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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1869, p. 1

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lit Cana~ian jfattsman 11 ---~ ~ priated and p11bhshed I f EYERT T~l1R8DAT ltlOR!Yll'llG,i b7 U.e Proprieto r, WM. R. OL IMIE, ..1th· 0 F FI CB···lllclil.11rtrir's Dlocl~, 1 K.JWO l'I'l·IT,BOWY.lH VILI.J1 1 0KT 1 and e(lniaib.e the l·teet Foreign a::i j Prov1n et,1 News , Local Intell1gencc,Ooucty B is1 ness, Oommere1a.l.Ma.tters, and &n iuetr uc ti \. e llh·c·Jlany TJl'RM:Si-$1 60por&nnum,1n ad un ce00 if p1.'lid 1" 1thin 1ux m o u t.hs -$1 00 1fnct pald 1111 foe end o f th e ve a r No p a pe1 d is continued uut1l n.11 a.rrosrn.ges p1ud ex cept at the option ot the pubhe hc r :i.r.:<l o ll."11.-u"'"O'"'!-~·~·~~·~""!'.'!'."':"""~ artl61 refusing pe.pers without pa.Ji ng ~nl be held r&spoii11bl e for the slibscnphon -s-TT.s:::::9~ aut11'hey comply with therUle U .._, i::::l!I .a.Allletteraaddre11ed to t he Ed1tormnstbo ~ootpa1d,otborw11etbeym·, n·t hotakeu AT TH E BOW rttil ihe I'oat Office WEEKLY BOW.MAN VJLLE, FAMILY upl Fl.ECEI V E D MANVILLE DRUG STORE, &.LT.ES gF ADVEl\T H l~G A SPLF))DID STOCK OF THE R~eh St\b1oqueu.t itlSertton ,,. u 11· IO ten hnol firstrn mt1on, · 7 Al·ch 1ub1eqnent1neert1oh 1 I 0 20 T"·r ten line· fi.r1t 1Il~!rt1on , ptr uit, · 08 Ea eh iubtequtnt t.nsert1ob, cc · Ai t'be 11umber onlne· to be r·ckoned 01 th· lpAce oceopie d , me&e urc d by a ·cal· of sohd br·'f'i~r J..dTerh1ementB w1lbou\ speeificj !1rocltoU1 will be pub!1Sbod till forbid and charged aocord1ngl7 All t rans1torva<lve ... , '111ement1 mu1t be for when banded n ..ldTert1aemenls must be in t he otfi~e ot pub iea.tton bv 10 o cl ock on tbo 'Ved ne11d ay n"rn1ng '\)reced ng t he ir fitst pnbhcat1on re merch·nt· and a there e.d'fc rtlsu g by th e c. r·ar !L Terv l1beraJ d.u1 coun t wL1l be S 1.1 l!ue· Ril.d 11nder tltat rnserllon $0 50 Q lS M ost R el' iabl~e D ye Stu ffs BOWliUZLilTJllo, J tne JO, 111 69 (! 0) -=-- o·b t a1na ' bl e. Ohoru! Yn ch1 ng onward ever oaward, &till the b &ttle cry · Soon the tyra it shill be to oi.:r e I 3. UHIGJNBOTH A.M. - - - - . - .,, -,,====~=="""==:-:=-""':O=:=""°' ~-====="""===""'="""'""".,.,. GLASGOW' BOUSE ! 11 II E CI-I ~~APES 1, GO ODS IN T I-±E HE SUBSCRIBER lNFORjlS THE PUBLIC THAT DE !HS NOW ON H \ND ONE of the u1ost comz l· te a d be~t. assorted stocks ofS ta 1~1 e &nd Fancy Dr1 Goods ROVINCIAL r AND SURVE YO R, Cm! ever cffe ed for snle 1n this town Engineer and L e.nd Agen t Office aud re-s1dence, Lot 13 3rd con D&rh ni;cton All urder1 left e.t the office ot Robe rt J..rn~~ur BUYING FOR. CASH, AND SELLIN G FOR CASH, Eoq, ?romptly altt nded to Choru5 -:\ u. P . ~usiness ~ireduru. DOMINION ? ·c:<;.-~ '1 h ug, etc ROBE RT E A.!lii'l'ON I he" West,Bradley& Cary'sMfg., Co j Kini Street East Bo,..m·n"ll· !owmanTill"'J July li 51 tf H oo P s K 1n1 MANUF ~cruRER and importer of from I confide at !hot le c n pre e,t un<qualled advantages to mte nd ni;; purchnsero tnd res pcc1f ly nY es nar l ui 1 cnh lfiln d J tdge for th'ittnSelves N. B -Tho Lowest Pr·co i s asked, and no Abatemtnt made. THO~J:AS Bowruanv1lle, April 28tl, 18G9 PA"l'E.BS ON 39 tf ANNE HEREFORD B~ YR~ HENRI 'il00D - '1V .:a.. 0 x.. ::c na: x E,-J.. ICE:1SES.1 L!SIJER O:r C!IAPTEP. XVII MA.RRJ,~GE Bi:~·thorityer llu Esce.1.len cJ th·Governor AR,R.,IV A L '-....... T ent111>.1 - ' Dd you not a ~ ,ure me ) 011 other ntg hL- When [ Wlo ·cry parlor ? !a~ e~fo it the rn tlus OJFICJC 11.t 'he · STATESMAN ' Otllca DC. A.. DEl'J.'11, (Grc.duate of the Toron to Uniromty) IA new and select stock of goods arrl'ved of! r es , but I thought ufto1 wnrd· rt ru10 ht b" wh ot you said-one of the gru den era Night light is so deeeptr"e Come back fo r !11s tools od dcd \Ir P Stroot, HYSIGHN SURGEON , l<c OFFICE OD Church S treet · ..,ond door\\ est Bowm·nnll· Ont·llO R now THE! Med ical Ac t as Ph) olCllW Surgeon and !lCCOllCheur of tho Hoyal C olle g· of PbysicJons Eoglan d Office on Siln1 Street second d>or no ti I ef King t>treet Consnltat1un rrce ~ Bowmanv1llc, June 2~, 1867 Butter D R. D ll VU>§O~, E.J l> TERED rncoRDI:-IG ro I I Stylish Goou:; for t e a 1es. Sty hsh Goods fo1 the Gentlemen. Lache~' Sacks, Heady-made and Made to Order. ivew Sf1Jle,. Gents' Co<1ts, Pant,, vests and Shuts made to OJ der, and m 1de to fit. ' l d Good G ocenes u \\a) S on 1an · T l h L d and Eggs Wanted H1i;hest pnee pa1d S. F. HILL. B o~mnnuJlc, Apnl 20 1869 TO CO RODER'.11' AnMot n, EGIS TR.-\ R WE ST DU!tl!AM ISSUER orMnrrl1>geLlcenses Bunsternod A lorney at Law ond Solicitor in Chancer) u 00 1 d !lo·\ Esta t e Oilic< on Krng · ·Y oane on fl r&etJ Bowman Tille For a choice selection of new Faslnon:.>ble Dte!'.!:"l Goods, :For a superior select10n of Beautiful New Prrnts, Go lo Elliott s S tore, Hampton R - -- - I Go to Elliott 1 Store Ilam:pt010 Go to Elliott· Store, Ilampt/Jn ,,,_ uv ttJ For a Sl'lp·e11or lot oi Canachan Tweeds-new Patterns, F01 a lot of Ilea\ y Factory Cottons, at low'J/irrces, l '3 l'llOlllA!i Ullllll !H'U: , I:fG srHEET BU\HHNHL LE A~ (orlhe following British and Onnad1a1 - nsornnceCompan 1es '" lto,al l .oquol '- nd Loo Jon Brit ·h Amer ica and Pro' rnc · 1 ""' I fS .lgent for Roy·! llail Lrneo teamcrsan K l ott s tt · store, LZ.a~npton rt For a Fash1onible ' mt of Neat fittrni;i Clothe-, F01 an extensive a<~ortment Ill Go to E lin Sto1 e }/,1m7>!0I! fre1gbtL1ne ofbosts Au ctlonee ra1 d Com ., .. ,, 00 Merch·nt and Co10oer forllmted Oo 111hee of Nortbumb crl1 nd ·nt. Dl il am of Boots and Shoes1 · ' For Cheap (, rocenes I dll classes, Go o EtlwU · S oie, Hampton - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- DA.VI D a S '1!1 A .ll 'l', I For new I Fie1d and Ga rden ::it:ed~J Go la .c;llw 1t s Store, Hampton Go to Elliott· Storo Jiampton (tH· or nuBIDGE AND rnA nT) TronNEY AT I AW s0Lrc11on IN Ll. Chancer. k ln·ol, ency Conoeynocer N 0 ta for the Ontario I3t\uk, &:c 1 Sohc1tor :a P :m _ R 'J' ' ;,, For Cl,ma, Crocke1y an<l (,.lds:mare, For the Best Patent Memcrnes of the day, ' Go to Elliott· S tor. Hum11ton 0 0 c. , r If B _ Mon·· l oaned on tbe ·ccnri';f of Real i·tato, nl the c 1·rent rnte "91 For Nails, Glass, Putt\, Pamts, Oils, &c., Go to Ellio't · AUCTION BUSINESS · For School Booh, Paper, Ink, Envelopes, &c, Go to E lliott a Stor., Hampton tore, l fampton AVID BISHOP AUCTIONEER RE GS l·ave to return h 10 ·rncere tha~k· for tho Tory hboral pfLtronage herc t oforQexl~~d ..i to him, and wou l d al so rn\mrnle ti at be 1 ahll prepared to attend sales wl enever re raired, on reason able terms All orders left al the STJ.ns>1.u Office will " 0 prompt Y atltnded to Bowmanv11le, Septe m~~ ~G7 D l For Room Pape1, 1-Vmdow Blinds, &c., Go to Ell101t s S tor., Hampton F Oi ~ ti 't t h J any Ung ) OU can ge anyw ere e l'Je, Go to E lliott'i Stort. l!amnton ' · .'1 nd if it is not on h tu<l, or ) ou can't get supplied there J Go to Elliott s Store, Hamptan BU ---- JtO Bl N' ON ROUS:E,1 TEMPER ANCE IIOTEI ' Remembel' the pL1ce- had boetor give it up ' I .WO. 10 9 BA 1[ S'l'll:EE'l' A few doors North ofK.1ng S treet, TORONTO. I Elliott's Sto1""e, Rampton. HENRY E LLIOTT, J r. Hamptoll, Apri' 20, 1869 J HIES MArHEWS, l l I'ER DAT· Painter, Glazier,Paper·hanrr1 9c .JAB. BIGHA!t, aat1s~nction A A LL KINDS OF WORK PROMPT! I AT tended to, aud gunr s nteed M ;'!}. T chtKpe1 t],.n ever Re.a1Jeuc11 next door east of the Bible 31 ly Ohr11i1&n Church, 'I vro11e Tyrone, March 3, 18~9 Paper Collsr&--lhre& Boxe! for 20 csnt1 100 l'iece, Mu>ic eon"1.t111g of Songm, Waltzes, Sohott11oh··-o c·nh oach I Alb roR 11:owK.!NVILLE Al'i· DARI INGToN_ nr Setting D kMaoldm~., Organs and Molodeons, from besl Manufacturen um·, "ntwg es ' an 1 ell. Troy! rn gred n r1ety RESJDENCE, · - - QUEEN STRBET Thrc; gross of Fane, a~ Five C~ n ts each 0-0:rdcrs punctu&ll y Attended to Chor Children s Cab·, from $2 00 to 312 00 13 p· Moderate School Books and all other goods equally low 8. (JffESTEltFIELD, lJ C TTD~ EE -1 STORE ' for ],noug 1 Room Popet R MON.EY TO LEND I I N SUMS OP Special Inducements to Pedlars [ W HOLESALE AND RETAIL. N B --We ha rt latoly dded to our busmeae that of an Exchan~· Ofl!ce, and aro p10p&1ed to buy 01 1e I Gre·nbacks, Ameflc&n Exchange, Royal Canadian nnd Up~or Cor.·d· Bills, S1lv11 &c , &c eaoo AND UPW' ARD!'!J, at a low rate of interest FAREWELL & McGEE, T·wn llall, Bon'1nanvllle. Ilowme.nvdlc, .Aug 20 1868 l!:J"Oftlce,-Oj)pos1t e entrance to 3 JUNE 10, 1869 (15) YELLOWLEES & QUICK. W. H . EDWOODS , :Barber and Hair-dresser, SPI-iING S TYLES · ALL THE NEWEST STYLES JN I-I A T S, &c, &c , CAPS, &c., at ARK · Pl.tlN cir. -VO-.~. OX...IlMC:J:E, ORNAMENTAL.. PRINTER w and F ashHH14ble Siy le::; to hand a b aut1ful ass ortm ent, to be sold cheap for An earl) j;.111l 1s s.Glic ted when a good choi.ce c&n be lrn.d Men _a Felt Hats from 50c upwards It:-'" H1ghe11 Price paid for Raw Furs s MAYER'S ~11U"JL~11 E~.!TllltA:J' er:w1ri:, Bo T¥J.JriVl L!.Jt APRIL 7th, 1869 fferer ' · I s she no I mcnsure " I hope he !lnnl" yon am g tt11g be· ter ? +ell him tbat I um forgotten tho sugar A pleas· Thank )&U 0 [

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