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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jul 1869, p. 4

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Wyllie'~ Biped ~rowet ·.·. . JIOBl'i E. GJ.\.JLS!l?A!I'J'H, B :a: AB ARRISTER k .~T1'0!UfO:Y-AT-LAW,. Solicitor in Cha n. c ery, 4c . · 12-tf I lJ.3=9 Hafn.·1'Wa~on 1hop. NE-W-- GOODS t::lGN. ·oF TllE GOLDEI\J ANVIL Bowrnanvill&. Dw·lling Hou111 to Lst ! APPLY TO . Lib·rt1 Slr··t. REMOVED CONCERNING_lELOCIPEDES' 'l'ou can ·11pin them on t he inclio~ But yon cannot climb the hill ; You'll find it all thro ugh life the, Tb&t up-bi!l work is ha.rd i But down-hill you_cAn g o ft:! slick As if 'twere r ubbe d with lard . Tho 11 Poet's Oorner "is the i;pot ._ '.l'o .make your starting p1Ace; DU:)':gOod th ings ou t of" \iVyllfo'a," ··': And 7oliire sure to win th1.1 race . MRS. CAWKER, o N TARIO t.h1,shorte1t notice· t o premises opposite bis old w tand, FIRST SHOP EAST OF THJt tr BANK, STOP _ Bound on wit h your velo cipe des, Ye Illoods of BJwma.aville i where be is prepared to furnish:the public - ·· wlth all kind· or BOOTS Iii SHOES. Rt.ving o. very Large S tock on he.ul , he ii bound to SELL CHEAP. l!- .AJl ki nds of work made to order , o· Bowma.nTiile 1 August l!tn, 1869 21r. J. H. JOSE & SON, TAILORS and DRAPERS, Etc, 1 &r~ r1ce iTina their s pring and Summer Good1 1_ conii1tiog ef II 'ii \ traordinury curea in Ca nada. by tho UR.EAT r , ! SEE·! HE FO LLOWING REM ARKS ON ·l'estimonia ls of rno st wonr.erfu l n.n d e.x .. l INDIAN llEMEDY. 'l'hcy are ste rn, undo ' : n iable iin<l. i ncoa t.e1nab le f fU': t c i sufJi cicnt te> conviac e the most ~ke ·pti~al tlrnt the Great :Med ici nal Com pou nd y earne d after for ng ea· ~s now acces .s ibl e in the Grcnt Be,e got the mania, '\YYL LlE ha.a, A.nd bounds a rou.nd the shop Upon his wild velocipede, Wilb·kiv, an~jump, and hop. CHRONIC DISEASES ! DR. J AM ES, CLOTHS, 11/XTURES, 1'1FEEDS, at the Sig·n ot the Golden Lion. g·c., have now on hand a For Diseasee of fh e 'l'hr oRt, Lu-uge , Livw! Dige at ivti Or gnn s, KiUney s 1 &c., s.£ w;;ll a, 3 crofu l11., tl ie "i' fl ri ons S k iu D ise a se ~, II um orr; and tt.11 di:,: e fl. E! f"S arisi ng fr ont l :up i,;. ~· itie!I of the Blood, we bohily .stnl c lb'i:1.t.tl1 is great ' Talk not to ·me of Pegaane, Or any " Poet's" na. g_ Jl&1erpa'111 was n. smartish bes.:1t, But wasn't worth a. rag. Le·d out your Iron Horse, Gra.nd Trunk, "Frank." fetch your swiftest steetlI'll beAt the whole caboodle ' On my wUd l'elocipede. ~ The u Globe ' 1 ee.eme lazy rolling r ound , And can't increase· its speedSom· d· t I'll leave it in t he lurch · O n m1 wild ve\ocipede.· O MAN, W O MAN, OR CHI LD, WII,L deny the foci, th·t W Y L LIE beot· .all il::c., te which 11ta i::i.Tite a n in1poct iuon ·c· n N . D.-P a rtitt buy ing cloih from 1 ... tht merch&Jitl· in Bow~m a.nville, in cat ering Eiror1 ofyo·uth, N~rvou! 3 Debility, · Prem·to the w&nt1 of t~e public, in t he of tUr1 Decay a nd all the eWect1 of iodi1crt- pt it eut fre· <;>f Ch&rge if reqUirod. lu.turi··· WYLLIE will still keep, ·· herc- t ion1 of youth-a cure i!I gua ra nteed i tofor·, a bounii"ful iu pply of pep!ia., Li..-er disea!les t and di1ea1e1 N th Fits, in their w.orst form i Consumption, in Wo h·ToHer; la;gund H locH tocl< of it1 'farious sta.ges, (with Dr. J.'1 reme diet Scarfi an d Ne c ktie·, .of ~h· N ·welt and B81t consumption ii no longe.r An incurable d is· Styler, tas·) i Bronchit.i9, · 0 ata.rrh, Aatbrus, Gra vel, Dropsy of the Chest, .A.bdominn.l Dropsy, General Drop!y, &c., patients who hav e ·~ceM t a.pp!d rmveral timc1 are cursble und er D~. Lubin's Celebrated Perfumery, Jame.:11' t rea tment'; di1es ees of the . OFLD l\ESPEC1'1VELY STATB iu Bown:Hi.n"fill ~ Wh ich W· w ill etll a· lo w a..1 1 tbat b8 ia n ow trea. ti n:s succes1full1 lowing di;ea.s ' s :_..Epilepsy, or fa lling ·&B)' reipoct&ble HouH in lown . We h1.,.e aome of tbt bt t t ro od 1 t"fer at· n I remedy hao: NI~V l!;l{ ·BEE N RQ DA LL E D.- \-Vh erc we s there eYcr Ru ch a .c:tre rrs th!\ t in - -- s - : - w - - T H E FI N EST LQT . OF TRJMM.J NGS . . . ~ ~~ ·im~ e- ~ ~ . !li i:m@~i. ~~' ~ r · , ·~"1! .. .. . _ ( ..~ .· I:. Y n the p e r non of WJ LSON STonun of Bt'ighton, O ntar io 1 of Consu m p tio n ; or tL ~ t uf P ·TiiE STOCK H~EAVY . C . V. MILL:r.n, of Eruestow11} 0;-i t ~1l"io, o Collari, Cuffs, Fron.ts, EYE AND EAR, 'n·J} 1 ever shown in Bo\vmanville. OF SHELF AND ..... _, illfllmpt.ion o r t hat of A i,nmo;;~ Yi!o o n 1 o Oo nsecoD, Ontari o, of Dysp-epBYi>,,, a n d Li'f'c Complaint: or that of ,ToH.N nDSEY, of Kap e, Ontario , of Rheumati:::m, wh o h&d a. c1ua11y been on crutches for , in spit e of e.11 tre atment lmr eto fur 1~ 1 nnd io n ow well. Scores of i:;uch cn. se s _ 1n igi1t be 1n~nt i onejlha.d \1 6 sp.11ce. ,,. !Lt"' Cn ll f\t t l1t: Drug Store 1~!H] ge t a Oirou th e and n,.,. SEE of S IGN NO 1, DRE~S - G ,OODS, I GR l'A'l' 011111.r of l1nq11e eJio u:'\.l.Je c<;rtiG<:::-itea SHOSHO NEE S rrnmiDY Sll t i !ilf J y'oursclv ca. , Price of Remedy in 1 i ll }JcdicinC . la~yt pint· $1 ) ' l.l- Fo r Sele by all Drt:ggist · r.ti <l De 0i1er1 ..6i.gc 11 li_ ~ fp r L JHHHt ~iewt;o pies . . .ftlllr IN 'l'ftJHJl SE&.SON. Orana:e!, l.-cmone, Pine Apples, Straw· ac., in t.beir BN\!OD j lee Crel\m a nd tpark.lic.g .ice cold Soda Water from tho fou ntain in Uot e r; Bread , Biscuits, Cakta and Confectiona ry of the best quality, wbole1& le &nd reta il; also , choi ce atock o f Gro ceries. Soi rtes furnished in etJl· on tbor t ·notice. 'Vcdding eske1 made t.o orfler . Hi1thc1t pri co ia c&ab. paid for b1rri~·1 Women and Vblldiren , Cancoro OPPOS\Tlli SILVER STREJ1T, n o~· nHH tViJJe , cured lff ithout cutting, and' little pain; Sore Legs, Rbenm 1 an d S crofula. in all it1 forms. Dr. J . is happy' t.o eay, diee& 1e1 w hich have b.itherto been thought incurabl e, a re now rapidly yielding to b is trea.tment, as his grateful patients o.rc willing to teti ti fy. No Calomel, no mercury, no ·Mine :ro alPoi1o n11 w ill be adminis tered in an7 form , in a ny di!ee se. · · ThrJ afflicted , who cannot obtain relief 'fr om other eourcee, particularly invited .MeSS rl . J. Higginbo t han :.'. ~~u tt . ' \" holesa.le A. Great Bargai n ! 1 ub~ crib~r oft"f!r!I for Sf\l l .. S_ .\. \V · )fILL in good running order, toge t hetw1th n stock of Loi· auffideni to cu t fro m $t, ~'.lo . t o $·1,BOO wo rth of lumbe r, n.nd & A"·nta 1-N or tl.J rop & '\\' n~. cu rr nE nARTO.l'. lgaa, Butter, · ·· " BURR.AH OR!llR." ·· A NDREWS .Also 1 a. go od !Io\ut e.nd Outbuilding·. · Tit.le pe-rfe ct. Terme : $ 1,2 00 to call and see him . ~ Oftlct iu N·ih~ on' a ca sh down; ot crt-dit ruay h· agreed upon. Hl\ll 1 Belleville; )'.:t- Offic.e hc:iu ru , 11 s. m., Ap1·l;r lo to Sp. m . 11 , BAXTER 1 on the Pre1ni!e! 1 Youre moet r c.specttully, ~ot No. l ~, 8th C.:o nceesio n D11.rl ir1glo u. H, JJ.lolllS, ¥ . D . Mar ch 24, 18 G!). 25-tf _ bt the tbous;nd . fllir qua.n,ity of cil1tomer'1 101· 1 t o b · M &wn &.c., &c., .; & c. l k f ~ A.. UC 'T IC>NJi~ J.DR fO it THE TOWXS H TP OF DARL ir1gtun .. Ali o rd~r .-> pnuct ually o.t Ch a rges rnc; dcr a~e . tende d to. l To Cabinet l'! hkers and Upholsterers P A:R ASOLS We would beg to call. particular a ttentwn to our stoc be11 to annouuct tha t be i! prepared to fii .. e instruc tions in the eleme nt s of April 1', 180~. · 0 Tocal 8r. Instrumental FOR SALE. blscksmith'a sl:io;i, a lari'e woc;>d·shop, &table, Pi8noe. Re~ille nc e- Churc li Street, E as t . &: c . .M oat v~laablt proper ty, fl.nd will be iO'ffIDl\n TiJlt , June 3, ~18 68. 45-tf. Gold a t a Ba.ri &in. Appl1 on the premis ee, MU SIC, HE lfeTAVISH PROPERTY, ON KING Stree t., Bow UH\n ville : q ua.rter a cre o f ttnbta.cing \borough Bass antl Ha.rrnony, l 1.ri tl, on which ther1 la a good b rick etor1 the elemen\s of ·c ompo ai tio n . . H· ig e.leo to tune nn d r~p air ·a nd dwelli ng house, an exce llent brick T A.LL N E "\V AND F ASHIONl~.BLE DENTAL.SUHG-E O,N" Stor~t AIR SEA'I'ING. Ct: IlLT-:D HAlH.. ' 'O \V. SOFA S priug", '!'wine, Chair-\'\·cb, .f!utto lls . .Screw· Hm ReS, ]..l)Ckfl, 'l'aC'I·"· Flbt Paper, Glu.e, Pian .) St1>0 '8cre'wl.l, Coma '1'1iinmb g11 . ll pl1Pls! f' reri ;.: Nee t.!J~s mH1 fle"ulatorn, Addi; Cafru'.< 'fouls, E" ""·' jo n Lit> Auge r H1111, I\lelo 1eon- Hc.rdwa rc, ~c .. For Sale · Lo w e~t l'rice1; . l!l W j\N; & OJl, Ql' I ·: R , G<.>:ne1"(1! lfRrci.wa n: .!\l e rclum tl ll t. Y 0~ 1 ge S!r eet, Torm1l p. H STOVES, MACHINE OIL, TURPEI\l"TINE, ·--- --- - - - -- - · · 1'1 l o·ll. l.!oTA V!SJI. OFFICE. over l . Md!URT RY'S G ro c"'J Styles in Bo~ntes, i e Ladies Sacques. H a ts 'LEATHEa BELTING, .bU.bB.Ek do. 'AYEl-{.'8 COAL OIL, SKATES, Sarsaparilla .l.ntJ fo~theapccd r cure oft.he followj11gc omphJ.lnta: lar otidn. awd flll.::- r a fnl o n · A ffecd-a, lilll~ a11 T11m·r-!t. ..Ul...-<'"n, f!toMa, lt r· ~- Plm·lra, rw·tulf"·, Sl·kilee, a e ilQi D faia· , a nd·:,.~JI .D i~. The.Ontario]Harrow. 'IRE SUBSCRIB!rn H . AS SllCUllED TIIE ']. right Co m anufl\cture t he above Ila:· row for the T o wn3hip of D nrlt ngton j and nO" prepared to fill orde'r a. lB Bowm&D1'ille1 Me.rch 30, J ~69 . 35. Kin g ~~.~eet, Bow1 ~nl.nv i1l t1 . FOR PURIFYIMG THE BI.001>, ICE! ICE! R. P of pure ice during the ensu~ng auni-- P EATE, The fi'li lli11C!"Y T ..... A.. I T:..OR MAD I! TN T HI De par tment RAW AND f. OIED OIL , is no w under the :Snperin tenden ce of MISS McT AVlSH, whose "11:11ue is a snffi1·ic ut l.!Uara ntee for the QUALi I Y U F '\\ OHK DO:\ E. ~c., &e., &t. I It ia the Best Barrow 911rt:iculara it9t .bills. - Call ·11. t 11hop a nd sg ·.for yol1 rselv f~. for mer sea·on, eon .be 11Co6mmodated by apTHOS . 1'H0)[AS. 5 nU11e. E RSONS WISH ING A SUPPLY Ge;ntlomen's '& Boy'· Garm.1mte NE~vl!-; s T liii T YLEs: Bowm anville 1 Feb. lt, l i l l . . )O-tf'. --- -- ---- ·~ - - - -----~- . 0 ..t. Irt.J. !f.D, Ind.\ 6t b June, 1809. J .C. AT·ut.tCo. Uenl!I. : I foe itmy duh·to aeo k nowledgt what y our S!lrsapii.rilla hRl! doue f.:lr m·. llarlnr jnheritcd a Scrofulouti iufectio ri , I have ; suffered from it in variouif wnyl for yt"l!t.rl. !llom9~ times it bun t out in ·Ulccn on Iil>" hand1 a ucl arr.u ; l'ometimt1 jt turn ed inward and distrer;scd me a.t U. ye.~r11 ago it broke out on my boMl and eove!"f!d my aealp and e~m Tilth oue sore, whiob ,.... , pn.inf'ul and loathl!-Ome beyond description. I tried m zt.ny medicine!! and 'several pby.:;ic!an!I, bv.t , 1tamae11. Two plying to the undereii:ned. M. D. WILLIAMS. ·N. B.-Hor!· aboe ing R. tt e nde.d to in a BowmanTille, M>y 12, 1869. ~Ortra-gb m ~ unc r . . Pa rti cular a.ttention English and A1nerican Clot · "S·o gt·eti:.· ttr thfi treatr.aent of UiseaseU ho1 ·-!l es, bi,l l·. T . T. io'-i1111Dvillo, l!uoh 30, 1869, BOARDING. Jtr&P YOUR FEET DRY .&llD S.i.'f'J! DOCTOR'S BILLS A few young men eon ba nooom· any clo th DJ·tcha n t whatwrer for my ir\bor : j 0 mod l ted with Board and Lodgin~, at I ez:pect to be paid for snch myself: and I the re·idcnoe of Wm. CUL VER, Ch urch eL·ll noiw ork on · · y other con dition·. 1 I Ga.rmente made by me1 will ple r. ,e remember tha t I 1h·ll not allow t hem ~o P· Y ( ) A LL per!onrt d6airous. of getting their " E I 1-, nTl A ri D j · ) U 11 ' l ~ 1-;' _ '.j · j .1 · Also, a fine lot of C C AL V '"_ fVl' [\. J: I C OSTANT!Y ON HAND a 1 .D S('fl 11 · ,, ii of " i1 ic: h we " ill i-e ll a s low any house in the trade. Str..t. B1 rrmanville, May 12, am moitrespectfu.lly1 Hl~9. 3w RICHARD PEATE, Bo tr1un·iile, Doe. 17, l &e; . I th rc be!'lt in 1ht· Ma rk Pt. · m:d see them. T· ILOR. 10, Gal.fil!.HltS lll;'l,ti.() l ~~' ~ ~ e> t. 0, Good Fits Guaranteed. "'" ~ · A c _c\.. J~. J .... SOI.IOI'I'E D. 18 dit'.) r der g?e1" wone . A t len~tb I wtl! rejoiced t~ r 1a4 in tlie Go11pel M:~ cuger lhatyou had prep a~ an & iterc.tive (S~l'll!i.p arilla}, for I knti w ftUm yotU" niputatlon t hat an yth h1g yQu mnd c m utt be good. I a:ent to Cinefun &ti ~nd gc.t it, and n s ~d it till lt cured me. I took it, ti.<-1 yon adl'i"e, in cm"U d ostt ot a tea!J)OOQful over 11. month, !l.nd u~d tJmost three bottles. N~w and l!etdthy ilin soon bega n t o font! n11dcr the 1eab, which tttler . n. wllile fe ll o!r. Jity U in it now cle1.r , a n d I .kuo w b y my feelinia t hriQ tht d Hl t Ml fu11cone from my eyatcm. :::ciu can weU btlJt\'e that l fccil vrhfl t I ttm wh En 1 tt!lU you, that I hold yo u t o, be one of the llpo~tlcl!l of t ti. t.l{tai ClllldJemeJn ever grc.t~fu.lly. . Youn, _ I ALFRED B. TALLEY. et; ,A 1nbonf"9 Il'il'"e.1_ t~oio O!!' ltrftli~ lfnt T ·Uer and. flJaJa Hb~u n11 , .. l!J~ald Q ~sd:.> ltithout mueh r:elief !rom nnythlug. In fuot. tho ·· I! 1 SPECIAL NOTICE. FOR N.EW. _STYLES .. · 1 · F OR NE\.V ST'fLES IN · - - -- -- - - -- ~ ~~' _.. ~ & ...;,..~' T_,,,. l3owm.?tnv-ill~,N o v . 20 th, 1H67 . t!r~ u, ~ ""' Dr. Itob-ert }I. l~l'eble wtlte· from SAlitm, N. Y .· lJth Sept. , 1569, th a t bo bu cured n.ll j.zn·etcrn te cu e ¢f Drc1J:y, \'";h..ioh tllrtatcncd to tonnio:1te fil· Bllv , by the per1e vering ul!o of our s ~r·apa 111lr'"' and 1.llo a danprou1.'1Ja!igr1ant.Er11eiptlcH l.iy l· -:r· doHt c f the ·:ll1'0i eays lie curee t~eoiaiJJQu Eru.p i iM!s b:r ft condantly. . bottlea ot7our ~aru. pa nU21. d m~ fro nt G. Ooit, - · hfd.eou1 ewcHinJ;. on tha mi cl:, °""Li11h J U&d ~u C trtd from O\".CZ two yettrs." R i ·w~· eirta·, ltol"t'! B r~ a, nroi:a7. W. H. B ANBURY AVING BOUGHT OUT TIIE BcSInesill lately carried ·n by S. B. Brtd· 1 111 prepar ed to aell evc:ry dei cription of ~ BJ]~I1itlt S ~ a N':DJ ~R~~~I(~ ~~ ~LA LL J; 1Jl.L DlJ..Y GS, BO W,1/ANVIJ~LE. I 1'v DEALBR!N a ...n CbeccJc, t iohre or S "'Tcl!ecl l'fe'" h .. Zebulon Sloan.a ot i~ro11P.cet, Tf'..xa 1, "\'l"rit41 : 1 1 ·n,n. IN SPRING CLOTHING, COLLARS, NECK/ril S, CALL AT &c., CALL AT DR U l)_y p r <· ) l\1EDICINES, AND CH E MICALS, ~ I I ,L ADIES', CINTLEMEN'S, MISS E!r.AHD . CHILDRll!:l\l' FOR BES'~ Don't fo ri! t to mak e Rn en.r!y ca.11 and judge for yourse1..-es. The &o od s Stuff ·, Patent i\! ft!ici ~1 es, Pi;-rfumery, Brn:> hes, r :orn b'", Soaps , h liu ts ::1:d U1 .I:;, Pa111l Brm,l1es, l oa l O il, and Coal O d L alllj·S, .~ c., &.c. --. - _,,. ~ G reat 13.irgain ~ .. \ Vi 11 ~···Cf;'JI Learenbea '81"-'tVbi&e!llt OT11r b.a Tct!IMel", lJ&ff'b U'.! (.T J.uraUou, Vcn1nlr. Di~. Dr. J, JI. S. Clui.m:;ing, of New York City, wrlQ : u I mmt cbeerfully complv witb the requcs.t of~o., a ge nt in e:ayin;- 1 bln·e found your Snrsnpn.r: ,._ o mast exer:lleut a ltera ti\·e in the nnme rou::i ·~ ,~· · -plain~ ! o r w h ich we empl oy .~ue h ~ r emc·.h ·. fili·fJ · vt:cil.Uy 11.1 Di.-< u ra of the S ~rofillOWI OOTS AND ·sHO· ES, -cf the Is.tes t 1tyle1 1 a dapte d fo 1ea1on, . W"hicb he ht aot1ing be g1ven at the New . and Fa1hionable, and will be. fiold Cheap for Cash ! IPhysicians' p r eecr11>tions carefu lly £'.ompou,n ded, I I aud all ordurs corr octl v ani~wa.roct. --·-·- &@'"" i::.- A 11 ord ers promptly alte".ded to . . Good Fils 8 nd Work,,.nsb1p gu·ronteed Ob1ervc the. address-Corner of R ing a nd Silver Streets . / CHEAP F OR. CAS H · . :!:>, :IPC>:E'l.:BES. Bi also ma.nufec ture ti t.o order on the BOWMANVILLJ!:, APRIL f , 1868. 1h·ortt1~ uotice 1 arid 1rom the best of &tock. ! / Ji'arnwrs .nn·l T'hy.qfdm1s fr om t~1e Co11 11tr y 1rill j1 n d , 1869. .TRUNKS, LEATIIEB, oiw stock of 111ctlid11es wm1>l<'fe a1Hl oj l!ie bt·st q 1wlit!J OWUH\ UYiil.i 1 Ji\n . 6 , atien iUelf "·u 1oon cured . Nothin g withln kt1owh:dgetqu alt it for tbe!e female dera.11,v111en .. ' . Jtdward s. 1Ia.rrow. of Newbury, Al!t ., wri1G11 11 .A. dsn a1t1roui ovariMi- eumo1· ou one of the teri;al· In my i.' amily, w hfoh had defied all the re mtdi~ · · cottld amploy, l111sat le~gtll been completely c11r1Mi b 1 your E :r.t r:ad .of S ar~aparilla. Our pby11ici·e t bo'lgh* nothing but e x tirpat ion could a fToril reiifl.f, b id h@ a d,-ii rd the tri11.I ol your S11rM.p!t:rilla 1.a the Jut re.ort ht.fore euttinJr1 nm! it proved eJfoctu@M. :r~~ '3i~::-oyr~~J~~T>dy eight week:a no eyropt· m diatht3lt1. I bi..,·e cured many .invett':rata cesu er 1Aueoorrhml'\ by tt, a.nd 1.1omc wht!ro the compltia & w..a eauP.ed by- .. tcet·aticm o.f the 'Ut!!!nu:. T he ~1~· · r, \ lln-hi lia rant!. It_.-e 1·curln.l Di 111~n1u1 · 4.ND IJl'INDING!l!I ~ · ll kind· on hand tor t&! o. mint t toot and prict!I. Call ond ·· N O T I CE -~-: o : --- 'IE MEMBER .THE STAND TWO DOO RS EAST .OF THE STORE! POST OFF' l.C E ~ . ,llo'l'1H1n me No·. un. I~. ly J or OllN 1\IcLEOD \Vould call the a ttcntiou r' of aH those indebted to hini, by note o r book account, to the fact that conse(p w 11t upon ··t h e long period his business h?s hee 11 1 NH\V · . , · · . FRUIT . · · e:lringthe remainder of the winter season! T BB 1ub!criber1 bt1o'tinir st.11.rted Buainesi; · OT·r Mr. G. HRiues: Cr\rriag-e Sbop 1 j11 pr·pared ~o recei 'fe r.11 o~d e rs for P.&.UtTUI~, deprived of his oversight ·and. aUen t1 ?n, l~) I !iicknrss, it has now becon1e nnpcra l 1ve, 111 ·t 1 111 · s cna;avernents,- that uar!t e ~; Ia d . t' Cl 'J Just J\rrivccl at T . Darlington's, u b ., . .· ;¥:' . . ' Ui ' ~ ~'~.i OPINIO JL'lM: \V JL J:., T.... S U I T ..1...2..1 tnec '-' <"'! ! ·· Dt001atiai, Frescoina , Ka.1s om ining P l ain and Deoora. tirt Paper Hanginr,-Gilding, &~ &c. PAY UP WITHOU1~ Y D I·LA · l ie heg.s to rernind his custou1ers thnl J.11 kink · or friend in need rn a. fri end indeed, i:and tr usts I Ii.Jn 4: la.nn r Painting h is unfortun ate circ umstances 'viii suggc~t a 1Executed in reason t.o prevent t IJ e necessi' ty o f· 1n akiu g NO. I S T Y L E lJersonal demand. SIGN PAINTihcG & large rrnd _ 1mport ant stock of new Malaga Ra1surn,, boxes ~e .;;t Loud.on ·Lal'ers, Boxes and lialf·box"s new Val t'nt1a Ha1w. s, IKP"S of See.diess Haisins, Drums of new Sn!t:111a Hai ~ i 111>, Ba r· rel~ of ne w C~mrnrs, yuxes of. new ( ·it rn11, ()range and Le1110 11 · · Peel, Ila gs of new }< i!bert~, Sacks of llfJIV Walnuts, Mats au<l · Boxes of new 1· igs. Keg:; of new :runes , Oranges a nd L emu11~, .. a 1also, ClI O IC~ LOT OF· X EW CHOP TEAS. (J(rQualttyl 18 tlw test. of c!teapness. has folly justified the original idea, that at the " C orner Nore " you c ould get tb1 naqn·1t of y our agent, and report to yoll wm. o f ihe eft'ecti'l I haTe re,.lized with y our SnrsapHrilB. I ba·e curetl with it2 in my practice. most of the complaint! for wlileh it is rceommena'ed, nnd b~ve ftui.nd it1 e trceh trllly wonderful f:::i the CUN\! ot ,.dn"taJ an.d .!£-ercu.rial .Diser1.s~. One of mv pe. Utuic bad Sypb..ilitie ulcers iu bis throat, l\' hicb~~··~ rKintumlng bis p,nhi.te and the top of hi_, mout&· Your Ss.r11:1.pAril a 11tendU.y taJteri cu rcrf him In .five Wt tla . Another W~i attacked by 11 ~c1ir1 !la ry ·Tmp~ to nu in Ille n o!!e 1 and the ulcc ralion hall e:den &way a CQnlidtn.ble part o f it, so t!rnt I Uclieva th· difp. or4er would 11oon r e.;.eh bi1 br!>.in nlld kill h im . Bid: it yltld_ cd to m;r adrnini-<ttt:.tion of your S=trn.parliill ; t h· aluni l.:eaJM, nnd b@Js well again, uotofcou19 O"ithoufi · ocu~ di11tlguration to hi1 face. A womt.m who hs.d .b een tre:itecl fortli.e Mmo disorder b· m.,. eurr 'i"l'~s 1utreriug from U1ia pol :JO u in her bonee. They had become so ~cn~ifrr e to th~ l'l'Nlt11erth1t on ~i..T a damp dlly 1he suffered excruchl.ting pain tn 1-f i joint.c. 11.n ~l ti ouee. She, tot>, 'nl~ c ured enti~ly by i .. oq.r S11.raap1tr!lle. iu n. few weeks. I know fro1n U.e 1 f'orrru11!a 1 whlch your ngcrit gn\·e ", Umt t Wa !"tl!J111.n.tlou from your labot{'.tonr rnutit be n. .-..-. Nr.nedy; couiequent!y, tlle~e tru}y r1: markalt1il ,.... 1ult1 w ith jt h!l.Ve uot gur_pri!Pd me. .a·n~tn.a U y your!, G. V . 1,AIUllER, M. D . Da. J . C . .ATz:a.: Sir, I cheerfully comph· ,..fUti NEW ORLE.A;,s, 2bth .August, l~t.O. I .i \. ND iG D ' Bpw nianville, Dec., 18li7. a l ! ·e~===="""""'"""""'""'""'="-"'""'"""' '""""""-""'""'-""'"""'r:.,,.,., . .,:~,,,...,.-, z..,_""',,.""""-..,.·=="" j :i~Ya°nu;t~f~;1L¥~~~~dbe1i~~!s~~~~~~;~11~g~ncJXJ~.: A. 'J' 1 - ·~!t!il ey:erytbieg fa.jfod relie\'e ·m e ; and I b&\·· lilifi:i t. breikeu~down"rnan :tor nome yenrs from no ·iber caue than J,k i"'at;g.t,TMnt qf the L iver. 1sly IOl'C!d 1111.11tor, tt;· !!i·Rev.. lli:-:~Pl'·. to G11ut, 1 .i~·"'r-Vomp~niet. P rest ou Co., V11., Ctli .July, lSf.O, D 11..J. C. Ar 2n: S ir, I -h ave Veen sft'llc tod uith& p1iutuJ chronic Rlte-.imati1m for a l<1 ng ti me, w-hieh b· mod tbt: i1kill of .pbyi1iciA u s, anJ. st:.H.~k to me iri 6'pl\e of "f.ll the remcd iu I could llutl. until 1 trltd your SanaparfiJ!\. One cured inc in tw· w··k"t and re.dared .my general beaHh so m ueb tb& t .J am tA r better than bdOre I was attack11;rt. l think it a wonderfu l medicine . .J. FP..EAM. Julffl Y . Getchell, o'r St. .Louis, wr:itcs : u I h Rvcr Hen &ftlicted fo r years with.n..n ~trection of the Lirw" whic h d~atro yed my health. I tried evcrythin,-, S~·mn ti un, 1 M D ZI'll~Di>:::l:!tt ! I 1 1 kt" S·titfecLion 1u~r tL n teed ih ~a ll its ll ra.1eh· ! . CHESTERFJF. LD 11 BRO THER. ]1own.ia111'ill e1 Nov . l'i', 186S. JOHN M'LEDD<; I WELLINGTON BUILD I NGS, Bow manville, Jan. 18, 1 1 v .A. lu ge auortmen \ , in c·ery var iety, ot L · dies', Gentlemen'· ~li····' an d l;hildNn · &f&in . '{tv~ beet that ean be n id of you bi n ot halr 1ood ·n-ou1b." blusin& of God it bllil curod mt'!, a.ud has ;;o y nrH:led my bloed a! to m ade a new llUlU of me. I fee youn1. U:;a.n.eer T11mera, Entnr&Jellleat I 8ehirnl·, 1111-ceradoa, Varieei atad. .Eif'oli atioa e'l 1869. TBESlJl'Eltll l'f!W' 1069 a .. ~ S~L NO RS h&t commenced h·r ?l! lU1t.r trlpt betwee n E~I . AN PORTS ' in the fifth Mhcession, Township of Cartw r ight, occnpicd by Mr . W. A. Lou cks, will be re.n te d for I\ term of ye1rs 1 wiib. or with- :.~-~~~ I·-, ' w ~~. w~ BOOTS AND SHOE S of th· !·test styles, · dapted to the se ..aon which ·h.c is ·elling at his um&! J,QW PIUCES. He also m~nu f·ctti res .lo order, from the best of etock, and. the mos· -approved styles· GOO D FI TS GUAltAN'l'E.l<iD.- All orders prom ptly executed, Trunks and L eath er or oil kinds eoostintly on huid .for sale, I · 1 ?lienri Di·cn~~, Pits, E p ilr,PJ"' . :::e::!~=~l.1D:~l ofr, Nica1rulgin. ._ I bten Many rem11rkable of these 11..ifcctioit: .,.? 1tte made by thG :i.ltc rativc power ofthi6 medicine. r.nre~ ·~- Bones. " gtt;oat tlli"iety of c:ise11 h a:1e been reported to u1 1 vbu'· curu· o f these formidable com1Jlaint&: have> retult·il .from tlie nee of this I'4medyt but <J u r Bpace btrt1 'Ifill L'ot ad mit t!il!'rh. Some 01 them may bA fo und i u our Amerkn.n Alm:in ac, which the agent.I below n a me<l w-c pleased ~rt\tjs to all who 1 It 1\imulate!I tlie vilial fu n~ jnto vigorous action, and thus overcome11 disorders which wouJ<l be sup· 'POStd beyond its reach. Such a remedy has Iong blen nquitetl by the necessities of t he peitple, and ·ld.idne can do . Y I a re coxi.ttdent that this will do for them all t h.2t · NORTH SH ORE PORT OF ROCHESTER, a-nd ·ill continue t1utk.i11g dii. il y trips, leat in g Cobourg t.t Pl A. n i .; PorL Hope n.t 9 :301 out cle&reotla ud on eoid lot, PoSBe,.ion of Jt ili ~ ca n be given H required. For furtb rer informa tion apply tP the tubfileribrR at Whilby · Wm.LAING . SowroanTille, Oct.1 6, la-ff F LT cH ·E11 D · ' BAKE' 1 D l y~ f01 sl'\ le nt 11 U Su1..,rlor !Family ll!'louir BOUNSALL'S Remember th e·a t· nd- Sign of ~hc Hii( Boot dr nn· by t" o no r.e· . Kinir . H ee l. ·r· .1 .1 7-1 65d. Ayer~s Cherry Pectoral, THE itAPID CU.KE Oi' M.tlljd::>LE \V UUI\:S Bowmanviilo M ·,¥ 3rd, 186fi, ::-on HO~M.A NVl.LLE. C·tlJi:a'I, Cold· , Iuftaenza_, Ho..-..Heaeu, (Jroup, Bront:hitis, l n~ ipirn t Coa .. aumptiou, a ilild fer the l.~!.ieC of' the ItiMa11e. 'fhi1 i· a remedy 1110 .universally known to surpMs I.BT !!t for thecurc9fthro~t&nd lungcomph1i1,lts.., l :bat 1t 1 · usele11.her.: to publish the ovldence of ~t!t fi!'tuf!t. It.I unrivalled cxcelkuce for coui;hs ~n.c.t nd it· truly wonderful cu rc!J of pulmo.niirr. 1~ · Olds, & I .....,te, ,h&·« m arle it known throughout the civ i · iaid D&t1on1 of" the e2.rth. Few are t he communiLles, I . ·r C!T~n !am~He.i, among ttwm ·who base not somu i_ p ·rsonal experience ut' its pffects- some Ji vi ng i!'Gp by in their midst ·of itg victory over the subtltl u i d1.neerous d isorders of the throat and long&. ·1 · 11 know the- dreadful fatality of there disorder&., , el" ClOll·um:piire 1.;ioatiED.18 !a .sdTI1ac cd S &aaic· nooT!I a. t the lo1iest pricf'. a.m. c.111 ·t Wh i11>y, o'h'"""· D .. 1i ug\on and Ns wcu i le l\'ed ne! tht.y morning::;. m., e:i:ce pt Raturday s whe n sh e loan· at a E ' m., di r· ci for P ort Hope. New Stook of Jli.llinery Good.a . Fot frtli t, ap,ly on board , or to c, Dr.- for tho 1pring trade,. )Vhich she offer11 · cheap D ·R E Aj 9 · p . 1 at Brighton Thurida.y morniag!, a nd Col- ' V,To~l d retu1n ihanks to ~he pub lic for t heir bor.ru1iel'e.r1· ml.ornhlgpc.xc1plt R\Ycdhne sd ay. liber.a.l patronage in the past; .&nd would ' -.e u.r111Di1 eaTtS o·rt o oc este r· da ily anno un ce that ehe h&.i recerte d her 1 , Jal. JhQ. 'H"Dlll -~ f.r, .· \j~AA.11 T 0 · p · 1' T ann MR'o. "' A · ANY PERON in tend in g to ,, .. i.itbe r ·O'iW'V"l:'l'J' n TI Mc nnmentor GrueStone t othom · o>OJ.J U' ·U 0 W ~JS. . .fi..J.JJ of depa.rtedfriends will fi:c.rl i tgrea.t l;y'toth"Jr 1 d l' d II r b d t t Jl d compare as Ui UR , e tT ere to 11 part1 o t ¥town. If\ 'ran sge o .e~ a.n · _ bl BRE Jj T:'L r~··r 'C .' HER iWork Pr1c0&Quahtyo1 J.f1ar -"' .t~ ~ . ...X. M I L L I IA S 8 d d in iibe 10.t es"\ 1tylc . is 11till pr,pared to do all kindi of """"1'..T ..L"'ii E" R ~T w ith an: oft"er<!:d in 01.n a d. a Weit. \\"e s pe&.k ' ROllitiv e..l y iu 11.tfirming & 11. t"i:og o! n t leal T WMNT Y r11n · CJ.KBT.OUNS ALT· t\ SON, ...... I Pr op?iet_ Or1 . N D . M A I\: I N t G i N· w OMllt" ; A. Coc a nd Geo. Hendei.·.. A lso , Stnm ping foi· b i-ai d wor an d etn· or er, an wa.r ra n c o it, P ort. Hop&; C. Ellio' t.J Cobo urg: J . broidory don e to arder,-M ru . . Dunn 's full · --- · c b ,... stock of S t am p s heyin g been pr.ocurcd. A T\welllB"" l"llt~ l.l.a .Cn.·I" a ·· I er, ol orn·, '" ina na 4J Butler,Br io-htou : · _ » . ~' 1: !"u ..,, l. '1.w. "" LCldie s ar~ requested to call. Sma. 11 !i'am1l·, ro Lifr. ·D quu· of U: rt.J.1 · i:, G(ID, _Eer & CO.i Whi tby i J ame& D, Gu.rJ Osha1r-a i fo r cnsh, J.. ll'cCl ()ll· n 1 Da.rlin e to.n; l'. Ni cholso11, k Gent 's sh irts made to d t r j' 1\1 RS. C. El 0 U 111 .S A!. L rl tt .~ to , 1 .lliner" :'l.nd Str'- w 1e prep!!.rt. t o 11. enu ~. 1 . · ~ · · ' \V ork. tt.e ue u111. L adiee ' felt Hali cl ea n.ed 1..nd a ltt1r,.d to the N·w~et S ty lee . ., .4 :p1'l U; lfG9. . 40-tf. .!lo.-ruuillt, Y·rcb 2~, l~f~. -3~. Flet,htr. ;. Bo,..aonvili·, lhr<h Ul ~ j 8'3 0 r.-.ii... ·""' . I T wo A pp re ntie c t wr.ated .i.mmcd11itt l" . ~ . · 'l'ro_parad 07. Ilr·.J,c. AYER & Co., Lowell,~ Northrop & Lyrnnn, Ne1T"castlo, Ontad Q Gen e ral A gents for Ca:nadtt . Sold by J. Higginbo tbft. m and D . S~ott, BowmaQvill"3 ! ~ nd by Medicj11 e Deal.t;t! £>-v-e rywberc; I eouO.dcace o! nui.nki·d. I wt .nefld n ot do more th!\n to :i.ssure t hem that it. hae &ad · Ii tbey know 1 too 1 t he effects of thi;; remedy., now al l the virf. ue1:1 t hat it did have w . hen makinr· ibc cures whit;ll have won 110 Gtronglv 1qiou tbe

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