eI;g: t:anabian ,Statesmnn , 18 pr l cd ~nd published EVElll!' Tilli RllD~l.' MORNING, by t le P ropr1ctor 1 :\V ~1:. R . .OT, I~.f.IE. At i.he o F k'ICl>---Jtlc1.lurtry's Block. RIN G ST REET BOWKA.NYILLl,O!i!T , a.nd contiuna the l&test Foreign an i Prov1n cid Nc ws 1 Lo cal [ntelllgencc,County Busi ness, C onuuerc1a Lll11 tters 1anU An ns truct1v e MlScellany TERMS -$1 50 perannum,in ndva.n ce00 tf paid w1tb1n six months-$2 50 if not GENERAL NEWSPAPER AND FAMILY JDUR ~AL. V ~~~~~~~""'."'~~~~..,,.~~""""=""~~"""~=""""":'.':"""""'~~~~~~~~~""'!'":*c~~"""~~ .....~"""'"""'~~~~~:!"'""'~~":""'~~~~""'".""~~~"""";'!'~;"'"'!'~~~:"r~~~--~~"""~~~~-!'""""=~~~ _ __ "'" p·ldlll tlicendoftheyca.r Nopapcrdis OL, XV. T RIO BOWMANVILLE, 0.1\ A , AtJG. c >ntuiue until o.11 a.rrearages arc paul and ex -~ oept at d the option of the publisher, parties refusing papers without paying up wul be held re~pons1ble for tlle subscription 11 util &bey comply with the rule All letters addressed to the Ed1tormustbc post paid otltervt1se th e) may not be tuken rom the Post OIU.ce RATES OF ADVER'l'lSINO $0 50 JUST A R:-ECEIVE:O ~'../'..--. ~.,,-.,_ .-...,,, AT THE BOWM:A.NVILLE DRUG STORE, SPLENDID STOCK OF WHO LL BUY TRESSES, Who l b lY tre sse s bonn'f brown tresses? ~Ia.ids a1 d matro ns Corns and buy Here is one that was c 1t from a be§ ga.r Crouching lo'i'i down in a ditch to d le. Look at 1·, countess l env) 1t lucbe~a' Tis Jong and fine and Will suit you well Hers by nature '\'O rs by purdh11.~e 1 :.Beauty was ma.de to sell THE 0 13 0 75 0 20 Most Reliable Dye Stuffs Obtainable. Bowmanv11le, June 10, 1869 (15) J. HIGGIJ'llDOTHAM. Who JI buy tre sses b1 gl I golden tresses = Maids aGd matrons-wot th tie cost Shorn from U e beaJ of a wretched pauper GLASGOW' IN HOUSE! 1 ca re af me 1 Once n1or0 ns if notlung wrong had stepped bet"ee ri us he held me agamst lns s1dP He mu~t have felt the throb· of Jll) benting he u t What has al ir ned you? h e asked, w a toae a freat deal too lull of tcnd.r CIIEAPEST GOODS THE DOMI NJO~ rrHE SUBSCRIBER INFORM S Tl!E PU RI IC TBA! HF. HAS JiOW ON lHND O~E of tbe most com1 l<it e and best asso1ted stee l s ufStt i lc 1tnd Foney Dry Goods C'i er offered for sal~ in this to'll n FOR Ie 9 CASH, AND SELLIG FOR CASH, ANNE HEREFORD BY MRS IIEN RY WOOD H OOP SKIRT MANUFACTURER antl 1m1 t1 ~er of milter als from confident that ht> crtn presP.nt 1 n <'ql nl1!.'J Rd\f! t rrf"s to 1 tend g pun.::hascrs, a.nl res pcctf lj 11" trs I a1 ti rs tc ( 11 )' 1 :1 J i:;c for tl l' D Sf'lves N 13.-'Ihe Lowest Pnce is asked, and no Abatement made. TIIOJU: AS Downinn11llc, April 28th, 1869 CH APTER XXII am go10g to close the shutters West, Bradley & Cary's Mfg, Co King S L eet E 1st, Bowman\ I c PATERSON 39 tf Who ordered it to be '1 liu master meont Mr ChandosAs Joseph put aside the white curtnrn·to get to the ,bu ter< I looked out Pacu lo( the ]awn 1n tle rno lnl 16ht with J11s arms Bo"manv lle Julv 16 IS13LKH 51 tf V'V. ~. CJ :I:.. JC :DIX JC El ' or f,JCE~SES. l'flAIUtl \.GF. OFFICE at 'he Bl authoritJ of II1 s Ex"'1 lencJ tbeGoverno1 enen11. l STATESMAN Oflica DR. A. BEITH, Anew and select stock of goods Stylish Goods for th e I ad1ea St) h<h Goods for the Gentlen1e11, Ladies' Sack~, ReadJ m ade arrn l'lldcfo to Older. 1Yew Si1Jles. Gents' Coats, Pants, VeE·s and 'l11rts l.rnde to .o rder, a1 cl made to fit Good G1ocenesah, ays on hand :Butter and El'gs Wanted Highest pr ce paid S r. J:IILL. School Bowmarn1lle Ap11 20 1809 WHERE TO co said a sl~nll· For Cheap Gro~elleS ll1 all cl a~ses, Go lo J ult' Store Go to Lill < For new Field and Ga1dcu Seed,, Sto1 c For Chuia, Crockery and Glass" are, (,o to Ell wits Store up look 11 g rnght? I Fm the Best Patent Med1unes or th e d<1v, Go to Ellwtt s Store Fo1 Nath'<, G!dss, Pntty, Pamts, Oils, &c, Gu t Ell wits tore Ilarupt011 \\ hb]c WllJ of tell Ctlcok acute Btowach lff ti \111 ~uun , aud " 1U f:Heveut na~:;ea it h ·l is applied out>1du at tho sawe time, t vu< ded leu upj l!cd to the spine '" .. ,d to cure sea s1ckues, A bu of ice wall help chplhena und all throat QJwplaint., lo becvme Jeh 0 htfully cool in aumwer app ly ice I ~ fue curv.11ve and relJt:vtng powers \1,;1_; itfe fouud more vuluabl.., y~ar a.itct )ear tlmal! lumps ol ice ·wulluweQ ot F01 School Boulrn, Paper, In!,, Em clopf ~, &c, For lWom Paper, Wmdow Bli,1d s, &c, G to L //wits Store Ilampton Go lo 1 ll oil s t i 1e IIompton Fo.r anythwg 'ou can't get an-.<;\he1c t !se, Go to El/wtts Stmo Hampton And if it is not on l1and, or Jo u ca n't get s upplied l 01, lv~d the1e, better gue it up R OBI SN ON JIOUS.E, £E:'lll'.Elt \NCE 111... :f~L, door~ Remember the place- NO. !09 HAI.' l!i ... REE'I .No1 th of King Street, Elliott's Store, Hampton. HENRY ELLIO l T, Jr. Hampton, Apnl 29, 1869. .A few TORONTO. J <\.MES MATHEWS , $1 PER DAY. Propneto1 Painte1, Glaziei, Paper !tangei IJ JAS, BIGHAM, A LLR INOSO WORKPROMPTLYAT t ended to a 1d saL1sfuctloa guara nteed Res1 tenet:: next door east ot th.e Bible Uhn11 t Ll Cbureh Tvr ne l;rone Mnrcl 3 1869 31-ly AT THE VA IR~ETY elTORE ! lOR BO\'\M A.NYILLE .£.NO n.A:RTlNGTON RESIDF NCE, QUEEN STREET Children ro-"Ortlers 1111 ctu.::ll_y Httended to Oh Lr gts Modenite 13 s Cab', from $2 00 to $12 00 School Boob and &11 cthe1 t;o<1ds equally low MONEY TO LEND ! 11i SlH 8 OY Special Inducements to Pedlars! 'VHOL1' 8.\LE AND RLT ~IL N B - 'Ve have lat1 ly added to our bus ncss that of an Exel ange Ofliee and $300 AND UP'\VARDS, are prepared to buy or sull Giernbacks, Ameucan Bx hun,,e Ro:ial C inudrnu and at .a low ra.te of 1uter:est Uppe1 Canada Dills 8 Iver &c &c FARE" ELL & McGEE, tl:}-Office ,-01·1>0siteentrancc to 'J onn H.111, Hon manville. Be wmal"\ ille A g 20 1S68 3 J( NE 10, 1869 (15) YELLOWl..ES & QUI:K - - - -- ·--- -- - - Barber a:id Bair-dresser, V lNC fitted up the 1rem1ses tl11rd H Atlool east or th e rost Office IS pre pnred to attend to tLe nants of tbe ] nbhc r J s l e l a ma.ener un:.urpo.sse<l bj a ll W. H EDWOODS, SPHING STYLES ALL THE NKWEST STYLES IN a tten t on g 'en to the cutting 'Ld flress r g or Lad es u.nd Ch1ldreu s hair c ill hc 1ted tie Prov p _1.rtlCUl l ce HA 1' S, &c, &c, CAPS, &c., a t MEDICAL. MARKUS MAYER'S ' · JOG9