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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jun 1869, p. 4

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-.-.r - - _. - - Q Wyllie's :Biped Crowe th I · I · - ,.,...,,i 1·W.,..·!._·_ I I C O NCERNING VELOCIPEDES. Uound on with your velocipedes, · Ye Blood· of Bowmnnville ; You can spin them on t he inclin'l! But yon cannot climb tlie hill. Yon'll find it all thron gh life the same, That np ~ bill ·work is lun·d ; But dow n-hill )"Ou 0,. 11 g o·· slick Aa if'twere rubbed with la rd. Tho "Poet's Corner" is the spot To make yonr starting plt~c~; Buy good tbings ?ut of.." 'VyH ie'e," And ,·ou're sure to w1r.i. th e rnce . Ec,a got the mnni·, WYLLIE hns, An d bounds t\rou ud the shop Upon bis wild velodpede, With skip, autl jump, and bop . Talk not to me of Pel5asus, o r any u Poet's., n·. ;,gMaaoerpn's was Rsmnrtish beast, Ilutwasn.'t a l'mg. Lead out.yourworth Iron Hn se, G r:-nnl Tru nk, 11 Frankt feLc h yo nr ewi fte8 t :stf;edI'll beat the wh ole (' al1oodlc On my wlhl Velocipede . The "G lobe" sccpi:-; !:11.y rolling round, And can'.t increase i.ts eprnlSome day I:ll lrn ,·e .it rn the lnrch On ruv w11<1 "eto,,pcde, 'l'h.e si:xte~nth of .~pril1 '1869, waa a beau_ uful spring nwrging.; the eun cam,e A!l.RIS'r!lR & ATTORNEY-A.T,L.4.W, forth in all hia glory nn d br illi ~ n cy, 3nd Solicitor in Chfl.ncery, &c. fa r out on the distant horizon ~ Onrc&..;..Oppo1ite Hai~es'Wagon · hop. orLhing could be seen but a sea of Bown1anville. i:r: snowy-white clouds, their undulating --~------------1vaveB glisten ing in the sun-shine like Dwelling House to Let I 1ncw-ffillen snow, contra.st10g grandly with t he blue-arched vault of heaven APPLY TO The melodious notes of the robin w~fted )!RS. CAWKER, on the gen tie breeze, proclaimed t)le Liberty Stre·t. ~ppronch of ·ummer. I could not forego ti Bowtll·nTille, May 27, J.869 . the ple>sun of a .morning walk, and once more in.ho]· the bolmy air of spring j ~o with cane in hand I sallied forth. I had not go ~1e far, when paS!ing up one of the principd etrcets of tbe town, my 1 tt entic· wu attracted by 11 middle-. aged woman, who·· sable hobiliments and dolel'ul counten·nce told the sad y ---=---- cl . '\, .-·, . I B ·:NEW ~lGN'- O · F THEGOLD·l£~ · ANVIL STOP v. R. tale th.t Rhc mourned tbo lo!s of some dear frJend. Seeing that she nppcared very much troubled and perpl.ei.ed, I en· quired if_ I could render her any assist ence. 8he r·11l1"ed th·t ol1e "11·d s1"x ... "' orphan children ·t home, and it wae a constant ta:s:. upon her' t6' keep them comfortoble and respectable. She J. H. JOSE & SON, A~JL TAILORS . · . ·and DRAPERS1 CLOTJIS, MIXTURES, Et~ . , receiTing their spr iD £' and Summer Good:'l: ....oonsiiting e( Cit have no w on hand a r t ra.ordinnry cures iu Canada. by t.he GR EA T 1 I NDIAN ltEMEDY. 'fbey ttr-0 stern 1 uude 1 nia.ble and fa rtc , suffi cieut to convince tJrn mo9"t s l~e-µ ti c rd tb e.t the Gras.ti r SEE ! IiEMA!l.KS Olf HE F OLLOW!~!} T est imo nial s of m ost. wonCerful and ex- .MCd icinal Compound yearned iLt't er for ;5 now ncccssible in the Grea t SIHl®SiNON!EES RElVllEDY !;> atthe Sig·n 9f the Golgen Lion. I ---ei-:-o--OF d h ha con1c to town t at n1orni ng to pureh a,;e for then\ t:omo brocaded Ju st re for Wt h a.Y.0 1orrie o r t1le b e1t goo d 1 ·Y·r ·L seen drcs1cs, tlittt she h!d . seen at F. F. in llQwmRnl'ill~ whicb w· will 1tll a1 low a1 TWEEDS, 9·c., I O MA ~, 'VOM.AN, OI1t _CIJT~D, "~ILL! 11s the child . rc n A- school -d resses, which kc .1 to which we inTite a. n in1p e'ction. deny the fact, that · \\~ LLI.h beats .all 1ho had bought only a few d·ys sgo for . b · hf the m_erclrn.nt 5 in Howm!.l~v 1, tn c;1.tenng l "4!d tt 11,. - F. ~le.Arth u r ' s. I told-hct I N.P,.- Pn r tir1 uytngclot rom UI c·n to the wants of the p ubl ic, iu the shape of l _ , c et it ~nt f ree of chEHi6 if required. luxu ries. WYLLIE will st ilt kcev as here- kn'1r the place woll, ·· I h ~d bough t tofor·, a· bountiful surply or -' this h·t (a new 1tyle "Tyrole·c';) there OPPOSITE SILVER STREET, .-... FRUITS· I N ·1·1u; nt SE .-1.SO:\'. th,o other day. I ~howeJ her t~te otore N · · ny re·p·ct&bl.'Hou·· in tomi. · in Born& h , pani~ ui· . ··.,.. I b l Jrown 8 oe .. 1n. gs to n Ii·· ~ ,_ ,, .- l· "' rge ·nd aol·c' ·tock of weur a; sc 00 ;- u t ~he lu1J by n11.stnke .Scarf! and Ntcktil.",t, of\hG New eat and Oe1t uone 1nto Mother store, kept by nn I Style~, 1 Israeli ti~h·look iug 111n.n, wbo told he:r th:i.t n ·h· wa; in the r igh t pi"ce: she soo'n, how· \JU11.S, . e' r 1 <focoverec.I her m istake for hi · · · · rr lb d n .r. . ' 49 McArtburs'o 6d. d S otoro · I for, ] t I\ ,_. yard; TH·E. FJNES ·. T LOT TRIMMINGS s E LE. CT E ·D . 'ST CIC K Q;i;::;: · · · ..... I the pe1su11 o[ \-\rn . ;': o.N For Disenst'~ of th e Tl1ro!l. t1 Lungs 1 IJivef.I i Uige:ativo Orga ns 1 Ki(lri eysi kc., aa well a, 1;3.crOf11la, tl1 e. Y ·a rioni! Shin Dis eases, Hun1 ors and 1111 dis eases nris:n g fro'.!ll Impnritie !'! at the Bloo d , 'IYe -b oldly s t nt e that. this great remedy bas NEPiD H!lE N E QUALLED.Wh~re 'vas th·~ r0 e\·er ;,11 1ch n cure as tb&t in 1 """ Co ars, ll a- F ron s, t ever shown in Bowmanville .. OF SI-I.E LF AND I-I'.EAVY ,_ d· 1 \ 3ei.;:e i~r 61 ( · f ur 1 ft . 1, ti tc very ' pnn sa.rne Lubin s v e e rate .rerJ umery, · · a.nee 1 Ontnrio~ of Rlleumatism, who had actually been on .:rutcl1 cs for years , in spite of all trent.n1ent her~tofore, 1 \n d is now well . Scores uf ~u{'- l.! ca R(' 5 mi~Iit he n1entionod.h a.d we s p ~ ce. ~'Call n,t U1~ S To itv: s of Brighton, Ontario, n t' t'orisnmption; or t!.Jat of P·TlUl C. V. Dl!-,l. J.:r.a, of E r n e1Jtu r. n 1 Ontario, o r· arH1um-p~ion or t h.a \ of AMBHC' S:ic ~'rooD, O Consecon:, of Dyspepliie. and Lif"e . Comp lai n~) or that o f J011N H osEY 1 of Na p Drug ~tor.t' and gets. Cir- SEE SIGN N 0. 1, KID GLOVES, DRESS GOODS, ~ ouln.r of unq1 testii:opnb1e ccrtillt:'ntei :--.. i , )u th e GRl~AT :';l!OSHOSEE3 llEMEbY and satisfy yoursel V'! J , ··Price of l!<l!J in large p1'.11t· $1. J:J- For Sa, le hy nll Druggiats acd Dei.ler1 , in ~lc<licine. A ~en ts for HowmRnvilJe, )f(>ssrs.J . Higgi11hotlm1t ?:' . Stott. ,,~boluaale Agents 1-Nortbr op & LJnHi.n Newco pies cv o ra nies, L emons, Pin e Apple~\ Straw. protected by the fold· of the Old Red be r ries, &c., iu th.eir s.c aso n; [ce Orenm and eparkli ng ice _ cold Sodn \\Tater front tlie fonn in hot weather; Hr~nfl, · Bi sen its, Cs.ke3 a nd Confectionttry oft lie hest_qurtlity, witlf the new lted S.tgn ove r the verandah, l1.1ag. TC BJ: CONTINUID, A Great ]!_argain l 'f IIE subs criber oifors for sale a SAW. MlLf_J in good run ning order, together w h olesale sud re tail;· nlso, choice Stock ' of Gro ceries . ; Soirees funi isbed i n first-c l .OFF THE TRACK.· . atyl e on ehor t notice. 'Vc ddi ng cakes made ·o ·_ ·o rder_. Highest p ri ce "in for ·A velocipedi·t wont down King Streat E ggt1 , Butter, &:c, the other doy at a fu riou· rate, striking " HURR AH ORNER." terror to the hearts of all mothers who with a. s toc k: of Log~ snfficient to cut from $1 ~00 to -$1,80() worth o! lumber, &nd a fa.i~ quantity of customer's logs, to be aawn b1 th· tbou:;snd . Aho, a. good Honifi and Outbuildings. Till· perfect. .T crma: $1,200 ~ RA s p 01 PA A R A 0 L ' . 'l\7 t&!. DAll'l'OiY. I ATTC'I'I (_)J>[l:;;J~R w. A NDREWS M U B I C, Vocal & Instrumental begs to announce that he is to a- i··e instruction!! in tbe elements of cRsh down; or crtdi\ nui.y be a gree d upon . App l1 to hnppened t~ have children on the etrcet . L . BAXTER, on lhe Premillies, His animal became dem orali zed, and Lot No. l'.2 1 8th Uouce1siun D&rlington. made on attack upon a telegraph pole : l l&rcb 2·, 186~ . 2~-tf the result was a general break-up. The - - - - - - - - - - - - - young man received no serioua injury, s s i,..PA R AS OL S ! · J STOVES, &c., &c., &c. , F oll Tirn TOWNS II IP OF DARL j ington. tenged to. 1 Ail orders punctually at Charges moderate . ' To Cabinet Makers and Upholsterer· IL\IR, TO\\'. SOF..l '1'w i1w, (· h,iir~wcb. Jlu11011;;. ~crti;W· k.;, Flint l'apcf, G lue. l' im10 /S tuo ::5crews. C ofli n '1'r i11m1i11gi>. 1; p l1oh=tnc r '~ l\eettlefl An ti Hq.rulahors, .'\.ddi ;; C u in.:. r 's 'J\,ols, E:&:tc11sio n 1.ip A11g1~r Hitll. \ ld11~l N1H Jlur<lwar e i &.c ...Po r Salc11 L · lWu.~t l'r!er.;. U 11 1gc~. l.owk,. , Ti v l ·g' AIH ~1~r i ug-". ~l ·:A ' l ' l:X t;. C! ~ fil.E I) but h is new suit o f summer tweed (which he had just go t from l!'. 1". McArthu.r' ·) looked a little "seedy" on account of the ioft road. · · T.J.JDNES,L.D.S . ..... \Ye would beg t o call particular attention to om stock ol nvGcul'ntl AN s. 01.n-En. HtirllWnre .\Jerch 11. n! & <>mhraci ng thorough Bu·s and Harmony, 'r~ey sny the velocipede ie going the elements of composition. to be put to a prnotical use at the new He is a lso prepa red to tu ne and repoir · ·tores of Murdoch'· ·nd i'\foArthur'·· P ianos. Residence-Church Street, East. Mr. Wm . H i ckel i· g'oing to nso one of Bowmanvillc, June 3, 1868. 45-tf. them in wheeling up brick and mortar to A.LL NEW AND FASHIONABLE !14. \"uuge ~:Hrc 1,.,1 1 'l'ornnlo. MACHINE OIL, - - - -----·- -- ----- - DEN;.z\L.SUB~EON" OFFICE over J . McMURTRY'S Grocer7 S tore.1 Kin ~' Street, Bowman vine. The r ow ·for the Townsh ip of Darlington j nu.di· I!Ol'I' to fi ll Ordf·J'ij , The Ontario Harrow. T It is the Best lfarrow ill/ Ul\e. the 1l1ird R tory. 'l'he buildings will Latest Styles in Bonnets, Sacques. I-:Iats LEATRE.i.1. I3ELTIKG, TURPENTINE, COAL OIL, AYEl ~'S F..UEEER do. Sarsapar illa FOR PiiRIFYING THE BLOOD, And for t he ~pccdy <'!Ure oftbe followiug co~plaint·~ lrrofn la nnd F3c:-t"ofu l ou !lll A frccrion·, ·mr· 11.t1 T11n1or.11. 'IJlc r.r·, H nr~, Ert1pri··· P implcu, [ >u s t ufc n , B lo tcltc·, Doilaia Dlaios, end a ll §kin D i rw.011.e·. OAKLAND, l lHI.. Gth Jun", 1859. J . C . A"t'"ER &- Co. Gt'nte: I foe ! it mv duh· tu-·~ frnowfod~e wh11.t yo1ir 8ar1mpnri lla hna Clo11 0 for m·~ l:la.Yiog mherit~d a Scroi"uloui; infectio n, I tun··. IUtfered from it i n Ynrioua W!l. \'8 for yenrs. Sometimes it burst out in Ulcer'3 on iuy hnnd!! and a rml!~ ,.otnotimce it ti.irned inward and die;tresscd ·n1c al. UMS> l!tomach. T\\·o l ~.:i rs ago It broke out. on m.r h~1ul. t utl eon:rc<l 1ny sc~Jp u.ntl en·r!'I with one ·ore, whleh w1u1 pninful uml lont h::iome beyond dcscritJtion. 1 tried many medicines nnd scvcrul pbysicumi;, but without much relief from nnythi ng. In fuct, ti· diP::>rdcr grew worRA. At len ~ h I wne rejoiced tl!f> read in the Gof;pel ] f ec;11euger that yo11 hall prepareO t.u altern.the (S:i.nmpridlia}, for [ knew from Y Otlf surely go up with velociped· ·peed. HE SUBSCRIBER HAS SECUUED THE right to mannfucturc the above Ha.r_· ICE! ICE! · R .. TPEATE, ~.\..ILOR llAD· IN The Millinery Department1 i:s uow under the Superintendence of i\iisS i\l cT AV !SH. whose name is a snffi<'ie111 l.{Uanwtec for the QUAl.ITY UF WOHK UO\ E. SKATES, Rli \V AN D l:CII D ClL. I &c., &c., l;.c. Cn.11 n.t shop nn11 St); e:o r yQu :- sel"Ve! . For ~artic.ulars see bills. TITOS. T H03L\S. N B.-I-Iorse !hoeing nttendcd t o in n tho;ough manner. P 11rt.-i:u1nr nttcn~ion given to the treatment of tl 1 ~e:l sed horses. ~Seebills . 1'.T. Bowrns.nvillt' Yarch 30. lS60. KRS ONS WISHING A SU-PP!,Y of pu re ice dnring tho en ~ uin,g summer season, cnn be accommodated by applying to the undersi!(ned. P Gentlemen's & Boy's Garments rn· 30 -tf. NE'\.VEST STYLES. Bowman ville, Feb. 19, !BU. M. llowmanville, ~lay 12, 18G9. n. WIJ,LIAMS. Eng·lish and .A.mer ican Clot s ! Also, a fine !Pt of I 1 . NO"fICE. 11.: \ LL peroone . ·u 1 t. 1· L t~ l . . .- ~l"EEP YOUR FEFT ~ ,. ;.i ~ · ' _ · A DBY ·· AllD SA.VE DOCTOR'S BILLS . of getting their f:ta.rmen t~ mn.d~ by me , will p lease re· member that I !lia.11 not all ow them to pny A _few youn g men can qo -.~ccom · any cloth rr:e:-chaut whatC'ter Cor my l:!lbqr ; modated wi th B mr·d.nnd J,0.J,.in", 1 ·.xpect to Le paid . fo r such mys. e lf: ··n.nd.· I , tlte re~idcoce of \Vm. ()ULYJ;~I( Church 1l1l\ll not work on other condi tion·.· I 1 Street am "'o·trespectfully, . ··1 J\I 1" 1" It[CIB.RD PEATE, TAILOR, Bo wrnanvu e, L t1.y _., .69~ 3w · BowmanTiile,. Dec, 11, IB6i. 20. BOABDING.. a.. irouo nt 1 · DELEBR,A TFJ) CANAIJ IA N 1ht> bl·st in the l\:T arket. f \li ~ I E1 .'j · 1 ·'~ .[) ~ 0, ' o i " i1ic h we " ill >eH u,; l uw it ~ n uy lwuse Ill the iradt1. ··y Call ar:d set' them. .i\.. Garments made to order. . Good Fits Guaranteed. C A _LL S <-> LI G I'.I'B. D. 18 reputation tbnt nnythinq you mud~ mast be efood . 1 sent to Cincinnati anq got it, t\ lld use(] U till fl cured me. 1 took it, as yon :uh·ise, in fimnll doHs of ft tCP.. ' !poonful over a mo nth, 1uid u11etl nJmost thrie9 bottle:;. lS"":!W n.nd lwnlthy EO On Lti:ga.n to IO~ · under the ec:i.b 1 which n.1lcr n wh ile iell off. Jl.r !ki n is now elcnr, r.nd l kno \Y b y: m.y focll o g1 thi14 the dl ~ ca~e hn11goue from mr l!yatem. "!:'.011 cau Wlliill believe tbat l foe! 1Vhal 1am1myiug when I tell yctt, that 1 hol~ you to Lie ouc of tltc upost lcs of th· · A and rem111u e~·c 1· g ratefully. Yours, l ,\LFRED D. TALLEY. S t . Anthony'"'" 1Fir("1 R o~c o r E rTSil!:_r.f·il!IJ Tettc1' and @alt · .l"hcnm, 8C!a lcl Jtc·d., Il!in~n·o r:.n , §a~c == W. H. BANBURY ness l a.telJ ca tTirA<l on h;"i' S. -~;. ~rHd· 1haw, is prepared l ·J sell cvcrJ- di!ocr1p t 1on of FOR r\EW STYLES CALI, AT H A viNG BOUGHT OTJT Tim n1;s1- IN SPRING CLOTHING, COLLARS_, NECK-TLJS, &c., CALL AT I De S T ~JNr~ TU @ u~?::' !!i:l,, '@l t> @ii E ~: I~~ FOR NKW STYLES IN »< &1W G GJ, iS T~, I ·.fi!J. ~- -c' JB ~ ~ .. 'IALL BUIL D TNGS, BOJVJlA2·; VJLLE. DEALE!t IN r· I DRU ' LADI ES", C ENTLEMEtl'S, · Mlssi:::~i-Atm BQQTSAND . :.-hicb 11 e is selling sH.QES, I CHILDREf~' D~ 1 R.8 \Vorkmn.nslnp gn ar"nt.eeO DyP. s::ff.-, Prttent Mc<lici~es, r~rfumery, --~- - 1\JlEDICINES, AND CHEMICALS .-····. . Bru:<hes, ( :omb.:s, Soap:s l·a i\ltS ar:d Oils, I amt Br u ~llt' ~. I oal Oil, ' and Coal Oi I Lam 1·s . .<te., &r· u- ~ Ji. :00- ·~ will be gt1·en at the !~ T . t·~ Dr. H!)bcrt 31. Pr eble write:!! from Sal· m, N . Y., 12th Sept., 1%9, that he llns CUN.:d an inTtttcmte onse of Dropsy, which threntcn cd to termin:ite f P ,· Cally, by the persc\'"crlng use o f our Sat1apa r;rl' and ahmndange-rous ,,fa!iqnan t f:rvd~lal b1 lp··r doses ofthe 11nme; f!"::t"·.S he curc11 tbi;i oomiaou En·_!~' lion" by it coru.tnntly: Broncho-t":.· I ~ . Goilft ~ 1T~lh!4 1'rt-rr! .. Zebulon Slonn 1of l 'ro~1lf~ Ct , 'fc::o: a s, writ.:.: ·· T J1 ;' bottle~ of your Snr11:i.p:inll:1. curt d me from A <:nt:1 -a ludeoue a'l'.·crn ng on the neck, whiGlb I b,4 ·1; !crcd from ovct two ." 1£,4'uconhaa or "'"t\VJ1hr!;1 0Tra.rir.nt. rf'@ Zie?r, Vtcrinc U"lc~~i"a?ion, Fcu.tide DU.Ca~s; Di: Ten, Dro 1u 1r· ~ ~ o,. Ur. J . H. S . Chan ning, of' New York City, writan ~h~erfull{ ()f t he )A.test -styles, :1dnptcd to NewDon't forget to make an eariy ea.II and judge for yonrse!Tcs. The goo ds are and Fashionablo, and will be sold Cheap for Cash! the season, ' I ~A ll o roir rs prom ptly atteti.ded to . . Good ' Fits &nd I Obacfve \be add rcss-Cor!'er of Krng ond Silver Streeto·. BO \V~f A N "V ILL E, APRIL ~' 1861!. Great Jl a rga in~ Physicians' p1·escriptions caretu l iy ·. ompounded, and all orders correctly answered. 011r stocl.~ of mcrlicine.~ " complete a 11ll of tlw ~ Be also m n~ufac t ures to o.rde.r on llu.!1 ·thOrtre t no tice, nnd trorn tile bes t of stock. . CH EA P F 0 R. CASH ' :c>. :J!'OJ:'l.EES. CHEAP TRUNii:S . LE.'l..'I'IIER , l\.ND jFINDJ N GS ,, ( Rll k ind s on hand for s*:e. . ~ine stock a. nd pr icc tl'. . Call and e.J ==·----- Ji'a.r mm·s a1Hl I'h 11sirir111., from f/rn Co1111tr11 -will find be.~t quality. -----. .T I <> J . ff\vmanYi\t" , Jan . 6, 1e6!}. ER STORE!. dring· the remainder of the winter season ! agent in i;aying have fonnd vour Snrsr.pnrille ft mo~t excellent alterath'e in the n umcrou1 eom .. pJAJnt!!I for .,.,·hich wc employ ~ uclt a. remedv, t-111t · !lpe-clally in Fe.male fli&uue$ o f the Scrot'ulua df11,tbeef!I . J hti.l 'e cured m:my invefornte ett5" af Leueorrh~:i. by it, u m1 some where the eomplliat "°Ill cau!'ed by ulceratiori of tlic utl'! n;· . 'l'he · leer. athm itsel f wns r:oon c ured. N othi µg within knowledge equals it for these fenl:l-le d~ raoirew.e111!L · Edward S. Y:irrol>, of Nmvbnr y, A ln., writ· · " A dangerou! orarian t1Lmor 011 one of the femalft !n my family, \Yhich llud dclicU all the remedies · · icould emp!oy , h os nt length been complctl!ly c11TMI 'by your Extrnct of Sari::1.pnr illn.. Our phyelelr.ta thought 11ot!lln,? but ClXtirpntiou could 11.trord reHar. but he ad\·i11cd t ne trial of ,· ottr Sars.' lha 111 tho lu t reeort l1>.!fo rc cutting, ii.nd it proyed elT'ectuiM. A fter taki11 ~ your rc mcd_v ~i :; ht w cck.1 110 11ympt.ta of \be rcrnuins." " l moAt comply with the request -ofyota- iw,; .JlEMEMBER THE STAND P~~o~oRs~i}~~~lr~JI (J J ~N :'1cLEOD would call the attentio n .l)o..,mnn\ 11!0 Nov. 5 1867. 15. Jy I all thoso indebted to l!im , by n ·te o r book · a ccount, to the fi1ct that co11!-ieq1w111 upon the long pl'riod his business ha~ been deprived of his oversigh t and a ttention, Ly HE subscriber& haTing startf'fl ~n~inea~ ltas 11ow becoine imperativt·, r Mr. G . Haines Cnrrin"e Sho-J', is sicknt'ss, it T OTe p repared to recein~ all o rd cr3 for order to tnect his engagcmcnls, tha1 parttt·s 1 iJ· of ---:o:---- · NHW FRUIT. \ 8yphili· n?td 1Vle r<' 11rl 11 l D hH"llH!. OltLE.A!iS, 2.":> th A u.;uu 1851. Da. J.C. AvRR : Sir, l cheerfu lly comply 'Ct"iU111 ·the rtqae1t of ngent! arnl report 10 you l'Otn. ottbe t:tfect!! l rculize<l with your Snn:tparille.. I ha· e cured with it. in my prncl icr, most of t he eomplaints for which it b recommended, and haY· found Hf! ~ffe¢ts truly wonderful jn tbe eUJ'fl et YttWf"fal and ,\tn·curial JJi.,<cU<t. One of m,- pa t ieubl bnd Syphi litic ulcer~ in his throati' . whic h w·ro eonauming lus j>alate nnd the top o his mo11t111. Your 1" !lte11.dily tnkc n e urcd him ju ih·· week1. Another wns ntta.ekcd by eecondary 1Ymp-. 'tom· in hi· note, l\nd the ulceratio n h:st! eaten &way · eon11iderable p:i.rt of It, w thnt J belief'· the d · i·m.:r· Just Arrived at T. Darlington's, r- ·o BLIC OPINION PAl~T ING, ·· llAIX l."\t.; , Dtc ortLtini, Frescoini, Kitlsorniniag Plain Bnd Dec orative Paper _ H anging, Gilding, &< &c. PAY UP WITHOUT DELAY has fully justified the original idea, that at the a large aud important stock of new Malaga Hai sins, boxt>s best " Corner Store " you could get London Layers, Boxes aud l lalf-bnxes new Val .. ntia Haisir,s, Kt>gs of Seedless Haisins, C Drums of new Sultana Hai~ii:is, Bar· SUIT .F_,D rels of new Curmnts, Boxes ot new Cit ro u, Orange aud Lemon SUITED AND ' Peel, Ba g~ of ne w Fi lberts, Sacks of ll·]W Wal11nts, Mats and Boxes of new Figs. Kegs of new .Prunes, Oranges aud Lemon8, SIGN PAIN'I'I:r-.. G Ile begs to ren1ind his custorners th at ... ll is the test of Ohtapnesi;. · AH kink· of friend in need is a frien d ind{~ed, and irus1s also, CHOICE LOT OF NEW CROP T l~ A S. Uf..rQuality Bow 111anville, Dec,, 18ti7. Sign & Banner Painting his un fort unate circun1sta 11cPs will suggest n Exec uted i11 · · ( ' ST y LE ,rt·ason to prevent the n~ce~s1ty of n1u \111g a NO. I personal dcn1a11 d. J:I- S a ti afo.c tion gu~rantr <'d in ~ a ll its br&sc be 11. ll ~'I' R~()li11VED A 'I' DJt.. J. c . .1>\ YER : Sir, I h!!. V C been amicted w it h 1111 painful cbronlc Rltturiaaa$m for·:. Jo11g tima, wbfeb ba.ffltd the skill of physld11.m1, nnd !tuck to me in. ll pite of WI the r1noeclie11 J conJd tlnd 1 until I t;r.it4 your Sa.r!npu._ rillu. Ono bottle cured me in week! , and resto red rny gcncrnl llei.ltb 110 math tbat far better tbnn before I wa1 a ttackt<l. I 11.Unk. it & wonderful medicine. J. FIUI.&M. Jules Y. Getchelli of St. Loui~, writes: "I have bee_n 11.ftt.icted f0:r yen. re: witll :1.11 a.traction(!,/ ·ht LW· , wb1ch de1troyed m\-" health.- I trietl everything, and every th..iag foJ.fed to reliei·c me; and I ht.r· ~D a broken-down nu1.n fur some year1J from 11.0 ..__ . ·tber cauee than ~angtm~nt of the Lfott". lly MloYed paMor, the Rev. Mr. 1".:.!py, ndvieed m e t;o .-,. your 8arsapariHa, b~cause flc imid tie knew you. a nd &nylhlD· you mac~e was worth t rying. B7 th· bJ.,&int of God it ~ss cured me, and ha1 e:o purlfted aybJ~ a1 to.made a newmau ofrne. I feel yonn& ag&ia. T b· beat tllat ean be S d of yoia 111110' hal· 1oot11nougb.'l "rder would soon re a r:h hi! brain i..nd kilJ him. brdt it yi·lded to my utlmin ls1.mtion of your Saruparille; \ht hetlled, and he i!! well :iga ln, not of 101.1,. wtthout ·eomo diafigun.tion to hil fnce . .A "Qmil!il who had been t reated for the d!aorder by m.,.. cury W:U !UtlCring front thill poiaon ill her bonce. 'fhey bad !en8.itivo to th ~ weather ihat O?l a damp day 11he suffered. ~xCruela.ting pain fn a..1' Joinu amd bones. SIJe, too, "'ti.Ill cured entirely b7 yotu· Sara11.pnrilln. in f\ few weeks. I know from u.. rormula, which your f!.~(l nt gavo me, tha.t tW. 1·reparaU011 from your laboratorv must be & , ... , . remedy: couscquently, these truly rcmarka~l· r. 1u1i11'.·itb it not surprised m~. J"rt!~rnally yours, G. V. LARillER, 11. 1). Rhr.nn1niinn1, Go:1t, I ,f-.·('r Comptai·L l1'DEl"K!, P . i:estou Co., Va. , 6tl~ July , 1&1. *"· !h:llUrna,. IJRIH'Pll' CF!PSTERFIELD k B10Tl!ER. Bowwanville, .Sov. 17, 18G8. JOHN M'LEOD. WELLINGTO N BUJJ,DINGS, Ilowmanville, Jan. 18, A. large auortmen~, in e.-ory variety, of Ladies', Gentlemen's !tlisses' and 1..;hildren 1869. THESUPERB NEW 1869· BOOTS AND SI-I OE S of the !otest styles , odaptcd to the season whicl1 he is ~A· ., l\,,J , N J1; f A N 0 RS .f!..! l ]~ bas commenced hc.r rcgu la.r trips betw.cen ~, sel!i~g at his usnal J,ow' PRICJ<:::S. TO RENT. I A Saw and Shingle Mill · I in the fifth co11 ce;·sioo., l'o,wnship of Cn'.tou t cleared land on t:iHHl lot. Posscs~ 1 on of Mil ls can be give n ir r equired. For further ir1formf\ n apply tv- the a.uh&cnbiJ' at He &!so maonfactures to order , from the best of etock, and the moat approved styles' GOOD FITS GU A RANT KED . All orders promptly executed . Trunks aud Leather of all kinds constaatly on hand for ·ale . A sritat ·arlety O'f e'atifa ha'tC · be-en 1'fpottcd to tu1 w here cur·· of thc:iie formM.,ble complnlnts hal'· rff'alted &1tm the tH ~ of this r1rne dy 1 but our ~p·e· ber· will L'ot admi ~ them. Some of tllem may ~ fbllnd in our An.c-rieu.n Almnnac, which the ageBt.a below named are Ilkascd to fu.rub1b irr.tis tu &U-..·.i): eall for them. ,,,. DJ"tipept;IA. Deni'&: Di,cn~~, F i:..., Epill!!f)9r, !Jle.Ian«"holy, Nearnl·lft. Hany rc:mark.alilt: cur<'.'! of tlwse afTectiona hare been m1.d~ by th· alter01.tivf': pbwer of tllil medicin·. It etimulat.::~ the vital functions into vigorous aetfon, anl1 thm1 l"lYereomes dfacrd era which would be ~up- poAM be.yon~ fb reach. Such 11 rem edy has lon g b4:en r&quired by the uecessi tle!! of t !ie peqple aud ·e are conftdcut ti.1st t h is will d:l .for t hem t.ll tbat mldiofne can do . ch Bone-". IJ'kerstloa, CJwrie11 n ud E.s.foU.a.tjoa . - 'l'umcl:'1!1, E nlat>~ute.11 .. 1 _ _..=;- wrigLt, o veupicd by Mr."\\ . A . . Loucks, '_"Ill I be r1:':ntcd f eT ~\term o~yP.ars, with or. wi th· NORTH S fl 0 HE A ?fD POH l S j : P ORT OF ROCHESTEH, a-n d w ill cont inuc 1J1nki11g dh ily irirs, len v, C obo lirg at~ "· m.; Port Hop e nt f):30, a . m . Calls at "\-Yhitby, Oshnwn , Darling- I \Vhitby · I 3 J wmanville, oCt. 16, F LT cHER 0 BAKER y; &t superi or l:'amlly Flour tor s: t·, ·t the lowest prict. · wlARBLE .. . B 0 U N S A L L ' S . BO,VMANVI.[,LE. _, R emember t he sLo nd-Sig n of the Big Boot drawl' bv two uor~·· .. King .' i·rc~ t. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, :l'O~ _ _ - W OBl\:S Bowmanville May 3rd , 1866. on . l J7J'/illd. TllE I'f.).);>JD C t"Jl: !t 0 1' (1e11ah,, Coldfl, l n S1 11cnznt HGnr, encin, ,Vftup, ~rrouc di ti"" Ilaiji p if\a& U · ll· "'"""fuon, n ud (or ·· u ICt!liet · fJ·n11n mpti.-e P a1iealtrt !n uidYane·fl litase· 'i'h.11lt·remedy 10 umvcl'tillly known to euryu1 11111 C!_th_,r for thecqr(lofthi'o~ta11d Jung comphutlt !t. that 1t 11 n11elf'-llll be~ to pnbhsh the evldtince of it 11 tirtuu. I U nnriv::i.Hed excellence for cou11h." ant1 eold1, an d i ta t rnly _ ,Yoilderful . -cures of 11u lmonary dlittiae, ha're m&de it known t h rou~hout \lie ci1il· teed nation1 of the earth. Ji'ew t he comrounit:ic,, ·r eTen nuniHcs, among them who h;we n ot some ptnional e:s:perJenOC of its e1Tcct;; - gome H.-tng Vophy in their mid!t of ih victcn· O\·et th1~ 111btl· end dAllgerou!! dleord~rl"i of the throat and Jun.Ka. · f" Wm.LA!li 1G 2_1f GOOD SWEET BREAD, a ! nsual,-delivered t o all partl of the town. NY PERO li intending to ono t oi tb·r Monumtntor CTraTeStone tot~ie .memary of departed frieudl! will find' itg.r.e&tlJ toth ' if &d va.ntage to cAll and eomp-Rte A a." Difte«lllf!.. ton and N.ew ca! tle Wedncsd:iy Inornings. ; ~ . J. C. M Brighto n Thursday mornings, and Co lis still :prepared to do a ll kind 11 of '\Vou1c1 ret ntn than k s to the public for their horne e very morning excep t \V ednesdny . liberal pa tronage in the past ; an d would Return ing, tea\·es Po rt of Roche::tcr dn.ily MILLINEI-tY anno unce that she hns recei ved her ftt 9 p. m . except SRtn r<l.ay s, \Then shc- I I AND l eues 2 ·.lireet for Port Jlopc. . For fre i~ht, np ply on boo.rd; or t o _ C . Drl\· DHBSH MAKIN G per &. C o., \Vbi ~by; James D·, Guy) Usha w a; ! for lb~ sp1u1g trade,. wlucli she offers cbenp in t he ltt.l.eststy1e. Gent's shirts J;. Mc CleHari, Darlington i F. N!clinlson, for cash'-. . _ . order, and ~a.rrnnted to fit. Newca st le; A . Cochrane Geo. H end er.AlsQ, St1t1np1ng for b.ratd work an.d cm .. 100 , P ort Hope ; C . Ellhitt; Cob~ u rg: .J . hroider~ done to r,-Mrs . . Dunn·5 full J(,_6 e ter Colb orne , \ Vin an~ & Ilutlcr,Bnghton~ stock of Stamps having been procured . ' IJnd i("S r<'qillil:!ted- to cRll . Small Fatnily ; TO LIT. Rnq,nll'· -Qf ll'r.1.J,.!~:t::. Ap r a 14: l t.t39. 40-l.f,_ l Horem~u1till1 , M'~rrh ~9 1 lf1 G9. 3 ~ . F!t~1,~ 1u~~- ,..u M P uLL iRD MRS. A. FLETCHEH Work, Price&Qua.lityoti.'darbh with any ot'fer'!d i n Oa n11.da "\\'el'IL \Ye 11peAk · po1dtively in 1tffirn1ing "' f!l"'Ting of :'t le"°' TWENTY l'li.K CEN'I. .. BOUN S ALL /J SOW, p l'Op !lt ~(lf8 , at P· m., New Stock of Millinery Goods .. . _. J MRS. C - BOUN S A L 'L Is pre.p11.rl':d to a t tend t~ ?t~il~incry &nd Stra· Al a11 tnow the drea.dful fatality of thel!'A disordef'lt &11d ·· they know, too, the et!ech or tMs r~medy, we nef.d not d o more than to ~s.sur~ them t ha' it hq now all the Yirtues t b&t :it d id. hllVC wben making !~~ncdci:~e:;~;~~ti:~. won lll_O' .. d r ongly ~ upou I I l're;ared b.r )]1·. l. C. AYER & Co., !Jowell, )(...., Northrop & L yrr1 ~n 1 Xewc a.s t lo, Ontt\ri o Genera l Agents for Uana.da. So ld by J. Hif?'irin h othnn1 Rnd D. Siot t , Bowrr:anvi1J:J f and by Mt.dici ne Dr~Jcre t71r:r wh11 re;. Work, o.a usutt.l. La.dies · Felt Ha:ts cleaned A Dwellmg, suitable for a ·nd alte rt! d to th e N1we11t St1_ l«e . l7 Two Appientieow··tod ,imm·ill1>tt l1 llo'lfllln~rno, Marti· Htrt ¥~~

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