,_ REMOVAL NOT~CE · ' M · TRELEVEN has uow on hand a n imm em:e s toc k of '· CH&:A_ P Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's PRUNELLA AND CANVAS B:vO OT S A..I:'l!JD ~ S:E1c;>Ef3, all bf which-he low piices. is sellino- a t a great reduction from his usual Call a.'i"d ~cc th cn1, a ud ge t bargain·, at the CORNER I r nE l"OLL OWING RE1I ARK S ON s·gn of the Big Boot Dl'awn by fwo Horscs1 King.st., Bownrnnville. STORE! dring· the remainder of the winter season ! I 'l'cst imon ials of most wo n<! crfu l abd f'X· t rn.ord i na r y curf'S in Carrnda by the GRBA T I ND I AN J(F,MR D l'.· . 'l' hey a r e steru 1 unq' n iable and i 11 coutesruble fact!.", sufficient t,G c onvince t he mo3 t ~kep l.i 1..~al tl1R t . t h e GrCRt Medici n a l C o m pound y earr:e d 11.fti:r fo r a g ea '; snow a cce ssi ble in the Gre a L McCLUfiG & BRO THERS Have reinoved to their PUBLIC OPIN:ION has fully justified the original i<lea, that at the " Corner Store" you cq~tld get Oigesti\·e O r gan~ 1 Kidne.rs, &c ., as wctl n, 3c1 ·.ofu l11, t he \·arious Sk!n Di: eaJes,_ I-Jumars atHl ~ ll diaeai:lPS a. d::ing frn rn I!ripu' ities o t:Ji() Bloo d , _\ Ye boldly s ta te tl! at th is g r ea t For Diseases of tJe Tbront, Ldn.g.!! 1 Live.: r s .AND Ard Operi .~ ng out th eir w s T N E N The greatest part of the.goods have been imported direct from England. C1ir Frices 'vlll :be found s -urT ED, AND vVELL NOW IS THE SUITR D w I E F . "Y'. CO"VVLE. TIM.:. TO GET ONE OF I remedy h ns N B;Vt;ll HEE-N IIQUALJ,ED .\Vherc was t here evet· such a cure AS tbat in th e pe rso n of 'VJ LS(:N STonl!s of .Brighton, Ontario, of Consump t.io n; o r th n.t of PJ.~TE R 0. Y. !11tL LE!t , ~ of Ern~st ~nvn, .Onttuio, o r ·2.:> nsum pti on or tliat uf' A_ :.rnRosE \roan, of C onsec o n 1 Oata_1· io, of Dy,:pe p11ia a nd L iv er ) C omp lah1t, 01· tha t of"Jct1N l:l i ;SJ<:Y, o_ f · N Rp· I a::iee, O nt nrio, of Hbeumatisrn 1 who !]Rd a.c t ually be en on cru t.cLcs fo; years, in SJ·ile of n l1 t1etttment heretofore, n nd 1s .tl'OW well . S1.,0res of such c:iaes m ight b~ !tre ntiorreil.h ad w~ sp \t ce. · iCF Ca ll at t l1-:i Dl' n g Store & tr(]. get'-' Cir .. cnl a r o f unq ues til:;nnb lc c et·ti li ca tes on fh A I GRE A'l' S!JOSI!ONEES HE jrn DY nn J sa,tisf\· yourEc l ves . ,· I I{: ELLY'S PAT~ N T · SP RIN G BE~S ·They are Cheap, 'Neat, Clean and Durable. I !-N,,.,rs""'o""'_ ""'v=E,....N,....T=,....A,....C,....T"'S=O,....F=l,....8"'"6""'4-""5""'.==="""'======"""==' 'j N ClU 'J\~ ucrti.snncut.s. 1uce LfU J) la n u. C u 1 0tt~ o l P,:ice of Remed!f in brge pints $1. .Jorn 11iil·1J of Cnnnd:i , P10\·- 1 In t he Coiilll}' Ct)Url Mf ilurham, y :i i:: nf 1h.,; U111t· 1 .;d Comiu ei; o f Nort h umb· r.rli.mt.laHt.l Du rhalu, lowil: [ th e Uui :ed Couuticii uf NorlhumlierlanJ u.u d. i ' urhum. s 0 R ,,;: T he followi ng ar e n few of Lhe advtrnt:ige8 of' this bed : lst.- R'i·tl1t- r Rifle can be n :o: ed for t he t op . 2n d.-Eac h a n d <'\'e ry ~p ri ng C·lll be t11 k. \~LJ u u' wi l11 1 1ut th e l ea~! rJ i[Tict:lty , a s they :i r·{: :111 S('pera t e fru"'.l tLc wi re wn rk on ei tlw r .~ide. f'er;;ous m O\'in.12: a ny d ist a nce can tak ~ Lh em out an d ptt ck t h t"m up i n · u. s ma l l cu m pass. 3rJ. - All full·R~ze beds hi1'\'" C fif1 y - fou r 1' priug3. If y uu fill d that fifty . four a re too n1 :1 ny, y ou ca a t;t ke o ut so ru e ,f tb e m with Yery ·lit tl e trcub.k , a nd no h a. rm co t h e b~ d 4th. -T bL:; arl.1clc w ill laat an y pe r.sou a. lifetim e ·, U3 th~1c is nu wear o u~ L o it on ls iu the c~tsc '-'f tlie spriug:>, wh ic h w ill ge1. we ,1k with tige, aud whic b c.i.n bP. rcpl1i ccd at any time : or if' i !ie s pr jn g s ~eL wc1ik i11 \ Ji~~ cer1Lre 1 you ca n take ~o .ne L Lnl Uie ends t and exc ba;1gc pl r..ces . 111 t.hnt \vay ,:.: uu i.:au wt-a.rou t e v;;:ry ::µ r ing i u !lie be<l . · 5tl1.-Yuu '~ ill obse r ve t ha t y o u Cz'l n put a g1 eat lll<lllY mo re spriugs iu t l:iu n are t Uere at. prese nt i u t·- yo u ca n n1n ke oue s itle ,, trungcr tlian t h e othet·, by ta.k ia g some o f die S!Jl'i gs fr om one p Ltce au d put t in g in u. no!hc r- or you.. Cllll &e ral for 111ore sp rings. " Dtb .-Tliis , w eig hing n o t more tLa n a 'c omm fla wa.tiru..:s s 1 cn n b~ m uvcd abou t w i th \·cry littto 1. r ou Uh:~ . 7t.h .-T his sp ri ng b etl 1 be ing m o.de of th e best coppert!d s pd :i g w i re, wil l n ot rust lik e. commoh iro n w ire. 8L 1J .- A uy kind of.a ru attr:~::a will ilp to p uL 0 1 1 t lie top of t h is LL:d. · I n the matter of Sa.muel Honey , late of 1Vt~ z1;cwitle, on·· Jn.solven t. On Mo n da .,.· th e 25 t.'.:t dn y of O c tober ne.xt 1 1 1869, t he undc rs igned t· ; i\l ~p ply to the Jud ge of tbe snid Co urt for o. d ischage unile.r th e .:;nid Ac~ s . INSOL ~'E l\"'l' ACT and au1e1ulme11ts thereto. lt3"' F o r Sale by nll D-rug-g ists and Deale rs in Medi ci ne. A gen ts for . Bow m an vil!e,Mess rs. J. Fiiggiu botlrnrr ~. 2.t ot t. VV hol esn lc 0 1~ :ts~a Ag-e nts, -::-i or d 1rop & Lyma n :K ewcopies c11 P~n,· inc-e of 0 111ario. Co ui1 t:r I n 1he Co u nt ~· Conrl o f ·.·I ~11rl1t1.1u. v 11c. ?f 1ht1 ~- i1!~ · _ the U nitt'"d Co u ut ie;;: of cd lA11 11 111 e "'. o f l\io.rth um l1t-r-1 N ott htH11 he rla u<l mal luutl a ud Du rh a m, T~ \\f it : Durha m. I TheOnlario Harrow. r PHE S UBf'CR!BEll HAS!OECU~ED 'l' fl E right lo n1n,11ufri.ct1.re tlle above Hu.rrO\V for tl 1c T o w ·nsb i p o f Darl i11 g t on i and i r no w pr e J.iur ed to fill or:ieq; · LOW, and cur Stock comple te in every department, 1 In the matter of Azariacr B eer an In sqlcent. I O n Sa.tu rdn y, the 'thi r l<' ~nth daJ of O c t 'r next, .tl rn u nders igut.>d w ill ap11ly to t he. D~tte J at Co b {> u r g, C oun ty ot' Northu m bc r· Ju u ge of tl!e said Co urt for u. diScha.r g e land, th is \St b d o.y of An g us t, 1869. u n de r t he stud Act, U.n d n.m endments t,hcret C'; D'atcd at Bowman\·ilJe 1 t his t w e nfv-third duy of .\.ugust., A. D. 18G9 · ~ BAH.TO:\'. ' . AZ ARIA S BR irn, by Al{,\1 0Ul{ & LO \Vrn, 1\_ UCTIONli ~ ER SA llUEL HONEY. By JA.\IE S Ho ssACK, bis ·.\. tto r ney ,ad li t'"iru. It is the Best E a rrow in U lie, Call at .s h o p an1l sc ~.'o r ·you:-sel Vt::::i. Jar ti c ul ars s ··e bills . Fil 'vm. Tl!OS . TJJmrAS. ·N . £ .-Horse ~ l1oeii1 g a.u 1~11cl e d: to in a .ho1·o u g b mn.n ne r. J.>flr t.ien la.r a tter.Uo u 6h·en to tb e trca t n.ent of <l i.!CUSt'd ho r F.es lr:l" See b il ls. 'l'. T. IJow m unvilh·, Marcli 30, 186\). LIST OF DEPARTMENTS: · pOB. THE TO"'NS HIP Ob' DARI. h is Atto rneys ad !i te m. ~ in~r on. ei1ded to. puoctut1.-ll,y Char~cs n1odc ra t.e. 1\ il. ord.~r"4 ttl - - - - - ------- - - - A YEli'S DRY GOODS, CE RIES, AND PROYI~IO;\S. ~rfILLINERY, _£ iNyllL'e 1 iped l roweth Sars a pa:rilla FOR PURIFYIMG THE BLOOD; A,.nd for tbcspced y uure of the fo llowing compllLinta: l!lc rofn1n nnti ~ C'rofn lo n · A.!fcct iouti, 11Juci9 11.~ ~l'nnto~, U l c~ ·· M, N o1·p,,., E 1.·uplioaf P i U?JJi..,~, ; au!"l tuleM, B latcil1e!il., Doi lD, Dluiui!i, nn;l aH Skin Dio1ea~e11. OAKLAND, I n d., 6th J une, 1859. J ..C. AYER & Co. G~nts: 1 foci it my dut.r toaol::nol\·ledge w.hat your SarEaparilla has do11e for mtt. H li.v.ini; inheriteil n. Scrorul ou1' in foct iou, J haHI tu1fe red fro m it in va riomi w11y~ for ytoar8. Som.t.'tillle!I it lmrc;I: u ut i n U lue rH on my llanrl11 aud armii ; ' 01 hct imca it tn ru ed iu w111-d rind distregscd n1c at the dtom ueh. Two yc urs ti.go i t broke o ut o n 1ny head au d co vered my scalp a11cl e:trs w it h ou eso re, w hioh was p s inful atHI l o11 t bsomt~ bey o11 d description. I t rietl 1uauy metlioiues uu d i;evera l p hy8ic1aue 1 bnt ~'i tho u t much re lief from auythiug. In fact, t h& d ii:1rdcr gr~ w w o t'f.'~. At Jeu,!(tli I wa~ r ejoiced to rend in t he Gospel l\l es~cngcr that you had pre pa rei4 a n alte rative (Sursnpnrilla) 1 fo1· I ~ new .from yo u r reputat ion that o.nyt!1iui; yo u made must be good. I se nt 10 Ci ncinnati 11 11 d ~ot it , a nd used it t ill i$ cured mc. I took it , 1t~1 y ou a c h rise, in small doscg o( n tenspoonful o v-er a m011t'b, and u~ed aJ most t llrc.a bottles. N::w a. n d h(!althy skin soon bey:an to form · under t.he ~a b , wliiub after a whil e foll off. l .l v eki n is now clear, anti I kno w b v my fac liugs tl mt tl.Je dh;e11.~e has.go ne from m y syF.tem. !:.ziu en n well b elieve that J fi::{~l what I a m !'ay ing when J tell yon· thut I h old you to be one off. Ile upo!'tles of the age\ Y ours, encl remnin e ver gratefully. READY-MADE CLOTHING, AND CLOTHING MADE TO OHDER, I CROCKERY, C9JNA & GLASS"-' ARE. ~lGN-OF THE GOLDEN ANVIL W l·olcsa lc an d retail , by the ll owman. ,,ilJ o F urni ture. l\Iauufac tu ri ug Compan_y. Tll Oml.S J OID1S TON, ~fan o ger. CONC~RNING VELOC IPEDES' Bon n d o n wi tl1 y our ve loci ped es, Ye Bloods of B...iwma nvi l le; Y o u ci\Q s p in them o n t be inclin e , llut r o n cannot cl im b the hill. You'll .fi nd it all throu g h life t he snm c , Thn.t np.. liill w ork is ba ni i Bu t do wn.hill y ou en.a go as slick A s if'twcre r u Ulied w i th ht.r d. T-lrn ·1 P oet'~ C_ o1 :ner '.'is th e sp o t To make yoµ. r s t a r t i 11_ g pli:. ce ; 'Buy good. tl1ings ou t of 11 \V y ll i e'~.,.' ' And yo u· re sure t o win tilt< rnce , H e,s g o t th e 1 n nniil. 1 \V Y L LIE has, And b o u n d s 1uou nd tbe sh c.pUpo n hi~ w Hd Vtll oei ped e 1 \\'.it llskio, o.ndjump: a nd bop . T a;llt not t0 m n o f P egnsus , Or any " P ot"t';; ' ' 1u:i.gMa "Z er p1"\1S wi:i.q asmarti sl1 Lenst.J But w as n' t. worth a r11.g . Lead out yourlro11 llorsti , G r an tl Trnnk, 11 Fra uk. 11 fetch \' Ou r s wi fte:S t stetiUI'I L)) t"a t th"e w hole ~c tt.bo odl e On my wil11 Vt' loci pede. Tlia u Gl obe" see ms lozy roJling rou nd, And can't increase i ts , s ptw dSotne d a y I'll l enve it in tlie lurch 0~ my wilil Te loci p ed e, Bowru a n ,· ille, Ju ne 10, 1 86!) , 15 BOUNSALL'S McCLUNG & BROTHERS, SIGN OF 'l'HE GOLDE!\' LAJUB. BOWMANVILLE, September 2~ , 1869. - cur EE UOFFEE .. r . 1 · ' 1ss· E i1! 1 E l B ... ~ - NOTICE. A rnf:1~cl.1:·n l_ ~a\Jo r: 20. l\fARBLE \V OPtI-\.:S UO~V1'1ANVILLE . 11 ~, · ' \ . ~ . ~~ ··': i L. 1 I ~I / · - .· I. : ·. : ' L [, pe 1 :so n s des irou s of gettin g the ir G"nue u L ; made uy me , " ill pl euse rc1 mc.ruber that I .s lia ll ao t 1~1low t licu.i to pay 1 !toy. cl oth. wlia. t c v c 1· for m.r 1 I l. expec t tu u~ piuJ / 0 1· sueh m y.:;eH : · n lld I !!M i j .-.l1all 11o t wu rk ou n ~iy oLlwr c0u J i tiv11s. I of departed fr ie nlls,.wit l find 1t gr eiiny·to t L ·{r a.1 lva ntnge to call a nd compar e ~ ~Y . PE p.ON inte . ndi.t~g _to ·~rf.cteith e1 A Monu m c ntor G ra ves t. on e to thi:i m~rr.. or , - ! - - --ALFRED R TALLEY . 81; An1hony'~ _ F r.c, B o"ie or. ~r:t"Hl p~ln!!tJ 0 T.f'! Uie.r_ and · "ii , , jaw tnusi r e.spec1 fu lis _. D~w m anviile, Work, Price & Qu!ilityoi;jfarbl " w.i t~l ~ny o ~e r~d iu ? un.<td ~ "\Ves t. \\c s peak . 1 j{fGHA llD PEA TE, Dcc.17, l 8li8. T AILOR. pos1t1vel y · 1u a ffi rnuu g a savi n g o f at le as T \\' XNTY P ER C E N T. Ft. O UR h ave now oi1 hand a ' · HOUNSA!, L & SO :V, l'rop rlc L o rs . MRS. C _ BOUNSALL [ s pre prue.rl t o a tt e n d io Mill inery 11. nd Straw \Vor~ , a s u su nl . IJa d ies' Fe l t Jiats clcH.ncd and tt.:1tered t 9 t he New~ s.t . S t ylcs . ·- ]i>"r. Ilo Lert M . P reble wdll.:l~ fr ont Salem, N . Y ., '12fl\ Sept ., ·1859, thnt he has c ured a u i nveterl'.te case ()f lJropJ.lf, which threatened to !crminate fa t l!.lly, b y t h e pcri;cvering n fie o f onr Sars:tp~rilltt. and a l·o a d a ngerons 1 llal.igna'nt Erysipelas b y Jar<.;c ·d oses of t he same ; 1mys he cu res t.lic ccmmou Eri.J. l ia7J S by it COU!ltantly. Bronch.ocele, <.lohre or ~welled Nech:. lllin~'"'orm , ~ twc EJ·~H. ~ult. Ilb£>,~ n1, 8 c nld : Head , -· lll>_ ropi'ly. · OF THE VERY BEST KIND! Supc r iol" .Fa rr1i 1:r a.·1ou1· lvi' sale u.L O"".' T·w~ :Ap-pre 1 1tices war. tea i m m ca"iatel v Bowinanvillei .March 24tt-: 363 .,, ANU TlA JUST '18 COOO SELECTED < - . · .. O MA N, WO~L\ N , O R C HILD , Wll,T. d e ny the f'nct , thu t \ YYL LIE beats a E the 1nerchan 1:i in Bo w nH1 n v il le 1 in caterin g to t he wuulS of t h e · pu Oli c , i 11 tl. e ~lrn. p e of luxuries \\' l:· r.,LIE will. sti ll ke ep, as hc r-0t o fore, a b o uu l.ilul t11111ply o f 1 N FRUIT!l Hl THEIR SEA.SON ·. and cheap a11t!'.at any 5tore in Canada, or out of it, at . OF I _E AVY S I-l:ELF AND .E- is st.ill l'repartd io <lo all k inds of ~ M I L L I N E I-{ Y Isµ . D Il. E berr i ~~ . U c ., ~ ~ A ND S l\I A - Orangi;s 1 · I. . em o n s 1 Pine Anpl e8, Stra wi n t he ir !leason; Jee Cn:fl m l_!.nd a rk lin g ic.e cold Hoda Wale r fr~ru ~h e t n1111t.u.i11 i n hot weathe r ; Br !:!ad, B1sc u 1ts 1 · Zebulon S!oiu1 ~ of l'rospec t. Tex as, w ritH: ··Th r<." bott les of you r .Snrsnpnl'llln cured me from a. U oif ,., -a hideo us swelling ou tile neck, whicb I l.iatl 1n.. : f ered f ro m OYer two yenre." J .cn c: arrhll'n. OR" ' 'rhit('I"' Ovnrii :!'! n T nmo1 , IJte rine lJ l eera.tiou, !l'<f'lmalt"O D 1111 en~e.., ~ D r. J. B " · Clia1111i ug, of lllew York l:jf\· 1 writes: " l most checrfnll'[ comply wit.h t he req ue8t ofl'OU ll' agent in saving have found vo ur Sar~m puri la " mo ~t &xcelfont alt(:tfl.tive in the null!er ous com ~ plainh fo,. whfoll we employ such n. remedy, but · C!!pecially in 1"e mafe IJiseases of the Scrofulon:J diathe~i s. J. have curetl ma ny ilweterate cases of Leucor rhccn by it, and some w}mre the comp laint ll' tlS cau.sed by ulr:e1·ation of the u ter-iis. 'l'hc ulcer. a tt<.11n itsel f WM E'OOn cured. Nothiug wit hiu 1ny k nowledge eq ua ls it for these female dcrangcrucuta. ,, Edwnrd S. ~'(arrow~ of Newb ury , Ala. , w rites~. 11 A d au ge romi Olio"L1-ia.n tnmnr o n one of t h e females Jn mr fa mil~·, wh ich had deiled a ll the remedies )Y l9 could cn1p loy, h as at lengt h been complet.ely cured by your Exi rnct of Sarsaparilla.. Olli p hvsician t houg bt tlothing but cxtirpntion could afford relief , but he ndvi.~d t be trial of your Sursupari lln n9 the last resort before cutting, 1rnd jt prO\'Cd etrect uni . After taking your remedy eight weeks uo symptolll of t he disease re mains." 8. S r p l1ilis n n d l'le~ u rial "EH!iteOL'C· D R. J.C. AYHn : Si r, l c heerfu ll y com ply with the Teqn eilt of yo ur agen t , and r e port to you so me of t he effects I fl a ve rea lhert w ith your 8nrsnpnrlll n. . l h a \·e c ure d wit h i1. in my p ract ic"'. mo~t . of the eomplnintH fur 'w hil'b it i8 rccomm~nded, .and tuwo found its effects tru.Jy wonde rful 1n the c ure of Vr nrrerd o,ncl 11/ ercurirtl .Disease. Oue of m y pat ients ha1 Syphilitic nlcere i n 1'is t hroat, whfo h ~ e re 8on 11:11 rn in g l11s p a. !nte Rnd t be t op or his mouth .· · Your Sll.TI' 1tpHrilla s1endi-ly ta k.en c1 1red him in fi vG .weeks Anolln:r was nttncknd hy second ary syrup.. t oms in his u osc, null t.lrn ul cen n iou had eaten aw11y a consid erable pa rt of if.. so t hat I believe the d is~ or der would ~oo n reach his brnd1 and kill hi m. Hut it yielded t c:;i mr u dmlu i ~trntion of you r Sars!!.parill a. j t he ulcen111enled, and he is welt agaiu. uotof conr.sR wi t hou t some d istigurntion to his face. A wom an w ho ha d been t.rented tOrthe Pa.me disorder by mer· cury ' 'Ml !I ~ufferin g from this poii::on in her bonet: . They hqd become i;;o sensH i n~ t otlrn 'V(m.ther t hat. on a damp day she su!f'e red excruciati ng pain in lier Joints and bones, She, too , was cured e ntire ly by your !;ars ~ parilla in !l fo w weeks. I know fro m it~ for mul n1 · wh i~ h yo11r agent gai;-e me, t i.m t thi11 P repe.ratw a from you r laboratorl· mu st be a gre:i-.. remedy i consequen tly, tbese tru y remarkable re. 8Ults wit h it h nvc n ot surprised me. I<'ni:.ernnll y you rs, U. V. LARl ]IER, ll!. D. Rheumnti"n1 , Gou t, L ive~ {::01.:np Jnin t. INDJ! l' X NI>E~ c x, l' reston Co. , V a. , Cth July 1 1859'. .. . NEW OR L EANS, ~'it. fl I( I N G 1 H~ j u ' Le lat('st ~ty l e, Gent'~ sL frt s mude to orUc1 ·, aud warra1.," H:tl Lo ti t. Srna.11 Fa m il.}' , Tu L1o;1·. E lllJ Uire 1Jf Mr 3.A lex, A - Dwelling, suitable fer a Cakt-s au d Co nfcct.ionary of t he be.st qua\it.y, wbolei;t1 ie an d retail; R.i so , choice Hl.ock nf Groc·er ies. Soitt~es furn is hed in fir;; t-cla;.i: s st.v ie on ~ ho·r t n o f.i tto . \V e<l din g Ctl kC" s ·mad e toMo r<ler . Hi Kh est price in ct1. cl.i paid fo r Eggs, B u,!L~r, &c . H A ng nl"f 1859. HURRAH OHNER." _ SIGN OF THE GO:LDEN LION, KING Fk L 1·LeL EGS re ~~ect full y t o a nn onnce _ th llt he h 1ts re ce 1v1~ d a. we ll a sso r· ed s tock o f Ge n n ine Drug~ itnrl P · re ~n g li sh C Hc miea l;; . Also , a. spl~udid stoek ot the m ost cu.refu liy sel e cted R STUEET, BOWMANVILLE. &c., &c., &c. TO RENT. A Saw and Shingle Mill in the fi ft h c t>r11~ e 8:1 jon 1 To wnship of Ca.1·tw ri ~ L t1 0 1; cup i~d by J\h· . \V, A . Lo u r ks, w ill be ren ted for n tcr nr of ye11.rs, w ith o r with· o u t cleared lan d ua Stl'id lo t. Po.s~es8 i oa of i\lills can be g ive n i f requ ired. i n fo r ma t ion a tJ J;.!ly LP the F or f11rth~r I :s: s . R EM OVE .A w. ~1~ DYE STUFFS! whi'c h cann o t h(\ sur ru1 ssed fo r <>xce lh· n cv o f q1rn.li1y, An n.::iso rhne nt o f A n ili ne I) n~s ke pt :con sta ntly . on band, together with a choice selection of Drn~os, ~u b 8 crib fr at We would beg to ca ll particular attention to our stock ol ' 'WHERE DO Y(;U BUY YOUR · GROCERIES being the question of the d<ty, J . M. -wot1ld respecffuiiy give a hint to those in perplexity, that he keeps constantly on hand a lirst-class htock of ~TQVES, ~ Whitby· !3J wm a nville 1 Oc t . 16 1 Wm. LAING 12- tf FlllS~ t o p ~e m is e s opposit e b is ol d :;tnnd · SCOTT, n· KA ST CHgMICAJ. S, I' A 'rJH<T MF.OlGINE!' , l!llUS H E 8 , C OM BS, S HOUl, Dl'rn- BltACE S, l>UPPORT E R S , &c ., &c. PAINT~ , SHOP OF TH~ OILS, . MACHINE OIL, '~ w. :.:.1 ONTARIO BANK, wbP-re he is p repared l o f1.1r ni s b t he public wit h all k ind s of BOUTS & Sll0 E8 . c. ANDREWS Lo l;,{i-t: in s tro c? iuns in tLe 1J:3- At t he very lo_w e~ t price s. C OL ORS, V AllN!SH E i', a nd WHIT EI. E AD. ·be gst.O·a-n non·nce tb n t he .isprepa. r e d elem en ts LE:A.THE.R BRLTING, RUBBER do . . TURPEZ'liT'J:NE, COAL OlL. SKATES, &c;, &c., &c. o.f " Vocal & Il1stru111ental 1YL US IC, e!Ub raci ng t h o r o ugh B.n ss an d Harm o ny 1 . t be elements '. of c ompositi o n. He is nls o p repa _ red t o tune a nd repn. ir l' iR. uos . U ~_ s id c n cr.- Chu r ch S t reet, E as t. llowmauv i ll«~, Ju ae 3, 1868. 45- t f. band, be h · N \B'.-conut.ry . Storek~epe,rs · s'u p pliecl bound to SELi .. CHEAP. ll:T'" 1 \ ll kinds of l\'ork ma.de _ to ord.e·r, oi:i a ~ \'anlageous t e rms. tL e sbQrtest no ti ce· · ~ ----- - -- - -- ------...,..·2tf, llow man viile , Augu 3t l:?;tn, \ 869 · H11v ing' a v ery · L·arge ·'3 t uck on Horse &CottleMedich'>cs o~· - GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. and those who buy frum him will never regret that they are able to answer, LACE LEATHER, RAW AND EOIED OIL, CHRONiiJ DISEASES 1.' A I N. painfu l chrouic Rlte11ma.ti:tm fo r a long time, \" l hic b; ba ftled the skill of phrsicin11E, 1rntl i;t nclr t o me in spite o f all the n~medies I cou ld fim.l, u ntil I tried yo ur Sa.rsa pn riJJa. One bottle cu red me in twe week!<, a ud Tfft or ed my general hen.lib so mucll t hat I am far bette r t han before I wns nttnekcd. I think it a wo nderful medici n e. J . .FREAlC. J ules Y. Getchell, of St.. Lo nfa. writes: "111nve b~e n nfllicted for ye n rs with nn a!/ection q.f the Licer 1 whicli _(le;;troy ed m\· hea lth. _ l ·tried _ cve rytQ.ing , aud every tl1i11 g fa lfed to relieyc me; ancl ·I ha,·e Leen n broken.down man 10r some years fro m no t iler ca use t han derangeTTIR,nt of the Liver . My i:ieloved ))rtstor, the R ev. Mr . .l+kµy, ttdviserl me t.e try you r Sa rsaparilla, because he said he knew you, and an ything you made was \Yort h trying. By th& blessing of God. it ha!\ cured me, a nd hor:i so y uri fied my blood as to 1nnde a n ew mu u of me. I fee yo ung again . The best t hat can be said of you is n..~t hal f' good cnough. 11 ~ch irr1u1, Cnncc1· T 1uuor~, En in!"a-eu1c n!:1 tJ.lct>.rntion, C aries ~ud E if"oliation o .A great varieiy of cai;cs h~we been reported to ua whe re cures o f these fo rm ida.b!e eomplnluts havo resulted from tl1e use o f thfa rrmedy 1 but o ur spac· here w ill i:ot tuJmit them . Ro mr. of t hem may be fo u nd in on r A merienn AYmfltrnc, which the ~~e ll tli be!o \y ru1. mf"d are pleased to fu r11fa hg1·aUs to au w ho cull for them. Dy.apCpi!!ia, !"l~ n1·t Dlsc n..'4e , Ph~ , :IE r>ile p sy, lllr.laneho!y, Neuralgia. ~I :iny remarkable curt>s of t he. 1.;e affections llil'f"e been mndc by the rilte1·ative powr.r of"t his medicine. It gti ll"lula tes th e vi t ~l fu!lctiomi ir.to vigorous action, and t hus overcom es disorders wllich would be suppo~ed beyon!'.I its reach . .Such a re medy hus long been reqnirert l:-r the Il ("Cei:; ~iti es of the people, and we a re coufident that tbis wilJ do for lllcn1 ull tlui~ medicine can do . llhe Bone.'!. D R. J.C . AY JJ:H. : ~ it, I have bem1 nffl.ict ed wit.h ! DR. l:TOULD JAM ES, Pll:rsicia11, SO D UN Ecl~ctic BLACKSMTHS COAL "I BUY FROM JOHN M'MURTRY." All of wl1ich we \\ill KPT cm .STANT! y ON HAND T sell as low as auy house in the trade. HE suh~cr: ib er a ,.h lll' i ag s ta rted Bus iness R ESPECTIVELY STATE 1 r f tha t heis now treatin~ successfu.lly the foll o w i ng d i se as e~ : -E pilepsy, or falling ' Fits, in their wo r st fo rm; C o ns umptio n, i n AF 0 o ver Mr. G . H a.ines, Carrhi g e Sh op, is p l'epar t d to_ rc~e i v~. a ll _ l? rd ers f~ r . its y a ri o n s stages, (with Dr. J .'s reniedie s co n su m pt."ion i ~ no lon ge r an i ncurable d i.:; · e Hse) i B ro nchiti s, Cat:l.i-rh, Asthmai Gra v.el , ·orop !l y of th e Ohesr 1 .Ab domin~l ·nro1,Sy 1. COOLI . G (}cncral Dropsy, &c., patie nts whO Dave bee n De cora.tiin;, Frescoin g, K alsom i ning P l a in tappe d se,·e ral times are cura ble under Dr. J ame&' tre a t m e n tj disea ses of the · a nd D ecorative PAJ.NTiNG, GllAINJNG, IPaper Hanging; Gilding,&< OAT-MEAL, CORNMEAL &c. EYE ~ND EAB, . A CALL S 0 LI 0 I -TE D 18 SIGN PAIKTI1'. G All k inks of F OR T HII RAP JD CURE OF .1\S jus t r ecei 'l's d n.t his · i;to r~ 1 ~ n e ar gh·, £old~ , lnflnenzn_, Hon !l"gen ess, the Pos 1 Office , ·on e o f Ma.tlh rws' ( or Cou_ C roup, Bron chiti~, ln c1piea t Con . New York) celebrR. teod Sodf\ Vi' 11 t<' r F on n tllins au!uptiou, n u t! f"Gr t h e .Relief Errors of y ou th, Nervons Debility , Prema7 an_ d ·.l ;e nolv intite.s a call. bo.vi0 g nlways {,~ I or C:t1::a~umpti,.·e !i·a ticu ts ture D ec 11.y nnd all the e ffe c t s of iudiscre.;. l11i rlfl a variety o f m11teri~'s for pr oduc.ng in nd n1nc~d S tages . o f th'O Dilicaim . t.ion;; of-yo ::th-n cnrc i s gua ranteed ; Dy s- those ; cool and re frc ~ bi ng efferv esc in g drinks This i s a :remedy so uuin.·rsally L:nown t o 6UT_Pll..'1S pepsia, Liv er -diseases , and diseases of H .A CJ-IARLES TOD .Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, i DRINKS '- CRACKED - WHEAT. Sign & Banner Painting Executed in 11 Womm1 so g rateful and invigora ting t.o the sys~e~ nIJcd Uldldren , Cancers duri n g · the debilitating heats or s ummer. . c ured ,, ithout cutting , And little p· in ; Sore :r\TC>TIOE Fresh Arrivals of · Crockery and Glassware. Goods sent to All Parts of the Town! JUNE 28, 1669'. I tofb rc s u bsis ting het w~ t. n HAR.L O \V CHANDL E R a nd MO RG AN D AV IES in t be mercan tile b 11s 1ness ca rrjed o n a t Bo wrr an- s hereby giv en , that . th e partners hi p b e re- v ille unller the n a me of Mor gan Dav ies , ha s been dis~olv e~l, a n d that a b'iH i n L'hani.:ery bas.been fil ed ~ o. dclare su ch d isso lution, Dated tLis 25th d ay-vfA.ug ust, A. D. 1869. to M. Mc TA VlSH. & Safa.:i f~clio n - guar a nteed in 'IH.E Mc TAV! Sll PROPE RTY, ON .KIN G branc hes . S treet, .Bvwm.anvi lle : qu~trter ncre of CH E S T EH.l~ I E LD & BROTHER. l and 1 on wh ich t her e ts a. g ood h r ic!< s t o r e Bowma.nville, Nov . 17 , ises. a nd d we il ing house, a n cxc el!e nt brick blackstn it b's sho.), a large wood·sh o p, sta ble, &c. J..l os t v a lu able p roperty, n.nd will be ~· Rold at a Ba rgain . A pp ly on the 1·remises 1 ' \L L P ERSOX S INDE RTl<JD T0 - 1'HE FOR SALE. N 0. L ,-STYLE l . Legs, S a lt Rhe um ) and Sc roful a. in atr its & Alw ayS on bnn <l , a full a to ck of Cakes forms. Dr. J. i s. hap py to Sil-)!:; dieea ses Fancy Bread, Biscuitil, &c. which have .hi therto bee n t h ought incurable, are now ra.p idly yieldin g t o · bis treatnient, wroanvillci June 10, 18G9, ns l]iS g r atr fu l pat.ientSar e wil~ing _to J~stify . all its No C£tlom e J,, no mercnry, no M.i"n eralPoison s, w ill be adm in iste red in a-ny form , i n any dis ease . N'ew Self-Acting Hand Loom Very simp le and eas ily work ed. The · .ftffi icted , who cRnno.i ob taig. , r eJitf from other s ourees, are p ar tic nla.rly invited ~ to cit.tr and s ee h im. ~ om· ce iu NeilsOn's Hall, Bellev ille . !I:r Offic e hours , 11 a. m., - 3'0l Price oaly $50. Send ;for a. ci rcular. R. W. JAM E S Bowmanv ~L r any o_t h.er for t !Je c uro ofthrol"!-t""n t1 hrn f!? comp hunts, t hqt it is useless here to pubhs h the cvHlcnce of it.i v irtu es. l ts unrivalled excelle!1cc for coughs a.ml colds, nn d its truly wonderful cu res of p ulmonary di sease, have mnde it known thrnughout the civilized nations of the enrlh. :Fuw are t he commun itie6, or even families, uruo ug l lien1 who ha·;e llOt some personal experien ce o f if.s effec t!! - some Jiving t rophy in th~ir midst of its victon · over the iu.btla nnd rltmg eromi li isorders of. Jhe t hroat and lungs.. As all k uo nc t J1c d read fo l f:itality of these disorde1" nn d as t hey k now, too, the ~fft..'Cts of this remed}', we ueed n ot do more ti.Jan to assure them that it ha:1 no" · a ll t h'e \·irtueS Uinl it did. have wl!en making the oures· whi ch haYe won so strongly upon tb8 confiden ce ofmankin tl . Pre.pared by Dr. J, C. AYER & L oweU, Mas2' Co., . Ont UAlll.O W Cll ANDl.ER. ' BWIDQ.nvil l~ l M~rc.h :o, l $1) :) . ~-~ . [ µublis h Pr nf the 8TA1:ESMAN", f or sub. r l p t1o n, ndvert 1sing or job work , ~. r e TC· · 1 ~'.!ii ttd n1oto s~ttle the ,i: .HUEI: :i t .One· ), to 3 J·· m. ; _ ' . . . Y·o u.rs m~~ t r eep.cctfnlly , . A1,,t il.l·> e · ·. n. JAMi _ S, ll. D, vv; :n. -o x..x 1v.1::ir' °E, . .. ~ ~I IN '1. OliM AMiHllTA L PR ll\1TER -- Nort11rop & L ymnni N cw c~i &t l e~ Untnr io 1 rnpri·' to rs fo r C:i.nn11'L 8ol<l hv .T. lllGG[!\BOTJJAW .nn· l D lti) T01"P, rfowma n rillc 1 and ) !r ,Tt"r.ir. In a-Jere ,,·~1 :y w i: l'.ff ~ .