~~: 0 ~, ·. 1· I.! r. J. n 5 . Cb!.l!1ning, of N v.,,. Yo1k City, writ&ti : l.,. , 1 most ch cerr:.<ll y t·orn µlv vi'ith t il e requ cft of vou'r . LADIES'. GENTLE M E N' S , MIS SE SoAfm C HI LDREN ' QG~ In spect ion in Yited and sa tisfac tion g~rnrantee d, K eep th_e Best and Sell the Clieapest ! w ill be g in 'n at t he BOOTSAN D SHOES, of 1.he lat est s tyles , a i.l a ptc d to t he se a s_ou, ~J O Hr'll ·~;s ' MUR"'fR Y~ Bowm an . ·il!e D ec. 3, l SGS. . !l!g., o f Urn G o l <l e n Lion . which h0 is selling CHEAP FOR. CASH. He ·alsao manufnc tur cs to orde1· on the sliortest notice, and from the befit of stock, = HE CRO CKERY DE PA'"' T~ Til,UNii:S, LEA TJ!CIER, <\..ND !F IND I NG S Jf all ki nd s on l1nr.: d for s ale. Cnll and ez m ine s t ock and pr ices . ER STORE! drh1g' th e re:n1ain der of the winter se& s 011 ! 1 - ~yp i!"i: ilh n~a. liicr<:t!'lirrl Jtil j !!l$<':lSOo 'ii N:r;:w On L rtANS , 2flth .A ug ust . 185©. Du . J .C. A Yl~ R : Sir, I cheerfully comp)y with t he 1'quest of' rour sgent, :md report t o ) ou' .t>Ome b nt lie advised the t rial of y u~H" S an:up~ l'il l n as t i~ l al! t H~~ o rt lJi: loro cuftiil g- 1 and it 1n·ovcd e:ffbctuaL After t akiu g yo ur r e medy Pig ht week13 n o symptom ofthe d isease i·enrnins,' 1 ti.gc:-nt in s;iyrn J I·? f01.r nd von r Snnmparillti P. mo!'t cx cC'J!('n t nlh: r:::t ivc 1~1 t he 1~ u m e1·oug co mp laints for ·w h:ch Y· f' Qmplo y s uch a remedy, ll ut e!'-pH:i:.i.lly i n ]f,~mrr.t"' /Jhe<: ses of t h e Sorof11.lons rli:i.t h~il' . I lJ:ne cured m:: n y i n yetcr ntc c !lets of L encorr hwa. by 11., nn d ~ornt: w here the comp lt:inf; wr.s C!) Uscd by dcera! irm of the 1.lkrw; . T he ulcer P.tkrn itself W:w 1>or;n cu;·ed . No l hiug wit h in 1 2y kiw wlcd g<:! eq uals It !Or ttie~e fomal e de i a1 1~e roeuL&. n Ed ~vnr<l S. liarri:iw, o f N ewb ~uy, A ln. , wr ites ~ u A da r1p;crous ovaru:t n t nmo'l' on onn of t ho fomal tcJ l u my family, which httd defie d all th e rem edies we could em p lny , h::i t' :;t lf'ngth been completely cured by rmu Ext ract of Sar,;apari ll a . Our pli ysicia.n thcmg bt n othiu g but ex tir pation cou ld 8ffonl relief, 1 - . --:o:---WILL llE F OUN D 1;'.<I wo uld call the a tte ntio i· :posrr OF:B ' IC E of a ll thost! indebted to 11im, bv uote or " Eo""rean \ jJle :r-;· ov . fi 186 7. 15 " 1Y book accou nt, to I he fa ct that eo11scq11ni t _ , -- -- - I upon th i· lo ng pPriod .his b usiness has been ~~~!~~J~~ de priv ed of l; is oversig ht and attention, b v s~bscribers ha~ng s t u.rtcdB usin ess SiCk Bt·: SS, it ha~ il OW bP CO m e irnperative, ! ll 'I HE over A li".. G. Ha1~ es , ?arnage Shop, is 0ra l e' l' fo f'} '-' D t bJS e n~nHrn nJe!l{S, l!. I P l, · pa r·f' CS p re pa rt-d to rece i ve ail orders fo r . r t~ T W O DOORS EAST OF Tl!E ;()JlN t\IclL~~f) D Vener-,;::! ~??~ !~f1tr ..QJ_wlal Disease. One of my })'A> tients i:r~d Sv,phi ll til: 11 :.: ::: :-.:-~ 1 1-hii:LtJno n!_i w_ hfoh 'l'l~ re ccmmm rng h 1J pa h te and tile fop CI -Ine. mouth. :i. conl'iderablfl pr. rt of it~ so t hnt I belie ve t he ,~; ;!.. order -.;·ou!d soo n re.a ch ! ~i~ and kill him. But comp!aintlS for which it is reco1nmende·d , a nd l1.11xe foup,d its effert s truly v·ondcrful in tbe c ure of' of t he etfects I .uwe re uJ h'.erJ wit.h your S arsap a ril ht. l h ave CUN!d wit h it. in my practice. m ost of t he ·r· ~~ < ··-..- l lVf cTavish's Brick S tore, I to ms in his w e('k~ Youi·!Hilla sk:itl.ily taken curcd j:lim in tlr-e .Ar;othe1· \'l fl.S att i;cl e d l.Jy Beco;:dnry symp· n o~e: an d th(' 1d cc!'ation had eaten awn)' i~ tue uloers healed, and he iti well mrain, n ot oi' course wi thout some dlsfig nrnt.ion to Li~ fac e. ....\. wom :in wh o hart been tre2 t erl fo r t he sam e disorde r by me rcury wm:, 6Uffol'"ing from t his p oiso n i n hc1· bon ec. 8 0 !ient<itire t o t11a W'3ather that on a d nmp day she Si.!O'er ed excruciati11g p nin jn liel' joi nts nn d b ones, She, too, ·w as c o. red e ntirely by your San;aparilla in a few weeks. I k1~ o w f rom Its JOrmu la, which vour a gent gave me, t h at t ltis T h ey lrn d bu(.:Ome 1mlt s. wit h it b&ve yielded to mr adminiKtratlo n of y onr Saro'lpttrilla ; l? JJ .; little farther ea st, where t hey have t he fines t assnrtmoent Crockery, C h ina and Gl assware t o be. found in towJL. has fo lly ju st ified the ori g inal icl ea , th at at the " Corner S1ore " yo a could get Call a}i d see us i n o-n1· new 1n·e1n i ses. 'J .li. ".l. \.., '" (._.> 1 - ..... PAINTING, Decorating, Fl'cs co ing, ~UtA IIW ~ N G, K~1 s omining Plain ! and Decora l1ve p~ y UP · V/ITIIOU T I li " a f1·1 ·e ·1 1d 1 SU IT ED, AND \.V IJ:;T_,L I SUIT l:LD !Ji ~ ; .. SIGN PAI N"'I'I~ G ! l-i ~ b eg~ to n~rni n d his CU!i1 0mers th a t All ki nk s of Paper Hanging, Gilding, &1 &c. - ?t1 URDOC'H B ..B OT HERS F .. ~ .. C OVV' T a fri end ind ' 1· (f, an J t r u ~ is Sign & E'an1'er Painting hi s unfor tunat<" c ·r c u msta n ccs ,, j !l sugg<' st a in need iS 0 Bo wmanville, Dec., 18li 7. E xecuted i n a "' n ·a SOH 10 ! NO. I S T Y L l: i g u arn nte ( d p revent t he rte ('. {;~ Si lV p~rsonal dern and . .. Of rn aki ng a rlo/..!8D A'l' iU"" Satisfac tio n branches. in · a ll its V E1l P1 epura tiou from-your hillorator1· mnst be a gre~\. ICruedy ; consequently, t hese tr u y r el.ll:lrkabla renot 6U:'p riscd n1e. Frv "'..ernally youn;, G. V. L ARii UER, M. D . B hEu n 3ati.min, \&nut, T~iTell' «Jompa:11in1t~ l ::sDl::PE!l'D e NC E. Preston C o ,, Va., 6th Ju ly, l~ . D .n. J. C . .A YER : S ir, I h nvc been afiliclell wit h ~ pain t\11 c~1ro 11 !c Hheur.u zfis m. for a long tim'c, w bio h b t.fllc d the ~ kill of JlhysieianR, a nd stuck t o me in iop1li; of all t he re mellic~ I con ld fi n d , u ntil I t ried yo11r Snrsapttrilla . One bottk cui'ed m ~ jn tw :i> weeke ; and res tored L'ly general hi.oall h so m uch tlrnt I nm far better tllfl. n tl8fore I wa9 nttr.cke d. I t l.iiuk it a \\'Oll d cr1ul In{)rlicine. J. :F REAiU . J ulca Y. Getchell. of f:. t. L ou iR, writCB: " I JlM-·d been afili cted for years w i lh rm (~lti:r-tion r-Jtl.e Liver , whic h d est r oyed my h ealt h . 1 t rieU m;mything, and ev errthing fal!C>d t o relieyc me; an d I ha1 ·c L-ceu a broken-do wn m an 10r some ycai·s fro m no thc r ca use tll:::.n dcranueme-nt f'f the Live;-. lify ~Io \·ed pastor, tile Rev . Mr. J<~:-ry, advised me to try youi· ::hn snpmi!la, because he suid he knmv you, m id i;. uy t h i11;; y ~u mado i~· a s w orth fryiug. By !.be blcsnn g of Goel 1t has cured me, and h::is so p urHiccl iny b ! o~ d ns to mndc a new mau of me. l fuel young again . T he best that can be of vou i;i nut J.i a.lf g ood enongh .1 : · @c b U-r tu i, (}a~-.c~:;· Ttianaoi'§' Enhn·;:~ !nc at t:Hcc!'nthn1, £Ju·!c9 a n tl Exfo lin.-a.D:on ot" t h:'l B one s. · CHESTEil]' !F. L D & B'.;QTHER . Bowrn:-uivillei ~ov. 1 7, ] 8 68. 1869. . THE SUFERB NEW 1869· WELLIN GT ON B UILD fNGS, B owm nn vili ", .J nn . J 8, A !Urge Qssortment , i n e"'ery Yn rie ty: of J..1atlit:8' , G·entlc-\men's .ll isse,9' an d l ;hildrnn A great ,.fl.tiety of cr. st:8 h ~ve hei:;n repo rt c.d to us whe re cures of tliesc formid ~b lu cu mplaints ba"l-·e· r e1:ttt ltHI from the n w of this r('I11Cdv~b 11 t o m· !!pucG here w ill 1 :o t ndimr th e m~ Some Or them mr.y I.Jo found in our Ar:.ii.;rk au A ,m anne, "1-Ybic h t h o nrcnts ~~/ff~;'r~~. nre pl e11.s ctl ~ o lurn:ish gratis to a l who Dp:1pcp~ i !.'l ~ JJ2: ci:rrt "D ~l"' l ':!f. "U '- Fit~, ~.s. .c!nn'l!faoly, TO A Saw and Shingle l'fiill FLOUR J ' a oftlie lat es t styles, ndap t ed t o t he seaso n wh ich he is scllinl'( at his us ua l LOW PRI C1£ S. I-Ie also fac t urcs to order , fr omt be bes t of stock, and the uiost ripp 1uved ~ t~·leR ' Ail orders promptly execu ted . "J' ~u rilrn a 11d L 0 ,;·t11er ot all kin d s cons t>n t ly on ha nd for sole . iJ:OOD . FI 'l'S GU AR ANT EED . NOR S Ji~/I:AI~ ha.s commenced b0r r egular trips be t ween NORTH S H O HE A?l'D PORTS in t he fift h coBce:i s ion , 'l'ow n ship of C v. r twri ght, occup ied by M.r. '\V. A .. ~ouck s , ~dll be ren t ed fo r a. te1 ·m of y e:ire: w1u1 or w1t ho t1t clear ed l and on spi d lo L. P os sess ion of Mills ca n b e gi ven i f r r. quirr d . F or fu r tb~r in form a t io n a;p ply ti;. the gubscr ibef' a t l\Iany re mark:1bJn cnres of t h c.<oc ldfcctio ns ha.'>o b ec i~ nrnd-;: by t h e altera tive power of this m edicine . I t sti m u lfttes the vitn.l fu nc tiomi :i nto vig:or ou.s nctiou , an d thus ovcrc~mes disorders \\·hk il would be sup~ posed beyond Jts l'~'lc h. S uch a rem edy Im!! Ion"' been f'.!Q uired by t he uec rn~sities of t he people, und we r.rc coufidcr. t that t; will do fOr tllcm nll tl,a t medicine can do. E p !lc1u;y, NJ!!ure.lzfin. fj tipc1~1or frr D:'arc.l!ly sale at U?i9 u.11~ FL TCH EH.~ BAKE RY '. at the lowest price. as us ua l , d elive red t q.,a. ll parts of t he to.w n. B O U l'JSAL L'S 1 vfii HBLE ~70BKS B O,VM.A N VILLF:. ~y Rc me1 nber tbr.s t1nd- Sign of t he Big B oot dra wP b? Eotvinanv ill c IH ny 3 rdi l t'CG . tt\ O hnrRe~ . [\ 1n ['.' " t' :E'OR THE Rl..J:-' I U CUR E OJ.I' IIJc u_i.J b."' ' Cr@~1 p , Jl:l1·o;;~~hi1J!!I , J: iiife ~ p j~n~ V!u~.. flJ ;)~ d~ , Eni!u :·n za, 1.1-Ko.a:r~encss , WbHh y- , PORT OF ROC HE STER, n.nd will con t in u e rr:aldng dfii ly 1ri p:: 1 ]ea v in g Oob ourg at 8 a. m .i P o rt H ope a t 0: 3 D; a.m . Calls a t \Vh itby 1 Oslia wn: Dar li ngton and .Ne\v Ca'3 tl e \V eJ. ti esdity m on 1inp;s. a t B righto n · Th ursd ay m0i- td tq:;: s : r,nd Col bor ne every rn.ornin g ex cepL \Yed ne sday . Returning, leaves Po ~·t of B. o c h ~t er dlLily rrt 9 p. m . , ex cept Sut urduys, when she le!t\·es at~ p. m., d irect foi· P ort H ope. F.or freight, a ppl y o n boa rd: or to C. Draper & Co., \Vhi cby : J ,nno s D. G u y, Oshawa; J. McOlellu.n, : Da rli ng t on · F . ~ icholson, Newcastle; A . Coch ra ne a n d Geo. He11derson , Port Ho pe ; 0 . Ell i( 1t 1 Cobu nrg : J. Ke el e r , Col b orne, ' Yinan s & Bu t kr 1 B;·1 g b t0n . .A.p~il 14: 1SG9. , 40- tf. W m.L AING 12-tf 1fo n nm en Lo r G rfl ,·eS L on e t o t h i:i ine.m or y GOOD S\11/EET BREAD, A of depar t ed f r ie n ds \Yi ll finr1 i t g rea t ly t o t b. ~ir P E ROX i n ten d in g to .:> re-: c t ei ~h e r ts u nnp lin n, n:n.:11 i'.e;;;.· i h c R of ~ eum1 n11~ah·~ F~ai~~ !ti 11n. a~~')· a .:;: ce 1 ~ tti r.a g il!J advan t a g e t o call and co mpare J \V ou ld r etu 1 n t ban ks Lo the pu bl i~ fo r thei r li br: ra l p. 'l.tro nage i n U, r, pas t- ; n nd w o uld aun o t1n ce that, sl:c hris re ce ived Ler c. . JVIRS. A. FLETCHEH V vork , Price & Qualityor illai-bls w ith a n y o fr'e r oe d in Ca nada 1Ye st. "\Ve speak · po.:s i t iveJy in aHir ming a s i n g o f .nt l eas 'l'WEN T Y P ER CE ~1.' . is s till prepared · to do a ll l'i nds of M I L L I N E RY p . :i D ~:; i\l ,\ K 1.>J G l. ..i.. , D HE H l'<Hl S . CL BOU N SAL L foi tb e sp ri ng t rade , which sbe cfl e1s cb eap, iu the l a test ~tyl e . Gent' s shirts m ade to 1 for Is prepr..r(:l!i t o n. tt end to Millin ery and Straw , a n ll w ::t:-ra ut ed t o fi t , i .A..1 .::o, Stnm pi og for br ai d \Vt1 rk a n.ct em\Vor k 1 a s usu a l. Lndies' F e l t H a t s cl ea n ed : b r oi de 1·v done .t o or de ri- Jf rs. Du nus f i.1 11 altered to the Ne wes t Styles. I stoek 0f S tamp s hn.v in i; bePn 11r o cnrt:: ll. A Dwelling, su it able for a ~t tit1 D::r 'l'wo ..c\..ppre n t i ce s war; t ed in11ne d i a t el y I L u.d i e ~ a re req ues ted to ca l l. · Sma.Jl "Fa.mily 1 'l' O L~-r. Enq uire of M~·s .Al e x, Bo\"\"lZianville 1 Marc h Ul~ 863 3 5~ .· F le tr:her . Bo wro o.l11illl.1 Ma rch 2U i lf)G9 . New Stock of Millinery Goods B OUK S ALL & SON, Prop rie t ors. T his is n rome~ly so u nhersali ,. kncw~1 to iltpirs:: ntiy ~t!J.e r fort lie cnre-ofr hroat ·a·na lnug comp!nrnt r. t ~nt it is usclcss he re lo }'Hlblish t h e cviclc1:ce of it.-. virt ues. H~ l rn rivn!Jcd t'x c_ellcnce for co ughs r.n d C?lds, im d its tru ly .1vo1; d e.rfo.l cures of pu lmon ar y . ~ 1sease 1 .have unuJe i t k no1vn t hcoug-hout t-bo ci viJ. 1i ed nation:. of the earth. F ew a :·e the commu nit.ies, or even families , uuw :1g t he m w bo ha.Ye u l)t so me· ~so m~I ex_rerie~ cc o ~ .ii !-! .effeets - some Jidn g t1ophv ill tl1eir mut;;t of lts v1c to l"y o ver t l1 e Hlbtlo:t, a nd da n ger ou s di ,;(irt! Pr;; of t he t ni oat nn d lung~. A s all lrn ow th c: llrcatlf u l fatal it y of th c13e dis order~. an d as t l.ey kn o w, too t thl.' c1T<..!Cl:3 of thfa r emed ;· we need i10t do mom t l111.n to fissure them t ha t it.hitS conftdef:ce of ma1 1k1nd . . Pra;pared by Dr. ~, C. AYER & Co,J c!f du~ $ i.-.;o~ ~m~. now nll the .' _ir_l ues t ll:_.i t l t did IH\'fC when umt:iug the cureQ w~i cn h!lYC w on ~o strongly up on the j ' J,oivall, Mase, I l No r t h r op '& !.!,xma n , .New ,~a sLlP: , O n t n ri~:-1 j C!? n e :·~d ~·\g·J nts for dii . Sold by' .T . .1ll1g g: l ot o t l~~ 1:i-~ . ancl D . Stot t , Uo·w mfl n"· ilb i a,nd l-y Med101ne. Dea lers e.Y e1·5 wh12 1c. '

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